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Yahoo!’s Experience Running
Pig on Tez at Scale
Jon Eagles
Rohini Palaniswamy
Our Migration Story
Scale and Stability
Performance and Utilization
Problems and What’s next
 Mapper and Reducer phases
 Shuffle between mapper and reducer tasks
 JobControl to run group of jobs with dependencies
 Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) with vertices
 Shuffle/One-One/Broadcast between vertex tasks
 Whole plan runs in a single DAG
Map Tasks
Reduce Tasks
Why Tez?
 Mapreduce is not cool anymore 
 Performance
 Utilization
 Run faster and also USE SAME OR LESS RESOURCES.
 For eg: 5x the speed, but utilize less memory and cpu.
 Increasing memory can slow down jobs if there is no capacity
 Runtime of job = (Time taken by tasks) * (Number of waves of task launches)
For eg: Queue with 1000GB can run 1000 1GB container tasks in parallel.
1002 tasks - Takes two waves and run time doubles.
3GB containers - Takes three waves and runtime triples.
 Run more and more jobs in parallel concurrently
 Resource contention - Performance of jobs degrade
Peak traffic
 Periods of peak utilization followed
by low utilization is a common
 Peak hours
 Catch-up processing during delays
 Reprocessing
 Developing, testing and ad-hoc
 Peak hours
 Every hour
 5min, 10min, 15min, 30min and hourly
feeds collide
 Start of the day
 00:00 UTC and 00:00 PST
 5min, 10min, 15min, 30min, hourly
and daily feeds collide
Migration Status
 Number of Pig scripts
 MAPREDUCE - 58129
 TEZ - 148852
Progress : 72%
 Number of applications
 MAPREDUCE - 147431
 TEZ - 150027
Progress : 70%
 Number of Pig script runs
 MAPREDUCE - 198785
 TEZ - 5278
 Number of applications
 MAPREDUCE - 487699
 TEZ - 5418
*Data is for a single day
Oct 1 2015 Jun 17 2016
Unwritten Rule
 User should be able to run scripts as is
 No settings changes or additional settings required
 No modifications to the scripts or UDFs required
 No special tuning required
Score: 80%
 Multiple version support
 Commandline
 pig or pig --useversion current
 pig --useversion 0.11
 pig –useversion 0.14
 Oozie sharelib tags
 pig_current
 pig_11
 pig_14
 Staged rollout switching from Pig 0.11 to Pig 0.14 as current
 Staging – 2 clusters
 Research – 3 clusters
 Production – 10 clusters
 17 internal patch releases for Pig and Tez and 5 YARN releases.
 Yahoo! Pig 0.14 = Apache Pig 0.16 minus 40+ patches
 Yahoo! Tez 0.7 = Apache Tez 0.7.1 + ~15 patches
Feature parity with MapReduce
 Add translation for all important mapreduce settings to equivalent Tez settings
 Speculative execution, Java opts, Container sizes, Max attempts, Sort buffers, Shuffle tuning, etc
 Map settings were mapped to Root vertices
 Reduce settings were mapped to Intermediate and Leaf vertices
 Add equivalent Tez features for not commonly used mapreduce features.
 mapreduce.job.running.{map|reduce}.limit
 Number of tasks that can run at a time
 mapreduce.{map|reduce}.failures.maxpercent
 Percentage of failed tasks to ignore
 mapreduce.task.timeout
 Timeout based on progress reporting by application
 mapreduce.job.classloader
 Separate classloader for user code. Not implemented yet
 -files, -archives
 No plans to add support
What required change?
 Bundling older versions of pig and hadoop jars with maven assembly plugin
 NoClassDefFoundError, NoSuchMethodExecption
 Incorrect memory configurations
 Containers killed for heap size exceeding container size = -Xmx4096M
 Bzip for shuffle compression instead of lzo
 Support added later
Bad Programming in UDFs
 Static variables instead of instance variables give wrong results with container reuse
groupedData = group A by $0;
aggregate = FOREACH groupedData generate group, MYCOUNT(A.f1);
aggregate = FOREACH groupedData generate group, MYCOUNT(A.f1), MYCOUNT(A.f2);
public class MYCOUNT extends AccumulatorEvalFunc<Long> {
private static int intermediateCount;
public void accumulate(Tuple b) throws IOException {
Iterator it = ((DataBag)b.get(0)).iterator();
while (it.hasNext()){; intermediateCount ++;
public Long getValue() {
return intermediateCount;
Behavior Change
 Part file name change
 Output file names changed from part-{m|r}-00000 to part-v000-o000-r00000.
 Users had hardcoded part-{m|r}-00000 path references in mapreduce.job.cache.files of downstream jobs
 Index files
 Dictionaries
 Union optimization relied on output formats honoring mapreduce.output.basename
 Custom OutputFormats that hardcoded filenames as part-{m|r}-00000 had to be fixed.
 Database loading tool had problem with longer filenames
 Parsing pig job counters from Oozie stats
 There is only one job for the script instead of multiple jobs
 Users had assumptions about number of jobs when parsing counters
 Increased namespace usage with UnionOptimizer
 Mapreduce had an extra map stage that processed 128MB per map
 Specify PARALLEL with UNION or turn optimization off
20 20
20 20
no union
20 20
OutOfMemoryError – Application Master
 Processes more tasks, counters and events
 Does the job of N number of MapReduce application masters
 Pig auto increases AM heap size based on number of tasks and vertices
 Optimizations:
 Serialization improvements and reducing buffer copies
 Skip storing counters with value as zero.
 Task configuration in memory
 MapReduce sent job.xml to tasks via distributed cache
 Config sent via RPC to tasks
 Way lot more configuration and information duplication
 Processor
 Config per Input, Output and Edge
 HCatLoader duplicating configuration and partition split information in UDFContext
 Not an issue anymore with all the fixes gone in
OutOfMemoryError - Tasks
 Auto-parallelism shuffle overload
 Replicated join happening in reducer phase in Tez and map phase in MapReduce
 User configuration had map heap size higher than reducer heap size
 Increased memory utilization due to multiple inputs and outputs
 Fetch inputs and finish sorting them and release buffers before creating sort buffers for output
 In-Memory aggregation for Group By turned on by default in Pig.
 pig.exec.mapPartAgg=true aggregates using a HashMap before combiner
 Improvements to Memory based aggregation
 Better spilling in Pig’s SpillableMemoryManager
 95% of the cases fixed and 5% required memory increase
Memory Utilization
 Default Heap Size – 1GB
 Default io.sort.mb - 256MB
256 MB
256 MB
1 GB 768 MB
768 MB
256 MB
128 MB
1 GB
256 MB 256 MB
128 MB
128 MB
200 MB
312 MB
256 MB
128 MB
Group By
 Tez Max memory for sort buffers
 50% of heap – 512MB
 Pig memory based aggregation
 20% of heap - 200 MB
256 MB 256 MB
How complex processing can Tez handle?
 Scale
 DAGs with 100-200 vertices
 Terabytes of data and billions of records flowing from start to finish of the DAG
 98% of jobs can be run with same memory configurations as MapReduce
 Run 310K tasks in one DAG with just 3.5G heapsize
 One user set default_parallel to 5000 for a big DAG (totally unnecessary and wasteful). Job still ran 
 Stability
 45-50K Pig on Tez jobs (not including hive) run in a single cluster each day without issues
 Speculative execution
 Full fault tolerance
 Bad nodes
 Bad disks
 Shuffle fetch failures
Complexity of DAGs – Vertices per DAG
1 3 5 7 9 11
1-11 vertices
Number of DAGs
12-155 vertices
Number of DAGs
*Data for a single day
DAG Patterns
DAG with 155 Vertices.
DAG with 61 Vertices
DAG Patterns
DAG with 106 Vertices
DAG Patterns
DAG with 55 Vertices
and Utilization
CPI Utilization (in Million vcores-secs)
Total Runtime (in hrs)
Before and After
Number of Jobs
Memory Utilization (in PB-secs)
*Numbers are for one major user in a single cluster
Jan 1 to Jun 22, 2016
Jan 1 to Jun 22, 2016
Jan 1 to Jun 22, 2016
Jan 1 to Jun 22, 2016
 Savings per day
 400-500 hours of
Runtime (23-30%)
 Individual job’s
runtime improvement
vary between 5%-5x
 100+ PB-secs of
memory (15-25%)
 30-50 million vcores-
sec of CPU (18-28%)
Utilization could still be better
 Speculative execution happens lot more than mapreduce (TEZ-3316)
 Task progress goes from 0 to 100%
 Progress should be updated based on % of input records processed
similar to mapreduce
 80% of our jobs run with speculative execution
 Slow start does not happen with MRInput vertices (TEZ-3274)
 Container reuse
 Larger size containers are reused for small container requests (TEZ-3315)
 < 1% of jobs affected
Start at the
same time
Before and After - IO
*Numbers are for one major user in a single cluster
Jan 1 to Jun 22, 2016
Jan 1 to Jun 22, 2016 Jan 1 to Jun 22, 2016
Jan 1 to Jun 22, 2016
 Lower HDFS utilization
as expected with no
intermediate storage
 Both
lower by ~20PB
 More savings if 3x
replication is accounted
 Higher local file utilization
than expected
IO issues to be fixed
 More spills with smaller buffers in case of multiple inputs and outputs
 Better in-memory merging with inputs
 Lots of space wasted with serialization
 DataOutputBuffer used for serializing keys and values extends ByteArrayOutputStream
 Byte array size is doubled for every expansion - 33MB data occupies 64MB
 Chained byte arrays avoiding array copies (TEZ-3159)
 Shuffle fetch failures and re-run of upstream tasks impact both runtime and increase IO
 Probability of occurrence lot higher than mapreduce
 Increased disk activity with with Auto-Parallelism
 Disks are hammered during fetch
 More on disk activity with shuffle and merge due to spill
Performance and Utilization
RunTime Number
of Jobs
of Tasks
Mapreduce 1 hr 15 min 46 45758
Tez 39 min 1 22879
 Mapreduce
 AM Container Size – 1.5 GB ( 46*1.5 = 69 GB)
 Task Container Size – 2 GB
 Tez
 AM Container Size – 3 GB
 Task Container Size – 2 GB
to be
Challenges with DAG Processing
 DAG is not always better than mapreduce
 Some of the Tez optimizations which do well on small scale backfired on large scale
 Multiple inputs and outputs
 Data skew in unordered partitioning
 Auto Parallelism
Multiple inputs and Outputs
 Above script groups by 59 dimensions and then joins them
 Grouping by multiple dimensions is a very common use case
 Mapreduce implementation used multiplexing and de-multiplexing logic to do it in a single job.
 Tag each record with the index of the group by and run it through corresponding plan
 Tez implementation of using separate reducers is generally efficient faster. But performance
degrades as the data volume and number of inputs and outputs increase due to too small sort
buffers and lot of spill.
 Solution – Implement older multiplexing and de-multiplexing logic in Tez for > 10 inputs/outputs.
Skewed Data
 Data skew is one of the biggest causes of slowness
 One or two reducers end up processing most of the data
 Skewed output in one vertex can keep getting propagated downstream causing more slowness
 Self joins which use One-One edges
 Unordered partitioning (TEZ-3209)
 Storing intermediate data in HDFS acted as autocorrect for skew in mapreduce
 Each of the maps, combined splits up to 128MB by default for processing.
Map Vertex
Reduce Vertex
Map Vertex
Reduce Vertex
 tez.shuffle-vertex-manager.desired-
 128MB per reducer – intermediate
 1GB per reducer – leaf vertex
 Increased shuffle fetches per reducer
 Before – 3 fetches per reducer
 After – 9 fetches in one reducer
 tez.shuffle-vertex-manager.min-
task-parallelism – Default is 1
 Pig does not use it yet
 1000 mappers and 999 reducers –
auto parallelism reduction to 1
 999000 fetches in single reducer
 Disk Merge is also costly
Improving Auto-Parallelism
 Scaling
 Composite messaging (TEZ-3222)
 Reduce number of DataMovementEvents
 Optimize empty partitions handling (TEZ-3145)
 Custom Shuffle Handler for Tez
 Remember file location of map output. Avoid listing on all volumes.
 Ability to fetch multiple partitions in one request
 Turn on MemToMem Merger by default
 tez.runtime.shuffle.memory-to-memory.enable (mapreduce.reduce.merge.memtomem.enabled in MapReduce)
 Still in experimental stage with lots of issues.
 Threshold is currently based on number of map outputs
 Dynamically merge based on the size and available memory
 Range partitioning is not efficient
 Easy implementation to start with
 Skewed data prevents better reduction.
 Two buckets with skew next to each other makes it worse
 Best fit algorithm instead of range partitioning (TEZ-2962)
Reducer 0 - 67 MB
Reducer 1 - 64 MB
Reducer 2 - 64 MB
Reducer 3 - 5 MB
Reducer 4 - 5 MB
Reducer 1 - 128 MB
Reducer 2 - 10 MB
Reducer 0 - 67 MB
 Transition was a little bumpier and longer than expected (Planned Q4 2015)
 Major initial rollout delay due to Application TimeLine Server not scaling for more than 5K applications
 Tons of issues stability and scalability issues fixed and contributed to Apache
 Full migration by July 2016
 Tez scales and it is now stable. Worked for Yahoo scale.
 Smooth and easy migration from MapReduce
 Really Good UI
 Some cool features currently worked on in the community
 DFS based based shuffle (TEZ-2442)
 Custom edge for CROSS (TEZ-2104)
 Parallelized LIMIT and skip running tasks once desired record count is reached.
 Lot more features, optimizations, better algorithms and crazy ideas yet to be done.
 Tez is an Assembly Language at its core
 Jason Lowe - our very own Super Computer for debugging crazy issues
 Koji Noguchi - another of our Pig internals expert and Committer
 Yahoo! Pig users who put up with the most of the pain
 Daniel Dai from Apache Pig PMC
 Apache Tez PMC
 Bikas Saha
 Siddharth Seth
 Hitesh Shah
Yahoo's Experience Running Pig on Tez at Scale

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Yahoo's Experience Running Pig on Tez at Scale

  • 1. Yahoo!’s Experience Running Pig on Tez at Scale By Jon Eagles Rohini Palaniswamy
  • 2. Agenda Introduction1 Our Migration Story Scale and Stability Performance and Utilization Problems and What’s next 2 3 4 5
  • 3. Overview MAPREDUCE TEZ  Mapper and Reducer phases  Shuffle between mapper and reducer tasks  JobControl to run group of jobs with dependencies  Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) with vertices  Shuffle/One-One/Broadcast between vertex tasks  Whole plan runs in a single DAG Map Tasks Reduce Tasks
  • 4. Why Tez?  Mapreduce is not cool anymore   Performance  Utilization  Run faster and also USE SAME OR LESS RESOURCES.  For eg: 5x the speed, but utilize less memory and cpu.  Increasing memory can slow down jobs if there is no capacity  Runtime of job = (Time taken by tasks) * (Number of waves of task launches) For eg: Queue with 1000GB can run 1000 1GB container tasks in parallel. 1002 tasks - Takes two waves and run time doubles. 3GB containers - Takes three waves and runtime triples.  Run more and more jobs in parallel concurrently  Resource contention - Performance of jobs degrade
  • 7. Peak traffic  Periods of peak utilization followed by low utilization is a common pattern  Peak hours  Catch-up processing during delays  Reprocessing  Developing, testing and ad-hoc queries  Peak hours  Every hour  5min, 10min, 15min, 30min and hourly feeds collide  Start of the day  00:00 UTC and 00:00 PST  5min, 10min, 15min, 30min, hourly and daily feeds collide
  • 9. Migration Status  Number of Pig scripts  MAPREDUCE - 58129  TEZ - 148852 Progress : 72%  Number of applications  MAPREDUCE - 147431  TEZ - 150027 Progress : 70%  Number of Pig script runs  MAPREDUCE - 198785  TEZ - 5278  Number of applications  MAPREDUCE - 487699  TEZ - 5418 *Data is for a single day Oct 1 2015 Jun 17 2016
  • 10. Unwritten Rule NO  User should be able to run scripts as is  No settings changes or additional settings required  No modifications to the scripts or UDFs required  No special tuning required Score: 80%
  • 11. Rollout  Multiple version support  Commandline  pig or pig --useversion current  pig --useversion 0.11  pig –useversion 0.14  Oozie sharelib tags  pig_current  pig_11  pig_14  Staged rollout switching from Pig 0.11 to Pig 0.14 as current  Staging – 2 clusters  Research – 3 clusters  Production – 10 clusters  17 internal patch releases for Pig and Tez and 5 YARN releases.  Yahoo! Pig 0.14 = Apache Pig 0.16 minus 40+ patches  Yahoo! Tez 0.7 = Apache Tez 0.7.1 + ~15 patches
  • 12. Feature parity with MapReduce  Add translation for all important mapreduce settings to equivalent Tez settings  Speculative execution, Java opts, Container sizes, Max attempts, Sort buffers, Shuffle tuning, etc  Map settings were mapped to Root vertices  Reduce settings were mapped to Intermediate and Leaf vertices  Add equivalent Tez features for not commonly used mapreduce features.  mapreduce.job.running.{map|reduce}.limit  Number of tasks that can run at a time  mapreduce.{map|reduce}.failures.maxpercent  Percentage of failed tasks to ignore  mapreduce.task.timeout  Timeout based on progress reporting by application  mapreduce.job.classloader  Separate classloader for user code. Not implemented yet  -files, -archives  No plans to add support
  • 14. Misconfigurations  Bundling older versions of pig and hadoop jars with maven assembly plugin  NoClassDefFoundError, NoSuchMethodExecption  Incorrect memory configurations  Containers killed for heap size exceeding container size = -Xmx4096M mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb=2048  Bzip for shuffle compression instead of lzo  Support added later
  • 15. Bad Programming in UDFs  Static variables instead of instance variables give wrong results with container reuse groupedData = group A by $0; aggregate = FOREACH groupedData generate group, MYCOUNT(A.f1); MAPREDUCE ✔ TEZ ✖ aggregate = FOREACH groupedData generate group, MYCOUNT(A.f1), MYCOUNT(A.f2); MAPREDUCE ✖ TEZ ✖ public class MYCOUNT extends AccumulatorEvalFunc<Long> { private static int intermediateCount; @Override public void accumulate(Tuple b) throws IOException { Iterator it = ((DataBag)b.get(0)).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()){; intermediateCount ++; } } @Override public Long getValue() { return intermediateCount; } }
  • 16. Behavior Change  Part file name change  Output file names changed from part-{m|r}-00000 to part-v000-o000-r00000.  Users had hardcoded part-{m|r}-00000 path references in mapreduce.job.cache.files of downstream jobs  Index files  Dictionaries  Union optimization relied on output formats honoring mapreduce.output.basename  Custom OutputFormats that hardcoded filenames as part-{m|r}-00000 had to be fixed.  Database loading tool had problem with longer filenames  Parsing pig job counters from Oozie stats  There is only one job for the script instead of multiple jobs  Users had assumptions about number of jobs when parsing counters  Increased namespace usage with UnionOptimizer  Mapreduce had an extra map stage that processed 128MB per map  Specify PARALLEL with UNION or turn optimization off Tez 20 20 MapReduce 20 20 1 Tez no union optimization 20 20 1
  • 17. OutOfMemoryError – Application Master  Processes more tasks, counters and events  Does the job of N number of MapReduce application masters  Pig auto increases AM heap size based on number of tasks and vertices  Optimizations:  Serialization improvements and reducing buffer copies  Skip storing counters with value as zero.  Task configuration in memory  MapReduce sent job.xml to tasks via distributed cache  Config sent via RPC to tasks  Way lot more configuration and information duplication  Processor  Config per Input, Output and Edge  HCatLoader duplicating configuration and partition split information in UDFContext  Not an issue anymore with all the fixes gone in
  • 18. OutOfMemoryError - Tasks  Auto-parallelism shuffle overload  Replicated join happening in reducer phase in Tez and map phase in MapReduce  User configuration had map heap size higher than reducer heap size  Increased memory utilization due to multiple inputs and outputs  Fetch inputs and finish sorting them and release buffers before creating sort buffers for output  In-Memory aggregation for Group By turned on by default in Pig.  pig.exec.mapPartAgg=true aggregates using a HashMap before combiner  Improvements to Memory based aggregation  Better spilling in Pig’s SpillableMemoryManager  95% of the cases fixed and 5% required memory increase
  • 19. Memory Utilization MapReduce  Default Heap Size – 1GB  Default io.sort.mb - 256MB 256 MB 256 MB 1 GB 768 MB 768 MB Tez 256 MB 128 MB 1 GB 256 MB 256 MB 128 MB 128 MB 200 MB 312 MB 256 MB 128 MB Join Load Group By  Tez Max memory for sort buffers  50% of heap – 512MB  Pig memory based aggregation  20% of heap - 200 MB 256 MB 256 MB
  • 21. How complex processing can Tez handle?  Scale  DAGs with 100-200 vertices  Terabytes of data and billions of records flowing from start to finish of the DAG  98% of jobs can be run with same memory configurations as MapReduce  Run 310K tasks in one DAG with just 3.5G heapsize  One user set default_parallel to 5000 for a big DAG (totally unnecessary and wasteful). Job still ran   Stability  45-50K Pig on Tez jobs (not including hive) run in a single cluster each day without issues  Speculative execution  Full fault tolerance  Bad nodes  Bad disks  Shuffle fetch failures
  • 22. Complexity of DAGs – Vertices per DAG 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 1 3 5 7 9 11 1-11 vertices Number of DAGs 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 43 46 49 58 63 69 80 110 155 12-155 vertices Number of DAGs *Data for a single day
  • 23. DAG Patterns DAG with 155 Vertices. DAG with 61 Vertices
  • 24. DAG Patterns DAG with 106 Vertices
  • 25. DAG Patterns DAG with 55 Vertices
  • 27. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 CPI Utilization (in Million vcores-secs) Mapreduce Tez 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Total Runtime (in hrs) Mapreduce Tez Before and After 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 Number of Jobs Mapreduce Tez 0 200 400 600 800 Memory Utilization (in PB-secs) Mapreduce Tez *Numbers are for one major user in a single cluster Jan 1 to Jun 22, 2016 Jan 1 to Jun 22, 2016 Jan 1 to Jun 22, 2016 Jan 1 to Jun 22, 2016  Savings per day  400-500 hours of Runtime (23-30%)  Individual job’s runtime improvement vary between 5%-5x  100+ PB-secs of memory (15-25%)  30-50 million vcores- sec of CPU (18-28%)
  • 28. Utilization could still be better  Speculative execution happens lot more than mapreduce (TEZ-3316)  Task progress goes from 0 to 100%  Progress should be updated based on % of input records processed similar to mapreduce  80% of our jobs run with speculative execution  Slow start does not happen with MRInput vertices (TEZ-3274)  Container reuse  Larger size containers are reused for small container requests (TEZ-3315)  < 1% of jobs affected Start at the same time
  • 29. Before and After - IO 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 HDFS_BYTES_READ (in GB) Mapreduce Tez 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 HDFS_BYTES_WRITTEN (in GB) Mapreduce Tez 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 FILE_BYTES_WRITTEN (in GB) Mapreduce Tez 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 FILE_BYTES_READ (in GB) *Numbers are for one major user in a single cluster Jan 1 to Jun 22, 2016 Jan 1 to Jun 22, 2016 Jan 1 to Jun 22, 2016 Jan 1 to Jun 22, 2016  Lower HDFS utilization as expected with no intermediate storage  Both HDFS_BYTES_READ and HDFS_BYTES_WRITTEN lower by ~20PB  More savings if 3x replication is accounted  Higher local file utilization than expected
  • 30. IO issues to be fixed  More spills with smaller buffers in case of multiple inputs and outputs  Better in-memory merging with inputs  Lots of space wasted with serialization  DataOutputBuffer used for serializing keys and values extends ByteArrayOutputStream  Byte array size is doubled for every expansion - 33MB data occupies 64MB  Chained byte arrays avoiding array copies (TEZ-3159)  Shuffle fetch failures and re-run of upstream tasks impact both runtime and increase IO  Probability of occurrence lot higher than mapreduce  Increased disk activity with with Auto-Parallelism  Disks are hammered during fetch  More on disk activity with shuffle and merge due to spill
  • 31. Performance and Utilization RunTime Number of Jobs Number of Tasks Mapreduce 1 hr 15 min 46 45758 Tez 39 min 1 22879  Mapreduce  AM Container Size – 1.5 GB ( 46*1.5 = 69 GB)  Task Container Size – 2 GB  Tez  AM Container Size – 3 GB  Task Container Size – 2 GB
  • 33. Challenges with DAG Processing  DAG is not always better than mapreduce  Some of the Tez optimizations which do well on small scale backfired on large scale  Multiple inputs and outputs  Data skew in unordered partitioning  Auto Parallelism
  • 34. Multiple inputs and Outputs  Above script groups by 59 dimensions and then joins them  Grouping by multiple dimensions is a very common use case  Mapreduce implementation used multiplexing and de-multiplexing logic to do it in a single job.  Tag each record with the index of the group by and run it through corresponding plan  Tez implementation of using separate reducers is generally efficient faster. But performance degrades as the data volume and number of inputs and outputs increase due to too small sort buffers and lot of spill.  Solution – Implement older multiplexing and de-multiplexing logic in Tez for > 10 inputs/outputs.
  • 35. Skewed Data  Data skew is one of the biggest causes of slowness  One or two reducers end up processing most of the data  Skewed output in one vertex can keep getting propagated downstream causing more slowness  Self joins which use One-One edges  Unordered partitioning (TEZ-3209)  Storing intermediate data in HDFS acted as autocorrect for skew in mapreduce  Each of the maps, combined splits up to 128MB by default for processing.
  • 36. Auto-Parallelism Map Vertex Reduce Vertex Map Vertex Reduce Vertex  tez.shuffle-vertex-manager.desired- task-input-size  128MB per reducer – intermediate vertex  1GB per reducer – leaf vertex  Increased shuffle fetches per reducer  Before – 3 fetches per reducer  After – 9 fetches in one reducer  tez.shuffle-vertex-manager.min- task-parallelism – Default is 1  Pig does not use it yet  1000 mappers and 999 reducers – auto parallelism reduction to 1 reducer  999000 fetches in single reducer  Disk Merge is also costly
  • 37. Improving Auto-Parallelism  Scaling  Composite messaging (TEZ-3222)  Reduce number of DataMovementEvents  Optimize empty partitions handling (TEZ-3145)  Custom Shuffle Handler for Tez  Remember file location of map output. Avoid listing on all volumes.  Ability to fetch multiple partitions in one request  Turn on MemToMem Merger by default  tez.runtime.shuffle.memory-to-memory.enable (mapreduce.reduce.merge.memtomem.enabled in MapReduce)  Still in experimental stage with lots of issues.  Threshold is currently based on number of map outputs  Dynamically merge based on the size and available memory  Range partitioning is not efficient  Easy implementation to start with  Skewed data prevents better reduction.  Two buckets with skew next to each other makes it worse  Best fit algorithm instead of range partitioning (TEZ-2962) Reducer 0 - 67 MB Reducer 1 - 64 MB Reducer 2 - 64 MB Reducer 3 - 5 MB Reducer 4 - 5 MB Reducer 1 - 128 MB Reducer 2 - 10 MB Reducer 0 - 67 MB
  • 38. Summary  Transition was a little bumpier and longer than expected (Planned Q4 2015)  Major initial rollout delay due to Application TimeLine Server not scaling for more than 5K applications  Tons of issues stability and scalability issues fixed and contributed to Apache  Full migration by July 2016  Tez scales and it is now stable. Worked for Yahoo scale.  Smooth and easy migration from MapReduce  Really Good UI  Some cool features currently worked on in the community  DFS based based shuffle (TEZ-2442)  Custom edge for CROSS (TEZ-2104)  Parallelized LIMIT and skip running tasks once desired record count is reached.  Lot more features, optimizations, better algorithms and crazy ideas yet to be done.  Tez is an Assembly Language at its core
  • 39. Acknowledgements  Jason Lowe - our very own Super Computer for debugging crazy issues  Koji Noguchi - another of our Pig internals expert and Committer  Yahoo! Pig users who put up with the most of the pain  Daniel Dai from Apache Pig PMC  Apache Tez PMC  Bikas Saha  Siddharth Seth  Hitesh Shah

Editor's Notes

  1. TODO: