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November 29, 2016
Adhering to Least-Privilege Principles
Becky Weiss, Senior Principal Engineer, AWS
virtual private cloud
S3 bucket DynamoDB
SQS queue Amazon
Application Load
Redshift cluster
RDS databaseEC2 instances
ECS tasks
Principle of Least Privilege: Definition
“In information security, computer science, and other fields,
the principle of least privilege requires that in a particular
abstraction layer of a computing environment, every
module must be able to access only the information and
resources that are necessary for its legitimate purpose.”
Identity and Access Management (IAM)
IAM policy
IAM role
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
security group
security group
Auditing, Monitoring and Troubleshooting
CloudWatch Events
CloudWatch Logs
What to Expect from the Session
Hands-on practice working with IAM and Amazon VPC
• Techniques for scoping access and connectivity:
allowing exactly what you need.
• Techniques for debugging, auditing, and alarming.
You will get the most out of this session if you:
• Have some experience with AWS
• Have an AWS account with a working, installed AWS CLI
• Know how to SSH to a Linux host
• Have some basic programming experience (examples
will be in JavaScript)
Handouts zip file:
Download and unzip it on your machine
Getting set up
Meet your neighbors!
Look to your left, look to your right…
Introduce yourself!
You’ll be working with your neighbor later in this workshop.
Setup Steps
AWS CLI CloudTrail Credentials and
setup template
AWS Command Line Interface
Installing the CLI
OS-specific instructions:
Test it:
C:Usersbecky>aws --version
aws-cli/1.10.65 Python/2.7.9 Windows/7 botocore/1.4.55
Configuring the CLI
Note: We will be using the us-west-2 region (Oregon) for
this workshop.
Setup Steps
AWS CLI CloudTrail Credentials and
setup template
Always run
And we’ll come back later
Setup Steps
AWS CLI CloudTrail Credentials and
setup template
IAM Users, Credentials, SSH
I actually could have shown
you these, since I later deleted
the user.
BUT: These are long-term
security credentials. Don’t
share or post them anywhere.
Configuring an IAM User Profile in the CLI
C:Usersbecky>aws configure --profile sec302demo
AWS Access Key ID [None]: AKIA*************
AWS Secret Access Key [None]:
Default region name [None]: us-west-2
Default output format [None]: json Use the credentials you
were given.
Use the CLI as Sec302DemoUser
C:Usersbecky>aws ec2 describe-vpcs --profile
An error occurred (UnauthorizedOperation) when
calling the DescribeVpcs operation: You are not
authorized to perform this operation.
Give the new user some
Handy filter
Attach it
IAM managed policies:
Predefined sets of
commonly-used policies.
You can also write your
own (and we will)
Test Access
> aws ec2 describe-vpcs --profile sec302demo
"Vpcs": [
"VpcId": "vpc-c6a649a1",
"InstanceTenancy": "default",
"State": "available",
"DhcpOptionsId": "dopt-e4650b80",
"CidrBlock": "",
"IsDefault": true
Create an EC2 Key Pair For SSH Access
If you already have an SSH
aws ec2 import-key-pair `
--profile sec302demo `
--key-name Sec302DemoSSH `
To create a new SSH key:
aws ec2 create-key-pair `
--profile sec302demo `
--key-name Sec302DemoSSH
And save the KeyMaterial from the
Setup Steps
AWS CLI CloudTrail Credentials and
setup template
CloudFormation Template
CloudFormation Stack Setup
CloudFormation Stack Setup
CloudFormation Stack Setup
Your email address
A name for the stack
Your SSH key name
Your IP address
The VPC You Just Created
virtual private cloud
VPC subnet
VPC subnet
VPC subnet
The Application You Just Launched
virtual private cloud
VPC subnet
VPC subnet
VPC subnet
Looking at your VPC
Your VPC Has Flow Logs Enabled
Logs will be delivered to this
CloudWatch Logs group.
Optional: Subscribe to SNS Topic
Setup Steps
AWS CLI CloudTrail Credentials and
setup template
Test SSH Access
Launch an EC2 Instance
virtual private cloud
VPC subnet
VPC subnet
VPC subnet
SSH security group
Use the SSH Security Group
Cheat sheet: Launch an EC2 instance
Handout: run_instances_cheat_sheet.txt
> aws ec2 run-instances --profile sec302demo
>> --image-id ami-7172b611
>> --instance-type t2.nano
>> --subnet-id $YOUR_SUBNET_ID
>> --security-group-ids $YOUR_SECURITY_GROUP_ID
>> --key-name Sec302DemoSSH
Resources created by the
SEC302 CloudFormation stack
Verify SSH Access
Test your ssh access, e.g.:
putty.exe -i c:tempSec302DemoPriv.ppk ec2-
You can now terminate this EC2 instance. We won’t need
it again.
All done setting up
Let’s get started
Introduction to IAM Roles
Beyond simple credentials
Granting Permissions, the Wrong Way
EC2 instance DynamoDB
Granting Permissions, the Right Way
EC2 instance
IAM role
Granting Permissions, the Right Way
AWS Lambda
Granting Permissions, the Right Way
Other AWS
Hands-On with IAM Roles
We’ll create an IAM role with some very specific privileges
Create an IAM Role for an EC2 Instance
Create an IAM Role for an EC2 Instance
Catchup CloudFormation template handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_template.json
This will allow Amazon EC2 to
launch EC2 instances into this
IAM role.
Create an IAM Role for an EC2 Instance
Catchup CloudFormation template handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_template.json
Policy for the IAM Role: S3 Read-Only Access
Catchup CloudFormation template handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_template.json
Anatomy of an IAM Role
ARN for referring to it later
For use by EC2
Right now, permits all ReadOnly operations in S3.
(We’ll make this more restrictive later.)
Catchup CloudFormation template handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_template.json
Launch an EC2 instance
Launching with IAM role:
This EC2 Instance will have S3
ReadOnly permissions
Catchup CloudFormation template handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_template.json
Attempt Actions From the EC2 Instance
SSH to your EC2 instance, and from there, try some actions:
# Tell the CLI your default region
aws configure set default.region us-west-2
# This should work
aws s3 ls
# This should fail
aws s3 mb s3://this-will-fail
# This should fail
aws ec2 describe-instances
Where Are the Credentials?
There are credentials, but:
• They are completely hands-off: You don’t touch them.
• They are temporary and will expire; IAM will automatically rotate
To see them:
data/iam/security-credentials/Sec302EC2Role; echo
EC2 Instance Metadata Service
Your role name
Making IAM Policy More Restrictive
Catchup handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_policy_update_template.json
Making IAM Policy More Restrictive
Catchup handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_policy_update_template.json
Making IAM Policy More Restrictive:
Choosing Specific Actions
Only the s3.GetObject action is
Catchup handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_policy_update_template.json
Making IAM Policy More Restrictive:
Choosing Specific Actions
“*” means permission to s3.GetObject on
all S3 objects
Catchup handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_policy_update_template.json
Making IAM Policy More Restrictive:
Delete the Old Policy
Detach this managed policy:
We’re going to write our own
Making IAM Policy More Restrictive:
Choosing Specific Actions
Our policy so far:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1474248983000",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [ "s3:GetObject“ ],
"Resource": [ "*" ]
Catchup handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_policy_update_template.json
Attempt Actions From the EC2 Instance
SSH to your EC2 instance, and from there, try some
# This should fail
aws s3 ls
# This should work: It is s3.GetObject
aws s3 cp
eInvent/ .
Catchup handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_policy_update_template.json
Making IAM Policy More Restrictive:
IAM Resource-Level Policies
Catchup handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_policy_update_template.json
Making IAM Policy More Restrictive:
IAM Resource-Level Policies
In English: s3.ListBucket is allowed, only on the specified bucket, only when the prefix matches the
given pattern.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [ {
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [ "s3:ListBucket" ],
"Condition" : {
"StringLike": {
"s3:prefix": "AWSLogs/111122223333/CloudTrail/*"
"Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::your-cloudtrail-bucket-name-here" ]
} ]
Catchup handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_policy_update_template.json
Use your own bucket name
Use your own account ID
Testing the ListBuckets Policy
SSH to your EC2 instance and try it:
[ec2-user@ip-10-0-2-49 ~]$ aws s3 ls
2016-11-29 16:28:41 1213 778340376510_CloudTrail_us-west-
2016-11-29 16:38:33 2311 778340376510_CloudTrail_us-west-
2016-11-29 16:33:22 1881 778340376510_CloudTrail_us-west-
Catchup handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_policy_update_template.json
Making IAM Policy More Restrictive:
IAM Resource-Level Policies
In English: s3.GetObject is allowed, only on objects matching the
given pattern.
Add this statement to your policy, inside Statement[]:
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [ "s3:GetObject“ ],
"Resource": [
"arn:aws:s3:::<YOUR_CLOUDTRAIL_BUCKET>/AWSLogs/<YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID>/CloudTrail/*" ]
Catchup handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_policy_update_template.json
Use your own bucket name
and account ID
Testing the GetObject Policy
[ec2-user@ip-10-0-2-49 ~]$ aws s3 cp s3://becky-20161001-
2_20161001T1630Z_m5PVy8DKqjCtq9pF.json.gz .
download: s3://becky-20161001-
2_20161001T1630Z_m5PVy8DKqjCtq9pF.json.gz to
Take a minute to unzip this and look at its contents:
# gunzip $CLOUD_TRAIL_FILE.gz
# sudo yum -y install jq
# jq .Records[0] $CLOUD_TRAIL_FILE
Catchup handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_policy_update_template.json
Reference: AWS Services That Work With IAM
Bookmark this page:
This has pointers to how you can use IAM with each AWS
Terminate the EC2 Instance You Launched
We will not need it anymore
Testing IAM Roles
Assuming IAM roles
Create an IAM Role: “Sec302RoleTestMe”
Grant access to your partner’s account
(or your own, if no partner)
Catchup CloudFormation template handout: iam_role_cross_account_template.json
Permissions for the IAM Role
Choose a managed policy in the creation wizard
Or write your own (inline policies). For example:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [ "ec2:DescribeInstances" ],
"Resource": [ "*" ]
Catchup CloudFormation template handout: iam_role_cross_account_template.json
Note the IAM Role ARN
Catchup CloudFormation template handout: iam_role_cross_account_template.json
Assuming Your Partner’s IAM Role
> aws sts assume-role --profile sec302demo `
--role-arn arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/Sec302RoleTestMe `
--role-session-name MyTestSession
An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the
AssumeRole operation: User:
arn:aws:iam::410436118402:user/sec302demo is not
authorized to perform: sts:AssumeRole on resource:
Oops! What did we miss?
Your partner’s account
Policy Needed By Sec302DemoUser
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": ["sts:AssumeRole"],
Catchup CloudFormation template handout: sts_assume_role_policy_template.json
Assuming the IAM Role
C:Usersbecky>aws sts assume-role --profile sec302demo --role-arn arn:aws:iam::
778340376510:role/Sec302RoleTestMe --role-session-name MyTestSession
"AssumedRoleUser": {
"AssumedRoleId": "AROAJCO64ENYICVBJQRWM:MyTestSession",
"Arn": "arn:aws:sts::778340376510:assumed-role/Sec302RoleTestMe/MyTestSe
"Credentials": {
"SecretAccessKey": “****",
"SessionToken": “*****************",
"Expiration": "2016-09-21T16:57:03Z",
"AccessKeyId": "ASIA***********"
Temporary credentials: I could have shown them.
They have expired and are useless
Use the Temporary Credentials
> aws configure --profile sec302assumed
AWS Access Key ID [None]: *****
AWS Secret Access Key [None]:*************
Default region name [None]: us-west-2
Default output format [None]: json
> aws configure set aws_session_token
*************************** --profile
Try the Temporary Credentials
# Should succeed
aws ec2 describe-instances --profile
# Should fail
aws dynamodb list-tables --profile
More on Permissions for IAM Roles
Permissions for IAM roles should be minimal.
Example yellow flags:
• iam:AssumeRole / iam:PassRole -- If needed, be
specific about the IAM role that this IAM role can
• iam:PutRolePolicy -- Usually only for highly privileged
Going Further: IAM Resource-Based Policies
Useful for cross-account access
Supported on some AWS resources, e.g. S3 buckets
Attach policy to the resource itself:
Analogous to access control lists
Auditing API Call Events
Using CloudWatch Events + AWS Lambda to audit resource access
CloudWatch Events & AWS Lambda
CloudWatch Events:
AWS API calls via
AWS LambdaCloudTrail
Lambda Function for CloudWatch Events
Created by the SEC302
CloudFormation stack
Lambda Function for CloudWatch Events
Setting Up the CloudWatch Events Rule
Setting Up the CloudWatch Events Rule
Setting Up the CloudWatch Events Rule
AWS API call via CloudTrail
We will see EC2 API calls
The SEC302 CloudFormation
stack created this.
Catchup CloudFormation handout: cloudwatch_events_aws_api_rule_template.json
Try it: Make EC2 API calls
Make some that succeed
Make some that fail
Get your partner to make some that fail, while
assuming your IAM role
Find Lambda Logs in CloudWatch Logs
Events Delivered to Your Lambda Function
"detail": {
"eventVersion": "1.05",
"userIdentity": {
"type": "AssumedRole", "principalId":
"arn": "arn:aws:sts::410436118402:assumed-
"eventTime": "2016-09-21T17:03:13Z",
"eventSource": "",
"eventName": "CreateVpc",
"awsRegion": "us-west-2",
"errorCode": "Client.UnauthorizedOperation",
"errorMessage": "You are not authorized to perform this operation.",
"requestParameters": { "cidrBlock": "" },
Someone tried and failed to use
CreateVpc while assuming this role
You Can Do a Lot With These Events
Plenty of details there, including:
• Principal that attempted the call
• API method and request parameters
• Result: Success or error (with detail)
• Response
All of this is also in CloudTrail in S3
But Lambda functions can take actions: Ideas?
Sidebar: IAM Role for the Lambda Function
Sidebar: IAM Role for the Lambda Function
Managed policy “AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole”:
Permits writing output to CloudWatch Logs
Sidebar: IAM Role for the Lambda Function
Inline policy “LambdaPublishToSNSTopic”:
Permits publishing to your SNS topic
Sidebar: IAM Role for the Lambda Function
Sidebar: IAM Role for the Lambda Function
Indicates that AWS Lambda can assume this IAM role
"Role": {
"AssumeRolePolicyDocument": {
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [ {
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
} ]
AWS Lambda is allowed
to assume this role
React to AWS API Events
Your Turn: Modify the Function Code
Try modifying the AWS Lambda function to do something
more interesting!
For example code that publishes to an SNS topic, see
handout: lambda_function_with_publish_to_sns.js
Another Idea:
Using CloudTrail to Audit Permissions
Least-privilege best practice: Audit IAM roles and users
against actual usage in CloudTrail
Does anyone have permissions that have gone unused?
VPC Security Groups
Privilege of Least Principle for Connectivity
Security Groups in a VPC
virtual private cloud
The Application We Are Running
virtual private cloud
VPC subnet
VPC subnet
VPC subnet
SSH Security Group
ALB Security Group
Backend Security Group
Backend Security Group
Port 8080
ALB Security Group: Ingress
ALB Security Group: Egress
Port 8080
What You Are Running
virtual private cloud
VPC subnet
VPC subnet
VPC subnet
ALB Security Group
Backend Security Group
Routing for Least-Privilege in a VPC
virtual private cloud
VPC subnet
VPC subnet
VPC subnet
Routing for Least-Privilege in a VPC
virtual private cloud
VPC subnet
VPC subnet
VPC subnet
VPC subnet
VPC subnet
VPC subnet
Access to S3 via VPC Endpoints
Private subnets
VPC Flow Logs
Troubleshooting, Auditing, Monitoring, Analysis
VPC Flow Logs Are in CloudWatch Logs
VPC Flow Logs Are in CloudWatch Logs
Each ENI has its own stream
CloudWatch Logs Trigger for AWS Lambda
VPC Flow Logs in
CloudWatch Logs
AWS Lambda
Trigger a Lambda Function for VPC Flow Logs
Trigger a Lambda Function for VPC Flow Logs
Trigger a Lambda Function for VPC Flow Logs
Trigger a Lambda Function for VPC Flow Logs
Trigger a Lambda Function for VPC Flow Logs
Give it a name
Can leave blank
Your VPC Flow Log
VPC Flow Logs in CloudWatch Logs
Each ENI has its own stream
Inspecting VPC Flow Logs = Me10.0.1.239 = ALB
Port 8080 = Backend port
Inspecting VPC Flow Logs
Who’s this?
# dig +short -x
UDP Port 53 = DNS
VPC Flow Logs in Lambda
2016-09-24T21:53:46.264Z 5e20015f-82a1-11e6-b2ab-735d6b306893
{ "messageType": "DATA_MESSAGE",
"owner": "280328680831",
"logGroup": "VPCFlowLogs",
"logStream": "eni-18027f46-all",
"subscriptionFilters": [ "myTrigger" ],
"logEvents": [
"id": "32888099581059259498575118542779913238350648463663169536",
"timestamp": 1474753390000,
"message": "2 280328680831 eni-18027f46 8080 32906
6 5 650 1474753390 1474753446 ACCEPT OK"
Available after 10 mins
Expected and Unexpected REJECT Packets
virtual private cloud
Lambda Function for Unexpected REJECTs
Your turn: Do something interesting with VPC Flow Logs!
Idea: Try writing a Lambda function that notifies your SNS
topic when within-VPC traffic gets REJECTed.
The code in your Lambda function already unzips and
pretty-prints the messages.
Lambda Function for Unexpected REJECTs
Handout: vpc_flow_logs_rejects.js
Simple Lambda function for notifying an SNS topic
whenever a packet sent within the VPC gets rejected.
Remember To Delete Resources You Created
virtual private cloud
Remember to complete
your evaluations!
Related Sessions
More About IAM:
• SAC317 - IAM Best Practices to Live By
• SEC311 - How to Automate Policy Validation
More About VPC:
• NET201 - Creating Your Virtual Data Center: VPC
Fundamentals and Connectivity Options
• SEC401 - Automated Formal Reasoning About AWS
Thank you!

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AWS re:Invent 2016: Workshop: Adhere to the Principle of Least Privilege by Using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (SEC302)

  • 1. © 2016, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved. November 29, 2016 SEC302 Workshop: Adhering to Least-Privilege Principles Becky Weiss, Senior Principal Engineer, AWS
  • 2. virtual private cloud S3 bucket DynamoDB table SQS queue Amazon Kinesis stream Application Load Balancer Amazon Redshift cluster RDS databaseEC2 instances ECS tasks
  • 3. Principle of Least Privilege: Definition “In information security, computer science, and other fields, the principle of least privilege requires that in a particular abstraction layer of a computing environment, every module must be able to access only the information and resources that are necessary for its legitimate purpose.” (Wikipedia)
  • 4. Identity and Access Management (IAM) IAM policy Temporary credentials IAM role
  • 5. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) security group security group
  • 6. Auditing, Monitoring and Troubleshooting AWS CloudTrail Amazon CloudWatch Events and CloudWatch Logs AWS Lambda
  • 7. What to Expect from the Session Hands-on practice working with IAM and Amazon VPC • Techniques for scoping access and connectivity: allowing exactly what you need. • Techniques for debugging, auditing, and alarming.
  • 8. Prerequisites You will get the most out of this session if you: • Have some experience with AWS • Have an AWS account with a working, installed AWS CLI • Know how to SSH to a Linux host • Have some basic programming experience (examples will be in JavaScript)
  • 11. Meet your neighbors! Look to your left, look to your right… Introduce yourself! You’ll be working with your neighbor later in this workshop.
  • 12. Setup Steps AWS CLI CloudTrail Credentials and keys CloudFormation setup template
  • 14. Installing the CLI OS-specific instructions: tml Test it: C:Usersbecky>aws --version aws-cli/1.10.65 Python/2.7.9 Windows/7 botocore/1.4.55
  • 15. Configuring the CLI getting-started.html Note: We will be using the us-west-2 region (Oregon) for this workshop.
  • 16. Setup Steps AWS CLI CloudTrail Credentials and keys CloudFormation setup template
  • 18.
  • 20. And we’ll come back later
  • 21. Setup Steps AWS CLI CloudTrail Credentials and keys CloudFormation setup template
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25. I actually could have shown you these, since I later deleted the user. BUT: These are long-term security credentials. Don’t share or post them anywhere.
  • 26. Configuring an IAM User Profile in the CLI C:Usersbecky>aws configure --profile sec302demo AWS Access Key ID [None]: AKIA************* AWS Secret Access Key [None]: *************************** Default region name [None]: us-west-2 Default output format [None]: json Use the credentials you were given.
  • 27. Use the CLI as Sec302DemoUser C:Usersbecky>aws ec2 describe-vpcs --profile sec302demo An error occurred (UnauthorizedOperation) when calling the DescribeVpcs operation: You are not authorized to perform this operation.
  • 28. Give the new user some permissions
  • 29. Handy filter Attach it IAM managed policies: Predefined sets of commonly-used policies. You can also write your own (and we will)
  • 30. Test Access > aws ec2 describe-vpcs --profile sec302demo { "Vpcs": [ { "VpcId": "vpc-c6a649a1", "InstanceTenancy": "default", "State": "available", "DhcpOptionsId": "dopt-e4650b80", "CidrBlock": "", "IsDefault": true } ] }
  • 31.
  • 32. Create an EC2 Key Pair For SSH Access If you already have an SSH key: aws ec2 import-key-pair ` --profile sec302demo ` --key-name Sec302DemoSSH ` --public-key-material file://c:tempSec302DemoPub.t xt To create a new SSH key: aws ec2 create-key-pair ` --profile sec302demo ` --key-name Sec302DemoSSH And save the KeyMaterial from the response
  • 33. Setup Steps AWS CLI CloudTrail Credentials and keys CloudFormation setup template
  • 37. CloudFormation Stack Setup Your email address A name for the stack Your SSH key name Your IP address
  • 38. The VPC You Just Created virtual private cloud VPC subnet us-west-2b VPC subnet us-west-2a VPC subnet us-west-2c
  • 39. The Application You Just Launched virtual private cloud VPC subnet us-west-2b VPC subnet us-west-2a VPC subnet us-west-2c
  • 41. Your VPC Has Flow Logs Enabled Logs will be delivered to this CloudWatch Logs group.
  • 43. Setup Steps AWS CLI CloudTrail Credentials and keys CloudFormation setup template
  • 45. Launch an EC2 Instance virtual private cloud VPC subnet us-west-2b VPC subnet us-west-2a VPC subnet us-west-2c SSH security group
  • 46. Use the SSH Security Group
  • 47. Cheat sheet: Launch an EC2 instance Handout: run_instances_cheat_sheet.txt > aws ec2 run-instances --profile sec302demo >> --image-id ami-7172b611 >> --instance-type t2.nano >> --subnet-id $YOUR_SUBNET_ID >> --security-group-ids $YOUR_SECURITY_GROUP_ID >> --key-name Sec302DemoSSH Resources created by the SEC302 CloudFormation stack
  • 48. Verify SSH Access Test your ssh access, e.g.: putty.exe -i c:tempSec302DemoPriv.ppk ec2- user@ You can now terminate this EC2 instance. We won’t need it again.
  • 49. All done setting up Let’s get started
  • 50. Introduction to IAM Roles Beyond simple credentials
  • 51. Granting Permissions, the Wrong Way EC2 instance DynamoDB table
  • 52. Granting Permissions, the Right Way EC2 instance IAM role DynamoDB table
  • 53. Granting Permissions, the Right Way AWS Lambda function DynamoDB table
  • 54. Granting Permissions, the Right Way Other AWS accounts DynamoDB table
  • 55. Hands-On with IAM Roles We’ll create an IAM role with some very specific privileges
  • 56.
  • 57. Create an IAM Role for an EC2 Instance
  • 58. Create an IAM Role for an EC2 Instance Catchup CloudFormation template handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_template.json
  • 59. This will allow Amazon EC2 to launch EC2 instances into this IAM role. Create an IAM Role for an EC2 Instance Catchup CloudFormation template handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_template.json
  • 60. Policy for the IAM Role: S3 Read-Only Access Catchup CloudFormation template handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_template.json
  • 61. Anatomy of an IAM Role ARN for referring to it later For use by EC2 Right now, permits all ReadOnly operations in S3. (We’ll make this more restrictive later.) Catchup CloudFormation template handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_template.json
  • 62. Launch an EC2 instance Launching with IAM role: This EC2 Instance will have S3 ReadOnly permissions Catchup CloudFormation template handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_template.json
  • 63. Attempt Actions From the EC2 Instance SSH to your EC2 instance, and from there, try some actions: # Tell the CLI your default region aws configure set default.region us-west-2 # This should work aws s3 ls # This should fail aws s3 mb s3://this-will-fail # This should fail aws ec2 describe-instances
  • 64. Where Are the Credentials? There are credentials, but: • They are completely hands-off: You don’t touch them. • They are temporary and will expire; IAM will automatically rotate them To see them: curl data/iam/security-credentials/Sec302EC2Role; echo EC2 Instance Metadata Service Your role name
  • 65. Making IAM Policy More Restrictive Catchup handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_policy_update_template.json
  • 66. Making IAM Policy More Restrictive Catchup handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_policy_update_template.json
  • 67. Making IAM Policy More Restrictive: Choosing Specific Actions Only the s3.GetObject action is allowed Catchup handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_policy_update_template.json
  • 68. Making IAM Policy More Restrictive: Choosing Specific Actions “*” means permission to s3.GetObject on all S3 objects Catchup handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_policy_update_template.json
  • 69. Making IAM Policy More Restrictive: Delete the Old Policy Detach this managed policy: We’re going to write our own
  • 70. Making IAM Policy More Restrictive: Choosing Specific Actions Our policy so far: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Stmt1474248983000", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:GetObject“ ], "Resource": [ "*" ] } ] } Catchup handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_policy_update_template.json
  • 71. Attempt Actions From the EC2 Instance SSH to your EC2 instance, and from there, try some actions: # This should fail aws s3 ls # This should work: It is s3.GetObject aws s3 cp s3://awsiammedia/public/sample/LeastPrivilegeWorkshopr eInvent/ . Catchup handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_policy_update_template.json
  • 72. Making IAM Policy More Restrictive: IAM Resource-Level Policies Catchup handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_policy_update_template.json
  • 73. Making IAM Policy More Restrictive: IAM Resource-Level Policies In English: s3.ListBucket is allowed, only on the specified bucket, only when the prefix matches the given pattern. { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:ListBucket" ], "Condition" : { "StringLike": { "s3:prefix": "AWSLogs/111122223333/CloudTrail/*" } }, "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::your-cloudtrail-bucket-name-here" ] } ] } Catchup handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_policy_update_template.json Use your own bucket name Use your own account ID
  • 74. Testing the ListBuckets Policy SSH to your EC2 instance and try it: [ec2-user@ip-10-0-2-49 ~]$ aws s3 ls s3://$YOUR_CLOUDTRAIL_BUCKET/AWSLogs/$YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID/CloudTrai l/us-west-2/2016/11/29/ 2016-11-29 16:28:41 1213 778340376510_CloudTrail_us-west- 2_20161001T1625Z_k5gzl4muOxohMXeM.json.gz 2016-11-29 16:38:33 2311 778340376510_CloudTrail_us-west- 2_20161001T1630Z_50SqQyuABVqP5igQ.json.gz 2016-11-29 16:33:22 1881 778340376510_CloudTrail_us-west- 2_20161001T1630Z_m5PVy8DKqjCtq9pF.json.gz … Catchup handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_policy_update_template.json
  • 75. Making IAM Policy More Restrictive: IAM Resource-Level Policies In English: s3.GetObject is allowed, only on objects matching the given pattern. Add this statement to your policy, inside Statement[]: { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:GetObject“ ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::<YOUR_CLOUDTRAIL_BUCKET>/AWSLogs/<YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID>/CloudTrail/*" ] } Catchup handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_policy_update_template.json Use your own bucket name and account ID
  • 76. Testing the GetObject Policy [ec2-user@ip-10-0-2-49 ~]$ aws s3 cp s3://becky-20161001- cloudtrail/AWSLogs/778340376510/CloudTrail/us-west- 2/2016/10/01/778340376510_CloudTrail_us-west- 2_20161001T1630Z_m5PVy8DKqjCtq9pF.json.gz . download: s3://becky-20161001- cloudtrail/AWSLogs/778340376510/CloudTrail/us-west- 2/2016/10/01/778340376510_CloudTrail_us-west- 2_20161001T1630Z_m5PVy8DKqjCtq9pF.json.gz to ./778340376510_CloudTrail_us-west- 2_20161001T1630Z_m5PVy8DKqjCtq9pF.json.gz Take a minute to unzip this and look at its contents: # gunzip $CLOUD_TRAIL_FILE.gz # sudo yum -y install jq # jq .Records[0] $CLOUD_TRAIL_FILE Catchup handout: ec2_instance_in_iam_role_policy_update_template.json
  • 77. Reference: AWS Services That Work With IAM Bookmark this page: ce_aws-services-that-work-with-iam.html This has pointers to how you can use IAM with each AWS service.
  • 78. Terminate the EC2 Instance You Launched We will not need it anymore
  • 80. Create an IAM Role: “Sec302RoleTestMe”
  • 81. Grant access to your partner’s account (or your own, if no partner) Catchup CloudFormation template handout: iam_role_cross_account_template.json
  • 82. Permissions for the IAM Role Choose a managed policy in the creation wizard Or write your own (inline policies). For example: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ec2:DescribeInstances" ], "Resource": [ "*" ] } ] } Catchup CloudFormation template handout: iam_role_cross_account_template.json
  • 83. Note the IAM Role ARN Catchup CloudFormation template handout: iam_role_cross_account_template.json
  • 84. Assuming Your Partner’s IAM Role > aws sts assume-role --profile sec302demo ` --role-arn arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/Sec302RoleTestMe ` --role-session-name MyTestSession An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the AssumeRole operation: User: arn:aws:iam::410436118402:user/sec302demo is not authorized to perform: sts:AssumeRole on resource: arn:aws:iam::778340376510:role/Sec302RoleTestMe Oops! What did we miss? Your partner’s account
  • 85. Policy Needed By Sec302DemoUser { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": ["sts:AssumeRole"], "Resource": ["arn:aws:iam::<YOUR_PARTNERS_ACCOUNT_ID>:role/Sec302RoleTestMe"] } ] } Catchup CloudFormation template handout: sts_assume_role_policy_template.json
  • 86. Assuming the IAM Role C:Usersbecky>aws sts assume-role --profile sec302demo --role-arn arn:aws:iam:: 778340376510:role/Sec302RoleTestMe --role-session-name MyTestSession { "AssumedRoleUser": { "AssumedRoleId": "AROAJCO64ENYICVBJQRWM:MyTestSession", "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::778340376510:assumed-role/Sec302RoleTestMe/MyTestSe ssion" }, "Credentials": { "SecretAccessKey": “****", "SessionToken": “*****************", "Expiration": "2016-09-21T16:57:03Z", "AccessKeyId": "ASIA***********" } } Temporary credentials: I could have shown them. They have expired and are useless
  • 87. Use the Temporary Credentials > aws configure --profile sec302assumed AWS Access Key ID [None]: ***** AWS Secret Access Key [None]:************* Default region name [None]: us-west-2 Default output format [None]: json > aws configure set aws_session_token *************************** --profile sec302assumed
  • 88. Try the Temporary Credentials # Should succeed aws ec2 describe-instances --profile sec302assumed # Should fail aws dynamodb list-tables --profile sec302assumed
  • 89. More on Permissions for IAM Roles Permissions for IAM roles should be minimal. Example yellow flags: • iam:AssumeRole / iam:PassRole -- If needed, be specific about the IAM role that this IAM role can assume • iam:PutRolePolicy -- Usually only for highly privileged principals !
  • 90. Going Further: IAM Resource-Based Policies Useful for cross-account access Supported on some AWS resources, e.g. S3 buckets Attach policy to the resource itself: Analogous to access control lists &&
  • 91. Auditing API Call Events Using CloudWatch Events + AWS Lambda to audit resource access
  • 92. CloudWatch Events & AWS Lambda CloudWatch Events: AWS API calls via CloudTrail AWS LambdaCloudTrail
  • 93.
  • 94. Lambda Function for CloudWatch Events Created by the SEC302 CloudFormation stack
  • 95. Lambda Function for CloudWatch Events
  • 96. Setting Up the CloudWatch Events Rule
  • 97. Setting Up the CloudWatch Events Rule
  • 98. Setting Up the CloudWatch Events Rule AWS API call via CloudTrail We will see EC2 API calls The SEC302 CloudFormation stack created this. Catchup CloudFormation handout: cloudwatch_events_aws_api_rule_template.json
  • 99. Try it: Make EC2 API calls Make some that succeed Make some that fail Get your partner to make some that fail, while assuming your IAM role
  • 100. Find Lambda Logs in CloudWatch Logs
  • 101. Events Delivered to Your Lambda Function { … "detail": { "eventVersion": "1.05", "userIdentity": { "type": "AssumedRole", "principalId": "AROAJCO64ENYICVBJQRWM:MyTestSession", "arn": "arn:aws:sts::410436118402:assumed- role/Sec302RoleTestMe/MyTestSession", … "eventTime": "2016-09-21T17:03:13Z", "eventSource": "", "eventName": "CreateVpc", "awsRegion": "us-west-2", "errorCode": "Client.UnauthorizedOperation", "errorMessage": "You are not authorized to perform this operation.", "requestParameters": { "cidrBlock": "" }, … Someone tried and failed to use CreateVpc while assuming this role
  • 102. You Can Do a Lot With These Events Plenty of details there, including: • Principal that attempted the call • API method and request parameters • Result: Success or error (with detail) • Response All of this is also in CloudTrail in S3 But Lambda functions can take actions: Ideas?
  • 103. Sidebar: IAM Role for the Lambda Function
  • 104. Sidebar: IAM Role for the Lambda Function Managed policy “AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole”: Permits writing output to CloudWatch Logs
  • 105. Sidebar: IAM Role for the Lambda Function Inline policy “LambdaPublishToSNSTopic”: Permits publishing to your SNS topic
  • 106. Sidebar: IAM Role for the Lambda Function
  • 107. Sidebar: IAM Role for the Lambda Function Indicates that AWS Lambda can assume this IAM role { "Role": { "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "" } } ] }, … } AWS Lambda is allowed to assume this role
  • 108. Activity: React to AWS API Events
  • 109. Your Turn: Modify the Function Code Try modifying the AWS Lambda function to do something more interesting! For example code that publishes to an SNS topic, see handout: lambda_function_with_publish_to_sns.js
  • 110. Another Idea: Using CloudTrail to Audit Permissions Least-privilege best practice: Audit IAM roles and users against actual usage in CloudTrail Does anyone have permissions that have gone unused?
  • 111. VPC Security Groups Privilege of Least Principle for Connectivity
  • 112. Security Groups in a VPC virtual private cloud
  • 113. The Application We Are Running virtual private cloud VPC subnet us-west-2b VPC subnet us-west-2a VPC subnet us-west-2c SSH Security Group ALB Security Group Backend Security Group ALLOW
  • 116. ALB Security Group: Egress Port 8080
  • 117. What You Are Running virtual private cloud VPC subnet us-west-2b VPC subnet us-west-2a VPC subnet us-west-2c ALB Security Group Backend Security Group
  • 118. Routing for Least-Privilege in a VPC virtual private cloud VPC subnet us-west-2b VPC subnet us-west-2a VPC subnet us-west-2c
  • 119. Routing for Least-Privilege in a VPC virtual private cloud VPC subnet us-west-2b VPC subnet us-west-2a VPC subnet us-west-2c VPC subnet us-west-2b VPC subnet us-west-2a VPC subnet us-west-2c Access to S3 via VPC Endpoints Private subnets
  • 120. VPC Flow Logs Troubleshooting, Auditing, Monitoring, Analysis
  • 121. VPC Flow Logs Are in CloudWatch Logs
  • 122. VPC Flow Logs Are in CloudWatch Logs Each ENI has its own stream
  • 123. CloudWatch Logs Trigger for AWS Lambda VPC Flow Logs in CloudWatch Logs AWS Lambda
  • 124. Trigger a Lambda Function for VPC Flow Logs
  • 125. Trigger a Lambda Function for VPC Flow Logs
  • 126. Trigger a Lambda Function for VPC Flow Logs
  • 127. Trigger a Lambda Function for VPC Flow Logs
  • 128. Trigger a Lambda Function for VPC Flow Logs Give it a name Can leave blank Your VPC Flow Log
  • 129. VPC Flow Logs in CloudWatch Logs Each ENI has its own stream
  • 130. Inspecting VPC Flow Logs = Me10.0.1.239 = ALB Port 8080 = Backend port ACCEPT
  • 131. Inspecting VPC Flow Logs Who’s this? # dig +short -x REJECT UDP Port 53 = DNS
  • 132. VPC Flow Logs in Lambda 2016-09-24T21:53:46.264Z 5e20015f-82a1-11e6-b2ab-735d6b306893 { "messageType": "DATA_MESSAGE", "owner": "280328680831", "logGroup": "VPCFlowLogs", "logStream": "eni-18027f46-all", "subscriptionFilters": [ "myTrigger" ], "logEvents": [ { "id": "32888099581059259498575118542779913238350648463663169536", "timestamp": 1474753390000, "message": "2 280328680831 eni-18027f46 8080 32906 6 5 650 1474753390 1474753446 ACCEPT OK" }, … Available after 10 mins
  • 133. Expected and Unexpected REJECT Packets virtual private cloud From Internet
  • 134. Lambda Function for Unexpected REJECTs Your turn: Do something interesting with VPC Flow Logs! Idea: Try writing a Lambda function that notifies your SNS topic when within-VPC traffic gets REJECTed. The code in your Lambda function already unzips and pretty-prints the messages.
  • 135. Lambda Function for Unexpected REJECTs Handout: vpc_flow_logs_rejects.js Simple Lambda function for notifying an SNS topic whenever a packet sent within the VPC gets rejected.
  • 137. Remember To Delete Resources You Created
  • 139. Remember to complete your evaluations!
  • 140. Related Sessions More About IAM: • SAC317 - IAM Best Practices to Live By • SEC311 - How to Automate Policy Validation More About VPC: • NET201 - Creating Your Virtual Data Center: VPC Fundamentals and Connectivity Options • SEC401 - Automated Formal Reasoning About AWS Systems