parkinson's disease neurology hemifacial spasm progressive supranuclear palsy musical hallucinations music cranial nerve 4 superior oblique myokymia superior oblique muscle trochlear nerve parkinsonism tauopathies tauopathy psp musical memory power of rhythm rhythmic autidory stimulation melodic intonation therapy music as medicine ramsay hunt syndrome gustatory lacrimation synkinesia facial palsy bell's palsy focal seizures tourette tics facial dyskinesia movement disorders language and music beat processing alzheimers brain neuroscience medial medullary syndrome fasciculations tongue hypoglossal nerve dat scan corticobasilar degeneration multiple system atrophy sciatic neuropathy camptocormia food drop peroneal palsy wrist drop radial neuropath psychotic hallucinations tinnitus auditory hallucinations trochlear headache diplopia dementia synesthesia tone deafness amusia anatomy of cn iv occipital seizures peduncular hallucinosis charles bonnet syndrome visual hallucinations alice in wonderland syndrome spastic gait hysterical gait steppage gait astasia abasia gait abnormalities parkinson gait ptosis congenital ptosis myasthenia gravis jaw winking horner's syndrome consulting medical history central vertigo nystagmus jaw jerk frontal lobe release signs finger flexor bulbocavernosis cremasteric reflex pectoralis reflex ciliospinal tolosa hunt syndrome painful ophthalmoplegias music neurological disorders composers hearing los neurological examination medical brain nervous sys neurology history patient
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