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"name": "Ilia Idakiev",
"experience": [
“Google Developer Expert (GDE)“,
"Developer & Co-founder @ HILLGRAND",
"Lecturer in 'Advanced JS' @ Sofia University",
"Contractor / Consultant",
"Public / Private Courses”
"involvedIn": [
"Angular Sofia", "SofiaJS / BeerJS",
The Event Loop 😬
Macrotask Queue
Macrotask Queue
Macrotask Queue
Macrotask Queue
Macrotask Queue
JS enginesetTimeout(…)
Macrotask Queue
JS engine
Macrotask Queue
JS engine
Macrotask Queue
JS engine
Macrotask Queue
JS engine
Macrotask Queue
JS engine
Macrotask Queue
JS engine
Macrotask Queue
JS engine
Macrotask Queue
JS engine
Macrotask Queue
Promise.resolve().then(fn) JS engine
Macrotask Queue
Microtask Queue
JS engine
Macrotask Queue
Microtask Queue
JS engine
Macrotask Queue
Microtask Queue
setTimeout(…, 0) JS engine
Macrotask Queue
Microtask Queue
JS engine
Macrotask Queue
Microtask Queue
JS engine
Macrotask Queue
Microtask Queue
JS engine
Macrotask Queue
Microtask Queue
JS engine
Macrotask Queue
Microtask Queue
JS engine
Macrotask Queue
Microtask Queue
requestAnimationFrame(…) JS engine
Macrotask Queue
Microtask Queue
Request Animation Frame Queue
JS engine
Macrotask Queue
Microtask Queue
Request Animation Frame Queue
JS engine
Macrotask Queue
Microtask Queue
Request Animation Frame Queue
JS engine
Macrotask Queue
Microtask Queue
Request Animation Frame Queue
Promise.resolve().then(fn) JS engine
Macrotask Queue
Microtask Queue
Request Animation Frame Queue
JS engine
Macrotask Queue
Microtask Queue
Request Animation Frame Queue
JS engine
Macrotask Queue
Microtask Queue
Request Animation Frame Queue
JS engine
Macrotask Queue
Microtask Queue
Request Animation Frame Queue
JS engine
Macrotask Queue
Microtask Queue
Request Animation Frame Queue
JS engine
Macrotask Queue
Microtask Queue
Request Animation Frame Queue
JS engine
! Micro Tasks - A microtask is work which will execute as soon as possible on empty stack frame. A
microtask is guaranteed to run before host environment performs rendering or I/O operations. A
microtask queue must be empty before another MacroTask or EventTask runs.

(i.e. Promise.then() executes in microtask)
! Macro Tasks - Macro tasks are interleaved with rendering and I/O operations of the host environment.
(ie setTimeout, setInterval, etc..). Macro tasks are guaranteed to run at least once or canceled
(some can run repeatedly such as setInterval). Macro tasks have an implied execution order.
! Event Tasks - Event tasks are similar to macro tasks, but unlike macro tasks they may never
run. Event tasks are scheduled using addEventListener('click', eventCallback), or similar mechanisms.
What is a zone? 😒
A zone is an execution context that persists across async tasks, and allows
the creator of the zone to observe and control the execution of the code
within the zone.
Why do we need it? 🤔
! Knowing when a task has executed and when the micro task queue is empty allows frameworks to know
when it’s time to re-render the UIs.
! Enforcing that no tasks are scheduled allows test frameworks to ensure that the tests are synchronous and
fast (controlling time).
! Tracking when all scheduled tasks are executed allows a test framework to know when an async test has
! Long stack traces between async operations.
! Measuring latency for user operations (Profiling).
! And many more…
Use Cases
How does it work? 🤔
The zone library ships with code which monkey patches all of the browsers's
asynchronous API and redirects them through the zone for interception.
Monkey Patching 🐒
const originalSetTimeout = global.setTimeout;
const originalSetTimeout = global.setTimeout;
global.setTimeout = function (...args) {
  console.log('Timeout was called');
const originalSetTimeout = global.setTimeout;
global.setTimeout = function (...args) {
  console.log('Timeout was called');
  return originalSetTimeout(...args);
const originalSetTimeout = global.setTimeout;
global.setTimeout = function (...args) {
  console.log('Timeout was called');
  return originalSetTimeout(...args);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
const originalSetTimeout = global.setTimeout;
global.setTimeout = function (...args) {
  console.log('Timeout was called');
  return originalSetTimeout(...args);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
// > 'Timeout was called'
// > 'Hello!'
setTimeout Promise.resolve().then
Working with Zones 😬
const rootZone = Zone.current;
const rootZone = Zone.current;
const myZone = rootZone.fork({ 
  name: 'myZone', 
  properties: { user: null, debug: false } 
}); => {
  // > 'myZone' (get the name of the current zone)
  // > null (get the poperty called user)
  // > '<root>' (get the name of the root zone)
}); => {
  // > 'myZone' (get the name of the current zone)
  // > null (get the poperty called user)
  // > '<root>' (get the name of the root zone)
}); => {
  const myZoneChild = myZone.fork({
    name: 'MyZoneChild',
    properties: { user: { name: 'Ivan' } }
}); => {
  const myZoneChild = myZone.fork({
    name: 'MyZoneChild',
    properties: { user: { name: 'Ivan' } }
  }); => {
}); => {
  const myZoneChild = myZone.fork({
    name: 'MyZoneChild',
    properties: { user: { name: 'Ivan' } }
  }); => {
    // > 'myZoneChild' (get the name of the current zone)
    // > { name: 'Ivan' } (get the property called user)
    // > false (get the property called user)
    // > 'MyZone' (get the name of the parent zone)
! Each stack frame is associated with one zone (execution context).
! Data attached to the zone is shallow immutable.
! Once the zone is forked its properties cannot be changed.
! Child zones inherit parent zones properties (we can use them for communication).
Zones Basics Summary
Intercepting zones 😬
const timingZone = Zone.current.fork({
  name: 'timingZone',
const timingZone = Zone.current.fork({
  name: 'timingZone',
  onInvoke: function (
    parentZoneDelegate, currentZone,
    targetZone, callback, applyThis,
    applyArgs, source
  ) {
import { performance } from 'perf_hooks';
const timingZone = Zone.current.fork({
  name: 'timingZone',
  onInvoke: function (
    parentZoneDelegate, currentZone,
    targetZone, callback, applyThis,
    applyArgs, source
  ) {
import { performance } from 'perf_hooks';
const timingZone = Zone.current.fork({
  name: 'timingZone',
  onInvoke: function (
    parentZoneDelegate, currentZone,
    targetZone, callback, applyThis,
    applyArgs, source
  ) {
    var start =;
import { performance } from 'perf_hooks';
const timingZone = Zone.current.fork({
  name: 'timingZone',
  onInvoke: function (
    parentZoneDelegate, currentZone,
    targetZone, callback, applyThis,
    applyArgs, source
  ) {
    var start =;
    parentZoneDelegate.invoke(targetZone, callback, applyThis, applyArgs, source);
import { performance } from 'perf_hooks';
const timingZone = Zone.current.fork({
  name: 'timingZone',
  onInvoke: function (
    parentZoneDelegate, currentZone,
    targetZone, callback, applyThis,
    applyArgs, source
  ) {
    var start =;
    parentZoneDelegate.invoke(targetZone, callback, applyThis, applyArgs, source);
    var end =;
import { performance } from 'perf_hooks';
const timingZone = Zone.current.fork({
  name: 'timingZone',
  onInvoke: function (
    parentZoneDelegate, currentZone,
    targetZone, callback, applyThis,
    applyArgs, source
  ) {
    var start =;
    parentZoneDelegate.invoke(targetZone, callback, applyThis, applyArgs, source);
    var end =;
      'Intercepting zone:',,
      'Duration:', end - start
const appZone = timingZone.fork({ name: 'appZome' });
const appZone = timingZone.fork({ name: 'appZome' }); myApp() {
const appZone = timingZone.fork({ name: 'appZome' }); myApp() {
  console.log('Zone:',, 'Hello World!')
const appZone = timingZone.fork({ name: 'appZome' }); myApp() {
  console.log('Zone:',, 'Hello World!')
// Output: 
// > Zone: appZone Hello World!
// > Zone: appZone Intercepting zone: timingZone Duration: 919.128399014473
! We can intercept using the onInvoke hook and delegate.invoke inside.
! We can intercept zone.wrap using the onIntercept hook and delegate.intercept inside.
! We can intercept zone.form using the onFork hook and delegate.fork inside.
! We can’t use inheritance because the Zone.current is dynamic and we can’t know it on define time so we
need to use hooks and delegates.
! We can’t simply call a parent zone method because doing so would create a callback which is bound to
the parent zone and we are interested in intercepting the callback before it is bound to any zone so we
need to use hooks and delegates.
Zones Interception Summary
! Zone composition
! Observability of task execution
! Centralised error handling
Zones Interception Benefits
Scheduling tasks 😬
const originalSetTimeout = global.setTimeout;
const originalSetTimeout = global.setTimeout;
global.setTimeout = function (callback, delay) {
const originalSetTimeout = global.setTimeout;
global.setTimeout = function (callback, delay) {
  const task = Zone.current.scheduleMacroTask(
  return task;
const originalSetTimeout = global.setTimeout;
global.setTimeout = function (callback, delay) {
  const task = Zone.current.scheduleMacroTask(
  return task;
const originalSetTimeout = global.setTimeout;
global.setTimeout = function (callback, delay) {
  const task = Zone.current.scheduleMacroTask(
    function () {
  return task;
const originalSetTimeout = global.setTimeout;
global.setTimeout = function (callback, delay) {
  const task = Zone.current.scheduleMacroTask(
    function () {
  return task;
const originalSetTimeout = global.setTimeout;
global.setTimeout = function (callback, delay) {
  const task = Zone.current.scheduleMacroTask(
    function () {
      console.log('task end');
  return task;
const originalSetTimeout = global.setTimeout;
global.setTimeout = function (callback, delay) {
  const task = Zone.current.scheduleMacroTask(
    function () {
      console.log('task end');
  return task;
const originalSetTimeout = global.setTimeout;
global.setTimeout = function (callback, delay) {
  const task = Zone.current.scheduleMacroTask(
    function () {
      console.log('task end');
    task => {
      console.log('task start');
  return task;
const originalSetTimeout = global.setTimeout;
global.setTimeout = function (callback, delay) {
  const task = Zone.current.scheduleMacroTask(
    function () {
      console.log('task end');
    task => {
      console.log('task start');
  return task;
const task = setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
// > task start
// > 123
// > task end
What if we want to clear the
timeout? 🤔
const originalSetTimeout = global.setTimeout;
global.setTimeout = function (callback, delay) {
  return Zone.current.scheduleMacroTask(
    function () {
      console.log('task end');
    task => {
      console.log('task start');
const originalSetTimeout = global.setTimeout;
global.setTimeout = function (callback, delay) {
  let id;
  return Zone.current.scheduleMacroTask(
    function () {
      console.log('task end');
    task => {
      console.log('task start');
const originalSetTimeout = global.setTimeout;
global.setTimeout = function (callback, delay) {
  let id;
  return Zone.current.scheduleMacroTask(
    function () {
      console.log('task end');
    task => {
      console.log('task start');
      id = originalSetTimeout(
const originalSetTimeout = global.setTimeout;
const originalClearTimeout = global.clearTimeout;
global.setTimeout = function (callback, delay) {
  let id;
  return Zone.current.scheduleMacroTask(
    function () {
      console.log('task end');
    task => {
      console.log('task start');
      id = originalSetTimeout(
const originalSetTimeout = global.setTimeout;
const originalClearTimeout = global.clearTimeout;
global.setTimeout = function (callback, delay) {
  let id;
  return Zone.current.scheduleMacroTask(
    function () {
      console.log('task end');
    task => {
      console.log('task start');
      id = originalSetTimeout(
    () => originalClearTimeout(id)
But aren’t we returning a task? 

How will clearTimeout work?
global.clearTimeout = function (task) {
global.clearTimeout = function (task) {
const task = setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
! We can scheduleMacroTask, scheduleMicroTask, scheduleEventTask and
scheduleTask (mostly useful for existing task when they were cancelled and we want to
reschedule them).
! We can intercept task scheduling with onScheduleTask, onInvokeTask, onCancelTask,
onHasTask, onHandleError.
! Task Lifecycle
Zones Tasks Summary
Why is the interception API
so confusing? 🤔
! We can’t use inheritance because the Zone.current is dynamic and we can’t know it on
define time so we need to use hooks and delegates.
! We can’t simply call a parent zone method because doing so would create a callback
which is bound to the parent zone and we are interested in intercepting the callback before it is
bound to any zone so we need to use hooks and delegates.
Why do we need hooks and delegates?
(Custom Change Detection Implementation)
! async-listener - a similar library for node
! vizone - control flow visualizer that uses zone.js
Additional Resources
GitHub > (/slides/ - list of future and past events)
Twitter > @ilia_idakiev

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