nerve muscle physiology system respiratory system special senses central nervous system applied aspect compliance resistance role of surface tension causes of compliance types of compliance p50 left sided shift of curve right sided shift of curve factors influencing o2 curve o2 dissociation curve release of o2 transport of o2 uptake process transport of o2 in blood types measurement of compliance types of resistance pulmonary reserve maximum voluntary ventilation minute ventilation dynamic lung capacities dynamic lung volume measurement of volume lung capacities static lung volumes respiratory membrane alveolar air/expired air different gas laws ventilation & perfusion ratio alveolar perfusion alveolar ventilation rds surfactant surface tension compliance elastance mechanics of respiration pressure and volume changes du circulation function innervation blood supply cystic fibrosis alveolus respiratory physiology physiology - model answers physiology practicals gastro-intestinal system cardiovascular physiology general physiology & blood
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