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Hello.	It’s	great	to	be	able	to	make	this	presenta5on	via	webinar	for	all	those	who	
were	not	able	to	a9end	the	recent	Triangle	Marke5ng	Club	meetup	where	I	made	the	
same	presenta5on.	
My	name	is	Douglas	Burde9	and	I’m	the	founder	and	principal	of	a	marke5ng	agency	in	Norfolk,	
Virginia	called	Ar5llery.	
A	bit	about	my	background:	I	went	to	VMI.	I	then	served	as	U.S.	Army	field	ar5llery	officer	overseas	for	
three	years,	came	back	and	got	an	MBA	and	then	went	to	work	in	adver5sing	on	New	York	City’s	
Madison	Avenue	at	some	of	the	biggest	ad	agencies	in	the	world.	
My	firm	started	out	as	a	tradi5onal	adver5sing	agency	but	a	few	years	ago	when	I	started	to	no5ce	the	
rapidly	declining	power	and	effec5veness	of	paid	adver5sing,	I	pivoted	the	firm	away	from	that	and	
toward	inbound	and	content	marke5ng	to	help	clients	generate	leads	for	their	sales	forces.	
And	I	men5on	that	because	I	had	to	learn	new	things	and	update	my	skills	in	order	to	survive.	There	is	
a	lesson	there	for	all	marketers	(and	salespeople).	Charles	Darwin	said	it’s	not	the	strongest	who	
survive	-	it’s	the	most	adaptable.	
I’m	also	the	host	of	The	Marke5ng	Book	Podcast	where	each	week	I	publish	an	interview	with	the	
author	of	a	new	marke5ng	or	sales	book.		
The	podcast	has	published	over	125	interviews	and	it	has	been	named	by	LinkedIn	as	“One	of	10	
Podcasts	That	Will	Make	You	A	Be9er	Marketer”	
So	I’ve	read	lots	and	lots	of	sales	and	marke5ng	books,	which	I	enjoy	doing,	and	today	I’d	like	to	share	
with	you	a	few	key	insights	to	help	everyone	be9er	understand	what’s	going	on	in	sales	and	marke5ng	
so	that	you	and	your	organiza5on	can	be	more	successful.	
Not	too	long	ago	there	was	a	study	by	the	Fournaise	Group	about	percep5ons	of	
marketers	by	CEOs.	
Who	can	guess	what	percent	of	CEOs	trust	marketers.	(20%)	
And	why	do	you	think	they	don’t	trust	marketers?		
Because	CEOs	believe	marketers	are	too	disconnected	from	the	financial	reali5es	of	
In	“The	12	Powers	of	a	Marke5ng	Leader”	the	authors	fielded	one	of	the	largest	
studies	of	marketers	and	the	people	who	work	with	them	and	revealed	some	juicy	
insights	like	this...		
Early	in	our	study,	we	spoke	with	Interna5onal	CMOS	about	their	work,	asking	“what	
do	you	do?”	It	was	interes5ng	how	different	people	answered.	Some	said	things	like,	
“I	manage	the	brand”	or	“I	run	our	marke5ng.”	
Words	like	these	don't	go	down	well	with	company	leaders.	In	the	words	of	marke5ng	
professor	and	columnist	Mark	Ritson,	“Too	many	marketers	go	into	a	room	full	of	
execu5ves	from	their	company	and	warble	on	about	the	need	to	build	brand	
awareness	and	brand	equity.	No	one	gives	a	f***,	except	you	–	and	presumably	you	
are	already	on	board.	Good	marketers	work	out	how	to	link	what	they	do	with	what	
other	stakeholders	within	the	organiza5on	want	–	employee	reten5on,	improved	
profits,	clearer	leadership.”	
OK,	so	what	percent	of	marketers	do	CEOs	trust?	(20%)	
And	what	percent	of	marketers	do	CEOs	NOT	trust?	(80%)	
Tonight	I’m	going	to	talk	to	you	about	how	to	get	into	that	20%	of	marketers	who		
What	kind	of	things	go	in	a	marke5ng	plan?		
According	to	Malcolm	McDonald	in	his	recently	published	2nd	edi5on	of	“Malcolm	
McDonald	on	Marke5ng	Planning,”	(his	46th	book)	there	are	only	two	ques5ons	that	
need	to	be	answered	in	a	marke5ng	plan.		
And	if	you	as	a	marketer	start	with	the	answers	to	these	two	ques5ons	in	a	marke5ng	
plan,	you	will	find	yourself	in	that	20%	of	marketers	trusted	by	your	CEO,	
management	and	colleagues.	
Here	are	the	two	ques5ons	that	your	marke5ng	plan	should	answer.	
2	ques5ons	from	Malcolm	McDonald:	
What	are	your	key	target	markets	in	order	of	priority?	
In	your	key	target	markets,	what	is	your	company’s	sources	of	differen5al	advantage?	
With	a	nod	to	marketers’	obsession	with	all	things	digital	and	the	word	“digital,”	
Malcolm	McDonald	explains	that,		
Almost	every	course/seminar/workshop	today	has	the	word	‘digital’	in	its	5tle.	The	
problem,	however,	is	that	unless	a	company	has	a	robust	strategy	for	what	it	sells	and	
to	whom,	it	is	impossible	to	have	a	digital	strategy.	...	without	proper,	needs-based	
segmenta5on	...,	any	digital	strategy	will	be	ineffec5ve.	There	is	a	well-known	cartoon	
showing	the	Chief	Marke5ng	Officer	addressing	the	board	and	in	answer	to	the	
ques5on	about	why	net	profits	are	down	by	30%,	says:	“Yes,	that	is	a	pity,	but	the	
good	news	is	that	our	likes	or	Facebook	have	doubled!”	
“Without	a	winning	strategy	for	products	and	markets,	it	is	impossible	to	have	an	
effec5ve	digital	strategy.”		
What	is	the	most	powerful	marke5ng	available?		
And	how	do	you	get	good	word	of	mouth?		
Go	in	the	chat	pane	and	tell	me	if	you’ve	ever	had	a	really	bad	customer	experience.	
(Airlines	and	cable	companies	don’t	count).	
Who	here	has	ever	taken	to	social	media	or	posted	an	online	review	about	that	bad	
experience?	You’re	not	alone.	
You’re	not	alone.	As	Daniel	Lemin	says	in	his	book	“Manipurated”	
“Before	the	rise	of	online	ra5ngs	and	reviews	(ah,	the	good	old	days),	customer	
feedback	–	good	and	bad	–	was	a	mostly	one-on-one	affair.	Customers	communicated	
complaints	or	praise	to	you	directly,	giving	you	the	chance	to	respond	appropriately.	
With	the	rise	of	online	ra5ngs	and	reviews,	businesses	now	face	a	plaborm	that	
allows	virtually	anyone	to	say	anything	about	your	business	to	everyone	on	the	
internet,	regardless	of	truth	or	fairness.”		
This	has	lead	to	a	heightened	interest	in	engineering	a	be9er	customer	experience.	I	
have	interviewed	several	authors	of	books	about	how	to	engineer	a	more	profitable	
customer	experience.	
So	why	do	companies	really	want	to	engineer	a	be9er	customer	experience?	Is	it	
because	they	don’t	like	being	yelled	at?	Why?		
Does	the	name	Willy	Su9on	ring	a	bell?	Does	anyone	know	who	Will	Su9on	was?	(a	
bank	robber).	A	reporter	once	asked	him	why	he	robbed	banks,	and	who	knows	what	
his		answer	was?	(It’s	where	the	money	is).	
The	reason	for	this	interest	in	customer	experience	is	that’s	where	the	money	is.		
In	Nicholas	Webb’s	book	“What	Customers	Crave”	he	explains	that…	
70%	of	Americans	are	willing	to	spend	more	with	companies	they	believe	provide	an	
excellent	customer	experience.	
Plus,	keeping	your	customers	is	where	the	really	big	money	is:	
The	probability	of	selling	to	a	new	prospect	is	less	than	20%,	while	the	probability	of	
selling	to	an	exis5ng	customer	is	60	to	70	percent.	
On	average,	loyal	customers	are	worth	up	to	10	5mes	as	much	as	their	first	purchase.		
The	experience	you	give	your	customers	is	your	most	powerful	marke5ng.	
In	the	business-to-business	marke5ng	and	sales	world,	that	is	probably	the	most	
talked	about	percentage.	Who	can	tell	me	what	that	57%	is	referring	to.	(It’s	how	far	
B2B	buyers	are	in	their	buyers	journey	before	first	contac5ng	a	seller.)	
Previously	when	a	buyer	was	doing	their	research	they	had	to	go	to	the	seller	fairly	
early	in	their	buying	journey	in	order	to	get	informa5on.	At	that	point	the	seller	could	
guide	(or	strong	arm)	the	buyer	along	their	journey	in	return	for	informa5on.	Think	
about	the	old	days	of	buying	a	car.	
Buyers	always	hated	having	a	pound	of	flesh	extracted	by	the	seller	in	return	for	
informa5on.	Now	buyers	can	do	a	lot	of	their	research	online	before	they	finally	have	
to	talk	to	the	seller.	
I	men5oned	57%	-	that	is	based	on	CEB’s	study.	Forrester	and	others	have	es5mated	
that	the	percent	may	be	as	high	as	90%.	(It	varies	by	industry	of	course).	
So	buyers	don’t	want	to	talk	to	your	salespeople	and	you	omen	don’t	know	they	are	
researching	un5l	they	pounce	out	of	the	darkness	like	a	ninja,	fully-informed	and	
ready	to	kill	you	on	price.	What	can	you	do?	
Get	on	the	lem	side	of	that	57%.	Get	found	online	by	publishing	helpful	insights	to	aid	
in	your	buyer’s	research.	You	fish	where	the	fish	are.		
That’s	what	a	lot	of	the	content	that	I’m	going	to	speak	about	in	a	few	minutes	is	all	
Let’s	talk	about	the	great	divide.	In	many	companies	the	rela5onship	between	sales	
and	marke5ng	are	like	warring	or	former	spouses.		
Many	sales	people	perceive	marketers	as	arts	and	crams	party	planners	who	work	in	
the	“make	it	pre9y	department.”	
Marke5ng	may	perceive	sales	as	a	bunch	of	lazy,	undisciplined,	short-sighted	
cowboys	who	shoot	from	the	hip	and	don’t	use	any	of	the	content	that	marke5ng	has	
produced	for	them	and	don’t	follow	up	on	the	leads	marke5ng	has	helped	generate.	
BUT	because	the	buyer	prefers	to	consume	more	of	your	company’s	content	in	the	
course	of	a	purchase	before	talking	to	sales,	that	is	why	marke5ng	is	playing	a	bigger	
role	in	the	sales	process.	
It’s	as	if	there’s	a	gravita5onal	force	that	is	pulling	sales	and	marke5ng	together	to	
work	more	closely	as	a	result	of	the	changing	way	your	customers	buy	now.	
There	are	no	downsides	of	marke5ng	and	sales	working	more	closely	together.	
Here’s	why.	According	to	research	from	analyst	firm	SiriusDecision,	companies	with	
sales	and	marke5ng	aligned	achieved	19%	faster	growth,	and	15%	higher	profits.	
The	key	to	sales	and	marke5ng	alignment?	Put	marke5ng	and	sales	under	one	
department	and	call	it	“Team	Revenue.”		
In	“Aligned	to	Achieve:	How	To	Unite	Your	Sales	and	Marke5ng	Teams	into	a	Single	
Force	for	Growth,”	the	authors	Tracy	Eiler	and	Andrea	Aus5n	explain	
“sales	can't	do	it	alone	and	marke5ng	exists	to	make	it	easier.”	
So	all	you	need	to	do	is	publish	remarkable,	helpful,	educa5onal	content	on	your	
website,	right?	WRONG!		
Aaron	Ross	is	the	co-author	of	the	sales	bible	of	Silicon	Valley,	“Predictable	Revenue.”	
In	his	second	book,	“From	Impossible	to	Inevitable”	he	explains	that	there	are	three	
types	of	leads	that	your	company	should	be	pursuing.		
Seed,	nets	and	spears.	
“Seeds”	are	many-to-	many	leads,	created	from	word-of-	mouth,	networks	and	
rela5onships.	Usually	grown	through	crea5ng	happy	customers	who	refer	others,	and	
who	remain	as	customers	for	years.	
“Nets”	are	one-to-	many	marke5ng	campaigns,	including	the	now-popular	
approaches	of	content	and	inbound	marke5ng.	
“Spears”	are	targeted	outbound	prospec5ng	or	business	development	campaigns.	
Usually	a	human	is	involved,	working	through	a	targeted	list,	calling,	emailing	or	using	
any	other	technique	that	helps	them	make	contact	and	get	appointments.	
So	if	you	are	working	for	a	company	that	is	not	pursuing	all	three	types	of	leads	
(seeds,	nets	and	spears),	you	need	to	step	up	and	start	advoca5ng	for	that.		
Raise	your	hand	if	you’ve	ever	caught	a	mouse.	How	did	you	catch	it?		
Did	you	put	anything	on	the	trap	to	a9ract	the	mouse?	
Are	mice	a9racted	to	mousetraps?	
For	a	long,	long	5me	businesses	could	interrupt	their	way	into	the	a9en5on	of	their	
prospec5ve	customers.	More	or	less	there	was	a	somewhat	cap5ve	audience	and	if	
you	wanted	to	reach	them	you	simply	had	to	go	through	a	gatekeeper	and		
buy	your	way	into	reaching	their	audience	(adver5sing),	
beg	your	way	into	geqng	the	media	to	talk	about	your	company	(PR),	
or	simply	bug	your	way	in	(direct	sales).	
Now	you	can	s5ll	do	these	things	but	they	are	drama5cally	less	effec5ve	at	reaching	
people	because	of	marke5ng	interrup5on	avoidance	technology.		
Who	can	give	me	an	example	of	marke5ng	interrup5on	avoidance	technology?	
(answers	-	caller	id,	DVRs,	pop	up	blockers,	satellite	radio,	etc).	
Raise	your	hand	if	you’ve	ever	seen	the	movie	“Monty	Python	and	The	Holy	Grail.”		
Do	you	remember	the	scene	where	King	Arthur	and	his	Knights	go	up	to	a	castle	and	
want	to	get	in	but	are	spurned	by	the	French	soldier	on	the	parapet?	The	soldier	
played	by	John	Cleese	Insults	them	and	said	things	like	“your	mother	was	a	hamster	
and	your	father	smelled	of	elderberries.“	
That	is	the	metaphor	for	trying	to	reach	your	customers	in	this	modern	era.		
They	are	not	going	to	lower	the	drawbridge	and	let	you	in	the	castle	unless	you	can	
offer	them	something	helpful,	entertaining	or	educa5onal.	
And	that's	where	content	marke5ng	comes	in.		
In	Joe	Puliizzi’s	book	Epic	Content	Marke5ng	he	defines	content	marke5ng	this	way…	
Content	marke5ng	is	a	strategic	marke5ng	approach	focused	on	crea5ng	and	
distribu5ng	valuable,	relevant,	and	consistent	content	to	acract	and	retain	a	clearly-
defined	audience	—	and,	ul5mately,	to	drive	profitable	customer	ac5on.	
But	there’s	a	growing	challenge	with	content	marke5ng.	Who	can	tell	me	what	that	
big	challenge	is	for	content	marke5ng?	
Content	shock.	
According	to	Eric	Schmidt,	the	Execu5ve	Chairman	of	Alphabet	(the	parent	company	
of	Google),	we	create	as	much	informa5on	in	two	days	now	as	we	did	from	the	dawn	
of	man	through	2003.	
Mark	Schaefer	has	dubbed	this	phenomenon	“Content	Shock.”	And	in	his	book	“The	
Content	Code”	he	explains	that	the	build-it-and-they-will-come	approach	no	longer	
applies	and	that	to	get	past	the	glut	of	content	out	there	you	must	now	take	
addi5onal	steps	to	get	your	content	to	break	through,	connect	with	the	right	people	
and	have	them	take	ac5on.	
Some	of	the	added	complexity	to	addressing	content	shock	include	using	paid	media	
to	promote	your	content,	influencer	outreach,	and	mobilizing	your	audience	to	share	
your	content.		
The	produc5on	of	your	content	is	really	just	the	star5ng	line	now.	
In	modern	marke5ng	it's	omen	said	that	all	companies	are	now	media	companies	and	
that	to	be	successful	in	content	marke5ng	you	need	to	“think	like	a	publisher.”		
One	of	the	most	helpful	paradigms	for	content	marke5ng	is	to	think	first	and	always	
about	building	and	keeping	an	audience	before	trying	to	sell	to	them.	
Another	marke5ng	paradigm	that	the	New	York	Times	has	dubbed	“a	revolu5onary	
marke5ng	approach”	is	to	answer	your	customer's	ques5ons.		
In	Marcus	Sheridan’s	book	“They	Ask	You	Answer”	he	explains	how	his	Virginia	pool	
company	was	saved	from	bankruptcy	following	the	2008	real	estate	crash	by	simply	
publishing	the	answer	to	every	ques5on	he’d	ever	go9en	from	a	customer.	Even	
ques5ons	about	price,	and	the	pros	and	cons	of	his	product.		
Doing	so	enabled	his	company’s	website	to	become	the	highest	trafficked	pool	site	in	
the	world.		
But	more	importantly,	his	customers’	fear	of	buying	from	his	company	plummeted	
while	their	trust	soared.	
So	what	is	the	holy	grail	for	crea5ng	content	that	will	help	your	company	get	found	
online,	and	build	traffic,	trust,	leads	and	sales?		
It’s	a	focus	on	your	buyer	persona.	In	Adele	Revella’s	book	Buyer	Personas,	she	
“In	the	simplest	terms,	buyer	personas	are	examples	or	archetypes	of	real	buyers	that	
allow	marketers	to	crae	strategies	to	promote	products	and	services	to	the	people	
who	might	buy	them.”		
As	I	men5oned	earlier,	understanding	and	focusing	your	business	on	the	latent	
anxie5es	and	desires	of	your	customers	is	remarkably	difficult	for	most	companies.		
But	those	companies	with	deep	understanding	of	their	customers	are	able	to	not	only	
produce	content	that	connects,	persuades	and	sells,	it	also	provides	compe55ve	
insights	that	are	the	quickest	route	to	faster	and	more	profitable	growth.	
In	a	study	by	Adobe,	a	remarkable	76%	percent	of	marketers	thought	marke5ng	has	
changed	more	in	the	previous	two	years	than	the	past	50.	
So	while	marke5ng	has	changed	a	lot	recently,	it	has	also	become	much	more	
That’s	why	in	that	same	study,	68%	of	marke5ng	professionals	feel	more	pressured	
to	show	return	on	investment	on	marke5ng	spend.	
So	what	are	some	things	to	be	measuring?	
As	a	first	step	toward	connec5ng	marke5ng	ac5vity	with	revenue,	the	authors	of	
“Aligned	to	Achieve”	recommend	focusing	on	pipeline.		
Pipeline	refers	to	the	opportuni5es	the	sales	team	believes	could	convert	into	
revenue.	This	is	different	from	leads,	people	who	have	expressed	very	early	interest,	
because	pipeline	holds	actual	opportuni5es	that	are	qualified	through	both	the	
marke5ng	and	sales	process.	
As	it	relates	to	all	that	content	marke5ng	and	its	connec5on	to	pipeline	and	
revenues,	I	recommend	reading	Michael	Brenner’s	book	“The	Content	Formula:	
Calculate	the	ROI	of	Content	Marke5ng	&	Never	Waste	Money	Again.”	In	the	book	he	
walks	you	through	all	the	easy	math	of	measuring	the	effec5veness	of	your	content	
In	a	similar	vein,	in	Paul	Roetzers	book	“The	Marke5ng	Performance	Blueprint”	he	
offers	this	advice	regarding	marke5ng:		
If	you	can't	measure	it,	don't	do	it.		
And	with	a	nod	to	an	example	of	meaningless	metrics,	he	reminds	us		
“Social	media	reach	is	a	decep5ve	metric	that	can	give	a	false	sense	of	progress.”	
Peter	Drucker	famously	said	“What	gets	measured	gets	improved.”	So	I	urge	you	to	
measure	more...but	think	about	what	you’re	measuring	because	as	Albert	Einstein	
"Not	everything	that	counts	can	be	counted,	and	not	everything	that	can	be	counted	
counts."	-Albert	Einstein	
So	back	to	the	first	book	I	talked	about	“The	12	Powers	of	a	Marke5ng	Leader.”	I	
talked	earlier	about	the	disconnect	many	marketers	have	with	their	companies.	But	
here	is	what	the	successful	marketers	are	doing...	
“Our	interviews	with	the	most	successful	marketers	have	one	thing	in	common:	a	top	
management	viewpoint.	Rather	than	talking	about	marke5ng,	they	spoke	of	the	
business	as	a	whole.	They	didn't	talk	a	lot	about	adver5sing,	branding,	or	customer	
insights.	They	spoke	about	revenue,	costs,	and	profit	–	and	how	they	could	serve	the	
customer	becer.	The	real	marke5ng	leaders	were	concerned	with	one	thing:	how	
marke5ng	helps	the	company	achieve	its	biggest	priori5es.”	
Addi5onally,	that	same	book	talks,	as	do	so	many	about	the	skills	gaps	when	the	
authors	said…	21st	century	marke/ng	is	suffering	from	a	skills	crisis.		
It’s	for	this	reason	that	the	marke5ng	salaries	of	marketers	who	know	what	the	hell	
they’re	doing	are	predicted	to	double	in	the	next	five	years.	
And	there’s	another	silver	lining	for	marketers:	the	role	of	marketer	is	becoming	a	
training	ground	for	CEOs.	With	successful	marketers	having	the	deepest	insights	into	
the	customers,	the	compe55on	and	revenues,	a	growing	number	of	CEOs	are	coming	
from	the	ranks	of	CMOs,	and	according	to	Gartner,	that	trend	will	con5nue.	

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