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Artur Ferreira da Silva
2014, December 01
A dialogic presentation with no PPT’s
Additional materials:
• PPT presentation (to see after the session –
some slides are in Portuguese – sorry…)
• Takeuchi et al, “The Contraditions that drive
Toyota sucess”
 PowerPoint Is Evil
Power Corrupts. PowerPoint Corrupts Absolutely.
By Edward Tufte
What is Learning
 What does “Learning” means?
 “Impart of Knowledge” or Knowledge Prodution/
Creation/ Recreation?
 Learning by Socialization
 Lige Long Learning
 Root Learning VS Profound Learning
 Piaget, Khun, Argyris e Schön
 To Learn and to Unlearn
 Learn and Change
 Individual, Team, Community and Organizational
«(…) Really, what we need is “meta-innovation” –
innovation about ways to innovate. (…) We need
innovation not just in the technology but innovation
in (…) the institutions that manage the
collaboration and that manage a global
community working on problems. The question
is: Is there a way that we can create an institution or
a set of institutions where the right answers
emerge consistently from collaborative efforts?
Erik Brynfolson, “Beyond Enterprise 2.0”
«(…) I’m not saying that the complete level
playing field that the Internet makes possible
is a great ideia in all cases. But the business
opportunity it presents is to create the
architecture of participation – the ground
rules of the game – so that the good
material emerges. (…)».
Andrew McAfee, “Beyond Enterprise 2.0”
 von Hippel, E.,2001
 Abstract: If the open-source software movement is any
harbinger of future trends, manufacturing companies
need to be concerned not only about what they
produce, but also about what their customers might
produce without them. This paper identifies the conditions
that favor user innovation and explores how circumstances
evolve - sometimes to include commercial manufacturers
and sometimes not. Aided by the internet to support
collaboration and distribution, the power and pervasiveness
of such communities could be enormously amplified.
(Paradigm Shift or Metanoia:
Change the way we think
about Innovation)
(Cultivate a Context
that Enables
Source: Adapted to Innovation by AFS, from Van Krogh et al. (2000). AFS - IST SIDS 2014
(Cultivate a Context
that Enables
Enable Innovation
Instill a
Create the
Source: Adapted to Innovation by AFS, from Van Krogh et al. (2000).
(Cultivate a Context
that Enables
Enable Innovation
Instill a
Create the
Source: Adapted to Innovation by AFS, from Van Krogh et al. (2000).
Understand how to Enable Innovation:
Patterns for Organizational Resilience,
Learning and Change – Some Exemplars
1) Combine incremental/planned change & learning with
transformational/emergent change, learning & innovation;
2) Use Open Space Technology - that facilitates both
(Paradigm Shift or
Argyris e Schön
 Single Loop Learning Vs Double Loop Learning
action consequences
Double-loop learning
Single-loop learning
 “Reflexion in Action” and “Reflection on Action”
 A reflexão sobre a prática (individual, de grupo ou
organizacional) é a principal forma de aprendizagem,
especialmente no caso de competências e conhecimentos
 Aprendizagem na prática por contraposição à
aprendizagem académica: das corporações medievais a
certas profissões e associações profissionais actuais
(aprendizagem em “comunidades de prática”)
 O caso dos Portfolios Pessoais
 Investigação reflexiva (na prática e/ou na academia)
 Crítica da “racionalidade técnica do positivismo”
 Como analisar as “messies” e o “caso único” (do “problem
solving” ao “problem framing”)?
segundo Nonaka e Takeuchi
 Enfâse na Criação de Conhecimento
 Processos de Conversão entre Conhecimento
Tácito e Explícito (Modelo SECI)
 Socialização (T → T)
 Externalização ( T → E)
 Combinação (E → E)
 Internalização (E → T)
 Espiral de Conhecimento
 O Conceito de Ba
Arie de Geus, “Planning as Learning”, HBR,1988; “The
Living Company”, 1997
 Empresas de Grande Longevidade (200-700 anos)
versus a maioria (30-40 anos para as empresas
 As primeiras são capazes de se adaptar e sobreviver -
portanto são capazes de aprender
 As empresas são organismos vivos que competem num
ecossistema e que estão sujeitas a uma forma de
‘selecção natural’
 Características das empresas aprendentes:
 “Sensitive to their environment” (open, learning)
 “Cohesive, with a strong sense of identity” (had a
 “Tolerant” (also used, “decentralised”)
 “Conservative in Finances”
 Peter Senge, Prefácio a “The Living Company”
 Peter Senge,“The Fifth Discipline”, 1990
 5 disciplinas para uma Organização se transformar
numa LO
 Systems Thinking
 Mental Models
 Personal Mastery
 Shared Vision
 Team Building
 E isto resulta? Não! É necessário um modelo
emergente de transformação (Senge, “The Dance
of Change”, 1999)
 SOL – Society for Organizational Learning
 Como promover mudanças / aprendizagens
profundas a nível pessoal, organizacional e
Mais especificamente:
 Como criar de raiz uma
organização/empresa que seja “aprendente”?
 Como transformar (se for possível) uma
organização “tradicional” numa
 O ensino e prática das 5 disciplinas de Senge não conduz a
Organizações Aprendentes.
 As técnicas de Argyris para transformar o Modelo I em
Modelo II são muito lentas e dão resultados controversos.
 A imersão numa comunidade em “estado nascente”
(Alberoni) parece ser uma condição facilitadora de metanóia.
 Necessita-se de uma reflexão sobre como efectuar
“mudanças profundas” (metanóia) quer a nível pessoal, quer
 O Espaço Aberto (OST) de Harrison Owen parece criar
condições similares ao estado nascente, facilitando pois a
metanóia organizacional.
 O Presencing e a Teoria U (Sharmer) também parecem ser
Como promover a Metanoia
 Uma organização baseada em valores
 Action Research e Prática Reflexiva ao nível
 A Metodologia OST – Open Space
 Instituto OST de Portugal – http://www.instituto-
 Presencing (Otto Scharmer)
 Dialog on Leadership
 Bill O’Brian: «The sucess of the intervention
depends on the interior conditions of the intervener»
(Scharmer, 2000).
 «Presencing: the process of coming-into-being of
emerging futures» (Scharmer, 2000).
 «The experience of presencing is twofold: co-
creating and giving birth to a new reality and, at
the same time, being transformed and born into a
new world by the very same process» (Scharmer,
 Triple Loop Learning (Pechl)?
The U-Theory
From Past Experiences From the Emerging Future
Observe Seeing
Reflect Act Sensing Enacting
Plan Presencing
Para uma Arquitectura de
Aprendizagem - Padrões
 Fontes: Chris Alexander, “The Timeless Way of
Building”,“A Pattern Language – Towns,
 Não se trata apenas, nem principalmente, de padrões
de desenho e construção, pois parte de padrões
urbanísticos gerais – regiões, cidades, conjuntos de
edifícios, etc.
 No caso dos padrões mais gerais (região, cidade) não
se trata de definir um desenho para construção mas
de “desenhar para a emergência” (note-se a analogia
do desenho de cadeiras com os Portfolios ou GCAO)
 Pode elaborar-se uma “engenharia da emergência”?
Ambiente Externo
Fig X – A Organização e o seu Ambiente Externo
Para uma Arquitectura de Aprendizagem –
Fig X+1 – A Organização e o seu Ambiente Externo -
alguns subsistemas significativos do ambiente
I – Informação
Arquitectura, Desenho
e Construção de SI/TI
Arquitectura dos SIO
Independência dos dados
Metodologia de Concepção
e Desenvolvimento (Met.
Ágeis, mas…)
Sistema de suporte
às Operações e à
Sistema de suporte à GC,
Colaboração, Aprendizagem
e Inovação
Princípios gerais da Metanoia (Alberoni)
Metanoia nas pessoas
Diades, Grupos e Comunidades
Metanoia Organizacional
Being e não Doing
Fig X+2 – Modelo Geral de Padrões para uma Organização Aprendente AFS - IST SIDS 2014
 Alberoni, F., 1990, Génese, Bertrand Editora, Lda.
 Alexander, C., 1979, The Timeless Way of Building, Oxford University Press
 Alexander, C., E OUTROS, 1977, A Pattern Language – Towns, Buildings, Construction, Oxford
University Press
 Argyris, C. and Schön, D., 1974, Theory in Practice – Increasing Professional Effectiveness, San
Francisco, Jossey-Bassey Publishers.
 Argyris, C. and Schön, D., 1996, Organizational Learning II – Theory, Method and Practice,
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
 Arthur, W.B., 1991, “What Counts is Where You’re Coming From In Your Inner Self”, conversation
with J. Jaworsky, G. Jusela and C.O. Scharmer. Available:
 Brynjolfsson, E. and Mc.Afee, A., 2007, “Beyond Enterprise 2.0”, Special Report: The Future of
the Web, Sloan Management Review, Spring, pp.50-55.
 COL, 2006, Change and Organizational Learning. Available: (8/5/2007).
 Dialog on Leadership, 2001. Available: (8/5/2007).
 de Geus, A., 1988, “Planning as Learning”, Harvard Business Review, March-April, pp.70-74.
 de Geus, A., 1997, The Living Company – Growth, Learning and Longevity in Business, Harvard
Business School Press.
 Kaufman, F. e Senge, P., 1993, Communities of Commitment: the Heart of the Learning
Organization, Organizational Dynamics, Autumn
 Kuhn, T., 1962, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 3rd ed. (1996), The University of Chicago
Press, USA.
 Lao Tse, 1989, Tao te King, 4ª ed., Editorial Estampa.
 Instituto OST, 2009, (12/12/2010)
 Nonaka, I. and Takeuchi, N., 1995, The Knowledge-Creating Company – How Japanese
Companies Create the Dynamics of Innovation, Oxford University Press, USA.
 Owen, H., 1990, “Learning as Transformation – The evolution of Consciousness”. Available: (8/5/2007).
 Owen, H., 1997, Open Space Technology – A User’s Guide, 2nd ed., Berrett-Koehler Publishers,
 OST World Wide Community NING, 2009, (12/12/2010)
 Pechl, M.F., 2007, Triple-loop Learning as Fundation for Profound Change, Individuaql Cultivation
and radical innovation, in Constructivist Foundactions, 2, 2-3
 Piaget, J., 1977, O Desenvolvimento do Pensamento – Equilibração das Estruturas Cognitivas,
Lisboa, D. Quixote.
 Scharmer, O., 2000, “Presencing: Learning from the Future as It Emerges. On the Tacit Dimension
of Leading Revolutionary change”, Conference on Knowledge and Innovation, May 25-26,
Helsinki School of Economics, Finland. Available: (8/5/2007).
 Scharmer, O., 2005, “A New Social Technology for Transforming Capitalism and Deepening
Democracy” Voices from the Edge”, presentation recorded live at Foxhollow Forum , MA (2005).
Available: (8/5/2007).
 Scharmer, O., 2006, “Theory U: Leading from the Future as It Emerges. Fieldnotes: an online
Newsletter of the Shambhala Institute for Authentic Leadership”, Setp.-Oct. Available: (8/5/2007).
 Schön, D., 1983, The Reflective Practitioner – How Professionals Think in Action, Basic Books.
 Senge, P., 1990, The Fifth Discipline, Doubleday.
 Senge, P., 1999, The Dance of Change – The Challenge of Sustaining Momentum in Learning
Organizations, Nicholas Bradley.
 Senge, P., Scharmer, C.O, Jaworski, J. and Flowers, B.S., 2005, Presence – Exploring Profound
Change in People, Organizations and Society, Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
 Smith, M. K., 2001 “Chris Argyris: theories of action, double-loop learning and organizational
learning”, the encyclopedia of informal education. Available:
 Trung Le, 2010, A 21st Century School on the Cutting Edge of Learning,
learning?partner=homepage_newsletter (12/12/ 2010)
 Van Krogh, G, Ichijo, K. and Nonaka, I., 2000, Enabling Knowledge Creation – How to Unlock the
Mystery of Tacit Knowledge and Release the Power of Innovation, Oxford University Press.
 von Hippel, E. (1976). The dominant role of users in the scientific instrument innovation process.
Research Policy, 5(3), 212-239 . (
 von Hippel, E., 2001, Innovation by User Communities: Learning from Open-Source Software. MIT
Sloan Management Review, 42(4), 82 (
 von Hippel, E., 2005, Democratizing Innovation, MIT Press (also Creative Commons License:
 Watzlawick, P., Weakland, J. and Fisch, R., 1974, Change – Principles of Problem Formation and
Problem Transformation, New York, Norton Inc, tradução em castelhano (1985) Cambio, Barcelona,
Ed. Harder.
 Wenger, E., 1998, Communities of Practice – Learning, Meaning and Identity, Cambridge University
 Wenger, E., McDermott, R. and Snyder, W., 2002, Cultiving Communities of Practice, Harvard
Business School Press.
 Wilson, T.,2002A,The Nonsense of Knowledge Management,
 Wilson, T., 2002B,The Nonsense of Knowledge Management (presentation)

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Innovation and organizacional learning sids 2014_v2-2015

  • 1. INNOVATION AND ORGANIZACIONAL LEARNING Artur Ferreira da Silva SIDS/IST 2014, December 01
  • 2. INNOVATION AND ORGANIZACIONAL LEARNING Content: A dialogic presentation with no PPT’s Additional materials: • PPT presentation (to see after the session – some slides are in Portuguese – sorry…) • Takeuchi et al, “The Contraditions that drive Toyota sucess”
  • 3. INNOVATION AND ORGANIZACIONAL LEARNING Note:  PowerPoint Is Evil Power Corrupts. PowerPoint Corrupts Absolutely. By Edward Tufte
  • 4. What is Learning  What does “Learning” means?  “Impart of Knowledge” or Knowledge Prodution/ Creation/ Recreation?  Learning by Socialization  Lige Long Learning  Root Learning VS Profound Learning  Piaget, Khun, Argyris e Schön  To Learn and to Unlearn  Learn and Change  Individual, Team, Community and Organizational Learning AFS - IST SIDS 2014
  • 5. INNOVATION & META-INNOVATION «(…) Really, what we need is “meta-innovation” – innovation about ways to innovate. (…) We need innovation not just in the technology but innovation in (…) the institutions that manage the collaboration and that manage a global community working on problems. The question is: Is there a way that we can create an institution or a set of institutions where the right answers emerge consistently from collaborative efforts? (…)». Erik Brynfolson, “Beyond Enterprise 2.0” AFS - IST SIDS 2014
  • 6. INNOVATION & META-INNOVATION «(…) I’m not saying that the complete level playing field that the Internet makes possible is a great ideia in all cases. But the business opportunity it presents is to create the architecture of participation – the ground rules of the game – so that the good material emerges. (…)». Andrew McAfee, “Beyond Enterprise 2.0” AFS - IST SIDS 2014
  • 7. INNOVATION & META-INNOVATION  von Hippel, E.,2001  Abstract: If the open-source software movement is any harbinger of future trends, manufacturing companies need to be concerned not only about what they produce, but also about what their customers might produce without them. This paper identifies the conditions that favor user innovation and explores how circumstances evolve - sometimes to include commercial manufacturers and sometimes not. Aided by the internet to support collaboration and distribution, the power and pervasiveness of such communities could be enormously amplified. ( AFS - IST SIDS 2014
  • 8. INNOVATION & META-INNOVATION META-META-PLAN (Paradigm Shift or Metanoia: Change the way we think about Innovation) META-PLAN (Cultivate a Context that Enables Innovation) PLAN OF INNOVATION AFS - IST SIDS 2014
  • 9. INNOVATION & META-INNOVATION PLAN OF INNOVATION Innovate Sharing Tacit Knowledge Creating a Concept Justifying a Concept Building a Prototype Cross- -Levelling Knowledge Source: Adapted to Innovation by AFS, from Van Krogh et al. (2000). AFS - IST SIDS 2014
  • 10. INNOVATION & META-INNOVATION META-PLAN (Cultivate a Context that Enables Innovation) PLAN OF INNOVATION Enable Innovation Instill a Knowledge Vision Innovate Manage Conversa tions Create the Right Context Globalize Local Knowledge Sharing Tacit Knowledge Creating a Concept Justifying a Concept Building a Prototype Cross- -Levelling Knowledge Source: Adapted to Innovation by AFS, from Van Krogh et al. (2000). Mobilize Knowledge Activists AFS - IST SIDS 2014
  • 11. INNOVATION & META-INNOVATION META-PLAN (Cultivate a Context that Enables Innovation) PLAN OF INNOVATION AFS - IST SIDS 2014 Enable Innovation Instill a Knowledge Vision Innovation Manage Conversa- tions Create the Right Context Globalize Local Knowledge Sharing Tacit Knowledge Creating a Concept Justifying a Concept Building a Prototype Cross- -Levelling Knowledge Source: Adapted to Innovation by AFS, from Van Krogh et al. (2000). Understand how to Enable Innovation: Patterns for Organizational Resilience, Learning and Change – Some Exemplars 1) Combine incremental/planned change & learning with transformational/emergent change, learning & innovation; 2) Use Open Space Technology - that facilitates both Mobilize Knowledge Activists META-META-PLAN (Paradigm Shift or Metanoia)
  • 12. Learning Argyris e Schön  Single Loop Learning Vs Double Loop Learning governing variables action consequences Double-loop learning Single-loop learning AFS - IST SIDS 2014
  • 13. REFLEXIVE PRACTICE Schön  “Reflexion in Action” and “Reflection on Action”  A reflexão sobre a prática (individual, de grupo ou organizacional) é a principal forma de aprendizagem, especialmente no caso de competências e conhecimentos tácitos  Aprendizagem na prática por contraposição à aprendizagem académica: das corporações medievais a certas profissões e associações profissionais actuais (aprendizagem em “comunidades de prática”)  O caso dos Portfolios Pessoais  Investigação reflexiva (na prática e/ou na academia)  Crítica da “racionalidade técnica do positivismo”  Como analisar as “messies” e o “caso único” (do “problem solving” ao “problem framing”)? AFS - IST SIDS 2014
  • 14. APRENDIZAGEM ORGANIZACIONAL segundo Nonaka e Takeuchi  Enfâse na Criação de Conhecimento  Processos de Conversão entre Conhecimento Tácito e Explícito (Modelo SECI)  Socialização (T → T)  Externalização ( T → E)  Combinação (E → E)  Internalização (E → T)  Espiral de Conhecimento  O Conceito de Ba AFS - IST SIDS 2014
  • 15. EMPRESAS APRENDENTES Arie de Geus, “Planning as Learning”, HBR,1988; “The Living Company”, 1997  Empresas de Grande Longevidade (200-700 anos) versus a maioria (30-40 anos para as empresas “Fortune”)  As primeiras são capazes de se adaptar e sobreviver - portanto são capazes de aprender  As empresas são organismos vivos que competem num ecossistema e que estão sujeitas a uma forma de ‘selecção natural’  Características das empresas aprendentes:  “Sensitive to their environment” (open, learning)  “Cohesive, with a strong sense of identity” (had a “persona”)  “Tolerant” (also used, “decentralised”)  “Conservative in Finances” AFS - IST SIDS 2014
  • 16. ORGANIZAÇÕES APRENDENTES  Peter Senge, Prefácio a “The Living Company”  Peter Senge,“The Fifth Discipline”, 1990  5 disciplinas para uma Organização se transformar numa LO  Systems Thinking  Mental Models  Personal Mastery  Shared Vision  Team Building  E isto resulta? Não! É necessário um modelo emergente de transformação (Senge, “The Dance of Change”, 1999)  SOL – Society for Organizational Learning ( AFS - IST SIDS 2014
  • 17. QUESTÕES  Como promover mudanças / aprendizagens profundas a nível pessoal, organizacional e social? Mais especificamente:  Como criar de raiz uma organização/empresa que seja “aprendente”?  Como transformar (se for possível) uma organização “tradicional” numa “aprendente”? AFS - IST SIDS 2014
  • 18. O CONCEITO DE METANÓIA JUSTIFICAÇÃO  O ensino e prática das 5 disciplinas de Senge não conduz a Organizações Aprendentes.  As técnicas de Argyris para transformar o Modelo I em Modelo II são muito lentas e dão resultados controversos. PISTAS  A imersão numa comunidade em “estado nascente” (Alberoni) parece ser uma condição facilitadora de metanóia.  Necessita-se de uma reflexão sobre como efectuar “mudanças profundas” (metanóia) quer a nível pessoal, quer organizacional.  O Espaço Aberto (OST) de Harrison Owen parece criar condições similares ao estado nascente, facilitando pois a metanóia organizacional.  O Presencing e a Teoria U (Sharmer) também parecem ser facilitadores AFS - IST SIDS 2014
  • 19. Como promover a Metanoia Organizacional  Uma organização baseada em valores  Action Research e Prática Reflexiva ao nível organizacional  A Metodologia OST – Open Space Technology  WW OST NING  Instituto OST de Portugal – http://www.instituto-  Presencing (Otto Scharmer) AFS - IST SIDS 2014
  • 20. PRESENCING  Dialog on Leadership  Bill O’Brian: «The sucess of the intervention depends on the interior conditions of the intervener» (Scharmer, 2000).  «Presencing: the process of coming-into-being of emerging futures» (Scharmer, 2000).  «The experience of presencing is twofold: co- creating and giving birth to a new reality and, at the same time, being transformed and born into a new world by the very same process» (Scharmer, 2000).  Triple Loop Learning (Pechl)? AFS - IST SIDS 2014
  • 22. PRESENCING – TWO MODELS OF LEARNING From Past Experiences From the Emerging Future Observe Seeing Reflect Act Sensing Enacting Plan Presencing AFS - IST SIDS 2014
  • 23. Para uma Arquitectura de Aprendizagem - Padrões  Fontes: Chris Alexander, “The Timeless Way of Building”,“A Pattern Language – Towns, Buildings,Construction”  Não se trata apenas, nem principalmente, de padrões de desenho e construção, pois parte de padrões urbanísticos gerais – regiões, cidades, conjuntos de edifícios, etc.  No caso dos padrões mais gerais (região, cidade) não se trata de definir um desenho para construção mas de “desenhar para a emergência” (note-se a analogia do desenho de cadeiras com os Portfolios ou GCAO)  Pode elaborar-se uma “engenharia da emergência”? AFS - IST SIDS 2014
  • 24. Organização Ambiente Externo Fig X – A Organização e o seu Ambiente Externo Para uma Arquitectura de Aprendizagem – Padrões AFS - IST SIDS 2014
  • 25. COrganizaçã o Planeta Terra Sistema Escolar Fig X+1 – A Organização e o seu Ambiente Externo - alguns subsistemas significativos do ambiente AFS - IST SIDS 2014
  • 26. Valores I – Informação Arquitectura, Desenho e Construção de SI/TI Arquitectura dos SIO Independência dos dados Metodologia de Concepção e Desenvolvimento (Met. Ágeis, mas…) Sistema de suporte às Operações e à Gestão Sistema de suporte à GC, Colaboração, Aprendizagem e Inovação M - METANOIA Princípios gerais da Metanoia (Alberoni) Metanoia nas pessoas Diades, Grupos e Comunidades Metanoia Organizacional OST Being e não Doing Fig X+2 – Modelo Geral de Padrões para uma Organização Aprendente AFS - IST SIDS 2014
  • 27. REFERENCES (1)  Alberoni, F., 1990, Génese, Bertrand Editora, Lda.  Alexander, C., 1979, The Timeless Way of Building, Oxford University Press  Alexander, C., E OUTROS, 1977, A Pattern Language – Towns, Buildings, Construction, Oxford University Press  Argyris, C. and Schön, D., 1974, Theory in Practice – Increasing Professional Effectiveness, San Francisco, Jossey-Bassey Publishers.  Argyris, C. and Schön, D., 1996, Organizational Learning II – Theory, Method and Practice, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.  Arthur, W.B., 1991, “What Counts is Where You’re Coming From In Your Inner Self”, conversation with J. Jaworsky, G. Jusela and C.O. Scharmer. Available: (8/5/2007).  Brynjolfsson, E. and Mc.Afee, A., 2007, “Beyond Enterprise 2.0”, Special Report: The Future of the Web, Sloan Management Review, Spring, pp.50-55.  COL, 2006, Change and Organizational Learning. Available: (8/5/2007).  Dialog on Leadership, 2001. Available: (8/5/2007).  de Geus, A., 1988, “Planning as Learning”, Harvard Business Review, March-April, pp.70-74.  de Geus, A., 1997, The Living Company – Growth, Learning and Longevity in Business, Harvard Business School Press.  Kaufman, F. e Senge, P., 1993, Communities of Commitment: the Heart of the Learning Organization, Organizational Dynamics, Autumn  Kuhn, T., 1962, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 3rd ed. (1996), The University of Chicago Press, USA.  Lao Tse, 1989, Tao te King, 4ª ed., Editorial Estampa.  Instituto OST, 2009, (12/12/2010) AFS - IST SIDS 2014
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