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Role of Pelvic Floor in Male
Sexual Dysfunc6on 
Ege	Can	Serefoglu,	MD,	FECSM	
Bagcilar	Training	&	Research	Hospital,	Istanbul
•  Introduc@on	
•  Anatomy	and	Physiology	of	the	MPF	
•  ED	and	the	MPF		
•  Ejaculatory/Orgasmic	Dysfunc@on	and	the	MPF	
•  CP/CPPS	and	the	MPF		
•  Conclusions
•  Introduc@on	
•  Anatomy	and	Physiology	of	the	MPF	
•  ED	and	the	MPF		
•  Ejaculatory/Orgasmic	Dysfunc@on	and	the	MPF	
•  CP/CPPS	and	the	MPF		
•  Conclusions
•  MSDs	are	highly	prevalent	in	men	-	increasing	with	age	
•  ED	
•  EjD	
•  Sexual	func@on	is	a	vital	and	cri@cal	part	of	men’s	overall	health	
Porst	et	al,	Eur	Urol,	2007;	51:	816-824	
Althof	et	al,	J	Urol,	2006;	175:	842
•  MSDs	are	mul@factorial	–	a	variety	of	psychological	and	biologic	
e@ologies	may	cause	MSDs		
•  Most	of	the	MSD	research	focused	on	hormonal,	neurologic,	and/or	vascular	problems	
•  Biologic	rela@onship	between	MPF	and	MSD	is	seldom	emphasized.	
•  This	is	in	contrast	to	countless	pelvic	floor	studies	in	FSDs.		
•  Pelvic	floor	therapies	are	successful	in	the	management	of	FSD.	
Lin	et	al.	Cancer	Nurs,	2012;	35:	106
MPF	is	also	important	in	MSD…!!!	
•  MPF	and	ED	
•  MPF	and	PE	
•  MPF	and	CP/CPPS	
Rosenbaum	TY,		J	Sex	Med,	2007;	4:	4	
Shafik	A,	Arch	Androl,	1994;	32:	141	
Litwin	et	al,	J	Urol,	1999;	162:	369
MPF	is	also	important	in	MSD…!!!	
•  MPF	and	ED	
•  MPF	dysfunc@on	has	been	associated	with	ED	as	well	as	EjD	
•  MPF	muscle	training	increases	penile	rigidity	and	penile	hardness	in	some	
men	with	ED	
•  MPF	dysfunc@on	may	cause	Pudendal	Artery	Syndrome	
•  a	syndrome	characterized	by	decreased	internal	pudendal	blood	flow	due	to	external	
compression	inside	pudendal	canal	
•  MPF	and	PE	
•  MPF	and	CP/CPPS	
Rosenbaum	TY,		J	Sex	Med,	2007;	4:	4	
Shafik	A,	Arch	Androl,	1994;	32:	141	
Litwin	et	al,	J	Urol,	1999;	162:	369
MPF	is	also	important	in	MSD…!!!	
•  MPF	and	ED	
•  MPF	and	PE	
•  MPF	muscle	func@on	is	also	involved	in	coordina@ng	ejacula@on	
•  MPF	therapy	has	been	shown	to	improve	control	over	ejacula@on	and	
increase	IELT	
•  Strong	BS	contrac@ons	may	enhance	orgasmic	pleasure	during	ejacula@on.		
•  Improvements	in	ejacula@on/orgasm	and	erec@le	func@on	have	been	
demonstrated	with	MPF	therapy.	
•  MPF	and	CP/CPPS	 	
Rosenbaum	TY,		J	Sex	Med,	2007;	4:	4	
Shafik	A,	Arch	Androl,	1994;	32:	141	
Litwin	et	al,	J	Urol,	1999;	162:	369
MPF	is	also	important	in	MSD…!!!	
•  MPF	and	ED	
•  MPF	and	PE	
•  MPF	and	CP/CPPS	
•  Effec@ve	management	of	CP/CPPS	has	been	demonstrated	in	MPF	therapy.		
•  MPF	muscle	tone	is	an	important	factor	in	the	pathophysiology	of	CP/CPPS.		
•  neuromuscular	reeduca@on	with	the	guidance	of	EMG	(or	other	methods	of	
biofeedback)	is	beneficial	in	reducing	pain	scores.	
Rosenbaum	TY,		J	Sex	Med,	2007;	4:	4	
Shafik	A,	Arch	Androl,	1994;	32:	141	
Litwin	et	al,	J	Urol,	1999;	162:	369
•  Introduc@on	
•  Anatomy	and	Physiology	of	the	MPF	
•  ED	and	the	MPF		
•  Ejaculatory/Orgasmic	Dysfunc@on	and	the	MPF	
•  CP/CPPS	and	the	MPF		
•  Conclusions
Anatomy and Physiology of the MPF
•  The	ICS	has	proposed	the	following	
•  The	pelvic	floor	is	a	compound	structure	
that	encloses	the	bony	pelvic	outlet,	
consis@ng	of	muscle,	fascia,	and	neural	
•  The	term	pelvic	floor	muscles	refers	to	
the	muscular	layer	of	the	pelvic	floor	
•  The	pelvic	floor	is	made	up	of	muscles	
and	other	@ssues	that	form	a	sling	
from	the	pubic	bone	to	the	coccyx.	
•  assist	in	suppor@ng	the	abdominal	and	
pelvic	organs	
•  help	to	control	bladder,	bowel	and	sexual	
Messelink	et	al,	Neurourol	Urodyn,	2005;	24:	374
Anatomy and Physiology of the MPF
•  Physiology	of	MPF	is	extremely	complex		
•  One	part	of	the	muscle	may	be	contrac@ng	while	the	other	is	relaxing	
•  MPF	muscles	are	important	in	normal	urina@on,	erec@on	and	
•  They	empty	the	bulbar	urethra	by	reflex	ac@on	ajer	urina@on.	
•  They	prevent	blood	reflux	during	erec@on	(by	exer@ng	pressure	on	veins)	
•  They	sucks	and	ejects	semen	during	ejacula@on	
Juarez	R	and	Cruz	Y,	Neurourol	Urodyn,	2014;	33:	437	
Dorey	G,	Urol	Nurs,	2003;23:42,	48-52
Anatomy and Physiology of the MPF
•  MPF	innerva@on	is	fundamental	
to	normal	male	sexual,	urinary,	
and	bowel	func@ons.		
•  Sympathe@c		
•  Parasympathe@c		
•  Soma@c		
•  Hypogastric	n.		
•  Pudendal	n.	
•  Levator	ani	n.	
Filler	AG,	Neurosurg	Focus,	2009;	26:	E9	
Nadelhaj	I	and	Booth	AM,	J	Comp	Neurol,	1984;	226:	238	
Holmes	GM	and	Sachs	BD,	Physiol	Behav,	1994;	55:	255
Anatomy and Physiology of the MPF
•  Coordinated	contrac@on	of	the	
BS	and	IC	muscles	are	controlled	
by	pudendal	n.	(from	spinal	
nerves	S2-4)	
•  BS	contrac@ons	à	ejacula@on	
•  BS	+	IC	contrac@ons	à	erec@on	
•  A	comprehensive	understanding	
of	MPF	anatomy	and	physiology	
is	crucial	to	truly	understand	
male	sexual	func@on.		
Filler	AG,	Neurosurg	Focus,	2009;	26:	E9	
Nadelhaj	I	and	Booth	AM,	J	Comp	Neurol,	1984;	226:	238	
Holmes	GM	and	Sachs	BD,	Physiol	Behav,	1994;	55:	255
•  Introduc@on	
•  Anatomy	and	Physiology	of	the	MPF	
•  ED	and	the	MPF		
•  Ejaculatory/Orgasmic	Dysfunc@on	and	the	MPF	
•  CP/CPPS	and	the	MPF		
•  Conclusions
ED and the MPF
•  Erec@on	=	pressurized	and	
closed	hydraulic	system	within	
the	corpora	cavernosa.		
•  ED	=	inability	to	either	obtain	
and/or	maintain	that	closed	
hydraulic	system.		
•  Prevalence	of	ED	range	from	9%	
to	40%	of	men	by	age	40	
•  increase	by	10%	in	each	decade	of	
life	thereajer.		
Andersson	KE	and	Wagner	G,	Physiol	Rev,	1995;75:	191	
Nicolosi	et	al,	Urology,	2003;	61:	201
ED and the MPF
•  Contrac@ons	of	MPF	muscles	(in	par@cular	BS	
and	IC)	temporarily	increase	penile	rigidity	
•  IC	à	enhances	erec@le	rigidity	by	compressing	
the	roots	of	the	corpora	cavernosa	
•  BS	à	leads	to	engorgement	of	corpus	
spongiosum	and	glans	penis	
•  In	ED,	MPF	muscle	func@on	may	be	imparied	
•  Voluntary	MPF	muscle	ac@va@on	is	more	efficient	in	
healthy	men	compare	with	ED	pa@ents	
•  Rehabilita@on	of	MPF	func@on	has	long	been	
suggested	for	the	treatment	of	ED.	
•  MPF	muscle	exercise	appears	to	be	especially	
beneficial	in	men	with	ED	due	to	mild	or	moderate	
Lavoiser,	et	al,	J	Urol,	1986;	136:	936	
Wespes	et	al,	Eur	Urol,	1990;	18:	45	
Claes	et	al,	Int	J	Impot	Res,	1993;	5:	13
ED and the MPF
•  Abnormally	high	MPF	muscle	
tone	may	also	cause	ED		
•  provide	extrinsic	compression	on	
lumen	of	the	internal	pudendal	a	and	
limit	arterial	inflow.	
•  This	explains	the	high	prevalence	of	
ED	in	CP/CPPS	pa@ents.		
Tran	CN	and	Shoskes	DA,	World	J	Urol,	2013;	31:	741	
Siegel,	Urology,	2014;	84:	1
•  Introduc@on	
•  Anatomy	and	Physiology	of	the	MPF	
•  ED	and	the	MPF		
•  Ejaculatory/Orgasmic	Dysfunc@on	and	the	MPF	
•  CP/CPPS	and	the	MPF		
•  Conclusions
Ejaculatory/Orgasmic Dysfunc6on and the
•  Ejacula@on	occurs	via	simultaneous		
•  contrac@on	of	the	smooth	muscles	of	the	prostate	gland,		
•  contrac@on	of	the	smooth	muscles	of	the	bladder	neck,	and		
•  relaxa@on	of	the	smooth	muscles	of	the	urethral	sphincter.		
•  Rhythmic	BS	contrac@ons	act	as	a	“suc@on-ejec@on	pump”	
•  sucking	the	semen	into	the	posterior	urethra	while	relaxed		
•  ejec@ng	it	into	the	bulbous	urethra	upon	contrac@on	
•  Strong	BS	contrac@ons	increase	urethral	pressure,	facilita@ng	
expulsion	of	the	semen	
•  Strong	BS	contrac@ons	may	also	enhance	and	intensify	
orgasmic	pleasure	during	ejacula@on.		
•  Therefore,	pelvic	floor	muscle	training	may	act	to	op@mize	
ejaculatory	volume,	force,	and	intensity	of	sexual	climax.	
Shafik	A,	Int	Urogynecol	J	Pelvic	Floor	Dysfunct,	2000;	11:	361	
Symonds	et	al,	J	Sex	Marital	Ther,	2003;	29:	361
Ejaculatory/Orgasmic Dysfunc6on and the
•  EjDs	(especially	PE)	are	the	most	common	MSD	(around	30%	of	men)	
•  nega@vely	affec@ng	the	sexual	sa@sfac@on	in	many	men	and	their	partners.		
•  The	importance	of	MPF	func@on	in	the	treatment	of	PE	is	recently	
•  Inten@onal	relaxa@on	of	the	BS	+	IC	muscles	may	inhibit	the	ejacula@on	reflex		
•  “Squeeze	technique”	described	by	Masters&Johnson	uses	the	BS	reflex	
•  sustained	pressure	to	glans	penis	à	diminished	rhythmic	BS	contrac@on	à	ejacula@on	delays	
•  “internal	squeeze	technique”	helps	control	of	ejacula@on		
•  stopping	intercourse	and	performing	a	sustained	contrac@on	of	the	MPF	muscles	
•  MPF	therapy	improve	control	over	ejacula@on	and	increase	IELT	in	men	with	MPF	
muscle	dysfunc@on.	
Porst	et	al,	Eur	Urol,	2007;	51:	816	
Siegel	AL,	Urology,	2014;	84:	1	
Pastore	et	al,	Int	J	Androl,	2012;	35:	528
Ejaculatory/Orgasmic Dysfunc6on and the
•  MPF	therapy	for	PE	seems	to	be	safe	and	effec@ve.	
•  How	the	treatment	should	be	applied???	
•  Should	we	improve	contrac@ons	or	relaxa@ons?		
•  Therefore,	current	treatment	should	be	tailored	to	individual	
Porst	et	al,	Eur	Urol,	2007;	51:	816	
Siegel	AL,	Urology,	2014;	84:	1	
Pastore	et	al,	Int	J	Androl,	2012;	35:	528
•  Introduc@on	
•  Anatomy	and	Physiology	of	the	MPF	
•  ED	and	the	MPF		
•  Ejaculatory/Orgasmic	Dysfunc@on	and	the	MPF	
•  CP/CPPS	and	the	MPF		
•  Conclusions
CP/CPPS and the MPF
•  CP/CPPS	is	characterized	by	pain	in	the	
pelvis,	abdomen,	or	genitals,	and	LUTS	
without	evidence	of	recurrent	UTI	
•  CP/CPPS	is	a	common	and	ojen	
debilita@ng	condi@on	that	affects	millions	
of	men	worldwide	(up	to	16%	of	men)	
Aubin	et	al,	J	Sex	Med,	2008;	5:	657	
Mehik	et	al,	BJU	Int,	2001;	88:	35	
Lee	et	al,	Urology,	2008;	71:	79
CP/CPPS and the MPF
•  The	rela@onship	among	MSD,	
pelvic	pain,	and	CP/CPPS	is	
complex,	with	the	3	condi@ons	
ojen	overlapping	
Cohen	et	al,	Sex	Med	Rev,	2016;	4:	53
CP/CPPS and the MPF
•  Discomfort	or	pain	accompanying	
ejacula@on	is	common	à	ED	and	EjD	
•  Prevalence	rates	of	ED	and	EjD	in	these	men	have	been	
reported	to	be	as	high	as	70%		
•  Presence	of	sexual	MSD	is	correlated	with	greater	CP/
CPPS	symptom	severity	and	worse	QoL	
•  Men	with	CP/CPPS	had	greater	rates	of	
depression	compared	with	controls.	
•  their	female	partners	were	also	depressed	
•  Their	female	partners	reported	higher	rates	of	
Aubin	et	al,	J	Sex	Med,	2008;	5:	657	
Mehik	et	al,	BJU	Int,	2001;	88:	35	
Lee	et	al,	Urology,	2008;	71:	79
CP/CPPS and the MPF
•  Correla@on	between	ED	and	CP/CPPS	may	be	
explained	by	a	compromise	in	penile	
•  Men	with	CP/CPPS	are	more	likely	to	have	arterial	
s@ffness	associated	with	NO-mediated	vascular	
endothelial	dysfunc@on		
•  Increased	autonomic	vascular	tone	associated	with	
pain-induced	chronic	stress	may	play	role	in	ED	
•  Vascular	endothelial	dysfunc@on	contributes	to	the	
chronic	muscle	spasm	and	pain		
•  Elevated	pelvic	floor	muscle	tone	obstructs	arterial	
inflow	to	the	penis	via	extrinsic	muscular	
Rosenbaum	et	al,	J	Sex	Med,	2008;	5:	513	
Gonen	et	al,	J	Androl,	2005;	26:	601	
Screponi	et	al,	Urology,	2001;	58:	198	
Shoskes	et	al,	J	Urol,	2004;	172:	542	
CP/CPPS	à	Pain	à	Chronic	Stress	à	Autonomic	vascular	tone	é
																					êé																																																																	ê	
Chronic	muscle	spasms	à	arteries	compressed	à			ED
CP/CPPS and the MPF
•  PE	is	also	commonly	associated	with	CP/CPPS.		
•  Prevalence	PE	is	greater	in	men	with	CP/CPPS		
•  Prosta@c	inflamma@on	(56.5%)	and	chronic	prosta@c	infec@on	
(47.8%)	are	common	among	men	with	PE.		
•  “Inflamma@on”	in	prostate	may	alter	sensa@on	involved	in	
the	ejaculatory	reflex	and	lead	to	PE	
•  Pelvic	floor	muscle	spasms	may	also	impair	normal	sensory	
feedback	involved	in	ejacula@on	
•  Ejaculatory	pain	is	another	common	complaint	of	men	with	
•  The	cause	of	this	associa@on	is	controversial.		
•  Half	of	the	men	with	CP/CPPS	experience	painful	ejacula@on.	
Inflamma@on	and	neuromuscular	spasm	are	important	sources	of	
ejaculatory	pain.	
•  The	nega@ve	impact	of	CP/CPPS	on	individuals	increase	with	the	
frequency	of	their	ejaculatory	pain,	and	their	mental	and	physical	
quality	of	life	decreased.		
•  Men	with	CP/CPPS	have	significantly	more	tenderness,	muscle	
spasm,	and	dysfunc@on	throughout	the	abdomen	and	pelvis.	
Rosenbaum	et	al,	J	Sex	Med,	2008;	5:	513	
Gonen	et	al,	J	Androl,	2005;	26:	601	
Screponi	et	al,	Urology,	2001;	58:	198	
Shoskes	et	al,	J	Urol,	2004;	172:	542
CP/CPPS and the MPF
•  Ejaculatory	pain	is	another	common	
complaint	of	men	with	CP/CPPS.		
•  The	cause	of	this	associa@on	is	
•  Half	of	the	men	with	CP/CPPS	experience	
painful	ejacula@on.		
•  “Inflamma@on”	and	“neuromuscular	spasm”	
are	important	sources	of	ejaculatory	pain.	
•  The	nega@ve	impact	of	CP/CPPS	on	
individuals	increase	with	their	ejaculatory	
•  their	mental	and	physical	QoL	is	decreased.		
Rosenbaum	et	al,	J	Sex	Med,	2008;	5:	513	
Gonen	et	al,	J	Androl,	2005;	26:	601	
Screponi	et	al,	Urology,	2001;	58:	198	
Shoskes	et	al,	J	Urol,	2004;	172:	542
Pelvic Floor Treatment Strategies in Men With
•  Abnormal	muscle	tone	and	shortening	of	
the	levator	ani	and	external	rotators	of	
the	hips	have	been	iden@fied	as	possible	
culprits	in	the	pathophysiology	of	CP/
•  There	is	significantly	more	pelvic	floor	
muscle	spasm	and	tension	in	men	with	
CP/CPPS	than	in	healthy	men,		
•  with	up	to	50%	showing	signs	of	this	
musculoskeletal	dysfunc@on.	
•  88.3%	had	pathologic	tenderness	of	the	
pelvic	floor	muscle	and	poor	pelvic	floor	
muscle	func@on.	
•  MPF	dysfunc@on	associated	with	CP/CPPS	
may	indicate	that	there	is	a	central	
nervous	system	disturbance	in	regula@on	
of	the	MPF	muscles.		 Hetrick	et	al,	J	Urol,	2003;	170:	828	
Berger	et	al,	BMC	Urol,	2007;	7:	17	
Shoskes	et	al,	J	Urol,	2008;	179:	556	
Doggweiler-Wiygul	R,	Curr	Pain	Headache	Rep,	2004;	8:	445	
Zermann	et	al,	J	Urol,	1999;	161:	903
Pelvic Floor Treatment Strategies in Men With
•  Effec@ve	management	of	CP/CPPS	seems	
possible	by	MPF	treatment	programs	
•  Neuromuscular	reeduca@on	is	the	guided	
conscious	retraining	of	muscle	ac@va@on	and	
•  It	is	a	component	of	physical	therapy	treatments	
across	many	specializa@ons,	including	pelvic	
•  With	the	guidance	of	EMG	(or	other	methods	of	
biofeedback),	neuromuscular	reeduca@on	may	
reduce	baseline	tone	of	the	MPF	muscles.		
•  This	reduc@on	in	muscle	ac@vity	also	reduce	pain	
and	improve	overall	QoL	
•  Soj-	@ssue	mobiliza@on,	myofascial	release,	
and	connec@ve	@ssue	manipula@on	
techniques	may	also	be	used.		
Hetrick	et	al,	J	Urol,	2003;	170:	828	
Berger	et	al,	BMC	Urol,	2007;	7:	17	
Shoskes	et	al,	J	Urol,	2008;	179:	556	
Doggweiler-Wiygul	R,	Curr	Pain	Headache	Rep,	2004;	8:	445	
Zermann	et	al,	J	Urol,	1999;	161:	903
•  The	role	of	the	pelvic	floor	in	MSD	and	the	importance	of	MPF	
physical	therapy	are	only	beginning	to	be	appreciated	by	the	sexual	
medicine	community.		
•  Treatment	of	the	MPF	has	been	shown	to	result	in	significant	
func@onal	improvement	of	sexual	health	in	selected	men	with	sexual	
dysfunc@on	(especially	in	the	presence	of	CP/CPPS)		
•  Addi@onal	research	is	needed	
•  to	bexer	understand	the	anatomy	and	physiological	func@on	of	the	MPF		
•  to	iden@fy	which	men	with	MSD	will	benefit	from	MPF	rehabilita@on
Ege	Can	Serefoglu,	MD,	FECSM

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Role of pelvic floor in male sexual dysfunction

  • 1. Role of Pelvic Floor in Male Sexual Dysfunc6on Ege Can Serefoglu, MD, FECSM Bagcilar Training & Research Hospital, Istanbul
  • 2. Content •  Introduc@on •  Anatomy and Physiology of the MPF •  ED and the MPF •  Ejaculatory/Orgasmic Dysfunc@on and the MPF •  CP/CPPS and the MPF •  Conclusions
  • 3. Content •  Introduc@on •  Anatomy and Physiology of the MPF •  ED and the MPF •  Ejaculatory/Orgasmic Dysfunc@on and the MPF •  CP/CPPS and the MPF •  Conclusions
  • 4. Introduc6on •  MSDs are highly prevalent in men - increasing with age •  ED •  EjD •  CP/CPPS •  Sexual func@on is a vital and cri@cal part of men’s overall health Porst et al, Eur Urol, 2007; 51: 816-824 Althof et al, J Urol, 2006; 175: 842
  • 5. Introduc6on •  MSDs are mul@factorial – a variety of psychological and biologic e@ologies may cause MSDs •  Most of the MSD research focused on hormonal, neurologic, and/or vascular problems •  Biologic rela@onship between MPF and MSD is seldom emphasized. •  This is in contrast to countless pelvic floor studies in FSDs. •  Pelvic floor therapies are successful in the management of FSD. Lin et al. Cancer Nurs, 2012; 35: 106
  • 6. Introduc6on MPF is also important in MSD…!!! •  MPF and ED •  MPF and PE •  MPF and CP/CPPS Rosenbaum TY, J Sex Med, 2007; 4: 4 Shafik A, Arch Androl, 1994; 32: 141 Litwin et al, J Urol, 1999; 162: 369
  • 7. Introduc6on MPF is also important in MSD…!!! •  MPF and ED •  MPF dysfunc@on has been associated with ED as well as EjD •  MPF muscle training increases penile rigidity and penile hardness in some men with ED •  MPF dysfunc@on may cause Pudendal Artery Syndrome •  a syndrome characterized by decreased internal pudendal blood flow due to external compression inside pudendal canal •  MPF and PE •  MPF and CP/CPPS Rosenbaum TY, J Sex Med, 2007; 4: 4 Shafik A, Arch Androl, 1994; 32: 141 Litwin et al, J Urol, 1999; 162: 369
  • 8. Introduc6on MPF is also important in MSD…!!! •  MPF and ED •  MPF and PE •  MPF muscle func@on is also involved in coordina@ng ejacula@on •  MPF therapy has been shown to improve control over ejacula@on and increase IELT •  Strong BS contrac@ons may enhance orgasmic pleasure during ejacula@on. •  Improvements in ejacula@on/orgasm and erec@le func@on have been demonstrated with MPF therapy. •  MPF and CP/CPPS Rosenbaum TY, J Sex Med, 2007; 4: 4 Shafik A, Arch Androl, 1994; 32: 141 Litwin et al, J Urol, 1999; 162: 369
  • 9. Introduc6on MPF is also important in MSD…!!! •  MPF and ED •  MPF and PE •  MPF and CP/CPPS •  Effec@ve management of CP/CPPS has been demonstrated in MPF therapy. •  MPF muscle tone is an important factor in the pathophysiology of CP/CPPS. •  neuromuscular reeduca@on with the guidance of EMG (or other methods of biofeedback) is beneficial in reducing pain scores. Rosenbaum TY, J Sex Med, 2007; 4: 4 Shafik A, Arch Androl, 1994; 32: 141 Litwin et al, J Urol, 1999; 162: 369
  • 10. Content •  Introduc@on •  Anatomy and Physiology of the MPF •  ED and the MPF •  Ejaculatory/Orgasmic Dysfunc@on and the MPF •  CP/CPPS and the MPF •  Conclusions
  • 11. Anatomy and Physiology of the MPF •  The ICS has proposed the following defini@on: •  The pelvic floor is a compound structure that encloses the bony pelvic outlet, consis@ng of muscle, fascia, and neural @ssue. •  The term pelvic floor muscles refers to the muscular layer of the pelvic floor •  The pelvic floor is made up of muscles and other @ssues that form a sling from the pubic bone to the coccyx. •  assist in suppor@ng the abdominal and pelvic organs •  help to control bladder, bowel and sexual ac@vity. Messelink et al, Neurourol Urodyn, 2005; 24: 374
  • 12.
  • 13. Anatomy and Physiology of the MPF •  Physiology of MPF is extremely complex •  One part of the muscle may be contrac@ng while the other is relaxing •  MPF muscles are important in normal urina@on, erec@on and ejacula@on •  They empty the bulbar urethra by reflex ac@on ajer urina@on. •  They prevent blood reflux during erec@on (by exer@ng pressure on veins) •  They sucks and ejects semen during ejacula@on Juarez R and Cruz Y, Neurourol Urodyn, 2014; 33: 437 Dorey G, Urol Nurs, 2003;23:42, 48-52
  • 14.
  • 15. Anatomy and Physiology of the MPF •  MPF innerva@on is fundamental to normal male sexual, urinary, and bowel func@ons. •  Sympathe@c •  Parasympathe@c •  Soma@c •  Hypogastric n. •  Pudendal n. •  Levator ani n. Filler AG, Neurosurg Focus, 2009; 26: E9 Nadelhaj I and Booth AM, J Comp Neurol, 1984; 226: 238 Holmes GM and Sachs BD, Physiol Behav, 1994; 55: 255
  • 16. Anatomy and Physiology of the MPF •  Coordinated contrac@on of the BS and IC muscles are controlled by pudendal n. (from spinal nerves S2-4) •  BS contrac@ons à ejacula@on •  BS + IC contrac@ons à erec@on •  A comprehensive understanding of MPF anatomy and physiology is crucial to truly understand male sexual func@on. Filler AG, Neurosurg Focus, 2009; 26: E9 Nadelhaj I and Booth AM, J Comp Neurol, 1984; 226: 238 Holmes GM and Sachs BD, Physiol Behav, 1994; 55: 255
  • 17. Content •  Introduc@on •  Anatomy and Physiology of the MPF •  ED and the MPF •  Ejaculatory/Orgasmic Dysfunc@on and the MPF •  CP/CPPS and the MPF •  Conclusions
  • 18. ED and the MPF •  Erec@on = pressurized and closed hydraulic system within the corpora cavernosa. •  ED = inability to either obtain and/or maintain that closed hydraulic system. •  Prevalence of ED range from 9% to 40% of men by age 40 •  increase by 10% in each decade of life thereajer. Andersson KE and Wagner G, Physiol Rev, 1995;75: 191 Nicolosi et al, Urology, 2003; 61: 201
  • 19. ED and the MPF •  Contrac@ons of MPF muscles (in par@cular BS and IC) temporarily increase penile rigidity •  IC à enhances erec@le rigidity by compressing the roots of the corpora cavernosa •  BS à leads to engorgement of corpus spongiosum and glans penis •  In ED, MPF muscle func@on may be imparied •  Voluntary MPF muscle ac@va@on is more efficient in healthy men compare with ED pa@ents •  Rehabilita@on of MPF func@on has long been suggested for the treatment of ED. •  MPF muscle exercise appears to be especially beneficial in men with ED due to mild or moderate VOD Lavoiser, et al, J Urol, 1986; 136: 936 Wespes et al, Eur Urol, 1990; 18: 45 Claes et al, Int J Impot Res, 1993; 5: 13
  • 20. ED and the MPF •  Abnormally high MPF muscle tone may also cause ED •  provide extrinsic compression on lumen of the internal pudendal a and limit arterial inflow. •  This explains the high prevalence of ED in CP/CPPS pa@ents. Tran CN and Shoskes DA, World J Urol, 2013; 31: 741 Siegel, Urology, 2014; 84: 1
  • 21. Content •  Introduc@on •  Anatomy and Physiology of the MPF •  ED and the MPF •  Ejaculatory/Orgasmic Dysfunc@on and the MPF •  CP/CPPS and the MPF •  Conclusions
  • 22. Ejaculatory/Orgasmic Dysfunc6on and the MPF •  Ejacula@on occurs via simultaneous •  contrac@on of the smooth muscles of the prostate gland, •  contrac@on of the smooth muscles of the bladder neck, and •  relaxa@on of the smooth muscles of the urethral sphincter. •  Rhythmic BS contrac@ons act as a “suc@on-ejec@on pump” •  sucking the semen into the posterior urethra while relaxed •  ejec@ng it into the bulbous urethra upon contrac@on •  Strong BS contrac@ons increase urethral pressure, facilita@ng expulsion of the semen •  Strong BS contrac@ons may also enhance and intensify orgasmic pleasure during ejacula@on. •  Therefore, pelvic floor muscle training may act to op@mize ejaculatory volume, force, and intensity of sexual climax. Shafik A, Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct, 2000; 11: 361 Symonds et al, J Sex Marital Ther, 2003; 29: 361
  • 23. Ejaculatory/Orgasmic Dysfunc6on and the MPF •  EjDs (especially PE) are the most common MSD (around 30% of men) •  nega@vely affec@ng the sexual sa@sfac@on in many men and their partners. •  The importance of MPF func@on in the treatment of PE is recently appreciated. •  Inten@onal relaxa@on of the BS + IC muscles may inhibit the ejacula@on reflex •  “Squeeze technique” described by Masters&Johnson uses the BS reflex •  sustained pressure to glans penis à diminished rhythmic BS contrac@on à ejacula@on delays •  “internal squeeze technique” helps control of ejacula@on •  stopping intercourse and performing a sustained contrac@on of the MPF muscles •  MPF therapy improve control over ejacula@on and increase IELT in men with MPF muscle dysfunc@on. Porst et al, Eur Urol, 2007; 51: 816 Siegel AL, Urology, 2014; 84: 1 Pastore et al, Int J Androl, 2012; 35: 528
  • 24. Ejaculatory/Orgasmic Dysfunc6on and the MPF •  MPF therapy for PE seems to be safe and effec@ve. •  How the treatment should be applied??? •  Should we improve contrac@ons or relaxa@ons? •  Therefore, current treatment should be tailored to individual findings. Porst et al, Eur Urol, 2007; 51: 816 Siegel AL, Urology, 2014; 84: 1 Pastore et al, Int J Androl, 2012; 35: 528
  • 25. Content •  Introduc@on •  Anatomy and Physiology of the MPF •  ED and the MPF •  Ejaculatory/Orgasmic Dysfunc@on and the MPF •  CP/CPPS and the MPF •  Conclusions
  • 26. CP/CPPS and the MPF •  CP/CPPS is characterized by pain in the pelvis, abdomen, or genitals, and LUTS without evidence of recurrent UTI •  CP/CPPS is a common and ojen debilita@ng condi@on that affects millions of men worldwide (up to 16% of men) Aubin et al, J Sex Med, 2008; 5: 657 Mehik et al, BJU Int, 2001; 88: 35 Lee et al, Urology, 2008; 71: 79
  • 27. CP/CPPS and the MPF •  The rela@onship among MSD, pelvic pain, and CP/CPPS is complex, with the 3 condi@ons ojen overlapping Cohen et al, Sex Med Rev, 2016; 4: 53
  • 28. CP/CPPS and the MPF •  Discomfort or pain accompanying ejacula@on is common à ED and EjD •  Prevalence rates of ED and EjD in these men have been reported to be as high as 70% •  Presence of sexual MSD is correlated with greater CP/ CPPS symptom severity and worse QoL •  Men with CP/CPPS had greater rates of depression compared with controls. •  their female partners were also depressed •  Their female partners reported higher rates of dyspareunia. Aubin et al, J Sex Med, 2008; 5: 657 Mehik et al, BJU Int, 2001; 88: 35 Lee et al, Urology, 2008; 71: 79
  • 29. CP/CPPS and the MPF •  Correla@on between ED and CP/CPPS may be explained by a compromise in penile hemodynamics •  Men with CP/CPPS are more likely to have arterial s@ffness associated with NO-mediated vascular endothelial dysfunc@on •  Increased autonomic vascular tone associated with pain-induced chronic stress may play role in ED •  Vascular endothelial dysfunc@on contributes to the chronic muscle spasm and pain •  Elevated pelvic floor muscle tone obstructs arterial inflow to the penis via extrinsic muscular compression. Rosenbaum et al, J Sex Med, 2008; 5: 513 Gonen et al, J Androl, 2005; 26: 601 Screponi et al, Urology, 2001; 58: 198 Shoskes et al, J Urol, 2004; 172: 542 CP/CPPS à Pain à Chronic Stress à Autonomic vascular tone é êé ê Chronic muscle spasms à arteries compressed à ED
  • 30. CP/CPPS and the MPF •  PE is also commonly associated with CP/CPPS. •  Prevalence PE is greater in men with CP/CPPS •  Prosta@c inflamma@on (56.5%) and chronic prosta@c infec@on (47.8%) are common among men with PE. •  “Inflamma@on” in prostate may alter sensa@on involved in the ejaculatory reflex and lead to PE •  Pelvic floor muscle spasms may also impair normal sensory feedback involved in ejacula@on •  Ejaculatory pain is another common complaint of men with CP/CPPS. •  The cause of this associa@on is controversial. •  Half of the men with CP/CPPS experience painful ejacula@on. Inflamma@on and neuromuscular spasm are important sources of ejaculatory pain. •  The nega@ve impact of CP/CPPS on individuals increase with the frequency of their ejaculatory pain, and their mental and physical quality of life decreased. •  Men with CP/CPPS have significantly more tenderness, muscle spasm, and dysfunc@on throughout the abdomen and pelvis. Rosenbaum et al, J Sex Med, 2008; 5: 513 Gonen et al, J Androl, 2005; 26: 601 Screponi et al, Urology, 2001; 58: 198 Shoskes et al, J Urol, 2004; 172: 542
  • 31. CP/CPPS and the MPF •  Ejaculatory pain is another common complaint of men with CP/CPPS. •  The cause of this associa@on is controversial. •  Half of the men with CP/CPPS experience painful ejacula@on. •  “Inflamma@on” and “neuromuscular spasm” are important sources of ejaculatory pain. •  The nega@ve impact of CP/CPPS on individuals increase with their ejaculatory pain •  their mental and physical QoL is decreased. Rosenbaum et al, J Sex Med, 2008; 5: 513 Gonen et al, J Androl, 2005; 26: 601 Screponi et al, Urology, 2001; 58: 198 Shoskes et al, J Urol, 2004; 172: 542
  • 32. Pelvic Floor Treatment Strategies in Men With CP/CPPS •  Abnormal muscle tone and shortening of the levator ani and external rotators of the hips have been iden@fied as possible culprits in the pathophysiology of CP/ CPPS. •  There is significantly more pelvic floor muscle spasm and tension in men with CP/CPPS than in healthy men, •  with up to 50% showing signs of this musculoskeletal dysfunc@on. •  88.3% had pathologic tenderness of the pelvic floor muscle and poor pelvic floor muscle func@on. •  MPF dysfunc@on associated with CP/CPPS may indicate that there is a central nervous system disturbance in regula@on of the MPF muscles. Hetrick et al, J Urol, 2003; 170: 828 Berger et al, BMC Urol, 2007; 7: 17 Shoskes et al, J Urol, 2008; 179: 556 Doggweiler-Wiygul R, Curr Pain Headache Rep, 2004; 8: 445 Zermann et al, J Urol, 1999; 161: 903
  • 33. Pelvic Floor Treatment Strategies in Men With CP/CPPS •  Effec@ve management of CP/CPPS seems possible by MPF treatment programs •  Neuromuscular reeduca@on is the guided conscious retraining of muscle ac@va@on and deac@va@on •  It is a component of physical therapy treatments across many specializa@ons, including pelvic health. •  With the guidance of EMG (or other methods of biofeedback), neuromuscular reeduca@on may reduce baseline tone of the MPF muscles. •  This reduc@on in muscle ac@vity also reduce pain and improve overall QoL •  Soj- @ssue mobiliza@on, myofascial release, and connec@ve @ssue manipula@on techniques may also be used. Hetrick et al, J Urol, 2003; 170: 828 Berger et al, BMC Urol, 2007; 7: 17 Shoskes et al, J Urol, 2008; 179: 556 Doggweiler-Wiygul R, Curr Pain Headache Rep, 2004; 8: 445 Zermann et al, J Urol, 1999; 161: 903