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的「大規模網路攻防演練」(Cyber Offensive and Defensive Exercises,
(Taiwan -U.S. Digital Economy Forum, DEF),台美代表團共同決議邁向
U.S. Joint Statement),強化台美諮詢與共同夥伴機制。
(一) 提案對象:不限產官學研或個人,若以團隊參賽,建議至少建議至少建議至少建議至少 1 位位位位
(二) 提案限制:提案應以尚未採相同或類似構想申請國內外相關防
(一) 台美共同署名獎盃
(二) 邀請獲獎者擔任座談會主談人,於行政院及相關國際合作頻道
(三) 主辦單位邀請獲獎者於合適場合進行頒獎。
競賽主題分為以下六大類:(公民意見將於 徵
(一) Managing community resources
(二) Making smooth transition to the new world after the pandemic
(三) Protecting the vulnerable groups
(四) Predicting future pandemic outbreaks by the lessons this time
(五) Supporting front-line staff and essential workers
(六) Establishing proper data-driven risk communication
(一) 報名暨解題時間:2020年5月5日(二)至5月12日(二)
(二) 報名方式:
1. 完成3分鐘以內概念影片(上傳youtube)及300個字內的概念
2. 參賽團隊應於受理期間內,至活動網址:
(三) 評選程序:評選作業由評選委員會以會議審查方式辦理,就報
(四) 評選時程:
(五) 評選指標:
1. 創新性(30%):解決方案雛形的創意度與新穎性。
2. 可行性(40%):解決方案雛形,擴大具體落實應用之可行
3. 社會影響力(30%):解決方案雛形實作擴散後,對於台
七七七七、、、、 注意事項注意事項注意事項注意事項::::
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3. 解法產出階段:主辦單位將就入圍提案及最終解決方案,
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2. 參賽團隊擔保提供予本活動之參賽資訊,包括但不限於參
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5. 主辦單位自獲選名單公布後,可就參賽提案本身及衍生之
6.參與本活動之團隊,視為以Open Source精神參賽,並同意
以MIT(The MIT License)為授權條款。
壹壹壹壹、、、、 報名報名報名報名資訊資訊資訊資訊 ((((*為必填為必填為必填為必填))))
六、聯絡人 Email*
七、隊員 1.姓名/ Email/專長領域*
隊員 2.姓名/ Email/專業領域*(可自行新增,不限制隊員人數)
貳貳貳貳、、、、 提案內容提案內容提案內容提案內容 ((((*為必填為必填為必填為必填))))
1.題目 *
2.提案類型(單選) *
□ Managing community resources 管理防疫相關資源
□ Making smooth transition to the new world after the pandemic 邁向疫後過渡措施
□ Protecting the vulnerable groups 保護社會弱勢族群
□ Predicting future pandemic outbreaks by the lessons this time 預測工具支援決策
□ Supporting front-line staff and essential workers 支援前線防疫人員
□ Establishing proper data-driven risk communication 善用資料風險溝通
3.提案內容簡述(300 字以內)*
4.請說明本提案對於「國際防疫政策」及「社會影響貢獻」的重要性(300 字以內)*
7.本次提案成果之影響或預期效益(300 字以內)*
9.提案補充說明 URL(如:簡報、影片連結等)
參參參參、、、、 其他其他其他其他
六、參與本活動之團隊,視為以 Open Source 精神參賽,並同意以 MIT(The MIT
分類項目分類項目分類項目分類項目 種子題目編號種子題目編號種子題目編號種子題目編號
Managing community resources
Making smooth transition to the new world
after the pandemic
Protecting the vulnerable groups
Predicting future pandemic outbreaks by the
lessons this time
Supporting front-line staff and essential
Establishing proper data-driven risk
1. 管理防疫相關資源管理防疫相關資源管理防疫相關資源管理防疫相關資源
Managing community resources
Established a managing platform to assist the government or related institutions
in coordinating medical resources ((((medical equipment, beds in the community
hospitals, medical staff deployment, social worker, personal protective equipment,
quarantine zone, etc.)))) in order to avoid shortage of resources.
收一些 COVID-19 的確診者),任一家醫院的負荷過重垮掉,代價都很高。-高
Confirmed cases of COVID-19 should be properly distributed to every hospital, in
order to prevent capacity overload in certain medical institutes. The information
should also be transparent, so that hospitals cannot reject patients with COVID-19
by stating an overload in the negative pressure isolation wards. Improper
distribution because of non-transparent information might lead to capacity
overload in some hospitals, and if the system collapses in any hospital, the price
will be extremely high under current circumstances.
T-13:【負壓隔離病房床位或 ICU 床位資訊整合平台】
近期病患數量增加,使用負壓隔離病房或 ICU 床位的需求提高。若某醫院出
即時統籌整合可用的負壓隔離病床或 ICU 空床,此一系統不一定適合公開,
【Integrated Information Platform of Negative Pressure Isolation Ward or ICU Beds】
Recently, as the number of confirmed cases increases, the demand for negative
pressure isolation wards or ICU beds also rises. If a hospital’s beds are full, patients
need to be transferred to another hospital. The current practice is that medical
personnel would call the local health department and/or CDC to inquire if there are
available beds, or they might contact the hospitals directly. The problem lies in the
fact that local health departments oftentimes cannot be sure about the number of
available beds, because the hospitals need to reserve beds for emergency. Therefore,
information may not be completely real-time and accurate. To solve this issue, we
need a platform that immediately coordinates and integrates data about available
negative pressure isolation beds or ICU beds. This system shall not be open to the
public, but can be used for dispatch purposes by the authorities concerned, such as
社區關懷志工等各方人力能夠進來?如何能透過 ICT 的技術將資料找出來,透
Two weeks ago, a caregiver of a nursing home was infected, and an issue was
exposed: a small/medium-sized institution like the nursing home cannot operate
traffic control like the hospitals. In the face of an outbreak, they can only be
evacuated. In response, how should residents/patients be relocated (if any
infection should occur in these institutions in the future)? The solution involves
appropriate dispatch of available beds in the vicinity (not necessarily hospital
beds). In addition, the existing professional care workers also need to be placed in
isolation if infection should occur. This gives rise to the problem of human
resources shortage of care workers. How can we bridge the gap in manpower? Can
people from other fields (such as community care volunteers) join in? How
can we find useful information via ICT to connect data of manpower and/or
available beds within communities in a more systematic way? I believe more ideas
will help us find out smarter solutions to assist the command and dispatch of
A-04:I think that building out resource information (i.e. interactive maps with overlain
information or searchable information, etc.) would be incredibly helpful for
many people. Especially understanding where resources are needed most for
donations to those in need and to medical facilities. -Brennan Schartz, Law Student
關資訊。 -法學院學生 Brennan Schartz
A-08:We need an AI-powered digital ranking system for how to allocate medical
resources, such as who should be tested, who should what medical care, etc., based
on all available data and optimized towards saving the maximum number of lives. -
Bill Gates on CNN
化以拯救最多生命。 -比爾蓋茲受訪於 CNN
A-13:At the national level, we need tools which can merge all of the data from distributors
and then optimize where it should go. We can’t buy our way out of the problem
because there is a global shortage of medical equipment. FEMA needs a better
understanding of what medical supplies are available, where it is and where it needs
to go. "You can't run a supply chain without business IT and business intelligence.
" -Rear Admiral John Polowczyk, FEMA (paraphrased from media report)
況下經營一條供應鏈。 -聯邦緊急事務管理署少將 John Polowczyk (節錄自
A-18:On-line programs that match available medical supplies with local needs must be
developed. -Amanda Mansour, AIT Spokesperson
應立刻開發線上工具來媒合醫材供應與地方所需。 -美國在臺協會發言人 孟
A-22:There are significant supply/demand issues with personal protective equipment at
the local level: We need to develop a program for databases of this equipment and
how to match the most urgent PPE needs with supplies at the local level, especially
as private sector companies ramp up production of PPE. -Arati Shroff, AIT Deputy
Economic Chief
逐步增加相關個人保健物品的製造時。 -美國在臺協會經濟組副組長 邵藹蒂
A-23:Telemedicine: Larger institutions already have developed capabilities or have
capital to do so. We need to focus on how to create and rollout telemedicine
software for smaller institutions that won’t have the inhouse tech knowhow to do
so. US medical and privacy laws indicate some level of encryption is required. -
Arati Shroff, AIT Deputy Economic Chief
美國醫療與隱私法指出,一定程度的加密處理是必要的。 -美國在臺協會經
濟組副組長 邵藹蒂
A-25:Having a national license instead of state licensing will allow fluid movement of
medical personnel. We have that ability serving in DoD, but we can only practice
inside a federal facilities. If there were a way to match state licensing for medical
professionals, no matter where they are in the U.S., so at least we could have an
idea of how many medical professionals there were and where they are, we could
figure out later how to get them to areas in need. -Dr. Sarady Tan
事人員派至需要的地區。 -Dr. Sarady Tan
A-28:We need to find places that could house potentially infected people
(unconfirmed) away from their families so that they do not infect others. An
AirBNB style app specifically for this purpose could work. -Dr. Matthew Corey
傳染。一個類似 AirBnB 的應用程式應該可以滿足此需求。 -Dr. Matthew
A-29:We need some sort of data driven phone triage system that connects patients who
actually need help to doctors and nurses; we find that sometimes by the time we
have been connected to a patient, they did not need to talk to us. -Dr. Matthew
我們發現,有時候當我們與病患聯繫時,他們已經不需要與我們討論了。 -
Dr. Matthew Corey
2. 邁向疫後過渡措施邁向疫後過渡措施邁向疫後過渡措施邁向疫後過渡措施
Making smooth transition to the new world after the pandemic
As everybody around the world is facing the impact of COVID-19 spread, we can
use scientific data to suggest transitional measures that balance the economy with
the protection of public health, in order to help policy makers making more
informed decisions. Especially when it comes to lift coronavirus restrictions for the
public, such as back-to-school day, proper social distances, as well as reopen public
facilities and business.
安全維護、防疫交通安排、協助調派社區防疫所需人力等。如何運用 ICT 的技
The Department of Social Assistance and Social Work assigned local governments
to organize community epidemic prevention teams of offering various services,
such as community communication, health education, psychological support
service, material distribution, necessary life functions, public order and safety
maintenance, traffic and transport arrangements, and manpower deployment for
epidemic prevention. We hope to collect ideas form the competition and utilize ICT
to share information to all communities in a more efficient way.
A-16:Local government leaders are now being called on to make public health decisions
(such as school closures, curfews, rules on social distancing, etc.) when they
lack both the expertise and the data to know which measures are most effective in
what specific local circumstance. We need to find a way to collect and analyze
city data from around the world and provide an on-line platform where local
leaders can go to get reliable scientific and public-health policy advice for
managing the crisis in their specific communities. Public health experts in
universities can be available to answer questions, and local government leaders can
ask each other questions and learn from each other’s experience. -Ryan Engen, AIT
Economic Officer
首長可以透過此平台詢問相關問題並互相切磋學習並經驗分享。 -美國在臺
協會經濟官 安瑞恩
A-20:Many small and micro enterprises are having to rapidly transition to on-line
businesses, but they lack both the tools and knowledge how to do so. Platforms
need to be developed to share expertise and open-source tools to help them make
this transition. -Ryan Engen, AIT Economic Officer
和知識。需要研發分享專業知識的平台和幫助他們轉型的開放工具。 -美國
在臺協會經濟官 安瑞恩
3. 保護社會弱勢族群保護社會弱勢族群保護社會弱勢族群保護社會弱勢族群
Protecting the vulnerable groups
Consider how to protect and assist specific vulnerable groups that affected by the
epidemic. Such as the elderly, victims of domestic violence and children who do not
have access to online education due to digital divide.
A-01:I’d like to see technology connect people to resources and services. I’m thinking of
something like a survey where someone would describe their household situation
(age, health, income, debt obligations, basic needs, etc.). The “system” would
then come back with information specific to that household’s needs – debt relief
programs, rental assistance, food bank location and hours of operation, school info,
or whatever matches that particular household’s profile. -Jed Holmes, Manager
Birds of Winter
家庭狀況的資訊。 -Birds of Winter 經理 Jed Holmes
A-05:Our biggest challenge has been communicating with the elderly in
retirement/nursing home communities. Many don't have or understand technology
and with us being in lockdown, we aren't able to help them. This separates them
further from their community in some cases. -Amy Maynard Greene, Special
Education Teacher
他們在某些情況下更加與他們的社區分隔。 -特教老師 Amy Maynard Greene
A-06:We also are concerned for those still living at home alone, depending on someone
to come by designated times a week to check on them. We've also discussed about
a live document that if there's a need it could be posted & met by others. Also
maybe a live doc with inventory of what people may be able to donate. I know
smaller churches are employing the good old phone trees. Perhaps on-line tools
for communities supporting each other can be developed. -Amy Maynard Greene,
Special Education Teacher
話樹。我們可以幫社區發展一種線上工具來互相幫助。 -特教老師 Amy
Maynard Greene
A-07:Kids with disabilities (both physical and mental) are particularly at risk of
falling behind in an on-line learning world. Tools need to be developed to make
sure they have the learning aids and extra support they need. -Amy Maynard
Greene, Special Education Teacher
保研發出能提供他們學習幫助和額外支持的工具。 -特教老師 Amy Maynard
A-09:We need an easy to use system for people who stuck at home and can’t get out to
get what they need to be able to post on-line what they need, and then it finds
volunteers in the area who can get for the other person what they need. The
elderly, those at high risk, those with disabilities, etc., are all examples of people
who could benefit from this. -Sara, front-line nurse in France
統的例子。 -在法國的前線護士 Sara
A-15:Millions of teachers are now trying to learn how to be on-line instructors. They
lack the experience and the tools. An open-source platform needs to be created to
support these teachers, where teaching best practices, resources, and on-line tools
can be developed, uploaded, and shared. -Claudine Valentine, Teacher
的最佳實踐案例、分享相關資源和線上工具。 -教師 Claudine Valentine
A-21:Victims of domestic violence are now stuck at home with their abusers. Tools to
either help them get out or to support them if the can’t need to be developed. -Ryan
Engen, AIT Economic Officer
們離開所居或提供協助。 -美國在臺協會經濟官 安瑞恩
A-32:Many children, especially the poor, don't have access to on-line learning tools or
computers. Businesses and households have spare or old computers that are still
functional. We need to find ways to get this equipment to those who need it as well
as develop methods for getting poor children access to on-line learning
environments. We need to bridge this digital divide, otherwise poor children will
fall even further behind their peers due to this digital learning period. -Paraphrased
from Mike Allen, Axios AM
這段數位學習的日子裡,更落後它們的同伴們。 -節錄自 Mike Allen 受訪於
Axios AM
4. 預測工具支援決策預測工具支援決策預測工具支援決策預測工具支援決策
Predicting future pandemic outbreaks by the lessons this time
Creating a disease forecasting system by using big data to better track the speed
and scale of pandemic's spread (((( prediction system for disease outbreaks,
assessment for the spread of infections, etc.)))), in order to support decision making
for future outbreaks.
【Simple Detection of Face Mask Effectiveness】
Healthcare professionals are required to wear face masks for a long time while on
duty. A simple way to detect the effectiveness of face masks would help a lot, so that
healthcare professionals can easily decide whether they should replace the mask
currently being used. For example, a detection test paper could be attached (within
the masks for healthcare professionals). Ideally, when the mask effectiveness wears
off, the color of the test paper will change to remind healthcare professionals to
replace the mask.
T-10:【讀取/分享 TOCC 資訊】
目前診所/醫院對看診者都要填寫 TOCC(旅遊史、職業、接觸史、群聚)評估
表,目前健保卡只能帶出國外旅遊與職業,希望所有 TOCC 資料都能帶出減
例如清明假期的 11 個景點,可以補足口頭問卷的不足,因為看診者不一定詳
【Integrated System of Patients’ TOCC Information】
Under current policy, health professionals must check patients’ travel history,
occupation, contact history, cluster (TOCC) information. However, we can only
know the patients’ travel history and occupation via the National Health Insurance
Card. Therefore, we suggest integrating all the information in the National Health
Insurance Card system or even using the mobile phone GPS history to reveal
potential patients’ TOCC information, to improve work efficiency in hospitals and
to exclude the possibility that the patient is not telling the entire truth.
A-11:This virus will be defeated with big data. Current medical data systems are not
connected globally, so data and lessons learned are not being shared – every
hospital is having to learn on its own. We need a central, open-source, system
that all (anonymous) medical data can be uploaded to, and then solutions that
are working can be shared in real time. -Sara, front-line nurse in France
可以即時被分享。 -在法國的前線護士 Sara
A-14:Cities and municipalities around the world need an easy to use, free, on-line
dashboard they can use to monitor outbreaks and optimally manage community
resources (medical resources, quarantine locations, etc.). The dashboard itself
can be open-source software, enabling coders anywhere to offer improvements to
the system. The data collected from this dashboard from around the world can be
made open-source, enabling anybody to innovate solutions that are sharable in real
time. -Ryan Engen, AIT Economic Officer
優化管理社區資源 (醫療資源、檢疫位置等) 。這個報表可以作為一個開
案。 -美國在臺協會經濟官 安瑞恩
A-24:We need to create apps and positive incentives to influence the general public’s
behavior to implement social distancing, as they are not as familiar with these
concepts compared with other populations that have experienced SARS and other
epidemics. – Arati Shroff, AIT Deputy Economic Chief
SARS 及其他傳染病。 -美國在臺協會經濟組副組長 邵藹蒂
A-26:We need a tracking app combined with rapid kit deployment to allow you to go
house to house and identify infected people and isolate them. -Dr. Matthew Corey
戶的找出感染的人並隔離他們。 -Dr. Matthew Corey
A-27:Election campaigns have developed very sophisticated tracking software for door
knocking, telephone calls, and identifying potential voters. This software could be
repurposed for contact tracing and volunteers could be trained for how to do this,
freeing up public health officials from this time consuming, but essential work. -
Brennan Shartz, Election campaign volunteer
透過相關訓練,讓醫事人員可以無須再埋首於此項瑣碎工作中。 -競選團隊
志工 Brennan Shartz
A-31:We need antibody testing sequences that could establish who has already had the
virus, that would be a big help to determine what differentiates their experience
from those who do not recover. The modeling could help in the development of a
vaccine. This would be especially important if cases are, as being project,
asymptomatic. Then we could work to find why that is. -Dr. Liesel Orend
症狀案例的模型非常重要。這樣我們就可以找出為什麼會這樣。 -Dr. Liesel
5. 支援前線防疫人員支援前線防疫人員支援前線防疫人員支援前線防疫人員
Supporting front-line staff and essential workers
Fully support frontline medical staff and epidemic prevention workers ((((doctors,
nurses, pharmacists, public servants, delivery drivers, grocery clerks, etc.)))) and
their families to meet the needs of their daily life during the outbreak.
N95 口罩、隔離衣、面罩、護目鏡等,大型醫院還算存量充足,但中小型醫院
【PPE Matching Platform for Health Professionals】
In Taiwan, PPE (such as N95 respirators, isolation gowns, and goggles) is
currently distributed by the central government. While the PPE inventory in general
hospitals is still enough, smaller hospitals and clinics are suffering from a severe
shortage of PPE. If a PPE matching platform can be established, we can integrate
data from requesters, providers, and contributors in order to achieve a dynamic
supply of PPE and avoid any possibility of supply shortage.
【 Integrated Patient Information Webpage ( Search System ) for Health
When patients seek medical attention, health care workers need to check several data
sources to track the patients’ medical records and recent travel history. However, the
current system is not very user-friendly, thus creating more trouble for health
professionals. In order to save time, we suggest designing a “one-stop” integrated
information portal for health professionals to track patient information and travel
history more efficiently.
【Investigation of Health Professionals’ Antibody】
With the increasing number of COVID-19 confirmed cases in Taiwan, we should
establish an investigation system of health professionals’ antibody against COVID-
19. To do this, the government can assign a hospital in each area (ex: north, central,
and south) and check the presence of antibody in health professionals every two
months. By doing so, we can keep up with the current situation in our medical
environment and develop strategies and adjust infection control policies in real time.
【Reducing the Risk of Transfusion】
There is no screening test available to exam whether the blood contains COVID-19
or not during the process of transfusion, and it puts the recipient under a high risk of
infection. This is a critical problem to be solved in terms of infection control.
在確定要安排到醫院前,可以從 1922 直接與各醫院的系統串接,院方可預做
Currently, patients who come to the hospital have to spend a lot of time filling out
the basic information form and attending personal information interview. If the
patients’ information can be directly exchanged to each hospital from the 1922
backend, it will save a lot of time and human resources. Both healthcare
professionals and patients do not have to be stuck in the temporary outdoor space.
*1922 is the hotline operated by Taiwan CDC for disease reporting, communicable disease consultation,
prevention policy promotion and control measure education to the public since 2003
To prepare for possible community transmission stage in the future, we must deploy
measures to protect hospital staff and supplies in advance. A unified and transparent
system can ensure reasonable distribution of medical supplies. Health
professionals (including but not limited to healthcare professionals, medical related
professionals such as nutritionists, medical lab scientists, social workers, etc.,
administration staff, contractor labors)can get infection outside the hospitals, hence,
a system shall be designed to assess the infection risk of each person to facilitate
necessary response (so far hospitals have no way to track the travel history of the
family members of their staffs).
【Measurable Results of Environmental Disinfection】
Currently, the wards are cleaned and disinfected by hospital janitors after patients
are discharged. Although the janitors have been requested to focus on the key areas
(according to the Singaporean study), there is no way to find out whether the
wards have been completely disinfected. In the past, there was a means of spraying
developing material (such as phosphor) in a partial area during personnel training.
In the future, a similar method will help ensure that the whole ward is disinfected,
reducing the risk of infection to the minimum for not only patients but also
healthcare professionals.
T-12:【COVID-19 疫情、病徵資訊整合與篩檢平台】
合 COVID-19 的症狀放到網站上,急診的醫生還可以常常更新資訊,但對於非
訊,造成醫師們在診斷 COVID-19、啟動後續流程上的落差。因此,建議可有
【 Information Platform of COVID-19 Development, Symptoms, and Medical
Since the COVID-19 epidemic and symptoms are varying at a rapid pace, Taiwan’s
CDC is updating the latest information online every two days. In consideration of
the fact that not every healthcare professional (especially non-ER doctors and other
professionals) checks the CDC website regularly, we strongly suggest establishing
an information platform of COVID-19’s latest development, symptoms, and medical
procedure, to assist the current reporting systems of general and regional hospitals.
Via the information platform, healthcare professionals can know how to assist
patients in checking the COVID-19 development and possible symptoms, and can
help them initiate the reporting mechanism (if necessary). Besides a professional
version platform for medical personnel, we also suggest the design of a user-friendly
website for the general public with FAQs for the purpose of self-diagnosis and the
promotion of infection control guidelines.
A-03:I think there needs to be access to doctors in a remote fashion. Telehealth networks
can be very useful in this fashion because it would allow there to be distance
between the health care provider and the patient. This could be an online platform
or integrated into an app. I think this is particularly helpful if used in combination
with "machine learning," which is a tool that compiles data in binary form and then
takes input in order to predict a certain outcome (i.e. inputting symptoms and
outputting a possible diagnosis). -Brennan Schartz, Law Student
定結果的工具,例如輸入症狀後會輸出可能的診斷。 -法學院學生 Brennan
A-10:Front-line workers (doctors, nurses, grocery store workers, pharmacists, delivery
drivers, farmers, etc.) need to work, but face their own constraints to be able to
do so. They need to shop for food, take care of their kids, fix their cars, etc. A
system should be developed where front line workers can post their needs, and
volunteers can meet those needs for them, freeing them up to be on the front lines.
-Sara, front-line nurse in France
志工可以滿足他們的需求,使他們可以沒有阻礙的在前線工作。 -在法國的
前線護士 Sara
A-12:Medical workers are having to spend a tremendous amount of time entering data
into antiquated, inefficient systems. This data goes nowhere. Instead, we need
an app where the essential data can be uploaded quickly and easily, and this data
should be made accessible to the whole world for people at home so everyone else
at home can work on finding solutions, patterns, etc. -Sara, front-line nurse in
可以著手尋找解決方案和模式等。 -在法國的前線護士 Sara
A-17:Tools need to be developed to facilitate remote medical care to limit how many
people have to physically go into medical facilities. -Amanda Mansour, AIT
設施的人數。-美國在臺協會發言人 孟雨荷
A-19:Apps need to be developed for easy early-warning detection of health issues of
front-line workers (doctors, nurses, paramedics, grocery store workers, delivery
drivers, etc.), so they don’t inadvertently become sources of transmission. –
Amanda Mansour, AIT Spokesperson
介。 -美國在臺協會發言人 孟雨荷
A-30:We need some sort of video triage system that allows doctors to see patients who
think they are ill, but do not want to risk coming in. -Dr. Matthew Corey
的情況,而不是讓可能的病患親自就醫。-Dr. Matthew Corey
6. 善用資料風險溝通善用資料風險溝通善用資料風險溝通善用資料風險溝通
Establishing proper data-driven risk communication
Using the results of data analysis to provide the correct concept of epidemic
prevention to the community is important, especially with risk assessments based
on the available scientific evidence. It will help to ease the anxiety and panic of the
general public.
【Immediate and Visual Presentation of Disease Development Information】
We hope that the government can announce more details regarding disease
development information. An example is that the city-scale resolution situation maps
are provided by Phoenix News Channel, a Chinese media corporation. Besides, we
suggest adding information from the past in each announcement, as CDC is
constantly updating the infection control guidance, to help everyone see the big
picture and to avoid confusion in the public.
A-02:Mis-Information - this has been a huge issue from a political and policy
perspective because people don't know how serious the situation is, how to protect
themselves, what they need to be doing, etc. I've found multiple applications
(both web-based and mobile) that have been helpful in allowing people easy
access to localized and factual information. At the county level, people are relying
on word of mouth and social media posts to stay informed and that leads to too
much hear-say and not enough concise and easily digestible information. -Brennan
Schartz, Law Student
多傳言,而精確且容易消化的資訊卻傳遞不足。-法學院學生 Brennan Schartz

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行政院第3899次院會 報一 0403花蓮地震災後復原重建工作 人命搜救及應變搶救作業-內政部行政院第3899次院會 報一 0403花蓮地震災後復原重建工作 人命搜救及應變搶救作業-內政部
行政院第3899次院會 報一 0403花蓮地震災後復原重建工作 人命搜救及應變搶救作業-內政部


  • 1. 台美防疫松台美防疫松台美防疫松台美防疫松(cohack)競賽活動競賽活動競賽活動競賽活動辦法辦法辦法辦法 主辦單位主辦單位主辦單位主辦單位::::行政院行政院行政院行政院、、、、美國在台協會美國在台協會美國在台協會美國在台協會 承辦單位承辦單位承辦單位承辦單位::::行政院科技會報辦公室行政院科技會報辦公室行政院科技會報辦公室行政院科技會報辦公室 協辦單位協辦單位協辦單位協辦單位::::外交部外交部外交部外交部、、、、衛生福利部衛生福利部衛生福利部衛生福利部、、、、國家發展委員會國家發展委員會國家發展委員會國家發展委員會 執行單位執行單位執行單位執行單位::::財團法人資訊工業策進會財團法人資訊工業策進會財團法人資訊工業策進會財團法人資訊工業策進會
  • 2. 1 一一一一、、、、活動背景說明活動背景說明活動背景說明活動背景說明 今年初全球陷入嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19)疫情風暴中,疫 情影響範圍甚鉅,致使各界陸續投入防疫工作,歐盟及多國政府(德國、 瑞典、愛沙尼亞和印度等)皆分別推動或促成線上防疫松活動,鼓勵全 球創作者,運用科技尋找應用方案,解決因疫情產生的各類問題與需求。 台灣從2018年即開始舉辦「總統盃黑客松」至今,運用開放資料提升 公務創新能量,推動我國成為資料應用大國。2019年台美共同舉辦跨國 的「大規模網路攻防演練」(Cyber Offensive and Defensive Exercises, CODE),展現台灣優秀的資安能力,在第3屆的「台美數位經濟論壇」 (Taiwan -U.S. Digital Economy Forum, DEF),台美代表團共同決議邁向 創新經濟,鼓勵社會和技術創新,促成彼此領土內的永續及民主發展, 且因應嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19)疫情挑戰,2020年3月18日我 國外交部及美國在台協會(AIT)發表「台美合作防疫聯合聲明」(Taiwan- U.S. Joint Statement),強化台美諮詢與共同夥伴機制。 緣此,台美進一步合作舉辦防疫松,鼓勵專家及參與者集思廣益,創 造精準防疫資訊的應用方案,共同找出抗疫創新方法,包括資源管理、 追蹤、檢測流程、易受感染群體保護措施、風險溝通、遠距醫療及疫後 復原…等議題,借力科技提升防疫效率。 二二二二、、、、活動目標活動目標活動目標活動目標 為對抗嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19)全球性危機,加速開放資 料對於防疫之運用,以現有解決方案和技術為基礎,促進跨政府機關、 跨領域及公私協力共創,鼓勵台美及全球創作者、資料科學家、領域專 家多方交流,期望透過黑客文化,解決當前防疫機制中最緊迫的挑戰。 並透過台美聯合推廣活動,使具有可行性、創新性及社會影響力的防疫 數位應用方案,能擴大進行社會溝通與影響國際。 三三三三、、、、提案說明提案說明提案說明提案說明 (一) 提案對象:不限產官學研或個人,若以團隊參賽,建議至少建議至少建議至少建議至少 1 位位位位 成員具有醫療成員具有醫療成員具有醫療成員具有醫療、、、、公共衛生公共衛生公共衛生公共衛生、、、、社會工作社會工作社會工作社會工作或防疫相關或防疫相關或防疫相關或防疫相關等等等等經驗背景經驗背景經驗背景經驗背景, 於此特別時期能有效解決因疫情產生的各類問題與需求之提案。 (二) 提案限制:提案應以尚未採相同或類似構想申請國內外相關防 疫競賽為原則。
  • 3. 2 四四四四、、、、獎勵方式獎勵方式獎勵方式獎勵方式 (一) 台美共同署名獎盃 (以大同電鍋3人份版進行雷射雕刻,簽署字樣包含行政院及 AIT,原則每位得獎者1份,每隊獎盃上限10座) (二) 邀請獲獎者擔任座談會主談人,於行政院及相關國際合作頻道 上同步播出,並邀請媒體報導,擴大全球採用效益。 (三) 主辦單位邀請獲獎者於合適場合進行頒獎。 五五五五、、、、台美防疫松主題台美防疫松主題台美防疫松主題台美防疫松主題 競賽主題分為以下六大類:(公民意見將於 徵 集) (一) Managing community resources 管理防疫相關資源 (二) Making smooth transition to the new world after the pandemic 邁向疫後過渡措施 (三) Protecting the vulnerable groups 保護社會弱勢族群 (四) Predicting future pandemic outbreaks by the lessons this time 預測工具支援決策 (五) Supporting front-line staff and essential workers 支援前線防疫人員 (六) Establishing proper data-driven risk communication 善用資料風險溝通 六六六六、、、、徵件說明徵件說明徵件說明徵件說明 (一) 報名暨解題時間:2020年5月5日(二)至5月12日(二) (GMT+8) (二) 報名方式: 1. 完成3分鐘以內概念影片(上傳youtube)及300個字內的概念 說明(包含解決問題標的、技術應用說明、預期擴大應用之 成效)。
  • 4. 3 2. 參賽團隊應於受理期間內,至活動網址: 完成報名。 (三) 評選程序:評選作業由評選委員會以會議審查方式辦理,就報 名案逐案進行審查後,提出入選名單,並具體敘明推薦理由。 (四) 評選時程: 預定於5月18日(一),當日公布5隊得獎名單。 (五) 評選指標: 1. 創新性(30%):解決方案雛形的創意度與新穎性。 2. 可行性(40%):解決方案雛形,擴大具體落實應用之可行 程度(包括投入資源、技術、時間等構面)。 3. 社會影響力(30%):解決方案雛形實作擴散後,對於台 灣、美國乃至全球之影響程度(如:社會、環境、經濟價 值、...等)。 七七七七、、、、 注意事項注意事項注意事項注意事項:::: (一) 法律遵循評估 1.題目徵選階段:主辦單位將就議題之適法性給予初步評價, 提供風險燈號及簡要建議(例如:是否明顯違法、是否違 法尚待進一步釐清或無違法等)。 2.解法提供階段:主辦單位將就參賽隊伍之提案及概念說明, 得邀請相關法規主管機關共同討論,給予法遵評估意見, 並提供改善建議。 3. 解法產出階段:主辦單位將就入圍提案及最終解決方案, 於未來執行時可能碰到的法規障礙及調適需求,給予法遵 評估意見。 (二) 智財權宣告 1. 參賽提案其智慧財產權歸屬參賽團隊。 2. 參賽團隊擔保提供予本活動之參賽資訊,包括但不限於參 賽提案、圖文、簡報、影音及其他資料,並無侵害他人之 智慧財產權、其他權利或違反法令之情事。 3. 參賽團隊同意將其為參加本活動所提供之圖文、簡報、照 片、影音及其他資料(包括但不限於參賽團隊成員之姓名、 肖像等,但不包括參賽產出之程式、軟體、系統),無償
  • 5. 4 授權主辦單位或協辦單位以不限區域、時間、次數及非營 利之方式使用(包括但不限於印刷、展示、宣傳、報導、 出版或公開),或再授權第三人使用,並同意主辦單位得 改作、重製或編輯及行使其他著作權法上著作財產權人所 得享有之一切權利於相關行銷媒體,且主辦單位均不另予 通知參賽團隊。如未涉及著作人格之誣衊,參賽團隊及其 成員同意對主辦單位不行使著作人格權。 4. 參賽團隊同意無償授權主辦單位或協辦單位得於本活動 進行過程中,拍攝、錄影或請參賽團隊提供相關照片或動 態影像,做為紀錄、宣傳推廣、行銷本活動或相關活動之 用,並得以任何形式發表前述之相片或動態影像。 5. 主辦單位自獲選名單公布後,可就參賽提案本身及衍生之 智慧財產權轉讓或授權事宜,享有優先洽談合作之權利。 6.參與本活動之團隊,視為以Open Source精神參賽,並同意 以MIT(The MIT License)為授權條款。 7.主辦單位保留活動事項變更之權利,請以官方公布為主。
  • 7. 6 貳貳貳貳、、、、 提案內容提案內容提案內容提案內容 ((((*為必填為必填為必填為必填)))) 評分項目:創新性(30%)、可行性(40%)、社會影響力(30%) 1.題目 * 2.提案類型(單選) * □ Managing community resources 管理防疫相關資源 □ Making smooth transition to the new world after the pandemic 邁向疫後過渡措施 □ Protecting the vulnerable groups 保護社會弱勢族群 □ Predicting future pandemic outbreaks by the lessons this time 預測工具支援決策 □ Supporting front-line staff and essential workers 支援前線防疫人員 □ Establishing proper data-driven risk communication 善用資料風險溝通 3.提案內容簡述(300 字以內)* 4.請說明本提案對於「國際防疫政策」及「社會影響貢獻」的重要性(300 字以內)* 5.目前掌握了哪些相關資料?(例如資料的時間區間、資料格式、資料欄位、資料 筆數、資料蒐集方法等)。 6.是解決方案所需之必要資料,但尚未掌握的資料? 7.本次提案成果之影響或預期效益(300 字以內)* 8.其他關於提案之補充說明
  • 9. 8 參參參參、、、、 其他其他其他其他 □我同意且瞭解以下事項: 一、本提案未採相同或類似構想申請相關國內外競賽。 二、參賽團隊擔保提供予本活動之參賽資訊,包括但不限於參賽提案、圖文、簡 報、影音及其他資料,並無侵害他人之智慧財產權、其他權利或違反法令之 情事。 三、參賽團隊同意將其為參加本活動所提供之圖文、簡報、照片、影音及其他資 料(包括但不限於參賽團隊成員之姓名、肖像等),無償授權主辦單位或協 辦單位以不限區域、時間、次數及非營利之方式使用(包括但不限於印刷、 展示、宣傳、報導、出版或公開),或再授權第三人使用,並同意主辦單位 得改作、重製或編輯及行使其他著作權法上著作財產權人所得享有之一切權 利於相關行銷媒體,且主辦單位均不另予通知參賽團隊。如未涉及著作人格 之誣衊,參賽團隊及其成員同意對主辦單位不行使著作人格權。 四、參賽團隊同意無償授權主辦單位或協辦單位得於本活動進行過程中,拍攝、 錄影或請參賽團隊提供相關照片或動態影像,做為紀錄、宣傳推廣、行銷本 活動或相關活動之用,並得以任何形式發表前述之相片或動態影像。 五、主辦單位自獲選名單公布後,可就參賽提案本身及衍生之智慧財產權轉讓或 授權事宜,享有優先洽談合作之權利。 六、參與本活動之團隊,視為以 Open Source 精神參賽,並同意以 MIT(The MIT License)為授權條款。
  • 10. 9 附件二附件二附件二附件二、、、、台台台台美美美美防疫松防疫松防疫松防疫松((((cohack))))種子題目種子題目種子題目種子題目 台美台美台美台美防疫松防疫松防疫松防疫松((((cohack))))種子題目種子題目種子題目種子題目分類分類分類分類 分類項目分類項目分類項目分類項目 種子題目編號種子題目編號種子題目編號種子題目編號 1.管理防疫相關資源 Managing community resources T-06、T-13、T-14 A-04、A-08、A-13、A-18、A-22、A-23、 A-25、A-28、A-29 2.邁向疫後過渡措施 Making smooth transition to the new world after the pandemic T15 A-16、A-20 3.保護社會弱勢族群 Protecting the vulnerable groups A-01、A-05、A-06、A-07、A-09、A-15、 A-21、A-32 4.預測工具支援決策 Predicting future pandemic outbreaks by the lessons this time T-08、T-10 A-11、A-14、A-24、A-26、A-27、A-31 5.支援前線防疫人員 Supporting front-line staff and essential workers T-01、T-02、T-03、T-04、T-05、T-07、T-09、 T-12 A-03、A-10、A-12、A-17、A-19、A-30 6.善用資料風險溝通 Establishing proper data-driven risk communication T-11 A-02
  • 11. 10 1. 管理防疫相關資源管理防疫相關資源管理防疫相關資源管理防疫相關資源 Managing community resources 可協助政府或相關機構管理協調多面向之防疫與醫療資源可協助政府或相關機構管理協調多面向之防疫與醫療資源可協助政府或相關機構管理協調多面向之防疫與醫療資源可協助政府或相關機構管理協調多面向之防疫與醫療資源((((如如如如::::醫療設備醫療設備醫療設備醫療設備、、、、區域區域區域區域 醫院床位醫院床位醫院床位醫院床位、、、、醫護人員調度醫護人員調度醫護人員調度醫護人員調度、、、、社會工作者社會工作者社會工作者社會工作者、、、、個人保健物品個人保健物品個人保健物品個人保健物品、、、、隔離區容量調控隔離區容量調控隔離區容量調控隔離區容量調控…………等等等等)。)。)。)。 Established a managing platform to assist the government or related institutions in coordinating medical resources ((((medical equipment, beds in the community hospitals, medical staff deployment, social worker, personal protective equipment, quarantine zone, etc.)))) in order to avoid shortage of resources. T-06:各個醫院收治的感染者應該有較好的分配/分流,避免因資訊不透明,收治者 分配不均造成某些醫院負荷過重(也預防某些醫院以負壓病房已滿等理由,少 收一些 COVID-19 的確診者),任一家醫院的負荷過重垮掉,代價都很高。-高 雄長庚醫院龔嘉德副院長 Confirmed cases of COVID-19 should be properly distributed to every hospital, in order to prevent capacity overload in certain medical institutes. The information should also be transparent, so that hospitals cannot reject patients with COVID-19 by stating an overload in the negative pressure isolation wards. Improper distribution because of non-transparent information might lead to capacity overload in some hospitals, and if the system collapses in any hospital, the price will be extremely high under current circumstances. T-13:【負壓隔離病房床位或 ICU 床位資訊整合平台】 近期病患數量增加,使用負壓隔離病房或 ICU 床位的需求提高。若某醫院出 現滿床,則需要轉至其他醫院。現行作法是由醫事人員打電話到衛生局、1922 去詢問,或自行聯繫其他醫院。但衛生局的回答常常也不敢確定,因為醫院自 身會有保留床位的需求,相關資訊不一定完全即時且正確。需要有一個平台, 即時統籌整合可用的負壓隔離病床或 ICU 空床,此一系統不一定適合公開, 但可供疫情指揮中心等主管單位整合、調度用。-高雄長庚急診醫學科邱義閔 醫師 【Integrated Information Platform of Negative Pressure Isolation Ward or ICU Beds】 Recently, as the number of confirmed cases increases, the demand for negative pressure isolation wards or ICU beds also rises. If a hospital’s beds are full, patients need to be transferred to another hospital. The current practice is that medical personnel would call the local health department and/or CDC to inquire if there are available beds, or they might contact the hospitals directly. The problem lies in the fact that local health departments oftentimes cannot be sure about the number of available beds, because the hospitals need to reserve beds for emergency. Therefore,
  • 12. 11 information may not be completely real-time and accurate. To solve this issue, we need a platform that immediately coordinates and integrates data about available negative pressure isolation beds or ICU beds. This system shall not be open to the public, but can be used for dispatch purposes by the authorities concerned, such as CDC. T-14:兩週前發生養老院照護員受感染,該中小型機構無法與醫院一樣於內部動線隔 離,面臨疫情,只能全面淨空,若未來面臨機構內部感染,住民/病患該如何安 置?涉及轄區內合適的空床調度(不一定是醫院),此外現有專業照護人員也 需要隔離安置,就產生了照護人員人力調度問題,這些人力該如何補足?是否 社區關懷志工等各方人力能夠進來?如何能透過 ICT 的技術將資料找出來,透 過更有系統性的方式將人力/床位結合社區串連起來,協助指揮調度,可以開放 大家來思考看看。-衛福部長期照護司周道君副司長 Two weeks ago, a caregiver of a nursing home was infected, and an issue was exposed: a small/medium-sized institution like the nursing home cannot operate traffic control like the hospitals. In the face of an outbreak, they can only be evacuated. In response, how should residents/patients be relocated (if any infection should occur in these institutions in the future)? The solution involves appropriate dispatch of available beds in the vicinity (not necessarily hospital beds). In addition, the existing professional care workers also need to be placed in isolation if infection should occur. This gives rise to the problem of human resources shortage of care workers. How can we bridge the gap in manpower? Can people from other fields (such as community care volunteers) join in? How can we find useful information via ICT to connect data of manpower and/or available beds within communities in a more systematic way? I believe more ideas will help us find out smarter solutions to assist the command and dispatch of resources. A-04:I think that building out resource information (i.e. interactive maps with overlain information or searchable information, etc.) would be incredibly helpful for many people. Especially understanding where resources are needed most for donations to those in need and to medical facilities. -Brennan Schartz, Law Student 我認為建立資源的相關資訊(譬如提供相關資訊且可搜尋的互動地圖)將對 於許多人有巨大的幫助;尤其是針對那些需要醫療設備與迫切捐助需要的相 關資訊。 -法學院學生 Brennan Schartz A-08:We need an AI-powered digital ranking system for how to allocate medical resources, such as who should be tested, who should what medical care, etc., based on all available data and optimized towards saving the maximum number of lives. -
  • 13. 12 Bill Gates on CNN 我們需要一個以人工智慧驅動的數位排名系統來分配醫療資源,像是誰應該 被檢驗,誰需要怎樣的醫療照顧等等。這是基於所有可用的數據,並進行優 化以拯救最多生命。 -比爾蓋茲受訪於 CNN A-13:At the national level, we need tools which can merge all of the data from distributors and then optimize where it should go. We can’t buy our way out of the problem because there is a global shortage of medical equipment. FEMA needs a better understanding of what medical supplies are available, where it is and where it needs to go. "You can't run a supply chain without business IT and business intelligence. " -Rear Admiral John Polowczyk, FEMA (paraphrased from media report) 在國家層面上,我們需要工具結合所有經銷商的數據,然後最佳化物資的去 處。我們不能用錢解決問題,因為這是全球性的醫療設備短缺。聯邦緊急事 務管理署需要更詳細的了解,哪些醫療供給是可以獲取的、這些供給在哪 裡、以及應將供給提供至何處。你不能在缺乏商業資訊科技和商業智慧的情 況下經營一條供應鏈。 -聯邦緊急事務管理署少將 John Polowczyk (節錄自 媒體報導) A-18:On-line programs that match available medical supplies with local needs must be developed. -Amanda Mansour, AIT Spokesperson 應立刻開發線上工具來媒合醫材供應與地方所需。 -美國在臺協會發言人 孟 雨荷 A-22:There are significant supply/demand issues with personal protective equipment at the local level: We need to develop a program for databases of this equipment and how to match the most urgent PPE needs with supplies at the local level, especially as private sector companies ramp up production of PPE. -Arati Shroff, AIT Deputy Economic Chief 有許多供需問題與個人保健物品息息相關:我們需要建立一個資料庫,在各 地區讓這些器材供給與個人保健物品的需求相應,尤其是許多私人公司已經 逐步增加相關個人保健物品的製造時。 -美國在臺協會經濟組副組長 邵藹蒂 A-23:Telemedicine: Larger institutions already have developed capabilities or have capital to do so. We need to focus on how to create and rollout telemedicine software for smaller institutions that won’t have the inhouse tech knowhow to do so. US medical and privacy laws indicate some level of encryption is required. - Arati Shroff, AIT Deputy Economic Chief
  • 14. 13 遠端醫療:大型機構已建立相關能力或透過資金協助建立。我們需要關注於 如何把此遠端醫療的軟體環境系統性地提供給沒有此能力的小型醫療機構。 美國醫療與隱私法指出,一定程度的加密處理是必要的。 -美國在臺協會經 濟組副組長 邵藹蒂 A-25:Having a national license instead of state licensing will allow fluid movement of medical personnel. We have that ability serving in DoD, but we can only practice inside a federal facilities. If there were a way to match state licensing for medical professionals, no matter where they are in the U.S., so at least we could have an idea of how many medical professionals there were and where they are, we could figure out later how to get them to areas in need. -Dr. Sarady Tan 我們應該要有一個國家級的執照而非州政府層級的執照來容許醫事人員的流 動。我們在國防部轄下有這樣的能力,但我們僅限於在聯邦機構內實施。如 果有可以結合州政府所發之醫事人員執照,無論他身處美國境內何處,這樣 我們就可以知道有多少醫事人員在哪裡,也可以在之後清楚了解要把相關醫 事人員派至需要的地區。 -Dr. Sarady Tan A-28:We need to find places that could house potentially infected people (unconfirmed) away from their families so that they do not infect others. An AirBNB style app specifically for this purpose could work. -Dr. Matthew Corey 我們需要找出可以安置可能確診者的中繼之家,讓他們不會與其家人接觸而 傳染。一個類似 AirBnB 的應用程式應該可以滿足此需求。 -Dr. Matthew Corey A-29:We need some sort of data driven phone triage system that connects patients who actually need help to doctors and nurses; we find that sometimes by the time we have been connected to a patient, they did not need to talk to us. -Dr. Matthew Corey 我們需要相關的數據驅動電話定位分流系統,協助病患與醫生及護士聯絡。 我們發現,有時候當我們與病患聯繫時,他們已經不需要與我們討論了。 - Dr. Matthew Corey
  • 15. 14 2. 邁向疫後過渡措施邁向疫後過渡措施邁向疫後過渡措施邁向疫後過渡措施 Making smooth transition to the new world after the pandemic 當全球面對長期疫情影響後當全球面對長期疫情影響後當全球面對長期疫情影響後當全球面對長期疫情影響後,,,,運用數據科學發展兼顧公共衛生並帶動經濟復甦的運用數據科學發展兼顧公共衛生並帶動經濟復甦的運用數據科學發展兼顧公共衛生並帶動經濟復甦的運用數據科學發展兼顧公共衛生並帶動經濟復甦的 過渡措施過渡措施過渡措施過渡措施,,,,以協助政策制定者採取優先決策以協助政策制定者採取優先決策以協助政策制定者採取優先決策以協助政策制定者採取優先決策((((包含鬆綁限制之決策包含鬆綁限制之決策包含鬆綁限制之決策包含鬆綁限制之決策,,,,如如如如::::學校復學校復學校復學校復 學日程學日程學日程學日程、、、、安全距離安全距離安全距離安全距離、、、、公共場所營業評估公共場所營業評估公共場所營業評估公共場所營業評估((((餐廳餐廳餐廳餐廳、、、、劇院等劇院等劇院等劇院等))。))。))。))。 As everybody around the world is facing the impact of COVID-19 spread, we can use scientific data to suggest transitional measures that balance the economy with the protection of public health, in order to help policy makers making more informed decisions. Especially when it comes to lift coronavirus restrictions for the public, such as back-to-school day, proper social distances, as well as reopen public facilities and business. T-15:中央流行疫情指揮中心委託地方政府組成社區防疫團隊,推動各項社區服務, 如社區溝通、衛生教育、心理支持關懷、物資配送、居民生活機能維持、秩序 安全維護、防疫交通安排、協助調派社區防疫所需人力等。如何運用 ICT 的技 術,將相關資訊串接到社區防疫及服務之供給與需求,希望透過本次競賽來集 思廣益。-衛福部社會救助及社工司蘇昭如副司長 The Department of Social Assistance and Social Work assigned local governments to organize community epidemic prevention teams of offering various services, such as community communication, health education, psychological support service, material distribution, necessary life functions, public order and safety maintenance, traffic and transport arrangements, and manpower deployment for epidemic prevention. We hope to collect ideas form the competition and utilize ICT to share information to all communities in a more efficient way. A-16:Local government leaders are now being called on to make public health decisions (such as school closures, curfews, rules on social distancing, etc.) when they lack both the expertise and the data to know which measures are most effective in what specific local circumstance. We need to find a way to collect and analyze city data from around the world and provide an on-line platform where local leaders can go to get reliable scientific and public-health policy advice for managing the crisis in their specific communities. Public health experts in universities can be available to answer questions, and local government leaders can ask each other questions and learn from each other’s experience. -Ryan Engen, AIT Economic Officer 地方政府首長現在被要求做出有關公共衛生的決策(包括學校關閉與否、宵
  • 16. 15 禁、保持社交距離等),而他們通常欠缺足夠的專業與最有效的、針對各地 情況的相關資訊。我們需要找出方法,收集並分析來自全世界各城市的資 訊,並提供線上即時的平台給地方首長獲取可靠的、科學的、公衛政策建 議,來管理在他們所轄的區域。大學裡的公衛專家可以回答相關問題,地方 首長可以透過此平台詢問相關問題並互相切磋學習並經驗分享。 -美國在臺 協會經濟官 安瑞恩 A-20:Many small and micro enterprises are having to rapidly transition to on-line businesses, but they lack both the tools and knowledge how to do so. Platforms need to be developed to share expertise and open-source tools to help them make this transition. -Ryan Engen, AIT Economic Officer 許多小型和微型的企業必須要快速轉型至線上商務,但他們缺乏所需的工具 和知識。需要研發分享專業知識的平台和幫助他們轉型的開放工具。 -美國 在臺協會經濟官 安瑞恩
  • 17. 16 3. 保護社會弱勢族群保護社會弱勢族群保護社會弱勢族群保護社會弱勢族群 Protecting the vulnerable groups 如何保護並協助受到疫情影響的弱勢族群如何保護並協助受到疫情影響的弱勢族群如何保護並協助受到疫情影響的弱勢族群如何保護並協助受到疫情影響的弱勢族群((((如如如如::::年長者年長者年長者年長者、、、、家暴受害者家暴受害者家暴受害者家暴受害者、、、、無法進行無法進行無法進行無法進行 線上學習的學童線上學習的學童線上學習的學童線上學習的學童…………等等等等))))。。。。 Consider how to protect and assist specific vulnerable groups that affected by the epidemic. Such as the elderly, victims of domestic violence and children who do not have access to online education due to digital divide. A-01:I’d like to see technology connect people to resources and services. I’m thinking of something like a survey where someone would describe their household situation (age, health, income, debt obligations, basic needs, etc.). The “system” would then come back with information specific to that household’s needs – debt relief programs, rental assistance, food bank location and hours of operation, school info, or whatever matches that particular household’s profile. -Jed Holmes, Manager Birds of Winter 我希望看見科技將人們與資源和服務相連結。我正在考慮以一種類似問卷的 形式,讓人們能描述他們的家庭狀態(年齡、健康、收入、債務責任、基本 需求等)。然後這個「系統」會回傳針對該家庭需求的相關資訊:債務減免 計畫、租屋補貼、食物銀行的位置與營業時間、學校資訊和任何符合該特定 家庭狀況的資訊。 -Birds of Winter 經理 Jed Holmes A-05:Our biggest challenge has been communicating with the elderly in retirement/nursing home communities. Many don't have or understand technology and with us being in lockdown, we aren't able to help them. This separates them further from their community in some cases. -Amy Maynard Greene, Special Education Teacher 我們最大的挑戰是與退休或療養院的年長者進行溝通。他們當中的許多人並 不具備或理解科技的幫助;而當我們被隔離時,我們無法幫助他們。這使得 他們在某些情況下更加與他們的社區分隔。 -特教老師 Amy Maynard Greene A-06:We also are concerned for those still living at home alone, depending on someone to come by designated times a week to check on them. We've also discussed about a live document that if there's a need it could be posted & met by others. Also maybe a live doc with inventory of what people may be able to donate. I know smaller churches are employing the good old phone trees. Perhaps on-line tools for communities supporting each other can be developed. -Amy Maynard Greene,
  • 18. 17 Special Education Teacher 我們也藉由每周定期拜訪獨居者的方式來關心他們。我們也有討論一種動態 文件,可以在文件中張貼需求,並由他人來實現該需求。另外,也許會建立 一個含有人們能捐贈的物資的動態文件。我知道小型教堂會使用好的舊式電 話樹。我們可以幫社區發展一種線上工具來互相幫助。 -特教老師 Amy Maynard Greene A-07:Kids with disabilities (both physical and mental) are particularly at risk of falling behind in an on-line learning world. Tools need to be developed to make sure they have the learning aids and extra support they need. -Amy Maynard Greene, Special Education Teacher 具有身體或心理殘疾的兒童特別容易在線上學習的世界中落後。我們需要確 保研發出能提供他們學習幫助和額外支持的工具。 -特教老師 Amy Maynard Greene A-09:We need an easy to use system for people who stuck at home and can’t get out to get what they need to be able to post on-line what they need, and then it finds volunteers in the area who can get for the other person what they need. The elderly, those at high risk, those with disabilities, etc., are all examples of people who could benefit from this. -Sara, front-line nurse in France 我們需要一個易於使用的系統,使得那些受困在家且不能出門獲取需要物資 的人們,可以在線上張貼他們的需求,然後系統會在那個區域找到願意幫助 他人獲得物資的志工。年長者、高風險族群、殘疾人士等都會是受益於此系 統的例子。 -在法國的前線護士 Sara A-15:Millions of teachers are now trying to learn how to be on-line instructors. They lack the experience and the tools. An open-source platform needs to be created to support these teachers, where teaching best practices, resources, and on-line tools can be developed, uploaded, and shared. -Claudine Valentine, Teacher 數百萬的教師正在嘗試學習如何成為線上導師。他們缺乏經驗和工具。需要 創造一個開源的平台來幫助這些教師,且在平台上能開發、上傳和分享教學 的最佳實踐案例、分享相關資源和線上工具。 -教師 Claudine Valentine A-21:Victims of domestic violence are now stuck at home with their abusers. Tools to either help them get out or to support them if the can’t need to be developed. -Ryan Engen, AIT Economic Officer 家暴的受害者現在正與他們的加害者困在家裡。應盡速開發相關工具協助他 們離開所居或提供協助。 -美國在臺協會經濟官 安瑞恩
  • 19. 18 A-32:Many children, especially the poor, don't have access to on-line learning tools or computers. Businesses and households have spare or old computers that are still functional. We need to find ways to get this equipment to those who need it as well as develop methods for getting poor children access to on-line learning environments. We need to bridge this digital divide, otherwise poor children will fall even further behind their peers due to this digital learning period. -Paraphrased from Mike Allen, Axios AM 許多小孩,尤其是經濟條件比較差的,沒有可以進行線上學習的工具或電 腦。企業與家庭已分享仍可運作的舊電腦。我們要找到可以把這些器材送到 那些需要的孩子手上,同時也應該找到方法,讓這些較為貧窮的小孩可以有 線上學習的環境。我們需要解決這個數位落差,不然家境較貧窮的小孩會在 這段數位學習的日子裡,更落後它們的同伴們。 -節錄自 Mike Allen 受訪於 Axios AM
  • 20. 19 4. 預測工具支援決策預測工具支援決策預測工具支援決策預測工具支援決策 Predicting future pandemic outbreaks by the lessons this time 建立大數據預測工具來支援決策建立大數據預測工具來支援決策建立大數據預測工具來支援決策建立大數據預測工具來支援決策((((如如如如::::疾病預測系統疾病預測系統疾病預測系統疾病預測系統、、、、感染擴散區域評估感染擴散區域評估感染擴散區域評估感染擴散區域評估…………等等等等),),),), 以預測未來疾病爆發之擴散速度及可能影響範圍以預測未來疾病爆發之擴散速度及可能影響範圍以預測未來疾病爆發之擴散速度及可能影響範圍以預測未來疾病爆發之擴散速度及可能影響範圍。。。。 Creating a disease forecasting system by using big data to better track the speed and scale of pandemic's spread (((( prediction system for disease outbreaks, assessment for the spread of infections, etc.)))), in order to support decision making for future outbreaks. T-08:【口罩功效簡易判讀】 醫護人員值班需長時間配戴口罩,希望能有簡易方式判斷口罩的防護效能是 否仍然有效,可以繼續配戴。例如口罩內有偵測試紙,效能降低時會改變顏色, 提醒醫護人員更換新口罩。-高雄長庚醫院護理部周嫚君副主任 【Simple Detection of Face Mask Effectiveness】 Healthcare professionals are required to wear face masks for a long time while on duty. A simple way to detect the effectiveness of face masks would help a lot, so that healthcare professionals can easily decide whether they should replace the mask currently being used. For example, a detection test paper could be attached (within the masks for healthcare professionals). Ideally, when the mask effectiveness wears off, the color of the test paper will change to remind healthcare professionals to replace the mask. T-10:【讀取/分享 TOCC 資訊】 目前診所/醫院對看診者都要填寫 TOCC(旅遊史、職業、接觸史、群聚)評估 表,目前健保卡只能帶出國外旅遊與職業,希望所有 TOCC 資料都能帶出減 少醫院重複作業。如果可以用手機定位歷史自動勾稽出國內旅遊、接觸與群聚, 例如清明假期的 11 個景點,可以補足口頭問卷的不足,因為看診者不一定詳 實提供過去兩周的所有活動。-高雄長庚醫院護理部周嫚君副主任 【Integrated System of Patients’ TOCC Information】 Under current policy, health professionals must check patients’ travel history, occupation, contact history, cluster (TOCC) information. However, we can only know the patients’ travel history and occupation via the National Health Insurance Card. Therefore, we suggest integrating all the information in the National Health Insurance Card system or even using the mobile phone GPS history to reveal potential patients’ TOCC information, to improve work efficiency in hospitals and to exclude the possibility that the patient is not telling the entire truth.
  • 21. 20 A-11:This virus will be defeated with big data. Current medical data systems are not connected globally, so data and lessons learned are not being shared – every hospital is having to learn on its own. We need a central, open-source, system that all (anonymous) medical data can be uploaded to, and then solutions that are working can be shared in real time. -Sara, front-line nurse in France 這個病毒將會被大數據擊敗。目前的醫療數據系統並未全球性地串聯,所以 數據和經驗並沒有被分享,每間醫院只能依靠自身學習。我們需要一個中心 化、開源的匿名系統使得所有醫療資料可以被上傳,這樣可實施的解決方案 可以即時被分享。 -在法國的前線護士 Sara A-14:Cities and municipalities around the world need an easy to use, free, on-line dashboard they can use to monitor outbreaks and optimally manage community resources (medical resources, quarantine locations, etc.). The dashboard itself can be open-source software, enabling coders anywhere to offer improvements to the system. The data collected from this dashboard from around the world can be made open-source, enabling anybody to innovate solutions that are sharable in real time. -Ryan Engen, AIT Economic Officer 世界各地的縣市和直轄市需要一個易用、免費的線上報表來監控疫情爆發並 優化管理社區資源 (醫療資源、檢疫位置等) 。這個報表可以作為一個開 源的軟體,使得任何地方的工程師都能提供系統改善方案。透過報表收集的 世界各地資料也可以變成開源的,使得任何人皆能創新且即時分享其解決方 案。 -美國在臺協會經濟官 安瑞恩 A-24:We need to create apps and positive incentives to influence the general public’s behavior to implement social distancing, as they are not as familiar with these concepts compared with other populations that have experienced SARS and other epidemics. – Arati Shroff, AIT Deputy Economic Chief 我們需要創建應用程式並提供正面的誘因來影響大眾的行為符合足夠的社交 距離,尤其社會大眾並不熟悉這些觀念;相較於其他地區的人民曾因經歷過 SARS 及其他傳染病。 -美國在臺協會經濟組副組長 邵藹蒂 A-26:We need a tracking app combined with rapid kit deployment to allow you to go house to house and identify infected people and isolate them. -Dr. Matthew Corey 我們需要一個可追蹤的應用程式與資源快速佈署結合,容許相關人員挨家挨 戶的找出感染的人並隔離他們。 -Dr. Matthew Corey A-27:Election campaigns have developed very sophisticated tracking software for door knocking, telephone calls, and identifying potential voters. This software could be repurposed for contact tracing and volunteers could be trained for how to do this,
  • 22. 21 freeing up public health officials from this time consuming, but essential work. - Brennan Shartz, Election campaign volunteer 競選活動已經開發出非常綿密複雜的軟體來進行敲門拜票、電話催票、找出 潛在支持者。這樣的軟體應該可以被重新設計來追蹤相關人員、志工也可以 透過相關訓練,讓醫事人員可以無須再埋首於此項瑣碎工作中。 -競選團隊 志工 Brennan Shartz A-31:We need antibody testing sequences that could establish who has already had the virus, that would be a big help to determine what differentiates their experience from those who do not recover. The modeling could help in the development of a vaccine. This would be especially important if cases are, as being project, asymptomatic. Then we could work to find why that is. -Dr. Liesel Orend 我們需要建立抗體測試程序,了解誰已經確診,這會是一大幫助分辨出哪些 因素是沒有復原的原因。這樣的模型可以幫助疫苗的研發。這也對於建立無 症狀案例的模型非常重要。這樣我們就可以找出為什麼會這樣。 -Dr. Liesel Orend
  • 23. 22 5. 支援前線防疫人員支援前線防疫人員支援前線防疫人員支援前線防疫人員 Supporting front-line staff and essential workers 協助前線防疫人員協助前線防疫人員協助前線防疫人員協助前線防疫人員、、、、相關支援體系相關支援體系相關支援體系相關支援體系((((如如如如::::醫師醫師醫師醫師、、、、護理師護理師護理師護理師、、、、貨運駕駛貨運駕駛貨運駕駛貨運駕駛、、、、藥局員工藥局員工藥局員工藥局員工………… 等等等等))))及其家人的獲得日常生活需求充分支援及其家人的獲得日常生活需求充分支援及其家人的獲得日常生活需求充分支援及其家人的獲得日常生活需求充分支援。。。。 Fully support frontline medical staff and epidemic prevention workers ((((doctors, nurses, pharmacists, public servants, delivery drivers, grocery clerks, etc.)))) and their families to meet the needs of their daily life during the outbreak. T-01:【第一線醫護人員防疫物資媒合平台】 第一線醫護人員防疫物資哪裡找?目前雖然由中央政府管控防疫物資,例如: N95 口罩、隔離衣、面罩、護目鏡等,大型醫院還算存量充足,但中小型醫院 及診所嚴重缺乏。希望透過建置「第一線醫護人員防疫物資媒合平台」,讓防疫 物資的需求者、供給者、捐款者三方透過平台媒合達到互通訊息、供需平衡效 益。-台灣感染症醫學會理事長、台大醫院兒童感染科黃立民主任 【PPE Matching Platform for Health Professionals】 In Taiwan, PPE (such as N95 respirators, isolation gowns, and goggles) is currently distributed by the central government. While the PPE inventory in general hospitals is still enough, smaller hospitals and clinics are suffering from a severe shortage of PPE. If a PPE matching platform can be established, we can integrate data from requesters, providers, and contributors in order to achieve a dynamic supply of PPE and avoid any possibility of supply shortage. T-02:【提供醫護人員一站式立即查詢看診者資料網站】 目前醫護人員看診插入病患健保卡時,需要透過點選多個選項才能查詢該病 患之看診紀錄、旅遊史等資訊,由於查詢資料需費時點選,所以造成醫護人員 使用意願下降,建議應建置一站式立即查詢看診者資料網站,讓醫護人員可以 清楚清晰查詢病患之看診紀錄、旅遊史等資訊。-台灣感染症醫學會理事長、 台大醫院兒童感染科黃立民主任 【 Integrated Patient Information Webpage ( Search System ) for Health Professionals】 When patients seek medical attention, health care workers need to check several data sources to track the patients’ medical records and recent travel history. However, the current system is not very user-friendly, thus creating more trouble for health professionals. In order to save time, we suggest designing a “one-stop” integrated information portal for health professionals to track patient information and travel history more efficiently.
  • 24. 23 T-03:【建立第一線醫護人員抗體普查機制】 隨著臺灣新冠肺炎確診案例愈來愈多,應全面普查第一線醫護人員是否具有 抗體之統計資料,建議於北、中、南各選一家醫院,每兩個月定期針對第一線 醫護人員調查是否具有抗體,以了解多少人曾被感染,進而強化防疫政策調整。 -台灣感染症醫學會理事長、台大醫院兒童感染科黃立民主任 【Investigation of Health Professionals’ Antibody】 With the increasing number of COVID-19 confirmed cases in Taiwan, we should establish an investigation system of health professionals’ antibody against COVID- 19. To do this, the government can assign a hospital in each area (ex: north, central, and south) and check the presence of antibody in health professionals every two months. By doing so, we can keep up with the current situation in our medical environment and develop strategies and adjust infection control policies in real time. T-04:【降低捐血者高風險染疫配套措施】 目前於捐血過程中,並無篩檢所捐出的血液是否具新冠肺炎病毒,此為捐血漏 洞破口,被輸血者亦暴露於染疫高風險下,此為防疫重要解決課題。-台灣感 染症醫學會理事長、台大醫院兒童感染科黃立民主任 【Reducing the Risk of Transfusion】 There is no screening test available to exam whether the blood contains COVID-19 or not during the process of transfusion, and it puts the recipient under a high risk of infection. This is a critical problem to be solved in terms of infection control. T-05:目前到院的就診者會花很多時間做病人的基本資料訪談與填寫,如果這些資料 在確定要安排到醫院前,可以從 1922 直接與各醫院的系統串接,院方可預做 準備,將可節省很多時間與人力,讓醫病雙方不須在戶外的臨時空間辛苦等待。 -高雄長庚醫院龔嘉德副院長 Currently, patients who come to the hospital have to spend a lot of time filling out the basic information form and attending personal information interview. If the patients’ information can be directly exchanged to each hospital from the 1922 hotline* backend, it will save a lot of time and human resources. Both healthcare professionals and patients do not have to be stuck in the temporary outdoor space. *1922 is the hotline operated by Taiwan CDC for disease reporting, communicable disease consultation, prevention policy promotion and control measure education to the public since 2003 T-07:因應未來進入社區感染階段,需要預先對醫院做保護,保護包括物資與人員的 保護,醫療物資要有一個統一透明的系統確保資源合理的分配,醫療人員(包 括醫護、醫事相關專業人員(營養、檢驗、社工等)、行政人員、契約工等等), 這些人各有家庭與社交上的外部接觸,可以設計一個系統評估每個人員的感染
  • 25. 24 風險(醫院無法得知在這些工作者家人的旅遊史等等),以利相關的對應。-高 雄長庚醫院龔嘉德副院長 To prepare for possible community transmission stage in the future, we must deploy measures to protect hospital staff and supplies in advance. A unified and transparent system can ensure reasonable distribution of medical supplies. Health professionals (including but not limited to healthcare professionals, medical related professionals such as nutritionists, medical lab scientists, social workers, etc., administration staff, contractor labors)can get infection outside the hospitals, hence, a system shall be designed to assess the infection risk of each person to facilitate necessary response (so far hospitals have no way to track the travel history of the family members of their staffs). T-09:【環境消毒結果可度量確認的方法】 目前確診病人出院後病房以人工進行清潔與消毒,雖然提請清潔人員注意重 點區域(參考新加坡醫院研究),但無法確認是否完全消毒沒有遺漏。過去曾 有人員訓練時以局部區域噴灑螢光劑之類的顯影物質的作法,希望能有可以 在整間病房施作檢測的方法,確保沒有殘餘的病毒,避免後續病人與醫護受到 感染。-高雄長庚醫院護理部周嫚君副主任 【Measurable Results of Environmental Disinfection】 Currently, the wards are cleaned and disinfected by hospital janitors after patients are discharged. Although the janitors have been requested to focus on the key areas (according to the Singaporean study), there is no way to find out whether the wards have been completely disinfected. In the past, there was a means of spraying developing material (such as phosphor) in a partial area during personnel training. In the future, a similar method will help ensure that the whole ward is disinfected, reducing the risk of infection to the minimum for not only patients but also healthcare professionals. T-12:【COVID-19 疫情、病徵資訊整合與篩檢平台】 由於目前疫情、疾病徵兆等變化速度快,疾管署每兩天將最新的通報標準、符 合 COVID-19 的症狀放到網站上,急診的醫生還可以常常更新資訊,但對於非 急診科的醫師,如門診等其他科別醫師,不會隨時上疾管署網站去更新相關資 訊,造成醫師們在診斷 COVID-19、啟動後續流程上的落差。因此,建議可有 一套應用於各級醫院的系統,透過資訊系統把通報準則整合到一個互動平台 上,相關資訊隨時與疾管署同步。在醫師臨床診斷時,由醫護人員協助病患點 擊相關疾病徵兆等資訊,該系統即可建議啟動後續相關流程,如進行篩檢、隔 離……等機制。除了醫療院所專業版本外,因應民眾的恐慌,建議亦可建立一 公開網站,提供一般民眾版的自我篩檢平台。-高雄長庚急診醫學科邱義閔醫
  • 26. 25 師 【 Information Platform of COVID-19 Development, Symptoms, and Medical Procedure】 Since the COVID-19 epidemic and symptoms are varying at a rapid pace, Taiwan’s CDC is updating the latest information online every two days. In consideration of the fact that not every healthcare professional (especially non-ER doctors and other professionals) checks the CDC website regularly, we strongly suggest establishing an information platform of COVID-19’s latest development, symptoms, and medical procedure, to assist the current reporting systems of general and regional hospitals. Via the information platform, healthcare professionals can know how to assist patients in checking the COVID-19 development and possible symptoms, and can help them initiate the reporting mechanism (if necessary). Besides a professional version platform for medical personnel, we also suggest the design of a user-friendly website for the general public with FAQs for the purpose of self-diagnosis and the promotion of infection control guidelines. A-03:I think there needs to be access to doctors in a remote fashion. Telehealth networks can be very useful in this fashion because it would allow there to be distance between the health care provider and the patient. This could be an online platform or integrated into an app. I think this is particularly helpful if used in combination with "machine learning," which is a tool that compiles data in binary form and then takes input in order to predict a certain outcome (i.e. inputting symptoms and outputting a possible diagnosis). -Brennan Schartz, Law Student 我認為需要一種能夠遠距離看醫生的方式。遠端醫療網路在這樣的形式中非 常有用,因為它允許健康照顧的提供者和患者間保持距離。這可能是一個網 路平台,或是被整合進一個應用程式。我認為這若與「機器學習」結合將會 特別有幫助。「機器學習」是一種遵循二進位資料型態且接收輸入以預測特 定結果的工具,例如輸入症狀後會輸出可能的診斷。 -法學院學生 Brennan Schartz A-10:Front-line workers (doctors, nurses, grocery store workers, pharmacists, delivery drivers, farmers, etc.) need to work, but face their own constraints to be able to do so. They need to shop for food, take care of their kids, fix their cars, etc. A system should be developed where front line workers can post their needs, and volunteers can meet those needs for them, freeing them up to be on the front lines. -Sara, front-line nurse in France 前線工作人員(醫生、護士、雜貨店員工、藥師、快遞駕駛和農夫等)需要 工作,但他們同時也需要面對自身的限制。他們需要購買食物、照顧孩子、
  • 27. 26 修車等等。我們需要研發一個系統使前線工作人員能張貼他們的需求,然後 志工可以滿足他們的需求,使他們可以沒有阻礙的在前線工作。 -在法國的 前線護士 Sara A-12:Medical workers are having to spend a tremendous amount of time entering data into antiquated, inefficient systems. This data goes nowhere. Instead, we need an app where the essential data can be uploaded quickly and easily, and this data should be made accessible to the whole world for people at home so everyone else at home can work on finding solutions, patterns, etc. -Sara, front-line nurse in France. 醫療工作人員需要花費大量時間將資料輸入老舊和無效率的系統,且這些資 料哪裡也不去。作為替代,我們需要一個應用程式使必要資料快速和簡易地 被上傳,而且這些資料應該向世界上所有在家的人開放,這樣在家的其他人 可以著手尋找解決方案和模式等。 -在法國的前線護士 Sara A-17:Tools need to be developed to facilitate remote medical care to limit how many people have to physically go into medical facilities. -Amanda Mansour, AIT Spokesperson 需要研發相關軟體工具使得遠端醫療照顧更便利,並限制必須親自前往醫療 設施的人數。-美國在臺協會發言人 孟雨荷 A-19:Apps need to be developed for easy early-warning detection of health issues of front-line workers (doctors, nurses, paramedics, grocery store workers, delivery drivers, etc.), so they don’t inadvertently become sources of transmission. – Amanda Mansour, AIT Spokesperson 需要研發能夠簡單預警檢測前線工作人員(醫生、護士、藥師、雜貨店員工 和快遞駕駛等)健康狀態的應用程式,這樣他們才不會不經意地成為傳播媒 介。 -美國在臺協會發言人 孟雨荷 A-30:We need some sort of video triage system that allows doctors to see patients who think they are ill, but do not want to risk coming in. -Dr. Matthew Corey 我們需要某種視訊分流系統,讓醫生可以隔空看診了解那些自認為生病病患 的情況,而不是讓可能的病患親自就醫。-Dr. Matthew Corey
  • 28. 27 6. 善用資料風險溝通善用資料風險溝通善用資料風險溝通善用資料風險溝通 Establishing proper data-driven risk communication 運用數據資料分析進行輿情風險控管與社會溝通運用數據資料分析進行輿情風險控管與社會溝通運用數據資料分析進行輿情風險控管與社會溝通運用數據資料分析進行輿情風險控管與社會溝通,,,,以提供民眾正確防疫觀念以提供民眾正確防疫觀念以提供民眾正確防疫觀念以提供民眾正確防疫觀念,,,,並並並並 解除心理疑慮與恐慌解除心理疑慮與恐慌解除心理疑慮與恐慌解除心理疑慮與恐慌。。。。 Using the results of data analysis to provide the correct concept of epidemic prevention to the community is important, especially with risk assessments based on the available scientific evidence. It will help to ease the anxiety and panic of the general public. T-11:【即時透明的疫情資訊】 目前疫情資訊希望可以有更精細的地圖位置,例如中國大陸的鳳凰新聞網可 以到以城市為單位。另外因為疫情訊息不斷滾動更新,包含疾管局的防疫指引 也持續更新,對中途加入閱讀的人不易了解背景緣由,希望能加入歷史資訊, 方便了解全貌。-高雄長庚醫院護理部周嫚君副主任 【Immediate and Visual Presentation of Disease Development Information】 We hope that the government can announce more details regarding disease development information. An example is that the city-scale resolution situation maps are provided by Phoenix News Channel, a Chinese media corporation. Besides, we suggest adding information from the past in each announcement, as CDC is constantly updating the infection control guidance, to help everyone see the big picture and to avoid confusion in the public. A-02:Mis-Information - this has been a huge issue from a political and policy perspective because people don't know how serious the situation is, how to protect themselves, what they need to be doing, etc. I've found multiple applications (both web-based and mobile) that have been helpful in allowing people easy access to localized and factual information. At the county level, people are relying on word of mouth and social media posts to stay informed and that leads to too much hear-say and not enough concise and easily digestible information. -Brennan Schartz, Law Student 「假訊息」在政治和政策觀點上是個重大的議題,因為人們不知道事態的嚴 重性,如何保護他們自己以及他們需要做甚麼等資訊。我發現幾項對於允許 人們方便獲得在地化與事實資訊有幫助的(基於網路和手機)相關應用。在 縣市層級中,人們依賴口耳相傳以及社群軟體的貼文來獲取資訊,這導致太 多傳言,而精確且容易消化的資訊卻傳遞不足。-法學院學生 Brennan Schartz