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Introduction to
Jordan Parmer
What is Functional
A Very Short Story
“We are builders first;
technologists second
“The better builders we are, the
more value we provide.
What is Functional
What Does It Mean to be Imperative?
What Are The Most
Common Problems In
Imperative OOP Code?
Null Pointer Exceptions
Concurrency Errors With Shared State
Broad Context of Reasoning
Deep Inheritance Chains
Mutable State
What is the emphasis
with imperative OOP
Inheritance over composition
Abstraction by Inheritance
Internal class state and encapsulation
Imperative state mutations
Can We Do Better?
Return to Roots
“A functional programming language is
a language that emphasises
programming with pure functions and
immutable data
Functional Programming
Describe what, not how
Expressions over statements
Functions are without side-effects
Results deterministic
Referentially Transparent
Any expression can be replaced with
the results of its value
Types, equality, expressions
Category theory
Functionally Composable
Separate behavior from data
Small functions composed together
to make small building blocks
Idempotent code by nature enables
local and distributed parallelization
✘Requires a math degree to understand
✘Targets only math/science problems
✘Only relevant in academic circles
✘Not for “Line of Business” or “Form Over Data” apps
Shocking Adjustments
✘No Null
✘Recursion over looping
✘Avoidance of if-statements
✘Map/filter/fold over iterating
✘Monadic I/O
✘Lots of foreign mathematical nomenclature
✘No debuggers
“OOP makes code understandable by
encapsulating moving parts.
FP makes code understandable by
minimizing moving parts.
✘Michael Feathers
We Want
You Don’t Need a
Functional Language To
Be Functional
But It Does Help
Some [Subjective] Examples
✘ Haskell
✘ Erlang
✘ Elm
✘ Hope
✘ Joy
✘ Mercury
✘ Scheme
✘ Scala
✘ F#
✘ Kotlin
✘ Swift
✘ ML
✘ Rust
✘ Groovy
✘ R
✘ Dart
✘ Ruby
Progressively Incorporating
✘ Java 8
✘ C#
✘ Python
✘ C++ 11
...and many more
Popular Languages
Beware Bias Ahead
JVM Languages
✘ Statically strong typed
✘ FP with OOP good parts
✘ Higher-order functions
✘ Insanely advanced type system
✘ Currying, lazy-evaluation, pattern matching, etc.
✘ Large commercial adoption
Twitter, Spotify, LinkedIn, Apache Spark, Kafka, etc.
✘ Backed by Lightbend + Scala Centre
✘ Dynamically typed
✘ First-order functions
✘ S-expressions
✘ LISP-dialect
“Modern LISP that is symbiotic with Java”
.NET Languages
✘ Statically typed
✘ Multi-paradigm: FP, imperative, OOP
✘ .NET Framework
✘ Visual Studio Tooling
✘ Backed by Microsoft
Apple Languages
✘ Scala...brought to you by Apple
I kid! I kid!
✘ FP alternative to Objective C
✘ Borrowed some constructs from C & Objective C
✘ Optional types
✘ Categories (i.e. type-classes)
Erlang Languages
✘ Ideal for distributed systems
✘ Fault-tolerant, real-time
✘ Highly-available systems
✘ BEAM virtual machine
✘ Higher abstractions on top of Erlang
Reduces boilerplate
✘ Runs on BEAM
✘ New language but closely related to Erlang
Purist Languages
✘ Purely functional
✘ Named after Haskell Curry
✘ Strong type system
✘ Introduced type-classes
✘ Strict immutability
✘ FP for the web
✘ Graphical layout without destructive updates
✘ Interops with (not compiles to) JavaScript/CSS/HTML
...And So Many More
But What Does That All
Let’s Talk About Some FP
The Suspects
Pure Functions
Type Systems
Function Chaining
Map, Filter, Fold
Functors, Monoids, Monads
Side-Effects Are The
Source of Many Woes
f(x) = 3x2-7x+5Given the above
Find f(-4)
f(x) = 3x2-7x+5Given the above
Find f(-4)
Function Has Side-Effects If It...
✘Modifies a variable
✘Modifies a data structure in place
e.g. append to linked list
✘Throws an exception
✘Prints to the console
✘Writes to a file
✘Updates a database
✘Draws to the screen
Function Has Side-Effects If It...
✘Modifies a variable
✘Modifies a data structure in place
e.g. append to linked list
✘Throws an exception
✘Prints to the console
✘Writes to a file
✘Updates a database
✘Draws to the screen Have you ever passed a
reference of a list to
something else?
Single Input
Single Output
No side effects
Referentially transparent Func
Function Is Pure If It...
Why is this Good?
Functional Imperative OOP
Pure functions are
easy to test
Local reasoning
In => Out
Objects are hard to
Encapsulated state
Global reasoning
Pure functions are
easy to re-use
Low risk
We are terrible at
making truly reusable
Challenges of tight
Hard to abstract at
correct level
Functional Imperative OOP
Pure functions are
easy to parallelize
State in isolation
Just lego pieces
Sharing is cool in
life...not in threads
How many
concurrency patterns
do we need to deal
with shared state?
Functional Imperative OOP
Pure functions reduce
need for most OOP
design patterns
‘Cause who doesn’t
want to know about
singleton factory
observer adapter
Functional Imperative OOP
Function Composition
Single Input Single Output
Functions Of This Sort Can Be Things
Functions Of This Sort Can Be Things
Two Functions
Compose Them Together
Compose Them Together
New Function!
Function Composition Is
The New Old Injection
// Goal: Allow brewing coffee with different techniques and beans
// Types
// Beans => Grind
// Grind => Coffee Compose to get: Beans => Coffee
trait Beans
trait Grind
trait Coffee
case class ColumbianBeans() extends Beans
def brew(grind: Beans => Grind)(brew: Grind => Coffee): Beans => Coffee = {
brew compose grind
def burrGrind(beans: Beans): Grind = ???
def blendGrind(beans: Beans): Grind = ???
def pourOver(grind: Grind): Coffee = ???
def drip(grind: Grind): Coffee = ???
def frenchPress(grind: Grind): Coffee = ???
val pourOverWithBurrGrind = brew(burrGrind)(pourOver)
val myFavoriteBeans = ColumbianBeans()
val myFavoriteCoffee = pourOverWithBurrGrind(myFavoriteBeans)
// Goal: Allow brewing coffee with different techniques and beans
// Types
// Beans => Grind
// Grind => Coffee Compose to get: Beans => Coffee
trait Beans
trait Grind
trait Coffee
case class ColumbianBeans() extends Beans
def brew(grind: Beans => Grind)(brew: Grind => Coffee): Beans => Coffee = {
brew compose grind
def burrGrind(beans: Beans): Grind = ???
def blendGrind(beans: Beans): Grind = ???
def pourOver(grind: Grind): Coffee = ???
def drip(grind: Grind): Coffee = ???
def frenchPress(grind: Grind): Coffee = ???
val pourOverWithBurrGrind = brew(burrGrind)(pourOver)
val myFavoriteBeans = ColumbianBeans()
val myFavoriteCoffee = pourOverWithBurrGrind(myFavoriteBeans)
brew is a higher
order function
Why Useful?
// Imagine how many combinations we can use this code
// Imagine how easy testing is
object Person {
def drink(coffee: Coffee): AwakePerson = ???
def wakeSomeone(makeIt: () => Coffee): AwakePerson = {
Anything that
makes coffee
// Which right triangle that has integers for all sides and all sides equal to
// or smaller than 10 has a perimeter of 24?
def rightTriangle: Seq[Int] =
for {
c <- 1 to 10
b <- 1 to c
a <- 1 to b
if ((Math.pow(a,2) + Math.pow(b,2) == Math.pow(c,2)) && (a + b + c == 24))
} yield (a, b, c)
Answer: [6, 8, 10]
It’s Not About the How
but the What
Type Constraints
f(x) = 3/x
Int => Double
f(x) = 3/x
1 => 3/1 => 3.0
2 => 3/2 => 1.5
0 => 3/0 => ???
f(x) = 3/x
1 => 3/1 => 3.0
2 => 3/2 => 1.5
0 => 3/0 => ???
f(x) = 3/x
1 => 3/1 => 3.0
2 => 3/2 => 1.5
0 => 3/0 => ???
f(x) = 3/x
Int => Double
0 => 3/0 => ???
f(x) = 3/x
Int => Double
0 => 3/0 => ???
Are You A
But Functions Are Types!
Types Don’t Have to Be
Open to All
f(x) = 3/x
NonZeroInt => Double
Just Became Constrained And
f(x) = 3/x
Zero Not
Allowed BY
-1 => 3/-1 => -3
1 => 3/1 => 3
2 => 3/2 => 1.5
Static Types Just Became
Enforced Domain
We Sometimes Refer to
Our Programs as an
If It Compiles, It
Probably Works
Function Chaining
def foo(): Thing = {
val x = DoAThing()
if (x != null) {
val y = DoAnotherThing(x)
if (y != null) {
val z = DoYetAnotherThing(y)
if (z != null) {
return z
} else {
return null
} else {
return null
} else {
return null
def foo(): Thing = {
val x = DoAThing()
if (x != null) {
val y = DoAnotherThing(x)
if (y != null) {
val z = DoYetAnotherThing(y)
if (z != null) {
return z
} else {
return null
} else {
return null
} else {
return null
Yeah, I know
this is bad.
But you know
you’ve seen
this before.
Hang with me.
def foo(): Thing = {
val x = DoAThing()
if (x != null) {
val y = DoAnotherThing(x)
if (y != null) {
val z =
if (z != null) {
return z
} else {
return null
} else {
return null
} else {
return null
of Doom
def foo(): Thing = {
val x = DoAThing()
if (x != null) {
val y = DoAnotherThing(x)
if (y != null) {
val z =
if (z != null) {
return z
} else {
return null
} else {
return null
} else {
return null
of Doom
The Only
Lines Doing
That’s only
def foo(): Thing = {
val x = DoAThing()
if (x != null) {
val y = DoAnotherThing(x)
if (y != null) {
val z =
if (z != null) {
return z
} else {
return null
} else {
return null
} else {
return null
of Doom
Look at all
those nulls!
Half this code
is null
Nulls are a
serious code
def foo(): Thing = {
val x = DoAThing()
if (x != null) {
val y = DoAnotherThing(x)
if (y != null) {
val z =
if (z != null) {
return z
} else {
return null
} else {
return null
} else {
return null
of Doom
Look at all
those nulls!
Half this code
is null
Nulls are a
serious code
Null Pointer
Waiting to
def foo(): Thing = {
val x = DoAThing()
if (x != null) {
val y = DoAnotherThing(x)
if (y != null) {
val z =
if (z != null) {
return z
} else {
return null
} else {
return null
} else {
return null
of Doom
Throw in async
operations, we can
create the same
pyramid with nested
FP to the Rescue!
def foo(): Option[Int] = {
for {
x <- DoAThing()
y <- DoAnotherThing(x)
z <- DoYetAnotherThing(y)
} yield z
def foo(): Option[Int] = {
for {
x <- DoAThing()
y <- DoAnotherThing(x)
z <- DoYetAnotherThing(y)
} yield z
Every line is
def foo(): Option[Int] = {
for {
x <- DoAThing()
y <- DoAnotherThing(x)
z <- DoYetAnotherThing(y)
} yield z
Every line is
Code Examples
Application Becomes a
Collection of Pure
Just Fold the Collection
Fold All the Pieces!
The Key to a Lot of Awesome
Functors, Monoids, and
A => B
Type A
Identity Function
Binary Combinator
Type with a Functor +
State stays in
The box is a
Think of
monad as
collection of
at most one
You can do collection things to monads
Operation creates new monad of same type but
new state
If Monad is “empty”, applied functions are
def foo(): Option[Int] = Some(100)
val myFoo = foo()
val result =
.map(i => i + 100)
.map(i => i.toString)
.map(i => i + " is a bigger number")
.getOrElse("didn't do anything")
// result = "200 is a bigger number"
def foo(): Option[Int] = None
val myFoo = foo()
val result =
.map(i => i + 100)
.map(i => i.toString)
.map(i => i + " is a bigger number")
.getOrElse("didn't do anything")
// result = "didn’t do anything"
Executed but
not applied
Monads are so much
more but let’s keep it
simple for now…
...another talk to come
Common Applications
Trends in Functional Programming
Data Processing Streaming Parallelization
Machine Learning
Computation Attracting Talent
Final Thoughts
Natural way to migrate
To Functional
Any questions?
You can find me at

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Intro to Functional Programming

  • 4. A Very Short Story
  • 5.
  • 6. “We are builders first; technologists second
  • 7. “The better builders we are, the more value we provide.
  • 9. What Does It Mean to be Imperative?
  • 10. What Are The Most Common Problems In Imperative OOP Code?
  • 11. Null Pointer Exceptions Concurrency Errors With Shared State Broad Context of Reasoning Deep Inheritance Chains Mutable State
  • 12. What is the emphasis with imperative OOP code?
  • 13. Inheritance over composition Abstraction by Inheritance Internal class state and encapsulation Imperative state mutations
  • 14. Can We Do Better?
  • 16. “A functional programming language is a language that emphasises programming with pure functions and immutable data
  • 17. Functional Programming Declarative Describe what, not how Expressions over statements Idempotent Immutability Functions are without side-effects Results deterministic Referentially Transparent Any expression can be replaced with the results of its value Algebraic Types, equality, expressions Category theory Functionally Composable Separate behavior from data Small functions composed together to make small building blocks Parallelizable Idempotent code by nature enables local and distributed parallelization
  • 18. Myths ✘Requires a math degree to understand ✘Targets only math/science problems ✘Only relevant in academic circles ✘Not for “Line of Business” or “Form Over Data” apps
  • 19. LIES!
  • 20. Shocking Adjustments ✘No Null ✘Recursion over looping ✘Avoidance of if-statements ✘Map/filter/fold over iterating ✘Monadic I/O ✘Lots of foreign mathematical nomenclature ✘No debuggers
  • 21. “OOP makes code understandable by encapsulating moving parts. FP makes code understandable by minimizing moving parts. ✘Michael Feathers
  • 23. You Don’t Need a Functional Language To Be Functional
  • 24. But It Does Help
  • 25. Some [Subjective] Examples Pure-ish ✘ Haskell ✘ Erlang ✘ Elm ✘ Hope ✘ Joy ✘ Mercury ✘ Scheme Hybrids ✘ Scala ✘ F# ✘ Kotlin ✘ Swift ✘ ML ✘ LISP ✘ Rust ✘ Groovy ✘ R ✘ Dart ✘ Ruby Progressively Incorporating ✘ Java 8 ✘ C# ✘ Python ✘ C++ 11 ...and many more
  • 27. JVM Languages Scala ✘ Statically strong typed ✘ FP with OOP good parts ✘ Higher-order functions ✘ Insanely advanced type system ✘ Currying, lazy-evaluation, pattern matching, etc. ✘ Large commercial adoption Twitter, Spotify, LinkedIn, Apache Spark, Kafka, etc. ✘ Backed by Lightbend + Scala Centre Clojure ✘ Dynamically typed ✘ First-order functions ✘ S-expressions ✘ LISP-dialect “Modern LISP that is symbiotic with Java”
  • 28. .NET Languages F# ✘ Statically typed ✘ Multi-paradigm: FP, imperative, OOP ✘ .NET Framework ✘ Visual Studio Tooling ✘ Backed by Microsoft
  • 29. Apple Languages Swift ✘ Scala...brought to you by Apple I kid! I kid! ✘ FP alternative to Objective C ✘ Borrowed some constructs from C & Objective C ✘ Optional types ✘ Categories (i.e. type-classes)
  • 30. Erlang Languages Erlang ✘ Ideal for distributed systems ✘ Fault-tolerant, real-time ✘ Highly-available systems ✘ BEAM virtual machine Elixir ✘ Higher abstractions on top of Erlang Reduces boilerplate ✘ Runs on BEAM ✘ New language but closely related to Erlang
  • 31. Purist Languages Haskell ✘ Purely functional ✘ Named after Haskell Curry ✘ Strong type system ✘ Introduced type-classes ✘ Strict immutability Elm ✘ FP for the web ✘ Graphical layout without destructive updates ✘ Interops with (not compiles to) JavaScript/CSS/HTML
  • 33. But What Does That All Mean?
  • 34. Let’s Talk About Some FP Concepts
  • 35. The Suspects Pure Functions Expressions Type Systems Function Chaining Map, Filter, Fold Functors, Monoids, Monads
  • 38. f(x) = 3x2-7x+5Given the above Find f(-4)
  • 39. f(x) = 3x2-7x+5Given the above Find f(-4) 81
  • 40. Function Has Side-Effects If It... ✘Modifies a variable ✘Modifies a data structure in place e.g. append to linked list ✘Throws an exception ✘Prints to the console ✘Writes to a file ✘Updates a database ✘Draws to the screen
  • 41. Function Has Side-Effects If It... ✘Modifies a variable ✘Modifies a data structure in place e.g. append to linked list ✘Throws an exception ✘Prints to the console ✘Writes to a file ✘Updates a database ✘Draws to the screen Have you ever passed a reference of a list to something else?
  • 42. Single Input Single Output No side effects Referentially transparent Func A B Function Is Pure If It...
  • 43. Why is this Good?
  • 44. Functional Imperative OOP Pure functions are easy to test Local reasoning In => Out VS Objects are hard to test Encapsulated state Context Global reasoning
  • 45. Pure functions are easy to re-use Low risk Little-to-no dependencies VS We are terrible at making truly reusable objects Challenges of tight coupling Hard to abstract at correct level Functional Imperative OOP
  • 46. Pure functions are easy to parallelize State in isolation Just lego pieces VS Sharing is cool in life...not in threads How many concurrency patterns do we need to deal with shared state? Functional Imperative OOP
  • 47. Pure functions reduce need for most OOP design patterns VS ‘Cause who doesn’t want to know about your MVVMVMVMMVCCC singleton factory observer adapter thingy? Functional Imperative OOP
  • 49. Single Input Single Output Func A B
  • 50. Functions Of This Sort Can Be Things Func A B
  • 51. Functions Of This Sort Can Be Things Func A B
  • 56. Function Composition Is The New Old Injection
  • 57. // Goal: Allow brewing coffee with different techniques and beans // Types // Beans => Grind // Grind => Coffee Compose to get: Beans => Coffee trait Beans trait Grind trait Coffee case class ColumbianBeans() extends Beans def brew(grind: Beans => Grind)(brew: Grind => Coffee): Beans => Coffee = { brew compose grind } def burrGrind(beans: Beans): Grind = ??? def blendGrind(beans: Beans): Grind = ??? def pourOver(grind: Grind): Coffee = ??? def drip(grind: Grind): Coffee = ??? def frenchPress(grind: Grind): Coffee = ??? val pourOverWithBurrGrind = brew(burrGrind)(pourOver) val myFavoriteBeans = ColumbianBeans() val myFavoriteCoffee = pourOverWithBurrGrind(myFavoriteBeans) // TIME TO WAKE UP!!!
  • 58. // Goal: Allow brewing coffee with different techniques and beans // Types // Beans => Grind // Grind => Coffee Compose to get: Beans => Coffee trait Beans trait Grind trait Coffee case class ColumbianBeans() extends Beans def brew(grind: Beans => Grind)(brew: Grind => Coffee): Beans => Coffee = { brew compose grind } def burrGrind(beans: Beans): Grind = ??? def blendGrind(beans: Beans): Grind = ??? def pourOver(grind: Grind): Coffee = ??? def drip(grind: Grind): Coffee = ??? def frenchPress(grind: Grind): Coffee = ??? val pourOverWithBurrGrind = brew(burrGrind)(pourOver) val myFavoriteBeans = ColumbianBeans() val myFavoriteCoffee = pourOverWithBurrGrind(myFavoriteBeans) // TIME TO WAKE UP!!! brew is a higher order function
  • 60. // Imagine how many combinations we can use this code // Imagine how easy testing is object Person { def drink(coffee: Coffee): AwakePerson = ??? } def wakeSomeone(makeIt: () => Coffee): AwakePerson = { Person.drink(makeIt()) } Anything that makes coffee
  • 62. // Which right triangle that has integers for all sides and all sides equal to // or smaller than 10 has a perimeter of 24? def rightTriangle: Seq[Int] = for { c <- 1 to 10 b <- 1 to c a <- 1 to b if ((Math.pow(a,2) + Math.pow(b,2) == Math.pow(c,2)) && (a + b + c == 24)) } yield (a, b, c) rightTriangle Answer: [6, 8, 10] It’s Not About the How but the What
  • 64. f(x) = 3/x Int => Double
  • 65. f(x) = 3/x 1 => 3/1 => 3.0 2 => 3/2 => 1.5 0 => 3/0 => ???
  • 66. f(x) = 3/x 1 => 3/1 => 3.0 2 => 3/2 => 1.5 0 => 3/0 => ??? AH, PICKLES!
  • 67. f(x) = 3/x 1 => 3/1 => 3.0 2 => 3/2 => 1.5 0 => 3/0 => ??? THROW AN EXCEPTION?
  • 68. f(x) = 3/x Int => Double 0 => 3/0 => ??? THROW AN EXCEPTION? THEN THIS IS A LIE!
  • 69. f(x) = 3/x Int => Double 0 => 3/0 => ??? THROW AN EXCEPTION? THEN THIS IS A LIE! Are You A Liar?
  • 70. But Functions Are Types! Types Don’t Have to Be Open to All Circumstances
  • 71. f(x) = 3/x NonZeroInt => Double Just Became Constrained And Self-Documented
  • 72. f(x) = 3/x Zero Not Allowed BY NonZeroInt -1 => 3/-1 => -3 1 => 3/1 => 3 2 => 3/2 => 1.5
  • 73. Static Types Just Became Enforced Domain Documentation
  • 74.
  • 75. We Sometimes Refer to Our Programs as an “Algebra”
  • 76. If It Compiles, It Probably Works
  • 78. def foo(): Thing = { val x = DoAThing() if (x != null) { val y = DoAnotherThing(x) if (y != null) { val z = DoYetAnotherThing(y) if (z != null) { return z } else { return null } } else { return null } } else { return null } }
  • 79. def foo(): Thing = { val x = DoAThing() if (x != null) { val y = DoAnotherThing(x) if (y != null) { val z = DoYetAnotherThing(y) if (z != null) { return z } else { return null } } else { return null } } else { return null } } Yeah, I know this is bad. But you know you’ve seen this before. Hang with me.
  • 80. def foo(): Thing = { val x = DoAThing() if (x != null) { val y = DoAnotherThing(x) if (y != null) { val z = DoYetAnotherThing(y) if (z != null) { return z } else { return null } } else { return null } } else { return null } } Pyramid of Doom
  • 81. def foo(): Thing = { val x = DoAThing() if (x != null) { val y = DoAnotherThing(x) if (y != null) { val z = DoYetAnotherThing(y) if (z != null) { return z } else { return null } } else { return null } } else { return null } } Pyramid of Doom The Only Lines Doing Work That’s only 20%!
  • 82. def foo(): Thing = { val x = DoAThing() if (x != null) { val y = DoAnotherThing(x) if (y != null) { val z = DoYetAnotherThing(y) if (z != null) { return z } else { return null } } else { return null } } else { return null } } Pyramid of Doom Look at all those nulls! Half this code is null checking. Nulls are a serious code smell!
  • 83. def foo(): Thing = { val x = DoAThing() if (x != null) { val y = DoAnotherThing(x) if (y != null) { val z = DoYetAnotherThing(y) if (z != null) { return z } else { return null } } else { return null } } else { return null } } Pyramid of Doom Look at all those nulls! Half this code is null checking. Nulls are a serious code smell! Null Pointer Exceptions Waiting to Happen
  • 84. def foo(): Thing = { val x = DoAThing() if (x != null) { val y = DoAnotherThing(x) if (y != null) { val z = DoYetAnotherThing(y) if (z != null) { return z } else { return null } } else { return null } } else { return null } } Pyramid of Doom Throw in async operations, we can create the same pyramid with nested callbacks.
  • 85. FP to the Rescue!
  • 86. def foo(): Option[Int] = { for { x <- DoAThing() y <- DoAnotherThing(x) z <- DoYetAnotherThing(y) } yield z }
  • 87. def foo(): Option[Int] = { for { x <- DoAThing() y <- DoAnotherThing(x) z <- DoYetAnotherThing(y) } yield z } Every line is significant
  • 88. def foo(): Option[Int] = { for { x <- DoAThing() y <- DoAnotherThing(x) z <- DoYetAnotherThing(y) } yield z } Every line is significant
  • 90. Application Becomes a Collection of Pure Functions
  • 91. Just Fold the Collection
  • 93.
  • 94. Monads The Key to a Lot of Awesome
  • 98. Monad Type with a Functor + FlatMap
  • 99. State
  • 101. State The box is a “monad”
  • 102. State Think of monad as collection of at most one item
  • 103. State You can do collection things to monads Operation creates new monad of same type but new state .map(...) .flatMap(...) .fold(...) .filter(...) .collect(...) .head
  • 104. State If Monad is “empty”, applied functions are ignored .map(...) .flatMap(...) .fold(...) .filter(...) .collect(...) .head
  • 105. def foo(): Option[Int] = Some(100) val myFoo = foo() val result = myFoo .map(i => i + 100) .map(i => i.toString) .map(i => i + " is a bigger number") .getOrElse("didn't do anything") // result = "200 is a bigger number"
  • 106. def foo(): Option[Int] = None val myFoo = foo() val result = myFoo .map(i => i + 100) .map(i => i.toString) .map(i => i + " is a bigger number") .getOrElse("didn't do anything") // result = "didn’t do anything" Executed but not applied
  • 107. Monads are so much more but let’s keep it simple for now… ...another talk to come
  • 109. Trends in Functional Programming Data Processing Streaming Parallelization Machine Learning Heavy Computation Attracting Talent
  • 111.
  • 113. Natural way to migrate To Functional Programming?
  • 114. thanks! Any questions? You can find me at @ProfParmer

Editor's Notes

  1. Good morning. My name is Jordan. I’m a software engineer for a company in OKC called “Oseberg” where I lead the Data Platform team. We use a lot of FP at Oseberg. In fact, all of our server-side code is FP using a language called Scala. How many of you have used functional programming professionally? As a hobby? A strict functional programming language?
  2. Get a raise of hands for who has done functional programming before.
  3. Describe the paradigm phases over the years (procedural => oop => functional) Fascination of video games as child (not necessarily gaming itself but the building aspect) Story of dad buying my first programming book (show next slide with QBasic book)
  4. I read this book cover-to-cover. Was fascinated. Felt like I knew a secret code or language that few others knew. I think that is a feeling many of us in this room probably felt at one time or another. The love of the tinkering. The love of the hacking around. The love of building something out of logic. Infinite loops, beeping ASCII codes, etc.
  5. When we first learn programming, we are concerned about syntax. How do I enter the correct codes, symbols, and keywords to appease the wrath of the compiler and have our little code run? Next, we are concerned with how to model things. What is the best way to represent this logical concept in the real world? Next, how do we have our models interact with each other? Next, how do we work in a team with other people writing code? Next, how do we have systems talk to each other? … The further we go, the more evolved the problems we are solving. In today’s world, we now find ourselves processing Big Data. Massive volumes of data, many CPU cores, distributed computing clusters, and a high degree of parallelism. The problems we are solving today are not the problems we were solving yesterday.
  6. That is why our field is about the pursuit of building. We are builders first and technologists second. How do we build things? And this means we should always be learning how to build in new ways.
  7. Ask the audience.
  8. Ask the audience.
  9. Ask the audience.
  10. Now this doesn’t mean we don’t have to learn new terminology. When we learned algebra, we could no longer constrain ourselves to basic addition and subtraction. Had to learn new phrases. When we learned OOP, we had to learn about classes, objects, encapsulation, inheritance, etc. New lingo for different techniques. Same with FP. You are going to have to learn about referential integrity, functors, monoids, monads, typeclasses, etc.
  11. What if in algebra class your teacher docked you points because in reality, usage of ‘x’ mutated its state so that it wasn’t constant within the use of the function f() and the answer changes? You’d cry fowl! But don’t we do this kind of stuff all the time? When we were first becoming programmers, this is the kind of habits we were taught. Changing state.
  12. What if in algebra class your teacher docked you points because in reality, usage of ‘x’ mutated its state so that it wasn’t constant within the use of the function f() and the answer changes? You’d cry fowl! But don’t we do this kind of stuff all the time? When we were first becoming programmers, this is the kind of habits we were taught. Changing state.
  13. Will this work for all inputs? How might we code this up?
  14. Will this work for all inputs? How might we code this up?
  15. Will this work for all inputs? How might we code this up?
  16. Will this work for all inputs? How might we code this up?
  17. Will this work for all inputs? How might we code this up?
  18. Will this work for all inputs? How might we code this up?
  19. Will this work for all inputs? How might we code this up?
  20. Will this work for all inputs? How might we code this up?