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Maintenance of osmotic balance is a function of the kidney. Why is this so?
A. It filters the excess material from the blood
B. It participate in the active transport of solutes in all cells
C. It reduces the blood pressure
D. It controls the amount of blood cell to be produced
At the competition of mitosis, the reminder of the cell divides and a new cell divides and a
new cell wall is formed. This process is called .
A. Meiosis
B. Cytokinesis
C. Recombination
D. Cross-over
A boringtoolis usedto drill a holeinto a tree.Which sequenceof tissueswould it encounter?
A. Phloem — xylem — vascular cambium
B. Phloem — vascular cambium — xylem
C. Xylem — vascular cambium — phloem
D. Xylem — phloem — vascular cambium
What accounts for the movement of water into a root hair and on to the xylem?
A. The pressure exerted on the roots by the surrounding soil
B. Diffusion due to the difference in concentration of minerals
C. Osmosis due to the osmotic pressure created by the surrounding ground
D. The active transport of minerals into the root tissues creating osmotic pressure
Children born with a deficiency of thyroxin _____ if deficiency is not checked.
A. Grow too rapidly
B. Lose their hair
C. Have weak bones
D. Become mentally retarded
The structure of Bacteriophage T4 is BEST described as an arrangement of
A. proteins surrounding a chromosome made of DNA
B. proteins surrounding a chromosome made of RNA
C. chromosomes made of DNA surrounding a core of proteins
D. chromosomes made of RNA surrounding a core of proteins
Which of the following is typical of passive immunity?
A. It is relatively short-lived
B. A person makes their own antibodies
C. It comes and goes depending on a person’s health
D. It can be induced by injecting a weakened pathogen
Which one is a liquid fossil fuel?
A. Petrochemical
B. Methane
C. Petroleum
D. Alcohol
Which illness is caused by Plasmodium, member of Phylum Sporozoa, from Kingdom
A. Dengue Fever
B. Malaria
C. African sleeping sickness
D. Amoebiasis
Which kingdom includes bacteria?
A. Fungi.
B. Monera.
C. Plantae.
D. Protista.
Where can you find the phytoplanktons at night?
A. Surface water
B. Bathypelagic
C. Lower part of the lake
D. Littoral zone
Which of the following is a cloned organism?
A. Rat with rabbit hemoglobin genes
B. Human gene with a blood clothing gene
C. Bacterium that has received genes by conjugation
D. Fem grown in cell culture from a single root cell
Which of the following scientists demonstrated that tobacco mosaic disease could be
transferred from an infected plant to a healthy plant in the juice extracted from the infected
A. Miller
B. Meyer
C. Beijerinick
D. Iwanowski
What did Mendel do to ensure that he had pure-breeding plants for his experiments?
A. He removed the male parts of the plants
B. He removed the female part of the plants
C. He cross-fertilized each variety with each other
D. He allowed each variety to self-fertilized for several generations
Which of the following is NOT a correct match?
A. Scaly legs — frog
B. Crop and gizzard — chicken
C. Boneless — shark
D. Free-living — lamprey
When you fail to eat the usual kind and amount of food you take everyday, what could serve
as the fuel source of cells in your body?
A. Fats in adipose tissue
B. Cholesterol in blood vessels
C. Albumin in the blood
D. Glycogen in the liver
Which of the following is MOST characteristic of eubacteria?
A. Anaerobic
B. Common and abundant
C. Live in harsh environments
D. Uncommon with simple characteristics
In incomplete dominance, a cross between the two heterozygotes would result to which
phenotypic ratio?
A. 1:2:1
B. 3:1
C. 1:1:1:1
D. 4:0
Which of the following is the BEST description of the structure and function of the Casparian
A. A set of cells that allows water into the xylem from the root hairs
B. A waxy layer around the xylem that prevents water from leaving once it is there
C. A protein-rich layer that enzymatically controls water movement in a vascular bundle
D. A specialized tissue that conducts water in the xylem of roots to the xylem above the
What explains why our lips are “redder” than our palm?
A. Many blood vessels are located around the lips
B. Lip epidermis is thinner
C. Lips are heavily keratinized
D. There is increased blood flow in the lips
What do you call the cellular extension of Amoeba that serves as locomotory structure?
A. pseudopodia
B. pseudocoelom
C. flagellum
D. cilium
A pathogen is BEST described as a
A. toxic chemical
B. virus or bacterium
C. carrier of a disease
D. disease-causing microbe
Which levels of biological organization includes all the others listed?
A. Biome
B. Ecosystem
C. Population
D. Community
Which of the following is an arthropod?
A. Jellyfish
B. Snail
C. Mosquito
D. Starfish
Where would you most likely get phytoplanktons?
a. At the bottom of the ocean
b. Near the coast
c. Near the surface of water
d. In mangrove forest
What is the function of uropods and a telson?
A. Excretion
B. Reproduction
C. Locomotion
D. Digestion
Which structure would exhibit the highest degree of keratinization?
A. Stratum corneum of skin
B. Paw pad
C. Nails
D. Callus
During the vaccination against small pox, what did Jenner inject into people?
A. Fluid from a cowpox blister
B. Blood from an infected cow
C. Pus from an infected person
D. Antibiotics he developed against small pox
When is cellular respiration performed?
A. During the day
B. During the night
C. Anytime of the day as long as the necessary materials are present
D. At 12 midnight
Which of the following statements about flower parts is CORRECT?
A. Sepals are photosynthetic
B. The female parts surround the central male part
C. Pistils are male parts, while stamens are female parts
D. The style is the source of energy and fragrance for the flower
What do you call the role of an organism in an ecosystem?
A. Habitat
B. Occupation
C. Niche
D. Troph
Which kingdom does NOT contain photosynthetic organisms?
A. Plant
B. Fungus
C. Protist
D. Monera (Eubacteria)
What is another name for light independent reaction?
A. Krebs cycle
B. Calvin Cycle
C. Signal transduction pathway
D. Chemiosmosis
A bacterium that makes its food using energy from chemicals found in its environment is
termed a
A. photosynthetic autotroph
B. chemosynthetic autotroph
C. photosynthetic heterotroph
D. chemosynthetic heterotroph
How is a community formed?
A. Different individuals in an area
B. Aggregation of individuals of the same species
C. Group of species in a given space at a given time
D. Several different population interacting with its environment in given space at a
given time
Which is the plasmid that increases resistance to antibiotics?
A. Col-plasmid
B. F-plasmid
C. Cell-plasmid
D. R-plasmid
Which of the following has a nymph stage in its life cycle?
A. Grasshopper
B. Moth
C. Mosquito
D. Fly
According to 10% rule, how much energy will be made available to the next trophic level?
A. 100%
B. 90%
C. .1%
D. 10%
Which of the following correctly describes the water flow through a sponge?
A. In and out through the osculum
B. In and out through the porocytes
C. In through porocytes and out the osculum
D. In through the osculum and out through the porocytes
Which phylum does Rhizopus stolonifer belong to?
A. Phylum Oomycetes
B. Phylum Ascomycetes
C. Phylum Zygomycetes
D. Phylum Basidiomycetes
The funnel-shaped opening through which the egg cell is released in the?
A. umbilical cord
B. uterus
C. fallopian tube
D. tubules
Which particular structure serves as the site for gas exchange?
A. Bronchus
B. Trachea
C. Bronchioles
D. Alveolus
Which of the following correctly describes the tissue layers in the animals indicated?
A. Jellyfish — 2 layers; tapeworm —3 layers; round worm — 3 layers
B. Jellyfish — 2 layers; tapeworm — 3 layers; round worm — 4 layers
C. Jellyfish — 2 layers; tapeworm — 2 layers; round worm — 3 layers
D. Jellyfish — 3 layers; tapeworm — 3 layers; round worm — 4 layers
John experienced a lack of growth hormone (GH) as a child. Now that John is an adult, it is
likely that he:
A. Has cognitive and emotional problems as a result of his hormone deficiency
B. Has normal adult body proportions, but extremely short stature
C. Has developed a physique similar to that seen in females
D. Is of normal of height, but has child-like body proportion
If trait is controlled by gene that is located in the x chromosome, it is classified as
A. Genotype
B. gene-linked
C. sex-linked
D. phenotype
The cnidarians like the starfishes and hydra possess an organ for protection. What is this
organ and how does it defend the cnidarians from their enemies?
A. Nematocysts: contains poison
B. Nematocyst: sharp edges
C. Spicules: sharp bones
D. Nematocyst: contains cyst
Which of the following is NOT included in evidences for endosymbiont theory that refers to
chloroplast and mitochondrial origin?
a. They can self-replicate
b. They have DNA
c. They produce lactate
d. They are involved in energy metabolism
During photosynthesis, the products are
A. carbon dioxide and water, while the reactants are oxygen and sugar
B. oxygen and carbon dioxide, while the reactants are sugar and water
C. water and oxygen, while the reactants are sugar and carbon dioxide
D. sugar and oxygen, while the reactants are carbon dioxide and water
When can we say that an ecosystem is managed?
A. When it is formed by natural phenomenon
B. If it is maintained by man
C. When it costs a lot
D. When it is beautiful
Which theory states that life originated from non-living materials?
A. Naturalistic
B. Cosmozoic
C. Spontaneous generation
D. Special creation
Which plant has underground stem modified for reproduction?
A. Ginger
B. Camote
C. Tubers
D. Strawberry
What is a group of tissues with a unifying function called?
A. Cell
B. Organ
C. Organism.
D. Organ system
Which is true about enzymes?
A. it cannot be made nonfunctional
B. it is highly specific to only one molecule and will never react to other molecules even if
they fit into their active site
C. it is not directly involve in the reaction
D. it maintains its chemical composition and structure even after a reaction
Cells are allowed to fuse by .
A. RNA polymerase
B. helicases
C. polyethylene glycol
D. DNA ligase
Why is lightning said to contribute in the nitrogen cycle?
A. It makes the nitrifying bacteria faster and stronger by supplying light
B. It supplies energy needed for chemical reaction of nitrogenous material in the
C. It makes plant more photosynthetic
D. It nourishes the soil with charged particles
Which phylum does a puffball belong to?
A. Phylum Oomycetes
B. Phylum Ascomycetes
C. Phylum Zygomycetes
D. Phylum Basidiomycetes
Kleinefelter Syndrome is due to an extra sex chromosome resulting to an individual having
XXY chromosomes. Which chromosomal abnormality is exhibited by this syndrome?
A. triploidy
B. trisomy
C. tetraploidy
D. tetrasomy
Which is a part of the formation of fossils fuels force?
A. Hydrologic cycle
B. Carbon Cycle
C. Phosphorus cycle
D. Nitrogen Cycle
Which phylum produces an N + N secondary mycelium?
A. Phylum Oomycetes
B. Phylum Ascomycetes
C. Phylum Zygomycetes
D. Phylum Basidiomycetes
Why do fruits and vegetables prevent constipation?
A. Fibers in fruits and vegetables aid in cleaning the colon, thus eliminating the waste
B. Fibers trap waste and eliminate it in bulk
C. Juice of fruits and vegetables push waste down the rectum
D. Vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables trigger contraction of muscles in the
Interleukins, proteins released by certain white blood cells, function to
A. absorb pathogens in the blood stream
B. activate other white blood cells during an infection
C. deactivate the immune system after an infection has passed
D. warn body cells that there are pathogens in the blood stream
Which is the universal energy source of the cell of air living things?
A. Carbon
C. Glucose
Lichen could NOT be symbiotic relationships between fungi and
A. plants
B. protists
C. animals
D. monerans.
What disorder is caused by a high concentration of calcium in the blood?
A. Thyroid Glands
B. Pancreas
C. Parathyroid glands
D. Liver
Parents both having a dominant phenotype could have offspring with recessive phenotype
A. They have homozygous genotype
B. They have heterozygous genotype
D. The offspring is female
D. The offspring is male
Spraying some plants with a combination of auxin and gibberellins will .
A. promote ripening of fruits
B. promote fruit formation
C. preventing senescence
D. enlarges fruit growth
All flowering plants belong to class
A. conifers
B. angiospermae
C. felicinae
D. gymnospermae
Two cells which have a chromosome number different from that of their single parent cell are
normally produced during the process of .
A. mitosis
B. meiosis
C. protein synthesis
D. cell membranes
Macroscopically, bacteria colonies can be distinguished from each other by all of the
following EXCEPT ONE. Which one?
A. Color
B. Sheen
C. Cell shape
D. Surface texture
Which is considered the master gland due to its influence on the activity of all the other
A. Thyroid
B. Adrenal
C. Pituitary
D. Parathyroid
A parasitic worm that has a dormant stage in a mammal can usually be found in a
A. cyst
B. snail
C. scolex
D. proglottid
What term is used when an egg develop into a new organism without itself being fertilized by
a sperm?
A. Budding
B. Conjugation
C. Regeneration
D. Fission
The limbs of a salamander cannot support much weight because they
A. are more like fins than legs
B. are not attached by bone to the spine
C. stick out sideways from the body
D. are weak and largely non-functional
The hypothesis that evolution occurs slowly is:
A. punctuated equilibrium
B. catastrophism
C. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
D. Gradualism
A disorder of the digestive system that happens more often in children than in adults is:
A. Peptic ulcer
B. Appendicitis
C. Gallstones
D. Jaundice
The following are members of the excretory system except:
A. Small intestine
B. Skin
C. Lungs
D. Liver
Which of the following scientists was the first to see the tobacco mosaic virus?
A. Miller
B. Meye
C. Beijerinick
D. Iwanowski
Which of the following choices includes all other in the list?
A. diffusion
B. osmosis
C. facilitated diffusion
D. passive transport
Mycorrhiza is a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and what else?
A. Lichen
B. Roots of plants
C. Another fungus
D. Photosynthetic parts of plants
What enzyme is secreted by the pancreas which splits starch into sugar?
A. Pepsin
B. Erepsin
C. Lipase
D. Amylase
Significant use of biotechnology does NOT currently include the production of
A. pathogens
B. disinfectants
C. protein hormones
D. genetically altered food
The separation of alleles into separate gametes during division exemplifies which principle?
A. dominance
B. segregation
C. independent assortment
D. bottle-neck effect
Which statement BEST describes the climax stage of an ecological succession?
A. Will change from season to season
B. Populated only by plants
C. Persists until there are drastic changes
D. Represents until there are drastic changes
Which partoftheperipheralnervoussystemconnectsthebrainandspinalcordtotheinternal
organs such as the heart, lungs, and liver?
A. Somatic
B. Autonomic
C. Central
D. Cranial
Mercury spilled in bodies of water in China caused ill to many Chinese residents near the
area, and death to a few. Fishes, and other aquatic organisms, however, were not reported to
be harmed by the said toxin. What could be the phenomenon that occurred?
A. Biological magnification
B. Eutrophication
C. Inversion
D. Algal bloom
The hyphae of egg fungi are
A. N and coenocytic
B. 2N and coenocytic
C. N and acoenocytic
D. 2N and acoenocytic
What gas is needed by the seed during germination?
A. Nitrogen
B. Carbon Dioxide
C. Hydrogen
D. Oxygen
Which of the following BEST describes the functions of pseudopodia?
A. Ingestion and digestion
B. Movement and ingestion
C. Reproduction and ingestion
D. Movement and reproduction
After fertilization, where would the zygote be implanted?
A. Fallopian tube
B. Wall of uterus
C. Lining of vagina
D. Cervix
Which of the following animals has a heart with clearly only one ventricle?
A. Salamanders
B. Alligators
C. Chickens
D. Horses
What will be the effect of too much Antidiuretic hormone in the blood?
A. The kidneys will be making too much urine
B. The urine formed will be more concentrated in solute, and lesser in volume
C. The kidneys will not filter the blood
D. The urine formed will be laden with blood
A lysogenic cycle differs from a lytic cycle in several ways. Which of these is NOT one of
A. The cycle includes a period of “dormancy.”
B. The host cell doesn’t burst open, it just eventually dies
C. The viral chromosome joins the host cell’s genetic material
D. The genetic material of the virus is produced by the host cell
What happen to the chromosomes of a cell when it is in S phase?
A. Reduced by half
B. Stays the same
C. Duplicated
D. Becomes coiled
Pigment molecules other than chlorophyll-a capture light energy and
A. make products other than glucose
B. store it to make glucose at another time
C. pass it along to chlorophyll-a for making glucose
D. make glucose, but less efficiently than chlorophyll-a
Water is an inorganic compound because it
A. contains carbon attached to hydrogen and oxygen
B. contains hydrogen and oxygen only, without carbon
C. can form solutions when mixed with solutes
D. is found in bodies of organisms
Which phylum of protists is NOT polymorphic?
A. Phylum Sporozoa
B. Phylum Pyrrophyta
C. Phylum Myxomycota
D. Phylum Acrasiomycota
The major job of genes is to control .
A. meiosis
B. mitosis
C. protein synthesis
D. cell membranes
Which chamber of the heart receives oxygenated blood?
A. Right atrium
B. Right ventricle
C. Left atrium
D. Left ventricle
Ulva is biologically significant because
A. it is eaten as dulce
B. it can grow on land and in the water
C. it is harvested for its agar-producing abilities
D. it displays the same kind of life cycle as moss
In mammalian cloning, the organism resulting from the technology is similar to the ______.
A. Owner of the embryonic cell
B. Surrogate embryonic cell
C. owner of the somatic cell
D. surrogate mother cel
Which of the following refers to a bacteriophage that can integrate its DNA in bacterial cell
without causing lysis?
A. Avirulent
B. Lysogenic
C. Lytic
D. Virulent
The seaweeds along the shores of the coast of BC are members of
A. Phyla Chlorophyta and Phaeophyta
B. Phyla Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta
C. Phyla Chlorophyta and Rhodophyta
D. Phyla Phaeophyta, Chlorophyta, and Rhodophyta
When collagen is removed from the bone, the bone becomes:
A. Rigid
B. Brittle
C. Stiffer
D. Flexible
Which of the following BEST describes the skeletal system of the classes of fish?
A. Agnatha — absent; Chondrichthyes — boney; Osteichthyes — cartilaginous
B. Agnatha — cartilaginous; Chondrichthyes — cartilaginous; Osteichthyes
— boney
C. Agnatha — absent; Chondrichthyes — boney; Osteichthyes — cartilaginous
D. Agnatha — boney; Chondrichthyes — cartilaginous; Osteichthyes — boney
Which of the following best describes the movement of a nematode?
A. Crawling
B. Swimming
C. Ciliated gliding
D. Whipping back and forth
Which structure aids in the mechanical digestion of food?
A. Tonsils
B. Tongue
C. Pharynx
D. Lips
Which stages of incomplete metamorphism are undergone by the grasshopper?
A. Nymph, pupa, adult
B. Egg, larva, pupa, adult
C. Egg, nymph, adult
D. Egg, pupa, adult
What instrument has a flexible gastroscope that is used to examine the esophagus and
A. Ultrasound
B. Laser
C. Endoscope
D. Scanner
The beaks of finches in Galapagos and the difference in color of peppered moths are due to:
A. divergent evolution
B. convergent evolution
C. natural selection
D. artificial selection
Which pathogen and disease is mismatched?
A. Gonyaulax — red tide
B. Entameba — dysentry
C. Giardia — beaver fever
D. Trypanosome — malaria
Which pigment is dominant in red algae?
A. Oxidator
B. Hydrator
C. Carbonation
D. Phycoerythrin
In food web, where is the greatest concentration of chemical bond energy?
A. Decomposers
B. Primary consumers
C. Producers
D. Secondary consumers
Why is incineration not favored as a method of waste disposal?
A. Needs more than power to exert
B. Releases corrosive and noxious gasses
C. Requires large energy expenditure
At metaphase ofthe first meiotic division, thechromosomes are attachedtothe spindle fibers
as ______.
A. Double chromatids
B. Non-homologous pairs
C. single chromatid strands
D. a tetrad of four chromatids
Fruit growers often other propagate their plants by a sexual means because the resulting of
spring will ____.
A. be an improved variety than the parent
B. show little variation from the parent
C. bear larger fruit than the patient
D. how no environmental variation
Which are the two hosts of ascaris?
A. Cow and man
B. Man and Dog
C. Cow and pig
D. Man and pig
What do we get from carbohydrates and fat?
A. Cell Builders
B. Tissue builders
C. Heat and energy
D. Growth regulators
Retroviruses are significant in studies of human diseases because they inject
A. cancer-causing genes
B. cancer-preventing genes
C. genetic material that produces cancer-causing genes
D. genetic material that produces cancer-preventing genes
Which of the following is the BEST description of a tissue?
A. Part of an organ
B. A set of cells that function together
C. A cluster of cells all in the same place
D. A set of identical cells that have a unified function
The use of radioactive isotopes fall under:
A. relative dating
B. absolute dating
C. homologue analysis
D. comparative genomics
A cloaca is a common opening for all of the following systems EXCEPT
A. digestive
B. reproductive
C. excretory
D. circulatory
When a fungal spore germinates and continues to grow, it grows from a
A. tip and forms a strand called a hypha
B. base and forms a strand called a hypha
C. tip and forms a strand called a mycelium
D. base and forms a strand called a mycelium
Which part of the brain is involved when we think and reason out?
A. Cerebellum
B. Cerebrum
C. Medulla oblongata
D. Pons
What is a distinguishing characteristic of HOMO SAPIENS over the lower mammals?
A. Blood vessels
B. Sensitive skin
C. Large brain
D. Endoskeleton
The circulatory system may have systemic of pulmonary circulation. Which of the
following exhibits pulmonary circulation?
A. Blood going to skin for oxygenation
B. Blood going to heart
C. Blood going to lungs for oxygenation
D. Blood going to muscles
Which of the following is LEAST LIKELY to form a fossil?
A. Skin
B. Teeth
C. Shells
D. Bones
How are animals different from plants?
A. They are sessile
B. Their body is brown
C. They are heterotrophic
D. They have a heart
Hemoglobin is found in the blood of humans and earthworms but not in the blood of
grasshoppers. Which conclusion is best supported by the statement?
A. The human and earthworm have lungs, the grasshopper have no lungs
B. The human and earthworms transport more oxygen with their blood than the
C. The human and earthworm have open circulatory systems, the grasshopper has a
D. The human and earthworm are adapted for anaerobic respiration, grasshopper is
adapted for aerobic respiration
What is the main function of the peripheral nervous system?
A. Communicates with the endocrine glands
B. Regulates our heartbeat and breathing
C. Controls our emotions and intelligence
D. Connects central nervous system to all organs
Cells are the basic unit of life because
A. They are the smallest matter found in living things
B. All living things have cells
C. Atom can form cells
D. They are the smallest unit exhibiting the characteristics of life
Which of the following sequences BEST describes the lytic cycle?
A. Infection — replication — self-assembly — lysis
B. Replication — infection — self-assembly — lysis
C. Lysis — replication — self-assembly — infection
D. Lysis — self-assembly — infection — replication
The tendency to react automatically to an external stimulus is called a/an
A. Habit
B. Instinct
C. Impulse
D. Reflex
Variations of a specific gene are known as
A. alleles
B. mutations
C. genotypes
D. phenotypes
Which structure regulates the opening and closing of the stomata?
A. Accesory cells
B. Epidermal cells
C. Tracheary cells
D. Guard Cells
What kind of tissue lines our skin and what is its important function?
A. Nerve tissue responsible for reflexes
B. Epithelial protection from ultraviolet radiation
C. Nerve tissue; receive stimuli on the skin
D. Epithelial; produce new cells when peeled off
Fishes and whales have similar structure even if they are from different class because:
A. They live in similar habitat
B. They eat the same food
C. They are able to cross-breed
D. Fish mimic whales to scare predators
An antiseptic is most correctly used to kill bacteria that
A. are in food
B. may be found in a cut
C. can be found internally
D. are on non-living surfaces
Which of the following scientists concluded that tobacco mosaic disease was caused by
organisms capable of reproduction?
A. Miller
B. Meyer
C. Beijerinick
D. Iwanowski
Which structure can be found in a prokaryote?
A. Nucleus
B. Ribosome
C. Plastid
D. Lysosome
The most important factor in deciding whether or not two populations of birds living on two
different islands belong to the same species is their
A. physical similarity
B. embryological similarity
C. environmental requirement
D. mutual reproductive capability
Which of thefollowingcorrectlyexpressestherelativeplacementof a vertebrate’snervecord
and major blood vessels?
A. Both are dorsal
B. Both are ventral
C. The nerve cord is ventral and the blood vessels are dorsal
D. The nerve cord is dorsal and the blood vessels are ventral
What is the natural phenomena on wherein thereis a continuous movement of water from the
source to the atmosphere and back?
A. Hydrogen cycle
B. Carbon cycle
C. Mineral cycle
D. Hydrologic cycle
Which is the energy storage compound used to do all forms of work of the cell?
A. Electron
B. Adenine
C. Nicotinamide
D. Adenosine triphosphate
When is Calvin cycle performed?
A. During the day
B. During the night
C. Anytime of the day as long as the necessary materials are present
D. At 12 midnight
Which popular plant is described as carnivorous?
A. Water hyacinth
B. Capillary action
C. Pitcher Plant
D. Kataka-taka
If a pin were poked into a nematode from the outside into the intestine, what would it pass
A. Ectoderm, mesoderm, pseudocoelom, then endoderm
B. Ectoderm, pseudocoelom, mesoderm, then endoderm
C. Ectoderm, mesoderm, pseudocoelom,mesoderm, then endoderm
D. Ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm, pseudocoelom, mesoderm,then endoderm
Which results from drinking saltwater?
A. Poisoning of the cells
B. Dehydration of the cells
C. Increase in cell pressure
D. Bursting of the cells
When body parts are paired on either side of the body; this type of symmetry is
called .
A. Dorso-ventral
B. bilateral
C. Radial
D. dorsal
What BEST describes respiration?
A. Taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen
B. Breathing in a mixture of different gases
C. Breathing in and breathing out
D. Taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide
Ramil has been struggling to maintain his weight. His neck seems to be swollen, his eyes are
bulging out and his eyebrows are starting to shed. What could be causing these
A. His adrenal gland secretes too much of epinephrine
B. Growth hormone from pituitary is irregularly secreted
C. His thyroid gland does not function normally
D. Testosterone level in his blood is too high for his age
Which of the following animals is a member of Class Scyphozoa?
A. Hydra
B. Jellyfish
C. Planaria
D. Sea anemone
Which process during photosynthesis involves the addition of hydrogen?
A. Oxidator
B. Hydrator
C. Carbonation
D. Reduction
A bimodal distribution of phenotypes in any given populationcould naturally appear through
A. artificial selection
B. disruptive selection
C. stabilizing selection
D. directional selection
What BEST describes respiration?
A. Taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen
B. Breathing in a mixture of different gases
C. Breathing in and breathing out
D. Taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide
What substance do leeches secrets which keeps the blood they feed on state?
A. Haemologbin
B. Ecdysine
C. Anticoagulant
D. fibrinogen
The fact that no two members of the same species are absolutely identical is an example of
A. diversity
B. homeostasis
C. change through time
D. structural adaptations
Which type of muscle tissue found in the walls of our stomach is responsible for the process
of peristalsis?
A. Voluntary
B. Striated
C. Cardiac
D. Smooth
Which is NOT an example of artificial selection?
A. Bird watching
B. Breeding race horses
C. Raising purebred dogs
D. Protecting endangered species
Cellular transport is possible even if there is no concentration gradient. At this point, which
of the following transport mechanism occurs?
a. Passive transport
b. Active transport
c. Bulk transport
d. Facilitated diffusion
The age of mammals was traced to about ______?
A. 5-6 billion years
B. 65 million years
C. 230 million years
D. 600 million years
Where on a plant would one look to find an apex?
A. In a flower
B. Along the stem
C. Under the leaves
D. At the tip of a branch
How are mitochondria and chloraplasts similar to bacteria?
A. They are larger than normal cells
B. They are bounded by a single membrane
C. They lack ribosomes
D. They have a limited amount of genetic material
Which color of light is most effectively absorbed by plants during photosynthesis?
A. green, yellow, violet
B. blue, yellow violet
C. red, blue, violet
D. red, blue, green
The age of fossils can be determined by _______.
A. the age of sediments were found
B. carbon-14 dating method
C. when the organisms came about
D. the nature of radiations emitted
Water vascular system serves as skeletal support of which animal group?
A. Mollusk
B. Echinoderm
C. Arthropod
D. Sponges
Where does exchange of materials between the blood and body tissues take place?
A. Platelets
B. Veins
C. Arteries
D. Capillaries
The shape of the mango tree is different from that of the pine treeders to a type of branching
which is described as ______.
A. tubular
B. columnar
C. deliquescent
D. excurrent
Which of the following MOST ACCURATELY describes the production of basidiospores?
A. Singulary
B. In clusters of four
C. In clusters of eight
D. Hundreds at a time
What is the main difference between the uterus of a human and the uterus of a rat?
A. Shape
B. Function
C. Location in the body
D. Attachment to internal other organs
The following are the functions of the integumentary system except:
A. Sensation
B. Protection
C. Movement
D. Secretion
What structure assists the algae to float in water?
A. Air bladder
B. Gall bladder
C. Air sacs
D. Fluid filled sacs
What shape is a bacillus bacterium?
A. Spiral
B. Elongate
C. Spherical
D. Polyhedral
The aortic arches of an earthworm are located around the
A. pharynx
B. intestine
C. esophagus
D. ventral nerve cord
The fact that embryos of different animals appear similar during various stages of their
development suggests that they are
A. evolving
B. mutating
C. genetically related
D. analogous to one another
People who live in high altitude have blood that is described to have.
A. high number of white blood cells
B. low number of red blood cells
C. same number of red blood cells
D. high number of red blood cells
Sessile aquatic animals are more likely to be
A. radially symmetrical, have separate sexes and reproduce by mating.
B. radially symmetrical, hermaphroditic and reproduce by broadcasting.
C. bilaterally symmetrical, have separate sexes and reproduce by mating.
D. bilaterally symmetrical, hermaphroditic and reproduce by broadcasting.
A very high level of calcium in the blood suggests a malfunction of the:
A. Pancreas
B. Liver
C. Parathyroid
D. Large intestines
Which theory on how life began do chemists and geologists agree on today?
A. Special Creation
B. Spontaneous generation
C. Cosmozoic
D. Naturalistic
Viral specificity, the fact that a given type of virus can only affect one kind of host cell, is
A. because of toxins produced by non-host cells.
B. a result of the matching of chemical structures.
C. an indication of their relative strength or weakness.
D. nature’s way of ensuring a wide distribution of viruses.
Individuals without the specializations required to survive in a changing environment
A. die.
B. adapt.
C. evolve.
D. mutate.
During cellular respiration, the products are
A. carbon dioxide and water, while the reactants are oxygen and sugar.
B. oxygen and carbon dioxide, while the reactants are sugar and water.
C. water and oxygen, while the reactants are sugar and carbon dioxide.
D. sugar and oxygen, while the reactants are carbon dioxide and water
Which of the following is the best example of a population?
A. 25 chicks in Manila zoo
B. Giraffes in 10 square meter lot in Subic
C. 18 kangarros in 15 square meter lot last Friday, March 21, 2008
D. 8 cockroaches on an 20”x13” sink in Raffy’s house on February 18, 2005
Scientists who classified living things as plants or animals:
A. Aristotle
B. Linnaeus
C. Einstein
D. Newton
During binary fission, bacteria will
A. divide by mitosis and double their number
B. produce gametes that fuse to form a zygote
C. divide by meiosis and quadruple their number
D. combine, exchange genetic material, and then divide
Which pair most correctly matches structures with their functions?
A. Crop — storage; gizzard — grinding
B. Crop — grinding; gizzard — storage
C. Crop — chemical digestion; gizzard — physical digestion
D. Crop — physical digestion; gizzard — chemical digestion
Which of the followingis LEAST likely to be trueaboutherbivoresand carnivoresinthe same
A. Both are part of the biota of the area
B. The carnivores could prey on the herbivores
C. They are both are the same trophic level
D. The density of both populations undergoes regular fluctuations
The remora fish probably has no effect on the shark but the remora benefits from it. What type
of relationship is this?
A. Mutualism
B. Predation
C. Commensalism
D. Parasitism
Nematocyst is commonly found in:
A. Porifera
B. Cnidarian
C. Echinodermata
D. Platyhelmenthes
The modern horse has fewer toes than its ancestors. Such change is governed by
A. Reduction-division
B. Natural Selection
C. chromosomal deletions
D. use and disuse
DNA is to genetic material as RNA is to:
A. Energy storage
B. Protein synthesis
C. Glucose formation
D. Lipid synthesis
The ability of an organism to pass on its genes to its offspring is part of the definition of
A. fitness
B. radiation
C. evolution
D. adaptation
If a person previously had cow pox and was infected with small pox, then the
A. effect would be severe
B. person would most certainly die
C. effect would be minimal if any even occurred
D. person could become sick with any kind of pox, including chicken pox
Which of the following describes a monocotyledon?
A. Six petals per flower with parallel veins in leaves
B. Six petals per flower with branching veins in leaves
C. Twelve petals per flower with parallel veins in leaves
D. Twelve petals per flower with branching veins in leaves
In which of region of the atmosphere is the concentration of chemical bond energy?
A. Decomposers
B. Primary consumers
C. Producers
D. Secondary consumers
Cephalization MOST ACCURATELY refers to the development of
A. a brain
B. a head
C. a scolex
D. an anterior end
Which of the following is Lamarck’s theory believed by Darwin to be true?
A. Need
B. Use and disuse
C. Descent with modification
D. Inheritance of acquired characteristics
Organisms use sugar to make an energy-rich molecule called
What happens when there is too much sugar in the blood?
a. The brainsignalsthe pancreastorelease insulinso thatexcess sugar can be stored
in the liver
b. The brain signals the pancreas to release glucagon so stored sugar would be released
from the liver
c. The brain signals the pancreas to release glucagon so that excess sugar can be stored in
the liver
d. The brain signals the pancreas to release insulin so stored sugar would be released from
the liver
Organisms that generally use oxygen, but can survive without it are called
A. obligate aerobes.
B. facultative aerobes.
C. obligate anaerobes.
D. facultative anaerobes.
Which one is insufficient in cretinism?
A. insulin
B. Adrenalin
C. Parathromone
D. Thyroxin
What happens to the lungs in a disease called emphysema?
A. Carbon dioxide accumulate fast
B. Linings of the lungs dry up
C. Tracheal cells get filled up
D. Alveolar walls break down
Which of the following is NOT a necessary component of the process of natural selection?
A. extinction
B. selective pressure
C. phenotypic variation
D. reproductive success
Which of the following is true to meiosis?
A. It forms sex cells
B. It forms spores in plants
C. It produces diploid cells
D. In occurs in the body cells
The annelid feature that “relates” best to mollusks is the
A. degree of specialization of the nervous system
B. lack of development of an excretory system
C. development of ciliated larvae
D. extent to which their bodies are segmented
Of all biomes, which is the most fragile?
A. Tundra
B. Estuary
C. Deciduous forest
D. Taiga
How do tapeworms reproduce asexually?
A. Scolex initiate bilateral fission
B. Proglottids release sperm and egg
C. Regeneration of organism through detached proglottid
D. Transverse fission of proglottids
Why is there a need to classify living things?
A. To identify organism
B. To enrich our lives
C. To give biologists something to do
D. To locate organism easily
When thedensityof a growingpopulationsurpassesthecarryingcapacityofitsenvironment,
the organisms will
A. stop reproducing until the population size degreases significantly.
B. reduce the number of offspring per female in the population.
C. begin to die faster than new ones are produced.
D. go extinct.
If the flow of blood in a vessel is toward the heart then the vessel is identified as a______.
A. Ventricle
B. artery
C. vein
D. atrium
What is the chemical nature of enzymes?
A. Protein
B. Amino acid
C. Nucleic acid
D. Lipid
Sharp and tearing teeth are likely to be found in a:
A. Autotroph
B. Consumer
C. Decomposer
D. Producer
Chromosomes do not normally occur in pairs in :
A. Earthworm
B. somatic cells
C. Fertilized eggs
D. gametes
How many functional cell(s) is/are produced after oogenesis?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
In which growing conditions would you find xerophytes, hydrophytes, and halophytes
A. Mineral-rich, aquatic, dry
B. Aquatic, dry, mineral-rich
C. Dry, aquatic, mineral-rich
D. Dry, mineral-rich, aquatic
Which of the following pairs in mismatched?
A. Gastropod — mantle cavity
B. Bivalvia — water vascular system
C. Oligochaete — segments
D. Hirudinea — suckers
Meiosis results in the production of
A. two diploid daughter cells
B. four diploid daughter cells
C. two haploid daughter cells
D. four haploid daughter cells
What are the location and function of endosperm?
A. In a flower to attract pollen
B. In fruit to protect the embryo
C. In a seed to feed the embryo
D. Part of pollen required for fertilization
What disease common among cigarette smokers affects the air sacs of the lungs?
A. Tuberculosis
B. Asthma
C. Emphysema
D. Tracheal disorder
The Bipolar nature of the cell membrane is due to ___?
A. Presence of carriers
B. presence of glycolipids
C. Phospholipids bilayer
D. Integral bilayer
What do you call the animals that ingest both plants and animals?
A. Carnivores
B. Omnivores
C. Herbivores
D. Saprophytes
The fact that some flowers close up at night and open up during the day is an example of
A. continuity
B. interactions
C. homeostasis
D. structural adaptations
Limbs are attached to the vertebral column as follows:
A. pelvic are on the left; pectoral are on the right
B. pelvic are on the right; pectoral are on the left
C. pelvic are anterior; pectoral are posterior
D. pelvic are posterior; pectoral are anterior
Canis familiaris is the scientific name of a dog, Canis is the:
A. Specie
B. Genus
C. Phylum
D. Class
Which of thefollowingis thecorrectsequenceofthe digestiveorgansthroughwhichmaterial
pass in a rat?
A. Mouth, trachea, stomach, small intestine, anus
B. Mouth, esophagus, crop, gizzard, intestine
C. Mouth, stomach, rectum, large intestine, anus
D. Mouth, stomach, small intestine, caecum, large intestine
How can decomposition affect an ecosystem?
a. It lessens the amount of biodegradable waste
b. It enriches the soil with inorganic materials needed
c. It promotes the absorption of materials
d. Both B and C
Alellopathy is the inhibition of plant growth due to the release of biochemicals by another
plant. Which of the following does alellopathy compares to the nearest?
a. Mutualism
b. Commensalism
c. Parasitism
d. Amensalism
Soil erosioncan be preventedbyvariousfarmingtechniques.Whichof the followingisuseful
in preventing surface runoff due to elevation and preventing much destruction of the
a. Strip cropping
b. Stubble planting
c. Terracing
d. Contour plowing
Which of the following sequences correctly specifies the study of insects?
A. Biology – botany – entomology
B. Zoology – biology – insectology
C. Biology – zoology – entomology
D. Biology – zoology – microbiology
Which of the following scientists conducted experiments that led to his belief that the cause
of tobacco mosaic disease was either a very small bacterium or a toxin produced by the
A. Miller
B. Meyer
C. Beijerinick
D. Iwanowski
A food web is a network of interacting
A. producers
B. food chains
C. consumers
D. habitats
A rare allele may become common in a small population in a relatively short period of time
due to
A. genetic drift.
B. adaptive radiation.
C. divergent evolution.
D. convergent evolution.
A litter of puppies being born to a dog is an example of
A. continuity.
B. interactions.
C. changes through time.
D. structural adaptations.
Which tissue is specialized to carry out the message sent by neurons to lift a book?
a. Nervous
b. Muscular
c. Epithelial
d. Connective
Which gas is essential to plants during cellular respiration?
a. carbon dioxide
b. oxygen
c. nitrogen
d. hydrogen
Select the TRUE statement from among the following statements about moss.
A. The sporophyte is photosynthetic, but the gametophyte is not
B. The gametophyte is photosynthetic, but the sporophyte is not
C. Both the gametophyte and the sporophyte are photosynthetic
D. Neither the sporophyte not the gametophyte is photosynthetic
Which of the following is the BEST description of the role of a substrate in relation to a
A. Defense
B. Camouflage
C. Reproduction
D. Source of nutrients
A hyphal strand that is termed coenocytic usually
A. has nuclei and cross walls
B. lacks nuclei and crosswalls
C. lacks nuclei, but has cross walls
D. has nuclei, but lacks cross walls
During mitosis, a double-stranded chromosome is attached to a spindle fiber at the
__________ .
A. Cell Plate
B. Centromere
C. Centrosome
D. Centriole
Which of the following is not true about science and technology?
A. Technology helps improve man’s life
B. Science is an organized knowledge about the environment
C. Technology can provide all the solutions to the problems of the society
D. Science taught man the relationship of living things with their environment
Which best describes meiosis as another form of cell division with accompanying nuclear
A. The nuclear changes follow one another indefinitely
B. Each new cell has double the amount from both parents
C. The nucleoli break uo unto teo parts and disappear
D. Each new cell has half the number of chromosomes
Hyphae that exhibit positive chemotaxis will grow
A. towards each other for reproductive purposes
B. towards each other to share a rich food source
C. away from each other to ensure distribution of spores
D. away from each other to avoid the rapid depletion of nutrients in one area
Why does the final consumer obtain the least amount of energy from the producer?
a. The statement is not true
b. Energy is lost at each transfer
c. It is the last in the chain of consumer
d. It is an animal
Biologists who classify organisms are called
A. organists
B. taxonomists
C. taxidermists
D. taxorganists
Creatively is a desirable trait that should be developed among our students. Describe a
creative person?
A. Creates beautiful set-ups
B. Imitates scientists a work
C. Originates own procedures
D. Announces same solutions
Which of the following levels of study in biology is MORE GENERAL than “community”?
A. Species
B. Ecosystem
C. Population
D. Organ system
Linnaeus based his classification of plants on
A. usefulness to man
B. evolutionary changes
C. environmental factors
D. structural characteristics
All taxa larger than "species" are
A. arbitrary
B. written in italics
C. biologically useless
D. artificial, defined by man
In one hour, given ideal growing conditions, a small colony of 10 cells could grow to include
A. 13 cells
B. 40 cells
C. 80 cells
D. Hundreds of cells
The following steps occur during conjugation. What is the correct sequence of these steps?
1. DNA replication
2. genetic recombination
3. genetic transfer between cells
A. 1, 3, 2
B. 2, 3, 1
C. 3, 1, 2
D. 1, 2, 3
Which of the following most accurately applies to endospore production?
A. Sexual; during poor growing conditions
B. Sexual; during good growing conditions
C. Asexual; during poor growing conditions
D. Asexual; during good growing conditions
Bacterial cells are called gram positive if their cell walls containing
A. lipids absorb safranine
B. lipids absorb crystal violet
C. carbohydrates absorb safranine
D. carbohydrates absorb crystal violet
Which part of an alga is NOT correctly matched with its function?
A. Float — buoyancy
B. Holdfast — anchorage
C. Stipe — conduct water
D. Blade — photsynthesis
Green algae is considered to be the most related to land plants because it
A. has vascular tissue, which other algae lack
B. is equipped with guard cells and stomata to control gas exchange
C. is predominantly a sporophyte, where other algae are gametophytes
D. stores glucose as starch, rather than oils or other complex carbohydrates
What is the process of removing salt from seawater?
A. Detoxification
B. Water Treatment
C. Purification
D. Desalination
Which of the following is LEAST useful when distinguishing betweenChlamydomonas and
A. Flagella
B. Eyespots
C. Pyrenoid body
D. Contractile proteins
Which of the following ideas does NOT support the notion that Volvox is a multicellular
A. It has simple tissues and organs
B. Most of the component cells are all very similar to each other
C. If broken apart, it can reassemble or replace the missing parts
D. There is some communication and coordination between the component cells
Why is it difficult to dispose off high-level nuclear wastes?
A. They have long half-lives
B. They are large and bulky
C. They emit radiation
D. They have short half-lives
What is the benefit obtained from greenhouse effect?
A. Speeds the growth of plants
B. Serves as a thermal blanket
C. Allows release of heat energy
D. Serves as a source of light energy
The holdfasts of Spirogyra are an advantage and a disadvantage because they
A. anchor the plant and absorb chemicals from the soil
B. anchor the plant and make it an easier target for herbivores
C. enable it to absorb chemicals from the soil, which may to toxic to its growth
D. enable it to grow taller increasing the possibility of breaking the filamentous structure
The process of replication ensures that daughter cells will have exact copies of
A. chromosomes without any mutations
B. all the genetic information for the organism
C. suitable segments of DNA required for cell survival
D. the genetic information to be used by those particular cells
Pollution has become a major problem largely because of the
A. use of renewable sources
B. dependence on fossils fuels
C. abundance of natural resources
D. decrease in energy resources
The burning of coat could be made less polluting by using a .
A. offshore drilling
B. motor vehicle device
C. scrubber system
D. recycling
Which of the following is true about stinging cells and collar cells?
A. They are homologous structures associated with the digestive system
B. Stinging cells are specializations of the ectoderm; collar cells are specializations of
C. Collar cells are specializations of the ectoderm; stinging cells are specializations of
D. Collar cells are members of colonies of cells; stinging cells are specializations of the
What are the functions of a gastrovascular cavity?
A. Digestion and excretion only
B. Excretion and circulation only
C. Digestion and circulation only
D. Digestion, excretion and, circulation
Which of the following animals has a nerve net?
A. Sponge
B. Jellyfish
C. Planaria
D. Tapeworm
What system do flame cells and nephridiopores belong to?
A. Excretory system of planaria
B. Circulatory system of planaria
C. Excretory system of roundworms
D. Circulatory system of roundworms
What is the advantage to a parasitic worm of having multiple hosts during its life cycle?
A. Finding a mate
B. Distributing their young
C. Infecting a wider range of animals
D. Sampling a wider range of nutrient sources
A human with a tapeworm most likely got it by consuming
A. raw snails
B. unsanitary water
C. poorly cooked meat
D. unwashed leafy vegetables
Which part of the brain responsible for intelligence, memory and learned behavior?
A. Cerebellum
B. Cerebrum
C. Medulla
D. Thalamus
What do you call the male gametophyte of an angiosperm?
A. Ovule
B. Embyo sac
C. Anther
D. Pollen grain
Bacterial activity can result in all of the following EXCEPT ONE. Which one?
A. Oil metabolism
B. Food production
C. Protein digestion
D. Oxygen production
Which phylum of protists is LEAST likely to have flagella?
A. Phylum Sarcodina
B. Phylum Pyrrophyta
C. Phylum Zoomastigina
D. Phylum Euglenophyta
Which BEST describes the climax stage of an ecological succession?
A. It changes rapidly from season to season
B. Represent initial phases of evolution
C. It persists until drastic changes occur
D. Populated only by plants
Which combination is MOST correct?
A. Parasite — E. coli — intestines
B. Symbiont — E. coli — stomach
C. Pathogen — H. pylori — stomach
D. Decomposer — H. pylori — intestines
What special equipment is placed inside the heart generate electrical impulse?
A. Endoscope
B. Pacemaker
C. Cardiac regulator
D. Heart pump
Nitrifying bacteria convert
A. N2 into NH3
B. N2 into NO3-1
C. NO3-1 into N2
D. NH3 into NO3-1
Most unicellular organisms that have a nucleus would be
A. eukaryotic and have cilia
B. prokaryotic and have ribosomes
C. prokaryotic and have chlorophyll
D. eukaryotic and have mitochondria
Which of the following is mismatched?
A. Digestive — protist-like
B. Ingestive — animal-like
C. Absorptive — fungus-like
D. Photosynthetic — plant-like
Which is the BEST description of plankton?
A. Floating plants
B. Microscopic aquatic organisms
C. Marine photosynthetic organisms without roots
D. Floating organisms that are at the mercy of the currents
Which sequence of taxa is in proper order?
A. Species, genus, family, class, order, phylum, kingdom
B. Genus, class, order, kingdom, phylum, species, family
C. Class, genus, family, species, order, phylum, kingdom
D. Species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom
Which roots system is best adapted for anchorage?
A. Secondary
B. Tertiary
C. Taproot
D. Fibrous
Conjugation is considered to be
A. sexual because new genetic combinations are produced
B. asexual because no new genetic combinations are produced
C. sexual because it requires a male and female of the same species
D. asexual because organisms can conduct conjugation independently
Which part of the breathing occurs when the diaphragm muscles are pulled downwards, thus
increasing the chest cavity?
A. Expiration
B. Release of energy
C. Inhalation
D. Inspiration
Among the following, which could be considered a population?
A. 8 coconut trees ling the fence
B. 10 rats in a 1 hectare rice field
C. 100 rats in a 1 hectare rice field
D. 40 students eating in the canteen
Which of the following is a correct description of reproduction by ameba?
A. sexually when conditions are poor
B. sexually when conditions are good
C. asexually when conditions are poor
D. by forming cysts when conditions are good
What organ is controlled by the automatic nervous system?
A. Brain
B. Bones
C. Heart
D. Skeletal Muscles
During the Plasmodium life cycle, where do the sporozoans mature?
A. Liver cells
B. Red blood cells
C. Human blood stream
D. Mosquito salivary glands
When light shines on water containing Euglena, the Euglena will most likely swim
A. towards it using their flagella
B. away from it using their flagella
C. towards it by eugleoid movement
D. away from it by euglenoid movement
Egg-mamals are called _____.
A. vivipamous
B. primates
C. oviparous
D. marsupials
An autotrophic nutritional relationship among organisms in an ecosystem is shown in the
conversion of .
A. protein into amino acids
B. radiant energy to chemical energy
C. free nitrogen into nitrites
D. rocks into soil
Which part of the brain controls our rate of breathing?
A. Cerebellum
B. Cerebrum
C. Spinal Cord
D. Medulla
Through what part does the embryo obtain its nourishment from the mother?
A. The oviduct
B. The umbilical cord
C. The food tubules
D. The fallopian tube
What is the main function of the large intestines?
A. Excrete bile pigments from ducts
B. Excrete salts and digested food
C. Digest food into liquid form
D. Complete the digestion of proteins
Arthropods exhibit fast and coordinated movement because they possess
A. an endoskeleton
B. jointed appendages
C. exoskeleton
D. bilateral symmetry
What happens to a food vacuole once it is formed?
A. It leaves via the gullet.
B. It fuses with a lysosome.
C. It becomes a contractile vacuole.
D. It becomes attached to the oral groove.
In experiment, which is the condition being introduced and whose effect is being observed?
A. Hypothesis formulated
B. Constant variable
C. Manipulated variable
D. Tentative variable
In order to elongate, an earthworm would have to
A. contract its circular muscles, while relaxing its longitudinal muscles
B. relax its circular muscles, while contracting its longitudinal muscles
C. contract both its circular and longitudinal muscles
D. relax both its circular and longitudinal muscles
Of the following, which is the BEST description of detritus?
A. Fungus
B. Fertilizer
C. Soil debris
D. Undigested wastes
The toxic substance secreted by bees and ants through their sting originate from
their _____,
A. silk glands
B. intestines
C. rectal gland
D. Salivary glands
Unlike a plant, a plant-like protist
A. is unicellular
B. has a nucleus
C. uses mitochondria
D. contains chloroplasts
A unicellular organism with membrane-bound organelles is generally considered to be a
A. plant-like protist
B. animal-like protist
C. fungus-like protist
D. protist of some kind
Which is the following causes our nose to “run” when we cry?
A. The lungs release water vapor
B. Mucous glands are activated
C. Tears enter the duct to the nasal cavity
D. The sinuses release water
When cause our bones to turn brittle and easily break?
A. Turning into muscle tissue
B. Increase in flexibility
C. Turbidity decreased
D. Removal of collagen
Under which conditions would the chance of transpiration be the greatest?
A. Hot and dry
B. Cold and dry
C. Hot and humid
D. Cold and humid
Which part of the ear is dangerously affected when sound is of a hundred decibels?
A. Stirrup
B. Eustachian tube
C. Semi-circular canal
D. Tympanic membrane
Which procedure is LEAST likely to be included in a list of sterile techniques?
A. Using disinfectants
B. Avoiding direct contact
C. Maintaining a biological control
D. Heating equipment to sterilize it
The development of a coelom is coupled with the earliest specialization of a/an
A. nervous system
B. excretory system
C. circulatory system
D. respiratory system
Which part of neuron conducts impulse from other cells toward the cell body?
A. Axon
B. Ganglia
C. Synapse
D. Dendrite
The lungs of a mammal are located in its
A. alimentary canal
B. abdominal cavity
C. cranial cavity
D. thoracic cavity
The reproductive structures of an earthworm are located
A. under the clitellum
B. mid-way along the length of the worm
C. closer to the anterior end of the worm
D. closer to the posterior end of the worm
Which part of the male reproductive system functions for formation of gametes?
a. Testes
b. Seminal vesicle
c. Penis
d. Scrotum
How many kingdoms of organisms will be studied in Biology 11?
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
Which of the following nutrients is incorrectly paired with its function in a plant?
A. Magnesium-constituent of chlorophyll
B. Iron-component of chlorophyll
C. Phosphorus-component of nucleic acid
D. Calcium-formation of cells walls
What process is responsible for the upward movement of water in very tall trees?
A. Transpiration
B. Capillary action
C. Turgor Pressure
D. Air Pressure
The setae of the earthworm function BEST for
A. traction
B. feeling
C. excretion
D. subdividing the coelom
Organisms are classified into kingdoms primarily by their
A. habitat
B. structures
C. size and coloration
D. reproductive behavior
Which pair of bases does NOT represent a complementary base pair?
A. thymine — adenine
B. adenine — guanine
C. guanine — cytosine
D. cytosine — guanine
When during the cell cycle does replication occur?
A. Just before prophase
B. S period of interphase
C. G1 period of interphase
D. G2 period of interphase
The theory of natural selection was developed by
A. Darwin
B. Mendel
C. Lamarck
D. Linnaeus
The genetic material of a retrovirus will organize the synthesis of
A. DNA from its RNA structure
B. DNA from its DNA structure
C. RNA from its RNA structure
D. RNA from its DNA structure
The evolution of a species could be MOST ACCURATELY documented by the
A. observation of a set of mutations.
B. change in the size of a physical feature.
C. change in the frequency of alleles in the gene pool.
D. occurrence of genotype that doesn’t change, thoughthe corresponding phenotype
Which of the following is TRUE of homologous structures?
A. They have the same types of tissues and the same functions
B. They have different types of tissues and may have different functions
C. They have different types of tissues but may have the same functions
D. They have the same types of tissues, but may have different functions
What phylum does an ameba belong to?
A. Phylum Ciliphora
B. Phylum Sarcodina
C. Phylum Pyrrophyta
D. Phylum Zoomastigina
A prophage is BEST described as
A. active viral genetic material
B. dormant viral genetic material
C. active bacterial genetic material
D. dormant bacterial genetic material
RNA differs from DNA in all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one?
A. RNA contains uracil, where DNA doesn’t contain uracil
B. RNA is single stranded, where DNA is double stranded
C. RNA contains ribose, where DNA contains deoxyribose
D. RNA is not normally found in human cells, where DNA is
Certaintypes of white bloodcells releaseproteinsthatclump together foreigncells.What are
these proteins called?
A. Antibiotics
B. Antibodies
C. Pathogens
D. Interferons
Which parental pair could produce a colorblind female?
A. Heterozygous normal vision mother and normal father
B. Heterozygous normal vision mother and colorblind father
C. Normal vision mother and colorblind father
D. Homozygous normal vision mother and normal father
An organism that has an extra copy of a chromosome in all its cells is a result of
A. gene mutation
B. chromosomal mutation
C. somatic mutation
D. polyploidy
Which of the following are vestigial structures?
A. Gills of clams
B. Mantles of slugs
C. Eyes of octopi
Extinction of one species in a stable ecosystem could do all of the following EXCEPT
A. go unnoticed
B. cause the collapse of the ecosystem
C. increase the interactions between the remaining species
D. decrease the interactions between the remaining species
The total collection of genes in a population at any one time is called:
a. genome
b. genotype
c. gametes
d. gene pool
An endothermic animal gets its body temperature from
A. the environment
B. other endothermic animals
C. ectothermic animals
D. its own metabolic activity
Which protein found in the plasma is responsible for blood clothing?
A. Albumin
B. Globulin
C. Serum
D. Fibrinogen
What term did Mendel used to call the variable responsible for the trait of an individual?
a. phenotype
b. genotype
c. gene
d. heritable factor
Which organisms could have the most number of genes similar to man?
a. pig
b. bacterium
c. earthworm
d. fish
Which of the following statements does not hold true regarding viruses?
a. They may be surrounded by envelopes, or capsid
b. They are grown in artificial media provided with ATP
c. Their genetic material can be DNA or RNA
d. Their capsid is made of proteins of the same type
Which type of cell would probably provide the best opportunity to study lysosomes?
A. Leaf Cell of a plant
B. Nerve cell
C. Muscle cell
D. Phagocytes white blood cells
Which is the effect of drugs on cells?
A. Produce toxic substance
B. Discontinuous cell activity
C. Cause damage to their structure
D. Poison the cell liquid
Which of the following is a part of the process of chemiosmosis?
A. Electrons move along the electron transport chain
B. Water molecules are split
C. Hydrogen ions pass through membranes
D. Light is absorbed by chlorophyll
Fat deposits in vertebrates have two main functions. Besides being a long term food
supply, they
A. create the appearance of larger size
B. help maintain body temperature
C. provide an internal water proofing
D. remove impurities from the blood
Which system is NOT present in vertebrates?
A. Respiratory
B. Water vascular
C. Excretory
D. Endocrine
What do you call food in a semi-liquid form, partially digested and mixed with hydrochloric
A. Gastric secretion
B. Gastric fluid
C. Mucosa
D. Chyme
The most efficient respiratory systems are found among the
A. fish
B. birds
C. reptiles
D. mammals
Which group of chordates typically reproduces using internal fertilization?
A. Turtles, frogs, birds
B. Bats, salamanders, whales
C. Snakes, kangaroos, platypuses
D. Sharks, alligators, anteaters
Millipedes are known for their
A. single pair of legs per segment and herbivorous lifestyle
B. single pair of legs per segment and carnivorous lifestyle
C. double pair of legs per segment and herbivorous lifestyle
D. double pair of legs per segment and carnivorous lifestyle
The major locomotory structures of an insect are attached to its
A. head
B. thorax
C. cephalothorax
D. abdomen
Which ofthe followinglistsa grasshopper’smouthpartsinananterior toposterior sequence?
A. Labium ¬ mandibles ¬ maxillae ¬ labrum
B. Labium ¬ maxillae ¬ mandibles ¬ labrum
C. Labrum ¬ maxillae ¬ mandibles ¬ labium
D. Labrum ¬ mandibles ¬ maxillae ¬ labium
To which body system do ocelli belong?
A. Excretory
B. Respiratory
C. Reproductive
D. Nervous
Which of the following BEST describes the life cycle of a moth?
A. Egg ¬ nymph ¬ adult
B. Egg ¬ larva ¬ nymph ¬ adult
C. Egg ¬ larva ¬ pupa ¬ adult
D. Egg ¬ pupa ¬ adult
The transporting of broken rock particles from one place to another is a natural process
called .
A. Depletion
B. Conservation
C. weathering
D. erosion
What is the function of the lymph?
A. Contain fibrinogen
B. Protects the body from inflection
C. Transports oxygen
D. Enables the blood to clot
Of the following, the BEST description of the role of Malpighian tubules is to conduct
metabolic wastes from
A. tissues to the intestines
B. tissues to the kidneys
C. kidneys to the excretory openings
D. kidneys to the spiracles
What do you call a prediction that is made based on two observations?
A. Inference
B. Interpolation
C. Extrapolation
D. Hypothesis
Which of the following will not enable one to distinguish gender?
A. Presence of an ovipositor on a grasshopper
B. Storage sacs on the ends of the pedipalps of a spider
C. The length of swimerettes on a crayfish
D. The thickness of the carapace of a crab
What is the current size of the human population?
A. 4 billion
B. 3 billion
C. 6 billion
D. 5 billion
A “phage” (short for bacteriophage) is a type of
A. bacterial cell
B. virus that invades bacteria cells
C. cell that is prone to bacterial infections
D. bacteria that is prone to viral infections
What type of growth curve is produced from a very abrupt increase in population size?
A. Quadratic
B. Linear
C. Exponential
D. Logistic
E. coli lives in
A. water
B. bacteria
C. blood cells
D. intestines of mammals
Which of the following is the most complete list of functions that occur by diffusion in a
A. Excretion and circulation
B. Respiration and excretion
C. Respiration and circulation
D. Respiration, excretion, circulation
Which of the following is NOT a greenhouse gas?
A. CO2
B. N2O
D. CH4
What secretaries which enables the sugar to be stored in the liver?
A. Adrenal medulla
B. Thyroid
C. Adrenal cortex
D. Islet of Langerhans
Which of the hormone that triggers ovulation?
A. Testosterone
B. Prolactin
C. Follicle-stimulating
D. Luteinizing
How does the liver assist the digestive system?
A. Stores starch
B. It secretes bile
C. Acts on protein food
D. Mixes with the pancreatic juice
What structures in the tongue make it distinguished food quality?
A. Tasters
B. Taste Buds
C. Antigens
D. Erythrocytes
White blood cells are the “soldiers” of the body. They fight the disease-causing organisms.
They are .
A. antibodies
B. phagocytes
C. antigens
D. erythrocytes
What blood test is used to provide information about agglutination reactions between donor
and recipient blood?
A. Blood count
B. Clothing test
C. Blood chemistry
D. Type and cross-match
Which produce the hormone MOST closely associated with ten control of calcium
A. Pancreas
B. Ovaries
C. Adrenal glands
D. Parathyroid glands
The dark reaction phase of photosynthesis consists of a series of chemical reactions which
end up with the formation of a 3-carbon sugar called .
Why should the number of chromosomes be reduced to half in meiosis?
A. So that each daughter cell receives chromosomes
B. So that each daughter cell would have different set of chromosomes
C. So that the organism that will be formed after fertilization would have the same
number of chromosomes as that of the parents
D. So that there will be a change in the number of chromosomes in the next generation
Which of the following sets of features most accurately defines Phylum Mollusca?
A. Marine, soft-bodied, mantle
B. Soft-bodied, mantle, closed circulatory system
C. Foot, mantle, soft-bodied
D. Marine or terrestrial, foot, open circulatory system
Which part of the water vascular system of a sea star is connected directly to a tube foot?
A. Madreporite
B. Lateral canal
C. Ring canal
D. Radial canal
Which system of echinoderms is LEAST specialized?
A. Digestive system
B. Locomotory
C. Respiratory
D. Reproductive
How can keystone predator affect the community?
A. Exclude other predators in the community
B. Create imbalance in species diversity
C. Increase the relative abundance of the most competitive prey species
D. Maintain species diversity by targeting the most competitive prey species
When does a temperature inversion occur?
A. Warm air rises above cool air.
B. Winds fail to blow faster.
C. Warm air is trapped under cool air
D. Cool air is trapped under warm air.
Which is the correct food chain?
A. Ants → Rice Plant → Cat
B. Corn plant → mice → Cat
C. Mice → cat→ Corn plant
D. Rice Plant → Ants → Corn plant
Yeasts convert sugar into alcohol through the process of .
A. biomass
B. fermentation
C. electrolysis
D. combustion
What BEST characteristics the latitude where most deserts are found?
A. Dry air is rising.
B. Dry air is descending.
C. Air masses are stationary.
D. Moist air is descending.
Which biome is concerned to be the most stable?
A. Grassland
B. Taiga
C. Tundra
D. Tropical rainforest
Ozone depletion is due to the release of CFC’s from
A. industrial combustion
B. deforestation
C. Styrofoam’s and Freon’s
D. animal respiration
According to many scientists, there is a significant increase in the area being converted to
desert. This may be due to increasing water loss, residential area expansion, and other
disturbances. What do you call the process of desert formation?
A. Acidification
B. Desertification
C. Humidification
D. Habitat destruction
Which pair of terms will most likely apply to the same organism?
A. Autotroph, parasite
B. Heterotroph, autotroph
C. Heterotroph, herbivore
D. Producer, predator
A grasshopper’s tracheal tubes are attached to its
A. lungs.
B. spiracles.
C. gills.
D. book lungs.
Which system does a green gland of a crayfish belong to?
A. Excretory.
B. Digestive.
C. Reproductive.
D. Circulatory.
How many stages are there in complete metamorphosis?
A. Two.
B. Three.
C. Four.
D. Five.
Which of the following involves the use of Lactococcus lactis?
A. Cheese production
B. Ice cream base
C. Milk pasteurization
D. Sanitary napkin
Why is pasteurization done in milk rather than autoclaving?
A. Autoclave is more expensive
B. Pasteurization is a traditional method
C. Bacteria in milk are not killed by autoclaving.
D. Milk proteins can coagulate if exposed to very high temperature
What feature of a paramecium is used to classify it into its phylum?
A. Cilia.
B. Oral groove.
C. Food vacuole.
D. Contractile vacuole.
Which of the following is the BEST description of the movement of a paramecium?
A. Gliding.
B. Floating.
C. Spiraling.
D. Crawling.
Rapid reproduction by photosynthetic protists producing “blooms” may also cause
A. depletion of both CO2 and O2.
B. production of both CO2 and O2.
C. depletion of CO2 and production of O2.
D. depletion of O2 and production of CO2.
Red tide is poisonous because the
A. water contains toxins produced by protists.
B. shellfish accumulate toxins produced by the protists.
C. protists are dying at a high rate polluting the ocean shores.
D. shellfish are dying at a high rate polluting the ocean shores.
Into which phylum are diatoms classified?
A. Phylum Pyrrophyta.
B. Phylum Chrysophyta.
C. Phylum Euglenophyta.
D. Phylum Acrasiomycota.
What causes acrasiomycotes to develop into spore-producing structures?
A. Attraction to cAMP, which is released in poor feeding conditions.
B. Attraction to cAMP, which is released in good feeding conditions.
C. Repulsion from cAMP, which is released in poor feeding conditions.
D. Repulsion from cAMP, which is released in good feeding conditions.
The cells in the body that respond to the presence of antigens are white blood cells called
lymphocytes. Which type of lymphocytes makes antibodies and gives off the antibodies into
the bloodstream?
A. T cells
B. Memory cells
C. B cells
D. Plasma cells
Which vector (carrier) and pathogen are mismatched?
A. Mosquito — malaria.
B. Fly — Chagas disease.
C. Fly — sleeping sickness.
D. Mosquito — amebic dystentry.
What is the major problem involved in organ transplants?
A. Race of recipient
B. Phagocytes
C. Sex of donor
D. Antigen-antibody reaction
Members of the same species
A. are in the same genus.
B. live in the same location.
C. interact sexually with each other.
D. are all the same color and shape.
The taxon most clearly defined by natural biological barriers is the
A. class.
B. genus.
C. phylum.
D. species.
The third smallest taxon is the
A. order.
B. class.
C. family.
D. phylum.
The taxon that includes the others listed is the
A. class.
B. order.
C. genus.
D. phylum.
Which branch of biology deals with the study of fungi?
A. Microbiology
B. Mycology
C. Zoology
D. Bryology
Cris, having type O blood, needs a blood transfusion. Which blood type can he receive?
A. A and O
B. B and O
C. All types
D. O only
The relationship between a carnivore (wolf) and a herbivore (rabbit) is an example of
A. unity.
B. interactions.
C. changes through time.
D. structural adaptations.
Biology is the study of
A. life.
B. plants.
C. animals.
D. organisms.
Horses and zebras are not considered to be members of the same species because they
A. do not interbreed.
B. eat different foods.
C. are of different sizes.
D. have different markings.
Earthworms are MOST correctly described as
A. free-living.
B. parasitic.
C. carnivores.
D. herbivores.
The correct sequence of the parts of an earthworm’s digestive system is
A. pharynx, crop, gizzard, intestine, anus.
B. pharynx, gizzard, crop, intestine, anus.
C. esophagus, gizzard, crop, intestine, anus.
D. esophagus, crop, gizzard, stomach, intestine.
The lifestyle of a polychaete is best described as
A. predator.
B. prey.
C. producer.
D. parasite.
Which of the following systems is likely the MOST developed in a leech?
A. Excretory.
B. Reproductive.
C. Digestive.
D. Circulatory.
To what order do primitive mammals that lay eggs belong?
A. Marsupials
B. Craniata
C. Monotremata
D. Placental mammals
Large colonies of polyps belonging to class Anthozoa secrete hard skeletons of time which
later form
A. sea aneores
B. obellas
C. corals
D. jellyfish
One who specializes in all kinds of fishes and their characteristics, developing expertise
in .
A. taxonomy
B. histology
C. entomology
D. ichthyology
In protozoan, digestion occurs in the .
A. Stomach
B. Contractile vacuole
C. Ribosome
D. Food vacuole
What kind of adaptation enables the walking stick to elude these enemies?
A. Aggressive mimicry
B. Aggressive adaption
C. Protective mimicry
D. Protective coloration
In the principle of dominance, when a dominant allele is paired with a recessive one, the
dominant trait will be expressed. What will be the phenotype of rr genotype following the
principle of complete dominance?
A. Dominant
B. Heterozygous
C. Homozygous
D. Recessive
Which of the following relationships exhibit mutualism?
A. Dog chasing cat
B. Butterfly and flower
C. Man eating vegetables
D. Bear and fish
How can we classify grasshopper based on diet?
A. It is a carnivore
B. It is an omnivore
C. It is a primary consumer
D. It is a primary producer
The dark lines forming the annular rings of a tree are made out of dense
A. xylem cells that formed in poor growing conditions.
B. xylem cells that formed in good growing conditions.
C. phloem cells that formed in poor growing conditions.
D. phloem cells that formed in good growing conditions.
The cones of a gymnosperm that are involved in reproduction during a spring season are a
A. one-year male cone and a one-year female cone.
B. one-year male cone and a three-year female cone.
C. three-year male cone and a one-year female cone.
D. three-year male cone and a three-year female cone.
Which of the following is true of hybrids?
A. They are normally fertile
B. They can produce fertile offspring
C. They can mate with hybrids of other species
D. They are either sterile of will produce a sterile offspring
Nita noticed that she produce more urine when she stays inside an air-conditioned room,
than when she plays volleyball with her friends even if her water intake is unchanged. Why is
this so?
A. When her body is busy with activities, her kidneys are not working temporarily.
B. When she stays inside an air-conditioned room, she perspire less, hence excess
water is excreted through urine.
C. When she plays volleyball, her body uses water to produce ATP.
D. When she is inactive, her kidneys have nothing to do but to produce urine to keep the
body active.
Which of the following aids in blood clotting?
A. Thrombocytes
B. Chondrocytes
C. Osteocytes
D. Erythrocytes
Provided that you have been assigned as DENR secretary, how can you promote sustainable
A. Stop the operations of all loggers, miners,and other industry that involves the environment
B. Limit the operations of environmentally-linked industries to an allocated area
C. Monitor the activities of these industry and enforce the laws
D. Make sure that laws are enforced and start programs that will replenish the
damaged ecosystems
What is needed to be established to be certain that coevolution occurred to two organisms?
A. Both organisms originated from about the same time.
. Each species affects the population density of the other.
C. The adaptation of one species followed specifically that of the other one, and vice
D. The two species are adapted to a common set of environmental condition
The decrease in number of organisms and species has reached an alarming degree. What is
the major reason for the present declining biodiversity?
A. Climate change
B. Global warming
C. Habitat destruction
D. Introduction of chemicals to farm plants
The chemical secreted by a leech is medically significant because it prevents
A. bacterial infection.
B. blood clotting.
C. tissue rejection.
D. skin deterioration.
Rolly was askedby his mother to go tothe market and buy 3 kilograms ofmollusk ofdifferent
kinds,so he wentto themarket and boughtonekilogramofmussels, half a kilogramof clams,
half a kilogram of squids and one kilogram of shrimps. When he arrived home and gave his
mother what he had bought, she told him that his finds were not entirely mollusk. Which of
his finds is not a mollusk?
A. Clams
B. Mussels
C. Shrimps
D. Squids
Why is saturated fat bad for the body?
A. They make the consistency of the blood thinner.
B. They destroy blood cells.
C. They make the blood cells grow larger
D. They line around the inner wall of blood vessel making circulation more difficult.
When the staminateflower is foundin oneplantand the pistillateflower on another theplants
is described as .
A. complete
B. monoecious
C. robust
D. dioecious
Which process during photosynthesis involves the addition of hydrogen?
A. Oxidator
B. Hydrator
C. Carbonation
D. Reduction
There are 80957 ladybugs and 60 frogs inhabit a 60 sq.m. lot, having a swamp of one and a
quarter of sq.m. big. What is the density of ladybugs in the 60 sq.m. lot?
A. 1,394.28 ladybugs/sq.m. lot
B. 1,432.38 ladybugs/sq.m. lot
C. 1,379.92 ladybugs/sq.m. lot
D. 1,349.28 ladybugs/sq.m. lot
The cell wall of plant cell is made of _____________.
A. Lipids
B. Cellulose
C. Protein
D. Cell Membrane
Which is the storage cell of plants?
A. Microtubule
B. Collenchyma
C. Meristem
D. Parenchyma
Variations is the result of:
A. Fertilization
B. Meiosis
C. Mutations
D. All of the above
Select the FALSE statement regarding the fertilization process in angiosperms.
A. A pollen nucleus fertilizes the ovum to produce the embryo
B. A pollen nucleus causes the ovule to develop and produce fruit
C. A pollen nucleus fertilizes a polar body to produce the endosperm
D. A pollen nucleus causes the growth and elongation of the pollen tube
Which would you advise to children to prevent osteoporosis?
A. Consistent bone density test
B. Adequate calcium and Vitamin D
C. More intake of all vitamins
D. Less bone exercise and fatigue.
What features would you expect to find associated with both a maple and an oak leaf?
A. Parallel vein pattern and a petiole
B. Parallel vein pattern, but no petiole
C. Branching vein pattern and a petiole
D. Branching vein pattern, but no petiole
What causes leaves to change color and fall from trees?
A. Increased photosynthesis coupled with a build-up of cells in the petiole
B. Decreased photosynthesis coupled with a build-up of cells in the petiole
C. Increased photosynthesis coupled with a deterioration of the cells in the petiole
D. Decreased photosynthesis coupled with a deterioration of the cells in the petiole
What is the function of a cotyledon?
A. Store water absorbed by root hairs to use later, when water is less available
B. Facilitate gas exchange for both photosynthesis and respiration until stomata develop
C. Promote the growth of roots in a downward direction and the growth of shoots upwards
D. Provide nutrients to a plant embryo until it can conduct enough photosynthesis to
make its own
Which of the following combinations of organisms contains only radially symmetrical
A. Jellyfish, sponges, and roundworms
B. Roundworms, hydra, and sea anemones
C. Sponges, jellyfish, and Portuguese men-o-war
D. Portuguese men-o-war, roundworms, and flukes
Foods that high in fiber are most likely to be derive from:
A. Meat
B. Plants
C. Fish
D. Dairy
Most of the red blood cells in the body are produced in the _____ of long bones such as the
A. Joint
B. Ligaments
C. Cartilage
D. Marrow
Which pattern of digestive system allows for the greatest organ development?
A. Sac-like pattern
B. Tube-like system
C. Gastrovascular cavity
D. Intracellular digestion by lysosome activity
Which of the following combinations of organisms contains only sessile animals?
A. Flukes and tapeworms
B. Sponges, hydras, and sea anemones
C. Jellyfishes, planaria worms, and tapeworms
D. Flukes, tapeworms, and planaria worms
Which of the following is NOT a function of transpiration?
A. Uptake of water
B. Uptake of minerals
C. Excretion of minerals
D. Cooling of leaves
Animals are diploid (2N) and produce gametes that are haploid (N). This statement is
A. never true
B. usually true
C. always true
D. occasionally true
Which will cause the process of respiration to stop?
A. Decrease in water supply
B. Presence of sunlight
C. Absence of oxygen
D. Occurrence of darkness
Spiders obtain oxygen through their
A. gills
B. cuticles
C. book lungs
D. tracheal tubes
The “fangs” of a spider are more technically known as
A. chelicera
B. pedipalps
C. chelipeds
D. carapaces
Insects that transmit diseases are
A. pathogens
B. parasites
C. vectors
D. virulent
People who enjoy eating lobster are usually eating the muscles of its
A. cephalothorax and chelipeds
B. carapace and abdomen
C. telsons and uropods
D. cheliped and abdomen
Which of these features would NOT be found in a trout?
A. Operculum
B. Swim bladder
C. Spiral valve
D. Cloaca
When erythrocytes are formed in the urine it suggests a condition called:
A. Hematuria
B. Hypertension
C. Hematoma
D. Cystitis
Fungal rhizoids have the dual purposes of
A. anchoring and absorbing nutrients
B. asexual reproduction and anchoring
C. spreading out the fungus and absorbing nutrients
D. asexual reproduction and spreading out the fungus
Which phylum of fungi has cellulose cell walls?
A. Phylum Oomycetes
B. Phylum Ascomycetes
C. Phylum Zygomycetes
D. Phylum Basiodiomycetes
Ringworm and athlete’s foot are fungal diseases caused by members of which phylum?
A. Phylum Oomycetes
B. Phylum Ascomycetes
C. Phylum Zygomycetes
D. Phylum Deuteromycetes
Plants are like animals because of the presence of:
A. Meristem
B. Spores
C. Mitochondria
D. Chloroplast
What may occur when both alleles contribute to the phenotype of heterozygous individual to
produce a trait that is NOT exactly like that of either parent?
A. Incomplete dominance
B. Segregation
C. Manifestation of recessive traits
D. Independent assortment
Two organisms can be identified as belonging to the same species if they can
A. Eat the same kind of food
B. breed in a natural setting
C. exoskeleton
D. survive together in nature
The relationship that exist between insects and flowering plants is called
A. parasitism
B. predation
C. symbiosis
D. commensalisms
The role and depth of breathing may be increased by:
A. An increase in carbon dioxide concentration in the blood
B. A drop in oxygen concentration in the blood
C. All of the above
D. None of the above
Which protein is responsible for the production of our skin pigment?
A. Keratin
B. Melanin
C. Collagen
D. Codon
The main function of spinal cord is to:
A. Stimulate the parts of the brain
B. Control the action of the brain
C. Transport impulse to and from the brain
D. Control the reaction of the organ system
The phase of mitosis characterized by chromosomes separation and migration is:
A. Anaphase
B. Telophase
C. Metaphase
D. Interphase
A shortage of oxygen in the tissue is referred to as hypoxia which causes an altitude
sickness. Which of the following is not the symptom of this condition?
A. Nausea
B. Sleeplessness
C. Dizziness
D. Blurred vision
Which of the following pairs of organisms and disease is incorrect?
A. Virus-HIV
B. Bacterium-syphilis
C. Archaebacterium-gonorrhea
D. Sporozoan-malaria
Which type of organism is not shown in the food chain? Grass-----Mouse-----Snake-----Hawk
A. Carnivore
B. Herbivore
C. Decomposers
D. Producers
A structure present in a rat yet absent in a frog is a
A. lung
B. diaphragm
C. kidney
D. spleen
Fungi that feed on dead or decayed organic matter are said to be the:
A. Organelle
B. Herbivores
C. Carnivores
D. Saprophytes
An organism’s (species’) niche is best described as the set of interactions between the
organism and the
A. positive features of its environment
B. abiotic parts of its environment
C. abiotic and biotic parts of its environment
D. positive and negative features of its environment
Coordination and integration of the body activities of man are under the direct control of the:
A. Reproductive and transport system
B. Nervous and endocrine system
C. Respiratory and endocrine system
D. Nervous and excretory system
Which of the following is the BEST example of the biological principle of structural
A. Pigs have litters
B. Snakes eat frogs
C. There are many breeds of dogs
D. Cacti needles are modified branches
The hair like structure found in many cells that aid in the movement is the:
A. Cilia
B. Nucleus
C. Lysosome
D. Mitochondria
How do marsupials differ from other mammals?
A. They are the only mammals that have a placenta
B. They do not have internal fertilization
C. Their young are born at a much earlier stage of development
D. They do not have mammary glands with nipples
Which of the following membranes most directly surrounds a developing embryo?
A. Allantoic sac
B. Amniotic sac
C. Chorionic sac
D. Yolk sac
Birds and reptiles share all of the following EXCEPT
A. Amniotic egg
B. Scales
C. Lightweight bones
D. Beaks and claws
What substance in saliva softens the food that we chew?
A. Pepsin
B. Fat
C. Protein
D. Ptyalin
Which of the following is an abiotic feature of an environment?
A. Fish
B. Birds
C. Trees
D. Rivers
Animals living in the high mountain areas counter the cold by means of their:
A. Warm food
B. Thin blood
C. Low body temperature
D. Thick, hairy coat
Which of the following interactions occurs within a single species?
A. Parasitism
B. Symbiosis
C. Competition
D. Predation
Which of the following is descriptive of lichen?
A. Parasitism
B. Symbiosis
C. Competition
D. Predation
Which of the following would increase the size of a population?
A. Increased mortality
B. Increased emigration
C. Decreased immigration
D. Increased natality
Which of the following is LEAST likely a function of the siphon of a clam?
A. Feeding.
B. Excreting.
C. Circulating.
D. Reproducing.
A sinus of a clam is MOST correctly described as a chamber where
A. air collects for respiration.
B. blood collects to bathe tissues.
C. muscles for movement are located.
D. reproductive gametes are stored.
Which organism is mismatched with a characteristic “lifestyle”?
A. Clam — filter feeder.
B. Squid — predator.
C. Slug — carnivore.
D. Snail — free-living.
What group of bacteria consume nitrate and release atmospheric nitrogenas by-
A. Nitrifying bacteria
B. Denitrifying bacteria
C. Nitrogen-fixers
D. Ammonifying bacteria
What do you call the place where an organism lives?
A. Habitat
B. Occupation
C. Niche
D. Troph
A population of 1000 members is changing at the following rates: N = 10%, M = 14%, I =
18%, E = 22%. After one year, the population would be
A. 920
B. 992
C. 1008
D. 1080
Bacteria grown on agar in a Petri dish is an example of
A. carrying capacity
B. closed population
C. open population
D. cyclical changes in population size
Which of the following types of spores is produced asexually?
A. Ascospores
B. Zygospores
C. Basidiospores
D. Conidiospores
A specialized hyphal strand that runs horizontal to the substrate is called a
A. stolon
B. rhizoid
C. mycelium
D. sporangiophore
What is the major characteristic that unifies Phylum Deuteromycetes?
A. A lack of known sexual reproductive structures
B. A lack of known asexual reproductive structures
C. Coenocytic hyphae with one nucleus in each cell
D. Acoenocytic hyphae with one nucleus in each cell
Why are lichens considered a pioneer organism?
A. They can be found almost everywhere
B. They were one of the first known organisms
C. They conduct life processes in very simple ways
D. They are one of the first organisms to grow in disturbed areas
Which of the following is NOT a type of lichen?
A. Foliose — leafy, often found in trees
B. Fruticose — has upright fruiting bodies
C. Crustose — crust-like, grows flat on surfaces
D. Branchiose — branching, forms a network of strands
Which phylum provided the original source of penicillin?
A. Phylum Oomycetes
B. Phylum Ascomycetes
C. Phylum Zygomycetes
D. Phylum Deuteromycetes
Which of the following is TRUE about alternation of generations?
A. sporophytesproducesporesthatgrowintogametophytes,whichproducegametes
B. sporophytes produce gametes that grow into gametophytes, which produce spores
C. sporophytes produce spores that grow into other sporophytes, which produce gametes
D. gametophytes producegametes that grow into other gametophytes, which produce spores
Which of the following plants produces a seed with only one cotyledon?
A. Pea
B. Corn
C. Peanut
D. Sunflower
Which of the following is LEAST problematic for moss growing on land?
A. Drying out in the sun
B. Getting soaked in the rain
C. Obtaining water through its roots
D. Obtaining enough light for photosynthesis
To which phylum does moss belong?
A. Phylum Bryophyta
B. Phylum Phaeophyta
C. Phylum Chlorophyta
D. Phylum Tracheophyta
Which of the following most correctly identifies the role of guard cells?
A. Open to let CO2 in and O2 and H2O out
B. Open to let O2 in and CO2 and H2O out
C. Open to let CO2 and H2O in and O2 out
D. Open to let O2 and H2O in and CO2 out
What kind of relationship exists when one organism kills and eats another organism?
A. Commensalism
B. Parasitism
C. Scavenging
D. Predation
At what stage in the moss life cycle does meiosis occur?
A. In the spore capsule
B. In spores before they germinate
C. In the gametophytes for the production of gametes
D. In the top of a female gametophyte, resulting in the growth of the sporophyte
Which of the following is present in ferns but not present in moss?
A. Vascular tissue
B. Guard cells and stomata
C. Specialized structures to produce spores
D. Specialized structures to produce gametes
Which of the following most correctly identifies the roles of vascular tissues?
A. Xylem conducts H2O and dissolved minerals up to the leaves, where phloem transports
the products of photosynthesis down a stem
B. Phloem conducts H2O and dissolved minerals up to the leaves, where xylem transports
the products of photosynthesis down a stem
C. Xylem conducts H2O and dissolved minerals up to the leaves, where phloem
transports the products of photosynthesis away from the leaves
D. Phloem conducts H2O and dissolved minerals up to the leaves, where xylem transports
the products of photosynthesis away from the leaves
A fiddlehead is an immature
A. sporophyte frond
B. gametophyte frond
C. sporophyte prothallium
D. gametophyts prothallium
Sori are a specialization found on
A. fronds for the production of spores
B. fronds for the production of gametes
C. gametophytes for the production of spores
D. gametophytes for the production of spores
Which is the most logical sequence of plants during succession on land?
A. Moss — grass — shrubs — trees
B. Ferns — grass — shrubs — trees
C. Algae — moss — grass — shrubs
D. Lichen — trees — logs — decomposers
Of which phylum is agar a derivative?
A. Phylum Bryophyta
B. Phylum Phaeophyta
C. Phylum Rhodophyta
D. Phylum Chlorophyta
The tissue type in a plant that is capable of cell division is called
A. parenchyma
B. collenchyma
C. meristematic
D. sclerenchyma
Industrial melanism is an example of
A. artificial selection.
B. disruptive selection.
C. stabilizing selection.
D. accidental selection.
The maximum rate at which a certain species reproduces is its
A. limiting factors
B. carrying capacity
C. growth rate
D. biotic potential
The phenomenon of the accumulation of toxins in the tissues of organisms is known as
A. extinction
B. natural selection
C. disruptive selection
D. biological magnification
Evolution due to genetic drift is MOST LIKELY to occur in a
A. large population due to selective pressures
B. small population due to selective pressures
C. large population without the influence of selective pressures
D. small population without the influence of selective pressures
The idea that fossils are direct evidence of previously living organisms is consistent with
A. Darwin’s theory of evolution
B. Lamarck’s theory of evolution
C. Both of these theories of evolution
D. Neither of these theories of evolution
Cyclical changes in population density exist in an environment that is
A. relatively stable over a long period of time
B. changing rapidly
C. undergoing succession
D. undergoing severe selective pressures
In an energy pyramid, the producers are at the
A. top and there is more energy at each successive level
B. top and there is less energy at each successive level
C. bottom and there is more energy at each successive level
D. bottom and there is less energy at each successive level
Gerry believed that certain parts of the body get larger and more complex through the
generations because they:
A. Are predetermined to do so
B. Are almost similar to God’s perfection
C. Are used more extensively than others
D. Contribute to greater reproductive success
What general term is given to the outer region of an organ, especially the kidney and brain?
A. Pons
B. Medulla
C. Cortex
D. Frontal lobe
Which of the following is the BEST description of carrying capacity?
A. The maximum number of individuals a closed environment will support
B. The maximum number of individuals a open environment will support
C. The minimum number of individuals a closed environment will support
D. The minimum number of individuals a open environment will support
Which sequence is the most likely to occur during succession in a cedar forest?
A. Grasses ¬ deciduous trees ¬ cedar trees
B. Cedar trees ¬ seedlings ¬ cedar trees
C. Moss ¬ grasses ¬ deciduous growth
D. Lichen ¬ shrubs and grasses ¬ trees
A pioneer species is
A. an ancient type of organism
B. one which has evolved quickly
C. one which has avoided evolution
D. one of the first types to grow in a new area
When you draw away your finger from a candle flame, which characteristics do you show?
A. Growth
B. Reproduction
C. Metabolism
D. Irritability
What are required during the light dependent reaction?
A. light and carbon dioxide
B. light and water
C. water and carbon dioxide
D. light and oxygen
When a red blood cell is placed in distilled water, it ______.
A. plasmolyses
B. remains the same
C. Shrinks
D. Swells
Which plants formed the vast coal beds during the carboniferous period?
A. Lycopods
B. Conifers
C. Angiosperms
D. Gymnosperms
What kind of relationship is exhibited by an algae and a fungi in a lichen?
A. Commensalism
B. Parasitism
C. Symbiosis
D. Competition
The “eyes” of potato are actually
A. Intermodes
B. nodes
C. Leaf scars and buds
D. Stem
Which of these is a NOT vegetable fruit?
A. Cucumber
B. Ampalaya
C. Squash
D. Carrots
Every population requires
A. a lack of predation
B. continuous resources
C. continuous succession
D. inverted energy pyramids
Which of the following is the BEST description of pollen?
A. Multicellular male reproductive structure
B. Multicellular female reproductive structure
C. Multinucleated male reproductive structure
D. Multinucleated female reproductive structure
A species’ role in a particular ecosystem?
A. community
B. habitat
C. niche
D. population
Which of these is a natural ecosystem?
A. Aquarium
B. Forest
C. Pond
D. Pot and plants
Which of the following pairs is a mismatch?
A. Golgi bodies – packaging
B. Mitochondrion – protein synthesis
C. Chloroplast – photosynthesis
D. Vacuole – storage
Food rich in proteins are important to body-builders and weightlifters because they
A. repair the damaged body tissues
B. help keep the body warm
C. are immediate source of energy
D. provide structural support to the body
What do you call the phase when population size is doubling at a very fast rate?
A. Death
B. Stationary
C. Lag
D. Log
What is the function of the surface chemicals on bacterial cells called pili?
A. Sensory
B. Defense
C. Movement
D. Attachment
Which of the following has the lowest heating value?
A. Petroleum
B. Wood
C. Coal
D. Perennial
Why is conjugation consideredas a form of sexual reproduction in bacteria?
A. It manifests genetic recombination.
B. Two bacteria are in close proximity.
C. Pili of one bacterium serve as its penis and transfer sperm to another.
D. Plasmid is replicated.
What enables the chaparral plants to resprout again after a fire has occurred?
A. They have food reserve in their roots
B. They have long roots that holds them to the ground
C. They have fire-proof bark that protects them from fire
D. All of the above are correct
Which of the following is referred to as the final community that lasts for a very long
A. Niche
B. Initial
C. Climax
D. Perennial
The end products `of the dark-reaction phase of photosynthesis are ADP and
A. Carbon Dioxide
B. sugar
C. carbon
D. starch

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Biological science Comprehensive LET Reviewer

  • 1. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE major - Part 1 Maintenance of osmotic balance is a function of the kidney. Why is this so? A. It filters the excess material from the blood B. It participate in the active transport of solutes in all cells C. It reduces the blood pressure D. It controls the amount of blood cell to be produced At the competition of mitosis, the reminder of the cell divides and a new cell divides and a new cell wall is formed. This process is called . A. Meiosis B. Cytokinesis C. Recombination D. Cross-over A boringtoolis usedto drill a holeinto a tree.Which sequenceof tissueswould it encounter? A. Phloem — xylem — vascular cambium B. Phloem — vascular cambium — xylem C. Xylem — vascular cambium — phloem D. Xylem — phloem — vascular cambium What accounts for the movement of water into a root hair and on to the xylem? A. The pressure exerted on the roots by the surrounding soil B. Diffusion due to the difference in concentration of minerals C. Osmosis due to the osmotic pressure created by the surrounding ground D. The active transport of minerals into the root tissues creating osmotic pressure Children born with a deficiency of thyroxin _____ if deficiency is not checked. A. Grow too rapidly B. Lose their hair C. Have weak bones D. Become mentally retarded The structure of Bacteriophage T4 is BEST described as an arrangement of A. proteins surrounding a chromosome made of DNA B. proteins surrounding a chromosome made of RNA C. chromosomes made of DNA surrounding a core of proteins
  • 2. D. chromosomes made of RNA surrounding a core of proteins Which of the following is typical of passive immunity? A. It is relatively short-lived B. A person makes their own antibodies C. It comes and goes depending on a person’s health D. It can be induced by injecting a weakened pathogen Which one is a liquid fossil fuel? A. Petrochemical B. Methane C. Petroleum D. Alcohol Which illness is caused by Plasmodium, member of Phylum Sporozoa, from Kingdom Protista: A. Dengue Fever B. Malaria C. African sleeping sickness D. Amoebiasis Which kingdom includes bacteria? A. Fungi. B. Monera. C. Plantae. D. Protista. Where can you find the phytoplanktons at night? A. Surface water B. Bathypelagic C. Lower part of the lake D. Littoral zone Which of the following is a cloned organism? A. Rat with rabbit hemoglobin genes B. Human gene with a blood clothing gene C. Bacterium that has received genes by conjugation
  • 3. D. Fem grown in cell culture from a single root cell Which of the following scientists demonstrated that tobacco mosaic disease could be transferred from an infected plant to a healthy plant in the juice extracted from the infected plant? A. Miller B. Meyer C. Beijerinick D. Iwanowski What did Mendel do to ensure that he had pure-breeding plants for his experiments? A. He removed the male parts of the plants B. He removed the female part of the plants C. He cross-fertilized each variety with each other D. He allowed each variety to self-fertilized for several generations Which of the following is NOT a correct match? A. Scaly legs — frog B. Crop and gizzard — chicken C. Boneless — shark D. Free-living — lamprey When you fail to eat the usual kind and amount of food you take everyday, what could serve as the fuel source of cells in your body? A. Fats in adipose tissue B. Cholesterol in blood vessels C. Albumin in the blood D. Glycogen in the liver Which of the following is MOST characteristic of eubacteria? A. Anaerobic B. Common and abundant C. Live in harsh environments D. Uncommon with simple characteristics In incomplete dominance, a cross between the two heterozygotes would result to which phenotypic ratio? A. 1:2:1
  • 4. B. 3:1 C. 1:1:1:1 D. 4:0 Which of the following is the BEST description of the structure and function of the Casparian strip? A. A set of cells that allows water into the xylem from the root hairs B. A waxy layer around the xylem that prevents water from leaving once it is there C. A protein-rich layer that enzymatically controls water movement in a vascular bundle D. A specialized tissue that conducts water in the xylem of roots to the xylem above the ground What explains why our lips are “redder” than our palm? A. Many blood vessels are located around the lips B. Lip epidermis is thinner C. Lips are heavily keratinized D. There is increased blood flow in the lips What do you call the cellular extension of Amoeba that serves as locomotory structure? A. pseudopodia B. pseudocoelom C. flagellum D. cilium A pathogen is BEST described as a A. toxic chemical B. virus or bacterium C. carrier of a disease D. disease-causing microbe Which levels of biological organization includes all the others listed? A. Biome B. Ecosystem C. Population D. Community Which of the following is an arthropod?
  • 5. A. Jellyfish B. Snail C. Mosquito D. Starfish Where would you most likely get phytoplanktons? a. At the bottom of the ocean b. Near the coast c. Near the surface of water d. In mangrove forest What is the function of uropods and a telson? A. Excretion B. Reproduction C. Locomotion D. Digestion Which structure would exhibit the highest degree of keratinization? A. Stratum corneum of skin B. Paw pad C. Nails D. Callus During the vaccination against small pox, what did Jenner inject into people? A. Fluid from a cowpox blister B. Blood from an infected cow C. Pus from an infected person D. Antibiotics he developed against small pox When is cellular respiration performed? A. During the day B. During the night C. Anytime of the day as long as the necessary materials are present D. At 12 midnight Which of the following statements about flower parts is CORRECT? A. Sepals are photosynthetic
  • 6. B. The female parts surround the central male part C. Pistils are male parts, while stamens are female parts D. The style is the source of energy and fragrance for the flower What do you call the role of an organism in an ecosystem? A. Habitat B. Occupation C. Niche D. Troph Which kingdom does NOT contain photosynthetic organisms? A. Plant B. Fungus C. Protist D. Monera (Eubacteria) What is another name for light independent reaction? A. Krebs cycle B. Calvin Cycle C. Signal transduction pathway D. Chemiosmosis A bacterium that makes its food using energy from chemicals found in its environment is termed a A. photosynthetic autotroph B. chemosynthetic autotroph C. photosynthetic heterotroph D. chemosynthetic heterotroph How is a community formed? A. Different individuals in an area B. Aggregation of individuals of the same species C. Group of species in a given space at a given time D. Several different population interacting with its environment in given space at a given time Which is the plasmid that increases resistance to antibiotics? A. Col-plasmid
  • 7. B. F-plasmid C. Cell-plasmid D. R-plasmid Which of the following has a nymph stage in its life cycle? A. Grasshopper B. Moth C. Mosquito D. Fly According to 10% rule, how much energy will be made available to the next trophic level? A. 100% B. 90% C. .1% D. 10% Which of the following correctly describes the water flow through a sponge? A. In and out through the osculum B. In and out through the porocytes C. In through porocytes and out the osculum D. In through the osculum and out through the porocytes Which phylum does Rhizopus stolonifer belong to? A. Phylum Oomycetes B. Phylum Ascomycetes C. Phylum Zygomycetes D. Phylum Basidiomycetes The funnel-shaped opening through which the egg cell is released in the? A. umbilical cord B. uterus C. fallopian tube D. tubules Which particular structure serves as the site for gas exchange? A. Bronchus B. Trachea
  • 8. C. Bronchioles D. Alveolus Which of the following correctly describes the tissue layers in the animals indicated? A. Jellyfish — 2 layers; tapeworm —3 layers; round worm — 3 layers B. Jellyfish — 2 layers; tapeworm — 3 layers; round worm — 4 layers C. Jellyfish — 2 layers; tapeworm — 2 layers; round worm — 3 layers D. Jellyfish — 3 layers; tapeworm — 3 layers; round worm — 4 layers John experienced a lack of growth hormone (GH) as a child. Now that John is an adult, it is likely that he: A. Has cognitive and emotional problems as a result of his hormone deficiency B. Has normal adult body proportions, but extremely short stature C. Has developed a physique similar to that seen in females D. Is of normal of height, but has child-like body proportion If trait is controlled by gene that is located in the x chromosome, it is classified as A. Genotype B. gene-linked C. sex-linked D. phenotype The cnidarians like the starfishes and hydra possess an organ for protection. What is this organ and how does it defend the cnidarians from their enemies? A. Nematocysts: contains poison B. Nematocyst: sharp edges C. Spicules: sharp bones D. Nematocyst: contains cyst Which of the following is NOT included in evidences for endosymbiont theory that refers to chloroplast and mitochondrial origin? a. They can self-replicate b. They have DNA c. They produce lactate d. They are involved in energy metabolism During photosynthesis, the products are
  • 9. A. carbon dioxide and water, while the reactants are oxygen and sugar B. oxygen and carbon dioxide, while the reactants are sugar and water C. water and oxygen, while the reactants are sugar and carbon dioxide D. sugar and oxygen, while the reactants are carbon dioxide and water When can we say that an ecosystem is managed? A. When it is formed by natural phenomenon B. If it is maintained by man C. When it costs a lot D. When it is beautiful Which theory states that life originated from non-living materials? A. Naturalistic B. Cosmozoic C. Spontaneous generation D. Special creation BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE major Which plant has underground stem modified for reproduction? A. Ginger B. Camote C. Tubers D. Strawberry What is a group of tissues with a unifying function called? A. Cell B. Organ C. Organism. D. Organ system Which is true about enzymes? A. it cannot be made nonfunctional B. it is highly specific to only one molecule and will never react to other molecules even if they fit into their active site C. it is not directly involve in the reaction D. it maintains its chemical composition and structure even after a reaction
  • 10. Cells are allowed to fuse by . A. RNA polymerase B. helicases C. polyethylene glycol D. DNA ligase Why is lightning said to contribute in the nitrogen cycle? A. It makes the nitrifying bacteria faster and stronger by supplying light B. It supplies energy needed for chemical reaction of nitrogenous material in the atmosphere C. It makes plant more photosynthetic D. It nourishes the soil with charged particles Which phylum does a puffball belong to? A. Phylum Oomycetes B. Phylum Ascomycetes C. Phylum Zygomycetes D. Phylum Basidiomycetes Kleinefelter Syndrome is due to an extra sex chromosome resulting to an individual having XXY chromosomes. Which chromosomal abnormality is exhibited by this syndrome? A. triploidy B. trisomy C. tetraploidy D. tetrasomy Which is a part of the formation of fossils fuels force? A. Hydrologic cycle B. Carbon Cycle C. Phosphorus cycle D. Nitrogen Cycle Which phylum produces an N + N secondary mycelium? A. Phylum Oomycetes B. Phylum Ascomycetes C. Phylum Zygomycetes
  • 11. D. Phylum Basidiomycetes Why do fruits and vegetables prevent constipation? A. Fibers in fruits and vegetables aid in cleaning the colon, thus eliminating the waste B. Fibers trap waste and eliminate it in bulk C. Juice of fruits and vegetables push waste down the rectum D. Vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables trigger contraction of muscles in the colon Interleukins, proteins released by certain white blood cells, function to A. absorb pathogens in the blood stream B. activate other white blood cells during an infection C. deactivate the immune system after an infection has passed D. warn body cells that there are pathogens in the blood stream Which is the universal energy source of the cell of air living things? A. Carbon B. ATP C. Glucose D. PGAL Lichen could NOT be symbiotic relationships between fungi and A. plants B. protists C. animals D. monerans. What disorder is caused by a high concentration of calcium in the blood? A. Thyroid Glands B. Pancreas C. Parathyroid glands D. Liver Parents both having a dominant phenotype could have offspring with recessive phenotype if: A. They have homozygous genotype B. They have heterozygous genotype
  • 12. D. The offspring is female D. The offspring is male Spraying some plants with a combination of auxin and gibberellins will . A. promote ripening of fruits B. promote fruit formation C. preventing senescence D. enlarges fruit growth All flowering plants belong to class A. conifers B. angiospermae C. felicinae D. gymnospermae Two cells which have a chromosome number different from that of their single parent cell are normally produced during the process of . A. mitosis B. meiosis C. protein synthesis D. cell membranes Macroscopically, bacteria colonies can be distinguished from each other by all of the following EXCEPT ONE. Which one? A. Color B. Sheen C. Cell shape D. Surface texture Which is considered the master gland due to its influence on the activity of all the other glands? A. Thyroid B. Adrenal C. Pituitary D. Parathyroid
  • 13. A parasitic worm that has a dormant stage in a mammal can usually be found in a A. cyst B. snail C. scolex D. proglottid What term is used when an egg develop into a new organism without itself being fertilized by a sperm? A. Budding B. Conjugation C. Regeneration D. Fission The limbs of a salamander cannot support much weight because they A. are more like fins than legs B. are not attached by bone to the spine C. stick out sideways from the body D. are weak and largely non-functional The hypothesis that evolution occurs slowly is: A. punctuated equilibrium B. catastrophism C. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium D. Gradualism A disorder of the digestive system that happens more often in children than in adults is: A. Peptic ulcer B. Appendicitis C. Gallstones D. Jaundice The following are members of the excretory system except: A. Small intestine B. Skin C. Lungs D. Liver
  • 14. Which of the following scientists was the first to see the tobacco mosaic virus? A. Miller B. Meye C. Beijerinick D. Iwanowski Which of the following choices includes all other in the list? A. diffusion B. osmosis C. facilitated diffusion D. passive transport Mycorrhiza is a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and what else? A. Lichen B. Roots of plants C. Another fungus D. Photosynthetic parts of plants What enzyme is secreted by the pancreas which splits starch into sugar? A. Pepsin B. Erepsin C. Lipase D. Amylase Significant use of biotechnology does NOT currently include the production of A. pathogens B. disinfectants C. protein hormones D. genetically altered food The separation of alleles into separate gametes during division exemplifies which principle? A. dominance B. segregation C. independent assortment D. bottle-neck effect
  • 15. Which statement BEST describes the climax stage of an ecological succession? A. Will change from season to season B. Populated only by plants C. Persists until there are drastic changes D. Represents until there are drastic changes Which partoftheperipheralnervoussystemconnectsthebrainandspinalcordtotheinternal organs such as the heart, lungs, and liver? A. Somatic B. Autonomic C. Central D. Cranial Mercury spilled in bodies of water in China caused ill to many Chinese residents near the area, and death to a few. Fishes, and other aquatic organisms, however, were not reported to be harmed by the said toxin. What could be the phenomenon that occurred? A. Biological magnification B. Eutrophication C. Inversion D. Algal bloom The hyphae of egg fungi are A. N and coenocytic B. 2N and coenocytic C. N and acoenocytic D. 2N and acoenocytic What gas is needed by the seed during germination? A. Nitrogen B. Carbon Dioxide C. Hydrogen D. Oxygen Which of the following BEST describes the functions of pseudopodia? A. Ingestion and digestion B. Movement and ingestion C. Reproduction and ingestion
  • 16. D. Movement and reproduction After fertilization, where would the zygote be implanted? A. Fallopian tube B. Wall of uterus C. Lining of vagina D. Cervix Which of the following animals has a heart with clearly only one ventricle? A. Salamanders B. Alligators C. Chickens D. Horses What will be the effect of too much Antidiuretic hormone in the blood? A. The kidneys will be making too much urine B. The urine formed will be more concentrated in solute, and lesser in volume C. The kidneys will not filter the blood D. The urine formed will be laden with blood A lysogenic cycle differs from a lytic cycle in several ways. Which of these is NOT one of them? A. The cycle includes a period of “dormancy.” B. The host cell doesn’t burst open, it just eventually dies C. The viral chromosome joins the host cell’s genetic material D. The genetic material of the virus is produced by the host cell What happen to the chromosomes of a cell when it is in S phase? A. Reduced by half B. Stays the same C. Duplicated D. Becomes coiled Pigment molecules other than chlorophyll-a capture light energy and A. make products other than glucose B. store it to make glucose at another time C. pass it along to chlorophyll-a for making glucose
  • 17. D. make glucose, but less efficiently than chlorophyll-a Water is an inorganic compound because it A. contains carbon attached to hydrogen and oxygen B. contains hydrogen and oxygen only, without carbon C. can form solutions when mixed with solutes D. is found in bodies of organisms Which phylum of protists is NOT polymorphic? A. Phylum Sporozoa B. Phylum Pyrrophyta C. Phylum Myxomycota D. Phylum Acrasiomycota The major job of genes is to control . A. meiosis B. mitosis C. protein synthesis D. cell membranes Which chamber of the heart receives oxygenated blood? A. Right atrium B. Right ventricle C. Left atrium D. Left ventricle Ulva is biologically significant because A. it is eaten as dulce B. it can grow on land and in the water C. it is harvested for its agar-producing abilities D. it displays the same kind of life cycle as moss In mammalian cloning, the organism resulting from the technology is similar to the ______. A. Owner of the embryonic cell B. Surrogate embryonic cell C. owner of the somatic cell D. surrogate mother cel
  • 18. Which of the following refers to a bacteriophage that can integrate its DNA in bacterial cell without causing lysis? A. Avirulent B. Lysogenic C. Lytic D. Virulent The seaweeds along the shores of the coast of BC are members of A. Phyla Chlorophyta and Phaeophyta B. Phyla Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta C. Phyla Chlorophyta and Rhodophyta D. Phyla Phaeophyta, Chlorophyta, and Rhodophyta When collagen is removed from the bone, the bone becomes: A. Rigid B. Brittle C. Stiffer D. Flexible BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE major Which of the following BEST describes the skeletal system of the classes of fish? A. Agnatha — absent; Chondrichthyes — boney; Osteichthyes — cartilaginous B. Agnatha — cartilaginous; Chondrichthyes — cartilaginous; Osteichthyes — boney C. Agnatha — absent; Chondrichthyes — boney; Osteichthyes — cartilaginous D. Agnatha — boney; Chondrichthyes — cartilaginous; Osteichthyes — boney Which of the following best describes the movement of a nematode? A. Crawling B. Swimming C. Ciliated gliding D. Whipping back and forth Which structure aids in the mechanical digestion of food?
  • 19. A. Tonsils B. Tongue C. Pharynx D. Lips Which stages of incomplete metamorphism are undergone by the grasshopper? A. Nymph, pupa, adult B. Egg, larva, pupa, adult C. Egg, nymph, adult D. Egg, pupa, adult What instrument has a flexible gastroscope that is used to examine the esophagus and stomach? A. Ultrasound B. Laser C. Endoscope D. Scanner The beaks of finches in Galapagos and the difference in color of peppered moths are due to: A. divergent evolution B. convergent evolution C. natural selection D. artificial selection Which pathogen and disease is mismatched? A. Gonyaulax — red tide B. Entameba — dysentry C. Giardia — beaver fever D. Trypanosome — malaria Which pigment is dominant in red algae? A. Oxidator B. Hydrator C. Carbonation D. Phycoerythrin In food web, where is the greatest concentration of chemical bond energy?
  • 20. A. Decomposers B. Primary consumers C. Producers D. Secondary consumers Why is incineration not favored as a method of waste disposal? A. Needs more than power to exert B. Releases corrosive and noxious gasses C. Requires large energy expenditure At metaphase ofthe first meiotic division, thechromosomes are attachedtothe spindle fibers as ______. A. Double chromatids B. Non-homologous pairs C. single chromatid strands D. a tetrad of four chromatids Fruit growers often other propagate their plants by a sexual means because the resulting of spring will ____. A. be an improved variety than the parent B. show little variation from the parent C. bear larger fruit than the patient D. how no environmental variation Which are the two hosts of ascaris? A. Cow and man B. Man and Dog C. Cow and pig D. Man and pig What do we get from carbohydrates and fat? A. Cell Builders B. Tissue builders C. Heat and energy D. Growth regulators Retroviruses are significant in studies of human diseases because they inject
  • 21. A. cancer-causing genes B. cancer-preventing genes C. genetic material that produces cancer-causing genes D. genetic material that produces cancer-preventing genes Which of the following is the BEST description of a tissue? A. Part of an organ B. A set of cells that function together C. A cluster of cells all in the same place D. A set of identical cells that have a unified function The use of radioactive isotopes fall under: A. relative dating B. absolute dating C. homologue analysis D. comparative genomics A cloaca is a common opening for all of the following systems EXCEPT A. digestive B. reproductive C. excretory D. circulatory When a fungal spore germinates and continues to grow, it grows from a A. tip and forms a strand called a hypha B. base and forms a strand called a hypha C. tip and forms a strand called a mycelium D. base and forms a strand called a mycelium Which part of the brain is involved when we think and reason out? A. Cerebellum B. Cerebrum C. Medulla oblongata D. Pons
  • 22. What is a distinguishing characteristic of HOMO SAPIENS over the lower mammals? A. Blood vessels B. Sensitive skin C. Large brain D. Endoskeleton The circulatory system may have systemic of pulmonary circulation. Which of the following exhibits pulmonary circulation? A. Blood going to skin for oxygenation B. Blood going to heart C. Blood going to lungs for oxygenation D. Blood going to muscles Which of the following is LEAST LIKELY to form a fossil? A. Skin B. Teeth C. Shells D. Bones How are animals different from plants? A. They are sessile B. Their body is brown C. They are heterotrophic D. They have a heart Hemoglobin is found in the blood of humans and earthworms but not in the blood of grasshoppers. Which conclusion is best supported by the statement? A. The human and earthworm have lungs, the grasshopper have no lungs B. The human and earthworms transport more oxygen with their blood than the grasshopper C. The human and earthworm have open circulatory systems, the grasshopper has a closed D. The human and earthworm are adapted for anaerobic respiration, grasshopper is adapted for aerobic respiration What is the main function of the peripheral nervous system?
  • 23. A. Communicates with the endocrine glands B. Regulates our heartbeat and breathing C. Controls our emotions and intelligence D. Connects central nervous system to all organs Cells are the basic unit of life because A. They are the smallest matter found in living things B. All living things have cells C. Atom can form cells D. They are the smallest unit exhibiting the characteristics of life Which of the following sequences BEST describes the lytic cycle? A. Infection — replication — self-assembly — lysis B. Replication — infection — self-assembly — lysis C. Lysis — replication — self-assembly — infection D. Lysis — self-assembly — infection — replication The tendency to react automatically to an external stimulus is called a/an A. Habit B. Instinct C. Impulse D. Reflex Variations of a specific gene are known as A. alleles B. mutations C. genotypes D. phenotypes Which structure regulates the opening and closing of the stomata? A. Accesory cells B. Epidermal cells C. Tracheary cells D. Guard Cells What kind of tissue lines our skin and what is its important function? A. Nerve tissue responsible for reflexes
  • 24. B. Epithelial protection from ultraviolet radiation C. Nerve tissue; receive stimuli on the skin D. Epithelial; produce new cells when peeled off Fishes and whales have similar structure even if they are from different class because: A. They live in similar habitat B. They eat the same food C. They are able to cross-breed D. Fish mimic whales to scare predators An antiseptic is most correctly used to kill bacteria that A. are in food B. may be found in a cut C. can be found internally D. are on non-living surfaces Which of the following scientists concluded that tobacco mosaic disease was caused by organisms capable of reproduction? A. Miller B. Meyer C. Beijerinick D. Iwanowski Which structure can be found in a prokaryote? A. Nucleus B. Ribosome C. Plastid D. Lysosome The most important factor in deciding whether or not two populations of birds living on two different islands belong to the same species is their A. physical similarity B. embryological similarity C. environmental requirement D. mutual reproductive capability Which of thefollowingcorrectlyexpressestherelativeplacementof a vertebrate’snervecord and major blood vessels?
  • 25. A. Both are dorsal B. Both are ventral C. The nerve cord is ventral and the blood vessels are dorsal D. The nerve cord is dorsal and the blood vessels are ventral What is the natural phenomena on wherein thereis a continuous movement of water from the source to the atmosphere and back? A. Hydrogen cycle B. Carbon cycle C. Mineral cycle D. Hydrologic cycle Which is the energy storage compound used to do all forms of work of the cell? A. Electron B. Adenine C. Nicotinamide D. Adenosine triphosphate When is Calvin cycle performed? A. During the day B. During the night C. Anytime of the day as long as the necessary materials are present D. At 12 midnight Which popular plant is described as carnivorous? A. Water hyacinth B. Capillary action C. Pitcher Plant D. Kataka-taka If a pin were poked into a nematode from the outside into the intestine, what would it pass through? A. Ectoderm, mesoderm, pseudocoelom, then endoderm B. Ectoderm, pseudocoelom, mesoderm, then endoderm C. Ectoderm, mesoderm, pseudocoelom,mesoderm, then endoderm D. Ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm, pseudocoelom, mesoderm,then endoderm
  • 26. Which results from drinking saltwater? A. Poisoning of the cells B. Dehydration of the cells C. Increase in cell pressure D. Bursting of the cells When body parts are paired on either side of the body; this type of symmetry is called . A. Dorso-ventral B. bilateral C. Radial D. dorsal What BEST describes respiration? A. Taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen B. Breathing in a mixture of different gases C. Breathing in and breathing out D. Taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide Ramil has been struggling to maintain his weight. His neck seems to be swollen, his eyes are bulging out and his eyebrows are starting to shed. What could be causing these manifestations? A. His adrenal gland secretes too much of epinephrine B. Growth hormone from pituitary is irregularly secreted C. His thyroid gland does not function normally D. Testosterone level in his blood is too high for his age Which of the following animals is a member of Class Scyphozoa? A. Hydra B. Jellyfish C. Planaria D. Sea anemone Which process during photosynthesis involves the addition of hydrogen? A. Oxidator B. Hydrator C. Carbonation
  • 27. D. Reduction A bimodal distribution of phenotypes in any given populationcould naturally appear through A. artificial selection B. disruptive selection C. stabilizing selection D. directional selection What BEST describes respiration? A. Taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen B. Breathing in a mixture of different gases C. Breathing in and breathing out D. Taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide What substance do leeches secrets which keeps the blood they feed on state? A. Haemologbin B. Ecdysine C. Anticoagulant D. fibrinogen The fact that no two members of the same species are absolutely identical is an example of A. diversity B. homeostasis C. change through time D. structural adaptations Which type of muscle tissue found in the walls of our stomach is responsible for the process of peristalsis? A. Voluntary B. Striated C. Cardiac D. Smooth Which is NOT an example of artificial selection? A. Bird watching B. Breeding race horses C. Raising purebred dogs D. Protecting endangered species
  • 28. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE major Cellular transport is possible even if there is no concentration gradient. At this point, which of the following transport mechanism occurs? a. Passive transport b. Active transport c. Bulk transport d. Facilitated diffusion The age of mammals was traced to about ______? A. 5-6 billion years B. 65 million years C. 230 million years D. 600 million years Where on a plant would one look to find an apex? A. In a flower B. Along the stem C. Under the leaves D. At the tip of a branch How are mitochondria and chloraplasts similar to bacteria? A. They are larger than normal cells B. They are bounded by a single membrane C. They lack ribosomes D. They have a limited amount of genetic material Which color of light is most effectively absorbed by plants during photosynthesis? A. green, yellow, violet B. blue, yellow violet C. red, blue, violet D. red, blue, green The age of fossils can be determined by _______.
  • 29. A. the age of sediments were found B. carbon-14 dating method C. when the organisms came about D. the nature of radiations emitted Water vascular system serves as skeletal support of which animal group? A. Mollusk B. Echinoderm C. Arthropod D. Sponges Where does exchange of materials between the blood and body tissues take place? A. Platelets B. Veins C. Arteries D. Capillaries The shape of the mango tree is different from that of the pine treeders to a type of branching which is described as ______. A. tubular B. columnar C. deliquescent D. excurrent Which of the following MOST ACCURATELY describes the production of basidiospores? A. Singulary B. In clusters of four C. In clusters of eight D. Hundreds at a time What is the main difference between the uterus of a human and the uterus of a rat? A. Shape B. Function C. Location in the body D. Attachment to internal other organs The following are the functions of the integumentary system except:
  • 30. A. Sensation B. Protection C. Movement D. Secretion What structure assists the algae to float in water? A. Air bladder B. Gall bladder C. Air sacs D. Fluid filled sacs What shape is a bacillus bacterium? A. Spiral B. Elongate C. Spherical D. Polyhedral The aortic arches of an earthworm are located around the A. pharynx B. intestine C. esophagus D. ventral nerve cord The fact that embryos of different animals appear similar during various stages of their development suggests that they are A. evolving B. mutating C. genetically related D. analogous to one another People who live in high altitude have blood that is described to have. A. high number of white blood cells B. low number of red blood cells C. same number of red blood cells D. high number of red blood cells Sessile aquatic animals are more likely to be
  • 31. A. radially symmetrical, have separate sexes and reproduce by mating. B. radially symmetrical, hermaphroditic and reproduce by broadcasting. C. bilaterally symmetrical, have separate sexes and reproduce by mating. D. bilaterally symmetrical, hermaphroditic and reproduce by broadcasting. A very high level of calcium in the blood suggests a malfunction of the: A. Pancreas B. Liver C. Parathyroid D. Large intestines Which theory on how life began do chemists and geologists agree on today? A. Special Creation B. Spontaneous generation C. Cosmozoic D. Naturalistic Viral specificity, the fact that a given type of virus can only affect one kind of host cell, is A. because of toxins produced by non-host cells. B. a result of the matching of chemical structures. C. an indication of their relative strength or weakness. D. nature’s way of ensuring a wide distribution of viruses. Individuals without the specializations required to survive in a changing environment A. die. B. adapt. C. evolve. D. mutate. During cellular respiration, the products are A. carbon dioxide and water, while the reactants are oxygen and sugar. B. oxygen and carbon dioxide, while the reactants are sugar and water. C. water and oxygen, while the reactants are sugar and carbon dioxide. D. sugar and oxygen, while the reactants are carbon dioxide and water Which of the following is the best example of a population?
  • 32. A. 25 chicks in Manila zoo B. Giraffes in 10 square meter lot in Subic C. 18 kangarros in 15 square meter lot last Friday, March 21, 2008 D. 8 cockroaches on an 20”x13” sink in Raffy’s house on February 18, 2005 Scientists who classified living things as plants or animals: A. Aristotle B. Linnaeus C. Einstein D. Newton During binary fission, bacteria will A. divide by mitosis and double their number B. produce gametes that fuse to form a zygote C. divide by meiosis and quadruple their number D. combine, exchange genetic material, and then divide Which pair most correctly matches structures with their functions? A. Crop — storage; gizzard — grinding B. Crop — grinding; gizzard — storage C. Crop — chemical digestion; gizzard — physical digestion D. Crop — physical digestion; gizzard — chemical digestion Which of the followingis LEAST likely to be trueaboutherbivoresand carnivoresinthe same ecosystem? A. Both are part of the biota of the area B. The carnivores could prey on the herbivores C. They are both are the same trophic level D. The density of both populations undergoes regular fluctuations The remora fish probably has no effect on the shark but the remora benefits from it. What type of relationship is this? A. Mutualism B. Predation C. Commensalism D. Parasitism Nematocyst is commonly found in:
  • 33. A. Porifera B. Cnidarian C. Echinodermata D. Platyhelmenthes The modern horse has fewer toes than its ancestors. Such change is governed by . A. Reduction-division B. Natural Selection C. chromosomal deletions D. use and disuse DNA is to genetic material as RNA is to: A. Energy storage B. Protein synthesis C. Glucose formation D. Lipid synthesis The ability of an organism to pass on its genes to its offspring is part of the definition of A. fitness B. radiation C. evolution D. adaptation If a person previously had cow pox and was infected with small pox, then the A. effect would be severe B. person would most certainly die C. effect would be minimal if any even occurred D. person could become sick with any kind of pox, including chicken pox Which of the following describes a monocotyledon? A. Six petals per flower with parallel veins in leaves B. Six petals per flower with branching veins in leaves C. Twelve petals per flower with parallel veins in leaves D. Twelve petals per flower with branching veins in leaves In which of region of the atmosphere is the concentration of chemical bond energy?
  • 34. A. Decomposers B. Primary consumers C. Producers D. Secondary consumers Cephalization MOST ACCURATELY refers to the development of A. a brain B. a head C. a scolex D. an anterior end Which of the following is Lamarck’s theory believed by Darwin to be true? A. Need B. Use and disuse C. Descent with modification D. Inheritance of acquired characteristics Organisms use sugar to make an energy-rich molecule called A. TAP B. ATP C. PAT D. PTA What happens when there is too much sugar in the blood? a. The brainsignalsthe pancreastorelease insulinso thatexcess sugar can be stored in the liver b. The brain signals the pancreas to release glucagon so stored sugar would be released from the liver c. The brain signals the pancreas to release glucagon so that excess sugar can be stored in the liver d. The brain signals the pancreas to release insulin so stored sugar would be released from the liver Organisms that generally use oxygen, but can survive without it are called A. obligate aerobes. B. facultative aerobes. C. obligate anaerobes.
  • 35. D. facultative anaerobes. Which one is insufficient in cretinism? A. insulin B. Adrenalin C. Parathromone D. Thyroxin What happens to the lungs in a disease called emphysema? A. Carbon dioxide accumulate fast B. Linings of the lungs dry up C. Tracheal cells get filled up D. Alveolar walls break down Which of the following is NOT a necessary component of the process of natural selection? A. extinction B. selective pressure C. phenotypic variation D. reproductive success Which of the following is true to meiosis? A. It forms sex cells B. It forms spores in plants C. It produces diploid cells D. In occurs in the body cells The annelid feature that “relates” best to mollusks is the A. degree of specialization of the nervous system B. lack of development of an excretory system C. development of ciliated larvae D. extent to which their bodies are segmented Of all biomes, which is the most fragile? A. Tundra B. Estuary C. Deciduous forest D. Taiga
  • 36. How do tapeworms reproduce asexually? A. Scolex initiate bilateral fission B. Proglottids release sperm and egg C. Regeneration of organism through detached proglottid D. Transverse fission of proglottids Why is there a need to classify living things? A. To identify organism B. To enrich our lives C. To give biologists something to do D. To locate organism easily When thedensityof a growingpopulationsurpassesthecarryingcapacityofitsenvironment, the organisms will A. stop reproducing until the population size degreases significantly. B. reduce the number of offspring per female in the population. C. begin to die faster than new ones are produced. D. go extinct. If the flow of blood in a vessel is toward the heart then the vessel is identified as a______. A. Ventricle B. artery C. vein D. atrium What is the chemical nature of enzymes? A. Protein B. Amino acid C. Nucleic acid D. Lipid Sharp and tearing teeth are likely to be found in a: A. Autotroph B. Consumer C. Decomposer D. Producer
  • 37. Chromosomes do not normally occur in pairs in : A. Earthworm B. somatic cells C. Fertilized eggs D. gametes BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE major How many functional cell(s) is/are produced after oogenesis? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 In which growing conditions would you find xerophytes, hydrophytes, and halophytes (respectively)? A. Mineral-rich, aquatic, dry B. Aquatic, dry, mineral-rich C. Dry, aquatic, mineral-rich D. Dry, mineral-rich, aquatic Which of the following pairs in mismatched? A. Gastropod — mantle cavity B. Bivalvia — water vascular system C. Oligochaete — segments D. Hirudinea — suckers Meiosis results in the production of A. two diploid daughter cells B. four diploid daughter cells C. two haploid daughter cells D. four haploid daughter cells What are the location and function of endosperm? A. In a flower to attract pollen
  • 38. B. In fruit to protect the embryo C. In a seed to feed the embryo D. Part of pollen required for fertilization What disease common among cigarette smokers affects the air sacs of the lungs? A. Tuberculosis B. Asthma C. Emphysema D. Tracheal disorder The Bipolar nature of the cell membrane is due to ___? . A. Presence of carriers B. presence of glycolipids C. Phospholipids bilayer D. Integral bilayer What do you call the animals that ingest both plants and animals? A. Carnivores B. Omnivores C. Herbivores D. Saprophytes The fact that some flowers close up at night and open up during the day is an example of A. continuity B. interactions C. homeostasis D. structural adaptations Limbs are attached to the vertebral column as follows: A. pelvic are on the left; pectoral are on the right B. pelvic are on the right; pectoral are on the left C. pelvic are anterior; pectoral are posterior D. pelvic are posterior; pectoral are anterior Canis familiaris is the scientific name of a dog, Canis is the: A. Specie B. Genus C. Phylum
  • 39. D. Class Which of thefollowingis thecorrectsequenceofthe digestiveorgansthroughwhichmaterial pass in a rat? A. Mouth, trachea, stomach, small intestine, anus B. Mouth, esophagus, crop, gizzard, intestine C. Mouth, stomach, rectum, large intestine, anus D. Mouth, stomach, small intestine, caecum, large intestine How can decomposition affect an ecosystem? a. It lessens the amount of biodegradable waste b. It enriches the soil with inorganic materials needed c. It promotes the absorption of materials d. Both B and C Alellopathy is the inhibition of plant growth due to the release of biochemicals by another plant. Which of the following does alellopathy compares to the nearest? a. Mutualism b. Commensalism c. Parasitism d. Amensalism Soil erosioncan be preventedbyvariousfarmingtechniques.Whichof the followingisuseful in preventing surface runoff due to elevation and preventing much destruction of the landscape? a. Strip cropping b. Stubble planting c. Terracing d. Contour plowing Which of the following sequences correctly specifies the study of insects? A. Biology – botany – entomology B. Zoology – biology – insectology C. Biology – zoology – entomology D. Biology – zoology – microbiology
  • 40. Which of the following scientists conducted experiments that led to his belief that the cause of tobacco mosaic disease was either a very small bacterium or a toxin produced by the bacteria? A. Miller B. Meyer C. Beijerinick D. Iwanowski s A food web is a network of interacting A. producers B. food chains C. consumers D. habitats A rare allele may become common in a small population in a relatively short period of time due to A. genetic drift. B. adaptive radiation. C. divergent evolution. D. convergent evolution. A litter of puppies being born to a dog is an example of A. continuity. B. interactions. C. changes through time. D. structural adaptations. Which tissue is specialized to carry out the message sent by neurons to lift a book? a. Nervous b. Muscular c. Epithelial d. Connective Which gas is essential to plants during cellular respiration? a. carbon dioxide b. oxygen
  • 41. c. nitrogen d. hydrogen Select the TRUE statement from among the following statements about moss. A. The sporophyte is photosynthetic, but the gametophyte is not B. The gametophyte is photosynthetic, but the sporophyte is not C. Both the gametophyte and the sporophyte are photosynthetic D. Neither the sporophyte not the gametophyte is photosynthetic Which of the following is the BEST description of the role of a substrate in relation to a fungus? A. Defense B. Camouflage C. Reproduction D. Source of nutrients A hyphal strand that is termed coenocytic usually A. has nuclei and cross walls B. lacks nuclei and crosswalls C. lacks nuclei, but has cross walls D. has nuclei, but lacks cross walls During mitosis, a double-stranded chromosome is attached to a spindle fiber at the __________ . . A. Cell Plate B. Centromere C. Centrosome D. Centriole Which of the following is not true about science and technology? A. Technology helps improve man’s life B. Science is an organized knowledge about the environment C. Technology can provide all the solutions to the problems of the society D. Science taught man the relationship of living things with their environment Which best describes meiosis as another form of cell division with accompanying nuclear changes?
  • 42. A. The nuclear changes follow one another indefinitely B. Each new cell has double the amount from both parents C. The nucleoli break uo unto teo parts and disappear D. Each new cell has half the number of chromosomes Hyphae that exhibit positive chemotaxis will grow A. towards each other for reproductive purposes B. towards each other to share a rich food source C. away from each other to ensure distribution of spores D. away from each other to avoid the rapid depletion of nutrients in one area Why does the final consumer obtain the least amount of energy from the producer? a. The statement is not true b. Energy is lost at each transfer c. It is the last in the chain of consumer d. It is an animal Biologists who classify organisms are called A. organists B. taxonomists C. taxidermists D. taxorganists Creatively is a desirable trait that should be developed among our students. Describe a creative person? A. Creates beautiful set-ups B. Imitates scientists a work C. Originates own procedures D. Announces same solutions Which of the following levels of study in biology is MORE GENERAL than “community”? A. Species B. Ecosystem C. Population D. Organ system Linnaeus based his classification of plants on
  • 43. A. usefulness to man B. evolutionary changes C. environmental factors D. structural characteristics All taxa larger than "species" are A. arbitrary B. written in italics C. biologically useless D. artificial, defined by man In one hour, given ideal growing conditions, a small colony of 10 cells could grow to include A. 13 cells B. 40 cells C. 80 cells D. Hundreds of cells The following steps occur during conjugation. What is the correct sequence of these steps? 1. DNA replication 2. genetic recombination 3. genetic transfer between cells A. 1, 3, 2 B. 2, 3, 1 C. 3, 1, 2 D. 1, 2, 3 Which of the following most accurately applies to endospore production? A. Sexual; during poor growing conditions B. Sexual; during good growing conditions C. Asexual; during poor growing conditions D. Asexual; during good growing conditions Bacterial cells are called gram positive if their cell walls containing A. lipids absorb safranine B. lipids absorb crystal violet C. carbohydrates absorb safranine
  • 44. D. carbohydrates absorb crystal violet Which part of an alga is NOT correctly matched with its function? A. Float — buoyancy B. Holdfast — anchorage C. Stipe — conduct water D. Blade — photsynthesis Green algae is considered to be the most related to land plants because it A. has vascular tissue, which other algae lack B. is equipped with guard cells and stomata to control gas exchange C. is predominantly a sporophyte, where other algae are gametophytes D. stores glucose as starch, rather than oils or other complex carbohydrates What is the process of removing salt from seawater? A. Detoxification B. Water Treatment C. Purification D. Desalination Which of the following is LEAST useful when distinguishing betweenChlamydomonas and Euglena? A. Flagella B. Eyespots C. Pyrenoid body D. Contractile proteins Which of the following ideas does NOT support the notion that Volvox is a multicellular colony? A. It has simple tissues and organs B. Most of the component cells are all very similar to each other C. If broken apart, it can reassemble or replace the missing parts D. There is some communication and coordination between the component cells Why is it difficult to dispose off high-level nuclear wastes? A. They have long half-lives
  • 45. B. They are large and bulky C. They emit radiation D. They have short half-lives What is the benefit obtained from greenhouse effect? A. Speeds the growth of plants B. Serves as a thermal blanket C. Allows release of heat energy D. Serves as a source of light energy The holdfasts of Spirogyra are an advantage and a disadvantage because they A. anchor the plant and absorb chemicals from the soil B. anchor the plant and make it an easier target for herbivores C. enable it to absorb chemicals from the soil, which may to toxic to its growth D. enable it to grow taller increasing the possibility of breaking the filamentous structure The process of replication ensures that daughter cells will have exact copies of A. chromosomes without any mutations B. all the genetic information for the organism C. suitable segments of DNA required for cell survival D. the genetic information to be used by those particular cells Pollution has become a major problem largely because of the A. use of renewable sources B. dependence on fossils fuels C. abundance of natural resources D. decrease in energy resources The burning of coat could be made less polluting by using a . A. offshore drilling B. motor vehicle device C. scrubber system D. recycling Which of the following is true about stinging cells and collar cells?
  • 46. A. They are homologous structures associated with the digestive system B. Stinging cells are specializations of the ectoderm; collar cells are specializations of endoderm C. Collar cells are specializations of the ectoderm; stinging cells are specializations of endoderm D. Collar cells are members of colonies of cells; stinging cells are specializations of the ectoderm What are the functions of a gastrovascular cavity? A. Digestion and excretion only B. Excretion and circulation only C. Digestion and circulation only D. Digestion, excretion and, circulation Which of the following animals has a nerve net? A. Sponge B. Jellyfish C. Planaria D. Tapeworm What system do flame cells and nephridiopores belong to? A. Excretory system of planaria B. Circulatory system of planaria C. Excretory system of roundworms D. Circulatory system of roundworms What is the advantage to a parasitic worm of having multiple hosts during its life cycle? A. Finding a mate B. Distributing their young C. Infecting a wider range of animals D. Sampling a wider range of nutrient sources BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE major A human with a tapeworm most likely got it by consuming A. raw snails B. unsanitary water
  • 47. C. poorly cooked meat D. unwashed leafy vegetables Which part of the brain responsible for intelligence, memory and learned behavior? A. Cerebellum B. Cerebrum C. Medulla D. Thalamus What do you call the male gametophyte of an angiosperm? A. Ovule B. Embyo sac C. Anther D. Pollen grain Bacterial activity can result in all of the following EXCEPT ONE. Which one? A. Oil metabolism B. Food production C. Protein digestion D. Oxygen production Which phylum of protists is LEAST likely to have flagella? A. Phylum Sarcodina B. Phylum Pyrrophyta C. Phylum Zoomastigina D. Phylum Euglenophyta Which BEST describes the climax stage of an ecological succession? A. It changes rapidly from season to season B. Represent initial phases of evolution C. It persists until drastic changes occur D. Populated only by plants Which combination is MOST correct? A. Parasite — E. coli — intestines B. Symbiont — E. coli — stomach C. Pathogen — H. pylori — stomach
  • 48. D. Decomposer — H. pylori — intestines What special equipment is placed inside the heart generate electrical impulse? A. Endoscope B. Pacemaker C. Cardiac regulator D. Heart pump Nitrifying bacteria convert A. N2 into NH3 B. N2 into NO3-1 C. NO3-1 into N2 D. NH3 into NO3-1 Most unicellular organisms that have a nucleus would be A. eukaryotic and have cilia B. prokaryotic and have ribosomes C. prokaryotic and have chlorophyll D. eukaryotic and have mitochondria Which of the following is mismatched? A. Digestive — protist-like B. Ingestive — animal-like C. Absorptive — fungus-like D. Photosynthetic — plant-like Which is the BEST description of plankton? A. Floating plants B. Microscopic aquatic organisms C. Marine photosynthetic organisms without roots D. Floating organisms that are at the mercy of the currents Which sequence of taxa is in proper order? A. Species, genus, family, class, order, phylum, kingdom B. Genus, class, order, kingdom, phylum, species, family C. Class, genus, family, species, order, phylum, kingdom D. Species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom
  • 49. Which roots system is best adapted for anchorage? A. Secondary B. Tertiary C. Taproot D. Fibrous Conjugation is considered to be A. sexual because new genetic combinations are produced B. asexual because no new genetic combinations are produced C. sexual because it requires a male and female of the same species D. asexual because organisms can conduct conjugation independently Which part of the breathing occurs when the diaphragm muscles are pulled downwards, thus increasing the chest cavity? A. Expiration B. Release of energy C. Inhalation D. Inspiration Among the following, which could be considered a population? A. 8 coconut trees ling the fence B. 10 rats in a 1 hectare rice field C. 100 rats in a 1 hectare rice field D. 40 students eating in the canteen Which of the following is a correct description of reproduction by ameba? A. sexually when conditions are poor B. sexually when conditions are good C. asexually when conditions are poor D. by forming cysts when conditions are good What organ is controlled by the automatic nervous system? A. Brain B. Bones C. Heart D. Skeletal Muscles
  • 50. During the Plasmodium life cycle, where do the sporozoans mature? A. Liver cells B. Red blood cells C. Human blood stream D. Mosquito salivary glands When light shines on water containing Euglena, the Euglena will most likely swim A. towards it using their flagella B. away from it using their flagella C. towards it by eugleoid movement D. away from it by euglenoid movement Egg-mamals are called _____. A. vivipamous B. primates C. oviparous D. marsupials An autotrophic nutritional relationship among organisms in an ecosystem is shown in the conversion of . A. protein into amino acids B. radiant energy to chemical energy C. free nitrogen into nitrites D. rocks into soil Which part of the brain controls our rate of breathing? A. Cerebellum B. Cerebrum C. Spinal Cord D. Medulla Through what part does the embryo obtain its nourishment from the mother? A. The oviduct B. The umbilical cord C. The food tubules D. The fallopian tube
  • 51. What is the main function of the large intestines? A. Excrete bile pigments from ducts B. Excrete salts and digested food C. Digest food into liquid form D. Complete the digestion of proteins Arthropods exhibit fast and coordinated movement because they possess A. an endoskeleton B. jointed appendages C. exoskeleton D. bilateral symmetry What happens to a food vacuole once it is formed? A. It leaves via the gullet. B. It fuses with a lysosome. C. It becomes a contractile vacuole. D. It becomes attached to the oral groove. In experiment, which is the condition being introduced and whose effect is being observed? A. Hypothesis formulated B. Constant variable C. Manipulated variable D. Tentative variable In order to elongate, an earthworm would have to A. contract its circular muscles, while relaxing its longitudinal muscles B. relax its circular muscles, while contracting its longitudinal muscles C. contract both its circular and longitudinal muscles D. relax both its circular and longitudinal muscles Of the following, which is the BEST description of detritus? A. Fungus B. Fertilizer C. Soil debris D. Undigested wastes
  • 52. The toxic substance secreted by bees and ants through their sting originate from their _____, A. silk glands B. intestines C. rectal gland D. Salivary glands Unlike a plant, a plant-like protist A. is unicellular B. has a nucleus C. uses mitochondria D. contains chloroplasts A unicellular organism with membrane-bound organelles is generally considered to be a A. plant-like protist B. animal-like protist C. fungus-like protist D. protist of some kind Which is the following causes our nose to “run” when we cry? A. The lungs release water vapor B. Mucous glands are activated C. Tears enter the duct to the nasal cavity D. The sinuses release water When cause our bones to turn brittle and easily break? A. Turning into muscle tissue B. Increase in flexibility C. Turbidity decreased D. Removal of collagen Under which conditions would the chance of transpiration be the greatest? A. Hot and dry B. Cold and dry C. Hot and humid D. Cold and humid
  • 53. Which part of the ear is dangerously affected when sound is of a hundred decibels? A. Stirrup B. Eustachian tube C. Semi-circular canal D. Tympanic membrane Which procedure is LEAST likely to be included in a list of sterile techniques? A. Using disinfectants B. Avoiding direct contact C. Maintaining a biological control D. Heating equipment to sterilize it The development of a coelom is coupled with the earliest specialization of a/an A. nervous system B. excretory system C. circulatory system D. respiratory system Which part of neuron conducts impulse from other cells toward the cell body? A. Axon B. Ganglia C. Synapse D. Dendrite The lungs of a mammal are located in its A. alimentary canal B. abdominal cavity C. cranial cavity D. thoracic cavity The reproductive structures of an earthworm are located A. under the clitellum B. mid-way along the length of the worm C. closer to the anterior end of the worm D. closer to the posterior end of the worm Which part of the male reproductive system functions for formation of gametes?
  • 54. a. Testes b. Seminal vesicle c. Penis d. Scrotum How many kingdoms of organisms will be studied in Biology 11? A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six Which of the following nutrients is incorrectly paired with its function in a plant? A. Magnesium-constituent of chlorophyll B. Iron-component of chlorophyll C. Phosphorus-component of nucleic acid D. Calcium-formation of cells walls What process is responsible for the upward movement of water in very tall trees? A. Transpiration B. Capillary action C. Turgor Pressure D. Air Pressure The setae of the earthworm function BEST for A. traction B. feeling C. excretion D. subdividing the coelom Organisms are classified into kingdoms primarily by their A. habitat B. structures C. size and coloration D. reproductive behavior Which pair of bases does NOT represent a complementary base pair?
  • 55. A. thymine — adenine B. adenine — guanine C. guanine — cytosine D. cytosine — guanine BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE major When during the cell cycle does replication occur? A. Just before prophase B. S period of interphase C. G1 period of interphase D. G2 period of interphase The theory of natural selection was developed by A. Darwin B. Mendel C. Lamarck D. Linnaeus The genetic material of a retrovirus will organize the synthesis of A. DNA from its RNA structure B. DNA from its DNA structure C. RNA from its RNA structure D. RNA from its DNA structure The evolution of a species could be MOST ACCURATELY documented by the A. observation of a set of mutations. B. change in the size of a physical feature. C. change in the frequency of alleles in the gene pool. D. occurrence of genotype that doesn’t change, thoughthe corresponding phenotype may. Which of the following is TRUE of homologous structures? A. They have the same types of tissues and the same functions B. They have different types of tissues and may have different functions
  • 56. C. They have different types of tissues but may have the same functions D. They have the same types of tissues, but may have different functions What phylum does an ameba belong to? A. Phylum Ciliphora B. Phylum Sarcodina C. Phylum Pyrrophyta D. Phylum Zoomastigina A prophage is BEST described as A. active viral genetic material B. dormant viral genetic material C. active bacterial genetic material D. dormant bacterial genetic material RNA differs from DNA in all of the following EXCEPT one. Which one? A. RNA contains uracil, where DNA doesn’t contain uracil B. RNA is single stranded, where DNA is double stranded C. RNA contains ribose, where DNA contains deoxyribose D. RNA is not normally found in human cells, where DNA is Certaintypes of white bloodcells releaseproteinsthatclump together foreigncells.What are these proteins called? A. Antibiotics B. Antibodies C. Pathogens D. Interferons Which parental pair could produce a colorblind female? A. Heterozygous normal vision mother and normal father B. Heterozygous normal vision mother and colorblind father C. Normal vision mother and colorblind father D. Homozygous normal vision mother and normal father An organism that has an extra copy of a chromosome in all its cells is a result of .
  • 57. A. gene mutation B. chromosomal mutation C. somatic mutation D. polyploidy Which of the following are vestigial structures? A. Gills of clams B. Mantles of slugs C. Eyes of octopi Extinction of one species in a stable ecosystem could do all of the following EXCEPT A. go unnoticed B. cause the collapse of the ecosystem C. increase the interactions between the remaining species D. decrease the interactions between the remaining species The total collection of genes in a population at any one time is called: a. genome b. genotype c. gametes d. gene pool An endothermic animal gets its body temperature from A. the environment B. other endothermic animals C. ectothermic animals D. its own metabolic activity Which protein found in the plasma is responsible for blood clothing? A. Albumin B. Globulin C. Serum D. Fibrinogen What term did Mendel used to call the variable responsible for the trait of an individual? a. phenotype b. genotype
  • 58. c. gene d. heritable factor Which organisms could have the most number of genes similar to man? a. pig b. bacterium c. earthworm d. fish Which of the following statements does not hold true regarding viruses? a. They may be surrounded by envelopes, or capsid b. They are grown in artificial media provided with ATP c. Their genetic material can be DNA or RNA d. Their capsid is made of proteins of the same type Which type of cell would probably provide the best opportunity to study lysosomes? A. Leaf Cell of a plant B. Nerve cell C. Muscle cell D. Phagocytes white blood cells Which is the effect of drugs on cells? A. Produce toxic substance B. Discontinuous cell activity C. Cause damage to their structure D. Poison the cell liquid Which of the following is a part of the process of chemiosmosis? A. Electrons move along the electron transport chain B. Water molecules are split C. Hydrogen ions pass through membranes D. Light is absorbed by chlorophyll Fat deposits in vertebrates have two main functions. Besides being a long term food supply, they A. create the appearance of larger size
  • 59. B. help maintain body temperature C. provide an internal water proofing D. remove impurities from the blood Which system is NOT present in vertebrates? A. Respiratory B. Water vascular C. Excretory D. Endocrine What do you call food in a semi-liquid form, partially digested and mixed with hydrochloric acid? A. Gastric secretion B. Gastric fluid C. Mucosa D. Chyme The most efficient respiratory systems are found among the A. fish B. birds C. reptiles D. mammals Which group of chordates typically reproduces using internal fertilization? A. Turtles, frogs, birds B. Bats, salamanders, whales C. Snakes, kangaroos, platypuses D. Sharks, alligators, anteaters Millipedes are known for their A. single pair of legs per segment and herbivorous lifestyle B. single pair of legs per segment and carnivorous lifestyle C. double pair of legs per segment and herbivorous lifestyle D. double pair of legs per segment and carnivorous lifestyle The major locomotory structures of an insect are attached to its A. head
  • 60. B. thorax C. cephalothorax D. abdomen Which ofthe followinglistsa grasshopper’smouthpartsinananterior toposterior sequence? A. Labium ¬ mandibles ¬ maxillae ¬ labrum B. Labium ¬ maxillae ¬ mandibles ¬ labrum C. Labrum ¬ maxillae ¬ mandibles ¬ labium D. Labrum ¬ mandibles ¬ maxillae ¬ labium To which body system do ocelli belong? A. Excretory B. Respiratory C. Reproductive D. Nervous Which of the following BEST describes the life cycle of a moth? A. Egg ¬ nymph ¬ adult B. Egg ¬ larva ¬ nymph ¬ adult C. Egg ¬ larva ¬ pupa ¬ adult D. Egg ¬ pupa ¬ adult The transporting of broken rock particles from one place to another is a natural process called . A. Depletion B. Conservation C. weathering D. erosion What is the function of the lymph? A. Contain fibrinogen B. Protects the body from inflection C. Transports oxygen D. Enables the blood to clot Of the following, the BEST description of the role of Malpighian tubules is to conduct metabolic wastes from
  • 61. A. tissues to the intestines B. tissues to the kidneys C. kidneys to the excretory openings D. kidneys to the spiracles What do you call a prediction that is made based on two observations? A. Inference B. Interpolation C. Extrapolation D. Hypothesis Which of the following will not enable one to distinguish gender? A. Presence of an ovipositor on a grasshopper B. Storage sacs on the ends of the pedipalps of a spider C. The length of swimerettes on a crayfish D. The thickness of the carapace of a crab What is the current size of the human population? A. 4 billion B. 3 billion C. 6 billion D. 5 billion A “phage” (short for bacteriophage) is a type of A. bacterial cell B. virus that invades bacteria cells C. cell that is prone to bacterial infections D. bacteria that is prone to viral infections What type of growth curve is produced from a very abrupt increase in population size? A. Quadratic B. Linear C. Exponential D. Logistic E. coli lives in A. water
  • 62. B. bacteria C. blood cells D. intestines of mammals Which of the following is the most complete list of functions that occur by diffusion in a jellyfish? A. Excretion and circulation B. Respiration and excretion C. Respiration and circulation D. Respiration, excretion, circulation Which of the following is NOT a greenhouse gas? A. CO2 B. N2O C. HS D. CH4 What secretaries which enables the sugar to be stored in the liver? A. Adrenal medulla B. Thyroid C. Adrenal cortex D. Islet of Langerhans Which of the hormone that triggers ovulation? A. Testosterone B. Prolactin C. Follicle-stimulating D. Luteinizing How does the liver assist the digestive system? A. Stores starch B. It secretes bile C. Acts on protein food D. Mixes with the pancreatic juice What structures in the tongue make it distinguished food quality?
  • 63. A. Tasters B. Taste Buds C. Antigens D. Erythrocytes White blood cells are the “soldiers” of the body. They fight the disease-causing organisms. They are . A. antibodies B. phagocytes C. antigens D. erythrocytes What blood test is used to provide information about agglutination reactions between donor and recipient blood? A. Blood count B. Clothing test C. Blood chemistry D. Type and cross-match Which produce the hormone MOST closely associated with ten control of calcium metabolism? A. Pancreas B. Ovaries C. Adrenal glands D. Parathyroid glands The dark reaction phase of photosynthesis consists of a series of chemical reactions which end up with the formation of a 3-carbon sugar called . A. ADP B. NADPH C. ATP D. PGAL Why should the number of chromosomes be reduced to half in meiosis? A. So that each daughter cell receives chromosomes B. So that each daughter cell would have different set of chromosomes
  • 64. C. So that the organism that will be formed after fertilization would have the same number of chromosomes as that of the parents D. So that there will be a change in the number of chromosomes in the next generation Which of the following sets of features most accurately defines Phylum Mollusca? A. Marine, soft-bodied, mantle B. Soft-bodied, mantle, closed circulatory system C. Foot, mantle, soft-bodied D. Marine or terrestrial, foot, open circulatory system Which part of the water vascular system of a sea star is connected directly to a tube foot? A. Madreporite B. Lateral canal C. Ring canal D. Radial canal Which system of echinoderms is LEAST specialized? A. Digestive system B. Locomotory C. Respiratory D. Reproductive BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE major How can keystone predator affect the community? A. Exclude other predators in the community B. Create imbalance in species diversity C. Increase the relative abundance of the most competitive prey species D. Maintain species diversity by targeting the most competitive prey species When does a temperature inversion occur? A. Warm air rises above cool air. B. Winds fail to blow faster. C. Warm air is trapped under cool air D. Cool air is trapped under warm air. Which is the correct food chain?
  • 65. A. Ants → Rice Plant → Cat B. Corn plant → mice → Cat C. Mice → cat→ Corn plant D. Rice Plant → Ants → Corn plant Yeasts convert sugar into alcohol through the process of . A. biomass B. fermentation C. electrolysis D. combustion What BEST characteristics the latitude where most deserts are found? A. Dry air is rising. B. Dry air is descending. C. Air masses are stationary. D. Moist air is descending. Which biome is concerned to be the most stable? A. Grassland B. Taiga C. Tundra D. Tropical rainforest Ozone depletion is due to the release of CFC’s from A. industrial combustion B. deforestation C. Styrofoam’s and Freon’s D. animal respiration According to many scientists, there is a significant increase in the area being converted to desert. This may be due to increasing water loss, residential area expansion, and other disturbances. What do you call the process of desert formation? A. Acidification B. Desertification C. Humidification D. Habitat destruction
  • 66. Which pair of terms will most likely apply to the same organism? A. Autotroph, parasite B. Heterotroph, autotroph C. Heterotroph, herbivore D. Producer, predator A grasshopper’s tracheal tubes are attached to its A. lungs. B. spiracles. C. gills. D. book lungs. Which system does a green gland of a crayfish belong to? A. Excretory. B. Digestive. C. Reproductive. D. Circulatory. How many stages are there in complete metamorphosis? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. Which of the following involves the use of Lactococcus lactis? A. Cheese production B. Ice cream base C. Milk pasteurization D. Sanitary napkin Why is pasteurization done in milk rather than autoclaving? A. Autoclave is more expensive B. Pasteurization is a traditional method C. Bacteria in milk are not killed by autoclaving. D. Milk proteins can coagulate if exposed to very high temperature
  • 67. What feature of a paramecium is used to classify it into its phylum? A. Cilia. B. Oral groove. C. Food vacuole. D. Contractile vacuole. Which of the following is the BEST description of the movement of a paramecium? A. Gliding. B. Floating. C. Spiraling. D. Crawling. Rapid reproduction by photosynthetic protists producing “blooms” may also cause significant A. depletion of both CO2 and O2. B. production of both CO2 and O2. C. depletion of CO2 and production of O2. D. depletion of O2 and production of CO2. Red tide is poisonous because the A. water contains toxins produced by protists. B. shellfish accumulate toxins produced by the protists. C. protists are dying at a high rate polluting the ocean shores. D. shellfish are dying at a high rate polluting the ocean shores. Into which phylum are diatoms classified? A. Phylum Pyrrophyta. B. Phylum Chrysophyta. C. Phylum Euglenophyta. D. Phylum Acrasiomycota. What causes acrasiomycotes to develop into spore-producing structures? A. Attraction to cAMP, which is released in poor feeding conditions. B. Attraction to cAMP, which is released in good feeding conditions. C. Repulsion from cAMP, which is released in poor feeding conditions.
  • 68. D. Repulsion from cAMP, which is released in good feeding conditions. The cells in the body that respond to the presence of antigens are white blood cells called lymphocytes. Which type of lymphocytes makes antibodies and gives off the antibodies into the bloodstream? A. T cells B. Memory cells C. B cells D. Plasma cells Which vector (carrier) and pathogen are mismatched? A. Mosquito — malaria. B. Fly — Chagas disease. C. Fly — sleeping sickness. D. Mosquito — amebic dystentry. What is the major problem involved in organ transplants? A. Race of recipient B. Phagocytes C. Sex of donor D. Antigen-antibody reaction Members of the same species A. are in the same genus. B. live in the same location. C. interact sexually with each other. D. are all the same color and shape. The taxon most clearly defined by natural biological barriers is the A. class. B. genus. C. phylum. D. species.
  • 69. The third smallest taxon is the A. order. B. class. C. family. D. phylum. The taxon that includes the others listed is the A. class. B. order. C. genus. D. phylum. Which branch of biology deals with the study of fungi? A. Microbiology B. Mycology C. Zoology D. Bryology Cris, having type O blood, needs a blood transfusion. Which blood type can he receive? A. A and O B. B and O C. All types D. O only The relationship between a carnivore (wolf) and a herbivore (rabbit) is an example of A. unity. B. interactions. C. changes through time. D. structural adaptations. Biology is the study of A. life. B. plants. C. animals. D. organisms.
  • 70. Horses and zebras are not considered to be members of the same species because they A. do not interbreed. B. eat different foods. C. are of different sizes. D. have different markings. Earthworms are MOST correctly described as A. free-living. B. parasitic. C. carnivores. D. herbivores. The correct sequence of the parts of an earthworm’s digestive system is A. pharynx, crop, gizzard, intestine, anus. B. pharynx, gizzard, crop, intestine, anus. C. esophagus, gizzard, crop, intestine, anus. D. esophagus, crop, gizzard, stomach, intestine. The lifestyle of a polychaete is best described as A. predator. B. prey. C. producer. D. parasite. Which of the following systems is likely the MOST developed in a leech? A. Excretory. B. Reproductive. C. Digestive. D. Circulatory. To what order do primitive mammals that lay eggs belong? A. Marsupials B. Craniata C. Monotremata D. Placental mammals
  • 71. Large colonies of polyps belonging to class Anthozoa secrete hard skeletons of time which later form A. sea aneores B. obellas C. corals D. jellyfish One who specializes in all kinds of fishes and their characteristics, developing expertise in . A. taxonomy B. histology C. entomology D. ichthyology In protozoan, digestion occurs in the . A. Stomach B. Contractile vacuole C. Ribosome D. Food vacuole What kind of adaptation enables the walking stick to elude these enemies? A. Aggressive mimicry B. Aggressive adaption C. Protective mimicry D. Protective coloration In the principle of dominance, when a dominant allele is paired with a recessive one, the dominant trait will be expressed. What will be the phenotype of rr genotype following the principle of complete dominance? A. Dominant B. Heterozygous C. Homozygous D. Recessive Which of the following relationships exhibit mutualism? A. Dog chasing cat B. Butterfly and flower
  • 72. C. Man eating vegetables D. Bear and fish How can we classify grasshopper based on diet? A. It is a carnivore B. It is an omnivore C. It is a primary consumer D. It is a primary producer The dark lines forming the annular rings of a tree are made out of dense A. xylem cells that formed in poor growing conditions. B. xylem cells that formed in good growing conditions. C. phloem cells that formed in poor growing conditions. D. phloem cells that formed in good growing conditions. The cones of a gymnosperm that are involved in reproduction during a spring season are a A. one-year male cone and a one-year female cone. B. one-year male cone and a three-year female cone. C. three-year male cone and a one-year female cone. D. three-year male cone and a three-year female cone. Which of the following is true of hybrids? A. They are normally fertile B. They can produce fertile offspring C. They can mate with hybrids of other species D. They are either sterile of will produce a sterile offspring Nita noticed that she produce more urine when she stays inside an air-conditioned room, than when she plays volleyball with her friends even if her water intake is unchanged. Why is this so? A. When her body is busy with activities, her kidneys are not working temporarily. B. When she stays inside an air-conditioned room, she perspire less, hence excess water is excreted through urine. C. When she plays volleyball, her body uses water to produce ATP. D. When she is inactive, her kidneys have nothing to do but to produce urine to keep the body active. Which of the following aids in blood clotting?
  • 73. A. Thrombocytes B. Chondrocytes C. Osteocytes D. Erythrocytes Provided that you have been assigned as DENR secretary, how can you promote sustainable development? A. Stop the operations of all loggers, miners,and other industry that involves the environment B. Limit the operations of environmentally-linked industries to an allocated area C. Monitor the activities of these industry and enforce the laws D. Make sure that laws are enforced and start programs that will replenish the damaged ecosystems What is needed to be established to be certain that coevolution occurred to two organisms? A. Both organisms originated from about the same time. . Each species affects the population density of the other. C. The adaptation of one species followed specifically that of the other one, and vice versa D. The two species are adapted to a common set of environmental condition The decrease in number of organisms and species has reached an alarming degree. What is the major reason for the present declining biodiversity? A. Climate change B. Global warming C. Habitat destruction D. Introduction of chemicals to farm plants The chemical secreted by a leech is medically significant because it prevents A. bacterial infection. B. blood clotting. C. tissue rejection. D. skin deterioration. Rolly was askedby his mother to go tothe market and buy 3 kilograms ofmollusk ofdifferent kinds,so he wentto themarket and boughtonekilogramofmussels, half a kilogramof clams, half a kilogram of squids and one kilogram of shrimps. When he arrived home and gave his
  • 74. mother what he had bought, she told him that his finds were not entirely mollusk. Which of his finds is not a mollusk? A. Clams B. Mussels C. Shrimps D. Squids Why is saturated fat bad for the body? A. They make the consistency of the blood thinner. B. They destroy blood cells. C. They make the blood cells grow larger D. They line around the inner wall of blood vessel making circulation more difficult. When the staminateflower is foundin oneplantand the pistillateflower on another theplants is described as . A. complete B. monoecious C. robust D. dioecious Which process during photosynthesis involves the addition of hydrogen? A. Oxidator B. Hydrator C. Carbonation D. Reduction There are 80957 ladybugs and 60 frogs inhabit a 60 sq.m. lot, having a swamp of one and a quarter of sq.m. big. What is the density of ladybugs in the 60 sq.m. lot? A. 1,394.28 ladybugs/sq.m. lot B. 1,432.38 ladybugs/sq.m. lot C. 1,379.92 ladybugs/sq.m. lot D. 1,349.28 ladybugs/sq.m. lot BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE major The cell wall of plant cell is made of _____________.
  • 75. A. Lipids B. Cellulose C. Protein D. Cell Membrane Which is the storage cell of plants? A. Microtubule B. Collenchyma C. Meristem D. Parenchyma Variations is the result of: A. Fertilization B. Meiosis C. Mutations D. All of the above Select the FALSE statement regarding the fertilization process in angiosperms. A. A pollen nucleus fertilizes the ovum to produce the embryo B. A pollen nucleus causes the ovule to develop and produce fruit C. A pollen nucleus fertilizes a polar body to produce the endosperm D. A pollen nucleus causes the growth and elongation of the pollen tube Which would you advise to children to prevent osteoporosis? A. Consistent bone density test B. Adequate calcium and Vitamin D C. More intake of all vitamins D. Less bone exercise and fatigue. What features would you expect to find associated with both a maple and an oak leaf? A. Parallel vein pattern and a petiole B. Parallel vein pattern, but no petiole C. Branching vein pattern and a petiole D. Branching vein pattern, but no petiole What causes leaves to change color and fall from trees?
  • 76. A. Increased photosynthesis coupled with a build-up of cells in the petiole B. Decreased photosynthesis coupled with a build-up of cells in the petiole C. Increased photosynthesis coupled with a deterioration of the cells in the petiole D. Decreased photosynthesis coupled with a deterioration of the cells in the petiole What is the function of a cotyledon? A. Store water absorbed by root hairs to use later, when water is less available B. Facilitate gas exchange for both photosynthesis and respiration until stomata develop C. Promote the growth of roots in a downward direction and the growth of shoots upwards D. Provide nutrients to a plant embryo until it can conduct enough photosynthesis to make its own Which of the following combinations of organisms contains only radially symmetrical animals? A. Jellyfish, sponges, and roundworms B. Roundworms, hydra, and sea anemones C. Sponges, jellyfish, and Portuguese men-o-war D. Portuguese men-o-war, roundworms, and flukes Foods that high in fiber are most likely to be derive from: A. Meat B. Plants C. Fish D. Dairy Most of the red blood cells in the body are produced in the _____ of long bones such as the tibia. A. Joint B. Ligaments C. Cartilage D. Marrow Which pattern of digestive system allows for the greatest organ development? A. Sac-like pattern B. Tube-like system C. Gastrovascular cavity D. Intracellular digestion by lysosome activity
  • 77. Which of the following combinations of organisms contains only sessile animals? A. Flukes and tapeworms B. Sponges, hydras, and sea anemones C. Jellyfishes, planaria worms, and tapeworms D. Flukes, tapeworms, and planaria worms Which of the following is NOT a function of transpiration? A. Uptake of water B. Uptake of minerals C. Excretion of minerals D. Cooling of leaves Animals are diploid (2N) and produce gametes that are haploid (N). This statement is A. never true B. usually true C. always true D. occasionally true Which will cause the process of respiration to stop? A. Decrease in water supply B. Presence of sunlight C. Absence of oxygen D. Occurrence of darkness Spiders obtain oxygen through their A. gills B. cuticles C. book lungs D. tracheal tubes The “fangs” of a spider are more technically known as A. chelicera B. pedipalps C. chelipeds D. carapaces
  • 78. Insects that transmit diseases are A. pathogens B. parasites C. vectors D. virulent People who enjoy eating lobster are usually eating the muscles of its A. cephalothorax and chelipeds B. carapace and abdomen C. telsons and uropods D. cheliped and abdomen Which of these features would NOT be found in a trout? A. Operculum B. Swim bladder C. Spiral valve D. Cloaca When erythrocytes are formed in the urine it suggests a condition called: A. Hematuria B. Hypertension C. Hematoma D. Cystitis Fungal rhizoids have the dual purposes of A. anchoring and absorbing nutrients B. asexual reproduction and anchoring C. spreading out the fungus and absorbing nutrients D. asexual reproduction and spreading out the fungus Which phylum of fungi has cellulose cell walls? A. Phylum Oomycetes B. Phylum Ascomycetes C. Phylum Zygomycetes D. Phylum Basiodiomycetes Ringworm and athlete’s foot are fungal diseases caused by members of which phylum?
  • 79. A. Phylum Oomycetes B. Phylum Ascomycetes C. Phylum Zygomycetes D. Phylum Deuteromycetes Plants are like animals because of the presence of: A. Meristem B. Spores C. Mitochondria D. Chloroplast What may occur when both alleles contribute to the phenotype of heterozygous individual to produce a trait that is NOT exactly like that of either parent? A. Incomplete dominance B. Segregation C. Manifestation of recessive traits D. Independent assortment Two organisms can be identified as belonging to the same species if they can A. Eat the same kind of food B. breed in a natural setting C. exoskeleton D. survive together in nature The relationship that exist between insects and flowering plants is called A. parasitism B. predation C. symbiosis D. commensalisms The role and depth of breathing may be increased by: A. An increase in carbon dioxide concentration in the blood B. A drop in oxygen concentration in the blood C. All of the above D. None of the above
  • 80. Which protein is responsible for the production of our skin pigment? A. Keratin B. Melanin C. Collagen D. Codon The main function of spinal cord is to: A. Stimulate the parts of the brain B. Control the action of the brain C. Transport impulse to and from the brain D. Control the reaction of the organ system The phase of mitosis characterized by chromosomes separation and migration is: A. Anaphase B. Telophase C. Metaphase D. Interphase A shortage of oxygen in the tissue is referred to as hypoxia which causes an altitude sickness. Which of the following is not the symptom of this condition? A. Nausea B. Sleeplessness C. Dizziness D. Blurred vision Which of the following pairs of organisms and disease is incorrect? A. Virus-HIV B. Bacterium-syphilis C. Archaebacterium-gonorrhea D. Sporozoan-malaria Which type of organism is not shown in the food chain? Grass-----Mouse-----Snake-----Hawk A. Carnivore B. Herbivore C. Decomposers D. Producers
  • 81. A structure present in a rat yet absent in a frog is a A. lung B. diaphragm C. kidney D. spleen Fungi that feed on dead or decayed organic matter are said to be the: A. Organelle B. Herbivores C. Carnivores D. Saprophytes An organism’s (species’) niche is best described as the set of interactions between the organism and the A. positive features of its environment B. abiotic parts of its environment C. abiotic and biotic parts of its environment D. positive and negative features of its environment Coordination and integration of the body activities of man are under the direct control of the: A. Reproductive and transport system B. Nervous and endocrine system C. Respiratory and endocrine system D. Nervous and excretory system Which of the following is the BEST example of the biological principle of structural adaptations? A. Pigs have litters B. Snakes eat frogs C. There are many breeds of dogs D. Cacti needles are modified branches The hair like structure found in many cells that aid in the movement is the: A. Cilia B. Nucleus C. Lysosome
  • 82. D. Mitochondria How do marsupials differ from other mammals? A. They are the only mammals that have a placenta B. They do not have internal fertilization C. Their young are born at a much earlier stage of development D. They do not have mammary glands with nipples Which of the following membranes most directly surrounds a developing embryo? A. Allantoic sac B. Amniotic sac C. Chorionic sac D. Yolk sac Birds and reptiles share all of the following EXCEPT A. Amniotic egg B. Scales C. Lightweight bones D. Beaks and claws What substance in saliva softens the food that we chew? A. Pepsin B. Fat C. Protein D. Ptyalin Which of the following is an abiotic feature of an environment? A. Fish B. Birds C. Trees D. Rivers Animals living in the high mountain areas counter the cold by means of their: A. Warm food B. Thin blood C. Low body temperature D. Thick, hairy coat
  • 83. Which of the following interactions occurs within a single species? A. Parasitism B. Symbiosis C. Competition D. Predation Which of the following is descriptive of lichen? A. Parasitism B. Symbiosis C. Competition D. Predation Which of the following would increase the size of a population? A. Increased mortality B. Increased emigration C. Decreased immigration D. Increased natality Which of the following is LEAST likely a function of the siphon of a clam? A. Feeding. B. Excreting. C. Circulating. D. Reproducing. A sinus of a clam is MOST correctly described as a chamber where A. air collects for respiration. B. blood collects to bathe tissues. C. muscles for movement are located. D. reproductive gametes are stored. Which organism is mismatched with a characteristic “lifestyle”? A. Clam — filter feeder. B. Squid — predator. C. Slug — carnivore. D. Snail — free-living.
  • 84. What group of bacteria consume nitrate and release atmospheric nitrogenas by- product? A. Nitrifying bacteria B. Denitrifying bacteria C. Nitrogen-fixers D. Ammonifying bacteria What do you call the place where an organism lives? A. Habitat B. Occupation C. Niche D. Troph BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE major A population of 1000 members is changing at the following rates: N = 10%, M = 14%, I = 18%, E = 22%. After one year, the population would be A. 920 B. 992 C. 1008 D. 1080 Bacteria grown on agar in a Petri dish is an example of A. carrying capacity B. closed population C. open population D. cyclical changes in population size Which of the following types of spores is produced asexually? A. Ascospores B. Zygospores C. Basidiospores D. Conidiospores A specialized hyphal strand that runs horizontal to the substrate is called a A. stolon
  • 85. B. rhizoid C. mycelium D. sporangiophore What is the major characteristic that unifies Phylum Deuteromycetes? A. A lack of known sexual reproductive structures B. A lack of known asexual reproductive structures C. Coenocytic hyphae with one nucleus in each cell D. Acoenocytic hyphae with one nucleus in each cell Why are lichens considered a pioneer organism? A. They can be found almost everywhere B. They were one of the first known organisms C. They conduct life processes in very simple ways D. They are one of the first organisms to grow in disturbed areas Which of the following is NOT a type of lichen? A. Foliose — leafy, often found in trees B. Fruticose — has upright fruiting bodies C. Crustose — crust-like, grows flat on surfaces D. Branchiose — branching, forms a network of strands Which phylum provided the original source of penicillin? A. Phylum Oomycetes B. Phylum Ascomycetes C. Phylum Zygomycetes D. Phylum Deuteromycetes Which of the following is TRUE about alternation of generations? A. sporophytesproducesporesthatgrowintogametophytes,whichproducegametes B. sporophytes produce gametes that grow into gametophytes, which produce spores C. sporophytes produce spores that grow into other sporophytes, which produce gametes D. gametophytes producegametes that grow into other gametophytes, which produce spores Which of the following plants produces a seed with only one cotyledon? A. Pea B. Corn
  • 86. C. Peanut D. Sunflower Which of the following is LEAST problematic for moss growing on land? A. Drying out in the sun B. Getting soaked in the rain C. Obtaining water through its roots D. Obtaining enough light for photosynthesis To which phylum does moss belong? A. Phylum Bryophyta B. Phylum Phaeophyta C. Phylum Chlorophyta D. Phylum Tracheophyta Which of the following most correctly identifies the role of guard cells? A. Open to let CO2 in and O2 and H2O out B. Open to let O2 in and CO2 and H2O out C. Open to let CO2 and H2O in and O2 out D. Open to let O2 and H2O in and CO2 out What kind of relationship exists when one organism kills and eats another organism? A. Commensalism B. Parasitism C. Scavenging D. Predation At what stage in the moss life cycle does meiosis occur? A. In the spore capsule B. In spores before they germinate C. In the gametophytes for the production of gametes D. In the top of a female gametophyte, resulting in the growth of the sporophyte Which of the following is present in ferns but not present in moss? A. Vascular tissue B. Guard cells and stomata C. Specialized structures to produce spores
  • 87. D. Specialized structures to produce gametes Which of the following most correctly identifies the roles of vascular tissues? A. Xylem conducts H2O and dissolved minerals up to the leaves, where phloem transports the products of photosynthesis down a stem B. Phloem conducts H2O and dissolved minerals up to the leaves, where xylem transports the products of photosynthesis down a stem C. Xylem conducts H2O and dissolved minerals up to the leaves, where phloem transports the products of photosynthesis away from the leaves D. Phloem conducts H2O and dissolved minerals up to the leaves, where xylem transports the products of photosynthesis away from the leaves A fiddlehead is an immature A. sporophyte frond B. gametophyte frond C. sporophyte prothallium D. gametophyts prothallium Sori are a specialization found on A. fronds for the production of spores B. fronds for the production of gametes C. gametophytes for the production of spores D. gametophytes for the production of spores Which is the most logical sequence of plants during succession on land? A. Moss — grass — shrubs — trees B. Ferns — grass — shrubs — trees C. Algae — moss — grass — shrubs D. Lichen — trees — logs — decomposers Of which phylum is agar a derivative? A. Phylum Bryophyta B. Phylum Phaeophyta C. Phylum Rhodophyta D. Phylum Chlorophyta The tissue type in a plant that is capable of cell division is called
  • 88. A. parenchyma B. collenchyma C. meristematic D. sclerenchyma Industrial melanism is an example of A. artificial selection. B. disruptive selection. C. stabilizing selection. D. accidental selection. The maximum rate at which a certain species reproduces is its A. limiting factors B. carrying capacity C. growth rate D. biotic potential The phenomenon of the accumulation of toxins in the tissues of organisms is known as A. extinction B. natural selection C. disruptive selection D. biological magnification Evolution due to genetic drift is MOST LIKELY to occur in a A. large population due to selective pressures B. small population due to selective pressures C. large population without the influence of selective pressures D. small population without the influence of selective pressures The idea that fossils are direct evidence of previously living organisms is consistent with A. Darwin’s theory of evolution B. Lamarck’s theory of evolution C. Both of these theories of evolution D. Neither of these theories of evolution Cyclical changes in population density exist in an environment that is A. relatively stable over a long period of time B. changing rapidly
  • 89. C. undergoing succession D. undergoing severe selective pressures In an energy pyramid, the producers are at the A. top and there is more energy at each successive level B. top and there is less energy at each successive level C. bottom and there is more energy at each successive level D. bottom and there is less energy at each successive level Gerry believed that certain parts of the body get larger and more complex through the generations because they: A. Are predetermined to do so B. Are almost similar to God’s perfection C. Are used more extensively than others D. Contribute to greater reproductive success What general term is given to the outer region of an organ, especially the kidney and brain? A. Pons B. Medulla C. Cortex D. Frontal lobe Which of the following is the BEST description of carrying capacity? A. The maximum number of individuals a closed environment will support B. The maximum number of individuals a open environment will support C. The minimum number of individuals a closed environment will support D. The minimum number of individuals a open environment will support Which sequence is the most likely to occur during succession in a cedar forest? A. Grasses ¬ deciduous trees ¬ cedar trees B. Cedar trees ¬ seedlings ¬ cedar trees C. Moss ¬ grasses ¬ deciduous growth D. Lichen ¬ shrubs and grasses ¬ trees A pioneer species is A. an ancient type of organism B. one which has evolved quickly
  • 90. C. one which has avoided evolution D. one of the first types to grow in a new area When you draw away your finger from a candle flame, which characteristics do you show? A. Growth B. Reproduction C. Metabolism D. Irritability What are required during the light dependent reaction? A. light and carbon dioxide B. light and water C. water and carbon dioxide D. light and oxygen When a red blood cell is placed in distilled water, it ______. A. plasmolyses B. remains the same C. Shrinks D. Swells Which plants formed the vast coal beds during the carboniferous period? A. Lycopods B. Conifers C. Angiosperms D. Gymnosperms What kind of relationship is exhibited by an algae and a fungi in a lichen? A. Commensalism B. Parasitism C. Symbiosis D. Competition The “eyes” of potato are actually . A. Intermodes B. nodes
  • 91. C. Leaf scars and buds D. Stem Which of these is a NOT vegetable fruit? A. Cucumber B. Ampalaya C. Squash D. Carrots Every population requires A. a lack of predation B. continuous resources C. continuous succession D. inverted energy pyramids Which of the following is the BEST description of pollen? A. Multicellular male reproductive structure B. Multicellular female reproductive structure C. Multinucleated male reproductive structure D. Multinucleated female reproductive structure A species’ role in a particular ecosystem? A. community B. habitat C. niche D. population Which of these is a natural ecosystem? A. Aquarium B. Forest C. Pond D. Pot and plants Which of the following pairs is a mismatch? A. Golgi bodies – packaging B. Mitochondrion – protein synthesis C. Chloroplast – photosynthesis
  • 92. D. Vacuole – storage Food rich in proteins are important to body-builders and weightlifters because they A. repair the damaged body tissues B. help keep the body warm C. are immediate source of energy D. provide structural support to the body What do you call the phase when population size is doubling at a very fast rate? A. Death B. Stationary C. Lag D. Log What is the function of the surface chemicals on bacterial cells called pili? A. Sensory B. Defense C. Movement D. Attachment Which of the following has the lowest heating value? A. Petroleum B. Wood C. Coal D. Perennial Why is conjugation consideredas a form of sexual reproduction in bacteria? A. It manifests genetic recombination. B. Two bacteria are in close proximity. C. Pili of one bacterium serve as its penis and transfer sperm to another. D. Plasmid is replicated. What enables the chaparral plants to resprout again after a fire has occurred? A. They have food reserve in their roots
  • 93. B. They have long roots that holds them to the ground C. They have fire-proof bark that protects them from fire D. All of the above are correct Which of the following is referred to as the final community that lasts for a very long time? A. Niche B. Initial C. Climax D. Perennial The end products `of the dark-reaction phase of photosynthesis are ADP and A. Carbon Dioxide B. sugar C. carbon D. starch