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Getting started in maths:
Lipstick Robot(Deep learning)
Evolution of Deep learning models:
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Ajit Jaokar
Roadmap and Big Picture
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Ajit Jaokar
Data Science for IoT @Oxford Uni + UPM(Smart cities) + Online
Next book part of Stanford Uni course
In 2015, Ajit was included in 16 Top Data Science bloggers on Data Science
Central, Top 100 blogs on KDnuggets and Top 50 people to follow on Twitter by
IoT central for IoT.
World Economic Forum Spoken at MWC(5 times), CEBIT, CTIA, Web 2.0, CNN,
BBC, Oxford Uni, Uni St Gallen, European Parliament. @feynlabs – teaching
kids Computer Science. Adivsory – Connected Liverpool
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Data Science for Internet of Things – practitioner course – March
Now running in it’s second batch ..
Welcome to the world’s first course that helps you to become a
Data Scientist for the Internet Of Things ..
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London5
Ajit Jaokar
The Big Picture – The Data Science and IoT landscape
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London
Internet of Things
Data Lake
Engine Rules/
Trigger s
Cloud / Data LakeEdge Device
Predictive Alerts
Stream Processing System
Build Model
Batch Processing System
Data Lake
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Ajit Jaokar
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London8
As the term Internet of Things implies (IOT) – IOT is about Smart
For an object (say a chair) to be ‘smart’ it must have three things
- An Identity (to be uniquely identifiable – via iPv6)
- A communication mechanism(i.e. a radio) and
- A set of sensors / actuators
Physical context(ex location)
Social context
Decisions at the ‘edge’ ex with sensor fusion and even in offline mode
Workflow – (IFTTT) often also at the edge –
Thus, IOT is all about Data ..
IoT != M2M (M2M is a subset of IoT)
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Ajit Jaokar
Many of the consumer IOT cases will happen with iBeacon in the next
two years
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Ajit Jaokar
And 5G will provide the WAN connectivity 5G - Source – Ericsson
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Closed Loop Message –
Response System
Edge Processor
Analytic Workbench: Operational
Investigative, Predictive Analytics
and Machine Learning
Specialized Store
Enterprise Apps:
ERP, CRM, and
other enterprise
Cloud Based
Central Repository
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London12
iOt relates to Automation in three key areas based on Sensing and Predicting
a) Move from exception handling to patterns of exceptions over time.(are
some exceptions occurring repeatedly? Do I need to redsign my product, Is that a
new product?) –
b) Move from optimization to disruption – ownership to rental ship (Where are all
these dynamic assets?)
c) Move to self learning: Robotics: From assembly line to self learning
robots(Boston Dynamics), autonomous helicopters
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London13
Machines generate Data - Types of Big Data
Status Data almost everything will have a status data. This will create
vast amounts of data – much of it will be summarized at the ‘edge’
Location Data: Almost everything will have location data even if that
location is static. Things will be in transit (where is my product/car etc etc)
Machines taking action: Thermostat is automatically reduced
Actionable Data: Data in human actionable form – workflow – IFTTT
Machines learning by themselves in areas where there are no
‘rules’ – Most interesting space – best example is Deep Learning
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London14
Data Science for IoT: The role of hardware in analytics
Processing at the Edge (which Cisco and others have called Fog Computing).
Alternately, we see entirely new classes of hardware specifically involved in
Data Science for IoT(such as synapse chip for Deep learning)
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Edge computing
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Different Data Formats
 POS data
 Social media
 External feeds
 Payments
 Log data
 Telephone
 RFID Scans
 Events
 Emails
 Sensors
 Free-form text
 Geospatial
 Audio
 Still images/videos
 Transactions
 Call center notes
Adapted from Ravi Kalakota PhD
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London
IoT Reference Stack
Portal Dashboard
ntEvent Processing and Analytics
Aggregation / Bus Layer
ESB and Message Broker
Industrial Internet Consumer Governance
d Car
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Multiple Protocols of IOT
IPV6, IPV6 w 6LOWPAN, etc
Wireless (802.15.4, Wifi, BLE,
Higher layer protocols
‒ Application
‒ Transport
‒ Network
Higher layer protocols
‒ Link layer
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Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London27
Ajit Jaokar
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London28
What is Machine Learning?
Mitchell's Machine Learning
Tom Mitchell in his book Machine Learning “The field of machine learning is c
oncerned with the question of how to construct computer
programs that automatically improve with experience.”
“A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to
some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at
tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.”
Think of it as a design tool where we need to understand:
What data to collect for the experience (E)
What decisions the software needs to make (T) and
How we will evaluate its results (P).
A programmers perspective:
Machine Learning involves:
a) Training of a model from data
b) Predicts/ Extrapolates a decision
c) Against a performance measure.
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London29
Technique Applicability Algorithms
Classification Most commonly used
technique for predicting a
specific outcome such as
response / no-response, high /
medium / low-value
customer, likely to buy / not
Logistic Regression —classic
statistical technique but now
available inside the Oracle
Database and supports text
and transactional data
Naive Bayes —Fast, simple,
commonly applicable
Support Vector Machine—
Next generation, supports text
and wide data
Decision Tree —Popular,
provides human-readable
Source: Oracle
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Regression Technique for predicting
a continuous numerical
outcome such as customer
lifetime value, house
value, process yield rates.
Multiple Regression —
classic statistical
technique but now
available inside the
Oracle Database and
supports text and
transactional data
Support Vector Machine
—Next generation,
supports text and wide
Attribute Importance Ranks attributes
according to strength of
relationship with target
attribute. Use cases
include finding factors
most associated with
customers who respond to
an offer, factors most
associated with healthy
Minimum Description
Length—Considers each
attribute as a simple
predictive model of the
target class
Source: Oracle
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London31
Anomaly Detection Identifies unusual or
suspicious cases based on
deviation from the norm.
Common examples include
health care fraud, expense
report fraud, and tax
One-Class Support Vector
Machine —Trains on
"normal" cases to flag
unusual cases
Clustering Useful for exploring data and
finding natural groupings.
Members of a cluster are
more like each other than
they are like members of a
different cluster. Common
examples include finding
new customer segments, and
life sciences discovery.
Enhanced K-Means—
Supports text mining,
hierarchical clustering,
distance based
Orthogonal Partitioning
clustering, density based
Expectation Maximization—
Clustering technique that
performs well in mixed data
(dense and sparse) data
mining problems.
Source: Oracle
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London32
Association Finds rules associated with
frequently co-occuring
items, used for market
basket analysis, cross-sell,
root cause analysis. Useful
for product bundling, in-
store placement, and defect
Apriori—Industry standard
for market basket analysis
Feature Selection and Extraction Produces new attributes as
linear combination of
existing attributes.
Applicable for text data,
latent semantic analysis,
data compression, data
decomposition and
projection, and pattern
Non-negative Matrix
generation, maps the
original data into the new
set of attributes
Principal Components
Analysis (PCA)—creates
new fewer composite
attributes that respresent
all the attributes.
Singular Vector
established feature
extraction method that has
a wide range of
Source: Oracle
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London33
Ajit Jaokar
Deep learning
Big Data
Complex event Processing
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London34
Ajit Jaokar
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London
Internet of Things
Data Lake
Engine Rules/
Trigger s
Cloud / Data LakeEdge Device
Predictive Alerts
Stream Processing System
Build Model
Batch Processing System
Data Lake
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London36
And its coming to mobile phones!
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London37
 In a groundbreaking paper published today in Nature, a team of
researchers led by DeepMind co-founder Demis Hassabis reported
developing a deep neural network that was able to learn to play such
games at an expert level. What makes this achievement all the more
impressive is that the program was not given any background
knowledge about the games. It just had access to the score and the
pixels on the screen.
 It didn’t know about bats, balls, lasers or any of the other things we
humans need to know about in order to play the games.
 But by playing lots and lots of games many times over, the computer
learnt first how to play, and then how to play well.
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London38
Deep Learning and Feature learning
Deep Learning can be hence seen as a more complete, hierarchical and a
‘bottom up’ way for feature extraction and without human intervention.
Source: ELEG 5040 Advanced Topics on Signal Processing (Introduction to
Deep Learning) by Xiaogang Wang
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Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London40
Ajit Jaokar
Big Data – Hadoop, Spark
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London
Internet of Things
Data Lake
Engine Rules/
Trigger s
Cloud / Data LakeEdge Device
Predictive Alerts
Stream Processing System
Build Model
Batch Processing System
Data Lake
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London42
Diagram courtesy of Mark Grover.
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London
Spark streaming
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London
Optional Storage
And Queries
Stream Processing Application
Source: The 8 Requirements of Real-Time Stream Processing
By Michael Stonebraker et al
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London
Front End Front End Front End Service
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London
Stream Processing Architecture based on Apache Spark
Adapted from
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London47
Ajit Jaokar
Complex Event Processing
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London
Internet of Things
Data Lake
Engine Rules/
Trigger s
Cloud / Data LakeEdge Device
Predictive Alerts
Stream Processing System
Build Model
Batch Processing System
Data Lake
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London49
For example:
• Complex event processing involves combining outputs of multiple
sensors and inferring events from readings even when the event is not
directly observed by a specific sensor. For Complex event processing, we
also need to add statistical models such as likelihood, confidence and
probability using techniques like Bayesian networks, neural networks,
Dempster-Shafer methods, kalman filters etc (ex care home – image
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London
Pitch, roll and
Sensor fusion
Inputs Outputs
3 –axis earth magnetic field
3 –axis linear acceleration
3 –axis angular rate
Source: ST microsystems
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London51
Ajit Jaokar
Methodology for Data Science for IoT
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London52
Creating an open methodology for Internet of Things (IoT)
Analytics: Data science for Internet of Things
January 9, 2016 By ajit Leave a Comment
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London53
There is no specific methodology to solve Data Science for IoT (IoT
Analytics) problems.
This leads to some initial questions:
Should there be a distinct methodology to solve Data Science problems for
Are IoT problems for Data Science unique enough to warrant a specific
What existing methodologies should we draw upon?
On one hand , A Data Science for IoT problem is a typical Data Science
problem. On the other hand, there are some unique considerations to IoT –
for example in the use of Hardware, High Data volumes, Use of
CEP(Complex event processing), impact of verticals(like automotive),
Impact of streaming data etc.
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London54
Background and inspiration
Some initial background:
Data mining has well known methodologies such as Crisp DM. Hilary Mason
and others have also proposed specific methodologies for Data Science .
Kaggle problems have a specific approach to solving them . With techniques
like PFA(Portable format for Analytics) provide a way of formalizing and
moving Analytics models.
All these strategies also apply to IoT. IoT itself has methodologies like Ignite
IoT – but these do not cover IoT analytics in detail.
A methodology for IoT analytics(Data Science for IoT) should cover the
unique aspects of each step in Data Science. For example: It is more than
the choice of the model family. The choice of the model family (ANN, SVM,
Trees, etc) is only one of the many choices to make – Others include :
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London55
a) Choice of the model structure – optimisation methodology (CV,
Bootstrap, etc)
b) Choice of the model parameter optimisation algorithm (joint gradients
vs. conjugate gradients )
c) Preprocessing of the data (centring, reduction, functional reduction, log-
transform, etc.)
d) How to deal with missing data (case deletion, imputation, etc.)
e) How to detect and deal with suspect data (distance-based outlier
detection, density-based, etc.)
f) How to choose relevant features (filters, wrappers, embedded method ?)
g) How to measure prediction performances (mean square error, mean
absolute error, misclassification rate, lift, precision/recall, etc.)
source Methodology and standards for data analysis with machine learning
tools Damien Fran¸cois ∗
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London56
The methodology could also cover -
Exploratory analysis of data
Hypothesis testing (“Given a sample and an apparent effect, what is the
probability of seeing such an effect by chance?” )
and other ideas ..
Ajit Jaokar – futuretext
Jean-Jacques (JJ) Bernard, management & technology consultant
Shiva soleimani – student - Isfahan university
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London57
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London58
Data Science for Internet of Things – practitioner course – March
Now running in it’s second batch ..
Welcome to the world’s first course that helps you to become a
Data Scientist for the Internet Of Things ..
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London59
Weekly schedule
Week 0 March 15 Orientation, introductions, Personal learning plans, Platform
Week 1 mar 21 Foundations:An analytics Driven Organization – IoT and
Machine Learning - Data Science for IoT – Unique
characteristics – Data Science for IoT – why now?
Mar 28 Machine Learning concepts Deep Learning concepts
Apr 4 An introduction to IoT (Internet of Things)
Apr 11 IoT platforms – From sensor to Cloud
Apr 18 Concepts of Big Data Part One
Apr 25 Concepts of Big Data Part Two
May 2 Market drivers for IoT
May 9 Choosing a model – what technique to Use?
May 16 Use Cases and IoT datasets (these will continue throughout
the course)
May 23 Time series and NoSQL databases
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May 30 Streaming analytics part One
June 6 Streaming analytics part two
June 13 Deep learning part one
June 20 Deep learning part two
June 2 7 Machine learning algorithms – part one
July 4 Machine learning algorithms – part two
July 11 Mathematical foundations – part one
July 18 Mathematical foundations – part two
July To Dec 31 Project
Contact us at to signup
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London61
Week 0 Mar 15 Orientation, introductions, Personal
learning plans, Platform signup
Week 1 mar 21
Mar 28
Apr 4 Intro to R, Installations, Basics of R
Apr 11
Apr 18 Data Frames in R & Tabular Data
Apr 25
May 2 Data Processing & Data Visualization in R
May 9
May 16 Scala basics
May 23
May 30 Spark batch processing I
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London62
June 6
June 13 Spark Batch Processing II
June 20
June 2 7 Spark SQL
July 4
July 11 Spark Streaming
July 18
July To Dec 31 Projects
Contact us at to signup
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Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London64
A Reference Architecture for the Internet of Things
Daniel Karzel, Hannelore Marginean, Tuan-Si Tran
adapted from defined by IoT-A
The IoT interconnects the Things in order to exchange information to fulfill
tasks for the users. Ideas of fridges communicating not only with your
smart-phone, but with the producer's server farm or an energy power plant
will soon become reality.
• Thing: An object of our everyday life placed in our everyday
environment. A thing can be a car, fridge but can also be abstracted to a
complete house or city depending on the use case.
• Device: A sensor, actuator or tag. Usually the device is part of a thing.
The thing processes the devices’ context information and communicates
selected information to other things. Furthermore, the thing can pass
actions to actuators.
• Interoperability and Integration components
• Context aware components
• Middleware components(load balancing etc)
• Security
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London65
Anind K. Dey’s context toolkit. The context toolkit was designed on an
application level, as it was designed for Geographical Information Systems
(GIS). In the IoT we have to extend the context toolkit towards the
intercommunication between things. However, the basic idea of goal,
context information and resulting actions remains in the IoT world.
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London66
In the IoT world we don’t only define the goal on the user level (i.e. by
application), but things themselves can work towards certain goals without
actively including the user. In the end the devices still serve the user but
they act autonomously in the background – which is exactly the idea
of ubiquitous computing.
Context defines the state of an environment (usually the user’s
environment) in a certain place at a certain time. The context model usually
distinguishes between context elements and context situation.
Context elements define specific context, usually on the device level. A
context element can be for example a temperature value at a certain time
and location.
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Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London68
Location and time are context elements themselves, but they play a special
role as they are needed to locate sensor values in space and time. Without
knowing where and when a temperature was measured the temperature
does not help much for making conclusions.
The context situation is an aggregation of context elements. The context
situation is thus a view on the environment in a certain location at a certain
Similarly to the context model you can also define an action model that
defines what things can trigger (e.g. open a window, take a photo). Actions
can only be triggered with the combination of context information (e.g. a
context situation) and defined goals. Goals are usually depicted as rules of
a rule engine (e.g. IF temperature > 25* THEN open window).
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Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London71
Consists of 6 layers. Besides these layers there are two “cross-section-
layers” that affect all other layers, namely “Security” and “Management”.
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London72
The device integration layer connects all the different device types and
consumes device measurements as well as it communicates actions (on
device level). This layer can be seen as a translator that speaks many
languages. The output of the sensors and tags depends on the protocol
they implement. The input of the actuators is also defined by the protocol
they implement.
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The device management is in charge of taking device registrations and
sensor-measurements from the device integration layer. Furthermore it
communicates status changes for actuators down to the device integration
layer. The device integration layer then just validates that the status change
(i.e. the action) is conform with the actuator and then translates the status
change to the actuator.
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London74
The data management can be seen as a central database that holds all
data of a “thing”, but this is only one possible implementation. For larger
things within the system (e.g. a device life-cycle monitoring system
collecting data from other things) data management might be a data
warehouse or even a complete data farm. The implementation of the data
management layer thus strongly depends on the use-case for the specific
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London75
The context management defines the central business logic and is
responsible for six tasks: 1. Define the goals of the thing. 2. Consume the
context situation(s) of other things 3. Produce the (own) context situation
of the thing. 4. Evaluate the (own) context situation towards the goal. 5.
Trigger actions that help to fulfill the goal according to the evaluated rules.
6. Publish context situations for other things.
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According to these tasks we can divide the context management into eight
components as shown below.
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Rule Engine & Artificial Intelligence (AI): Define and manage all of the rules
necessary for context evaluation. This includes the goal (which is basically
as set of rules) as well as rules for creating the context situation and
Context Situation Integration Module: Listens to context situations of other
things and integrates the incoming context situations.
Action Integration Module: Incoming actions of other things are evaluated
and passed on to the device management layer by this component. Rules
have to be considered, that define in which situations an action received
from another thing can be passed on for triggering an actuator.
Context Situation Creator Module: Collects data from the system and builds
the context situation(s). This can also be driven by rules.
Action Creator Module: Similar to the context situation creator module,
action objects have to be created once triggered during rule evaluation.
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London78
Context Situation Publisher Module: Provide context situations to the thing
integration layer. According to the sophistication level of the implementation
the context situation publisher can provide a set of context situations for
different things that are subscribed or one context situation for everybody.
The context situation publisher module has to take care of data permission
levels towards other things. Only trusted other things should receive
selected context information. Furthermore this module has to take care of
defining the context situation schemas that are communicated to other
things that want to subscribe. The schema is used to evaluate whether a
thing is capable of communicating with another thing.
Action Publisher Module: Similar to the context situation publisher module
this module is responsible to communicate actions to the thing integration
layer to be communicated to other things. Additionally the action schema(s)
are managed by this component.
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Context Evaluation Module: Evaluates the rules using the (current) context
situation and triggers actions that are communicated down to the devices or
to the action creator module. The action creator module in turn passes the
created actions to the action publisher that communicates the actions to
other things. One way to simply evaluate rules is to build decision trees
from the rules defined by the rule engine.
The concrete architecture and complexity of offered functionality strongly
depends on the use case for the thing under development. Especially the
rule engine & artificial intelligence component might not have to be very
sophisticated for less intelligent things (e.g. a fridge). For things that collect
context information from other systems these components will, however, be
very sophisticated. Higher sophistication can be for example data science
and data mining techniques.
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London80
The thing integration layer is responsible for finding other things and
communicating with them.
Once two things found each other they have to undergo a registration
mechanism. The thing integration layer has to evaluate if the
communication with the thing to be partnered with is possible. For this
purpose the context situation and/or action schemata have to be compared.
These are provided by the context management layer.
If the schema-match is evaluated positively, the thing can notify the other
thing upon new context situation or action creation. The context situations
and actions to be communicated to other things are provided by the context
management layer.
The thing registration can be done in a central component or by the thing
itself (e.g. auto-discovery network scan).
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Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London82
The application integration layer connects the user to the thing.
Applications that are (directly) on top of the architecture are located here.
The application integration can be seen as a service layer, or even as a
simple UI on top of the stack. The concrete implementation of the layer
depends on the use case.
Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London83

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Data Science for Internet of Things with Ajit Jaokar

  • 1. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London0 @ajitjaokar
  • 2. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London1 Getting started in maths: for-getting-started-in-statistics-for-programmersdata-science.html Lipstick Robot(Deep learning) great-way-to-explain-deep-learning.html Evolution of Deep learning models: learning-models.html internet-of-things-practitioner-course-march-2016.html
  • 3. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London2 Ajit Jaokar Roadmap and Big Picture
  • 4. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London3 Ajit Jaokar - Data Science for IoT @Oxford Uni + UPM(Smart cities) + Online Next book part of Stanford Uni course In 2015, Ajit was included in 16 Top Data Science bloggers on Data Science Central, Top 100 blogs on KDnuggets and Top 50 people to follow on Twitter by IoT central for IoT. World Economic Forum Spoken at MWC(5 times), CEBIT, CTIA, Web 2.0, CNN, BBC, Oxford Uni, Uni St Gallen, European Parliament. @feynlabs – teaching kids Computer Science. Adivsory – Connected Liverpool
  • 5. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London4 Data Science for Internet of Things – practitioner course – March 2016 Now running in it’s second batch .. Welcome to the world’s first course that helps you to become a Data Scientist for the Internet Of Things ..
  • 6. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London5 Ajit Jaokar The Big Picture – The Data Science and IoT landscape
  • 7. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London Internet of Things CNN, RNN Data Lake Event Based analysis Rules/ Workflow Edge Processing Engine Rules/ Workflow Alerts Trigger s Actions Cloud / Data LakeEdge Device Event Collector Predictive Alerts Stream Processing System Event Store Analytics Model Build Model HDFS Batch Processing System Validate Event Sequence CNN, RNN Data Lake Event Based analysis CEP CEP CEP
  • 8. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London7 Ajit Jaokar INTERNET OF THINGS
  • 9. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London8 As the term Internet of Things implies (IOT) – IOT is about Smart objects For an object (say a chair) to be ‘smart’ it must have three things - An Identity (to be uniquely identifiable – via iPv6) - A communication mechanism(i.e. a radio) and - A set of sensors / actuators + Physical context(ex location) Social context + Decisions at the ‘edge’ ex with sensor fusion and even in offline mode Workflow – (IFTTT) often also at the edge – Thus, IOT is all about Data .. IoT != M2M (M2M is a subset of IoT)
  • 10. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London9 Ajit Jaokar Many of the consumer IOT cases will happen with iBeacon in the next two years
  • 11. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London10 Ajit Jaokar And 5G will provide the WAN connectivity 5G - Source – Ericsson
  • 12. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London Closed Loop Message – Response System Senso rs Rules/ Workflow Edge Processor Rules/ Workflow Analytic Workbench: Operational Investigative, Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning Possible Specialized Store Enterprise Apps: ERP, CRM, and other enterprise apps Alerts Trigger Actions Cloud Based Central Repository Source: allseenalliance_4x3_template_24sept2014.pdf
  • 13. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London12 iOt relates to Automation in three key areas based on Sensing and Predicting a) Move from exception handling to patterns of exceptions over time.(are some exceptions occurring repeatedly? Do I need to redsign my product, Is that a new product?) – b) Move from optimization to disruption – ownership to rental ship (Where are all these dynamic assets?) c) Move to self learning: Robotics: From assembly line to self learning robots(Boston Dynamics), autonomous helicopters
  • 14. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London13 Machines generate Data - Types of Big Data Status Data almost everything will have a status data. This will create vast amounts of data – much of it will be summarized at the ‘edge’ Location Data: Almost everything will have location data even if that location is static. Things will be in transit (where is my product/car etc etc) Machines taking action: Thermostat is automatically reduced Actionable Data: Data in human actionable form – workflow – IFTTT Machines learning by themselves in areas where there are no ‘rules’ – Most interesting space – best example is Deep Learning
  • 15. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London14 Data Science for IoT: The role of hardware in analytics Processing at the Edge (which Cisco and others have called Fog Computing). Alternately, we see entirely new classes of hardware specifically involved in Data Science for IoT(such as synapse chip for Deep learning)
  • 16. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London15 Edge computing
  • 17. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London16 Different Data Formats  POS data  Social media  External feeds  Payments  Log data  Telephone conversations  RFID Scans  Events  Emails  Sensors  Free-form text  Geospatial  Audio  Still images/videos  Transactions  Call center notes Adapted from Ravi Kalakota PhD
  • 18. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London IoT Reference Stack Portal Dashboard API Manageme ntEvent Processing and Analytics Aggregation / Bus Layer ESB and Message Broker Devices Communications MQTT / HTTP/COAP DeviceMgr Identity&AccessManagement Protocols Standards Industrial Internet Consumer Governance Smart Grid Manufacturi ng Logistic& Transpor tation Robotics Connecte d Car Wearabl es Health Public Safety Smart Cities Retail
  • 19. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London Multiple Protocols of IOT HTTP/ REST, MQTT, COAP, etc TCP, UDP IPV6, IPV6 w 6LOWPAN, etc Wireless (802.15.4, Wifi, BLE, etc.) Higher layer protocols ‒ Application ‒ Transport ‒ Network Higher layer protocols ‒ Link layer
  • 20. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London19
  • 21. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London20
  • 22. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London21
  • 23. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London22
  • 24. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London23
  • 25. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London24
  • 26. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London25
  • 27. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London26
  • 28. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London27 Ajit Jaokar MACHINE LEARNING
  • 29. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London28 What is Machine Learning? Mitchell's Machine Learning Tom Mitchell in his book Machine Learning “The field of machine learning is c oncerned with the question of how to construct computer programs that automatically improve with experience.” formally: “A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.” Think of it as a design tool where we need to understand: What data to collect for the experience (E) What decisions the software needs to make (T) and How we will evaluate its results (P). A programmers perspective: Machine Learning involves: a) Training of a model from data b) Predicts/ Extrapolates a decision c) Against a performance measure.
  • 30. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London29 Technique Applicability Algorithms Classification Most commonly used technique for predicting a specific outcome such as response / no-response, high / medium / low-value customer, likely to buy / not buy. Logistic Regression —classic statistical technique but now available inside the Oracle Database and supports text and transactional data Naive Bayes —Fast, simple, commonly applicable Support Vector Machine— Next generation, supports text and wide data Decision Tree —Popular, provides human-readable rules Source: Oracle
  • 31. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London30 Regression Technique for predicting a continuous numerical outcome such as customer lifetime value, house value, process yield rates. Multiple Regression — classic statistical technique but now available inside the Oracle Database and supports text and transactional data Support Vector Machine —Next generation, supports text and wide data Attribute Importance Ranks attributes according to strength of relationship with target attribute. Use cases include finding factors most associated with customers who respond to an offer, factors most associated with healthy patients. Minimum Description Length—Considers each attribute as a simple predictive model of the target class Source: Oracle
  • 32. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London31 Anomaly Detection Identifies unusual or suspicious cases based on deviation from the norm. Common examples include health care fraud, expense report fraud, and tax compliance. One-Class Support Vector Machine —Trains on "normal" cases to flag unusual cases Clustering Useful for exploring data and finding natural groupings. Members of a cluster are more like each other than they are like members of a different cluster. Common examples include finding new customer segments, and life sciences discovery. Enhanced K-Means— Supports text mining, hierarchical clustering, distance based Orthogonal Partitioning Clustering—Hierarchical clustering, density based Expectation Maximization— Clustering technique that performs well in mixed data (dense and sparse) data mining problems. Source: Oracle
  • 33. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London32 Association Finds rules associated with frequently co-occuring items, used for market basket analysis, cross-sell, root cause analysis. Useful for product bundling, in- store placement, and defect analysis. Apriori—Industry standard for market basket analysis Feature Selection and Extraction Produces new attributes as linear combination of existing attributes. Applicable for text data, latent semantic analysis, data compression, data decomposition and projection, and pattern recognition. Non-negative Matrix Factorization—Next generation, maps the original data into the new set of attributes Principal Components Analysis (PCA)—creates new fewer composite attributes that respresent all the attributes. Singular Vector Decomposition— established feature extraction method that has a wide range of applications. Source: Oracle
  • 34. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London33 Ajit Jaokar KEY CONCEPTS – DATA SCIENCE AND IOT Deep learning Big Data Complex event Processing Streaming
  • 35. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London34 Ajit Jaokar DEEP LEARNING
  • 36. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London Internet of Things CNN, RNN Data Lake Event Based analysis Rules/ Workflow Edge Processing Engine Rules/ Workflow Alerts Trigger s Actions Cloud / Data LakeEdge Device Event Collector Predictive Alerts Stream Processing System Event Store Analytics Model Build Model HDFS Batch Processing System Validate Event Sequence CNN, RNN Data Lake Event Based analysis CEP CEP CEP
  • 37. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London36 And its coming to mobile phones! .
  • 38. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London37  In a groundbreaking paper published today in Nature, a team of researchers led by DeepMind co-founder Demis Hassabis reported developing a deep neural network that was able to learn to play such games at an expert level. What makes this achievement all the more impressive is that the program was not given any background knowledge about the games. It just had access to the score and the pixels on the screen.  It didn’t know about bats, balls, lasers or any of the other things we humans need to know about in order to play the games.  But by playing lots and lots of games many times over, the computer learnt first how to play, and then how to play well.
  • 39. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London38 Deep Learning and Feature learning Deep Learning can be hence seen as a more complete, hierarchical and a ‘bottom up’ way for feature extraction and without human intervention. Source: ELEG 5040 Advanced Topics on Signal Processing (Introduction to Deep Learning) by Xiaogang Wang
  • 40. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London39
  • 41. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London40 Ajit Jaokar Big Data – Hadoop, Spark
  • 42. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London Internet of Things CNN, RNN Data Lake Event Based analysis Rules/ Workflow Edge Processing Engine Rules/ Workflow Alerts Trigger s Actions Cloud / Data LakeEdge Device Event Collector Predictive Alerts Stream Processing System Event Store Analytics Model Build Model HDFS Batch Processing System Validate Event Sequence CNN, RNN Data Lake Event Based analysis CEP CEP CEP
  • 43. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London42 Diagram courtesy of Mark Grover.
  • 44. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London HDFS Databa seDashbo ards Kafka Flume HDFS ZeroM Q Twitter Spark Streaming Spark streaming
  • 45. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London Optional Storage And Queries Real-time Feeds Stream Processing Application Alerts Actions Memory Disk Source: The 8 Requirements of Real-Time Stream Processing By Michael Stonebraker et al
  • 46. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London Kafka Producers Brokers Consumers Front End Front End Front End Service Hadoop Clusters Security systems Real-time monitorin g Other consumer service Data warehous e
  • 47. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London NoSql HDFSData Sources Stream Processing Architecture based on Apache Spark Adapted from
  • 48. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London47 Ajit Jaokar Complex Event Processing
  • 49. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London Internet of Things CNN, RNN Data Lake Event Based analysis Rules/ Workflow Edge Processing Engine Rules/ Workflow Alerts Trigger s Actions Cloud / Data LakeEdge Device Event Collector Predictive Alerts Stream Processing System Event Store Analytics Model Build Model HDFS Batch Processing System Validate Event Sequence CNN, RNN Data Lake Event Based analysis CEP CEP CEP
  • 50. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London49 For example: • Complex event processing involves combining outputs of multiple sensors and inferring events from readings even when the event is not directly observed by a specific sensor. For Complex event processing, we also need to add statistical models such as likelihood, confidence and probability using techniques like Bayesian networks, neural networks, Dempster-Shafer methods, kalman filters etc (ex care home – image Guardian)
  • 51. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London Quaternions Heading Pitch, roll and yawLinear acceleration Gravity Sensor fusion algorithm Inputs Outputs 3 –axis earth magnetic field 3 –axis linear acceleration 3 –axis angular rate Source: ST microsystems
  • 52. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London51 Ajit Jaokar Methodology for Data Science for IoT
  • 53. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London52 Creating an open methodology for Internet of Things (IoT) Analytics: Data science for Internet of Things January 9, 2016 By ajit Leave a Comment
  • 54. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London53 There is no specific methodology to solve Data Science for IoT (IoT Analytics) problems. This leads to some initial questions: Should there be a distinct methodology to solve Data Science problems for IoT? Are IoT problems for Data Science unique enough to warrant a specific approach? What existing methodologies should we draw upon? On one hand , A Data Science for IoT problem is a typical Data Science problem. On the other hand, there are some unique considerations to IoT – for example in the use of Hardware, High Data volumes, Use of CEP(Complex event processing), impact of verticals(like automotive), Impact of streaming data etc.
  • 55. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London54 Background and inspiration Some initial background: Data mining has well known methodologies such as Crisp DM. Hilary Mason and others have also proposed specific methodologies for Data Science . Kaggle problems have a specific approach to solving them . With techniques like PFA(Portable format for Analytics) provide a way of formalizing and moving Analytics models. All these strategies also apply to IoT. IoT itself has methodologies like Ignite IoT – but these do not cover IoT analytics in detail. A methodology for IoT analytics(Data Science for IoT) should cover the unique aspects of each step in Data Science. For example: It is more than the choice of the model family. The choice of the model family (ANN, SVM, Trees, etc) is only one of the many choices to make – Others include :
  • 56. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London55 a) Choice of the model structure – optimisation methodology (CV, Bootstrap, etc) b) Choice of the model parameter optimisation algorithm (joint gradients vs. conjugate gradients ) c) Preprocessing of the data (centring, reduction, functional reduction, log- transform, etc.) d) How to deal with missing data (case deletion, imputation, etc.) e) How to detect and deal with suspect data (distance-based outlier detection, density-based, etc.) f) How to choose relevant features (filters, wrappers, embedded method ?) g) How to measure prediction performances (mean square error, mean absolute error, misclassification rate, lift, precision/recall, etc.) source Methodology and standards for data analysis with machine learning tools Damien Fran¸cois ∗
  • 57. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London56 The methodology could also cover - Exploratory analysis of data Hypothesis testing (“Given a sample and an apparent effect, what is the probability of seeing such an effect by chance?” ) and other ideas .. Who? Ajit Jaokar – futuretext Jean-Jacques (JJ) Bernard, management & technology consultant Shiva soleimani – student - Isfahan university
  • 58. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London57
  • 59. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London58 Data Science for Internet of Things – practitioner course – March 2016 Now running in it’s second batch .. Welcome to the world’s first course that helps you to become a Data Scientist for the Internet Of Things ..
  • 60. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London59 Weekly schedule Concepts Week 0 March 15 Orientation, introductions, Personal learning plans, Platform signup Week 1 mar 21 Foundations:An analytics Driven Organization – IoT and Machine Learning - Data Science for IoT – Unique characteristics – Data Science for IoT – why now? Mar 28 Machine Learning concepts Deep Learning concepts Apr 4 An introduction to IoT (Internet of Things) Apr 11 IoT platforms – From sensor to Cloud Apr 18 Concepts of Big Data Part One Apr 25 Concepts of Big Data Part Two May 2 Market drivers for IoT May 9 Choosing a model – what technique to Use? May 16 Use Cases and IoT datasets (these will continue throughout the course) May 23 Time series and NoSQL databases
  • 61. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London60 May 30 Streaming analytics part One June 6 Streaming analytics part two June 13 Deep learning part one June 20 Deep learning part two June 2 7 Machine learning algorithms – part one July 4 Machine learning algorithms – part two July 11 Mathematical foundations – part one July 18 Mathematical foundations – part two July To Dec 31 Project Contact us at to signup
  • 62. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London61 Programming Week 0 Mar 15 Orientation, introductions, Personal learning plans, Platform signup Week 1 mar 21 Mar 28 Apr 4 Intro to R, Installations, Basics of R Apr 11 Apr 18 Data Frames in R & Tabular Data Apr 25 May 2 Data Processing & Data Visualization in R May 9 May 16 Scala basics May 23 May 30 Spark batch processing I
  • 63. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London62 June 6 June 13 Spark Batch Processing II June 20 June 2 7 Spark SQL July 4 July 11 Spark Streaming July 18 July To Dec 31 Projects Contact us at to signup
  • 64. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London63 @ajitjaokar
  • 65. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London64 A Reference Architecture for the Internet of Things Daniel Karzel, Hannelore Marginean, Tuan-Si Tran adapted from defined by IoT-A The IoT interconnects the Things in order to exchange information to fulfill tasks for the users. Ideas of fridges communicating not only with your smart-phone, but with the producer's server farm or an energy power plant will soon become reality. Terminology: • Thing: An object of our everyday life placed in our everyday environment. A thing can be a car, fridge but can also be abstracted to a complete house or city depending on the use case. • Device: A sensor, actuator or tag. Usually the device is part of a thing. The thing processes the devices’ context information and communicates selected information to other things. Furthermore, the thing can pass actions to actuators. • Interoperability and Integration components • Context aware components • Middleware components(load balancing etc) • Security
  • 66. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London65 Anind K. Dey’s context toolkit. The context toolkit was designed on an application level, as it was designed for Geographical Information Systems (GIS). In the IoT we have to extend the context toolkit towards the intercommunication between things. However, the basic idea of goal, context information and resulting actions remains in the IoT world.
  • 67. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London66 In the IoT world we don’t only define the goal on the user level (i.e. by application), but things themselves can work towards certain goals without actively including the user. In the end the devices still serve the user but they act autonomously in the background – which is exactly the idea of ubiquitous computing. Context defines the state of an environment (usually the user’s environment) in a certain place at a certain time. The context model usually distinguishes between context elements and context situation. Context elements define specific context, usually on the device level. A context element can be for example a temperature value at a certain time and location.
  • 68. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London67
  • 69. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London68 Location and time are context elements themselves, but they play a special role as they are needed to locate sensor values in space and time. Without knowing where and when a temperature was measured the temperature does not help much for making conclusions. The context situation is an aggregation of context elements. The context situation is thus a view on the environment in a certain location at a certain time. Similarly to the context model you can also define an action model that defines what things can trigger (e.g. open a window, take a photo). Actions can only be triggered with the combination of context information (e.g. a context situation) and defined goals. Goals are usually depicted as rules of a rule engine (e.g. IF temperature > 25* THEN open window).
  • 70. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London69
  • 71. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London70
  • 72. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London71 Consists of 6 layers. Besides these layers there are two “cross-section- layers” that affect all other layers, namely “Security” and “Management”.
  • 73. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London72 The device integration layer connects all the different device types and consumes device measurements as well as it communicates actions (on device level). This layer can be seen as a translator that speaks many languages. The output of the sensors and tags depends on the protocol they implement. The input of the actuators is also defined by the protocol they implement.
  • 74. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London73 The device management is in charge of taking device registrations and sensor-measurements from the device integration layer. Furthermore it communicates status changes for actuators down to the device integration layer. The device integration layer then just validates that the status change (i.e. the action) is conform with the actuator and then translates the status change to the actuator.
  • 75. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London74 The data management can be seen as a central database that holds all data of a “thing”, but this is only one possible implementation. For larger things within the system (e.g. a device life-cycle monitoring system collecting data from other things) data management might be a data warehouse or even a complete data farm. The implementation of the data management layer thus strongly depends on the use-case for the specific thing.
  • 76. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London75 The context management defines the central business logic and is responsible for six tasks: 1. Define the goals of the thing. 2. Consume the context situation(s) of other things 3. Produce the (own) context situation of the thing. 4. Evaluate the (own) context situation towards the goal. 5. Trigger actions that help to fulfill the goal according to the evaluated rules. 6. Publish context situations for other things.
  • 77. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London76 According to these tasks we can divide the context management into eight components as shown below.
  • 78. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London77 Rule Engine & Artificial Intelligence (AI): Define and manage all of the rules necessary for context evaluation. This includes the goal (which is basically as set of rules) as well as rules for creating the context situation and actions. Context Situation Integration Module: Listens to context situations of other things and integrates the incoming context situations. Action Integration Module: Incoming actions of other things are evaluated and passed on to the device management layer by this component. Rules have to be considered, that define in which situations an action received from another thing can be passed on for triggering an actuator. Context Situation Creator Module: Collects data from the system and builds the context situation(s). This can also be driven by rules. Action Creator Module: Similar to the context situation creator module, action objects have to be created once triggered during rule evaluation.
  • 79. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London78 Context Situation Publisher Module: Provide context situations to the thing integration layer. According to the sophistication level of the implementation the context situation publisher can provide a set of context situations for different things that are subscribed or one context situation for everybody. The context situation publisher module has to take care of data permission levels towards other things. Only trusted other things should receive selected context information. Furthermore this module has to take care of defining the context situation schemas that are communicated to other things that want to subscribe. The schema is used to evaluate whether a thing is capable of communicating with another thing. Action Publisher Module: Similar to the context situation publisher module this module is responsible to communicate actions to the thing integration layer to be communicated to other things. Additionally the action schema(s) are managed by this component.
  • 80. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London79 Context Evaluation Module: Evaluates the rules using the (current) context situation and triggers actions that are communicated down to the devices or to the action creator module. The action creator module in turn passes the created actions to the action publisher that communicates the actions to other things. One way to simply evaluate rules is to build decision trees from the rules defined by the rule engine. The concrete architecture and complexity of offered functionality strongly depends on the use case for the thing under development. Especially the rule engine & artificial intelligence component might not have to be very sophisticated for less intelligent things (e.g. a fridge). For things that collect context information from other systems these components will, however, be very sophisticated. Higher sophistication can be for example data science and data mining techniques.
  • 81. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London80 The thing integration layer is responsible for finding other things and communicating with them. Once two things found each other they have to undergo a registration mechanism. The thing integration layer has to evaluate if the communication with the thing to be partnered with is possible. For this purpose the context situation and/or action schemata have to be compared. These are provided by the context management layer. If the schema-match is evaluated positively, the thing can notify the other thing upon new context situation or action creation. The context situations and actions to be communicated to other things are provided by the context management layer. The thing registration can be done in a central component or by the thing itself (e.g. auto-discovery network scan).
  • 82. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London81
  • 83. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London82 The application integration layer connects the user to the thing. Applications that are (directly) on top of the architecture are located here. The application integration can be seen as a service layer, or even as a simple UI on top of the stack. The concrete implementation of the layer depends on the use case.
  • 84. Copyright : Futuretext Ltd. London83 @ajitjaokar