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aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)


aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Who Am I
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
⾺聖豪 (aaaddress1, aka adr)
Reverse Engineering, Pwn
C/C++, C#, x86, Node.js
Blog: Adr.Horse,
✓ HITCON 2015
✓ SITCON 2016
✓ Besides Las Vegas 2016
✓ TDOHxNTSTU Security Lecture
Windows Pwn
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Tower Of Savior Hack
Adr’s FB
PykemonGo, MadPocket
My Little Ransomware
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
這是⼀一場屬於⼯工具⼈人 C/C++ 的開發⾃自我修養
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
此議程內容需要⼤大量量艱深 C/C++ 開發底⼦子
如有任何問題請立即舉⼿手 break; 我!
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
✓IDA (Pro)
✓Cheat Engine
✓Windows7 x86
✓Dev C++
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Windows PE & Process
✓Have fun in PE structure
✓Import Address Table (IAT)
✓ImageBase & Find the entry
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
✓sizeof( variable )
✓eax, ebx, ecx, edx, etc
✓add, sub, inc, dec
✓Flag & Branch
✓x86 Calling Convention
Function Call
esp & ebp
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
✓IDA (Pro)
Strings List
Flow Chart
Function & Variable Anti-Trace
Create Process & Attach
Hook & Trace
✓Cheat Engine
Create Process & Attach
Memory Scan for data
Hook & Trace
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
✓IDA Dynamic Analysis
Executable file patch
Dynamic Patch
✓Cheat Engine PE View
✓Assembly & Special
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Portable Executable
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Return 0 for what?
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
View → Open subviews → Proximity browser
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
The return value of main function is the ‘Exit Status’
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
PE Loader will find ‘_start’ function
from Exports Address Table (EAT)
View → Open subviews → Exports
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Is it true?
Nope, Not at all.
It will take too much time to search.
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Wiki The head of PE file is DOS header,
and that starts with sginature 0x5A4D
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
That’s why it’s also called DOS-MZ
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
And (DOS Header + 0x3C) stores the offset of NT Header
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
This is the real header of PE
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
(NT Header + 0x028) stores the offset of
the first entry function that as known as ‘start’ function.
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
(NT Header + 0x034) stores the offset
of the PE file loaded at where in memory e.g. 0x400000
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Right click → ‘Go to address’ → Input ‘main.exe’
You will find the main.exe loaded at 0x400000
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
0x0000110b + 0x400000 = 0x40110b
That’s the same as the address in IDA
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
If you understand the whole PE structure,
you can make a great PE packer :P
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
View → Open subviews → Imports
IAT stores all API program calls
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Double Click & Show the API detail at IAT
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Strings List
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
View → Open subviews → Strings
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)

aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
C Data Type
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Program counter
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Stack Pointer
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Base Pointer
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
ByteByte ByteByte
EAX = 4Byte = int = long
Register Type
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
ByteByte ByteByte
AX = 2 Byte = Short
Register Type
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
ByteByte ByteByte
AH = 1 Byte = Char
Register Type
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
ByteByte ByteByte
AL = 1 Byte = Char
Register Type
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)

aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Nop (0x90)
→ Nothing to do.
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Mov dest,source
→ dest = source
Mov dest, [source]
→ source = value of dest
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Add dest,source
→ dest += source
Add dest, [source]
→ dest += value of source
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Sub dest, source
→ dest -= source
Sub dest, [source]
→ dest -= value of source
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Inc dest
→ dest ++
Inc [dest]
→ (value of dest)++
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Dec dest
→ dest --
Dec [dest]
→ (value of dest)--
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Cmp [source], value
//Compare *(long*)source with value
Je blockOne
// Jump to blockOne if they’re equal
Jl blockTwo
// Jump to blockTwo if [source] less than value
Jg blockThree
// Jump to blockThree if [source] greater than value
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Cmp [source], value
//Compare *(long*)source with value
Jne blockOne
// Jump to blockOne if they’re not equal
Jnl blockTwo
// Jump to blockTwo if [source] not less than value
Jng blockThree
// Jump to blockThree if [source] not greater than value
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Test [source], value
//Compare *(long*)source with value
Jz blockOne
// Jump to blockOne if ([source] - value) is zero
Ja blockTwo
// Jump to blockTwo if ([source] - value) is above zero
Jb blockThree
// Jump to blockThree if ([source] - value) is below zero
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Test v.s. Cmp
Using Cmp & Jl/Je/Jg If source & dest are signed number
Using Test & Jb/Jz/Ja If source & dest are unsigned
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Jmp near +0x200
→ EIP = EIP + 0x200
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Jmp long 0x400000
→ EIP = 0x400000
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
→ EIP = [ESP+0] & pop [ESP+0]
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Ret 0x0C
→ pop 0x0C bytes from stack,
i.e. ESP += 0x0C 

→ EIP = [ESP+0] & pop [ESP+0]
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Xor dest, source
→ mov dest, ‘A’ //0x41
→ xor dest, 0x20
//dest is ‘a’(0x61) now
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Xor dest, source
→ mov dest, ‘a’ //0x61
→ xor dest, 0x20
//dest is ‘A’(0x41) now
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
0100 0001 ‘A’(0x41)
0x200010 0000
‘a’(0x61)0110 0001
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)

Function Call
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
void Func()
int A = 0;
Int B = 1;
Int C = 2;
[EBP - 4] =0
[EBP - 8] =1
[EBP - C] =2
push EBP
sub ESP, LEN
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
void Func() {
push ebb
mov ebp,esp
push arg3
push arg2
push arg1
call nFunc
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
[EBP+0 ] = Pointer to old EBP
[EBP+4 ] = Return Address
[EBP+8 ] = Parameter 1
[EBP+C] = Parameter 2
[EBP+10]= Parameter 3
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)

Calling Convention
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
ESP + 0
ESP + 4
ESP + 8
ESP + 10
ESP + 14
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
ESP + 0 Old EBP
ESP + 4
ESP + 8
ESP + 10
ESP + 14
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
EBP + 0
EBP + 4
EBP + 8
EBP + 10
EBP + 14
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
EBP - 8
EBP - 4 Buffer
EBP + 0 Old EBP
EBP + 4
EBP + 8
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
EBP - 8
EBP - 4 Buffer
EBP + 0 Buffer
EBP + 4 Old EBP
EBP + 8
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
EBP - 8
return Address
EBP - 4 1
EBP + 0 Buffer
EBP + 4 Buffer
EBP + 8 Old EBP
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
EBP - 8
return Address
EBP - 4 1
EBP + 0 Buffer
EBP + 4 Buffer
EBP + 8 Old EBP
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
EBP - 8
EBP - 4 return Address
EBP + 0 1
EBP + 4 Buffer
EBP + 8 Buffer
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
EBP + 0
EBP + 4 return Address
EBP + 8 1
EBP + C Buffer
EBP + 10 Buffer
EBP + 14 Old EBP
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
EBP + 0
EBP + 4 return Address
EBP + 8 1
EBP + C Buffer
EBP + 10 Buffer
EBP + 14 Old EBP
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
EBP - 8
return Address
EBP - 4 1
EBP + 0 Buffer
EBP + 4 Buffer
EBP + 8 Old EBP
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
EBP - 8
return Address
EBP - 4 1
EBP + 0 Buffer
EBP + 4 Buffer
EBP + 8 Old EBP
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
EBP - 8
EBP - 4 Buffer
EBP + 0 Buffer
EBP + 4 Old EBP
EBP + 8
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
EBP - 4
EBP + 0 Buffer
EBP + 4 Old EBP
EBP + 8
EBP + 10
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
x86 Disassembly


Calling Conventions
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
It’s time to talk about each register
meanings and their functions used for.
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
I collect the simple parts from wiki,
and they’re real useful for reversing.
read more: x86 Disassembly/Calling Conventions
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)

aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)

Cheat Engine
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)

aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)

TDOH Hello World
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Play the game & Find the flag :P
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Game Time
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Live Demo

IDA, CE, Olly
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
‘Generate Pseudocode(F5)’ of IDA Pro might lose
something important in assembly for accessible
It’s important to use debugger and trace opcode
of every step.
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)

Lucky Day
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Game Time
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Live Demo

IDA, CE, Olly
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Game Time

aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Game Time
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Live Demo

IDA, CE, Olly
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)

AIS3 2016 Final Binary 1
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Game Time
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Using ‘Strings Window’ to figure out the format string of printf
and double click for detail.
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Click the xref and follow
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Just check every char of the input is lower case
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
RC4 but a little diffrent.
I will take this function into three parts
for you understanding well.
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
If the result after RC4 cipher is the same as input,
that will be the really key.
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Live Demo

IDA, CE, Olly
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Game TIme

aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
I prepare the same one but patched.
If you can set bullet count to zero, the game
will give you flag.
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Game Time
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Live Demo

IDA, CE, Olly
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Game Time

CrackMe#1 [UBC] by bRaINbuSY
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Game Time
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
We don’t care those, that don’t
make any effect on the checking
Here is used for SEH ExceptionList
but it’s not the point
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
We can make it simple like this.
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
We should figure how to get this value ( you can debug and get
this without doubt, but it’s import to know how it works for
creating a keygen)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
Live Demo

IDA, CE, Olly
aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)

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TDOH 南區 WorkShop 2016 Reversing on Windows

  • 1. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Reversing On WINDOWS
  • 2. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Who Am I
  • 3. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) ⾺聖豪 (aaaddress1, aka adr) 義守⼤學資訊⼯程三年級 Reverse Engineering, Pwn C/C++, C#, x86, Node.js Blog: Adr.Horse, Speaker ✓ HITCON 2015 ✓ SITCON 2016 ✓ Besides Las Vegas 2016 ✓ TDOHxNTSTU Security Lecture Reversing Windows Pwn
  • 4. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) MapleHack CrackShield Tower Of Savior Hack Adr’s FB AIDS PykemonGo, MadPocket My Little Ransomware
  • 5. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) introduction
  • 6. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) 這是⼀一場屬於⼯工具⼈人 C/C++ 的開發⾃自我修養
  • 7. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) 今天務必保持清醒!
  • 8. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) 此議程內容需要⼤大量量艱深 C/C++ 開發底⼦子 如有任何問題請立即舉⼿手 break; 我!
  • 9. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Trial Slide
  • 10. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Outline
  • 11. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Requirement ✓IDA (Pro) ✓OllyDbg ✓Cheat Engine ✓Windows7 x86 ✓Dev C++
  • 12. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Windows PE & Process ✓Have fun in PE structure ✓Import Address Table (IAT) ✓ImageBase & Find the entry
  • 13. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Assembly ✓sizeof( variable ) ✓eax, ebx, ecx, edx, etc ✓add, sub, inc, dec ✓xor ✓Flag & Branch ✓Loop ✓x86 Calling Convention Function Call esp & ebp
  • 14. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Analyzer ✓IDA (Pro) PE, IAT, EAT Strings List Flow Chart Function & Variable Anti-Trace ✓OllyDbg Create Process & Attach Hook & Trace ✓Cheat Engine Create Process & Attach Memory Scan for data Hook & Trace
  • 15. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Bonus ✓IDA Dynamic Analysis ✓Patch Executable file patch Dynamic Patch ✓Cheat Engine PE View ✓Assembly & Special
  • 16. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Portable Executable
  • 17. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 18. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Return 0 for what?
  • 19. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) View → Open subviews → Proximity browser IDA
  • 20. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) IDA
  • 21. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) IDA
  • 22. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) IDA The return value of main function is the ‘Exit Status’
  • 23. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) IDA PE Loader will find ‘_start’ function from Exports Address Table (EAT) View → Open subviews → Exports
  • 24. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Is it true? Nope, Not at all. It will take too much time to search.
  • 25. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Wiki
  • 26. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Wiki
  • 27. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Wiki The head of PE file is DOS header, and that starts with sginature 0x5A4D
  • 28. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Wiki That’s why it’s also called DOS-MZ
  • 29. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Wiki And (DOS Header + 0x3C) stores the offset of NT Header
  • 30. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Wiki This is the real header of PE
  • 31. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Wiki (NT Header + 0x028) stores the offset of the first entry function that as known as ‘start’ function.
  • 32. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Wiki (NT Header + 0x034) stores the offset of the PE file loaded at where in memory e.g. 0x400000
  • 33. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) CE Right click → ‘Go to address’ → Input ‘main.exe’ You will find the main.exe loaded at 0x400000 MZ
  • 34. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) CE 0x0000110b + 0x400000 = 0x40110b That’s the same as the address in IDA
  • 35. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) If you understand the whole PE structure, you can make a great PE packer :P
  • 36. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) IMPORT ADDRESS TABLE
  • 37. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) View → Open subviews → Imports IDA IAT stores all API program calls
  • 38. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Double Click & Show the API detail at IAT IDA
  • 39. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Strings List
  • 40. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) View → Open subviews → Strings IDA
  • 41. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) IDA
  • 42. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Assembly: Data
  • 43. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) C Data Type
  • 44. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Program counter
  • 45. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Stack Pointer
  • 46. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Base Pointer
  • 47. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) ByteByte ByteByte EAX = 4Byte = int = long Register Type
  • 48. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) ByteByte ByteByte AX = 2 Byte = Short Register Type
  • 49. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) ByteByte ByteByte AH = 1 Byte = Char Register Type
  • 50. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) ByteByte ByteByte AL = 1 Byte = Char Register Type
  • 51. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Assembly: Opcode
  • 52. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Nop (0x90) → Nothing to do.
  • 53. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Mov dest,source → dest = source Mov dest, [source] → source = value of dest
  • 54. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 55. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 56. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Add dest,source → dest += source Add dest, [source] → dest += value of source
  • 57. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Sub dest, source → dest -= source Sub dest, [source] → dest -= value of source
  • 58. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Inc dest → dest ++ Inc [dest] → (value of dest)++
  • 59. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Dec dest → dest -- Dec [dest] → (value of dest)--
  • 60. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Cmp [source], value //Compare *(long*)source with value Je blockOne // Jump to blockOne if they’re equal Jl blockTwo // Jump to blockTwo if [source] less than value Jg blockThree // Jump to blockThree if [source] greater than value
  • 61. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Cmp [source], value //Compare *(long*)source with value Jne blockOne // Jump to blockOne if they’re not equal Jnl blockTwo // Jump to blockTwo if [source] not less than value Jng blockThree // Jump to blockThree if [source] not greater than value
  • 62. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Test [source], value //Compare *(long*)source with value Jz blockOne // Jump to blockOne if ([source] - value) is zero Ja blockTwo // Jump to blockTwo if ([source] - value) is above zero Jb blockThree // Jump to blockThree if ([source] - value) is below zero
  • 63. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Test v.s. Cmp Using Cmp & Jl/Je/Jg If source & dest are signed number Using Test & Jb/Jz/Ja If source & dest are unsigned
  • 64. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Jmp near +0x200 → EIP = EIP + 0x200
  • 65. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Jmp long 0x400000 → EIP = 0x400000
  • 66. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Ret → EIP = [ESP+0] & pop [ESP+0]
  • 67. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Ret 0x0C → pop 0x0C bytes from stack, i.e. ESP += 0x0C 
 → EIP = [ESP+0] & pop [ESP+0]
  • 68. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Xor dest, source → mov dest, ‘A’ //0x41 → xor dest, 0x20 //dest is ‘a’(0x61) now
  • 69. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Xor dest, source → mov dest, ‘a’ //0x61 → xor dest, 0x20 //dest is ‘A’(0x41) now
  • 70. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) 0100 0001 ‘A’(0x41) 0x200010 0000 Xor ‘a’(0x61)0110 0001
  • 71. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Assembly: Function Call
  • 72. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 73. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 74. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 75. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 76. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 77. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) void Func() { int A = 0; Int B = 1; Int C = 2; } [EBP - 4] =0 [EBP - 8] =1 [EBP - C] =2 push EBP mov EBP,ESP sub ESP, LEN
  • 78. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) void Func() { nFunc(ARG1,ARG2,ARG3…); } push ebb mov ebp,esp . . push arg3 push arg2 push arg1 call nFunc
  • 79. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 80. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 81. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 82. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 83. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) [EBP+0 ] = Pointer to old EBP [EBP+4 ] = Return Address [EBP+8 ] = Parameter 1 [EBP+C] = Parameter 2 [EBP+10]= Parameter 3 …etc
  • 84. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Assembly: Calling Convention
  • 85. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Stack ESP + 0 ESP + 4 ESP + 8 ESP + C ESP + 10 ESP + 14
  • 86. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Stack ESP + 0 Old EBP ESP + 4 ESP + 8 ESP + C ESP + 10 ESP + 14 _______EIP
  • 87. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Stack EBP + 0 =ESP Old EBP EBP + 4 EBP + 8 EBP + C EBP + 10 EBP + 14 _______EIP
  • 88. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Stack EBP - 8 =ESP Buffer EBP - 4 Buffer EBP + 0 Old EBP EBP + 4 EBP + 8 EBP + C _______EIP
  • 89. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Stack EBP - 8 =ESP 1 EBP - 4 Buffer EBP + 0 Buffer EBP + 4 Old EBP EBP + 8 EBP + C _______EIP
  • 90. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Stack EBP - 8 =ESP return Address EBP - 4 1 EBP + 0 Buffer EBP + 4 Buffer EBP + 8 Old EBP EBP + C _______EIP
  • 91. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Stack EBP - 8 =ESP return Address EBP - 4 1 EBP + 0 Buffer EBP + 4 Buffer EBP + 8 Old EBP EBP + C
  • 92. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Stack EBP - 8 =ESP Old EBP EBP - 4 return Address EBP + 0 1 EBP + 4 Buffer EBP + 8 Buffer EBP + C Old EBP _______EIP
  • 93. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Stack EBP + 0 =ESP Old EBP EBP + 4 return Address EBP + 8 1 EBP + C Buffer EBP + 10 Buffer EBP + 14 Old EBP _______EIP
  • 94. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Stack EBP + 0 =ESP Old EBP EBP + 4 return Address EBP + 8 1 EBP + C Buffer EBP + 10 Buffer EBP + 14 Old EBP _______EIP
  • 95. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Stack EBP - 8 =ESP return Address EBP - 4 1 EBP + 0 Buffer EBP + 4 Buffer EBP + 8 Old EBP EBP + C _______EIP
  • 96. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Stack EBP - 8 =ESP return Address EBP - 4 1 EBP + 0 Buffer EBP + 4 Buffer EBP + 8 Old EBP EBP + C _______EIP
  • 97. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Stack EBP - 8 =ESP 1 EBP - 4 Buffer EBP + 0 Buffer EBP + 4 Old EBP EBP + 8 EBP + C _______EIP
  • 98. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Stack EBP - 4 =ESP Buffer EBP + 0 Buffer EBP + 4 Old EBP EBP + 8 EBP + C EBP + 10 _______EIP
  • 99. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) x86 Disassembly & Calling Conventions
  • 100. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) It’s time to talk about each register meanings and their functions used for.
  • 101. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) I collect the simple parts from wiki, and they’re real useful for reversing. read more: x86 Disassembly/Calling Conventions
  • 102. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 103. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) CDECL
  • 104. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 105. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) STDCALL
  • 106. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 107. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) FASTCALL
  • 108. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 109. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) C++ THISCALL
  • 110. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) DEBUGGing
  • 111. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Debug: Ollydbg
  • 112. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Debug: Cheat Engine
  • 113. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Debug: IDA Pro
  • 114. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Trial: TDOH Hello World
  • 115. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Play the game & Find the flag :P
  • 116. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Game Time
  • 117. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 118. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) IDA
  • 119. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) IDA
  • 120. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Live Demo IDA, CE, Olly
  • 121. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) ‘Generate Pseudocode(F5)’ of IDA Pro might lose something important in assembly for accessible reading. It’s important to use debugger and trace opcode of every step. IDA
  • 122. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Trial: Lucky Day
  • 123. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Game Time
  • 124. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 125. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 126. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 127. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 128. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) TDOH{Debug_is_Fun!}
  • 129. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 130. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Live Demo IDA, CE, Olly
  • 131. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Game Time 清华⽹网络安全技术协会
  • 132. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 133. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Game Time
  • 134. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 135. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 136. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 137. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 138. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 139. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 140. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 141. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 142. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Live Demo IDA, CE, Olly
  • 143. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) GAME TIme AIS3 2016 Final Binary 1
  • 144. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Game Time
  • 145. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Using ‘Strings Window’ to figure out the format string of printf and double click for detail.
  • 146. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Click the xref and follow
  • 147. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 148. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Just check every char of the input is lower case
  • 149. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 150. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) RC4 but a little diffrent. I will take this function into three parts for you understanding well.
  • 151. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 152. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 153. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 154. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) If the result after RC4 cipher is the same as input, that will be the really key.
  • 155. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 156. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Live Demo IDA, CE, Olly
  • 157. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Game TIme 特訓99
  • 158. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 159. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) I prepare the same one but patched. If you can set bullet count to zero, the game will give you flag.
  • 160. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Game Time
  • 161. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 162. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 163. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 164. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Live Demo IDA, CE, Olly
  • 165. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Game Time CrackMe#1 [UBC] by bRaINbuSY
  • 166. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Game Time
  • 167. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 168. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) We don’t care those, that don’t make any effect on the checking Here is used for SEH ExceptionList but it’s not the point
  • 169. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) We can make it simple like this.
  • 170. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) We should figure how to get this value ( you can debug and get this without doubt, but it’s import to know how it works for creating a keygen)
  • 171. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 172. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 173. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 174. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
  • 175. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Live Demo IDA, CE, Olly
  • 176. aaaddress1 at The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH) Q&A