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Abhishek Sinha – Sr. Product Manager
Amazon EMR
Amazon EMR
Making it easy, secure and cost-effective to run
data processing frameworks on the AWS cloud
Amazon EMR
• Managed platform
• Hadoop MapReduce, Spark, Presto,
and more
• Launch clusters in minutes
• Apache Bigtop based distribution
• Leverage the elasticity of the cloud
• Added security features
• Pay by the hour and save with Spot
• Flexibility to customize
• Programmable Infrastructure
What do I need to build a cluster ?
1. Choose instances
2. Choose your software
3. Choose your access method
Cluster composition
Master Node
Core Instance Group Task Instance
NameNode (HDFS),
ResourceManager (YARN),
and other components
HDFS DataNode
YARN Node Manager
YARN Node Manager
Choice of multiple instances
c3 family
c4 family
m2 family
r3 family
d2 family
i2 family
m1 family
m3 family
m4 family
(Spark &
Large HDFS
Or add EBS volumes if you need additional on-cluster storage.
Hadoop applications available in EMR
Or, use bootstrap actions to install arbitrary
applications on your cluster!
Choose your software - Quick Create
Choose your software – Advanced Options
Configuration API for custom configs
"Classification": "core-site",
"Properties": {
"": "250"
"Classification": "mapred-site",
"Properties": {
"": "2",
"": "90",
"mapreduce.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum": "5"
Use the AWS CLI to easily create clusters:
aws emr create-cluster
--release-label emr-4.3.0
InstanceGroupType=MASTER,InstanceCount=1, InstanceType=m3.xlarge
Or use your favorite SDK for programmatic provisioning:
Use Amazon EMR to
separate your
compute and storage.
On premises: compute and storage grow together
Tightly coupled
Storage grows along with
Compute requirements vary
On premises: Underutilized or scarce resources
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Re-processingWeekly peaks
Steady state
On premises: Contention for same resources
Separation of resources creates data silos
Team A
On premises: Replication adds to cost
HDFS needs 3x
Multi-Data Center DR
Use Amazon EMR to
separate your
compute and storage.
EMR can process data from many sources
• Hadoop Distributed File
System (HDFS)
• Amazon S3 (EMRFS)
• Amazon Dynamo DB,
Redshift, Aurora, RDS
• Amazon Kinesis
• Other applications running in
your architecture (Kafka,
ElasticSearch, etc.)
Amazon S3 is your persistent data store
11 9’s of durability
$0.03 / GB / Month in US-East
Life Cycle Policies
Available across AZs
Easy access
Amazon S3
The EMR Filesystem (EMRFS)
• Allows you to leverage S3 as a file-system for Hadoop
• Streams data directly from S3
• Cluster still uses local disk/HDFS for intermediates
• Better read/write performance and error handling than
open source components
• Optional consistent view for consistent list
• Support for encryption
• Fast listing of objects
Going from HDFS to S3
host STRING,
referer STRING,
agent STRING)
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.RegexSerDe'
LOCATION ‘samples/pig-apache/input/'
Going from HDFS to S3
host STRING,
referer STRING,
agent STRING)
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.RegexSerDe'
LOCATION 's3://elasticmapreduce.samples/pig-
Benefit 1: Switch off clusters
Amazon S3Amazon S3 Amazon S3
Auto-terminate clusters after job completion
You can build a pipeline
Submit jobs using:
- EMR Step API
- Oozie
- SSH directly
- Genie (Gateway)
- OSS workflow tools
(i.e. Luigi)
You can use Amazon Data Pipeline
Input data
Use EMR to transform
unstructured to
structured data
Push to S3
Ingest into
Run transient or long-running clusters
Benefit 2: Resize your cluster to match
workload requirements
Resize using the Console, CLI, or API
Save costs with EC2 Spot instances
Spot integration
aws emr create-cluster --name "Spot cluster" --ami-version 3.3
The Spot Bid Advisor
Spot Integration with EMR
• Can provision instances from the Spot Market
• Replaces a spot instance in case of interruption
• Impact of interruption
• Master Node – Can lose the cluster
• Core Node – Can lose data stored in HDFS
• Task Nodes – lose the task (but the task will run elsewhere)
Scale up with Spot Instances
10 node cluster running for 14 hours
Cost = 1.0 * 10 * 14 = $140
Resize Nodes with Spot Instances
Add 10 more nodes on Spot
Resize Nodes with Spot Instances
20 node cluster running for 7 hours
Cost = 1.0 * 10 * 7 = $70
= 0.5 * 10 * 7 = $35
Total $105
Resize Nodes with Spot Instances
50 % less run-time ( 14  7)
25% less cost (140  105)
Intelligent scale down
Intelligent scale down – HDFS
Effectively utilize clusters
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Benefit 3: Logical separation of jobs
Hive, Pig,
Presto Ad-Hoc
Amazon S3
Benefit 4 : Disaster recovery built-in
Cluster 1 Cluster 2
Cluster 3 Cluster 4
Amazon S3
Availability Zone Availability Zone
Hive Metastore in
Amazon RDS
S3 as a data-lake
Nate Summons, Principle Architect - NASDAQ
Monitoring with CloudWatch (or Ganglia)
EMR logging to S3 makes logs easily available
Spark moves at interactive speed
Stage 3
Stage 1
Stage 2
A: B:
C: D: E:
= cached partition= RDD
• Massively parallel
• Uses DAGs instead of map-
reduce for execution
• Minimizes I/O by storing data
in RDDs in memory
• Partitioning-aware to avoid
network-intensive shuffle
Spark components to match your use case
Spark speaks your language
Use DataFrames to easily interact with data
• Distributed
collection of data
organized in
• An extension of the
existing RDD API
• Optimized for query
Easily create DataFrames from many formats
Additional libraries for Spark SQL Data Sources
Load data with the Spark SQL Data Sources API
Additional libraries at
Sample DataFrame manipulations
Use DataFrames for machine learning
• Spark ML libraries
(replacing MLlib) use
DataFrames as
input/output for
• Create ML pipelines
with a variety of
distributed algorithms
Create DataFrames on streaming data
• Access data in Spark Streaming DStream
• Create SQLContext on the SparkContext used for Spark
Streaming application for ad hoc queries
• Incorporate DataFrame in Spark Streaming application
• Checkpointing streaming jobs
Spark Pipeline
Use R to interact with DataFrames
• SparkR package for using R to manipulate DataFrames
• Create SparkR applications or interactively use the SparkR
shell (no Zeppelin support yet - ZEPPELIN-156)
• Comparable performance to Python and Scala
Amazon EMR runs Spark on YARN
• Dynamically share and centrally configure
the same pool of cluster resources across
• Schedulers for categorizing, isolating, and
prioritizing workloads
• Choose the number of executors to use, or
allow YARN to choose (dynamic allocation)
• Kerberos authentication
Cluster Resource Management
In Memory
Pig, Hive, Cascading, Spark Streaming, Spark SQL
Inside Spark Executor on YARN
Max Container size on node
Executor Memory Overhead - Off heap memory (VM overheads, interned strings etc.)
𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑘. 𝑦𝑎𝑟𝑛. 𝑒𝑥𝑒𝑐𝑢𝑡𝑜𝑟. 𝑚𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑦𝑂𝑣𝑒𝑟ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑 = 𝑒𝑥𝑒𝑐𝑢𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑀𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑦 ∗ 0.10
Executor Container
Config File: spark-default.conf
Inside Spark Executor on YARN
Max Container size on node
Spark executor memory - Amount of memory to use per executor process
Executor Container
Spark Executor Memory
Config File: spark-default.conf
Inside Spark Executor on YARN
Max Container size on node
Shuffle Memory Fraction – pre-Spark 1.6
Executor Container
Spark Executor Memory
Default: 0.2
Inside Spark Executor on YARN
Max Container size on node
Storage storage Fraction - pre-Spark 1.6
Executor Container
Spark Executor Memory
Default: 0.6
Inside Spark Executor on YARN
Max Container size on node
In Spark 1.6+, Spark automatically balances the amount of memory for execution
and cached data.
Executor Container
Spark Executor Memory
Execution / Cache
Default: 0.6
Dynamic Allocation on YARN
Scaling up on executors
- Request when you want the job to complete faster
- Idle resources on cluster
- Exponential increase in executors over time
New Default beginning EMR 4.4
Dynamic allocation setup
Property Value
Spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled true
Spark.shuffle.service.enabled true
spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors 5
spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors 17
spark.dynamicAllocation.initalExecutors 0
sparkdynamicAllocation.executorIdleTime 60s
spark.dynamicAllocation.schedulerBacklogTimeout 5s
Compress your input data set
• Always compress Data Files on Amazon S3
• Reduces storage cost
• Reduces bandwidth between Amazon S3 and Amazon
EMR, which can speed up bandwidth constrained jobs
Compression Types:
– Some are fast BUT offer less space reduction
– Some are space efficient BUT Slower
– Some are splitable and some are not
Algorithm % Space
Encoding Speed Decoding Speed
GZIP 13% 21MB/s 118MB/s
LZO 20% 135MB/s 410MB/s
Snappy 22% 172MB/s 409MB/s
Data Serialization
• Data is serialized when cached or shuffled
Default: Java serializer
• Kyro serialization (10x faster than Java serialization)
• Does not support all Serializable types
• Register the class in advance
Usage: Set in SparkConf
Running Spark on
Amazon EMR
Focus on deriving insights from your data
instead of manually configuring clusters
Easy to install and
configure Spark
Spark submit, Oozie or
use Zeppelin UI
Quickly add
and remove capacity
Hourly, reserved, or
EC2 Spot pricing
Use S3 to decouple
compute and storage
Launch the latest Spark version
Spark 1.6.1 is the current version on EMR.
< 3 week cadence with latest open source release
Create a fully configured cluster in minutes
AWS Management
AWS Command Line
Interface (CLI)
Or use a AWS SDK directly with the Amazon EMR API
Or easily change your settings
Many storage layers to choose from
Amazon DynamoDB
Amazon RDS
Streaming data
connectorsJDBC Data Source
w/ Spark SQL
Amazon Redshift
EMR File System
Amazon S3
Amazon EMR
Decouple compute and storage by using S3
as your data layer
S3 is designed for 11
9’s of durability and is
massively scalable
EC2 Instance
Amazon S3
Amazon EMR
Amazon EMR
Amazon EMR
Easy to run your Spark workloads
Amazon EMR Step API
SSH to master node and use Spark
Submit, Oozie or Zeppelin
Submit a Spark
Amazon EMR
Customer use cases
Some of our customers running Spark on EMR
Integration Pattern – ETL with Spark
Amazon EMRAmazon S3
Load from
Store Output Data
Integration Pattern – Tumbling Window Reporting
Amazon EMR
Streaming Input
Periodic Output
Amazon Redshift
Or checkpoint to S3 and use
the Lambda loader app
EMR Security Overview
Encryption ComplianceSecurity
• Identity and Access
Management (IAM) policies,
• Bucket policies
• Access Control Lists (ACLs)
• Query string authentication
• SSL endpoints
• Server Side Encryption
• Server Side Encryption
with KMS provided keys
(coming soon)
• Client-side Encryption
• Buckets access logs
• Lifecycle Management
• Access Control Lists
• Versioning & MFA deletes
Networking: VPC private subnets
• Use Amazon S3 Endpoints for
connectivity to S3
• Use Managed NAT for connectivity to
other services or the Internet
• Control the traffic using Security Groups
• ElasticMapReduce-Master-Private
• ElasticMapReduce-Slave-Private
• ElasticMapReduce-ServiceAccess
Access Control: IAM Users and Roles
• IAM Policies for access to Amazon EMR service (IAM users or
federated users)
• AmazonElasticMapReduceFullAccess
• AmazonElasticMapReduceReadOnlyAccess
• IAM Policies for Amazon EMR cluster
• Service role (AmazonElasticMapReduceRole) - Allowable
actions for Amazon EMR service, like creating EC2 instances.
• Instance profile (AmazonElasticMapReduceforEC2Role) -
Applications that run on Amazon EMR, like access to Amazon S3
for EMRFS on your cluster.
Data at Rest: S3 client-side encryption
Amazon S3
Key vendor (AWS KMS or your custom key vendor)
(client-side encrypted objects)
Customer Stories
AOL’s Spot Use Case: restate 6 months of
historical data
Availability Zones
EMR Clusters
Spot EC2 Instances
Timing Comparison
FINRA saves money with comparable
performance with Hive on Tez with S3
Using EMR and cloud capacity for ETL
Bridging on-prem and EMR for easy ETL
Twitter (Answers) uses EMR as the batch layer
in their Lambda architecture
Using EMR for batch, streaming, and ad hoc
Nasdaq: data lake architecture diagram
Optimizing data warehousing costs with S3 and EMR
AWS Pop-up Loft London
Thank You
Abhishek Sinha | | @abysinha

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Sr. Product Manager at Amazon leads EMR

  • 1. Abhishek Sinha – Sr. Product Manager @abysinha Amazon EMR
  • 2. Amazon EMR Making it easy, secure and cost-effective to run data processing frameworks on the AWS cloud
  • 3. Amazon EMR • Managed platform • Hadoop MapReduce, Spark, Presto, and more • Launch clusters in minutes • Apache Bigtop based distribution • Leverage the elasticity of the cloud • Added security features • Pay by the hour and save with Spot • Flexibility to customize • Programmable Infrastructure
  • 4. What do I need to build a cluster ? 1. Choose instances 2. Choose your software 3. Choose your access method
  • 5. Cluster composition Master Node Core Instance Group Task Instance Groups NameNode (HDFS), ResourceManager (YARN), and other components HDFS DataNode YARN Node Manager YARN Node Manager
  • 6. Choice of multiple instances CPU c3 family c4 family Memory m2 family r3 family Disk/IO d2 family i2 family General m1 family m3 family m4 family Machine Learning Batch Processing In-memory (Spark & Presto) Large HDFS Or add EBS volumes if you need additional on-cluster storage.
  • 7. Hadoop applications available in EMR Or, use bootstrap actions to install arbitrary applications on your cluster!
  • 8. Choose your software - Quick Create
  • 9. Choose your software – Advanced Options
  • 10. Configuration API for custom configs [ { "Classification": "core-site", "Properties": { "": "250" } }, { "Classification": "mapred-site", "Properties": { "": "2", "": "90", "mapreduce.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum": "5" } } ]
  • 11. Use the AWS CLI to easily create clusters: aws emr create-cluster --release-label emr-4.3.0 --instance-groups InstanceGroupType=MASTER,InstanceCount=1, InstanceType=m3.xlarge InstanceGroupType=CORE,InstanceCount=2,InstanceType=m3.xlarge Or use your favorite SDK for programmatic provisioning:
  • 12. Use Amazon EMR to separate your compute and storage.
  • 13. On premises: compute and storage grow together Tightly coupled Storage grows along with compute Compute requirements vary
  • 14. On premises: Underutilized or scarce resources 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Re-processingWeekly peaks Steady state
  • 15. On premises: Contention for same resources Compute bound Memory bound
  • 16. Separation of resources creates data silos Team A
  • 17. On premises: Replication adds to cost 3x HDFS needs 3x Multi-Data Center DR
  • 18. Use Amazon EMR to separate your compute and storage.
  • 19. EMR can process data from many sources • Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) • Amazon S3 (EMRFS) • Amazon Dynamo DB, Redshift, Aurora, RDS • Amazon Kinesis • Other applications running in your architecture (Kafka, ElasticSearch, etc.)
  • 20. Amazon S3 is your persistent data store 11 9’s of durability $0.03 / GB / Month in US-East Life Cycle Policies Available across AZs Easy access Amazon S3
  • 21. The EMR Filesystem (EMRFS) • Allows you to leverage S3 as a file-system for Hadoop • Streams data directly from S3 • Cluster still uses local disk/HDFS for intermediates • Better read/write performance and error handling than open source components • Optional consistent view for consistent list • Support for encryption • Fast listing of objects
  • 22. Going from HDFS to S3 CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE serde_regex( host STRING, referer STRING, agent STRING) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.RegexSerDe' ) LOCATION ‘samples/pig-apache/input/'
  • 23. Going from HDFS to S3 CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE serde_regex( host STRING, referer STRING, agent STRING) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.RegexSerDe' ) LOCATION 's3://elasticmapreduce.samples/pig- apache/input/'
  • 24. Benefit 1: Switch off clusters Amazon S3Amazon S3 Amazon S3
  • 26. You can build a pipeline Submit jobs using: - EMR Step API - Oozie - SSH directly - Genie (Gateway) - OSS workflow tools (i.e. Luigi)
  • 27. You can use Amazon Data Pipeline Input data Use EMR to transform unstructured to structured data Push to S3 Ingest into Redshift
  • 28. Run transient or long-running clusters
  • 29. Benefit 2: Resize your cluster to match workload requirements
  • 30. Resize using the Console, CLI, or API
  • 31. Save costs with EC2 Spot instances Bid Price OD Price
  • 32. Spot integration aws emr create-cluster --name "Spot cluster" --ami-version 3.3 InstanceGroupType=MASTER, InstanceType=m3.xlarge,InstanceCount=1, InstanceGroupType=CORE, BidPrice=0.03,InstanceType=m3.xlarge,InstanceCount=2 InstanceGroupType=TASK, BidPrice=0.10,InstanceType=m3.xlarge,InstanceCount=3
  • 33. The Spot Bid Advisor
  • 34. Spot Integration with EMR • Can provision instances from the Spot Market • Replaces a spot instance in case of interruption • Impact of interruption • Master Node – Can lose the cluster • Core Node – Can lose data stored in HDFS • Task Nodes – lose the task (but the task will run elsewhere)
  • 35. Scale up with Spot Instances 10 node cluster running for 14 hours Cost = 1.0 * 10 * 14 = $140
  • 36. Resize Nodes with Spot Instances Add 10 more nodes on Spot
  • 37. Resize Nodes with Spot Instances 20 node cluster running for 7 hours Cost = 1.0 * 10 * 7 = $70 = 0.5 * 10 * 7 = $35 Total $105
  • 38. Resize Nodes with Spot Instances 50 % less run-time ( 14  7) 25% less cost (140  105)
  • 41. Effectively utilize clusters 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
  • 42. Benefit 3: Logical separation of jobs Hive, Pig, Cascading Prod Presto Ad-Hoc Amazon S3
  • 43. Benefit 4 : Disaster recovery built-in Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Amazon S3 Availability Zone Availability Zone Hive Metastore in Amazon RDS
  • 44. S3 as a data-lake Nate Summons, Principle Architect - NASDAQ
  • 46. EMR logging to S3 makes logs easily available
  • 47.
  • 48. Spark moves at interactive speed join filter groupBy Stage 3 Stage 1 Stage 2 A: B: C: D: E: F: = cached partition= RDD map • Massively parallel • Uses DAGs instead of map- reduce for execution • Minimizes I/O by storing data in RDDs in memory • Partitioning-aware to avoid network-intensive shuffle
  • 49. Spark components to match your use case
  • 50. Spark speaks your language
  • 51. Use DataFrames to easily interact with data • Distributed collection of data organized in columns • An extension of the existing RDD API • Optimized for query execution
  • 52. Easily create DataFrames from many formats RDD Additional libraries for Spark SQL Data Sources at
  • 53. Load data with the Spark SQL Data Sources API Additional libraries at
  • 55. Use DataFrames for machine learning • Spark ML libraries (replacing MLlib) use DataFrames as input/output for models • Create ML pipelines with a variety of distributed algorithms
  • 56. Create DataFrames on streaming data • Access data in Spark Streaming DStream • Create SQLContext on the SparkContext used for Spark Streaming application for ad hoc queries • Incorporate DataFrame in Spark Streaming application • Checkpointing streaming jobs
  • 58. Use R to interact with DataFrames • SparkR package for using R to manipulate DataFrames • Create SparkR applications or interactively use the SparkR shell (no Zeppelin support yet - ZEPPELIN-156) • Comparable performance to Python and Scala DataFrames
  • 59.
  • 60. Amazon EMR runs Spark on YARN • Dynamically share and centrally configure the same pool of cluster resources across engines • Schedulers for categorizing, isolating, and prioritizing workloads • Choose the number of executors to use, or allow YARN to choose (dynamic allocation) • Kerberos authentication Storage S3, HDFS YARN Cluster Resource Management Batch MapReduce In Memory Spark Applications Pig, Hive, Cascading, Spark Streaming, Spark SQL
  • 61. Inside Spark Executor on YARN Max Container size on node Executor Memory Overhead - Off heap memory (VM overheads, interned strings etc.) 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑘. 𝑦𝑎𝑟𝑛. 𝑒𝑥𝑒𝑐𝑢𝑡𝑜𝑟. 𝑚𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑦𝑂𝑣𝑒𝑟ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑 = 𝑒𝑥𝑒𝑐𝑢𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑀𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑦 ∗ 0.10 Executor Container Memory Overhead Config File: spark-default.conf
  • 62. Inside Spark Executor on YARN Max Container size on node Spark executor memory - Amount of memory to use per executor process spark.executor.memory Executor Container Memory Overhead Spark Executor Memory Config File: spark-default.conf
  • 63. Inside Spark Executor on YARN Max Container size on node Shuffle Memory Fraction – pre-Spark 1.6 Executor Container Memory Overhead Spark Executor Memory Shuffle memoryFraction Default: 0.2
  • 64. Inside Spark Executor on YARN Max Container size on node Storage storage Fraction - pre-Spark 1.6 Executor Container Memory Overhead Spark Executor Memory Shuffle memoryFraction Storage memoryFraction Default: 0.6
  • 65. Inside Spark Executor on YARN Max Container size on node In Spark 1.6+, Spark automatically balances the amount of memory for execution and cached data. Executor Container Memory Overhead Spark Executor Memory Execution / Cache Default: 0.6
  • 66. Dynamic Allocation on YARN Scaling up on executors - Request when you want the job to complete faster - Idle resources on cluster - Exponential increase in executors over time New Default beginning EMR 4.4
  • 67. Dynamic allocation setup Optional Property Value Spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled true Spark.shuffle.service.enabled true spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors 5 spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors 17 spark.dynamicAllocation.initalExecutors 0 sparkdynamicAllocation.executorIdleTime 60s spark.dynamicAllocation.schedulerBacklogTimeout 5s spark.dynamicAllocation.sustainedSchedulerBacklog Timeout 5s
  • 68. Compress your input data set • Always compress Data Files on Amazon S3 • Reduces storage cost • Reduces bandwidth between Amazon S3 and Amazon EMR, which can speed up bandwidth constrained jobs
  • 69. Compressions Compression Types: – Some are fast BUT offer less space reduction – Some are space efficient BUT Slower – Some are splitable and some are not Algorithm % Space Remaining Encoding Speed Decoding Speed GZIP 13% 21MB/s 118MB/s LZO 20% 135MB/s 410MB/s Snappy 22% 172MB/s 409MB/s
  • 70. Data Serialization • Data is serialized when cached or shuffled Default: Java serializer • Kyro serialization (10x faster than Java serialization) • Does not support all Serializable types • Register the class in advance Usage: Set in SparkConf conf.set("spark.serializer”,"org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")
  • 72. Focus on deriving insights from your data instead of manually configuring clusters Easy to install and configure Spark Secured Spark submit, Oozie or use Zeppelin UI Quickly add and remove capacity Hourly, reserved, or EC2 Spot pricing Use S3 to decouple compute and storage
  • 73. Launch the latest Spark version Spark 1.6.1 is the current version on EMR. < 3 week cadence with latest open source release
  • 74. Create a fully configured cluster in minutes AWS Management Console AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) Or use a AWS SDK directly with the Amazon EMR API
  • 75. Or easily change your settings
  • 76. Many storage layers to choose from Amazon DynamoDB EMR-DyanmoDB connector Amazon RDS Amazon Kinesis Streaming data connectorsJDBC Data Source w/ Spark SQL ElasticSearch connector Amazon Redshift Spark-Redshift connector EMR File System (EMRFS) Amazon S3 Amazon EMR
  • 77. Decouple compute and storage by using S3 as your data layer HDFS S3 is designed for 11 9’s of durability and is massively scalable EC2 Instance Memory Amazon S3 Amazon EMR Amazon EMR Amazon EMR
  • 78. Easy to run your Spark workloads Amazon EMR Step API SSH to master node and use Spark Submit, Oozie or Zeppelin Submit a Spark application Amazon EMR
  • 80. Some of our customers running Spark on EMR
  • 81.
  • 82. Integration Pattern – ETL with Spark Amazon EMRAmazon S3 HDFSRead Unstructured Data Write Structured Extract Load from HDFS Store Output Data
  • 83. Integration Pattern – Tumbling Window Reporting Amazon EMR Amazon Kinesis Streaming Input HDFS Tumbling/Fixed Window Aggregation Periodic Output Amazon Redshift COPY from EMR Or checkpoint to S3 and use the Lambda loader app
  • 85. Encryption ComplianceSecurity Fundamentals • Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies, • Bucket policies • Access Control Lists (ACLs) • Query string authentication • SSL endpoints • Server Side Encryption (SSE-S3) • Server Side Encryption with KMS provided keys (coming soon) • Client-side Encryption • Buckets access logs • Lifecycle Management Policies • Access Control Lists (ACLs) • Versioning & MFA deletes
  • 86. Networking: VPC private subnets • Use Amazon S3 Endpoints for connectivity to S3 • Use Managed NAT for connectivity to other services or the Internet • Control the traffic using Security Groups • ElasticMapReduce-Master-Private • ElasticMapReduce-Slave-Private • ElasticMapReduce-ServiceAccess
  • 87. Access Control: IAM Users and Roles • IAM Policies for access to Amazon EMR service (IAM users or federated users) • AmazonElasticMapReduceFullAccess • AmazonElasticMapReduceReadOnlyAccess • IAM Policies for Amazon EMR cluster • Service role (AmazonElasticMapReduceRole) - Allowable actions for Amazon EMR service, like creating EC2 instances. • Instance profile (AmazonElasticMapReduceforEC2Role) - Applications that run on Amazon EMR, like access to Amazon S3 for EMRFS on your cluster.
  • 88. Data at Rest: S3 client-side encryption Amazon S3 AmazonS3encryptionclients EMRFSenabledfor AmazonS3client-sideencryption Key vendor (AWS KMS or your custom key vendor) (client-side encrypted objects)
  • 90. AOL’s Spot Use Case: restate 6 months of historical data Availability Zones 10 550 EMR Clusters 24,000 Spot EC2 Instances 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Timing Comparison In-House AWS
  • 92. FINRA saves money with comparable performance with Hive on Tez with S3
  • 93. Using EMR and cloud capacity for ETL
  • 94. Bridging on-prem and EMR for easy ETL
  • 95.
  • 96. Twitter (Answers) uses EMR as the batch layer in their Lambda architecture
  • 97. Using EMR for batch, streaming, and ad hoc SmartNews
  • 98. Nasdaq: data lake architecture diagram Optimizing data warehousing costs with S3 and EMR
  • 99. AWS Pop-up Loft London Thank You Abhishek Sinha | | @abysinha