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Garbage-First Collector:
Current and Future
Adaptability and
Monica Beckwith Charlie Hunt John Cuthbertson
What's the talk about?
 Sneak a peek under the hood of the latest and
coolest garbage collector, Garbage-First!
 Dive deep into G1's adaptability and ergonomics
 Discuss the future of G1's adaptability
About the Presenters
 Charlie Hunt
 Monica
 John
GC Guru,
Azul Systems
 Key Concepts
 Definition
 Ergonomics
 Adaptability (if any)
 Future Adaptability Needs of G1
 Need More Information?
 Questions? - Let‟s Discuss!
Key Concepts
 Remembered Sets (RSets)
 Marking Threshold and Concurrent Cycle
 Collection Set (CSet) and Collections
 Mixed Collection
 Young Collection
 Old Regions Collection
 Humongous Allocations
 Evacuation Failures
 Reference Processing
Key Concept – Remembered Sets
Remembered Sets
 Per-region entries
 Each RSet keeps track of outside references
into its “owning” region
 RSets help regions to be independently GC‟d
 No need to scan the entire heap!
 G1 maintains RSets for –
 old-to-young and
 old-to-old references
Remembered Sets (RSets)
Region 2
Region 1
Region 3
RSet for
Region 1
RSet for
Region 3
RSet for
Region 2
* Figure referenced from InfoQ article:
RSets – Ergonomics and Adaptability
 Concurrent Refinement threads –
 Help maintain RSets
 Concurrent updating
 Post-write Barriers –
 After a write
 Help track cross region updates
 Coarsening –
 RSets transitioning through different levels of
RSet - Concurrent Refinement
 Concurrent processing of the filled update
 Tiered deployment
 Max number can be set by
 The processing of update buffers can eventually
fall to the mutator (application) threads
 Need to avoid such a scenario
RSet - Coarsenings
 Three levels of granularity –
 Sparse
 Hash table of card indices; Fastest to scan
 Fine
 Card indices held in a bitmap; Scan not as fast as Sparse
 Coarse
 One bit for each region; Slowest to scan
Key Concept – Marking Threshold
and Concurrent Cycle
Marking Threshold and Concurrent
 Threshold default: 45% of your Java heap
 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=<value>
 When threshold‟s crossed, G1 starts a
concurrent cycle
 Some phases are concurrent and some are stop-the
 Multi-phased concurrent marking cycle finds the
“best” regions to be collected
 Live-ness accounting
Marking Threshold and Concurrent
 After the marking phase is complete, G1 has
information on which old regions to collect
 Regions are ordered based on “collection
 Expensive regions would be regions with lots of live
data and large RSets
 Completely free regions are collected during
cleanup phase
 Examples are shown later in this presentation …
Marking Threshold – Example 1
Default IHOP IHOP increased to 75%
Java heap size Java heap sizeMax heap occupancy
Max heap occupancy
Marking Threshold
Marking Threshold
Marking Threshold – Example 2
Default IHOP IHOP increased to
25% Young GCs
60% Mixed GCs
30% Mixed GCs
64% Young GCs
Better to do more young GCs
than mixed GCs
Key Concept – Collection Set and
Collection Set
 A set of regions to be collected during a GC
evacuation pause
 Young Collection will have only and all young
regions in the CSet
 Mixed Collection will have both young and old
regions in the CSet
 Live data in the CSet is evacuated/copied
during a GC cycle
Collection Set – Young Collection
Look for the following in PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy enabled log –
6676.431: [GC pause (G1 Evacuation Pause) (young) 6676.431: [G1Ergonomics (CSet
Construction) start choosing CSet, _pending_cards: 147002, predicted base time: 42.39 ms,
remaining time: 157.61 ms, target pause time: 200.00 ms]
6676.431: [G1Ergonomics (CSet Construction) add young
regions to CSet, eden: 950 regions, survivors: 74 regions,
predicted young region time: 160.72 ms]
6676.431: [G1Ergonomics (CSet Construction) finish choosing CSet, eden: 950 regions,
survivors: 74 regions, old: 0 regions, predicted pause time: 203.11 ms, target pause time:
200.00 ms]
Collection Set – Mixed Collection
5884.952: [GC pause (G1 Evacuation Pause) (mixed) 5884.952: [G1Ergonomics (CSet
Construction) start choosing CSet, _pending_cards: 167183, predicted base time: 48.30 ms,
remaining time: 151.70 ms, target pause time: 200.00 ms]
5884.952: [G1Ergonomics (CSet Construction) add young regions to CSet, eden: 952 regions,
survivors: 72 regions, predicted young region time: 225.39 ms]
5884.954: [G1Ergonomics (CSet Construction) finish
adding old regions to CSet, reason: reclaimable percentage
not over threshold, old: 134 regions, max: 308 regions,
reclaimable: 1285706456 bytes (9.98 %), threshold: 10.00 %]
5884.954: [G1Ergonomics (CSet Construction) finish choosing CSet, eden: 952 regions,
survivors: 72 regions, old: 134 regions, predicted pause time: 354.55 ms, target pause time:
200.00 ms]
Collection Set – Mixed Collection
Young Regions
Old Regions
H Humongous Regions
✓ ✓
✓ ✓
✓ H ✓
✓ H
H ✓
* Figure shows both young and old collection sets.
Mixed Collection - Copying
✓ ✓
✓ ✓
✓ H ✓
✓ H
H ✓
Live objects are copied
into the “to-space”
- Survivor Regions
- Old Regions
Mixed Collection – Reclamation
✓ ✓
✓ ✓
✓ H ✓
✓ H
H ✓
G1 achieves
compaction via copying
CSet – Ergonomics and Adaptability
 CSet for young entirely depends on –
 The pause time target
 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=<value>
 All young regions are included in the CSet
 CSet for mixed collection –
 Could have a minimum number of regions based on
the MixedGCCountTarget and
 But will never cross the max number of regions set by
CSet – Ergonomics and Adaptability
 -XX:G1MixedGCCountTarget (defaults to 8) – sets a target for
mixed collections by setting a minimum limit on the old regions
to collect per mixed collection, the goal is to not exceed the
CountTarget during the mixed collection cycle
 -XX:G1OldCSetRegionThresholdPercent (defaults to 10) – sets
an upper limit on the max number of old regions that can be
collected during a mixed collection (its expressed as a
percentage of the total heap)
CSet – Ergonomics and Adaptability
Snippets from a PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy enabled
log –
 <finish adding old regions to CSet, reason: predicted time is too high,
predicted time: 2.27 ms, remaining time: 0.00 ms, old: 12 regions,
min: 12 regions>
 <finish adding old regions to CSet, reason: old CSet region num
reached min, old: 142 regions, min: 142 regions>
 <finish adding old regions to CSet, reason: reclaimable percentage
not over threshold, old: 134 regions, max: 308 regions>
Mixed Collection – Ergonomics and
 Young regions – all young regions are
included in a collection
 Old regions are selected based on –
 -XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent (defaults to 65) – sets a limit
on the live objects' occupancy such that any old region above that
threshold will not be included in any mixed collection
 Remember GC efficiency?
 -XX:G1HeapWastePercent (defaults to 10) – sets the waste target i.e.
the percentage of heap space you are willing to never collect in an
effort to avoid expensive GCs
 Remember the logs outputs that mentioned “reclaimable percentage not
over threshold”?
Young Collection – Ergonomics and
 Young generation size is based on your pause time
target and internally set min and max bounds
 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis = 200 (default)
 Default min nursery size = 5% of your Java heap
 Default max nursery size = 60% of your Java heap
 Prediction logic
 Determines how much time it will take to collect 1 region
 (Re-)Sizes the young generation accordingly after each
Old Regions Collection - Ergonomics
 During Mixed GCs
 Based on the criteria mentioned earlier
809.925: [G1Ergonomics (Mixed GCs) start
mixed GCs, reason: candidate old regions
available, candidate old regions: 4273 regions,
reclaimable: 111102028112 bytes (53.89 %),
threshold: 10.00 %]
Old Regions Collection - Ergonomics
 During concurrent cycle
 Entirely free (i.e. full of garbage) regions are collected
6530.615: [GC cleanup 13G->12G(18G), 0.0388540 secs]
 During Full GCs
 Collects and compacts all regions
154.725: [Full GC 1018M->369M(1024M), 1.6437640 secs]
[Eden: 0.0B(51.0M)->0.0B(51.0M) Survivors: 0.0B->0.0B Heap:
Key Concept – Humongous
Humongous Objects –What Are
 Objects that span >= 50% of G1‟s region size
 Ideally –
 Not that many in number
 Are long lived
 Allocated directly into the old generation into
Humongous Regions
 Avoids unnecessary copying back and forth and
expensive promotions
 Larger objects will need contiguous regions
Humongous Objects – WWG1D?
G1 Region –
Young Generation
G1 Region –
Old Generation
Object 1 < 50% of
G1 Region
Object 2 == 50%
of G1 Region
Object 3 > 50%
of G1 Region
Object 4 >
G1 Region
Humongous Objects – WWG1D?
G1 Region –
Young Generation
G1 Region –
Old Generation
Object 1 < 50% of
G1 Region
Object 2 == 50%
of G1 Region
Object 3 > 50%
of G1 Region
Object 4 >
G1 Region
* Object 4 will need contiguous regions
Object 4 - Humongous
Humongous Objects
Object 1 – NOT Humongous
Object 2 - Humongous
Object 3 - Humongous
* Object 4 needs contiguous regions
Humongous Objects – What’s The
 As of 7u40, initial heap size (-Xms) determines
the region size
 G1 strives for 2048 regions
 Region size a factor of 2 ranging from 1M to 32M
 If there is a vast difference between the initial
and the max heap, normal objects may seem
humongous to G1!
Humongous Objects – What’s The
 Let‟s look at this PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy enabled
log snippet (Note: G1 region size was 4MB):
 1361.680: [G1Ergonomics (Concurrent Cycles)
request concurrent cycle initiation, reason:
occupancy higher than threshold, occupancy:
1459617792 bytes, allocation request: 4194320
bytes, threshold: 1449551430 bytes (45.00 %),
source: concurrent humongous allocation]
Humongous Objects – What’s The
 Notes from earlier snippet –
 Concurrent cycle requested
 Reason: Occupancy was higher than threshold
 Allocation size was 4194320 bytes
 Greater than 4MB, hence humongous allocation
 Notes from the log (not shown here) –
 Too many humongous allocations
 Concurrent cycles can‟t keep up with the allocations
 Resulting in to-space exhausted messages and eventually Full GCs
Humongous Objects – How to “Fix”
 Let‟s find a region size that can accommodate
the humongous objects as regular allocations
 So the next region size up would be 8MB
 But, 4.000015MB > 50% of 8MB
 So, go to the next size up. i.e. 16MB
 Solution – Set your region size to 16MB
 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=16M
Humongous Allocation –
 Humongous Regions are not included in a
mixed collection
 Dead Humongous objects are collected during
cleanup and during Full GC
6569.877: [GC cleanup 6708M- >6384M(12G),
0.0181200 secs]
 Live Humongous objects are compacted through
during full GC
Key Concept – Evacuation Failures
Evacuation Failures
 Evacuation failures indicate that G1 ran out of
heap regions either –
 while copying to survivor regions or
 while promoting or copying live objects in-to the
old generation
 Prior to Java 7u40 evacuation failures shown as
a “to-space overflow” in the GC logs
 Java 7u40 onwards shows “to-space exhausted”
in the GC logs
Evacuation Failures – How to Avoid
 Get a baseline with bare minimum options:
 -Xmx, -Xms and -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=<value>
 Over-tuning is NOT for G1
 Look at the output of PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy
 Too many humongous allocations?
 Increase G1HeapRegionSize
Evacuation Failures
 Plot the heap utilization stats from the log
 Marking threshold too high?
 Can‟t keep up with promotions
 Marking threshold too low?
 Not reclaiming much space from marking cycle
 Concurrent cycles taking a long time to
 Increase the thread count: ConcGCThreads
Evacuation Failures
 Sometimes survivor space gets exhausted
 Increase the G1ReservePercent
 It‟s a false ceiling
 Defaults to 10
 G1 will cap it off at 50%
Key Concept – Reference Processing
Reference Processing
User Time (in secs) System Time (in secs)
Real Time (in secs) Scaling
Reference Processing
9185.651: [GC remark 9185.653: [GC ref-proc, 5.2216490 secs], 5.2946850 secs]
[Times: user=5.62 sys=0.00, real=5.29 secs]
[Other: 339.7 ms]
[Choose CSet: 0.0 ms]
[Ref Proc: 287.8 ms]
[Ref Enq: 5.4 ms]
[Free CSet: 6.9 ms]
This is not good!
Parallel Reference Processing
User Time (in secs) System Time (in secs)
Real Time (in secs) Scaling
After enabling -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled
Parallel Reference Processing
9095.305: [GC remark 9095.309: [GC ref-proc, 0.4888450
secs], 0.5621620 secs]
[Times: user=7.84 sys=0.03, real=0.56 secs]
[Other: 91.0 ms]
[Choose CSet: 0.0 ms]
[Ref Proc: 43.9 ms]
[Ref Enq: 1.0 ms]
[Free CSet: 7.4 ms]
Ooh yeah,
much better!
Future Adaptability
Future Adaptability
 Adaptive marking threshold?
 A static value doesn‟t cut it
 CMS has adaptive marking threshold with static
override and static max value
 Wouldn‟t it be nice if G1 had an adaptive threshold
and adaptive max value?
 Adaptive region size?
 Will help alleviate the issues that applications with
numerous short-lived “humongous” objects encounter
Future Adaptability
 Avoiding evacuation failures
 Reducing the cost of evacuation failures
Future Adaptability
 Improving RSets
 Improving concurrent refinement thresholds to
reduce the possibility of long RSet updating times.
 Smarter/ adaptable criteria for selecting CSet
for old regions
 Smarter/ adaptable Mixed Collections
Want More Info?
G1 Articles on the Web
Let‟s discuss „em!
More Questions?
HOL5429: Tuning Low-Pause Garbage Collection – Tue 10 am
CON3754: G1 GC: Migration to, Expectations, and Advanced Tuning –
Wed 10 am
CON7624: Understanding Java Garbage Collection and What You Can
Do About It. – Wed 11:30 am
GC Tuning BOF4020 - Tonight @7:30 pm
JVM Performance BOF4471 – Tonight @8:30 pm
Email: & hotspot-gc-

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Garbage First Garbage Collector (G1 GC): Current and Future Adaptability and Ergonomics.

  • 1. Garbage-First Collector: Current and Future Adaptability and Ergonomics. Monica Beckwith Charlie Hunt John Cuthbertson
  • 2. What's the talk about? 2  Sneak a peek under the hood of the latest and coolest garbage collector, Garbage-First!  Dive deep into G1's adaptability and ergonomics  Discuss the future of G1's adaptability
  • 3. About the Presenters 3  Charlie Hunt Architect, Performance Engineering, Salesforce  Monica Beckwith Performance Architect, Servergy  John Cuthbertson GC Guru, Azul Systems
  • 4. Agenda  Key Concepts  Definition  Ergonomics  Adaptability (if any)  Future Adaptability Needs of G1  Need More Information?  Questions? - Let‟s Discuss! 4
  • 5. Key Concepts  Remembered Sets (RSets)  Marking Threshold and Concurrent Cycle  Collection Set (CSet) and Collections  Mixed Collection  Young Collection  Old Regions Collection  Humongous Allocations  Evacuation Failures  Reference Processing 5
  • 6. Key Concept – Remembered Sets 6
  • 7. Remembered Sets  Per-region entries  Each RSet keeps track of outside references into its “owning” region  RSets help regions to be independently GC‟d  No need to scan the entire heap!  G1 maintains RSets for –  old-to-young and  old-to-old references 7
  • 8. Remembered Sets (RSets) 8 Region 2 Region 1 Region 3 RSet for Region 1 RSet for Region 3 RSet for Region 2 * Figure referenced from InfoQ article:
  • 9. RSets – Ergonomics and Adaptability  Concurrent Refinement threads –  Help maintain RSets  Concurrent updating  Post-write Barriers –  After a write  Help track cross region updates  Coarsening –  RSets transitioning through different levels of granularity 9
  • 10. RSet - Concurrent Refinement  Concurrent processing of the filled update buffers  Tiered deployment  Max number can be set by -XX:G1ConcRefinementThreads  The processing of update buffers can eventually fall to the mutator (application) threads  Need to avoid such a scenario 10
  • 11. RSet - Coarsenings  Three levels of granularity –  Sparse  Hash table of card indices; Fastest to scan  Fine  Card indices held in a bitmap; Scan not as fast as Sparse table  Coarse  One bit for each region; Slowest to scan 11
  • 12. Key Concept – Marking Threshold and Concurrent Cycle 12
  • 13. Marking Threshold and Concurrent Cycle  Threshold default: 45% of your Java heap  -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=<value>  When threshold‟s crossed, G1 starts a concurrent cycle  Some phases are concurrent and some are stop-the world  Multi-phased concurrent marking cycle finds the “best” regions to be collected  Live-ness accounting 13
  • 14. Marking Threshold and Concurrent Cycle  After the marking phase is complete, G1 has information on which old regions to collect  Regions are ordered based on “collection efficiency”  Expensive regions would be regions with lots of live data and large RSets  Completely free regions are collected during cleanup phase  Examples are shown later in this presentation … 14
  • 15. Marking Threshold – Example 1 15 Default IHOP IHOP increased to 75% Java heap size Java heap sizeMax heap occupancy Max heap occupancy Marking Threshold Marking Threshold
  • 16. Marking Threshold – Example 2 16 Default IHOP IHOP increased to 70% 25% Young GCs 60% Mixed GCs 30% Mixed GCs 64% Young GCs Better to do more young GCs than mixed GCs
  • 17. Key Concept – Collection Set and Collections 17
  • 18. Collection Set  A set of regions to be collected during a GC evacuation pause  Young Collection will have only and all young regions in the CSet  Mixed Collection will have both young and old regions in the CSet  Live data in the CSet is evacuated/copied during a GC cycle 18
  • 19. Collection Set – Young Collection Look for the following in PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy enabled log – 6676.431: [GC pause (G1 Evacuation Pause) (young) 6676.431: [G1Ergonomics (CSet Construction) start choosing CSet, _pending_cards: 147002, predicted base time: 42.39 ms, remaining time: 157.61 ms, target pause time: 200.00 ms] 6676.431: [G1Ergonomics (CSet Construction) add young regions to CSet, eden: 950 regions, survivors: 74 regions, predicted young region time: 160.72 ms] 6676.431: [G1Ergonomics (CSet Construction) finish choosing CSet, eden: 950 regions, survivors: 74 regions, old: 0 regions, predicted pause time: 203.11 ms, target pause time: 200.00 ms] 19
  • 20. Collection Set – Mixed Collection 5884.952: [GC pause (G1 Evacuation Pause) (mixed) 5884.952: [G1Ergonomics (CSet Construction) start choosing CSet, _pending_cards: 167183, predicted base time: 48.30 ms, remaining time: 151.70 ms, target pause time: 200.00 ms] 5884.952: [G1Ergonomics (CSet Construction) add young regions to CSet, eden: 952 regions, survivors: 72 regions, predicted young region time: 225.39 ms] 5884.954: [G1Ergonomics (CSet Construction) finish adding old regions to CSet, reason: reclaimable percentage not over threshold, old: 134 regions, max: 308 regions, reclaimable: 1285706456 bytes (9.98 %), threshold: 10.00 %] 5884.954: [G1Ergonomics (CSet Construction) finish choosing CSet, eden: 952 regions, survivors: 72 regions, old: 134 regions, predicted pause time: 354.55 ms, target pause time: 200.00 ms] 20
  • 21. Collection Set – Mixed Collection 21 Young Regions Old Regions H Humongous Regions ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ H ✓ ✓ ✓ H ✓ H ✓ * Figure shows both young and old collection sets.
  • 22. Mixed Collection - Copying 22 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ H ✓ ✓ ✓ H ✓ H ✓ Live objects are copied into the “to-space” regions: - Survivor Regions - Old Regions
  • 23. Mixed Collection – Reclamation 23 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ H ✓ ✓ ✓ H ✓ H ✓ G1 achieves compaction via copying
  • 24. CSet – Ergonomics and Adaptability  CSet for young entirely depends on –  The pause time target  -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=<value>  All young regions are included in the CSet  CSet for mixed collection –  Could have a minimum number of regions based on the MixedGCCountTarget and  But will never cross the max number of regions set by OldCSetThresholdPercent 24
  • 25. CSet – Ergonomics and Adaptability  -XX:G1MixedGCCountTarget (defaults to 8) – sets a target for mixed collections by setting a minimum limit on the old regions to collect per mixed collection, the goal is to not exceed the CountTarget during the mixed collection cycle  -XX:G1OldCSetRegionThresholdPercent (defaults to 10) – sets an upper limit on the max number of old regions that can be collected during a mixed collection (its expressed as a percentage of the total heap) 25
  • 26. CSet – Ergonomics and Adaptability Snippets from a PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy enabled log –  <finish adding old regions to CSet, reason: predicted time is too high, predicted time: 2.27 ms, remaining time: 0.00 ms, old: 12 regions, min: 12 regions>  <finish adding old regions to CSet, reason: old CSet region num reached min, old: 142 regions, min: 142 regions>  <finish adding old regions to CSet, reason: reclaimable percentage not over threshold, old: 134 regions, max: 308 regions> 26
  • 27. Mixed Collection – Ergonomics and Adaptability  Young regions – all young regions are included in a collection  Old regions are selected based on –  -XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent (defaults to 65) – sets a limit on the live objects' occupancy such that any old region above that threshold will not be included in any mixed collection  Remember GC efficiency?  -XX:G1HeapWastePercent (defaults to 10) – sets the waste target i.e. the percentage of heap space you are willing to never collect in an effort to avoid expensive GCs  Remember the logs outputs that mentioned “reclaimable percentage not over threshold”? 27
  • 28. Young Collection – Ergonomics and Adaptability  Young generation size is based on your pause time target and internally set min and max bounds  -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis = 200 (default)  Default min nursery size = 5% of your Java heap  Default max nursery size = 60% of your Java heap  Prediction logic  Determines how much time it will take to collect 1 region  (Re-)Sizes the young generation accordingly after each collection 28
  • 29. Old Regions Collection - Ergonomics  During Mixed GCs  Based on the criteria mentioned earlier 809.925: [G1Ergonomics (Mixed GCs) start mixed GCs, reason: candidate old regions available, candidate old regions: 4273 regions, reclaimable: 111102028112 bytes (53.89 %), threshold: 10.00 %] 29
  • 30. Old Regions Collection - Ergonomics  During concurrent cycle  Entirely free (i.e. full of garbage) regions are collected 6530.615: [GC cleanup 13G->12G(18G), 0.0388540 secs]  During Full GCs  Collects and compacts all regions 154.725: [Full GC 1018M->369M(1024M), 1.6437640 secs] [Eden: 0.0B(51.0M)->0.0B(51.0M) Survivors: 0.0B->0.0B Heap: 1018.3M(1024.0M)->369.4M(1024.0M)] 30
  • 31. Key Concept – Humongous Allocations 31
  • 32. Humongous Objects –What Are They?  Objects that span >= 50% of G1‟s region size  Ideally –  Not that many in number  Are long lived  Allocated directly into the old generation into Humongous Regions  Avoids unnecessary copying back and forth and expensive promotions  Larger objects will need contiguous regions 32
  • 33. Humongous Objects – WWG1D? 33 G1 Region – Young Generation G1 Region – Old Generation Object 1 < 50% of G1 Region Object 2 == 50% of G1 Region Object 3 > 50% of G1 Region Object 4 > G1 Region ?
  • 34. Humongous Objects – WWG1D? 34 G1 Region – Young Generation G1 Region – Old Generation Object 1 < 50% of G1 Region Object 2 == 50% of G1 Region Object 3 > 50% of G1 Region Object 4 > G1 Region * Object 4 will need contiguous regions
  • 35. Object 4 - Humongous Humongous Objects 35 Object 1 – NOT Humongous Object 2 - Humongous Object 3 - Humongous * Object 4 needs contiguous regions Wasted Space
  • 36. Humongous Objects – What’s The Catch?  As of 7u40, initial heap size (-Xms) determines the region size  G1 strives for 2048 regions  Region size a factor of 2 ranging from 1M to 32M  If there is a vast difference between the initial and the max heap, normal objects may seem humongous to G1! 36
  • 37. Humongous Objects – What’s The Catch?  Let‟s look at this PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy enabled log snippet (Note: G1 region size was 4MB):  1361.680: [G1Ergonomics (Concurrent Cycles) request concurrent cycle initiation, reason: occupancy higher than threshold, occupancy: 1459617792 bytes, allocation request: 4194320 bytes, threshold: 1449551430 bytes (45.00 %), source: concurrent humongous allocation] 37
  • 38. Humongous Objects – What’s The Catch?  Notes from earlier snippet –  Concurrent cycle requested  Reason: Occupancy was higher than threshold  Allocation size was 4194320 bytes  Greater than 4MB, hence humongous allocation  Notes from the log (not shown here) –  Too many humongous allocations  Concurrent cycles can‟t keep up with the allocations  Resulting in to-space exhausted messages and eventually Full GCs 38
  • 39. Humongous Objects – How to “Fix” it?  Let‟s find a region size that can accommodate the humongous objects as regular allocations  So the next region size up would be 8MB  But, 4.000015MB > 50% of 8MB  So, go to the next size up. i.e. 16MB  Solution – Set your region size to 16MB  -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=16M 39
  • 40. Humongous Allocation – Ergonomics  Humongous Regions are not included in a mixed collection  Dead Humongous objects are collected during cleanup and during Full GC 6569.877: [GC cleanup 6708M- >6384M(12G), 0.0181200 secs]  Live Humongous objects are compacted through during full GC 40
  • 41. Key Concept – Evacuation Failures 41
  • 42. Evacuation Failures  Evacuation failures indicate that G1 ran out of heap regions either –  while copying to survivor regions or  while promoting or copying live objects in-to the old generation  Prior to Java 7u40 evacuation failures shown as a “to-space overflow” in the GC logs  Java 7u40 onwards shows “to-space exhausted” in the GC logs 42
  • 43. Evacuation Failures – How to Avoid Them?  Get a baseline with bare minimum options:  -Xmx, -Xms and -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=<value>  Over-tuning is NOT for G1  Look at the output of PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy  Too many humongous allocations?  Increase G1HeapRegionSize 43
  • 44. Evacuation Failures  Plot the heap utilization stats from the log  Marking threshold too high?  Can‟t keep up with promotions  Marking threshold too low?  Not reclaiming much space from marking cycle  Concurrent cycles taking a long time to complete?  Increase the thread count: ConcGCThreads 44
  • 45. Evacuation Failures  Sometimes survivor space gets exhausted  Increase the G1ReservePercent  It‟s a false ceiling  Defaults to 10  G1 will cap it off at 50% 45
  • 46. Key Concept – Reference Processing 46
  • 48. Reference Processing 48 9185.651: [GC remark 9185.653: [GC ref-proc, 5.2216490 secs], 5.2946850 secs] [Times: user=5.62 sys=0.00, real=5.29 secs] [Other: 339.7 ms] [Choose CSet: 0.0 ms] [Ref Proc: 287.8 ms] [Ref Enq: 5.4 ms] [Free CSet: 6.9 ms] This is not good!
  • 50. Parallel Reference Processing 50 9095.305: [GC remark 9095.309: [GC ref-proc, 0.4888450 secs], 0.5621620 secs] [Times: user=7.84 sys=0.03, real=0.56 secs] [Other: 91.0 ms] [Choose CSet: 0.0 ms] [Ref Proc: 43.9 ms] [Ref Enq: 1.0 ms] [Free CSet: 7.4 ms] Ooh yeah, much better!
  • 52. Future Adaptability  Adaptive marking threshold?  A static value doesn‟t cut it  CMS has adaptive marking threshold with static override and static max value  Wouldn‟t it be nice if G1 had an adaptive threshold and adaptive max value?  Adaptive region size?  Will help alleviate the issues that applications with numerous short-lived “humongous” objects encounter 52
  • 53. Future Adaptability  Avoiding evacuation failures  _id=8014019  Reducing the cost of evacuation failures  _id=8003237  _id=8003235 53
  • 54. Future Adaptability  Improving RSets   Improving concurrent refinement thresholds to reduce the possibility of long RSet updating times.  Smarter/ adaptable criteria for selecting CSet for old regions  Smarter/ adaptable Mixed Collections  54
  • 56. G1 Articles on the Web  Rule-Them-All   1984535.html   SSION_ID=6583  _the_g1 56
  • 58. More Questions? HOL5429: Tuning Low-Pause Garbage Collection – Tue 10 am CON3754: G1 GC: Migration to, Expectations, and Advanced Tuning – Wed 10 am CON7624: Understanding Java Garbage Collection and What You Can Do About It. – Wed 11:30 am GC Tuning BOF4020 - Tonight @7:30 pm JVM Performance BOF4471 – Tonight @8:30 pm Email: & hotspot-gc- 58

Editor's Notes

  1. These are the same graphs we used for Qcon… we can replace the data with Charlie’s data.