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Surgical Device Sales
Comprehensive Guide to landing a Surgical
Device Sales Job and tools for generating
Millions of Dollars during your career.
Fast Track Expert, LLC
Section Page
1 Introduction 3
2 9
3 27
4 Surgical Sales Career Progression 63
5 30/60/90 Plan for your Interview 72
6 Interview Preparation 78
7 Apply for the Top 100 Surgical Device Jobs 97
Section Page
1 Mind-Set of a Surgical Sales Millionaire 109
2 Summarize your Company's Website 118
3 30/60/90 Day Preparation 124
4 Key Skill-Sets 138
5 Field Sales Preparation & Targeting 148
6 Marketing Card Sales Process 170
7 Most Powerful Sales Concept 193
8 Steps of Surgeon Engagement & Acquisition 210
9 Key Decision Maker Engagement 221
10 Product Approval - Value Analysis 241
11 Conducting a Trial 252
12 Capital Sales Process 265
13 Getting Paid / Think like a Surgical Device Buyer 280
Professional Behavior
Surgical Sales Resumes
Table of Contents
Millionaire’s Surgical Device Sales Tools
Landing a Million Dollar Surgical Device Sales Job
Surgical Device Sales Millionaire helped me generate
$7,000,000 during my 3rd
year in surgical sales.
Do NOT read this book…Unless
• You would like to become a millionaire
• You would enjoy traveling the world
• You would like owning several homes in beautiful
areas throughout the world
• You enjoy owning a truck, car and a motorcycle (or
• You would like to improve the world of healthcare
• You would like to work with the most advanced
technologies in the world
• You would like to work on the cutting edge
• You would like to save lives
• You would like to work with the smartest people on
• You would like to LOVE YOUR JOB! Does
anything else really matter?
There have been more millionaires created from Medical Device Sales that any
other sales job in the world. Medical device sales can also be very fun and
exciting. I’ve had the great fortunate to watch brain tumors being removed,
hearing restored with a laser beam, robots removing cancer from the inside of a
patients stomach, fertility restored by the magical touch of a gifted surgeon with an
optical scalpel.
Medical and Surgical sales is also an honorable profession. You get the
opportunity to improve patient’s lives. You will see incredible surgeons using
gifted hands to save a patient’s life. You will see the miracle of medical science on
a daily basis. The greatest part of it all is that you become a critical piece in
helping surgeons and medical professionals do their jobs. You get the opportunity
to stand next to a surgeon and coach him on the best technique for removing a
spine tumor. You get to coach a surgeon through the technical process of attaching
electricity to a patient’s chest to keep their heart pumping. You get the opportunity
to coach a surgeon through fixing a broken leg or arm. If you can think of a more
rewarding sales job I’d love to hear about it.
Surgeon’s need us.
It always amazes me when a surgeon says he doesn’t meet reps, he is not
interested in new technology or doesn’t need our help. The honest truth is that
there is not a single item in the Hospital that is not sold by a Medical sales rep. Let
WAS NOT SOLD BY A SALES REP. Surgeons don’t make products in their
garage. Medical don’t magically appear in the OR for the surgeon to use. Products
are not dropped off by a mysterious device angel. Each and every product used in
the hospital is created by a company and sold by a sale’s professional. The sales
person is not just important to a hospital, they are vital. Without sales professionals
and medical device reps healthcare would not exist. Without sales reps: Hospitals
would not be built, ambulances would not exist, people would have no reason to be
doctors, nursing would not be a profession, and surgery would not be an option.
Let me help you understand why sales reps are critical to EVERYTHING in
healthcare. Hopefully this helps you understand why sales reps are so important to
healthcare. This is what we sale:
• The land that the Hospital is built on. Sold by a rep.
• The parking lot, grass, trees and flowers that surround the hospital. Sold by a
• The wood, steel beams, insulation, roofing, and everything it takes to build
the hospital. Sold by a rep.
• The carpet, tile, paint, bathrooms, toilets, showers, lights, hand dryers, sinks,
pluming. You get the point…If you can see it in a hospital, it was sold by a
sales professional. I’m not finished, let’s talk about what is used.
• The operating rooms, the lights, the beds, the cabinets, the monitors, the
doors, the sinks…Reps
• The gloves, the hats, the scrubs, the glasses, the drapes, the body coverings,
the masks, the cleaning supplies…All sold by Reps.
• Every single item that touches the surgeon or the patient was sold by a sales
• It is estimated that there are over 100 Million products sold in order for
healthcare to thrive
Money is extremely important to healthcare
Like it or not, everybody is motivated by money. This is good. Money
motivates people to get creative. Money motivates smart people to become
surgeons. If money didn’t matter we would have average products, mediocre
doctors, dirty hospitals, and a lot of sick people. If private companies didn’t make
money they would stop creating new medical tools. If there was not competition to
make money in healthcare companies would not be constantly improving their
products. If the government took over healthcare and sales reps no longer mattered
people would get sick, poor and hopeless. Money, competition and sales reps are
extremely important. Please don’t forget this when your job gets hard, a surgeon
yells at you or you have a bad day. Sales reps make the world go round. People
involved in selling in healthcare are some of the most important people on earth.
I’m writing this book because I love what I do, I think medical sales reps are
extremely important and I know there is a better way to make money. I’ve spent
the last 10 years creating the very best sales tools available for making millions of
dollars in medical device sales. I’m going to share with you simple tools that will
get you in the game and keep you making millions of dollars year after year. This
book is a culmination of tools that were created and compiled during my surgical
sales career. My goal was to make these sections short and sweet. No stories, fluff
or BS, just specific actions and tools to help you sell more products and make more
Happy Selling,
Fast Track Expert, LLC
The set of traits in the first section of this
book will be the foundation that you build
your million dollar surgical device career
NONE of the ideas and tools in this book
will be worth a DAMN unless you carry
yourself with the upmost class and
professionalism. The first section in this
book is on Professional Behavior. Please
read this next section carefully.
Professional Behavior
Surgical Sales Expert
I could not create a Medical Sales book without
giving credit to a man that changed my
professional medical sales career. Mace Horoff
has been a huge influence in my professional
career. I recommend that you read his book
(Mastering Medical Sales, Healthcare Business
Books). I wanted to share some information by
the best selling author and consultant Mace
Horoff. Mace
believes that Successful Medical Sales
Professionals live by standards of Professional
Behavior. These are the same standards I have
lived by to become a Medical Sales Millionaire.
Standards of Professional Behavior
• Integrity
• Empathy
• Self-Motivation
• Appearance
• Self-Confidence
• Communication
• Time Management
• Diplomacy
• Team Player
• Respect
• Patient Advocate
• Provider Advocate
• Delivery of Service
• Works with Honor
Integrity means being morally sound. It means
you can be trusted and are of sound character.
People with integrity are honest. Your
customers can trust you with confidential
information about their patients and their
Empathy is your ability to have compassion for
the patient and the patient’s family. Having
empathy also means that you understand
the healthcare provider’s role in caring for
patients and their family.
Self-motivation is your ability to initiate learning
about your products and service and continue
to do so on a continuous basis and to stay
current with the trends in your industry. It is
also your ability to get out of bed every morning
with a clearly defined purpose that drives you to
do whatever needs to be done to effectively
serve your customers and their patients. Self-
motivation will empower you to honor the
commitments that you have made to your
customers without the need for someone to
remind you.
Appearance and personal hygiene
You need to look that way a professional
performing your job is expected to look. This
includes, but is not limited to, maintaining
appropriate clothing, a conservative
hairstyle, and minimal, tasteful jewelry. You
will also do well to avoid or cover tattoos and
piercings. Your grooming will be seen as a
reflection of your commitment to
It is critically important that you convey a strong degree
of self-confidence; otherwise, your customers just
won’t have trust in you or what you are selling.
Remember that they are making decisions that
directly affect their patients. Would you gamble with
your patient’s life by working with a salesperson who
doesn’t appear to be very confident? No one wants to
be treated by a doctor who lacks confidence in his or
her clinical abilities. Similarly, you will find that
healthcare professionals seek to do business with
medical professionals that project confidence in their
products or services and in themselves.
Professionals know how to speak clearly, write clearly and
legibly, and effectively communicate their thoughts in a
way that is easily understood. An important part of
good communication is to be an active listener. The
information that your customers provide you is what
allow you to help them treat their patients with your
products and services. You must be clear that you
understand in a way that confirms it. Your customers
also must be very clear at all times about what you are
telling them.
Time Management
Your job as a medical sales representative is
essentially the same as running a small business,
and your success will be determined to a large
extent by your ability to effectively and
efficiently manage your time. This is often
overlooked by medical salespeople who leave
their schedule to happenstance and the
influence of others. You must arrive on time for
any appointments with your customers or if
circumstances prevent that, let them know
Professionals know how to employ tact to gain a
strategic advantage. Often, the first words that
come into your mind when you are in a tense
situation are not the best to use. Diplomacy is
really the ability to think before speaking and
knowing how to say something that will not
offend or conflict with the other party’s
Team Player
The medical sales professional must often function
as part of a team, whether ist is the team of
medical professionals providing patietn care or
your own sales and support team. Some
salespeople believe they can perform better as a
“lone wolf” than as a team player, but lone
wolves almost never do as well as those who
take advantage of all of the resources and talent
available. There are times when you must
depend upon other are depending upon you. You
must both act and be perceived as a team player
to maximize your success.
A medical sales professional is always polite to
others, including his competitors; even to
customers that are not always easy to work with.
Speak only with respect about all you customers
or say nothing at all. When you “badmouth” on
customer to another, that customer may then
wonder what you say about him or her to others.
It is important not to use derogatory or
demeaning language about anyone, ever. A word
of advice is to never say anything about someone
that you would not say if they were in the same
Patient Advocate
The medical sales professional will always place
the needs and the well-being of the patient
above all else. This can be painful when the
short-term potential to lose a sale in a
consequence of doing the right thing.
However, the price for not doing the right
thing will be longer lasting. Remember that
the patient comes first, no matter what.
Physician and healthcare
provider advocate
The medical sales millionaire will always act in a
manner that demonstrates he or she has an
understanding for and supports the needs and
goals of the healthcare provider. That means
that you won’t sell a product or perform a
service if there is a chance in could damage
the physicians or healthcare provider’s
professional reputation. This means placing
your customer’s needs ahead of your own, but
never ahead of the patient’s.
Careful delivery of service
The medical sales professional masters tand
maintains all the skills necessary to perform his or
her job at the highest possible level. This includes
thorough checks of all instruments, equipment
and products and following policies, procedures
and protocols consistent with best industry
practices. With the patient as the ultimate
beneficiary of your product or service, recognize
the need to do everything to help the healthcare
provider produce the optimal outcome.
Honor the medical sales Profession
The medical sales professional will always act
and behave in a way that brings credit to his
or her profession. This means that you will
never behave in a way that may cause
customers to distrust you or other members
of the medical sales profession. Always be
realistic in terms of your capabilities and the
limitations of your product or service.
Resume Creation
Surgical Sales Expert
The Surgical Device Sales Search is a Sales Process
The Product = You
The Buyer = The Employer
Purchase = Pay a Salary for Work
The Product
Potential Buyer
Elevator Speech
The Job Search is a Sales Process
The Product = You
The Buyer = The Employer
Purchase = Pay a Salary for Work
Marketing Brochure = Resume
Personal Information
•Address – full address
•Phone Numbers – easiest one to reach you
•Email Address – permanent / personal
•Open to relocation
Resume Objective
“What is this product used for?”
•What job do you want?
•What size/type of company
do you want to work for?
Keep it short, sweet, and focused!
Sample Resume Objectives
“I seek a management position that utilizes my
expertise in Selling Disposible and Capital Equipment.
“Wishing to secure a medical sales position within
a growing healthcare organization."
"Develop and execute creative and powerful business
and marketing initiatives that align company sales goals
and exceed customer expectations in order to increase
company profits and achieve personal productivity
goals. Conduct all business around the principles of
integrity, excellence, empowerment, and growth.”
Resume Objectives
•Tailor your objective to the job
•Personal branding statement?
– Objectives can help you transition
– Objectives are great places for keywords
– Objectives are “cover letter insurance”
Employment History
Work Experience
Work History
•Bullet points not paragraphs
•Reverse chronological order is the way to go
Employment History
Reverse Chronological Order
Dates of EmploymentEmployer Name
Job Title
Work Duties/Job
– Accomplishment
– Accomplishment
Employment History
Use action words for
your resume:
Managed Recruited Sold
Coordinated Facilitated
“• Was actively involved in 3 competitive acquisitions
that generated an additional $500,000 dollars in revenue
• Developed working relationships with upwards of 400+
medical professionals.
• Named salesman of the western region for 4 consecutive
months (averaged 45 units sold).
• Averaged 30 units sold per month for 12 months
(Generating $432,000 in revenue).
• Expanded the Utah territory from 0 to 80 referring clinics
within my first 10 months
• Delivered over 100 in-services on our products and
conducted 8 educational seminars for Doctors, Physical
Therapists, Chiropractors, Family Practitioners, and
Orthopedic Surgeons that referred and used my Electo-
stim machines.
Employment History
Bullet Points
• Can you make money for the
• Can you save money for the
• Can you save time for the company?
Quantify Your Accomplishments
Any way you contributed to revenue, growth,
or profit for the company.
Quantify Your Accomplishments
Help make them relative to
some other piece
•Special merit increase or promotion
Employment History Issues
• Same employer?
– Laid off?
– Job hopping?
• List reason laid-off
• Laid-off with lots of others?
• Add explanations if needed
How Far Back Should You Go?
• Recent College Grad:
– Include college/high school employment
• 5- year Workforce Veteran:
– Only post-college
– Exception—significant college job
• Most recent degree first
• Type of degree
• Major and date
• GPA – only if recent graduate, only above 3.0
• Professional Development Courses
• Certificate Programs
• Resume Search Optimization (RSO)
• Skills and accomplishments that matter
• Buzzwords, terminology and jargon
• Surgery-specific terminology
• Read job openings
• Search words
• Data-base search
• By company
• Product names
• By customer
Looking for a new job in the same field?
Search job postings
Corporate websites
Transitioning to a brand new career area?
Creative thinking
Transferable skills
Professional Accomplishments
• Publications
• Research
• Presentations
• Lectures
• Courses
• Seminars
• Relevant Dates
• Hobbies?
“References available upon request”
is unnecessary.
Resume Length
Out of college less than 5
years: 1 page resume
In the workforce 5-20
years: 1-2 pages
The Look of Your Resume
•Must be easy to read
•Bullet points are your friend
•White space, too
•No “creative” colors, fonts, designs
•Focus on the message, not the delivery
Resume Examples
Surgical Sales Expert
• Territory management of surgical biologic tissue implants for the use in bariatric, general / colorectal, vascular,
neurological, urogynecological, plastic and reconstructive procedures. Work directly with surgeons in the OR
evaluating and implementing my products on a day to day basis.
• In charge of selling and evaluating surgical disposables in the OR, ICU’s, Cath Lab and Plastic Surgery Centers.
Dealing directly with Materials Management, Purchasing and each department of the hospital including; OR
Directors, plastic and cosmetic surgeons, general, cardiovascular surgeons, ENT, ER, Radiology, Anesthesia,
ICU’s and staff.
• Worked closely with administration and hospital staff implementing a discharge and follow up plan to satisfy the
needs of patients in and out of the hospital.
• With extensive contacts working in the medical field, I have excelled in professional sales and have been recognized
as an exceptional performer in the New Orleans and Dallas Market.
Synovis Surgical Innovations, Dallas, TX 8/2010 - Present
Territory Sales Manager/ Surgical Implant Division
Representative of biologic tissue implants for the use in laparoscopic and open surgery procedures for staple line
reinforcement, hernia repair, breast reconstruction, colorectal and vascular cases.
• Recognized 2011 Quota Busters Award
• Overall territory percent to plan for product sales 171%
• Total territory percent to plan in overall sales 122%
• Year over year product growth 68% with total territory sales growth of 33%
• Miller Heiman 2011 strategic selling training program
DeRoyal Industries, Dallas, TX 8/2006 – 8/2010
Area Manager Acute Care Division/ Surgical Sales
Representative of Surgical Products and Wound Care for the Acute Care Division, selling operating room and
medical device products, disposables and Advanced Wound Care, to hospitals and surgery centers for Central,
Dallas, North and East Texas.
• Ranked # 1 out of 78 area managers in growth, maintenance and overall sales 2009
• Ranked # 1 President’s Club Winner 2009
• Total territory Percent to Plan over 125 percent 2009
• Promoted Field Trainer 2010
• Ranked # 9 overall 2007-2008
LINCARE Home Respiratory, Dallas, TX & New Orleans, LA 3/2005 – 8/2006
Medical Sales Representative
Representative for Home Respiratory Products, Unit Dose Medications, Oxygen Home Therapy, Nebulizers, and
CPAP/BPAP equipment. Referral Sources Include Pulmonologists, Cardiologists, Family Practice, ENT, and Internal
• 2005- Ranked 2nd in State of Louisiana out of 20 state wide representatives.
• Ranked 45th
out of 800 sales representatives nationally.
• In 2005 Grew New Orleans territory 2nd
quarter 30% and 3rd
quarter 35%, Dallas Territory 4th
quarter 110%.
• Completed 14 day LINCARE QP3 Sales Training Course with 96 Average.
DANCEL Litigation, New Orleans, LA/ Biloxi, MS 2/2003 – 3/2005
Trial Consultant/ Sales Representative
Marketing paperless trial services to potential and existing clients, working closely with attorneys, legal staff
and trial technicians in and out of the courtroom, for case trial purposes.
• 2004-2005 succeeded in over twenty trial case wins in the state of Louisiana and Mississippi.
• In charge of case organization and sales for the New Orleans and South Ms Territory.
Dean’s List and Student Broadcaster’s Association: Hattiesburg, MS.
Volunteer Share-A-Smile Children’s Foundation, Marketing Board for IDEA Work’s INC., and Las Colinas Polo Club: Dallas, TX.
B.A., Radio, Television, and Film with emphasis in Broadcast Journalism, USM, Hattiesburg, MS 2003
Name / Address / Email / LinkedIn Hyperlink
Professional Experience
Aug – 11 to Present Medtronic
Sales Representative
Responsible for selling Neuromodulation implant (Interstim) to Urologist, Colo-Rectal, GI,
General, Gynecologist in the OR and Surgery Centers, adopting and implementing Interstim
technology for utilization and growth. Provide clinical / consultative selling skill during
procedure to Surgeon and staff.
• Exceeded Quota, 2011 (118%)
• Ranked 30 out of 145 reps 2011
Sept - 05 to Aug - 11 Conceptus
Senior Sales Representative / Sales Trainer
Responsible for selling Surgical Implant (Essure), Uterine Ablation technology procedure
(Thermachoice), Capital Equipment to OB/Gyn, Urologist, Gynecology in OR, Surgery Center
and Physician Office.
• Exceeded Quota, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
• Presidents Council, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
• # 10 of 120 reps, 2010
• # 8 of 88 reps, 2009
• # 6 of 80 reps, 2008
• Trained reps while exceeding quota 2007 – 2011
Nov - 03 to Sept - 05 Johnson & Johnson Ethicon
Sales Representative
Responsible for selling new Biotech Surgical Sealant (Crosseal), Capital Equipment and
Disposables to Vascular – CV – ENT – Thoracic –General Surgeons in the OR – Surgery
Center. Also responsible for Capital Equipment contracts, managing GPO’s and IDN’s.
• Exceeded Quota, 2003, 2004, 2005
• Presidents Club, 2004
• Promoted to Sales Trainer, 2004
• # 1 of 75 reps, 2004
Aug - 00 to Nov - 03 Smith & Nephew
Sales Representative
Responsible for selling new Tissue engineering technology (DERMAGRAFT) to Burn – Plastic
– Vascular – Orthopedic Surgeons in the OR and Surgery Center.
• Exceeded Quota, 2000, 2001, 2002
• Living Vision Award Winner, 2001, Rookie of the Year 2001
• # 14 of 82 reps, 2000
• # 5 of 82 reps, 2001
• # 7 of 82 reps, 2002
Name / Address / Email / LinkedIn Hyperlink
Dec - 99 to Aug - 00 Johnson & Johnson Ethicon – Mitek Division
Sales Representative
Responsible for selling Orthopedic Implants, Capital Equipment Knee, Shoulder, Hand and
Foot sets to Orthopedic Surgeons in the OR, Surgery Center. Manage Distributor reps.
• Exceeded Quota, 1999
• # 16 of 100 reps, 1999
Mar - 94 to Dec - 99 Regent Medical
Sales Representative
Responsible for selling Surgical Gloves to Surgeons in OR – Surgery Center, managing GPO
contracts and Distributor reps.
• Exceeded Quota, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
• Crown Club Award Winner, 1997, 1998, 1999
• Promoted to Sales Trainer, 1997
• # 9 of 73 reps, 1999
• # 15 of 73 reps, 1998
Mar – 92 to Mar - 94 Smith & Nephew
Sales Representative
Responsible for selling Surgical Gloves to Surgeons in OR, Surgery Centers.
Managed Distributor chains and reps.
• Exceeded Quota, 1993, 1994
• Presidents Club, 1994
• # 1 of 65 reps, 1994
Sept – 90 to Mar – 92 Intertech Resources Inc.
Sales Representative
Responsible for selling Anesthesia Products, Disposables and Capital Equipment to OR and
Surgery Centers, managing Distributor chains and reps.
• Exceeded Quota, 1991
• # 19 of 92 reps, 1991
BBA, Minor in Management, Tarleton State University, May 1990
Professional Development / Memberships
• Licensed Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), 1996
Paragon Anesthesia – Dallas, TX Apr ‘10 – Present
Sales Manager
• Responsible for successfully planning and achieving sales goals set forth by management.
• Provided support and direction for a 4 person sales team in growing office based anesthesia in the OBGYN arena.
• Spearheaded management’s focus of franchising our business model to other markets.
• Sales growth has increased from 400 cases to 600 cases per month.
• Currently have 4 franchised “Paragon” markets in Texas and Utah exceeding 300 cases per month.
• Work directly with OBGYN’s in promoting office based surgery throughout the DFW area.
• Directly responsible for sales growth exceeding 1,000,000 per month.
Hologic/Cytyc Inc – Marlborough, MA Dec ‘06 – Feb ‘10
Novasure - Territory Manager/GYN Surgical Division (Oct ’07 – Feb ’10)
• Sold Novasure endometrial ablation device to OBGYN’s in the OR and office setting.
• Exceeded quota for 5 consecutive quarters and was recognized company wide for 122% to plan in Q2 2008.
• Presidents Club award winner in 2008 finishing 11th
out of 132 reps.
• Consistently finished in the top 15% in the quarterly surgical sales ranking report.
• #1 company wide for in-office sales growth, a key initiative for the company.
• #1 in sales growth for Adiana tubal sterilization in 2009.
• Used clinical studies to inform and obtain buy-in from doctors to use Novasure over competitive devices.
• Provided hands-on training and proctored doctors during procedures.
Neuroscience Sales Specialist-Southern Region (Dec ‘06 – Oct ’07)
• Responsible for selling the Gliasite Radiation Therapy System (RTS), a brachytherapy for brain tumor patients.
• Main call points are neurosurgery and radiation oncology.
• Present for all craniotomies to assist the neurosurgeon with implanting the balloon/catheter into the tumor bed.
• Consistently use clinical data and phase I-III studies to inform and educate the neurosurgeons and radiation oncologists
on the benefits of Gliasite for their brain tumor patients and obtain their buy in for implanting and treating.
• Trained the radiation oncologist on injecting and removing the liquid radiation which is loaded into a subcutaneous
catheter port that fills the balloon to kill remaining brain tumor cells.
• Major accounts include MD Anderson, Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas, Methodist Dallas, Memorial Hermann.
• Transitioned in to the Novasure role due to the Gliasite division being shut down.
Datascope Corporation – Mahwah, NJ Aug ’06 – Dec ‘06
Territory Manager Interventional Division - North Texas
• Responsible for selling vascular sealing devices, chronic dialysis catheters, mechanical thrombectomy devices and
manual assist pressure dressings.
• Call points include hospital Cardiac Catheterization Labs, Radiology, Cardiologist and Interventional Cardiologist,
Interventional Radiologist and Nephrologists in the hospital setting.
• Closed 3 new accts within the first 2 months with our OnSite vascular closure device and Prolumen thrombectomy
• Successfully navigated a competitive market and regained product placement in top accounts that had switched to
• Through October sales was 167% to plan.
• Ranked #1 in my training class of 7 recruits.
• Datascope announced withdrawal from vascular sealing market October 19th
and subsequently closed the division down.
Name / Address / Email / LinkedIn Hyperlink
DeRoyal Industries – Powell, TN Aug ’04 – Aug ‘06
Patient Care Area Manager-North Texas
• Sold orthopedic products including spine bracing to neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, hospitals and clinics.
• Responsible for developing relationships within the hospital which include material management, OR, ICU, ER,
and all nursing staff personnel.
• “Rookie of the Year” candidate 2005.
• Ranked 5th
overall out of 68 reps in our “Spinal Bracing” in a hospital setting contest during 2004-2005.
• Inherited a territory that was down 16% with an overall loss of $215,000 in business for 2004 and turned it around
to show a positive growth of 4% in 2005.
• Ranked #1 in “spine” growth and 113% of quota for 2006.
• Received a 5% increase in salary following 6 and 12 month review based on 100 percent success in 12 different categories.
• Promoted to field trainer January 2006.
Maxxim Medical - Clearwater, FL Jul ‘01 – Mar ‘04
Medical Account Manager-North Texas
• Successfully sold custom/standard procedure trays, protective apparel, surgical/exam gloves and bio-safety products.
• Generated $200,000 in new surgical/exam business from Jun ’02 – May’03.
• Responsible for growing the Baylor Healthcare System exam glove usage to $1.8 million/year.
• Maintained existing sales and established new sales of various products in an operating room environment.
• Consistently placed in the top 10 in the quarterly “Sales Driver” glove contest, which rewards obtaining surgical
and exam glove evaluations and converted business.
• Recognized as substantial contributor to the #1 Region in the U.S. with a 17% increase in sales ’03.
• Managed large system opportunities and established key relationships with distribution partners and large IHN’s.
• Trained new sales representatives on making presentations, product knowledge, and closing new business.
Accu-Pak Inc.- Carrollton, TX Mar '98 – Jul ’01
West Coast Sales Representative
• Capital Equipment Sales Representative in industrial packaging market.
• Successfully sold PLC based packaging equipment to small, medium and large businesses.
• Increased customer base by 20% in first year while maintaining existing base.
• Achieved 115% of quota in first year.
• Increased Westcoast territory from 10 to 15 states due to excellent sales penetration in initial territory.
• Major accounts include Frito Lay Inc, General Mills, Mission Foods, and Hershey’s.
Ogilvy & Mather Advertising Agency - Los Angeles, CA Jan ‘96 - Jan '98
Media Planner, Assistant Account Executive
Accounts: PacifiCare Health Systems, GTE Wireless, FHP Healthcare, American Express
• Assisted in the development, presentation, and selling of a marketing program that resulted in a $10 million multi-targeted
media campaign consisting of television, radio, and outdoor in nine FHP regions.
• Contributed to the development, execution, and sell-through of the PacifiCare FY97 regional advertising
• Actively participated in the presentation and obtaining client approval of the GTE Wireless Relaunch
Campaign in San Diego.
• Researched and analyzed competitive media and marketing data to determine current branding efforts,
forecasting future trends, and identifying future sales opportunities.
Tarleton State University
Bachelor of Business Administration - December 1995
Major: Marketing
Cum GPA: 3.2
Collegiate Athlete – Football Scholarship
Sales Experience
• LSI Solutions January 2012 - Present
Surgical Sales Consultant
o Responsible for selling complete product portfolio of laparoscopic devices including
Ti- Knot, Cor-Knot, and the RD-180 Suturing device into the operating room
o Call points include Cardiothoracic, Bariatric, General Surgeons, and OBGYNs
o Launched Core Knot in Dallas/Fort Worth and placed product within Methodist, Baylor, UT Southwestern St. Paul,
Heart Hospital, Presbyterian, THR, and HCA facilities within 6 months.
o Achieved over 100% to quota for every month of employment
o Highest grossing territory in Nation with over 150% growth over base sales to date
o Ranked #2 out of 15 direct representatives
• MI Surgical Devices April 2010 – December 2011
Medical Sales Representative
o Responsible for selling products into the OR and Endoscopy Suites that include disposables and capital equipment.
o Physician call points of: Colorectal surgeons, Bariatric surgeons, General surgeons, and Gastroenterologist
o Responsible for getting products pulled through P&T committees in the largest hospitals within the Baylor
Healthcare System.
o Trained and provided In-Service for OR staff on protocol for procedure and protocol for physician’s surgical
schedulers in patient selection and procedure scheduling.
o Responsible for selling ARM, Urodynamics, and Gastric Manometry equipment into hospitals and physician offices.
o Sold first Solar GI ARM system in the US into Baylor Dallas
o Increased utilization of Secca procedure from 1 Colorectal Surgeon to 6 Colorectal Surgeons within 6 months.
Product Lines: Secca, Stretta, Solar GI, Solar GI ARM, Uroflowmeter, Ohmega/pH Impedance
• Eisai Pharmaceuticals November 2004 - March 2010
Medical Sales Specialists-Neurology Specialty (Promotion)
o Responsible for calling on Neurologist, Geriatric Psychiatrists, High Volume PCP, and Gastroenterologist
in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.
o Responsible for developing pharmacy target accounts within Scott and White hospitals and clinics to increase
utilization by gastroenterology, PCP, and Internal Medicine offices.
o Developed Thought Leaders for Aricept that spoke with colleagues, long term care pharmacies, and nursing homes
o New to Brand Aricept Contest Winner for Dallas District
o Pinnacle Award Winner for 2008 and 2009.
Name / Address / Email / LinkedIn Hyperlink
Medical Sales Specialist-Primary Care
o Responsible for calling on Neurologists, Geriatric Psychiatrists, Nursing Home Physicians and Practitioners, Family
Practice and Internal Medicine physicians in the North Austin territory.
o Developed key relationships with Long-Term care pharmacies and Nursing home facilities.
o Responsible for developing top 2 opinion leaders within Texas as Aricept Champions
o Coordinated speaker, educational, and Medicare D programs for physicians and mid-level providers
o Promoted to Medical Sales Specialist in June 07.
o Ranked top 12% of Nation for 2005 as 48 out of 398
o Ranked top 10% of Nation for 2006 as 38 out of 398
o Number 2-chart climber in the Nation from ranking of 296 to 38 for 2006.
o District HHC Award Winner 2006
o Pinnacle Award Winner for 2005 and 2007.
• Ferndale Laboratories January 2004 – November 2004
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative
o Responsible for calling on Dermatologist, Pediatricians, and Gastroenterologists covering central Texas and
surrounding areas including Abilene/San Angelo, Austin/San Marcos/Waco, Tyler/Longview/Lufkin
o Responsible for sales knowledge, anatomy/physiology, and tools encompassing dermatology and gastroenterology
o Ranked 27 out of 60 representatives nationwide for 2004.
o Increased market share 35% for large geographic territory.
• Round Rock Imaging – Medical Imaging Facility November 2002 - January 2004
Outside Sales and Marketing Representative
o Sole representative of sales and marketing for a start-up medical imaging facility
o Established relationships with physicians and their staffs, targeted physicians included neurologists, orthopedic
surgeons, ENT’s, as well as general surgery and practice
o Developed marketing materials and a website for imaging facility
o Increased procedures of CT and MRI from 8/month to 128/month during a 9-month period. (+1600%)
• Mike’s Hard Lemonade March 2002-November 2002
Outside Sales Representative
o In charge of sales for North Texas territory.
o Responsible for placement of product and displays in off-premise accounts.
o Built territory from cold-calling accounts and working with local distributors.
o Developed relationships with chain accounts that incorporated placement of product into multiple stores.
o Solely responsible for product placement within territory.
Texas A&M University, College Station
Bachelor of Science, Nutritional Science and Didactics
• Graduated December 2001
Extensive experience in the Medical Device sector, Operating Room, Surgical Suite, and Cardiac Cath
Lab. Skill set includes, business to business, account management, C-Suite Negotiation, project
management, business model development, contract negotiation, senior leadership, and public speaking.
Recognized for my strong ability to cultivate relationships, provide solutions, forge alliances, and
communicate at all levels.
MAQUET CARDIOVASCULAR-Dallas, Texas 6/2008-Present
Cardiovascular Territory Manager
Responsible for directing and organizing territory sales strategy, account management, and technical support for
Maquet’s line of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery product portfolio consisting of Endoscopic Vessel
Harvesting (EVH), Off-Pump CABG (OPCAB), Open Surgical Grafts, Proximal Anastamosis Devices and
Cardiopulmonary (Cardiac Perfusion) devices. Successfully managed territory consisting of Dallas Metro
Area and East Texas. Responsible for driving 5 million dollars in sales while growing business and
exceeding sales plan/quota in the process.
- 2011 Maquet Cardiovascular Territory Manager of the Year (#1 rank out of 53)
- 2011 #1 Power Ranking for Sales Performance Evaluation
- 2011 Maquet Presidents Club award winner (top 10% of sales force)
- 2011 Maquet CVTM Total Plan Achievement Award
- 2011 Maquet CVTM Growth Achievement Award with over $1.3M in revenue growth
- 120% to plan for 2011
-109% Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting
-106% Beating Heart
-102% Heartstring
-111% Cardiopulmonary
-550% Capital Equipment
- $591K in Capital Equipment sales for 2011
- Total plan achievement for 2010
- Successful launch and implementation of MECC Miniature Perfusion platform
- Establishment of only North American MECC training site
- Implementation of community/rural outreach for disease state awareness and surgical indications
- Secured 1800 annual hearts for 3 years through a Baylor Healthcare system-wide contract
- Conversion of largest ECMO site in Dallas to Maquet platform
- 104% to Plan for 2009
- 10% sales growth for 2009 in a mature and saturated market
- 25% growth in ASP for primary product
- $400K in Capital Equipment sales in 2009
- Competitive Account conversions
- Successful launch of Cardiopulmonary line in North Texas
- Implementation and Management of Clinical Trial process
- Strong defense against low cost competitors
- Productive working relationships with local distributors and P.A. groups
- Introduction of new technology and premium tier device upgrades
- Cardiothoracic Surgery Fellow development and training
Name / Address / Email / LinkedIn Hyperlink
NOVARTIS PHARMACEUTICALS CORP. – Dallas, Texas 2004 – 2008
Associate Director, Group Practice Management
Responsible for the development and implementation of value added tools and services to Cardiology groups in
Texas, the Gulf States and Midwest. Target clients consist of physician shareholders, medical directors, and
CEO’s of large Cardiology groups in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Missouri and Kansas.
Through my efforts and business solutions detailed below, I ranked #2 overall in sales against my peers, and
have grown territory sales volume for my primary products, Diovan, Lotrel, Exforge, and Tekturna by
more than 10%. In addition, I lead my peers in launch volume for our new products Exforge and
•Business to Business: implemented referral development plan for Memphis Cardiology Associates, resulting in increase of
over 200% in peripheral intervention case load
•Project Management: Developed and implemented disease state brochures, educational CD-ROMs, nurse-led patient
inservices, and streaming web videos for Cardiology groups as a patient education resource.
•Value Added Tools: Created video based Project Excel staff communication training system for large Cardiology practices
in the midwest and Texas to improve patient satisfaction.
GUIDANT SALES CORPORATION – Dallas, Texas 2002 – 2004
Cardiovascular Rhythm Management Sales Representative
Responsible for sales, implantation, and technical support for our line of implantable pacemakers and
defibrillators within Cardiology community and hospital purchasing administrators in North Texas territory.
Increased sales revenue by over 50% in a territory historically dominated by other vendors. Acquired
business from customers who have never used Guidant. Dramatic increase in size of total market through
medical community and public awareness campaigns and screenings. Assisted in the development of new
cardiologists, enabling them to provide heart rhythm therapy. Built loyalty within physician community by acting
as a business consultant to increase referral patterns to their practice. (2003 – 2004)
Cardiovascular Rhythm Management Clinical Representative
Responsible for supporting the sales representatives by executing the clinical tasks involving patient care (O.R.
implant assistance, emergency patient management, follow-up clinics). Designated mentor for new hire training.
Served as clinical studies coordinator for Dallas Region. Given sales assignments for low market share accounts.
(2002 – 2003)
NOVARTIS PHARMACEUTICALS CORP. – Dallas, Texas 1998 - 2002
Cardiovascular / Metabolic Sales Consultant
Responsible for the promotion of cardiovascular and diabetes management products to Cardiologists,
Nephrologists, and Endocrinologists in the Dallas area. Ranked in the top 10% of field for launch of new
diabetes drug in 2001. Trained 12 physicians to become speakers for our product line and coordinated over 120
peer to peer lecture programs across the country for those speakers. (2000 – 2002)
Sales Associate
Responsible for the promotion of cardiovascular and anti-microbial therapies to primary care physicians in
Northeast Texas. (1998 – 2000)
Bachelor of Science – Biology
Abilene Christian University – Abilene, Texas – May 1997
(33 hours Biology, 17 hours Chemistry, 9 hours Pharmacology)
USA Triathlon
North Texas Masters Swimming
USA Track and Field
USA Cycling
Dallas Running Club
Seeking immediate full-time employment as a Medical Device Sales Representative
Major: Business Administration
Cumulative GPA of 3.5
Major: Business Management
Cumulative GPA of 3.56
Jennings Business Scholarship recipient
BG Medical
 BG Medical is a rapidly growing medical device company that markets hernia mesh to general surgeons.
The company has tripled its revenue since launching in 2008.
 Opened new territory as 1099 Rep in Dallas/West Texas selling an off-contract, new technology
 Documented, consistent, top 10-20% sales performance out of an average of 50 Sales Reps
 Recognized at October 2011 National Sales Meeting as a member of 250,000 Sales Club
 Attained over 300,000 in new business since June 2010 employment date
Farmers Insurance
 Farmers insurance, one of the nation’s largest insurance companies, offers commercial and personal
insurance to its clients. The company sales its insurance through independent agents who market Farmers
Insurance to the general public and businesses.
 Closed multiple deals for personal and commercial insurance agents
 Marketed agencies through banks, car dealerships, and realtors
 Received experience with cross selling of current client base
University Directories
 University Directories is the nation’s largest publisher of college campus telephone directories. UD hires
college interns across the country to sell its advertisement. Since the company’s start-up in 1974 it has
become the leading campus media and marketing company in the United States.
 Sold $26,300 in advertisement via business to business sales
 Ranked top 10 out 40 in the region
 Ranked top 20 out 100 in division
 Walgreens is the largest drug store chain in the United States. The internship program trains interns how
to completely manage a multi-million dollar retail store.
 Worked with two interns to create a marketing plan for Walgreens prescription savings club
 Introduced to daily managerial task that included every aspect of retail management
 Analyzed organizational weaknesses that varied from personnel to finances and worked with
management to develop ways to implement change
Hardin-Simmons University Enrollment Services
 Hardin-Simmons University is a small Baptist school consisting of 2400 students located in Abilene,
Texas. HSU prides itself on offering the best campus experience possible for prospective students.
 Learned basic office skills including proper phone and email etiquette
 Improved communication skills by giving tours and calling prospective students
 Received experience in team planning and group work to prepare for campus preview days
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Levels of Promotion
Before going into your interview make sure that you
are fully aware of the job description your
interviewing for. You'll use the items on the jjob
description to help prepare for your interview and to
create your 30/60/90 plan.
These are common job descriptions as you rise
through the ranks of a surgical device Company.
Most business to business sales reps come into a
surgical device company as an associate and earn
their way up the ladder.
Sales Associate
Territory Manager
Field Sales Trainer
Regional Sales Manager
District Sales Manager
Sales Associate
Primary Job Responsibility:
This is a GREAT opportunity for someone looking to break into surgical device sales.
• Assist with managing a geographic region in terms of organization, administration,
expense maintenance, profitability, customer service, trade shows and customer support.
• Maintain accurate account records
• Execute marketing strategies
• Assist with coverage of accounts within territory geographic areas
• Identify, establish, and maintain productive relationships with key decision makers
• Maintain existing business and assist with development of new business opportunities
• Represent OmniGuide Medical Technologies at industry conferences •Respond to
customer requests and resolve complaints
• Educate customers to ensure that products are understood and used effectively
• Maintain high standards of personal presentation and promote a professional personal and
company image
• Contribute to the development of a strong team effort
• Communicate market intelligence/competitor activity promptly
• Ensure a professional standard of written and verbal communication
• Develop and maintain comprehensive clinical and technical product knowledge
• Recognize and understand competitive products, features, strengths in relation to the
company’s products
• Actively participate in skills development programs
• Ability to teach and educate medical personnel, peers, and technical support personnel
• Computer proficiency
• Entrepreneurial attitude
• Handles uncertainty and adversity
• Highly ethical
• Prioritizes the team over self
• Competitive
• High energy
• Travel 50 – 75%
Knowledge and Skill Requirements:
• Applicant must be able to: lift heavy machinery into and out of his/her car, stand on his/her feet
for up to 10 hours in an Operating Room, Be able to watch graphic surgeries, Learn complex
medical technology and discuss with surgeons, Applicant must have a reliable car to transport
Job Description
Education and Training
Bachelor’s Degree required
with a technical/medical
degree preferred.
Primary Job Responsibility:
• Execution Orientation
• Execute plans to achieve company goals and objectives
• Achieve sales targets
• Maintain accurate account records
• Execute marketing strategies
• Ensure effective coverage of accounts within territory geographic areas
• Control expenses
• Influence and Selling Skills
• Identify, establish and maintain productive relationships with key decision makers
• Plan and implement effective sales/product presentations
• Maintain and expand existing business and develop new business opportunities
• Representative at industry conferences
• Develop and implement strategies to counter competitors
• Customer Service
·Respond to customer requests and resolve complaints
• ·Educate customers to ensure that products are understood and used effectively
·Maintain high standards of personal presentation and promote a professional
personal and company image
• Communication and Company Support
• Contribute to the development of a strong team effort
• Train and mentor junior sales reps
• Demonstrate the capability to lead, hire and develop a sales team
• Actively participate and lead company initiatives such as product launches, key
customer programs and strategic planning sessions
• Communicate market intelligence/competitor activity promptly
• Ensure a professional standard of written and verbal communication
• Self Development and Product Knowledge
• Develop and maintain comprehensive clinical and technical product knowledge
• Recognize and understand competitive products, features, strengths in relation to
the company’s products
• Actively participate in skills development programs
Territory Manger
Job Description
Knowledge and Skill Requirements:
• 4 plus years surgical sales experience in a hospital environment
• Demonstrated success in previous sales role; indicating a high level of sales
• Ability to teach and educate medical personnel, peers and technical support personnel
• Computer proficiency
• Ability to travel 50% of the time
Education and Training Requirements;
• Bachelor’s Degree required with a technical degree preferred
1. Minimum 1 year tenure as Territory Manager
2. Must continue to meet expectations and perform duties of Territory Manager while occupying field
sales trainer position. (see Territory Manager job description)
Primary Responsibilities (include, but are not limited to):
1. Host sales employees in home territory for the purpose of conducting training activities.
2. Bring trainees to sales meetings and surgical procedures at customer locations, to allow trainees
observation of sales activities and product usage.
3. Review clinical and technical training material as outlined in the trainer’s ‘field ride summary report’,
and complete summary report after each training visit.
4. Evaluate trainees abilities and performance, and provide feedback to trainees and sales managers to
aid with personnel development.
5. May be asked to travel outside of territory to administer or participate in training activities.
6. Serve as a positive influence and a role model for the sales organization.
7. Take on other leadership responsibilities within the organization, which may include: interacting
with business partners, participating in interviewing and hiring processes, participating in marketing
projects, participating in new product development projects.
Knowledge, Skills & Requirements:
1. Must demonstrate on-going superior performance to peers in a Territory Manager role.
2. Conduct oneself in a positive and professional manner, and act as a positive influence on the sales
team culture.
3. Excellent organizational and communication skills.
4. Excellent Strategic thinking and decision making ability.
5. Demonstrated leadership ability.
6. Willingness to contribute to and work towards company wide improvement in performance.
7. Participate in meetings and consult with management on organizational strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, or threats.
Field Sales Trainer
Job Description
Primary Responsibilities (include, but are not limited to):
1. Achieve company objectives and sales revenue targets by managing a geographic region in terms of
sales representative management, organization, administration, expense maintenance, profitability,
customer service, trade show representation and customer support.
2. Execution Orientation:
2.1.Execute plans to achieve company goals and objectives.
2.2.Achieve sales targets for region.
2.3.Execute marketing strategies.
2.4.Ensure effective coverage of accounts in the region.
3. Influence and Selling Skills:
3.1.Identify, establish and maintain productive relationships with key decision makers.
3.2.Plan and implement effective sales/product presentations.
3.3.Maintain and expand existing business and develop new business opportunities.
4. Personnel Management:
4.1.Responsible for hiring, training and developing sales representatives with the region.
4.2.Ensure sales representatives within the region achieve sales targets, control expenses and
proactively manage customers and accounts.
5. Communication and Company Support:
5.1.Contribute to the development of a strong team effort.
5.2.Train and mentor sales representatives.
5.3.Actively participate and lead company initiatives, including:
5.3.1.Product Launches
5.3.2.Key Customer Programs
5.3.3.Strategic Planning Sessions
6. Self Development and Product Knowledge:
6.1.Maintain high standard of personal presentation and promote a professional company image.
6.2.Develop and maintain comprehensive clinical and technical product knowledge.
6.3.Recognize and understand competitive products, features and strengths in relation to your
company, Inc. products.
Knowledge, Skills & Requirements:
1. Must have 5+ years surgical sales/sales management experience in a hospital environment.
2. Must be able to demonstrate success in prior sales roles, including a high level of sales performance.
Regional Sales Manager
Job Description
Primary Responsibilities (include, but are not limited to):
1. The primarily responsibilities of the Director, National Sales is to achieve overall company
objectives, including revenue, management of sales team and profitability targets. Incumbent will
drive improvements in sales force productivity and efficiency in the following areas:
1.1.Execution Orientation:
1.1.1.Establish and execute plans to achieve company goals and objectives.
1.1.2.Achieve revenue targets for domestic sales.
1.1.3.Execute marketing strategies.
1.1.4.Ensure effective coverage of accounts.
1.2.Culture and Standards:
1.2.1.Ensure the highest standards of accountability respect and honesty are adhered to and
continually administered.
1.3.Influence and Selling Skills:
1.3.1.Train and develop team selling skills.
1.3.2.Plan and implement effective sales/product presentations.
1.3.3.Maintain and expand existing business and develop new business opportunities.
1.3.4.Development and implement strategies to counter competitors.
1.4.Personnel Management and Development:
1.4.1.Responsible for hiring, training and management of regional sales managers.
1.4.2.Develop management systems for coaching and developing sales reps.
1.4.3.Work with regional managers to hire and build a team of top sales professionals.
1.4.4.Develop and maintain sales training and efficiency systems.
1.4.5.Develop systems for accomplished team members to attain career development goals.
1.5.Communication and Company Support:
1.5.1.Contribute to the development of a strong team effort.
1.5.2.Train and mentor sales personnel.
1.5.3.Demonstrate the capability to lead, hire and develop a sales team.
1.5.4.Actively participate and lead company initiatives such as product launches, key customer
programs and strategic planning sessions.
1.5.5.Promptly communicating market intelligence/competitor activity.
1.5.6.Ensuring a professional standard of written and oral communication.
1.6.Self Development and Product Knowledge:
1.6.1.Maintain high standards of personal presentation and promote a professional personal
company image.
1.6.2.Develop and maintain comprehensive clinical and technical product knowledge.
1.6.3.Recognize and understand competitive products, features, strengths in relation to the
company’s  products.
Director of Sales
Job Description
1.6.4.Actively participate in skills development programs.
Knowledge, Skills & Requirements:
1. Bachelor’s  degree  required.
2. Must have 7+ years sales/sales management experience in a hospital environment.
3. Must demonstrate success in previous sales roles; indicating a high level of sales and sales
management performance.
4. Must be able to teach and educate medical personnel, peers and technical support personnel.
5. Must be computer proficient.
6. 50% travel required.
Prepare a 30/60/90 Plan
Bring it to your Interview
A surgical device sales hiring manager will
want to see that you spent time thinking
about how you will spend your first 90 days
on the job. Always bring a plan to your first
interview. An example of a good plan is on
the next few pages.
• Participate in on-site and in the field training with a Specialist.
• Begin establishing rapport with (i.e. Marketing, Technical support,
Customer Service, etc.) as well as other sales representatives
throughout the country
• Touch base with territory, understand what is bleeding and make it
a priority to correct and/or speed up
• Prepare to hit the ground running.
• Understand key products, hot products, consistently high
performing products
• Act as a sponge, take everything in- ask questions
30 Day
• Understand Compensation program to understand what company
and territory needs
• Discuss any outstanding / urgent issues that need to be addressed
• Discuss sales leads or inquiries
• Review any pertinent territory and account history
• Discuss sales objectives and expectations
• Discuss revenue Goals/Quota for 2009/2010
Analyze Territory Sales Reports and Forecast
• Identify data to identify positive or negative trends
• Tweak Sales Strategy based on findings in Territory Forecast
• Identify current supportive users in territory
• Identify key targets for growth
• Field training with Your manager and other Territory Managers
where appropriate
• Acknowledge and understand job responsibilities and priorities
• Acknowledge and understand administrative workflow and
paperwork requirements
• Acknowledge and understand reporting responsibilities
• Spend a full day in each specialty observing procedures
Marketing and Funnel Development
• Identify and introduce myself to current customer base
• Identify and target “low hanging fruit” – accounts that are in the
middle to late stages of the sales process
• Send out an introductory letter to CEO/CFO, Director or Head
RN of focused departments to all hospitals in territory
• Move open opportunities through the sales cycle with assistance
from fellow sales representatives
• Meet with Your manager to establish market strategy and revenue
goals for the current quarter.
60 Day
Continue Sales Strategy
• Maintain initiative of first 30 days
• Update Territory Management Tools (Laptop/Phone/Tablet, etc)
• Pursue new business opportunities with a high “sense of urgency”
• Focus on Revenue
• Educational resources
Update with Your manager -
• Evaluate Sales Strategy/Adjust where necessary
• Discuss progress
• Continue self study and review for recent articles and company
provided information
Relationship Building
• Internal Support staff
• Field travel with fellow territory sales representatives to exchange
best practices and brain storm difficult accounts.
90 Day
• Maintain initiative and continue sales strategy of first 60 days.
• Review territory revenue performance against quota for the last 60
days with Your manager.
• Review, assess and discuss territory management – How full is the
 Prospecting
 Presenting
 Qualifying
 Sales activity levels
 Marketing Strategies
• Review initial sales forecast – Your manager
 Forecasted vs. closed in revenue – Was the forecasted
revenue amount closed?
 Forecast vs. closed by account – Did the revenue come
from the forecasted accounts?
Bottom Line: What will it take to-
 Maximize and close the opportunities in the
 Develop a foundation for short and long term
 Maximize income and revenue potential for
OmniGuide and myself
 Establish a legacy in this territory and the company
as one of the top producing territories year after
Interview Preparation
Surgical Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Interview
The surgical device sales job interview is a key step
on the road to your future and is the most
important part of the entire process. Remember
when you said, “Just get me in front of the
manager and I will make it happen?” The time to
shine is now and this is your opportunity. The
initial interview gives you a chance to display
your intelligence, talent and enthusiasm. How
you handle yourself in this interview can make or
break your chances of getting the surgical device
job you want.
Research the Organization
Before the Interview
Research the Employer’s
• History
• Products and Services
• Business Methods
• Philosophy and corporate culture
• Location (s)
• Standing in the Industry
• Organizational Structure
Organize Your Thoughts
Plan answers to possible questions. Write down
your answers to the questions on the next
couple of pages. Afterwards, go over your
answers with a parent, teacher, or other
respected adult. Later, give the questions to a
friend and practice being interviewed. The
more you practice the interview skills, the
better you’ll do in real situations.
Questions You Might Face
• What are your short and long-term career goals?
• Why do you want this sales position?
• What are you doing to achieve your goals?
• What are your strengths and areas of
• How would you describe yourself?
• Why did you choose sales as a career?
• Why should I hire you?
• What does success mean to you?
• How can you contribute to this organization?
• What achievements have given you the most
satisfaction? Why?
• Do you work well under pressure?
• Please give me an example?
• Do you work well with others?
• Please give me an example?
More Questions You Might Face
Important Questions to Ask
• What would my responsibilities and duties be?
• How would my performance be evaluated and
how often?
• How I am supervised?
• What opportunities for advancement exist?
• Is there a sales training program?
• Whom would I be working with?
• How much travel is required?
Thought Provoking Questions to Ask
• What are you looking for in a successful candidate?
• What are the top three sales objectives you would like to see accomplished and in
what time period?
• What is the most difficult challenge a person will face in this position?
• What is the company doing to remain ahead of your competitors?
• What is your time schedule for filling this position?
• Is the position vacant now? If so, why and for how long?
• What are the most immediate needs in this position over the next few months?
• What expectations do you have for this position long term?
• Can this position lead to other career opportunities? If so, what type of positions?
• What is the next step in the hiring process?
• Can you see any reason why I would not be asked to go to the next stage of the
Critical Items to Remember
• Dress Appropriately
• Be on time – 10 to 15min Early
• Maintain eye contact
• Show your Enthusiasm
• Be Positive
• Be honest
• Express Yourself
• Take Notes
• Have Something to Offer
Dress Appropriately
Always dress appropriately and conservatively,
keeping in mind the potential employer. Don’t
wear trendy clothing, flashy jewelry, or strong
perfume or cologne. Remember—you never
get a second chance to make a first impression
and first impressions are lasting.
Show your Enthusiasm
Enthusiasm and a sense of humor can help
create a good impression. Relate your
interests to the organization in which you are
interviewing. Always be on guard—
inappropriate humor does not play well in
Express Yourself
Speak clearly. Use complete sentences-avoid
one-word answers. Don’t use slang, and don’t
ramble. Always be aware of body language.
Your tone of voice, posture, etc., all give clues
about your feelings and Attitudes. Face the
interviewer in a relaxed open manner.
Be Positive
Be positive about yourself, your organization,
former employers, etc. DO NOT bad mouth
your former employers. NEVER talk bad about
a company you worked for or employees
within that company. The way I see it…If you
talk bad about others you are likely to talk bad
about me and our organization.
Be Honest
This is important for both you and your potential
employers. Do not overstate your former
compensation, responsibilities, education or
titles. One little white lie will cost you your
job. Be honest about your college grades, your
compensation, your driving record, your
criminal record (if you have one). Employers
will find out…so BE HONEST.
Have Something to Offer
Discuss ways you can contribute to the
organization. Let the interviewer know how
you can meet a need or solve a problem.
Every organization needs human resources. In
surgical device sales people are your most
important resource. Find out the biggest issue
your hiring manager is trying to solve and find
a solution. It doesn’t have to be a perfect
solution, but at least you took the time to
bring value to the hiring manager.
Be a Good Listener
Listen carefully and answer questions
completely. Don’t be afraid to admit you don’t
know something. Pay close attention to what
is being said. You will need to use these pieces
of insight when you are asked to answer
questions during the interview. Good
questions are much more valuable than long
Get a Business Card
You will want send a follow up letter, e-mail
and voice mail. Correct spelling is essential to
success. Follow up the interview with a thank-
you note, letter or e-mail right away. In your
correspondence, restate your interest in the
job, summarize key points of the interview
and add further information to help your
case. Keep the letter short and address it to
your interviewer.
After the Interview
Ask when you can expect a decision and if you
should call. Make sure the employer knows
how to reach you. If you haven’t heard after
the set time, phone or write to ask if the job
has been filled.
Analyze your performance in the interview. Ask
yourself if you did all you could do to
emphasize your strengths.
Top 100
Surgical Device
*Click on the company name to access
The company's Website.
*Click on Careers to apply for Jobs
Surgical Sales Expert
1 3M Co. 7 Allergan Inc.
2 Abbott Laboratories 8 AMS Holdings Inc
3 Agfa-Gevaert NV 9 Amplifon SpA
4 Alcon Inc. 10 Analogic Corp.
5 Alere Inc. 11 Ansell Ltd.
6 Align Technology Inc. 12 ArthroCare Corp.
Million Dollar Surgical Device Jobs
13 B. Braun Melsungen AG 19 bioMérieux SA
14 Barco NV 20 Biomet Inc.
15 Baxter International Inc. 21 Boston Scientific Corp.
16 Bayer AG 22 C. R. Bard Inc.
17 Beckman Coulter Inc. 23 Cantel Medical Corp.
18 Becton, Dickinson and Co. 24 Cardinal Health Inc.
Million Dollar Surgical Device Jobs
25 Carestream Health Inc. 31 Danaher Corp.
26 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 32 Dentsply International
27 Cochlear Ltd. 33 Drägerwerk AG & Co.
28 Coloplast A/S 34 Edwards Lifesciences
29 Conmed Corp. 35 Elekta AB
30 Covidien Plc. 36 Fresenius Medical Care
Million Dollar Surgical Device Jobs
37 Fukuda Denshi Co. Ltd. 43 Haemonetics Corp.
38 General Electric Co. 44 Hill-Rom Holdings Inc
39 Gen-Probe Inc. 45 Hitachi Medical Corp.
40 Getinge AB 46 Hologic Inc.
41 GN Store Nord A/S 47 Horiba Ltd.
42 Greatbatch Inc. 48 Hospira Inc.
Million Dollar Surgical Device Jobs
49 ICU Medical Inc. 55 Kimberly-Clark Corp.
50 Immucor Inc. 56 Kinetic Concepts Inc.
51 Integra LifeSciences 57 Konica Minolta
52 Intuitive Surgical Inc. 58 Koninklijke Philips
53 Invacare Corp. 59 Masimo Corp.
54 Johnson & Johnson 60 Medical Action
Million Dollar Surgical Device Jobs
61 Medtronic Inc. 67 Nobel Biocare Holding
62 Merit Medical Systems 68 NuVasive Inc.
63 Mindray Medical 69 Olympus Corp.
64 Nihon Kohden Corp. 70 Omron Corp.
65 Nikkiso Co. Ltd. 71 Orthofix International NV
66 Nipro Corp. 72 Paul Hartmann AG
Million Dollar Surgical Device Jobs
73 ResMed Inc. 79 SonoSite Inc.
74 Roche Diagnostics 80 Sonova Holding AG
75 Siemens AG 81 Sorin SpA
76 Sirona Dental Systems 82 St. Jude Medical Inc
77 Smith & Nephew Plc 83 Steris Corp.
78 Smiths Group Plc. 84 Straumann Holding AG
Million Dollar Surgical Device Jobs
85 Stryker Corp. 91 The Cooper Companies
86 Symmetry Medical Inc. 92 Thoratec Corp.
87 Synthes Inc. 93 Topcon Corp.
88 Sysmex Corp. 94 Toshiba Corp.
89 Teleflex Inc. 95 Varian Medical Systems
90 Terumo Corp. 96 Volcano Corp.
Million Dollar Surgical Device Jobs
97 William Demant Holding 99 Zimmer Holdings Inc.
98 Wright Medical Group 100 Zoll Medical Corp.
Million Dollar Surgical Device Jobs
You Got the Job!
Now it's time to
kick some ass!
The next section of this book will cover best practices for
creating a million dollar Territory. These tools are field tested
and were instrumental in creating a $40 Million Dollar
company in 3 years.
Now that you have been hired it is critical to create a detailed
plan to get off to a fast start.
The Mindset of a Surgical
On Day #1 you will want to clarify your values and
competencies. These are the best I've found. As a
surgical sales millionaire it's vital to think of the
success of your company first. When you read these
competencies think of yourself and of your company.
Integrate these ideas into your thinking and you'll be
well on your way to success in your current role and
success throughout your career.
Company Culture
Core Competencies
Pursue Market Insight
Create Innovative Strategies
Leverage Capabilities
Champion People’s Growth
Inspire Commitment
Drive for Results
Company Culture
Core Competencies
Core Competencies and Culture
Pursue Market Insight
1. Shape the Market of Minimally invasive laser microsurgery
a. GYN,'ENT,'Neuro,'Robotics'
b. Grow'a'companywide'culture'of'market'focus'and'adaptability.'It'is'vital'that'
c. Uniquely'position'OmniGuide'to'deliver'quality'products'and'a'brand'
d. 'Cultivate'loyal'users'that'will'find'enough'value'in'our'tool'to'personally'
e. Continue'to'generate'an'environment'of'coEcreation'with'surgeons,'patients'
2. Identify'and'purse'emerging'market'opportunities'
a. Build'our'products'and'services'by'integrating'the'voice'of'our'customers.'
b. Recognize'that'we'have'many'key'drivers'of'market'development.''Surgeon'
c. Create'transparency'around'our'product'and'service'portfolio.'Honesty'and'
d. Express'true'confidence'and'passion'for'new'market'insights'and'
3. Fully'understand'our'market'to'enhance'our'competitive'advantage.'
a. Communicate'to'the'company'your'creativity'and'market'insight'that'could'
b. As'we'continue'to'implement'product/service'innovations'always'keep'the'
c. Understand'that'there'is'an'open'forum'for'anybody'to'share'insights'about'
d. Capture'the'expertise'of'our'entire'company'to'detect'valueEcreating'
4. Know'our'market'well'and'commit'to'delight'customers'
a. Respond'quickly'and'flexibly'to'shifting'market'conditions'and'related'
b. Understand'that'change'is'inevitable'and'be'ready'to'adjust'our'deliverables'
c. Prepare'to'ask'intelligent'questions'that'foster'an'environment'for'surgeons'
5. As'we'push'forward,'we'need'to'make'sure'we'continue'to'deliver'service'to'the'first'
a. Act'with'the'endEuser'and'current'customers'in'mind'during'our'daily'work.'
b. Request'and'act'on'our'customer’s'feedback'to'improve'satisfaction.'
c. Never'forget'our'market'basics:'Customer'Delight,'Product'Quality,'
d. Be'bold'and'creative'in'seeking'to'improve'customer'satisfaction.''
Create Innovative Strategies
DDevelop and embed simple, effective strategies that make us winners in the market.
Encourage innovation and disciplined risk-taking, while balancing short-term and long-term
1. Translate'companyEwide'insights'into'visionary'company'strategies.'
a. Think'out'of'the'box'and'redefine'the'“Rules'of'the'Game.”''
b. Make'sure'we'keep'all'lines'of'communication'open'as'Inspiration'can'come'
c. Balance'global'vs.'local'opportunities'to'realize'longEterm'success.'
d. With'an'emerging'technology'it'will'be'critical'to'create'an'environment'that'
2. Develop'broad'business'strategies'
a. Quickly'seize'opportunities'to'communicate'where'innovative'approaches'
b. Through'market'trials,'establish'risk'mitigation'strategies.''
c. Translate'our'company’s'strategies'into'clear,'actionable'strategies'for'the'
3. Contribute'to'creative'strategies'that'go'beyond'our'current'expertise.'
a. Understand'the'future'market'trends'that'will'shape'our'business'agenda.'
b. Stimulate'an'environment'that'quickly'manages'the'consequences'of'
c. Add'value'to'a'broad'planning'process'that'contributes'to'differentiating'
4. Define'an'immediate'plan'within'a'larger'strategy'
a. Translate'our'business'strategy'into'clear'action'plans'with'all'of'our'team'
b. Shape'products,'services'and'processes'that'improve'Healthcare'at'the'Speed'
c. Prioritize'business'opportunities'based'on'market'trends'and'business'
d. Take'initiative'with'our'team'to'move'new'business'opportunities'forward.'
e. Negate'the'apprehension'of'team'members'proposing'new,'unconventional'
5. Understand'and'work'within'strategic'context'
a. Assume'responsibility'for'your'own'contribution,'even'when'we'are'in'
b. Focus'on'our'customer’s'experience'and'seek'innovative'ways'to'enhance'it.''
c. Demonstrate'imagination'and'experiment'with'innovative'solutions.'
Leverage Capabilities
Work across internal and external boundaries to maximize value for OmniGuide through
optimizing simple solutions.
1. Grow'our'business'through'innovative'partnerships'
a. Recognize'opportunities'for'collaboration'with'external'parties'and'share'
b. Simplify'your'process'by'implementing'new'operational'models.'
c. Seek'out'unconventional'partnerships'for'innovative'business'approaches.'
2. Build'partnerships'across'boundaries'
a. Identify'winners'in'the'market'and'build'longEterm'strategic'relationships.'
b. Manage'partnering'relationships'across'the'full'value'chain.'
c. Integrate'resources'to'improve'crossEboundary'collaboration.'
d. Partner'with'others'to'simplify'processes'and'structures.'
3. Facilitate'collaboration'across'boundaries'
a. Help'others'build'their'network,'connecting'people'to'others'across'
b. Recognize'sources'of'crossEboundary'conflict'and'complexity'and'act'to'
c. Influence'and'mobilize'yourself'to'facilitate'new'and'creative'partnerships.'
4. Build'networks'across'boundaries'
a. Build'an'effective'network'with'people'from'other'surgical'companies'to'
b. Identify'opportunities'for'collaboration'with'others'and'act'on'them.'
c. Build'strong'and'diverse'teams,'leveraging'individual'qualities'and'
5. Demonstrate'teamwork,'engaging'with'others.''
a. Help'others'and'ask'for'support'to'deliver'value.'
b. Seek'to'understand,'acknowledge'and'build'on'others’'ideas.'
c. Actively'strengthen'existing'relationships,'and'seek'opportunities'to'build'
d. Consistently'be'open'and'respectful'in'all'communications.'
Champion People’s Growth
Commit personally to the performance and development of yourself, while considering the needs
of Your company. Acknowledge and act on our own learning needs.
1. Champion'a'talent'management'culture'throughout'the'organization.'
a. Hold'business'leaders'accountable'for'talent'management.'
b. Stimulate'your'own'performance'management'culture.'
c. Act'as'a'role'model'for'onEgoing'development'of'ourselves'and'others.''
d. Invest'time'to'interact'and'work'together'with'talent.'
2. Build'organizational'capability''
a. Put'time'and'effort'into'building'people’s'capabilities'for'the'future'of'our'
b. Quickly'facilitate'sharing'of'best'practices'across'boundaries.'
c. Mentor'talent'from'inside'and'outside'our'organization'
d. Promote'crossEdepartment'training'and'growth.'
3. Build'team'capability''
a. Build'strong'and'diverse'teams,'leveraging'individual'capabilities'and'
b. Help'teams'to'analyze'and'learn'from'mistakes.'
c. Leverage'job'assignments'for'development'of'our'people.'
d. Personally'invest'in'the'identification'of'coaching'new'and'experienced'
4. Personally'invest'in'the'development'of'others'
a. Help'others'find'solutions'for'themselves'by'listening,'questioning'and'
b. Create'opportunities'for'our'team'to'learn'and'grow,'on'the'job'and'
c. Provide'constructive,'candid'and'timely'feedback'to'all'members'of'our'team.'
d. Help'our'people'explore'their'ambition'and'clearly'define'career'
5. Take'the'initiative'to'improve'yourself'and'your'expertise'
a. Define'your'personal'growth'and'career'objectives'and'discuss'them'with'
b. Acknowledge'and'act'on'your'own'strengths'and'developmental'needs.''
c. Actively'seek'feedback'to'improve'your'own'performance,'being'open'to'new'
d. Be'courageous'to'take'on'new'challenges'or'learn'new'skills.'
1. Instill'a'winning'mindset'and'exhibit'enthusiasm''
a. Act'as'a'role'model'and'earn'trust'by'setting'an'example.'
b. Lead'people'through'change'and'keep'them'engaged'at'all'times.'
c. Commit'daily'to'Generate'enthusiasm'for'our'vision,'brand'and'strategy.'
2. Build'group'momentum'for'change.'
a. Communicate'our'business'strategy'in'a'clear'and'compelling'way.'
b. Build'high'levels'of'trust'through'effective'teamEwork.'
c. Facilitate'a'climate'in'which'different'people'feel'truly'included.''
3. Enable'people'to'see'the'bigger'picture'and'contribute'
a. Focus'on'aligning'your'productivity'goals'with'the'organization’s'strategy'
b. Foster'an'environment'for'active'involvement'and'contribution'of'ideas.''
c. Address'differences'in'working'style'to'improve'inclusion'and'teamwork.'
4. Engage'others,'building'their'personal'commitment'
a. Establish'two'way'dialogue,'communicate'clearly'and'actively'listen'to'
b. Do'what'you'say'you'will'do'while'doing'the'right'things'for'the'company.'
c. Be'honest'and'open,'“Tell'it'how'it'is.”'
d. Be'accessible'and'uncomplicated'to'deal'with.'
1. Instill'a'results'oriented'mindset'
a. Drive'to'help'our'company'become'the'industry'benchmark'in'all'verticals.'
b. Set'a'standard'for'yourself'that'others'look'to'measure'their'success.''
c. Act'rigorously'to'eliminate'nonEvalue'added'complexities.''
2. Redesign'business'practices'to'achieve'breakEthrough'results'
a. Share'innovative'approaches'that'lead'to'breakEthrough'results.'
b. Infuse'a'personal'sense'of'urgency.'
c. Improve'your'knowledge'to'accelerate'your'decisionEmaking'process'and'
3. Improve'business'practices'for'higher'performance'levels'
a. Balance'shortEterm'operational'results'with'longEterm'brand'value.'
b. Achieve'operational'excellence'by'simplifying'processes.'
c. Recognize'strong'performance'and'improve'underEperformance.'''
4. Deliver'results'through'others'
a. Define'clear'roles,'responsibilities'and'objectives'in'order'to'put'review'
b. Empower'you,'and'your'people'to'hold'yourselves'accountable'for'results.'
c. Create'challenging'but'achievable'goals.'
d. Intervene'promptly'and'effectively'when'results'may'not'be'achieved.'
5. Deliver'on'Goals.'
a. Demonstrate'OmniGuide’s'spirit'in'our'way'of'working.'
b. Do'what'you'promised'to'do,'on'time'and'despite'obstacles,'setEbacks'or'
c. Work'to'mutually'agreed'on'commitments'with'clear'and'measurable'
d. Challenge'“The'way'it'has'always'been'done!”'
Summarize Your Website
Your company's website is the
Face of your Company
When a hospital buyer or a surgeon wants to
learn about your company they go to your
company's website. Go through each page of
your company's website and summarize the
selling points in each section. In the next five
pages you will see how I summarized a
successful laser sales company's website. I
created 56 sales points out of the website.
Surgical Sales Expert
Your Company Highlights
1. Your Company's novel technology, the BeamPath fiber system, enables for the
first time FLEXIBLE delivery of CO2 laser energy to the human body, even in
deep holes and previously tough-to-get-to regions.
2. BeamPath puts the optical laser scalpel at the FINGERTIPS of the surgeon, this
precision tool empowers surgeons to achieve higher level of surgical efficacy and
patient comfort
3. Your Company's BeamPath fiber combines the capability of PRECISE
4. Ability to ACCESS previously INACCESSIBLE regions.
5. Flexible NO-TOUCH precision microsurgical tool that works beautifully around
6. The Your Company BeamPath flexible fibers can be used either with a
HAND PIECE, and held JUST LIKE A PENCIL, or through a rigid or
flexible ENDOSCOPE, to facilitate access to difficult to reach anatomy.
7. The narrow profile and compact design of hand pieces enable EASY ACCESS to
8. The Hollow core of the fiber delivers a CONSTANT FLOW of inert gas in the
form of medical grade helium or nitrogen that CLEARS the surgical field of
BLOOD and DEBRIS, this improves COAGULATION and may minimize tissue
Benefits to Surgeons
THERMAL DAMAGE to untargeted tissue.
2. Your Company has revolutionized the archaic applications that rigid “line of
sight” delivery. We have completely CHANGED the paradigm of what a CO2
Laser was capable of .
3. Your Company has EMPOWERED surgeons to precisely dissect, and cut
tissue, coagulate microvasculature, and debulk masses they PREVIOUSLY
4. Water, the PRIMARY component of most biological tissue, ABSORBS CO2
energy readily. This ensures MINIMAL THERMAL SPREAD and makes CO2
laser energy very USEFUL for applications near CRITICAL ANATOMICAL
5. The CO2 laser’s absorption in water is almost 400 TIMES GREATER than that
of the Argon laser.
6. With 60-70% of tissue being water, high absorption of CO2 laser energy in water
7. High absorption translates into a superficial effect, as CO2 laser energy is limited
in its spread within tissue.
8. The CO2 laser has a SUPERFICIAL ACTION limited to the upper layers of
tissue when compared with other energy sources, and MINIMAL DAMAGE to
9. Laser energy SEALS SMALL BLOOD VESSELS as it cuts through the tissue
rendering it an ENHANCED SCALPEL that combines precise cutting, ablation
and microvascular coagulation while incurring minimal collateral thermal
10. The BeamPath fiber SOLVES THE PROBLEM of flexibly guiding CO2 laser by
utilizing an INNOVATIVE PHOTONIC BAND GAP MIRROR lining around a
hollow core.
11. CO2 Line-of-sight laser systems are CUMBERSOME, often LARGE and coupled
to UNWIELDY articulating arms up to TWO METERS IN LENGTH.
12. CUSTOM designed handpieces ENSURE ACCESS to difficult to reach
ANATOMICAL REGIONS that COULD NOT be previously treated using a line
of sight CO2 laser.
13. The BeamPaths fiber’s STREAMLINED design allows for HIGH VISIBILITY
Neurosurgery and Spine
14. The BeamPath NEURO system places CONTROL in the hands on Neurosurgeons
by providing a NO-TOUCH, PRECISION microsurgical tool in the form of a
CO2 laser scalpel.
15. The NEURO’S intuitive DESIGN and MANEUVERABILITY allow the surgeon
to direct CO2 laser energy as a PRECISION TOOL to DEEP HOLES and around
16. The NEURO gives the surgeon SUPERIOR VISUALIZATION due to the tool’s
17. It’s NO-TOUCH virtue leads to REDUCED TISSUE MANIPULATION and may
19. Cutting allows for RAPID and SAFE removal of TUMORS and TUMOR
20. The NEURO can also be used as a debulking devise to SHRINK tumor mass, in a
CONTROLLED, layer by layer, fashion.
21. Microvascular coagulation ENABLES the surgeon to DISSECT APPROPRIATE
tumors within a clean field.
22. The NEURO fiber may be used to VAPORIZE the tumor in an attempt to further
23. CUSTOM neurosurgical HANDPIECES may be used in “OPEN” intracranial and
spinal oncology as well as in transnasal endoscopic / microscopic procedures.
OTO-S is the best product for CO2 Laser Assisted Stapes Surgery (CLASS)
OTO-M is the best tool for delicate procedures of the middle ear. The OTO-M is used
mainly for CO2 Laser Enabled Ablation and Resection (CLEAR)
24. BeamPath OTO is a FLEXIBLE CO2 laser system that enables SAFE and
PRECISE otologic surgery.
25. Unlike line of sight CO2 laser, the BeamPath OTO’s INTUITIVE hand-held
design EMPOWERS the surgeon to FREELY DIRECT CO2 laser energy at ANY
26. CO2 line of sight laser energy is typically used for stapes surgery; however with
this technology is makes is VERY DIFFICULT to perform chronic ear surgery
complicated by cholesteatoma, scar tissue, and adhesions.
27. The BeamPath OTO’s fiber’s STREAMLINED geometry enables SUPERIOR
VISUALIZATION in the confined space of the middle ear.
28. The OTO’s COMBINED benefits of precision, hand-held CONTROL, and
HEMOSTASIS of microvasculature, is a SUPERIOR TOOL for Stapes surgery.
29. The fiber is used to PRECISELY resect the stapes tendon and crus and to
SAFELY form a rosette in the footplate.
30. The EXCELLENT absorption of CO2 laser energy in the perilymph and the hand-
held maneuverability of the fiber may help to MINIMIZE the risk of DAMAGE
to underlying middle and inner ear structures.
31. The COMBINED cutting, ablation, and micro-coagulation of the OTO-M tool
allows for EFFICIENT yet DELICATE, layer-by-layer REMOVAL of diseased
tissue which is often encountered during chronic ear procedures.
32. The OTO fiber can be used for diseased tissue REMOVAL during: revision
procedures (stapedectomy, mastiodectomy), tympano-mastoidectomy, tumor
resection, and ossicular chain reconstruction.
33. The BeamPath OTO-M fiber’s hand-held control and micro-coagulation allow
CO2 laser energy to be used and NEVER BEFORE for: Cholesteatoma removal,
Adhesion ablation, Scar tissue dissection, Debulking and coagulation of vascular
Head and Neck
34. The BeamPath ENT system places CONTROL in the hands of Head and Neck
surgeons by providing a FLEXIBLE NO-TOUCH, highly PRECISE CO2 laser
35. The BeamPath ENT intuitive design and maneuverability allow Head and Neck
surgeons to wield the fiber in their hands and direct CO2 laser energy to
36. The BeamPath ENT fiber can be used as a cutting tool, allowing for RAPID and
PRECISE removal of tumors and tumor remnants, ablation, shrink tumor masses
in a CONTROLLED, layer-by-layer fashion and to VAPORIZE the tumor bed in
an attempt to further ELIMINATE remaining cancerous cells from underlying
37. The hollow core of the ENT fiber delivers a COOLING flow of inert gas that
CLEARS the surgical field of BLOOD and DEBRIS, allowing surgeons to resect
tumors and simultaneously achieve microvascular coagulation.
38. The BeamPath ENT’s flexibility enables surgeons to DIRECTLY ACCESS
previously TOUGH-TO-REACH regions such as the retromolar trigone.
39. Compared to cautery and line-of-sight CO2 systems, the BeamPath ENT causes
much less thermal damage to surrounding tissue leading to CLEANER
40. In laryngeal cancer, the fiber enables surgeons to access and resect tumors
WITHOUT performing an open laryngectomy or other RADICAL procedures.
Laryngology and Airway
41. The BeamPath ENT system enables PRECISE hand-held cutting and no-touch
ablation of tissue on DIFFICULT TO REACH anatomy.
42. Unlike the Line-of-sight CO2 laser approach for laryngology and airway
disorders, the INTUITIVE hand-held design and maneuverability allows the
surgeon to DIRECT CO2 laser energy BEHIND and AROUND target tissue
43. The intuitive design of the ENT is particularly USEFUL in removing sessile
polyps, lesions, or tumors which are NOT positioned PERPENDICULAR to a
surgeon’s line of sight.
44. The BeamPath ENT system enables RADICAL CUTS with good coagulation and
MINIMAL thermal spread thus ADVANCING the treatment of tracheal stenosis,
a procedure for which surgical options are limited.
45. Flexible fiber delivery of CO2 laser energy allows certain procedures, such as
papilloma removal, to be PERFORMED in the OFFICE or CLINIC rather than in
the operating room
46. The BeamPath GYN flexible fiber system enables hand-held delivery of CO2
laser energy for cutting and no-touch ablation of tissue on DIFFICULT TO
REACH anatomy.
47. Unlike the line-of-sight CO2 laser approach for transvaginal disorders, the
BeamPath GYN’s intuitive design and maneuverability allows the surgeon to
precisely direct CO2 laser energy behind and around target tissue. This is
particularly USEFUL in the treatment of cervical dysplasia and condyloma.
48. The VERSATILITY of DIVERGENT laser beam permits surgeons to deliver
CO2 laser energy, highly focused for cutting or defocused for “PAINTING-
LIKE” ablation.
The Medical Sales
30/60/90 Day
This section will help you get off to a fast start in
your new surgical device sales role. Read each
section and determine how you can integrate
these suggestions into your new Job
30/60/90 Day
 Complete all company training
Learn as much as possible about corporate policies,
and company culture through reading company
manuals and website.
Gain as much technical knowledge as much as
possible about equipment and techniques through
reading the company manuals and website.
 Learn database systems used by company
 Complete all paperwork and administrative items.
 Supplement any technical knowledge
 Identify key functions I’ll be responsible for.
 Identify key equipment I’ll be using and responsible for.
 Meet with supervisor to establish primary task responsibilities.
 Identify possible pitfalls in task completion.
 Establish relationships with lab techs and assistants (co-
 Learn as much as possible about company culture by meeting
with co-workers.
 Identify outside departments I will be interacting with.
 Meet with key contacts in coordinating departments.
 Establish network within company.
 Identify possibilities for a mentor in the lab.
 Attend all critical meetings and complete those items that are
 Meet with supervisor for feedback.
30-DAY GOALS Continued
 Continue any necessary company training.
 Deepen technical understanding of equipment you sale.
 Continue self-study of science and/or technology in wider
field that affects my job.
 Continue to perform tasks in a timely manner.
 Learn from peers who are successful in this role.
 If possible, ask to job-shadow a top performer in this role for
one day.
 Build relationships among co-workers.
 Review task performance in first 30 days and evaluate how
to improve.
 Monitor problem areas with an eye toward making
 Organize daily schedule for optimum efficiency.
 If possible, streamline procedures for better efficiency.
 Identify possibilities for mentors in management.
 Meet with supervisor for feedback.
 Set goals for next 30 days.
 Continue self-education to continually improve.
 Look critically at my performance and how it can be better.
 Continue to offer guidance to new employees.
 Continue to offer my skill sets to co-workers if needed.
 Work efficiently and effectively to ensure optimum time
 Evaluate how I can better contribute to efficient sales
 Evaluate procedures involving outside departments to improve
 Create checklists for routine tasks.
 Compare performance with peers to see where I can improve.
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
Surgical Device Sales Expert
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  • 2. Section Page 1 Introduction 3 2 9 3 27 4 Surgical Sales Career Progression 63 5 30/60/90 Plan for your Interview 72 6 Interview Preparation 78 7 Apply for the Top 100 Surgical Device Jobs 97 Section Page 1 Mind-Set of a Surgical Sales Millionaire 109 2 Summarize your Company's Website 118 3 30/60/90 Day Preparation 124 4 Key Skill-Sets 138 5 Field Sales Preparation & Targeting 148 6 Marketing Card Sales Process 170 7 Most Powerful Sales Concept 193 8 Steps of Surgeon Engagement & Acquisition 210 9 Key Decision Maker Engagement 221 10 Product Approval - Value Analysis 241 11 Conducting a Trial 252 12 Capital Sales Process 265 13 Getting Paid / Think like a Surgical Device Buyer 280 Professional Behavior Surgical Sales Resumes Table of Contents Millionaire’s Surgical Device Sales Tools Landing a Million Dollar Surgical Device Sales Job 2
  • 3. Surgical Device Sales Millionaire helped me generate $7,000,000 during my 3rd year in surgical sales. Do NOT read this book…Unless • You would like to become a millionaire • You would enjoy traveling the world • You would like owning several homes in beautiful areas throughout the world • You enjoy owning a truck, car and a motorcycle (or two)! • You would like to improve the world of healthcare • You would like to work with the most advanced technologies in the world • You would like to work on the cutting edge • You would like to save lives • You would like to work with the smartest people on earth • You would like to LOVE YOUR JOB! Does anything else really matter? There have been more millionaires created from Medical Device Sales that any other sales job in the world. Medical device sales can also be very fun and exciting. I’ve had the great fortunate to watch brain tumors being removed, hearing restored with a laser beam, robots removing cancer from the inside of a 3
  • 4. patients stomach, fertility restored by the magical touch of a gifted surgeon with an optical scalpel. Medical and Surgical sales is also an honorable profession. You get the opportunity to improve patient’s lives. You will see incredible surgeons using gifted hands to save a patient’s life. You will see the miracle of medical science on a daily basis. The greatest part of it all is that you become a critical piece in helping surgeons and medical professionals do their jobs. You get the opportunity to stand next to a surgeon and coach him on the best technique for removing a spine tumor. You get to coach a surgeon through the technical process of attaching electricity to a patient’s chest to keep their heart pumping. You get the opportunity to coach a surgeon through fixing a broken leg or arm. If you can think of a more rewarding sales job I’d love to hear about it. Surgeon’s need us. It always amazes me when a surgeon says he doesn’t meet reps, he is not interested in new technology or doesn’t need our help. The honest truth is that there is not a single item in the Hospital that is not sold by a Medical sales rep. Let me repeat that…THERE IS NOT A SINGLE ITEM IN A HOSPITAL THAT WAS NOT SOLD BY A SALES REP. Surgeons don’t make products in their garage. Medical don’t magically appear in the OR for the surgeon to use. Products 4
  • 5. are not dropped off by a mysterious device angel. Each and every product used in the hospital is created by a company and sold by a sale’s professional. The sales person is not just important to a hospital, they are vital. Without sales professionals and medical device reps healthcare would not exist. Without sales reps: Hospitals would not be built, ambulances would not exist, people would have no reason to be doctors, nursing would not be a profession, and surgery would not be an option. Let me help you understand why sales reps are critical to EVERYTHING in healthcare. Hopefully this helps you understand why sales reps are so important to healthcare. This is what we sale: • The land that the Hospital is built on. Sold by a rep. • The parking lot, grass, trees and flowers that surround the hospital. Sold by a rep • The wood, steel beams, insulation, roofing, and everything it takes to build the hospital. Sold by a rep. • The carpet, tile, paint, bathrooms, toilets, showers, lights, hand dryers, sinks, pluming. You get the point…If you can see it in a hospital, it was sold by a sales professional. I’m not finished, let’s talk about what is used. • The operating rooms, the lights, the beds, the cabinets, the monitors, the doors, the sinks…Reps • The gloves, the hats, the scrubs, the glasses, the drapes, the body coverings, the masks, the cleaning supplies…All sold by Reps. • Every single item that touches the surgeon or the patient was sold by a sales professional. 5
  • 6. • It is estimated that there are over 100 Million products sold in order for healthcare to thrive Money is extremely important to healthcare Like it or not, everybody is motivated by money. This is good. Money motivates people to get creative. Money motivates smart people to become surgeons. If money didn’t matter we would have average products, mediocre doctors, dirty hospitals, and a lot of sick people. If private companies didn’t make money they would stop creating new medical tools. If there was not competition to make money in healthcare companies would not be constantly improving their products. If the government took over healthcare and sales reps no longer mattered people would get sick, poor and hopeless. Money, competition and sales reps are extremely important. Please don’t forget this when your job gets hard, a surgeon yells at you or you have a bad day. Sales reps make the world go round. People involved in selling in healthcare are some of the most important people on earth. I’m writing this book because I love what I do, I think medical sales reps are extremely important and I know there is a better way to make money. I’ve spent the last 10 years creating the very best sales tools available for making millions of dollars in medical device sales. I’m going to share with you simple tools that will get you in the game and keep you making millions of dollars year after year. This book is a culmination of tools that were created and compiled during my surgical 6
  • 7. sales career. My goal was to make these sections short and sweet. No stories, fluff or BS, just specific actions and tools to help you sell more products and make more money Happy Selling, Fast Track Expert, LLC 7
  • 8. The set of traits in the first section of this book will be the foundation that you build your million dollar surgical device career around. Disclaimer: NONE of the ideas and tools in this book will be worth a DAMN unless you carry yourself with the upmost class and professionalism. The first section in this book is on Professional Behavior. Please read this next section carefully. 8
  • 10. I could not create a Medical Sales book without giving credit to a man that changed my professional medical sales career. Mace Horoff has been a huge influence in my professional career. I recommend that you read his book (Mastering Medical Sales, Healthcare Business Books). I wanted to share some information by the best selling author and consultant Mace Horoff. Mace believes that Successful Medical Sales Professionals live by standards of Professional Behavior. These are the same standards I have lived by to become a Medical Sales Millionaire. 10
  • 11. Standards of Professional Behavior • Integrity • Empathy • Self-Motivation • Appearance • Self-Confidence • Communication • Time Management • Diplomacy • Team Player • Respect • Patient Advocate • Provider Advocate • Delivery of Service • Works with Honor 11
  • 12. Integrity Integrity means being morally sound. It means you can be trusted and are of sound character. People with integrity are honest. Your customers can trust you with confidential information about their patients and their practice 12
  • 13. Empathy Empathy is your ability to have compassion for the patient and the patient’s family. Having empathy also means that you understand the healthcare provider’s role in caring for patients and their family. 13
  • 14. Self-motivation Self-motivation is your ability to initiate learning about your products and service and continue to do so on a continuous basis and to stay current with the trends in your industry. It is also your ability to get out of bed every morning with a clearly defined purpose that drives you to do whatever needs to be done to effectively serve your customers and their patients. Self- motivation will empower you to honor the commitments that you have made to your customers without the need for someone to remind you. 14
  • 15. Appearance and personal hygiene You need to look that way a professional performing your job is expected to look. This includes, but is not limited to, maintaining appropriate clothing, a conservative hairstyle, and minimal, tasteful jewelry. You will also do well to avoid or cover tattoos and piercings. Your grooming will be seen as a reflection of your commitment to professionalism. 15
  • 16. Self-confidence It is critically important that you convey a strong degree of self-confidence; otherwise, your customers just won’t have trust in you or what you are selling. Remember that they are making decisions that directly affect their patients. Would you gamble with your patient’s life by working with a salesperson who doesn’t appear to be very confident? No one wants to be treated by a doctor who lacks confidence in his or her clinical abilities. Similarly, you will find that healthcare professionals seek to do business with medical professionals that project confidence in their products or services and in themselves. 16
  • 17. Communications Professionals know how to speak clearly, write clearly and legibly, and effectively communicate their thoughts in a way that is easily understood. An important part of good communication is to be an active listener. The information that your customers provide you is what allow you to help them treat their patients with your products and services. You must be clear that you understand in a way that confirms it. Your customers also must be very clear at all times about what you are telling them. 17
  • 18. Time Management Your job as a medical sales representative is essentially the same as running a small business, and your success will be determined to a large extent by your ability to effectively and efficiently manage your time. This is often overlooked by medical salespeople who leave their schedule to happenstance and the influence of others. You must arrive on time for any appointments with your customers or if circumstances prevent that, let them know immediately. 18
  • 19. Diplomacy Professionals know how to employ tact to gain a strategic advantage. Often, the first words that come into your mind when you are in a tense situation are not the best to use. Diplomacy is really the ability to think before speaking and knowing how to say something that will not offend or conflict with the other party’s sensibilities. 19
  • 20. Team Player The medical sales professional must often function as part of a team, whether ist is the team of medical professionals providing patietn care or your own sales and support team. Some salespeople believe they can perform better as a “lone wolf” than as a team player, but lone wolves almost never do as well as those who take advantage of all of the resources and talent available. There are times when you must depend upon other are depending upon you. You must both act and be perceived as a team player to maximize your success. 20
  • 21. Respect A medical sales professional is always polite to others, including his competitors; even to customers that are not always easy to work with. Speak only with respect about all you customers or say nothing at all. When you “badmouth” on customer to another, that customer may then wonder what you say about him or her to others. It is important not to use derogatory or demeaning language about anyone, ever. A word of advice is to never say anything about someone that you would not say if they were in the same room. 21
  • 22. Patient Advocate The medical sales professional will always place the needs and the well-being of the patient above all else. This can be painful when the short-term potential to lose a sale in a consequence of doing the right thing. However, the price for not doing the right thing will be longer lasting. Remember that the patient comes first, no matter what. 22
  • 23. Physician and healthcare provider advocate The medical sales millionaire will always act in a manner that demonstrates he or she has an understanding for and supports the needs and goals of the healthcare provider. That means that you won’t sell a product or perform a service if there is a chance in could damage the physicians or healthcare provider’s professional reputation. This means placing your customer’s needs ahead of your own, but never ahead of the patient’s. 23
  • 24. Careful delivery of service The medical sales professional masters tand maintains all the skills necessary to perform his or her job at the highest possible level. This includes thorough checks of all instruments, equipment and products and following policies, procedures and protocols consistent with best industry practices. With the patient as the ultimate beneficiary of your product or service, recognize the need to do everything to help the healthcare provider produce the optimal outcome. 24
  • 25. Honor the medical sales Profession The medical sales professional will always act and behave in a way that brings credit to his or her profession. This means that you will never behave in a way that may cause customers to distrust you or other members of the medical sales profession. Always be realistic in terms of your capabilities and the limitations of your product or service. 25
  • 26. 26
  • 28. The Surgical Device Sales Search is a Sales Process The Product = You The Buyer = The Employer Purchase = Pay a Salary for Work 28
  • 30. The Job Search is a Sales Process The Product = You The Buyer = The Employer Purchase = Pay a Salary for Work Marketing Brochure = Resume 30
  • 31. Personal Information •Address – full address •Phone Numbers – easiest one to reach you •Email Address – permanent / personal •Open to relocation 31
  • 32. Resume Objective “What is this product used for?” •What job do you want? •What size/type of company do you want to work for? Keep it short, sweet, and focused! 32
  • 33. Sample Resume Objectives “I seek a management position that utilizes my expertise in Selling Disposible and Capital Equipment. “Wishing to secure a medical sales position within a growing healthcare organization." "Develop and execute creative and powerful business and marketing initiatives that align company sales goals and exceed customer expectations in order to increase company profits and achieve personal productivity goals. Conduct all business around the principles of integrity, excellence, empowerment, and growth.” 33
  • 34. Resume Objectives •Tailor your objective to the job •Personal branding statement? – Objectives can help you transition – Objectives are great places for keywords – Objectives are “cover letter insurance” 34
  • 35. Employment History Work Experience Professional Experience Employment Work History •Bullet points not paragraphs •Reverse chronological order is the way to go 35
  • 36. Employment History Reverse Chronological Order Dates of EmploymentEmployer Name Job Title Work Duties/Job Description – Accomplishment – Accomplishment 36
  • 37. Employment History Use action words for your resume: Managed Recruited Sold Controlled Coordinated Facilitated Created 37
  • 38. “• Was actively involved in 3 competitive acquisitions that generated an additional $500,000 dollars in revenue • Developed working relationships with upwards of 400+ medical professionals. • Named salesman of the western region for 4 consecutive months (averaged 45 units sold). • Averaged 30 units sold per month for 12 months (Generating $432,000 in revenue). • Expanded the Utah territory from 0 to 80 referring clinics within my first 10 months • Delivered over 100 in-services on our products and conducted 8 educational seminars for Doctors, Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, Family Practitioners, and Orthopedic Surgeons that referred and used my Electo- stim machines. 38
  • 39. Employment History Bullet Points • Can you make money for the company? • Can you save money for the company? • Can you save time for the company? 39
  • 40. Quantify Your Accomplishments Any way you contributed to revenue, growth, or profit for the company. Revenue Rankings Direct Reports Production Accuracy Budget Projects Schedule Turnover Rate Procedures 40
  • 41. Quantify Your Accomplishments • Help make them relative to some other piece •Special merit increase or promotion 41
  • 42. Employment History Issues • Same employer? – Laid off? – Job hopping? • List reason laid-off • Laid-off with lots of others? • Add explanations if needed 42
  • 43. How Far Back Should You Go? • Recent College Grad: – Include college/high school employment • 5- year Workforce Veteran: – Only post-college – Exception—significant college job 43
  • 44. Education • Most recent degree first • Type of degree • Major and date • GPA – only if recent graduate, only above 3.0 • Professional Development Courses • Certificate Programs 44
  • 45. Keywords • Resume Search Optimization (RSO) • Skills and accomplishments that matter • Buzzwords, terminology and jargon • Surgery-specific terminology • Read job openings • Search words • Data-base search • By company • Product names • By customer 45
  • 46. Keywords Looking for a new job in the same field? Search job postings Corporate websites Recruiters Transitioning to a brand new career area? Creative thinking Transferable skills 46
  • 47. Professional Accomplishments • Publications • Research • Presentations • Lectures • Courses • Seminars • Relevant Dates • Hobbies? 47
  • 48. References “References available upon request” is unnecessary. 48
  • 49. Resume Length Out of college less than 5 years: 1 page resume In the workforce 5-20 years: 1-2 pages 49
  • 50. The Look of Your Resume •Must be easy to read •Bullet points are your friend •White space, too •No “creative” colors, fonts, designs •Focus on the message, not the delivery system 50
  • 52. SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS • Territory management of surgical biologic tissue implants for the use in bariatric, general / colorectal, vascular, neurological, urogynecological, plastic and reconstructive procedures. Work directly with surgeons in the OR evaluating and implementing my products on a day to day basis. • In charge of selling and evaluating surgical disposables in the OR, ICU’s, Cath Lab and Plastic Surgery Centers. Dealing directly with Materials Management, Purchasing and each department of the hospital including; OR Directors, plastic and cosmetic surgeons, general, cardiovascular surgeons, ENT, ER, Radiology, Anesthesia, ICU’s and staff. • Worked closely with administration and hospital staff implementing a discharge and follow up plan to satisfy the needs of patients in and out of the hospital. • With extensive contacts working in the medical field, I have excelled in professional sales and have been recognized as an exceptional performer in the New Orleans and Dallas Market. EXPERIENCE Synovis Surgical Innovations, Dallas, TX 8/2010 - Present Territory Sales Manager/ Surgical Implant Division Representative of biologic tissue implants for the use in laparoscopic and open surgery procedures for staple line reinforcement, hernia repair, breast reconstruction, colorectal and vascular cases. • Recognized 2011 Quota Busters Award • Overall territory percent to plan for product sales 171% • Total territory percent to plan in overall sales 122% • Year over year product growth 68% with total territory sales growth of 33% • Miller Heiman 2011 strategic selling training program DeRoyal Industries, Dallas, TX 8/2006 – 8/2010 Area Manager Acute Care Division/ Surgical Sales Representative of Surgical Products and Wound Care for the Acute Care Division, selling operating room and medical device products, disposables and Advanced Wound Care, to hospitals and surgery centers for Central, Dallas, North and East Texas. • Ranked # 1 out of 78 area managers in growth, maintenance and overall sales 2009 • Ranked # 1 President’s Club Winner 2009 • Total territory Percent to Plan over 125 percent 2009 • Promoted Field Trainer 2010 • Ranked # 9 overall 2007-2008 LINCARE Home Respiratory, Dallas, TX & New Orleans, LA 3/2005 – 8/2006 Medical Sales Representative Representative for Home Respiratory Products, Unit Dose Medications, Oxygen Home Therapy, Nebulizers, and CPAP/BPAP equipment. Referral Sources Include Pulmonologists, Cardiologists, Family Practice, ENT, and Internal Medicine. • 2005- Ranked 2nd in State of Louisiana out of 20 state wide representatives. • Ranked 45th out of 800 sales representatives nationally. • In 2005 Grew New Orleans territory 2nd quarter 30% and 3rd quarter 35%, Dallas Territory 4th quarter 110%. • Completed 14 day LINCARE QP3 Sales Training Course with 96 Average. DANCEL Litigation, New Orleans, LA/ Biloxi, MS 2/2003 – 3/2005 Trial Consultant/ Sales Representative Marketing paperless trial services to potential and existing clients, working closely with attorneys, legal staff and trial technicians in and out of the courtroom, for case trial purposes. • 2004-2005 succeeded in over twenty trial case wins in the state of Louisiana and Mississippi. • In charge of case organization and sales for the New Orleans and South Ms Territory. HONORS and ACTIVITIES Dean’s List and Student Broadcaster’s Association: Hattiesburg, MS. Volunteer Share-A-Smile Children’s Foundation, Marketing Board for IDEA Work’s INC., and Las Colinas Polo Club: Dallas, TX. EDUCATION B.A., Radio, Television, and Film with emphasis in Broadcast Journalism, USM, Hattiesburg, MS 2003 Name / Address / Email / LinkedIn Hyperlink 52
  • 53. Professional Experience Aug – 11 to Present Medtronic Sales Representative Responsible for selling Neuromodulation implant (Interstim) to Urologist, Colo-Rectal, GI, General, Gynecologist in the OR and Surgery Centers, adopting and implementing Interstim technology for utilization and growth. Provide clinical / consultative selling skill during procedure to Surgeon and staff. • Exceeded Quota, 2011 (118%) • Ranked 30 out of 145 reps 2011 Sept - 05 to Aug - 11 Conceptus Senior Sales Representative / Sales Trainer Responsible for selling Surgical Implant (Essure), Uterine Ablation technology procedure (Thermachoice), Capital Equipment to OB/Gyn, Urologist, Gynecology in OR, Surgery Center and Physician Office. • Exceeded Quota, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 • Presidents Council, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 • # 10 of 120 reps, 2010 • # 8 of 88 reps, 2009 • # 6 of 80 reps, 2008 • Trained reps while exceeding quota 2007 – 2011 Nov - 03 to Sept - 05 Johnson & Johnson Ethicon Sales Representative Responsible for selling new Biotech Surgical Sealant (Crosseal), Capital Equipment and Disposables to Vascular – CV – ENT – Thoracic –General Surgeons in the OR – Surgery Center. Also responsible for Capital Equipment contracts, managing GPO’s and IDN’s. • Exceeded Quota, 2003, 2004, 2005 • Presidents Club, 2004 • Promoted to Sales Trainer, 2004 • # 1 of 75 reps, 2004 Aug - 00 to Nov - 03 Smith & Nephew Sales Representative Responsible for selling new Tissue engineering technology (DERMAGRAFT) to Burn – Plastic – Vascular – Orthopedic Surgeons in the OR and Surgery Center. • Exceeded Quota, 2000, 2001, 2002 • Living Vision Award Winner, 2001, Rookie of the Year 2001 • # 14 of 82 reps, 2000 • # 5 of 82 reps, 2001 • # 7 of 82 reps, 2002 Name / Address / Email / LinkedIn Hyperlink 53
  • 54. Dec - 99 to Aug - 00 Johnson & Johnson Ethicon – Mitek Division Sales Representative Responsible for selling Orthopedic Implants, Capital Equipment Knee, Shoulder, Hand and Foot sets to Orthopedic Surgeons in the OR, Surgery Center. Manage Distributor reps. • Exceeded Quota, 1999 • # 16 of 100 reps, 1999 Mar - 94 to Dec - 99 Regent Medical Sales Representative Responsible for selling Surgical Gloves to Surgeons in OR – Surgery Center, managing GPO contracts and Distributor reps. • Exceeded Quota, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 • Crown Club Award Winner, 1997, 1998, 1999 • Promoted to Sales Trainer, 1997 • # 9 of 73 reps, 1999 • # 15 of 73 reps, 1998 Mar – 92 to Mar - 94 Smith & Nephew Sales Representative Responsible for selling Surgical Gloves to Surgeons in OR, Surgery Centers. Managed Distributor chains and reps. • Exceeded Quota, 1993, 1994 • Presidents Club, 1994 • # 1 of 65 reps, 1994 Sept – 90 to Mar – 92 Intertech Resources Inc. Sales Representative Responsible for selling Anesthesia Products, Disposables and Capital Equipment to OR and Surgery Centers, managing Distributor chains and reps. • Exceeded Quota, 1991 • # 19 of 92 reps, 1991 Education BBA, Minor in Management, Tarleton State University, May 1990 Professional Development / Memberships • Licensed Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), 1996 54
  • 55. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Paragon Anesthesia – Dallas, TX Apr ‘10 – Present Sales Manager • Responsible for successfully planning and achieving sales goals set forth by management. • Provided support and direction for a 4 person sales team in growing office based anesthesia in the OBGYN arena. • Spearheaded management’s focus of franchising our business model to other markets. • Sales growth has increased from 400 cases to 600 cases per month. • Currently have 4 franchised “Paragon” markets in Texas and Utah exceeding 300 cases per month. • Work directly with OBGYN’s in promoting office based surgery throughout the DFW area. • Directly responsible for sales growth exceeding 1,000,000 per month. Hologic/Cytyc Inc – Marlborough, MA Dec ‘06 – Feb ‘10 Novasure - Territory Manager/GYN Surgical Division (Oct ’07 – Feb ’10) • Sold Novasure endometrial ablation device to OBGYN’s in the OR and office setting. • Exceeded quota for 5 consecutive quarters and was recognized company wide for 122% to plan in Q2 2008. • Presidents Club award winner in 2008 finishing 11th out of 132 reps. • Consistently finished in the top 15% in the quarterly surgical sales ranking report. • #1 company wide for in-office sales growth, a key initiative for the company. • #1 in sales growth for Adiana tubal sterilization in 2009. • Used clinical studies to inform and obtain buy-in from doctors to use Novasure over competitive devices. • Provided hands-on training and proctored doctors during procedures. Neuroscience Sales Specialist-Southern Region (Dec ‘06 – Oct ’07) • Responsible for selling the Gliasite Radiation Therapy System (RTS), a brachytherapy for brain tumor patients. • Main call points are neurosurgery and radiation oncology. • Present for all craniotomies to assist the neurosurgeon with implanting the balloon/catheter into the tumor bed. • Consistently use clinical data and phase I-III studies to inform and educate the neurosurgeons and radiation oncologists on the benefits of Gliasite for their brain tumor patients and obtain their buy in for implanting and treating. • Trained the radiation oncologist on injecting and removing the liquid radiation which is loaded into a subcutaneous catheter port that fills the balloon to kill remaining brain tumor cells. • Major accounts include MD Anderson, Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas, Methodist Dallas, Memorial Hermann. • Transitioned in to the Novasure role due to the Gliasite division being shut down. Datascope Corporation – Mahwah, NJ Aug ’06 – Dec ‘06 Territory Manager Interventional Division - North Texas • Responsible for selling vascular sealing devices, chronic dialysis catheters, mechanical thrombectomy devices and manual assist pressure dressings. • Call points include hospital Cardiac Catheterization Labs, Radiology, Cardiologist and Interventional Cardiologist, Interventional Radiologist and Nephrologists in the hospital setting. • Closed 3 new accts within the first 2 months with our OnSite vascular closure device and Prolumen thrombectomy device. • Successfully navigated a competitive market and regained product placement in top accounts that had switched to competition. • Through October sales was 167% to plan. • Ranked #1 in my training class of 7 recruits. • Datascope announced withdrawal from vascular sealing market October 19th and subsequently closed the division down. Name / Address / Email / LinkedIn Hyperlink 55
  • 56. DeRoyal Industries – Powell, TN Aug ’04 – Aug ‘06 Patient Care Area Manager-North Texas • Sold orthopedic products including spine bracing to neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, hospitals and clinics. • Responsible for developing relationships within the hospital which include material management, OR, ICU, ER, and all nursing staff personnel. • “Rookie of the Year” candidate 2005. • Ranked 5th overall out of 68 reps in our “Spinal Bracing” in a hospital setting contest during 2004-2005. • Inherited a territory that was down 16% with an overall loss of $215,000 in business for 2004 and turned it around to show a positive growth of 4% in 2005. • Ranked #1 in “spine” growth and 113% of quota for 2006. • Received a 5% increase in salary following 6 and 12 month review based on 100 percent success in 12 different categories. • Promoted to field trainer January 2006. Maxxim Medical - Clearwater, FL Jul ‘01 – Mar ‘04 Medical Account Manager-North Texas • Successfully sold custom/standard procedure trays, protective apparel, surgical/exam gloves and bio-safety products. • Generated $200,000 in new surgical/exam business from Jun ’02 – May’03. • Responsible for growing the Baylor Healthcare System exam glove usage to $1.8 million/year. • Maintained existing sales and established new sales of various products in an operating room environment. • Consistently placed in the top 10 in the quarterly “Sales Driver” glove contest, which rewards obtaining surgical and exam glove evaluations and converted business. • Recognized as substantial contributor to the #1 Region in the U.S. with a 17% increase in sales ’03. • Managed large system opportunities and established key relationships with distribution partners and large IHN’s. • Trained new sales representatives on making presentations, product knowledge, and closing new business. Accu-Pak Inc.- Carrollton, TX Mar '98 – Jul ’01 West Coast Sales Representative • Capital Equipment Sales Representative in industrial packaging market. • Successfully sold PLC based packaging equipment to small, medium and large businesses. • Increased customer base by 20% in first year while maintaining existing base. • Achieved 115% of quota in first year. • Increased Westcoast territory from 10 to 15 states due to excellent sales penetration in initial territory. • Major accounts include Frito Lay Inc, General Mills, Mission Foods, and Hershey’s. Ogilvy & Mather Advertising Agency - Los Angeles, CA Jan ‘96 - Jan '98 Media Planner, Assistant Account Executive Accounts: PacifiCare Health Systems, GTE Wireless, FHP Healthcare, American Express • Assisted in the development, presentation, and selling of a marketing program that resulted in a $10 million multi-targeted media campaign consisting of television, radio, and outdoor in nine FHP regions. • Contributed to the development, execution, and sell-through of the PacifiCare FY97 regional advertising campaign. • Actively participated in the presentation and obtaining client approval of the GTE Wireless Relaunch Campaign in San Diego. • Researched and analyzed competitive media and marketing data to determine current branding efforts, forecasting future trends, and identifying future sales opportunities. EDUCATION: Tarleton State University Bachelor of Business Administration - December 1995 Major: Marketing Cum GPA: 3.2 Collegiate Athlete – Football Scholarship 56
  • 57. Sales Experience • LSI Solutions January 2012 - Present Surgical Sales Consultant o Responsible for selling complete product portfolio of laparoscopic devices including Ti- Knot, Cor-Knot, and the RD-180 Suturing device into the operating room o Call points include Cardiothoracic, Bariatric, General Surgeons, and OBGYNs o Launched Core Knot in Dallas/Fort Worth and placed product within Methodist, Baylor, UT Southwestern St. Paul, Heart Hospital, Presbyterian, THR, and HCA facilities within 6 months. o Achieved over 100% to quota for every month of employment o Highest grossing territory in Nation with over 150% growth over base sales to date o Ranked #2 out of 15 direct representatives . • MI Surgical Devices April 2010 – December 2011 Medical Sales Representative o Responsible for selling products into the OR and Endoscopy Suites that include disposables and capital equipment. o Physician call points of: Colorectal surgeons, Bariatric surgeons, General surgeons, and Gastroenterologist o Responsible for getting products pulled through P&T committees in the largest hospitals within the Baylor Healthcare System. o Trained and provided In-Service for OR staff on protocol for procedure and protocol for physician’s surgical schedulers in patient selection and procedure scheduling. o Responsible for selling ARM, Urodynamics, and Gastric Manometry equipment into hospitals and physician offices. o Sold first Solar GI ARM system in the US into Baylor Dallas o Increased utilization of Secca procedure from 1 Colorectal Surgeon to 6 Colorectal Surgeons within 6 months. Product Lines: Secca, Stretta, Solar GI, Solar GI ARM, Uroflowmeter, Ohmega/pH Impedance • Eisai Pharmaceuticals November 2004 - March 2010 Medical Sales Specialists-Neurology Specialty (Promotion) o Responsible for calling on Neurologist, Geriatric Psychiatrists, High Volume PCP, and Gastroenterologist in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. o Responsible for developing pharmacy target accounts within Scott and White hospitals and clinics to increase utilization by gastroenterology, PCP, and Internal Medicine offices. o Developed Thought Leaders for Aricept that spoke with colleagues, long term care pharmacies, and nursing homes o New to Brand Aricept Contest Winner for Dallas District o Pinnacle Award Winner for 2008 and 2009. Name / Address / Email / LinkedIn Hyperlink 57
  • 58. Medical Sales Specialist-Primary Care o Responsible for calling on Neurologists, Geriatric Psychiatrists, Nursing Home Physicians and Practitioners, Family Practice and Internal Medicine physicians in the North Austin territory. o Developed key relationships with Long-Term care pharmacies and Nursing home facilities. o Responsible for developing top 2 opinion leaders within Texas as Aricept Champions o Coordinated speaker, educational, and Medicare D programs for physicians and mid-level providers o Promoted to Medical Sales Specialist in June 07. o Ranked top 12% of Nation for 2005 as 48 out of 398 o Ranked top 10% of Nation for 2006 as 38 out of 398 o Number 2-chart climber in the Nation from ranking of 296 to 38 for 2006. o District HHC Award Winner 2006 o Pinnacle Award Winner for 2005 and 2007. • Ferndale Laboratories January 2004 – November 2004 Pharmaceutical Sales Representative o Responsible for calling on Dermatologist, Pediatricians, and Gastroenterologists covering central Texas and surrounding areas including Abilene/San Angelo, Austin/San Marcos/Waco, Tyler/Longview/Lufkin o Responsible for sales knowledge, anatomy/physiology, and tools encompassing dermatology and gastroenterology products o Ranked 27 out of 60 representatives nationwide for 2004. o Increased market share 35% for large geographic territory. • Round Rock Imaging – Medical Imaging Facility November 2002 - January 2004 Outside Sales and Marketing Representative o Sole representative of sales and marketing for a start-up medical imaging facility o Established relationships with physicians and their staffs, targeted physicians included neurologists, orthopedic surgeons, ENT’s, as well as general surgery and practice o Developed marketing materials and a website for imaging facility o Increased procedures of CT and MRI from 8/month to 128/month during a 9-month period. (+1600%) • Mike’s Hard Lemonade March 2002-November 2002 Outside Sales Representative o In charge of sales for North Texas territory. o Responsible for placement of product and displays in off-premise accounts. o Built territory from cold-calling accounts and working with local distributors. o Developed relationships with chain accounts that incorporated placement of product into multiple stores. o Solely responsible for product placement within territory. Education Texas A&M University, College Station Bachelor of Science, Nutritional Science and Didactics • Graduated December 2001 58
  • 59. MEDICAL DEVICE SALES/KEY ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT Extensive experience in the Medical Device sector, Operating Room, Surgical Suite, and Cardiac Cath Lab. Skill set includes, business to business, account management, C-Suite Negotiation, project management, business model development, contract negotiation, senior leadership, and public speaking. Recognized for my strong ability to cultivate relationships, provide solutions, forge alliances, and communicate at all levels. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE MAQUET CARDIOVASCULAR-Dallas, Texas 6/2008-Present Cardiovascular Territory Manager Responsible for directing and organizing territory sales strategy, account management, and technical support for Maquet’s line of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery product portfolio consisting of Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting (EVH), Off-Pump CABG (OPCAB), Open Surgical Grafts, Proximal Anastamosis Devices and Cardiopulmonary (Cardiac Perfusion) devices. Successfully managed territory consisting of Dallas Metro Area and East Texas. Responsible for driving 5 million dollars in sales while growing business and exceeding sales plan/quota in the process. Accomplishments: - 2011 Maquet Cardiovascular Territory Manager of the Year (#1 rank out of 53) - 2011 #1 Power Ranking for Sales Performance Evaluation - 2011 Maquet Presidents Club award winner (top 10% of sales force) - 2011 Maquet CVTM Total Plan Achievement Award - 2011 Maquet CVTM Growth Achievement Award with over $1.3M in revenue growth - 120% to plan for 2011 -109% Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting -106% Beating Heart -102% Heartstring -111% Cardiopulmonary -550% Capital Equipment - $591K in Capital Equipment sales for 2011 - Total plan achievement for 2010 - Successful launch and implementation of MECC Miniature Perfusion platform - Establishment of only North American MECC training site - Implementation of community/rural outreach for disease state awareness and surgical indications - Secured 1800 annual hearts for 3 years through a Baylor Healthcare system-wide contract - Conversion of largest ECMO site in Dallas to Maquet platform - 104% to Plan for 2009 - 10% sales growth for 2009 in a mature and saturated market - 25% growth in ASP for primary product - $400K in Capital Equipment sales in 2009 - Competitive Account conversions - Successful launch of Cardiopulmonary line in North Texas - Implementation and Management of Clinical Trial process - Strong defense against low cost competitors - Productive working relationships with local distributors and P.A. groups - Introduction of new technology and premium tier device upgrades - Cardiothoracic Surgery Fellow development and training Name / Address / Email / LinkedIn Hyperlink 59
  • 60. NOVARTIS PHARMACEUTICALS CORP. – Dallas, Texas 2004 – 2008 Associate Director, Group Practice Management Responsible for the development and implementation of value added tools and services to Cardiology groups in Texas, the Gulf States and Midwest. Target clients consist of physician shareholders, medical directors, and CEO’s of large Cardiology groups in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Missouri and Kansas. Through my efforts and business solutions detailed below, I ranked #2 overall in sales against my peers, and have grown territory sales volume for my primary products, Diovan, Lotrel, Exforge, and Tekturna by more than 10%. In addition, I lead my peers in launch volume for our new products Exforge and Tekturna. Accomplishments: •Business to Business: implemented referral development plan for Memphis Cardiology Associates, resulting in increase of over 200% in peripheral intervention case load •Project Management: Developed and implemented disease state brochures, educational CD-ROMs, nurse-led patient inservices, and streaming web videos for Cardiology groups as a patient education resource. •Value Added Tools: Created video based Project Excel staff communication training system for large Cardiology practices in the midwest and Texas to improve patient satisfaction. GUIDANT SALES CORPORATION – Dallas, Texas 2002 – 2004 Cardiovascular Rhythm Management Sales Representative Responsible for sales, implantation, and technical support for our line of implantable pacemakers and defibrillators within Cardiology community and hospital purchasing administrators in North Texas territory. Increased sales revenue by over 50% in a territory historically dominated by other vendors. Acquired business from customers who have never used Guidant. Dramatic increase in size of total market through medical community and public awareness campaigns and screenings. Assisted in the development of new cardiologists, enabling them to provide heart rhythm therapy. Built loyalty within physician community by acting as a business consultant to increase referral patterns to their practice. (2003 – 2004) Cardiovascular Rhythm Management Clinical Representative Responsible for supporting the sales representatives by executing the clinical tasks involving patient care (O.R. implant assistance, emergency patient management, follow-up clinics). Designated mentor for new hire training. Served as clinical studies coordinator for Dallas Region. Given sales assignments for low market share accounts. (2002 – 2003) NOVARTIS PHARMACEUTICALS CORP. – Dallas, Texas 1998 - 2002 Cardiovascular / Metabolic Sales Consultant Responsible for the promotion of cardiovascular and diabetes management products to Cardiologists, Nephrologists, and Endocrinologists in the Dallas area. Ranked in the top 10% of field for launch of new diabetes drug in 2001. Trained 12 physicians to become speakers for our product line and coordinated over 120 peer to peer lecture programs across the country for those speakers. (2000 – 2002) Sales Associate Responsible for the promotion of cardiovascular and anti-microbial therapies to primary care physicians in Northeast Texas. (1998 – 2000) EDUCATION Bachelor of Science – Biology Abilene Christian University – Abilene, Texas – May 1997 (33 hours Biology, 17 hours Chemistry, 9 hours Pharmacology) AFFILIATIONS USA Triathlon North Texas Masters Swimming USA Track and Field USA Cycling Dallas Running Club 60
  • 61. OBJECTIVE Seeking immediate full-time employment as a Medical Device Sales Representative EDUCATION MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION GRADUATED DECEMBER OF 2010 HARDIN-SIMMONS UNIVERSITY ABILENE, TEXAS Major: Business Administration Cumulative GPA of 3.5 BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION GRADUATED-MAY OF 2009 HARDIN-SIMMONS UNIVERSITY ABILENE, TEXAS Major: Business Management Cumulative GPA of 3.56 Jennings Business Scholarship recipient EMPLOYMENT SALES REPRESENTATIVE JUNE 2010-PRESENT BG Medical  BG Medical is a rapidly growing medical device company that markets hernia mesh to general surgeons. The company has tripled its revenue since launching in 2008.  Opened new territory as 1099 Rep in Dallas/West Texas selling an off-contract, new technology  Documented, consistent, top 10-20% sales performance out of an average of 50 Sales Reps  Recognized at October 2011 National Sales Meeting as a member of 250,000 Sales Club  Attained over 300,000 in new business since June 2010 employment date BUSINESS GENERATOR AUGUST 2009-MAY 2010 Farmers Insurance  Farmers insurance, one of the nation’s largest insurance companies, offers commercial and personal insurance to its clients. The company sales its insurance through independent agents who market Farmers Insurance to the general public and businesses.  Closed multiple deals for personal and commercial insurance agents  Marketed agencies through banks, car dealerships, and realtors  Received experience with cross selling of current client base SALES INTERNSHIP MAY 2009-AUGUST 2009 University Directories  University Directories is the nation’s largest publisher of college campus telephone directories. UD hires college interns across the country to sell its advertisement. Since the company’s start-up in 1974 it has become the leading campus media and marketing company in the United States.  Sold $26,300 in advertisement via business to business sales  Ranked top 10 out 40 in the region  Ranked top 20 out 100 in division BUSINESS MANAGEMENT INTERNSHIP SUMMER, 2008 Walgreens  Walgreens is the largest drug store chain in the United States. The internship program trains interns how to completely manage a multi-million dollar retail store.  Worked with two interns to create a marketing plan for Walgreens prescription savings club  Introduced to daily managerial task that included every aspect of retail management  Analyzed organizational weaknesses that varied from personnel to finances and worked with management to develop ways to implement change CAMPUS TOUR GUIDE/TELE-COUNSELOR FALL 2007-MAY 2009 Hardin-Simmons University Enrollment Services  Hardin-Simmons University is a small Baptist school consisting of 2400 students located in Abilene, Texas. HSU prides itself on offering the best campus experience possible for prospective students.  Learned basic office skills including proper phone and email etiquette  Improved communication skills by giving tours and calling prospective students  Received experience in team planning and group work to prepare for campus preview days Name / Address / Email / LinkedIn Hyperlink 61
  • 62. 62
  • 63. Levels of Promotion Before going into your interview make sure that you are fully aware of the job description your interviewing for. You'll use the items on the jjob description to help prepare for your interview and to create your 30/60/90 plan. These are common job descriptions as you rise through the ranks of a surgical device Company. Most business to business sales reps come into a surgical device company as an associate and earn their way up the ladder. Sales Associate Territory Manager Field Sales Trainer Regional Sales Manager District Sales Manager 63
  • 64. Sales Associate Primary Job Responsibility: This is a GREAT opportunity for someone looking to break into surgical device sales. • Assist with managing a geographic region in terms of organization, administration, expense maintenance, profitability, customer service, trade shows and customer support. • Maintain accurate account records • Execute marketing strategies • Assist with coverage of accounts within territory geographic areas • Identify, establish, and maintain productive relationships with key decision makers • Maintain existing business and assist with development of new business opportunities • Represent OmniGuide Medical Technologies at industry conferences •Respond to customer requests and resolve complaints • Educate customers to ensure that products are understood and used effectively • Maintain high standards of personal presentation and promote a professional personal and company image • Contribute to the development of a strong team effort • Communicate market intelligence/competitor activity promptly • Ensure a professional standard of written and verbal communication • Develop and maintain comprehensive clinical and technical product knowledge • Recognize and understand competitive products, features, strengths in relation to the company’s products • Actively participate in skills development programs • Ability to teach and educate medical personnel, peers, and technical support personnel • Computer proficiency • Entrepreneurial attitude • Handles uncertainty and adversity • Highly ethical • Prioritizes the team over self • Competitive • High energy • Travel 50 – 75% Knowledge and Skill Requirements: Education: • Applicant must be able to: lift heavy machinery into and out of his/her car, stand on his/her feet for up to 10 hours in an Operating Room, Be able to watch graphic surgeries, Learn complex medical technology and discuss with surgeons, Applicant must have a reliable car to transport Job Description 64
  • 65. Education and Training Requirements; Bachelor’s Degree required with a technical/medical degree preferred. 65
  • 66. Primary Job Responsibility: • Execution Orientation • Execute plans to achieve company goals and objectives • Achieve sales targets • Maintain accurate account records • Execute marketing strategies • Ensure effective coverage of accounts within territory geographic areas • Control expenses • Influence and Selling Skills • Identify, establish and maintain productive relationships with key decision makers • Plan and implement effective sales/product presentations • Maintain and expand existing business and develop new business opportunities • Representative at industry conferences • Develop and implement strategies to counter competitors • Customer Service ·Respond to customer requests and resolve complaints • ·Educate customers to ensure that products are understood and used effectively ·Maintain high standards of personal presentation and promote a professional personal and company image • Communication and Company Support • Contribute to the development of a strong team effort • Train and mentor junior sales reps • Demonstrate the capability to lead, hire and develop a sales team • Actively participate and lead company initiatives such as product launches, key customer programs and strategic planning sessions • Communicate market intelligence/competitor activity promptly • Ensure a professional standard of written and verbal communication • Self Development and Product Knowledge • Develop and maintain comprehensive clinical and technical product knowledge • Recognize and understand competitive products, features, strengths in relation to the company’s products • Actively participate in skills development programs Territory Manger Job Description 66
  • 67. Knowledge and Skill Requirements: • 4 plus years surgical sales experience in a hospital environment • Demonstrated success in previous sales role; indicating a high level of sales performance • Ability to teach and educate medical personnel, peers and technical support personnel • Computer proficiency • Ability to travel 50% of the time Education and Training Requirements; • Bachelor’s Degree required with a technical degree preferred 67
  • 68. Prerequisites: 1. Minimum 1 year tenure as Territory Manager 2. Must continue to meet expectations and perform duties of Territory Manager while occupying field sales trainer position. (see Territory Manager job description) Primary Responsibilities (include, but are not limited to): 1. Host sales employees in home territory for the purpose of conducting training activities. 2. Bring trainees to sales meetings and surgical procedures at customer locations, to allow trainees observation of sales activities and product usage. 3. Review clinical and technical training material as outlined in the trainer’s ‘field ride summary report’, and complete summary report after each training visit. 4. Evaluate trainees abilities and performance, and provide feedback to trainees and sales managers to aid with personnel development. 5. May be asked to travel outside of territory to administer or participate in training activities. 6. Serve as a positive influence and a role model for the sales organization. 7. Take on other leadership responsibilities within the organization, which may include: interacting with business partners, participating in interviewing and hiring processes, participating in marketing projects, participating in new product development projects. Knowledge, Skills & Requirements: 1. Must demonstrate on-going superior performance to peers in a Territory Manager role. 2. Conduct oneself in a positive and professional manner, and act as a positive influence on the sales team culture. 3. Excellent organizational and communication skills. 4. Excellent Strategic thinking and decision making ability. 5. Demonstrated leadership ability. 6. Willingness to contribute to and work towards company wide improvement in performance. 7. Participate in meetings and consult with management on organizational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, or threats. Field Sales Trainer Job Description 68
  • 69. Primary Responsibilities (include, but are not limited to): 1. Achieve company objectives and sales revenue targets by managing a geographic region in terms of sales representative management, organization, administration, expense maintenance, profitability, customer service, trade show representation and customer support. 2. Execution Orientation: 2.1.Execute plans to achieve company goals and objectives. 2.2.Achieve sales targets for region. 2.3.Execute marketing strategies. 2.4.Ensure effective coverage of accounts in the region. 3. Influence and Selling Skills: 3.1.Identify, establish and maintain productive relationships with key decision makers. 3.2.Plan and implement effective sales/product presentations. 3.3.Maintain and expand existing business and develop new business opportunities. 4. Personnel Management: 4.1.Responsible for hiring, training and developing sales representatives with the region. 4.2.Ensure sales representatives within the region achieve sales targets, control expenses and proactively manage customers and accounts. 5. Communication and Company Support: 5.1.Contribute to the development of a strong team effort. 5.2.Train and mentor sales representatives. 5.3.Actively participate and lead company initiatives, including: 5.3.1.Product Launches 5.3.2.Key Customer Programs 5.3.3.Strategic Planning Sessions 6. Self Development and Product Knowledge: 6.1.Maintain high standard of personal presentation and promote a professional company image. 6.2.Develop and maintain comprehensive clinical and technical product knowledge. 6.3.Recognize and understand competitive products, features and strengths in relation to your company, Inc. products. Knowledge, Skills & Requirements: 1. Must have 5+ years surgical sales/sales management experience in a hospital environment. 2. Must be able to demonstrate success in prior sales roles, including a high level of sales performance. Regional Sales Manager Job Description 69
  • 70. Primary Responsibilities (include, but are not limited to): 1. The primarily responsibilities of the Director, National Sales is to achieve overall company objectives, including revenue, management of sales team and profitability targets. Incumbent will drive improvements in sales force productivity and efficiency in the following areas: 1.1.Execution Orientation: 1.1.1.Establish and execute plans to achieve company goals and objectives. 1.1.2.Achieve revenue targets for domestic sales. 1.1.3.Execute marketing strategies. 1.1.4.Ensure effective coverage of accounts. 1.2.Culture and Standards: 1.2.1.Ensure the highest standards of accountability respect and honesty are adhered to and continually administered. 1.3.Influence and Selling Skills: 1.3.1.Train and develop team selling skills. 1.3.2.Plan and implement effective sales/product presentations. 1.3.3.Maintain and expand existing business and develop new business opportunities. 1.3.4.Development and implement strategies to counter competitors. 1.4.Personnel Management and Development: 1.4.1.Responsible for hiring, training and management of regional sales managers. 1.4.2.Develop management systems for coaching and developing sales reps. 1.4.3.Work with regional managers to hire and build a team of top sales professionals. 1.4.4.Develop and maintain sales training and efficiency systems. 1.4.5.Develop systems for accomplished team members to attain career development goals. 1.5.Communication and Company Support: 1.5.1.Contribute to the development of a strong team effort. 1.5.2.Train and mentor sales personnel. 1.5.3.Demonstrate the capability to lead, hire and develop a sales team. 1.5.4.Actively participate and lead company initiatives such as product launches, key customer programs and strategic planning sessions. 1.5.5.Promptly communicating market intelligence/competitor activity. 1.5.6.Ensuring a professional standard of written and oral communication. 1.6.Self Development and Product Knowledge: 1.6.1.Maintain high standards of personal presentation and promote a professional personal company image. 1.6.2.Develop and maintain comprehensive clinical and technical product knowledge. 1.6.3.Recognize and understand competitive products, features, strengths in relation to the company’s  products. Director of Sales Job Description 70
  • 71. 1.6.4.Actively participate in skills development programs. Knowledge, Skills & Requirements: 1. Bachelor’s  degree  required. 2. Must have 7+ years sales/sales management experience in a hospital environment. 3. Must demonstrate success in previous sales roles; indicating a high level of sales and sales management performance. 4. Must be able to teach and educate medical personnel, peers and technical support personnel. 5. Must be computer proficient. 6. 50% travel required. 71
  • 72. Prepare a 30/60/90 Plan and Bring it to your Interview A surgical device sales hiring manager will want to see that you spent time thinking about how you will spend your first 90 days on the job. Always bring a plan to your first interview. An example of a good plan is on the next few pages. 72
  • 73. 9900 DDAAYY AACCTTIIOONN PPLLAANN CCRREEAATTEEDD BBYY,, NNAAMMEE // NNUUMMBBEERR // EEMMAAIILL PPRROODDUUCCTT SSAALLEESS TTRRAAIINNIINNGG • Participate in on-site and in the field training with a Specialist. • Begin establishing rapport with (i.e. Marketing, Technical support, Customer Service, etc.) as well as other sales representatives throughout the country • Touch base with territory, understand what is bleeding and make it a priority to correct and/or speed up • Prepare to hit the ground running. • Understand key products, hot products, consistently high performing products • Act as a sponge, take everything in- ask questions PPLLAANN OOFF AACCTTIIOONN 30 Day Review • Understand Compensation program to understand what company and territory needs • Discuss any outstanding / urgent issues that need to be addressed • Discuss sales leads or inquiries 73
  • 74. • Review any pertinent territory and account history • Discuss sales objectives and expectations • Discuss revenue Goals/Quota for 2009/2010 Analyze Territory Sales Reports and Forecast • Identify data to identify positive or negative trends • Tweak Sales Strategy based on findings in Territory Forecast • Identify current supportive users in territory • Identify key targets for growth Orientation/Training • Field training with Your manager and other Territory Managers where appropriate • Acknowledge and understand job responsibilities and priorities • Acknowledge and understand administrative workflow and paperwork requirements • Acknowledge and understand reporting responsibilities • Spend a full day in each specialty observing procedures Marketing and Funnel Development • Identify and introduce myself to current customer base • Identify and target “low hanging fruit” – accounts that are in the middle to late stages of the sales process • Send out an introductory letter to CEO/CFO, Director or Head RN of focused departments to all hospitals in territory • Move open opportunities through the sales cycle with assistance from fellow sales representatives • Meet with Your manager to establish market strategy and revenue goals for the current quarter. 74
  • 75. 60 Day Continue Sales Strategy • Maintain initiative of first 30 days • Update Territory Management Tools (Laptop/Phone/Tablet, etc) • Pursue new business opportunities with a high “sense of urgency” • Focus on Revenue • Educational resources Update with Your manager - • Evaluate Sales Strategy/Adjust where necessary • Discuss progress • Continue self study and review for recent articles and company provided information Relationship Building • Internal Support staff • Field travel with fellow territory sales representatives to exchange best practices and brain storm difficult accounts. 90 Day • Maintain initiative and continue sales strategy of first 60 days. • Review territory revenue performance against quota for the last 60 days with Your manager. • Review, assess and discuss territory management – How full is the pipeline? 75
  • 76.  Prospecting  Presenting  Qualifying  Sales activity levels  Marketing Strategies • Review initial sales forecast – Your manager  Forecasted vs. closed in revenue – Was the forecasted revenue amount closed?  Forecast vs. closed by account – Did the revenue come from the forecasted accounts? Bottom Line: What will it take to-  Maximize and close the opportunities in the territory  Develop a foundation for short and long term success  Maximize income and revenue potential for OmniGuide and myself  Establish a legacy in this territory and the company as one of the top producing territories year after year. 76
  • 77. 77
  • 79. Surgical Device Sales Interview The surgical device sales job interview is a key step on the road to your future and is the most important part of the entire process. Remember when you said, “Just get me in front of the manager and I will make it happen?” The time to shine is now and this is your opportunity. The initial interview gives you a chance to display your intelligence, talent and enthusiasm. How you handle yourself in this interview can make or break your chances of getting the surgical device job you want. 79
  • 80. Research the Organization Before the Interview Research the Employer’s • History • Products and Services • Business Methods • Philosophy and corporate culture • Location (s) • Standing in the Industry • Organizational Structure 80
  • 81. Organize Your Thoughts Plan answers to possible questions. Write down your answers to the questions on the next couple of pages. Afterwards, go over your answers with a parent, teacher, or other respected adult. Later, give the questions to a friend and practice being interviewed. The more you practice the interview skills, the better you’ll do in real situations. 81
  • 82. Questions You Might Face • What are your short and long-term career goals? • Why do you want this sales position? • What are you doing to achieve your goals? • What are your strengths and areas of improvement? • How would you describe yourself? • Why did you choose sales as a career? • Why should I hire you? • What does success mean to you? • How can you contribute to this organization? 82
  • 83. • What achievements have given you the most satisfaction? Why? • Do you work well under pressure? • Please give me an example? • Do you work well with others? • Please give me an example? More Questions You Might Face 83
  • 84. Important Questions to Ask • What would my responsibilities and duties be? • How would my performance be evaluated and how often? • How I am supervised? • What opportunities for advancement exist? • Is there a sales training program? • Whom would I be working with? • How much travel is required? 84
  • 85. Thought Provoking Questions to Ask • What are you looking for in a successful candidate? • What are the top three sales objectives you would like to see accomplished and in what time period? • What is the most difficult challenge a person will face in this position? • What is the company doing to remain ahead of your competitors? • What is your time schedule for filling this position? • Is the position vacant now? If so, why and for how long? • What are the most immediate needs in this position over the next few months? • What expectations do you have for this position long term? • Can this position lead to other career opportunities? If so, what type of positions? • What is the next step in the hiring process? • Can you see any reason why I would not be asked to go to the next stage of the process? 85
  • 86. Critical Items to Remember • Dress Appropriately • Be on time – 10 to 15min Early • Maintain eye contact • Show your Enthusiasm • Be Positive • Be honest • Express Yourself • Take Notes • Have Something to Offer 86
  • 87. Dress Appropriately Always dress appropriately and conservatively, keeping in mind the potential employer. Don’t wear trendy clothing, flashy jewelry, or strong perfume or cologne. Remember—you never get a second chance to make a first impression and first impressions are lasting. 87
  • 88. Show your Enthusiasm Enthusiasm and a sense of humor can help create a good impression. Relate your interests to the organization in which you are interviewing. Always be on guard— inappropriate humor does not play well in interviews. 88
  • 89. Express Yourself Speak clearly. Use complete sentences-avoid one-word answers. Don’t use slang, and don’t ramble. Always be aware of body language. Your tone of voice, posture, etc., all give clues about your feelings and Attitudes. Face the interviewer in a relaxed open manner. 89
  • 90. Be Positive Be positive about yourself, your organization, former employers, etc. DO NOT bad mouth your former employers. NEVER talk bad about a company you worked for or employees within that company. The way I see it…If you talk bad about others you are likely to talk bad about me and our organization. 90
  • 91. Be Honest This is important for both you and your potential employers. Do not overstate your former compensation, responsibilities, education or titles. One little white lie will cost you your job. Be honest about your college grades, your compensation, your driving record, your criminal record (if you have one). Employers will find out…so BE HONEST. 91
  • 92. Have Something to Offer Discuss ways you can contribute to the organization. Let the interviewer know how you can meet a need or solve a problem. Every organization needs human resources. In surgical device sales people are your most important resource. Find out the biggest issue your hiring manager is trying to solve and find a solution. It doesn’t have to be a perfect solution, but at least you took the time to bring value to the hiring manager. 92
  • 93. Be a Good Listener Listen carefully and answer questions completely. Don’t be afraid to admit you don’t know something. Pay close attention to what is being said. You will need to use these pieces of insight when you are asked to answer questions during the interview. Good questions are much more valuable than long answers. 93
  • 94. Get a Business Card DO NOT LEAVE WITHOUT A BUSINESS CARD. You will want send a follow up letter, e-mail and voice mail. Correct spelling is essential to success. Follow up the interview with a thank- you note, letter or e-mail right away. In your correspondence, restate your interest in the job, summarize key points of the interview and add further information to help your case. Keep the letter short and address it to your interviewer. 94
  • 95. After the Interview Ask when you can expect a decision and if you should call. Make sure the employer knows how to reach you. If you haven’t heard after the set time, phone or write to ask if the job has been filled. Analyze your performance in the interview. Ask yourself if you did all you could do to emphasize your strengths. 95
  • 96. 96
  • 97. Top 100 Surgical Device Companies *Click on the company name to access The company's Website. *Click on Careers to apply for Jobs 97 Surgical Sales Expert
  • 98. 1 3M Co. 7 Allergan Inc. 2 Abbott Laboratories 8 AMS Holdings Inc 3 Agfa-Gevaert NV 9 Amplifon SpA 4 Alcon Inc. 10 Analogic Corp. 5 Alere Inc. 11 Ansell Ltd. 6 Align Technology Inc. 12 ArthroCare Corp. CAREERS CAREERS CAREERS CAREERS CAREERSCAREERS CAREERSCAREERS CAREERSCAREERS CAREERS CAREERS Million Dollar Surgical Device Jobs 98
  • 99. 13 B. Braun Melsungen AG 19 bioMérieux SA 14 Barco NV 20 Biomet Inc. 15 Baxter International Inc. 21 Boston Scientific Corp. 16 Bayer AG 22 C. R. Bard Inc. 17 Beckman Coulter Inc. 23 Cantel Medical Corp. 18 Becton, Dickinson and Co. 24 Cardinal Health Inc. Million Dollar Surgical Device Jobs CAREERS CAREERS CAREERS CAREERS CAREERSCAREERS CAREERS CAREERS CAREERSCAREERS CAREERS CAREERS 99
  • 100. 25 Carestream Health Inc. 31 Danaher Corp. 26 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 32 Dentsply International 27 Cochlear Ltd. 33 Drägerwerk AG & Co. 28 Coloplast A/S 34 Edwards Lifesciences 29 Conmed Corp. 35 Elekta AB 30 Covidien Plc. 36 Fresenius Medical Care CAREERSCAREERS CAREERSCAREERS CAREERSCAREERS CAREERS CAREERS CAREERS CAREERS CAREERS CAREERS Million Dollar Surgical Device Jobs 100
  • 101. 37 Fukuda Denshi Co. Ltd. 43 Haemonetics Corp. 38 General Electric Co. 44 Hill-Rom Holdings Inc 39 Gen-Probe Inc. 45 Hitachi Medical Corp. 40 Getinge AB 46 Hologic Inc. 41 GN Store Nord A/S 47 Horiba Ltd. 42 Greatbatch Inc. 48 Hospira Inc. CAREERS CAREERS CAREERS CAREERS CAREERSCAREERS CAREERSCAREERS CAREERSCAREERS CAREERSCAREERS Million Dollar Surgical Device Jobs 101
  • 102. 49 ICU Medical Inc. 55 Kimberly-Clark Corp. 50 Immucor Inc. 56 Kinetic Concepts Inc. 51 Integra LifeSciences 57 Konica Minolta 52 Intuitive Surgical Inc. 58 Koninklijke Philips 53 Invacare Corp. 59 Masimo Corp. 54 Johnson & Johnson 60 Medical Action CAREERSCAREERS CAREERSCAREERS CAREERSCAREERS CAREERSCAREERS CAREERSCAREERS CAREERSCAREERS Million Dollar Surgical Device Jobs 102
  • 103. 61 Medtronic Inc. 67 Nobel Biocare Holding 62 Merit Medical Systems 68 NuVasive Inc. 63 Mindray Medical 69 Olympus Corp. 64 Nihon Kohden Corp. 70 Omron Corp. 65 Nikkiso Co. Ltd. 71 Orthofix International NV 66 Nipro Corp. 72 Paul Hartmann AG CAREERS CAREERS CAREERSCAREERS CAREERSCAREERS CAREERSCAREERS CAREERSCAREERS CAREERSCAREERS Million Dollar Surgical Device Jobs 103
  • 104. 73 ResMed Inc. 79 SonoSite Inc. 74 Roche Diagnostics 80 Sonova Holding AG 75 Siemens AG 81 Sorin SpA 76 Sirona Dental Systems 82 St. Jude Medical Inc 77 Smith & Nephew Plc 83 Steris Corp. 78 Smiths Group Plc. 84 Straumann Holding AG CAREERSCAREERS CAREERSCAREERS CAREERSCAREERS CAREERS CAREERS CAREERS CAREERS CAREERS CAREERS Million Dollar Surgical Device Jobs 104
  • 105. 85 Stryker Corp. 91 The Cooper Companies 86 Symmetry Medical Inc. 92 Thoratec Corp. 87 Synthes Inc. 93 Topcon Corp. 88 Sysmex Corp. 94 Toshiba Corp. 89 Teleflex Inc. 95 Varian Medical Systems 90 Terumo Corp. 96 Volcano Corp. CAREERSCAREERS CAREERSCAREERS CAREERSCAREERS CAREERS CAREERS CAREERS CAREERS CAREERSCAREERS Million Dollar Surgical Device Jobs 105
  • 106. 97 William Demant Holding 99 Zimmer Holdings Inc. 98 Wright Medical Group 100 Zoll Medical Corp. CAREERS CAREERS CAREERS CAREERS Million Dollar Surgical Device Jobs 106
  • 107. You Got the Job! Now it's time to kick some ass! The next section of this book will cover best practices for creating a million dollar Territory. These tools are field tested and were instrumental in creating a $40 Million Dollar company in 3 years. Now that you have been hired it is critical to create a detailed plan to get off to a fast start. 107
  • 108. 108
  • 109. The Mindset of a Surgical Sales On Day #1 you will want to clarify your values and competencies. These are the best I've found. As a surgical sales millionaire it's vital to think of the success of your company first. When you read these competencies think of yourself and of your company. Integrate these ideas into your thinking and you'll be well on your way to success in your current role and success throughout your career. Company Culture Core Competencies 109
  • 110.       Pursue Market Insight Create Innovative Strategies Leverage Capabilities Champion People’s Growth Inspire Commitment Drive for Results Company Culture Core Competencies 110
  • 111. Core Competencies and Culture Pursue Market Insight 1. Shape the Market of Minimally invasive laser microsurgery a. GYN,'ENT,'Neuro,'Robotics' b. Grow'a'companywide'culture'of'market'focus'and'adaptability.'It'is'vital'that' we'can'quickly'adapt'and'improve'our'processes'as'we'develop'and'sale'an' evolving'technology.' c. Uniquely'position'OmniGuide'to'deliver'quality'products'and'a'brand' promise'that'we'have'the'best'products'and'the'best'customer'service.' d. 'Cultivate'loyal'users'that'will'find'enough'value'in'our'tool'to'personally' increase'our'brand'by'sharing'with'others'in'their'surgical'specialty.'' e. Continue'to'generate'an'environment'of'coEcreation'with'surgeons,'patients' and'hospital'partners.' 2. Identify'and'purse'emerging'market'opportunities' a. Build'our'products'and'services'by'integrating'the'voice'of'our'customers.' b. Recognize'that'we'have'many'key'drivers'of'market'development.''Surgeon' engagement'is'only'one'piece'of'the'value'we'deliver'to'our'many'customers.' c. Create'transparency'around'our'product'and'service'portfolio.'Honesty'and' predictable'expectations'around'the'stages'of'our'products’'development'is' key'to'building'loyal'customers'that'respect'our'company.' d. Express'true'confidence'and'passion'for'new'market'insights'and' opportunities.'' 3. Fully'understand'our'market'to'enhance'our'competitive'advantage.' a. Communicate'to'the'company'your'creativity'and'market'insight'that'could' potentially'help'us'in'our'ability'to'compete.'' b. As'we'continue'to'implement'product/service'innovations'always'keep'the' customer'in'mind.'' c. Understand'that'there'is'an'open'forum'for'anybody'to'share'insights'about' the'current'and'developing'market'opportunities.'' d. Capture'the'expertise'of'our'entire'company'to'detect'valueEcreating' opportunities'for'our'customers.'' ' 4. Know'our'market'well'and'commit'to'delight'customers' a. Respond'quickly'and'flexibly'to'shifting'market'conditions'and'related' customer'needs.''' b. Understand'that'change'is'inevitable'and'be'ready'to'adjust'our'deliverables' to'improve'the'customer’s'experience.' 111
  • 112. c. Prepare'to'ask'intelligent'questions'that'foster'an'environment'for'surgeons' to'share'innovative'ways'to'enhance'their'experience'with'our'products.'' 5. As'we'push'forward,'we'need'to'make'sure'we'continue'to'deliver'service'to'the'first' customers'that'championed'our'technology' a. Act'with'the'endEuser'and'current'customers'in'mind'during'our'daily'work.' b. Request'and'act'on'our'customer’s'feedback'to'improve'satisfaction.' c. Never'forget'our'market'basics:'Customer'Delight,'Product'Quality,' Competitive'Advantage,'Supplier'relationships.' d. Be'bold'and'creative'in'seeking'to'improve'customer'satisfaction.'' Create Innovative Strategies DDevelop and embed simple, effective strategies that make us winners in the market. Encourage innovation and disciplined risk-taking, while balancing short-term and long-term priorities. 1. Translate'companyEwide'insights'into'visionary'company'strategies.' a. Think'out'of'the'box'and'redefine'the'“Rules'of'the'Game.”'' b. Make'sure'we'keep'all'lines'of'communication'open'as'Inspiration'can'come' from'anywhere.'One'great'idea'can'help'shape'the'future'of'laser'surgery.' c. Balance'global'vs.'local'opportunities'to'realize'longEterm'success.' d. With'an'emerging'technology'it'will'be'critical'to'create'an'environment'that' fosters'calculated'riskEtaking.' 2. Develop'broad'business'strategies' a. Quickly'seize'opportunities'to'communicate'where'innovative'approaches' may'be'taken.' b. Through'market'trials,'establish'risk'mitigation'strategies.'' c. Translate'our'company’s'strategies'into'clear,'actionable'strategies'for'the' organization.' 3. Contribute'to'creative'strategies'that'go'beyond'our'current'expertise.' a. Understand'the'future'market'trends'that'will'shape'our'business'agenda.' b. Stimulate'an'environment'that'quickly'manages'the'consequences'of' calculated'risks'that'need'to'be'taken'with'the'novel'and'innovative' technologies'we'are'sharing'with'marketplace.' c. Add'value'to'a'broad'planning'process'that'contributes'to'differentiating' company'strategies.''' 4. Define'an'immediate'plan'within'a'larger'strategy' 112
  • 113. a. Translate'our'business'strategy'into'clear'action'plans'with'all'of'our'team' members.'' b. Shape'products,'services'and'processes'that'improve'Healthcare'at'the'Speed' of'Light.' c. Prioritize'business'opportunities'based'on'market'trends'and'business' objectives' d. Take'initiative'with'our'team'to'move'new'business'opportunities'forward.' e. Negate'the'apprehension'of'team'members'proposing'new,'unconventional' approaches.'' 5. Understand'and'work'within'strategic'context' a. Assume'responsibility'for'your'own'contribution,'even'when'we'are'in' unfamiliar'territory.' b. Focus'on'our'customer’s'experience'and'seek'innovative'ways'to'enhance'it.'' c. Demonstrate'imagination'and'experiment'with'innovative'solutions.' Leverage Capabilities Work across internal and external boundaries to maximize value for OmniGuide through optimizing simple solutions. 1. Grow'our'business'through'innovative'partnerships' a. Recognize'opportunities'for'collaboration'with'external'parties'and'share' this'with'the'team.' b. Simplify'your'process'by'implementing'new'operational'models.' c. Seek'out'unconventional'partnerships'for'innovative'business'approaches.' 2. Build'partnerships'across'boundaries' a. Identify'winners'in'the'market'and'build'longEterm'strategic'relationships.' b. Manage'partnering'relationships'across'the'full'value'chain.' c. Integrate'resources'to'improve'crossEboundary'collaboration.' d. Partner'with'others'to'simplify'processes'and'structures.' 3. Facilitate'collaboration'across'boundaries' a. Help'others'build'their'network,'connecting'people'to'others'across' boundaries.' b. Recognize'sources'of'crossEboundary'conflict'and'complexity'and'act'to' quickly'resolve'them.' c. Influence'and'mobilize'yourself'to'facilitate'new'and'creative'partnerships.' ' 4. Build'networks'across'boundaries' 113
  • 114. a. Build'an'effective'network'with'people'from'other'surgical'companies'to' create'synergies'that'benefit'all'parties'involved.'' b. Identify'opportunities'for'collaboration'with'others'and'act'on'them.' c. Build'strong'and'diverse'teams,'leveraging'individual'qualities'and' experience.' ' 5. Demonstrate'teamwork,'engaging'with'others.'' a. Help'others'and'ask'for'support'to'deliver'value.' b. Seek'to'understand,'acknowledge'and'build'on'others’'ideas.' c. Actively'strengthen'existing'relationships,'and'seek'opportunities'to'build' new'ones.' d. Consistently'be'open'and'respectful'in'all'communications.' Champion People’s Growth Commit personally to the performance and development of yourself, while considering the needs of Your company. Acknowledge and act on our own learning needs. 1. Champion'a'talent'management'culture'throughout'the'organization.' a. Hold'business'leaders'accountable'for'talent'management.' b. Stimulate'your'own'performance'management'culture.' c. Act'as'a'role'model'for'onEgoing'development'of'ourselves'and'others.'' d. Invest'time'to'interact'and'work'together'with'talent.' 2. Build'organizational'capability'' a. Put'time'and'effort'into'building'people’s'capabilities'for'the'future'of'our' company.'' b. Quickly'facilitate'sharing'of'best'practices'across'boundaries.' c. Mentor'talent'from'inside'and'outside'our'organization' d. Promote'crossEdepartment'training'and'growth.' 3. Build'team'capability'' a. Build'strong'and'diverse'teams,'leveraging'individual'capabilities'and' experiences.'' b. Help'teams'to'analyze'and'learn'from'mistakes.' c. Leverage'job'assignments'for'development'of'our'people.' d. Personally'invest'in'the'identification'of'coaching'new'and'experienced' talent.' 4. Personally'invest'in'the'development'of'others' 114
  • 115. a. Help'others'find'solutions'for'themselves'by'listening,'questioning'and' exploring'options'together.' b. Create'opportunities'for'our'team'to'learn'and'grow,'on'the'job'and' otherwise.' c. Provide'constructive,'candid'and'timely'feedback'to'all'members'of'our'team.' d. Help'our'people'explore'their'ambition'and'clearly'define'career' development'need.'' ' 5. Take'the'initiative'to'improve'yourself'and'your'expertise' a. Define'your'personal'growth'and'career'objectives'and'discuss'them'with' your'managers'and'mentors.'' b. Acknowledge'and'act'on'your'own'strengths'and'developmental'needs.'' c. Actively'seek'feedback'to'improve'your'own'performance,'being'open'to'new' ways'of'doing'things.' d. Be'courageous'to'take'on'new'challenges'or'learn'new'skills.' ' ' Inspire'Commitment' ' Create'a'winning'mindset'by'mobilizing'people'around'our'strategy'and'building'an' understanding'of'its'relevance.'Develop'an'inclusive'and'highEenergy'environment.'Earn' trust'by'acting'as'a'role'model'for'our'team'and'our'customers.' ' 1. Instill'a'winning'mindset'and'exhibit'enthusiasm'' a. Act'as'a'role'model'and'earn'trust'by'setting'an'example.' b. Lead'people'through'change'and'keep'them'engaged'at'all'times.' c. Commit'daily'to'Generate'enthusiasm'for'our'vision,'brand'and'strategy.' ' 2. Build'group'momentum'for'change.' a. Communicate'our'business'strategy'in'a'clear'and'compelling'way.' b. Build'high'levels'of'trust'through'effective'teamEwork.' c. Facilitate'a'climate'in'which'different'people'feel'truly'included.'' ' 3. Enable'people'to'see'the'bigger'picture'and'contribute' a. Focus'on'aligning'your'productivity'goals'with'the'organization’s'strategy' b. Foster'an'environment'for'active'involvement'and'contribution'of'ideas.'' c. Address'differences'in'working'style'to'improve'inclusion'and'teamwork.' ' 4. Engage'others,'building'their'personal'commitment' a. Establish'two'way'dialogue,'communicate'clearly'and'actively'listen'to' others.'' 115
  • 116. b. Do'what'you'say'you'will'do'while'doing'the'right'things'for'the'company.' c. Be'honest'and'open,'“Tell'it'how'it'is.”' d. Be'accessible'and'uncomplicated'to'deal'with.' ' ' Drive'for'results' ' Take'personal'accountability'to'deliver'results.''Continuously'drive'for'operational' excellence'and'perfection'in'everything'we'do.'Instill'a'sense'of'urgency.' 1. Instill'a'results'oriented'mindset' a. Drive'to'help'our'company'become'the'industry'benchmark'in'all'verticals.' b. Set'a'standard'for'yourself'that'others'look'to'measure'their'success.'' c. Act'rigorously'to'eliminate'nonEvalue'added'complexities.'' ' 2. Redesign'business'practices'to'achieve'breakEthrough'results' a. Share'innovative'approaches'that'lead'to'breakEthrough'results.' b. Infuse'a'personal'sense'of'urgency.' c. Improve'your'knowledge'to'accelerate'your'decisionEmaking'process'and' execution.' ' 3. Improve'business'practices'for'higher'performance'levels' a. Balance'shortEterm'operational'results'with'longEterm'brand'value.' b. Achieve'operational'excellence'by'simplifying'processes.' c. Recognize'strong'performance'and'improve'underEperformance.''' ' 4. Deliver'results'through'others' a. Define'clear'roles,'responsibilities'and'objectives'in'order'to'put'review' structures'in'place.' b. Empower'you,'and'your'people'to'hold'yourselves'accountable'for'results.' c. Create'challenging'but'achievable'goals.' d. Intervene'promptly'and'effectively'when'results'may'not'be'achieved.' ' 5. Deliver'on'Goals.' a. Demonstrate'OmniGuide’s'spirit'in'our'way'of'working.' b. Do'what'you'promised'to'do,'on'time'and'despite'obstacles,'setEbacks'or' uncertainty.' c. Work'to'mutually'agreed'on'commitments'with'clear'and'measurable' standards.'' d. Challenge'“The'way'it'has'always'been'done!”' 116
  • 117. 117
  • 118. Summarize Your Website Your company's website is the Face of your Company When a hospital buyer or a surgeon wants to learn about your company they go to your company's website. Go through each page of your company's website and summarize the selling points in each section. In the next five pages you will see how I summarized a successful laser sales company's website. I created 56 sales points out of the website. 118 Surgical Sales Expert
  • 119. Your Company Highlights 1. Your Company's novel technology, the BeamPath fiber system, enables for the first time FLEXIBLE delivery of CO2 laser energy to the human body, even in deep holes and previously tough-to-get-to regions. 2. BeamPath puts the optical laser scalpel at the FINGERTIPS of the surgeon, this precision tool empowers surgeons to achieve higher level of surgical efficacy and patient comfort 3. Your Company's BeamPath fiber combines the capability of PRECISE DISSECTION, ABLATION, and MICROVASCULAR COAGULATION all in a SINGLE TOOL. 4. Ability to ACCESS previously INACCESSIBLE regions. 5. Flexible NO-TOUCH precision microsurgical tool that works beautifully around CRITICAL STRUCTURES. 6. The Your Company BeamPath flexible fibers can be used either with a HAND PIECE, and held JUST LIKE A PENCIL, or through a rigid or flexible ENDOSCOPE, to facilitate access to difficult to reach anatomy. 7. The narrow profile and compact design of hand pieces enable EASY ACCESS to INTRICATE ANATOMY. 8. The Hollow core of the fiber delivers a CONSTANT FLOW of inert gas in the form of medical grade helium or nitrogen that CLEARS the surgical field of BLOOD and DEBRIS, this improves COAGULATION and may minimize tissue heating. Benefits to Surgeons 1. COMBINED benefits of PRECISE CUTTING, ABLATION and MINIMAL THERMAL DAMAGE to untargeted tissue. 2. Your Company has revolutionized the archaic applications that rigid “line of sight” delivery. We have completely CHANGED the paradigm of what a CO2 Laser was capable of . 3. Your Company has EMPOWERED surgeons to precisely dissect, and cut tissue, coagulate microvasculature, and debulk masses they PREVIOUSLY COULD NOT ACCESS. 4. Water, the PRIMARY component of most biological tissue, ABSORBS CO2 energy readily. This ensures MINIMAL THERMAL SPREAD and makes CO2 laser energy very USEFUL for applications near CRITICAL ANATOMICAL STRUCTURES. 5. The CO2 laser’s absorption in water is almost 400 TIMES GREATER than that of the Argon laser. 6. With 60-70% of tissue being water, high absorption of CO2 laser energy in water implies HIGH ABSORPTION IN TISSUE. 7. High absorption translates into a superficial effect, as CO2 laser energy is limited in its spread within tissue. 8. The CO2 laser has a SUPERFICIAL ACTION limited to the upper layers of tissue when compared with other energy sources, and MINIMAL DAMAGE to ADJOINING TISSUE VOLUME. 119
  • 120. 9. Laser energy SEALS SMALL BLOOD VESSELS as it cuts through the tissue rendering it an ENHANCED SCALPEL that combines precise cutting, ablation and microvascular coagulation while incurring minimal collateral thermal damage. 10. The BeamPath fiber SOLVES THE PROBLEM of flexibly guiding CO2 laser by utilizing an INNOVATIVE PHOTONIC BAND GAP MIRROR lining around a hollow core. 11. CO2 Line-of-sight laser systems are CUMBERSOME, often LARGE and coupled to UNWIELDY articulating arms up to TWO METERS IN LENGTH. 12. CUSTOM designed handpieces ENSURE ACCESS to difficult to reach ANATOMICAL REGIONS that COULD NOT be previously treated using a line of sight CO2 laser. 13. The BeamPaths fiber’s STREAMLINED design allows for HIGH VISIBILITY of TARGET TISSUE. Neurosurgery and Spine 14. The BeamPath NEURO system places CONTROL in the hands on Neurosurgeons by providing a NO-TOUCH, PRECISION microsurgical tool in the form of a CO2 laser scalpel. 15. The NEURO’S intuitive DESIGN and MANEUVERABILITY allow the surgeon to direct CO2 laser energy as a PRECISION TOOL to DEEP HOLES and around CRITICAL STRUCTURES such as BLOOD VESSELS, specific NERVE STRUCTURES, and BRAINSTEM. 16. The NEURO gives the surgeon SUPERIOR VISUALIZATION due to the tool’s SMALL PROFILE DESIGN. 17. It’s NO-TOUCH virtue leads to REDUCED TISSUE MANIPULATION and may LESSEN POST-OPERATIVE EDEMA and ENSUING COMPLICATIONS. 18. The NEURO’S PIN-POINT accuracy enables SEPARATION of ADHERENT TUMORS from CRITICAL STRUCTURES. 19. Cutting allows for RAPID and SAFE removal of TUMORS and TUMOR remnants. 20. The NEURO can also be used as a debulking devise to SHRINK tumor mass, in a CONTROLLED, layer by layer, fashion. 21. Microvascular coagulation ENABLES the surgeon to DISSECT APPROPRIATE tumors within a clean field. 22. The NEURO fiber may be used to VAPORIZE the tumor in an attempt to further ELIMINATE remaining CANCEROUS CELLS from underlying CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM STRUCTURES. 23. CUSTOM neurosurgical HANDPIECES may be used in “OPEN” intracranial and spinal oncology as well as in transnasal endoscopic / microscopic procedures. Otology OTO-S is the best product for CO2 Laser Assisted Stapes Surgery (CLASS) 120
  • 121. OTO-M is the best tool for delicate procedures of the middle ear. The OTO-M is used mainly for CO2 Laser Enabled Ablation and Resection (CLEAR) 24. BeamPath OTO is a FLEXIBLE CO2 laser system that enables SAFE and PRECISE otologic surgery. 25. Unlike line of sight CO2 laser, the BeamPath OTO’s INTUITIVE hand-held design EMPOWERS the surgeon to FREELY DIRECT CO2 laser energy at ANY ANGLE and NAVIGATE around CRITICAL MIDDLE EAR ANATOMY 26. CO2 line of sight laser energy is typically used for stapes surgery; however with this technology is makes is VERY DIFFICULT to perform chronic ear surgery complicated by cholesteatoma, scar tissue, and adhesions. 27. The BeamPath OTO’s fiber’s STREAMLINED geometry enables SUPERIOR VISUALIZATION in the confined space of the middle ear. 28. The OTO’s COMBINED benefits of precision, hand-held CONTROL, and HEMOSTASIS of microvasculature, is a SUPERIOR TOOL for Stapes surgery. 29. The fiber is used to PRECISELY resect the stapes tendon and crus and to SAFELY form a rosette in the footplate. 30. The EXCELLENT absorption of CO2 laser energy in the perilymph and the hand- held maneuverability of the fiber may help to MINIMIZE the risk of DAMAGE to underlying middle and inner ear structures. 31. The COMBINED cutting, ablation, and micro-coagulation of the OTO-M tool allows for EFFICIENT yet DELICATE, layer-by-layer REMOVAL of diseased tissue which is often encountered during chronic ear procedures. 32. The OTO fiber can be used for diseased tissue REMOVAL during: revision procedures (stapedectomy, mastiodectomy), tympano-mastoidectomy, tumor resection, and ossicular chain reconstruction. 33. The BeamPath OTO-M fiber’s hand-held control and micro-coagulation allow CO2 laser energy to be used and NEVER BEFORE for: Cholesteatoma removal, Adhesion ablation, Scar tissue dissection, Debulking and coagulation of vascular tumors. Head and Neck 34. The BeamPath ENT system places CONTROL in the hands of Head and Neck surgeons by providing a FLEXIBLE NO-TOUCH, highly PRECISE CO2 laser scalpel. 35. The BeamPath ENT intuitive design and maneuverability allow Head and Neck surgeons to wield the fiber in their hands and direct CO2 laser energy to PRECISELY resect tumors in the ORAL, PHARYNGEAL AND LARYNGEAL CAVITIES. 36. The BeamPath ENT fiber can be used as a cutting tool, allowing for RAPID and PRECISE removal of tumors and tumor remnants, ablation, shrink tumor masses in a CONTROLLED, layer-by-layer fashion and to VAPORIZE the tumor bed in an attempt to further ELIMINATE remaining cancerous cells from underlying structures. 121
  • 122. 37. The hollow core of the ENT fiber delivers a COOLING flow of inert gas that CLEARS the surgical field of BLOOD and DEBRIS, allowing surgeons to resect tumors and simultaneously achieve microvascular coagulation. 38. The BeamPath ENT’s flexibility enables surgeons to DIRECTLY ACCESS previously TOUGH-TO-REACH regions such as the retromolar trigone. 39. Compared to cautery and line-of-sight CO2 systems, the BeamPath ENT causes much less thermal damage to surrounding tissue leading to CLEANER MARGINS for HISTOLOGICAL ANALYSIS. 40. In laryngeal cancer, the fiber enables surgeons to access and resect tumors WITHOUT performing an open laryngectomy or other RADICAL procedures. Laryngology and Airway 41. The BeamPath ENT system enables PRECISE hand-held cutting and no-touch ablation of tissue on DIFFICULT TO REACH anatomy. 42. Unlike the Line-of-sight CO2 laser approach for laryngology and airway disorders, the INTUITIVE hand-held design and maneuverability allows the surgeon to DIRECT CO2 laser energy BEHIND and AROUND target tissue 43. The intuitive design of the ENT is particularly USEFUL in removing sessile polyps, lesions, or tumors which are NOT positioned PERPENDICULAR to a surgeon’s line of sight. 44. The BeamPath ENT system enables RADICAL CUTS with good coagulation and MINIMAL thermal spread thus ADVANCING the treatment of tracheal stenosis, a procedure for which surgical options are limited. 45. Flexible fiber delivery of CO2 laser energy allows certain procedures, such as papilloma removal, to be PERFORMED in the OFFICE or CLINIC rather than in the operating room Gynecology 46. The BeamPath GYN flexible fiber system enables hand-held delivery of CO2 laser energy for cutting and no-touch ablation of tissue on DIFFICULT TO REACH anatomy. 47. Unlike the line-of-sight CO2 laser approach for transvaginal disorders, the BeamPath GYN’s intuitive design and maneuverability allows the surgeon to precisely direct CO2 laser energy behind and around target tissue. This is particularly USEFUL in the treatment of cervical dysplasia and condyloma. 48. The VERSATILITY of DIVERGENT laser beam permits surgeons to deliver CO2 laser energy, highly focused for cutting or defocused for “PAINTING- LIKE” ablation. 122
  • 123. 123
  • 124. The Medical Sales 30/60/90 Day Preparation This section will help you get off to a fast start in your new surgical device sales role. Read each section and determine how you can integrate these suggestions into your new Job 124
  • 126. 30-DAY GOALS  Complete all company training  Learn as much as possible about corporate policies, and company culture through reading company manuals and website.  Gain as much technical knowledge as much as possible about equipment and techniques through reading the company manuals and website.  Learn database systems used by company  Complete all paperwork and administrative items.  Supplement any technical knowledge  Identify key functions I’ll be responsible for.  Identify key equipment I’ll be using and responsible for. 126
  • 127.  Meet with supervisor to establish primary task responsibilities.  Identify possible pitfalls in task completion.  Establish relationships with lab techs and assistants (co- workers).  Learn as much as possible about company culture by meeting with co-workers.  Identify outside departments I will be interacting with.  Meet with key contacts in coordinating departments.  Establish network within company.  Identify possibilities for a mentor in the lab.  Attend all critical meetings and complete those items that are required.  Meet with supervisor for feedback. 30-DAY GOALS Continued 127
  • 128. 60-DAY GOALS  Continue any necessary company training.  Deepen technical understanding of equipment you sale.  Continue self-study of science and/or technology in wider field that affects my job.  Continue to perform tasks in a timely manner.  Learn from peers who are successful in this role.  If possible, ask to job-shadow a top performer in this role for one day.  Build relationships among co-workers.  Review task performance in first 30 days and evaluate how to improve.  Monitor problem areas with an eye toward making improvements.  Organize daily schedule for optimum efficiency.  If possible, streamline procedures for better efficiency.  Identify possibilities for mentors in management.  Meet with supervisor for feedback.  Set goals for next 30 days. 128
  • 129. 90-DAY GOALS  Continue self-education to continually improve.  Look critically at my performance and how it can be better.  Continue to offer guidance to new employees.  Continue to offer my skill sets to co-workers if needed.  Work efficiently and effectively to ensure optimum time management.  Evaluate how I can better contribute to efficient sales processes.  Evaluate procedures involving outside departments to improve efficiency.  Create checklists for routine tasks.  Compare performance with peers to see where I can improve. 129