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Thinking Functionally
Functional Programming using JavaScript
Luis Atencio
Twitter: @luijar
Programming in
• Thinking functionally
– What and why
– Paradigm shift
– FP vs OO
• Get functional
– Declarative programming
– Side effects and referential transparency
– Currying
– Composition
• Lift your functional skills
– Memoization
– Monads
What is it?
“Functional programming refers to the
declarative evaluation of pure functions to
create immutable programs by avoiding
externally observable side effects.”
• Reduce complexity
• Create code that is easier to trace, debug, and
• Modularize code
• Avoid duplications
• Implement changes unobtrusively
• Create code that is extensible and configurable
• …
Paradigm shift
• Eliminate externally observable side effects
• Control (reduce or eliminate) mutations
• Write declaratively and point-free
• Everything is a value (even functions)
• Recursion as looping mechanism (eliminate
• Functions ALWAYS return values
Is JavaScript functional?
JavaScript is a dynamic, object-oriented programing
language whose expressive power via closures and
high-order functions makes it compelling for writing in
an functional style
ES6 features that favor functional programming:
• const keyword
• Promises
• Lambda expressions
• Generators and Iterators
FP JavaScript Ecosystem
JavaScript has many libraries that implement many functional
programming techniques:
• Ramda.js
• Lodash.js
• Underscore.js
• Lazy.js ->
• Wu.js
• Fn.js
Functional Programming in JS
• High-Order functions
– Functions in JS can be used as parameters, assigned to
variables, and returned from other functions (lead to LSP)
• Closures
<< outer scope (global) >>
function makeInner(params) {
<< inner scope >>
return function inner(params2) {
<< function body >>
var additionalVars;
What about OO?
Battle of the Hello World!
document.getElementById(’msg').innerHTML = '<h1>Hello World</h1>';
compose(addToDom(’msg'), h1, echo('Hello World'));
More functional Hello World!
compose (
echo('Hello World'));
Declarative Programming
• Describe WHAT a program does
• Not HOW to do it
SELECT p.firstname, p.birthYear FROM Person p
WHERE p.birthYear > 1903 AND = 'US'
GROUP BY p.firstname, p.birthYear
Get Functional
Functional Techniques
function addToTable(personId) {
if(personId != null) {
personId = studentId.replace(/^s*|-|s*$/g, '');
if(personId.length !== 9) {
throw new Error('Invalid Input');
var person = store.get(personId);
if (person) {
var rowInfo = `<td>${person.ssn}</td>
return $(`#${tableId} tr`).length - 1;
else {
throw new Error(’Person Record not found!');
else {
return 0;
Side effects
… after thinking functionally…
To functional
var addToTable = compose(
props(['ssn', 'firstname', 'lastname']),
Things to understand
• The issue of side effects
• Referential Transparency
• Singularity principle
• Liskov Substitution Principle
• Currying and composition
• Functors and Monads
Side effects
• Changing a variable, property or data structure globally
• Changing the original value of a function’s argument
• Processing user input
• Throwing an exception, unless it’s caught within the same
• Printing to the screen or logging
• Querying the DOM or databases
Forget about stateful functions?
• Math.random()
• Array.sort()
• console.log()
How do we deal with change?
• Simply don’t change any objects…. (right)
• Use const (limited)
• Create Value Objects (only in certain cases)
• JavaScript’s Object.freeze (shallow)
• Use Lenses (more elegant option!)
var person = new Person('Alonzo', 'Church');
var lastnameLens = lenseProp('lastName');
view(lastnameLens, person); //-> 'Church'
var newPerson = set(lastnameLens,
'Mourning', person);
newPerson.lastname; //-> 'Mourning’
person.lastname; //-> 'Church'
var person = {
lastname: 'Church'
Understanding referential transparency
• Functions behave like mathematical functions
var increment = (val) => val + 1;
• Functions are relations that
map a set of types to other
• Functions shall return the
same output on same input
• Functions require all parameters needed to perform
its work
domain range
Equational Reasoning
var input = [80, 90, 100];
divide(sum(input), size(input)); //-> 90
divide(270, 3); //-> 90
270 / 3 = 90
Input -> Program = [func1, func2, func3, ...] -> Output
Simple Functions
• Singularity principle: functions are supposed
to do perform only one task
• Simple functions typically have fewer
arguments (reduced arity) that complex
• Simple functions are easy to compose and
Bye Bye Loops
• Loops introduce non-linear program flow
• Loops mutate data (variable counter)
• They can be modeled with functions
var acc = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
acc += nums[i];
function sum(arr) {
var list = _(arr);
return list.isEmpty() ? 0
: return list.head() + sum(list.tail());
Lazy Function Chains
• Other alternatives to loops
• Use high level constructs such as map, reduce, and
• Functional libraries implement clever techniques like
– Pipelining
– Method fusion
var fruits = ['Apple', 'apple', 'ORANGE',
'banana', 'bAnAnA']
result = chain(fruits)
.value(); //-> ['Apple', 'Banana','Orange']
Liskov Substitution Principle
• Functions that use references to base classes must
be able to use objects of derived classes without
knowing it
• Programming functionally with objects means
separating the state from its behavior
• Beneficial for building function chains and pipelines
• Practically, this means avoiding the use of this
get fullname()
get school()
var person = new Person('Alonzo', 'Church', '444-44-4444');
p.fullname(); //-> Alonzo Church
var fullname = (person) =>
[person.firstname, person.lastname].join('
fullname(person); //-> Alonzo Church
Uses the this reference to
access object’s data
Eliminates the use of this since
object is supplied as parameter
FP separates methods into high-order function that can work on
instances of base type Person, which must also work with Student
• Some functions can’t be reduced to single arguments
• Used to partially evaluate a function as a sequence of
steps by providing arguments one-at-a-time
• Currying enables the composition of complex
function f(a, b, c) { … }
f a
f(a, undefined,
function f(a, b, c) { … }
curry(f) :: (a,b,c) -> f(a) -> f(b) -> f(c)
f(a, b, c) {
return function (a) {
return function (b) {
return function (c) {
f a f(b, c)
f a f(c)b
f a resultb c
var name = curry2(function (last, first) {
return [last, first].join(',');
name('Curry')('Haskell'); //-> 'Curry, Haskell’
name('Curry'); //-> Function
• Deep-link a function’s
return value with another
function’s arguments
• Separates a program’s
description from
• Composition leads to
point-free programs
f o g = f(g(x))
• The resulf of composing a function is another
function that can be composed further
f o g = f(g) = compose :: (B -> C) -> (A -> B) -> (A -> C)
var str = `A complex system that works is
invariably found to have evolved from a simple
system that worked `;
var explode = (str) => str.split(/s+/);
var count = (arr) => arr.length;
var countWords = compose(count, explode);
countWords(str); // -> 17
function addToRoster(personId) {
if(personId!== null) {
personId =
personId.replace(/^s*|-|s*$/g, '');
if(personId.length !== 9) {
throw new Error('Invalid Input');
var person = db.find(personId);
if (person !== null) {
var rowInfo =
$(`#${tableId} tr:last`).after(
return $(`#${tableId} tr`).length – 1;
else {
throw new Error(’Person Record not found!');
else {
return 0;
can’t be tested
!Decompose = Compose
Become the building blocks of your program
Building blocks
var safeFindObject = curry(function (db, id) {
return Maybe.fromNullable(find(db, id));
var findPerson = safeFindObject(DB(’people'));
var trim = (str) => str.replace(/^s*|s*$/g, '');
var normalize = (str) => str.replace(/-/g, '');
Building blocks2
var populateRow = function (columns) {
var cell_t = _.template('<td><%= a %></td>');
var row_t = _.template('<tr><%= a %></tr>');
var obj = function (a) {
return {'a': a};
var row = compose(row_t, obj, R.join(''), map(cell_t), map(obj));
return row(columns);
var addToTable = curry(
function (elementId, rowInfo) {
$(`#${elementId} tr:last`).after(`<tr>${rowInfo}</tr>`);
return $(`#${elementId} tr`).length - 1;
var addToTable = compose(
props(['ssn', 'firstname', 'lastname']),
var addToTable = compose(
props(['ssn', 'firstname', 'lastname']),
Lift Functional Skills
Functional Design Patterns
• Optimization technique used to avoid
unnecessary invocation of a computationally
expensive function
• Based on the principle of referential
• Only applies to pure functions
• Implemented using a simple caching layer
Function.prototype.memoized =
function () {
var key = JSON.stringify(arguments);
this._cache = this._cache || {};
this._cache[key] = this._cache[key] ||
this.apply(this, arguments);
return this._cache[key];
Function.prototype.memoize = function () {
var fn = this;
if (fn.length === 0 || fn.length > 1) {
return fn;
return function () {
return fn.memoized.apply(fn, arguments);
var md5 = (function (str) {
// algorithm details here...
return digest;
var str = ’OO in the large, functional in the small’;
md5(str); // 0.733 ms
md5(str); // second time: 0.021 ms
'Get Functional!'
check cache
function key value
md5 Get
function key value
'Get Functional!'
check cache
First call
Second call
var Wrapper = function (val) {
this._val = val;
// Map = function (f) {
return f(this._val);
// Unit
var wrap = (val) => new Wrapper(val);
identity returns
the same value
var wrappedValue = wrap('Get Functional');
// extract the value
var value =;
Functors: next level containers
// Map = function (f) {
return f(this.val);
// Functor
Wrapper.prototype.fmap = function (f) {
return wrap(f(this.val));
• Data structure that can be
mapped over
• Lift values into a container so
that you can apply functions
onto them, place the result
back into the container
var plus = curry((a, b) => a + b);
var plus3 = plus(3);
var two = wrap(2);
var five = two.fmap(plus3); //-> Wrapper(5)
two.fmap(plus3).fmap(plus10); //-> Wrapper(15)
apply function
Why do this?
Wrapping a
potentially null
value or a function
that can cause the
program to fail
Software is unpredictable
Exception thrown
but contained
within the wrapper
Exception does not
affect any other
part of the system
Software must be robust
Function throws an
Exception is propagated and gracefully
Program flow
Functor + Unit = Monad
…and some more
• Backbone of functional
• Treat data and operations
• Data type used for applying a
sequence of transformations on
data (conveyor belt model)
• Abstract data flows
• Used for error handling, IO,
Logging, etc
Error handling and Maybe
• Wall-off impurity
• Consolidate null-check logic
• Consolidated exception throwing
• Support compositionally of functions
• Centralize logic for providing default values
Maybe Monad2
Just(value): represents a
container that wraps a
defined value.
Nothing(): represents a
container that has no value,
or a failure that needs no
additional information.
Maybe Monad3
class Maybe {
static fromNullable(a) {
return a !== null ? just(a)
: nothing();
static of(a) {
return just(a);
class Just extends Maybe {
map(f) {
return of(f(this.value));
getOrElse() {
return this.value;
Maybe Monad4
class Nothing extends Maybe {
map(f) {
return this; // noop
get value() {
throw new TypeError(`Can't extract the value of a
getOrElse(other) {
return other;
Maybe Example
Maybe.of(3).map(plus2); //-> Maybe(5)
Maybe.of(3).chain(plus2); //-> 5
Maybe.fromNullable(null).map(plus2); //-> Nothing()
Maybe Example2
function getCountry(student) {
var school =;
if (school !== null ) {
var addr = school.address();
if (addr !== null ) {
return 'Country does not
student; //-> Maybe<Student>
var getCountry = (student) => student
.getOrElse('Country does not
Monads abstract data flow
cleanInputSSN SSN checkLengthSsn
SSN findPerson
orElse errorLog
skipped skipped
When an error occurs, Maybe safely propagates
the error through the components of your code
To recap…
function addToTable(personId) {
if(personId!= null) {
personId= personId (/^s*|-|s*$/g, '');
if(personId!== 9) {
throw new Error('Invalid Input');
var person= store.get(personId);
if (person) {
var rowInfo =
return $(`#${tableId} tr`).length - 1;
else {
throw new Error(’Person not found!');
else {
return 0;
To functional
var addToTable = compose(
props(['ssn', 'firstname', 'lastname']),
• Eliminate side effects!
• Reduce complexity!
• Code is more testable!
• Declarative and easier to read!
• Reduce number of bugs!

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Functional Programming in JavaScript by Luis Atencio

  • 1. Thinking Functionally Functional Programming using JavaScript Luis Atencio Blog: Twitter: @luijar
  • 3. Outline • Thinking functionally – What and why – Paradigm shift – FP vs OO • Get functional – Declarative programming – Side effects and referential transparency – Currying – Composition • Lift your functional skills – Memoization – Monads
  • 4. What is it? “Functional programming refers to the declarative evaluation of pure functions to create immutable programs by avoiding externally observable side effects.”
  • 5. Why? • Reduce complexity • Create code that is easier to trace, debug, and test • Modularize code • Avoid duplications • Implement changes unobtrusively • Create code that is extensible and configurable • …
  • 6. Paradigm shift • Eliminate externally observable side effects • Control (reduce or eliminate) mutations • Write declaratively and point-free • Everything is a value (even functions) • Recursion as looping mechanism (eliminate loops) • Functions ALWAYS return values 6
  • 7. Is JavaScript functional? JavaScript is a dynamic, object-oriented programing language whose expressive power via closures and high-order functions makes it compelling for writing in an functional style ES6 features that favor functional programming: • const keyword • Promises • Lambda expressions • Generators and Iterators
  • 8. FP JavaScript Ecosystem JavaScript has many libraries that implement many functional programming techniques: • Ramda.js • Lodash.js • Underscore.js • Lazy.js -> • Wu.js • Fn.js
  • 9. Functional Programming in JS • High-Order functions – Functions in JS can be used as parameters, assigned to variables, and returned from other functions (lead to LSP) • Closures 9 << outer scope (global) >> function makeInner(params) { << inner scope >> return function inner(params2) { << function body >> } var additionalVars; }
  • 11. Battle of the Hello World! document.getElementById(’msg').innerHTML = '<h1>Hello World</h1>'; compose(addToDom(’msg'), h1, echo('Hello World')); vs
  • 12. More functional Hello World! compose ( addToDom(’msg'), h2, repeat(3), echo('Hello World')); configurable
  • 13. Declarative Programming • Describe WHAT a program does • Not HOW to do it SQL> SELECT p.firstname, p.birthYear FROM Person p WHERE p.birthYear > 1903 AND = 'US' GROUP BY p.firstname, p.birthYear
  • 15. function addToTable(personId) { if(personId != null) { personId = studentId.replace(/^s*|-|s*$/g, ''); if(personId.length !== 9) { throw new Error('Invalid Input'); } var person = store.get(personId); if (person) { var rowInfo = `<td>${person.ssn}</td> <td>${person.firstname}</td> <td>${person.lastname}</td>`; $(`#${tableId} tr:last`).after(`<tr>${rowInfo}</tr>`); return $(`#${tableId} tr`).length - 1; } else { throw new Error(’Person Record not found!'); } } else { return 0; } } From imperative Side effects
  • 16. … after thinking functionally…
  • 17. To functional var addToTable = compose( appendToTable(’personTable'), populateRow, props(['ssn', 'firstname', 'lastname']), findPerson, normalize, trim); 17
  • 18. Things to understand • The issue of side effects • Referential Transparency • Singularity principle • Liskov Substitution Principle • Currying and composition • Functors and Monads
  • 19. Side effects • Changing a variable, property or data structure globally • Changing the original value of a function’s argument • Processing user input • Throwing an exception, unless it’s caught within the same function • Printing to the screen or logging • Querying the DOM or databases
  • 20. Forget about stateful functions? • • Math.random() • Array.sort() • console.log()
  • 21. How do we deal with change? • Simply don’t change any objects…. (right) • Use const (limited) • Create Value Objects (only in certain cases) • JavaScript’s Object.freeze (shallow) • Use Lenses (more elegant option!)
  • 22. Lenses var person = new Person('Alonzo', 'Church'); var lastnameLens = lenseProp('lastName'); view(lastnameLens, person); //-> 'Church' var newPerson = set(lastnameLens, 'Mourning', person); newPerson.lastname; //-> 'Mourning’ person.lastname; //-> 'Church' var person = { firstname:'Alonzo’, lastname: 'Church' }
  • 23. Understanding referential transparency • Functions behave like mathematical functions var increment = (val) => val + 1; • Functions are relations that map a set of types to other types • Functions shall return the same output on same input • Functions require all parameters needed to perform its work N N N N N increment domain range
  • 24. Equational Reasoning var input = [80, 90, 100]; divide(sum(input), size(input)); //-> 90 divide(270, 3); //-> 90 270 / 3 = 90 Input -> Program = [func1, func2, func3, ...] -> Output
  • 25. Simple Functions • Singularity principle: functions are supposed to do perform only one task • Simple functions typically have fewer arguments (reduced arity) that complex functions • Simple functions are easy to compose and chain
  • 26. Bye Bye Loops • Loops introduce non-linear program flow • Loops mutate data (variable counter) • They can be modeled with functions var acc = 0; for (let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) { acc += nums[i]; } function sum(arr) { var list = _(arr); return list.isEmpty() ? 0 : return list.head() + sum(list.tail()); }
  • 27. Lazy Function Chains • Other alternatives to loops • Use high level constructs such as map, reduce, and filter • Functional libraries implement clever techniques like – Pipelining – Method fusion var fruits = ['Apple', 'apple', 'ORANGE', 'banana', 'bAnAnA'] result = chain(fruits) .map(startCase) .uniq() .sort() .value(); //-> ['Apple', 'Banana','Orange']
  • 28. Liskov Substitution Principle • Functions that use references to base classes must be able to use objects of derived classes without knowing it • Programming functionally with objects means separating the state from its behavior • Beneficial for building function chains and pipelines • Practically, this means avoiding the use of this
  • 29. fullname(person ) Person get fullname() Student get school() Person Student var person = new Person('Alonzo', 'Church', '444-44-4444'); p.fullname(); //-> Alonzo Church var fullname = (person) => [person.firstname, person.lastname].join(' '); fullname(person); //-> Alonzo Church Uses the this reference to access object’s data Eliminates the use of this since object is supplied as parameter FP separates methods into high-order function that can work on instances of base type Person, which must also work with Student
  • 30. Currying • Some functions can’t be reduced to single arguments • Used to partially evaluate a function as a sequence of steps by providing arguments one-at-a-time • Currying enables the composition of complex functions function f(a, b, c) { … } f a f(a, undefined, undefined) evaluating : returns :
  • 31. Currying2 function f(a, b, c) { … } curry(f) :: (a,b,c) -> f(a) -> f(b) -> f(c) f(a, b, c) { return function (a) { return function (b) { return function (c) { … } } } f a f(b, c) evaluating: f a f(c)b f a resultb c returns:
  • 32. Currying3 var name = curry2(function (last, first) { return [last, first].join(','); }); name('Curry')('Haskell'); //-> 'Curry, Haskell’ name('Curry'); //-> Function
  • 33. Composition • Deep-link a function’s return value with another function’s arguments • Separates a program’s description from evaluation • Composition leads to point-free programs A A A B B C Cg f f o g = f(g(x)) • The resulf of composing a function is another function that can be composed further
  • 34. Composition2 f o g = f(g) = compose :: (B -> C) -> (A -> B) -> (A -> C) var str = `A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked `; var explode = (str) => str.split(/s+/); var count = (arr) => arr.length; var countWords = compose(count, explode); countWords(str); // -> 17
  • 35. function addToRoster(personId) { if(personId!== null) { personId = personId.replace(/^s*|-|s*$/g, ''); if(personId.length !== 9) { throw new Error('Invalid Input'); } var person = db.find(personId); if (person !== null) { var rowInfo = `<td>${person.ssn}</td> <td>${person.firstname}</td> <td>${person.lastname}</td>`; $(`#${tableId} tr:last`).after( `<tr>${rowInfo}</tr>`); return $(`#${tableId} tr`).length – 1; } else { throw new Error(’Person Record not found!'); } } else { return 0; } } Breaking monolithic functions
  • 37. Building blocks var safeFindObject = curry(function (db, id) { return Maybe.fromNullable(find(db, id)); }); var findPerson = safeFindObject(DB(’people')); var trim = (str) => str.replace(/^s*|s*$/g, ''); var normalize = (str) => str.replace(/-/g, '');
  • 38. Building blocks2 var populateRow = function (columns) { var cell_t = _.template('<td><%= a %></td>'); var row_t = _.template('<tr><%= a %></tr>'); var obj = function (a) { return {'a': a}; }; var row = compose(row_t, obj, R.join(''), map(cell_t), map(obj)); return row(columns); }; var addToTable = curry( function (elementId, rowInfo) { $(`#${elementId} tr:last`).after(`<tr>${rowInfo}</tr>`); return $(`#${elementId} tr`).length - 1; });
  • 39. Composed var addToTable = compose( appendToTable(’personTable'), populateRow, props(['ssn', 'firstname', 'lastname']), findPerson, normalize, trim); 39
  • 40. Composed var addToTable = compose( appendToTable(’personTable'), populateRow, props(['ssn', 'firstname', 'lastname']), findPerson, normalize, trim); 40
  • 42. Memoization • Optimization technique used to avoid unnecessary invocation of a computationally expensive function • Based on the principle of referential transparency • Only applies to pure functions • Implemented using a simple caching layer
  • 43. Memoization2 43 Function.prototype.memoized = function () { var key = JSON.stringify(arguments); this._cache = this._cache || {}; this._cache[key] = this._cache[key] || this.apply(this, arguments); return this._cache[key]; }; Function.prototype.memoize = function () { var fn = this; if (fn.length === 0 || fn.length > 1) { return fn; } return function () { return fn.memoized.apply(fn, arguments); }; };
  • 44. var md5 = (function (str) { // algorithm details here... return digest; }).memoize(); var str = ’OO in the large, functional in the small’; md5(str); // 0.733 ms md5(str); // second time: 0.021 ms 44 Memoization3
  • 45. md5 _cache 'Get Functional!' check cache function key value md5 Get Functional! 96d18935a41d37a54d60ce9976 75cc91 put function key value [empty] contains false memoized 96d18935a41d37a54d60ce997675cc91 run function 96d18...96d18935a41d37a5... 'Get Functional!' check cache contains true get 96d18... 96d18935a41d37a54d60ce997675cc91 First call Second call
  • 46. Containerizing 46 var Wrapper = function (val) { this._val = val; }; // Map = function (f) { return f(this._val); }; // Unit var wrap = (val) => new Wrapper(val); guarded identity map identity returns the same value Wrapper
  • 47. Containerizing2 var wrappedValue = wrap('Get Functional'); // extract the value var value =; value; //-> 'GET FUNCTIONAL GET FUNCTIONAL'
  • 48. Functors: next level containers 48 // Map = function (f) { return f(this.val); }; // Functor Wrapper.prototype.fmap = function (f) { return wrap(f(this.val)); }; • Data structure that can be mapped over • Lift values into a container so that you can apply functions onto them, place the result back into the container
  • 49. Functors2 49 var plus = curry((a, b) => a + b); var plus3 = plus(3); var two = wrap(2); var five = two.fmap(plus3); //-> Wrapper(5) two.fmap(plus3).fmap(plus10); //-> Wrapper(15) plus3 fmap Wrapper 2 Wrapper 2 apply function Wrapper 5 wrap
  • 50. Why do this? 50 Wrapping a potentially null value or a function that can cause the program to fail
  • 51. Software is unpredictable 51 Exception thrown but contained within the wrapper Exception does not affect any other part of the system
  • 52. Software must be robust 52 Function throws an exception Exception is propagated and gracefully handled Program flow
  • 53. Monads 53 Functor + Unit = Monad …and some more
  • 54. Monads2 54 • Backbone of functional programming • Treat data and operations algebraically • Data type used for applying a sequence of transformations on data (conveyor belt model) • Abstract data flows • Used for error handling, IO, Logging, etc
  • 55. Error handling and Maybe 55 • Wall-off impurity • Consolidate null-check logic • Consolidated exception throwing • Support compositionally of functions • Centralize logic for providing default values
  • 56. Maybe Monad2 56 Just object Nothing Maybe Just(value): represents a container that wraps a defined value. Nothing(): represents a container that has no value, or a failure that needs no additional information.
  • 57. Maybe Monad3 57 class Maybe { static fromNullable(a) { return a !== null ? just(a) : nothing(); } static of(a) { return just(a); } } class Just extends Maybe { map(f) { return of(f(this.value)); } getOrElse() { return this.value; } }
  • 58. Maybe Monad4 58 class Nothing extends Maybe { map(f) { return this; // noop } get value() { throw new TypeError(`Can't extract the value of a Nothing.`); } getOrElse(other) { return other; } }
  • 59. Maybe Example 59 Maybe.of(3).map(plus2); //-> Maybe(5) Maybe.of(3).chain(plus2); //-> 5 Maybe.fromNullable(null).map(plus2); //-> Nothing()
  • 60. Maybe Example2 60 function getCountry(student) { var school =; if (school !== null ) { var addr = school.address(); if (addr !== null ) { return; } } return 'Country does not exist!'; } student; //-> Maybe<Student> var getCountry = (student) => student .map(prop('school')) .map(prop('address')) .map(prop('country')) .getOrElse('Country does not exist!');
  • 61. Monads abstract data flow 61 cleanInputSSN SSN checkLengthSsn SSN findPerson addToTable(SSN) nullpopulateRow Left null Left appedToTable orElse errorLog skipped skipped props skipped When an error occurs, Maybe safely propagates the error through the components of your code
  • 63. function addToTable(personId) { if(personId!= null) { personId= personId (/^s*|-|s*$/g, ''); if(personId!== 9) { throw new Error('Invalid Input'); } var person= store.get(personId); if (person) { var rowInfo = `<td>${person.ssn}</td> <td>${person.firstname}</td> <td>${person.lastname}</td>`; $(`#${tableId} tr:last`).after(`<tr>${rowInfo}</tr>`); return $(`#${tableId} tr`).length - 1; } else { throw new Error(’Person not found!'); } } else { return 0; From imperative
  • 64. To functional var addToTable = compose( appendToTable(’personTable'), populateRow, props(['ssn', 'firstname', 'lastname']), findPerson, normalize, trim); 64 • Eliminate side effects! • Reduce complexity! • Code is more testable! • Declarative and easier to read! • Reduce number of bugs!