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Master class in modern
Miro Cupak
Co-founder & VP Engineering, DNAstack
October 30, 2019
• 9:15am-1:15pm: Workshop, part #1.
• 1:15pm-2pm: Lunch break.
• 2pm-6pm: Workshop, part #2.
• Lesson 1: JShell.
• Lesson 2: Convenience factory methods for collections.
• Lesson 3: Improved try-with-resources.
• Lesson 4: Stream API enhancements.
• Lesson 5: Extensions to Optional.
• Lesson 6: CompletableFuture updates.
• Lesson 7: Reactive streams.
• Lesson 8: Process API.
• Lesson 9: HTTP/2 client.
• Lesson 10: Local variable type inference.
• Prerequisites:
• JDK 13:
• Familiarity with Java 8.
• These slides.
Task 0.1
Verify you have JDK 13 with java -version.
@mirocupak 5
Lesson 1
Lesson 1: JShell
Task 1.1
Start and exit JShell.
Lesson 1: JShell
Task 1.2
Create a variable containing a string. Redefine the variable to contain an
Lesson 1: JShell
Task 1.3
Call a method that might throw a (checked) exception. How is it handled?
What happens when an exception is thrown? How is a location in JShell
referenced in a stacktrace?
Lesson 1: JShell
Task 1.4
Create a simple method and call it. Create a class containing a method
and call it.
Lesson 1: JShell
Task 1.5
Modify your method to call another method that you haven’t implemented
yet. What happens?
Lesson 1: JShell
Task 1.6
Show the current time.
Lesson 1: JShell
Task 1.7
Find what keyboard shortcuts JShell supports. Try them out. How do you
view Javadoc?
Lesson 1: JShell
Task 1.8
What are the possible arguments for the /list and /edit commands?
Lesson 1: JShell
Task 1.9
Save your current snippets, restart JShell, and load the snippets you
saved. Save all the commands and snippets for later use.
Lesson 1: JShell
Task 1.10
Explore the /env command. Load an external library and use it from
Lesson 1: JShell
Task 1.11
Set the feedback mode and editor to whatever you’re comfortable with.
Lesson 1: JShell
Task 1.12
Use JShell to explore its own API. Use the API to process a snippet of your
choice and read the results.
Lesson 1: JShell
• Useful tool for whenever you need to try out something small quickly.
• Not a debugging tool.
• Prefer IDEs for any larger tasks.
• Use /help for more information about commands.
• Configure your own editor.
• More info: JEP 222: jshell: The Java Shell (Read-Eval-Print Loop).
@mirocupak 19
Convenience factory
methods for collections
Lesson 2
Lesson 2: Convenience factory methods for collections
Task 2.1
How would you create an immutable list in Java 8? What are the problems
with this approach? Are there any alternatives?
Lesson 2: Convenience factory methods for collections
Task 2.2
What is the type of the return value of the of method?
Lesson 2: Convenience factory methods for collections
Task 2.3
What’s the API for creating immutable collections for Set and Map? Does it
differ from List?
Lesson 2: Convenience factory methods for collections
Task 2.4
What’s the API for creating immutable copies of collections for a Map? How
does it differ from the respective API in List and Set?
Lesson 2: Convenience factory methods for collections
Task 2.5
How do you get the output of a stream into an immutable collection?
Lesson 2: Convenience factory methods for collections
Task 2.6
What’s the most concise way of converting a collection into an array?
Lesson 2: Convenience factory methods for collections
• Obtain immutable collections via of/ofEntries methods.
• Create immutable copies of collections via copyOf (Java 10).
• Static import java.util.Map.entry.
• Less verbose, no static initializer blocks.
• Don’t use Arrays.asList or Stream.of as shortcuts for creating collections.
• Don’t use external libraries if you only need immutable collections (Guava).
• No need to worry about leaving references to underlying collections.
• Thread-safe and can be shared freely (no need for defensive copies).
• Good performance.
• Don’t create mutable collections unless necessary.
• More info: JEP 269: Convenience Factory Methods for Collections.
@mirocupak 27
Improved try-with-resources
Lesson 3
Lesson 3: Improved try-with-resources
Task 3.1
Read a file from disk to standard output (copy to standard output). Make
sure you clean up the resources as needed.
Lesson 3: Improved try-with-resources
Task 3.2
Refactor your previous example to take advantage of effectively final
Lesson 3: Improved try-with-resources
Task 3.3
Can we make the code even simpler?
Hint: Check out the InputStream API for useful methods.
Lesson 3: Improved try-with-resources
• Always prefer try-with-resources, don’t use try-finally and definitely don’t use finalizers to close resources.
• Be aware of convenience methods, such as InputStream.transferTo.
• Don’t create unnecessary helper objects.
• More info: JEP 213: Milling Project Coin.
@mirocupak 32
Stream API enhancements
Lesson 4
Lesson 4: Stream API enhancements
Task 4.1
Modify the stream below to only print the numbers <5 (>5).
Lesson 4: Stream API enhancements
Task 4.2
Demonstrate a difference between filter and takeWhile
Hint: Print even numbers <100.
Lesson 4: Stream API enhancements
Task 4.3
Improve the code from the previous task.
Lesson 4: Stream API enhancements
Task 4.4
Come up with a scenario where ofNullable helps.
Lesson 4: Stream API enhancements
Task 4.5
Suppose we have the following list of numbers:
List.of(2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11)
Count the numbers >5 by parity.
Hint: filtering.
Lesson 4: Stream API enhancements
Task 4.6
Compute average of elements in a stream.
Hint: teeing.
Lesson 4: Stream API enhancements
Task 4.6
Explore how the pattern matching API plays nicely with streams.
Hint: Use Matcher to obtain all results of a match.
Task 4.7
Explore how the date-time API plays nicely with streams.
Hint: Use LocalDate to obtain list of dates between now and Christmas.
Lesson 4: Stream API enhancements
• Be aware of new stream methods: takeWhile, dropWhile, iterate.
• Familiarize yourself with various collectors available out of the box.
• Prefer collecting into immutable collections using toUnmodifiableList, toUnmodifiableSet,
• Check for convenience stream methods before converting to streams manually (e.g. LocalDate,
• Avoid unnecessary null checks with ofNullable.
• Streams are suitable for more use cases now, but not all use cases.
• Don’t overuse streams as they can make code hard to read and difficult to maintain.
@mirocupak 41
Extensions to Optional
Lesson 5
Lesson 5: Extensions to Optional
Task 5.1
Given an Optional, print its value if the value is present, otherwise print
Lesson 5: Extensions to Optional
Task 5.2
What other methods in the Optional API are similar to or?
Lesson 5: Extensions to Optional
Task 5.3
Another 2 methods in the same family were added in Java 10. Can you
find them?
Lesson 5: Extensions to Optional
Task 5.4
Filter out empty values from a given collection of Optionals, e.g.:
List.of(Optional.of(1), Optional.empty(),
Hint: flatMap.
Lesson 5: Extensions to Optional
• Use ifPresentOrElse instead of if-isPresent construct.
• or provides a clean fluent way of chaining behaviour on Optionals.
• Be aware of orElse* methods, e.g. the new orElseThrow (Java 10).
• Use stream to take advantage of the lazy nature of streams and handle streams of Optionals.
• Remember that isPresent is rarely the answer.
@mirocupak 47
CompletableFuture updates
Lesson 6
Lesson 6: CompletableFuture updates
Task 6.1
completeOnTimeout is great for completing a future normally based on
a timeout. How do I complete a future exceptionally based on a timeout?
Lesson 6: CompletableFuture updates
Task 6.2
Inspect the contract of the copy method. Demonstrate the one-way
synchronization it provides.
Lesson 6: CompletableFuture updates
Task 6.3
Take some time to explore other new additions to the
CompletableFuture API we haven’t talked about.
Lesson 6: CompletableFuture updates
• With Java 9+, you can complete CompletableFutures normally and exceptionally based on a timeout
(completeOnTimeout, orTimeout).
• copy provides an easy method for building asynchronous APIs.
• It’s usually a good idea to make copies before exposing CompletableFuture in APIs.
• Be aware of the various utility methods in the CompletableFuture API.
• More info: JEP 266: More Concurrency Updates.
@mirocupak 52
Reactive streams
Lesson 7
Lesson 7: Reactive streams
Task 7.1
Implement a subscriber echoing messages from the publisher.
Hint: Request new message in onSubscribe and onNext.
Lesson 7: Reactive streams
Task 7.2
What happens if we request 2 messages in onNext every time? How
about Long.MAX_VALUE?
Lesson 7: Reactive streams
Task 7.3
What happens if we request 0 messages in onNext every time?
Lesson 7: Reactive streams
Task 7.4
What happens if we subscribe a subscriber twice to a publisher?
Lesson 7: Reactive streams
Task 7.5
What happens if we subscribe a subscriber to 2 publishers?
Lesson 7: Reactive streams
Task 7.6
What happens if we submit a message after closing the publisher?
Lesson 7: Reactive streams
• The right approach for asynchronous stream processing with nonblocking back pressure.
• Don’t implement yourself, use a library.
• More info: JEP 266: More Concurrency Updates.
@mirocupak 60
Process API
Lesson 8
Lesson 8: Process API
Task 8.1
Launch an external process from Java. What are the problems with this
Lesson 8: Process API
Task 8.2
List all the commands running in your OS visible to you.
Hint: allProcesses.
Lesson 8: Process API
Task 8.3
Launch an external process that runs for 3 seconds. Print the PID of the
(now dead) process as soon as it finishes.
Hint: sleep 3.
Lesson 8: Process API
Task 8.4
List your currently running Java processes with jps. Use grep to find
JShell in the list.
Hint: startPipeline.
Lesson 8: Process API
• ProcessHandle is a clean way of obtaining information about processes.
• Don’t implement yourself. Don’t use MXBeans or OS utilities.
• Take advantage of convenience methods: pid, info, command…
• Trigger actions on process termination via onExit.
• Connect ProcessBuilder with ProcessHandle via toHandle.
• Create pipelines via ProcessBuilder.startPipeline.
• More info: JEP 102: Process API Updates.
@mirocupak 66
HTTP/2 client
Lesson 9
Lesson 9: HTTP/2 client
Task 9.1
Execute an HTTP request against a server the old-fashioned way
(HttpURLConnection API). Read the status code as well as the body of
the response.
Lesson 9: HTTP/2 client
Task 9.2
Use the new HTTP/2 client API to execute a request against a server. Read
the response.
Lesson 9: HTTP/2 client
Task 9.3
Use the new HTTP/2 client API to execute a request against a server
asynchronously. Read the response.
Lesson 10: HTTP/2 client
Task 9.4
Explore the rest of the HTTP/2 client API.
Lesson 9: HTTP/2 client
• Clean separation: HttpClient, HttpRequest, HttpResponse.
• HttpURLConnection is not pleasant to use.
• Avoid APIs with side effects.
• The new client API is versatile, flexible and clean.
• Prefer functionality in the JDK to external libraries.
• More info: JEP 110: HTTP 2 Client.
@mirocupak 72
Local variable type
Lesson 10
Lesson 10: Local variable type inference
• Does not replace static typing.
• Generally good - reduces boilerplate, improves readability, and helps with maintenance and refactoring.
• Use for local variables with initializers (especially constructors) and for loops.
• Use for complex types when breaking chained or nested expressions with local variables.
• Can’t use for declarations without explicit initialization, null or array initializers, compound declarations,
method signatures, class fields, catch formals, lambdas or method references.
• Consider whether to use when the generated type is not obvious.
• Primitive types might surprise you, be careful (e.g. byte, short, long all inferred as int).
• Code to the interface pattern does not work, but that’s kind of OK.
• Be very careful about combining with <> and generic methods (e.g. var list = new ArrayList<>()).
• Works with non-denotable types (e.g. intersection types), but be careful!
• Capture variables are projected to supertypes that do not mention capture variables.
Lesson 10: Local variable type inference
• Probably not the best idea to use with anonymous classes.
• Use carefully chosen and expressive variable names.
• Don’t use var as names of variables, methods, enums (even if it works).
• Don’t use Hungarian notation.
• Don’t rely on IDEs.
• Minimize the scope of local variables.
• Declare variable when it’s first used.
• Declaration not containing an initializer (i.e. you can’t use var) often indicates the scope is not minimal.
• Prefer for loops to while loops.
• Keep methods small and focused.More info: JEP 286: Local-Variable Type Inference.

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Master class in modern Java

  • 1. @mirocupak Master class in modern Java Miro Cupak Co-founder & VP Engineering, DNAstack October 30, 2019
  • 2. @mirocupak Schedule 2 • 9:15am-1:15pm: Workshop, part #1. • 1:15pm-2pm: Lunch break. • 2pm-6pm: Workshop, part #2.
  • 3. @mirocupak Lessons 3 • Lesson 1: JShell. • Lesson 2: Convenience factory methods for collections. • Lesson 3: Improved try-with-resources. • Lesson 4: Stream API enhancements. • Lesson 5: Extensions to Optional. • Lesson 6: CompletableFuture updates. • Lesson 7: Reactive streams. • Lesson 8: Process API. • Lesson 9: HTTP/2 client. • Lesson 10: Local variable type inference.
  • 4. @mirocupak Setup 4 • Prerequisites: • JDK 13: • Familiarity with Java 8. • These slides. Task 0.1 Verify you have JDK 13 with java -version.
  • 6. @mirocupak Lesson 1: JShell 6 Task 1.1 Start and exit JShell.
  • 7. @mirocupak Lesson 1: JShell 7 Task 1.2 Create a variable containing a string. Redefine the variable to contain an integer.
  • 8. @mirocupak Lesson 1: JShell 8 Task 1.3 Call a method that might throw a (checked) exception. How is it handled? What happens when an exception is thrown? How is a location in JShell referenced in a stacktrace?
  • 9. @mirocupak Lesson 1: JShell 9 Task 1.4 Create a simple method and call it. Create a class containing a method and call it.
  • 10. @mirocupak Lesson 1: JShell 10 Task 1.5 Modify your method to call another method that you haven’t implemented yet. What happens?
  • 11. @mirocupak Lesson 1: JShell 11 Task 1.6 Show the current time.
  • 12. @mirocupak Lesson 1: JShell 12 Task 1.7 Find what keyboard shortcuts JShell supports. Try them out. How do you view Javadoc?
  • 13. @mirocupak Lesson 1: JShell 13 Task 1.8 What are the possible arguments for the /list and /edit commands?
  • 14. @mirocupak Lesson 1: JShell 14 Task 1.9 Save your current snippets, restart JShell, and load the snippets you saved. Save all the commands and snippets for later use.
  • 15. @mirocupak Lesson 1: JShell 15 Task 1.10 Explore the /env command. Load an external library and use it from JShell.
  • 16. @mirocupak Lesson 1: JShell 16 Task 1.11 Set the feedback mode and editor to whatever you’re comfortable with.
  • 17. @mirocupak Lesson 1: JShell 17 Task 1.12 Use JShell to explore its own API. Use the API to process a snippet of your choice and read the results.
  • 18. @mirocupak Lesson 1: JShell 18 • Useful tool for whenever you need to try out something small quickly. • Not a debugging tool. • Prefer IDEs for any larger tasks. • Use /help for more information about commands. • Configure your own editor. • More info: JEP 222: jshell: The Java Shell (Read-Eval-Print Loop).
  • 19. @mirocupak 19 Convenience factory methods for collections Lesson 2
  • 20. @mirocupak Lesson 2: Convenience factory methods for collections 20 Task 2.1 How would you create an immutable list in Java 8? What are the problems with this approach? Are there any alternatives?
  • 21. @mirocupak Lesson 2: Convenience factory methods for collections 21 Task 2.2 What is the type of the return value of the of method?
  • 22. @mirocupak Lesson 2: Convenience factory methods for collections 22 Task 2.3 What’s the API for creating immutable collections for Set and Map? Does it differ from List?
  • 23. @mirocupak Lesson 2: Convenience factory methods for collections 23 Task 2.4 What’s the API for creating immutable copies of collections for a Map? How does it differ from the respective API in List and Set?
  • 24. @mirocupak Lesson 2: Convenience factory methods for collections 24 Task 2.5 How do you get the output of a stream into an immutable collection?
  • 25. @mirocupak Lesson 2: Convenience factory methods for collections 25 Task 2.6 What’s the most concise way of converting a collection into an array?
  • 26. @mirocupak Lesson 2: Convenience factory methods for collections 26 • Obtain immutable collections via of/ofEntries methods. • Create immutable copies of collections via copyOf (Java 10). • Static import java.util.Map.entry. • Less verbose, no static initializer blocks. • Don’t use Arrays.asList or Stream.of as shortcuts for creating collections. • Don’t use external libraries if you only need immutable collections (Guava). • No need to worry about leaving references to underlying collections. • Thread-safe and can be shared freely (no need for defensive copies). • Good performance. • Don’t create mutable collections unless necessary. • More info: JEP 269: Convenience Factory Methods for Collections.
  • 28. @mirocupak Lesson 3: Improved try-with-resources 28 Task 3.1 Read a file from disk to standard output (copy to standard output). Make sure you clean up the resources as needed.
  • 29. @mirocupak Lesson 3: Improved try-with-resources 29 Task 3.2 Refactor your previous example to take advantage of effectively final variables.
  • 30. @mirocupak Lesson 3: Improved try-with-resources 30 Task 3.3 Can we make the code even simpler? Hint: Check out the InputStream API for useful methods.
  • 31. @mirocupak Lesson 3: Improved try-with-resources 31 • Always prefer try-with-resources, don’t use try-finally and definitely don’t use finalizers to close resources. • Be aware of convenience methods, such as InputStream.transferTo. • Don’t create unnecessary helper objects. • More info: JEP 213: Milling Project Coin.
  • 32. @mirocupak 32 Stream API enhancements Lesson 4
  • 33. @mirocupak Lesson 4: Stream API enhancements 33 Task 4.1 Modify the stream below to only print the numbers <5 (>5). IntStream.range(0,10).forEach(System.out::println)
  • 34. @mirocupak Lesson 4: Stream API enhancements 34 Task 4.2 Demonstrate a difference between filter and takeWhile (dropWhile). Hint: Print even numbers <100.
  • 35. @mirocupak Lesson 4: Stream API enhancements 35 Task 4.3 Improve the code from the previous task.
  • 36. @mirocupak Lesson 4: Stream API enhancements 36 Task 4.4 Come up with a scenario where ofNullable helps.
  • 37. @mirocupak Lesson 4: Stream API enhancements 37 Task 4.5 Suppose we have the following list of numbers: List.of(2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11) Count the numbers >5 by parity. Hint: filtering.
  • 38. @mirocupak Lesson 4: Stream API enhancements 38 Task 4.6 Compute average of elements in a stream. Hint: teeing.
  • 39. @mirocupak Lesson 4: Stream API enhancements 39 Task 4.6 Explore how the pattern matching API plays nicely with streams. Hint: Use Matcher to obtain all results of a match. Task 4.7 Explore how the date-time API plays nicely with streams. Hint: Use LocalDate to obtain list of dates between now and Christmas.
  • 40. @mirocupak Lesson 4: Stream API enhancements 40 • Be aware of new stream methods: takeWhile, dropWhile, iterate. • Familiarize yourself with various collectors available out of the box. • Prefer collecting into immutable collections using toUnmodifiableList, toUnmodifiableSet, toUnmodifiableMap. • Check for convenience stream methods before converting to streams manually (e.g. LocalDate, Matcher). • Avoid unnecessary null checks with ofNullable. • Streams are suitable for more use cases now, but not all use cases. • Don’t overuse streams as they can make code hard to read and difficult to maintain.
  • 41. @mirocupak 41 Extensions to Optional Lesson 5
  • 42. @mirocupak Lesson 5: Extensions to Optional 42 Task 5.1 Given an Optional, print its value if the value is present, otherwise print “empty”.
  • 43. @mirocupak Lesson 5: Extensions to Optional 43 Task 5.2 What other methods in the Optional API are similar to or?
  • 44. @mirocupak Lesson 5: Extensions to Optional 44 Task 5.3 Another 2 methods in the same family were added in Java 10. Can you find them?
  • 45. @mirocupak Lesson 5: Extensions to Optional 45 Task 5.4 Filter out empty values from a given collection of Optionals, e.g.: List.of(Optional.of(1), Optional.empty(), Optional.of(2)) Hint: flatMap.
  • 46. @mirocupak Lesson 5: Extensions to Optional 46 • Use ifPresentOrElse instead of if-isPresent construct. • or provides a clean fluent way of chaining behaviour on Optionals. • Be aware of orElse* methods, e.g. the new orElseThrow (Java 10). • Use stream to take advantage of the lazy nature of streams and handle streams of Optionals. • Remember that isPresent is rarely the answer.
  • 48. @mirocupak Lesson 6: CompletableFuture updates 48 Task 6.1 completeOnTimeout is great for completing a future normally based on a timeout. How do I complete a future exceptionally based on a timeout?
  • 49. @mirocupak Lesson 6: CompletableFuture updates 49 Task 6.2 Inspect the contract of the copy method. Demonstrate the one-way synchronization it provides.
  • 50. @mirocupak Lesson 6: CompletableFuture updates 50 Task 6.3 Take some time to explore other new additions to the CompletableFuture API we haven’t talked about.
  • 51. @mirocupak Lesson 6: CompletableFuture updates 51 • With Java 9+, you can complete CompletableFutures normally and exceptionally based on a timeout (completeOnTimeout, orTimeout). • copy provides an easy method for building asynchronous APIs. • It’s usually a good idea to make copies before exposing CompletableFuture in APIs. • Be aware of the various utility methods in the CompletableFuture API. • More info: JEP 266: More Concurrency Updates.
  • 53. @mirocupak Lesson 7: Reactive streams 53 Task 7.1 Implement a subscriber echoing messages from the publisher. Hint: Request new message in onSubscribe and onNext.
  • 54. @mirocupak Lesson 7: Reactive streams 54 Task 7.2 What happens if we request 2 messages in onNext every time? How about Long.MAX_VALUE?
  • 55. @mirocupak Lesson 7: Reactive streams 55 Task 7.3 What happens if we request 0 messages in onNext every time?
  • 56. @mirocupak Lesson 7: Reactive streams 56 Task 7.4 What happens if we subscribe a subscriber twice to a publisher?
  • 57. @mirocupak Lesson 7: Reactive streams 57 Task 7.5 What happens if we subscribe a subscriber to 2 publishers?
  • 58. @mirocupak Lesson 7: Reactive streams 58 Task 7.6 What happens if we submit a message after closing the publisher?
  • 59. @mirocupak Lesson 7: Reactive streams 59 • The right approach for asynchronous stream processing with nonblocking back pressure. • Don’t implement yourself, use a library. • More info: JEP 266: More Concurrency Updates.
  • 61. @mirocupak Lesson 8: Process API 61 Task 8.1 Launch an external process from Java. What are the problems with this API?
  • 62. @mirocupak Lesson 8: Process API 62 Task 8.2 List all the commands running in your OS visible to you. Hint: allProcesses.
  • 63. @mirocupak Lesson 8: Process API 63 Task 8.3 Launch an external process that runs for 3 seconds. Print the PID of the (now dead) process as soon as it finishes. Hint: sleep 3.
  • 64. @mirocupak Lesson 8: Process API 64 Task 8.4 List your currently running Java processes with jps. Use grep to find JShell in the list. Hint: startPipeline.
  • 65. @mirocupak Lesson 8: Process API 65 • ProcessHandle is a clean way of obtaining information about processes. • Don’t implement yourself. Don’t use MXBeans or OS utilities. • Take advantage of convenience methods: pid, info, command… • Trigger actions on process termination via onExit. • Connect ProcessBuilder with ProcessHandle via toHandle. • Create pipelines via ProcessBuilder.startPipeline. • More info: JEP 102: Process API Updates.
  • 67. @mirocupak Lesson 9: HTTP/2 client 67 Task 9.1 Execute an HTTP request against a server the old-fashioned way (HttpURLConnection API). Read the status code as well as the body of the response.
  • 68. @mirocupak Lesson 9: HTTP/2 client 68 Task 9.2 Use the new HTTP/2 client API to execute a request against a server. Read the response.
  • 69. @mirocupak Lesson 9: HTTP/2 client 69 Task 9.3 Use the new HTTP/2 client API to execute a request against a server asynchronously. Read the response.
  • 70. @mirocupak Lesson 10: HTTP/2 client 70 Task 9.4 Explore the rest of the HTTP/2 client API.
  • 71. @mirocupak Lesson 9: HTTP/2 client 71 • Clean separation: HttpClient, HttpRequest, HttpResponse. • HttpURLConnection is not pleasant to use. • Avoid APIs with side effects. • The new client API is versatile, flexible and clean. • Prefer functionality in the JDK to external libraries. • More info: JEP 110: HTTP 2 Client.
  • 72. @mirocupak 72 Local variable type inference Lesson 10
  • 73. @mirocupak Lesson 10: Local variable type inference 73 • Does not replace static typing. • Generally good - reduces boilerplate, improves readability, and helps with maintenance and refactoring. • Use for local variables with initializers (especially constructors) and for loops. • Use for complex types when breaking chained or nested expressions with local variables. • Can’t use for declarations without explicit initialization, null or array initializers, compound declarations, method signatures, class fields, catch formals, lambdas or method references. • Consider whether to use when the generated type is not obvious. • Primitive types might surprise you, be careful (e.g. byte, short, long all inferred as int). • Code to the interface pattern does not work, but that’s kind of OK. • Be very careful about combining with <> and generic methods (e.g. var list = new ArrayList<>()). • Works with non-denotable types (e.g. intersection types), but be careful! • Capture variables are projected to supertypes that do not mention capture variables.
  • 74. @mirocupak Lesson 10: Local variable type inference 74 • Probably not the best idea to use with anonymous classes. • Use carefully chosen and expressive variable names. • Don’t use var as names of variables, methods, enums (even if it works). • Don’t use Hungarian notation. • Don’t rely on IDEs. • Minimize the scope of local variables. • Declare variable when it’s first used. • Declaration not containing an initializer (i.e. you can’t use var) often indicates the scope is not minimal. • Prefer for loops to while loops. • Keep methods small and focused.More info: JEP 286: Local-Variable Type Inference.