structured creativity entrepreneurship management business canvas business canvas model execution ideation exec mba entrepreneur strategy new company start up management leadership hr post money pre money valuation present value pre money dcf method post money valuation valuation future value dilution session 6 tags on setting up different types of en private limited company company formation company set up non-profit organization llp public limited company partnership the elevator pitch the pitch elevator pitch pitching pitch contemporary marketing seo new age marketing online marketing social media marketing online advertising emailers digital marketing session 3 tags entrepreneur startup company startup accelerators early stage funds vcs venture capital angel funds angels incubators seed funds value idea social entrepreneurship intrapreneurship entrepreneurship recruitment start up hiring retention for start ups start up recruitment advertising and promotion case analyse case study case study marketing strategy case vision strategic management strategic hrm cmrit value proposition tactics cmr prahlad hamel seth kenichi porter anilesh change management organizational change change managing change adkar managing expectations global inhouse centers offshoring third party vendors offshore india captives gic retention policies people strategies recruitment and staffing hrm
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