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Ethical Power, Politics,
& Etiquette
Matthew L. Eisenhard, Psy.D.
Week 9: Psychology for Business & Industry
• Is a person’s ability to
influence others to do
something that they would
not do otherwise.
▫ Necessary to meet all goals in the organization.
▫ Self-assessment 9.1 examines your power base.
• Who holds the power, and how they use it affects
▫ Excessive power decreases performance.
▫ Some seek it, others reject it.
▫ Leadership and power go hand in hand.
Organizational Power
• Power can be used to manipulate and corrupt –
a negative connotation.
▫ Properly used, it gives the ability to achieve goals.
▫ Power provides strength to bring about change.
▫ Skill in using power effectively and appropriately
can be developed.
Bases of Power
• Two Levels
▫ Comes from top management.
▫ Is delegated down the chain of command.
▫ Comes from your personal style and interpersonal skills.
▫ Is given to you from those who choose to follow you
Bases of Power
• It is not necessary to take power away from others to gain your own
▫ Positive people are more likely to gain power than negative
▫ Power is given to those who others genuinely like.
• 7 bases of power are…
1. Coercive
5. Referent
7. Expert
Coercive Power
• Uses threats, punishment, being a bully.
▫ Appropriate when needed to maintain discipline and
enforcing rules.
▫ Should be used minimally
as it often has negative
effects on human relations
and productivity.
• To use it you must be in a
position that gives the ability
to hire, fire, and discipline
Connection Power
• Based on one’s relationship with influential people.
▫ Not “what,” but “who” you know.
▫ If you have connections to “power,” others are more
likely to comply with your requests.
• To increase your connection power, join the “in crowd.”
▫ Identify people who can help you, make alliances with
▫ When you need/want something, they will be your
• Get your name in the public eye.
• Make sure people in power know about your
Reward Power
• Based on your ability to influence people with something of
value to them.
▫ Positive reinforcement – recognition, raises, promotions.
• Reciprocity with peers – exchange of favors.
• Let the word out – let others know what rewards you offer.
▫ To use it you need to be in a position
of control over resources.
▫ Find out what others value and use
it as a reward.
▫ Using praise increases your reward
Legitimate Power
• Based on the person’s perception
(credibility) in the organization.
▫ People tend to feel like they should
comply with their bosses.
▫ Most day-to-day interactions are based on this power.
• To increase your legitimate power, let people know about
▫ Remember it’s all about perception. So, even if you do not
have it, give the impression that you do.
▫ If others perceive you as having it, then you do.
Referent Power
• Based on your personal power.
▫ You rely on your charm – “pretty please?”
▫ Appropriate for people with weak, or no position
• To gain it, develop relationships with others, be
their advocate.
▫ Gaining the confidence of
your boss will help you gain
referent power.
Information Power
• Based on what information you have access to –
insider information.
▫ If you know things that help others, you have the
• To help gain information power, make sure
information has to flow through you.
▫ Provide services and information to others.
▫ Serve on committees – gives you information and
connection power.
▫ Go to meetings, seminars, etc.
Expert Power
• Based on your skill and knowledge
of a subject.
▫ Being the “go to” person has it’s
 The fewer people with the skill
and knowledge, the more
powerful it is.
 People depend on you and respect an expert.
• To increase this power base, get all the education you can.
▫ Take all of the training classes offered in your organization.
• Leave the routine tasks to others. Engage in complex hard-to-
evaluate tasks.
• Project a positive image.
Bases of Power
• You can use different types of power in different
situations with different people.
▫ Knowing when, what, and with whom is
▫ This comes with
experience and an
ability to read people
Influencing Tactics
• Along with power sources and bases you need to
be able to persuade people.
• Persuasion takes careful preparation and proper
▫ People respond well to appropriate and
compelling evidence.
▫ People do not respond well to
coercion and manipulation.
Influencing Tactics
• There are 5 tactics that can be used to influence people
▫ Ingratiation, rational persuasion, inspirational appeal, personal appeal,
• Two things to consider before engaging in persuasive tactics.
▫ If you are going to successfully influence someone you have to
know who they are.
▫ Anticipate their expectations – put yourself in their position.
▫ Once you know them, be sure to address them.
▫ Keep a focus on what’s in it for them.
▫ Always look for ways to make it good for both parties involved.
Ingratiation (Praise)
• Never go a day without praising.
▫ Be sensitive to others’ moods.
▫ Compliment past achievements before you ask for
something more.
▫ State why you are asking them instead of someone
else – personal compliment.
• Acknowledge the inconvenience.
▫ Emotional appeal.
▫ Basically, making it hard for them to say no.
Rational Persuasion
• Using logic – just the facts please.
• Works well with those who are influenced more by thinking than by
emotional appeals.
• Guidelines to follow:
▫ State why you need it.
▫ State how they will benefit (what’s in it for them).
▫ Provide valid evidence – know what you’re talking about.
▫ Give the pros and cons – what problems may be encountered and
how to deal with them.
▫ Do your homework – be ready to defend your ideas with any that
may be in competition.
Inspirational Appeal
• Works well on emotionally responsive people.
• Guidelines to follow:
▫ Know the values of the person you are appealing
▫ Appeal to that person’s
sense of self.
▫ Create a vision of the end
▫ Be positive, optimistic, upbeat.
▫ Use nonverbals – must be genuine!
Personal Appeal
• Based on loyalty and
▫ Do it for me, please.
• Especially helpful when you have weak power.
• Guidelines to follow:
▫ Come right out and say you need a favor.
▫ Appeal to your friendship.
▫ Tell the person you are counting on them.
• Using your valid authority.
• Guidelines to follow:
▫ Refer to the organizational policies, procedures,
etc. – “the law.”
▫ Show them written documentation if needed.
▫ Show precedent.
Influencing Tactics
• You can mix and match
▫ Fall back and regroup for a
renewed tactic if needed.
• Assess the person and the
▫ Rational persuasion will not
work if a person is unwilling
to consider your arguments.
Organizational Politics
• A network by which power is gained,
transferred, and exercised (used) on others.
▫ Critical to career success.
▫ You cannot escape it if you want to succeed.
• Politics is the process of gaining and
using power.
• Self-assessment 9.2 consists of statements of
ethical behavior.
▫ Higher your score, the more political you are.
Three Primary Political Behaviors
▫ Process of developing relationships.
▫ Probably the most important factor in gaining success.
▫ You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.
▫ Involves creating obligations and debts – and using them to get
what you want/need.
▫ Used to achieve ongoing goals.
▫ A network of alliances.
▫ A network of networks.
▫ Done in the service of achieving your goals.
Vertical Politics
• The relations with
superiors and
• Most important people in
your professional
1. Relations with your boss.
2. Relations with
Relationships with the Boss
• Affects job satisfaction.
▫ Can mean the difference between success or failure on
the job.
▫ Vital to develop a good relationship.
 A.k.a. managing your boss or leader-member exchange (LMX)
• Adapt your personal style to match the boss’s.
▫ People generally like those with similar
attitudes and styles.
▫ Get to know what makes your boss tick
and what he or she expects from you.
Common Boss Expectations
• Loyalty
▫ Never talk behind the boss’s back.
• Going over the boss’s head
▫ Exercise extreme caution – makes you look disloyal and unethical.
• Cooperation
▫ Imperative to get along with everyone – don’t embarrass your boss.
• Initiative
▫ Always look for ways to go the extra mile – volunteer.
• Information
▫ Keep the boss in the loop – never cover up errors.
• Openness to Criticism
▫ Everyone makes mistakes – don’t be defensive.
• Regaining Trust
▫ Admit shortcomings and always apologize.
Relationships with Subordinates
• Vital for managers to develop effective human
▫ Don’t overlook the needs of employees!
▫ Possible to do so without being liked or being
popular by maintaining professionalism.
• Strive for harmonious environments.
• Keep morale high.
• Manager-employee relationships should
always be win-win situations.
Relationships with Subordinates
• Friendships
▫ A “true” friendship relationship is inadvisable due to the power
differential existing in the boss-employee relationship.
▫ Managers should be “friendly.”
• Open-Door Policy
▫ Practice of being available to
▫ Managers need to prioritize the
amount of time spent with employees.
▫ Seek balance between keeping
employees happy and getting one’s
own work done.
Horizontal Politics
• Relationships with your peers
in your organization and
other organizations.
• To be successful you must:
▫ Cooperate
 Sharing and collaborating are vital.
▫ Compete
 Need to balance being a good team player while still making
yourself look good as an individual.
▫ Criticize
 Don’t seek out faults in others – when appropriate, be tactful.
 Go to the boss as a last resort unless a serious offense or danger
is present.
Relations Between Other
Departments & Organizations
• Most jobs require interactions with people
outside your department or organization.
▫ Developing good human relations skills and
creating win-win situations will benefit you and
your organization.
• Affects your overall
job performance.
Codes of Ethics
• Establish guidelines that
clearly describe ethical and
unethical behavior.
• Most organizations consider
these important.
▫ When you feel proud of
what you’ve done, it is
usually an ethical decision.
▫ If you are embarrassed to
tell people about a decision
or action, or if you find
yourself rationalizing it, it
is probably unethical.
Ethical and Unethical Politics
• Ethical Politics
▫ Behavior that benefits both
the individual and
▫ Creates win-win situations.
• Unethical Politics
▫ Creates a win-lose situation.
▫ Behavior that benefits the
individual and hurts the
▫ Includes management
behavior that helps the
organization but hurts the
Business Etiquette
• Often referred to as manners.
▫ The code of behavior expected in work situations.
• Many organizations weigh it as a criteria in
hiring and promotions.
▫ Important to project a favorable
image when representing an
▫ Proper etiquette changes over
time and is different in varied
In-Person Etiquette Skills
• Conversations
▫ Use titles and last names – unless otherwise stated and
approved beforehand.
 Remembering names is very important!
▫ NEVER use profanity.
▫ Introductions – present lower rank person to higher
rank person.
 If equal in rank, mention elder person first.
▫ Mention a few pertinent things about the person.
▫ Shake hands.
 Be cautious with other forms of touching.
In-Person Etiquette
• Dining
▫ Use proper table manners.
▫ Person that invited pays the tab.
▫ Don’t order food that is going to be messy to eat.
• Hoteling, Telecommuting, Cubicle
▫ Hoteling is the sharing of space and equipment.
 Clean up after yourself.
 Respect others privacy.
▫ Telecommuting is working from home.
▫ Cubicles are open work areas – try not to be a
distraction to others – dress appropriately.
In-Person Etiquette Skills
• Cell Phones
▫ Don’t do personal business on the job – follow the company
▫ Don’t use business phone for personal use.
▫ Don’t drive while on the phone.
In-Person Etiquette Skills
• E-mail, Texting, Instant Messaging
▫ Select most appropriate media.
▫ Not everyone – especially older individuals – want to text.
▫ E-mail is preferred over text or IM.
In-Person or Digital? Job Interviews
In-Person or Digital? Meetings
• Be ON TIME and be prepared.
• Poor manners to talk, text, etc. during a
• Dress for business even if teleconferencing.
• If using PowerPoints – don’t just read them.
▫ Use bullets to summarize
main points.
▫ Elaborate, show your
knowledge on the topic.
In-Person or Digital? Networking
• Commonly done in both mediums.
• Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook.
• Always be polite.
• Don’t ask people of higher rank to be your
▫ But, accept if they ask you.
• Exercise extreme caution about posting personal
▫ Don’t post negative commentary about job.
Customer Satisfaction & Etiquette
• Goal of business = happy
▫ Happiness is based on
perception of customers.
▫ To provide customer
satisfaction you must
listen to their needs.
▫ You must maintain a
positive attitude in dealing
with customers.
What NOT To Do…
• Don’t ignore customers.
▫ Greet them immediately.
▫ If busy, acknowledge you will be
with them as soon as possible.
• Don’t conduct personal business while waiting on
▫ Give the customer your undivided attention.
• Don’t be rude or defensive with customers.
▫ Stay cool, calm, and collected.
• Always apologize.
▫ Even if you were not in the wrong.
Dealing with Dissatisfied Customers
• Paraphrase and apologize.
▫ Stay calm – focus on helping them resolve issues.
▫ Listen carefully – be sure you understand.
• Ask customer how they want to resolve the issue.
▫ Cash or store credit.
▫ Some people are unreasonable – you cannot always please
• Implement solution quickly.
▫ Faster = happier customer.
• Prevent future complaints and follow-up.
▫ Do not keep making the same mistakes – view complaints as
opportunity to make improvements.
▫ Follow-up by calling or e-mailing customers to make sure they
are happy.
Power – Politics - Etiquette
• Mexico, Venezuela,
Philippines, Yugoslavia,
France = high power
distance countries.
▫ Strong power and politics
▫ Leaders expected to behave
differently from lower ranks.
▫ Differences in rank more
• U.S., Ireland, Australia, New
Zealand, Denmark, Israel,
Netherlands = low power
distance countries.
▫ Strong power and politics not
▫ Power is expected to be
shared with employees
▫ People less comfortable with
differences in power.
▫ Less emphasis on social class.
Foreign Etiquette
• Always make yourself aware of what behavior
is acceptable and what is not when visiting a
foreign country.
▫ Pointing
 Considered rude in Asia and Middle East.
▫ Gift Giving
 Be aware if you should take a gift or not and what level of gifts are
▫ Dining
 Brush up on table manners – get a book of etiquette for that country.
▫ Drinking Alcohol
 Middle East = no.
 Most places no.
Key Points
Effects of Power, Politics, &
Seven Bases of Power
Increasing Power Bases
Influencing Tactics
Organizational Politics and
Techniques to Improve Human
Business Etiquette
Customer Complaints

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PSY 126 Week 9: Ethical Power, Politics, & Etiquette

  • 1. Ethical Power, Politics, & Etiquette Matthew L. Eisenhard, Psy.D. Week 9: Psychology for Business & Industry
  • 2. Power • Is a person’s ability to influence others to do something that they would not do otherwise. ▫ Necessary to meet all goals in the organization. ▫ Self-assessment 9.1 examines your power base. • Who holds the power, and how they use it affects performance. ▫ Excessive power decreases performance. ▫ Some seek it, others reject it. ▫ Leadership and power go hand in hand.
  • 3. Organizational Power • Power can be used to manipulate and corrupt – a negative connotation. ▫ Properly used, it gives the ability to achieve goals. ▫ Power provides strength to bring about change. ▫ Skill in using power effectively and appropriately can be developed.
  • 4. Bases of Power • Two Levels • POSITION POWER ▫ Comes from top management. ▫ Is delegated down the chain of command. • PERSONAL POWER ▫ Comes from your personal style and interpersonal skills. ▫ Is given to you from those who choose to follow you (earned?).
  • 5. Bases of Power • It is not necessary to take power away from others to gain your own power. ▫ Positive people are more likely to gain power than negative people. ▫ Power is given to those who others genuinely like. • 7 bases of power are… 1. Coercive 2.Connection 3.Reward 4.Legitimate 5. Referent 6.Information 7. Expert
  • 6. Coercive Power • Uses threats, punishment, being a bully. ▫ Appropriate when needed to maintain discipline and enforcing rules. ▫ Should be used minimally as it often has negative effects on human relations and productivity. • To use it you must be in a position that gives the ability to hire, fire, and discipline employees.
  • 7. Connection Power • Based on one’s relationship with influential people. ▫ Not “what,” but “who” you know. ▫ If you have connections to “power,” others are more likely to comply with your requests. • To increase your connection power, join the “in crowd.” ▫ Identify people who can help you, make alliances with them. ▫ When you need/want something, they will be your allies. • Get your name in the public eye. • Make sure people in power know about your accomplishments.
  • 8. Reward Power • Based on your ability to influence people with something of value to them. ▫ Positive reinforcement – recognition, raises, promotions. • Reciprocity with peers – exchange of favors. • Let the word out – let others know what rewards you offer. ▫ To use it you need to be in a position of control over resources. ▫ Find out what others value and use it as a reward. ▫ Using praise increases your reward power.
  • 9. Legitimate Power • Based on the person’s perception (credibility) in the organization. ▫ People tend to feel like they should comply with their bosses. ▫ Most day-to-day interactions are based on this power. • To increase your legitimate power, let people know about it. ▫ Remember it’s all about perception. So, even if you do not have it, give the impression that you do. ▫ If others perceive you as having it, then you do.
  • 10. Referent Power • Based on your personal power. ▫ You rely on your charm – “pretty please?” ▫ Appropriate for people with weak, or no position power. • To gain it, develop relationships with others, be their advocate. ▫ Gaining the confidence of your boss will help you gain referent power.
  • 11. Information Power • Based on what information you have access to – insider information. ▫ If you know things that help others, you have the power. • To help gain information power, make sure information has to flow through you. ▫ Provide services and information to others. ▫ Serve on committees – gives you information and connection power. ▫ Go to meetings, seminars, etc.
  • 12. Expert Power • Based on your skill and knowledge of a subject. ▫ Being the “go to” person has it’s advantages.  The fewer people with the skill and knowledge, the more powerful it is.  People depend on you and respect an expert. • To increase this power base, get all the education you can. ▫ Take all of the training classes offered in your organization. • Leave the routine tasks to others. Engage in complex hard-to- evaluate tasks. • Project a positive image.
  • 13. Bases of Power • You can use different types of power in different situations with different people. ▫ Knowing when, what, and with whom is important. ▫ This comes with experience and an ability to read people well.
  • 14. Influencing Tactics • Along with power sources and bases you need to be able to persuade people. • Persuasion takes careful preparation and proper presentation. ▫ People respond well to appropriate and compelling evidence. ▫ People do not respond well to coercion and manipulation.
  • 15. Influencing Tactics • There are 5 tactics that can be used to influence people ▫ Ingratiation, rational persuasion, inspirational appeal, personal appeal, legitimization. • Two things to consider before engaging in persuasive tactics. • READING PEOPLE ▫ If you are going to successfully influence someone you have to know who they are. ▫ Anticipate their expectations – put yourself in their position. ▫ Once you know them, be sure to address them. ▫ Keep a focus on what’s in it for them. • CREATING A WIN-WIN SITUATION ▫ Always look for ways to make it good for both parties involved.
  • 16. Ingratiation (Praise) • Never go a day without praising. ▫ Be sensitive to others’ moods. ▫ Compliment past achievements before you ask for something more. ▫ State why you are asking them instead of someone else – personal compliment. • Acknowledge the inconvenience. ▫ Emotional appeal. ▫ Basically, making it hard for them to say no.
  • 17. Rational Persuasion • Using logic – just the facts please. • Works well with those who are influenced more by thinking than by emotional appeals. • Guidelines to follow: ▫ State why you need it. ▫ State how they will benefit (what’s in it for them). ▫ Provide valid evidence – know what you’re talking about. ▫ Give the pros and cons – what problems may be encountered and how to deal with them. ▫ Do your homework – be ready to defend your ideas with any that may be in competition.
  • 18. Inspirational Appeal • Works well on emotionally responsive people. • Guidelines to follow: ▫ Know the values of the person you are appealing to. ▫ Appeal to that person’s sense of self. ▫ Create a vision of the end product. ▫ Be positive, optimistic, upbeat. ▫ Use nonverbals – must be genuine!
  • 19. Personal Appeal • Based on loyalty and friendship. ▫ Do it for me, please. • Especially helpful when you have weak power. • Guidelines to follow: ▫ Come right out and say you need a favor. ▫ Appeal to your friendship. ▫ Tell the person you are counting on them.
  • 20. Legitimization • Using your valid authority. • Guidelines to follow: ▫ Refer to the organizational policies, procedures, etc. – “the law.” ▫ Show them written documentation if needed. ▫ Show precedent.
  • 21. Influencing Tactics • You can mix and match tactics. ▫ Fall back and regroup for a renewed tactic if needed. • Assess the person and the situation. ▫ Rational persuasion will not work if a person is unwilling to consider your arguments.
  • 22. Organizational Politics • A network by which power is gained, transferred, and exercised (used) on others. ▫ Critical to career success. ▫ You cannot escape it if you want to succeed. • Politics is the process of gaining and using power. • Self-assessment 9.2 consists of statements of ethical behavior. ▫ Higher your score, the more political you are.
  • 23. Three Primary Political Behaviors • NETWORKING ▫ Process of developing relationships. ▫ Probably the most important factor in gaining success. • RECIPROCITY ▫ You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. ▫ Involves creating obligations and debts – and using them to get what you want/need. ▫ Used to achieve ongoing goals. • COALITION BUILDING ▫ A network of alliances. ▫ A network of networks. ▫ Done in the service of achieving your goals.
  • 24. Vertical Politics • The relations with superiors and subordinates. • Most important people in your professional environment. 1. Relations with your boss. 2. Relations with subordinates.
  • 25. Relationships with the Boss • Affects job satisfaction. ▫ Can mean the difference between success or failure on the job. ▫ Vital to develop a good relationship.  A.k.a. managing your boss or leader-member exchange (LMX) theory. • Adapt your personal style to match the boss’s. ▫ People generally like those with similar attitudes and styles. ▫ Get to know what makes your boss tick and what he or she expects from you.
  • 26. Common Boss Expectations • Loyalty ▫ Never talk behind the boss’s back. • Going over the boss’s head ▫ Exercise extreme caution – makes you look disloyal and unethical. • Cooperation ▫ Imperative to get along with everyone – don’t embarrass your boss. • Initiative ▫ Always look for ways to go the extra mile – volunteer. • Information ▫ Keep the boss in the loop – never cover up errors. • Openness to Criticism ▫ Everyone makes mistakes – don’t be defensive. • Regaining Trust ▫ Admit shortcomings and always apologize.
  • 27. Relationships with Subordinates • Vital for managers to develop effective human relations. ▫ Don’t overlook the needs of employees! ▫ Possible to do so without being liked or being popular by maintaining professionalism. • Strive for harmonious environments. • Keep morale high. • Manager-employee relationships should always be win-win situations.
  • 28. Relationships with Subordinates • Friendships ▫ A “true” friendship relationship is inadvisable due to the power differential existing in the boss-employee relationship. ▫ Managers should be “friendly.” • Open-Door Policy ▫ Practice of being available to employees. ▫ Managers need to prioritize the amount of time spent with employees. ▫ Seek balance between keeping employees happy and getting one’s own work done.
  • 29. Horizontal Politics • Relationships with your peers in your organization and other organizations. • To be successful you must: ▫ Cooperate  Sharing and collaborating are vital. ▫ Compete  Need to balance being a good team player while still making yourself look good as an individual. ▫ Criticize  Don’t seek out faults in others – when appropriate, be tactful.  Go to the boss as a last resort unless a serious offense or danger is present.
  • 30. Relations Between Other Departments & Organizations • Most jobs require interactions with people outside your department or organization. ▫ Developing good human relations skills and creating win-win situations will benefit you and your organization. • Affects your overall job performance.
  • 31. Codes of Ethics • Establish guidelines that clearly describe ethical and unethical behavior. • Most organizations consider these important. ▫ When you feel proud of what you’ve done, it is usually an ethical decision. ▫ If you are embarrassed to tell people about a decision or action, or if you find yourself rationalizing it, it is probably unethical.
  • 32. Ethical and Unethical Politics • Ethical Politics ▫ Behavior that benefits both the individual and organization. ▫ Creates win-win situations. • Unethical Politics ▫ Creates a win-lose situation. ▫ Behavior that benefits the individual and hurts the organization. ▫ Includes management behavior that helps the organization but hurts the individual.
  • 33. Business Etiquette • Often referred to as manners. ▫ The code of behavior expected in work situations. • Many organizations weigh it as a criteria in hiring and promotions. ▫ Important to project a favorable image when representing an organization. ▫ Proper etiquette changes over time and is different in varied settings.
  • 34. In-Person Etiquette Skills • Conversations ▫ Use titles and last names – unless otherwise stated and approved beforehand.  Remembering names is very important! ▫ NEVER use profanity. ▫ Introductions – present lower rank person to higher rank person.  If equal in rank, mention elder person first. ▫ Mention a few pertinent things about the person. ▫ Shake hands.  Be cautious with other forms of touching.
  • 35. In-Person Etiquette Skills • Dining ▫ Use proper table manners. ▫ Person that invited pays the tab. ▫ Don’t order food that is going to be messy to eat. • Hoteling, Telecommuting, Cubicle ▫ Hoteling is the sharing of space and equipment.  Clean up after yourself.  Respect others privacy. ▫ Telecommuting is working from home. ▫ Cubicles are open work areas – try not to be a distraction to others – dress appropriately.
  • 36.
  • 37. In-Person Etiquette Skills • Cell Phones ▫ Don’t do personal business on the job – follow the company policy. ▫ Don’t use business phone for personal use. ▫ Don’t drive while on the phone.
  • 38. In-Person Etiquette Skills • E-mail, Texting, Instant Messaging ▫ Select most appropriate media. ▫ Not everyone – especially older individuals – want to text. ▫ E-mail is preferred over text or IM.
  • 39. In-Person or Digital? Job Interviews
  • 40. In-Person or Digital? Meetings • Be ON TIME and be prepared. • Poor manners to talk, text, etc. during a presentation. • Dress for business even if teleconferencing. • If using PowerPoints – don’t just read them. ▫ Use bullets to summarize main points. ▫ Elaborate, show your knowledge on the topic.
  • 41. In-Person or Digital? Networking • Commonly done in both mediums. • Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook. • Always be polite. • Don’t ask people of higher rank to be your “friend.” ▫ But, accept if they ask you. • Exercise extreme caution about posting personal information. ▫ Don’t post negative commentary about job.
  • 42. Customer Satisfaction & Etiquette • Goal of business = happy customers. ▫ Happiness is based on perception of customers. ▫ To provide customer satisfaction you must listen to their needs. ▫ You must maintain a positive attitude in dealing with customers.
  • 43. What NOT To Do… • Don’t ignore customers. ▫ Greet them immediately. ▫ If busy, acknowledge you will be with them as soon as possible. • Don’t conduct personal business while waiting on customers. ▫ Give the customer your undivided attention. • Don’t be rude or defensive with customers. ▫ Stay cool, calm, and collected. • Always apologize. ▫ Even if you were not in the wrong.
  • 44. Dealing with Dissatisfied Customers • Paraphrase and apologize. ▫ Stay calm – focus on helping them resolve issues. ▫ Listen carefully – be sure you understand. • Ask customer how they want to resolve the issue. ▫ Cash or store credit. ▫ Some people are unreasonable – you cannot always please everyone. • Implement solution quickly. ▫ Faster = happier customer. • Prevent future complaints and follow-up. ▫ Do not keep making the same mistakes – view complaints as opportunity to make improvements. ▫ Follow-up by calling or e-mailing customers to make sure they are happy.
  • 45. Power – Politics - Etiquette • Mexico, Venezuela, Philippines, Yugoslavia, France = high power distance countries. ▫ Strong power and politics acceptable. ▫ Leaders expected to behave differently from lower ranks. ▫ Differences in rank more apparent. • U.S., Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, Israel, Netherlands = low power distance countries. ▫ Strong power and politics not acceptable. ▫ Power is expected to be shared with employees (empowerment). ▫ People less comfortable with differences in power. ▫ Less emphasis on social class.
  • 46. Foreign Etiquette • Always make yourself aware of what behavior is acceptable and what is not when visiting a foreign country. ▫ Pointing  Considered rude in Asia and Middle East. ▫ Gift Giving  Be aware if you should take a gift or not and what level of gifts are acceptable. ▫ Dining  Brush up on table manners – get a book of etiquette for that country. ▫ Drinking Alcohol  Middle East = no.  Most places no.
  • 47. Key Points Effects of Power, Politics, & Ethics Seven Bases of Power Increasing Power Bases Influencing Tactics Organizational Politics and Behaviors Techniques to Improve Human Relations Business Etiquette Customer Complaints