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Dr. Sunil Pahari, 3rd year resident , department of orthopaedic
surgery, yangtze university , hubei , China
Boundaries of upperlimbs
 Superior clavical—acrimoin—
spinous process of C7
 Anterior anterior border of the
deltoid—anterior axillary fold
 Posterior posterior border of the
deltoid—posterior axillary fold
Bony structures of upperlimbs
 Clavical
 Scapula
 Humerus
 Radius
 Ulna
 Carpal bones
 Matacarpal bones
 Phalanges
 Only one bone that lie horizontally
,subcutaneous through out , first bone to
start ossify , 2 primary center of
ossification , membranous ossification,
S- shaped ,
 1 shaft and 2 end ,, medial part articulates
with sternum and lateral part with
acromian process of scapula …
 m/c fracture site - junction between
middle and outer -third .
 Most common fracture bone in body
 also called Collar bone or beauty bone ..
 2nd to 7th rib
 Flat and triangular
 Anterior surface(costal surface) & dorsal
or posterior surface(spine of scapula).
 Superior, medial and lateral border.
 Superior, inferior angle.
 Acromian articulates with clavicle .
 glenoid cavity articulates with head of
 Coracoid process projects upward provides
attachment for muscles and ligaments.
 Longest and largest bone of upper
 Body and two ends
 Head, greater and lesser tubercle/
intertubecular sulcus or bicipital
 Anatomical neck
 Surgical neck=head meets the shaft
 Lower end is flat and two articular
 Capitulum for head of radius
 Trochlea for articulation with
trochlear notch of ulna.
 Lateral and medial epicondyles for
muscles and ligament attachment
 Radial fossa for radial head when
elbow is flexed
 Coronoid fossa for coronoid process
of ulna during same movement.
 Olecranon fossa posteriorly for
olecranon process of ulna during
Humerus fractures and
nerve injury
 surgical neck fracture - axillary nerve
injury .
 shaft #- radial nerve injury
 supracondylar # - median nerve injury
 .
Supracondylar fracture
Radius and ulna
 Fracture of the distal end (Colle’s
 It is due to a fall on the outstretched
hand in patients over (50) years.
 The distal fragment of the radius is
pulled posteriorly and superiorly
 The distal articular surface is directed
 The posterior displacement produces
a posterior bump.
 The deformity is referred to as,
‘dinner-fork deformity’ because the
forearm and wrist resemble the shape
of a dinner fork.
 Smith’s fracture is a reversed Cole’s
as the distal segment is displaced
Carpal bones
8 in numbers
 proximal row (lateral to medial )
Scaphoid ( boat shaped )
Lunate( half –moon )
Triquetrum ( three cornered
Pisiform ( pea Shaped )
Distal row
Trapezium ( four sided )
Trapezoid ( babys shoes
shaped )
Capitate ( head ,,, biggest )
Hamate ( hook)
Scaphoid fracture is most common .
Fracture of the Scaphoid Bone
 Common in young adults
 Fracture line passes through the
narrowest part of the bone
 If the fragments will not unite properly,
there will be permanent pain and
weakness at the wrist
 Deep tenderness in the anatomical snuff
box after a fall on an outstretched hand
in a young adult is an indication of
fracture of scaphoid bone
Elbow Joint
 Dislocations are common and
most are posterior. Are more
common in children, due to a
fall on outstretched hand. The
distal end of humerus is pushed
anteriorly through weak part of
the capsule
 Pulled Elbow: occurs in
children, when the child is
lifted by the upper limb. The
radial head is pulled out of the
annular ligament
Tennis Elbow
 Caused by partial tear or
degeneration of the origin of
superficial extensor muscles
attached to the lateral
 It results due to excessive use
of these muscles as in tennis,
violinists and housewives.
 Results in pain and
tenderness over the lateral
epicondyle that radiates to the
lateral side of the forearm
Golfer’s Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)
 Caused by partial tear or
degeneration of the
origin of superficial
flexor muscles attached
to the medial epicondyle
 It results due to excessive
use of these muscles as
in playing golf
 Results in pain and
tenderness over the
medial epicondyle that
radiates to the medial
side of the forearm
Bones of Hand
 Carpal bones
 Metacarpals
 Phalanges
From lateral to medial:
1- the proximal row : scaphoid
,lunate , triquetral & pisiform
2- the distal row : trapezium ,
trapezoid , capitate & hamate
origin – from lateral 1/3rd of clavicle , acromion process
and spine of scapula.
insertion – into the deltoid tuberosity of humerus .
Action- act as main muscle for abduction of shoulder
joint . Its anterior part is flexor and medial rotator of
humerus while posterior part is extensior and lateral
roatatior of humerus.
supraspinatus- deep to
trapezius, arises from supraspinatus
fossa of scapula. Fibers crosses above
the shoulder joint and is inserted into
greater tubercle of humerus. Stabilizes
shoulder joint and abducts the
Muscles that abduct the upper arm
Muscles origin Insertion Actions Nerve supply
Deltiod Scapula and
Humerus Abduct the
upper arm
Axillary nerve
Scapula Humerus Abduct the
upper arm
Muscles that adduct the upper arm
 1) pectoralis major
 2) lattissimus dorsi
 3) teres major
 4) subscapularis
 Latissimus dorsi: very
broad, flat and triangular muscle in
lower back. It is overlapped by
lower part of trapezius. It originates
from lumbar fascia, spines of lower
six thoracic vertebrae, lower three
or four ribs and inferior angle of
scapula. .
Muscles origin Insertion Actions Nerve supply
Pectoralis major Clavical and
Humerus Adduct the
upper arm
Medial and
pectoral nerves
brachial plexus
Humerus Adduct the
upper arm
Teres major Scapula Humerus Adduct the
upper arm
Subcapsularis scapula Humerus Rotate the upper
arm medially
Upper and lower
Infraspinatus scapula Humerus Rotate the
upper arm
Rotator cuff muscles
 The name given to the tendons
of the subscapularis, the
supraspinatus, the
infraspinatus, and the teres
minor muscles, which are
fused to the underlying capsule
of the shoulder joint.
 The cuff is important in
stabilizing the shoulder joint.
Mucles that move forearm
 Anterior flexor muscles
 1) bicep brachii
 2)brachilais
 3) coracobrachialis
 elongated muscle in
superiomedial aspect of
arm. Originates from
coracoid process of
scapula and inserts into
medial aspect of shaft of
humerus. It flexes the
 musculocutaneous
Muscles origin Insertion Actions Nerve supply
Baicep brachii Scapula Radius Flexes the
forearm and
supinates the
scapula humerus Flex the
Barchialis Humerus Ulna Flex the
Posterior extenser muscle of arm
Triceps Brachii:
 Arises by three heads, from which it
takes its name.
 Origin of each of the three heads is
1. Long Head: originates from infraglenoid tubercle
of scapula
2. Lateral Head: upper half of posterior surface of
shaft of humerus
3. Medial Head: Lower half of posterior surface of
shaft of humerus
 All the fibers inserts into olecranon
process of ulna.
 It is an extensor of elbow joint
 nerve supply - radial nerve
Muscles that move the hand
 Anterior flexor pronator group
1) Flexor carpi radialis (flexes and
abduct the hand )
2) Palmaris longus (flexes the
3) Flexor carpi ulnaris (flexes and
adduct the hand)
4) Proneter teres (pronates the
5) Brachioradialis
6) Flexor digitorium superficialis
7) Flexor pollicis longus
8) Pronator quadratus
 Posterior extensor group muscles :-
1) Extensor carpi radialis
- Extends and abduct the hand
2) Extensor carpi ulnaris
- Extends and adduct the hand
3) Extensor digitorium
- Extends the phalanges
Volkmann’s Ischaemic Contracture
 It is the contractures of
the muscles of the
forearm that follows
fractures of the distal
end of the humerus or
fractures of the radius
and ulna.
 Spasm of a localized
segment of the brachial
artery reduces the blood
flow to the flexors and
extensor muscles so that
they under go ischemic
 The flexor muscles are
mostly affected
Intrinsic muscles of the hand
 1) palmer flexors :- thernar group
 hypothernar
 intermidiate group
 2) dorsal extensor :-
 thenar extensor
 hypothernar extensor
 intermidiate extensor
Dupuytren’s Contracture
 It is a localized thickening and
contracture of the palmar
 It commonly starts near the root of
the ring finger pulling it to the palm
and flexing it at the metacarpo-
phalngeal joint. Later the little finger
is involved.
 Dupuytren's disease is familial, and
may be associated with cigarette
smoking, vascular disease, epilepsy,
and diabetes.
Pulp-Space Infection (Felon)
 This is the commonest hand
infection. Pus more often gathers
in the finger tips than anywhere
else in the hand.
 It is more common in the thumb
and index fingers.
THE AXILLARY ARTERY :It begins at the outer border of
the 1st rib as a continuation of the Subclavian A. & ends
at the lower border of the teres major M. by becoming
the Brachial A.
The pectoralis minor M . divided it to 3 parts
The 1st part : lies above the pectoralis minor & give one branch
(superior thoracic A.) . It lies very deeply with the axillary vein
on its medial side .
The 2nd part : lies behind the pectoralis minor M. & gives 2 branches ( acromio thoracic
A.& lateral thoracic A. ).
The 3rd part : lies below the pectoralis minor M. & gives 3 branches :( subscapular A.,
post. circumflex humeral A. & ant . Circumflex humeral A.).
Anastamosis around the scapula
The branches of the third part of axillary A.
* the sub scapular A. which go down along the lateral border of
the scapula.
*the circumflex scapular A. which arise from the sub scapular
A.& go to the infraspinous fossa.
It begins at the lower border of the Teres major M. as a continuation
of the Axillary A. & ends at the level of the neck of the Radius by
dividing to Radial & Ulnar Aa.
It is a superficial A. lies
immediately below the deep
The basilic vein lies on its medial
The branches of the brachial A.: It supplies all the Mm. of the
arm & gives 3 branches
1- the profunda brachii A.
2- the superior ulnar collateral A.
3- the inferior ulnar collateral A.
Anastamosis around The Elbow Joint :
It is a rich anastamosis between small branches of
brachial ,ulnar & radial Aa.:
Anastamosis around medial
epicondyle :
The two branches of the brachial A .
(the superior ulnar collateral A. & the
inferior ulnar collateral A.)
with the branches of ulnar A. (the ant. &
post. Ulnar recurrent Aa.) .i.e.
the brachial & the ulnar Aa. only .
Anastamosis around lateral
epicondyle :
The 2 terminal branches of the profuda
brachii a. with recurrent branches of
ulnar & radial Aa.
Radial artery
 Begins: in the cubital fossa at the neck of the radius.
 Course: passes downward and laterally end with
deep palmer arch
 Branches
 Radial recurrent a.
 Superfical and deep palmar branch
 Principal artery of thumb
At the lower end of the
radius , it leaves the
front of the forearm &
turns backward round
the lateral border of the
wrist , below the styloid
process of the radius&
enter the anatomical
snuff-box where the
pulsation can be felt
then pass to the palm .
Ulnar artery
 Begins in the cubital fossa at the
opposite neck of the radius.
 Course: passes downward and
medially .
 Branches
 Ulnar recurrent a.
 Common interosseous artery
 Anterior interossous a.
 Posterior interosseous a.
 Deep palmar branch
It is superficial because it lies
immediately next to the palmer
It is formed mainly by the ulnar A.
with the superficial palmer
branch of the radial A.
It gives 4 digital Aa. to supply the 4
medial fingers.
It is formed mainly by the
radial A. with the deep
palmer branch of the ulnar A.
It gives 3 palmer – metacarpal
Aa. To pass to the clefts of
the fingers.
 The subclavian artery becomes the axillary artery after crossing the 1st
 The axillary artery becomes the brachial artery after crossing the
posterior axillary fold
 The brachial artery divides just distal to the elbow into the radial and
ulnar arteries.
 The ulnar artery gives rise to the common interosseous artery, which
divides into anterior and posterior interosseous arteries.
 The hand is supplied on the palmar aspect by variable anastomoses
between branches of the radial and ulnar arteries.
There are superficial & deep veins in the upper limb .
The deep veins are the veins which accompany the
main Aa. ( way & name ).
The superficial Vv. : start as superficial venous
network on the back of the hand. this network drains in
2 directions
laterally into Cephalic V &
medially to the basilic V.
Blood vessels of upper limbsSuperficial veins
 Dorsal venous network
 Cephalic vein
 Basilic vein
 Axillary vein( basilic+ brachial vein)
 Median cubital vein
 Median vein of forearm
Deep veins
 Named according to companian
 Radial vein
 Ulnar vein
 Brachial vein
 Axillary vein
Clinical importance of median cubital vein
 Often used for clinical
1. Blood sampling
2. Blood transfusion
3. Intravenous injection
4. Introduction of cardiac
catheters to secure
blood samples from
chambers of heart and
great vessels
5. Cardio-angiography
Brachial plexus
A plexus: it is a complex arrangement of the anterior
primary rami of certain spinal Nn. Which gives
branches to supply the Mm. & skin of a certain part
of a body.
It is formed by the anterior primary rami of C5,C6,C7,C8 &T1 Nn. these
are called ROOTS of the plexus.
It lies in the lower part of the neck behind the clavicle & in the axilla &
formed of 4 main parts : Roots , Trunks , Divisions & cords.
The root of C7 alone form the middle trunk.
The roots of C8 & T1 unite to form the lower trunk.
Then each trunk divides into anterior & posterior division .
Then the 3 posterior divisions unite to form the posterior cord .
The anterior divisions of the upper & middle trunks form the lateral cord.
The anterior division of the lower trunk alone forms the medial cord .
THE TRUNKS formed by
The roots of C5 & C6 unite to form the upper trunk
So we have :5 roots , 3 trunks , 6 division , 3 cords & 5 terminal
branches .
No branches arise from the trunks nor from the divisions (
except the suprascapular N. which come from the erbs
point=at beginning of the upper trunk). .
The brachial plexus gives 16 branches , 11 small branches & 5
big branches : radial , ulnar , median , circumflex (axillary) &
musclocutaneous Nn.
Each cord gives rise to 2 branches one is big & consider the
continuation of the cord & one is small SO
The posterior cord continues as the radial N.
The medial cord continues as the ulnar N.
The lateral cord continues as the median N.
The 3 cords named according to their position to 2nd part of the
axillary A. (post. , medial & lateral.) while the name of the
main N. according to position in the forearm( ulnar , median
& radial ).
The 5 main Nn. Arise opposite the lower border of the
pectoralis minor M. near the coracoid process .
1- The circumflex (axillary ) N. supplies the
deltoid & teres minor Mm. then become the lateral
cutaneous N. of the arm.
2- The musculocutaneous N. supplies the
biceps , coracobrachialis & brachialis Mm. then
become the lateral cutaneous N. of the forearm .
3- The median N ( with its branch =ant.
Interosseous N.) supplies most of the Mm. of front
of the forearm with sensation of lateral 3 & ½
fingers anteriorly .
4- The radial N.( with its branch=post. Interosseous
N.) supplies most of the mm. of the back of the forearm.
With sensation of lateral 3 & ½ fingers posteriorly.
5- The ulnar N. supplies Mm. on the medial side of the
forearm with sensation of medial 1 & ½ fingers
anteriorly & posteriorly .
Median nerve
Origin: arises from the medial and
lateral cord of the brachial
 Descends on the lateral side of
brachial artery.
 Halfway down the arm, it
crosses the brachial artery to
reach its medial side.
 he median nerve travels through
a tunnel within the wrist called
the Carpal Tunnel. The median
nerve gives sensation to the
palm sides of the thumb, index
finger, long finger, and half of
the ring finger. It also sends a
nerve branch to control
the thenar muscles of the
thumb. The thenar muscles help
move the thumb and let you
touch the pad of the thumb to
the tips each of each finger on
the same hand, a motion
called opposition.
Ulnar nerve
Origin: arises from the medial cord of the
brachial plexus.
 Descends on the medial side of brachial
 At the middle of the arm, it pierces the
medial intermuscular septum and passes
down behind the medial epicondyle of the
It is the cutaneous sensation of the upper limb.
C4 supplies the skin over the tip of the shoulder .
C5 supplies the lateral side of the arm &the upper lateral part of the forearm .
C6 supplies the lateral side of the lower part of the forearm & the lateral aspect of the hand
C7 supplies the middle aspect of the hand (ant.& post.) .
C8 supplies the medial side of the hand & the
medial lower part of the forearm.
T1 supplies the medial part of the upper part of the
forearm & the medial lower part of the arm.
T2 supplies the medial side of the upper part of the
arm & the floor of the axilla.
Cubital fossa
Superior: an imaginary line drawn
between the two epicondyles of the
Lateral: brachioradialis;
Medial: pronator teres;
introduction Body wall Head and neck Limbs Thoracic cavity Abdominal
cavity Pelvic cavity
Cubital fossa
The median N.
The brachial A., radial A., ulnar A.
The superficial and deep branches of
the radial N.
Radial artery
Ulnar artery
Median nerve
Brachial artery
Radial nerve
introduction Body wall Head and neck Limbs Thoracic cavity Abdominal
cavity Pelvic cavity
The blood pressure is universally
recorded by auscultating the
brachial artery in medial side of the
biceps’ tendon in the cubital fossa.
Cubital fossa
Brachial artery
introduction Body wall Head and neck Limbs Thoracic cavity Abdominal
cavity Pelvic cavity
Thank you !!!

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Anatomy of Upper extremity

  • 1. Dr. Sunil Pahari, 3rd year resident , department of orthopaedic surgery, yangtze university , hubei , China
  • 2. Boundaries of upperlimbs  Superior clavical—acrimoin— spinous process of C7  Anterior anterior border of the deltoid—anterior axillary fold  Posterior posterior border of the deltoid—posterior axillary fold
  • 3. Bony structures of upperlimbs  Clavical  Scapula  Humerus  Radius  Ulna  Carpal bones  Matacarpal bones  Phalanges
  • 4. Clavicle  Only one bone that lie horizontally ,subcutaneous through out , first bone to start ossify , 2 primary center of ossification , membranous ossification, S- shaped ,  1 shaft and 2 end ,, medial part articulates with sternum and lateral part with acromian process of scapula …  m/c fracture site - junction between middle and outer -third .  Most common fracture bone in body  also called Collar bone or beauty bone ..
  • 5. scapula  2nd to 7th rib  Flat and triangular  Anterior surface(costal surface) & dorsal or posterior surface(spine of scapula).  Superior, medial and lateral border.  Superior, inferior angle.  Acromian articulates with clavicle .  glenoid cavity articulates with head of humerus.  Coracoid process projects upward provides attachment for muscles and ligaments.
  • 6. humerus  Longest and largest bone of upper limb  Body and two ends  Head, greater and lesser tubercle/ intertubecular sulcus or bicipital groove.  Anatomical neck  Surgical neck=head meets the shaft  Lower end is flat and two articular surfaces  Capitulum for head of radius  Trochlea for articulation with trochlear notch of ulna.  Lateral and medial epicondyles for muscles and ligament attachment  Radial fossa for radial head when elbow is flexed  Coronoid fossa for coronoid process of ulna during same movement.  Olecranon fossa posteriorly for olecranon process of ulna during extension.
  • 7. Humerus fractures and nerve injury  surgical neck fracture - axillary nerve injury .  shaft #- radial nerve injury  supracondylar # - median nerve injury  . Supracondylar fracture
  • 9. Radius  Fracture of the distal end (Colle’s fracture):  It is due to a fall on the outstretched hand in patients over (50) years.  The distal fragment of the radius is pulled posteriorly and superiorly  The distal articular surface is directed posteriorly.  The posterior displacement produces a posterior bump.  The deformity is referred to as, ‘dinner-fork deformity’ because the forearm and wrist resemble the shape of a dinner fork.  Smith’s fracture is a reversed Cole’s as the distal segment is displaced anteriorly
  • 10. Carpal bones 8 in numbers  proximal row (lateral to medial ) Scaphoid ( boat shaped ) Lunate( half –moon ) Triquetrum ( three cornered Pisiform ( pea Shaped ) Distal row Trapezium ( four sided ) Trapezoid ( babys shoes shaped ) Capitate ( head ,,, biggest ) Hamate ( hook) Scaphoid fracture is most common .
  • 11. Fracture of the Scaphoid Bone  Common in young adults  Fracture line passes through the narrowest part of the bone  If the fragments will not unite properly, there will be permanent pain and weakness at the wrist  Deep tenderness in the anatomical snuff box after a fall on an outstretched hand in a young adult is an indication of fracture of scaphoid bone
  • 12. Elbow Joint  Dislocations are common and most are posterior. Are more common in children, due to a fall on outstretched hand. The distal end of humerus is pushed anteriorly through weak part of the capsule  Pulled Elbow: occurs in children, when the child is lifted by the upper limb. The radial head is pulled out of the annular ligament
  • 13. Tennis Elbow  Caused by partial tear or degeneration of the origin of superficial extensor muscles attached to the lateral epicondyle  It results due to excessive use of these muscles as in tennis, violinists and housewives.  Results in pain and tenderness over the lateral epicondyle that radiates to the lateral side of the forearm
  • 14. Golfer’s Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)  Caused by partial tear or degeneration of the origin of superficial flexor muscles attached to the medial epicondyle  It results due to excessive use of these muscles as in playing golf  Results in pain and tenderness over the medial epicondyle that radiates to the medial side of the forearm
  • 15. Bones of Hand  Carpal bones  Metacarpals  Phalanges From lateral to medial: 1- the proximal row : scaphoid ,lunate , triquetral & pisiform . 2- the distal row : trapezium , trapezoid , capitate & hamate
  • 16. Deltoid origin – from lateral 1/3rd of clavicle , acromion process and spine of scapula. insertion – into the deltoid tuberosity of humerus . Action- act as main muscle for abduction of shoulder joint . Its anterior part is flexor and medial rotator of humerus while posterior part is extensior and lateral roatatior of humerus. supraspinatus- deep to trapezius, arises from supraspinatus fossa of scapula. Fibers crosses above the shoulder joint and is inserted into greater tubercle of humerus. Stabilizes shoulder joint and abducts the humerus. Muscles that abduct the upper arm
  • 17. Muscles origin Insertion Actions Nerve supply Deltiod Scapula and clavical Humerus Abduct the upper arm Axillary nerve Supra spinatous Scapula Humerus Abduct the upper arm Suprascapular nerve
  • 18. Muscles that adduct the upper arm  1) pectoralis major  2) lattissimus dorsi  3) teres major  4) subscapularis
  • 19.
  • 20.  Latissimus dorsi: very broad, flat and triangular muscle in lower back. It is overlapped by lower part of trapezius. It originates from lumbar fascia, spines of lower six thoracic vertebrae, lower three or four ribs and inferior angle of scapula. .
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  • 24. Muscles origin Insertion Actions Nerve supply Pectoralis major Clavical and sternum Humerus Adduct the upper arm Medial and lateral pectoral nerves from brachial plexus Lattissimus dorsi Thoracic- lumber vertebrae Humerus Adduct the upper arm Thoracodorsal nerve Teres major Scapula Humerus Adduct the upper arm Lower subscapular nerve Subcapsularis scapula Humerus Rotate the upper arm medially Upper and lower subscapular nerves Infraspinatus scapula Humerus Rotate the upper arm laterally Suprascapular nerve
  • 25. Rotator cuff muscles  The name given to the tendons of the subscapularis, the supraspinatus, the infraspinatus, and the teres minor muscles, which are fused to the underlying capsule of the shoulder joint.  The cuff is important in stabilizing the shoulder joint.
  • 26. Mucles that move forearm  Anterior flexor muscles  1) bicep brachii  2)brachilais  3) coracobrachialis
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  • 29. coracobrachialis  elongated muscle in superiomedial aspect of arm. Originates from coracoid process of scapula and inserts into medial aspect of shaft of humerus. It flexes the arm  musculocutaneous nerve.
  • 30. Muscles origin Insertion Actions Nerve supply Baicep brachii Scapula Radius Flexes the forearm and supinates the hand Musculocutane ous nerve Coracobrachial is scapula humerus Flex the forearm Musculocutane ous nerve Barchialis Humerus Ulna Flex the forearm Musculocutane ous nerve
  • 31. Posterior extenser muscle of arm Triceps Brachii:  Arises by three heads, from which it takes its name.  Origin of each of the three heads is 1. Long Head: originates from infraglenoid tubercle of scapula 2. Lateral Head: upper half of posterior surface of shaft of humerus 3. Medial Head: Lower half of posterior surface of shaft of humerus  All the fibers inserts into olecranon process of ulna.  It is an extensor of elbow joint  nerve supply - radial nerve
  • 32. Muscles that move the hand  Anterior flexor pronator group 1) Flexor carpi radialis (flexes and abduct the hand ) 2) Palmaris longus (flexes the hand) 3) Flexor carpi ulnaris (flexes and adduct the hand) 4) Proneter teres (pronates the hand) 5) Brachioradialis 6) Flexor digitorium superficialis 7) Flexor pollicis longus 8) Pronator quadratus
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  • 36.  Posterior extensor group muscles :- 1) Extensor carpi radialis - Extends and abduct the hand 2) Extensor carpi ulnaris - Extends and adduct the hand 3) Extensor digitorium - Extends the phalanges
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  • 41. Volkmann’s Ischaemic Contracture  It is the contractures of the muscles of the forearm that follows fractures of the distal end of the humerus or fractures of the radius and ulna.  Spasm of a localized segment of the brachial artery reduces the blood flow to the flexors and extensor muscles so that they under go ischemic necrosis.  The flexor muscles are mostly affected
  • 42. Intrinsic muscles of the hand  1) palmer flexors :- thernar group  hypothernar  intermidiate group  2) dorsal extensor :-  thenar extensor  hypothernar extensor  intermidiate extensor
  • 43. Dupuytren’s Contracture  It is a localized thickening and contracture of the palmar aponeurosis.  It commonly starts near the root of the ring finger pulling it to the palm and flexing it at the metacarpo- phalngeal joint. Later the little finger is involved.  Dupuytren's disease is familial, and may be associated with cigarette smoking, vascular disease, epilepsy, and diabetes.
  • 44. Pulp-Space Infection (Felon)  This is the commonest hand infection. Pus more often gathers in the finger tips than anywhere else in the hand.  It is more common in the thumb and index fingers.
  • 45. ARTERIES OF THE UPPER LIMB: THE AXILLARY ARTERY :It begins at the outer border of the 1st rib as a continuation of the Subclavian A. & ends at the lower border of the teres major M. by becoming the Brachial A.
  • 46. ARTERIES OF THE UPPER LIMB: The pectoralis minor M . divided it to 3 parts The 1st part : lies above the pectoralis minor & give one branch (superior thoracic A.) . It lies very deeply with the axillary vein on its medial side .
  • 47. The 2nd part : lies behind the pectoralis minor M. & gives 2 branches ( acromio thoracic A.& lateral thoracic A. ). The 3rd part : lies below the pectoralis minor M. & gives 3 branches :( subscapular A., post. circumflex humeral A. & ant . Circumflex humeral A.).
  • 48. Anastamosis around the scapula The branches of the third part of axillary A. * the sub scapular A. which go down along the lateral border of the scapula. *the circumflex scapular A. which arise from the sub scapular A.& go to the infraspinous fossa.
  • 49. THE BRACHIAL ARTERY : It begins at the lower border of the Teres major M. as a continuation of the Axillary A. & ends at the level of the neck of the Radius by dividing to Radial & Ulnar Aa. It is a superficial A. lies immediately below the deep fascia. The basilic vein lies on its medial side.
  • 50. The branches of the brachial A.: It supplies all the Mm. of the arm & gives 3 branches 1- the profunda brachii A. 2- the superior ulnar collateral A. 3- the inferior ulnar collateral A.
  • 51. Anastamosis around The Elbow Joint : It is a rich anastamosis between small branches of brachial ,ulnar & radial Aa.:
  • 52. Anastamosis around medial epicondyle : The two branches of the brachial A . (the superior ulnar collateral A. & the inferior ulnar collateral A.) with the branches of ulnar A. (the ant. & post. Ulnar recurrent Aa.) .i.e. the brachial & the ulnar Aa. only . Anastamosis around lateral epicondyle : The 2 terminal branches of the profuda brachii a. with recurrent branches of ulnar & radial Aa.
  • 53. Radial artery  Begins: in the cubital fossa at the neck of the radius.  Course: passes downward and laterally end with deep palmer arch  Branches  Radial recurrent a.  Superfical and deep palmar branch  Principal artery of thumb At the lower end of the radius , it leaves the front of the forearm & turns backward round the lateral border of the wrist , below the styloid process of the radius& enter the anatomical snuff-box where the pulsation can be felt then pass to the palm .
  • 54. Ulnar artery  Begins in the cubital fossa at the opposite neck of the radius.  Course: passes downward and medially .  Branches  Ulnar recurrent a.  Common interosseous artery  Anterior interossous a.  Posterior interosseous a.  Deep palmar branch
  • 55. THE SUPERFICIAL PALMER ARCH : It is superficial because it lies immediately next to the palmer aponeurosis. It is formed mainly by the ulnar A. with the superficial palmer branch of the radial A. It gives 4 digital Aa. to supply the 4 medial fingers.
  • 56. THE DEEP PALMER ARCH : It is formed mainly by the radial A. with the deep palmer branch of the ulnar A. It gives 3 palmer – metacarpal Aa. To pass to the clefts of the fingers.
  • 57. Review  The subclavian artery becomes the axillary artery after crossing the 1st rib  The axillary artery becomes the brachial artery after crossing the posterior axillary fold  The brachial artery divides just distal to the elbow into the radial and ulnar arteries.  The ulnar artery gives rise to the common interosseous artery, which divides into anterior and posterior interosseous arteries.  The hand is supplied on the palmar aspect by variable anastomoses between branches of the radial and ulnar arteries.
  • 58. THE VEINS OF THE UPPER LIMB There are superficial & deep veins in the upper limb . The deep veins are the veins which accompany the main Aa. ( way & name ). The superficial Vv. : start as superficial venous network on the back of the hand. this network drains in 2 directions laterally into Cephalic V & medially to the basilic V.
  • 59. Blood vessels of upper limbsSuperficial veins  Dorsal venous network  Cephalic vein  Basilic vein  Axillary vein( basilic+ brachial vein)  Median cubital vein  Median vein of forearm Deep veins  Named according to companian arteries  Radial vein  Ulnar vein  Brachial vein  Axillary vein
  • 60. Clinical importance of median cubital vein  Often used for clinical procedures 1. Blood sampling 2. Blood transfusion 3. Intravenous injection 4. Introduction of cardiac catheters to secure blood samples from chambers of heart and great vessels 5. Cardio-angiography
  • 62. THE BRACHIAL PLEXUS A plexus: it is a complex arrangement of the anterior primary rami of certain spinal Nn. Which gives branches to supply the Mm. & skin of a certain part of a body.
  • 63. It is formed by the anterior primary rami of C5,C6,C7,C8 &T1 Nn. these are called ROOTS of the plexus. It lies in the lower part of the neck behind the clavicle & in the axilla & formed of 4 main parts : Roots , Trunks , Divisions & cords.
  • 64. The root of C7 alone form the middle trunk. The roots of C8 & T1 unite to form the lower trunk. Then each trunk divides into anterior & posterior division . Then the 3 posterior divisions unite to form the posterior cord . The anterior divisions of the upper & middle trunks form the lateral cord. The anterior division of the lower trunk alone forms the medial cord . THE TRUNKS formed by The roots of C5 & C6 unite to form the upper trunk
  • 65. So we have :5 roots , 3 trunks , 6 division , 3 cords & 5 terminal branches . No branches arise from the trunks nor from the divisions ( except the suprascapular N. which come from the erbs point=at beginning of the upper trunk). . The brachial plexus gives 16 branches , 11 small branches & 5 big branches : radial , ulnar , median , circumflex (axillary) & musclocutaneous Nn.
  • 66. Each cord gives rise to 2 branches one is big & consider the continuation of the cord & one is small SO The posterior cord continues as the radial N. The medial cord continues as the ulnar N. The lateral cord continues as the median N. The 3 cords named according to their position to 2nd part of the axillary A. (post. , medial & lateral.) while the name of the main N. according to position in the forearm( ulnar , median & radial ).
  • 67. The 5 main Nn. Arise opposite the lower border of the pectoralis minor M. near the coracoid process . 1- The circumflex (axillary ) N. supplies the deltoid & teres minor Mm. then become the lateral cutaneous N. of the arm. 2- The musculocutaneous N. supplies the biceps , coracobrachialis & brachialis Mm. then become the lateral cutaneous N. of the forearm . 3- The median N ( with its branch =ant. Interosseous N.) supplies most of the Mm. of front of the forearm with sensation of lateral 3 & ½ fingers anteriorly .
  • 68. 4- The radial N.( with its branch=post. Interosseous N.) supplies most of the mm. of the back of the forearm. With sensation of lateral 3 & ½ fingers posteriorly. 5- The ulnar N. supplies Mm. on the medial side of the forearm with sensation of medial 1 & ½ fingers anteriorly & posteriorly .
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  • 70. Median nerve Origin: arises from the medial and lateral cord of the brachial plexus. Course:  Descends on the lateral side of brachial artery.  Halfway down the arm, it crosses the brachial artery to reach its medial side.
  • 71.  he median nerve travels through a tunnel within the wrist called the Carpal Tunnel. The median nerve gives sensation to the palm sides of the thumb, index finger, long finger, and half of the ring finger. It also sends a nerve branch to control the thenar muscles of the thumb. The thenar muscles help move the thumb and let you touch the pad of the thumb to the tips each of each finger on the same hand, a motion called opposition.
  • 72. Ulnar nerve Origin: arises from the medial cord of the brachial plexus. Course:  Descends on the medial side of brachial artery.  At the middle of the arm, it pierces the medial intermuscular septum and passes down behind the medial epicondyle of the humerus.
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  • 75. THE DERMATOMES OF THE UPPER LIMB It is the cutaneous sensation of the upper limb. C4 supplies the skin over the tip of the shoulder . C5 supplies the lateral side of the arm &the upper lateral part of the forearm . C6 supplies the lateral side of the lower part of the forearm & the lateral aspect of the hand C7 supplies the middle aspect of the hand (ant.& post.) . C8 supplies the medial side of the hand & the medial lower part of the forearm. T1 supplies the medial part of the upper part of the forearm & the medial lower part of the arm. T2 supplies the medial side of the upper part of the arm & the floor of the axilla.
  • 76. Cubital fossa Boundaries Superior: an imaginary line drawn between the two epicondyles of the humerus. Lateral: brachioradialis; Medial: pronator teres; General introduction Body wall Head and neck Limbs Thoracic cavity Abdominal cavity Pelvic cavity
  • 77. Cubital fossa Contents: The median N. The brachial A., radial A., ulnar A. The superficial and deep branches of the radial N. Radial artery Ulnar artery Median nerve Brachial artery Radial nerve General introduction Body wall Head and neck Limbs Thoracic cavity Abdominal cavity Pelvic cavity
  • 78. The blood pressure is universally recorded by auscultating the brachial artery in medial side of the biceps’ tendon in the cubital fossa. Applying Cubital fossa Brachial artery Biceps General introduction Body wall Head and neck Limbs Thoracic cavity Abdominal cavity Pelvic cavity
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