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Mechanism Of Balance
Dr. Utkal Mishra
 The main function of the mammalian vestibular system
is to
 Provide general orientation of the body with respect to gravity
 Enable balanced locomotion and body position
 Readjust autonomic functions after body reorientation
 Ensure gaze stabilization.
Physiology of equilibrium
Balance of body during static or dynamic positions is
maintained by 4 organs:
1. Vestibular apparatus
2. Eye
3. Posterior column of spinal cord
4. Cerebellum
Vestibular apparatus
 Semicircular canals - Angular acceleration & deceleration
 Utricle - Horizontal linear acceleration & deceleration
 Saccule - Vertical linear acceleration & deceleration
Relevant Anatomy
Orientation of semicircular canals
RALP PlaneLARP Plane
Motion Decomposition
 Every motion in space can be broken
down into
 3 Rotational
degrees of freedom – 1. Yaw
(SCC) 2. Pitch
3. Roll
 3 Translational
degrees of freedom – 1. Left–Right
(U & S) 2. Up–Down
3. For–Aft
Physiology of head movement
 Location – Ampullated ends of 3
 Elevated sensory area containing
sensory hair cells
 Tips of cilia are embedded in a
gelatinous mass composed of
polysaccharide called – CUPULA
 Cupula functions as a water tight
partition & displacement occurs in
one direction at a time as a swing
 Located in utricle – floor (horizontal)
& saccule – posterior wall (vertical)
 The hair cells are embedded in a gelatinous
layer impregnated with crystals of CaCO3
 A filamentous network connects the lower
surface of otolithic membrane with sensory
epithelium called SUBCUPULAR
 A virtual curved line called STRIOLA
divides utricular hair cells into medial &
lateral groups
& sacuular hair cells into ventral & dorsal
groups with opposite orientation
Vestibular Sensory Cells
 Vestibular sensory epithelium consists of 2 types
of hair cells –
TYPE 1 – Flask shaped sorrounded by cup shaped
thick myelinated single afferent nerve terminal
TYPE 2 – Cylindrical with multiple thin afferent
nerve terminals at its base
 The apex of hair cells is bathed in endolymph
and is sorrounded by nonsensory supporting
cells & dark cells.
Hair Cells
 Hair cell consists of a hair bundle
at the apical end.
 Each HAIR BUNDLE consists
of 1 large knobed
KINOCILLIUM & 20 - 300
 Have a cytoskeleton made up of actin
filament crosslinked by fibrin
 Arranged in a HEXAGONAL
 With shortest steriocillia at one end &
tallest at other end like a staircase.
 The ion channel involved in
mechanoelectrical transduction are
located in steriocillia.
 Connected to each other by fibrillary
strands called TIP LINKS
 The upper end of each tip link is anchored
to the stereocilium at a point called
 Tension in the tip link controls the
opening or closing of the ion channels.
 It is a true cillium consisting of an axoneme (9+2).
 Only function of kinocillium is - transmission of stimulus forces
to stereocillia.
 Displacement of stereocillia towards kinocillium causes
Hair Cell Physiology
Displacement of stereocillia
towards kinocillium
Stretches Tip links
Influx of K+ & Ca+
Gating Compliance
 An intrinsic property of direct mechano-
electrical transduction that enhances hair
cell sensitivity.
 Hair bundle displacement in the positive
direction opens transduction channels.
 Channel opening decreases the stiffness of
the hair bundle
 This in turn promotes further movement
in a positive direction resulting in a
positive feedback mechanism
 It prevents saturation of mechano-transductor response from large
sustained stimuli > 25ms.
 It also allows a cell to detect small stimuli in the presence of an
enormous background input.
 2 distinct models of adaptation –
 Active Motor Model
 Calcium Dependent Closure Model
Active Motor Model Myosin 1b
Hair bundle deflection towards kinocilium
increases tension in tip links with opening of
transduction channels
Motor cannot resist the increased tension
& slips down the stereocillium
Tip link tension reduced & channels closed
Stereocillia returns to resting stage
Calcium Dependent Closure Model
Opening of
Calcium enters &
binds to channel
Closure of channel
Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex
• It is a reflex eye movement due to stimulation of cristae of SCC during head
• It helps in Gaze Stabilization by producing eye movements in the direction
opposite to head movement, thus preserving the image on the fovea.
• Movement of head to left  left horizontal canal stimulated & right
horizontal canal inhibited
• To keep eyes fixed on a stationary point, both eyes move to right side by
stimulating right lateral rectus & left medial rectus muscles.
Principle Of VOR Generation (PUSH- PULL)
Vestibulospinal reflex
 Effector organs - Extensor muscles of neck, trunk, arms and
 The driving input here is mainly Gravity detected by the otolith
 These reflexes are mediated through projections of the vestibular
nuclei on to the Medial and Lateral Vestibulospinal tract.
 Similar to the VOR, the same push–pull mechanisms are used for
controlling the balance between extensor and flexor muscles.
Cervicoocular reflex
 When the head is fixed but the body is rotated, nystagmus may
be observed.
 This reflex is based on the stimulation of neck receptors.
 In humans, this reflex is very unreliable and unpredictable
 Only in subjects with congenital peripheral vestibular loss, does
this alternative strategy for gaze stabilization become helpful.
Central Projections Of Vestibular System
 In the brain stem there are 4 vestibular nuclei
 Superior
 Lateral
 Medial
 Descending
 From there several projections are found to
 Occulomotor Nuclei
 Lateral & Medial Vestibulospinal Tract
 Parapontine Reticular Formation
 Vestibulocerebellum- Floculus, Nodulus
 Nucleus Tractus Solitarius
 Cingulate Gyrus
Dr Utkal Mishra
Vestibular Function Tests
 Assessment of vestibular function can be divided
into 2 groups –
Clinical Tests Of Vestibular Function
 1. Clinical examination of eye movements
 2. Fistula Test
 3. Romberg Test
 4. Gait
 5. Tests Of Cerebellar Dysfunction
Clinical Examination of Eye Movements
The oculomotor examination should include:
 Nystagmus
 Convergence;
 Smooth pursuit;
 Saccades;
 Vestibulo-ocular reflexes;
 Positional manoeuvres.
 It is defined as involuntary rhythmic oscillatory movement of
 Described under headings –
1. Plane – Horizontal, Vertical, Torsional
2. Waveform – Saw tooth / Jerk – Contains a fast &
slow phase
Pendular- Quasisinusoidal
No fast or slow phase
3. Direction – Indicated by direction of fast component
4. Intensity – ALEXANDERS LAW
1st degree – Nystagmus present when looks in
direction of fast component.
2nd degree - Nystagmus present when looks
straight ahead.
3rd degree – Nystagmus present when looks in
direction of slow component.
Types of Nystagmus
Peripheral Central
Latency 2-20 s No latency
Duration < 1 min > 1 min
Direction Direction fixed Direction changing
Fatiguability Fatiguable Non fatiguable
Symptoms Severe Vertigo None
Suppressed by Visual fixation None
Enhanced by Darkness or by using
Frenzel’s glasses
 Vestibular nystagmus is of 2 types
 Peripheral - Due to lesions of Labyrinth or VIIIth Nerve.
 Central – Due to lesions of Vestibular Nuclei, Brain stem, Cerebellum.
Central Nystagmus
Type of Nystagmus Cause Remarks
Pendular Nystagmus Multiple Sclerosis Can be disconjugate – vertical
in one eye & horizontal in other
Purely Torsional Syringomyelia
Vertical Downbeat Arnold Chiari Malformation
Vertical Upbeat Pontomedullary juncn. lesions
Congenital Nystagmus Jerk Nystagmus with slow
phase velocity exponentially
Seasaw Nystagmus Mid-brain lesions One eye goes up other goes
Dissociated Nystagmus Internuclear Opthalmoplegia Only abducting eye shows
Periodic Alternating
Lesions in Nodulus of
Changes direction every 2
Perverted Nystagmus Multiple Sclerosis Nystagmus occuring in a a
plane other than that of
vestibular stimulation.
Vestibulo-Occular Reflex
 VOR stabilizes gaze in space during head movements
 By generating slow phase eye movements of an equal velocity but in
opposite direction to head movement.
 Clinical Tests for VOR are –
1. Doll’s Head Manoeuvre
2. Dynamic Visual Acuity
3. Head Impulse Test
Doll’s Head Manoeuvre
Examiner oscillates the patients head from side
to side at a frequency of approx. 0.5-1Hz.
Maintain fixation
(Normal VOR)
Interrupted Eye movements with catch up
saccades towards fixation target
(Abnormal VOR)
Post Meningitis / Ototoxicity
Patient sits in front of examiner &
fixates a part of examiners face(nose)
Dynamic Visual Acuity
Patient reads a visual acuity chart
Standing behind the patient
Examiner oscillates the patient’s head
at approx. 1Hz. While a new visual
acuity is taken
Gross reduction of VOR
Deterioration of Two linesNo change in Visual Acuity
Head Impulse Test
Patient seats in front of Examiner
& fixate a target across the room
Head is turned briskly by 15 degree
across midline by the examiner
Fixation maintained
Acute Vestibular Neuronitis
Eyes moves with head &
refixate with catch up saccades.
Positional Manoeuvre (Hallpike)
Patient sits on a couch & looks straight ahead
at one point on the examiner’s face
Examiner holds the patient head & turns it 450 to right
Patient placed in supine position with head
hangs 300 below horizontal
Patient eyes are observed for nystagmus for minimum 20 sec
Nystagmus appearing after a latent period of 2-20 s
Last for < 1 min & is always in one direction
On subsequent repetitions nystagmus disappears
Nystagmus appearing immediately,
changing direction & non fatiguable
Fistula test
 Intermittent pressure on tragus induces nystagmus by pressure changes in
EAC which is transmitted to labyrinth.
 Results - Negative  Normal
Positive  Erosion of Horz. SCC
 Fenestration Operation
 Post-Stapedectomy Fistula
 Rupture of round window
False Negative  Cholesteatoma covering the
 Dead Labyrinth
False Positive  Hypermobile stapes
(Congenital Syphilis)
 Stapes connected to Utricular
macula by fibrous bands
(Meniere’s disease)
Romberg’s Test
Sways to the side of lesion
(Peripheral Lesion)
Shows instability
(Central Lesion)
No sway or instability
Sharpened Romberg’s Test
Pt. stands with one heel in
front of toes & arms folded
across the chest
Patient stands with feet
together & arms by the side
with eyes open then closed
Unterberger’s Test
Turns towards the
Hypoactive side
(Peripheral Lesion)
Shows instability
(Central Lesion)
Patient asked to walk on the spot with eyes
closed & keeping the arm & index fingers
pointing towards examiners index fingers
Sways to the side of lesion
(Peripheral Lesion)
Shows instability
(Central Lesion)
Paradoxical Improvement with
fast walking
Acute Vestibular Neuronitis
Patient is asked to walk along a straight line
to a fixed point, first with eyes open then
Tests of Cerebellar Dysfunction
 Dysmetria
 Adiadochokinesia
 Rebound Phenomenon
 Falling in any direction
 Inability to make sudden turns while walking
 Truncal ataxia
Laboratory Tests of Vestibular Function
 Caloric Test
 Modified Kobrak Test
 Fitzgerald-Hallpike Test
 Cold Air Caloric Test
 Electronystagmography
 Optokinetic Test
 Rotation Test
 Galvanic Test
 Posturography
Caloric Test
 Principle- Changes in temperature in Extn. Auditory canal induces
convection currents in endolymph of Lateral SCC causing vertigo &
 Advantage – Only test available to test each labyrinth separately.
 Disadvantage – Anatomic abnormality of Extn. Or Middle ear interfere with
 Types – 3 types
 1. Modified Kobrak Test
 2. Fitzgerald-Hallpike Test
 3. Cold Air Caloric Test
Modified Kobrak Test
Patient is seated with head tilted 600 backwards
(Horz. Canal in vertical position)
Ear irrigated with ice water for 60 sec
Start with 5ml NO RESPONSE
Nystagmus beating towards opposite ear 10 ml
20 ml
40 ml
Fitzgerald- Hallpike Test
Patient lies supine with head tilted 300 forward
(Horz. Canal in vertical position)
Procedure follows order
Gap of 5 minutes
Cold water induces nystagmus to opposite side
& warm water to same side of irrigation
Time taken from the start of irrigation to end of
nystagmus recorded in a chart called
Irrigation for 4 min with
water at 200C
Ear is irrigated for 40 sec alternately with water at 300C &
440 C
Cold Air Caloric Test
 It is done when there is Tympanic membrane
 Test is done with Dundas – Grant tube which
is a coiled copper tube wrapped in cloth.
 Air in the tube is cooled by pouring ethyl
chloride & blown into ear
 This is only a rough qualitative test.
Interpretations of Caloric Test
 There are 3 main abnormalities of caloric response-
 1. Bilateral Absence of Caloric Response
 2. Unilateral Canal Paresis
 3. Directional Preponderance
Bilateral Absence of Caloric Nystagmus
 Occurs in –
 Post- Meningitis
 Ototoxic drugs
 Meniere’s Disease
 Head Trauma
 Idiopathic
Unilateral Canal Paresis
 It indicates a reduced or absent response from one ear.
 Causes are –
 Acoustic neuroma
 Post labyrinthectomy
 Vestibular nerve section
 Can be expressed as percentage as
Response from Left ear =
L30 + L44 × 100
L30 + L44 + R30 + R44
Directional Preponderance
 It indicates that the Duration of nystagmus to one side is 25-30%
more than other side irrespective of whether it is elicited from
right or left labyrinth.
 DP occurs towards the side of central lesion &
away from the side of peripheral lesion
 Right beating nystagmus =
L30 + R44
L30 + L44 + R30 + R44
× 100
Electro/Video nystagmography
 It is a method of detecting & recording of
 It depends on the presence of
corneoretinal potentials recorded by
surface electrodes placed around orbit.
 Advantage –
 1. Detect fine nystagmus not visible to
naked eye
 2. To keep a permanent record
 3. To detect nystagmus in dark.
 Disadvantage –
 1. Cannot record torsional eye
 2. Other biological potentials can be
picked up as artifact (EEG)
Optokinetic test
 Patient is asked to follow a series of
vertical stripes on a rotating drum.
 Normally it produces nystagmus with
slow component in the direction of
moving stripes & fast component in
opposite direction.
 Abnormality indicates central lesion.
Rotational Tests
 Patient is seated in a Barany’s revolving
chair with head tilted 300 forward
rotated 10 turns in 20 s.
 The chair is stopped abruptly &
nystagmus is observed towards the side
of rotation.
 2 types of rotation-
 Velocity Step/ Impulsive Rotation
 Sinusoidal Rotation
 Normally nystagmus lasts for 25-40s.
 Advantage – Test can be performed in
cases of congenital abnormalities where
SCC failed to develop
 Disadvantage- Both the labyrinths are
simutaneously stimulated.
Galvanic Test
 Only test which differentiates an end organ lesion
from that of vestibular nerve.
 Patient stands with his feet together eyes closed &
arms outstretched & then a current of 1mA is passed
to one ear.
 Normally patient sways towards the side of anodal
current. (Intact vestibular nerve)
 It is a method to evaluate vestibular function by
measuring postural stability.
 2 main types
 Static Posturography- Fixed platform
 Computerized Dynamic Posturography – Movable
Mechanism of balance & vestibular function test Dr Utkal Mishra

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Mechanism of balance & vestibular function test Dr Utkal Mishra

  • 2. Introduction  The main function of the mammalian vestibular system is to  Provide general orientation of the body with respect to gravity  Enable balanced locomotion and body position  Readjust autonomic functions after body reorientation  Ensure gaze stabilization.
  • 4. Physiology of equilibrium Balance of body during static or dynamic positions is maintained by 4 organs: 1. Vestibular apparatus 2. Eye 3. Posterior column of spinal cord 4. Cerebellum
  • 5. Vestibular apparatus  Semicircular canals - Angular acceleration & deceleration  Utricle - Horizontal linear acceleration & deceleration  Saccule - Vertical linear acceleration & deceleration
  • 7. Orientation of semicircular canals RALP PlaneLARP Plane
  • 8. Motion Decomposition  Every motion in space can be broken down into  3 Rotational degrees of freedom – 1. Yaw (SCC) 2. Pitch 3. Roll  3 Translational degrees of freedom – 1. Left–Right (U & S) 2. Up–Down 3. For–Aft
  • 10. Cristae  Location – Ampullated ends of 3 SCC.  Elevated sensory area containing sensory hair cells  Tips of cilia are embedded in a gelatinous mass composed of polysaccharide called – CUPULA  Cupula functions as a water tight partition & displacement occurs in one direction at a time as a swing door.
  • 11. Macula  Located in utricle – floor (horizontal) & saccule – posterior wall (vertical)  The hair cells are embedded in a gelatinous layer impregnated with crystals of CaCO3 called OTOLITH MEMBRANE.  A filamentous network connects the lower surface of otolithic membrane with sensory epithelium called SUBCUPULAR MESHWORK .  A virtual curved line called STRIOLA divides utricular hair cells into medial & lateral groups & sacuular hair cells into ventral & dorsal groups with opposite orientation
  • 12. Vestibular Sensory Cells  Vestibular sensory epithelium consists of 2 types of hair cells – TYPE 1 – Flask shaped sorrounded by cup shaped thick myelinated single afferent nerve terminal TYPE 2 – Cylindrical with multiple thin afferent nerve terminals at its base  The apex of hair cells is bathed in endolymph and is sorrounded by nonsensory supporting cells & dark cells.
  • 13. Hair Cells  Hair cell consists of a hair bundle at the apical end.  Each HAIR BUNDLE consists of 1 large knobed KINOCILLIUM & 20 - 300 STEREOCILLIA
  • 14. Stereocillia  Have a cytoskeleton made up of actin filament crosslinked by fibrin  Arranged in a HEXAGONAL configuration  With shortest steriocillia at one end & tallest at other end like a staircase.  The ion channel involved in mechanoelectrical transduction are located in steriocillia.  Connected to each other by fibrillary strands called TIP LINKS  The upper end of each tip link is anchored to the stereocilium at a point called INSERTIONAL PLATE or PLAQUE.  Tension in the tip link controls the opening or closing of the ion channels.
  • 15. Kinocillium  It is a true cillium consisting of an axoneme (9+2).  Only function of kinocillium is - transmission of stimulus forces to stereocillia.  Displacement of stereocillia towards kinocillium causes depolarization.
  • 17. Mechanotransduction Displacement of stereocillia towards kinocillium Stretches Tip links Influx of K+ & Ca+ Depolarization
  • 18. Gating Compliance  An intrinsic property of direct mechano- electrical transduction that enhances hair cell sensitivity.  Hair bundle displacement in the positive direction opens transduction channels.  Channel opening decreases the stiffness of the hair bundle  This in turn promotes further movement in a positive direction resulting in a positive feedback mechanism
  • 19. Adaptation  It prevents saturation of mechano-transductor response from large sustained stimuli > 25ms.  It also allows a cell to detect small stimuli in the presence of an enormous background input.  2 distinct models of adaptation –  Active Motor Model  Calcium Dependent Closure Model
  • 20. Active Motor Model Myosin 1b Hair bundle deflection towards kinocilium increases tension in tip links with opening of transduction channels DEPOLARIZATION Motor cannot resist the increased tension & slips down the stereocillium Tip link tension reduced & channels closed HYPERPOLARIZATION Stereocillia returns to resting stage
  • 21. Calcium Dependent Closure Model Opening of transduction channel Calcium enters & binds to channel protein Closure of channel
  • 22. Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex • It is a reflex eye movement due to stimulation of cristae of SCC during head rotation • It helps in Gaze Stabilization by producing eye movements in the direction opposite to head movement, thus preserving the image on the fovea. • Movement of head to left  left horizontal canal stimulated & right horizontal canal inhibited • To keep eyes fixed on a stationary point, both eyes move to right side by stimulating right lateral rectus & left medial rectus muscles.
  • 24. Vestibulospinal reflex  Effector organs - Extensor muscles of neck, trunk, arms and limbs.  The driving input here is mainly Gravity detected by the otolith system.  These reflexes are mediated through projections of the vestibular nuclei on to the Medial and Lateral Vestibulospinal tract.  Similar to the VOR, the same push–pull mechanisms are used for controlling the balance between extensor and flexor muscles.
  • 25. Cervicoocular reflex  When the head is fixed but the body is rotated, nystagmus may be observed.  This reflex is based on the stimulation of neck receptors.  In humans, this reflex is very unreliable and unpredictable  Only in subjects with congenital peripheral vestibular loss, does this alternative strategy for gaze stabilization become helpful.
  • 26. Central Projections Of Vestibular System  In the brain stem there are 4 vestibular nuclei  Superior  Lateral  Medial  Descending  From there several projections are found to  Occulomotor Nuclei  Lateral & Medial Vestibulospinal Tract  Parapontine Reticular Formation  Vestibulocerebellum- Floculus, Nodulus  Nucleus Tractus Solitarius  Cingulate Gyrus
  • 28. Vestibular Function Tests  Assessment of vestibular function can be divided into 2 groups –  1. CLINICAL TESTS  2. LABORATORY TESTS
  • 29. Clinical Tests Of Vestibular Function  1. Clinical examination of eye movements  2. Fistula Test  3. Romberg Test  4. Gait  5. Tests Of Cerebellar Dysfunction
  • 30. Clinical Examination of Eye Movements The oculomotor examination should include:  Nystagmus  Convergence;  Smooth pursuit;  Saccades;  Vestibulo-ocular reflexes;  Positional manoeuvres.
  • 31. Nystagmus  It is defined as involuntary rhythmic oscillatory movement of eyes.  Described under headings – 1. Plane – Horizontal, Vertical, Torsional 2. Waveform – Saw tooth / Jerk – Contains a fast & slow phase Pendular- Quasisinusoidal No fast or slow phase 3. Direction – Indicated by direction of fast component 4. Intensity – ALEXANDERS LAW 1st degree – Nystagmus present when looks in direction of fast component. 2nd degree - Nystagmus present when looks straight ahead. 3rd degree – Nystagmus present when looks in direction of slow component.
  • 32. Types of Nystagmus DIFFERENCE Peripheral Central Latency 2-20 s No latency Duration < 1 min > 1 min Direction Direction fixed Direction changing Fatiguability Fatiguable Non fatiguable Symptoms Severe Vertigo None Suppressed by Visual fixation None Enhanced by Darkness or by using Frenzel’s glasses None  Vestibular nystagmus is of 2 types  Peripheral - Due to lesions of Labyrinth or VIIIth Nerve.  Central – Due to lesions of Vestibular Nuclei, Brain stem, Cerebellum.
  • 33. Central Nystagmus Type of Nystagmus Cause Remarks Pendular Nystagmus Multiple Sclerosis Can be disconjugate – vertical in one eye & horizontal in other eye. Purely Torsional Syringomyelia Vertical Downbeat Arnold Chiari Malformation Vertical Upbeat Pontomedullary juncn. lesions Congenital Nystagmus Jerk Nystagmus with slow phase velocity exponentially increasing. Seasaw Nystagmus Mid-brain lesions One eye goes up other goes down Dissociated Nystagmus Internuclear Opthalmoplegia Only abducting eye shows nystagmus Periodic Alternating Nystagmus Lesions in Nodulus of Cerebellum Changes direction every 2 minutes Perverted Nystagmus Multiple Sclerosis Nystagmus occuring in a a plane other than that of vestibular stimulation.
  • 34. Vestibulo-Occular Reflex  VOR stabilizes gaze in space during head movements  By generating slow phase eye movements of an equal velocity but in opposite direction to head movement.  Clinical Tests for VOR are – 1. Doll’s Head Manoeuvre 2. Dynamic Visual Acuity 3. Head Impulse Test
  • 35. Doll’s Head Manoeuvre Examiner oscillates the patients head from side to side at a frequency of approx. 0.5-1Hz. Maintain fixation (Normal VOR) Interrupted Eye movements with catch up saccades towards fixation target (Abnormal VOR) Post Meningitis / Ototoxicity Patient sits in front of examiner & fixates a part of examiners face(nose)
  • 36. Dynamic Visual Acuity Patient reads a visual acuity chart 6/6 Standing behind the patient Examiner oscillates the patient’s head at approx. 1Hz. While a new visual acuity is taken Gross reduction of VOR Deterioration of Two linesNo change in Visual Acuity NORMAL
  • 37. Head Impulse Test Patient seats in front of Examiner & fixate a target across the room Head is turned briskly by 15 degree across midline by the examiner Fixation maintained NORMAL Acute Vestibular Neuronitis Eyes moves with head & refixate with catch up saccades.
  • 38. Positional Manoeuvre (Hallpike) Patient sits on a couch & looks straight ahead at one point on the examiner’s face Examiner holds the patient head & turns it 450 to right Patient placed in supine position with head hangs 300 below horizontal Patient eyes are observed for nystagmus for minimum 20 sec Nystagmus appearing after a latent period of 2-20 s Last for < 1 min & is always in one direction On subsequent repetitions nystagmus disappears (Fatiguable) Nystagmus appearing immediately, changing direction & non fatiguable BPPV CENTRAL LESIONS
  • 39. Fistula test  Intermittent pressure on tragus induces nystagmus by pressure changes in EAC which is transmitted to labyrinth.  Results - Negative  Normal Positive  Erosion of Horz. SCC  Fenestration Operation  Post-Stapedectomy Fistula  Rupture of round window False Negative  Cholesteatoma covering the fistula  Dead Labyrinth False Positive  Hypermobile stapes (Congenital Syphilis)  Stapes connected to Utricular macula by fibrous bands (Meniere’s disease)
  • 40. Romberg’s Test Sways to the side of lesion (Peripheral Lesion) Shows instability (Central Lesion) No sway or instability Sharpened Romberg’s Test Pt. stands with one heel in front of toes & arms folded across the chest Patient stands with feet together & arms by the side with eyes open then closed
  • 41. Unterberger’s Test Turns towards the Hypoactive side (Peripheral Lesion) Shows instability (Central Lesion) Patient asked to walk on the spot with eyes closed & keeping the arm & index fingers pointing towards examiners index fingers
  • 42. Gait Sways to the side of lesion (Peripheral Lesion) Shows instability (Central Lesion) Paradoxical Improvement with fast walking Acute Vestibular Neuronitis Patient is asked to walk along a straight line to a fixed point, first with eyes open then closed
  • 43. Tests of Cerebellar Dysfunction DISEASE OF SIGNS CEREBELLAR HEMISPHERE  Asynergia  Dysmetria  Adiadochokinesia  Rebound Phenomenon MIDLINE OF CEREBELLUM  Wide base Gait  Falling in any direction  Inability to make sudden turns while walking  Truncal ataxia
  • 44. Laboratory Tests of Vestibular Function  Caloric Test  Modified Kobrak Test  Fitzgerald-Hallpike Test  Cold Air Caloric Test  Electronystagmography  Optokinetic Test  Rotation Test  Galvanic Test  Posturography
  • 45. Caloric Test  Principle- Changes in temperature in Extn. Auditory canal induces convection currents in endolymph of Lateral SCC causing vertigo & nystagmus  Advantage – Only test available to test each labyrinth separately.  Disadvantage – Anatomic abnormality of Extn. Or Middle ear interfere with results  Types – 3 types  1. Modified Kobrak Test  2. Fitzgerald-Hallpike Test  3. Cold Air Caloric Test
  • 46. Modified Kobrak Test Patient is seated with head tilted 600 backwards (Horz. Canal in vertical position) Ear irrigated with ice water for 60 sec Start with 5ml NO RESPONSE Nystagmus beating towards opposite ear 10 ml NORMAL 20 ml 40 ml DEAD LABYRINTH
  • 47. Fitzgerald- Hallpike Test Patient lies supine with head tilted 300 forward (Horz. Canal in vertical position) Procedure follows order LEFT COLD>>RIGHT COLD>>LEFTWARM>>RIGHT WARM Gap of 5 minutes Cold water induces nystagmus to opposite side & warm water to same side of irrigation Time taken from the start of irrigation to end of nystagmus recorded in a chart called CALORIGRAM Irrigation for 4 min with water at 200C Ear is irrigated for 40 sec alternately with water at 300C & 440 C NO RESPONSE NO RESPONSE DEAD LABYRINTH
  • 48. Cold Air Caloric Test  It is done when there is Tympanic membrane perforation.  Test is done with Dundas – Grant tube which is a coiled copper tube wrapped in cloth.  Air in the tube is cooled by pouring ethyl chloride & blown into ear  This is only a rough qualitative test.
  • 49. Interpretations of Caloric Test  There are 3 main abnormalities of caloric response-  1. Bilateral Absence of Caloric Response  2. Unilateral Canal Paresis  3. Directional Preponderance
  • 50. Bilateral Absence of Caloric Nystagmus  Occurs in –  Post- Meningitis  Ototoxic drugs  Meniere’s Disease  Head Trauma  Idiopathic
  • 51. Unilateral Canal Paresis  It indicates a reduced or absent response from one ear.  Causes are –  Acoustic neuroma  Post labyrinthectomy  Vestibular nerve section  Can be expressed as percentage as Response from Left ear = L30 + L44 × 100 L30 + L44 + R30 + R44
  • 52. Directional Preponderance  It indicates that the Duration of nystagmus to one side is 25-30% more than other side irrespective of whether it is elicited from right or left labyrinth.  DP occurs towards the side of central lesion & away from the side of peripheral lesion  Right beating nystagmus = L30 + R44 L30 + L44 + R30 + R44 × 100
  • 53. Electro/Video nystagmography  It is a method of detecting & recording of nystagmus.  It depends on the presence of corneoretinal potentials recorded by surface electrodes placed around orbit.  Advantage –  1. Detect fine nystagmus not visible to naked eye  2. To keep a permanent record  3. To detect nystagmus in dark.  Disadvantage –  1. Cannot record torsional eye movement  2. Other biological potentials can be picked up as artifact (EEG)
  • 54. Optokinetic test  Patient is asked to follow a series of vertical stripes on a rotating drum.  Normally it produces nystagmus with slow component in the direction of moving stripes & fast component in opposite direction.  Abnormality indicates central lesion.
  • 55. Rotational Tests  Patient is seated in a Barany’s revolving chair with head tilted 300 forward rotated 10 turns in 20 s.  The chair is stopped abruptly & nystagmus is observed towards the side of rotation.  2 types of rotation-  Velocity Step/ Impulsive Rotation  Sinusoidal Rotation  Normally nystagmus lasts for 25-40s.  Advantage – Test can be performed in cases of congenital abnormalities where SCC failed to develop  Disadvantage- Both the labyrinths are simutaneously stimulated.
  • 56. Galvanic Test  Only test which differentiates an end organ lesion from that of vestibular nerve.  Patient stands with his feet together eyes closed & arms outstretched & then a current of 1mA is passed to one ear.  Normally patient sways towards the side of anodal current. (Intact vestibular nerve)
  • 57. Posturography  It is a method to evaluate vestibular function by measuring postural stability.  2 main types  Static Posturography- Fixed platform  Computerized Dynamic Posturography – Movable platform