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ciat poster ciatksw09 agrobiodiversity lac poster exhibit ciatcapacity ciatapr10 agbio workshop biotechnology chusa 2010 gines mera fellowship veronica agriculture arroz fao rice presentation semillas climate change colombia cassava soils africa grisp_ciat grisp food security chusaginesposter ciatapr15 taller semillas 2012 es apr2011 tfssal ciat50 food systems taller semillas 2011 biodiversity cacao extension moass ciatprc ipr information and communications technology ciat-ict4d ict4d yuca cgiar beans cadmio cdfree value chains food tropical forages 2009 agricultura change asia tropical fruits cali climate crops pabra gender cambio climatico foragro cadenas productivas soil latin america and the caribbean bioeconomy ciatfrutas apr10 coffee ciat50ca tallercadenas science frijol impact forages development poverty bioseguridad bean gcard 2010 bioversity ecoefficiency bioeconomia edc2015 cimmyt icrisat jircas buruchara dapa nutricion nutrition water deforestation cirad cafe aaa dupont plant sciences symposia series género climate smart agriculture america latina y el caribe latin america ccafs usaid wfd10 dma agronatura latin america adaptation aginfo tallerguatemala crispr edición de genomas cassava value chains research nicaragua agricultural systems eco-efficiency japan livestock cambio climático markets seguridad alimentaria tsbf open access biofortificacion habitat parasid tnc perú knowledgemanagement exco genome editing rdhseminar crop modeling ciatapr15feed ecosystem services diets soil health soil fertility ecuador big data data strategy 2014–2020 natural resource degradation partnership milk fish meat chirwa taller semillas seed workshop 2011 training capacity building research networks dia mundial de la alimentacion genetic resources desarrollo biodiversidad edith hesse giraldo andres dufour dominique agrosalud impacto conservation andes monitoring modelling gis cambio climatico seeds womeninscience future seeds dryland legumes dryland cereals amazônia seminar centro america cocoa cassava industry brasil rothamsted research irri international rice research institute soil carbon university of florida genetic phenotypic data genetic data key messaging pitching csa cooperatives iowa state university peru tierras degradadas nutrients the global diet drought sustainability resilience harvestplus ghg emissions decision making science and technology data analysis eco-efficient decisions and policy analysis malnutrition deforestacion roots tubers reducing hunger farming livelihoods degraded landscapes forrajes sustainable agriculture corpoica fitomejoramiento common bean colombia 2010 américa latina y el caribe inseguridad alimentaria honduras periodismo científico ciencia madr muthoni abang mukankusi rubyogo guimaraes birachi knowledge management cambio climtico plant breeding rmchirwa amrica latina y el caribe invemar brachiaria copyright platano conservacion ict-km ruben echeverria chontaduro almidon sanchez teresa scheldeman xavier gonzales alonso rivera andres felipe quito ecuador bolivia environment carbon ecosystem nature loss conservancy amazon modis redd pests impacts diseases policies mitigation clayuca breeding modelacion partnerships echeverria ballantyne socialmedia banco interamericano de desarrollo bid republica dominicana impacto economico prospectiva agencia de los estados unidos para el desarrollo i programa riqueza natural bioterra monitoreo sustainable food systems genebank crop conservation propiedad intelectual transformación genética cas9 dupont-pioneer genoma plant genetics plant health phytobiome plant growth epigenetic womaninscience soc sequestration rolf sommer food forever crop diversity eat forum stockholm industria colombiana bieconomia argentina desarrollo en colombia forecast bog data organize ifpri convene information inspire water uses cañete river usda rural development peace restauracion iniciativa bosque land-use greenhouse gases land-based aquaculture processed food economías rurales sostenibles cadena de valor de cacao coffee supply chains fungal coffee diseases biophysical contexts coffee production systems coffee diseases nitrogen rice root ideal root system physiology stress conditions genotypes genetic introgression studies molecular breeding intensificación sostenible consumidores dieta animal impactos ambientales sistemas productivos bienestar animal carne sistemas silvopastoriles investigación investigadores cocoa sector cocoa value chains café robusta modelación climática amozonía ecuatoriana cadena de valor traditional markets ecuadro wageningen pathogen value cassava research bananas maps rtb starch polcies china cassava starch mandioca responsabilidad social gcp21 global cassava partnership latin america and caribbean climate chenge cassava models anestis gkanogiannis genomics africarice center for environmental farming systems north carolina roadmap the philippine department of agriculture interventions communities households policy-oriented research impact evaluation associação nacional dos productores de sementes anprosem germoplasma asia africa university of montpellier reproductive barrier uruguay dietary intake data sustainability of pastoral systems partnerships for scaling awareness foods cgiar research program on climate change agriculture and food security crop trust plant genetic resources pastoral systems soil organic carbon food consumption data. climate-smart agriculture (csa) market channels desarrollo empresarial rural información de mercado mercados panela agroindustria rural innovación melinda and bill gates foundation evaluation data management community of practice west africa farming systems innovation quinoa superfoods influence decisions mobile applications data collection communication scientists participatory research infections cytoskeleton plants intracellular landscape planning malawi community planning sustainable land management participatory mapping ingeniería ambiental suelos cornell norman e. borlaug fellowship program technology asti agricultural science and technology indicators icesi farmers. cooperative agribusiness development agronomy departments open data michigan state university msu food demand geospatial analysis cropland expansion tropical regions carbon- preserving catie genero researc agricultural gdp crop yields land and soil degradation endimiento de cultivos pib agrícola degradación de suelos decline in productivity soil carbon loss eco-systems services disminución en productividad pérdidas de carbono en los suelos tierra arable servicios eco-sistémicos land degradation wide scale sustainable land management África degradación de tierras manejo sostenible de tierras pastureland degraded land américa latina ganaderia pastoreo slops soil management nutrientes laderas manejo del suelo cultivo tropical watersheds. sediment transport family agriculture genomic selection wwf sharepoint trabajo colaborativo café seedborne collections germplasm pest management a. lopezi wasp parasitoid se asia indonesia mealybug efficiency crop plants phosphorus-use diversity global crop diversity trust greenhouse emissions organic cropping systems crop management systems production dataverse winowiecki open access data waterlogging grasses johns hopkins water institute large‐scale projections genetic transformation flar hoja blanca virus innovación investigación sena carbon sequestration landscapes tropics coffee bean belt smallholders climate-smart agriculture climate-smart biofortified crops socioeconomic studies kenya sustainable intensification southern africa sub-sah yield gap soil spectra vulnerability socioecological research open access policy research results global trends increased food demand key challenges new science and technology building an eco-efficient future sub-saharan africa eco-efficient agriculture regional trends population and poverty decision policy analysis crop wild relatives pnuma bananas. economic growth canada ecological and climate footprint germany economic empowerment world’s poor australia ifad hunger international fund for agricultural development sustainable vietnam competitive productivity growth health haiti andre zandstra seed systems cattle pronósticos climáticos tortillas en el comal pnud desarrollo rural ci henry guy citrate permease spatial aluminium-induced citrate exudation temporal expression manihot esculenta crantz sequía micrornas manihot esculenta socioeconomic research resultados encuesta nutricional organización de las naciones unidas para la alime carlos augusto del valle américa latina phaseolus vulgaris l. evaluación sensorial de frijol cesar adriana tofiño encuesta nutricional productos alimenticios sonia gallego materias primas biofortificadas deficiencias nutricionales biofortificados sector agropecuario ministerio de agricultura y desarrollo rural helena pachón inha) idiap experiencia panamá ismael camargo instituto de nutrición e higiene de alimentos magaly padrón hierro y cinc del arroz iica km4dev sharefair sharefaircali scientific information resources cida acdi spain muwanika tibalikwana male sebuliba fida marco estatégico genetically modified plants comunicación pública de la ciencia web 2.0 medios sociales comunicación jamaica government negril tourism caribbean mineducacion africa apr2011 farrow ongom diiva nyamwaro ssa-cp villavicencio campbell lefroy hershey nyagaya isfm vanlauwe anlisis de redes sociales capacity team ciat ars alc semilla taller seed fortalecimiento de capacidades agriculturra miguel altieri agroecologa seminarios conocimiento gestin mas inclusin social participacin conflictos proyectos de desarrollo rural participatory plant breeding climbing beans selection rmuthoni knowledge sharing knowlede sharing dia mundial de alimentacion dia mundial de la alimentacin patricia biermayr alonso gonzalez daniel debouck elcio p guimares desarrollo agrcola investigacin capacidades plataforma fortalecimiento investigacin agrcola desafios poster33 poster exhibition agrobiodiversidad maracuya pastos agro empresas biotec poster exhibit tropical forages poster12a agroviodiversity poster63 poster62 poster12 poster46 poster45 poster43 poster23 poster58 poster3 poster59 poster5 poster6 poster14 poster30 poster64 poster52 poster20 poster7 poster67 poster53 poster55 poster25 poster21 poster31 poster61 poster48 poster11 poster2 poster16 poster39 poster1 poster27 poster4 poster29 poster35 poster56 poster66 poster8 poster65 poster50 poster49 poster9 poster57 poster51 poster10 poster54 poster42 poster15 poster18 poster24 poster22 poster32 poster38 poster17 poster19 poster34 poster13 poster28 poster26 poster41 poster40 poster44 open acces seminar 2010 rcm gcm scenarios banano musaceas latinoamerica caribe musa diversidad tropical amenazas aaa edith hesse lima ciat cgiar ict-km ribda 2009 roots and tubers agricultural biodiversity gap analysis wild crop relatives gbif crop ecocrop suitability protected areas aceso libre sergio salles eduardo trigo james french jacky ganry consumo bactris gasipaes escobar andres dufour elodie sanchez teresa habitat monitoring farmer mesoamerica areas protected analysis gap taller biofortificacion helena pachon biofortification fontagro chaco chile caqueta paraguay brazil services resources natural ipcc landuse networks neural disease collet avelino agrogorestry barquero cilas pest laderach costa rica stockholm quensungual iwmi rain water world water week cdm agroexpo pereira risaralda hesse intellectual_property porcari stur social_media martinez beebe climatechange jarvis cambodia vietnan publicawareness ppd ciard knowledgesharing staiger lavelle ciatksw2009 afnet agrobioversity laing proposal ksw mt.
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