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Performance Tools for
Computer Vision Applications
2018/12/15 コンピュータビジョン勉強会 @関東
Performance Tools for CV - Agenda
● NVIDIA GPU Profiler
○ nvprof
○ nvvp
○ NVIDIA NSight systems
● Tensorflow / Keras
○ tf.timeline
● Others
○ perf, gperftools, ….
○ cProfile, yep, ...
> GPUに絞ってお話しします <
 ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄
What is Profiling ?
What is Profiling ?
● Application の Performance を計測すること
● Simple Profiling
○ 各部の処理時間を計測する
● Advanced Profiling
○ 何故その処理が遅いのか を分析する
timer 差し込みなど
● Command-line profiler
○ /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvprof
● Usage
$ nvprof [npprof-options] <app> [arguments]
==17126== Profiling result:
Type Time(%) Time Calls Avg Min Max Name
GPU activities: 28.09% 9.6689ms 32 302.15us 231.69us 544.94us maxwell_scudnn_winograd_128x128_ldg1_ldg4_tile148n_nt
8.13% 2.7997ms 34 82.344us 42.145us 121.09us maxwell_scudnn_128x128_relu_interior_nn
7.46% 2.5673ms 72 35.657us 4.6720us 569.87us normalize_kernel(int, float*, float*, float*, int, int, int)
7.01% 2.4122ms 104 23.194us 1.7600us 243.82us copy_kernel(int, float*, int, int, float*, int, int)
6.96% 2.3956ms 116 20.651us 1.1840us 242.98us activate_array_kernel(float*, int, ACTIVATION)
6.46% 2.2237ms 75 29.649us 3.0400us 301.03us add_bias_kernel(float*, float*, int, int, int)
6.24% 2.1489ms 72 29.846us 3.3600us 299.91us scale_bias_kernel(float*, float*, int, int)
5.98% 2.0587ms 184 11.188us 1.4080us 112.64us fill_kernel(int, float, float*, int)
5.87% 2.0187ms 3 672.90us 28.960us 1.8676ms [CUDA memcpy DtoH]
5.16% 1.7760ms 4 444.00us 414.16us 516.91us maxwell_scudnn_128x128_relu_small_nn
5.10% 1.7553ms 32 54.854us 7.2320us 163.24us void cudnn::winograd::generateWinogradTilesKernel<int=0, float,
float>(cudnn::winograd::GenerateWinogradTilesParams<float, float>)
4つのprofiling mode
● summary mode (default)
● trace mode
● event/metric summary mode
● event/metric trace mode
$ nvprof --print-gpu-trace --print-api-trace
$ nvprof --events <event-name> --metrics <metric-name>
$ nvprof --aggregate-mode off [event|metric]
$ nvprof <application>
CUDA Runtime API + Driver API 呼出
● summary mode (default)
==17126== Profiling result:
Type Time(%) Time Calls Avg Min Max Name
GPU activities: 28.09% 9.6689ms 32 302.15us 231.69us 544.94us maxwell_scudnn_winograd_128x128_ldg1_ldg4_tile148n_nt
8.13% 2.7997ms 34 82.344us 42.145us 121.09us maxwell_scudnn_128x128_relu_interior_nn
7.46% 2.5673ms 72 35.657us 4.6720us 569.87us normalize_kernel(int, float*, float*, float*, int, int, int)
7.01% 2.4122ms 104 23.194us 1.7600us 243.82us copy_kernel(int, float*, int, int, float*, int, int)
6.96% 2.3956ms 116 20.651us 1.1840us 242.98us activate_array_kernel(float*, int, ACTIVATION)
6.46% 2.2237ms 75 29.649us 3.0400us 301.03us add_bias_kernel(float*, float*, int, int, int)
6.24% 2.1489ms 72 29.846us 3.3600us 299.91us scale_bias_kernel(float*, float*, int, int)
5.98% 2.0587ms 184 11.188us 1.4080us 112.64us fill_kernel(int, float, float*, int)
5.87% 2.0187ms 3 672.90us 28.960us 1.8676ms [CUDA memcpy DtoH]
5.16% 1.7760ms 4 444.00us 414.16us 516.91us maxwell_scudnn_128x128_relu_small_nn
5.10% 1.7553ms 32 54.854us 7.2320us 163.24us void cudnn::winograd::generateWinogradTilesKernel<int=0, float,
float>(cudnn::winograd::GenerateWinogradTilesParams<float, float>)
4.00% 1.3780ms 23 59.912us 18.272us 250.79us shortcut_kernel(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, float*, int, int, int,
float, float, float*)
1.36% 467.82us 1 467.82us 467.82us 467.82us maxwell_scudnn_128x64_relu_small_nn
0.86% 296.90us 1 296.90us 296.90us 296.90us maxwell_scudnn_128x32_relu_small_nn
0.48% 165.99us 2 82.994us 82.882us 83.106us maxwell_scudnn_128x64_relu_interior_nn
0.39% 134.98us 1 134.98us 134.98us 134.98us maxwell_scudnn_128x32_relu_interior_nn
0.26% 89.508us 43 2.0810us 1.7280us 9.3440us
0.17% 58.018us 2 29.009us 19.809us 38.209us upsample_kernel(unsigned long, float*, int, int, int, int, int, int, float, float*)
API calls: 90.08% 285.51ms 798 357.78us 3.4690us 282.40ms cudaLaunch
9.68% 30.674ms 3 10.225ms 1.6737ms 24.491ms cudaMemcpy
0.11% 363.03us 3540 102ns 86ns 1.5170us cudaSetupArgument
例:Tensor Core の利用率を調べる
● 4x4 乗算を1サイクルで実行
○ Volta アーキテクチャに搭載
利用可能な metrics を調べる
● --query-metrics
$ nvprof --query-metrics
Available Metrics:
Name Description
Device 0 (TITAN V):
shared_load_transactions_per_request: Average number of shared memory load transactions performed for each
shared memory load
shared_store_transactions_per_request: Average number of shared memory store transactions performed for each
shared memory store
local_load_transactions_per_request: Average number of local memory load transactions performed for each local
memory load
local_store_transactions_per_request: Average number of local memory store transactions performed for each local
memory store
half_precision_fu_utilization: The utilization level of the multiprocessor function units that execute 16 bit floating-point
instructions on a scale of 0 to 10. Note that this doesn't specify the utilization level of tensor core unit
tensor_precision_fu_utilization: The utilization level of the multiprocessor function units that execute tensor core
instructions on a scale of 0 to 10
tensorcore !
● metrics を指定して実行
$ nvprof --metrics tensor_precision_fu_utilization <application>
Invocations Metric Name Metric Description Min Max Avg
Device "TITAN V (0)"
Kernel: volta_s884cudnn_fp16_128x128_ldg8_relu_exp_interior_nhwc_tn_v1
3 tensor_precision_fu_utilization Tensor-Precision Function Unit Utilization Mid (4) Mid (5) Mid (4)
Kernel: volta_fp16_s884cudnn_fp16_128x128_ldg8_relu_f2f_exp_small_nhwc2nchw_tn_v1
27 tensor_precision_fu_utilization Tensor-Precision Function Unit Utilization Mid (4) High (7) Mid (6)
Kernel: volta_fp16_s884cudnn_fp16_128x128_ldg8_relu_f2f_exp_interior_nhwc2nchw_tn_v1
20 tensor_precision_fu_utilization Tensor-Precision Function Unit Utilization Mid (4) Mid (6) Mid (5)
Kernel: volta_fp16_s884cudnn_fp16_256x128_ldg8_relu_filter1x1_stg8_interior_nchw_nn_v1
14 tensor_precision_fu_utilization Tensor-Precision Function Unit Utilization Low (2) Mid (5) Mid (4)
Kernel: volta_fp16_s884cudnn_fp16_256x64_ldg8_relu_f2f_exp_small_nhwc2nchw_tn_v1
11 tensor_precision_fu_utilization Tensor-Precision Function Unit Utilization Low (3) High (7) Mid (6)
utilization level
Profiling Scope
● プロファイリング箇所を限定する
○ 測定したい箇所に cudaProfilerStart(); を埋め込む
#include <cuda_profiler_api.h>
// do something to profile
$ nvprof --profile-from-start off <application>
Python 越しに CUDA API を呼ぶ場合は?
● 普通に nvprof にかける
● ctypes を使うことも
$ nvprof [npprof-options] python ...
Python Script
import ctypes
_cudart = ctypes.CDLL('')
ret = _cudart.cudaProfilerStart()
# call cuda-based methods
ret = _cudart.cudaProfilerStop()
CUDA を使った Python 拡張ライブラリ
nvvp : nvidia visual profiler
● GUI 版の Profiler
○ navigation に従ってぽちぽちすると使える
$ nvvp
compute res / memory bandwidth / latency
Primary Performance Limiter
● Both High:
○ 演算器・メモリ帯域共に利用率が高い
● Memory High, Compute Low:
○ メモリ帯域で律速
● Compute High, Memory Low:
○ 演算資源で律速
Compute Memory
NVLink view
● NVLink のトポロジや通信のスループットが見れる
○ ※ GPU 間の トポロジは $ nvidia-smi topo --matrix でも調べられる
Remote Profiling
● X Forwarding で nvvp を飛ばすのは重い
○ nvprof で プロファイル結果を吐いて、scpすれば良い
● 中継サーバにスクリプトを置く方法もある
$ nvprof --analysis-metrics -o profile.nvvp <application>
Remote Profiling
● しかし...
$ nvprof -o profile.nvvp <application>
Timeline ぐらいしか見えない
$ nvprof --analysis-metrics -o profile.nvvp <application>
Kernel を リプレイしまくる
--kernel で限定する … ?
Remote Profiling
● *.nvvp を dump して飛ばさなくても Remote から直接プロ
Take-home message : NVIDIA が一番詳しい
> Note that Visual Profiler and nvprof will be
deprecated in a future CUDA release.
> It is recommended to use next-generation tools NVIDIA Nsight Compute for GPU profiling
> and NVIDIA Nsight Systems for GPU and CPU sampling and tracing.
NSight systems
NVIDIA NSight Systems for GPU and CPU sampling and Tracing
Watch the official movie ! (投げやり)
1. 普段の研究/開発で GPU を使っている
2. CUDA カーネルを書いたことがある
3. プロファイルをきちんと取っている
4. GPUアーキテクチャ完全に理解した
Tensorflow timeline
● Tensorflow 本体付属のプロファイリング機能
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.client import timeline
# build your model ...
ops = …
with tf.Session() as sess:
# add additional options to trace the session execution
options = tf.RunOptions(trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE)
run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata(), options=options, run_metadata=run_metadata)
# Create the Timeline object, and write it to a json file
fetched_timeline = timeline.Timeline(run_metadata.step_stats)
chrome_trace = fetched_timeline.generate_chrome_trace_format()
with open('timeline.json', 'w') as f:
tf.timeline from Keras
● Tensorflow バックエンドの Keras でも利用可能
from tensorflow.python.client import timeline
run_options = tf.RunOptions(trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE)
run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata()
trace = timeline.Timeline(step_stats=run_metadata.step_stats)
with open('timeline.json', 'w') as f:
● Chrome Event Format に準拠
○ Chrome ブラウザ の chrome://tracing でロード
● フォーカスした部分に絞って見ることもできる
● All-Reduce アルゴリズムの比較
● Chrome Performance tools*
○ Chrome / Go / Android で利用
○ Trace Event Format 詳細
● Projects
○ Trace-viewer Javascript codebase that loads trace files and creates the UI
○ Telemetry
○ Performance Dashboard
○ Systrace
○ Web Page Replay
Tensorflow Profiler and Advisor
● 多少浮いている気はするが ...
○ GPU のプロファイリングツールを簡単に紹介
○ ツールを使いこなし,世界最速を目指そう !!!

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GPU profiling for computer vision applications

  • 1. Performance Tools for Computer Vision Applications @denkiwakame 1 2018/12/15 コンピュータビジョン勉強会 @関東
  • 2. Performance Tools for CV - Agenda ● NVIDIA GPU Profiler ○ nvprof ○ nvvp ○ NVIDIA NSight systems ● Tensorflow / Keras ○ tf.timeline ● Others ○ perf, gperftools, …. ○ cProfile, yep, ... 2 _人人人人人人人人人人人人人人_ > GPUに絞ってお話しします <  ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄
  • 4. What is Profiling ? ● Application の Performance を計測すること ● Simple Profiling ○ 各部の処理時間を計測する ● Advanced Profiling ○ 何故その処理が遅いのか を分析する 4 timer 差し込みなど 専用のツールが必要
  • 6. ● Command-line profiler ○ /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvprof ● Usage nvprof 6 $ nvprof [npprof-options] <app> [arguments] ==17126== Profiling result: Type Time(%) Time Calls Avg Min Max Name GPU activities: 28.09% 9.6689ms 32 302.15us 231.69us 544.94us maxwell_scudnn_winograd_128x128_ldg1_ldg4_tile148n_nt 8.13% 2.7997ms 34 82.344us 42.145us 121.09us maxwell_scudnn_128x128_relu_interior_nn 7.46% 2.5673ms 72 35.657us 4.6720us 569.87us normalize_kernel(int, float*, float*, float*, int, int, int) 7.01% 2.4122ms 104 23.194us 1.7600us 243.82us copy_kernel(int, float*, int, int, float*, int, int) 6.96% 2.3956ms 116 20.651us 1.1840us 242.98us activate_array_kernel(float*, int, ACTIVATION) 6.46% 2.2237ms 75 29.649us 3.0400us 301.03us add_bias_kernel(float*, float*, int, int, int) 6.24% 2.1489ms 72 29.846us 3.3600us 299.91us scale_bias_kernel(float*, float*, int, int) 5.98% 2.0587ms 184 11.188us 1.4080us 112.64us fill_kernel(int, float, float*, int) 5.87% 2.0187ms 3 672.90us 28.960us 1.8676ms [CUDA memcpy DtoH] 5.16% 1.7760ms 4 444.00us 414.16us 516.91us maxwell_scudnn_128x128_relu_small_nn 5.10% 1.7553ms 32 54.854us 7.2320us 163.24us void cudnn::winograd::generateWinogradTilesKernel<int=0, float, float>(cudnn::winograd::GenerateWinogradTilesParams<float, float>)
  • 7. 4つのprofiling mode ● summary mode (default) ● trace mode ● event/metric summary mode ● event/metric trace mode 7 $ nvprof --print-gpu-trace --print-api-trace $ nvprof --events <event-name> --metrics <metric-name> $ nvprof --aggregate-mode off [event|metric] $ nvprof <application> GPUで発生する全てのアクティビティ CUDA Runtime API + Driver API 呼出
  • 8. ● summary mode (default) nvprof ==17126== Profiling result: Type Time(%) Time Calls Avg Min Max Name GPU activities: 28.09% 9.6689ms 32 302.15us 231.69us 544.94us maxwell_scudnn_winograd_128x128_ldg1_ldg4_tile148n_nt 8.13% 2.7997ms 34 82.344us 42.145us 121.09us maxwell_scudnn_128x128_relu_interior_nn 7.46% 2.5673ms 72 35.657us 4.6720us 569.87us normalize_kernel(int, float*, float*, float*, int, int, int) 7.01% 2.4122ms 104 23.194us 1.7600us 243.82us copy_kernel(int, float*, int, int, float*, int, int) 6.96% 2.3956ms 116 20.651us 1.1840us 242.98us activate_array_kernel(float*, int, ACTIVATION) 6.46% 2.2237ms 75 29.649us 3.0400us 301.03us add_bias_kernel(float*, float*, int, int, int) 6.24% 2.1489ms 72 29.846us 3.3600us 299.91us scale_bias_kernel(float*, float*, int, int) 5.98% 2.0587ms 184 11.188us 1.4080us 112.64us fill_kernel(int, float, float*, int) 5.87% 2.0187ms 3 672.90us 28.960us 1.8676ms [CUDA memcpy DtoH] 5.16% 1.7760ms 4 444.00us 414.16us 516.91us maxwell_scudnn_128x128_relu_small_nn 5.10% 1.7553ms 32 54.854us 7.2320us 163.24us void cudnn::winograd::generateWinogradTilesKernel<int=0, float, float>(cudnn::winograd::GenerateWinogradTilesParams<float, float>) 4.00% 1.3780ms 23 59.912us 18.272us 250.79us shortcut_kernel(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, float*, int, int, int, float, float, float*) 1.36% 467.82us 1 467.82us 467.82us 467.82us maxwell_scudnn_128x64_relu_small_nn 0.86% 296.90us 1 296.90us 296.90us 296.90us maxwell_scudnn_128x32_relu_small_nn 0.48% 165.99us 2 82.994us 82.882us 83.106us maxwell_scudnn_128x64_relu_interior_nn 0.39% 134.98us 1 134.98us 134.98us 134.98us maxwell_scudnn_128x32_relu_interior_nn 0.26% 89.508us 43 2.0810us 1.7280us 9.3440us cudnn::maxwell::gemm::computeOffsetsKernel(cudnn::maxwell::gemm::ComputeOffsetsParams) 0.17% 58.018us 2 29.009us 19.809us 38.209us upsample_kernel(unsigned long, float*, int, int, int, int, int, int, float, float*) API calls: 90.08% 285.51ms 798 357.78us 3.4690us 282.40ms cudaLaunch 9.68% 30.674ms 3 10.225ms 1.6737ms 24.491ms cudaMemcpy 0.11% 363.03us 3540 102ns 86ns 1.5170us cudaSetupArgument 8
  • 9. 例:Tensor Core の利用率を調べる ● 4x4 乗算を1サイクルで実行 ○ Volta アーキテクチャに搭載 9
  • 10. 利用可能な metrics を調べる ● --query-metrics 10 $ nvprof --query-metrics Available Metrics: Name Description Device 0 (TITAN V): ... shared_load_transactions_per_request: Average number of shared memory load transactions performed for each shared memory load shared_store_transactions_per_request: Average number of shared memory store transactions performed for each shared memory store local_load_transactions_per_request: Average number of local memory load transactions performed for each local memory load local_store_transactions_per_request: Average number of local memory store transactions performed for each local memory store … half_precision_fu_utilization: The utilization level of the multiprocessor function units that execute 16 bit floating-point instructions on a scale of 0 to 10. Note that this doesn't specify the utilization level of tensor core unit tensor_precision_fu_utilization: The utilization level of the multiprocessor function units that execute tensor core instructions on a scale of 0 to 10 sharedmem tensorcore !
  • 11. 早速... ● metrics を指定して実行 11 $ nvprof --metrics tensor_precision_fu_utilization <application> Invocations Metric Name Metric Description Min Max Avg Device "TITAN V (0)" Kernel: volta_s884cudnn_fp16_128x128_ldg8_relu_exp_interior_nhwc_tn_v1 3 tensor_precision_fu_utilization Tensor-Precision Function Unit Utilization Mid (4) Mid (5) Mid (4) Kernel: volta_fp16_s884cudnn_fp16_128x128_ldg8_relu_f2f_exp_small_nhwc2nchw_tn_v1 27 tensor_precision_fu_utilization Tensor-Precision Function Unit Utilization Mid (4) High (7) Mid (6) Kernel: volta_fp16_s884cudnn_fp16_128x128_ldg8_relu_f2f_exp_interior_nhwc2nchw_tn_v1 20 tensor_precision_fu_utilization Tensor-Precision Function Unit Utilization Mid (4) Mid (6) Mid (5) Kernel: volta_fp16_s884cudnn_fp16_256x128_ldg8_relu_filter1x1_stg8_interior_nchw_nn_v1 14 tensor_precision_fu_utilization Tensor-Precision Function Unit Utilization Low (2) Mid (5) Mid (4) Kernel: volta_fp16_s884cudnn_fp16_256x64_ldg8_relu_f2f_exp_small_nhwc2nchw_tn_v1 11 tensor_precision_fu_utilization Tensor-Precision Function Unit Utilization Low (3) High (7) Mid (6) utilization level
  • 12. Profiling Scope ● プロファイリング箇所を限定する ○ 測定したい箇所に cudaProfilerStart(); を埋め込む 12 #include <cuda_profiler_api.h> cudaProfilerStart(); // do something to profile ... cudaProfilerStop(); $ nvprof --profile-from-start off <application> オプションが必要
  • 13. Python 越しに CUDA API を呼ぶ場合は? ● 普通に nvprof にかける ● ctypes を使うことも 13 $ nvprof [npprof-options] python ... Python Script import ctypes _cudart = ctypes.CDLL('') ret = _cudart.cudaProfilerStart() # call cuda-based methods ret = _cudart.cudaProfilerStop() libcuda… CUDA を使った Python 拡張ライブラリ
  • 15. nvvp : nvidia visual profiler ● GUI 版の Profiler ○ navigation に従ってぽちぽちすると使える 15 $ nvvp
  • 18. カーネルのパフォーマンスを調べる 18 compute res / memory bandwidth / latency 何で律速している?更に詳しい解析
  • 19. Primary Performance Limiter ● Both High: ○ 演算器・メモリ帯域共に利用率が高い ● Memory High, Compute Low: ○ メモリ帯域で律速 ● Compute High, Memory Low: ○ 演算資源で律速 19 Compute Memory
  • 21. NVLink view ● NVLink のトポロジや通信のスループットが見れる ○ ※ GPU 間の トポロジは $ nvidia-smi topo --matrix でも調べられる 21
  • 22. Remote Profiling ● X Forwarding で nvvp を飛ばすのは重い ○ nvprof で プロファイル結果を吐いて、scpすれば良い ● 中継サーバにスクリプトを置く方法もある ○ 22 $ nvprof --analysis-metrics -o profile.nvvp <application> カーネルの詳細な分析に必要 GPUなしで良い
  • 23. Remote Profiling ● しかし... 23 $ nvprof -o profile.nvvp <application> Timeline ぐらいしか見えない $ nvprof --analysis-metrics -o profile.nvvp <application> Kernel を リプレイしまくる 不便... --kernel で限定する … ? ちょっと複雑なアプリケーションだと 無限に重い
  • 24. Remote Profiling ● *.nvvp を dump して飛ばさなくても Remote から直接プロ ファイリングできる 24
  • 25. Take-home message : NVIDIA が一番詳しい ● ● 8_JeremyAppleyard.pdf 25
  • 26. > Note that Visual Profiler and nvprof will be deprecated in a future CUDA release. > It is recommended to use next-generation tools NVIDIA Nsight Compute for GPU profiling > and NVIDIA Nsight Systems for GPU and CPU sampling and tracing. 26
  • 27. NSight systems NVIDIA NSight Systems for GPU and CPU sampling and Tracing 27
  • 30. Question: 30 1. 普段の研究/開発で GPU を使っている 2. CUDA カーネルを書いたことがある 3. プロファイルをきちんと取っている 4. GPUアーキテクチャ完全に理解した
  • 32. Tensorflow timeline ● Tensorflow 本体付属のプロファイリング機能 32 import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.python.client import timeline # build your model ... ops = … with tf.Session() as sess: # add additional options to trace the session execution options = tf.RunOptions(trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE) run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata(), options=options, run_metadata=run_metadata) # Create the Timeline object, and write it to a json file fetched_timeline = timeline.Timeline(run_metadata.step_stats) chrome_trace = fetched_timeline.generate_chrome_trace_format() with open('timeline.json', 'w') as f: f.write(chrome_trace)
  • 33. tf.timeline from Keras ● Tensorflow バックエンドの Keras でも利用可能 33 from tensorflow.python.client import timeline run_options = tf.RunOptions(trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE) run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata() model.compile(loss='...', optimizer='...', options=run_options, run_metadata=run_metadata) … trace = timeline.Timeline(step_stats=run_metadata.step_stats) with open('timeline.json', 'w') as f: f.write(trace.generate_chrome_trace_format())
  • 34. chrome://tracing ● Chrome Event Format に準拠 ○ Chrome ブラウザ の chrome://tracing でロード 34 timeline time/node
  • 37. Catapult ● Chrome Performance tools* ○ ○ Chrome / Go / Android で利用 ○ Trace Event Format 詳細 ■ I0nSsKchNAySU/preview ● Projects ○ Trace-viewer Javascript codebase that loads trace files and creates the UI ○ Telemetry ○ Performance Dashboard ○ Systrace ○ Web Page Replay 37 [*]
  • 38. Tensorflow Profiler and Advisor   38 core/profiler/
  • 39. まとめ ● 多少浮いている気はするが ... ○ GPU のプロファイリングツールを簡単に紹介 ○ ツールを使いこなし,世界最速を目指そう !!! 39