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     dra5 version 27 sept 2009 

  © Prof. Pierre Lévy, CRC, FRSC 
      University of OKawa 
Cyberspace Evolution
      Interconnec-on between ideas (via seman-c tags). "
            Uniform Seman-c Locator = IEML * concept address ** 
            Collaborative societies of semantic agents, subject-centric computation.
2015        Collective intelligence growth. Augmentation of sense-making.

        Interconnec-on between documents (+ data)
            Uniform Resource Locator = h;p:// page address. 
            Centralized search engines, browsers.
1995        Global multimedia public sphere. 

   Interconnec-on between computers. 
            Internet Protocol = server address. 
            Routers, user-friendly PC applications
1980        Personal computing. Virtual communities. "
            Digital media convergence. 
   Interconnec-on between transistors.
            Computer memory = bit address. "
            Operating systems, programming languages
1950        Augmentation of arithmetical and logical processing.
Computational Collective Intelligence

 Seman-c       global meta‐      group of 
   Space                                            IEML / USLs 
                 language        concepts 

               global meta‐
   WWW                          linked data        HTTP / URLs 

               global meta‐      society of 
  Internet      computer         automata 
                                                      TCP / IP 

               symbolic       pervasive comp. 
Compu-ng                                             Chips / OS 
              manipula-on     (mobiles, things, 
                                                   Bits addresses 
               automata          robots...)  

              Augmenta-on        Objects in        Addressing 
                  of CI           rela-on            system 
Toward a CI Science 

    scien-fic observatory / digital mirror of CI 

           Reflexive Collec-ve Intelligence 
          driver of human development 

                  Human Development 
     prosperity, health, educa-on, security, peace, 
environment, cultural heritages, research, innova-on... 
Layers of Seman-c Processing 

               Points (USLs): 6 primi-ves, sequences of 3L primi-ves (0⩽L⩽6),  
                                   categories, catsets, USLs 
                            Perspec-ves: series, matrices, trees 

               Terms: dic-onary = correspondence points/natural language + 
                       network of seman-c rela-ons between terms 
                  Texts (USLs with a meaning): Gramma-cal rules for the 
                genera-on of texts automa-cally transl. into nat. languages  

                                 Circuits: networks of texts 
               Flows: circula-on of seman-c energyn in circuits, following the 
                             rules of informa-on economy games 
The Three Bodies of Collec/ve Intelligence 

                VIRTUAL BODY 

               SEMANTIC BODY 
          USLs: points in IEML space 
     Perspec?ves: series, trees, matrices 

                ENERGY BODY 
           Circuits: graphs of USLs 
   Flows: economic, electric, neural... models 

                  DATA BODY 
          Data               Mul?‐Media 
    3D+t. Addresses           Rep of VB           User‐controlled 
The Nature of Collec-ve Intelligence 

                    group of transforma-on                 seman-c space 

 DIGITAL MEDIA                                        form : virtual essence 
                                                      color : actual essence 
(self‐observa-on)  symbolic bodies 
                                                 luminosity : virtual existence 
                                                      data : actual existence 

  COGNITION                                   subjec-ve experience : virtual presence  

                                                   objec-vity : actual presence 
                                                  techno‐biological environment 
                     material bodies 
 3D MATERIAL                                           molecular machines 
  ECOSYSTEM                                              par-cles / waves 
                     group of transforma-on                 unified field 

  *M:**          *T:**                  *B:**               *S:** 
Noun. En&ty.     Thing.                 Being.               Sign.  
 Ternarity.     Referent.            Interpreter.          Signifier. 

  *F:**             *O:**              *A:**                 *U:** 
 Fullness.      Verb. Process.      Actualiza&on.        Virtualiza&on. 
                  Bipolarity.           Plus.                Minus. 

                                       *I:**                * E:** 
                               Complete primi&ve set.     Emp&ness. 
                                   Informa&on.             Silence. 
                                                                       Null Set 
                       *I:**                                 No seman9cs. Unfit for tagging. 
             Complete set. Informa9on.                             Compu9ng use only. 

                      111111                                               000000 

  *E:**                                   *F:** 
Emp9ness.                                Fullness. 

000001                                   111110 

                 *O:**                                             *M:** 
       Bipolarity. Process. Verb.                     Ternarity. Representa9on. Noun. 

                 000110                                          111000 

        *U:**              *A:**                 *S:**           *B:**            *T:** 
    Virtualiza9on.      Actualiza9on.            Sign.           Being.          Thing. 
        Minus.              Plus.              Signifier.      Interpreter.      Referent. 

       000010              000100              001000           010000           100000 
Governance / values 
                          Rights / duties
                          Will networks
                           ETHICAL CAPITAL 

       Arts                                        Finance
     Sciences                                     Competence
Knowledge networks
                              Power networks
     EPISTEMIC                                       PRACTICAL 
      CAPITAL                                          CAPITAL 


       CAPITAL                                        BIOPHYSICAL 
     Messages                                  Equipment / technology
      Medias                                    Health / environment 
Documentary networks
                             Bodily networks

                            SOCIAL CAPITAL 
                           Social roles
                        Personal networks


* O: **
                Layer 0
    process, bi-polarity
     U:                      A:
   primitive               primitive
 virtualize               actualize
  variable                 operator
   heaven                   earth
    yang                     yin
 emptiness                phenomena
 intelligible             perceptible
transcendence             immanence
     type                 occurrence
   minus                     plus
* M: **
                       Layer 0
nounishness, representation, ternarity

       S:                 B:                  T:
primitive element   primitive element   primitive element
     sign               being               thing
sem. adressing ƒ     evaluation ƒ        indexation ƒ
    signifier          interpreter           referent
  proposition         judgement         state of things
  intelligence          intellect         intelligible
   grammar             dialectic            rhetoric
     price             property              utility
   teachings          community         ultimate nature
   legislative         judiciary           executive
Layer 0
                     63 Primitive Categories

       * / E: / U: / A: / S: / B: / T: / I: / F: / O: / M: **

      I:                    O:                           M:
information in    verbishness, bi-polarity      nounishness, ternarity

 Diagram         */U:+M: /A:+M:**            */E:+U:+M: /E:+A:+M:**
CI Networks            CI networks              fictictious CI networks
                                          information in general
                                                            layer 0

                                                              fullness, non-fiction

                                       O:                                                     M:
                        process, verbishness, bi-polarity                    representation, nounishness, ternarity.

                            U:                       A:                S:                      B:                      T:
                          virtual                actual               sign                   being                 thing

                                     E:+O:                                                  E:+M:
        E:                       fictitious process                                  fictitious representation

   emptiness,            E:+U:               E:+A:                    E:+S:                 E:+B:                 E:+T:
silence, illusion,
     fiction        fiction of virtuality fiction of actuality       fictitious sign        fictitious being        fictitious thing
/U:+M: /A:+M:
                          collective intelligence networks
                                        layer 0
                      O:+S:              O:+B:              O:+T:
                   sign networks     being networks     thing networks

    U:+M:             U:+S:              U:+B:              U:+T:
                    networks of        networks of     networks of powers
virtual networks    knowledge           will/rules

    A:+M:             A:+S:              A:+B:              A:+T:
actual networks     networks of     networks of people networks of bodies
/E:+U:+M: /E:+A:+M:
                     fictitious networks of collective intelligence
                                        layer 0
                       E:+O:+S:             E:+O:+B:             E:+O:+T:
                     fictitious sign      fictitious being      fictitious thing
                       networks             networks            networks

  E:+U:+M:             E:+U:+S:             E:+U:+B:             E:+U:+T:
fictitious virtual   fictitious networks   fictitious networks   fictitious networks
   networks          of knowledge              of rules           of powers

  E:+A:+M:             E:+A:+S:             E:+A:+B:             E:+A:+T:
fictitious actual    fictitious networks   fictitious networks   fictitious networks
   networks          of documents            of people            of bodies
         F:O:.             F:M:.

         O:O:.             O:M:.
        generate            act

         M:O:.             M:M:.
        mutation           basis
                         O:U:.                O:A:.
                    generate into the generate into the
                         virtual           actual

                         U:U:E:.              U:A:E:.

     U:O:.                wo.                  wa.
generate from the       generate              operate
     virtual            possibles

                         A:U:E:.              A:A:E:.
     A:O:.                wu.                  we.
generate from the       perceive         reconstitute

                    O:S:.              O:B:.              O:T:.
                act according to   act according to   act according to
                      sign              being               thing

                     U:S:E:.            U:B:E:.            U:T:E:.
  U:M:.                y.                 o.                 e.
act virtually        know               want                can

                     A:S:E:.            A:B:E:.            A:T:E:.
  A:M:.                u.                 a.                 i.
act actually        express            commit                do
                        S:O:.               B:O:.             T:O:.
                   sign in mutation    being in mutation thing in mutation

                        S:U:E:.             B:U:E:.            T:U:E:.
    M:U:.                 j.                  h.                 p.
virtual mutation   signifier mutation   signified mutation referent mutation

                        S:A:E:.             B:A:E:.            T:A:E:.

    M:A:.                 g.                  c.                 x.
actual mutation document mutation personal mutation material mutation
                    M:S:.             M:B:.             M:T:.
                 basis for sign   basis for being   basis for thing

                     S:S:E:.          S:B:E:.           S:T:E:.
   S:M:.               s.               b.                t.
sign in basis      thought          language          memory

                     B:S:E:.          B:B:E:.           B:T:E:.
   B:M:.              k.               m.                 n.
being in basis     society            affect            world

                     T:S:E:.          T:B:E:.           T:T:E:.
   T:M:.              d.                f.                I.
thing in basis      truth              life             space
E:F:O:.                                             E:F:M:.
                      logical strategy                                   gradient adverb
                    E:F:U:.       E:F:A:.                          E:F:S:.    E:F:B:.   E:F:T:.
                   logical may    logical must                       less        medium         more

                          E:O:O:.                                               E:O:M:.
                    logical construction                                       variation
                    E:O:U:.         E:O:A:.                        E:O:S:.       E:O:B:.       E:O:T:.
                  construction   construction                    comparative comparative comparative
                      may           must                           minus       medium       plus
   E:U:O:.          E:U:U:.         E:U:A:.        E:U:M:.         E:U:S:.       E:U:B:.       E:U:T:.
deconstructive interrogation?      negation         quality        worse         as good        better
   mood                                            variation
   E:A:O:.          E:A:U:.         E:A:A:.        E:A:M:.         E:A:S:.       E:A:B:.       E:A:T:.
 constructive      quotation    affirmation       quantity        a few /      medium       a lot / very
    mood                                           variation       slightly     quantity,

                            E:M:O:.                                             E:M:M:.
                           inference                                          distribution
                    E:M:U:.         E:M:A:.                        E:M:S:.       E:M:B:.       E:M:T:.
                  inference may inference must                     distrib.     distrib.     distrib. plus
                                                                   minus        medium

   E:S:O:.           E:S:U:.        E:S:A:.         E:S:M:.        E:S:S:.       E:S:B:.       E:S:T:.
  hypothesis       possibility     condition          time          never      sometimes       always
      if                                          distribution

   E:B:O:.           E:B:U:.        E:B:A:.         E:B:M:.        E:B:S:.       E:B:B:.       E:B:T:.
    belief         credibility     authority       frequency       rarely        usually,       often
                                                  distribution                  regularly
   E:T:O:.           E:T:U:.        E:T:A:.         E:T:M:.        E:T:S:.       E:T:B:.       E:T:T:.
  conclusion        by logical   by experience,      space        nowhere      somewhere everywhere
then, therefore     necessity    from the facts   distribution
                 logical construction
                  E:O:U:.         E:O:A:.
                construction    construction
                    may            must
  E:U:O:.         E:U:U:.         E:U:A:.
deconstructive interrogation?    negation
  E:A:O:.         E:A:U:.         E:A:A:.
constructive    quotation     affirmation
              E:O:S:.     E:O:B:.      E:O:T:.
            comparative comparative comparative
              minus       medium       plus
E:U:M:.       E:U:S:.     E:U:B:.       E:U:T:.
 quality      worse       as good       better
E:A:M:.       E:A:S:.     E:A:B:.       E:A:T:.
quantity      a few /     medium      a lot / very
variation     slightly    quantity,
                      logical inference
                    E:M:U:.         E:M:A:.
                  inference may inference must

   E:S:O:.           E:S:U:.        E:S:A:.
  hypothesis       possibility     condition

   E:B:O:.           E:B:U:.        E:B:A:.
    belief         credibility     authority

   E:T:O:.           E:T:U:.        E:T:A:.
  conclusion        by logical   by experience,
then, therefore     necessity    from the facts
               E:M:S:.       E:M:B:.       E:M:T:.
               distrib.     distrib.     distrib. plus
               minus        medium

  E:S:M:.      E:S:S:.       E:S:B:.       E:S:T:.
    time        never      sometimes       always

  E:B:M:.      E:B:S:.       E:B:B:.       E:B:T:.
 frequency      rarely       usually,       often
distribution                regularly
  E:T:M:.      E:T:S:.       E:T:B:.       E:T:T:.
   space       nowhere     somewhere everywhere
     Case indicators for verb clauses

   E:E:S:.              E:E:B:.            E:E:T:.
  nominative,      dative, beneficiary accusative, direct
    subject                (to)            object

Case indicators for noun

   E:E:U:.             E:E:A:.
Attribute of the
                      Genitive (of)
                                           control sensori-motor experience

                      O:O:.U:.-           O:O:.A:.-            O:O:.S:.-            O:O:.B:.-             O:O:.T:.-
                    control audio       control touch        control visual     control physical /       control motor
                     experience          experience           experience       chemical experience        experience

    wo.F:.-            wo.U:.-             wo.A:.-              wo.S:.-               wo.B:.-               wo.T:.-
   modulate         control sound        control force     control size, color, control smell  taste, control orientation
  phenomena                                                      shape           cook / brew / lead  position in space
                                                                                 chemical processes

    wa.F:.-            wa.U:.-             wa.A:.-              wa.S:.-               wa.B:.-               wo.T:.-
display sensori- display / broadcast display signature /    display /           display / broadcast   display movement
   motricity        voice / sound      track / imprint   broadcast image           smell  taste      / drive, dance, etc.

    wu.F:.-            wu.U:.-             wu.A:.-              wu.S:.-               wu.B:.-               wu.T:.-
feel / recognize   hear / recognize   touch / recognize     see / recognize       smell / taste /      recognize
                    auditive forms     haptic or tactile      visual forms      recognize chemical   movement /
                                            forms                                     forms        manipulation forms

    we.F:.-            we.U:.-             we.A:.-              we.S:.-               we.B:.-               we.T:.-
shut off sensori-    make silence /   insulate / protect     hide / protect    insulate from thermic create foundation /
   motricity      insulate from sound   from contact          from vision       / chemical changes     unmovable base
                                                                                                     (insulate from mvt)
                        O:O:.y.-             O:O:.o.-             O:O:.e.-         O:O:.u.-           O:O:.a.-             O:O:.i.-
                     work on knowledge      work on principles    work on skills      work on            work on             work on
                                                                                   communication       commitment           equipment

wo.O:M:.-                 wo.y.-               wo.o.-              wo.e.-            wo.u.-             wo.a.-               wo.i.-
identify key-points get one's bearing in establish principles       identify           follow         find one's fitting      choose the
  of one's activity     knowledge                                 competencies     communication          place             equipment

wa.O:M:.-                 wa.y.-               wa.o.-              wa.e.-            wa.u.-             wa.a.-               wa.i.-
   master one's       master knowledge      stick to principles      master         find / show         cultivate one's   use the equipment
    activity                                                      competencies      information          character

wu.O:M:.-                 wu.y.-               wu.o.-              wu.e.-            wu.u.-             wu.a.-               wu.i.-
  exert critical     questioning accepted    question oneself        assess          reorient into   discern characters test the equipment
   judgement              knowledge                               competencies     communication

we.O:M:.-                 we.y.-               we.o.-              we.e.-            we.u.-             we.a.-               we.i.-
renew the activity    rebuild knowledge      renew objectives        renew          refresh one's      renew one's           renew the
                                                                  competencies     documentation      commitments           equipment
                  O:O:j.-            O:O:.g.-          O:O:.h.-        O:O:.c.-         O:O:.p.-           O:O:.x.-
                   govern the         govern the       govern the     govern/ grow    govern the       govern the
                 symbolic syst.     communication     meaning of the the community relation with the technical syst.
                                                        enterprise                     objectives

wo.M:O:.-           wo.j.-             wo.g.-           wo.h.-           wo.c.-           wo.p.-             wo.x.-
 monitoring     envisage other      reflect on other    think about       reflect on        redefine            reflect on
  alternative   symbolic syst.      communication     other possible      possible       objectives           possible
 frameworks                             modes           meanings       communities                          techniques

wa.M:O:.-           wa.j.-             wa.g.-            wa.h.-          wa.c.-           wa.p.-             wa.x.-
improve the        improve             improve         deepen the       renew the        meet the           improve the
frameworks       symbolic syst.     communication     meaning of the   community         objectives       technical system
                                        system           activity

wu.M:O:.-           wu.j.-             wu.g.-           wu.h.-           wu.c.-           wu.p.-             wu.x.-
  assess the       assess the          assess              assess      re-assess the    measure the       assess the
 frameworks     symbolic syst. in   communication     interpretation   community       distance to the technical system
                      use              mode               mode                            objectives

we.M:O:.-           we.j.-             we.g.-           we.h.-           we.c.-           we.p.-             we.x.-
   unify the       unify the            unify           unify the       unify the      unify objectives       unify the
 frameworks      symbolic syst.     communication     meaning of the   community                          technical system
                                                              provide resources for action
                O:O:.s.-        O:O:.b.-           O:O:t.-          O:O:.k.-           O:O:.m.-          O:O:.n.-           O:O:.d.-       O:O:.f.-           O:O:.l.-
               PRFA through     PRFA through      PRFA through     PRFA through        PRFA through PRFA by tuning PRFA through           PRFA through PRFA through
                intellectual    language play     time mastering    generosity           emotional   to the cosmos  concern for             the body   spatial extension
                 openness                                                                 fluidity                      truth

wo.M:M:.-        wo.s.-           wo.b.-            wo.t.-            wo.k.-             wo.m.-           wo.n.-             wo.d.-          wo.f.-            wo.l.-
  cultivate    brain storming      augment          remember        plant seeds of        change         change world       meditate on   experiment new     make room /
 experience                       linguistic                        social change        emotional      representation      alternative    bodily habits      reorganize
  variation                       resources                                               patterns                             truths

wa.M:M:.-        wa.s.-           wa.b.-             wa.t.-           wa.k.-             wa.m.-            wa.n.-            wa.d.-          wa.f.-            wa.l.-
  cultivate    having concern express oneself        take risks    act for the sake      sublimate      cultivate one's      experiment    cultivate one's   increase range
strenghth of     for action    through acts                          of society          emotions        motivation                       physical energy      of action

wu.M:M:.-        wu.s.-           wu.b.-            wu.t.-            wu.k.-             wu.m.-           wu.n.-             wu.d.-          wu.f.-            wu.l.-
  cultivate       increase      increase poetic    understand      cultivate social    being aware of   cultivate clarity     observe      cultivate body    increase one's
 perception     intellectual      sensitivity        causes          awareness            emotions       of meaning                         awareness         overall view
 subtleness      sensitivity

we.M:M:.-        we.s.-           we.b.-            we.t.-            we.k.-             we.m.-            we.n.-            we.d.-          we.f.-            we.l.-
  cultivate       cultivate        cultivate         manage        setting-up social      cultivate       accept peer         adopt a     satisfy primary     increase
 sustainable    intellectual     information        timetable            bonds           emotional        evaluation        measurement        needs      working capacity
   balance        balance           system                                              equilibrium                           system
                                                        gain empowerment
                     y.O:O:.-             o.O:O:.-            e.O:O:.-             u.O:O:.-             a.O:O:.-             i.O:O:.-
                    assume identity           use law             control              exhibit         create / initiate        equip

O:M:.wo.-              y.wo.-               o.wo.-              e.wo.-               u.wo.-               a.wo.-               i.wo.-
gain in creative    assume a work's       use intellectual   exploit a talent /    publish/exhibit create a scientific / equip scientific /
    power            responsability        property law             gift            original work     artistic work      artistic activity

O:M:.wa.-              y.wa.-               o.wa.-              e.wa.-               u.wa.-               a.wa.-               i.wa.-
gain in economic     assume a       use administrative   possess an    exhibit products of create a company equip a company
      power      corporate identity / commercial law economic good / a economic activity                      / economic
                                                          capital                                                activity

O:M:.wu.-              y.wu.-               o.wu.-              e.wu.-               u.wu.-               a.wu.-               i.wu.-
 gain in citizen      assume one's        use criminal law   keep watching /      express oneself in   lead a political / equip a territory /
 empowerment        personal identity                           organize             the media              action           collectivity

O:M:.we.-              y.we.-               o.we.-              e.we.-               u.we.-               a.we.-               i.we.-
 gain in family       assume family        use family law      control birth       give support /      create a familiy    equip a household
 empowerment       tradition / identity                                            help in family
                   O:M:.y.-      O:M:.o.-          O:M:.e.-          O:M:.u.-         O:M:.a.-      O:M:.i.-
                   perform in                       perform in        perform in      perform in     perform in
                                 perform in will
                   knowledge                          ability         expression        society    concrete things

 y.O:M:.-            y.y.-           y.o.-            y.e.-             y.u.-           y.a.-           y.i.-
  perform on       master a         establish                                                       explicitate /
                                                      analyse         interrogate       learn
knowledge basis knowledge field      priorities                                                       formalize
 o.O:M:.-            o.y.-           o.o.-            o.e.-             o.u.-           o.a.-          o.i.-
perform on will                    aim at an                                                         make an
                    choose                            specify       campaign (com)       lead
     basis                         objective                                                        application
 e.O:M:.-            e.y.-           e.o.-            e.e.-             e.u.-           e.a.-          e.i.-
  perform on                                        exercise a
                   synthetize    design / plan                        deliberate       demand           give
  ability basis                                    competence
 u.O:M:.-            u.y.-           u.o.-            u.e.-             u.u.-           u.a.-          u.i.-
  perform on
                    respond      adhere to ideas       judge         communicate       promise          lend
expressive basis

 a.O:M:.-            a.y.-           a.o.-            a.e.-             a.u.-           a.a.-          a.i.-
  perform on
                     teach           follow        offer / supply   keep one's word    contract         sell
  social basis
 i.O:M:.-            i.y.-           i.o.-             i.e.-            i.u.-           i.a.-           i.i.-
 perform on                      obtain / get (a
                    compute                            take             borrow           buy        manufacture
concrete basis                      position)
                                             create a work of the mind
                       O:M:.j.-          O:M:.g.-            O:M:.h.-              O:M:.c.-            O:M:.p.-            O:M:.x.-
                     work on medium work on discourse           work on           work on oneself       work on the      work on method /
                                                             interpretation                               subject             project

  y.M:O:.-                y.j.-              y.g.-               y.h.-                y.c.-                y.p.-              y.x.-
 consider possible   examine possible   consider possible   examine possible       examine one's      examine possible    review possible
   productions           media             discourses          meanings              obstacles            subjects           methods

  o.M:O:.-                o.j.-             o.g.-               o.h.-                 o.c.-               o.p.-               o.x.-
   orient one's      choose a form of     choose one's         choose an        orient one's personal choose a subject     orient into the
   production           expression         discourse         interpretation             path                             steps of the work

  e.M:O:.-                e.j.-             e.g.-               e.h.-                 e.c.-               e.p.-               e.x.-
  master one's       master a medium make a discourse follow a method of prepare oneself for          being equal to a    make tools one's
  production                           one's own         interpretation       change                      subject              own

  u.M:O:.-                u.j.-             u.g.-               u.h.-                 u.c.-               u.p.-               u.x.-
communicate one's      analyse one's    deliver a speech    state the meaning    commit oneself to     explain one's     explain one's work
   production            language                                                    change               subject

  a.M:O:.-                a.j.-              a.g.-              a.h.-                 a.c.-               a.p.-               a.x.-
commit into one's    assume one's style commit oneself to      defend an            accept one's       get involved in    get involved in
   production                            one's discourse     interpretation       transformation        one's subject       one's work

  i.M:O:.-                 i.j.-             i.g.-               i.h.-                 i.c.-               i.p.-              i.x.-
acchieve/ improve       refine one's      elaborate one's      elaborate an      coming to term with    construct one's   work with matter
 one's production        language           discourse        interpretation       one's obstacles         subject
                                               move / accomplish a physical action

                                        O:M:.O:.-                                 O:M:.M:.-
                                  move in relation to center                provoque a physical shift

                                  O:M:.U:.-      O:M:.A:.-
                                    move           move
                                  centripetal    centrifugal
                   y.F:.-           y.U:.-         y.A:.-         y.S:.-            y.B:.-          y.T:.-
                  perform      fold / wrap        unfold /         sort /        tie / attach   dig / pierce /
             topological moves                    unwrap       differentiate                        sculpt

U:M:.F:.-         o.F:.-            o.U:.-         o.A:.-         o.S:.-            o.B:.-          o.T:.-
objective      manipulate           receive         send         bring /        catch / grasp       keep
 moves       valuable objects                                     carry
                  e.F:.-            e.U:.-         e.A:.-         e.S:.-            e.B:.-          e.T:.-
             (dis)place objects      pull           push         disperse           gather         build /
                  u.F:.-            u.U:.-         u.A:.-         u.S:.-            u.B:.-          u.T:.-
             move oneself in        come             go         fly / travel swim / travel walk / travel
                 space                                         through air through water    on land

 A:M:.F:-         a.F:.-            a.U:.-         a.A:.-         a.S:.-            a.B:.-          a.T:.-
subjective       perform           digest /       excrete        breathe            drink               eat
 moves          metabolic         assimilate
                  a.F:.-            i.U:.-         i.A:.-          i.S:.-            i.B:.-         i.T:.-
                 perform a            hit          throw            lift            jump                run
              physical action
                     O:O:.wo.- O:O:.wa.- O:O:.wu.- O:O:.we.-
                         sprout          flourish     produce fruit      wane

 wo.O:O:.-            wo.wo.-          wo.wa.-       wo.wu.-         wo.we.-
 go through the
                     being initiated    celebrate      get used        mourn
 symbolic cycle

 wa.O:O:.-            wa.wo.-          wa.wa.-       wa.wu.-         wa.we.-
 go through the                                       eat / rest /
                        wake up           strive                     fall asleep
   daily cycle                                         entertain

 wu.O:O:.-            wu.wo.-          wu.wa.-       wu.wu.-         wu.we.-
go through the age
                       be a child       be young      be mature      growing old

 we.O:O:.-            we.wo.-          we.wa.-       we.wu.-         we.we.-
  go through the                       make love /
                        be born                       give birth         die
reproductive cycle                      conceive
                                                            undermine human development
                         O:M:.-            b.O:M:.-        t.O:M:.-           k.O:M:.- m.O:M:.- n.O:M:.- d.O:M:.-                              f.O:M:.-         l.O:M:.-
                      neglect thought        misuse       act off the beat     undo the          despise      shrink the       neglect         weaken the      neglect space
                                            language                            society         emotions        world         exactitude         body

    y.M:M:.-               y.s.-              y.b.-            y.t.-             y.k.-           y.m.-          y.n.-           y.d.-             y.f.-            y.l.-
obscure intelligence negl. intellectual not abstracting       forget             ignore          ignore        ignore         ignore facts      intoxicate     ignore limits
                        discipline                                              relations       emotions      principles                          oneself

   o.M:M:.-               o.s.-               o.b.-           o.t.-              o.k.-           o.m.-          o.n.-           o.d.-             o.f.-            o.l.-
   dim human         have predudices misunderstand           be late /        break social         be         be narrow           lie         inflict suffering provoke chaos /
    existence                                              procrastinate         bonds         unconcerned     minded                                             confusion

   e.M:M:.-                e.s.-              e.b.-           e.t.-              e.k.-           e.m.-          e.n.-           e.d.-             e.f.-            e.l.-
    lack ability     neglect the codes be incoherent          offend          be victim of       threaten    be a follower   be technically     neglect the     undertake
                                                                             one's passions                                  incompetent          body        impractical act.

   u.M:M:.-                u.s.-              u.b.-           u.t.-              u.k.-           u.m.-          u.n.-           u.d.-             u.f.-            u.l.-
undermine semiotic disfigure / deface        soliloquize    counterfeit /       use jargon      manipulate    take refuge in lack precision      shun one's          soil
     function                                                 forge                             emotions       anonymity                        sensations

   a.M:M:.-                a.s.-              a.b.-            a.t.-             a.k.-           a.m.-          a.n.-           a.d.-             a.f.-            a.l.-
 undermine social    interpret literally     interrupt      imitate /        stir up conflict    abandon        corrupt       be superficial        assault        transgress
    function                               transmission     plagiarize

    i.M:M:.-               i.s.-              i.b.-            i.t.-             i.k.-           i.m.-          i.n.-            i.d.-             i.f.-           i.l.-
   undermine          block up / off         interrupt    brake /smash            steal        use weapons     provoque        disturb           be sick /    be catched in a
technical function      interfaces         communicat.       / pierce                                          accident       mechanism          injuried          trap
                                                   generative mutation
                    j.O:O:.-          g.O:O:.-           h.O:O:.-            c.O:O:.-           p.O:O:.            x.O:O:.-
                     generative     generative     generative      generative                 generative object   generative
                  language change message change meaning change personal change                   change        material change

M:O:.wo.-             j.wo.-           g.wo.-              h.wo.-             c.wo.-              p.wo.             x.wo.-
  mut. of the     reflection turning initiation / new      conversion          personal          transition of     transformative
  universe of           point             name                               maturation          interests /          chance
  possibilities                                                                                   attention

M:O:.wa.-             j.wa.-           g.wa.-              h.wa.-              c.wa.-             p.wa.             x.wa.-
action mutation      change of         feed-back       situation reversal    alliance shift      change of        new vehicle /
                    justifications                                                                 objective         new tool

M:O:.wu.-             j.wu.-           g.wu.-              h.wu.-             c.wu.-              p.wu.             x.wu.-
  perception      new perception     gestalt switch       existential           bodily           creation /       new instrument
  mutation             grid                               discovery         transformation    destruction of an   of observation

M:O:.we.-             j.we.-           g.we.-              h.we.-             c.we.-              p.we.             x.we.-
 reconstitution   consequences of context variation        situation         family event        irreversible      mutation of
   mutation           actions                             reframing                             consequence          natural
                                                                               condition of activity
                                                                  M:O:.U:M:.-                                           M:O:.A:M:.-
                                                       condition of virtual activity                            condition of actual activity

                                                 M:O:.y.-           M:O:.o.-         M:O:.e.-           M:O:.u.-          M:O:.a.-              M:O:.i.-
                                                condition of        condition of     condition of       condition of      condition of         condition of
                                                 knowledge              will            power           enunciation     social integration      efficiency

                          j.O:M:.-                  j.y.-              j.o.-            j.e.-              j.u.-              j.a.-                j.i.-
                     actualizing linguistic      hypothesis /       unconscious         power           invention /          learning        strategic thinking
                       process (virtual)          conceptual         disclosure      recognition       generation of      community's          improvement
 S:O:.O:M:.-                                  framework formul.                                            ideas            language
activity condition
      in sign
                         g.O:M:.-                   g.y.-             g.o.-             g.e.-              g.u.-             g.a.-                 g.i.-
                     actualizing expressive    gathering /     assimilation of expression of           organization of participation to      tactical mobility
                        process (actual)    categorization of the unconscious power: order /               ideas       the community's         improvement
                                                  data           by the ego       decree                                 conversation

                         h.O:M:.-                  h.y.-              h.o.-             h.e.-              h.u.-             h.a.-                 h.i.-
                     actualizing semantic      attendance to a     acceptance of     conquest of        clarifying the adherence to the      relevant
                       process (virtual)       learning inst. /      impulses /       legitimacy       meaning of the    values of the  interpretation of
 B:O:.O:M:.-                                        school            liberation                           message        community            facts
activity condition
     in being
                         c.O:M:.-                  c.y.-              c.o.-             c.e.-              c.u.-             c.a.-                 c.i.-
                     actualizing personal obtaining a degree acceptance of         seizure of power esablishment of        personal             fit behavior
                       process (actual)         /credit      prohibitions /                          relations betw.    identification to
                                                              renunciation                            interlocutors     the community

                         p.O:M:.-                  p.y.-              p.o.-             p.e.-              p.u.-             p.a.-                 p.i.-
                     actualizing referential contemplation of contemplation familiarization            context taken    contemplation of        modeling /
                        process (virtual)    a knowledge object of the object of with the domain       into account      the community           rehearsal
T:O:.O:M:.-                                                          desire      of competence
activity condition
     in thing            x.O:M:.-                  x.y.-              x.o.-             x.e.-              x.u.-             x.a.-                 x.i.-
                     actualizing material        experience /       enjoyment      exercise of power    publication /   doing things with manufacturing /
                       process (actual)        experimentation                                            delivery           people         execution
                      j.M:O:.-          M:O:.g.-            M:O:.h.-            M:O:.c.-           M:O:.p.-              M:O:.x.-
                    transformation in transformation in transformation in transformation in transformation in           transformation in
                       knowledge          expression           will             society           ability                 concrete things

  j.M:O:.-                j.j.-            j.g.-               j.h.-               j.c.-               j.p.-                 j.x.-
transformation on      intellectual     new question       priority change        learning        nouvelle analyse        évolution du
 knowledge basis        mutation                                               transformation                              formalisme

 g.M:O:.-                g.j.-             g.g.-               g.h.-               g.c.-               g.p.-                 g.x.-
  transform. on      new response     discourse mutation change of ideas       renouvellement         nouvelle          transformation du
 expressive basis                                                              voeu / promesse      déliberartion             crédit

 h.M:O:.-                h.j.-             h.g.-               h.h.-               h.c.-              h.p.-                 h.x.-
transformation on     new choice            new            ethical mutation chgt de direction / modification des             nouvelle
     will basis                        communication                          management         spécifications            candidature

 c.M:O:.-                c.j.-             c.g.-               c.h.-               c.c.-               c.p.-                 c.x.-
transformation on       teaching      renouvellement de    changement de         social bond     évolution de l'offre    changement de
    social basis     transformation      la confiance         personnel            mutation                                 propriétaire

 p.M:O:.-                p.j.-             p.g.-               p.h.-               p.c.-               p.p.-                p.x.-
transformation on    new synthesis    nouveau jugement nouv. conception        évolution de la     shift of power           exchange
   ability basis                                           / plan                demande

 x.M:O:.-                x.j.-             x.g.-               x.h.-               x.c.-              x.p.-                 x.x.-
transformation on     computation           debt          nouvelle obtention      nouvelle             sharing             production
  concrete basis       evolution       transformation                            acquisition                                mutation
                                                                    obstacle (complementary of *M:M:.M:O:.-**)
                       M:O:.s.-             M:O:.b.-             M:O:.t.-             M:O:.k.-            M:O:.m.- M:O:.n.- M:O:.d.-                                 M:O:.f.-            M:O:.l.-
                       initial obstacle obstacle in language obstacle in time          obstacle in           affective /       obstacle in    obstacle in truth    obstacle related obstacle in space
                                                                                       community          ethical obstacle vitality deficiency      / rigor            to people
                                                                                        deficency                                               imperfection

  j.M:M:.-                 j.s.-                j.b.-                j.t.-                j.k.-               j.m.-                j.n.-             j.d.-               j.f.-               j.l.-
poetical obstacle     slip of tongue /       redundancy            archaism         syntaxical error /    banality / unfelt cliché / platitude wooden speech / lack of aesthetic absence of echo
                         articulation                                                lexical inappro-       expression                         cant / echolalia   sensibility      / response
                          deficiency                                                      priatness

  g.M:M:.-                 g.s.-               g.b.-                 g.t.-               g.k.-                g.m.-                g.n.-            g.d.-               g.f.-               g.l.-
obstacle related to         noise         transmission error       untimely /      lack of interest from malicious gossip inertia in attitude     calculation       censorship /      intellectual
 communication                                                   inappropriate      the public / for the  / contempt         / behavior             mistake        message betrayal myopia / rigidity
                                                                   expression            medium

 h.M:M:.-                  h.s.-               h.b.-                h.t.-                h.k.-                h.m.-                h.n.-            h.d.-               h.f.-               h.l.-
spiritual obstacle       confusion         manipulation /         forgetfulness    betrayal of the spirit    inconsistency       opportunism        cultural        breaking off /      fondamentalism
                                            manipulative                              / the tradition     between speech and                      coarseness /         severing          / xenophobia
                                             language                                                            act                                poorness

  c.M:M:.-                 c.s.-               c.b.-                 c.t.-               c.k.-                c.m.-                c.n.-            c.d.-               c.f.-               c.l.-
  socio-political     fanaticism / ultra- discrimination based   obsolescence        sclerosis of the      persecution /           political       hypocisy /      personal failure /        exile
     obstacle           conservatism         on prejudices /                         relation / bond       harrassment            stagnation       deception            defeat
                                               language of
                                            exclusion or hate

  p.M:M:.-                 p.s.-               p.b.-                 p.t.-               p.k.-                p.m.-                p.n.-            p.d.-               p.f.-               p.l.-
economic obstacle lack of means /          bad reputation /      loss / waste /    breach of contract /     exploitation       lack of economic lack of economic     theft, unfair      illusion of self-
                   want / poverty         rejection from the     capital erosion     company closing                               initiative    information and     competition           sufficency
                                              consumers                            down / bankruptcy                                                 training

 x.M:M:.-                  x.s.-               x.b.-                x.t.-                x.k.-                x.m.-                x.n.-            x.d.-               x.f.-               x.l.-
technical obstacle      flawed design       isolation / lack of deficiency in           lack of human       industrial dispute obsolescence /     flawed execution      non repaired         expulsion /
                                         common language / coordination and              resources        / conflict at work       wear                               breakdown /          housing or
                                                 lack of        resources                                                                                             inefficiency           habitat
                                          comunication tools   management                                                                                                                 destruction
                                                                            resources of meaning
                       s.O:O:.-          b.O:O:.-          t.O:O:.-          k.O:O:.- m.O:O:.- n.O:O:.- d.O:O:.-                                              f.O:O:.-         l.O:O:.-
                        sources of         sources of       sources of         sources of           sources of         sources of           sources of        sources of         sources of
                        meaning in         meaning in       meaning in        meaning in           meaning in        meaning in the       meaning in rigor   meaning in the     meaning in
                         thought         communication       memory           community         affective relation   relation to the                             body             liberty /
                                                                                                                         cosmos                                                responsability

  M:M:.wo                s.wo.-            b.wo.-            t.wo.-            k.wo.-             m.wo.-                n.wo.-              d.wo.-              f.wo.-           l.wo.-
intellectual sources      strategy         intellectual   bringing together school of thought    appeal of the       spiritual exercise      intellectuel      intellectual     freedom of
     of mening                              exchange                                               unknown                                   constraint        gymnastics         thought

  M:M:.wa                s.wa.-            b.wa.-            t.wa.-            k.wa.-             m.wa.-                n.wa.-               d.wa.-             f.wa.-           l.wa.-
practical sources of       tactic         negotiation /     unexpected       community of           audacity         practical wisdom ethical constraint physical activity     freedom of
     meaning                              coordination    events / chance       actions                                 / prudence                                             mouvement

  M:M:.wu                s.wu.-            b.wu.-            t.wu.-            k.wu.-             m.wu.-                n.wu.-              d.wu.-              f.wu.-           l.wu.-
aesthetic sources of    analysis of         aesthetic       main thread      community of         taste for life         creative             aesthetic       brilliance of     freedom of
     meaning            perceptions        encounter                          shared tastes                            imagination           constraint       perceptions        expression

  M:M:.we                s.we.-            b.we.-            t.we.-            k.we.-             m.we.-                n.we.-              d.we.-              f.we.-           l.we.-
sources of meaning     concern for the   media climate       regularity        residential       acceptance of        cultural roots         technical           leisure /       economic
  in sustainability     environment                                           community           constraints                                constraint      entertainment /   responsability
                                                                                                                                                                  break /
                                                                         basis of human development
                                                   S:M:.O:M:.-                                   B:M:.O:M:.-                                    T:M:.O:M:.-
                                            sign in basis for HD                          being in basis for HD                         thing in basis for HD

                                     s.O:M:.-        b.O:M:.-       t.O:M:.-      k.O:M:.- m.O:M:.- n.O:M:.- d.O:M:.-                             f.O:M:.-          l.O:M:.-
                                      thought        language         memory        society          affect           world         truth                             space
                                                                                                                                                 life actualized
                                     actualized      actualized      actualized    actualized      actualized       actualized    actualized                        actualized

                    M:M:.y.-           s.y.-           b.y.-           t.y.-         k.y.-           m.y.-           n.y.-          d.y.-            f.y.-            l.y.-
                    intelligence     organized          formal       memory        relational       emotional     knowledge of   knowledge of        body          awareness of
                                     knowledge       intelligence   management    intelligence     intelligence     principles      facts         intelligence        limits

M:M:.U:M.- M:M:.o.-                    s.o.-           b.o.-           t.o.-         k.o.-           m.o.-           n.o.-          d.o.-            f.o.-            l.o.-
 basis for HD          value         concern for       taste for     right time    desire for       emotional       thirst for    truth value     living body /       space
                                       thought        language                    social bond      involvement       cosmos                      sentient being    organization
into the virtual
                    M:M:.e.-           s.e.-           b.e.-           t.e.-         k.e.-           m.e.-           n.e.-          d.e.-            f.e.-            l.e.-
                       ability       mastery of      reasoning       ability to   self-control /   negotiation     leadership / technical know- sensorimotor        engineering
                                      codes /         ability /     convince /      grammar         ability /        rhetoric       how /         ability /        competence /
                                     grammar          dialectic      rhetoric                       dialectic                      grammar        dialectic           rhetoric

                    M:M:.u.-           s.u.-           b.u.-           t.u.-         k.u.-           m.u.-           n.u.-          d.u.-            f.u.-            l.u.-
                      semiotic         image           speech          mark          symbol         symptom           name         pointer         sensation          trace

M:M:.A:M.-          M:M:.a.-           s.a.-           b.a.-           t.a.-         k.a.-           m.a.-           n.a.-          d.a.-            f.a.-            l.a.-
 basis for HD      social function   interpreter     storyteller       scribe         chief          parent           judge       researcher         healer          guardian
into the actual
                    M:M:.i.-            s.i.-           b.i.-          t.i.-          k.i.-          m.i.-            n.i.-         d.i.-            f.i.-             l.i.-
                      technical       interface       medium         container         gift            toy             fire /     measurement         organ             knot /
                      function                                                                                    transformation instrument                         connection
                                                                                                                    technology                                       technique
                                                                          creation-innovation cycle
                                                                         (complementary with *M:O:.M:M:.-**)

                     s.M:O:.-            b.M:O:.-            t.M:O:.-             k.M:O:.- m.M:O:.- n.M:O:.- d.M:O:.-                                        f.M:O:.-             l.M:O:.-
                      CIC project        communication        inscription in     social dimension affective / ethical    sustainable   truth / exactness    personal            manifestation in
                                         constraints of a    time of a CIC           of a CIC     reverberations of transformations         / rigor      connexion of a         space of a CIC
                                              CIC                                                       a CIC         resulting from a constraints of a       CIC
                                                                                                                            CIC              CIC

    M:M:.j.-             s.j.-               b.j.-               t.j.-               k.j.-              m.j.-              n.j.-              d.j.-              f.j.-                l.j.-
   poetic CIC        poetic project /       semiotic        artistic tradition      re-created     expression / réveil    language         originality /   aesthetic vibe / influence network
                    poetic dimension       innovation         / reference            language         poétique des       sustainable         distinct        connection       of an artistic /
                     of a CI project                                               community           émotions        transformation       expression     between persons     poetic work

    M:M:.g.-             s.g.-               b.g.-               t.g.-               k.g.-             m.g.-               n.g.-             d.g.-              f.g.-                l.g.-
communication CIC    com. project /      message content      traditional or re-created public empathy with the change of public documents or                   faithful        message diffusion
                    com. dimension        or substance      recurring theme      or media          public          behavior      messages quality            spokesman /             graph
                    of a CI project                                             community                                                                   representative

    M:M:.h.-             s.h.-               b.h.-               t.h.-               k.h.-             m.h.-               n.h.-             d.h.-              f.h.-                l.h.-
   cultural CIC     cultural project /        context       spiritual heritage      re-created        coherence         acculturation        cultural      fruitful encounter      migration
                     cult. dimension     reinterpretation                         community of      between speech                         refinement
                     of a CI project                                                   spirit         and action

    M:M:.c.-             s.c.-               b.c.-               t.c.-               k.c.-             m.c.-               n.c.-             d.c.-              f.c.-                l.c.-
   political CIC    political project / ability to gather political legacy or renewed social        people's respect political evolution   authenticity       election /            country /
                    pol. dimension of        people            tradition          bond                                                                     appointment /            territorial
                      a CI project                                                                                                                         personal victory      projection of
                                                                                                                                                                                political creation
    M:M:.p.-             s.p.-               b.p.-               t.p.-               k.p.-             m.p.-               n.p.-             d.p.-              f.p.-                l.p.-
  economic CIC      economic project    consumers      accumulation /                renewed       rendered service market evolution         business        commercial          skills network
                    / eco. dimension   conversations    gain, benefit                economic                                               intelligence     relationship /
                     of a CI project about the product                             partnership                                                                  contact

    M:M:.x.-             s.x.-               b.x.-               t.x.-               k.x.-             m.x.-               n.x.-             d.x.-              f.x.-                l.x.-
  technical CIC      tech. project /      collaborative       calendar /         renewed project    atmosphere of     transformation of      rigorous        satisfied user       moving / local
                    tech. dimension       environment         budget of a             team           collaboration       the practical      technical                            arrangement
                     of a CI project                            project                                                    universe         procedure

                                 E:U:.O:O:.-     E:A:.O:O:.-    E:S:.O:O:.- E:B:.O:O:.- E:T:.O:O:.-
                                demonstrative     possessive    first person   second third person
                                   / index                                    person
                 E:F:.wo.-       E:U:.wo.-        E:A:.wo.-      E:S:.wo-     E:B:.wo-     E:T:.wo.-
                                                 my / your /                      you
              singular number   this, this one                    I / me                       it
E:F:.U:O:.-                                          its                       singular
indifferent      E:F:.wa.-       E:U:.wa.-        E:A:.wa.-      E:S:.wa.-    E:B:.wa-     E:T:.wo.-
 number                                          our / your /
              plural number         these                           us        you plural     them
                 E:F:.wu.        E:U:.wu.-        E:A:.wu.-     E:S:.wu.-     E:B:.wu.-     T:.wu.-
                                                 my / your/     I / me / us                him / he /
               male gender        this male                                   you male
E:F:.A:O:.-                                       his (M)           male                    them (M)
  neutral        E:F:.we.        E:U:.we.-        E:A:.we.-     E:S:.we.-     E:B:.we.-    E:T:.we.-
  gender                                         my / your /    I / me / us            her / them
               female gender     this female                                you female
                                                   her (F)         female                  (F)

                                 E:O:.O:M:.-                         E:M:.O:M:.-
                               participation mood                  tense /time / when

                             E:U:.O:M:.- E:A:.O:M:.- E:S:.O:M:.-      E:B:.O:M:.-   E:T:.O:M:.-
                               passive     active      future           present        past

                 E:F:.y.-      E:U:.y.-    E:A:.y.-     E:S:.y.-        E:B:.y.-      E:T:.y.-
               indicative      known      knowing      will know      know now      has known
 E:F:.U:M:.-    E:F:.o.-      E:U:.o.-     E:A:.o.-     E:S:.o.-       E:B:.o.-         E:T:.o.-
 delarative     optative      wanted       willing     will want      want now          would
   mood          mood
                E:F:.e.-      E:U:.e.-     E:A:.e.-     E:S:.e.-        E:B:.e.-        E:T:.e.-
               abilitative    enabled      abling     will be able     can now           could
                 E:F:.u.-     E:U:.u.-     E:A:.u.-    E:S:.u.-     E:B:.u.-     E:T:.u.-
               expressive    expressed    expressing will express express now has expressed
 E:F:A:M:.-      E:F:.a.-  E:U:.a.-         E:A:.a.-   E:S:.a.-   E:B:.a.-    E:T:.a.-
performative    promisive commited        commiting will commit commit now has commited
   mood          mood
                 E:F:.a.-   E:U:.i.-       E:A:.i.-      E:S:.i.-     E:B:.i.-          E:T:.i.-
               imperative be done         be doing    will execute execute now          should
                                                 how / manner

                     E:O:.S:O:.-                     E:O:.B:O:.-                          E:O:.T:O:.-
                  manner of comparison            manner of orientation                 manner of existence

                 E:O:.j.-      E:O:.g.-        E:O:.h.-           E:O:.c.-           E:O:.p.-          E:O:.x.-
                 manner of     manner of        manner of          manner of         manner of          manner of
                resemblance     identity     tropism (virtual)   choice (actual)     definition       presence (actual)
                  (virtual)     (actual)                                              (virtual)

E:U:.M:O:.-       E:U:.j.-     E:U:.g.-         E:U:.h.-           E:U:.c.-          E:U:.p.-           E:U:.x.-
   negative    (by) contrast/ other / unlike   avoiding /        anti / against    indefinite / a /       without
   manner            but                     turning back to                           some
E:A:.M:O:.-       E:A:.j.-     E:A:.g.-         E:A:.h.-           E:A:.c.-          E:A:.p.-           E:A:.x.-
positive manner (by) analogy same / like /     searching /         pro / for-      definite / the           with
                                  as           heading to           support
                                       why / because / reason / cause / role

                     E:M:.S:O:.-                      E:M:.B:O:.-                          E:M:.T:O:.-
                   formal cause / role              functional cause / role             existential cause / role

                 E:M:.j.-       E:M:.g.-         E:M:.h.-          E:M:.c.-           E:M:.p.-          E:M:.x.-
               virtual formal actual formal virtual functional actual functional virtual existential       actual
                    cause         cause           cause             cause              cause         existential cause

E:S:.M:O:.-       E:S:.j.-       E:S:.g.-         E:S:.h.-          E:S:.c.-           E:S:.p.-          E:S:.x.-
specification        set          element          operator          operand             whole              part
E:B:.M:O:.-      E:B:.j.-        E:B:.g.-         E:B:.h.-          E:B:.c.-           E:B:.p.-          E:B:.x.-
 interaction     mutation        selection       operation           variable           patient           agent
E:T:.M:O:.-      E:T:.j.-        E:T:.g.-         E:T:.h.-          E:T:.c.-           E:T:.p.-          E:T:.x.-
 realization     structure        matter          machine             state           goal / for-         mean
   cause                                                                               purpose
E:F:.M:M:.-                                                            E:M:.M:M:.-
 where / place                            where / place: path orientation (first cutting by substance of the attribute)

                                           E:M:.S:M:.                                 E:M:.B:M:.                                    E:M:.T:M:.
                                      beginning (S: @12)                        intermediary (B: @12)                          termination (T: @12)

                           E:M:.s.-       E:M:.b.-       E:M:.t.-       E:M:.k.-        E:M:.m.-     E:M:.n.-      E:M:.d.-          E:M:.f.-      E:M:.l.-
                         structure       dynamic       relative space   structure     dynamic relative space structure     dynamic relative space
                         beginning      beginning        beginning    intermediary intermediary    inter.    termination termination termination
                          (S: @22)      (B: @22)         (T: @22)       (S: @22)     (B: @22)   (T: @22)       (S: @22)    (B: @22)    (T: @22)

    E:S:.M:M:.-           E:S:.s.-        E:S:.b.-       E:S:.t.-        E:S:.k.-        E:S:.m.-       E:S:.n.-    E:S:.d.-          E:S:.f.-     E:S:.l.-
 graph orientation        origin          source        departure       channel          stream         travel       end               well        arrival

     E:B:.M:M:.-           E:B:.s.-       E:B:.b.-         E:B:.t.-     E:B:.k.-        E:B:.m.-        E:B:.n.-    E:B:.d.-          E:B:.f.-      E:B:.l.-
subjective orientation    in open        at the left         far      at the limit     medium bet.       near      in closed       at the right at the place /
                           space                                                        lft / rgt                    space                           here

    E:T:.M:M:.-           E:T:.s.-        E:T:.b.-       E:T:.t.-        E:T:.k.-       E:T:.m.-      E:T:.n.-     E:T:.d.-          E:T:.f.-         E:T:.l.-
 in/out orientation        from           out of         outside      by (itinerary,   through (a     inter /        to               into            inside
                                                                        vehicle)          limit)     between
E:F:.M:M:.-                                                             E:M:.M:M:.-
 where / place                                where / place: path orientation (first cutting by attribute of the substance
                                        E:M:.M:S:.                                E:M:.M:B:.                                    E:M:.M:T:.
                             structure orientation (S: @22)              dynamic orientation (B: @22)              relative space orientation (T: @22)
                           E:M:.s.-      E:M:.k.-       E:M:.d.-       E:M:.b.-       E:M:.m.-      E:M:.f.-        E:M:.t.-      E:M:.n.-       E:M:.l.-
                         structure      structure      structure      dynamic         dynamic      dynamic       relat. space   relat. space relative space
                         beginning        inter.         term.       beginning     intermediary      term.        beginning        inter.         term.
                          (S: @21)      (B: @21)       (T: @21)       (S: @21)       (B: @21)      (T: @21)        (S: @21)      (B: @21)      (T: @21)

    E:S:.M:M:.-           E:S:.s.-       E:S:.k.-       E:S:.d.-      E:S:.b.-       E:S:.m.-       E:S:.f.-      E:S:.t.-        E:S:.n.-      E:S:.l.-
 graph orientation        origin        channel          end          source         stream          well        departure        travel        arrival

     E:B:.M:M:.-          E:B:.s.-      E:B:.k.-       E:B:.d.-       E:B:.b.-       E:B:.m.-        E:B:.f.-      E:B:.t.-       E:B:.n.-       E:B:.l.-
subjective orientation     open       at the limit in closed space   at the left      center      at the right       far           near      at the palce /
    E:T:.M:M:.-           E:T:.s.-       E:T:.k.-      E:T:.d.-       E:T:.b.-       E:T:.m.-       E:T:.f.-       E:T:.t.-       E:T:.n.-       E:T:.l.-
 in/out orientation        from       by (itinerary,     to           out of        through (a       into          outside        inter /        inside
                                        vehicle)                                       limit)                                    between
E:F:.M:M:.-                                                     E:O:.M:M:.-
where / place                  where / place according to axial orientation (first cutting by substance of the attribute)

                                    E:O:.S:M:.-                                        E:O:.B:M:.-                                      E:O:.T:M:.-
                               high / face (S: @12)                               plain / core (B: @12)                             low / back (T: @12)

                   E:O:.s.-        E:O:.b.-         E:O:.t.-          E:O:.k.-          E:O:.m.-          E:O:.n.-      E:O:.d.-          E:O:.f.-         E:O:.l.-
                   direction      relative to a relative to whole     direction       relative to part    relative to   direction      relative to part   relative to
                   (S: @22)      part         (B:   (T: @22)          (S: @22)           (B: @22)            whole      (S: @22)          (B: @22)      whole        (T:
                                      @22)                                                                 (T: @22)                                         @22)

  E:U:.M:M:.-      E:U:.s.-         E:U:.b.-        E:U:.t.-          E:U:.k.-           E:U:.m.-         E:U:.n.-      E:U:.d.-          E:U:.f.-         E:U:.l.-
  vertical axis      up              onto        at the top, at      horizontal       at same level       half the       down             under        at the bottom,
                                                   the head          direction              as             height                                        at the foot

  E:A:.M:M:.-      E:A:.s.-         E:A:.b.-         E:A:.t.-          E:A:.k.-      E:A:.m.-              E:A:.n.-     E:A:.d.-          E:A:.f.-          E:A:.l.-
 horizontal axis   ahead          in front of        before         to the core / in the middle            during        back             behind             after
                                                                        center          of
E:F:.M:M:.-                                                        E:O:.M:M:.-
where / place                     where / place according to axial orientation (first cutting by attribute of the substance)

                                      E:O:.M:S:.-                                 E:O:M:B:.-                                  E:O:.M:T:.-
                                  direction (S: @22)                      relative to part (B: @22)              relative to whole / spatialized time
                                                                                                                               (T: @22)

                     E:O:.s.-        E:O:.k.-          E:O:.d.-    E:O:.b.-       E:O:.m.-        E:O:.f.-       E:O:.t.-       E:O:.n.-         E:O:.l.-
                    high / face     plain / core   low / back     high / face    plain / core    low / back    high / face     plain / core     low / back
                     (S: @12)        (B: @12)       (T: @12)       (S: @12)       (B: @12)        (T: @12)      (S: @12)        (B: @12)         (T: @12)

  E:U:.M:M:.-        E:U:.s.-        E:U:.k.-          E:U:.d.-    E:U:.b.-        E:U:.m.-       E:U:.f.-       E:U:.t.-       E:U:.n.-          E:U:.l.-
 vertical mood         up           horizontal          down        onto        at same level     under       at the top, at    half the      at the bottom,
                                    direction                                        / as                       the head         height         at the foot

   E:A:.M:M:.-       E:A:.s.-         E:A:.k.-         E:A:.d.-    E:A:.b.-        E:A:.m.-       E:A:.f.-       E:A:.t.-       E:A:.n.-         E:A:.l.-
 spatialized time    ahead         to the core /        back       before       in the middle     behind       in front of      during            after
      mood                             center                                         of

               improvement of collective intelligence
    yyweh                 yoweh                yeweh                 yuweh                  yaweh                  yiweh
clarify knowledge      define problems       propose solutions     secure intellectual   innovate in social     transfer knowledge
                                                                    property rights         matters              in practical field

    oyweh                ooweh                oeweh                  ouweh                 oaweh                   oiweh
  orient research       deepen vision           educate           filter information        assert values       orient production

    eyweh                eoweh                 eeweh                 euweh                  eaweh                  eiweh
 provide research     establish norms and    solve problems      provide information        enrich the          draw / stimulate
       tools               standards                                 search tools          community              investments

    uyweh                uoweh                 ueweh                 uuweh                 uaweh                   uiweh
specify information     summarize for       produce didactic      bring consistency     cultivate collective      listen / invite
                         governance             material                                      memory           someone to address

    ayweh                 aoweh                aeweh                 auweh                  aaweh                  aiweh
 invest in research         govern          cultivate human       open public space        create trust        organize the work
                                             development                                                             load

    iyweh                 ioweh                ieweh                  iuweh                 iaweh                   iiweh
provide intellectual create opportunities   invest in business        speak out           look after the          guarantee
       tools                                                                              infrastructure         compatibility

                                                                         organized knowledge A
 s.o.-y.y.-s.y.-'     b.o.-y.y.-s.y.-'      t.o.-y.y.-s.y.-'       k.o.-y.y.-s.y.-' m.o.-y.y.-s.y.-' n.o.-y.y.-s.y.-'                   d.o.-y.y.-s.y.-'       f.o.-y.y.-s.y.-'      l.o.-y.y.-s.y.-'
    epistemology          diffusion /      history of sciences /    sociology arts /       art/science critic      encyclopedia          reflexive thought          esthetics             museology
                        popularization          art history             sciences

 s.o.-o.o.-s.y.-' b.o.-o.o.-s.y.-' t.o.-o.o.-s.y.-' k.o.-o.o.-s.y.-' m.o.-o.o.-s.y.-' n.o.-o.o.-s.y.-' d.o.-o.o.-s.y.-' f.o.-o.o.-s.y.-'                                             l.o.-o.o.-s.y.-'
management sciences social/ organisational institutional memory     political sciences      social criticism       legal sciences           accounting         human ressources         org. charts /
                       communication                                                                                                                             management              directories

 s.o.-e.e.-s.y.-' b.o.-e.e.-s.y.-' t.o.-e.e.-s.y.-' k.o.-e.e.-s.y.-' m.o.-e.e.-s.y.-' n.o.-e.e.-s.y.-' d.o.-e.e.-s.y.-' f.o.-e.e.-s.y.-'                                             l.o.-e.e.-s.y.-'
     ergonomy            education and       history of trades        professional           professional          skill taxonomy        science of tests     physical education      labour market
                        training studies                              associations           orientation                                      exams

 s.o.-u.u.-s.y.-' b.o.-u.u.-s.y.-' t.o.-u.u.-s.y.-' k.o.-u.u.-s.y.-' m.o.-u.u.-s.y.-' n.o.-u.u.-s.y.-' d.o.-u.u.-s.y.-' f.o.-u.u.-s.y.-'                                             l.o.-u.u.-s.y.-'
     semiology             linguistics         history of           socio-linguistics          philology            lexicology /        information sciences      musicology        semantic cartography
                                             communication                                                          dictionaries

 s.o.-a.a.-s.y.-'     b.o.-a.a.-s.y.-'      t.o.-a.a.-s.y.-'       k.o.-a.a.-s.y.-' m.o.-a.a.-s.y.-' n.o.-a.a.-s.y.-' d.o.-a.a.-s.y.-'                         f.o.-a.a.-s.y.-'      l.o.-a.a.-s.y.-'
     sociology         social psychology        genealogy          civil society studies      psychology        biographies / diaries         statistics         demographics          social network

  s.o.-i.i.-s.y.-'     b.o.-i.i.-s.y.-'      t.o.-i.i.-s.y.-'      k.o.-i.i.-s.y.-'        m.o.-i.i.-s.y.-'      n.o.-i.i.-s.y.-'        d.o.-i.i.-s.y.-'      f.o.-i.i.-s.y.-'       l.o.-i.i.-s.y.-'
scientific theory of   scientific imaging     predictive model         research and             medicine              chemistry            experimental /            biology                physics
       nature                                                        development                                                          observational

                                           layer 3 objects of knowledge A
 s.o.-y.y.-'       b.o.-y.y.-'       t.o.-y.y.-'      k.o.-y.y.-'       m.o.-y.y.-' n.o.-y.y.-'            d.o.-y.y.-'      f.o.-y.y.-'      l.o.-y.y.-'
   scientific         scientific artistic/scientifi         scholar        controversial    scientific taxon    paradigm /      rule of taste / presented object
    method        communication c discipline           community           object                            episteme         poetic art

 s.o.-o.o.-' b.o.-o.o.-' t.o.-o.o.-'                 k.o.-o.o.-' m.o.-o.o.-' n.o.-o.o.-' d.o.-o.o.-' f.o.-o.o.-'                             l.o.-o.o.-'
   economic          collective      institutional   political regime   social problem     law / rules       financial       collaborator     personal data
 sustainability   representation       identity                                                            transparency

 s.o.-e.e.-' b.o.-e.e.-' t.o.-e.e.-'                 k.o.-e.e.-' m.o.-e.e.-' n.o.-e.e.-' d.o.-e.e.-' f.o.-e.e.-'                             l.o.-e.e.-'
work conditions    perofessional        trade         corporation         vocation        competence        competence         physical      employement
                   development                                                                                 level        developement

 s.o.-u.u.-' b.o.-u.u.-' t.o.-u.u.-'                  k.o.-u.u.-' m.o.-u.u.-' n.o.-u.u.-' d.o.-u.u.-' f.o.-u.u.-'                            l.o.-u.u.-'
 signification         natural       communication      manner of           ancient         word /               file             music          semantic
                     language          system           speaking         litterature      morpheme                                             network

 s.o.-a.a.-'       b.o.-a.a.-'       t.o.-a.a.-'      k.o.-a.a.-' m.o.-a.a.-' n.o.-a.a.-' d.o.-a.a.-'                       f.o.-a.a.-'      l.o.-a.a.-'
    human         way of thinking      lineage       social movement        soul          personal life        social,         human        people network
  collectivity                                                                                             economic data     population

  s.o.-i.i.-'      b.o.-i.i.-'       t.o.-i.i.-'      k.o.-i.i.-'       m.o.-i.i.-'       n.o.-i.i.-'       d.o.-i.i.-'      f.o.-i.i.-'      l.o.-i.i.-'
 conditionned     scientific image cause and effect technology tech          cure           chemical        empirical fact     biological       physical
   possibility                        relation         process                           phenomenon                         phenomenon       phenomenon
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IEML- English Dictionary
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IEML- English Dictionary
IEML- English Dictionary
IEML- English Dictionary
IEML- English Dictionary
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IEML- English Dictionary
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IEML- English Dictionary

  • 1. IEML‐ENGLISH DICTIONARY  dra5 version 27 sept 2009  © Prof. Pierre Lévy, CRC, FRSC  University of OKawa 
  • 3. Cyberspace Evolution Semantic Space Interconnec-on between ideas (via seman-c tags). " Uniform Seman-c Locator = IEML * concept address ** Collaborative societies of semantic agents, subject-centric computation. 2015  Collective intelligence growth. Augmentation of sense-making. Web Interconnec-on between documents (+ data) Uniform Resource Locator = h;p:// page address. Centralized search engines, browsers. 1995  Global multimedia public sphere. Internet Interconnec-on between computers. Internet Protocol = server address. Routers, user-friendly PC applications 1980  Personal computing. Virtual communities. " Digital media convergence. Computer Interconnec-on between transistors. Computer memory = bit address. " Operating systems, programming languages 1950  Augmentation of arithmetical and logical processing.
  • 4. Computational Collective Intelligence Seman-c  global meta‐ group of  Space  IEML / USLs  language  concepts  global meta‐ WWW  linked data  HTTP / URLs  database  global meta‐ society of  Internet  computer  automata  TCP / IP  symbolic  pervasive comp.  Compu-ng  Chips / OS  manipula-on  (mobiles, things,  Bits addresses  automata  robots...)   Augmenta-on  Objects in  Addressing  of CI  rela-on  system 
  • 5. Toward a CI Science  Cyberspace  scien-fic observatory / digital mirror of CI  Reflexive Collec-ve Intelligence  driver of human development  Human Development  prosperity, health, educa-on, security, peace,  environment, cultural heritages, research, innova-on... 
  • 6. Layers of Seman-c Processing  Points (USLs): 6 primi-ves, sequences of 3L primi-ves (0⩽L⩽6),   categories, catsets, USLs  FORM  (syntax)  Perspec-ves: series, matrices, trees  Terms: dic-onary = correspondence points/natural language +  network of seman-c rela-ons between terms  COLOR  (seman-cs)  Texts (USLs with a meaning): Gramma-cal rules for the  genera-on of texts automa-cally transl. into nat. languages   Circuits: networks of texts  LUMINOSITY  (pragma-cs)  Flows: circula-on of seman-c energyn in circuits, following the  rules of informa-on economy games 
  • 7. The Three Bodies of Collec/ve Intelligence  VIRTUAL BODY  SEMANTIC BODY  USLs: points in IEML space  Perspec?ves: series, trees, matrices  ENERGY BODY  Circuits: graphs of USLs  Flows: economic, electric, neural... models  DATA BODY  Data  Mul?‐Media  3D+t. Addresses  Rep of VB  User‐controlled  automatable  func?ons 
  • 8. The Nature of Collec-ve Intelligence  group of transforma-on  seman-c space  DIGITAL MEDIA  form : virtual essence  ECOSYSTEM  color : actual essence  (self‐observa-on)  symbolic bodies  luminosity : virtual existence  data : actual existence  SYMBOLIC  CI  COGNITION  subjec-ve experience : virtual presence   GAMES  (observer)  objec-vity : actual presence  techno‐biological environment  material bodies  3D MATERIAL  molecular machines  ECOSYSTEM  par-cles / waves  (phenomena)  group of transforma-on  unified field 
  • 10. IEML PRIMITIVES  *M:**  *T:**  *B:**  *S:**  Noun. En&ty.  Thing.  Being.  Sign.   Ternarity.   Referent.  Interpreter.  Signifier.  *F:**  *O:**  *A:**  *U:**  Fullness.  Verb. Process.  Actualiza&on.  Virtualiza&on.  Bipolarity.    Plus.  Minus.  *I:**  * E:**  Complete primi&ve set.  Emp&ness.  Informa&on.  Silence. 
  • 11. REMARKABLE PRIMITIVE CATEGORIES IN STAR   CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN BINARY / HEXAGRAMS / STAR / *ENGLISH  Null Set  *I:**  No seman9cs. Unfit for tagging.  Complete set. Informa9on.   Compu9ng use only.  111111  000000  *E:**  *F:**  Emp9ness.  Fullness.  000001  111110  *O:**  *M:**  Bipolarity. Process. Verb.  Ternarity. Representa9on. Noun.  000110  111000  *U:**  *A:**  *S:**  *B:**  *T:**  Virtualiza9on.  Actualiza9on.  Sign.  Being.  Thing.  Minus.  Plus.  Signifier.  Interpreter.  Referent.  000010  000100  001000  010000  100000 
  • 12. Governance / values Rights / duties Will networks ETHICAL CAPITAL  Arts Finance Sciences Competence Knowledge networks Power networks EPISTEMIC  PRACTICAL  CAPITAL   CAPITAL  Collective Intelligence CULTURAL  CAPITAL  BIOPHYSICAL  CAPITAL  Messages Equipment / technology Medias Health / environment Documentary networks Bodily networks SOCIAL CAPITAL  Trust Social roles Personal networks
  • 13. WILL  COLLECTIVE  Collective INTELLIGENCE  Intelligence PEOPLE 
  • 14. * O: ** Layer 0 verbishness process, bi-polarity U: A: primitive primitive virtualize actualize variable operator heaven earth yang yin emptiness phenomena intelligible perceptible transcendence immanence type occurrence minus plus
  • 15. * M: ** Layer 0 nounishness, representation, ternarity S: B: T: primitive element primitive element primitive element sign being thing sem. adressing ƒ evaluation ƒ indexation ƒ signifier interpreter referent proposition judgement state of things intelligence intellect intelligible grammar dialectic rhetoric price property utility teachings community ultimate nature legislative judiciary executive
  • 16. Layer 0 63 Primitive Categories * / E: / U: / A: / S: / B: / T: / I: / F: / O: / M: ** I: O: M: information in verbishness, bi-polarity nounishness, ternarity general Diagram */U:+M: /A:+M:** */E:+U:+M: /E:+A:+M:** CI Networks CI networks fictictious CI networks
  • 17. *I:** information in general layer 0 F: fullness, non-fiction O: M: process, verbishness, bi-polarity representation, nounishness, ternarity. U: A: S: B: T: virtual actual sign being thing E:+O: E:+M: E: fictitious process fictitious representation emptiness, E:+U: E:+A: E:+S: E:+B: E:+T: silence, illusion, fiction fiction of virtuality fiction of actuality fictitious sign fictitious being fictitious thing
  • 18. /U:+M: /A:+M: collective intelligence networks layer 0 O:+S: O:+B: O:+T: sign networks being networks thing networks U:+M: U:+S: U:+B: U:+T: networks of networks of networks of powers virtual networks knowledge will/rules A:+M: A:+S: A:+B: A:+T: actual networks networks of networks of people networks of bodies documents
  • 19. /E:+U:+M: /E:+A:+M: fictitious networks of collective intelligence layer 0 E:+O:+S: E:+O:+B: E:+O:+T: fictitious sign fictitious being fictitious thing networks networks networks E:+U:+M: E:+U:+S: E:+U:+B: E:+U:+T: fictitious virtual fictitious networks fictitious networks fictitious networks networks of knowledge of rules of powers E:+A:+M: E:+A:+S: E:+A:+B: E:+A:+T: fictitious actual fictitious networks fictitious networks fictitious networks networks of documents of people of bodies
  • 21. F:F:. F:O:. F:M:. O:O:. O:M:. O:F:. generate act M:O:. M:M:. M:F:. mutation basis
  • 23. O:O:. generate O:U:. O:A:. generate into the generate into the virtual actual U:U:E:. U:A:E:. U:O:. wo. wa. generate from the generate operate virtual possibles A:U:E:. A:A:E:. A:O:. wu. we. generate from the perceive reconstitute actual
  • 24. O:M:. act O:S:. O:B:. O:T:. act according to act according to act according to sign being thing U:S:E:. U:B:E:. U:T:E:. U:M:. y. o. e. act virtually know want can A:S:E:. A:B:E:. A:T:E:. A:M:. u. a. i. act actually express commit do
  • 26. M:O:. mutation S:O:. B:O:. T:O:. sign in mutation being in mutation thing in mutation S:U:E:. B:U:E:. T:U:E:. M:U:. j. h. p. virtual mutation signifier mutation signified mutation referent mutation S:A:E:. B:A:E:. T:A:E:. M:A:. g. c. x. actual mutation document mutation personal mutation material mutation
  • 27. M:M:. basis M:S:. M:B:. M:T:. basis for sign basis for being basis for thing S:S:E:. S:B:E:. S:T:E:. S:M:. s. b. t. sign in basis thought language memory B:S:E:. B:B:E:. B:T:E:. B:M:. k. m. n. being in basis society affect world T:S:E:. T:B:E:. T:T:E:. T:M:. d. f. I. thing in basis truth life space
  • 29. E:F:O:. E:F:M:. logical strategy gradient adverb E:F:U:. E:F:A:. E:F:S:. E:F:B:. E:F:T:. logical may logical must less medium more E:O:O:. E:O:M:. logical construction variation E:O:U:. E:O:A:. E:O:S:. E:O:B:. E:O:T:. construction construction comparative comparative comparative may must minus medium plus E:U:O:. E:U:U:. E:U:A:. E:U:M:. E:U:S:. E:U:B:. E:U:T:. deconstructive interrogation? negation quality worse as good better mood variation E:A:O:. E:A:U:. E:A:A:. E:A:M:. E:A:S:. E:A:B:. E:A:T:. constructive quotation affirmation quantity a few / medium a lot / very mood variation slightly quantity, equality E:M:O:. E:M:M:. inference distribution E:M:U:. E:M:A:. E:M:S:. E:M:B:. E:M:T:. inference may inference must distrib. distrib. distrib. plus minus medium E:S:O:. E:S:U:. E:S:A:. E:S:M:. E:S:S:. E:S:B:. E:S:T:. hypothesis possibility condition time never sometimes always if distribution E:B:O:. E:B:U:. E:B:A:. E:B:M:. E:B:S:. E:B:B:. E:B:T:. belief credibility authority frequency rarely usually, often distribution regularly E:T:O:. E:T:U:. E:T:A:. E:T:M:. E:T:S:. E:T:B:. E:T:T:. conclusion by logical by experience, space nowhere somewhere everywhere then, therefore necessity from the facts distribution
  • 30. E:O:O:. logical construction E:O:U:. E:O:A:. construction construction may must E:U:O:. E:U:U:. E:U:A:. deconstructive interrogation? negation mood E:A:O:. E:A:U:. E:A:A:. constructive quotation affirmation mood
  • 31. E:O:M:. variation E:O:S:. E:O:B:. E:O:T:. comparative comparative comparative minus medium plus E:U:M:. E:U:S:. E:U:B:. E:U:T:. quality worse as good better variation E:A:M:. E:A:S:. E:A:B:. E:A:T:. quantity a few / medium a lot / very variation slightly quantity, equality
  • 32. E:M:O:. logical inference E:M:U:. E:M:A:. inference may inference must E:S:O:. E:S:U:. E:S:A:. hypothesis possibility condition if E:B:O:. E:B:U:. E:B:A:. belief credibility authority E:T:O:. E:T:U:. E:T:A:. conclusion by logical by experience, then, therefore necessity from the facts
  • 33. E:M:M:. distribution E:M:S:. E:M:B:. E:M:T:. distrib. distrib. distrib. plus minus medium E:S:M:. E:S:S:. E:S:B:. E:S:T:. time never sometimes always distribution E:B:M:. E:B:S:. E:B:B:. E:B:T:. frequency rarely usually, often distribution regularly E:T:M:. E:T:S:. E:T:B:. E:T:T:. space nowhere somewhere everywhere distribution
  • 34. E:E:M:. Case indicators for verb clauses E:E:S:. E:E:B:. E:E:T:. nominative, dative, beneficiary accusative, direct subject (to) object E:E:O:. Case indicators for noun clauses E:E:U:. E:E:A:. Attribute of the Genitive (of) noun
  • 37. O:O:.F:.- control sensori-motor experience O:O:.U:.- O:O:.A:.- O:O:.S:.- O:O:.B:.- O:O:.T:.- control audio control touch control visual control physical / control motor experience experience experience chemical experience experience wo.F:.- wo.U:.- wo.A:.- wo.S:.- wo.B:.- wo.T:.- modulate control sound control force control size, color, control smell taste, control orientation phenomena shape cook / brew / lead position in space chemical processes wa.F:.- wa.U:.- wa.A:.- wa.S:.- wa.B:.- wo.T:.- display sensori- display / broadcast display signature / display / display / broadcast display movement motricity voice / sound track / imprint broadcast image smell taste / drive, dance, etc. wu.F:.- wu.U:.- wu.A:.- wu.S:.- wu.B:.- wu.T:.- feel / recognize hear / recognize touch / recognize see / recognize smell / taste / recognize auditive forms haptic or tactile visual forms recognize chemical movement / forms forms manipulation forms we.F:.- we.U:.- we.A:.- we.S:.- we.B:.- we.T:.- shut off sensori- make silence / insulate / protect hide / protect insulate from thermic create foundation / motricity insulate from sound from contact from vision / chemical changes unmovable base (insulate from mvt)
  • 38. O:O:.O:M:.- work O:O:.y.- O:O:.o.- O:O:.e.- O:O:.u.- O:O:.a.- O:O:.i.- work on knowledge work on principles work on skills work on work on work on communication commitment equipment wo.O:M:.- wo.y.- wo.o.- wo.e.- wo.u.- wo.a.- wo.i.- identify key-points get one's bearing in establish principles identify follow find one's fitting choose the of one's activity knowledge competencies communication place equipment threads wa.O:M:.- wa.y.- wa.o.- wa.e.- wa.u.- wa.a.- wa.i.- master one's master knowledge stick to principles master find / show cultivate one's use the equipment activity competencies information character wu.O:M:.- wu.y.- wu.o.- wu.e.- wu.u.- wu.a.- wu.i.- exert critical questioning accepted question oneself assess reorient into discern characters test the equipment judgement knowledge competencies communication modes we.O:M:.- we.y.- we.o.- we.e.- we.u.- we.a.- we.i.- renew the activity rebuild knowledge renew objectives renew refresh one's renew one's renew the competencies documentation commitments equipment
  • 39. O:O:.M:O:.- govern O:O:j.- O:O:.g.- O:O:.h.- O:O:.c.- O:O:.p.- O:O:.x.- govern the govern the govern the govern/ grow govern the govern the symbolic syst. communication meaning of the the community relation with the technical syst. enterprise objectives wo.M:O:.- wo.j.- wo.g.- wo.h.- wo.c.- wo.p.- wo.x.- monitoring envisage other reflect on other think about reflect on redefine reflect on alternative symbolic syst. communication other possible possible objectives possible frameworks modes meanings communities techniques wa.M:O:.- wa.j.- wa.g.- wa.h.- wa.c.- wa.p.- wa.x.- improve the improve improve deepen the renew the meet the improve the frameworks symbolic syst. communication meaning of the community objectives technical system system activity wu.M:O:.- wu.j.- wu.g.- wu.h.- wu.c.- wu.p.- wu.x.- assess the assess the assess assess re-assess the measure the assess the frameworks symbolic syst. in communication interpretation community distance to the technical system use mode mode objectives we.M:O:.- we.j.- we.g.- we.h.- we.c.- we.p.- we.x.- unify the unify the unify unify the unify the unify objectives unify the frameworks symbolic syst. communication meaning of the community technical system activity
  • 40. O:O:.M:M:.- provide resources for action O:O:.s.- O:O:.b.- O:O:t.- O:O:.k.- O:O:.m.- O:O:.n.- O:O:.d.- O:O:.f.- O:O:.l.- PRFA through PRFA through PRFA through PRFA through PRFA through PRFA by tuning PRFA through PRFA through PRFA through intellectual language play time mastering generosity emotional to the cosmos concern for the body spatial extension openness fluidity truth wo.M:M:.- wo.s.- wo.b.- wo.t.- wo.k.- wo.m.- wo.n.- wo.d.- wo.f.- wo.l.- cultivate brain storming augment remember plant seeds of change change world meditate on experiment new make room / experience linguistic social change emotional representation alternative bodily habits reorganize variation resources patterns truths wa.M:M:.- wa.s.- wa.b.- wa.t.- wa.k.- wa.m.- wa.n.- wa.d.- wa.f.- wa.l.- cultivate having concern express oneself take risks act for the sake sublimate cultivate one's experiment cultivate one's increase range strenghth of for action through acts of society emotions motivation physical energy of action action wu.M:M:.- wu.s.- wu.b.- wu.t.- wu.k.- wu.m.- wu.n.- wu.d.- wu.f.- wu.l.- cultivate increase increase poetic understand cultivate social being aware of cultivate clarity observe cultivate body increase one's perception intellectual sensitivity causes awareness emotions of meaning awareness overall view subtleness sensitivity we.M:M:.- we.s.- we.b.- we.t.- we.k.- we.m.- we.n.- we.d.- we.f.- we.l.- cultivate cultivate cultivate manage setting-up social cultivate accept peer adopt a satisfy primary increase sustainable intellectual information timetable bonds emotional evaluation measurement needs working capacity balance balance system equilibrium system
  • 41. O:M:.O:O:.- gain empowerment y.O:O:.- o.O:O:.- e.O:O:.- u.O:O:.- a.O:O:.- i.O:O:.- assume identity use law control exhibit create / initiate equip O:M:.wo.- y.wo.- o.wo.- e.wo.- u.wo.- a.wo.- i.wo.- gain in creative assume a work's use intellectual exploit a talent / publish/exhibit create a scientific / equip scientific / power responsability property law gift original work artistic work artistic activity O:M:.wa.- y.wa.- o.wa.- e.wa.- u.wa.- a.wa.- i.wa.- gain in economic assume a use administrative possess an exhibit products of create a company equip a company power corporate identity / commercial law economic good / a economic activity / economic capital activity O:M:.wu.- y.wu.- o.wu.- e.wu.- u.wu.- a.wu.- i.wu.- gain in citizen assume one's use criminal law keep watching / express oneself in lead a political / equip a territory / empowerment personal identity organize the media action collectivity transparency O:M:.we.- y.we.- o.we.- e.we.- u.we.- a.we.- i.we.- gain in family assume family use family law control birth give support / create a familiy equip a household empowerment tradition / identity help in family
  • 42. O:M:.O:M:.- perform O:M:.y.- O:M:.o.- O:M:.e.- O:M:.u.- O:M:.a.- O:M:.i.- perform in perform in perform in perform in perform in perform in will knowledge ability expression society concrete things y.O:M:.- y.y.- y.o.- y.e.- y.u.- y.a.- y.i.- perform on master a establish explicitate / analyse interrogate learn knowledge basis knowledge field priorities formalize o.O:M:.- o.y.- o.o.- o.e.- o.u.- o.a.- o.i.- perform on will aim at an make an choose specify campaign (com) lead basis objective application e.O:M:.- e.y.- e.o.- e.e.- e.u.- e.a.- e.i.- perform on exercise a synthetize design / plan deliberate demand give ability basis competence u.O:M:.- u.y.- u.o.- u.e.- u.u.- u.a.- u.i.- perform on respond adhere to ideas judge communicate promise lend expressive basis a.O:M:.- a.y.- a.o.- a.e.- a.u.- a.a.- a.i.- perform on teach follow offer / supply keep one's word contract sell social basis i.O:M:.- i.y.- i.o.- i.e.- i.u.- i.a.- i.i.- perform on obtain / get (a compute take borrow buy manufacture concrete basis position)
  • 43. O:M:.M:O:.- create a work of the mind O:M:.j.- O:M:.g.- O:M:.h.- O:M:.c.- O:M:.p.- O:M:.x.- work on medium work on discourse work on work on oneself work on the work on method / interpretation subject project y.M:O:.- y.j.- y.g.- y.h.- y.c.- y.p.- y.x.- consider possible examine possible consider possible examine possible examine one's examine possible review possible productions media discourses meanings obstacles subjects methods o.M:O:.- o.j.- o.g.- o.h.- o.c.- o.p.- o.x.- orient one's choose a form of choose one's choose an orient one's personal choose a subject orient into the production expression discourse interpretation path steps of the work e.M:O:.- e.j.- e.g.- e.h.- e.c.- e.p.- e.x.- master one's master a medium make a discourse follow a method of prepare oneself for being equal to a make tools one's production one's own interpretation change subject own u.M:O:.- u.j.- u.g.- u.h.- u.c.- u.p.- u.x.- communicate one's analyse one's deliver a speech state the meaning commit oneself to explain one's explain one's work production language change subject a.M:O:.- a.j.- a.g.- a.h.- a.c.- a.p.- a.x.- commit into one's assume one's style commit oneself to defend an accept one's get involved in get involved in production one's discourse interpretation transformation one's subject one's work i.M:O:.- i.j.- i.g.- i.h.- i.c.- i.p.- i.x.- acchieve/ improve refine one's elaborate one's elaborate an coming to term with construct one's work with matter one's production language discourse interpretation one's obstacles subject
  • 44. O:M:.F:.- move / accomplish a physical action O:M:.O:.- O:M:.M:.- move in relation to center provoque a physical shift O:M:.U:.- O:M:.A:.- move move centripetal centrifugal y.F:.- y.U:.- y.A:.- y.S:.- y.B:.- y.T:.- perform fold / wrap unfold / sort / tie / attach dig / pierce / topological moves unwrap differentiate sculpt U:M:.F:.- o.F:.- o.U:.- o.A:.- o.S:.- o.B:.- o.T:.- objective manipulate receive send bring / catch / grasp keep moves valuable objects carry e.F:.- e.U:.- e.A:.- e.S:.- e.B:.- e.T:.- (dis)place objects pull push disperse gather build / combine u.F:.- u.U:.- u.A:.- u.S:.- u.B:.- u.T:.- move oneself in come go fly / travel swim / travel walk / travel space through air through water on land A:M:.F:- a.F:.- a.U:.- a.A:.- a.S:.- a.B:.- a.T:.- subjective perform digest / excrete breathe drink eat moves metabolic assimilate function a.F:.- i.U:.- i.A:.- i.S:.- i.B:.- i.T:.- perform a hit throw lift jump run physical action energetically
  • 45. O:O:.O:O:.- live O:O:.wo.- O:O:.wa.- O:O:.wu.- O:O:.we.- sprout flourish produce fruit wane wo.O:O:.- wo.wo.- wo.wa.- wo.wu.- wo.we.- go through the being initiated celebrate get used mourn symbolic cycle wa.O:O:.- wa.wo.- wa.wa.- wa.wu.- wa.we.- go through the eat / rest / wake up strive fall asleep daily cycle entertain wu.O:O:.- wu.wo.- wu.wa.- wu.wu.- wu.we.- go through the age be a child be young be mature growing old cycle we.O:O:.- we.wo.- we.wa.- we.wu.- we.we.- go through the make love / be born give birth die reproductive cycle conceive
  • 46. O:M:.M:M:.- undermine human development O:M:.- b.O:M:.- t.O:M:.- k.O:M:.- m.O:M:.- n.O:M:.- d.O:M:.- f.O:M:.- l.O:M:.- neglect thought misuse act off the beat undo the despise shrink the neglect weaken the neglect space language society emotions world exactitude body y.M:M:.- y.s.- y.b.- y.t.- y.k.- y.m.- y.n.- y.d.- y.f.- y.l.- obscure intelligence negl. intellectual not abstracting forget ignore ignore ignore ignore facts intoxicate ignore limits discipline relations emotions principles oneself o.M:M:.- o.s.- o.b.- o.t.- o.k.- o.m.- o.n.- o.d.- o.f.- o.l.- dim human have predudices misunderstand be late / break social be be narrow lie inflict suffering provoke chaos / existence procrastinate bonds unconcerned minded confusion e.M:M:.- e.s.- e.b.- e.t.- e.k.- e.m.- e.n.- e.d.- e.f.- e.l.- lack ability neglect the codes be incoherent offend be victim of threaten be a follower be technically neglect the undertake one's passions incompetent body impractical act. u.M:M:.- u.s.- u.b.- u.t.- u.k.- u.m.- u.n.- u.d.- u.f.- u.l.- undermine semiotic disfigure / deface soliloquize counterfeit / use jargon manipulate take refuge in lack precision shun one's soil function forge emotions anonymity sensations a.M:M:.- a.s.- a.b.- a.t.- a.k.- a.m.- a.n.- a.d.- a.f.- a.l.- undermine social interpret literally interrupt imitate / stir up conflict abandon corrupt be superficial assault transgress function transmission plagiarize i.M:M:.- i.s.- i.b.- i.t.- i.k.- i.m.- i.n.- i.d.- i.f.- i.l.- undermine block up / off interrupt brake /smash steal use weapons provoque disturb be sick / be catched in a technical function interfaces communicat. / pierce accident mechanism injuried trap
  • 48. M:O:.O:O:.- generative mutation j.O:O:.- g.O:O:.- h.O:O:.- c.O:O:.- p.O:O:. x.O:O:.- generative generative generative generative generative object generative language change message change meaning change personal change change material change M:O:.wo.- j.wo.- g.wo.- h.wo.- c.wo.- p.wo. x.wo.- mut. of the reflection turning initiation / new conversion personal transition of transformative universe of point name maturation interests / chance possibilities attention M:O:.wa.- j.wa.- g.wa.- h.wa.- c.wa.- p.wa. x.wa.- action mutation change of feed-back situation reversal alliance shift change of new vehicle / justifications objective new tool M:O:.wu.- j.wu.- g.wu.- h.wu.- c.wu.- p.wu. x.wu.- perception new perception gestalt switch existential bodily creation / new instrument mutation grid discovery transformation destruction of an of observation object M:O:.we.- j.we.- g.we.- h.we.- c.we.- p.we. x.we.- reconstitution consequences of context variation situation family event irreversible mutation of mutation actions reframing consequence natural environment
  • 49. M:O:.O:M:.- condition of activity M:O:.U:M:.- M:O:.A:M:.- condition of virtual activity condition of actual activity M:O:.y.- M:O:.o.- M:O:.e.- M:O:.u.- M:O:.a.- M:O:.i.- condition of condition of condition of condition of condition of condition of knowledge will power enunciation social integration efficiency j.O:M:.- j.y.- j.o.- j.e.- j.u.- j.a.- j.i.- actualizing linguistic hypothesis / unconscious power invention / learning strategic thinking process (virtual) conceptual disclosure recognition generation of community's improvement S:O:.O:M:.- framework formul. ideas language activity condition in sign g.O:M:.- g.y.- g.o.- g.e.- g.u.- g.a.- g.i.- actualizing expressive gathering / assimilation of expression of organization of participation to tactical mobility process (actual) categorization of the unconscious power: order / ideas the community's improvement data by the ego decree conversation h.O:M:.- h.y.- h.o.- h.e.- h.u.- h.a.- h.i.- actualizing semantic attendance to a acceptance of conquest of clarifying the adherence to the relevant process (virtual) learning inst. / impulses / legitimacy meaning of the values of the interpretation of B:O:.O:M:.- school liberation message community facts activity condition in being c.O:M:.- c.y.- c.o.- c.e.- c.u.- c.a.- c.i.- actualizing personal obtaining a degree acceptance of seizure of power esablishment of personal fit behavior process (actual) /credit prohibitions / relations betw. identification to renunciation interlocutors the community p.O:M:.- p.y.- p.o.- p.e.- p.u.- p.a.- p.i.- actualizing referential contemplation of contemplation familiarization context taken contemplation of modeling / process (virtual) a knowledge object of the object of with the domain into account the community rehearsal T:O:.O:M:.- desire of competence activity condition in thing x.O:M:.- x.y.- x.o.- x.e.- x.u.- x.a.- x.i.- actualizing material experience / enjoyment exercise of power publication / doing things with manufacturing / process (actual) experimentation delivery people execution
  • 50. M:O:.M:O:.- transformation j.M:O:.- M:O:.g.- M:O:.h.- M:O:.c.- M:O:.p.- M:O:.x.- transformation in transformation in transformation in transformation in transformation in transformation in knowledge expression will society ability concrete things j.M:O:.- j.j.- j.g.- j.h.- j.c.- j.p.- j.x.- transformation on intellectual new question priority change learning nouvelle analyse évolution du knowledge basis mutation transformation formalisme g.M:O:.- g.j.- g.g.- g.h.- g.c.- g.p.- g.x.- transform. on new response discourse mutation change of ideas renouvellement nouvelle transformation du expressive basis voeu / promesse déliberartion crédit h.M:O:.- h.j.- h.g.- h.h.- h.c.- h.p.- h.x.- transformation on new choice new ethical mutation chgt de direction / modification des nouvelle will basis communication management spécifications candidature form c.M:O:.- c.j.- c.g.- c.h.- c.c.- c.p.- c.x.- transformation on teaching renouvellement de changement de social bond évolution de l'offre changement de social basis transformation la confiance personnel mutation propriétaire p.M:O:.- p.j.- p.g.- p.h.- p.c.- p.p.- p.x.- transformation on new synthesis nouveau jugement nouv. conception évolution de la shift of power exchange ability basis / plan demande x.M:O:.- x.j.- x.g.- x.h.- x.c.- x.p.- x.x.- transformation on computation debt nouvelle obtention nouvelle sharing production concrete basis evolution transformation acquisition mutation
  • 51. M:O:.M:M:.- obstacle (complementary of *M:M:.M:O:.-**) M:O:.s.- M:O:.b.- M:O:.t.- M:O:.k.- M:O:.m.- M:O:.n.- M:O:.d.- M:O:.f.- M:O:.l.- initial obstacle obstacle in language obstacle in time obstacle in affective / obstacle in obstacle in truth obstacle related obstacle in space community ethical obstacle vitality deficiency / rigor to people deficency imperfection j.M:M:.- j.s.- j.b.- j.t.- j.k.- j.m.- j.n.- j.d.- j.f.- j.l.- poetical obstacle slip of tongue / redundancy archaism syntaxical error / banality / unfelt cliché / platitude wooden speech / lack of aesthetic absence of echo articulation lexical inappro- expression cant / echolalia sensibility / response deficiency priatness g.M:M:.- g.s.- g.b.- g.t.- g.k.- g.m.- g.n.- g.d.- g.f.- g.l.- obstacle related to noise transmission error untimely / lack of interest from malicious gossip inertia in attitude calculation censorship / intellectual communication inappropriate the public / for the / contempt / behavior mistake message betrayal myopia / rigidity expression medium h.M:M:.- h.s.- h.b.- h.t.- h.k.- h.m.- h.n.- h.d.- h.f.- h.l.- spiritual obstacle confusion manipulation / forgetfulness betrayal of the spirit inconsistency opportunism cultural breaking off / fondamentalism manipulative / the tradition between speech and coarseness / severing / xenophobia language act poorness c.M:M:.- c.s.- c.b.- c.t.- c.k.- c.m.- c.n.- c.d.- c.f.- c.l.- socio-political fanaticism / ultra- discrimination based obsolescence sclerosis of the persecution / political hypocisy / personal failure / exile obstacle conservatism on prejudices / relation / bond harrassment stagnation deception defeat language of exclusion or hate p.M:M:.- p.s.- p.b.- p.t.- p.k.- p.m.- p.n.- p.d.- p.f.- p.l.- economic obstacle lack of means / bad reputation / loss / waste / breach of contract / exploitation lack of economic lack of economic theft, unfair illusion of self- want / poverty rejection from the capital erosion company closing initiative information and competition sufficency consumers down / bankruptcy training x.M:M:.- x.s.- x.b.- x.t.- x.k.- x.m.- x.n.- x.d.- x.f.- x.l.- technical obstacle flawed design isolation / lack of deficiency in lack of human industrial dispute obsolescence / flawed execution non repaired expulsion / common language / coordination and resources / conflict at work wear breakdown / housing or lack of resources inefficiency habitat comunication tools management destruction
  • 52. M:M:.O:O:.- resources of meaning s.O:O:.- b.O:O:.- t.O:O:.- k.O:O:.- m.O:O:.- n.O:O:.- d.O:O:.- f.O:O:.- l.O:O:.- sources of sources of sources of sources of sources of sources of sources of sources of sources of meaning in meaning in meaning in meaning in meaning in meaning in the meaning in rigor meaning in the meaning in thought communication memory community affective relation relation to the body liberty / cosmos responsability M:M:.wo s.wo.- b.wo.- t.wo.- k.wo.- m.wo.- n.wo.- d.wo.- f.wo.- l.wo.- intellectual sources strategy intellectual bringing together school of thought appeal of the spiritual exercise intellectuel intellectual freedom of of mening exchange unknown constraint gymnastics thought M:M:.wa s.wa.- b.wa.- t.wa.- k.wa.- m.wa.- n.wa.- d.wa.- f.wa.- l.wa.- practical sources of tactic negotiation / unexpected community of audacity practical wisdom ethical constraint physical activity freedom of meaning coordination events / chance actions / prudence mouvement M:M:.wu s.wu.- b.wu.- t.wu.- k.wu.- m.wu.- n.wu.- d.wu.- f.wu.- l.wu.- aesthetic sources of analysis of aesthetic main thread community of taste for life creative aesthetic brilliance of freedom of meaning perceptions encounter shared tastes imagination constraint perceptions expression M:M:.we s.we.- b.we.- t.we.- k.we.- m.we.- n.we.- d.we.- f.we.- l.we.- sources of meaning concern for the media climate regularity residential acceptance of cultural roots technical leisure / economic in sustainability environment community constraints constraint entertainment / responsability break / relaxation
  • 53. M:M:.O:M:.- basis of human development S:M:.O:M:.- B:M:.O:M:.- T:M:.O:M:.- sign in basis for HD being in basis for HD thing in basis for HD s.O:M:.- b.O:M:.- t.O:M:.- k.O:M:.- m.O:M:.- n.O:M:.- d.O:M:.- f.O:M:.- l.O:M:.- thought language memory society affect world truth space life actualized actualized actualized actualized actualized actualized actualized actualized actualized M:M:.y.- s.y.- b.y.- t.y.- k.y.- m.y.- n.y.- d.y.- f.y.- l.y.- intelligence organized formal memory relational emotional knowledge of knowledge of body awareness of knowledge intelligence management intelligence intelligence principles facts intelligence limits M:M:.U:M.- M:M:.o.- s.o.- b.o.- t.o.- k.o.- m.o.- n.o.- d.o.- f.o.- l.o.- basis for HD value concern for taste for right time desire for emotional thirst for truth value living body / space thought language social bond involvement cosmos sentient being organization into the virtual M:M:.e.- s.e.- b.e.- t.e.- k.e.- m.e.- n.e.- d.e.- f.e.- l.e.- ability mastery of reasoning ability to self-control / negotiation leadership / technical know- sensorimotor engineering codes / ability / convince / grammar ability / rhetoric how / ability / competence / grammar dialectic rhetoric dialectic grammar dialectic rhetoric M:M:.u.- s.u.- b.u.- t.u.- k.u.- m.u.- n.u.- d.u.- f.u.- l.u.- semiotic image speech mark symbol symptom name pointer sensation trace function M:M:.A:M.- M:M:.a.- s.a.- b.a.- t.a.- k.a.- m.a.- n.a.- d.a.- f.a.- l.a.- basis for HD social function interpreter storyteller scribe chief parent judge researcher healer guardian into the actual M:M:.i.- s.i.- b.i.- t.i.- k.i.- m.i.- n.i.- d.i.- f.i.- l.i.- technical interface medium container gift toy fire / measurement organ knot / function transformation instrument connection technology technique
  • 54. M:M:.M:O:.- creation-innovation cycle (complementary with *M:O:.M:M:.-**) s.M:O:.- b.M:O:.- t.M:O:.- k.M:O:.- m.M:O:.- n.M:O:.- d.M:O:.- f.M:O:.- l.M:O:.- CIC project communication inscription in social dimension affective / ethical sustainable truth / exactness personal manifestation in constraints of a time of a CIC of a CIC reverberations of transformations / rigor connexion of a space of a CIC CIC a CIC resulting from a constraints of a CIC CIC CIC M:M:.j.- s.j.- b.j.- t.j.- k.j.- m.j.- n.j.- d.j.- f.j.- l.j.- poetic CIC poetic project / semiotic artistic tradition re-created expression / réveil language originality / aesthetic vibe / influence network poetic dimension innovation / reference language poétique des sustainable distinct connection of an artistic / of a CI project community émotions transformation expression between persons poetic work M:M:.g.- s.g.- b.g.- t.g.- k.g.- m.g.- n.g.- d.g.- f.g.- l.g.- communication CIC com. project / message content traditional or re-created public empathy with the change of public documents or faithful message diffusion com. dimension or substance recurring theme or media public behavior messages quality spokesman / graph of a CI project community representative M:M:.h.- s.h.- b.h.- t.h.- k.h.- m.h.- n.h.- d.h.- f.h.- l.h.- cultural CIC cultural project / context spiritual heritage re-created coherence acculturation cultural fruitful encounter migration cult. dimension reinterpretation community of between speech refinement of a CI project spirit and action M:M:.c.- s.c.- b.c.- t.c.- k.c.- m.c.- n.c.- d.c.- f.c.- l.c.- political CIC political project / ability to gather political legacy or renewed social people's respect political evolution authenticity election / country / pol. dimension of people tradition bond appointment / territorial a CI project personal victory projection of political creation M:M:.p.- s.p.- b.p.- t.p.- k.p.- m.p.- n.p.- d.p.- f.p.- l.p.- economic CIC economic project consumers accumulation / renewed rendered service market evolution business commercial skills network / eco. dimension conversations gain, benefit economic intelligence relationship / of a CI project about the product partnership contact M:M:.x.- s.x.- b.x.- t.x.- k.x.- m.x.- n.x.- d.x.- f.x.- l.x.- technical CIC tech. project / collaborative calendar / renewed project atmosphere of transformation of rigorous satisfied user moving / local tech. dimension environment budget of a team collaboration the practical technical arrangement of a CI project project universe procedure
  • 56. E:F:.O:.O:.- pronoun E:U:.O:O:.- E:A:.O:O:.- E:S:.O:O:.- E:B:.O:O:.- E:T:.O:O:.- demonstrative possessive first person second third person / index person E:F:.wo.- E:U:.wo.- E:A:.wo.- E:S:.wo- E:B:.wo- E:T:.wo.- my / your / you singular number this, this one I / me it E:F:.U:O:.- its singular indifferent E:F:.wa.- E:U:.wa.- E:A:.wa.- E:S:.wa.- E:B:.wa- E:T:.wo.- number our / your / plural number these us you plural them their E:F:.wu. E:U:.wu.- E:A:.wu.- E:S:.wu.- E:B:.wu.- T:.wu.- my / your/ I / me / us him / he / male gender this male you male E:F:.A:O:.- his (M) male them (M) neutral E:F:.we. E:U:.we.- E:A:.we.- E:S:.we.- E:B:.we.- E:T:.we.- gender my / your / I / me / us her / them female gender this female you female her (F) female (F)
  • 57. E:F:.O:M:.- conjugation E:O:.O:M:.- E:M:.O:M:.- participation mood tense /time / when E:U:.O:M:.- E:A:.O:M:.- E:S:.O:M:.- E:B:.O:M:.- E:T:.O:M:.- passive active future present past E:F:.y.- E:U:.y.- E:A:.y.- E:S:.y.- E:B:.y.- E:T:.y.- indicative known knowing will know know now has known mood E:F:.U:M:.- E:F:.o.- E:U:.o.- E:A:.o.- E:S:.o.- E:B:.o.- E:T:.o.- delarative optative wanted willing will want want now would mood mood E:F:.e.- E:U:.e.- E:A:.e.- E:S:.e.- E:B:.e.- E:T:.e.- abilitative enabled abling will be able can now could mood E:F:.u.- E:U:.u.- E:A:.u.- E:S:.u.- E:B:.u.- E:T:.u.- expressive expressed expressing will express express now has expressed mood E:F:A:M:.- E:F:.a.- E:U:.a.- E:A:.a.- E:S:.a.- E:B:.a.- E:T:.a.- performative promisive commited commiting will commit commit now has commited mood mood E:F:.a.- E:U:.i.- E:A:.i.- E:S:.i.- E:B:.i.- E:T:.i.- imperative be done be doing will execute execute now should mood
  • 58. E:O:.M:O:.- how / manner (inflection-adverb-conjunction-preposition-article) E:O:.S:O:.- E:O:.B:O:.- E:O:.T:O:.- manner of comparison manner of orientation manner of existence E:O:.j.- E:O:.g.- E:O:.h.- E:O:.c.- E:O:.p.- E:O:.x.- manner of manner of manner of manner of manner of manner of resemblance identity tropism (virtual) choice (actual) definition presence (actual) (virtual) (actual) (virtual) E:U:.M:O:.- E:U:.j.- E:U:.g.- E:U:.h.- E:U:.c.- E:U:.p.- E:U:.x.- negative (by) contrast/ other / unlike avoiding / anti / against indefinite / a / without manner but turning back to some E:A:.M:O:.- E:A:.j.- E:A:.g.- E:A:.h.- E:A:.c.- E:A:.p.- E:A:.x.- positive manner (by) analogy same / like / searching / pro / for- definite / the with as heading to support
  • 59. E:M:.M:O:.- why / because / reason / cause / role (inflection-adverb-conjunction-preposition-article) E:M:.S:O:.- E:M:.B:O:.- E:M:.T:O:.- formal cause / role functional cause / role existential cause / role E:M:.j.- E:M:.g.- E:M:.h.- E:M:.c.- E:M:.p.- E:M:.x.- virtual formal actual formal virtual functional actual functional virtual existential actual cause cause cause cause cause existential cause E:S:.M:O:.- E:S:.j.- E:S:.g.- E:S:.h.- E:S:.c.- E:S:.p.- E:S:.x.- specification set element operator operand whole part cause E:B:.M:O:.- E:B:.j.- E:B:.g.- E:B:.h.- E:B:.c.- E:B:.p.- E:B:.x.- interaction mutation selection operation variable patient agent cause E:T:.M:O:.- E:T:.j.- E:T:.g.- E:T:.h.- E:T:.c.- E:T:.p.- E:T:.x.- realization structure matter machine state goal / for- mean cause purpose
  • 60. E:F:.M:M:.- E:M:.M:M:.- where / place where / place: path orientation (first cutting by substance of the attribute) (adverb-preposition-conjunction) E:M:.S:M:. E:M:.B:M:. E:M:.T:M:. beginning (S: @12) intermediary (B: @12) termination (T: @12) E:M:.s.- E:M:.b.- E:M:.t.- E:M:.k.- E:M:.m.- E:M:.n.- E:M:.d.- E:M:.f.- E:M:.l.- structure dynamic relative space structure dynamic relative space structure dynamic relative space beginning beginning beginning intermediary intermediary inter. termination termination termination (S: @22) (B: @22) (T: @22) (S: @22) (B: @22) (T: @22) (S: @22) (B: @22) (T: @22) E:S:.M:M:.- E:S:.s.- E:S:.b.- E:S:.t.- E:S:.k.- E:S:.m.- E:S:.n.- E:S:.d.- E:S:.f.- E:S:.l.- graph orientation origin source departure channel stream travel end well arrival E:B:.M:M:.- E:B:.s.- E:B:.b.- E:B:.t.- E:B:.k.- E:B:.m.- E:B:.n.- E:B:.d.- E:B:.f.- E:B:.l.- subjective orientation in open at the left far at the limit medium bet. near in closed at the right at the place / space lft / rgt space here E:T:.M:M:.- E:T:.s.- E:T:.b.- E:T:.t.- E:T:.k.- E:T:.m.- E:T:.n.- E:T:.d.- E:T:.f.- E:T:.l.- in/out orientation from out of outside by (itinerary, through (a inter / to into inside vehicle) limit) between
  • 61. E:F:.M:M:.- E:M:.M:M:.- where / place where / place: path orientation (first cutting by attribute of the substance (adverb-preposition-conjunction) E:M:.M:S:. E:M:.M:B:. E:M:.M:T:. structure orientation (S: @22) dynamic orientation (B: @22) relative space orientation (T: @22) E:M:.s.- E:M:.k.- E:M:.d.- E:M:.b.- E:M:.m.- E:M:.f.- E:M:.t.- E:M:.n.- E:M:.l.- structure structure structure dynamic dynamic dynamic relat. space relat. space relative space beginning inter. term. beginning intermediary term. beginning inter. term. (S: @21) (B: @21) (T: @21) (S: @21) (B: @21) (T: @21) (S: @21) (B: @21) (T: @21) E:S:.M:M:.- E:S:.s.- E:S:.k.- E:S:.d.- E:S:.b.- E:S:.m.- E:S:.f.- E:S:.t.- E:S:.n.- E:S:.l.- graph orientation origin channel end source stream well departure travel arrival E:B:.M:M:.- E:B:.s.- E:B:.k.- E:B:.d.- E:B:.b.- E:B:.m.- E:B:.f.- E:B:.t.- E:B:.n.- E:B:.l.- subjective orientation open at the limit in closed space at the left center at the right far near at the palce / here E:T:.M:M:.- E:T:.s.- E:T:.k.- E:T:.d.- E:T:.b.- E:T:.m.- E:T:.f.- E:T:.t.- E:T:.n.- E:T:.l.- in/out orientation from by (itinerary, to out of through (a into outside inter / inside vehicle) limit) between
  • 62. E:F:.M:M:.- E:O:.M:M:.- where / place where / place according to axial orientation (first cutting by substance of the attribute) (adverb-preposition-conjunction) E:O:.S:M:.- E:O:.B:M:.- E:O:.T:M:.- high / face (S: @12) plain / core (B: @12) low / back (T: @12) E:O:.s.- E:O:.b.- E:O:.t.- E:O:.k.- E:O:.m.- E:O:.n.- E:O:.d.- E:O:.f.- E:O:.l.- direction relative to a relative to whole direction relative to part relative to direction relative to part relative to (S: @22) part (B: (T: @22) (S: @22) (B: @22) whole (S: @22) (B: @22) whole (T: @22) (T: @22) @22) E:U:.M:M:.- E:U:.s.- E:U:.b.- E:U:.t.- E:U:.k.- E:U:.m.- E:U:.n.- E:U:.d.- E:U:.f.- E:U:.l.- vertical axis up onto at the top, at horizontal at same level half the down under at the bottom, the head direction as height at the foot E:A:.M:M:.- E:A:.s.- E:A:.b.- E:A:.t.- E:A:.k.- E:A:.m.- E:A:.n.- E:A:.d.- E:A:.f.- E:A:.l.- horizontal axis ahead in front of before to the core / in the middle during back behind after center of
  • 63. E:F:.M:M:.- E:O:.M:M:.- where / place where / place according to axial orientation (first cutting by attribute of the substance) (adverb-preposition-conjunction) E:O:.M:S:.- E:O:M:B:.- E:O:.M:T:.- direction (S: @22) relative to part (B: @22) relative to whole / spatialized time (T: @22) E:O:.s.- E:O:.k.- E:O:.d.- E:O:.b.- E:O:.m.- E:O:.f.- E:O:.t.- E:O:.n.- E:O:.l.- high / face plain / core low / back high / face plain / core low / back high / face plain / core low / back (S: @12) (B: @12) (T: @12) (S: @12) (B: @12) (T: @12) (S: @12) (B: @12) (T: @12) E:U:.M:M:.- E:U:.s.- E:U:.k.- E:U:.d.- E:U:.b.- E:U:.m.- E:U:.f.- E:U:.t.- E:U:.n.- E:U:.l.- vertical mood up horizontal down onto at same level under at the top, at half the at the bottom, direction / as the head height at the foot E:A:.M:M:.- E:A:.s.- E:A:.k.- E:A:.d.- E:A:.b.- E:A:.m.- E:A:.f.- E:A:.t.- E:A:.n.- E:A:.l.- spatialized time ahead to the core / back before in the middle behind in front of during after mood center of
  • 66. OMOM|weh improvement of collective intelligence yyweh yoweh yeweh yuweh yaweh yiweh clarify knowledge define problems propose solutions secure intellectual innovate in social transfer knowledge property rights matters in practical field oyweh ooweh oeweh ouweh oaweh oiweh orient research deepen vision educate filter information assert values orient production eyweh eoweh eeweh euweh eaweh eiweh provide research establish norms and solve problems provide information enrich the draw / stimulate tools standards search tools community investments uyweh uoweh ueweh uuweh uaweh uiweh specify information summarize for produce didactic bring consistency cultivate collective listen / invite governance material memory someone to address ayweh aoweh aeweh auweh aaweh aiweh invest in research govern cultivate human open public space create trust organize the work development load iyweh ioweh ieweh iuweh iaweh iiweh provide intellectual create opportunities invest in business speak out look after the guarantee tools infrastructure compatibility
  • 68. M:M:.o.-{O:M:.}{O:M:.}-s.y.-' organized knowledge A s.o.-y.y.-s.y.-' b.o.-y.y.-s.y.-' t.o.-y.y.-s.y.-' k.o.-y.y.-s.y.-' m.o.-y.y.-s.y.-' n.o.-y.y.-s.y.-' d.o.-y.y.-s.y.-' f.o.-y.y.-s.y.-' l.o.-y.y.-s.y.-' epistemology diffusion / history of sciences / sociology arts / art/science critic encyclopedia reflexive thought esthetics museology popularization art history sciences s.o.-o.o.-s.y.-' b.o.-o.o.-s.y.-' t.o.-o.o.-s.y.-' k.o.-o.o.-s.y.-' m.o.-o.o.-s.y.-' n.o.-o.o.-s.y.-' d.o.-o.o.-s.y.-' f.o.-o.o.-s.y.-' l.o.-o.o.-s.y.-' management sciences social/ organisational institutional memory political sciences social criticism legal sciences accounting human ressources org. charts / communication management directories s.o.-e.e.-s.y.-' b.o.-e.e.-s.y.-' t.o.-e.e.-s.y.-' k.o.-e.e.-s.y.-' m.o.-e.e.-s.y.-' n.o.-e.e.-s.y.-' d.o.-e.e.-s.y.-' f.o.-e.e.-s.y.-' l.o.-e.e.-s.y.-' ergonomy education and history of trades professional professional skill taxonomy science of tests physical education labour market training studies associations orientation exams s.o.-u.u.-s.y.-' b.o.-u.u.-s.y.-' t.o.-u.u.-s.y.-' k.o.-u.u.-s.y.-' m.o.-u.u.-s.y.-' n.o.-u.u.-s.y.-' d.o.-u.u.-s.y.-' f.o.-u.u.-s.y.-' l.o.-u.u.-s.y.-' semiology linguistics history of socio-linguistics philology lexicology / information sciences musicology semantic cartography communication dictionaries s.o.-a.a.-s.y.-' b.o.-a.a.-s.y.-' t.o.-a.a.-s.y.-' k.o.-a.a.-s.y.-' m.o.-a.a.-s.y.-' n.o.-a.a.-s.y.-' d.o.-a.a.-s.y.-' f.o.-a.a.-s.y.-' l.o.-a.a.-s.y.-' sociology social psychology genealogy civil society studies psychology biographies / diaries statistics demographics social network cartography s.o.-i.i.-s.y.-' b.o.-i.i.-s.y.-' t.o.-i.i.-s.y.-' k.o.-i.i.-s.y.-' m.o.-i.i.-s.y.-' n.o.-i.i.-s.y.-' d.o.-i.i.-s.y.-' f.o.-i.i.-s.y.-' l.o.-i.i.-s.y.-' scientific theory of scientific imaging predictive model research and medicine chemistry experimental / biology physics nature development observational protocol
  • 69. M:M:.o.-{O:M:.}{O:M:.}-' layer 3 objects of knowledge A s.o.-y.y.-' b.o.-y.y.-' t.o.-y.y.-' k.o.-y.y.-' m.o.-y.y.-' n.o.-y.y.-' d.o.-y.y.-' f.o.-y.y.-' l.o.-y.y.-' scientific scientific artistic/scientifi scholar controversial scientific taxon paradigm / rule of taste / presented object method communication c discipline community object episteme poetic art s.o.-o.o.-' b.o.-o.o.-' t.o.-o.o.-' k.o.-o.o.-' m.o.-o.o.-' n.o.-o.o.-' d.o.-o.o.-' f.o.-o.o.-' l.o.-o.o.-' economic collective institutional political regime social problem law / rules financial collaborator personal data sustainability representation identity transparency s.o.-e.e.-' b.o.-e.e.-' t.o.-e.e.-' k.o.-e.e.-' m.o.-e.e.-' n.o.-e.e.-' d.o.-e.e.-' f.o.-e.e.-' l.o.-e.e.-' work conditions perofessional trade corporation vocation competence competence physical employement development level developement s.o.-u.u.-' b.o.-u.u.-' t.o.-u.u.-' k.o.-u.u.-' m.o.-u.u.-' n.o.-u.u.-' d.o.-u.u.-' f.o.-u.u.-' l.o.-u.u.-' signification natural communication manner of ancient word / file music semantic language system speaking litterature morpheme network s.o.-a.a.-' b.o.-a.a.-' t.o.-a.a.-' k.o.-a.a.-' m.o.-a.a.-' n.o.-a.a.-' d.o.-a.a.-' f.o.-a.a.-' l.o.-a.a.-' human way of thinking lineage social movement soul personal life social, human people network collectivity economic data population s.o.-i.i.-' b.o.-i.i.-' t.o.-i.i.-' k.o.-i.i.-' m.o.-i.i.-' n.o.-i.i.-' d.o.-i.i.-' f.o.-i.i.-' l.o.-i.i.-' conditionned scientific image cause and effect technology tech cure chemical empirical fact biological physical possibility relation process phenomenon phenomenon phenomenon