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Research-Development and
Dissemination Activities for Pulses
  and Oil Seed Crops in BRAC

           Dr. S. C. Biswas
Importance of Pulse crops
• Pulses are very important crops in Bangladesh.
• Pulses are also a food crop in Bangladesh and used to call
  as Poor’s Men Protein.
• Pulses play a significant role in rainfed agriculture of
• On an average about 5 lakh 50 thousand tons of pulses are
  produced in Bangladesh every year.
• Among different pulses, Grass pea, Lentil, Mungbean,
  Chick pea, Black gram, Pigeon pea and Cow pea etc. are
  the major ones and they contribute more than 95% of the
  total pulses production in the country.
•   Food legumes have traditionally been cultivated in Bangladesh under
    rain fed condition and require less input.
•   Their inherently low yield potential compared to cereals, susceptibility
    to diseases and pest and sensitivity to micro climatic changes
    contribute to their yield instability.
•   Since Bangladesh has an acute shortage of food grain production,
    cereal cultivation receives top priority in the farming community.
•   So the area and production of almost all the legumes have been
    decreased over the last decade.
•   To halt the declining trend in area and production, research program
    was launched by BRAC during the year 2000 and seed production as
    well as variety development program was initiated to augment the
    pulse production of Bangladesh.
Importance of oil crops
•   Edible oil is an important ingredient of our regular diet. This oil is
    obtained from two main sources; plants and animals.
•   The oil derived from plants is more desirable than the fat derived from
    animal source.
•    The oil obtained from the plant can be easily digested and its nutritive
    value is also high.
•   The total consumption of oil is 12.8gm per capita per day and out of
    that only 4.2 gm comes from the plant in Bangladesh (BBS, 1978).
•   There is scope for meeting this current nutritional deficiency by the
    cultivation of oil crops.
•   Considering the importance of these oil crops BRAC started its oil
    seed program during the year 2000-2001 and has been playing an
    important role in the cultivation of oilseeds in Bangladesh.
Seed Production of Pulse Crops
•   Considering production potentiality as pulse crop, soil improving
    capability and huge potentiality of making confectionary products,
    seed production program of Mungbean was started during the year
•   A production target plan of 40 metric tons of certified seed of
    Mungbean was fixed for Magura region during the year 2000-2001.
•   One of the popular improved Mungbean varieties, BARI moog-2 was
    selected for seed production and its certified seeds were produced at 4
    locations of the region.
•   Since a very good response from the pulse growers was observed in the
    following year i.e. in the 2001-2002.
•   In the following year a target of 30 metric tons of Mungbean seed
    production was taken involving 255 contract growers.
Table. Production target of certified seeds of
Mungbean during the year 2000-2001.

  Location     Crop       Variety      Land Farmers Certi-
                                       (acre)        fied

Magura        Mungbean   BARI moog-2    80     240    40
Table. Target plan of certified seed production of
Mung bean during 2001- 2002.
Pulse Variety       Land     No. of    Requi- Certified
crop                (acre)   farmers   red     seed
                                       founda- (kg)

Mung BARI moog -2   60       180       480     20000

Mung BARI moog- 5   25       75        250     10000

Total 2             85       255       730     30000
• Lentil is the second important pulse crop in Bangladesh
  covering about 2.07 lakh hectares of land producing about
  1 lakh 70 thousand tons.
• The farmers don’t get quality seed for cultivation in time.
• Under these circumstances BRAC has initiated seed
  production in Lentil to produce and distribute quality
  seeds of lentil for boosting lentil production at the farmer’s
• In the year of 2000-2001 and 2001-2002, Lentil was
  included in the seed production program and for the
  production of 10 metric tons of certified seed of lentil for
  the year 2001-2002.
• Foundation seeds of BARI masur-2 & BARI masur- 4 were
  produced in the Birol Seed Farm, Dinajpur.
Table. Foundation seed production of Lentil in Birol
farm, Dinajpur during 2000- 2001.
Pulse    Variety         Land     Yield     Yield
crop                     (acre)   (kg)      (kg acre-1)

Lentil   BARI masur -2   0.40      40.00    100.00

         BARI masur -4   1.30     288.00    221.00

Total           -        1.70     328.00             -
Seed Production Plot of Barimashur-4
Table. Target plan of certified seed production of Lentil
during 2001- 2002.

Pulse Variety          Land      No. of     Requi- Certified
crop                   (acre)    farmers    red     seed
                                            founda- (kg)
Lentil BARImasur- 2    2.5       8          30.00     1000
Lentil BARImasur- 4    23        69         276.00    9000
Total                  25.5      77         306.00    10000
Development of New Varieties
• BRAC has developed an improved Mungbean variety
  through selection from elite germplasms after starting its
  research activities on pulse crops during the year 2000-
• Setting an objective of the development of a short duration
  type yellow seeded variety like ‘Sonamoog’ we started our
  Mung bean variety development programme.
• A yellow coloured line(YS-1/Holud Moog) was identified
  from the different Mungbean accessions through selection.
Germplasm Collection & Evaluation of Mung bean
Main characteristics of this selected advance
                 line are:
 •   Uncommon attractive golden yellow coloured moderate size seed.
 •   Short duration improved line; determinate with bushy plant type.
 •   Relatively synchronized fruit ripening, moderate size drum shaped
 •   Tolerant to major diseases.
 •   Insensitive to seasonal influence and can be grown almost throughout
     the year.
 •   Good cooking quality and less turmeric is required for cooking due to
     yellow coloured cotyledons (carotene content = 3.32mg/100gm).
 •    Very thin seed soat & preferred taste.
 •   Moderate size light green coloured fruits and yield is around 1.5 to 2.0
 •    Increased seed recovery percentage and market price due to its better
 •   Cropping intensity can be increased significantly due to its short
Yellow seed coat-I, Normal green seed coat type &
               Yellow seed coat-II
Fig. A Plant of
(Holud Moog).
Table. Mean values of plant characters of Yellow
  seed coat-I (Holud Moog)) & BARI moog- 5 grown at
  BARDC, Gazipur).
Plant Characters                   YS-I       BARI moog-5
                               (Holud Moog)
Plant height (cm)                 26.00          27.00
Days taken to 1st flowering       31.00          32.00
Days taken to 1st harvesting      47.00          50.00
Total no. of fruits/plant         36.70          21.00
Fruit length (cm)                  8.07          9.60
No. of seeds/ fruit               11.66          10.80
100-seed wt. (gm)                  4.46          5.80
Harvest index (%)                 47.44          39.70
Yield/acre (Kg)                   545.00        485.00
Seed recovery (%)                 70.00          52.00
Duration (days)                   58.00          65.00
Different Stages of YS-I Mungbean Line
Table. Mean values of plant characters of Yellow seed coat-I
(YS-I) BARI moog- 5 & BINA moog-7 grown at BARDC,
          Days      Plant   No.     No. of   No.     Total   Pod       Yield/    Seed     Virus
Variety   taken     hei-    of      pod      of      no.     length/   ha        reco-    inci-
          to crop   ght/    bran    clus-    pod/    of      pod       (Kg)      very     dence
          matu-     plant   -       ters/    clus-   pods/   (cm)                (%)      (%)
          rity      (cm)    ches/   plant    ter     plant

YS-1      62.00     41.18    1.5      4.4    5.4     21.90    7.60     1045.00    65.22    5.43

BARI-     70.00     47.91   1.10      5.0    5.20    21.0     8.50     691.00     38.42    6.06

BINA-     74.00     50.25   3.60      7.7    7.10    28.90    6.30     544.00     52.31   17.70
Table. Determination of Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, Potassium,
Sulphur & Boron content in the 3 mung bean varieties.

          Ca       Mg       K          S        B        Zn         Fe

                      %                                   ppm

YS-1      0.895    0.415    1.345      0.330    23.700   32.940     154.590

BARI      0.940    0.405    1.130      0.380    23.100   30.000     148.140
BINA      0.670    0.320    1.015      0.300    24.300   28.050     161.100
Remarks   - than   + than   + than     -than    + than   + than     + than
          BARI     both     both       BARIm    BARIm    both       BARI
          moog-5   BARI     BARI       oog-5    oog-5    BARI       moog-5
          &+       moog-5   moog-5 &   but +    - than   moog-5 &   but –
          than     &        BINA       than     BINA     BINA       than
          BINA-    BINA     moog-7     BINA     moog-7   moog-7     BINA
          moog-7   moog-7              moog-7                       moog-7
Rapeseed and Mustard
•   Of all the edible oil seed crops grown in Bangladesh, Rapeseed &
    Mustard ranks first in respect of area under cultivation.
•   Although Bangladesh occupies 5th position in the list of Rapeseed &
    Mustard producing countries, per hectare yield of oilseeds is very low
    compared to that of other countries of the world (Khaleque, 1985).
•   Although Bangladesh occupies 5th position in the list of Rapeseed &
    Mustard producing countries, per hectare yield of oilseeds is very low
    compared to that of other countries of the world (Khaleque, 1985).
•   BRAC started the seed production program during the year 2000-
•   During the year 2000-2001 setting a target of 10.5 metric tons of rape
    seed, 6.8 metric tons of certified seeds of improved rape seed varieties
    were produced in the Magura region.
•   Side by side foundation seeds of Tori-7 (Improved), BARI sharisha-8,
    BINA sharisha-3, M-27 and BINA sharisha-4 were also produced in
    the Seed Production Farm, Birol, Dinajpur
Table. Production of Rapeseed (certified seed) of BRAC
 during the year 2000-2001.
Name of Land         No. of      Production Remarks
the        (acre)    Farmers (kg)
varieties T     A    T    A      T      A       Since all     the
                                                varieties were
                                                belong to the B.
                                                napus      group
BARI       5    5.46   12   11   2500    1724
                                                problem      was
                                                observed during
BINA       10   9.70   37   21   4000    2475   the         final
sharisha                                        harvest.
BINA       10   9.90   14   23   4000    2638
           25   25.06 63    55   10500   6837
Table. Production target plan of certified seeds of
                  Rapeseed & Mustard for
                   BRAC during 2001-2002.

Crops        Name of     Source Land        No. of     Produc-
               the              (acre)      farmers      tion
             varieties                                 (kg)

Rape         Tori-7      BARI    30         90         10,000
             M-27        BINA    10         30         4,000

Mustard Pucca            BADC    6          18         2,000
Total                            46         138        16,000
• Groundnut is also an important oil seed crop grown in
  different parts of Bangladesh particularly in the Char
  areas and mainly cultivated under rain fed conditions.
• Groundnut however, can be cultivated with very low
  inputs and it can also be grown in both the Kharif and
  Rabi season as well.
• Since improved high yielding variety of Groundnut can
  increase the production significantly there is also a good
  prospect of large seeded high yielding good quality variety
  of Groundnut in Bangladesh.
White Testa Colour (WTC) Groundnut
    A White Testa Colour (WTC)
    Groundnut variant was
    identified through ground nut
    improvement programme.
•   Variant was found to be true
•   Normal looking erect type
•   Moderate plant height, good
    vigour, good fruiting (no. of
•   Fruits had white testa coloured
    seed, fruits were either 3 or 4
•   Seeds were intermediate size
    and were flattened round
•   Yield/acre -1100 -1200 Kg.
Chinese Groundnut
• High yielding improved type large seeded variety.
• Robust type bushy plant with moderate plant
  height and excellent vigour.
• Large size leaves, flowers & fruits.
• Fruits are however, 2-seeded hence the seeds are
  also larger size.
• Near about 100 gm of fruits can be harvested
  from a single plant while seed yield/plant is 70-80
• Hundred seed wt. is around 70-80 gm while in the
  local type it is only 45-50 gm.
• Free from major diseases and attack of insect
  pests is almost nil.
• More than 3 tons/ha yield can be obtained from
  this variety.
Table. Studies on the morphological characters of local and exotic
 materials of Groundnut.

Name of the variety Plant    Total no. Fruit        100-seed Seed     Yield
                    height   of           length/   weight   yield/   (t ha-1)
                    (cm)     fruits/plant fruit     (g)      plant
                                          (cm)               (g)

China-1               69         44        3.83      74.2      27.1    3.76
Local                114         32        2.86      45.3      20.8    1.51
DG-2                  80         49        3.14      49.3      24.5    2.00
Jhinga badam         132         43        3.31      48.6      24.3    2.21
Mean values of       109         42        3.10      47.7      23.3    1.90
3     indigenous
% increased or       -59        6.3        23.55     55.7      16.6   97.89
decreased over
Field of Chinese Ground nut
Fruits of Chinese Ground nut Variety
Fruits of Chinese & Local
  Ground nut Varieties
Seeds of Chinese Ground nut

• Sunflower is another important oil crop grown all
  over the world for its good quality edible oil
  source extracting from its seed.
• This crop is characterized by its large showy
  flower and has huge number of seeds which
  contain 44-45% of edible oil.
• Unlike erucic acid in rapeseed, it has linolenic acid
  as an important constituent of sunflower oil.
• This linolenic acid is beneficial for human health
  and for this reason the popularity of sunflower is
  increasing day by day in Bangladesh in recent
• Since it is a photo insensitive and widely adapted
  crop, sunflower may be a promising oil crop in
• Since sunflower is relatively a new oil crop in
  Bangladesh, it is not widely cultivated as oil crop
  despite of its immense possibilities.
• Hybrid sunflower variety with bird damage
  tolerant characteristics might be major
  breakthrough for it’s commercial cultivation.
• Sunflower requires not as much of irrigation and
  can also be cultivated in the coastal areas since it
  can tolerate moderate degree of salinity
  throughout the growing period.
BRAC Activities on Sunflower
• Considering the importance of sunflower as a promising oil
  crop in Bangladesh, BRAC has started sunflower variety
  screening program during the year 2001-2002.
• On the basis of our observation we used to recommend the
  suitable variety/varieties to purchase good quality seeds
  from the reputed companies of the respective variety/
  varieties to distribute seeds to the sunflower growers.
• Since it is a continuous process every year BRAC is
  conducting the variety screening trials regularly before
  purchasing seed.
• One of its part of variety screening program, 2 newly
  introduced hybrid varieties namely ‘Aguara-4’ and
  ‘Hysun-33’ received from Advanta Seed Company and
  were evaluated during 2010-2011 along with 1 local OP
  variety ‘Kironi’ for agronomic performances.
Table. Flowering performance and yield of three sunflower
Varieties Plant       Days       Crop     Head    Seed Yield Remarks
          height at   taken to   dura-    dia-    yield/ (kg
          final       complete   tion     meter   plant acre-1)
          harvest     flowe-     (days)   (cm)    (g)
          (cm)        ring

Kironi     167        79         112      15.3    34   645   Yield       of
                                                             Hysun-33 was
Aguara-4   153        84         119      16.8    44   616   2.63%
                                                             than Kironi &
                                                             7.46% higher
Hysun-33   149        92         117      21.2    82   662   than
Trial Plots of Hybrid Sunflower Varieties
Trial plot of ‘Kironi’
Dissemination Activities with Pulses
       and Oil Seed Crops
• One of the major agricultural activities of BRAC
  Agriculture programme is to disseminate the mature and
  productive agricultural technologies to the farmers’ field
  through large scale farmer’s participatory demonstration.
• Recently BRAC initiated agricultural technology
  dissemination in the cyclone prone coastal region of
  Bangladesh with pulses and oil seed crops.
• Sunflower (Hysun-33) was introduced as a field crop in the
  coastal regions of Bangladesh in rabi season.
• It was grown by the BRAC project beneficiary farmers of
  Barguna, Patuakhali, Jhalokhati, Pirojpur, Satkhira,
  Bagerhat, and Khulna districts during 2010-2011 Rabi
  Yield and plant characteristics of sunflower (Hysun-33) in the
  farmers’ field of the coastal regions of Bangladesh during
  Rabi 2010-2011.

                                    Yield and plant character
                         Flower                    % of
District   Population                 Seed/                     seed     Yield
                         diameter                  filled
           (plant m-2)                flower                    weight   (t ha-1)
                         (cm)                      grains
Barguna    3.39          23.3         1413         94.3         68.1     2.9
Patuakhali 3.70          21.6         1291         95.6         68.5     3.1
Jhalokathi 4.02          20.2         1282         99.0         66.3     3.2
Pirojpur   3.68          19.5         912          98.7         57.8     3.2
Satkhira   3.26          17.0         1453         87.5         64.0     3.1
Bagerhat   2.13          26.4         1544         87.7         59.4     2.6
Khulna     3.16          21.1         1174         96.3         76.0     4.2
Average    3.33          21.3         1296         93.0         65.7     3.2
Table. Area and yield of Mungbean, Kheshari and Sesame crops cultivated
   by the farmers in the coastal regions of Bangladesh in Boro/Rabi season 2010-

                  Mungbean              Kheshari              Sesame
                  Land       Yield      Land       Yield      Land     Yield
District          (ha)       (t ha-1)   (ha)       (t ha-1)   (ha)     (t ha-1)

Barguna           5568       1.23       634        1.37       138      1.48

Patuakhali        3121       1.10       858        1.22       -        -

Jhalokathi        853        1.08       1050       1.41       237      1.13

Pirojpur          364        1.17       2569       1.12       -        -

Satkhira          -          -          1060       1.31       -        -

Bagerhat          540        1.05       -          -          -        -

Khulna            1065       1.54       487        1.18       97       1.20

Total/            11,5,11    1.20       6,6,58     1.27       4,72     1.27
Future Strategies on Pulses and
            Oilseed Crops
• BRAC will continue its effort in identifying as well as in
  the development of new improved varieties of pulses and
  oilseed crops in Bangladesh to ensure the sustainability of
  its agriculture.
• Major thrust will be given to develop early maturing
  varieties with higher yield potentiality and nutritional
  quality, disease and pest resistance with moderate to highly
  tolerant to the biotic and abiotic stresses.
• Introduction of high value non-rice crops in the cropping
  system to increase farm profitability will get preference in
  preparing research plan of BRAC.
• BRAC will continue its effort to produce and disseminate
  the good quality seeds of pulses and oil seed crops and also
  will disseminate production technologies of pulses as well
  as oil seed crops to the farmers’ field in the coming years
  to increase the production of pulses and oilseeds in

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Achievements in Pulses and Oilcrops Research in BRAC, Bangladesh

  • 1. Research-Development and Dissemination Activities for Pulses and Oil Seed Crops in BRAC By Dr. S. C. Biswas
  • 2. Importance of Pulse crops • Pulses are very important crops in Bangladesh. • Pulses are also a food crop in Bangladesh and used to call as Poor’s Men Protein. • Pulses play a significant role in rainfed agriculture of Bangladesh. • On an average about 5 lakh 50 thousand tons of pulses are produced in Bangladesh every year. • Among different pulses, Grass pea, Lentil, Mungbean, Chick pea, Black gram, Pigeon pea and Cow pea etc. are the major ones and they contribute more than 95% of the total pulses production in the country.
  • 3. Contd. • Food legumes have traditionally been cultivated in Bangladesh under rain fed condition and require less input. • Their inherently low yield potential compared to cereals, susceptibility to diseases and pest and sensitivity to micro climatic changes contribute to their yield instability. • Since Bangladesh has an acute shortage of food grain production, cereal cultivation receives top priority in the farming community. • So the area and production of almost all the legumes have been decreased over the last decade. • To halt the declining trend in area and production, research program was launched by BRAC during the year 2000 and seed production as well as variety development program was initiated to augment the pulse production of Bangladesh.
  • 4. Importance of oil crops • Edible oil is an important ingredient of our regular diet. This oil is obtained from two main sources; plants and animals. • The oil derived from plants is more desirable than the fat derived from animal source. • The oil obtained from the plant can be easily digested and its nutritive value is also high. • The total consumption of oil is 12.8gm per capita per day and out of that only 4.2 gm comes from the plant in Bangladesh (BBS, 1978). • There is scope for meeting this current nutritional deficiency by the cultivation of oil crops. • Considering the importance of these oil crops BRAC started its oil seed program during the year 2000-2001 and has been playing an important role in the cultivation of oilseeds in Bangladesh.
  • 5. Seed Production of Pulse Crops • Considering production potentiality as pulse crop, soil improving capability and huge potentiality of making confectionary products, seed production program of Mungbean was started during the year 2000-01. • A production target plan of 40 metric tons of certified seed of Mungbean was fixed for Magura region during the year 2000-2001. • One of the popular improved Mungbean varieties, BARI moog-2 was selected for seed production and its certified seeds were produced at 4 locations of the region. • Since a very good response from the pulse growers was observed in the following year i.e. in the 2001-2002. • In the following year a target of 30 metric tons of Mungbean seed production was taken involving 255 contract growers.
  • 6. Table. Production target of certified seeds of Mungbean during the year 2000-2001. Location Crop Variety Land Farmers Certi- (acre) fied seed (MT) Magura Mungbean BARI moog-2 80 240 40 Sadar, Sreepur, Hatgopalpur & Kotchandpur
  • 7. Table. Target plan of certified seed production of Mung bean during 2001- 2002. Pulse Variety Land No. of Requi- Certified crop (acre) farmers red seed founda- (kg) tion seed Mung BARI moog -2 60 180 480 20000 bean Mung BARI moog- 5 25 75 250 10000 bean Total 2 85 255 730 30000
  • 8. Lentil • Lentil is the second important pulse crop in Bangladesh covering about 2.07 lakh hectares of land producing about 1 lakh 70 thousand tons. • The farmers don’t get quality seed for cultivation in time. • Under these circumstances BRAC has initiated seed production in Lentil to produce and distribute quality seeds of lentil for boosting lentil production at the farmer’s level. • In the year of 2000-2001 and 2001-2002, Lentil was included in the seed production program and for the production of 10 metric tons of certified seed of lentil for the year 2001-2002. • Foundation seeds of BARI masur-2 & BARI masur- 4 were produced in the Birol Seed Farm, Dinajpur.
  • 9. Table. Foundation seed production of Lentil in Birol farm, Dinajpur during 2000- 2001. Pulse Variety Land Yield Yield crop (acre) (kg) (kg acre-1) Lentil BARI masur -2 0.40 40.00 100.00 BARI masur -4 1.30 288.00 221.00 Total - 1.70 328.00 -
  • 10. Seed Production Plot of Barimashur-4
  • 11. Table. Target plan of certified seed production of Lentil during 2001- 2002. Pulse Variety Land No. of Requi- Certified crop (acre) farmers red seed founda- (kg) tion seed Lentil BARImasur- 2 2.5 8 30.00 1000 Lentil BARImasur- 4 23 69 276.00 9000 Total 25.5 77 306.00 10000
  • 12. Development of New Varieties • BRAC has developed an improved Mungbean variety through selection from elite germplasms after starting its research activities on pulse crops during the year 2000- 2001. • Setting an objective of the development of a short duration type yellow seeded variety like ‘Sonamoog’ we started our Mung bean variety development programme. • A yellow coloured line(YS-1/Holud Moog) was identified from the different Mungbean accessions through selection.
  • 13. Germplasm Collection & Evaluation of Mung bean
  • 14. Main characteristics of this selected advance line are: • Uncommon attractive golden yellow coloured moderate size seed. • Short duration improved line; determinate with bushy plant type. • Relatively synchronized fruit ripening, moderate size drum shaped seed. • Tolerant to major diseases. • Insensitive to seasonal influence and can be grown almost throughout the year. • Good cooking quality and less turmeric is required for cooking due to yellow coloured cotyledons (carotene content = 3.32mg/100gm). • Very thin seed soat & preferred taste. • Moderate size light green coloured fruits and yield is around 1.5 to 2.0 t/ha. • Increased seed recovery percentage and market price due to its better quality. • Cropping intensity can be increased significantly due to its short duration.
  • 15. Yellow seed coat-I, Normal green seed coat type & Yellow seed coat-II
  • 16. Fig. A Plant of YS-I (Holud Moog).
  • 17. Table. Mean values of plant characters of Yellow seed coat-I (Holud Moog)) & BARI moog- 5 grown at BARDC, Gazipur). Plant Characters YS-I BARI moog-5 (Holud Moog) Plant height (cm) 26.00 27.00 Days taken to 1st flowering 31.00 32.00 Days taken to 1st harvesting 47.00 50.00 Total no. of fruits/plant 36.70 21.00 Fruit length (cm) 8.07 9.60 No. of seeds/ fruit 11.66 10.80 100-seed wt. (gm) 4.46 5.80 Harvest index (%) 47.44 39.70 Yield/acre (Kg) 545.00 485.00 Seed recovery (%) 70.00 52.00 Duration (days) 58.00 65.00
  • 18. Different Stages of YS-I Mungbean Line
  • 19. Table. Mean values of plant characters of Yellow seed coat-I (YS-I) BARI moog- 5 & BINA moog-7 grown at BARDC, Gazipur(Kh-2’2011). Days Plant No. No. of No. Total Pod Yield/ Seed Virus Variety taken hei- of pod of no. length/ ha reco- inci- to crop ght/ bran clus- pod/ of pod (Kg) very dence matu- plant - ters/ clus- pods/ (cm) (%) (%) rity (cm) ches/ plant ter plant plant YS-1 62.00 41.18 1.5 4.4 5.4 21.90 7.60 1045.00 65.22 5.43 BARI- 70.00 47.91 1.10 5.0 5.20 21.0 8.50 691.00 38.42 6.06 moog-5 BINA- 74.00 50.25 3.60 7.7 7.10 28.90 6.30 544.00 52.31 17.70 moog-7
  • 20.
  • 21. Table. Determination of Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, Potassium, Sulphur & Boron content in the 3 mung bean varieties. Ca Mg K S B Zn Fe Sample ID % ppm YS-1 0.895 0.415 1.345 0.330 23.700 32.940 154.590 BARI 0.940 0.405 1.130 0.380 23.100 30.000 148.140 moog-5 BINA 0.670 0.320 1.015 0.300 24.300 28.050 161.100 moog-7 Remarks - than + than + than -than + than + than + than BARI both both BARIm BARIm both BARI moog-5 BARI BARI oog-5 oog-5 BARI moog-5 &+ moog-5 moog-5 & but + - than moog-5 & but – than & BINA than BINA BINA than BINA- BINA moog-7 BINA moog-7 moog-7 BINA moog-7 moog-7 moog-7 moog-7
  • 22. Rapeseed and Mustard • Of all the edible oil seed crops grown in Bangladesh, Rapeseed & Mustard ranks first in respect of area under cultivation. • Although Bangladesh occupies 5th position in the list of Rapeseed & Mustard producing countries, per hectare yield of oilseeds is very low compared to that of other countries of the world (Khaleque, 1985). • Although Bangladesh occupies 5th position in the list of Rapeseed & Mustard producing countries, per hectare yield of oilseeds is very low compared to that of other countries of the world (Khaleque, 1985). • BRAC started the seed production program during the year 2000- 2001. • During the year 2000-2001 setting a target of 10.5 metric tons of rape seed, 6.8 metric tons of certified seeds of improved rape seed varieties were produced in the Magura region. • Side by side foundation seeds of Tori-7 (Improved), BARI sharisha-8, BINA sharisha-3, M-27 and BINA sharisha-4 were also produced in the Seed Production Farm, Birol, Dinajpur
  • 23. Table. Production of Rapeseed (certified seed) of BRAC during the year 2000-2001. Name of Land No. of Production Remarks the (acre) Farmers (kg) varieties T A T A T A Since all the varieties were belong to the B. napus group BARI 5 5.46 12 11 2500 1724 shattering sharisha problem was -8 observed during BINA 10 9.70 37 21 4000 2475 the final sharisha harvest. -3 BINA 10 9.90 14 23 4000 2638 sharisha -4 25 25.06 63 55 10500 6837
  • 24. Table. Production target plan of certified seeds of Rapeseed & Mustard for BRAC during 2001-2002. Crops Name of Source Land No. of Produc- the (acre) farmers tion varieties (kg) Rape Tori-7 BARI 30 90 10,000 seed M-27 BINA 10 30 4,000 Mustard Pucca BADC 6 18 2,000 Rai Total 46 138 16,000
  • 25. Groundnut • Groundnut is also an important oil seed crop grown in different parts of Bangladesh particularly in the Char areas and mainly cultivated under rain fed conditions. • Groundnut however, can be cultivated with very low inputs and it can also be grown in both the Kharif and Rabi season as well. • Since improved high yielding variety of Groundnut can increase the production significantly there is also a good prospect of large seeded high yielding good quality variety of Groundnut in Bangladesh.
  • 26. White Testa Colour (WTC) Groundnut A White Testa Colour (WTC) Groundnut variant was identified through ground nut improvement programme. Characteristics • Variant was found to be true breeding. • Normal looking erect type plants. • Moderate plant height, good vigour, good fruiting (no. of fruits/plant-30-32). • Fruits had white testa coloured seed, fruits were either 3 or 4 seeded. • Seeds were intermediate size and were flattened round shaped. • Yield/acre -1100 -1200 Kg.
  • 27. Chinese Groundnut Characteristics • High yielding improved type large seeded variety. • Robust type bushy plant with moderate plant height and excellent vigour. • Large size leaves, flowers & fruits. • Fruits are however, 2-seeded hence the seeds are also larger size. • Near about 100 gm of fruits can be harvested from a single plant while seed yield/plant is 70-80 gm. • Hundred seed wt. is around 70-80 gm while in the local type it is only 45-50 gm. • Free from major diseases and attack of insect pests is almost nil. • More than 3 tons/ha yield can be obtained from this variety.
  • 28. Table. Studies on the morphological characters of local and exotic materials of Groundnut. Name of the variety Plant Total no. Fruit 100-seed Seed Yield height of length/ weight yield/ (t ha-1) (cm) fruits/plant fruit (g) plant (cm) (g) China-1 69 44 3.83 74.2 27.1 3.76 Local 114 32 2.86 45.3 20.8 1.51 DG-2 80 49 3.14 49.3 24.5 2.00 Jhinga badam 132 43 3.31 48.6 24.3 2.21 Mean values of 109 42 3.10 47.7 23.3 1.90 3 indigenous varieties % increased or -59 6.3 23.55 55.7 16.6 97.89 decreased over indigenous varieties
  • 29.
  • 30. Field of Chinese Ground nut
  • 31. Fruits of Chinese Ground nut Variety
  • 32. Fruits of Chinese & Local Ground nut Varieties
  • 33. Seeds of Chinese Ground nut
  • 34. Sunflower • Sunflower is another important oil crop grown all over the world for its good quality edible oil source extracting from its seed. • This crop is characterized by its large showy flower and has huge number of seeds which contain 44-45% of edible oil. • Unlike erucic acid in rapeseed, it has linolenic acid as an important constituent of sunflower oil. • This linolenic acid is beneficial for human health and for this reason the popularity of sunflower is increasing day by day in Bangladesh in recent times.
  • 35. Contd. • Since it is a photo insensitive and widely adapted crop, sunflower may be a promising oil crop in Bangladesh. • Since sunflower is relatively a new oil crop in Bangladesh, it is not widely cultivated as oil crop despite of its immense possibilities. • Hybrid sunflower variety with bird damage tolerant characteristics might be major breakthrough for it’s commercial cultivation. • Sunflower requires not as much of irrigation and can also be cultivated in the coastal areas since it can tolerate moderate degree of salinity throughout the growing period.
  • 36. BRAC Activities on Sunflower • Considering the importance of sunflower as a promising oil crop in Bangladesh, BRAC has started sunflower variety screening program during the year 2001-2002. • On the basis of our observation we used to recommend the suitable variety/varieties to purchase good quality seeds from the reputed companies of the respective variety/ varieties to distribute seeds to the sunflower growers. • Since it is a continuous process every year BRAC is conducting the variety screening trials regularly before purchasing seed. • One of its part of variety screening program, 2 newly introduced hybrid varieties namely ‘Aguara-4’ and ‘Hysun-33’ received from Advanta Seed Company and were evaluated during 2010-2011 along with 1 local OP variety ‘Kironi’ for agronomic performances.
  • 37. Table. Flowering performance and yield of three sunflower varieties. Varieties Plant Days Crop Head Seed Yield Remarks height at taken to dura- dia- yield/ (kg final complete tion meter plant acre-1) harvest flowe- (days) (cm) (g) (cm) ring Kironi 167 79 112 15.3 34 645 Yield of Hysun-33 was Aguara-4 153 84 119 16.8 44 616 2.63% than Kironi & 7.46% higher Hysun-33 149 92 117 21.2 82 662 than Aguara-4.
  • 38. Trial Plots of Hybrid Sunflower Varieties
  • 39. Trial plot of ‘Kironi’
  • 40. Dissemination Activities with Pulses and Oil Seed Crops • One of the major agricultural activities of BRAC Agriculture programme is to disseminate the mature and productive agricultural technologies to the farmers’ field through large scale farmer’s participatory demonstration. • Recently BRAC initiated agricultural technology dissemination in the cyclone prone coastal region of Bangladesh with pulses and oil seed crops. • Sunflower (Hysun-33) was introduced as a field crop in the coastal regions of Bangladesh in rabi season. • It was grown by the BRAC project beneficiary farmers of Barguna, Patuakhali, Jhalokhati, Pirojpur, Satkhira, Bagerhat, and Khulna districts during 2010-2011 Rabi season.
  • 41. Contd. Yield and plant characteristics of sunflower (Hysun-33) in the farmers’ field of the coastal regions of Bangladesh during Rabi 2010-2011. Yield and plant character 1000 Flower % of District Population Seed/ seed Yield diameter filled (plant m-2) flower weight (t ha-1) (cm) grains (g) Barguna 3.39 23.3 1413 94.3 68.1 2.9 Patuakhali 3.70 21.6 1291 95.6 68.5 3.1 Jhalokathi 4.02 20.2 1282 99.0 66.3 3.2 Pirojpur 3.68 19.5 912 98.7 57.8 3.2 Satkhira 3.26 17.0 1453 87.5 64.0 3.1 Bagerhat 2.13 26.4 1544 87.7 59.4 2.6 Khulna 3.16 21.1 1174 96.3 76.0 4.2 Average 3.33 21.3 1296 93.0 65.7 3.2
  • 42. Table. Area and yield of Mungbean, Kheshari and Sesame crops cultivated by the farmers in the coastal regions of Bangladesh in Boro/Rabi season 2010- 11. Mungbean Kheshari Sesame Land Yield Land Yield Land Yield District (ha) (t ha-1) (ha) (t ha-1) (ha) (t ha-1) Barguna 5568 1.23 634 1.37 138 1.48 Patuakhali 3121 1.10 858 1.22 - - Jhalokathi 853 1.08 1050 1.41 237 1.13 Pirojpur 364 1.17 2569 1.12 - - Satkhira - - 1060 1.31 - - Bagerhat 540 1.05 - - - - Khulna 1065 1.54 487 1.18 97 1.20 Total/ 11,5,11 1.20 6,6,58 1.27 4,72 1.27 Average
  • 43. Future Strategies on Pulses and Oilseed Crops • BRAC will continue its effort in identifying as well as in the development of new improved varieties of pulses and oilseed crops in Bangladesh to ensure the sustainability of its agriculture. • Major thrust will be given to develop early maturing varieties with higher yield potentiality and nutritional quality, disease and pest resistance with moderate to highly tolerant to the biotic and abiotic stresses. • Introduction of high value non-rice crops in the cropping system to increase farm profitability will get preference in preparing research plan of BRAC. • BRAC will continue its effort to produce and disseminate the good quality seeds of pulses and oil seed crops and also will disseminate production technologies of pulses as well as oil seed crops to the farmers’ field in the coming years to increase the production of pulses and oilseeds in Bangladesh.