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Homeopathy -
Service without
Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA)
59 Paul Avenue
Mountian View CA 94041
Part 1
The Importance of Accessing
Intuition in Homeopathic Work
Why is it necessary for the homeopath to access intuition in doing her
Why is it necessary to channel or be a receiver for wisdom that is deeper
than the intellect or the limitations of our own thought processes when
doing the work of a homeopath?
The first thing any homeopath will discover when embarking on learning
homeopathy and the properties of medicines is that logic alone is not
sufficient to apprehend the heart of the remedy.
We see patterns in nature and in the remedies, such as Lycopodium
has a 4 to 8 p.m. aggravation time, right sided symptoms, lack of
self-confidence, and dictatorial behavior.
We recognize a pattern, but there is little logical connection between
the elements. Our job is to memorize the patterns, so that we
recognize them when we see them in the client. It is not to analyze
them and theorize about why the pattern exists.
There is little rhyme or reason to why remedies have the
characteristics and properties that they do.
There is also little rhyme or reason to why people have
the symptoms that they do.
So a new way of perceiving and thinking has to be
The mind has to be trained to work in a different way
that goes beyond the analytical thinking that we have
been taught throughout our education, and another
part of ourselves has to be developed that for most of
us was neglected in our upbringing. That part of
ourselves is the intuitive mind.
Access to that intuitive mind is through silence and not
thought. Thought pertains to the ego. Intuition pertains
to silence and can only be accessed through an
interiorized mind.
Listen with your heart and not your head.
This means when listening or receiving the case, if you
are formulating conceptual ideas with your mind, you
have switched from the heart to the head.
An example of a conceptual idea is thinking about what
miasm, kingdom, plant family, or where on the periodic
table of the elements this person falls.
Thinking about what remedy the client needs is also
thinking conceptually.
In the Big Mind State there is no thinking, there is only
In the words of Zen Master Huang Po:
“All The Buddhas and all sentient beings are nothing but the
One Mind, beside which nothing exists. This Mind, which is
without beginning, is unborn and indestructible. It is not green
nor yellow, and has neither form nor appearance. It does not
belong to the categories of things which exist or do not exist,
nor can it be thought of in terms of new or old. It is neither
long nor short, big nor small, for it transcends all limits,
measures, names, traces and comparisons. It is that which
you see before you—begin to reason about it and you at
once fall into error. It is like the boundless void which
cannot be fathomed or measured.” from the Zen Teaching
of Huang Po
This means that when you are getting to know your
client, keep your mind open and relaxed. Do not effort
the information to come to you. Just as you know a
tree is a tree without analyzing its structure, and you
know a dog is a dog and not a cat. This is just
knowing, without effort.
See your clients in the same way - knowing without
Be open to receiving information from a deeper
source than your own ego or thinking mind.
Channel the information from the Big Mind. You
can also call it the intuitive mind, the Self, God,
Allah, the Great Spirit, Wankan Tanka or anything
you wish.
• How Does One Prepare Oneself to be in the Big
Mind State?
The preparation is a daily meditation practice. I practice 30 minutes to an
hour in the morning; a half hour after lunch and a half hour in the evening,
as well as as I am falling asleep. I also do walking meditation when I walk
my dog once a day.
Here is a link to an article I wrote on How to Meditate:
I have been practicing meditation for over forty years. I have studied from
many spiritual traditions. The biggest influences on me have been
Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. My guru is Ramana Maharshi, the
Sage of Arunachala. Here is an exerpt where he sums up the essence of
his teachings:
“Retreat ever within thine own self: seek the source whence the
restless mind spins out an unceasing web of thoughts; brush aside
the springing thoughts; concentrate at the root of thought; and take
repose in that stillness and quietude. So much is thy effort, and
what next is one for experience and inner realization, and does not
admit of exposition in words.”
• Practice Karma Yoga or Service Without Ego.
Karma Yoga has been defined in various ways: as the yoga of
action, selfless service, work without ego, right action, and
work done according to one’s own nature.
How karma yoga is practiced is in the following steps:
1) Do your work with concentration and attention on the work at
hand in the present moment, and with love in your heart.
2) While you are doing your work do your best and think of
nothing extraneous to the task at hand.
3) When the work is complete, let go.
4) Do not be attached to the outcome or the results of your work.
5) Do not be attached or concerned about any gain from the
The work is yours to do, the results of the work are not yours.
Surrender the results of your work to the divine.
Why is Karma Yoga important as a homeopath?
Even if you were the greatest homeopath in the world, and
made the most perfect prescriptions at all times, you still
have no control over what the client will do, what their
attitude is, what the stars have in store for them, or anything
else that will happen after the client takes the remedy.
You can also make the most perfect prescription and the
client can have stupendous results, but if they have a
relapse down the road they can deny and forget about all
benefit that they received from the homeopathic treatment.
All you can do is your best in the moment, beyond that you
have no control over anything, so the appropriate response
is to let go, and take refuge in your own inner emptiness and
peace, and remain dispassionate and unattached.
How to Apply this to Your Homeopathic
Focus your attention on the work at hand. Employ your
intuitive mind if there is a problem to be solved. Trust that
whatever you need to do or know, you know how to do it, or
you know how to seek the answers.
Everything you need to do or know is already inside of you.
You don’t have to effort with the mind to get the answers you
need. Rather let go of the mind and the answers are there.
At every moment, and inseparable from you is the
indwelling God, which is identical with your very Self. The
wisdom of the indwelling God is not limited by your ego’s
knowledge or experience. It is one with the entire ocean of
knowledge, experience and wisdom of the universe.
When you quiet your thinking mind and access your
intuitive mind all of that is accessible for you and usable by
you for your work.
Do you ever wonder how a small child can pick up several
languages and speak them fluently by age three? The
answer is she doesn’t try. She does not effort. She does
not use her mind, so it all just happens for her. I see this
with my granddaughter. For an adult using the mind to
learn a foreign language decades can pass before they
gain that same fluency. The difference is the child learns by
not efforting, and the adult learns with the mind by efforting.
Work without effort. Do not employ your mind when
you work. Instead clear your mind, be an empty vessel,
so that you are able to intuit what you need to know.
Letting Go of the Outcome of Your Work
This is the last step of Karma Yoga. This means that no
matter what activity you are engaged in, the moment
that activity ceases, do not permit yourself to think
about it. It is now in the past. Do not doubt your
performance. Do not worry about whether you did a
good job. Do not worry about what the person you
worked with thought of you. Do not worry about what
the results of the work will be. This is service without
Remain pure in your heart. Your heart is free and
not touched by the activity you were engaged in.
The work is released to the universe, and you are
left unaffected by it.
The Benefits of Karma Yoga to You
The ultimate goal of life is to be happy and to understand who you
really are. Every one of us wants inner peace and contentment.
Every one of us wants a heart that is not agitated by anxiety, fear or
worry. These great jewels are to be found nowhere but inside
yourself. They are always with you as the core of your being.
By training the mind to stay present with yourself and the task at
hand, you will learn to quiet the thinking mind, which is the source
of most of your unhappiness, and increase access to the intuitive
mind, the doorway to inner freedom.
Any activity you are engaged in affords an opportunity to
practice present moment awareness. Take advantage of that
opportunity. The present moment is the moment in which
peace and happiness resides. Surrender your thoughts of the
past and the future to that present moment awareness, and the
flower of grace, love and peace will blossom in your heart.
Part 2
Unity Consciousness
How many people do you see in this room?
Multiplicity is seeing—many materia medicas, many remedies, many repertories, the
infinite number of things that can be turned into remedies, many diseases, and many
Each person has a first and last name, sex, birth date, location, eye color, shape and
multitudes of other variations.
You can call this Samsara, Maya or the Manifest World. In Hinduism this would be
Brahman’s projection; or in the dream world, this is the world we project out of
ourselves from our dreams, which has no intrinsic reality. Hindus also believe that the
manifest world is as much an illusion as the dream world.
Now look again how many people are in the room?
There are two answers to this:
There is one person in the room.
There is nobody in the room.
The reason is that who is really in this room is the Self.
The Self of, in and the beingness of everyone in the room.
Seeing the multiplicity of the manifest world, or seeing the
Oneness of everything, are both valid ways of perceiving, but if
you want to work intuitively with people, it is necessary to be in
the state of love where you perceive the underlying unity of all
If all you perceive is the manifest world, then you will be
blind to the unmanifest world, which is the substratum
beneath it all.
The barrier to perceiving the source is the ego, which is the mind
in the active thinking mode.
The more you practice quieting the activity of the mind and
descending deeper and deeper into yourself, the more you part
the veil, which prevents you from being one with the source of
All. A common analogy is the words on the paper (the manifest
world) and the paper on which the words are written,
(the unmanifest world).
The level I am teaching at today is the Soul Level, where
you recognize that there is only one person in this room
and that person is I.
That I sense that each of us has and is, is the animating
principle, the life principle, the essence that everything in
nature contains.
All of us partake of this essence. When I am talking to you,
I am talking to your I. Who I see when I look at you is your
You can also call it the Self.
Since all of us have one of these—and it is identical in
all, we are all the same in essence.
With this understanding one can recognize and see
the Self in everyone as the Self in One’s self.
Who does each of us love more than anyone else in the entire
world—the Self, I.
When you see that Self and I everywhere, then you have love for
everyone, respect for everyone, Oneness with everyone.
As a homeopath apprehending your client from this level, the
level of the Self or you can call it God, if you ask for guidance
about what remedy resonates with this person, what potency
they need, the answer will be revealed.
The Self, God and I are inseparable. When you quiet the thinking
mind and descend deep within yourself through silence—you will be
in the state of Godliness, or Unity Consciousness.
This is the state from which the best homeopathy is practiced.
In this state you understand that you are not the Doer, you are an
instrument of the Divine, playing your part in the cosmic dance,
but the dance, and the dancer and God are inseparable. They are
“Ask and You Shall be Given.”
When applied to a homeopath, this means, Ask what remedy,
potency, quantity the patient needs, and the answer will be
revealed to you.
In my case it is in the form of yes and no questions. I make my
body a pendulum and I stand opposite the patient, or if I am
doing the consultation over Skype or FaceTime, I stand
opposite the computer, looking at the client.
I submerge my ego in meditation. Then I ask the patient to hold a
remedy in his/her left hand. Why the left hand—because the left
hand is the receiving hand, but this doesn’t really matter.
And I say, “Dear God, Please make me a hollow bone for Alice or
Jack. Is this remedy that he/she is holding in their left hand good
for him or her?
If the remedy is good, my body will move forward. If the remedy is very good
my body can be strongly propelled forward. I feel my being is taken over by
something, a force that causes this response.
If there is no resonance my body will stay upright. There is no resonance.
If the remedy is not good for the person, my body will move backward. If it is
very bad, it can be a strong backward movement.
If I am testing a number of remedies, or the same remedy in a number of
potencies, I make sure to keep careful track of the response to each
remedy. I also invite the patient to tell me what they feel when holding the
One of the great things about this process is that it corrects me when I
think I have chosen a very good remedy for the person, and my ego is
very excited about it. My ego thinks it knows what is needed, and can
justify what it believes is a very clever prescription. This testing
process where we see where the actual resonance is is often very
humbling. The remedy needed is often a commonly used polycrest
remedy, and not the rare remedy that the ego was very excited about.
Remember that by the time I have come to the step of testing the
remedies, I have already put several hours into the case.
Reviewing the questionnaire
Preparing the Analysis Sheet
Beginning the repertorization process
Taking the case
Refining the Repertorization.
Studying the remedies I am considering in various materia medicas.
At this point I have done all the intellect can do, all the computer can do.
I have reached the limits of the intellect. The final decision has to be
At the point of testing all of the information is in me. It is alive and active in me.
I am immersed in the client. When I am ready to test the remedies for the
patient all of these forces are active, and I surrender the final decision to the
In this way I am not the Doer. God (not my ego made the prescription).
I have also followed all the steps of Karma Yoga.
I ask God, “Please bring people to me whom I can help.” God is
the great Orchestrator. I do believe that there is a higher force at
play, bringing the clients to you. Then once they are there, practice
the steps of Karma Yoga:
1) be present with the task at hand. Do your best.
2) After the prescription has been made do not doubt yourself.
3) Your work is now released into the universe—you have no
control of the outcome.
4) Dispassion. Come back to emptiness. You are not the Doer
Einstein said, “The Rational Mind is the Humble Servant. The
intuitive mind is the Sacred Gift. Our culture tends to worship
the servant and forget all about the gift.”
Quote from the Tao Te Ching, “A good scientist is one who frees
himself of concepts and keeps his mind open to what is.”
I hope you have enjoyed this slide show, and
that it has helped the viewer understand the
positive role that adding the element of
intuition to the science of homeopathy can
lead to better prescriptions, lessen the stress
to the homeopath, and increase healing in
the world.

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Homeopathy Intuition

  • 1. Homeopathy - Service without Ego Deborah Olenev CCH RSHom (NA) 59 Paul Avenue Mountian View CA 94041 650-569-6219
  • 2. Philosophy Part 1 The Importance of Accessing Intuition in Homeopathic Work
  • 3. Why is it necessary for the homeopath to access intuition in doing her work? Why is it necessary to channel or be a receiver for wisdom that is deeper than the intellect or the limitations of our own thought processes when doing the work of a homeopath? The first thing any homeopath will discover when embarking on learning homeopathy and the properties of medicines is that logic alone is not sufficient to apprehend the heart of the remedy. We see patterns in nature and in the remedies, such as Lycopodium has a 4 to 8 p.m. aggravation time, right sided symptoms, lack of self-confidence, and dictatorial behavior. We recognize a pattern, but there is little logical connection between the elements. Our job is to memorize the patterns, so that we recognize them when we see them in the client. It is not to analyze them and theorize about why the pattern exists.
  • 4. There is little rhyme or reason to why remedies have the characteristics and properties that they do. There is also little rhyme or reason to why people have the symptoms that they do. So a new way of perceiving and thinking has to be developed. The mind has to be trained to work in a different way that goes beyond the analytical thinking that we have been taught throughout our education, and another part of ourselves has to be developed that for most of us was neglected in our upbringing. That part of ourselves is the intuitive mind.
  • 5. Access to that intuitive mind is through silence and not thought. Thought pertains to the ego. Intuition pertains to silence and can only be accessed through an interiorized mind. Listen with your heart and not your head. This means when listening or receiving the case, if you are formulating conceptual ideas with your mind, you have switched from the heart to the head. An example of a conceptual idea is thinking about what miasm, kingdom, plant family, or where on the periodic table of the elements this person falls. Thinking about what remedy the client needs is also thinking conceptually.
  • 6. In the Big Mind State there is no thinking, there is only knowing. In the words of Zen Master Huang Po: “All The Buddhas and all sentient beings are nothing but the One Mind, beside which nothing exists. This Mind, which is without beginning, is unborn and indestructible. It is not green nor yellow, and has neither form nor appearance. It does not belong to the categories of things which exist or do not exist, nor can it be thought of in terms of new or old. It is neither long nor short, big nor small, for it transcends all limits, measures, names, traces and comparisons. It is that which you see before you—begin to reason about it and you at once fall into error. It is like the boundless void which cannot be fathomed or measured.” from the Zen Teaching of Huang Po
  • 7. This means that when you are getting to know your client, keep your mind open and relaxed. Do not effort the information to come to you. Just as you know a tree is a tree without analyzing its structure, and you know a dog is a dog and not a cat. This is just knowing, without effort. See your clients in the same way - knowing without efforting. Be open to receiving information from a deeper source than your own ego or thinking mind. Channel the information from the Big Mind. You can also call it the intuitive mind, the Self, God, Allah, the Great Spirit, Wankan Tanka or anything you wish.
  • 8. • How Does One Prepare Oneself to be in the Big Mind State? The preparation is a daily meditation practice. I practice 30 minutes to an hour in the morning; a half hour after lunch and a half hour in the evening, as well as as I am falling asleep. I also do walking meditation when I walk my dog once a day. Here is a link to an article I wrote on How to Meditate: I have been practicing meditation for over forty years. I have studied from many spiritual traditions. The biggest influences on me have been Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. My guru is Ramana Maharshi, the Sage of Arunachala. Here is an exerpt where he sums up the essence of his teachings: “Retreat ever within thine own self: seek the source whence the restless mind spins out an unceasing web of thoughts; brush aside the springing thoughts; concentrate at the root of thought; and take repose in that stillness and quietude. So much is thy effort, and what next is one for experience and inner realization, and does not admit of exposition in words.”
  • 9. • Practice Karma Yoga or Service Without Ego. Karma Yoga has been defined in various ways: as the yoga of action, selfless service, work without ego, right action, and work done according to one’s own nature. How karma yoga is practiced is in the following steps: 1) Do your work with concentration and attention on the work at hand in the present moment, and with love in your heart. 2) While you are doing your work do your best and think of nothing extraneous to the task at hand. 3) When the work is complete, let go. 4) Do not be attached to the outcome or the results of your work. 5) Do not be attached or concerned about any gain from the work. The work is yours to do, the results of the work are not yours. Surrender the results of your work to the divine.
  • 10. Why is Karma Yoga important as a homeopath? Even if you were the greatest homeopath in the world, and made the most perfect prescriptions at all times, you still have no control over what the client will do, what their attitude is, what the stars have in store for them, or anything else that will happen after the client takes the remedy. You can also make the most perfect prescription and the client can have stupendous results, but if they have a relapse down the road they can deny and forget about all benefit that they received from the homeopathic treatment. All you can do is your best in the moment, beyond that you have no control over anything, so the appropriate response is to let go, and take refuge in your own inner emptiness and peace, and remain dispassionate and unattached.
  • 11. How to Apply this to Your Homeopathic practice? Focus your attention on the work at hand. Employ your intuitive mind if there is a problem to be solved. Trust that whatever you need to do or know, you know how to do it, or you know how to seek the answers. Everything you need to do or know is already inside of you. You don’t have to effort with the mind to get the answers you need. Rather let go of the mind and the answers are there. At every moment, and inseparable from you is the indwelling God, which is identical with your very Self. The wisdom of the indwelling God is not limited by your ego’s knowledge or experience. It is one with the entire ocean of knowledge, experience and wisdom of the universe.
  • 12. When you quiet your thinking mind and access your intuitive mind all of that is accessible for you and usable by you for your work. Do you ever wonder how a small child can pick up several languages and speak them fluently by age three? The answer is she doesn’t try. She does not effort. She does not use her mind, so it all just happens for her. I see this with my granddaughter. For an adult using the mind to learn a foreign language decades can pass before they gain that same fluency. The difference is the child learns by not efforting, and the adult learns with the mind by efforting. Work without effort. Do not employ your mind when you work. Instead clear your mind, be an empty vessel, so that you are able to intuit what you need to know.
  • 13. Letting Go of the Outcome of Your Work This is the last step of Karma Yoga. This means that no matter what activity you are engaged in, the moment that activity ceases, do not permit yourself to think about it. It is now in the past. Do not doubt your performance. Do not worry about whether you did a good job. Do not worry about what the person you worked with thought of you. Do not worry about what the results of the work will be. This is service without ego. Remain pure in your heart. Your heart is free and not touched by the activity you were engaged in. The work is released to the universe, and you are left unaffected by it.
  • 14. The Benefits of Karma Yoga to You The ultimate goal of life is to be happy and to understand who you really are. Every one of us wants inner peace and contentment. Every one of us wants a heart that is not agitated by anxiety, fear or worry. These great jewels are to be found nowhere but inside yourself. They are always with you as the core of your being. By training the mind to stay present with yourself and the task at hand, you will learn to quiet the thinking mind, which is the source of most of your unhappiness, and increase access to the intuitive mind, the doorway to inner freedom. Any activity you are engaged in affords an opportunity to practice present moment awareness. Take advantage of that opportunity. The present moment is the moment in which peace and happiness resides. Surrender your thoughts of the past and the future to that present moment awareness, and the flower of grace, love and peace will blossom in your heart.
  • 16. How many people do you see in this room? Multiplicity is seeing—many materia medicas, many remedies, many repertories, the infinite number of things that can be turned into remedies, many diseases, and many people. Each person has a first and last name, sex, birth date, location, eye color, shape and multitudes of other variations. You can call this Samsara, Maya or the Manifest World. In Hinduism this would be Brahman’s projection; or in the dream world, this is the world we project out of ourselves from our dreams, which has no intrinsic reality. Hindus also believe that the manifest world is as much an illusion as the dream world. Now look again how many people are in the room? There are two answers to this: There is one person in the room. There is nobody in the room. The reason is that who is really in this room is the Self. The Self of, in and the beingness of everyone in the room.
  • 17. Seeing the multiplicity of the manifest world, or seeing the Oneness of everything, are both valid ways of perceiving, but if you want to work intuitively with people, it is necessary to be in the state of love where you perceive the underlying unity of all beings. If all you perceive is the manifest world, then you will be blind to the unmanifest world, which is the substratum beneath it all. The barrier to perceiving the source is the ego, which is the mind in the active thinking mode. The more you practice quieting the activity of the mind and descending deeper and deeper into yourself, the more you part the veil, which prevents you from being one with the source of All. A common analogy is the words on the paper (the manifest world) and the paper on which the words are written, (the unmanifest world).
  • 18. The level I am teaching at today is the Soul Level, where you recognize that there is only one person in this room and that person is I. That I sense that each of us has and is, is the animating principle, the life principle, the essence that everything in nature contains. All of us partake of this essence. When I am talking to you, I am talking to your I. Who I see when I look at you is your I. You can also call it the Self. Since all of us have one of these—and it is identical in all, we are all the same in essence. With this understanding one can recognize and see the Self in everyone as the Self in One’s self.
  • 19. Who does each of us love more than anyone else in the entire world—the Self, I. When you see that Self and I everywhere, then you have love for everyone, respect for everyone, Oneness with everyone. As a homeopath apprehending your client from this level, the level of the Self or you can call it God, if you ask for guidance about what remedy resonates with this person, what potency they need, the answer will be revealed. The Self, God and I are inseparable. When you quiet the thinking mind and descend deep within yourself through silence—you will be in the state of Godliness, or Unity Consciousness. This is the state from which the best homeopathy is practiced. In this state you understand that you are not the Doer, you are an instrument of the Divine, playing your part in the cosmic dance, but the dance, and the dancer and God are inseparable. They are one.
  • 20. “Ask and You Shall be Given.” When applied to a homeopath, this means, Ask what remedy, potency, quantity the patient needs, and the answer will be revealed to you. In my case it is in the form of yes and no questions. I make my body a pendulum and I stand opposite the patient, or if I am doing the consultation over Skype or FaceTime, I stand opposite the computer, looking at the client. I submerge my ego in meditation. Then I ask the patient to hold a remedy in his/her left hand. Why the left hand—because the left hand is the receiving hand, but this doesn’t really matter. And I say, “Dear God, Please make me a hollow bone for Alice or Jack. Is this remedy that he/she is holding in their left hand good for him or her?
  • 21. If the remedy is good, my body will move forward. If the remedy is very good my body can be strongly propelled forward. I feel my being is taken over by something, a force that causes this response. If there is no resonance my body will stay upright. There is no resonance. If the remedy is not good for the person, my body will move backward. If it is very bad, it can be a strong backward movement. If I am testing a number of remedies, or the same remedy in a number of potencies, I make sure to keep careful track of the response to each remedy. I also invite the patient to tell me what they feel when holding the remedy. One of the great things about this process is that it corrects me when I think I have chosen a very good remedy for the person, and my ego is very excited about it. My ego thinks it knows what is needed, and can justify what it believes is a very clever prescription. This testing process where we see where the actual resonance is is often very humbling. The remedy needed is often a commonly used polycrest remedy, and not the rare remedy that the ego was very excited about.
  • 22. Remember that by the time I have come to the step of testing the remedies, I have already put several hours into the case. Reviewing the questionnaire Preparing the Analysis Sheet Beginning the repertorization process Taking the case Refining the Repertorization. Studying the remedies I am considering in various materia medicas. At this point I have done all the intellect can do, all the computer can do. I have reached the limits of the intellect. The final decision has to be transcendent. At the point of testing all of the information is in me. It is alive and active in me. I am immersed in the client. When I am ready to test the remedies for the patient all of these forces are active, and I surrender the final decision to the Divine. In this way I am not the Doer. God (not my ego made the prescription). I have also followed all the steps of Karma Yoga.
  • 23. I ask God, “Please bring people to me whom I can help.” God is the great Orchestrator. I do believe that there is a higher force at play, bringing the clients to you. Then once they are there, practice the steps of Karma Yoga: 1) be present with the task at hand. Do your best. 2) After the prescription has been made do not doubt yourself. 3) Your work is now released into the universe—you have no control of the outcome. 4) Dispassion. Come back to emptiness. You are not the Doer anyway. Einstein said, “The Rational Mind is the Humble Servant. The intuitive mind is the Sacred Gift. Our culture tends to worship the servant and forget all about the gift.” Quote from the Tao Te Ching, “A good scientist is one who frees himself of concepts and keeps his mind open to what is.”
  • 24. I hope you have enjoyed this slide show, and that it has helped the viewer understand the positive role that adding the element of intuition to the science of homeopathy can lead to better prescriptions, lessen the stress to the homeopath, and increase healing in the world.