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For Engagement
and Great:
Digital Healthcare &
IoT UX 사례 중심으로
중앙대학교 교수
홍익대학교 영상대학원(HCI개론 강의)/
연세대학교 공학대학원(서비스디자인경영 강의)/
성균관대학교 일반대학원 휴먼ICT융합학과(교수)/
HEDcentric UX미래융합전략연구소(연구소장)
InnoUX 대표이사
Research Data:
Twitter/Facebook: ILOVEHCI
© 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로
Table of Contents
• Challenge
• Quantified Self movement & Engagement
• Digital healthcare & IoT UX
Image Sources:
? ?
• Paper: Effect of Wearable Technology Combined With a Lifestyle Intervention on Long-term Weight Loss The IDEA Randomized Clinical Trial(2016)
• Images:
Hexoskin Smart is a sensor-embedded smart shirt that monitors
and records your heart rate, breathing, and movement whether
you're awake or asleep.
It provides valuable insights on intensity and recovery, calories
burned, fatigue level, and sleep quality.
Hexoskin connects to your favorite Bluetooth Smart compatible apps
and devices (Hexoskin supports the BLE HR profile). All of your data is
stored securely, allowing you to see how your physical fitness is
evolving over time.
Quantified Self
movement &
Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing.
Just one person is the subject
Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing.
Just one person is the subject
Smarr decided to take over his own health tracking.
Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing.
“People have been brainwashed into thinking that they have no responsibility
for the state of their bodies,”
“I did the calculation of the ratio of two 20-minute doctor visits per year,
compared to the total number of minutes in the year, and it turns out to be
one in 10,000. If you think that someone is going to be able to tell you what’s
wrong with you and fix the problem in one 10,000th of the time that you
have available to do the same, I’d say that’s the definition of insanity. It just
doesn’t make any sense.”
Smarr decided to take over his own health tracking.
Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing.
Just one person is the subject
Smarr decided to take over his own health tracking.
(스마의 동기유발: 의료시스템에 대한 불신과 자각)
© 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로
상실의 두려움이 획득의 기대보다 크다
• 사람들이 행동하게 하려면 얻을 것에 대한 기대보다는 잃을 것에 대한 두려움 위주로
접근해야 한다.
• 사람들은 자기가 이미 가진 것 또는 거의 가진 것을 잃는 것을 가장 두려워한다. (예)
자동차 풀옵션 상태에서 옵션 제거(Barry Schwartz, 2004)
• 친숙함을 소망하는 것은 상실의 두려움과 관련이 있다. 사람들은 슬프거나 무서울 때,
구뇌와 중뇌(감정 관할)가 깨어서 자신을 보호하려 한다.(Marieke de Vries, 2010). 기분
좋을 때 그리고 친숙한 것에 그리 민감하지 않을 때 새롭고 다른 것을 시도한다.
Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing.
Just one person is the subject
Smarr decided to take over his own health tracking.
(스마의 동기유발: 의료시스템에 대한 불신과 자각)
Crohn’s disease(크론병) 진단
Lactoferrin(락토페린) 수치 주목: 7(미만 정상) & 200~900
Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing.
Just one person is the subject
Smarr decided to take over his own health tracking.
(스마의 동기유발: 의료시스템에 대한 불신과 자각)
Lactoferrin(락토페린) 수치 주목: 7 & 200~900
Crohn’s disease(크론병) 진단
Quantified Self movement
Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing.
Just one person is the subject
Smarr decided to take over his own health tracking.
Quantified Self movement
Self-knowledge through numbers
(숫자를 통한 자기 이해)
Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing.
Quantified Self movement
Self-knowledge through numbers
(숫자를 통한 자기 이해)
Self-tracking represents an attempt to take back some measure of control.
It puts the individual back at the centre of his or her universe.
Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing.
Quantified Self movement
Self-knowledge through numbers
(숫자를 통한 자기 이해)
Self-tracking represents an attempt to take back some measure of control.
It puts the individual back at the centre of his or her universe.
To all intents and purposes, when combined, these become the algorithmic
self: identity(“new algorithmic identity” by John Cheney-Lippold) and
identification shifted to an entirely digital (and therefore measurable) plane.
Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing.
Quantified Self movement
Self-knowledge through numbers
(숫자를 통한 자기 이해)
Self-tracking represents an attempt to take back some measure of control.
It puts the individual back at the centre of his or her universe.
To all intents and purposes, when combined, these become the algorithmic
self: identity(“new algorithmic identity” by John Cheney-Lippold) and
identification shifted to an entirely digital (and therefore measurable) plane.
• “We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.”(Former Prime Minister Winston Churchill) Users shape their online
profiles, and from that point forward their online profiles begin to shape them.
Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing.
Quantified Self movement
Self-knowledge through numbers
(숫자를 통한 자기 이해)
Self-tracking represents an attempt to take back some measure of control.
It puts the individual back at the centre of his or her universe.
To all intents and purposes, when combined, these become the algorithmic
self: identity(“new algorithmic identity” by John Cheney-Lippold) and
identification shifted to an entirely digital (and therefore measurable) plane.
• “We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.”(Former Prime Minister Winston Churchill) Users shape their online
profiles, and from that point forward their online profiles begin to shape them.
• Every time a person shops online (or in a supermarket using a loyalty card) their identity is slightly altered; being created
and curated in such a way that is almost imperceptible. The same thing happens whenever you open a new web-browsing
window and surf the Internet.
Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing.
Quantified Self movement
Self-knowledge through numbers
(숫자를 통한 자기 이해)
Self-tracking represents an attempt to take back some measure of control.
It puts the individual back at the centre of his or her universe.
To all intents and purposes, when combined, these become the algorithmic
self: identity(“new algorithmic identity” by John Cheney-Lippold) and
identification shifted to an entirely digital (and therefore measurable) plane.
• “We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.”(Former Prime Minister Winston Churchill) Users shape their online
profiles, and from that point forward their online profiles begin to shape them.
• Every time a person shops online (or in a supermarket using a loyalty card) their identity is slightly altered; being created
and curated in such a way that is almost imperceptible. The same thing happens whenever you open a new web-browsing
window and surf the Internet.
• What Fred Turner describes is a world in which multiple subjectivities exist, but these subjectivities constantly crash into
one another. Unlike the “windowed self”(by MIT psychoanalyst Sherry Turkle) or the “segmentary animal”(by Deleuze and
Félix Guattari) who fills different roles at school, in the workplace and at the home, where The Formula is involved these rules
are not isolated to one location, but affect one another in intricate, granular and often invisible ways.
© 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로
Probabilistic epigenesis(확률적 후생) by Gottlieb and Halpern(2002)
• 예정된 후생학(Predetermined epigenesis): 유전자에서 뇌구조로 그리고 뇌와 인지기능에의 변화로 일방향적인
원인 경로가 있다고 주장
• 확률적 후생학(Probabilistic epigenesis): 유전자 간에 상호작용, 뇌의 구조적인 변화, 기능을 양방향적인 것으로
간주. 양방향 상호작용이란 유전자들에 의해 행동변화가 일어날 뿐만 아니라, 어린이에게의 감각입력은 유전자
발현패턴에 변화를 가져올 수 있다는 의미 (예) 갓 태어난 아이는 다른 사람들의 얼굴을 잘 바라보게 편중되어
있는 원시적 뇌회로가 있어서(Johnson, 1991), 얼굴에 대한 어려서부터의 주의집중은 얼굴을 처리하도록 하는
시각경로에 관여하는 신경회로가 발달하게 처리함. 이런 형성과정에 깔려있는 신경해부학적 변화는 차별적
유전자 발현에 기인함
유전적 활동
(유전자 간의 상호작용)
신경 활동(뇌의 구조적인 변화)
개인의 발달
양방향 영향들
A systems view of psychobiological development(심리생물학 발달의 시스템 관점). Source : Adapted from Gottlieb and Halpern, 2002.
Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing.
Quantified Self movement
Self-knowledge through numbers
(숫자를 통한 자기 이해)
Self-tracking represents an attempt to take back some measure of control.
It puts the individual back at the centre of his or her universe.
To all intents and purposes, when combined, these become the algorithmic
self: identity and identification shifted to an entirely digital (and therefore
measurable) plane.
“We know before they do. We know before you do. We can tell you not only
where your customers are going, but how they’re going to get there, so we
can actually influence their paths.”
(Quantcast’s promotional materials)
Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing.
Quantified Self movement
Self-knowledge through numbers
(숫자를 통한 자기 이해)
Self-tracking represents an attempt to take back some measure of control.
It puts the individual back at the centre of his or her universe.
To all intents and purposes, when combined, these become the algorithmic self: identity and identification
shifted to an entirely digital (and therefore measurable) plane.
“We know before they do. We know before you do. We can tell you not only where your customers are going,
but how they’re going to get there, so we can actually influence their paths.”(Quantcast’s promotional materials)
Companies like Quantcast and Google get no benefit at all from everyone
acting in the same way(like the (digital) panopticon), since this allows for
no market segmentation to occur. Venders and marketers increasingly focus
on niche audiences. For niches to work, it is important to companies that
they know our eccentricities, so that they can figure out which tiny interest
group we belong to.
Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing.
Quantified Self movement
Self-knowledge through numbers
(숫자를 통한 자기 이해)
Angela was working in what she considered to be her dream job, when she
downloaded an app that “pinged” her multiple times each day, asking her to
rate her mood each time.
As patterns started to emerge in the data, Angela realised that her “mood
score” showed that she wasn’t very happy at work, after all. When she
discovered this, she handed in her notice and quit.
지속적인 성장과 관련된 측정은 동기유발에서 중요함
© 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로
사람들은 진보, 숙련, 통제에 동기부여 받는다
• 사람들은 자기가 발전하고 있다(making progress)는 느낌을 좋아하며, 새로운 지식과
기술을 배우고 숙련(mastering)되고 있다는 느낌을 좋아한다. (예) 위키피디아, 오픈소스
활동 등
• 숙련(mastery)은 아주 강력한 동기유발자라서 작은 발전의 신호라도 사람들이 다음
단계로 전진하게 하는 동기부여에 큰 효과가 있다.
• 숙련은 접근은 할 수 있으나 도달할 수 없다. 그래서 숙련이 그토록 강한 동기유발이
되게 하는 요소 중 하나다.
Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing.
Quantified Self movement
Self-knowledge through numbers
(숫자를 통한 자기 이해)
Based upon speech patterns, the particular words they used, and even
details as seemingly trivial as whether they said “um” or “err” – and then
utilise these insights to put them through to the agent best suited for dealing
with their emotional needs?
(Chicago’s Mattersight Corporation does exactly that. Based on custom
algorithms, Mattersight calls its business “predictive behavioral routing”.)
Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing.
Quantified Self movement
Self-knowledge through numbers
(숫자를 통한 자기 이해)
Based upon speech patterns, the particular words they used, and even details as seemingly trivial as whether they said “um” or
“err” – and then utilise these insights to put them through to the agent best suited for dealing with their emotional needs?
(Chicago’s Mattersight Corporation does exactly that. Based on custom algorithms, Mattersight calls its business “predictive
behavioral routing”.)
The man behind Mattersight’s behavioural models is a clinical psychologist
named Dr Taibi Kahler. Kahler is the creator of a type of psychological
behavioural profiling called Process Communication.
What Kahler noticed was that certain predictable signs precede particular
incidents of distress, and that these distress signs are linked to specific
speech patterns. These, in turn, led to him developing profiles on the six
different personality types he saw recurring.
Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing.
Personality type Personality traits
Thinkers view the world through data. Their primary way of dealing with
situations is based upon logical analysis of a situation. They have the potential
to become humourless and controlling.
1 in 4
Rebels interact with the world based on reactions. They either love things or
hate them. Many innovators come from this group. Under pressure they can
be negative and blameful.
1 in 5
Persisters filter everything through their opinions. Everything is measured up
against their world view. This describes the majority of politicians.
1 in 10
Harmonisers deal with everything in terms of emotions and relationships.
Tight situations make this group overreactive.
3 in 10
Promoters view everything through action. These are the salesmen of the
world, always looking to close a deal. They can be irrational and impulsive.
1 in 20
Imaginers deal in unfocused thought and reflection. These people operate in
vivid internal worlds and are likely to spot patterns where others cannot.
1 in 10
Dr Taibi Kahler’s the six different personality types
Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing.
Quantified Self movement
Self-knowledge through numbers
(숫자를 통한 자기 이해)
Based upon speech patterns, the particular words they used, and even details as seemingly trivial as whether they said “um” or
“err” – and then utilise these insights to put them through to the agent best suited for dealing with their emotional needs?
(Chicago’s Mattersight Corporation does exactly that. Based on custom algorithms, Mattersight calls its business “predictive
behavioral routing”.)
The man behind Mattersight’s behavioural models is a clinical psychologist named Dr Taibi Kahler. Kahler is the creator of a
type of psychological behavioural profiling called Process Communication.
What Kahler noticed was that certain predictable signs precede particular incidents of distress, and that these distress signs are
linked to specific speech patterns. These, in turn, led to him developing profiles on the six different personality types he saw
A person patched through to an individual with a similar personality type to
their own will have an average conversation length of five minutes, with a 92
percent problem-resolution rate. A caller paired up to a conflicting
personality type, on the other hand, will see their call length double to ten
minutes – while the problem-resolution rate tumbles to 47 percent.
© 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로
Similarity-attraction(유사성-매력 전략)(1/4)
• This is a reproduction of one of the most famous of the Tiffany stained-glass pieces—
the colors are absolutely sensational! This first-class, handmade copper-foiled stained-
glass shade is over six and one-half inches in diameter and over five inches tall. I am
sure that this gorgeous lamp will accent any environment and bring a classic touch of
the past to a stylish present. It is guaranteed to be in excellent condition! I very highly
recommend it.
• This is a reproduction of a Tiffany stained-glass piece. The colors are quite rich. The
handmade copper-foiled stained-glass shade is about six and one-half inches in
diameter and five inches tall.
* Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
© 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로
Similarity-attraction(유사성-매력 전략)(2/4)
• You should definitely select option A instead of option B. There are at least six
reasons why this is the right option. I am 90 percent confident of this assessment.
• Perhaps you should select option A instead of option B? It seems like there are
reasons why this might be the right choice. I am 40 percent confident of this
* Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
© 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로
Similarity-attraction(유사성-매력 전략)(3/4)
• Personality traits(성격 특성); 5살 무렵에 형성
• Four Personalities
비판형 외향형
내향형 수용형
냉정형 다정형
* Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
© 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로
Similarity-attraction(유사성-매력 전략)(4/4)
• Similarity-attraction affects people to such a degree that they feel positive toward
not only similar people but also anything associated with those similar people. For
example, in the experiment, not only did participants like the sellers who were similar
to themselves, they also felt more positive about the items associated with the
similar sellers.(유사성-매력 효과는 긍정적 감정 뿐만 아니라 유대감 유발. 심지어
성격이 비슷한 판매자가 경매에 올린 제품까지 선호)
• 외향성 음성과 내향성 음성 동일 적용; 음량, 음역, 음성 속도; 성격과 음성의 일관성
중요하게 판단함
• When the introduction to a computer-based “Entertainment Guide” matched users’
personalities, users found the recommended music to be significantly better, even
though the recommendations themselves were identical.(동일 음악을 추천하여도
서비스 도입부가 자신의 성격에 부합하면 선호 발생)
* Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
healthcare & IoT
Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing.
Just one person is the subject
Precision medicine(알고리즘 기반 개개인 맞춤 치료)
Evidence based medicine(통계 기반 치료)
Symptom based medicine
© 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로
The Patient Health Engagement Model
Source: HYPOTHESIS AND THEORY Psychology for Clinical Settings, a section of the journal Frontiers in Psychology Communication Skills for Patient Engagement: Argumentation Competencies
As...(Sarah Bigi, 2016)
© 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로
The Patient Health Engagement Model(cont.)
© 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로
Lessons Learned From PatientsLikeMe; Social triggers
© 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로
Lessons Learned From PatientsLikeMe(cont.)
© 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로
Lessons Learned From PatientsLikeMe(cont.)
© 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로
Lessons Learned From PatientsLikeMe(cont.)
© 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로
Watson for Thermocare; 비접촉성 체온계; 대화형 모바일 헬스케어 시스템 지향
Image Source:
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Watson for Thermocare(cont.)
Image Source:
(아이 등 환자의)
개인 정보(특정 질병 등)에
기반한 응급 조치 권고와
시스템 자동 조치(진료 예약,
119 등) 필요
(부모 등 구매자의)
개인별 성향에 기반하고
권위와 신뢰(의사 등)을 투영한
환경(응급 등)에 적합한
(부모 등 구매자의) 심리 배려 및
(아이 등 환자 대상의) 실효적인 솔루션
제공 목적의 대화형 시스템 접근 필요
체온계와 모바일 디바이스의 역할 분담
고려 필요; 차후 음성 대화 시스템
탑재(체온계; 아마존 에코 등) 및 상세한
정보 접근(모바일 디바이스)
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Natural UI & Biometric Seat
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Natural UI & Biometric Case; AliveCor
© 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로
Natural UI, But Not Usability; Stand

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인공지능시대?! 지금, 무슨 일이 벌어지고 있는가? 우리는, 무엇을 질문하고 통찰해야 하는가?인공지능시대?! 지금, 무슨 일이 벌어지고 있는가? 우리는, 무엇을 질문하고 통찰해야 하는가?
인공지능시대?! 지금, 무슨 일이 벌어지고 있는가? 우리는, 무엇을 질문하고 통찰해야 하는가?Billy Choi
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For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로

  • 1. For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로 2016 Billy(최병호)/ 중앙대학교 교수 홍익대학교 영상대학원(HCI개론 강의)/ 연세대학교 공학대학원(서비스디자인경영 강의)/ 성균관대학교 일반대학원 휴먼ICT융합학과(교수)/ HEDcentric UX미래융합전략연구소(연구소장) InnoUX 대표이사 Research Data: Blog: Twitter/Facebook: ILOVEHCI
  • 2. © 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로 Table of Contents • Challenge • Quantified Self movement & Engagement • Digital healthcare & IoT UX 1
  • 8. Image Sources: • • • ? ?
  • 11. Sources: • Paper: Effect of Wearable Technology Combined With a Lifestyle Intervention on Long-term Weight Loss The IDEA Randomized Clinical Trial(2016) • Images:
  • 19. Source: Hexoskin Smart is a sensor-embedded smart shirt that monitors and records your heart rate, breathing, and movement whether you're awake or asleep. It provides valuable insights on intensity and recovery, calories burned, fatigue level, and sleep quality. Hexoskin connects to your favorite Bluetooth Smart compatible apps and devices (Hexoskin supports the BLE HR profile). All of your data is stored securely, allowing you to see how your physical fitness is evolving over time.
  • 21. Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing. Just one person is the subject
  • 22. Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing. Just one person is the subject Smarr decided to take over his own health tracking.
  • 23. Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing. “People have been brainwashed into thinking that they have no responsibility for the state of their bodies,” “I did the calculation of the ratio of two 20-minute doctor visits per year, compared to the total number of minutes in the year, and it turns out to be one in 10,000. If you think that someone is going to be able to tell you what’s wrong with you and fix the problem in one 10,000th of the time that you have available to do the same, I’d say that’s the definition of insanity. It just doesn’t make any sense.” Smarr decided to take over his own health tracking.
  • 24. Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing. Just one person is the subject Smarr decided to take over his own health tracking. (스마의 동기유발: 의료시스템에 대한 불신과 자각)
  • 25. © 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로 상실의 두려움이 획득의 기대보다 크다 • 사람들이 행동하게 하려면 얻을 것에 대한 기대보다는 잃을 것에 대한 두려움 위주로 접근해야 한다. • 사람들은 자기가 이미 가진 것 또는 거의 가진 것을 잃는 것을 가장 두려워한다. (예) 자동차 풀옵션 상태에서 옵션 제거(Barry Schwartz, 2004) • 친숙함을 소망하는 것은 상실의 두려움과 관련이 있다. 사람들은 슬프거나 무서울 때, 구뇌와 중뇌(감정 관할)가 깨어서 자신을 보호하려 한다.(Marieke de Vries, 2010). 기분 좋을 때 그리고 친숙한 것에 그리 민감하지 않을 때 새롭고 다른 것을 시도한다. 24
  • 26. Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing. Just one person is the subject Smarr decided to take over his own health tracking. (스마의 동기유발: 의료시스템에 대한 불신과 자각) Crohn’s disease(크론병) 진단 Lactoferrin(락토페린) 수치 주목: 7(미만 정상) & 200~900
  • 27. Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing. Just one person is the subject Smarr decided to take over his own health tracking. (스마의 동기유발: 의료시스템에 대한 불신과 자각) Lactoferrin(락토페린) 수치 주목: 7 & 200~900 Crohn’s disease(크론병) 진단 Quantified Self movement
  • 28. Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing. Just one person is the subject Smarr decided to take over his own health tracking. Quantified Self movement Self-knowledge through numbers (숫자를 통한 자기 이해)
  • 29. Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing. Quantified Self movement Self-knowledge through numbers (숫자를 통한 자기 이해) Self-tracking represents an attempt to take back some measure of control. It puts the individual back at the centre of his or her universe.
  • 30. Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing. Quantified Self movement Self-knowledge through numbers (숫자를 통한 자기 이해) Self-tracking represents an attempt to take back some measure of control. It puts the individual back at the centre of his or her universe. To all intents and purposes, when combined, these become the algorithmic self: identity(“new algorithmic identity” by John Cheney-Lippold) and identification shifted to an entirely digital (and therefore measurable) plane.
  • 31. Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing. Quantified Self movement Self-knowledge through numbers (숫자를 통한 자기 이해) Self-tracking represents an attempt to take back some measure of control. It puts the individual back at the centre of his or her universe. To all intents and purposes, when combined, these become the algorithmic self: identity(“new algorithmic identity” by John Cheney-Lippold) and identification shifted to an entirely digital (and therefore measurable) plane. • “We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.”(Former Prime Minister Winston Churchill) Users shape their online profiles, and from that point forward their online profiles begin to shape them.
  • 32. Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing. Quantified Self movement Self-knowledge through numbers (숫자를 통한 자기 이해) Self-tracking represents an attempt to take back some measure of control. It puts the individual back at the centre of his or her universe. To all intents and purposes, when combined, these become the algorithmic self: identity(“new algorithmic identity” by John Cheney-Lippold) and identification shifted to an entirely digital (and therefore measurable) plane. • “We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.”(Former Prime Minister Winston Churchill) Users shape their online profiles, and from that point forward their online profiles begin to shape them. • Every time a person shops online (or in a supermarket using a loyalty card) their identity is slightly altered; being created and curated in such a way that is almost imperceptible. The same thing happens whenever you open a new web-browsing window and surf the Internet.
  • 33. Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing. Quantified Self movement Self-knowledge through numbers (숫자를 통한 자기 이해) Self-tracking represents an attempt to take back some measure of control. It puts the individual back at the centre of his or her universe. To all intents and purposes, when combined, these become the algorithmic self: identity(“new algorithmic identity” by John Cheney-Lippold) and identification shifted to an entirely digital (and therefore measurable) plane. • “We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.”(Former Prime Minister Winston Churchill) Users shape their online profiles, and from that point forward their online profiles begin to shape them. • Every time a person shops online (or in a supermarket using a loyalty card) their identity is slightly altered; being created and curated in such a way that is almost imperceptible. The same thing happens whenever you open a new web-browsing window and surf the Internet. • What Fred Turner describes is a world in which multiple subjectivities exist, but these subjectivities constantly crash into one another. Unlike the “windowed self”(by MIT psychoanalyst Sherry Turkle) or the “segmentary animal”(by Deleuze and Félix Guattari) who fills different roles at school, in the workplace and at the home, where The Formula is involved these rules are not isolated to one location, but affect one another in intricate, granular and often invisible ways.
  • 34. © 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로 Probabilistic epigenesis(확률적 후생) by Gottlieb and Halpern(2002) • 예정된 후생학(Predetermined epigenesis): 유전자에서 뇌구조로 그리고 뇌와 인지기능에의 변화로 일방향적인 원인 경로가 있다고 주장 • 확률적 후생학(Probabilistic epigenesis): 유전자 간에 상호작용, 뇌의 구조적인 변화, 기능을 양방향적인 것으로 간주. 양방향 상호작용이란 유전자들에 의해 행동변화가 일어날 뿐만 아니라, 어린이에게의 감각입력은 유전자 발현패턴에 변화를 가져올 수 있다는 의미 (예) 갓 태어난 아이는 다른 사람들의 얼굴을 잘 바라보게 편중되어 있는 원시적 뇌회로가 있어서(Johnson, 1991), 얼굴에 대한 어려서부터의 주의집중은 얼굴을 처리하도록 하는 시각경로에 관여하는 신경회로가 발달하게 처리함. 이런 형성과정에 깔려있는 신경해부학적 변화는 차별적 유전자 발현에 기인함 33 유전적 활동 (유전자 간의 상호작용) 신경 활동(뇌의 구조적인 변화) 개인의 발달 양방향 영향들 A systems view of psychobiological development(심리생물학 발달의 시스템 관점). Source : Adapted from Gottlieb and Halpern, 2002. 행동(기능)
  • 35. Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing. Quantified Self movement Self-knowledge through numbers (숫자를 통한 자기 이해) Self-tracking represents an attempt to take back some measure of control. It puts the individual back at the centre of his or her universe. To all intents and purposes, when combined, these become the algorithmic self: identity and identification shifted to an entirely digital (and therefore measurable) plane. “We know before they do. We know before you do. We can tell you not only where your customers are going, but how they’re going to get there, so we can actually influence their paths.” (Quantcast’s promotional materials)
  • 36. Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing. Quantified Self movement Self-knowledge through numbers (숫자를 통한 자기 이해) Self-tracking represents an attempt to take back some measure of control. It puts the individual back at the centre of his or her universe. To all intents and purposes, when combined, these become the algorithmic self: identity and identification shifted to an entirely digital (and therefore measurable) plane. “We know before they do. We know before you do. We can tell you not only where your customers are going, but how they’re going to get there, so we can actually influence their paths.”(Quantcast’s promotional materials) Companies like Quantcast and Google get no benefit at all from everyone acting in the same way(like the (digital) panopticon), since this allows for no market segmentation to occur. Venders and marketers increasingly focus on niche audiences. For niches to work, it is important to companies that they know our eccentricities, so that they can figure out which tiny interest group we belong to.
  • 37. Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing. Quantified Self movement Self-knowledge through numbers (숫자를 통한 자기 이해) Angela was working in what she considered to be her dream job, when she downloaded an app that “pinged” her multiple times each day, asking her to rate her mood each time. As patterns started to emerge in the data, Angela realised that her “mood score” showed that she wasn’t very happy at work, after all. When she discovered this, she handed in her notice and quit.
  • 38. 지속적인 성장과 관련된 측정은 동기유발에서 중요함
  • 39. © 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로 사람들은 진보, 숙련, 통제에 동기부여 받는다 • 사람들은 자기가 발전하고 있다(making progress)는 느낌을 좋아하며, 새로운 지식과 기술을 배우고 숙련(mastering)되고 있다는 느낌을 좋아한다. (예) 위키피디아, 오픈소스 활동 등 • 숙련(mastery)은 아주 강력한 동기유발자라서 작은 발전의 신호라도 사람들이 다음 단계로 전진하게 하는 동기부여에 큰 효과가 있다. • 숙련은 접근은 할 수 있으나 도달할 수 없다. 그래서 숙련이 그토록 강한 동기유발이 되게 하는 요소 중 하나다. 38
  • 40. Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing. Quantified Self movement Self-knowledge through numbers (숫자를 통한 자기 이해) Based upon speech patterns, the particular words they used, and even details as seemingly trivial as whether they said “um” or “err” – and then utilise these insights to put them through to the agent best suited for dealing with their emotional needs? (Chicago’s Mattersight Corporation does exactly that. Based on custom algorithms, Mattersight calls its business “predictive behavioral routing”.)
  • 41. Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing. Quantified Self movement Self-knowledge through numbers (숫자를 통한 자기 이해) Based upon speech patterns, the particular words they used, and even details as seemingly trivial as whether they said “um” or “err” – and then utilise these insights to put them through to the agent best suited for dealing with their emotional needs? (Chicago’s Mattersight Corporation does exactly that. Based on custom algorithms, Mattersight calls its business “predictive behavioral routing”.) The man behind Mattersight’s behavioural models is a clinical psychologist named Dr Taibi Kahler. Kahler is the creator of a type of psychological behavioural profiling called Process Communication. What Kahler noticed was that certain predictable signs precede particular incidents of distress, and that these distress signs are linked to specific speech patterns. These, in turn, led to him developing profiles on the six different personality types he saw recurring.
  • 42. Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing. Personality type Personality traits How common? “Thinkers” Thinkers view the world through data. Their primary way of dealing with situations is based upon logical analysis of a situation. They have the potential to become humourless and controlling. 1 in 4 people “Rebels” Rebels interact with the world based on reactions. They either love things or hate them. Many innovators come from this group. Under pressure they can be negative and blameful. 1 in 5 people “Persisters” Persisters filter everything through their opinions. Everything is measured up against their world view. This describes the majority of politicians. 1 in 10 people “Harmonisers” Harmonisers deal with everything in terms of emotions and relationships. Tight situations make this group overreactive. 3 in 10 people “Promoters” Promoters view everything through action. These are the salesmen of the world, always looking to close a deal. They can be irrational and impulsive. 1 in 20 people “Imaginers” Imaginers deal in unfocused thought and reflection. These people operate in vivid internal worlds and are likely to spot patterns where others cannot. 1 in 10 people Dr Taibi Kahler’s the six different personality types
  • 43. Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing. Quantified Self movement Self-knowledge through numbers (숫자를 통한 자기 이해) Based upon speech patterns, the particular words they used, and even details as seemingly trivial as whether they said “um” or “err” – and then utilise these insights to put them through to the agent best suited for dealing with their emotional needs? (Chicago’s Mattersight Corporation does exactly that. Based on custom algorithms, Mattersight calls its business “predictive behavioral routing”.) The man behind Mattersight’s behavioural models is a clinical psychologist named Dr Taibi Kahler. Kahler is the creator of a type of psychological behavioural profiling called Process Communication. What Kahler noticed was that certain predictable signs precede particular incidents of distress, and that these distress signs are linked to specific speech patterns. These, in turn, led to him developing profiles on the six different personality types he saw recurring. A person patched through to an individual with a similar personality type to their own will have an average conversation length of five minutes, with a 92 percent problem-resolution rate. A caller paired up to a conflicting personality type, on the other hand, will see their call length double to ten minutes – while the problem-resolution rate tumbles to 47 percent.
  • 44. © 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로 Similarity-attraction(유사성-매력 전략)(1/4) • This is a reproduction of one of the most famous of the Tiffany stained-glass pieces— the colors are absolutely sensational! This first-class, handmade copper-foiled stained- glass shade is over six and one-half inches in diameter and over five inches tall. I am sure that this gorgeous lamp will accent any environment and bring a classic touch of the past to a stylish present. It is guaranteed to be in excellent condition! I very highly recommend it. • This is a reproduction of a Tiffany stained-glass piece. The colors are quite rich. The handmade copper-foiled stained-glass shade is about six and one-half inches in diameter and five inches tall. 43 * Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
  • 45. © 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로 Similarity-attraction(유사성-매력 전략)(2/4) • You should definitely select option A instead of option B. There are at least six reasons why this is the right option. I am 90 percent confident of this assessment. • Perhaps you should select option A instead of option B? It seems like there are reasons why this might be the right choice. I am 40 percent confident of this assessment. 44 * Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
  • 46. © 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로 Similarity-attraction(유사성-매력 전략)(3/4) • Personality traits(성격 특성); 5살 무렵에 형성 • Four Personalities 45 비판형 외향형 내향형 수용형 냉정형 다정형 순응형 지배형 협력 * Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
  • 47. © 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로 Similarity-attraction(유사성-매력 전략)(4/4) • Similarity-attraction affects people to such a degree that they feel positive toward not only similar people but also anything associated with those similar people. For example, in the experiment, not only did participants like the sellers who were similar to themselves, they also felt more positive about the items associated with the similar sellers.(유사성-매력 효과는 긍정적 감정 뿐만 아니라 유대감 유발. 심지어 성격이 비슷한 판매자가 경매에 올린 제품까지 선호) • 외향성 음성과 내향성 음성 동일 적용; 음량, 음역, 음성 속도; 성격과 음성의 일관성 중요하게 판단함 • When the introduction to a computer-based “Entertainment Guide” matched users’ personalities, users found the recommended music to be significantly better, even though the recommendations themselves were identical.(동일 음악을 추천하여도 서비스 도입부가 자신의 성격에 부합하면 선호 발생) 46 * Source: Clifford Nass & Corina Yen, 2010
  • 49. Reference: Dormehl, Luke (2014-04-03). The Formula: How Algorithms Solve all our Problems … and Create More. Ebury Publishing. Just one person is the subject Precision medicine(알고리즘 기반 개개인 맞춤 치료) Evidence based medicine(통계 기반 치료) Symptom based medicine
  • 50. © 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로 The Patient Health Engagement Model 49 Source: HYPOTHESIS AND THEORY Psychology for Clinical Settings, a section of the journal Frontiers in Psychology Communication Skills for Patient Engagement: Argumentation Competencies As...(Sarah Bigi, 2016)
  • 51. © 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로 The Patient Health Engagement Model(cont.) 50 Source:
  • 52. © 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로 Lessons Learned From PatientsLikeMe; Social triggers 51 Source:
  • 53. © 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로 Lessons Learned From PatientsLikeMe(cont.) 52 Source:
  • 54. © 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로 Lessons Learned From PatientsLikeMe(cont.) 53 Source:
  • 55. © 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로 Lessons Learned From PatientsLikeMe(cont.) 54 Source:
  • 56. © 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로 Watson for Thermocare; 비접촉성 체온계; 대화형 모바일 헬스케어 시스템 지향 55 Image Source:
  • 57. © 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로 Watson for Thermocare(cont.) 56 Image Source: (아이 등 환자의) 개인 정보(특정 질병 등)에 기반한 응급 조치 권고와 시스템 자동 조치(진료 예약, 119 등) 필요 (부모 등 구매자의) 개인별 성향에 기반하고 권위와 신뢰(의사 등)을 투영한 환경(응급 등)에 적합한 (부모 등 구매자의) 심리 배려 및 (아이 등 환자 대상의) 실효적인 솔루션 제공 목적의 대화형 시스템 접근 필요 체온계와 모바일 디바이스의 역할 분담 고려 필요; 차후 음성 대화 시스템 탑재(체온계; 아마존 에코 등) 및 상세한 정보 접근(모바일 디바이스)
  • 58. © 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로 Natural UI & Biometric Seat 57 Source:
  • 59. © 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로 Natural UI & Biometric Case; AliveCor 58 Source:
  • 60. © 2016 Billy All rights reserved.For Engagement and Great: Digital Healthcare & IoT UX 사례 중심으로 Natural UI, But Not Usability; Stand 59 Source: