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Greyhound -
A Powerful Pure Functional Kafka library
Natan Silnitsky
Backend Infra Developer,
A Scala/Java high-level SDK for Apache Kafka.
Powered by ZIO
* features...
But first…
a few Kafka terms
Kafka Broker
A few
Kafka terms
Kafka Broker
Topic Topic
A few
Kafka terms
Topic TopicTopic
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append-only log
A few
Kafka terms
Topic TopicTopic
A few
Kafka terms
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Kafka Broker
Service A Service B
Kafka Broker
Service A Service B
so that it is easy to
change for everyone
APIs, with additional
wraps Kafka
Multiple APIs
For Java, Scala and
Wix Devs
wraps Kafka
Scala Future ZIO Java
Kafka Broker
ZIO Core
Service A Service B
* all logic
wraps Kafka
Scala Future ZIO Java
Kafka Broker
ZIO Core
Wix Interop
Service A Service B
Kafka Broker
Service A Service B
- Boilerplate
wraps Kafka
What do we
want it to do?
val consumer: KafkaConsumer[String, SomeMessage] =
def pollProcessAndCommit(): Unit = {
val consumerRecords = consumer.poll(1000).asScala
consumerRecords.foreach(record => {
println(s"Record value: ${record.value.messageValue}")
Consumer API
* Broker location, serde
val consumer: KafkaConsumer[String, SomeMessage] =
def pollProcessAndCommit(): Unit = {
val consumerRecords = consumer.poll(1000).asScala
consumerRecords.foreach(record => {
println(s"Record value: ${record.value.messageValue}")
Consumer API
val consumer: KafkaConsumer[String, SomeMessage] =
def pollProcessAndCommit(): Unit = {
val consumerRecords = consumer.poll(1000).asScala
consumerRecords.foreach(record => {
println(s"Record value: ${record.value.messageValue}")
Consumer API
val handler: RecordHandler[Console, Nothing,
String, SomeMessage] =
RecordHandler { record =>
topic = "some-group",
group = "group-2",
handle = handler))
Consumer API
* No commit, wix broker location
wraps Kafka
✔ Simple Consumer API
+ Composable Record
What do we
want it to do?
Kafka Broker
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trait RecordHandler[-R, +E, K, V] {
def handle(record: ConsumerRecord[K, V]): ZIO[R, E, Any]
def contramap: RecordHandler
def contramapM: RecordHandler
def mapError: RecordHandler
def withErrorHandler: RecordHandler
def ignore: RecordHandler
def provide: RecordHandler
def andThen: RecordHandler
def withDeserializers: RecordHandler
trait RecordHandler[-R, +E, K, V] {
def handle(record: ConsumerRecord[K, V]): ZIO[R, E, Any]
def contramap: RecordHandler
def contramapM: RecordHandler
def mapError: RecordHandler
def withErrorHandler: RecordHandler
def ignore: RecordHandler
def provide: RecordHandler
def andThen: RecordHandler
def withDeserializers: RecordHandler
@NSilnitsky * change type
def contramapM[R, E, K, V](f: ConsumerRecord[K2, V2] =>
ZIO[R, E, ConsumerRecord[K, V]])
: RecordHandler[R, E, K2, V2] =
new RecordHandler[R, E, K2, V2] {
override def handle(record: ConsumerRecord[K2, V2]): ZIO[R, E, Any] =
def withDeserializers(keyDeserializer: Deserializer[K],
valueDeserializer: Deserializer[V])
: RecordHandler[R, Either[SerializationError, E], Chunk[Byte], Chunk[Byte]] =
mapError(Right(_)).contramapM { record =>
key => keyDeserializer.deserialize(record.topic, record.headers, key),
value => valueDeserializer.deserialize(record.topic, record.headers, value)
).mapError(e => Left(SerializationError(e)))
def contramapM[R, E, K, V](f: ConsumerRecord[K2, V2] =>
ZIO[R, E, ConsumerRecord[K, V]])
: RecordHandler[R, E, K2, V2] =
new RecordHandler[R, E, K2, V2] {
override def handle(record: ConsumerRecord[K2, V2]): ZIO[R, E, Any] =
def withDeserializers(keyDeserializer: Deserializer[K],
valueDeserializer: Deserializer[V])
: RecordHandler[R, Either[SerializationError, E], Chunk[Byte], Chunk[Byte]] =
mapError(Right(_)).contramapM { record =>
key => keyDeserializer.deserialize(record.topic, record.headers, key),
value => valueDeserializer.deserialize(record.topic, record.headers, value)
).mapError(e => Left(SerializationError(e)))
(r: ConsumerRecord[String, Duration]) =>
putStrLn(s"duration: ${r.value.toMillis}"))
.withDeserializers(StringSerde, DurationSerde)
RecordHandler[Console, scala.Either[SerializationError, scala.RuntimeException],
Chunk[Byte], Chunk[Byte]]
Kafka Broker
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Kafka Broker
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Event loop
Kafka Broker
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Event loop
Kafka Broker
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Event loop
object EventLoop {
def make[R](consumer: Consumer /*...*/): RManaged[Env, EventLoop[...]] = {
val start = for {
running <- Ref.make(true)
fiber <- pollLoop(running, consumer/*...*/).forkDaemon
} yield (fiber, running /*...*/)
start.toManaged {
case (fiber, running /*...*/) => for {
_ <- running.set(false)
// ...
} yield ()
object EventLoop {
def make[R](consumer: Consumer /*...*/): RManaged[Env, EventLoop[...]] = {
val start = for {
running <- Ref.make(true)
fiber <- pollLoop(running, consumer/*...*/).forkDaemon
} yield (fiber, running /*...*/)
start.toManaged {
case (fiber, running /*...*/) => for {
_ <- running.set(false)
// ...
} yield ()
@NSilnitsky * dispatcher.shutdown
object EventLoop {
def make[R](consumer: Consumer /*...*/): RManaged[Env, EventLoop[...]] = {
val start = for {
running <- Ref.make(true)
fiber <- pollLoop(running, consumer/*...*/).forkDaemon
} yield (fiber, running /*...*/)
start.toManaged {
case (fiber, running /*...*/) => for {
_ <- running.set(false)
// ...
} yield ()
* mem leak@NSilnitsky
object EventLoop {
def make[R](consumer: Consumer /*...*/): RManaged[Env, EventLoop[...]] = {
val start = for {
running <- Ref.make(true)
fiber <- pollLoop(running, consumer/*...*/).forkDaemon
} yield (fiber, running /*...*/)
start.toManaged {
case (fiber, running /*...*/) => for {
_ <- running.set(false)
// ...
} yield ()
def pollLoop[R1](running: Ref[Boolean],
consumer: Consumer
// ...
): URIO[R1 with GreyhoundMetrics, Unit] =
running.get.flatMap {
case true => for {
_ <- pollAndHandle(consumer /*...*/)
result <- pollLoop(running, consumer /*...*/)
} yield result
case false => ZIO.unit
TailRec in ZIO
def pollLoop[R1](running: Ref[Boolean],
consumer: Consumer
// ...
): URIO[R1 with GreyhoundMetrics, Unit] =
running.get.flatMap {
case true => // ...
pollAndHandle(consumer /*...*/)
// ...
.flatMap(_ =>
pollLoop(running, consumer /*...*/)
.map(result => result)
case false => ZIO.unit
TailRec in ZIO
object EventLoop {
def make[R](consumer: Consumer /*...*/): RManaged[Env, EventLoop[...]] = {
val start = for {
running <- Ref.make(true)
fiber <- pollOnce(running, consumer/*, ...*/)
.doWhile(_ == true).forkDaemon
} yield (fiber, running /*...*/)
start.toManaged {
case (fiber, running /*...*/) => for {
_ <- running.set(false)
// ...
} yield ()
TailRec in ZIO
object EventLoop {
type Handler[-R] = RecordHandler[R, Nothing, Chunk[Byte], Chunk[Byte]]
def make[R](handler: Handler[R] /*...*/): RManaged[Env, EventLoop[...]] = {
val start = for {
// ...
handle = handler.andThen(offsets.update).handle(_)
dispatcher <- Dispatcher.make(handle, /**/)
// ...
} yield (fiber, running /*...*/)
def pollOnce(/*...*/) = {
// poll and handle...
_ <- offsets.commit
Commit Offsets
* old -> pass down
wraps Kafka
✔ Simple Consumer API
✔ Composable Record
+ Parallel Consumption!
What do we
want it to do?
val consumer: KafkaConsumer[String, SomeMessage] =
def pollProcessAndCommit(): Unit = {
val consumerRecords = consumer.poll(1000).asScala
consumerRecords.foreach(record => {
println(s"Record value: ${record.value.messageValue}")
Consumer API
Kafka Broker
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Kafka Broker
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Event loop
object Dispatcher {
def make[R](handle: Record => URIO[R, Any]): UIO[Dispatcher[R]] = for {
// ...
workers <- Ref.make(Map.empty[TopicPartition, Worker])
} yield new Dispatcher[R] {
override def submit(record: Record): URIO[..., SubmitResult] =
for {
// ...
worker <- workerFor(TopicPartition(record))
submitted <- worker.submit(record)
} yield // …
object Dispatcher {
def make[R](handle: Record => URIO[R, Any]): UIO[Dispatcher[R]] = for {
// ...
workers <- Ref.make(Map.empty[TopicPartition, Worker])
} yield new Dispatcher[R] {
override def submit(record: Record): URIO[..., SubmitResult] =
for {
// ...
worker <- workerFor(TopicPartition(record))
submitted <- worker.submit(record)
} yield // …
* lazily
object Worker {
def make[R](handle: Record => URIO[R, Any],
capacity: Int,/*...*/): URIO[...,Worker] = for {
queue <- Queue.dropping[Record](capacity)
_ <- // simplified
queue.take.flatMap { record =>
}.doWhile(_ == true).forkDaemon
} yield new Worker {
override def submit(record: Record): UIO[Boolean] =
// ...
object Worker {
def make[R](handle: Record => URIO[R, Any],
capacity: Int,/*...*/): URIO[...,Worker] = for {
queue <- Queue.dropping[Record](capacity)
_ <- // simplified
queue.take.flatMap { record =>
}.doWhile(_ == true).forkDaemon
} yield new Worker {
override def submit(record: Record): UIO[Boolean] =
// ...
* semaphore
object Worker {
def make[R](handle: Record => URIO[R, Any],
capacity: Int,/*...*/): URIO[...,Worker] = for {
queue <- Queue.dropping[Record](capacity)
_ <- // simplified
queue.take.flatMap { record =>
}.doWhile(_ == true).forkDaemon
} yield new Worker {
override def submit(record: Record): UIO[Boolean] =
// ...
class OldWorker(capacity: Int, /*...*/) {
private val tasksQueue = new LinkedBlockingDeque(capacity)
private def start() = {
// simplified
val thread = new Thread(new TaskLoop)
private class TaskLoop extends Runnable {
override def run() = {
// simplified
while (true) {
val task = tasksQueue.take()
Old Worker
class OldWorker(capacity: Int, /*...*/) {
private val tasksQueue = new LinkedBlockingDeque(capacity)
private def start() = {
// simplified
val thread = new Thread(new TaskLoop)
private class TaskLoop extends Runnable {
override def run() = {
// simplified
while (true) {
val task = tasksQueue.take()
Old Worker
* resource, context, maxPar
wraps Kafka
✔ Simple Consumer API
✔ Composable Record
✔ Parallel Consumption
+ Retries!
What do we
want it to do?
...what about
Error handling?
val retryConfig = RetryConfig.nonBlocking(
1.second, 10.minutes)
topic = "some-group",
group = "group-2",
handle = handler,
retryConfig = retryConfig))
Kafka Broker
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Greyhound Consumer
Kafka Consumer
Kafka Broker
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Inspired by Uber
Greyhound Consumer
Kafka Consumer
Kafka Broker
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Inspired by Uber
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Greyhound Consumer
Kafka Consumer
Retries same message on failure
Kafka Broker
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Greyhound Consumer
Kafka Consumer
val retryConfig = RetryConfig.finiteBlocking(
1.second, 1.minutes)
topic = "some-group",
group = "group-2",
handle = handler,
retryConfig = retryConfig))
Blocking Retries
* exponential
Retries same message on failure
* lag
Kafka Broker
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Greyhound Consumer
Kafka Consumer
Schedule.doWhile(_ => shouldBlock(blockingStateRef)) &&
First Approach
Schedule.doWhile(_ => shouldBlock(blockingStateRef)) &&
First Approach
Doesn’t allow
foreachWhile(blockingBackoffs) { interval =>
handleAndBlockWithPolling(interval, blockingStateRef)
Current Solution
foreachWhile(blockingBackoffs) { interval =>
handleAndBlockWithPolling(interval, blockingStateRef)
Current Solution
between short
Allows user
request to
foreachWhile(blockingBackoffs) { interval =>
handleAndBlockWithPolling(interval, blockingStateRef)
Current Solution
def foreachWhile[R, E, A](as: Iterable[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, Boolean]):
ZIO[R, E, Unit] =
ZIO.effectTotal(as.iterator).flatMap { i =>
def loop: ZIO[R, E, Unit] =
if (i.hasNext) f( => if(result) loop else
else ZIO.unit
foreachWhile(blockingBackoffs) { interval =>
handleAndBlockWithPolling(interval, blockingStateRef)
Current Solution
def foreachWhile[R, E, A](as: Iterable[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, Boolean]):
ZIO[R, E, Unit] =
ZIO.effectTotal(as.iterator).flatMap { i =>
def loop: ZIO[R, E, Unit] =
if (i.hasNext) f( => if(result) loop else
else ZIO.unit
wraps Kafka
✔ Simple Consumer API
✔ Composable Record
✔ Parallel Consumption
✔ Retries
+ Resilient Producer
What do we
want it to do?
and when
Kafka brokers
+ Retry
on Error
Kafka Broker
Use Case:
Guarantee completion
+ Retry
on Error
Kafka Broker
Use Case:
Guarantee completion
Kafka Broker
Kafka Broker
Save message
to disk
Kafka Broker
Save message
to disk
Retry on failure
wraps Kafka
✔ Simple Consumer API
✔ Composable Record
✔ Parallel Consumption
✔ Retries
✔ Resilient Producer
+ Context Propagation
What do we
want it to do?
Super cool for
Sign up
Kafka Broker
Kafka Broker
context = contextFrom(record.headers, token)
context = contextFrom(record.headers, token)
RecordHandler((r: ConsumerRecord[String, Contact]) => for {
context <- Context.retrieve
_ <- ContactsDB.write(r.value, context)
} yield ()
RecordHandler[ContactsDB with Context, Throwable, Chunk[Byte], Chunk[Byte]]
wraps Kafka
more features
✔ Simple Consumer API
✔ Composable Record Handler
✔ Parallel Consumption
✔ Retries
✔ Resilient Producer
✔ Context Propagation
✔ Pause/resume consumption
✔ Metrics reporting
wraps Kafka
✔ Simple Consumer API
✔ Composable Record Handler
✔ Parallel Consumption
✔ Retries
✔ Resilient Producer
✔ Context Propagation
✔ Pause/resume consumption
✔ Metrics reporting
future plans
+ Batch Consumer
+ Exactly Once Processing
+ In-Memory KV Stores
Will be much
simpler with
Kafka Broker
Offline Scheduled Jobs
DB (Elastic
Search) replication
Action retries
- Much less boilerplate
- Code that’s easier to understand
- Fun
...but ZIO offers lower level abstractions too, like Promise and clock.sleep.
A Scala/Java high-level SDK for Apache Kafka.
0.1 is out!
Thank You twitter @NSilnitsky linkedin/natansilnitsky
Slides & More

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Greyhound - Powerful Pure Functional Kafka Library

  • 1. twitter@NSilnitsky linkedin/natansilnitsky Greyhound - A Powerful Pure Functional Kafka library Natan Silnitsky Backend Infra Developer,
  • 2. A Scala/Java high-level SDK for Apache Kafka. Powered by ZIO Greyhound * features...
  • 3. But first… a few Kafka terms
  • 8. Greyhound Wraps Kafka Kafka Broker Service A Service B Kafka Consumer Kafka Producer
  • 9. @NSilnitsky Kafka Broker Service A Service B Abstract so that it is easy to change for everyone Simplify APIs, with additional features Greyhound wraps Kafka Kafka Consumer Kafka Producer
  • 10. @NSilnitsky Multiple APIs For Java, Scala and Wix Devs Greyhound wraps Kafka Scala Future ZIO Java Kafka Consumer Kafka Producer Kafka Broker ZIO Core Service A Service B * all logic
  • 11. @NSilnitsky Greyhound wraps Kafka Scala Future ZIO Java Kafka Consumer Kafka Producer Kafka Broker ZIO Core Wix Interop OSS Private Service A Service B
  • 12. Kafka Broker Service A Service B Kafka Consumer Kafka Producer - Boilerplate Greyhound wraps Kafka What do we want it to do?
  • 13. val consumer: KafkaConsumer[String, SomeMessage] = createConsumer() def pollProcessAndCommit(): Unit = { val consumerRecords = consumer.poll(1000).asScala consumerRecords.foreach(record => { println(s"Record value: ${record.value.messageValue}") }) consumer.commitAsync() pollProcessAndCommit() } pollProcessAndCommit() Kafka Consumer API * Broker location, serde
  • 14. val consumer: KafkaConsumer[String, SomeMessage] = createConsumer() def pollProcessAndCommit(): Unit = { val consumerRecords = consumer.poll(1000).asScala consumerRecords.foreach(record => { println(s"Record value: ${record.value.messageValue}") }) consumer.commitAsync() pollProcessAndCommit() } pollProcessAndCommit() Kafka Consumer API
  • 15. val consumer: KafkaConsumer[String, SomeMessage] = createConsumer() def pollProcessAndCommit(): Unit = { val consumerRecords = consumer.poll(1000).asScala consumerRecords.foreach(record => { println(s"Record value: ${record.value.messageValue}") }) consumer.commitAsync() pollProcessAndCommit() } pollProcessAndCommit() Kafka Consumer API
  • 16. val handler: RecordHandler[Console, Nothing, String, SomeMessage] = RecordHandler { record => zio.console.putStrLn(record.value.messageValue) } GreyhoundConsumersBuilder .withConsumer(RecordConsumer( topic = "some-group", group = "group-2", handle = handler)) Greyhound Consumer API * No commit, wix broker location
  • 17. Functional Composition Greyhound wraps Kafka ✔ Simple Consumer API + Composable Record Handler What do we want it to do?
  • 18. @NSilnitsky Kafka Broker Greyhound Consumer Kafka Consumer COMPOSABLE RECORD HANDLER Site Published Topic 0 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 5 Commit
  • 19. trait RecordHandler[-R, +E, K, V] { def handle(record: ConsumerRecord[K, V]): ZIO[R, E, Any] def contramap: RecordHandler def contramapM: RecordHandler def mapError: RecordHandler def withErrorHandler: RecordHandler def ignore: RecordHandler def provide: RecordHandler def andThen: RecordHandler def withDeserializers: RecordHandler } Composable Handler @NSilnitsky
  • 20. trait RecordHandler[-R, +E, K, V] { def handle(record: ConsumerRecord[K, V]): ZIO[R, E, Any] def contramap: RecordHandler def contramapM: RecordHandler def mapError: RecordHandler def withErrorHandler: RecordHandler def ignore: RecordHandler def provide: RecordHandler def andThen: RecordHandler def withDeserializers: RecordHandler } Composable Handler @NSilnitsky * change type
  • 21. def contramapM[R, E, K, V](f: ConsumerRecord[K2, V2] => ZIO[R, E, ConsumerRecord[K, V]]) : RecordHandler[R, E, K2, V2] = new RecordHandler[R, E, K2, V2] { override def handle(record: ConsumerRecord[K2, V2]): ZIO[R, E, Any] = f(record).flatMap(self.handle) } def withDeserializers(keyDeserializer: Deserializer[K], valueDeserializer: Deserializer[V]) : RecordHandler[R, Either[SerializationError, E], Chunk[Byte], Chunk[Byte]] = mapError(Right(_)).contramapM { record => record.bimapM( key => keyDeserializer.deserialize(record.topic, record.headers, key), value => valueDeserializer.deserialize(record.topic, record.headers, value) ).mapError(e => Left(SerializationError(e))) } Composable Handler @NSilnitsky
  • 22. def contramapM[R, E, K, V](f: ConsumerRecord[K2, V2] => ZIO[R, E, ConsumerRecord[K, V]]) : RecordHandler[R, E, K2, V2] = new RecordHandler[R, E, K2, V2] { override def handle(record: ConsumerRecord[K2, V2]): ZIO[R, E, Any] = f(record).flatMap(self.handle) } def withDeserializers(keyDeserializer: Deserializer[K], valueDeserializer: Deserializer[V]) : RecordHandler[R, Either[SerializationError, E], Chunk[Byte], Chunk[Byte]] = mapError(Right(_)).contramapM { record => record.bimapM( key => keyDeserializer.deserialize(record.topic, record.headers, key), value => valueDeserializer.deserialize(record.topic, record.headers, value) ).mapError(e => Left(SerializationError(e))) } Composable Handler @NSilnitsky
  • 23. RecordHandler( (r: ConsumerRecord[String, Duration]) => putStrLn(s"duration: ${r.value.toMillis}")) .withDeserializers(StringSerde, DurationSerde) => RecordHandler[Console, scala.Either[SerializationError, scala.RuntimeException], Chunk[Byte], Chunk[Byte]] Composable Handler @NSilnitsky
  • 24. @NSilnitsky Kafka Broker Greyhound Consumer Kafka Consumer DRILL DOWN Site Published Topic 0 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 5
  • 25. @NSilnitsky Kafka Broker Kafka Consumer Site Published Topic 0 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 5 Event loop Greyhound Consumer
  • 26. @NSilnitsky Kafka Broker Kafka Consumer Site Published Topic 0 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 5 Event loop Greyhound Consumer Workers Message Dispatcher
  • 27. @NSilnitsky Kafka Broker Kafka Consumer Site Published Topic 0 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 5 Event loop Greyhound Consumer Workers Message Dispatcher DRILL DOWN
  • 28. object EventLoop { def make[R](consumer: Consumer /*...*/): RManaged[Env, EventLoop[...]] = { val start = for { running <- Ref.make(true) fiber <- pollLoop(running, consumer/*...*/).forkDaemon } yield (fiber, running /*...*/) start.toManaged { case (fiber, running /*...*/) => for { _ <- running.set(false) // ... } yield () } } EventLoop Polling
  • 29. object EventLoop { def make[R](consumer: Consumer /*...*/): RManaged[Env, EventLoop[...]] = { val start = for { running <- Ref.make(true) fiber <- pollLoop(running, consumer/*...*/).forkDaemon } yield (fiber, running /*...*/) start.toManaged { case (fiber, running /*...*/) => for { _ <- running.set(false) // ... } yield () } } EventLoop Polling @NSilnitsky * dispatcher.shutdown
  • 30. object EventLoop { def make[R](consumer: Consumer /*...*/): RManaged[Env, EventLoop[...]] = { val start = for { running <- Ref.make(true) fiber <- pollLoop(running, consumer/*...*/).forkDaemon } yield (fiber, running /*...*/) start.toManaged { case (fiber, running /*...*/) => for { _ <- running.set(false) // ... } yield () } } EventLoop Polling * mem leak@NSilnitsky
  • 31. object EventLoop { def make[R](consumer: Consumer /*...*/): RManaged[Env, EventLoop[...]] = { val start = for { running <- Ref.make(true) fiber <- pollLoop(running, consumer/*...*/).forkDaemon } yield (fiber, running /*...*/) start.toManaged { case (fiber, running /*...*/) => for { _ <- running.set(false) // ... } yield () } } EventLoop Polling @NSilnitsky
  • 32. def pollLoop[R1](running: Ref[Boolean], consumer: Consumer // ... ): URIO[R1 with GreyhoundMetrics, Unit] = running.get.flatMap { case true => for { //... _ <- pollAndHandle(consumer /*...*/) //... result <- pollLoop(running, consumer /*...*/) } yield result case false => ZIO.unit } TailRec in ZIO @NSilnitsky
  • 33. def pollLoop[R1](running: Ref[Boolean], consumer: Consumer // ... ): URIO[R1 with GreyhoundMetrics, Unit] = running.get.flatMap { case true => // ... pollAndHandle(consumer /*...*/) // ... .flatMap(_ => pollLoop(running, consumer /*...*/) .map(result => result) ) case false => ZIO.unit } TailRec in ZIO @NSilnitsky
  • 34. object EventLoop { def make[R](consumer: Consumer /*...*/): RManaged[Env, EventLoop[...]] = { val start = for { running <- Ref.make(true) fiber <- pollOnce(running, consumer/*, ...*/) .doWhile(_ == true).forkDaemon } yield (fiber, running /*...*/) start.toManaged { case (fiber, running /*...*/) => for { _ <- running.set(false) // ... } yield () } TailRec in ZIO @NSilnitsky
  • 35. object EventLoop { type Handler[-R] = RecordHandler[R, Nothing, Chunk[Byte], Chunk[Byte]] def make[R](handler: Handler[R] /*...*/): RManaged[Env, EventLoop[...]] = { val start = for { // ... handle = handler.andThen(offsets.update).handle(_) dispatcher <- Dispatcher.make(handle, /**/) // ... } yield (fiber, running /*...*/) } def pollOnce(/*...*/) = { // poll and handle... _ <- offsets.commit Commit Offsets @NSilnitsky * old -> pass down
  • 36. Greyhound wraps Kafka ✔ Simple Consumer API ✔ Composable Record Handler + Parallel Consumption! What do we want it to do?
  • 37. val consumer: KafkaConsumer[String, SomeMessage] = createConsumer() def pollProcessAndCommit(): Unit = { val consumerRecords = consumer.poll(1000).asScala consumerRecords.foreach(record => { println(s"Record value: ${record.value.messageValue}") }) consumer.commitAsync() pollProcessAndCommit() } pollProcessAndCommit() Kafka Consumer API
  • 38. @NSilnitsky Kafka Broker Site Published Topic 0 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 5 Greyhound Consumer ZIO FIBERS + QUEUES
  • 39. @NSilnitsky Kafka Broker Kafka Consumer Site Published Topic 0 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 5 Event loop Greyhound Consumer Workers Message Dispatcher (THREAD-SAFE) PARALLEL CONSUMPTION
  • 40. object Dispatcher { def make[R](handle: Record => URIO[R, Any]): UIO[Dispatcher[R]] = for { // ... workers <- Ref.make(Map.empty[TopicPartition, Worker]) } yield new Dispatcher[R] { override def submit(record: Record): URIO[..., SubmitResult] = for { // ... worker <- workerFor(TopicPartition(record)) submitted <- worker.submit(record) } yield // … } } Parallel Consumption @NSilnitsky
  • 41. object Dispatcher { def make[R](handle: Record => URIO[R, Any]): UIO[Dispatcher[R]] = for { // ... workers <- Ref.make(Map.empty[TopicPartition, Worker]) } yield new Dispatcher[R] { override def submit(record: Record): URIO[..., SubmitResult] = for { // ... worker <- workerFor(TopicPartition(record)) submitted <- worker.submit(record) } yield // … } } Parallel Consumption * lazily @NSilnitsky
  • 42. object Worker { def make[R](handle: Record => URIO[R, Any], capacity: Int,/*...*/): URIO[...,Worker] = for { queue <- Queue.dropping[Record](capacity) _ <- // simplified queue.take.flatMap { record => handle(record).as(true) }.doWhile(_ == true).forkDaemon } yield new Worker { override def submit(record: Record): UIO[Boolean] = queue.offer(record) // ... } } Parallel Consumption @NSilnitsky
  • 43. object Worker { def make[R](handle: Record => URIO[R, Any], capacity: Int,/*...*/): URIO[...,Worker] = for { queue <- Queue.dropping[Record](capacity) _ <- // simplified queue.take.flatMap { record => handle(record).as(true) }.doWhile(_ == true).forkDaemon } yield new Worker { override def submit(record: Record): UIO[Boolean] = queue.offer(record) // ... } } Parallel Consumption * semaphore @NSilnitsky
  • 44. object Worker { def make[R](handle: Record => URIO[R, Any], capacity: Int,/*...*/): URIO[...,Worker] = for { queue <- Queue.dropping[Record](capacity) _ <- // simplified queue.take.flatMap { record => handle(record).as(true) }.doWhile(_ == true).forkDaemon } yield new Worker { override def submit(record: Record): UIO[Boolean] = queue.offer(record) // ... } } Parallel Consumption @NSilnitsky
  • 45. class OldWorker(capacity: Int, /*...*/) { private val tasksQueue = new LinkedBlockingDeque(capacity) start() private def start() = { // simplified val thread = new Thread(new TaskLoop) thread.start() } private class TaskLoop extends Runnable { override def run() = { // simplified while (true) { val task = tasksQueue.take() } } } ... } Old Worker
  • 46. class OldWorker(capacity: Int, /*...*/) { private val tasksQueue = new LinkedBlockingDeque(capacity) start() private def start() = { // simplified val thread = new Thread(new TaskLoop) thread.start() } private class TaskLoop extends Runnable { override def run() = { // simplified while (true) { val task = tasksQueue.take() } } } ... } Old Worker * resource, context, maxPar
  • 47. Greyhound wraps Kafka ✔ Simple Consumer API ✔ Composable Record Handler ✔ Parallel Consumption + Retries! What do we want it to do? ...what about Error handling?
  • 48. val retryConfig = RetryConfig.nonBlocking( 1.second, 10.minutes) GreyhoundConsumersBuilder .withConsumer(GreyhoundConsumer( topic = "some-group", group = "group-2", handle = handler, retryConfig = retryConfig)) Non-blocking Retries
  • 49. @NSilnitsky Kafka Broker renew-sub-topic 0 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 5 Greyhound Consumer FAILED PROCESSING Kafka Consumer
  • 50. @NSilnitsky Kafka Broker renew-sub-topic 0 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 5 renew-sub-topic-retry-0 0 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 5 renew-sub-topic-retry-1 0 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 5 Inspired by Uber RETRY! Greyhound Consumer Kafka Consumer RETRY PRODUCER
  • 51. @NSilnitsky Kafka Broker renew-sub-topic 0 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 5 renew-sub-topic-retry-0 0 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 renew-sub-topic-retry-1 Inspired by Uber RETRY! 0 1 2 3 4 5 Greyhound Consumer Kafka Consumer RETRY PRODUCER
  • 52. Retries same message on failure BLOCKING POLICY HANDLER Kafka Broker source-control- update-topic 0 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 5 Greyhound Consumer Kafka Consumer build-log-service
  • 53. val retryConfig = RetryConfig.finiteBlocking( 1.second, 1.minutes) GreyhoundConsumersBuilder .withConsumer(GreyhoundConsumer( topic = "some-group", group = "group-2", handle = handler, retryConfig = retryConfig)) Blocking Retries * exponential
  • 54. Retries same message on failure * lag BLOCKING POLICY HANDLER Kafka Broker source-control- update-topic 0 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 5 Greyhound Consumer Kafka Consumer build-log-service
  • 56. handle() .retry( Schedule.doWhile(_ => shouldBlock(blockingStateRef)) && Schedule.fromDurations(blockingBackoffs) ) First Approach
  • 57. handle() .retry( Schedule.doWhile(_ => shouldBlock(blockingStateRef)) && Schedule.fromDurations(blockingBackoffs) ) First Approach Doesn’t allow delay interruptions
  • 58. foreachWhile(blockingBackoffs) { interval => handleAndBlockWithPolling(interval, blockingStateRef) } Current Solution
  • 59. foreachWhile(blockingBackoffs) { interval => handleAndBlockWithPolling(interval, blockingStateRef) } Current Solution Checks blockingState between short sleeps Allows user request to unblock
  • 60. foreachWhile(blockingBackoffs) { interval => handleAndBlockWithPolling(interval, blockingStateRef) } Current Solution def foreachWhile[R, E, A](as: Iterable[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, Boolean]): ZIO[R, E, Unit] = ZIO.effectTotal(as.iterator).flatMap { i => def loop: ZIO[R, E, Unit] = if (i.hasNext) f( => if(result) loop else ZIO.unit) else ZIO.unit loop }
  • 61. foreachWhile(blockingBackoffs) { interval => handleAndBlockWithPolling(interval, blockingStateRef) } Current Solution def foreachWhile[R, E, A](as: Iterable[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, Boolean]): ZIO[R, E, Unit] = ZIO.effectTotal(as.iterator).flatMap { i => def loop: ZIO[R, E, Unit] = if (i.hasNext) f( => if(result) loop else ZIO.unit) else ZIO.unit loop } Stream.fromIterable(blockingBackoffs).foreachWhile(...)
  • 62. Greyhound wraps Kafka ✔ Simple Consumer API ✔ Composable Record Handler ✔ Parallel Consumption ✔ Retries + Resilient Producer What do we want it to do? and when Kafka brokers are unavailable...
  • 63. + Retry on Error Kafka Broker Producer Use Case: Guarantee completion Consumer Wix Payments Service Subscription renewal Job Scheduler
  • 64. + Retry on Error Kafka Broker Producer Use Case: Guarantee completion Consumer Wix Payments Service Job Scheduler
  • 68. Greyhound wraps Kafka ✔ Simple Consumer API ✔ Composable Record Handler ✔ Parallel Consumption ✔ Retries ✔ Resilient Producer + Context Propagation What do we want it to do? Super cool for us
  • 72. context = contextFrom(record.headers, token) handler.handle(record).provideSomeLayer[UserEnv](Context.layerFrom(context)) Context Propagation
  • 73. context = contextFrom(record.headers, token) handler.handle(record, controller).provideSomeLayer[UserEnv](Context.layerFrom(context)) RecordHandler((r: ConsumerRecord[String, Contact]) => for { context <- Context.retrieve _ <- ContactsDB.write(r.value, context) } yield () => RecordHandler[ContactsDB with Context, Throwable, Chunk[Byte], Chunk[Byte]] Context Propagation
  • 74. Greyhound wraps Kafka more features ✔ Simple Consumer API ✔ Composable Record Handler ✔ Parallel Consumption ✔ Retries ✔ Resilient Producer ✔ Context Propagation ✔ Pause/resume consumption ✔ Metrics reporting
  • 75. Greyhound wraps Kafka ✔ Simple Consumer API ✔ Composable Record Handler ✔ Parallel Consumption ✔ Retries ✔ Resilient Producer ✔ Context Propagation ✔ Pause/resume consumption ✔ Metrics reporting future plans + Batch Consumer + Exactly Once Processing + In-Memory KV Stores Will be much simpler with ZIO
  • 77. GREYHOUND USE CASES AT WIX Pub/Sub CDC Offline Scheduled Jobs DB (Elastic Search) replication Action retries Materialized Views
  • 78. - Much less boilerplate - Code that’s easier to understand - Fun REWRITING GREYHOUND IN ZIO RESULTED IN...
  • 79. ...but ZIO offers lower level abstractions too, like Promise and clock.sleep. SOMETIMES YOU CAN’T DO EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT WITH HIGH LEVEL ZIO OPERATORS
  • 80. A Scala/Java high-level SDK for Apache Kafka. 0.1 is out!
  • 81. Thank You twitter @NSilnitsky linkedin/natansilnitsky