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Systems Integration in the Cloud Era   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Kai Wähner

                                                                                  Main Tasks
                                                                      Evaluation of Technologies and Products
                                                                             Requirements Engineering
                                                                        Enterprise Architecture Management
                                                                           Business Process Management
                                                                   Architecture and Development of Applications
                                                                          Planning and Introduction of SOA
                                                                         Integration of Legacy Applications
                                                                                  Cloud Computing
                                                                                      Big Data

              Consulting                                                            Contact
              Developing                                                 Blog:
               Speaking                                                       Twitter: @KaiWaehner
               Coaching                                                   Social Network: Xing, LinkedIn
                Writing    Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
What is the Problem?


                                                                  •  Applications
                                                                  •  Interfaces
                                                                  •  Technologies
                                                                  •  Products   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
A new Era: Cloud Computing   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Solution: Systems Integration

                                                              All Roads lead
                                                                to Rome ...   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner

                                                          •  Standardized Modeling
                                                          •  Efficient Realization
                                                          •  Automatic Testing   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Systems Integration in the Cloud Era   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
What is the Key Message?   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Key Messages

   The Cloud already arrived, and must be integrated!   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Key Messages

   The Cloud already arrived, and must be integrated!
   Cloud Integration is already possible!   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Key Messages

   The Cloud already arrived, and must be integrated!
   Cloud Integration is already possible!
   Different APIs, Frameworks and Products help a lot!   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner

       1) Introduction to Cloud Computing

       2) Alternatives for Systems Integration

       3) API

       4) Integration Framework

       5) Enterprise Service Bus     Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner

       1) Introduction to Cloud Computing

       2) Alternatives for Systems Integration

       3) API
                                                                    Amazon Web Services (IaaS)
       4) Integration Framework                                      Googe App Engine (PaaS)
                                                                        Salesforce (SaaS)
       5) Enterprise Service Bus     Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner

       1) Introduction to Cloud Computing

       2) Alternatives for Systems Integration

       3) API

       4) Integration Framework

       5) Enterprise Service Bus     Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Cloud Computing

                                                               Infrastructure    Platform       Software
                                  On Premise
      On Premise                                                as a Service    as a Service   as a Service
                                                                   (IaaS)         (PaaS)          (SaaS)

      App                        App                            App               App            App
      VM                         VM                             VM                VM             VM
     Server                     Server                         Server            Server         Server
    Storage                    Storage                        Storage           Storage        Storage
    Network                    Network                        Network           Network        Network

     Organisation                                                 Control                        Vendor
      has control                                                is shared                     has control         Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Every Vendor offers Cloud Products   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
IaaS Examples   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
IaaS Concepts (AWS)

                                                                  Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
                                                                  Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR)

                                                                  Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
                                                                  Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
                                                                  SimpleDB (SDB)

                                                                  Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)
                                                                  Amazon DynamoDB (DDB)
                                                                  Amazon ElastiCache

                                                                  Application Services
                                                                  Amazon Simple Workflow Service (SWF)
                                                                  Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)
                                                                  Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)
                                                                  Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)

                                                                  Many more ...   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
PaaS Examples

     Elastic Beanstalk    Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
PaaS Concepts (GAE)

                                                                  Application Deployment
                                                                  Easy Deployment
                                                                  Automatic Scaling

                                                                  Development Restrictions
                                                                  JRE Class White List
                                                                  Workarounds for Frameworks
                                                                  No „naked“ Domains
                                                                  No „write once run everywhere“
                                                                  Quotas and Limits

                                                                  Push Queue
                                                                  Pull Queue
                                                                  URL Fetch
                                                                  Cloud Storage
                                                                  Cloud SQL   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
SaaS Examples   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
SaaS Concepts (Salesforce)

                                                                     Software (CRM)
                                                                     ... more ...

                                                                     (even the Compiler is in the Cloud!)
                                                                     Own Addons  (PaaS)
                 Apex                                                Integration of Interfaces

    Client APIs (Java, etc.)      Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner

       1) Introduction to Cloud Computing

       2) Alternatives for Systems Integration

       3) API

       4) Integration Framework

       5) Enterprise Service Bus     Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP)   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP)   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP)   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Systems Integration in the Cloud Era   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Alternatives for Systems Integration

                                                                  Enterprise Service Bus
                              Integration                                  (ESB)
                                                                                              of Integration
   Low                                                                                 High   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner

       1) Introduction to Cloud Computing

       2) Alternatives for Systems Integration

       3) API

       4) Integration Framework

       5) Enterprise Service Bus     Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Alternatives for Systems Integration

                                                                  Enterprise Service Bus
                              Integration                                  (ESB)
                                                                                              of Integration
   Low                                                                                 High   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Alternatives for Systems Integration

                                                                    Enterprise Service Bus
                                Integration                                  (ESB)
                                                                                                of Integration
   Low                                                                                   High

   REST Service
   SOAP Service     Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Alternatives for Systems Integration

                                                                     Enterprise Service Bus
                                Integration                                   (ESB)
                                                                                                 of Integration
   Low                                                                                    High

    Proprietary                                                Vendor APIs
   REST Service                                                    vs.
   SOAP Service                                                Generic APIs     Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Systems Integration in the Cloud Era

                                                        API   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner

                                  Vendor APIs   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
IaaS - AWS S3 (Java API)

              AmazonS3 s3 = new AmazonS3Client(new PropertiesCredentials(

              String bucketName = "my-first-s3-bucket-" + UUID.randomUUID();
              String key = "MyObjectKey";

              try {

                 s3.putObject(new PutObjectRequest(bucketName, key, createSampleFile()));

                 S3Object object = s3.getObject(new GetObjectRequest(bucketName, key));

                 ObjectListing objectListing = s3.listObjects(new ListObjectsRequest()

                 s3.deleteObject(bucketName, key);

              } catch (AmazonServiceException ase) {
                // error handling...
              } catch (AmazonClientException ace) {
                // error handling...
              }     Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
IaaS - AWS S3 (Ruby API)   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
PaaS - Google App Engine (Java API)

          public class GAEJCreateTaskServlet extends HttpServlet {
                 public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException {

                 String strCallResult = "";
                 try {

                        String strEmailId = req.getParameter("emailid");

                        if (strEmailId == null) throw new Exception ("Email Id field cannot be empty.");

                        strEmailId = strEmailId.trim();
                        if (strEmailId.length() == 0) throw new Exception("Email Id field cannot be empty.");

                        Queue queue = QueueFactory.getQueue("subscription-queue");

                        strCallResult = "Successfully created a Task in the Queue";

                 catch (Exception ex) {
                       strCallResult = "Fail: " + ex.getMessage();
          } }}        Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
SaaS – Salesforce (Java API)
                     ConnectorConfig config = new ConnectorConfig();
                        connection = new EnterpriseConnection(config);

                         GetUserInfoResult userInfo = connection.getUserInfo();
                         System.out.println("User Full Name: " + userInfo.getUserFullName());

                              QueryResult qResult = null;

                              String soqlQuery = "SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Contact"; // SOQL

                              qResult = connection.query(soqlQuery);
                              boolean done = false;
                              if (qResult.getSize() > 0) {
                                System.out.println("Logged-in user can see " +
                                     qResult.getRecords().length +
                                     " contact records."
                                  while (! done) {
                                    SObject[] records = qResult.getRecords();
                                    for ( int i = 0; i < records.length; ++i ) {
                                     Contact con = (Contact) records[i];
                                     String fName = con.getFirstName();
                                     String lName = con.getLastName();
                                     // ... more stuff here ...   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
IaaS – Microsoft Azure NoSQL Table Storage (C# API)   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner

              REST / SOAP APIs   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
SaaS – Salesforce (REST API)

                                                                  •  SOAP
                                                                  •  REST   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
SaaS – Salesforce (REST API)

                                                                  •  SOAP
                                                                  •  REST   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner

                                 Generic APIs   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
jClouds (Generic API)

                                                Generic API for IaaS   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
jClouds (Generic API)

                                                                  Compute API
                                                                  Blobstore API   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
jClouds (Generic API)

                                                Several different
                                                Cloud providers
                                                   supported   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
jClouds (Generic API) – AWS S3 Blobstore (Java)   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
jClouds (Generic API) – AWS S3 Blobstore (Java)

                                                                  Use another provider?
                                                                  Just change this line!   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner

       1) Introduction to Cloud Computing

       2) Alternatives for Systems Integration

       3) API

       4) Integration Framework

       5) Enterprise Service Bus     Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Alternatives for Systems Integration

                                                                  Enterprise Service Bus
                              Integration                                  (ESB)
                                                                                              of Integration
   Low                                                                                 High   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Alternatives for Systems Integration

                                                                  Enterprise Service Bus
                              Integration                                  (ESB)
                                                                                              of Integration
   Low                                                                                 High

                           Transformation   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Alternatives for Systems Integration

                                                                  Enterprise Service Bus
                              Integration                                  (ESB)
                                                                                                 of Integration
   Low                                                                                 High

                                                                            Spring Integration
                             Integration                                            Mule
                                                                              Apache Camel
                               Routing                                               VS
                           Transformation                                       NIntegrate   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner


              (Exemplarily: Apache Camel => Concepts are all the same, only different names)   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner

       Standalone                                                 Application Server

                                                                      Web Container

                                                                            Cloud   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Systems Integration in the Cloud Era

                                                Framework   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Code Example - Camel AWS Component (Java)

   // Producer
      .setHeader(S3Constants.KEY, simple(“order.txt"))
      .to("aws-s3://myBucket?accessKey=" + a+ "&secretKey= " + s)

   // Consumer
   from("aws-s3://myBucket?accessKey=“a+ "&secretKey=" + s)
      .to(“log:S3logging")   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
A more complex route with different Cloud services   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Code Example – Mule (XML)   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Code Example – NServiceBus (.NET Open Source)   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Code Example – Camel GAE Component (Java DSL)   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Custom Cloud Components




                                                                  Consumer                   Producer   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Code Example – Camel Salesforce Component

  // Producer

  // Consumer
   .to(“log:fromSalesforce");   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Alternative for Custom Cloud Components

                                                                  •  SOAP
                                                                  •  REST   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Code Example – Salesforce REST (HTTP)

  // Salesforce Query (SOQL) via REST API
         .setHeader("X-PrettyPrint", 1)
         .setHeader("Authorization", accessToken)
         .setHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json")

  // Salesforce CREATE via REST API
         .setHeader("X-PrettyPrint", 1)
         .setHeader("Authorization", accessToken)
         .setHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json“)
  .to("")      Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner

       1) Introduction to Cloud Computing

       2) Alternatives for Systems Integration

       3) API

       4) Integration Framework

       5) Enterprise Service Bus     Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Alternatives for Systems Integration

                                                                  Enterprise Service Bus
                              Integration                                  (ESB)
                                                                                              of Integration
   Low                                                                                 High   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Alternatives for Systems Integration

                                                                   Enterprise Service Bus
                              Integration                                   (ESB)
                                                                                                  of Integration
   Low                                                                                  High

                                                                     Middleware Product
                             Integration                                    Integration
                             Connectivity                         Business Process Management
                               Routing                             Business Activity Monitoring
                           Transformation                              Registry / Repository
                                                                          Rules Engine   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Alternatives for Systems Integration

                                                                   Enterprise Service Bus
                              Integration                                   (ESB)
                                                                                                  of Integration
   Low                                                                                  High

        Apache ServiceMix,
           Talend ESB,
         NServiceBus, etc.                                           Middleware Product
                VS                                                          Integration
       IBM Message Broker,                                        Business Process Management
      IBM ESB, Oracle ESB,                                         Business Activity Monitoring
          Windows Azure                                                Registry / Repository
         Service Bus, etc.                                                Rules Engine   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Oracle (Proprietary)   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Talend (Open Source)   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Systems Integration in the Cloud Era

                                                      ESB   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Oracle (Proprietary)   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Talend (Open Source)   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
ESB Characteristics (compared to Integration Frameworks)

  •  Integrate everything (as with an integration framework)
  •  Unified solution (not just integration)
  •  Standalone product
  •  More power (and therefore higher complexity)
  •  Visual designer („zero coding“ and not just for developers)
  •  Less flexibility / extensibility *
  •  Money *

  * proprietary products    Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner

                                                                  Enterprise Service Bus
                              Integration                                  (ESB)
                                                                                              of Integration
   Low                                                                                 High   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner

                                                                  Enterprise Service Bus
                              Integration                                  (ESB)
                                                                                              of Integration
   Low                                                                                 High

                               („Keep it simple, stupid!“)   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Did you get the Key Message?   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Key Messages

   The Cloud already arrived, and must be integrated!
   Cloud Integration is already possible!
   Different APIs, Frameworks and Products help a lot!   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Did you get the Key Message?   Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
Thank you for your Attention. Any Questions?


          Kai Wähner

              MaibornWolff et al:
              Twitter: @KaiWaehner
              Social Network: Xing, LinkedIn         Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner

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Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - API vs. Integration Framework vs. Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)

  • 1. Systems Integration in the Cloud Era Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 2. Kai Wähner Main Tasks Evaluation of Technologies and Products Requirements Engineering Enterprise Architecture Management Business Process Management Architecture and Development of Applications Planning and Introduction of SOA Integration of Legacy Applications Cloud Computing Big Data Consulting Contact Email: Developing Blog: Speaking Twitter: @KaiWaehner Coaching Social Network: Xing, LinkedIn Writing Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 3. What is the Problem? Growth •  Applications •  Interfaces •  Technologies •  Products Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 4. A new Era: Cloud Computing Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 5. Solution: Systems Integration All Roads lead to Rome ... Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 6. Wishes •  Standardized Modeling •  Efficient Realization •  Automatic Testing Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
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  • 9. Key Messages The Cloud already arrived, and must be integrated! Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 10. Key Messages The Cloud already arrived, and must be integrated! Cloud Integration is already possible! Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 11. Key Messages The Cloud already arrived, and must be integrated! Cloud Integration is already possible! Different APIs, Frameworks and Products help a lot! Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 12. Agenda 1) Introduction to Cloud Computing 2) Alternatives for Systems Integration 3) API 4) Integration Framework 5) Enterprise Service Bus Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 13. Agenda 1) Introduction to Cloud Computing 2) Alternatives for Systems Integration 3) API Amazon Web Services (IaaS) 4) Integration Framework Googe App Engine (PaaS) Salesforce (SaaS) 5) Enterprise Service Bus Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 14. Agenda 1) Introduction to Cloud Computing 2) Alternatives for Systems Integration 3) API 4) Integration Framework 5) Enterprise Service Bus Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 15. Cloud Computing Infrastructure Platform Software On Premise On Premise as a Service as a Service as a Service hosted (IaaS) (PaaS) (SaaS) App App App App App VM VM VM VM VM Server Server Server Server Server Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Network Network Network Network Network Organisation Control Vendor has control is shared has control Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 16. Every Vendor offers Cloud Products Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 17. IaaS Examples Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
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  • 19. PaaS Examples Elastic Beanstalk Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 20. PaaS Concepts (GAE) Application Deployment Easy Deployment Automatic Scaling Development Restrictions JRE Class White List Workarounds for Frameworks No „naked“ Domains No „write once run everywhere“ Quotas and Limits Services Push Queue Pull Queue URL Fetch Accounts Mail Memcache XMPP Images Datastore Cloud Storage Cloud SQL Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 21. SaaS Examples Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 22. SaaS Concepts (Salesforce) Software (CRM) Sales Service Social AppExchange ... more ... Development Online-Development (even the Compiler is in the Cloud!) Own Addons  (PaaS) Apex Integration of Interfaces Visualforce REST SOAP Client APIs (Java, etc.) Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 23. Agenda 1) Introduction to Cloud Computing 2) Alternatives for Systems Integration 3) API 4) Integration Framework 5) Enterprise Service Bus Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 24. Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
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  • 26. Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 27. Systems Integration in the Cloud Era Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 28. Alternatives for Systems Integration Enterprise Service Bus Integration (ESB) API Framework Complexity of Integration Low High Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 29. Agenda 1) Introduction to Cloud Computing 2) Alternatives for Systems Integration 3) API 4) Integration Framework 5) Enterprise Service Bus Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 30. Alternatives for Systems Integration Enterprise Service Bus Integration (ESB) API Framework Complexity of Integration Low High Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 31. Alternatives for Systems Integration Enterprise Service Bus Integration (ESB) API Framework Complexity of Integration Low High API Proprietary REST Service SOAP Service Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 32. Alternatives for Systems Integration Enterprise Service Bus Integration (ESB) API Framework Complexity of Integration Low High API Proprietary Vendor APIs REST Service vs. SOAP Service Generic APIs Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 33. Systems Integration in the Cloud Era API Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 34. APIs Vendor APIs Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 35. IaaS - AWS S3 (Java API) AmazonS3 s3 = new AmazonS3Client(new PropertiesCredentials( S3Sample.class.getResourceAsStream(""))); String bucketName = "my-first-s3-bucket-" + UUID.randomUUID(); String key = "MyObjectKey"; try { s3.createBucket(bucketName); s3.putObject(new PutObjectRequest(bucketName, key, createSampleFile())); S3Object object = s3.getObject(new GetObjectRequest(bucketName, key)); ObjectListing objectListing = s3.listObjects(new ListObjectsRequest() .withBucketName(bucketName) .withPrefix("My")); s3.deleteObject(bucketName, key); s3.deleteBucket(bucketName); } catch (AmazonServiceException ase) { // error handling... } catch (AmazonClientException ace) { // error handling... } Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 36. IaaS - AWS S3 (Ruby API) Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 37. PaaS - Google App Engine (Java API) public class GAEJCreateTaskServlet extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { String strCallResult = ""; resp.setContentType("text/plain"); try { String strEmailId = req.getParameter("emailid"); if (strEmailId == null) throw new Exception ("Email Id field cannot be empty."); strEmailId = strEmailId.trim(); if (strEmailId.length() == 0) throw new Exception("Email Id field cannot be empty."); Queue queue = QueueFactory.getQueue("subscription-queue"); queue.add(TaskOptions.Builder.url(“signupsubscriber“) .param("emailid",strEmailId)); strCallResult = "Successfully created a Task in the Queue"; resp.getWriter().println(strCallResult); } catch (Exception ex) { strCallResult = "Fail: " + ex.getMessage(); resp.getWriter().println(strCallResult); } }} Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 38. SaaS – Salesforce (Java API) ConnectorConfig config = new ConnectorConfig(); config.setUsername(userId); config.setPassword(passwd); config.setAuthEndpoint(authEndPoint); connection = new EnterpriseConnection(config); GetUserInfoResult userInfo = connection.getUserInfo(); System.out.println("User Full Name: " + userInfo.getUserFullName()); QueryResult qResult = null; String soqlQuery = "SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Contact"; // SOQL qResult = connection.query(soqlQuery); boolean done = false; if (qResult.getSize() > 0) { System.out.println("Logged-in user can see " + qResult.getRecords().length + " contact records." ); while (! done) { SObject[] records = qResult.getRecords(); for ( int i = 0; i < records.length; ++i ) { Contact con = (Contact) records[i]; String fName = con.getFirstName(); String lName = con.getLastName(); // ... more stuff here ... Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 39. IaaS – Microsoft Azure NoSQL Table Storage (C# API) Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 40. APIs REST / SOAP APIs Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 41. SaaS – Salesforce (REST API) •  SOAP •  REST Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 42. SaaS – Salesforce (REST API) •  SOAP •  REST Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 43. APIs Generic APIs Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 44. jClouds (Generic API) Generic API for IaaS Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 45. jClouds (Generic API) Compute API Blobstore API Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 46. jClouds (Generic API) Several different Cloud providers supported Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 47. jClouds (Generic API) – AWS S3 Blobstore (Java) Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 48. jClouds (Generic API) – AWS S3 Blobstore (Java) Use another provider? Just change this line! Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 49. Agenda 1) Introduction to Cloud Computing 2) Alternatives for Systems Integration 3) API 4) Integration Framework 5) Enterprise Service Bus Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 50. Alternatives for Systems Integration Enterprise Service Bus Integration (ESB) API Framework Complexity of Integration Low High Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 51. Alternatives for Systems Integration Enterprise Service Bus Integration (ESB) API Framework Complexity of Integration Low High Integration Connectivity Routing Transformation Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 52. Alternatives for Systems Integration Enterprise Service Bus Integration (ESB) API Framework Complexity of Integration Low High Spring Integration VS Integration Mule VS Connectivity Apache Camel Routing VS Transformation NIntegrate Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 53. Architecture (Exemplarily: Apache Camel => Concepts are all the same, only different names) Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 54. Deployment Standalone Application Server Web Container Cloud Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 55. Systems Integration in the Cloud Era Integration Framework Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 56. Code Example - Camel AWS Component (Java) // Producer from(“jms:toS3") .setHeader(S3Constants.KEY, simple(“order.txt")) .to("aws-s3://myBucket?accessKey=" + a+ "&secretKey= " + s) // Consumer from("aws-s3://myBucket?accessKey=“a+ "&secretKey=" + s) .to(“log:S3logging") Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 57. A more complex route with different Cloud services Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 58. Code Example – Mule (XML) Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 59. Code Example – NServiceBus (.NET Open Source) Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 60. Code Example – Camel GAE Component (Java DSL) Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 61. Custom Cloud Components Component Creates Endpoint Consumer Producer Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 62. Code Example – Camel Salesforce Component // Producer from(“jms:toSalesforce“) .to("salesforce://Article__c?user=u&password=p&item=myItem"); // Consumer from("salesforce://Article__c?user=u&password=p") .to(“log:fromSalesforce"); Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 63. Alternative for Custom Cloud Components •  SOAP •  REST Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 64. Code Example – Salesforce REST (HTTP) // Salesforce Query (SOQL) via REST API from("direct:salesforceViaHttpLIST") .setHeader("X-PrettyPrint", 1) .setHeader("Authorization", accessToken) .setHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json") .to(" +Article__c") // Salesforce CREATE via REST API from("direct:salesforceViaHttpCREATE") .setHeader("X-PrettyPrint", 1) .setHeader("Authorization", accessToken) .setHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json“) .to("") Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 65. Agenda 1) Introduction to Cloud Computing 2) Alternatives for Systems Integration 3) API 4) Integration Framework 5) Enterprise Service Bus Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 66. Alternatives for Systems Integration Enterprise Service Bus Integration (ESB) API Framework Complexity of Integration Low High Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 67. Alternatives for Systems Integration Enterprise Service Bus Integration (ESB) API Framework Complexity of Integration Low High Middleware Product Integration Integration Connectivity Business Process Management Routing Business Activity Monitoring Transformation Registry / Repository Rules Engine Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 68. Alternatives for Systems Integration Enterprise Service Bus Integration (ESB) API Framework Complexity of Integration Low High Apache ServiceMix, Talend ESB, NServiceBus, etc. Middleware Product VS Integration IBM Message Broker, Business Process Management IBM ESB, Oracle ESB, Business Activity Monitoring Windows Azure Registry / Repository Service Bus, etc. Rules Engine Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 69. Oracle (Proprietary) Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 70. Talend (Open Source) Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 71. Systems Integration in the Cloud Era ESB Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 72. Oracle (Proprietary) Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 73. Talend (Open Source) Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 74. ESB Characteristics (compared to Integration Frameworks) •  Integrate everything (as with an integration framework) •  Unified solution (not just integration) •  Standalone product •  More power (and therefore higher complexity) •  Visual designer („zero coding“ and not just for developers) •  Less flexibility / extensibility * •  Money * * proprietary products Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 75. Recommendation Enterprise Service Bus Integration (ESB) API Framework Complexity of Integration Low High Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 76. Recommendation Enterprise Service Bus Integration (ESB) API Framework Complexity of Integration Low High KISS („Keep it simple, stupid!“) Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 77. Did you get the Key Message? Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 78. Key Messages The Cloud already arrived, and must be integrated! Cloud Integration is already possible! Different APIs, Frameworks and Products help a lot! Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 79. Did you get the Key Message? Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner
  • 80. Thank you for your Attention. Any Questions?  Kai Wähner MaibornWolff et al: Email: Twitter: @KaiWaehner Blog: Social Network: Xing, LinkedIn Systems Integration in the Cloud Era - Kai Wähner