condominiums apartment ownership law condominium property law sri lanka parenttoolbox conveyancing power of attorney deed contracts law poa power of attorney sri lanka powers of attorney amendment title land_fraud writing a last will codicil last will deed of rectification rectification of deeds leasing immovable property tenancy indenture of lease lease deeds of transfer sale of immovable property sale of land capacity to contract minority rights to contract right to contract immovable property negative servitudes positive servitudes servitudes on immovable property servitudes co-ownership in sri lanka joint ownership co-ownership co-owners prescription and property acquisition prescriptive rights prescription stamp duty on deeds payment of stamp duty sri lanka stamp duty notaries public sri lanka registration of notices registration of documents foreign direct investment competition law competition notaries_ordinance notarial functions notary public affirmation oath affidavit notarial executing_a_deed drafting_a_deed prevention of frauds agreements drafting_agreements property_law apartments real estate sri-lanka apartment_ownership notaries owners_of_properties buyers_of_properties land scams landgrab fraudsters land forgery home residence decor interior design sri lankans indian subcontinent tropical asia indian ocean legal drafting agreement pre-construction condominiums contractors sales buyers property developers
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