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Wednesday, February 13, 13

Using Scalding to leverage Cascading to write MapReduce jobs. Note: This talk was presented
in tandem with a Cascading introduction presented by Paco Nathan (@pacoid), so it assumes
you know some Cascading concepts.

(All photos are © Dean Wampler, 2005-2013, All Rights Reserved. Otherwise, the
presentation is free to use.)


                             for Java Developers
                                                                        Dean Wampler,
                                      Dean Wampler                  Jason Rutherglen &
                                                                      Edward Capriolo

Wednesday, February 13, 13

My books and contact information.



  25)                       Hive
                                                                               Dean Wampler,
                                                                           Jason Rutherglen &
                                                                             Edward Capriolo

Wednesday, February 13, 13

I’m teaching two, one-day Hive classes in Chicago in March. I’m also teaching the Hive
Master Class on Monday before StrataConf, 2/25, in Mountain View.

Wednesday, February 13, 13
Wednesday, February 13, 13
      import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.*;
      import java.util.StringTokenizer;

      class WCMapper extends MapReduceBase
          implements Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, IntWritable> {

          static final IntWritable one = new IntWritable(1);
          static final Text word = new Text;  // Value will be set in a non-thread-safe way!

          public void map(LongWritable key, Text valueDocContents,
              OutputCollector<Text, IntWritable> output, Reporter reporter) {
            String[] tokens = valueDocContents.toString.split("s+");
            for (String wordString: tokens) {
              if (wordString.length > 0) {
                output.collect(word, one);                                                                                     The “simple”
            }                                                                                                                   Word Count
      }                                                                                                                         algorithm
      class Reduce extends MapReduceBase
          implements Reducer[Text, IntWritable, Text, IntWritable] {

          public void reduce(Text keyWord, java.util.Iterator<IntWritable> valuesCounts,
                     OutputCollector<Text, IntWritable> output, Reporter reporter) {
            int totalCount = 0;
            while (valuesCounts.hasNext) {
              totalCount +=;
            output.collect(keyWord, new IntWritable(totalCount));
Wednesday, February 13, 13
This is intentionally too small to read and we’re not showing the main routine, which roughly doubles the code size. The “Word Count” algorithm is simple, but the
Hadoop MapReduce framework is in your face. It’s very hard to see the actual “business logic”. Plus, your productivity is terrible. Yet, many Hadoop developers
insist on working this way...
The main routine I’ve omitted contains boilerplate details for configuring and running the job. This is just the “core” MapReduce code. In fact, Word Count is not
too bad, but when you get to more complex algorithms, even conceptually simple ideas like relational-style joins and group-bys, the corresponding MapReduce
code in this API gets very complex and tedious very fast!
Notice the green, which I use for all the types, most of which are infrastructure types we don’t really care about. There is little yellow, which are function calls that
do work. We’ll see how these change...
      import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.*;
      import java.util.StringTokenizer;

      class WCMapper extends MapReduceBase
          implements Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, IntWritable> {

          static final IntWritable one = new IntWritable(1);
          static final Text word = new Text;  // Value will be set in a non-thread-safe way!

          public void map(LongWritable key, Text valueDocContents,
              OutputCollector<Text, IntWritable> output, Reporter reporter) {
            String[] tokens = valueDocContents.toString.split("s+");
            for (String wordString: tokens) {
              if (wordString.length > 0) {
                output.collect(word, one);

      class Reduce extends MapReduceBase
          implements Reducer[Text, IntWritable, Text, IntWritable] {

          public void reduce(Text keyWord, java.util.Iterator<IntWritable> valuesCounts,
                     OutputCollector<Text, IntWritable> output, Reporter reporter) {
            int totalCount = 0;
            while (valuesCounts.hasNext) {
              totalCount +=;
            output.collect(keyWord, new IntWritable(totalCount));
Wednesday, February 13, 13
This is intentionally too small to read and we’re not showing the main routine, which roughly doubles the code size. The “Word Count” algorithm is simple, but the
Hadoop MapReduce framework is in your face. It’s very hard to see the actual “business logic”. Plus, your productivity is terrible. Yet, many Hadoop developers
insist on working this way...
The main routine I’ve omitted contains boilerplate details for configuring and running the job. This is just the “core” MapReduce code. In fact, Word Count is not
too bad, but when you get to more complex algorithms, even conceptually simple ideas like relational-style joins and group-bys, the corresponding MapReduce
code in this API gets very complex and tedious very fast!
Notice the green, which I use for all the types, most of which are infrastructure types we don’t really care about. There is little yellow, which are function calls that
do work. We’ll see how these change...
output.collect(word, one);

       class Reduce extends MapReduceBase
           implements Reducer[Text, IntWritable, Text, IntWritable] {

            public void reduce(Text keyWord, java.util.Iterator<IntWritabl
                       OutputCollector<Text, IntWritable> output, Reporter
              int totalCount = 0;
              while (valuesCounts.hasNext) {
                totalCount +=;
              output.collect(keyWord, new IntWritable(totalCount));

Wednesday, February 13, 13
This is intentionally too small to read and we’re not showing the main routine, which roughly doubles the code size. The “Word Count” algorithm is simple, but the
Hadoop MapReduce framework is in your face. It’s very hard to see the actual “business logic”. Plus, your productivity is terrible. Yet, many Hadoop developers
insist on working this way...
The main routine I’ve omitted contains boilerplate details for configuring and running the job. This is just the “core” MapReduce code. In fact, Word Count is not
too bad, but when you get to more complex algorithms, even conceptually simple ideas like relational-style joins and group-bys, the corresponding MapReduce
code in this API gets very complex and tedious very fast!
Notice the green, which I use for all the types, most of which are infrastructure types we don’t really care about. There is little yellow, which are function calls that
do work. We’ll see how these change...
output.collect(word, one);

       class Reduce extends MapReduceBase
           implements Reducer[Text, IntWritable, Text, IntWritable] {

            public void reduce(Text keyWord, java.util.Iterator<IntWritabl
                       OutputCollector<Text, IntWritable> output, Reporter
              int totalCount = 0;
              while (valuesCounts.hasNext) {
                totalCount +=;
              output.collect(keyWord, new IntWritable(totalCount));

Wednesday, February 13, 13
This is intentionally too small to read and we’re not showing the main routine, which roughly doubles the code size. The “Word Count” algorithm is simple, but the
Hadoop MapReduce framework is in your face. It’s very hard to see the actual “business logic”. Plus, your productivity is terrible. Yet, many Hadoop developers
insist on working this way...
The main routine I’ve omitted contains boilerplate details for configuring and running the job. This is just the “core” MapReduce code. In fact, Word Count is not
too bad, but when you get to more complex algorithms, even conceptually simple ideas like relational-style joins and group-bys, the corresponding MapReduce
code in this API gets very complex and tedious very fast!
Notice the green, which I use for all the types, most of which are infrastructure types we don’t really care about. There is little yellow, which are function calls that
do work. We’ll see how these change...
output.collect(word, one);

       class Reduce extends MapReduceBase
           implements Reducer[Text, IntWritable, Text, IntWritable] {

            public void reduce(Text keyWord, java.util.Iterator<IntWritabl
                       OutputCollector<Text, IntWritable> output, Reporter
              int totalCount = 0;
              while (valuesCounts.hasNext) {
                totalCount +=;
              output.collect(keyWord, new IntWritable(totalCount));

                                                                             Green                                        Yellow
                                                                             types.                                     operations.
Wednesday, February 13, 13
This is intentionally too small to read and we’re not showing the main routine, which roughly doubles the code size. The “Word Count” algorithm is simple, but the
Hadoop MapReduce framework is in your face. It’s very hard to see the actual “business logic”. Plus, your productivity is terrible. Yet, many Hadoop developers
insist on working this way...
The main routine I’ve omitted contains boilerplate details for configuring and running the job. This is just the “core” MapReduce code. In fact, Word Count is not
too bad, but when you get to more complex algorithms, even conceptually simple ideas like relational-style joins and group-bys, the corresponding MapReduce
code in this API gets very complex and tedious very fast!
Notice the green, which I use for all the types, most of which are infrastructure types we don’t really care about. There is little yellow, which are function calls that
do work. We’ll see how these change...

Wednesday, February 13, 13

We would like a “domain-specific language” (DSL) for data manipulation and analysis.


Wednesday, February 13, 13

We would like a “domain-specific language” (DSL) for data manipulation and analysis.


Wednesday, February 13, 13

Expressiveness - ability to tell the system what you need done.
Extensibility - ability to add functionality to the system when it doesn’t already support some
operation you need.
Use Cascading (Java)

Wednesday, February 13, 13
Cascading is a Java library that provides higher-level abstractions for building data processing pipelines with concepts familiar from SQL such as a
joins, group-bys, etc. It works on top of Hadoop’s MapReduce and hides most of the boilerplate from you.
import org.cascading.*;
     public class WordCount {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
         Properties properties = new Properties();
         FlowConnector.setApplicationJarClass( properties, WordCount.class );

             Scheme sourceScheme = new TextLine( new Fields( "line" ) );
             Scheme sinkScheme = new TextLine( new Fields( "word", "count" ) );
             String inputPath = args[0];
             String outputPath = args[1];
             Tap source = new Hfs( sourceScheme, inputPath );
             Tap sink   = new Hfs( sinkScheme, outputPath, SinkMode.REPLACE );

             Pipe assembly = new Pipe( "wordcount" );

             String regex = "(?<!pL)(?=pL)[^ ]*(?<=pL)(?!pL)";
             Function function = new RegexGenerator( new Fields( "word" ), regex );
             assembly = new Each( assembly, new Fields( "line" ), function );
             assembly = new GroupBy( assembly, new Fields( "word" ) );
             Aggregator count = new Count( new Fields( "count" ) );
             assembly = new Every( assembly, count );

             FlowConnector flowConnector = new FlowConnector( properties );
             Flow flow = flowConnector.connect( "word-count", source, sink, assembly);
Wednesday, February 13, 13
Here is the Cascading Java code. It’s cleaner than the MapReduce API, because the code is more focused on the algorithm with less boilerplate,
although it looks like it’s not that much shorter. HOWEVER, this is all the code, where as previously I omitted the setup (main) code. See http:// for details of the API features used here; we won’t discuss them here, but just
mention some highlights.
Note that there is still a lot of green for types, but now they are almost all domain-related concepts and less infrastructure types. The
infrastructure is less “in your face.” There is still little yellow, because Cascading has to wrap behavior in Java classes, like GroupBy, Each, Count,
etc. Also, the API emphasizes composing behaviors together in an intuitive and powerful way.
import org.cascading.*;
     public class WordCount {
       public static void main(String[] args) {
         Properties properties = new Properties();
         FlowConnector.setApplicationJarClass( properties, WordCount.class );

             Scheme sourceScheme = new TextLine( new Fields( "line" ) );
             Scheme sinkScheme = new TextLine( new Fields( "word", "count" ) );
             String inputPath = args[0];
             String outputPath = args[1];
             Tap source = new Hfs( sourceScheme, inputPath );
             Tap sink   = new Hfs( sinkScheme, outputPath, SinkMode.REPLACE );

             Pipe assembly = new Pipe( "wordcount" );

             String regex = "(?<!pL)(?=pL)[^ ]*(?<=pL)(?!pL)";
             Function function = new RegexGenerator( new Fields( "word" ), regex );
             assembly = new Each( assembly, new Fields( "line" ), function );
             assembly = new GroupBy( assembly, new Fields( "word" ) );
             Aggregator count = new Count( new Fields( "count" ) );
             assembly = new Every( assembly, count );

             FlowConnector flowConnector = new FlowConnector( properties );
             Flow flow = flowConnector.connect( "word-count", source, sink, assembly);
Wednesday, February 13, 13
Here is the Cascading Java code. It’s cleaner than the MapReduce API, because the code is more focused on the algorithm with less boilerplate,
although it looks like it’s not that much shorter. HOWEVER, this is all the code, where as previously I omitted the setup (main) code. See http:// for details of the API features used here; we won’t discuss them here, but just
mention some highlights.
Note that there is still a lot of green for types, but now they are almost all domain-related concepts and less infrastructure types. The
infrastructure is less “in your face.” There is still little yellow, because Cascading has to wrap behavior in Java classes, like GroupBy, Each, Count,
etc. Also, the API emphasizes composing behaviors together in an intuitive and powerful way.
import org.cascading.*;
   public class WordCount {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
       Properties properties = new Properties();
       FlowConnector.setApplicationJarClass( properties, Wo

               Scheme sourceScheme = new TextLine( new Fields( "lin
               Scheme sinkScheme = new TextLine( new Fields( "word"
               String inputPath = args[0];
               String outputPath = args[1];
               Tap source = new Hfs( sourceScheme, inputPath );
               Tap sink   = new Hfs( sinkScheme, outputPath, SinkMo

               Pipe assembly = new Pipe( "wordcount" );
                    “Flow” setup.
              String regex = "(?<!pL)(?=pL)[^ ]*(?<=pL)(?!
Wednesday, February 13, 13
              Function function = new RegexGenerator( new Fields(
Here is the Cascading Java code. It’s cleaner than the MapReduce API, because the code is more focused on the algorithm with less boilerplate,
although it looks like it’s not that much shorter. HOWEVER, this is all the code, where as previously I omitted the setup (main) code. See http:// for details of the API features used here; we won’t discuss them "line" ),
              assembly = new Each( assembly, new Fields( here, but just
mention some highlights.
Note that there is still a lot of green for types, but now they are almost all domain-related concepts and less infrastructure types. The "word"
              assembly = new GroupBy( assembly, new Fields(
infrastructure is less “in your face.” There is still little yellow, because Cascading has to wrap behavior in Java classes, like GroupBy, Each, Count,
etc. Also, theAggregator behaviors together in new Count( new Fields( "count" )
              API emphasizes composing count = an intuitive and powerful way.
Scheme sourceScheme = new TextLine( new Fields( "lin
               Scheme sinkScheme = new TextLine( new Fields( "word"
               String inputPath = args[0];
               String outputPath = args[1];
               Tap source = new Hfs( sourceScheme, inputPath );
               Tap sink   = new Hfs( sinkScheme, outputPath, SinkMo

               Pipe assembly = new Pipe( "wordcount" );

               String regex = "(?<!pL)(?=pL)[^ ]*(?<=pL)(?!
               Function function = new RegexGenerator( new Fields(
               assembly = new Each( assembly, new Fields( "line" ),
               assembly = new GroupBy( assembly, new Fields( "word"
               Aggregator count = new Count( new Fields( "count" )
               assembly = new Every( assembly, count );

               FlowConnector flowConnector = new FlowConnector( pro
               Flow flow = flowConnector.connect( "word-count", sou
               flow.complete();       Input and
                    “Flow” setup.
         }                                                               output taps.
Wednesday, February 13, 13
Here is the Cascading Java code. It’s cleaner than the MapReduce API, because the code is more focused on the algorithm with less boilerplate,
although it looks like it’s not that much shorter. HOWEVER, this is all the code, where as previously I omitted the setup (main) code. See http:// for details of the API features used here; we won’t discuss them here, but just
mention some highlights.
Note that there is still a lot of green for types, but now they are almost all domain-related concepts and less infrastructure types. The
infrastructure is less “in your face.” There is still little yellow, because Cascading has to wrap behavior in Java classes, like GroupBy, Each, Count,
etc. Also, the API emphasizes composing behaviors together in an intuitive and powerful way.
Pipe assembly = new Pipe( "wordcount" );

               String regex = "(?<!pL)(?=pL)[^ ]*(?<=pL)(?!
               Function function = new RegexGenerator( new Fields(
               assembly = new Each( assembly, new Fields( "line" ),
               assembly = new GroupBy( assembly, new Fields( "word"
               Aggregator count = new Count( new Fields( "count" )
               assembly = new Every( assembly, count );

               FlowConnector flowConnector = new FlowConnector( pro
               Flow flow = flowConnector.connect( "word-count", sou

                                                                          Input and                                      Assemble
                             “Flow” setup.
                                                                         output taps.                                     pipes.
Wednesday, February 13, 13
Here is the Cascading Java code. It’s cleaner than the MapReduce API, because the code is more focused on the algorithm with less boilerplate,
although it looks like it’s not that much shorter. HOWEVER, this is all the code, where as previously I omitted the setup (main) code. See http:// for details of the API features used here; we won’t discuss them here, but just
mention some highlights.
Note that there is still a lot of green for types, but now they are almost all domain-related concepts and less infrastructure types. The
infrastructure is less “in your face.” There is still little yellow, because Cascading has to wrap behavior in Java classes, like GroupBy, Each, Count,
etc. Also, the API emphasizes composing behaviors together in an intuitive and powerful way.
        Pipe ("word count assembly")
         line                     words             word                                                          count
                    Each(Regex)           GroupBy              Every(Count)

                        Tap                                                               Tap
                      (source)                                                           (sink)

Wednesday, February 13, 13

Schematically, here is what Word Count looks like in Cascading. See http:// for details.
  Scalding (Scala)

Wednesday, February 13, 13
Scalding is a Scala “DSL” (domain-specific language) that wraps Cascading providing an even more intuitive and more boilerplate-free API for
writing MapReduce jobs.
Scala is a new JVM language that modernizes Java’s object-oriented (OO) features and adds support for functional programming, as we’ll describe
import com.twitter.scalding._

     class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
       TextLine( args("input") )
         .flatMap('line -> 'word) {
           line: String =>
         .groupBy('word) { group => group.size('count) }

                                                                       That’s it!!

Wednesday, February 13, 13
This Scala code is almost pure domain logic with very little boilerplate. There are a few minor differences in the implementation. You don’t explicitly specify the
“Hfs” (Hadoop Distributed File System) taps. That’s handled by Scalding implicitly when you run in “non-local” model. Also, I’m using a simpler tokenization
approach here, where I split on anything that isn’t a “word character” [0-9a-zA-Z_].
There is much less green, in part because Scala infers types in many cases, but also because fewer infrastructure types are required. There is a lot more yellow
for the functions that do real work!
What if MapReduce, and hence Cascading and Scalding, went obsolete tomorrow? This code is so short, I wouldn’t care about throwing it away! I invested little
time writing it, testing it, etc.
     LOCATION '/path/to/corpus';

     CREATE TABLE word_counts
     AS SELECT word, count(1) AS count FROM
     (SELECT explode(split(line, 's')) AS word
      FROM docs) w GROUP BY word
     ORDER BY word;


Wednesday, February 13, 13
Here is the Hive equivalent (more or less, we aren’t splitting into words using a sophisticated regular expression this time). Note that Word Count is a bit unusual
to implement with a SQL dialect (we’ll see more typical cases later), and we’re using some Hive SQL extensions that we won’t take time to explain (like ARRAYs),
but you get the point that SQL is wonderfully concise… when you can express your problem in it!!
inpt = load '/path/to/corpus'
       using TextLoader as (line: chararray);
     words = foreach inpt generate
       flatten(TOKENIZE(line)) as word;
     grpd = group words by word;
     cntd = foreach grpd generate group, COUNT(words);
     dump cntd;


Wednesday, February 13, 13
Pig is more expressive for non-query problems like this.
Wednesday, February 13, 13

Wednesday, February 13, 13

I’ll explain what I mean for these terms in the next few slides.


Wednesday, February 13, 13

Java was a good compromise of ideas for the state-of-the-art in the early 90’s, but that was
~20 years ago! We’ve learned a lot about language design and effective software development
techniques since then.


Wednesday, February 13, 13

Briefly, type inference reduces “noise”, allowing the logic to shine through. Scala has lots of
idioms to simplify class definition and object creation, as well as many FP idioms, such as
anonymous functions. The collection API emphasizes the important data transformations we
Wednesday, February 13, 13

Scala fixes flaws in Java’s object model, such as the essential need for a mix-in composition
mechanism, which Scala provides via traits. For more on this, see Daniel Spiewak’s keynote
for NEScala 2013: “The Bakery from the Black Lagoon”.

Wednesday, February 13, 13

It may not look like it, but this is actually the most important slide in this talk; FP is the most
appropriate tool for data, since everything we do with data is mathematics. FP also gives us
the idioms we need for robust, scalable concurrency.


Wednesday, February 13, 13

But Scala is a JVM language. It interoperates with any Java, Clojure, JRuby, etc. libraries.
Wednesday, February 13, 13

Wednesday, February 13, 13

I say “based on” Cascading, because it isn’t just a thin Scala veneer over the Java API. It adds
some different concepts, hiding some Cascading API concepts (e.g., IO specifics), but not all
(e.g., groupby function <=> GroupBy class).

Wednesday, February 13, 13

I’ll show examples.

Wednesday, February 13, 13

For completeness, note that Cascalog is a Clojure alternative. It is also notable for its addition
of Logic-Programming features, adapted from Datalog. Cascalog was developed by Nathan
Marz, now at Twitter, who also invented Storm.
Moar Scalding!
Wednesday, February 13, 13
More examples, starting with a deeper look at our first example.
Returning to our
                                                               first example.

     import com.twitter.scalding._

     class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
       TextLine( args("input") )
         .flatMap('line -> 'word) {
           line: String =>
         .groupBy('word) { group => group.size('count) }

Wednesday, February 13, 13
Let’s walk through the code to get the “gist” of what’s happening.
First, import the Scalding API.
Returning to our
                                                               first example.

     import com.twitter.scalding._

     class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
       TextLine( args("input") )
         .flatMap('line -> 'word) {
           line: String =>
         .groupBy('word) { group => group.size('count) }

                                                            Import the library.

Wednesday, February 13, 13
Let’s walk through the code to get the “gist” of what’s happening.
First, import the Scalding API.
import com.twitter.scalding._

     class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
       TextLine( args("input") )
         .flatMap('line -> 'word) {
           line: String =>
         .groupBy('word) { group => group.size('count) }

                                                         Create a “Job” class.

Wednesday, February 13, 13
Wrap the logic in a class (OOP!) that extends the Job abstraction.
import com.twitter.scalding._

     class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
       TextLine( args("input") )
         .flatMap('line -> 'word) {
           line: String =>
         .groupBy('word) { group => group.size('count) }

                                     Open the user-specified input as text.

Wednesday, February 13, 13
The “args” holds the user-specified arguments used to invoke the job. “--input path” specifies the source of the text. Similarly, “--output path” is used to specify the
output location for the results.
import com.twitter.scalding._

     class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
       TextLine( args("input") )
         .flatMap('line -> 'word) {
           line: String =>
         .groupBy('word) { group => group.size('count) }
                                         Split each 'line into 'words, a
                                      collection and flatten the collections.
Wednesday, February 13, 13
A flatMap iterates through a collection, calling a function on each element, where the function “converts” each element into a collection. So, you get a collection of
collections. The “flat” part flattens those nested collections into one larger collection. The “line: String => line …(“W+”)” expression is the function called by
flatMap on each element, where the argument to the function is a single string variable named line and the body is to the right-hand side of the the =>.
The output word field is called “word”, from the first argument to flatMap: “‘line -> ‘word”.
import com.twitter.scalding._

     class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
       TextLine( args("input") )
         .flatMap('line -> 'word) {
           line: String =>
         .groupBy('word) { group => group.size('count) }
                                           Group by each 'word and
                                        determine the size of each group.
Wednesday, February 13, 13
Now we group the stream of words by the word value, then count the size of each group. Give the output field the name “count”, rather than the default name
“size” (if no argument is passed to size()).
import com.twitter.scalding._

     class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
       TextLine( args("input") )
         .flatMap('line -> 'word) {
           line: String =>
         .groupBy('word) { group => group.size('count) }
                                                         Write tab-separated
                                                         words and counts.
Wednesday, February 13, 13
Finally, we write the tab-separated words and counts to the output location specified using “--output path”.
import com.twitter.scalding._

     class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
       TextLine( args("input") )
         .flatMap('line -> 'word) {
           line: String =>
         .groupBy('word) { group => group.size('count) }

Wednesday, February 13, 13
For all you South Park fans out there...

Wednesday, February 13, 13
An example of doing a simple inner join between stock and dividend data.
import com.twitter.scalding._

 class StocksDivsJoin(args: Args) extends Job(args){
   val stocksSchema = ('symd, 'close, 'volume)
   val divsSchema = ('dymd, 'dividend)
   val stocksPipe = new Tsv(args("stocks"), stockSchema)
     .project('symd, 'close)
   val divsPipe = new Tsv(args("dividends"), divsSchema)

         .joinWithTiny('symd -> 'dymd, dividendsPipe)
         .project('symd, 'close, 'dividend)

                                Load stocks and dividends data in
                             separate pipes for a given stock, e.g., IBM.
Wednesday, February 13, 13
import com.twitter.scalding._

 class StocksDivsJoin(args: Args) extends Job(args){
   val stocksSchema = ('symd, 'close, 'volume)
   val divsSchema = ('dymd, 'dividend)
   val stocksPipe = new Tsv(args("stocks"), stockSchema)
     .project('symd, 'close)
   val divsPipe = new Tsv(args("dividends"), divsSchema)

         .joinWithTiny('symd -> 'dymd, dividendsPipe)
         .project('symd, 'close, 'dividend)
                                             Capture the schema as values.

Wednesday, February 13, 13
“symd” is “stocks year-month-day” and similarly for dividends. Note that Scalding requires unique names for these fields from the different tables.
import com.twitter.scalding._

 class StocksDivsJoin(args: Args) extends Job(args){
   val stocksSchema = ('symd, 'close, 'volume)
   val divsSchema = ('dymd, 'dividend)
   val stocksPipe = new Tsv(args("stocks"), stockSchema)
     .project('symd, 'close)
   val divsPipe = new Tsv(args("dividends"), divsSchema)

         .joinWithTiny('symd -> 'dymd, dividendsPipe)
         .project('symd, 'close, 'dividend)
                              Load the stock and dividend records into
                             separate pipes, project desired stock fields.
Wednesday, February 13, 13
import com.twitter.scalding._

 class StocksDivsJoin(args: Args) extends Job(args){
   val stocksSchema = ('symd, 'close, 'volume)
   val divsSchema = ('dymd, 'dividend)
   val stocksPipe = new Tsv(args("stocks"), stockSchema)
     .project('symd, 'close)
   val divsPipe = new Tsv(args("dividends"), divsSchema)

         .joinWithTiny('symd -> 'dymd, dividendsPipe)
         .project('symd, 'close, 'dividend)
                             Join stocks with smaller dividends on
                                  dates, project desired fields.
Wednesday, February 13, 13
# Invoking the script (bash)
                      scald.rb StocksDivsJoins.scala 
                        --stocks    data/stocks/IBM.txt 
                        --dividends data/dividends/IBM.txt 
                        --output output/IBM-join.txt

Wednesday, February 13, 13
# Invoking the script (bash)
                      scald.rb StocksDivsJoins.scala 
                        --stocks    data/stocks/IBM.txt 
                        --dividends data/dividends/IBM.txt 
                        --output output/IBM-join.txt

                      # Output (not sorted!)
                      2010-02-08      121.88   0.55
                      2009-11-06      123.49   0.55
                      2009-08-06      117.38   0.55
                      2009-05-06      104.62   0.55
                      2009-02-06      96.14    0.5
                      2008-11-06      85.15    0.5
                      2008-08-06      129.16   0.5
                      2008-05-07      124.14   0.5

Wednesday, February 13, 13
Wednesday, February 13, 13
Compute ngrams in a corpus...

Wednesday, February 13, 13
Compute ngrams in a corpus...
import com.twitter.scalding._

     class ContextNGrams(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
       val ngramPrefix =
         args.list("ngram-prefix").mkString(" ")
       val keepN = args.getOrElse("count", "10").toInt
       val ngramRE = (ngramPrefix + """s+(w+)""").r

           // Sort (phrase,count) by count, descending.
           val countReverseComparator =
             (tuple1:(String,Int), tuple2:(String,Int))
               => tuple1._2 > tuple2._2
                                          Find, count, sort, all “I love _” in
                                                Shakespeare’s plays...
Wednesday, February 13, 13
1st half of this example (our longest).
            val lines = TextLine(args("input"))
              .flatMap('line -> 'ngram) { text: String =>
                ngramRE.findAllIn(text).toIterable }
              .discard('num, 'line)
              .groupBy('ngram) { g => g.size('count) }
              .groupAll { g =>
                 ('ngram, 'count) -> 'sorted_ngrams, keepN(

Wednesday, February 13, 13
2nd half.
import com.twitter.scalding._

     class ContextNGrams(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
       val ngramPrefix =
         args.list("ngram-prefix").mkString(" ")
       val keepN = args.getOrElse("count", "10").toInt
       val ngramRE = (ngramPrefix + """s+(w+)""").r

           // Sort (phrase,count) by count, descending.
           val countReverseComparator =
             (tuple1:(String,Int), tuple2:(String,Int))
               => tuple1._2 > tuple2._2
                             From user-specified args, the ngram prefix
                                (“I love”), the # of ngrams desired, a
                                     matching regular expression.
Wednesday, February 13, 13
Now walking through it...
import com.twitter.scalding._

     class ContextNGrams(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
       val ngramPrefix =
         args.list("ngram-prefix").mkString(" ")
       val keepN = args.getOrElse("count", "10").toInt
       val ngramRE = (ngramPrefix + """s+(w+)""").r

           // Sort (phrase,count) by count, descending.
           val countReverseComparator =
             (tuple1:(String,Int), tuple2:(String,Int))
               => tuple1._2 > tuple2._2
                               A function “value” we’ll use to sort ngrams
                                        by frequency, descending.
Wednesday, February 13, 13
This is a function that is a “normal” value. We’ll pass it to another function as an argument in the 2nd half of the code.
           val lines = TextLine(args("input"))
             .flatMap('line -> 'ngram) { text: String =>
               ngramRE.findAllIn(text).toIterable }
             .discard('num, 'line)
             .groupBy('ngram) { g => g.size('count) }
             .groupAll { g =>
                ('ngram, 'count) -> 'sorted_ngrams, keepN(
                                 Read, find desired ngram phrases, project
                                   desired fields, then group by ngram.
Wednesday, February 13, 13
Discard is like the opposite of project(). We don’t need the line number nor the whole line anymore, so toss ‘em.
           val lines = TextLine(args("input"))
             .flatMap('line -> 'ngram) { text: String =>
               ngramRE.findAllIn(text).toIterable }
             .discard('num, 'line)
             .groupBy('ngram) { g => g.size('count) }
             .groupAll { g =>
                ('ngram, 'count) -> 'sorted_ngrams, keepN(
                             Group all (ngram,count) tuples together
                              and sort descending by count. Write...
Wednesday, February 13, 13
# Invoking the script (bash)
                      scald.rb ContextNGrams.scala 
                        --input data/shakespeare/plays.txt 
                        --output output/context-ngrams.txt 
                        --ngram-prefix "I love" 
                        --count 10

Wednesday, February 13, 13
# Invoking the script (bash)
                      scald.rb ContextNGrams.scala 
                        --input data/shakespeare/plays.txt 
                        --output output/context-ngrams.txt 
                        --ngram-prefix "I love" 
                        --count 10
                      # Output (reformatted)
                      (I love thee,44),
                      (I love you,24),
                      (I love him,15),
                      (I love the,9),
                      (I love her,8),
                      (I love myself,3),
                      (I love Valentine,1),
                      (I love France,1), ...
Wednesday, February 13, 13
An Example of
                                        the Matrix API
Wednesday, February 13, 13

From Scalding’s own Matrix examples, “MatrixTutorial4”, compute the cosine of every pair of
vectors. This is a similarity measurement, useful, e.g., for for recommending movies and
other stuff to one user based on the preferences of similar users.
import com.twitter.scalding._
     import com.twitter.scalding.mathematics.Matrix

     // Load a directed graph adjacency matrix where:
     // a[i,j] = 1 if there is an edge from a[i] to b[j]
     // and computes the cosine of the angle between
     // every two pairs of vectors.
     class MatrixCosine(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
       import Matrix._
       val schema = ('user1, 'user2, 'relation) 
       val adjacencyMatrix = Tsv(args("input"), schema)
       val normMatrix = adjacencyMatrix.rowL2Normalize

       // Inner product is equivalent to the cosine:
       //   AA^T/(||A||*||A||)
       (normMatrix * normMatrix.transpose)
Wednesday, February 13, 13
import com.twitter.scalding._
     import com.twitter.scalding.mathematics.Matrix

     // Load a directed graph adjacency matrix where:
     // a[i,j] = 1 if there is an edge from a[i] to b[j]
     // and computes the cosine of the angle between
     // every two pairs of vectors.
     class MatrixCosine(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
       import Matrix._
       val schema = ('user1, 'user2, 'relation) 
       val adjacencyMatrix = Tsv(args("input"), schema)
       val normMatrix = adjacencyMatrix.rowL2Normalize

       // Inner product is equivalent to the cosine:
       //   AA^T/(||A||*||A||)
       (normMatrix * normMatrix.transpose)
     }                                 Import matrix library.
Wednesday, February 13, 13
Scala lets you put imports anywhere! So, you can scope them to just where they are needed.
import com.twitter.scalding._
     import com.twitter.scalding.mathematics.Matrix

     // Load a directed graph adjacency matrix where:
     // a[i,j] = 1 if there is an edge from a[i] to b[j]
     // and computes the cosine of the angle between
     // every two pairs of vectors.
     class MatrixCosine(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
       import Matrix._
       val schema = ('user1, 'user2, 'relation) 
       val adjacencyMatrix = Tsv(args("input"), schema)
       val normMatrix = adjacencyMatrix.rowL2Normalize

       // Inner product is equivalent to the cosine:
       //   AA^T/(||A||*||A||)
       (normMatrix * normMatrix.transpose)
     }                                  Load into a matrix.
Wednesday, February 13, 13
import com.twitter.scalding._
     import com.twitter.scalding.mathematics.Matrix

     // Load a directed graph adjacency matrix where:
     // a[i,j] = 1 if there is an edge from a[i] to b[j]
     // and computes the cosine of the angle between
     // every two pairs of vectors.
     class MatrixCosine(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
       import Matrix._
       val schema = ('user1, 'user2, 'relation) 
       val adjacencyMatrix = Tsv(args("input"), schema)
       val normMatrix = adjacencyMatrix.rowL2Normalize

       // Inner product is equivalent to the cosine:
       //   AA^T/(||A||*||A||)
       (normMatrix * normMatrix.transpose)
     }                                Normalize: sqrt(x^2+y^2)
Wednesday, February 13, 13
L2 norm is the usual Euclidean distance: sqrt(a*a + b*b + …)
import com.twitter.scalding._
     import com.twitter.scalding.mathematics.Matrix

     // Load a directed graph adjacency matrix where:
     // a[i,j] = 1 if there is an edge from a[i] to b[j]
     // and computes the cosine of the angle between
     // every two pairs of vectors.
     class MatrixCosine(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
       import Matrix._
       val schema = ('user1, 'user2, 'relation) 
       val adjacencyMatrix = Tsv(args("input"), schema)
       val normMatrix = adjacencyMatrix.rowL2Normalize

       // Inner product is equivalent to the cosine:
       //   AA^T/(||A||*||A||)
       (normMatrix * normMatrix.transpose)
     }                                   Compute cosine!
Wednesday, February 13, 13
L2 norm is the usual Euclidean distance: sqrt(a*a + b*b + …)
(I won’t show an example invocation here.)
Wednesday, February 13, 13
Some concluding thoughts on Scalding (and Cascading) vs. Hive vs. Pig, since I’ve used all three a lot.
Wednesday, February 13, 13
SQL is about as concise as it gets when asking questions of data and doing “standard” analytics. A great example of a “purpose-built” language.
It’s great at what it was designed for. Not so great when you need to do something it wasn’t designed to do.
Wednesday, February 13, 13

Pig is great for data flows, such as sequencing transformations typical of ETL (extract, transform, and load).
As you might expect for a purpose-built language, it is very concise for these purposes, but writing
extensions is a non-trivial step (same for Hive).
Wednesday, February 13, 13

Scalding can do everything you can do with these other tools (more or less), but it gives you
the full flexible power of a Turing-complete language, so it’s easier to adapt to non-trivial,
custom scenarios.

Wednesday, February 13, 13                                     Thanks!

Wednesday, February 13, 13

All pictures © Dean Wampler, 2005-2013. The rest of the presentation is free to reuse, but
attribution is appreciated. Hire us!!

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Scalding for Hadoop

  • 1. CHUG,  February  12,  2013 Scalding  for   Hadoop Wednesday, February 13, 13 Using Scalding to leverage Cascading to write MapReduce jobs. Note: This talk was presented in tandem with a Cascading introduction presented by Paco Nathan (@pacoid), so it assumes you know some Cascading concepts. (All photos are © Dean Wampler, 2005-2013, All Rights Reserved. Otherwise, the presentation is free to use.)
  • 2. About  Me... @deanwampler Programming Hive Functional Programming for Java Developers Dean Wampler, Dean Wampler Jason Rutherglen & Edward Capriolo Wednesday, February 13, 13 My books and contact information.
  • 3. Hive  Training  in  Chicago! IntroducCon  to  Hive March  7 Hive  Master  Class March  8  (also  before   Programming StrataConf,  February  25) Hive hQp:// Dean Wampler, Jason Rutherglen & Edward Capriolo Wednesday, February 13, 13 I’m teaching two, one-day Hive classes in Chicago in March. I’m also teaching the Hive Master Class on Monday before StrataConf, 2/25, in Mountain View.
  • 4. How  many  of  you  have   all  the  'me  in  the  world   to  get  your  work  done? Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 5. How  many  of  you  have   all  the  'me  in  the  world   to  get  your  work  done? Then  why  are  you doing  this: Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 6. import*; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.*; import java.util.StringTokenizer; class WCMapper extends MapReduceBase implements Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, IntWritable> { static final IntWritable one = new IntWritable(1); static final Text word = new Text; // Value will be set in a non-thread-safe way! @Override public void map(LongWritable key, Text valueDocContents, OutputCollector<Text, IntWritable> output, Reporter reporter) { String[] tokens = valueDocContents.toString.split("s+"); for (String wordString: tokens) { if (wordString.length > 0) { word.set(wordString.toLowerCase); output.collect(word, one); The “simple” } } Word Count } } algorithm class Reduce extends MapReduceBase implements Reducer[Text, IntWritable, Text, IntWritable] { public void reduce(Text keyWord, java.util.Iterator<IntWritable> valuesCounts, OutputCollector<Text, IntWritable> output, Reporter reporter) { int totalCount = 0; while (valuesCounts.hasNext) { totalCount +=; } output.collect(keyWord, new IntWritable(totalCount)); } } 6 Wednesday, February 13, 13 This is intentionally too small to read and we’re not showing the main routine, which roughly doubles the code size. The “Word Count” algorithm is simple, but the Hadoop MapReduce framework is in your face. It’s very hard to see the actual “business logic”. Plus, your productivity is terrible. Yet, many Hadoop developers insist on working this way... The main routine I’ve omitted contains boilerplate details for configuring and running the job. This is just the “core” MapReduce code. In fact, Word Count is not too bad, but when you get to more complex algorithms, even conceptually simple ideas like relational-style joins and group-bys, the corresponding MapReduce code in this API gets very complex and tedious very fast! Notice the green, which I use for all the types, most of which are infrastructure types we don’t really care about. There is little yellow, which are function calls that do work. We’ll see how these change...
  • 7. import*; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.*; import java.util.StringTokenizer; class WCMapper extends MapReduceBase implements Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, IntWritable> { static final IntWritable one = new IntWritable(1); static final Text word = new Text; // Value will be set in a non-thread-safe way! @Override public void map(LongWritable key, Text valueDocContents, OutputCollector<Text, IntWritable> output, Reporter reporter) { String[] tokens = valueDocContents.toString.split("s+"); for (String wordString: tokens) { if (wordString.length > 0) { word.set(wordString.toLowerCase); output.collect(word, one); } } } } class Reduce extends MapReduceBase implements Reducer[Text, IntWritable, Text, IntWritable] { public void reduce(Text keyWord, java.util.Iterator<IntWritable> valuesCounts, OutputCollector<Text, IntWritable> output, Reporter reporter) { int totalCount = 0; while (valuesCounts.hasNext) { totalCount +=; } output.collect(keyWord, new IntWritable(totalCount)); } } 7 Wednesday, February 13, 13 This is intentionally too small to read and we’re not showing the main routine, which roughly doubles the code size. The “Word Count” algorithm is simple, but the Hadoop MapReduce framework is in your face. It’s very hard to see the actual “business logic”. Plus, your productivity is terrible. Yet, many Hadoop developers insist on working this way... The main routine I’ve omitted contains boilerplate details for configuring and running the job. This is just the “core” MapReduce code. In fact, Word Count is not too bad, but when you get to more complex algorithms, even conceptually simple ideas like relational-style joins and group-bys, the corresponding MapReduce code in this API gets very complex and tedious very fast! Notice the green, which I use for all the types, most of which are infrastructure types we don’t really care about. There is little yellow, which are function calls that do work. We’ll see how these change...
  • 8. output.collect(word, one); } } } } class Reduce extends MapReduceBase implements Reducer[Text, IntWritable, Text, IntWritable] { public void reduce(Text keyWord, java.util.Iterator<IntWritabl OutputCollector<Text, IntWritable> output, Reporter int totalCount = 0; while (valuesCounts.hasNext) { totalCount +=; } output.collect(keyWord, new IntWritable(totalCount)); } } 7 Wednesday, February 13, 13 This is intentionally too small to read and we’re not showing the main routine, which roughly doubles the code size. The “Word Count” algorithm is simple, but the Hadoop MapReduce framework is in your face. It’s very hard to see the actual “business logic”. Plus, your productivity is terrible. Yet, many Hadoop developers insist on working this way... The main routine I’ve omitted contains boilerplate details for configuring and running the job. This is just the “core” MapReduce code. In fact, Word Count is not too bad, but when you get to more complex algorithms, even conceptually simple ideas like relational-style joins and group-bys, the corresponding MapReduce code in this API gets very complex and tedious very fast! Notice the green, which I use for all the types, most of which are infrastructure types we don’t really care about. There is little yellow, which are function calls that do work. We’ll see how these change...
  • 9. output.collect(word, one); } } } } class Reduce extends MapReduceBase implements Reducer[Text, IntWritable, Text, IntWritable] { public void reduce(Text keyWord, java.util.Iterator<IntWritabl OutputCollector<Text, IntWritable> output, Reporter int totalCount = 0; while (valuesCounts.hasNext) { totalCount +=; } output.collect(keyWord, new IntWritable(totalCount)); } } Green types. 7 Wednesday, February 13, 13 This is intentionally too small to read and we’re not showing the main routine, which roughly doubles the code size. The “Word Count” algorithm is simple, but the Hadoop MapReduce framework is in your face. It’s very hard to see the actual “business logic”. Plus, your productivity is terrible. Yet, many Hadoop developers insist on working this way... The main routine I’ve omitted contains boilerplate details for configuring and running the job. This is just the “core” MapReduce code. In fact, Word Count is not too bad, but when you get to more complex algorithms, even conceptually simple ideas like relational-style joins and group-bys, the corresponding MapReduce code in this API gets very complex and tedious very fast! Notice the green, which I use for all the types, most of which are infrastructure types we don’t really care about. There is little yellow, which are function calls that do work. We’ll see how these change...
  • 10. output.collect(word, one); } } } } class Reduce extends MapReduceBase implements Reducer[Text, IntWritable, Text, IntWritable] { public void reduce(Text keyWord, java.util.Iterator<IntWritabl OutputCollector<Text, IntWritable> output, Reporter int totalCount = 0; while (valuesCounts.hasNext) { totalCount +=; } output.collect(keyWord, new IntWritable(totalCount)); } } Green Yellow types. operations. 7 Wednesday, February 13, 13 This is intentionally too small to read and we’re not showing the main routine, which roughly doubles the code size. The “Word Count” algorithm is simple, but the Hadoop MapReduce framework is in your face. It’s very hard to see the actual “business logic”. Plus, your productivity is terrible. Yet, many Hadoop developers insist on working this way... The main routine I’ve omitted contains boilerplate details for configuring and running the job. This is just the “core” MapReduce code. In fact, Word Count is not too bad, but when you get to more complex algorithms, even conceptually simple ideas like relational-style joins and group-bys, the corresponding MapReduce code in this API gets very complex and tedious very fast! Notice the green, which I use for all the types, most of which are infrastructure types we don’t really care about. There is little yellow, which are function calls that do work. We’ll see how these change...
  • 11. Your  tools  should: Wednesday, February 13, 13 We would like a “domain-specific language” (DSL) for data manipulation and analysis.
  • 12. Your  tools  should: Minimize  boilerplate   by  exposing  the   right  abstrac'ons. Wednesday, February 13, 13 We would like a “domain-specific language” (DSL) for data manipulation and analysis.
  • 13. Your  tools  should: Maximize  expressiveness   and  extensibility. Wednesday, February 13, 13 Expressiveness - ability to tell the system what you need done. Extensibility - ability to add functionality to the system when it doesn’t already support some operation you need.
  • 14. Use Cascading (Java) (SoluCon  #1) 10 Wednesday, February 13, 13 Cascading is a Java library that provides higher-level abstractions for building data processing pipelines with concepts familiar from SQL such as a joins, group-bys, etc. It works on top of Hadoop’s MapReduce and hides most of the boilerplate from you. See
  • 15. import org.cascading.*; ... public class WordCount { public static void main(String[] args) { Properties properties = new Properties(); FlowConnector.setApplicationJarClass( properties, WordCount.class ); Scheme sourceScheme = new TextLine( new Fields( "line" ) ); Scheme sinkScheme = new TextLine( new Fields( "word", "count" ) ); String inputPath = args[0]; String outputPath = args[1]; Tap source = new Hfs( sourceScheme, inputPath ); Tap sink = new Hfs( sinkScheme, outputPath, SinkMode.REPLACE ); Pipe assembly = new Pipe( "wordcount" ); String regex = "(?<!pL)(?=pL)[^ ]*(?<=pL)(?!pL)"; Function function = new RegexGenerator( new Fields( "word" ), regex ); assembly = new Each( assembly, new Fields( "line" ), function ); assembly = new GroupBy( assembly, new Fields( "word" ) ); Aggregator count = new Count( new Fields( "count" ) ); assembly = new Every( assembly, count ); FlowConnector flowConnector = new FlowConnector( properties ); Flow flow = flowConnector.connect( "word-count", source, sink, assembly); flow.complete(); } } 11 Wednesday, February 13, 13 Here is the Cascading Java code. It’s cleaner than the MapReduce API, because the code is more focused on the algorithm with less boilerplate, although it looks like it’s not that much shorter. HOWEVER, this is all the code, where as previously I omitted the setup (main) code. See http:// for details of the API features used here; we won’t discuss them here, but just mention some highlights. Note that there is still a lot of green for types, but now they are almost all domain-related concepts and less infrastructure types. The infrastructure is less “in your face.” There is still little yellow, because Cascading has to wrap behavior in Java classes, like GroupBy, Each, Count, etc. Also, the API emphasizes composing behaviors together in an intuitive and powerful way.
  • 16. import org.cascading.*; ... public class WordCount { public static void main(String[] args) { Properties properties = new Properties(); FlowConnector.setApplicationJarClass( properties, WordCount.class ); Scheme sourceScheme = new TextLine( new Fields( "line" ) ); Scheme sinkScheme = new TextLine( new Fields( "word", "count" ) ); String inputPath = args[0]; String outputPath = args[1]; Tap source = new Hfs( sourceScheme, inputPath ); Tap sink = new Hfs( sinkScheme, outputPath, SinkMode.REPLACE ); Pipe assembly = new Pipe( "wordcount" ); String regex = "(?<!pL)(?=pL)[^ ]*(?<=pL)(?!pL)"; Function function = new RegexGenerator( new Fields( "word" ), regex ); assembly = new Each( assembly, new Fields( "line" ), function ); assembly = new GroupBy( assembly, new Fields( "word" ) ); Aggregator count = new Count( new Fields( "count" ) ); assembly = new Every( assembly, count ); FlowConnector flowConnector = new FlowConnector( properties ); Flow flow = flowConnector.connect( "word-count", source, sink, assembly); flow.complete(); } } 12 Wednesday, February 13, 13 Here is the Cascading Java code. It’s cleaner than the MapReduce API, because the code is more focused on the algorithm with less boilerplate, although it looks like it’s not that much shorter. HOWEVER, this is all the code, where as previously I omitted the setup (main) code. See http:// for details of the API features used here; we won’t discuss them here, but just mention some highlights. Note that there is still a lot of green for types, but now they are almost all domain-related concepts and less infrastructure types. The infrastructure is less “in your face.” There is still little yellow, because Cascading has to wrap behavior in Java classes, like GroupBy, Each, Count, etc. Also, the API emphasizes composing behaviors together in an intuitive and powerful way.
  • 17. import org.cascading.*; ... public class WordCount { public static void main(String[] args) { Properties properties = new Properties(); FlowConnector.setApplicationJarClass( properties, Wo Scheme sourceScheme = new TextLine( new Fields( "lin Scheme sinkScheme = new TextLine( new Fields( "word" String inputPath = args[0]; String outputPath = args[1]; Tap source = new Hfs( sourceScheme, inputPath ); Tap sink = new Hfs( sinkScheme, outputPath, SinkMo Pipe assembly = new Pipe( "wordcount" ); “Flow” setup. 12 String regex = "(?<!pL)(?=pL)[^ ]*(?<=pL)(?! Wednesday, February 13, 13 Function function = new RegexGenerator( new Fields( Here is the Cascading Java code. It’s cleaner than the MapReduce API, because the code is more focused on the algorithm with less boilerplate, although it looks like it’s not that much shorter. HOWEVER, this is all the code, where as previously I omitted the setup (main) code. See http:// for details of the API features used here; we won’t discuss them "line" ), assembly = new Each( assembly, new Fields( here, but just mention some highlights. Note that there is still a lot of green for types, but now they are almost all domain-related concepts and less infrastructure types. The "word" assembly = new GroupBy( assembly, new Fields( infrastructure is less “in your face.” There is still little yellow, because Cascading has to wrap behavior in Java classes, like GroupBy, Each, Count, etc. Also, theAggregator behaviors together in new Count( new Fields( "count" ) API emphasizes composing count = an intuitive and powerful way.
  • 18. Scheme sourceScheme = new TextLine( new Fields( "lin Scheme sinkScheme = new TextLine( new Fields( "word" String inputPath = args[0]; String outputPath = args[1]; Tap source = new Hfs( sourceScheme, inputPath ); Tap sink = new Hfs( sinkScheme, outputPath, SinkMo Pipe assembly = new Pipe( "wordcount" ); String regex = "(?<!pL)(?=pL)[^ ]*(?<=pL)(?! Function function = new RegexGenerator( new Fields( assembly = new Each( assembly, new Fields( "line" ), assembly = new GroupBy( assembly, new Fields( "word" Aggregator count = new Count( new Fields( "count" ) assembly = new Every( assembly, count ); FlowConnector flowConnector = new FlowConnector( pro Flow flow = flowConnector.connect( "word-count", sou flow.complete(); Input and “Flow” setup. } output taps. 12 } Wednesday, February 13, 13 Here is the Cascading Java code. It’s cleaner than the MapReduce API, because the code is more focused on the algorithm with less boilerplate, although it looks like it’s not that much shorter. HOWEVER, this is all the code, where as previously I omitted the setup (main) code. See http:// for details of the API features used here; we won’t discuss them here, but just mention some highlights. Note that there is still a lot of green for types, but now they are almost all domain-related concepts and less infrastructure types. The infrastructure is less “in your face.” There is still little yellow, because Cascading has to wrap behavior in Java classes, like GroupBy, Each, Count, etc. Also, the API emphasizes composing behaviors together in an intuitive and powerful way.
  • 19. Pipe assembly = new Pipe( "wordcount" ); String regex = "(?<!pL)(?=pL)[^ ]*(?<=pL)(?! Function function = new RegexGenerator( new Fields( assembly = new Each( assembly, new Fields( "line" ), assembly = new GroupBy( assembly, new Fields( "word" Aggregator count = new Count( new Fields( "count" ) assembly = new Every( assembly, count ); FlowConnector flowConnector = new FlowConnector( pro Flow flow = flowConnector.connect( "word-count", sou flow.complete(); } } Input and Assemble “Flow” setup. output taps. pipes. 12 Wednesday, February 13, 13 Here is the Cascading Java code. It’s cleaner than the MapReduce API, because the code is more focused on the algorithm with less boilerplate, although it looks like it’s not that much shorter. HOWEVER, this is all the code, where as previously I omitted the setup (main) code. See http:// for details of the API features used here; we won’t discuss them here, but just mention some highlights. Note that there is still a lot of green for types, but now they are almost all domain-related concepts and less infrastructure types. The infrastructure is less “in your face.” There is still little yellow, because Cascading has to wrap behavior in Java classes, like GroupBy, Each, Count, etc. Also, the API emphasizes composing behaviors together in an intuitive and powerful way.
  • 20. Word  Count Flow Pipe ("word count assembly") line words word count Each(Regex) GroupBy Every(Count) Tap Tap HDFS (source) (sink) Copyright  ©  2011-­‐2012,  Think  Big  AnalyCcs,  All  Rights  Reserved Wednesday, February 13, 13 Schematically, here is what Word Count looks like in Cascading. See http:// for details.
  • 21. Use  Scalding (Scala) (SoluCon  #2) 14 Wednesday, February 13, 13 Scalding is a Scala “DSL” (domain-specific language) that wraps Cascading providing an even more intuitive and more boilerplate-free API for writing MapReduce jobs. Scala is a new JVM language that modernizes Java’s object-oriented (OO) features and adds support for functional programming, as we’ll describe shortly.
  • 22. import com.twitter.scalding._ class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) { TextLine( args("input") ) .read .flatMap('line -> 'word) { line: String => line.trim.toLowerCase.split("W+") } .groupBy('word) { group => group.size('count) } } .write(Tsv(args("output"))) } That’s it!! 15 Wednesday, February 13, 13 This Scala code is almost pure domain logic with very little boilerplate. There are a few minor differences in the implementation. You don’t explicitly specify the “Hfs” (Hadoop Distributed File System) taps. That’s handled by Scalding implicitly when you run in “non-local” model. Also, I’m using a simpler tokenization approach here, where I split on anything that isn’t a “word character” [0-9a-zA-Z_]. There is much less green, in part because Scala infers types in many cases, but also because fewer infrastructure types are required. There is a lot more yellow for the functions that do real work! What if MapReduce, and hence Cascading and Scalding, went obsolete tomorrow? This code is so short, I wouldn’t care about throwing it away! I invested little time writing it, testing it, etc.
  • 23. CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE docs (line STRING) LOCATION '/path/to/corpus'; CREATE TABLE word_counts AS SELECT word, count(1) AS count FROM (SELECT explode(split(line, 's')) AS word FROM docs) w GROUP BY word ORDER BY word; Hive 16 Wednesday, February 13, 13 Here is the Hive equivalent (more or less, we aren’t splitting into words using a sophisticated regular expression this time). Note that Word Count is a bit unusual to implement with a SQL dialect (we’ll see more typical cases later), and we’re using some Hive SQL extensions that we won’t take time to explain (like ARRAYs), but you get the point that SQL is wonderfully concise… when you can express your problem in it!!
  • 24. inpt = load '/path/to/corpus' using TextLoader as (line: chararray); words = foreach inpt generate flatten(TOKENIZE(line)) as word; grpd = group words by word; cntd = foreach grpd generate group, COUNT(words); dump cntd; Pig 17 Wednesday, February 13, 13 Pig is more expressive for non-query problems like this.
  • 25. What  Is Scala? 18 Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 26. Scala  is  a modern,  concise, object-­‐oriented  and   func'onal  language for  the  JVM. Wednesday, February 13, 13 I’ll explain what I mean for these terms in the next few slides.
  • 27. Modern. Reflects  the  20  years   of  language  evolu'on   since  Java’s  inven'on. Wednesday, February 13, 13 Java was a good compromise of ideas for the state-of-the-art in the early 90’s, but that was ~20 years ago! We’ve learned a lot about language design and effective software development techniques since then.
  • 28. Concise. Type  inference,  syntax   for  common  OOP  and   FP  idioms,  APIs. Wednesday, February 13, 13 Briefly, type inference reduces “noise”, allowing the logic to shine through. Scala has lots of idioms to simplify class definition and object creation, as well as many FP idioms, such as anonymous functions. The collection API emphasizes the important data transformations we need...
  • 29. Object-­‐Oriented   Programming. Fixes  flaws  in  Java’s   object  model.   ComposiCon/reuse   through  traits. Wednesday, February 13, 13 Scala fixes flaws in Java’s object model, such as the essential need for a mix-in composition mechanism, which Scala provides via traits. For more on this, see Daniel Spiewak’s keynote for NEScala 2013: “The Bakery from the Black Lagoon”. “
  • 30. Func'onal   Programming. Most  natural  fit for  data!   Robust,  scalable. Wednesday, February 13, 13 It may not look like it, but this is actually the most important slide in this talk; FP is the most appropriate tool for data, since everything we do with data is mathematics. FP also gives us the idioms we need for robust, scalable concurrency.
  • 31. JVM. Designed  for  the  JVM.   Interoperates  with  all   Java  socware. Wednesday, February 13, 13 But Scala is a JVM language. It interoperates with any Java, Clojure, JRuby, etc. libraries.
  • 32. What  Is Scalding? 25 Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 33. Scalding  is  a  Scala   Big  Data  library  based   on  Cascading,   developed  by TwiLer. Wednesday, February 13, 13 I say “based on” Cascading, because it isn’t just a thin Scala veneer over the Java API. It adds some different concepts, hiding some Cascading API concepts (e.g., IO specifics), but not all (e.g., groupby function <=> GroupBy class).
  • 34. Scalding  adds  a Matrix  API  useful  for   graph  and  machine-­‐ learning  algorithms. Wednesday, February 13, 13 I’ll show examples.
  • 35. Note:  Cascalog  is  a   Clojure  alternaCve  for   Cascading.  Also  adds   Logic-­‐Programming   based  on  Datalog. Wednesday, February 13, 13 For completeness, note that Cascalog is a Clojure alternative. It is also notable for its addition of Logic-Programming features, adapted from Datalog. Cascalog was developed by Nathan Marz, now at Twitter, who also invented Storm.
  • 36. Moar Scalding! 29 Wednesday, February 13, 13 More examples, starting with a deeper look at our first example.
  • 37. Returning to our first example. import com.twitter.scalding._ class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) { TextLine( args("input") ) .read .flatMap('line -> 'word) { line: String => line.trim.toLowerCase.split("W+") } .groupBy('word) { group => group.size('count) } } .write(Tsv(args("output"))) } 30 Wednesday, February 13, 13 Let’s walk through the code to get the “gist” of what’s happening. First, import the Scalding API.
  • 38. Returning to our first example. import com.twitter.scalding._ class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) { TextLine( args("input") ) .read .flatMap('line -> 'word) { line: String => line.trim.toLowerCase.split("W+") } .groupBy('word) { group => group.size('count) } } .write(Tsv(args("output"))) } Import the library. 30 Wednesday, February 13, 13 Let’s walk through the code to get the “gist” of what’s happening. First, import the Scalding API.
  • 39. import com.twitter.scalding._ class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) { TextLine( args("input") ) .read .flatMap('line -> 'word) { line: String => line.trim.toLowerCase.split("W+") } .groupBy('word) { group => group.size('count) } } .write(Tsv(args("output"))) } Create a “Job” class. 31 Wednesday, February 13, 13 Wrap the logic in a class (OOP!) that extends the Job abstraction.
  • 40. import com.twitter.scalding._ class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) { TextLine( args("input") ) .read .flatMap('line -> 'word) { line: String => line.trim.toLowerCase.split("W+") } .groupBy('word) { group => group.size('count) } } .write(Tsv(args("output"))) } Open the user-specified input as text. 32 Wednesday, February 13, 13 The “args” holds the user-specified arguments used to invoke the job. “--input path” specifies the source of the text. Similarly, “--output path” is used to specify the output location for the results.
  • 41. import com.twitter.scalding._ class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) { TextLine( args("input") ) .read .flatMap('line -> 'word) { line: String => line.trim.toLowerCase.split("W+") } .groupBy('word) { group => group.size('count) } } .write(Tsv(args("output"))) } Split each 'line into 'words, a collection and flatten the collections. 33 Wednesday, February 13, 13 A flatMap iterates through a collection, calling a function on each element, where the function “converts” each element into a collection. So, you get a collection of collections. The “flat” part flattens those nested collections into one larger collection. The “line: String => line …(“W+”)” expression is the function called by flatMap on each element, where the argument to the function is a single string variable named line and the body is to the right-hand side of the the =>. The output word field is called “word”, from the first argument to flatMap: “‘line -> ‘word”.
  • 42. import com.twitter.scalding._ class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) { TextLine( args("input") ) .read .flatMap('line -> 'word) { line: String => line.trim.toLowerCase.split("W+") } .groupBy('word) { group => group.size('count) } } .write(Tsv(args("output"))) } Group by each 'word and determine the size of each group. 34 Wednesday, February 13, 13 Now we group the stream of words by the word value, then count the size of each group. Give the output field the name “count”, rather than the default name “size” (if no argument is passed to size()).
  • 43. import com.twitter.scalding._ class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) { TextLine( args("input") ) .read .flatMap('line -> 'word) { line: String => line.trim.toLowerCase.split("W+") } .groupBy('word) { group => group.size('count) } } .write(Tsv(args("output"))) } Write tab-separated words and counts. 35 Wednesday, February 13, 13 Finally, we write the tab-separated words and counts to the output location specified using “--output path”.
  • 44. import com.twitter.scalding._ class WordCountJob(args: Args) extends Job(args) { TextLine( args("input") ) .read .flatMap('line -> 'word) { line: String => line.trim.toLowerCase.split("W+") } .groupBy('word) { group => group.size('count) } } .write(Tsv(args("output"))) } Profit!! 36 Wednesday, February 13, 13 For all you South Park fans out there...
  • 45. Joins Wednesday, February 13, 13 An example of doing a simple inner join between stock and dividend data.
  • 46. import com.twitter.scalding._ class StocksDivsJoin(args: Args) extends Job(args){ val stocksSchema = ('symd, 'close, 'volume) val divsSchema = ('dymd, 'dividend) val stocksPipe = new Tsv(args("stocks"), stockSchema) .read .project('symd, 'close) val divsPipe = new Tsv(args("dividends"), divsSchema) .read stocksPipe .joinWithTiny('symd -> 'dymd, dividendsPipe) .project('symd, 'close, 'dividend) .write(Tsv(args("output"))) Load stocks and dividends data in separate pipes for a given stock, e.g., IBM. 38 Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 47. import com.twitter.scalding._ class StocksDivsJoin(args: Args) extends Job(args){ val stocksSchema = ('symd, 'close, 'volume) val divsSchema = ('dymd, 'dividend) val stocksPipe = new Tsv(args("stocks"), stockSchema) .read .project('symd, 'close) val divsPipe = new Tsv(args("dividends"), divsSchema) .read stocksPipe .joinWithTiny('symd -> 'dymd, dividendsPipe) .project('symd, 'close, 'dividend) .write(Tsv(args("output"))) } Capture the schema as values. 39 Wednesday, February 13, 13 “symd” is “stocks year-month-day” and similarly for dividends. Note that Scalding requires unique names for these fields from the different tables.
  • 48. import com.twitter.scalding._ class StocksDivsJoin(args: Args) extends Job(args){ val stocksSchema = ('symd, 'close, 'volume) val divsSchema = ('dymd, 'dividend) val stocksPipe = new Tsv(args("stocks"), stockSchema) .read .project('symd, 'close) val divsPipe = new Tsv(args("dividends"), divsSchema) .read stocksPipe .joinWithTiny('symd -> 'dymd, dividendsPipe) .project('symd, 'close, 'dividend) .write(Tsv(args("output"))) } Load the stock and dividend records into separate pipes, project desired stock fields. 40 Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 49. import com.twitter.scalding._ class StocksDivsJoin(args: Args) extends Job(args){ val stocksSchema = ('symd, 'close, 'volume) val divsSchema = ('dymd, 'dividend) val stocksPipe = new Tsv(args("stocks"), stockSchema) .read .project('symd, 'close) val divsPipe = new Tsv(args("dividends"), divsSchema) .read stocksPipe .joinWithTiny('symd -> 'dymd, dividendsPipe) .project('symd, 'close, 'dividend) .write(Tsv(args("output"))) } Join stocks with smaller dividends on dates, project desired fields. 41 Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 50. # Invoking the script (bash) scald.rb StocksDivsJoins.scala --stocks data/stocks/IBM.txt --dividends data/dividends/IBM.txt --output output/IBM-join.txt 42 Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 51. # Invoking the script (bash) scald.rb StocksDivsJoins.scala --stocks data/stocks/IBM.txt --dividends data/dividends/IBM.txt --output output/IBM-join.txt # Output (not sorted!) 2010-02-08 121.88 0.55 2009-11-06 123.49 0.55 2009-08-06 117.38 0.55 2009-05-06 104.62 0.55 2009-02-06 96.14 0.5 2008-11-06 85.15 0.5 2008-08-06 129.16 0.5 2008-05-07 124.14 0.5 ... 42 Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 52. 43 Wednesday, February 13, 13 Compute ngrams in a corpus...
  • 53. NGrams 43 Wednesday, February 13, 13 Compute ngrams in a corpus...
  • 54. import com.twitter.scalding._ class ContextNGrams(args: Args) extends Job(args) { val ngramPrefix = args.list("ngram-prefix").mkString(" ") val keepN = args.getOrElse("count", "10").toInt val ngramRE = (ngramPrefix + """s+(w+)""").r // Sort (phrase,count) by count, descending. val countReverseComparator = (tuple1:(String,Int), tuple2:(String,Int)) => tuple1._2 > tuple2._2 ... Find, count, sort, all “I love _” in Shakespeare’s plays... 44 Wednesday, February 13, 13 1st half of this example (our longest).
  • 55. ... val lines = TextLine(args("input")) .read .flatMap('line -> 'ngram) { text: String => ngramRE.findAllIn(text).toIterable } .discard('num, 'line) .groupBy('ngram) { g => g.size('count) } .groupAll { g => g.sortWithTake[(String,Int)]( ('ngram, 'count) -> 'sorted_ngrams, keepN( countReverseComparator) } .write(Tsv(args("output"))) } 45 Wednesday, February 13, 13 2nd half.
  • 56. import com.twitter.scalding._ class ContextNGrams(args: Args) extends Job(args) { val ngramPrefix = args.list("ngram-prefix").mkString(" ") val keepN = args.getOrElse("count", "10").toInt val ngramRE = (ngramPrefix + """s+(w+)""").r // Sort (phrase,count) by count, descending. val countReverseComparator = (tuple1:(String,Int), tuple2:(String,Int)) => tuple1._2 > tuple2._2 ... From user-specified args, the ngram prefix (“I love”), the # of ngrams desired, a matching regular expression. Wednesday, February 13, 13 Now walking through it...
  • 57. import com.twitter.scalding._ class ContextNGrams(args: Args) extends Job(args) { val ngramPrefix = args.list("ngram-prefix").mkString(" ") val keepN = args.getOrElse("count", "10").toInt val ngramRE = (ngramPrefix + """s+(w+)""").r // Sort (phrase,count) by count, descending. val countReverseComparator = (tuple1:(String,Int), tuple2:(String,Int)) => tuple1._2 > tuple2._2 ... A function “value” we’ll use to sort ngrams by frequency, descending. 47 Wednesday, February 13, 13 This is a function that is a “normal” value. We’ll pass it to another function as an argument in the 2nd half of the code.
  • 58. ... val lines = TextLine(args("input")) .read .flatMap('line -> 'ngram) { text: String => ngramRE.findAllIn(text).toIterable } .discard('num, 'line) .groupBy('ngram) { g => g.size('count) } .groupAll { g => g.sortWithTake[(String,Int)]( ('ngram, 'count) -> 'sorted_ngrams, keepN( countReverseComparator) } .write(Tsv(args("output"))) } Read, find desired ngram phrases, project desired fields, then group by ngram. 48 Wednesday, February 13, 13 Discard is like the opposite of project(). We don’t need the line number nor the whole line anymore, so toss ‘em.
  • 59. ... val lines = TextLine(args("input")) .read .flatMap('line -> 'ngram) { text: String => ngramRE.findAllIn(text).toIterable } .discard('num, 'line) .groupBy('ngram) { g => g.size('count) } .groupAll { g => g.sortWithTake[(String,Int)]( ('ngram, 'count) -> 'sorted_ngrams, keepN( countReverseComparator) } .write(Tsv(args("output"))) } Group all (ngram,count) tuples together and sort descending by count. Write... 49 Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 60. # Invoking the script (bash) scald.rb ContextNGrams.scala --input data/shakespeare/plays.txt --output output/context-ngrams.txt --ngram-prefix "I love" --count 10 50 Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 61. # Invoking the script (bash) scald.rb ContextNGrams.scala --input data/shakespeare/plays.txt --output output/context-ngrams.txt --ngram-prefix "I love" --count 10 # Output (reformatted) (I love thee,44), (I love you,24), (I love him,15), (I love the,9), (I love her,8), ..., (I love myself,3), ..., (I love Valentine,1), ..., (I love France,1), ... 50 Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 62. An Example of the Matrix API 51 Wednesday, February 13, 13 From Scalding’s own Matrix examples, “MatrixTutorial4”, compute the cosine of every pair of vectors. This is a similarity measurement, useful, e.g., for for recommending movies and other stuff to one user based on the preferences of similar users.
  • 63. import com.twitter.scalding._ import com.twitter.scalding.mathematics.Matrix // Load a directed graph adjacency matrix where: // a[i,j] = 1 if there is an edge from a[i] to b[j] // and computes the cosine of the angle between // every two pairs of vectors. class MatrixCosine(args: Args) extends Job(args) { import Matrix._ val schema = ('user1, 'user2, 'relation)    val adjacencyMatrix = Tsv(args("input"), schema)    .read    .toMatrix[Long,Long,Double](schema) val normMatrix = adjacencyMatrix.rowL2Normalize   // Inner product is equivalent to the cosine: // AA^T/(||A||*||A||)   (normMatrix * normMatrix.transpose) .write(Tsv(args("output"))) } 52 Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 64. import com.twitter.scalding._ import com.twitter.scalding.mathematics.Matrix // Load a directed graph adjacency matrix where: // a[i,j] = 1 if there is an edge from a[i] to b[j] // and computes the cosine of the angle between // every two pairs of vectors. class MatrixCosine(args: Args) extends Job(args) { import Matrix._ val schema = ('user1, 'user2, 'relation)    val adjacencyMatrix = Tsv(args("input"), schema)    .read    .toMatrix[Long,Long,Double](schema) val normMatrix = adjacencyMatrix.rowL2Normalize   // Inner product is equivalent to the cosine: // AA^T/(||A||*||A||)   (normMatrix * normMatrix.transpose) .write(Tsv(args("output"))) } Import matrix library. 53 Wednesday, February 13, 13 Scala lets you put imports anywhere! So, you can scope them to just where they are needed.
  • 65. import com.twitter.scalding._ import com.twitter.scalding.mathematics.Matrix // Load a directed graph adjacency matrix where: // a[i,j] = 1 if there is an edge from a[i] to b[j] // and computes the cosine of the angle between // every two pairs of vectors. class MatrixCosine(args: Args) extends Job(args) { import Matrix._ val schema = ('user1, 'user2, 'relation)    val adjacencyMatrix = Tsv(args("input"), schema)    .read    .toMatrix[Long,Long,Double](schema) val normMatrix = adjacencyMatrix.rowL2Normalize   // Inner product is equivalent to the cosine: // AA^T/(||A||*||A||)   (normMatrix * normMatrix.transpose) .write(Tsv(args("output"))) } Load into a matrix. 54 Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 66. import com.twitter.scalding._ import com.twitter.scalding.mathematics.Matrix // Load a directed graph adjacency matrix where: // a[i,j] = 1 if there is an edge from a[i] to b[j] // and computes the cosine of the angle between // every two pairs of vectors. class MatrixCosine(args: Args) extends Job(args) { import Matrix._ val schema = ('user1, 'user2, 'relation)    val adjacencyMatrix = Tsv(args("input"), schema)    .read    .toMatrix[Long,Long,Double](schema) val normMatrix = adjacencyMatrix.rowL2Normalize   // Inner product is equivalent to the cosine: // AA^T/(||A||*||A||)   (normMatrix * normMatrix.transpose) .write(Tsv(args("output"))) } Normalize: sqrt(x^2+y^2) 55 Wednesday, February 13, 13 L2 norm is the usual Euclidean distance: sqrt(a*a + b*b + …)
  • 67. import com.twitter.scalding._ import com.twitter.scalding.mathematics.Matrix // Load a directed graph adjacency matrix where: // a[i,j] = 1 if there is an edge from a[i] to b[j] // and computes the cosine of the angle between // every two pairs of vectors. class MatrixCosine(args: Args) extends Job(args) { import Matrix._ val schema = ('user1, 'user2, 'relation)    val adjacencyMatrix = Tsv(args("input"), schema)    .read    .toMatrix[Long,Long,Double](schema) val normMatrix = adjacencyMatrix.rowL2Normalize   // Inner product is equivalent to the cosine: // AA^T/(||A||*||A||)   (normMatrix * normMatrix.transpose) .write(Tsv(args("output"))) } Compute cosine! 56 Wednesday, February 13, 13 L2 norm is the usual Euclidean distance: sqrt(a*a + b*b + …) (I won’t show an example invocation here.)
  • 68. Scalding  vs.   Hive  vs.  Pig 57 Wednesday, February 13, 13 Some concluding thoughts on Scalding (and Cascading) vs. Hive vs. Pig, since I’ve used all three a lot.
  • 69. Use  Hive   for  queries. 58 Wednesday, February 13, 13 SQL is about as concise as it gets when asking questions of data and doing “standard” analytics. A great example of a “purpose-built” language. It’s great at what it was designed for. Not so great when you need to do something it wasn’t designed to do.
  • 70. Use  Pig  for   data  flows. Wednesday, February 13, 13 Pig is great for data flows, such as sequencing transformations typical of ETL (extract, transform, and load). As you might expect for a purpose-built language, it is very concise for these purposes, but writing extensions is a non-trivial step (same for Hive).
  • 71. Use  Scalding   for  total   flexibility. 60 Wednesday, February 13, 13 Scalding can do everything you can do with these other tools (more or less), but it gives you the full flexible power of a Turing-complete language, so it’s easier to adapt to non-trivial, custom scenarios.
  • 72. For  more  on   Scalding:­‐workshop Wednesday, February 13, 13
  • 73. Thanks! Hive  Intro.  &  Master  Classes StrataConf:  2/25-­‐26,  Chicago:  3/7-­‐8 hQp:// 62 Wednesday, February 13, 13 All pictures © Dean Wampler, 2005-2013. The rest of the presentation is free to reuse, but attribution is appreciated. Hire us!!