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HELD: Christchurch & Auckland NZ
Host: Ministry of Primary Industries of New Zealand
Duration: July –September 2015
Participants: Peioneti Lui from QQMD,MAFFF, Tonga.
This report is a brief review of outcomes from a short term course training at the Ministry of
Primary Industries (MPI) in New Zealand. The course training was funded by New Zealand Aid
in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Training of New Zealand. There were 42
trainees participated and we all local citizens who are newly recruited employees. The two
participants from Tonga were the only foreigners amongst the trainees. Training ran for two
months from 13 July till 4th
September before graduation on the 17 September. It was hosted by
Chief Quarantine officer, Morweena and Coworkers of MPI for Development and Training team
Mike, Michelle, Andrew and Colin. The training was conducted in two phases. Phase one was
theory based studies at Scenario, Case of Study and Biosecurity Act 1993 in Christchurch
before moving to Phase two that is circulate practical learning around MPI divisions, air freights
and cargo outlets in Auckland.
MPI is an organization which control and regulate the operation of primary industries operation
in New Zealand. Its vision is to maximize growth and protection of country through:
 policy and trade - implement trade policies for risk protection and awareness;
 risk and assurance – facilitate cooperation with other stakeholders like government and
importers to control and manage risks ;and
 current operation – examine current policies and amend where necessary to respond to
current needs.
These visions could not get through without some specific focuses to associate along with it.
MPI is aiming to:
 maximize export opportunities for NZ primary industries;
 improve sector productivity;
 ensure the food we produce is safe;
 increase sustainable resource use; and
 protect NZ from biological risk.
The abovementioned focuses will be achieved through taking relevant approaches of ‘enabling’
effective law and policies to govern its operation and close ‘partnership’ with other stakeholders
both at local and international level to promote production and exportation/importation at low
risk. Apparently, the focus is advocating public awareness and building capacities amongst
sectors. The positive outcome would lead to a sustainable use and protection of primary natural
resources and biodiversity from threats.
Networking of Information
MPI is building capacities and improve accessibility to relevant information and laws regarding
their operation through uploading those online and social media where it is accessed by many
around the world. These sites are:
 species;
; and others.
MPI hold certain fundamental values which rooted in the heart of their operation mainly when
dealing with public. These are:
 Respect – appreciating cultural differences and showing appropriate expressions and
manner when dealing with people;
 Connect- establish clear communication with public;
 Trust – honest dealings such as attempting to correct wrongs when arise; and
 Deliver- learns to take appropriate steps or solutions for dealing with all sorts of
Four Years Strategic Plan
MPI has implemented a target for the coming years. A strategic plan was formulated to direct its
operation. The plan aims at enabling and doubling growth of the primary industry, effective risk
management and strengthens their environment performance.
MPI is a great organization with people who are personate and committed to their work. If we
are to continue action with purpose it is essential we all know where we are going and how we
are going to get there.
 Delivering our priorities – identify a set of initiatives that would put our priorities into
actions. The portfolio will change as we build our capability to support our primary
sector. Initiatives will come and go through the portfolio as work progresses to ensure
we stay focus on the right thing. Some of the initiatives are already well underway;
others are at an early stage.
 Priority smart regulations – smart and effective regulators should make it easier for
people to comply then not to comply.
 Growing economy increase demand- essential to deliver our operational activities to the
highest standard.
 Operational excellent – means meeting our stakeholders need and keeping our staff
engaged and empowered and continually improving our diagnostic activities.
 International Access –making it easier for NZ primary sectors products to be sold to
consumers all over the world.
 Provenance and Traceability – NZ reputation rest on the trust of our trading partners and
consumers that our products are authentic and can be easily traceable
 Positions, Productions and investments – we are investing in infrastructure and system
that will ensure NZ primary industries remain world leading.
 Ensuring relationships: So much of what we are trying to achieve for NZ depends on the
actions of others which is why commitment to long tern high integrity relationship is so
Phase 1: Operation of MPI
Marae Visit
On the second day of the training we went on a one day camping visit to the Marae in
The purpose of this trip is for the trainees to learn,
acknowledge and respect cultural aspects of the
indigenous people of NZ the Māoris. A wonderful trip it
was, we get to see the traditional greetings involved
before entering the Marae and also observe the inns of
the Marae and the different carvings and designs on
the wall. It was said that these different carvings depict
the status and aspects of their cultural heritage and
ancestors. I was fortunate to learn about the traditional
Maori way of greeting a guest, it through nose to nose
as opposed to the western expression of shaking hands.
The impression of entering the marae was very sacred and majestic in the way the designs are
made and the high respect the Maori have for the marae. Upon entrance, shoes are left outside
because the floor that you are about to enter is sacred. The marae has its own tapoo or
forbidden rules and breaking of those rules is a serious offence often lead to execution.
The relevance of this trip to our training has
enlightened our view of the importance of
respecting and protecting our culture. Our culture
consists of our land, biodiversity and our people
from external threats like diseases and climate
change. This is the fundamental value upheld by
MPI is to regulate the importation of products to
NZ to ensure that it would not affect the local
production and agricultural produce of NZ.
Major Tasks
MPI's work covers primary production, exports, imports, food safety, biosecurity, fisheries, and
animal welfare. The work we do is governed by about 50 Acts of Parliament and 150
MPI operates with designated duties and responsibilities to protect NZ from risk goods and
promote economic growth in National agricultural produce. In performing these responsibilities,
the focus is associated with the tasks of promoting:
i. Importation controls on imported goods to make sure no unwanted pests or diseases
enter the country, and that food is safe to eat. MPI is working hard to reduce trade
barriers for importers without compromising our standards.
ii. Exportation – New Zealand's primary industries generate about $30 billion a year in
exports. MPI's role is to provide trusted assurances to importing countries that our
products meet their requirements. This activity helps maximize primary sector
iii. Food Safety - Secure meat production from Food and Mouth Diseases;
iv. Food Fly Host - Secure food flies from local food production; and
v. Honey Bee Production – Secure from Foul Broad, a devastating disease.
Divisions of MPI
There are numerous sections in the MPI which all have specific duties in protecting and
maximizing primary industries in NZ.
1. Compliance & Intelligence – implement policies and ensure full compliance with
statutory requirements and polices are made with all imports and exports of NZ.
Risk Assessment & Planning
- Aim
- Risk
- Option
- Control of Risks
- Plan
IHS Regulation
- Items: includes Fresh vegetable etc.
- Personal Consignment etc.
- Interceptions: Unwanted Pest etc.
- Regulated: Non-regulated & Regulated Pest etc.
- Treated: Fumigation etc.
Information & Intelligence
- Manager
- Knowledge
- Introduction
- Data
Level of Intelligence
- Strategic
- Operation
- Tactical
Raw A.P P.M
Seed Inspection
HT Release/HT
The Intelligence Cycle
- Have awareness to protect the Country
- Intelligence Planning & Coordination
- National Intelligence Term
- Intelligence & Targeting Team
Team Cooperate
 E.g. MPI
 Immigration
 Police
 Custom
- ITT Intelligence Product Example
 Direction
 Collection
 Procession
 Diversion
- Compliance Intelligence Frame Work
- Which rightwayprocessing go
- Information muchyou can
- Duties reinforce working more unique
& relevant
- Checking along is following wellthe
 Information: Special Operation, Community Resources,
Establish Relationship.
 Seek Additional Information: Narrowing option down
 Analysis: Simply which optional which has more effective &
 Direct Intent: Lack operation, Prevent the risk.
- Investigate illegal drugs
- Hacked
- Security and Protection
- investigate routes of risks country
2. BCA - Border Clearance Area
This division aims to protect NZ border from any unwanted pets or threats to its local
production and illegal importations. This is done by implementing risk management plans
and procedure to monitor risk goods and threats on imports.
 Sea Craft clearance procedure
i. Pre border assessment at ITOC
ii. Inspection and Verification
iii. Place of first arrival
iv. Contact associated Agency in NZ for documentation and purpose of travel.
Sea Freight
Check for:
i. Import Entries
ii. Bill of landing
iii. Commercial invoice
iv. Sea container
v. Declarations
vi. MPI profile
vii. Custom Link
viii. Limited App for inspection per day is 530 parcels
 Managing Risk offshore
ix. Containers with fresh fruits have high risks. Sample is taken for inspection
x. If insect found is more than 1. Then it’s rejected instantly. Otherwise going to
harm country.
Transition and Containment Facility
xi. Chain in logistic help manage risk across many industries operator structural
requirement.(trace pathway of goods )
xii. Structural requirement – industry operator to be clear on the particulars of
goods and routes.
Balancing legislation with tragedy
- Import live animal in safety cage BUT make sure is free from disease
 Air craft clearance
i. Check for place of first arrival
ii. Passengers and Cargo – arrival card and luggages
iii. Disinsection – check certification of aircraft for disinsection
iv. Resourcing- equipments in the aircraft
 Passengers Pathway
i. Social Marketing/Profile/Declaration Card – confirm receipts or permits and receipts.
Goes from there to searching bench;
ii. Screen Inspection- If doubt, then send to x-ray /detective dog; and
iii. If clear then release if not then hold. Prohibited goods will be dumbed in the amnesty
N.Z Biosecurity System-A post border perspective
Biosecurity System
- Passenger
- Cargo & Mail outlet
- Craft
Biosecurity Risk
- Biosecurity
- Economic
- Stakeholder expectation
- Human Healthy
- Environmental
- Reputation
- Political
- Legal
- Trade
Clearance inspection on a vessel
- Verify risk associated
- Confirm & verifying documentation
- Vessel processing
- Check for BCP procedure
- Identify non-compliance & compliance
3. Entomology – perform thorough investigation
How do find potential risk organization
- Active Surveillance
- Passive Surveillance
Unauthorized vs Unclear
Plane Vessel
Apple Container
Border Clearance Area Transition
Release (Exit) Release (Exit)
- Under Biosecurity Act 1993 (s33(1)(b)) Moving the Craft outside N.Z territory immediately
within a period specified by the inspector.
- Under Biosecurity Act 1993 (s25) All Good must be under clearance before entry N.Z.
4. BACC - Biosecurity Authority Clearance Certificate
This division issue permits and clearance certificates for all exports products.
5. Laboratory – Diagnose any disease or surgery of risk good
Diagnostics & Response
- Diagnostics Lab operates to :
- Identify exotic pest & disease provide biological and organization advise;
- Response adviser in managing process for planning, preparedness & responding to risk
- Biosecurity Readiness: 2015-2016 Priorities, Foot & Mouth Disease (FMD) outbreak
worldwide & viable disease easily spread from 1 to another.
- Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB), Legal status: Unwanted organism, this insect is
NOT present in New Zealand but we would like to know if you have seen it here.
- Myrtle Rust; is a serious fungal disease of plants that has not, as yet, been detected in New
Zealand. The fungus attacks various species of plants in the Myrtaceae family, also known as the
Myrtle family.
6. CITES – Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna
and Flora
Function of CITE’s
 Deal with wild fauna and flora.
 Protect over 35 thousand species of plants and animals include live animals and plants
as well as parts of them of product made from them through an international permitting
 Level of regulations and type of permit required is based on the degree of threat host to
that species from international trade
Multiagency Responsibility
3 Appendices
- Country
- Derivatives
- Live/Dead
- Parts
- Trade
- Decision
- U.S Ginseng
- Threated
- InternationalTrade
- Manufactured/
- Flora
- Fauna
 As a border official – vital role in ensuring the sustainability legality and traceability of the
international trade in wild life.
- Most items containing CITES listed species required a permit to enter NZ.
Requirements for Imports to NZ
For import into NZ, the following permits are required;
i. import permit and document of export and re-export permit from country of export
ii. Types of permit: May present at border, Pre convention certificate, Certificate
acquisition, Artificial propagated certificate, Introduction from the sea certificate,
Travelling exhibition certificate
iii. Border Clearance Procedure
Change of vessel Master
- Master declaration a new document is issued
Bali’s Water Discharge (BWD)
- A new document is issued
Biosecurity direction Craft
- Provide new Form
Biosecurity Marine Resources Narrative (BMR)
- Date/Time of inspection Verification
- Craft location
- Craft details
- Result of Biosecurity Craft Risk Record (BCRR)
High number of trap to catch fruit flies
- Active surveillance is hard work
- Passive Surveillance Pest & Disease Hotline
MPI Cooperate with
- Horticulture
- Veterinarians
- Farmers
- Grown Research
- University
- Member of public
- Other Part of MPI
- Quarantine Facilities
- Regional Council
Animal Welfare
- Avoid people from careless looking after the animal and mitigate it in a good standard
than maintain healthy and minimize animal from dying hunger.
Risk Reduction
- Import
- Vessel
- Passenger
- Mail
- Air
- Sea
IDC & R (Surveillance and Incursion Investigation)
- Investigated suspected border bridges
- Develop programs for the collection or a data to interpretation and timely dimension
- Undersize infringement Illegal Fishing - Prosecute and fine
- Patrol on air and water
- Surveillance to seize illegal fishing
Risk Pre-border –Border –Surveillance–Response–Eradication
(International) (Pathway) (Modelling) (InitialResponse) (Long-termControl)
7. IHS- International Health Standard
MPI intends to promote health safety in its operation in terms of its employees in handling risk
goods and also in line of carrying out their various tasks. In doing so there are policies schemes
which stipulate insurance and compensations for employees if injured during the line of work
they are the Health Safety Employment Accident (HSEA) and Personal Protective Apparel
What can stop a speeding bullet or bomb fragments, repel fire, and protect the wearer from
caustic or toxic substances and even the deadliest of pathogens? Personal Protective Apparel
(PPA) can. It is a superhero of safety.
Originally, PPA meant adding on an additional layer of clothing to protect the employee from
grease or dirt. As time and technology met the larger needs of our workplaces, PPA has taken a
lead role in employee protection from all hazards. No longer an afterthought of the workplace,
PPA takes front and center stage for selection options, material and construction, wearablilty,
comfort, and sizes.
In Auckland, we have been assigned to do internships in some of the cargo outlets and
airfreights. In doing so, I have managed to carry out the following quarantine activities.
Inspection at Air New Zealand Air Freight
The procedure involved in the inspection of airway bills, parcel and cartons came on the aircraft
will go through prior inspection procedure of:
i. manifest screening of airway bills and mark the type of commodities (fresh produce and
agricultural products) due for inspection;
ii. If live insect found then importer(s) are informed of the options to take. Options are to
hold for treatment, seize and destroy or reshipment. For live insect it is taken to MPI
laboratory to test whether it is regulated (existed) or non-regulated (never existed). If
found to be regulated then, it is treated. If found to be non-regulated then it is seized or
reshipped. However, if insect found to be new and harmful then the importer will be
iii. If screened and found clear then parcel is released instantly.
Practically, high risk goods are usually found in private consignment as opposed to commercial
goods. This is due to fact that private exporters or suppliers do not necessarily comply with risk
management such as correct labeling, pest treatment and proper sealing.
Commercial goods will comply because it is often in huge tones and on a profit making basis. In
that, special care is taken by exporters to ensure it reaches its destination. As opposed to
private consignment, they usually opt for destruction of goods if hold as it is costly to treat even
to reship.
In terms of treatment there are several of methods used for treating pest ranging from
fumigation, frozen, ingenerated and radiation.
The Limited Application in a day for inspection is 230 parcels per day.
MPI Main
Importer Release
1. Fresh Flower Cut (Orchids)
I have carried out the inspection of these fresh flower cuts and the particulars are
Weight - 100 plus cartons
Purpose: commercial use
Inspection Outcome: No pest found therefore
all was released.
(left: picture of the fresh orchid cuts imported
from Thailand)
2. Fresh Vegetables – Capsicum
Screen inspection of fresh red capsicum imported from Fiji. Particulars are:
Weight: 100 plus cartons
Purpose: Commercial use
Equipment used: Tray, Eyepiece and mac lamp
Outcome: Clear and release
(left: picture of capsicum when inspected)
3. Brown Coconut
These brown coconuts were already husked and cleaned imported from Fiji. There were 50
cartons and it was imported for commercial purpose.
Outcome of Inspection: Earwick insect was found in one of the cartons and therefore it was
hold for treatment. This kind of insect is regulated in NZ so it’s qualified for treatment.
4. Fresh Strawberries
These fresh fruits were imported from Australia. It was more than 100 cartons and for
commercial selling. It was inspected and found free of pest then released.
5. Fresh Flora Cut
These fresh flowers were imported from Fiji and its more than 50 cartons. The purpose of
importation is for commercial selling.
When inspected, two insects, mite and thribs were found and therefore were hold for
treatments. The insects found have already been found in NZ and therefore due for
treatment. The reason for taking this option is to reduce the spread of these existing
Dolls Company Ltd (Cargo Warehouse)
I also managed to go to one of the warehouses in Auckland and carry out some inspection
1. Traditional Chinese Medicine
There were 500 cartons in this parcel and they were imported from China for commercial
When inspected an insect called Brer was found amongst the cartons. Therefore cartons
were hold for testing. The technical institution responsible for detailed examination of
traditional herbal medicines is the CITES.
It is required that all traditional Chinese medicines should use simplified Chinese characters,
some packages used traditional Chinese characters, which are more decorative but still
recognizable. If there is uncertainties to characters used in labeling products or characters
used are unfamiliar then MPI officials usually responded by informing the Importers that the
items will be seized or detained for further identification.
2. Chinese Herbs
The items were 5 cartons and were declared to be plant products imported from China.
When inspected, it was alleged that the herbs powder were processed from animal feathers.
I observed the MPI senior officer testing the herbs powder by burning it and then inhale the
fumes from the power. There are certain aromas which are identified to be that of plant
products and animal products. In this case, it was held that alleged aroma is classified as
animal products.
Therefore, the carton was hold to be taken to CITES for thorough examination as to what
type of animal product engaged in the production of these herbs. The reason behind this is
the threat awareness for the food and mouth diseases present in animals which have not
been found in NZ.
3. Plant Product
Inspection of 5 cartons of plant products from China The result found a plant disease called
American ginseng and the carton was hold to seize. This was found when comparing the
features of the plant product with those identified features of the disease in a book.
4. Bird Nest from China
One carton of bird nest was imported from China for private use. It was hold to seize
because of the bird flu threats.
Customs Warehouse
I have also had the opportunity to visit the Customs Warehouse and assist with inspection task
1. Indian herbs seeds and spices.
Some vegetables seeds and herbs contained in 3 cartons were inspected and it was clear
and release.
Inspection of seeds – opens one package and pours it into a tray and use the eyepiece to
screen. Check package for proper labeling.
2. Clothing Parcels
The parcel contained brand new clothes and shoes and the inspection was clear If the
shows were second hand, then it will be thoroughly inspected for soil contamination.
Auckland Mail Centre
Moreover, I have been to the mail centre to inspect post mails and packages. The procedure
i. scanning all mails in the x-ray machine; and
ii. separate ones with green lights and blue lights as they are the one due for further
1. Honey from Australia
One mail parcel was detected in the machine and later found that it was a zip lock of 1 litre
honey syrup. It was hold, and then owner will be informed that the parcel will be destroyed
and reasons associated with that decision. The reason for its seizure is that honey is
prohibited from being imported into NZ from anywhere around the world. This is due to the
threat awareness of the Foul Broad disease in honey bees which would destroy the honey
production in NZ if existed.
Observations on the work procedures at the Air Freight, Cargo and Mail Centre
There are few takeaways that I have picked up when I go around these different institutions.
These are related to the documentations of the parcels.
 I have learnt that the permit and any documents associated with the parcel have to be
the original form and duplicates are never allowed.
 Another is related to the labeling of products. The labeling has to be complete and
accurate otherwise it will be seized or hold for reshipment.
 The particular in the permit has to be fulfilled and clear like dates, type of commodities
and of course the signatures of the issuing officer.
 The importance of knowing the principle laws and regulations which stipulated your
particular duties, scope of rights and liabilities. This would reduce misunderstanding
between clients and quarantine officer, as officer would know his rights under the law.
Recommendations and Conclusion
This training had invested a vast range of knowledge and skills about the significant roles of MPI
in terms of economic growth in exports, social and food security and of course a sustainable
environment. I have also got to learn the pathways of inspection process as well as risk
management procedures. Moreover, I have learnt to ensure clear communication and build
polite relations when dealing with public.
It is nevertheless that this training has enhance our knowledge and quarantine skills which
would enable us to takeaway these useful skills and apply it in our home country with the aim to
improve current working standards and current policies at hand.
Interestingly, I am very fortunate to join this training and it is my recommendation that for the
purpose of future trainings, it is vital that Tonga upon granted opportunity should continue to
participate. The training helps to train quarantine officers in all aspects like cargo, airfreight and
also shipments outlets. Let alone, it emphasizes the importance of establishing good relations
with public and how to deal with hostile importers.

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N.Z-training report

  • 1. 1 BRIEF REPORT ON SHORT QUARANTINE COURSE TRAINING HELD: Christchurch & Auckland NZ Host: Ministry of Primary Industries of New Zealand Duration: July –September 2015 Participants: Peioneti Lui from QQMD,MAFFF, Tonga.
  • 2. 2 Abstract This report is a brief review of outcomes from a short term course training at the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) in New Zealand. The course training was funded by New Zealand Aid in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Training of New Zealand. There were 42 trainees participated and we all local citizens who are newly recruited employees. The two participants from Tonga were the only foreigners amongst the trainees. Training ran for two months from 13 July till 4th September before graduation on the 17 September. It was hosted by Chief Quarantine officer, Morweena and Coworkers of MPI for Development and Training team Mike, Michelle, Andrew and Colin. The training was conducted in two phases. Phase one was theory based studies at Scenario, Case of Study and Biosecurity Act 1993 in Christchurch before moving to Phase two that is circulate practical learning around MPI divisions, air freights and cargo outlets in Auckland.
  • 3. 3 A. BACKGROUND - MPI Visions MPI is an organization which control and regulate the operation of primary industries operation in New Zealand. Its vision is to maximize growth and protection of country through:  policy and trade - implement trade policies for risk protection and awareness;  risk and assurance – facilitate cooperation with other stakeholders like government and importers to control and manage risks ;and  current operation – examine current policies and amend where necessary to respond to current needs. Focuses These visions could not get through without some specific focuses to associate along with it. MPI is aiming to:  maximize export opportunities for NZ primary industries;  improve sector productivity;  ensure the food we produce is safe;  increase sustainable resource use; and  protect NZ from biological risk. Approaches The abovementioned focuses will be achieved through taking relevant approaches of ‘enabling’ effective law and policies to govern its operation and close ‘partnership’ with other stakeholders both at local and international level to promote production and exportation/importation at low risk. Apparently, the focus is advocating public awareness and building capacities amongst sectors. The positive outcome would lead to a sustainable use and protection of primary natural resources and biodiversity from threats.
  • 4. 4 Networking of Information MPI is building capacities and improve accessibility to relevant information and laws regarding their operation through uploading those online and social media where it is accessed by many around the world. These sites are:  KOTAHI; ;  species; ; and others. Values MPI hold certain fundamental values which rooted in the heart of their operation mainly when dealing with public. These are:  Respect – appreciating cultural differences and showing appropriate expressions and manner when dealing with people;  Connect- establish clear communication with public;  Trust – honest dealings such as attempting to correct wrongs when arise; and  Deliver- learns to take appropriate steps or solutions for dealing with all sorts of situations. Four Years Strategic Plan MPI has implemented a target for the coming years. A strategic plan was formulated to direct its operation. The plan aims at enabling and doubling growth of the primary industry, effective risk management and strengthens their environment performance. MPI is a great organization with people who are personate and committed to their work. If we are to continue action with purpose it is essential we all know where we are going and how we are going to get there.  Delivering our priorities – identify a set of initiatives that would put our priorities into actions. The portfolio will change as we build our capability to support our primary sector. Initiatives will come and go through the portfolio as work progresses to ensure we stay focus on the right thing. Some of the initiatives are already well underway; others are at an early stage.
  • 5. 5  Priority smart regulations – smart and effective regulators should make it easier for people to comply then not to comply.  Growing economy increase demand- essential to deliver our operational activities to the highest standard.  Operational excellent – means meeting our stakeholders need and keeping our staff engaged and empowered and continually improving our diagnostic activities.  International Access –making it easier for NZ primary sectors products to be sold to consumers all over the world.  Provenance and Traceability – NZ reputation rest on the trust of our trading partners and consumers that our products are authentic and can be easily traceable  Positions, Productions and investments – we are investing in infrastructure and system that will ensure NZ primary industries remain world leading.  Ensuring relationships: So much of what we are trying to achieve for NZ depends on the actions of others which is why commitment to long tern high integrity relationship is so important.
  • 6. 6 Phase 1: Operation of MPI Marae Visit On the second day of the training we went on a one day camping visit to the Marae in Christchurch. The purpose of this trip is for the trainees to learn, acknowledge and respect cultural aspects of the indigenous people of NZ the Māoris. A wonderful trip it was, we get to see the traditional greetings involved before entering the Marae and also observe the inns of the Marae and the different carvings and designs on the wall. It was said that these different carvings depict the status and aspects of their cultural heritage and ancestors. I was fortunate to learn about the traditional Maori way of greeting a guest, it through nose to nose as opposed to the western expression of shaking hands. The impression of entering the marae was very sacred and majestic in the way the designs are made and the high respect the Maori have for the marae. Upon entrance, shoes are left outside because the floor that you are about to enter is sacred. The marae has its own tapoo or forbidden rules and breaking of those rules is a serious offence often lead to execution. The relevance of this trip to our training has enlightened our view of the importance of respecting and protecting our culture. Our culture consists of our land, biodiversity and our people from external threats like diseases and climate change. This is the fundamental value upheld by MPI is to regulate the importation of products to NZ to ensure that it would not affect the local production and agricultural produce of NZ.
  • 7. 7 Major Tasks MPI's work covers primary production, exports, imports, food safety, biosecurity, fisheries, and animal welfare. The work we do is governed by about 50 Acts of Parliament and 150 regulations. MPI operates with designated duties and responsibilities to protect NZ from risk goods and promote economic growth in National agricultural produce. In performing these responsibilities, the focus is associated with the tasks of promoting: i. Importation controls on imported goods to make sure no unwanted pests or diseases enter the country, and that food is safe to eat. MPI is working hard to reduce trade barriers for importers without compromising our standards. ii. Exportation – New Zealand's primary industries generate about $30 billion a year in exports. MPI's role is to provide trusted assurances to importing countries that our products meet their requirements. This activity helps maximize primary sector exports. iii. Food Safety - Secure meat production from Food and Mouth Diseases; iv. Food Fly Host - Secure food flies from local food production; and v. Honey Bee Production – Secure from Foul Broad, a devastating disease. Divisions of MPI There are numerous sections in the MPI which all have specific duties in protecting and maximizing primary industries in NZ. 1. Compliance & Intelligence – implement policies and ensure full compliance with statutory requirements and polices are made with all imports and exports of NZ. Risk Assessment & Planning - Aim - Risk - Option - Control of Risks - Plan
  • 8. 8 IHS Regulation RAW TCM - Items: includes Fresh vegetable etc. - Personal Consignment etc. - Interceptions: Unwanted Pest etc. - Regulated: Non-regulated & Regulated Pest etc. - Treated: Fumigation etc. Information & Intelligence - Manager - Knowledge - Introduction - Data Level of Intelligence - Strategic - Operation - Tactical Raw A.P P.M Non-ViableViable Seed Inspection HT Release/HT
  • 9. 9 The Intelligence Cycle Security - Have awareness to protect the Country - Intelligence Planning & Coordination - National Intelligence Term - Intelligence & Targeting Team Team Cooperate  E.g. MPI  Immigration  Police  Custom - ITT Intelligence Product Example  Direction  Collection  Procession  Diversion - Compliance Intelligence Frame Work Direction Collection Processing Motivation - Which rightwayprocessing go through. - Information muchyou can - Duties reinforce working more unique & relevant - PRA - Checking along is following wellthe processing.
  • 10. 10  Information: Special Operation, Community Resources, Establish Relationship.  Seek Additional Information: Narrowing option down  Analysis: Simply which optional which has more effective & reasonable.  Direct Intent: Lack operation, Prevent the risk. CITES Intelligence - Investigate illegal drugs - Hacked - Security and Protection - investigate routes of risks country 2. BCA - Border Clearance Area This division aims to protect NZ border from any unwanted pets or threats to its local production and illegal importations. This is done by implementing risk management plans and procedure to monitor risk goods and threats on imports.  Sea Craft clearance procedure i. Pre border assessment at ITOC ii. Inspection and Verification iii. Place of first arrival iv. Contact associated Agency in NZ for documentation and purpose of travel. Sea Freight Check for: i. Import Entries ii. Bill of landing iii. Commercial invoice iv. Sea container v. Declarations
  • 11. 11 vi. MPI profile vii. Custom Link viii. Limited App for inspection per day is 530 parcels  Managing Risk offshore ix. Containers with fresh fruits have high risks. Sample is taken for inspection x. If insect found is more than 1. Then it’s rejected instantly. Otherwise going to harm country. Transition and Containment Facility xi. Chain in logistic help manage risk across many industries operator structural requirement.(trace pathway of goods ) xii. Structural requirement – industry operator to be clear on the particulars of goods and routes. Balancing legislation with tragedy - Import live animal in safety cage BUT make sure is free from disease  Air craft clearance i. Check for place of first arrival ii. Passengers and Cargo – arrival card and luggages iii. Disinsection – check certification of aircraft for disinsection iv. Resourcing- equipments in the aircraft  Passengers Pathway i. Social Marketing/Profile/Declaration Card – confirm receipts or permits and receipts. Goes from there to searching bench; ii. Screen Inspection- If doubt, then send to x-ray /detective dog; and iii. If clear then release if not then hold. Prohibited goods will be dumbed in the amnesty bins.
  • 12. 12 N.Z Biosecurity System-A post border perspective Biosecurity System - Passenger - Cargo & Mail outlet - Craft Biosecurity Risk - Biosecurity - Economic - Stakeholder expectation - Human Healthy - Environmental - Reputation - Political - Legal - Trade Clearance inspection on a vessel - Verify risk associated - Confirm & verifying documentation - Vessel processing - Check for BCP procedure - Identify non-compliance & compliance 3. Entomology – perform thorough investigation How do find potential risk organization - Active Surveillance - Passive Surveillance
  • 13. 13 Unauthorized vs Unclear Plane Vessel Apple Container Border Clearance Area Transition Facility Release (Exit) Release (Exit) Direction - Under Biosecurity Act 1993 (s33(1)(b)) Moving the Craft outside N.Z territory immediately within a period specified by the inspector. Clearance - Under Biosecurity Act 1993 (s25) All Good must be under clearance before entry N.Z. 4. BACC - Biosecurity Authority Clearance Certificate This division issue permits and clearance certificates for all exports products. 5. Laboratory – Diagnose any disease or surgery of risk good Diagnostics & Response - Diagnostics Lab operates to : - Identify exotic pest & disease provide biological and organization advise; - Response adviser in managing process for planning, preparedness & responding to risk organism; - Biosecurity Readiness: 2015-2016 Priorities, Foot & Mouth Disease (FMD) outbreak worldwide & viable disease easily spread from 1 to another. - Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB), Legal status: Unwanted organism, this insect is NOT present in New Zealand but we would like to know if you have seen it here.
  • 14. 14 - Myrtle Rust; is a serious fungal disease of plants that has not, as yet, been detected in New Zealand. The fungus attacks various species of plants in the Myrtaceae family, also known as the Myrtle family. 6. CITES – Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Function of CITE’s Functions  Deal with wild fauna and flora.  Protect over 35 thousand species of plants and animals include live animals and plants as well as parts of them of product made from them through an international permitting system.  Level of regulations and type of permit required is based on the degree of threat host to that species from international trade CITE’s Country Endangered Multiagency Responsibility Convention Documentation Endangered Coral/Anim al Requirement 3 Appendices - Country Agreement - Derivatives - Live/Dead - Parts - Trade Information - Decision making - TCM - U.S Ginseng - Threated exploite d - InternationalTrade EndangeredSpecies - Manufactured/ Un-Manufactured - Flora - Fauna
  • 15. 15  As a border official – vital role in ensuring the sustainability legality and traceability of the international trade in wild life. - Most items containing CITES listed species required a permit to enter NZ. Requirements for Imports to NZ For import into NZ, the following permits are required; i. import permit and document of export and re-export permit from country of export ii. Types of permit: May present at border, Pre convention certificate, Certificate acquisition, Artificial propagated certificate, Introduction from the sea certificate, Travelling exhibition certificate - iii. Border Clearance Procedure BCP-INSP-PATHWAY-VESSELS Change of vessel Master - Master declaration a new document is issued Bali’s Water Discharge (BWD) - A new document is issued Biosecurity direction Craft - Provide new Form Biosecurity Marine Resources Narrative (BMR) - Date/Time of inspection Verification - Craft location - Craft details - Result of Biosecurity Craft Risk Record (BCRR) High number of trap to catch fruit flies - Active surveillance is hard work
  • 16. 16 - Passive Surveillance Pest & Disease Hotline MPI Cooperate with - Horticulture - Veterinarians - Farmers - Grown Research - University - Member of public - Other Part of MPI - Quarantine Facilities - Regional Council Animal Welfare - Avoid people from careless looking after the animal and mitigate it in a good standard than maintain healthy and minimize animal from dying hunger. Risk Reduction - Import - Vessel - Passenger - Mail - Air - Sea IDC & R (Surveillance and Incursion Investigation) - Investigated suspected border bridges - Develop programs for the collection or a data to interpretation and timely dimension Fisheries - Undersize infringement Illegal Fishing - Prosecute and fine - Patrol on air and water - Surveillance to seize illegal fishing Risk Pre-border –Border –Surveillance–Response–Eradication (International) (Pathway) (Modelling) (InitialResponse) (Long-termControl)
  • 17. 17 7. IHS- International Health Standard MPI intends to promote health safety in its operation in terms of its employees in handling risk goods and also in line of carrying out their various tasks. In doing so there are policies schemes which stipulate insurance and compensations for employees if injured during the line of work they are the Health Safety Employment Accident (HSEA) and Personal Protective Apparel (PPA) What can stop a speeding bullet or bomb fragments, repel fire, and protect the wearer from caustic or toxic substances and even the deadliest of pathogens? Personal Protective Apparel (PPA) can. It is a superhero of safety. Originally, PPA meant adding on an additional layer of clothing to protect the employee from grease or dirt. As time and technology met the larger needs of our workplaces, PPA has taken a lead role in employee protection from all hazards. No longer an afterthought of the workplace, PPA takes front and center stage for selection options, material and construction, wearablilty, comfort, and sizes.
  • 18. 18 PHASE 2: PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES AT THE TRAINING (Auckland) In Auckland, we have been assigned to do internships in some of the cargo outlets and airfreights. In doing so, I have managed to carry out the following quarantine activities. Inspection at Air New Zealand Air Freight The procedure involved in the inspection of airway bills, parcel and cartons came on the aircraft will go through prior inspection procedure of: i. manifest screening of airway bills and mark the type of commodities (fresh produce and agricultural products) due for inspection; ii. If live insect found then importer(s) are informed of the options to take. Options are to hold for treatment, seize and destroy or reshipment. For live insect it is taken to MPI laboratory to test whether it is regulated (existed) or non-regulated (never existed). If found to be regulated then, it is treated. If found to be non-regulated then it is seized or reshipped. However, if insect found to be new and harmful then the importer will be fined. iii. If screened and found clear then parcel is released instantly. Practically, high risk goods are usually found in private consignment as opposed to commercial goods. This is due to fact that private exporters or suppliers do not necessarily comply with risk management such as correct labeling, pest treatment and proper sealing. Commercial goods will comply because it is often in huge tones and on a profit making basis. In that, special care is taken by exporters to ensure it reaches its destination. As opposed to private consignment, they usually opt for destruction of goods if hold as it is costly to treat even to reship. In terms of treatment there are several of methods used for treating pest ranging from fumigation, frozen, ingenerated and radiation. The Limited Application in a day for inspection is 230 parcels per day. Aircraft Air Freight- Screening MPI Main Lab Importer Release
  • 19. 19 1. Fresh Flower Cut (Orchids) I have carried out the inspection of these fresh flower cuts and the particulars are following: Weight - 100 plus cartons Purpose: commercial use Inspection Outcome: No pest found therefore all was released. (left: picture of the fresh orchid cuts imported from Thailand) 2. Fresh Vegetables – Capsicum Screen inspection of fresh red capsicum imported from Fiji. Particulars are: Weight: 100 plus cartons Purpose: Commercial use Equipment used: Tray, Eyepiece and mac lamp Outcome: Clear and release (left: picture of capsicum when inspected) 3. Brown Coconut These brown coconuts were already husked and cleaned imported from Fiji. There were 50 cartons and it was imported for commercial purpose. Outcome of Inspection: Earwick insect was found in one of the cartons and therefore it was hold for treatment. This kind of insect is regulated in NZ so it’s qualified for treatment. 4. Fresh Strawberries These fresh fruits were imported from Australia. It was more than 100 cartons and for commercial selling. It was inspected and found free of pest then released.
  • 20. 20 5. Fresh Flora Cut These fresh flowers were imported from Fiji and its more than 50 cartons. The purpose of importation is for commercial selling. When inspected, two insects, mite and thribs were found and therefore were hold for treatments. The insects found have already been found in NZ and therefore due for treatment. The reason for taking this option is to reduce the spread of these existing insects. Dolls Company Ltd (Cargo Warehouse) I also managed to go to one of the warehouses in Auckland and carry out some inspection tasks. 1. Traditional Chinese Medicine There were 500 cartons in this parcel and they were imported from China for commercial selling. When inspected an insect called Brer was found amongst the cartons. Therefore cartons were hold for testing. The technical institution responsible for detailed examination of traditional herbal medicines is the CITES. It is required that all traditional Chinese medicines should use simplified Chinese characters, some packages used traditional Chinese characters, which are more decorative but still recognizable. If there is uncertainties to characters used in labeling products or characters used are unfamiliar then MPI officials usually responded by informing the Importers that the items will be seized or detained for further identification. 2. Chinese Herbs The items were 5 cartons and were declared to be plant products imported from China. When inspected, it was alleged that the herbs powder were processed from animal feathers. I observed the MPI senior officer testing the herbs powder by burning it and then inhale the fumes from the power. There are certain aromas which are identified to be that of plant products and animal products. In this case, it was held that alleged aroma is classified as animal products.
  • 21. 21 Therefore, the carton was hold to be taken to CITES for thorough examination as to what type of animal product engaged in the production of these herbs. The reason behind this is the threat awareness for the food and mouth diseases present in animals which have not been found in NZ. 3. Plant Product Inspection of 5 cartons of plant products from China The result found a plant disease called American ginseng and the carton was hold to seize. This was found when comparing the features of the plant product with those identified features of the disease in a book. 4. Bird Nest from China One carton of bird nest was imported from China for private use. It was hold to seize because of the bird flu threats. Customs Warehouse I have also had the opportunity to visit the Customs Warehouse and assist with inspection task there. 1. Indian herbs seeds and spices. Some vegetables seeds and herbs contained in 3 cartons were inspected and it was clear and release. Inspection of seeds – opens one package and pours it into a tray and use the eyepiece to screen. Check package for proper labeling. 2. Clothing Parcels The parcel contained brand new clothes and shoes and the inspection was clear If the shows were second hand, then it will be thoroughly inspected for soil contamination.
  • 22. 22 Auckland Mail Centre Moreover, I have been to the mail centre to inspect post mails and packages. The procedure involves: i. scanning all mails in the x-ray machine; and ii. separate ones with green lights and blue lights as they are the one due for further inspection. 1. Honey from Australia One mail parcel was detected in the machine and later found that it was a zip lock of 1 litre honey syrup. It was hold, and then owner will be informed that the parcel will be destroyed and reasons associated with that decision. The reason for its seizure is that honey is prohibited from being imported into NZ from anywhere around the world. This is due to the threat awareness of the Foul Broad disease in honey bees which would destroy the honey production in NZ if existed. Observations on the work procedures at the Air Freight, Cargo and Mail Centre There are few takeaways that I have picked up when I go around these different institutions. These are related to the documentations of the parcels.  I have learnt that the permit and any documents associated with the parcel have to be the original form and duplicates are never allowed.  Another is related to the labeling of products. The labeling has to be complete and accurate otherwise it will be seized or hold for reshipment.  The particular in the permit has to be fulfilled and clear like dates, type of commodities and of course the signatures of the issuing officer.  The importance of knowing the principle laws and regulations which stipulated your particular duties, scope of rights and liabilities. This would reduce misunderstanding between clients and quarantine officer, as officer would know his rights under the law.
  • 23. 23 Recommendations and Conclusion This training had invested a vast range of knowledge and skills about the significant roles of MPI in terms of economic growth in exports, social and food security and of course a sustainable environment. I have also got to learn the pathways of inspection process as well as risk management procedures. Moreover, I have learnt to ensure clear communication and build polite relations when dealing with public. It is nevertheless that this training has enhance our knowledge and quarantine skills which would enable us to takeaway these useful skills and apply it in our home country with the aim to improve current working standards and current policies at hand. Interestingly, I am very fortunate to join this training and it is my recommendation that for the purpose of future trainings, it is vital that Tonga upon granted opportunity should continue to participate. The training helps to train quarantine officers in all aspects like cargo, airfreight and also shipments outlets. Let alone, it emphasizes the importance of establishing good relations with public and how to deal with hostile importers.