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Anatomy of Urinary System
Dr Laxman Khanal
Urinary system
Test yourself
• Where is the micturation center in the brain??
• Which of the following is found exclusively in the renal medulla?
a.Proximal convoluted tubules b. Distal convoluted tubules
c. Collecting ducts d. Thin loops of Henle
• Space for enlargement of bladder is ………….
a. Space of Reitzius b. Verumontanum
c. Urogenital raphe d. Pelvic space
• In kidney the less vascular area separating anterior and posterior
segment is known
a. Brodie’s line b. Canton’s line
c. Calot’s line d. Seshachalam’s line
• life expectancy of individual with a single kidney is the same
as those with two kidneys. ( T/F)
• Most common position of ectopic kidney is hypogastric region
of abdomen. ( T/F)
• Widest and most dilated part of urethra is………….
a. Membranous b. Prostatic
c. Penile d. External meatus
Objectives of class
• Key feature of kidneys
• Relationship of kidneys
• Renal fascia and its extension
• Macroscopic study of kidney
• Structure and function of urineferous tubules
• Key relation and constrictions of Ureters
• Support of bladder and its relationship
• Neural pathway of micturation
• Formation of urine
• Regulate volume and chemical composition of
blood (water, salts, acids, bases).
• Produce-
• Renin – regulates BP/ kidney function
• Erythropoeitin – stimulates RBC production from
• Metabolism of Vitamin D to active form ( by PCT).
Components of urinary system
• Two Kidneys
– Perform all functions except actual excretion.
• Two Ureters
– Convey urine from Kidneys to Urinary Bladder
• Urinary Bladder
– Holds Urine until excretion
• Urethra
– Conveys urine from bladder to outside of body
kidneys/ key features
• A pair of bean shaped organs located against
posterior abdominal wall retro-peritoneally.
• Each kidney presents 2 surfaces, 2 ends and 2
• Long axis of kidney is directed downward and
laterally so upper end is nearer to the midline.
• Extend from T12 to L3
kidneys/ key features
• Left kidney is nearer to midline and to
diaphragm than the right one.
• Medial border presents a concavity called as
• Transpyloric plane passes through the upper
part of right hilum and lower part of left hilum
Position of kidneys
Anterior relation
Posterior relation
Posterior relationship
Ribs-11and 12 for left and 12th for right
Muscles- 3 muscle
Nerves- 3 nerves
Renal angle
• Angle between the lower border of the 12th
rib and lateral border of erector spinae.
• It overlies the lower part of kidney.
• Tenderness can be felt in this area in case of
perinephric abscess.
Covering of the kidneys
• Fibrous capsule ( true capsule)
• Perinephric fat
• Renal fascia( fascia of Gerota)
• Paranephric fat
Covering of the kidneys
• Fibrous capsule formed by condensation of
fibrous stroma of the kidney.
• In nephropexy, fibrous capsule is divided and
sutured with the posterior abdominal wall.
• Perinephric fat is abundant along the border
of kidneys, in lower pole and in the renal
• Renal fascia is made up of condensation of
extra-peritoneal connective tissue.
Renal Fascia or fascia of Gerota
• Consists of two layers
1. Anterior layer or fascia of Toldt
2. Posterior layer of Fascia of Zuckerkendl
• Laterally both layer fused and continued with
the fascia transversalis
• Medially , anterior layer is continuous with
the similar layer of the opposite side in front
of the aorta and IVC.
Coverings of kidney
• Medially posterior layer covers the back of
kidney and renal vessels and blends with the
psoas fascia.
• Above , both layer fuse and re-split to cover
suprarenal gland. At the upper end of the
gland two layers fuse and continuous with the
subdiaphrgmatic fascia forming the
suspensory ligaments of suprarenal gland.
Coverings of kidneys
• Below, two layer do not fuse , extend
downward along the ureter and are finally lost
in extra-peritoneal connective tissue of iliac
• Paranephric fat is located in between the
renal fascia and anterior layer of thoraco-
lumbar fascia.
Macroscopic structure
Macroscopic structure
• When splited longitudinally it presents 2 parts
Kidney proper – it is made up of outer cortex
and inner medulla.
• Cortex lies in between renal capsule and renal
pyramid ( cortical arch), and extends in
between pyramid as renal column.
• Medulla is made up of renal pyramid.
Renal sinus
Microscopic structure
• The urineferous tubules are the microscopic
structures of the kidneys. It is made up of
nephrons and collecting tubules.
• Nephron is the functional unit of the kidney,
responsible for the actual purification and
filtration of the blood.
• About one million nephrons in each kidney.
• Two types of nephrons
Cortical – 85%- responsible for Na resorption
Juxtramedullary – 15%- for water resorption
• The main differences in the two types of
nephrons are-
1. the length to which the loop of Henle extends
into the kidney.
2. Position of renal corpuscle
3. Functions
Parts of the Nephrons-
Renal corpscle = Bowman capsule + Glomerulus
Loop of Henle
Microscopic structure
3 phases of urine formation
Renal Corpuscle(Malphigian body)
(Glomerular plexus + Bowman’s capsule)
Visceral layer of renal corpuscle
Filtration membrane
Nephrotic syndrome
Protinuria; hypoalbuminemia and edema
• At the urinary pole of a renal corpuscle, the simple
squamous epithelium of the parietal layer of
Bowman's capsule undergoes an abrupt change to
become the tall cuboidal epithelium with microvilli (
brush border appearance)of the proximal tubule.
Loop of Henle
• It has descending and ascending limbs , each
having thick and thin part.
• Thin part makes a hair-pin bend in the deeper
plane of medulla .
• Due to the close association of two limb,
opposite flow of filtrate and variable
permeability to the water is responsible for
the counter-current multiplier mechanism.
Counter-current system
• Distal tubule cells possess their own type of Na+
transporter protein called the amiloride-sensitive
epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC). Aldosterone, can
increase the abundance of ENaC channels at the
cell surface, thereby stimulating Na+
• Part of the DCT that comes in contact with the
afferent arteriole of glomerulus specialized for
sppecial function .this special portion is called as
macula densa.
• Epithelial lining is simple cuboidal.
Juxtra-glomerular apparatus
Function of juxtra-glomerular apparatus
Collecting tubules
• Collecting tubules are composed of a simple cuboidal
epithelium containing two distinct cell types: principal
(light) cells and intercalated (dark) cells.
• Principal cells of collecting tubules possess receptors for
ADH on their plasma membranes.
• Intercalated cells adjust urinary pH by secreting either H+
ions or bicarbonate ions. These cells are also noteworthy
because they synthesize a peptide called atrial natriuretic
peptide (ANP) , responsible for relaxation of afferent
arteriole and less reabsorption of sodium by collecting
• These tubules join to form – duct of Bellini , which is
received by the minor calyces at the apex of renal pyramid.
Renal vasculature
Renal arteries arises at the level of L1- L2
Renal Vein Entrapment Syndrome
“nutcracker syndrome”
• In crossing the midline to reach the IVC, the longer left
renal vein traverses an acute angle between the SMA
anteriorly and the abdominal aorta posteriorly.
Downward traction on the SMA may compress
• The syndrome may include hematuria or proteinuria,
abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting (indicating
compression of the duodenum), and left testicular pain
in men (related to the left testicular vein draining into
the left renal vein proximal to the compression).
Brodel’s Line
Segmentation of kidneys
Branching generations after segmental artery
Lobar artery
Interlobar artery
Arcuate artery
Interlobular artery
• These are pair of muscular tubes( 25 cm) that are
continuous superiorly with the renal
pelvis, which is a funnel-shaped structure in the
renal sinus.
• Consists of three parts- renal pelvis, abdominal
part and pelvic part.
• Descend retroperitonealy and cross pelvic brim
• Enter posterolateral corners of bladder
• Run medially within posterior bladder wall before
opening into interior
• This oblique entry helps prevent backflow of
Important relationship of Ureters :
They run Inferior to the ductus deferens in males
and inferior to the uterine artery in females.
Ureteric constrictions
At three points along their course the ureters
are constricted.
• the first point is at the ureteropelvic junction,
just inferior to the kidney.
• the second point is where the ureters cross
the common iliac vessels at the pelvic brim.
• the third point is where the ureters enter the
wall of the bladder. It is the narrowest one.
• arteries supplying the ureters
divide into ascending and
descending branches, which form
longitudinal anastomoses.
Lymphatic drainage
• Upper part- lumbar node
• Middle part- common iliac nodes
• Lower part- ext. and internal iliac
• Nerve supply- T10 to L1/ S2-S4
• Innermost mucus membrane
- transitional epithelium
• Middle layer of smooth muscle
-inner longitudinal and outer circular layer.
– In lower part additional outer longitudinal layer
• Outer layer is tunica adventitia- made up of
connective tissue.
Referred pain of ureteric colic
• Excessive distension or spasm of muscle caused by a
stone (calculus) provokes severe pain (ureteric colic),
particularly if the obstruction is gradually forced
down the ureter.
• It is referred to cutaneous areas innervated from
spinal segments which supply the ureter and shoots
down and forwards from the loin to the groin.
• it may extend into the proximal anterior aspect of
the thigh by projection to the genitofemoral nerve
(L1, 2).
• The cremaster, which has the same innervation, may
reflexly retract the testis.
Urinary Bladder
• The bladder is the most anterior element of
the pelvic viscera. Although it is entirely
situated in the pelvic cavity when empty, it
expands superiorly into the abdomen when
• An empty bladder is somewhat tetrahedral
and has a base (fundus), neck, apex, a
superior and two inferolateral surfaces..
Parts of bladder- Male
Parts of bladder- Female
Base of Bladder in male
Base of Bladder- female
Neck of Urinary Bladder
• The neck of the bladder surrounds the origin
of the urethra.
• The neck is the most inferior and also the
most 'fixed' part of the bladder. It is anchored
into position by a pair of tough fibromuscular
– pubovesical ligaments in female and
puboprostatic ligaments in male.
Interior of bladder
Interior of bladder and trigone
Space of Retzius
Ligaments of Bladder
•Lateral true ligaments
•Lateral Pubo-prostatic ligaments
•Medial Pubo-prostatic ligaments
( pubo-vesical ligaments in female)
•Median umbilical ligaments
•Posterior ligaments of bladder
Median umbilical fold
Medial umbilical fold
Lateral false ligaments
Posterior false ligaments
Histology of urinary bladder
• Arterial supply- superior and inferior vesical
artery( B/O internal iliac artery)
Uterine and vaginal artery instead of inferior vesical
artery in female.
• Venous drainage- vesical venous plexus on
inferolateral surfaces of bladder.
• Lymphatics- external iliac and lateral aortic
• Nerve supply- T11-L2/S2-S4
• Micturation is a reflex action involving sensory
and motor pathway mediated by lower
micturation center( spinal cord S2-S4).
These are really important!!!
• Neurogenic bladder- bladder disorders due to
nerve damage.
• Automatic or reflex bladder-due to
transection of cord above the lower
micturation center(S2-S4).
• Voluntary control is lost but reflex is intact.
• Autonomous bladder- destruction of lower
micturation center(S2-S4).
• Both voluntary and reflex control is lost
• Mucosa of Trigone – mesonephric duct(
• Remaining mucosa- vesicouretharal part of
cloaca ( endoderm).
• Apex – allantoic diverticulum
• Musculature part- Splanchnic layer of lateral
plate mesoderm which surrounds the cloaca.
• The male urethra is a muscular tube
approximately 20 cm in length. The urethra in
men extends from the neck of the bladder(
preprostatic urethra) through the prostate gland
(prostatic urethra) to the urogenital diaphragm of
the perineum (membranous urethra), and then
to the external opening of the glans (penile or
spongy urethra).
• The female urethra is approximately 4 cm in
length and extends from the neck of the bladder
to the external urethral orifice of the vulva
Visit – www.slideshare.comfor this slide and for similar slides
Test yourself
• Where is the micturation center in the brain??- pons
• Which of the following is found exclusively in the renal medulla?
a.Proximal convoluted tubules b. Distal convoluted tubules
c. Collecting ducts d. Thin loops of Henle
• Space for enlargement of bladder is ………….
a. Space of Reitzius b. Verumontanum
c. Urogenital raphe d. Pelvic space
• In kidney the less vascular area separating anterior and posterior
segment is known
a. Brodie’s line b. Canton’s line
c. Calot’s line d. Seshachalam’s line
• life expectancy of individual with a single kidney is the same
as those with two kidneys.
• Most common position of ectopic kidney is hypogastric region
of abdomen.( it is pelvis)
• Widest and most dilated part of urethra is………….
a. Membranous b. Prostatic
c. Penile d. External meatus

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Gross anatomy of Urinary System

  • 1. Anatomy of Urinary System Dr Laxman Khanal BPKIHS 07-06-2013
  • 3. Test yourself • Where is the micturation center in the brain?? • Which of the following is found exclusively in the renal medulla? a.Proximal convoluted tubules b. Distal convoluted tubules c. Collecting ducts d. Thin loops of Henle • Space for enlargement of bladder is …………. a. Space of Reitzius b. Verumontanum c. Urogenital raphe d. Pelvic space • In kidney the less vascular area separating anterior and posterior segment is known as…………. a. Brodie’s line b. Canton’s line c. Calot’s line d. Seshachalam’s line
  • 4. T/F • life expectancy of individual with a single kidney is the same as those with two kidneys. ( T/F) • Most common position of ectopic kidney is hypogastric region of abdomen. ( T/F) • Widest and most dilated part of urethra is…………. a. Membranous b. Prostatic c. Penile d. External meatus
  • 5. Objectives of class • Key feature of kidneys • Relationship of kidneys • Renal fascia and its extension • Macroscopic study of kidney • Structure and function of urineferous tubules • Key relation and constrictions of Ureters • Support of bladder and its relationship • Neural pathway of micturation
  • 6. Functions • Formation of urine • Regulate volume and chemical composition of blood (water, salts, acids, bases). • Produce- • Renin – regulates BP/ kidney function • Erythropoeitin – stimulates RBC production from marrow. • Metabolism of Vitamin D to active form ( by PCT).
  • 7. Components of urinary system • Two Kidneys – Perform all functions except actual excretion. • Two Ureters – Convey urine from Kidneys to Urinary Bladder • Urinary Bladder – Holds Urine until excretion • Urethra – Conveys urine from bladder to outside of body
  • 8. kidneys/ key features • A pair of bean shaped organs located against posterior abdominal wall retro-peritoneally. • Each kidney presents 2 surfaces, 2 ends and 2 borders. • Long axis of kidney is directed downward and laterally so upper end is nearer to the midline. • Extend from T12 to L3
  • 9. kidneys/ key features • Left kidney is nearer to midline and to diaphragm than the right one. • Medial border presents a concavity called as hilum. • Transpyloric plane passes through the upper part of right hilum and lower part of left hilum
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  • 15. Posterior relationship Ribs-11and 12 for left and 12th for right Muscles- 3 muscle Nerves- 3 nerves Diaphragm Remember
  • 16. Renal angle • Angle between the lower border of the 12th rib and lateral border of erector spinae. • It overlies the lower part of kidney. • Tenderness can be felt in this area in case of perinephric abscess.
  • 17. Covering of the kidneys • Fibrous capsule ( true capsule) • Perinephric fat • Renal fascia( fascia of Gerota) • Paranephric fat
  • 18. Covering of the kidneys • Fibrous capsule formed by condensation of fibrous stroma of the kidney. • In nephropexy, fibrous capsule is divided and sutured with the posterior abdominal wall. • Perinephric fat is abundant along the border of kidneys, in lower pole and in the renal sinus. • Renal fascia is made up of condensation of extra-peritoneal connective tissue.
  • 19. Renal Fascia or fascia of Gerota • Consists of two layers 1. Anterior layer or fascia of Toldt 2. Posterior layer of Fascia of Zuckerkendl • Laterally both layer fused and continued with the fascia transversalis • Medially , anterior layer is continuous with the similar layer of the opposite side in front of the aorta and IVC.
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  • 21. Coverings of kidney • Medially posterior layer covers the back of kidney and renal vessels and blends with the psoas fascia. • Above , both layer fuse and re-split to cover suprarenal gland. At the upper end of the gland two layers fuse and continuous with the subdiaphrgmatic fascia forming the suspensory ligaments of suprarenal gland.
  • 22. Coverings of kidneys • Below, two layer do not fuse , extend downward along the ureter and are finally lost in extra-peritoneal connective tissue of iliac fossa. • Paranephric fat is located in between the renal fascia and anterior layer of thoraco- lumbar fascia.
  • 24. Macroscopic structure • When splited longitudinally it presents 2 parts Kidney proper – it is made up of outer cortex and inner medulla. • Cortex lies in between renal capsule and renal pyramid ( cortical arch), and extends in between pyramid as renal column. • Medulla is made up of renal pyramid. Renal sinus
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  • 27. Microscopic structure • The urineferous tubules are the microscopic structures of the kidneys. It is made up of nephrons and collecting tubules. • Nephron is the functional unit of the kidney, responsible for the actual purification and filtration of the blood. • About one million nephrons in each kidney. • Two types of nephrons Cortical – 85%- responsible for Na resorption Juxtramedullary – 15%- for water resorption
  • 28. • The main differences in the two types of nephrons are- 1. the length to which the loop of Henle extends into the kidney. 2. Position of renal corpuscle 3. Functions Parts of the Nephrons- Renal corpscle = Bowman capsule + Glomerulus PCT Loop of Henle DCT
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  • 31. 3 phases of urine formation
  • 32. Renal Corpuscle(Malphigian body) (Glomerular plexus + Bowman’s capsule)
  • 33. Visceral layer of renal corpuscle
  • 37. PCT • At the urinary pole of a renal corpuscle, the simple squamous epithelium of the parietal layer of Bowman's capsule undergoes an abrupt change to become the tall cuboidal epithelium with microvilli ( brush border appearance)of the proximal tubule.
  • 38. Loop of Henle • It has descending and ascending limbs , each having thick and thin part. • Thin part makes a hair-pin bend in the deeper plane of medulla . • Due to the close association of two limb, opposite flow of filtrate and variable permeability to the water is responsible for the counter-current multiplier mechanism.
  • 40. DCT • Distal tubule cells possess their own type of Na+ transporter protein called the amiloride-sensitive epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC). Aldosterone, can increase the abundance of ENaC channels at the cell surface, thereby stimulating Na+ reabsorption. • Part of the DCT that comes in contact with the afferent arteriole of glomerulus specialized for sppecial function .this special portion is called as macula densa. • Epithelial lining is simple cuboidal.
  • 43. Collecting tubules • Collecting tubules are composed of a simple cuboidal epithelium containing two distinct cell types: principal (light) cells and intercalated (dark) cells. • Principal cells of collecting tubules possess receptors for ADH on their plasma membranes. • Intercalated cells adjust urinary pH by secreting either H+ ions or bicarbonate ions. These cells are also noteworthy because they synthesize a peptide called atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) , responsible for relaxation of afferent arteriole and less reabsorption of sodium by collecting tubules. • These tubules join to form – duct of Bellini , which is received by the minor calyces at the apex of renal pyramid.
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  • 45. Renal vasculature Renal arteries arises at the level of L1- L2
  • 46. Renal Vein Entrapment Syndrome “nutcracker syndrome” • In crossing the midline to reach the IVC, the longer left renal vein traverses an acute angle between the SMA anteriorly and the abdominal aorta posteriorly. Downward traction on the SMA may compress • The syndrome may include hematuria or proteinuria, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting (indicating compression of the duodenum), and left testicular pain in men (related to the left testicular vein draining into the left renal vein proximal to the compression).
  • 48. Branching generations after segmental artery Lobar artery Interlobar artery Arcuate artery Interlobular artery
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  • 54. Ureter • These are pair of muscular tubes( 25 cm) that are continuous superiorly with the renal pelvis, which is a funnel-shaped structure in the renal sinus. • Consists of three parts- renal pelvis, abdominal part and pelvic part. • Descend retroperitonealy and cross pelvic brim • Enter posterolateral corners of bladder • Run medially within posterior bladder wall before opening into interior • This oblique entry helps prevent backflow of urine
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  • 57. Important relationship of Ureters : They run Inferior to the ductus deferens in males and inferior to the uterine artery in females.
  • 58. Ureteric constrictions At three points along their course the ureters are constricted. • the first point is at the ureteropelvic junction, just inferior to the kidney. • the second point is where the ureters cross the common iliac vessels at the pelvic brim. • the third point is where the ureters enter the wall of the bladder. It is the narrowest one.
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  • 60. Ureter • arteries supplying the ureters divide into ascending and descending branches, which form longitudinal anastomoses. Lymphatic drainage • Upper part- lumbar node • Middle part- common iliac nodes • Lower part- ext. and internal iliac nodes • Nerve supply- T10 to L1/ S2-S4
  • 61. Histology • Innermost mucus membrane - transitional epithelium • Middle layer of smooth muscle -inner longitudinal and outer circular layer. – In lower part additional outer longitudinal layer present. • Outer layer is tunica adventitia- made up of connective tissue.
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  • 63. Referred pain of ureteric colic • Excessive distension or spasm of muscle caused by a stone (calculus) provokes severe pain (ureteric colic), particularly if the obstruction is gradually forced down the ureter. • It is referred to cutaneous areas innervated from spinal segments which supply the ureter and shoots down and forwards from the loin to the groin. • it may extend into the proximal anterior aspect of the thigh by projection to the genitofemoral nerve (L1, 2). • The cremaster, which has the same innervation, may reflexly retract the testis.
  • 64. Urinary Bladder • The bladder is the most anterior element of the pelvic viscera. Although it is entirely situated in the pelvic cavity when empty, it expands superiorly into the abdomen when full. • An empty bladder is somewhat tetrahedral and has a base (fundus), neck, apex, a superior and two inferolateral surfaces..
  • 67. Base of Bladder in male
  • 69. Neck of Urinary Bladder • The neck of the bladder surrounds the origin of the urethra. • The neck is the most inferior and also the most 'fixed' part of the bladder. It is anchored into position by a pair of tough fibromuscular bands – pubovesical ligaments in female and puboprostatic ligaments in male.
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  • 72. Interior of bladder and trigone
  • 74. Ligaments of Bladder •Lateral true ligaments •Lateral Pubo-prostatic ligaments •Medial Pubo-prostatic ligaments ( pubo-vesical ligaments in female) •Median umbilical ligaments •Posterior ligaments of bladder Median umbilical fold Medial umbilical fold Lateral false ligaments Posterior false ligaments
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  • 77. • Arterial supply- superior and inferior vesical artery( B/O internal iliac artery) Uterine and vaginal artery instead of inferior vesical artery in female. • Venous drainage- vesical venous plexus on inferolateral surfaces of bladder. • Lymphatics- external iliac and lateral aortic • Nerve supply- T11-L2/S2-S4
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  • 79. • Micturation is a reflex action involving sensory and motor pathway mediated by lower micturation center( spinal cord S2-S4).
  • 80. These are really important!!! • Neurogenic bladder- bladder disorders due to nerve damage. • Automatic or reflex bladder-due to transection of cord above the lower micturation center(S2-S4). • Voluntary control is lost but reflex is intact. • Autonomous bladder- destruction of lower micturation center(S2-S4). • Both voluntary and reflex control is lost
  • 81. Development • Mucosa of Trigone – mesonephric duct( mesoderm) • Remaining mucosa- vesicouretharal part of cloaca ( endoderm). • Apex – allantoic diverticulum • Musculature part- Splanchnic layer of lateral plate mesoderm which surrounds the cloaca.
  • 82. Urethra • The male urethra is a muscular tube approximately 20 cm in length. The urethra in men extends from the neck of the bladder( preprostatic urethra) through the prostate gland (prostatic urethra) to the urogenital diaphragm of the perineum (membranous urethra), and then to the external opening of the glans (penile or spongy urethra). • The female urethra is approximately 4 cm in length and extends from the neck of the bladder to the external urethral orifice of the vulva
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  • 84. Visit – www.slideshare.comfor this slide and for similar slides
  • 85. Test yourself • Where is the micturation center in the brain??- pons • Which of the following is found exclusively in the renal medulla? a.Proximal convoluted tubules b. Distal convoluted tubules c. Collecting ducts d. Thin loops of Henle • Space for enlargement of bladder is …………. a. Space of Reitzius b. Verumontanum c. Urogenital raphe d. Pelvic space • In kidney the less vascular area separating anterior and posterior segment is known as…………. a. Brodie’s line b. Canton’s line c. Calot’s line d. Seshachalam’s line
  • 86. T/F • life expectancy of individual with a single kidney is the same as those with two kidneys. • Most common position of ectopic kidney is hypogastric region of abdomen.( it is pelvis) • Widest and most dilated part of urethra is…………. a. Membranous b. Prostatic c. Penile d. External meatus