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Vlad Mihaylenko. AvitoTech. Moscow. March 2016
Why Objective-C++
1. Compile time
2. Efficiency
3. Aggregate initialization
4. Type safety
5. Powerful standard library
6. A lot of 3rdparty libraries1
• Continuos block in memory
• Strong typing
• nullptr safety
• Stack or heap
std::vector<CGPoint> v = …;
// C++98
for (std::vector<CGPoint>::const_iterator i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); ++i)
// do something with p
// C++11
for (auto const & p : v)
// do something with p
// Warning: Incompatible pointer types sending 'NSNumber *' to parameter of type
'NSString * _Nonnull'
NSMutableArray<NSString *> * a = [@[@""] mutableCopy];
[a addObject:@0];
// Warning: Incompatible pointer types sending 'NSNumber *' to parameter of type
'NSString * _Nonnull'
NSMutableArray<NSString *> * a = [@[@""] mutableCopy];
[a addObject:@0];
// Compile time error
std::vector<NSString *> v = {@""};
// Warning: Incompatible pointer types sending 'NSNumber *' to parameter of type
'NSString * _Nonnull'
NSMutableArray<NSString *> * a = [@[@""] mutableCopy];
[a addObject:@0];
// Compile time error
std::vector<NSString *> v = {@""};
// In .mm file: compile time error!
// Cannot initialize a parameter of type 'NSString * _Nonnull' with an rvalue of
type 'NSNumber *'
NSMutableArray<NSString *> * a = [@[@""] mutableCopy];
[a addObject:@0];
std::array<T, size_t>
• Fixed size
• Strong typing
• Compile time
std::array<T, size_t>
static const NSArray<NSString *> * const kTypes = @[@"Fast Food", @"Pizza",
@"Italian", @"Beer", @"Sushi"];
std::array<T, size_t>
static const NSArray<NSString *> * const kTypes = @[@"Fast Food", @"Pizza",
@"Italian", @"Beer", @«Sushi"];
static const std::array<NSString *, 5> kTypes = {{@«Fast Food", @"Pizza",
@"Italian", @"Beer", @«Sushi"}};
• std::map<Key, Value> // RB-Tree
• std::unordered_map<Key, Value> // Hash Table (like NSDictionary)
• std::multimap<Key, Value>
• std::unordered_multimap<Key, Value>
• boost::container::flat_map<Key, Value>2
std::pair<T, T> & std::tuple<T>
- (void)getLat:(double &)lat lon:(double &)lon;
double lat, lon = 0;
[self getLat:lat lon:lon];
std::pair<T, T> & std::tuple<T>
- (void)getLat:(double &)lat lon:(double &)lon azimut:(double &)azimut;
double lat, lon, azimut = 0;
[self getLat:lat lon:lon azimut:azimut];
std::pair<T, T> & std::tuple<T>
- (void)getLat:(double &)lat lon:(double &)lon azimut:(double &)azimut;
double lat, lon, azimut = 0;
[self getLat:lat lon:lon azimut:azimut];
std::pair<T, T> & std::tuple<T>
- (void)getLat:(double &)lat lon:(double &)lon;
double lat, lon = 0;
[self getLat:lat lon:lon];
- (std::pair<double, double>)getLatLon
return std::make_pair(lat, lon);
const auto latLon = [self getLatLon];
const auto lat = latLon.first;
const auto lon = latLon.second;
std::pair<T, T> & std::tuple<T>
- (void)getLat:(double &)lat lon:(double &)lon azimut:(double &)azimut;
double lat, lon, azimut = 0;
[self getLat:lat lon:lon azimut:azimut];
- (std::tuple<double, double, double>)getCoordinateAndAzimut
return std::make_tuple(lat, lon, azimut);
const auto locationInfo = [self getCoordinateAndAzimut];
const auto lat = std::get<0>(locationInfo);
const auto lon = std::get<1>(locationInfo);
const auto azimut = std::get<2>(locationInfo);
smart pointers
vector<Dog *> v {droopy, goofy, pluto};
for (const auto & d : v)
delete d;
smart pointers
vector<shared_ptr<Dog>> v {make_shared<Dog>(droopy),
for (const auto & d : v)
smart pointers
vector<shared_ptr<Dog>> v {make_shared<Dog>(droopy),
for (const auto & d : v)
auto p1 = make_shared<Dog>(droopy);
auto p2 = p1;
smart pointers
vector<unique_ptr<Dog>> v {make_unique<Dog>(droopy),
for (const auto & d : v)
smart pointers
vector<unique_ptr<Dog>> v {make_unique<Dog>(droopy),
for (const auto & d : v)
auto p1 = make_unique<Dog>(droopy);
auto p2 = p1; // Compile time error!
smart pointers
vector<unique_ptr<Dog>> v {make_unique<Dog>(droopy),
for (const auto & d : v)
auto p1 = make_unique<Dog>(droopy);
auto p2 = move(p1); // Ok
class Pasteboard
Pasteboard() = default;
Pasteboard(const string t) : text(t) {}
string text;
class Pasteboard
Pasteboard() = default;
Pasteboard(const string t) : text(t) {}
Pasteboard(string && t) : text(move(t)) {}
string text;
vector<unique_ptr<Dog>> getDogs()
// Create and return vector
return v;
auto v = getDogs();
int x;
int x;
- (CGFloat)getY
// determine y
return y;
float y = self.getY;
auto x; // Compile time error!
- (CGFloat)getY
// determine y
return y;
float y = self.getY;
auto x = 0; // Compile time error!
- (CGFloat)getY
// determine y
return y;
auto y = self.getY; // y is CGFloat
^ UIImage * (NSData * result, NSUInteger resultCode, NSDictionary * info)
// do something with data
// return image
return image;
UIImage * (^b)(NSData * result, NSUInteger resultCode, NSDictionary * info) = ^
UIImage * (NSData * result, NSUInteger resultCode, NSDictionary * info)
// do something with data
// return image
return image;
id b = ^ UIImage * (NSData * result, NSUInteger resultCode, NSDictionary * info)
// do something with data
// return image
return image;
id b = ^ UIImage * (NSData * result, NSUInteger resultCode, NSDictionary * info)
// do something with data
// return image
return image;
b(result, code, info); // compile time error!
auto b = ^ UIImage * (NSData * result, NSUInteger resultCode, NSDictionary * info)
// do something with data
// return image
return image;
b(result, code, info); // everything is fine :)
NSString * s;
const vector<pair<NSString *, NSString *>> v;
NSString * s;
const vector<pair<NSString *, NSString *>> v;
auto it = find_if(v.begin(), v.end(), [s](const pair<NSString *, NSString *> & p)
return [p.first isEqualToString:s];
NSString * s;
const vector<pair<NSString *, NSString *>> v;
auto it = find_if(v.begin(), v.end(), [s](const auto & p)
return [p.first isEqualToString:s];
Lambdas :: map
vector<NSUInteger> v {1, 2, 3};
vector<NSUInteger> v2 (3);
transform(v.begin(), v.end(), v2.begin(), [](auto i)
return ++i;
// v2 : 2, 3, 4
Lambdas :: filter
vector<NSUInteger> v {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
auto const end = remove_if(v.begin(), v.end(), [](auto i)
return i % 2 == 0;
for (auto i = v.begin(); i != end; ++i)
NSLog(@"%@", @(*i));
// 1 3 5 7 9
[ capture ] ( params ) -> ret { body }
[] - capture nothing
[&] - capture all by reference
[=] - capture all by making copy
[&a] - capture a by reference
[a] - capture a by copy
typedef void (^Block) ();
@interface B : NSObject
@property (copy) Block b;
@implementation B
- (void)foo
self.b = ^{
// do something with self
NSLog(@"%@", self);
typedef void (^Block) ();
@interface B : NSObject
@property (copy) Block b;
@implementation B
- (void)foo
__weak typeof(self) wself = self;
self.b = ^{
// do something with wself
NSLog(@"%@", wself);
typedef void (^Block) ();
@interface B : NSObject
@property (copy) Block b;
@implementation B
- (void)foo
__weak typeof(self) wself = self;
self.b = ^{
__strong typeof(self) sself = wself;
// do something with sself
NSLog(@"%@", sself);
typedef void (^Block) ();
@interface B : NSObject
@property (copy) Block b;
@implementation B
- (void)foo
__weak typeof(self) wself = self;
self.b = ^{
__strong typeof(self) self = wself;
// do something with self
NSLog(@"%@", self);
using Lambda = std::function<void()>;
@interface B : NSObject
@property (assign) Lambda l;
@implementation B
- (void)foo
self.l = [self] {
//do something with self
NSLog(@"%@", self);
CGPoint addPoints(CGPoint lhs, CGPoint rhs)
return CGPointMake(lhs.x + rhs.x, lhs.y + rhs.y);
CGPoint substractPoints(CGPoint lhs, CGPoint rhs)
return CGPointMake(lhs.x - rhs.x, lhs.y - rhs.y);
CGPoint multiplyPoints(CGPoint lhs, CGPoint rhs)
return CGPointMake(lhs.x * rhs.x, lhs.y * rhs.y);
CGPoint addValueToPoint(CGPoint lhs, CGFloat rhs)
return CGPointMake(lhs.x + rhs, lhs.y + rhs);
CGPoint multiplyPointAndValue(CGPoint lhs, CGFloat rhs)
return CGPointMake(lhs.x * rhs, lhs.y * rhs);
CGSize addSizes(CGSize lhs, CGSize rhs)
return CGSizeMake(lhs.width + rhs.width, lhs.height + rhs.height);
CGSize substractSizes(CGSize lhs, CGSize rhs)
return CGSizeMake(lhs.width - rhs.width, lhs.height - rhs.height);
CGSize addValueToSize(CGSize lhs, CGFloat rhs)
return CGSizeMake(lhs.width + rhs, lhs.height + rhs);
CGSize multiplySizes(CGSize lhs, CGSize rhs)
return CGSizeMake(lhs.width * rhs.width, lhs.height * rhs.height);
CGSize multiplySizeAndValue(CGSize lhs, CGFloat rhs)
return CGSizeMake(lhs.width * rhs, lhs.height * rhs);
const CGPoint p3 = multiplyPointAndValue(addValueToPoint(addPoints(p1, p2), 4), 2);
inline CGPoint operator+(const CGPoint & lhs, const CGPoint & rhs)
return {lhs.x + rhs.x, lhs.y + rhs.y};
inline CGPoint operator-(const CGPoint & lhs, const CGPoint & rhs)
return {lhs.x - rhs.x, lhs.y - rhs.y};
inline CGPoint operator*(const CGPoint & lhs, const CGPoint & rhs)
return {lhs.x * rhs.x, lhs.y * rhs.y};
template<class T>
inline CGPoint operator*(const CGPoint & lhs, const T rhs)
return {lhs.x * rhs, lhs.y * rhs};
template<class T>
inline CGPoint operator+(const CGPoint & lhs, const T rhs)
return {lhs.x + rhs, lhs.y + rhs};
const CGPoint p3 = ((p1 + p2) + 4) * 2;
[CKStackLayoutComponent newWithStyle:
[[CKStackLayoutComponentStyle alloc]
@[[CKStackLayoutComponentChild childWithComponent:[HeaderComponent
[CKStackLayoutComponentChild childWithComponent:[MessageComponent
[CKStackLayoutComponentChild childWithComponent:[FooterComponent
.direction = CKStackLayoutComponentDirectionVertical,
{[HeaderComponent newWithArticle:article]},
{[MessageComponent newWithArticle:article]},
{[FooterComponent newWithArticle:article]},
@interface Point : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, readonly) CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString * identifier;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isMyPosition;
- (instancetype)initWithCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate
identifier:(NSString *)identifier
- (instancetype)initWithCoordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate;
- (BOOL)isEqual:(Point *)object;
+ (Point *)zeroPoint;
@protocol RoutingProtocol <NSObject>
- (void)buildRouteFrom:(Point *)from to:(Point *)to;
@interface Point : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, readonly) CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString * identifier;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isMyPosition;
- (instancetype)initWithCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate
identifier:(NSString *)identifier
- (instancetype)initWithCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate;
- (BOOL)isEqual:(Point *)object;
+ (Point *)zeroPoint;
@protocol RoutingProtocol <NSObject>
- (void)buildRouteFrom:(Point *)from to:(Point *)to;
Point * myPosition = [[Point alloc] initWithCoordinate:firstCoordinate];
Point * second = [[Point alloc] initWithCoordinate:secondCoordinate
identifier:secondIdentifier isMyPosition:isSecondMyPosition];
[self.delegate buildRouteFrom:myPosition to:second];
After rename file to .mm
class Point
CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate;
NSString * identifier;
BOOL isMyPosition;
BOOL ArePointsEqual(const Point & rhs)
return coordinate.latitude == rhs.coordinate.longitude &&
coordinate.longitude == rhs.coordinate.longitude &&
[identifier isEqualToString:rhs.identifier] &&
isMyPosition == rhs.isMyPosition;
static Point zeroPoint()
return {{0, 0}, @"", NO};
@protocol RoutingProtocol <NSObject>
- (void)buildRouteFrom:(const Point &)from to:(const Point &)to;
const Point first = {firstCoordinate, firstIdentifier, isFirstMyPosition};
const Point second = {secondCoordinate, secondIdentifier, isSecondMyPosition};
[self.delegate buildRouteFrom:first to:second];
After rename file to .mm
class Point
CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate;
NSString * identifier;
BOOL isMyPosition;
BOOL operator ==(const Point & rhs)
return coordinate.latitude == rhs.coordinate.longitude &&
coordinate.longitude == rhs.coordinate.longitude &&
[identifier isEqualToString:rhs.identifier] &&
isMyPosition == rhs.isMyPosition;
BOOL operator !=(const Point & rhs)
return !(*this == rhs);
static Point zeroPoint()
return {{0, 0}, @"", NO};
class Point
BOOL operator ==(const Point & rhs) const
return coordinate.latitude == rhs.coordinate.longitude &&
coordinate.longitude == rhs.coordinate.longitude &&
[identifier isEqualToString:rhs.identifier] &&
isMyPosition == rhs.isMyPosition;
BOOL operator !=(const Point & rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
static Point zeroPoint()
return {{0, 0}, @"", NO};
CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate;
NSString * identifier;
BOOL isMyPosition;
class Point
BOOL operator ==(const Point & rhs) const
return _coordinate.latitude == rhs.coordinate().longitude &&
_coordinate.longitude == rhs.coordinate().longitude &&
[_identifier isEqualToString:rhs.identifier()] &&
_isMyPosition == rhs.isMyPosition();
BOOL operator !=(const Point & rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
static Point zeroPoint()
return {{0, 0}, @"", NO};
CLLocationCoordinate2D const & coordinate() const
return _coordinate;
NSString * identifier() const
return _identifier;
BOOL isMyPosition() const
return _isMyPosition;
CLLocationCoordinate2D _coordinate;
NSString * _identifier;
BOOL _isMyPosition;
class Point
Point(const CLLocationCoordinate2D & c, NSString * i, BOOL p) : _coordinate(c), _identifier(i),
_isMyPosition(p) {}
BOOL operator ==(const Point & rhs) const
return _coordinate.latitude == rhs.coordinate().longitude &&
_coordinate.longitude == rhs.coordinate().longitude &&
[_identifier isEqualToString:rhs.identifier()] &&
_isMyPosition == rhs.isMyPosition();
BOOL operator !=(const Point & rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
static Point zeroPoint()
return {{0, 0}, @"", NO};
CLLocationCoordinate2D const & coordinate() const
return _coordinate;
NSString * identifier() const
return _identifier;
BOOL isMyPosition() const
return _isMyPosition;
CLLocationCoordinate2D _coordinate;
NSString * _identifier;
BOOL _isMyPosition;
class Point
Point(const CLLocationCoordinate2D & c, NSString * i, BOOL p) : _coordinate(c), _identifier(i), _isMyPosition(p) {}
Point(const CLLocationCoordinate2D & c) : _coordinate(c), _identifier(@"My position"), _isMyPosition(YES) {}
BOOL operator ==(const Point & rhs) const
return _coordinate.latitude == rhs.coordinate().longitude &&
_coordinate.longitude == rhs.coordinate().longitude &&
[_identifier isEqualToString:rhs.identifier()] &&
_isMyPosition == rhs.isMyPosition();
BOOL operator !=(const Point & rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
static Point zeroPoint()
return {{0, 0}, @"", NO};
CLLocationCoordinate2D const & coordinate() const
return _coordinate;
NSString * identifier() const
return _identifier;
BOOL isMyPosition() const
return _isMyPosition;
CLLocationCoordinate2D _coordinate;
NSString * _identifier;
BOOL _isMyPosition;
class Point
Point(const CLLocationCoordinate2D & c, NSString * i, BOOL p) : _coordinate(c), _identifier(i), _isMyPosition(p) {}
Point(const CLLocationCoordinate2D & c) : _coordinate(c), _identifier(@"My position"), _isMyPosition(YES) {}
Point() = default;
BOOL operator ==(const Point & rhs) const
return _coordinate.latitude == rhs.coordinate().longitude &&
_coordinate.longitude == rhs.coordinate().longitude &&
[_identifier isEqualToString:rhs.identifier()] &&
_isMyPosition == rhs.isMyPosition();
BOOL operator !=(const Point & rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
static Point zeroPoint()
return Point();
CLLocationCoordinate2D const & coordinate() const
return _coordinate;
NSString * identifier() const
return _identifier;
BOOL isMyPosition() const
return _isMyPosition;
CLLocationCoordinate2D _coordinate;
NSString * _identifier;
BOOL _isMyPosition = false;
Point * myPosition = [[Point alloc] initWithCoordinate:firstCoordinate];
Point * second = [[Point alloc] initWithCoordinate:secondCoordinate
identifier:secondIdentifier isMyPosition:isSecondMyPosition];
[self.delegate buildRouteFrom:myPosition to:second];
[self.delegate buildRouteFrom:{myPositionCoordinate} to:{secondCoordinate,
secondIdentifier, isSecondMyPosition}];
Point * myPosition = [[Point alloc] initWithCoordinate:firstCoordinate];
Point * second = [[Point alloc] initWithCoordinate:secondCoordinate
identifier:secondIdentifier isMyPosition:isSecondMyPosition];
[self.delegate buildRouteFrom:myPosition to:second];
Shoot yourself in the foot
1. Property
2. Default constructor
3. Сopying
4. Aggregate initialization after reordering
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"О некоторых особенностях Objective-C++" Влад Михайленко (Maps.Me)

  • 2. Why Objective-C++ 1. Compile time 2. Efficiency 3. Aggregate initialization 4. Type safety 5. Powerful standard library 6. A lot of 3rdparty libraries1 1.
  • 5. std::vector<T> • Continuos block in memory • Strong typing • nullptr safety • Stack or heap
  • 6. std::vector<T> std::vector<CGPoint> v = …; // C++98 for (std::vector<CGPoint>::const_iterator i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); ++i) { // do something with p } // C++11 for (auto const & p : v) { // do something with p }
  • 7. std::vector<T> // Warning: Incompatible pointer types sending 'NSNumber *' to parameter of type 'NSString * _Nonnull' NSMutableArray<NSString *> * a = [@[@""] mutableCopy]; [a addObject:@0];
  • 8. std::vector<T> // Warning: Incompatible pointer types sending 'NSNumber *' to parameter of type 'NSString * _Nonnull' NSMutableArray<NSString *> * a = [@[@""] mutableCopy]; [a addObject:@0]; // Compile time error std::vector<NSString *> v = {@""}; v.push_back(@0);
  • 9. std::vector<T> // Warning: Incompatible pointer types sending 'NSNumber *' to parameter of type 'NSString * _Nonnull' NSMutableArray<NSString *> * a = [@[@""] mutableCopy]; [a addObject:@0]; // Compile time error std::vector<NSString *> v = {@""}; v.push_back(@0); // In .mm file: compile time error! // Cannot initialize a parameter of type 'NSString * _Nonnull' with an rvalue of type 'NSNumber *' NSMutableArray<NSString *> * a = [@[@""] mutableCopy]; [a addObject:@0];
  • 10. std::array<T, size_t> • Fixed size • Strong typing • Compile time
  • 11. std::array<T, size_t> static const NSArray<NSString *> * const kTypes = @[@"Fast Food", @"Pizza", @"Italian", @"Beer", @"Sushi"];
  • 12. std::array<T, size_t> static const NSArray<NSString *> * const kTypes = @[@"Fast Food", @"Pizza", @"Italian", @"Beer", @«Sushi"]; static const std::array<NSString *, 5> kTypes = {{@«Fast Food", @"Pizza", @"Italian", @"Beer", @«Sushi"}};
  • 13. Dictionary-like • std::map<Key, Value> // RB-Tree • std::unordered_map<Key, Value> // Hash Table (like NSDictionary) • std::multimap<Key, Value> • std::unordered_multimap<Key, Value> • boost::container::flat_map<Key, Value>2 2.
  • 14. std::pair<T, T> & std::tuple<T> - (void)getLat:(double &)lat lon:(double &)lon; double lat, lon = 0; [self getLat:lat lon:lon];
  • 15. std::pair<T, T> & std::tuple<T> - (void)getLat:(double &)lat lon:(double &)lon azimut:(double &)azimut; double lat, lon, azimut = 0; [self getLat:lat lon:lon azimut:azimut];
  • 16. std::pair<T, T> & std::tuple<T> - (void)getLat:(double &)lat lon:(double &)lon azimut:(double &)azimut; double lat, lon, azimut = 0; [self getLat:lat lon:lon azimut:azimut];
  • 17. std::pair<T, T> & std::tuple<T> - (void)getLat:(double &)lat lon:(double &)lon; double lat, lon = 0; [self getLat:lat lon:lon]; - (std::pair<double, double>)getLatLon { return std::make_pair(lat, lon); } const auto latLon = [self getLatLon]; const auto lat = latLon.first; const auto lon = latLon.second;
  • 18. std::pair<T, T> & std::tuple<T> - (void)getLat:(double &)lat lon:(double &)lon azimut:(double &)azimut; double lat, lon, azimut = 0; [self getLat:lat lon:lon azimut:azimut]; - (std::tuple<double, double, double>)getCoordinateAndAzimut { return std::make_tuple(lat, lon, azimut); } const auto locationInfo = [self getCoordinateAndAzimut]; const auto lat = std::get<0>(locationInfo); const auto lon = std::get<1>(locationInfo); const auto azimut = std::get<2>(locationInfo);
  • 19. smart pointers vector<Dog *> v {droopy, goofy, pluto}; for (const auto & d : v) { d->bark(); delete d; }
  • 20. smart pointers vector<shared_ptr<Dog>> v {make_shared<Dog>(droopy), make_shared<Dog>(goofy), make_shared<Dog>(pluto)}; for (const auto & d : v) { d->bark(); }
  • 21. smart pointers vector<shared_ptr<Dog>> v {make_shared<Dog>(droopy), make_shared<Dog>(goofy), make_shared<Dog>(pluto)}; for (const auto & d : v) { d->bark(); } auto p1 = make_shared<Dog>(droopy); auto p2 = p1;
  • 22. smart pointers vector<unique_ptr<Dog>> v {make_unique<Dog>(droopy), make_unique<Dog>(goofy), make_unique<Dog>(pluto)}; for (const auto & d : v) { d->bark(); }
  • 23. smart pointers vector<unique_ptr<Dog>> v {make_unique<Dog>(droopy), make_unique<Dog>(goofy), make_unique<Dog>(pluto)}; for (const auto & d : v) { d->bark(); } auto p1 = make_unique<Dog>(droopy); auto p2 = p1; // Compile time error!
  • 24. smart pointers vector<unique_ptr<Dog>> v {make_unique<Dog>(droopy), make_unique<Dog>(goofy), make_unique<Dog>(pluto)}; for (const auto & d : v) { d->bark(); } auto p1 = make_unique<Dog>(droopy); auto p2 = move(p1); // Ok
  • 25. move class Pasteboard { public: Pasteboard() = default; Pasteboard(const string t) : text(t) {} private: string text; };
  • 26. move class Pasteboard { public: Pasteboard() = default; Pasteboard(const string t) : text(t) {} Pasteboard(string && t) : text(move(t)) {} private: string text; };
  • 27. move vector<unique_ptr<Dog>> getDogs() { // Create and return vector return v; } auto v = getDogs();
  • 29. auto int x; - (CGFloat)getY { // determine y return y; } float y = self.getY;
  • 30. auto auto x; // Compile time error! - (CGFloat)getY { // determine y return y; } float y = self.getY;
  • 31. auto auto x = 0; // Compile time error! - (CGFloat)getY { // determine y return y; } auto y = self.getY; // y is CGFloat
  • 32. auto ^ UIImage * (NSData * result, NSUInteger resultCode, NSDictionary * info) { // do something with data // return image return image; };
  • 33. auto UIImage * (^b)(NSData * result, NSUInteger resultCode, NSDictionary * info) = ^ UIImage * (NSData * result, NSUInteger resultCode, NSDictionary * info) { // do something with data // return image return image; };
  • 34. auto id b = ^ UIImage * (NSData * result, NSUInteger resultCode, NSDictionary * info) { // do something with data // return image return image; };
  • 35. auto id b = ^ UIImage * (NSData * result, NSUInteger resultCode, NSDictionary * info) { // do something with data // return image return image; }; b(result, code, info); // compile time error!
  • 36. auto auto b = ^ UIImage * (NSData * result, NSUInteger resultCode, NSDictionary * info) { // do something with data // return image return image; }; b(result, code, info); // everything is fine :)
  • 37. Lambdas NSString * s; const vector<pair<NSString *, NSString *>> v;
  • 38. Lambdas NSString * s; const vector<pair<NSString *, NSString *>> v; auto it = find_if(v.begin(), v.end(), [s](const pair<NSString *, NSString *> & p) { return [p.first isEqualToString:s]; });
  • 39. Lambdas NSString * s; const vector<pair<NSString *, NSString *>> v; auto it = find_if(v.begin(), v.end(), [s](const auto & p) { return [p.first isEqualToString:s]; });
  • 40. Lambdas :: map vector<NSUInteger> v {1, 2, 3}; vector<NSUInteger> v2 (3); transform(v.begin(), v.end(), v2.begin(), [](auto i) { return ++i; }); // v2 : 2, 3, 4
  • 41. Lambdas :: filter vector<NSUInteger> v {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}; auto const end = remove_if(v.begin(), v.end(), [](auto i) { return i % 2 == 0; }); for (auto i = v.begin(); i != end; ++i) { NSLog(@"%@", @(*i)); } // 1 3 5 7 9
  • 42. Lambdas [ capture ] ( params ) -> ret { body } [] - capture nothing [&] - capture all by reference [=] - capture all by making copy [&a] - capture a by reference [a] - capture a by copy
  • 43. Lambdas typedef void (^Block) (); @interface B : NSObject @property (copy) Block b; @end @implementation B - (void)foo { self.b = ^{ // do something with self NSLog(@"%@", self); }; } @end
  • 44. Lambdas typedef void (^Block) (); @interface B : NSObject @property (copy) Block b; @end @implementation B - (void)foo { __weak typeof(self) wself = self; self.b = ^{ // do something with wself NSLog(@"%@", wself); }; } @end
  • 45. Lambdas typedef void (^Block) (); @interface B : NSObject @property (copy) Block b; @end @implementation B - (void)foo { __weak typeof(self) wself = self; self.b = ^{ __strong typeof(self) sself = wself; // do something with sself NSLog(@"%@", sself); }; } @end
  • 46. Lambdas typedef void (^Block) (); @interface B : NSObject @property (copy) Block b; @end @implementation B - (void)foo { __weak typeof(self) wself = self; self.b = ^{ __strong typeof(self) self = wself; // do something with self NSLog(@"%@", self); }; } @end
  • 47. Lambdas using Lambda = std::function<void()>; @interface B : NSObject @property (assign) Lambda l; @end @implementation B - (void)foo { self.l = [self] { //do something with self NSLog(@"%@", self); }; } @end
  • 48. Examples CGPoint addPoints(CGPoint lhs, CGPoint rhs) { return CGPointMake(lhs.x + rhs.x, lhs.y + rhs.y); } CGPoint substractPoints(CGPoint lhs, CGPoint rhs) { return CGPointMake(lhs.x - rhs.x, lhs.y - rhs.y); } CGPoint multiplyPoints(CGPoint lhs, CGPoint rhs) { return CGPointMake(lhs.x * rhs.x, lhs.y * rhs.y); } CGPoint addValueToPoint(CGPoint lhs, CGFloat rhs) { return CGPointMake(lhs.x + rhs, lhs.y + rhs); } CGPoint multiplyPointAndValue(CGPoint lhs, CGFloat rhs) { return CGPointMake(lhs.x * rhs, lhs.y * rhs); }
  • 49. Examples CGSize addSizes(CGSize lhs, CGSize rhs) { return CGSizeMake(lhs.width + rhs.width, lhs.height + rhs.height); } CGSize substractSizes(CGSize lhs, CGSize rhs) { return CGSizeMake(lhs.width - rhs.width, lhs.height - rhs.height); } CGSize addValueToSize(CGSize lhs, CGFloat rhs) { return CGSizeMake(lhs.width + rhs, lhs.height + rhs); } CGSize multiplySizes(CGSize lhs, CGSize rhs) { return CGSizeMake(lhs.width * rhs.width, lhs.height * rhs.height); } CGSize multiplySizeAndValue(CGSize lhs, CGFloat rhs) { return CGSizeMake(lhs.width * rhs, lhs.height * rhs); }
  • 50. Examples const CGPoint p3 = multiplyPointAndValue(addValueToPoint(addPoints(p1, p2), 4), 2);
  • 51. Examples inline CGPoint operator+(const CGPoint & lhs, const CGPoint & rhs) { return {lhs.x + rhs.x, lhs.y + rhs.y}; } inline CGPoint operator-(const CGPoint & lhs, const CGPoint & rhs) { return {lhs.x - rhs.x, lhs.y - rhs.y}; } inline CGPoint operator*(const CGPoint & lhs, const CGPoint & rhs) { return {lhs.x * rhs.x, lhs.y * rhs.y}; } template<class T> inline CGPoint operator*(const CGPoint & lhs, const T rhs) { return {lhs.x * rhs, lhs.y * rhs}; } template<class T> inline CGPoint operator+(const CGPoint & lhs, const T rhs) { return {lhs.x + rhs, lhs.y + rhs}; }
  • 52. Examples const CGPoint p3 = ((p1 + p2) + 4) * 2;
  • 53. Examples [CKStackLayoutComponent newWithStyle: [[CKStackLayoutComponentStyle alloc] initWithDirection:CKStackLayoutComponentDirectionVertical justifyContent:CKStackLayoutComponentJustifyContentStart alignItems:CKStackLayoutComponentAlignItemsStart spacing:0] children: @[[CKStackLayoutComponentChild childWithComponent:[HeaderComponent newWithArticle:article] topPadding:0 leftPadding:0 bottomPadding:0], [CKStackLayoutComponentChild childWithComponent:[MessageComponent newWithArticle:article] topPadding:0 leftPadding:0 bottomPadding:0], [CKStackLayoutComponentChild childWithComponent:[FooterComponent newWithArticle:article] topPadding:0 leftPadding:0 bottomPadding:0] ]];
  • 54. Examples [CKStackLayoutComponent newWithStyle:{ .direction = CKStackLayoutComponentDirectionVertical, } children:{ {[HeaderComponent newWithArticle:article]}, {[MessageComponent newWithArticle:article]}, {[FooterComponent newWithArticle:article]}, }];
  • 55. Examples @interface Point : NSObject @property (nonatomic, readonly) CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; @property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString * identifier; @property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isMyPosition; - (instancetype)initWithCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate identifier:(NSString *)identifier isMyPosition:(BOOL)isMyPosition; - (instancetype)initWithCoordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate; - (BOOL)isEqual:(Point *)object; + (Point *)zeroPoint; @end @protocol RoutingProtocol <NSObject> - (void)buildRouteFrom:(Point *)from to:(Point *)to; @end
  • 56. @interface Point : NSObject @property (nonatomic, readonly) CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; @property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString * identifier; @property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isMyPosition; - (instancetype)initWithCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate identifier:(NSString *)identifier isMyPosition:(BOOL)isMyPosition; - (instancetype)initWithCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate; - (BOOL)isEqual:(Point *)object; + (Point *)zeroPoint; @end @protocol RoutingProtocol <NSObject> - (void)buildRouteFrom:(Point *)from to:(Point *)to; @end Point * myPosition = [[Point alloc] initWithCoordinate:firstCoordinate]; Point * second = [[Point alloc] initWithCoordinate:secondCoordinate identifier:secondIdentifier isMyPosition:isSecondMyPosition]; [self.delegate buildRouteFrom:myPosition to:second];
  • 57. After rename file to .mm class Point { CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; NSString * identifier; BOOL isMyPosition; BOOL ArePointsEqual(const Point & rhs) { return coordinate.latitude == rhs.coordinate.longitude && coordinate.longitude == rhs.coordinate.longitude && [identifier isEqualToString:rhs.identifier] && isMyPosition == rhs.isMyPosition; } static Point zeroPoint() { return {{0, 0}, @"", NO}; } }; @protocol RoutingProtocol <NSObject> - (void)buildRouteFrom:(const Point &)from to:(const Point &)to; @end const Point first = {firstCoordinate, firstIdentifier, isFirstMyPosition}; const Point second = {secondCoordinate, secondIdentifier, isSecondMyPosition}; [self.delegate buildRouteFrom:first to:second];
  • 58. After rename file to .mm class Point { CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; NSString * identifier; BOOL isMyPosition; BOOL operator ==(const Point & rhs) { return coordinate.latitude == rhs.coordinate.longitude && coordinate.longitude == rhs.coordinate.longitude && [identifier isEqualToString:rhs.identifier] && isMyPosition == rhs.isMyPosition; } BOOL operator !=(const Point & rhs) { return !(*this == rhs); } static Point zeroPoint() { return {{0, 0}, @"", NO}; } };
  • 59. class Point { public: BOOL operator ==(const Point & rhs) const { return coordinate.latitude == rhs.coordinate.longitude && coordinate.longitude == rhs.coordinate.longitude && [identifier isEqualToString:rhs.identifier] && isMyPosition == rhs.isMyPosition; } BOOL operator !=(const Point & rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } static Point zeroPoint() { return {{0, 0}, @"", NO}; } CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; NSString * identifier; BOOL isMyPosition; };
  • 60. class Point { public: BOOL operator ==(const Point & rhs) const { return _coordinate.latitude == rhs.coordinate().longitude && _coordinate.longitude == rhs.coordinate().longitude && [_identifier isEqualToString:rhs.identifier()] && _isMyPosition == rhs.isMyPosition(); } BOOL operator !=(const Point & rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } static Point zeroPoint() { return {{0, 0}, @"", NO}; } CLLocationCoordinate2D const & coordinate() const { return _coordinate; } NSString * identifier() const { return _identifier; } BOOL isMyPosition() const { return _isMyPosition; } private: CLLocationCoordinate2D _coordinate; NSString * _identifier; BOOL _isMyPosition; };
  • 61. class Point { public: Point(const CLLocationCoordinate2D & c, NSString * i, BOOL p) : _coordinate(c), _identifier(i), _isMyPosition(p) {} BOOL operator ==(const Point & rhs) const { return _coordinate.latitude == rhs.coordinate().longitude && _coordinate.longitude == rhs.coordinate().longitude && [_identifier isEqualToString:rhs.identifier()] && _isMyPosition == rhs.isMyPosition(); } BOOL operator !=(const Point & rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } static Point zeroPoint() { return {{0, 0}, @"", NO}; } CLLocationCoordinate2D const & coordinate() const { return _coordinate; } NSString * identifier() const { return _identifier; } BOOL isMyPosition() const { return _isMyPosition; } private: CLLocationCoordinate2D _coordinate; NSString * _identifier; BOOL _isMyPosition; };
  • 62. class Point { public: Point(const CLLocationCoordinate2D & c, NSString * i, BOOL p) : _coordinate(c), _identifier(i), _isMyPosition(p) {} Point(const CLLocationCoordinate2D & c) : _coordinate(c), _identifier(@"My position"), _isMyPosition(YES) {} BOOL operator ==(const Point & rhs) const { return _coordinate.latitude == rhs.coordinate().longitude && _coordinate.longitude == rhs.coordinate().longitude && [_identifier isEqualToString:rhs.identifier()] && _isMyPosition == rhs.isMyPosition(); } BOOL operator !=(const Point & rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } static Point zeroPoint() { return {{0, 0}, @"", NO}; } CLLocationCoordinate2D const & coordinate() const { return _coordinate; } NSString * identifier() const { return _identifier; } BOOL isMyPosition() const { return _isMyPosition; } private: CLLocationCoordinate2D _coordinate; NSString * _identifier; BOOL _isMyPosition; };
  • 63. class Point { public: Point(const CLLocationCoordinate2D & c, NSString * i, BOOL p) : _coordinate(c), _identifier(i), _isMyPosition(p) {} Point(const CLLocationCoordinate2D & c) : _coordinate(c), _identifier(@"My position"), _isMyPosition(YES) {} Point() = default; BOOL operator ==(const Point & rhs) const { return _coordinate.latitude == rhs.coordinate().longitude && _coordinate.longitude == rhs.coordinate().longitude && [_identifier isEqualToString:rhs.identifier()] && _isMyPosition == rhs.isMyPosition(); } BOOL operator !=(const Point & rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } static Point zeroPoint() { return Point(); } CLLocationCoordinate2D const & coordinate() const { return _coordinate; } NSString * identifier() const { return _identifier; } BOOL isMyPosition() const { return _isMyPosition; } private: CLLocationCoordinate2D _coordinate; NSString * _identifier; BOOL _isMyPosition = false; };
  • 64. Before Point * myPosition = [[Point alloc] initWithCoordinate:firstCoordinate]; Point * second = [[Point alloc] initWithCoordinate:secondCoordinate identifier:secondIdentifier isMyPosition:isSecondMyPosition]; [self.delegate buildRouteFrom:myPosition to:second];
  • 65. After [self.delegate buildRouteFrom:{myPositionCoordinate} to:{secondCoordinate, secondIdentifier, isSecondMyPosition}]; Before Point * myPosition = [[Point alloc] initWithCoordinate:firstCoordinate]; Point * second = [[Point alloc] initWithCoordinate:secondCoordinate identifier:secondIdentifier isMyPosition:isSecondMyPosition]; [self.delegate buildRouteFrom:myPosition to:second];
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