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MP	in	Clojure
~	herding	cats	with	clj	~
	/laʒenɔʁɛ̃k/	カマイルカlagénorhynque
(defprofile lagénorhynque
:name "Kent OHASHI"
:languages [Clojure Haskell Python Scala
English français Deutsch русский]
:interests [programming language-learning mathematics]
:contributing [])
Clojure	×	MP
1.	 What	is	MP?
2.	 Why	MP	in	Clojure?
3.	 How	MP	in	Clojure?
4.	 Examples
What	is	MP?
programming	with	monads
cf.	FP	=	functional	programming
MP	=	monadic	programming
de nition	of	Monad	in	Haskell
class Applicative m => Monad m where
(>>=) :: forall a b. m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
(>>) :: forall a b. m a -> m b -> m b
m >> k = m >>= _ -> k
{-# INLINE (>>) #-}
return :: a -> m a
return = pure
fail :: String -> m a
fail s = errorWithoutStackTrace s
monads	in	Haskell
型クラス	Monad	のインスタンス
>>=	:	m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
return	:	a -> m a
モナド則( )を満たす
シンプルで合成可能な構造	→	様々な形で利⽤可能
do	記法というシンタックスシュガー
monad	laws
※	#渋⾕	java	なので⼀応	Java	の例から^_^;
jshell> Optional<Integer> a = Optional.of(2)
a ==> Optional[2]
jshell> Optional<Integer> b = Optional.of(3)
b ==> Optional[3]
jshell> a.flatMap( x -> // with `flatMap` & `map`
...> y ->
...> x * y
...> )
...> )
$3 ==> Optional[6]
e.g.	scala.Option
scala> val a = Some(2)
a: Some[Int] = Some(2)
scala> val b = Some(3)
b: Some[Int] = Some(3)
scala> a.flatMap { x => // with `flatMap` & `map`
| { y =>
| x * y
| }
| }
res0: Option[Int] = Some(6)
scala> for { // with `for` expression
| x <- a
| y <- b
| } yield x * y
res1: Option[Int] = Some(6)
e.g.	Prelude.Maybe
> a = Just 2
> b = Just 3
> :{ -- with `>>=` & `return`
| a >>= x ->
| b >>= y ->
| return $ x * y
| :}
Just 6
> :{ -- with `do` notation
| do
| x <- a
| y <- b
| return $ x * y
| :}
Just 6
e.g.	cats.monad.maybe
user=> (require '[cats.core :as m]
#_=> '[cats.monad.maybe :as maybe])
user=> (def a (maybe/just 2))
user=> (def b (maybe/just 3))
user=> (m/>>= a (fn [x] ; with `>>=` & `return`
#_=> (m/>>= b (fn [y]
#_=> (m/return (* x y))))))
#<Just 6>
user=> (m/mlet [x a ; with `mlet` macro
#_=> y b]
#_=> (m/return (* x y)))
#<Just 6>
Why	MP	in	Clojure?
MP	in	Clojure
⇒	Clojureでも	MP	してみよう	(*> ᴗ •*)ゞ
How	MP	in	Clojure?
MP	libraries	in	Clojure
Macros	for	defining	monads,	and
definition	of	the	most	common
Category	Theory	and	Algebraic
abstractions	for	Clojure	and
how	to	support	MP	in	Clojure
feature algo.monads cats
Monad	type	class plain	Map	data protocol
do	notation macro macro
context	inference (n/a) protocol
anatomy	of	algo.monads
user=> (require '[clojure.algo.monads :as m])
user=> (m/domonad m/maybe-m
#_=> [x 2
#_=> y 3]
#_=> (* x y))
clojure.algo.monads/with-monad	?
user=> (macroexpand-1
#_=> '(m/domonad m/maybe-m
#_=> [x 2
#_=> y 3]
#_=> (* x y)))
(clojure.algo.monads/with-monad m/maybe-m
(m-bind 2 (fn [x]
(m-bind 3 (fn [y]
(m-result (* x y)))))))
macroexpand-1	once	more
clojure.algo.monads/maybe-m	?
user=> (macroexpand-1 *1)
(clojure.core/let [name__3075__auto__ m/maybe-m
m-bind (:m-bind name__3075__auto__)
m-result (:m-result name__3075__auto__)
m-zero (:m-zero name__3075__auto__)
m-plus (:m-plus name__3075__auto__)]
(m-bind 2 (fn [x]
(m-bind 3 (fn [y]
(m-result (* x y))))))))
just	a	keyword-function	Map
user=> clojure.algo.monads/maybe-m
{:m-zero nil,
:m-plus #object[clojure.algo.monads$fn__3167$m_plus_maybe__3172 0x77a7
:m-result #object[clojure.algo.monads$fn__3167$m_result_maybe__3168 0x
:m-bind #object[clojure.algo.monads$fn__3167$m_bind_maybe__3170 0x142d
user=> (class clojure.algo.monads/maybe-m)
strategy	in	algo.monads
1.	 :m-bind,	:m-result	をkey、対応する関数を
2.	 マクロによってMapから取り出した関数	m-bind,
m-result	の組み合わせに変換
anatomy	of	cats
user=> (require '[cats.core :as m]
#_=> '[cats.monad.maybe :as maybe])
user=> (m/mlet [x (maybe/just 2)
#_=> y (maybe/just 3)]
#_=> (m/return (* x y)))
#<Just 6>
cats.core/bind	?
without	explicit	monad	context?
user=> (macroexpand-1
#_=> '(m/mlet [x (maybe/just 2)
#_=> y (maybe/just 3)]
#_=> (m/return (* x y))))
(cats.core/bind (maybe/just 2) (clojure.core/fn [x]
(cats.core/bind (maybe/just 3) (clojure.core/fn [y]
(do (m/return (* x y)))))))
cats.context/infer	?
can	infer	monad	context?
user=> (source cats.core/bind)
(defn bind
;; (docstring here)
[mv f]
(let [ctx (ctx/infer mv)]
(p/-mbind ctx mv (fn [v]
(ctx/with-context ctx
(f v))))))
cats.protocols/Contextual	?
user=> (source cats.context/infer)
(defn infer
;; (docstring here)
;; (0-arity pattern here)
(cond ; blank lines omitted
(not (nil? *context*))
(satisfies? p/Contextual v)
(p/-get-context v)
(str "No context is set and it can not be automatically "
"resolved from provided value")))))
-get-context	method
user=> (source cats.protocols/Contextual)
(defprotocol Contextual
"Abstraction that establishes a concrete type as a member of a contex
A great example is the Maybe monad type Just. It implements
this abstraction to establish that Just is part of
the Maybe monad."
(-get-context [_] "Get the context associated with the type."))
cats.core/bind	(again)
cats.protocols/-mbind	?
user=> (source cats.core/bind)
(defn bind
;; (docstring here)
[mv f]
(let [ctx (ctx/infer mv)]
(p/-mbind ctx mv (fn [v]
(ctx/with-context ctx
(f v))))))
-mreturn	&	-mbind	methods
user=> (source cats.protocols/Monad))
(defprotocol Monad
"The Monad abstraction."
(-mreturn [m v])
(-mbind [m mv f]))
cats.core/bind	( nally)
cats.context/with-context	?
user=> (source cats.core/bind)
(defn bind
;; (docstring here)
[mv f]
(let [ctx (ctx/infer mv)]
(p/-mbind ctx mv (fn [v]
(ctx/with-context ctx
(f v))))))
dynamic	Var	*context*
user=> (source cats.context/with-context)
(defmacro with-context
"Set current context to specific monad."
[ctx & body]
(when-not (context? ~ctx)
"The provided context does not implements Context."))
(binding [*context* ~ctx]
user=> (source cats.context/*context*)
(def ^:dynamic *context* nil)
strategy	in	cats
1.	 Monad	プロトコル(-mreturn,	-mbind)を実装した
2.	 Monad	値は	Contextual	プロトコルによってコン
3.	 マクロで関数	bind,	return	の組み合わせに変換
4.	 bind	は第1引数の	Monad	値からコンテキストオブ
5.	 with-context	で⼀度推論したコンテキストオブ
example	code	repositories
using	monads:
safe	RPN	calculator
from	Learn	You	a	Haskell	for	Great	Good!
10.1	Reverse	Polish	Notation	Calculator
14.6	Making	a	Safe	RPN	Calculator
RPN:	reverse	Polish	notation
↓	with	parentheses
↓	evaluate
8	6	1	-	*	2	+
((8	(6	1	-)	*)	2	+)
without	monads
naïve	implementation
(defn- folding-function [[x y & ys :as xs] s]
(and x y (= s "*")) (conj ys (* y x))
(and x y (= s "+")) (conj ys (+ y x))
(and x y (= s "-")) (conj ys (- y x))
:else (conj xs (Double/parseDouble s))))
(defn solve-rpn [s]
(as-> s v
(str/split v #"s+")
(reduce folding-function () v)
(first v)))
;; valid RPN
user=> (solve-rpn "8 6 1 - * 2 +")
;; unsupported operator
user=> (solve-rpn "8 6 1 - * 2 /")
NumberFormatException For input string: "/" sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.r
;; invalid number
user=> (solve-rpn "8 6 1 - * a +")
NumberFormatException For input string: "a" sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.r
;; invalid RPN
user=> (solve-rpn "8 6 1 - * 2")
with	Maybe	monad
valid	⇒	just	x	;	invalid	⇒	nothing
lift-m	for	lifting	conj	function
(defn- read-maybe [s]
(maybe/just (Double/parseDouble s))
(catch NumberFormatException _
(defn- folding-function' [[x y & ys :as xs] s]
(and x y (= s "*")) (maybe/just (conj ys (* y x)))
(and x y (= s "+")) (maybe/just (conj ys (+ y x)))
(and x y (= s "-")) (maybe/just (conj ys (- y x)))
:else ((m/lift-m 1 #(conj xs %))
(read-maybe s))))
reduce	with	monadic	function	using	foldm
length	of	result	sequence	≠	1	⇒	nothing
cf.	MonadPlus,	Alternative
(defn solve-rpn' [s]
(m/mlet [result (m/foldm folding-function'
(str/split s #"s+"))
:when (= (count result) 1)]
(m/return (first result))))
;; valid RPN
user=> (solve-rpn' "8 6 1 - * 2 +")
#<Just 42.0>
;; unsupported operator
user=> (solve-rpn' "8 6 1 - * 2 /")
;; invalid number
user=> (solve-rpn' "8 6 1 - * a +")
;; invalid RPN
user=> (solve-rpn' "8 6 1 - * 2")
making	monads:
probability	distribution
from	Learn	You	a	Haskell	for	Great	Good!
14.8	Making	Monads
probability	distribution
e.g.	6-sided	die
n p
1 1/6
2 1/6
3 1/6
4 1/6
5 1/6
6 1/6
implementing	Prob	monad
define	the	data	type	Prob
(deftype Prob [v]
(-get-context [_] context)
(-extract [_] v)
(-repr [_]
(str "#<Prob " (pr-str v) ">"))
(equals [this obj]
(= (.v this) (.v obj))))
define	the	context	object	for	Prob
(def context
;; (other protocol implementations here)
(-mreturn [m v]
(p/-pure m v))
(-mbind [_ mv f]
(assert (prob? mv)
(str "Context mismatch: " (p/-repr mv)
" is not allowed to use with prob context."))
(->Prob (for [[x p] (p/-extract mv)
[y q] (p/-extract (f x))]
[y (* p q)])))
;; (below omitted)
define	factory/conversion	functions
(defn uniform [s] ; sequence
(let [n (count s)] ; -> Prob value of uniform distribution
(->> s
(map (fn [x] [x (/ 1 n)]))
(defn prob->dist [prob] ; Prob value -> Map of distribution
(letfn [(add-prob [d [x p]]
(update d x (fnil #(+ % p) 0)))]
(reduce add-prob {} (p/-extract prob))))
sum	of	2	dice
user=> (def die (range 1 (inc 6)))
user=> (def prob
#_=> (m/mlet [d1 (uniform die)
#_=> d2 (uniform die)]
#_=> (m/return (+ d1 d2))))
user=> prob
#<Prob ([2 1/36] [3 1/36] [4 1/36] [5 1/36] [6 1/36] [7 1/36] [3 1/36]
user=> (prob->dist prob)
{7 1/6, 4 1/12, 6 5/36, 3 1/18, 12 1/36, 2 1/36, 11 1/18,
9 1/9, 5 1/9, 10 1/12, 8 5/36}
Monty	Hall	problem
user=> (def doors #{:a :b :c})
user=> (prob->dist
#_=> (m/mlet [prize (uniform doors)
#_=> choice (uniform doors)]
#_=> (m/return (if (= choice prize)
#_=> :win
#_=> :lose))))
{:win 1/3, :lose 2/3}
user=> (prob->dist
#_=> (m/mlet [prize (uniform doors)
#_=> choice (uniform doors)
#_=> opened (uniform (disj doors prize choice))
#_=> choice' (uniform (disj doors opened choice))]
#_=> (m/return (if (= choice' prize)
#_=> :win
#_=> :lose))))
{:lose 1/3, :win 2/3}
Vive	les	S-expressions	!
Long	live	S-expressions!
Further	Reading
独習	Scalaz learning	Scalaz
猫番 herding	cats
モナド	(プログラミング)	-	Wikipedia
第14章	もうちょっとだけモナド	/	For	a	Few
Monads	More
10.1	逆ポーランド記法電卓	/	
14.6	安全な逆ポーランド記法電卓を作ろう	/
Making	a	Safe	RPN	Calculator
14.8	モナドを作る	/	
『すごいHaskellたのしく学ぼう!』 Learn	You	a
Haskell	for	Great	Good!
Reverse	Polish
Notation	Calculator
Making	Monads
Haskell	の	Monad	とは⾔語内DSLのフレームワー
Functor,	Applicative,	Monadのシンプルな定式化
思ったほど怖くない!	Haskell	on	JVM	超⼊⾨
MP	in	Scala
MP	in	Haskell
Free	Monads	Getting	Started

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