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Query optimizer:
further down the rabbit hole
Sergei Petrunia Galina Shalygina
Sr. Software Engineer Junior Engineer
MariaDB Corporation MariaDB Corporation
Query Optimizer in MariaDB 10.4
● New default optimizer settings
● Faster histogram collection
● Condition pushdown:
○ into materialized IN subqueries
○ from HAVING into WHERE
● In-memory PK filters built from range index scans
● Optimizer trace
New optimizer
New default settings
● Condition selectivity computation takes more factors into account
− Better query plans
− Still need to use ANALYZE TABLE ... PERSISTENT to collect them
● ANALYZE PERSISTENT will build a good histogram
● Optimizer uses EITS statistics (incl. Histograms) if it is present
− Different rows / filtered in EXPLAIN output
New default settings (2)
● Join buffer size will auto-size itself
● Large IN-lists use index statistics (cardinality) as estimate
− Estimation of WHERE t.key (1,2,3,...,201) will not do 201 index dives
● will use AVG(records_per_key(t.key))
− Just following MySQL here
− join_buffer_sizesetting is still relevant
● Available since MariaDB 10.0 (Yes)
● Used by advanced users
● Have shortcomings:
− Expensive to collect
− Usage is not enabled
● => Not used when they should be
Histogram collection
● Analyzes the whole population (“census”, not “survey”)
1. Reads all data
2. Performs an expensive computation
● MariaDB 10.4 supports “Bernoulli sampling”
− Still does #1, but fixes #2
● Configuration:
− analyze_sample_percentage=100 (default) – use all data, as before
− analyze_sample_percentage=0 – determine sample ratio automatically
Histogram use by the optimizer
● Now enabled by default
● The workflow:
set analyze_sample_percentage=0; -- Optional
analyze table t1
persistent for columns (col1, ...)
indexes (idx1, ...);
analyze table t1
persistent for all;
-- Your queries here
● Now enabled by default
● The workflow:
● More details: “How to use histograms to get better performance”
− Today, 1:30 pm- 2:20 pm, Gallery C
MariaDB condition pushdown
MariaDB 10.2:
1. Pushdown conditions into non-mergeable views/derived tables
MariaDB 10.4:
1. Condition pushdown from HAVING into WHERE
2. Push conditions into materialized IN subqueries
Condition pushdown from
When it can be used
● There is a condition that depends on grouping fields only in HAVING
● There are no aggregation functions in this condition
● Special variable ‘condition_pushdown_from_having’ is set (set by default)
SELECT c_name,MAX(o_totalprice)
FROM customer, orders
WHERE o_custkey = c_custkey
GROUP BY c_name
HAVING c_name = 'Customer#000000020';
How it is made
SELECT c_name,MAX(o_totalprice)
FROM customer, orders
WHERE o_custkey = c_custkey AND
c_name = 'Customer#000000020';
GROUP BY c_name;
SELECT c_name,MAX(o_totalprice)
FROM customer, orders
WHERE o_custkey = c_custkey
GROUP BY c_name
HAVING c_name = 'Customer#000000020';
How it is made
SELECT c_name,MAX(o_totalprice)
FROM customer, orders
WHERE o_custkey = c_custkey
GROUP BY c_name
HAVING c_name = 'Customer#000000020';
SELECT c_name,MAX(o_totalprice)
FROM customer, orders
WHERE o_custkey = c_custkey AND
c_name = 'Customer#000000020';
GROUP BY c_name;
How it is made
SELECT c_name,MAX(o_totalprice)
FROM customer, orders
WHERE o_custkey = c_custkey
GROUP BY c_name
HAVING c_name = 'Customer#000000020';
SELECT c_name,MAX(o_totalprice)
FROM customer, orders
WHERE o_custkey = c_custkey AND
c_name = 'Customer#000000020';
GROUP BY c_name;
● No temporary table
● No sorting
Pushing down using equalities
SELECT l_shipdate,l_receiptdate,MAX(l_quantity)
FROM lineitem
GROUP BY l_shipdate
HAVING l_receiptdate > '1996-11-01' AND
l_shipdate = l_receiptdate;
Pushing down using equalities
SELECT l_shipdate,l_receiptdate,MAX(l_quantity)
FROM lineitem
GROUP BY l_shipdate
HAVING l_receiptdate > '1996-11-01' AND
l_shipdate = l_receiptdate;
SELECT l_shipdate,l_receiptdate,MAX(l_quantity)
FROM lineitem
WHERE l_shipdate > '1996-11-01' AND
l_shipdate = l_receiptdate;
GROUP BY l_shipdate;
Where you can find it
MariaDB 10.4 MySQL 8.0 PostgreSQL 11.2 Oracle 12c
Where you can find it
MariaDB 10.4 MySQL 8.0 PostgreSQL 11.2 Oracle 12c
HAVING (t1.a=t1.c) AND (t1.c>1);
PostgreSQL will not allow it
Condition pushdown into
materialized IN subquery
When it can be used
● Uncorrelated materialized semi-join
IN-subquery with GROUP BY
SELECT c_name,c_phone
FROM customer
WHERE с_status = 1 AND
c_regyear BETWEEN 1992 AND 1994 AND
(c_custkey,c_status,c_regyear) IN
SELECT o_custkey,MIN(o_customerstatus),
FROM orders
GROUP BY o_custkey,o_orderyear
When it can be used
● Uncorrelated materialized semi-join
IN-subquery with GROUP BY
● There is a condition which
fields consist in the left part of
IN-subquerySELECT c_name,c_phone
FROM customer
WHERE с_status = 1 AND
c_regyear BETWEEN 1992 AND 1994 AND
(c_custkey,c_status,c_regyear) IN
SELECT o_custkey,MIN(o_customerstatus),
FROM orders
GROUP BY o_custkey,o_orderyear
SELECT c_name,c_phone
FROM customer
WHERE с_status = 1 AND
c_regyear BETWEEN 1992 AND 1994 AND
(c_custkey,c_status,c_regyear) IN
SELECT o_custkey,MIN(o_customerstatus),
FROM orders
GROUP BY o_custkey,o_orderyear
When it can be used
● Uncorrelated materialized semi-join
IN-subquery with GROUP BY
● There is a condition which
fields consist in the left part of
● Special variable
is set (set by default)
How condition pushdown is made
SELECT c_name,c_phone
FROM customer
WHERE с_status = 1 AND
c_regyear BETWEEN 1992 AND 1994 AND
(c_custkey,c_status,c_regyear) IN
SELECT o_custkey,MIN(o_customerstatus),o_orderyear
FROM orders
GROUP BY o_custkey,o_orderyear
How condition pushdown is made
SELECT c_name,c_phone
FROM customer
WHERE с_status = 1 AND
c_regyear BETWEEN 1992 AND 1994 AND
(c_custkey,c_status,c_regyear) IN
SELECT o_custkey,MIN(o_customerstatus),o_orderyear
FROM orders
GROUP BY o_custkey,o_orderyear
HAVING MIN(o_customerstatus) = 1
How condition pushdown is made
SELECT c_name,c_phone
FROM customer
WHERE с_status = 1 AND
c_regyear BETWEEN 1992 AND 1994 AND
(c_custkey,c_status,c_regyear) IN
SELECT o_custkey,MIN(o_customerstatus),o_orderyear
FROM orders
GROUP BY o_custkey,o_orderyear
HAVING MIN(o_customerstatus) = 1
How condition pushdown is made
SELECT c_name,c_phone
FROM customer
WHERE с_status = 1 AND
c_regyear BETWEEN 1992 AND 1994 AND
(c_custkey,c_status,c_regyear) IN
SELECT o_custkey,MIN(o_customerstatus),o_orderyear
FROM orders
WHERE o_orderyear BETWEEN 1992 AND 1994
GROUP BY o_custkey,o_orderyear
HAVING MIN(o_customerstatus) = 1
How condition pushdown is made
DBT3, MyISAM with optimization without optimization
1 GB 0.013 sec 0.017 sec
5 GB 7.185 sec 2 min 51.705 sec
15 GB 11.003 sec 12 min 47.846 sec
In-memory PK filters built
from range index scans
What is PK-filter
SELECT o_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_shipdate, o_totalprice
FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON l_orderkey = o_orderkey
WHERE l_shipdate BETWEEN '1997-01-01' AND '1997-06-30' AND
o_totalprice between 200000 and 230000;
What is PK-filter
1. There is an index i_o_totalprice on orders(o_totalprice)
SELECT o_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_shipdate, o_totalprice
FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON l_orderkey = o_orderkey
WHERE l_shipdate BETWEEN '1997-01-01' AND '1997-06-30' AND
o_totalprice between 200000 and 230000;
What is PK-filter
1. There is an index i_o_totalprice on orders(o_totalprice)
2. C1 cardinality is small in comparison with the cardinality of orders
SELECT o_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_shipdate, o_totalprice
FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON l_orderkey = o_orderkey
WHERE l_shipdate BETWEEN '1997-01-01' AND '1997-06-30' AND
o_totalprice between 200000 and 230000;
What is PK-filter
1. There is an index i_o_totalprice on orders(o_totalprice)
2. C1 cardinality is small in comparison with the cardinality of orders
SELECT o_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_shipdate, o_totalprice
FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON l_orderkey = o_orderkey
WHERE l_shipdate BETWEEN '1997-01-01' AND '1997-06-30' AND
o_totalprice between 200000 and 230000;
Try to build a filter!
What is PK-filter
o_totalprice between 200000 and 230000 + i_o_totalprice =
range scan using i_o_totalprice
What is PK-filter
o_totalprice between 200000 and 230000 + i_o_totalprice =
range scan using i_o_totalprice
collect Primary Keys
for the rows in this range
PK for C1
What is PK-filter
o_totalprice between 200000 and 230000 + i_o_totalprice =
range scan using i_o_totalprice
collect Primary Keys
for the rows in this range
PK for C1 sort it
What is PK-filter
o_totalprice between 200000 and 230000 + i_o_totalprice =
range scan using i_o_totalprice
collect Primary Keys
for the rows in this range
PK for C1 sort it
PK filter built from range index scan
How it works
orders lineitem
o_orderkey = l_orderkey
How it works
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key
| key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | lineitem | range | PRIMARY,i_l_shipdate,i_l_orderkey,i_l_orderkey_quantity |
i_l_shipdate | 4 | NULL | 98 | Using index condition |
| 1 | SIMPLE | orders | eq_ref|filter | PRIMARY,i_o_totalprice |
PRIMARY|i_o_totalprice | 4|9 | dbt3_small.lineitem.l_orderkey | 1 (5%) | Using where; Using rowid filter |
How it works
"rowid_filter": {
"range": {
"key": "i_o_totalprice",
"used_key_parts": ["o_totalprice"]
"rows": 81,
"selectivity_pct": 5.4,
"r_rows": 71,
"r_selectivity_pct": 10.417,
"r_buffer_size": 53,
"r_filling_time_ms": 0.0482
● Check if ‘rowid_filter’ special variable is set (set by default)
● PK-filter size shouldn’t exceed ‘max_rowid_filter_size’
○ 128 KB by default
● Index on which filter is built is not clustered primary
● Engines that support rowid filters
○ InnoDB
Find more in MDEV-16188
Improvement: MyISAM
SELECT l_quantity, l_shipdate
FROM lineitem, orders
WHERE l_orderkey=o_orderkey AND
o_totalprice BETWEEN 300000 AND 330000 AND
l_shipdate BETWEEN '1996-11-01' AND '1996-11-14' AND
Indexes on:
1. l_quantity
2. l_shipdate
3. o_totalprice
Improvement: MyISAM
SELECT l_quantity, l_shipdate
FROM lineitem, orders
WHERE l_orderkey=o_orderkey AND
o_totalprice BETWEEN 300000 AND 330000 AND
l_shipdate BETWEEN '1996-11-01' AND '1996-11-14' AND
Indexes on:
1. l_quantity
2. l_shipdate
3. o_totalprice
max_rowid_filter_size = 24 MB
Improvement: MyISAM
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key
| key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | lineitem | ref|filter | PRIMARY,i_l_shipdate,i_l_orderkey,i_l_orderkey_quantity,i_l_quantity | i_l_quantity|i_l_shipdate
| 9|4 | const | 2012600 (1%) | Using where; Using rowid filter |
| 1 | SIMPLE | orders | eq_ref|filter | PRIMARY,i_o_totalprice | PRIMARY|i_o_totalprice
| 4|9 | dbt3_30.lineitem.l_orderkey | 1 (6%) | Using where; Using rowid filter |
Improvement: MyISAM
DBT3 with optimization without optimization
5 GB 1.147 sec 15.005 sec
15 GB 3.281 sec 44.363 sec
30 GB: SSD 6.552 sec 1 min 28.347 sec
30 GB: HDD 37.234 sec 7 min 29.090 sec
Improvement: InnoDB
FROM part,lineitem,partsupp
WHERE p_partkey = ps_partkey AND
l_suppkey=ps_suppkey AND
p_retailprice BETWEEN 1080 AND 1100 AND
l_shipdate BETWEEN '1996-10-01' AND '1997-02-01';
Improvement: InnoDB
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref |
rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | part | range | PRIMARY,i_p_retailprice | i_p_retailprice | 9 | NULL |
115314 | Using index condition |
| 1 | SIMPLE | partsupp | ref | PRIMARY,i_ps_partkey,i_ps_suppkey | PRIMARY | 4 | dbt31.part.p_partkey |
2 | |
| 1 | SIMPLE | lineitem | ref|filter | i_l_shipdate,i_l_suppkey | i_l_suppkey|i_l_shipdate | 5|4 | dbt31.partsupp.ps_suppkey |
249 (10%) | Using where; Using rowid filter |
Improvement: InnoDB
DBT3 with optimization without optimization
5 GB 27.669 sec 5 min 41.049 sec
15 GB 8 min 28.506 sec > 50 min
Optimizer trace
Optimizer trace
● Available in MySQL since MySQL 5.6
mysql> set optimizer_trace=1;
mysql> <query>;
mysql> select * from
-> information_schema.optimizer_trace;
"steps": [
"join_preparation": {
"select#": 1,
"steps": [
"expanded_query": "/* select#1 */ select `t1`.`col1` AS `col1`,`t1`.`col2`
AS `col2` from `t1` where (`t1`.`col1` < 4)"
"join_optimization": {
"select#": 1,
"steps": [
"condition_processing": {
"condition": "WHERE",
"original_condition": "(`t1`.`col1` < 4)",
"steps": [
"transformation": "equality_propagation",
"resulting_condition": "(`t1`.`col1` < 4)"
"transformation": "constant_propagation",
"resulting_condition": "(`t1`.`col1` < 4)"
"transformation": "trivial_condition_removal",
"resulting_condition": "(`t1`.`col1` < 4)"
● Now, a similar feature in MariaDB
● Explains optimizer choices
The goal is to understand the optimizer
● “Why was query plan X not chosen?”
− It had higher cost (due to incorrect statistics ?)
− Limitation in the optimizer?
● What rewrites happen
− Does “X=10 AND FUNC(X)” -> “FUNC(10)” work?
− Or any other suspicious rewrite of the day
● What changed between the two hosts/versions
− diff /tmp/trace_from_host1.json /tmp/trace_from_host2.json
● ...
A user case: range optimizer
● Complex WHERE clause and multi-component index make it unclear what ranges
will be scanned
● A classic example:
create table some_events (
start_date DATE,
end_date DATE,
KEY (start_date, end_date)
"rows_estimation": [
"table": "some_events",
"analyzing_range_alternatives": {
"range_scan_alternatives": [
"index": "start_date",
"ranges": ["0x4ac60f <= start_date"],
"rowid_ordered": false,
"using_mrr": false,
"index_only": false,
select ...
from some_events
start_date >= '2019-02-10' and
end_date <= '2019-04-01'
Customer Case: a VIEW that stopped merging
● A big join query with lots of nested views
● Performance drop after a minor change to a VIEW
− EXPLAIN shows the view is no longer merged
● Initial idea: the change added a LEFT JOIN, so it must be it
"view": {
"table": "view_name_8",
"select_id": 9,
"algorithm": "merged"
"view": {
"table": "view_name_8",
"select_id": 9,
"algorithm": "materialized",
"cause": "Not enough table bits to merge
● (Due to Table Elimination, EXPLAIN showed <64 tables both before and after)
Customer Case 2: no materialization
● Subquery materialization was not used.
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | PRIMARY | t1 | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 10 | Using where |
| 2 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | t2 | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1000000 | Using where |
"join_preparation": {
"select_id": 2,
"steps": [
"transformation": {
"select_id": 2,
"from": "IN (SELECT)",
"to": "materialization",
"possible": false,
"cause": "types mismatch"
● Different datatypes disallow Materialization
● A non-obvious limitation
− Required a server developer with a
debugger to figure out
select * from t1 where t1.col in (select t2.col from t2) or ...
Optimizer trace structure
TRACE: steps: {
(join_explain | join_execution)+
join_optimization : steps {
join_preparation : {
join_preparation : {
rows_estimation: {
analyzing_range_alternatives : { ... }
cond_selectivity: 0.nnnn
Optimizer trace summary
● Allows to examine how optimizer processes the query
● Mostly for manual troubleshooting
● Good for bug reporting too
● Currently prints the essentials
− Will print more in the future.
Thanks for your
Come to
“How to use histograms to
get better performance”
Today, 1:30 pm- 2:20 pm, Gallery C

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Query optimizer: further down the rabbit hole

  • 1. Query optimizer: further down the rabbit hole Sergei Petrunia Galina Shalygina Sr. Software Engineer Junior Engineer MariaDB Corporation MariaDB Corporation
  • 2. Query Optimizer in MariaDB 10.4 ● New default optimizer settings ● Faster histogram collection ● Condition pushdown: ○ into materialized IN subqueries ○ from HAVING into WHERE ● In-memory PK filters built from range index scans ● Optimizer trace
  • 4. New default settings ● Condition selectivity computation takes more factors into account -optimizer_use_condition_selectivity=1 +optimizer_use_condition_selectivity=4 − Better query plans -use_stat_tables=NEVER +use_stat_tables=PREFERABLY_FOR_QUERIE S − Still need to use ANALYZE TABLE ... PERSISTENT to collect them ● ANALYZE PERSISTENT will build a good histogram ● Optimizer uses EITS statistics (incl. Histograms) if it is present -histogram_size=0 +histogram_size=254 -histogram_type=SINGLE_PREC_H B +histogram_type=DOUBLE_PREC_H B − Different rows / filtered in EXPLAIN output
  • 5. New default settings (2) -eq_range_index_dive_limit=10 -eq_range_index_dive_limit=200 ● Join buffer size will auto-size itself -optimize_join_buffer_size=OFF +optimize_join_buffer_size=ON ● Large IN-lists use index statistics (cardinality) as estimate − Estimation of WHERE t.key (1,2,3,...,201) will not do 201 index dives ● will use AVG(records_per_key(t.key)) − Just following MySQL here − join_buffer_sizesetting is still relevant
  • 7. Histograms ● Available since MariaDB 10.0 (Yes) ● Used by advanced users ● Have shortcomings: − Expensive to collect − Usage is not enabled ● => Not used when they should be
  • 8. Histogram collection ● Analyzes the whole population (“census”, not “survey”) 1. Reads all data 2. Performs an expensive computation ● MariaDB 10.4 supports “Bernoulli sampling” − Still does #1, but fixes #2 ● Configuration: − analyze_sample_percentage=100 (default) – use all data, as before − analyze_sample_percentage=0 – determine sample ratio automatically
  • 9. Histogram use by the optimizer ● Now enabled by default ● The workflow: set analyze_sample_percentage=0; -- Optional analyze table t1 persistent for columns (col1, ...) indexes (idx1, ...); analyze table t1 persistent for all; -- Your queries here ● Now enabled by default ● The workflow: ● More details: “How to use histograms to get better performance” − Today, 1:30 pm- 2:20 pm, Gallery C
  • 10. MariaDB condition pushdown MariaDB 10.2: 1. Pushdown conditions into non-mergeable views/derived tables MariaDB 10.4: 1. Condition pushdown from HAVING into WHERE 2. Push conditions into materialized IN subqueries
  • 12. When it can be used ● There is a condition that depends on grouping fields only in HAVING ● There are no aggregation functions in this condition ● Special variable ‘condition_pushdown_from_having’ is set (set by default) SELECT c_name,MAX(o_totalprice) FROM customer, orders WHERE o_custkey = c_custkey GROUP BY c_name HAVING c_name = 'Customer#000000020';
  • 13. How it is made SELECT c_name,MAX(o_totalprice) FROM customer, orders WHERE o_custkey = c_custkey AND c_name = 'Customer#000000020'; GROUP BY c_name; SELECT c_name,MAX(o_totalprice) FROM customer, orders WHERE o_custkey = c_custkey GROUP BY c_name HAVING c_name = 'Customer#000000020';
  • 14. How it is made SELECT c_name,MAX(o_totalprice) FROM customer, orders WHERE o_custkey = c_custkey GROUP BY c_name HAVING c_name = 'Customer#000000020'; SELECT c_name,MAX(o_totalprice) FROM customer, orders WHERE o_custkey = c_custkey AND c_name = 'Customer#000000020'; GROUP BY c_name;
  • 15. How it is made SELECT c_name,MAX(o_totalprice) FROM customer, orders WHERE o_custkey = c_custkey GROUP BY c_name HAVING c_name = 'Customer#000000020'; SELECT c_name,MAX(o_totalprice) FROM customer, orders WHERE o_custkey = c_custkey AND c_name = 'Customer#000000020'; GROUP BY c_name; ● No temporary table ● No sorting
  • 16. Pushing down using equalities SELECT l_shipdate,l_receiptdate,MAX(l_quantity) FROM lineitem GROUP BY l_shipdate HAVING l_receiptdate > '1996-11-01' AND l_shipdate = l_receiptdate;
  • 17. Pushing down using equalities SELECT l_shipdate,l_receiptdate,MAX(l_quantity) FROM lineitem GROUP BY l_shipdate HAVING l_receiptdate > '1996-11-01' AND l_shipdate = l_receiptdate; SELECT l_shipdate,l_receiptdate,MAX(l_quantity) FROM lineitem WHERE l_shipdate > '1996-11-01' AND l_shipdate = l_receiptdate; GROUP BY l_shipdate;
  • 18. Where you can find it MariaDB 10.4 MySQL 8.0 PostgreSQL 11.2 Oracle 12c
  • 19. Where you can find it MariaDB 10.4 MySQL 8.0 PostgreSQL 11.2 Oracle 12c GROUP BY t1.a HAVING (t1.a=t1.c) AND (t1.c>1); PostgreSQL will not allow it
  • 21. When it can be used ● Uncorrelated materialized semi-join IN-subquery with GROUP BY SELECT c_name,c_phone FROM customer WHERE с_status = 1 AND c_regyear BETWEEN 1992 AND 1994 AND (c_custkey,c_status,c_regyear) IN ( SELECT o_custkey,MIN(o_customerstatus), o_orderyear FROM orders GROUP BY o_custkey,o_orderyear ) ;
  • 22. When it can be used ● Uncorrelated materialized semi-join IN-subquery with GROUP BY ● There is a condition which fields consist in the left part of IN-subquerySELECT c_name,c_phone FROM customer WHERE с_status = 1 AND c_regyear BETWEEN 1992 AND 1994 AND (c_custkey,c_status,c_regyear) IN ( SELECT o_custkey,MIN(o_customerstatus), o_orderyear FROM orders GROUP BY o_custkey,o_orderyear ) ;
  • 23. SELECT c_name,c_phone FROM customer WHERE с_status = 1 AND c_regyear BETWEEN 1992 AND 1994 AND (c_custkey,c_status,c_regyear) IN ( SELECT o_custkey,MIN(o_customerstatus), o_orderyear FROM orders GROUP BY o_custkey,o_orderyear ) ; When it can be used ● Uncorrelated materialized semi-join IN-subquery with GROUP BY ● There is a condition which fields consist in the left part of IN-subquery ● Special variable ‘condition_pushdown_for_subquery’ is set (set by default)
  • 24. How condition pushdown is made SELECT c_name,c_phone FROM customer WHERE с_status = 1 AND c_regyear BETWEEN 1992 AND 1994 AND (c_custkey,c_status,c_regyear) IN ( SELECT o_custkey,MIN(o_customerstatus),o_orderyear FROM orders GROUP BY o_custkey,o_orderyear ) ;
  • 25. How condition pushdown is made SELECT c_name,c_phone FROM customer WHERE с_status = 1 AND c_regyear BETWEEN 1992 AND 1994 AND (c_custkey,c_status,c_regyear) IN ( SELECT o_custkey,MIN(o_customerstatus),o_orderyear FROM orders GROUP BY o_custkey,o_orderyear HAVING MIN(o_customerstatus) = 1 ) ;
  • 26. How condition pushdown is made SELECT c_name,c_phone FROM customer WHERE с_status = 1 AND c_regyear BETWEEN 1992 AND 1994 AND (c_custkey,c_status,c_regyear) IN ( SELECT o_custkey,MIN(o_customerstatus),o_orderyear FROM orders GROUP BY o_custkey,o_orderyear HAVING MIN(o_customerstatus) = 1 ) ;
  • 27. How condition pushdown is made SELECT c_name,c_phone FROM customer WHERE с_status = 1 AND c_regyear BETWEEN 1992 AND 1994 AND (c_custkey,c_status,c_regyear) IN ( SELECT o_custkey,MIN(o_customerstatus),o_orderyear FROM orders WHERE o_orderyear BETWEEN 1992 AND 1994 GROUP BY o_custkey,o_orderyear HAVING MIN(o_customerstatus) = 1 ) ;
  • 29. Improvement DBT3, MyISAM with optimization without optimization 1 GB 0.013 sec 0.017 sec 5 GB 7.185 sec 2 min 51.705 sec 15 GB 11.003 sec 12 min 47.846 sec
  • 30. In-memory PK filters built from range index scans
  • 31. What is PK-filter SELECT o_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_shipdate, o_totalprice FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON l_orderkey = o_orderkey WHERE l_shipdate BETWEEN '1997-01-01' AND '1997-06-30' AND o_totalprice between 200000 and 230000;
  • 32. What is PK-filter 1. There is an index i_o_totalprice on orders(o_totalprice) SELECT o_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_shipdate, o_totalprice FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON l_orderkey = o_orderkey WHERE l_shipdate BETWEEN '1997-01-01' AND '1997-06-30' AND o_totalprice between 200000 and 230000;
  • 33. What is PK-filter 1. There is an index i_o_totalprice on orders(o_totalprice) 2. C1 cardinality is small in comparison with the cardinality of orders SELECT o_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_shipdate, o_totalprice FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON l_orderkey = o_orderkey WHERE l_shipdate BETWEEN '1997-01-01' AND '1997-06-30' AND o_totalprice between 200000 and 230000; C1
  • 34. What is PK-filter 1. There is an index i_o_totalprice on orders(o_totalprice) 2. C1 cardinality is small in comparison with the cardinality of orders SELECT o_orderkey, l_linenumber, l_shipdate, o_totalprice FROM lineitem JOIN orders ON l_orderkey = o_orderkey WHERE l_shipdate BETWEEN '1997-01-01' AND '1997-06-30' AND o_totalprice between 200000 and 230000; C1 Try to build a filter!
  • 35. What is PK-filter o_totalprice between 200000 and 230000 + i_o_totalprice = range scan using i_o_totalprice
  • 36. What is PK-filter o_totalprice between 200000 and 230000 + i_o_totalprice = range scan using i_o_totalprice collect Primary Keys for the rows in this range PK for C1
  • 37. What is PK-filter o_totalprice between 200000 and 230000 + i_o_totalprice = range scan using i_o_totalprice collect Primary Keys for the rows in this range PK for C1 sort it
  • 38. What is PK-filter o_totalprice between 200000 and 230000 + i_o_totalprice = range scan using i_o_totalprice collect Primary Keys for the rows in this range PK for C1 sort it PK filter built from range index scan
  • 39. How it works PK-filter orders lineitem o_orderkey = l_orderkey
  • 40. How it works +------+-------------+----------+---------------+---------------------------------------------------------+------------ ------------+---------+--------------------------------+--------+---------------------------------+ | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | +------+-------------+----------+---------------+---------------------------------------------------------+------------ ------------+---------+--------------------------------+--------+---------------------------------+ | 1 | SIMPLE | lineitem | range | PRIMARY,i_l_shipdate,i_l_orderkey,i_l_orderkey_quantity | i_l_shipdate | 4 | NULL | 98 | Using index condition | | 1 | SIMPLE | orders | eq_ref|filter | PRIMARY,i_o_totalprice | PRIMARY|i_o_totalprice | 4|9 | dbt3_small.lineitem.l_orderkey | 1 (5%) | Using where; Using rowid filter | +------+-------------+----------+---------------+---------------------------------------------------------+------------ ------------+---------+--------------------------------+--------+---------------------------------+
  • 41. How it works "rowid_filter": { "range": { "key": "i_o_totalprice", "used_key_parts": ["o_totalprice"] }, "rows": 81, "selectivity_pct": 5.4, "r_rows": 71, "r_selectivity_pct": 10.417, "r_buffer_size": 53, "r_filling_time_ms": 0.0482 },
  • 42. Limitations ● Check if ‘rowid_filter’ special variable is set (set by default) ● PK-filter size shouldn’t exceed ‘max_rowid_filter_size’ ○ 128 KB by default ● Index on which filter is built is not clustered primary ● Engines that support rowid filters ○ InnoDB ○ MyISAM Find more in MDEV-16188
  • 43. Improvement: MyISAM SELECT l_quantity, l_shipdate FROM lineitem, orders WHERE l_orderkey=o_orderkey AND o_totalprice BETWEEN 300000 AND 330000 AND l_shipdate BETWEEN '1996-11-01' AND '1996-11-14' AND l_quantity=15; Indexes on: 1. l_quantity 2. l_shipdate 3. o_totalprice
  • 44. Improvement: MyISAM SELECT l_quantity, l_shipdate FROM lineitem, orders WHERE l_orderkey=o_orderkey AND o_totalprice BETWEEN 300000 AND 330000 AND l_shipdate BETWEEN '1996-11-01' AND '1996-11-14' AND l_quantity=15; Indexes on: 1. l_quantity 2. l_shipdate 3. o_totalprice max_rowid_filter_size = 24 MB
  • 45. Improvement: MyISAM +------+-------------+----------+---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------- +---------+-----------------------------+--------------+---------------------------------+ | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | +------+-------------+----------+---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------- +---------+-----------------------------+--------------+---------------------------------+ | 1 | SIMPLE | lineitem | ref|filter | PRIMARY,i_l_shipdate,i_l_orderkey,i_l_orderkey_quantity,i_l_quantity | i_l_quantity|i_l_shipdate | 9|4 | const | 2012600 (1%) | Using where; Using rowid filter | | 1 | SIMPLE | orders | eq_ref|filter | PRIMARY,i_o_totalprice | PRIMARY|i_o_totalprice | 4|9 | dbt3_30.lineitem.l_orderkey | 1 (6%) | Using where; Using rowid filter | +------+-------------+----------+---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------- +---------+-----------------------------+--------------+---------------------------------+
  • 46. Improvement: MyISAM DBT3 with optimization without optimization 5 GB 1.147 sec 15.005 sec 15 GB 3.281 sec 44.363 sec 30 GB: SSD 6.552 sec 1 min 28.347 sec 30 GB: HDD 37.234 sec 7 min 29.090 sec
  • 47. Improvement: InnoDB SELECT * FROM part,lineitem,partsupp WHERE p_partkey = ps_partkey AND l_suppkey=ps_suppkey AND p_retailprice BETWEEN 1080 AND 1100 AND l_shipdate BETWEEN '1996-10-01' AND '1997-02-01';
  • 48. Improvement: InnoDB +------+-------------+----------+------------+-----------------------------------+--------------------------+---------+---------------------------+ -----------+---------------------------------+ | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | +------+-------------+----------+------------+-----------------------------------+--------------------------+---------+---------------------------+ -----------+---------------------------------+ | 1 | SIMPLE | part | range | PRIMARY,i_p_retailprice | i_p_retailprice | 9 | NULL | 115314 | Using index condition | | 1 | SIMPLE | partsupp | ref | PRIMARY,i_ps_partkey,i_ps_suppkey | PRIMARY | 4 | dbt31.part.p_partkey | 2 | | | 1 | SIMPLE | lineitem | ref|filter | i_l_shipdate,i_l_suppkey | i_l_suppkey|i_l_shipdate | 5|4 | dbt31.partsupp.ps_suppkey | 249 (10%) | Using where; Using rowid filter | +------+-------------+----------+------------+-----------------------------------+--------------------------+---------+---------------------------+ -----------+---------------------------------+
  • 49. Improvement: InnoDB DBT3 with optimization without optimization 5 GB 27.669 sec 5 min 41.049 sec 15 GB 8 min 28.506 sec > 50 min
  • 51. Optimizer trace ● Available in MySQL since MySQL 5.6 mysql> set optimizer_trace=1; mysql> <query>; mysql> select * from -> information_schema.optimizer_trace; "steps": [ { "join_preparation": { "select#": 1, "steps": [ { "expanded_query": "/* select#1 */ select `t1`.`col1` AS `col1`,`t1`.`col2` AS `col2` from `t1` where (`t1`.`col1` < 4)" } ] } }, { "join_optimization": { "select#": 1, "steps": [ { "condition_processing": { "condition": "WHERE", "original_condition": "(`t1`.`col1` < 4)", "steps": [ { "transformation": "equality_propagation", "resulting_condition": "(`t1`.`col1` < 4)" }, { "transformation": "constant_propagation", "resulting_condition": "(`t1`.`col1` < 4)" }, { "transformation": "trivial_condition_removal", "resulting_condition": "(`t1`.`col1` < 4)" } ] } ● Now, a similar feature in MariaDB ● Explains optimizer choices
  • 52. The goal is to understand the optimizer ● “Why was query plan X not chosen?” − It had higher cost (due to incorrect statistics ?) − Limitation in the optimizer? ● What rewrites happen − Does “X=10 AND FUNC(X)” -> “FUNC(10)” work? − Or any other suspicious rewrite of the day ● What changed between the two hosts/versions − diff /tmp/trace_from_host1.json /tmp/trace_from_host2.json ● ...
  • 53. A user case: range optimizer ● Complex WHERE clause and multi-component index make it unclear what ranges will be scanned ● A classic example: create table some_events ( start_date DATE, end_date DATE, ... KEY (start_date, end_date) ); "rows_estimation": [ { "table": "some_events", ... "analyzing_range_alternatives": { "range_scan_alternatives": [ { "index": "start_date", "ranges": ["0x4ac60f <= start_date"], "rowid_ordered": false, "using_mrr": false, "index_only": false, .. select ... from some_events where start_date >= '2019-02-10' and end_date <= '2019-04-01'
  • 54. Customer Case: a VIEW that stopped merging ● A big join query with lots of nested views ● Performance drop after a minor change to a VIEW − EXPLAIN shows the view is no longer merged ● Initial idea: the change added a LEFT JOIN, so it must be it "view": { "table": "view_name_8", "select_id": 9, "algorithm": "merged" } "view": { "table": "view_name_8", "select_id": 9, "algorithm": "materialized", "cause": "Not enough table bits to merge subquery" } ● (Due to Table Elimination, EXPLAIN showed <64 tables both before and after)
  • 55. Customer Case 2: no materialization ● Subquery materialization was not used. +------+--------------------+-------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+---------+-------------+ | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | +------+--------------------+-------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+---------+-------------+ | 1 | PRIMARY | t1 | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 10 | Using where | | 2 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | t2 | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1000000 | Using where | +------+--------------------+-------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+---------+-------------+ "join_preparation": { "select_id": 2, "steps": [ { "transformation": { "select_id": 2, "from": "IN (SELECT)", "to": "materialization", "possible": false, "cause": "types mismatch" } ● Different datatypes disallow Materialization ● A non-obvious limitation − Required a server developer with a debugger to figure out select * from t1 where t1.col in (select t2.col from t2) or ...
  • 56. Optimizer trace structure TRACE: steps: { join_preparation+, join_optimization+, (join_explain | join_execution)+ } join_optimization : steps { condition_processing, substitute_generated_columns, table_dependencies, ref_optimizer_key_uses, rows_estimation, considered_execution_plans, attaching_conditions_to_tables, refine_plan, } join_preparation : { expanded_query } join_preparation : { expanded_query } rows_estimation: { analyzing_range_alternatives : { ... } selectivity_for_indexes, selectivity_for_columns, cond_selectivity: 0.nnnn }
  • 57. Optimizer trace summary ● Allows to examine how optimizer processes the query ● Mostly for manual troubleshooting ● Good for bug reporting too ● Currently prints the essentials − Will print more in the future.
  • 58. Thanks for your attention! Come to “How to use histograms to get better performance” Today, 1:30 pm- 2:20 pm, Gallery C