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Greeting and Index of the site Internet: del Catechism of the
Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order). This Catechism has been defined " A sure
way" and "the university of the Earth ". The Ordine Gesù Redentore ( Jesus Redeemer
Order) is a religious and civil association no-profit.
Greeting, me, Veniero - said Revo - servant of God and the Lord Jesus Cristo greet all men
to whatever race, people or religion belongs.
Many secrets of the life will have made explained in this Catechism and it will also be
taught you to find the Lord God and Jesus: all it takes is making silence and with the fixed thought
inside of us we will find God. To the Father and to the Son you can ask the explanation of other
secrets or truths of the life that we have not explained. It is simple to talk to God because He is
inside of us "and He is also there for answering to all of our questions, to help to resolve our
problems and to drive and to direct our footsteps, but the Lord God never imposes Himself to
anybody 1
". The man doesn't have need of teachers or guru because he/she has the Spirit God,
the internal Teacher inside of itself; all of this that we have written in this Catechism is founded
upon the Divine Revelations that we have listed in more documents of our Catechism therefore we
are not your teachers, but we have reported you many truths because truth is freeing, but it is had
to know for being able to live it before 2
It is not true that the man lives once alone on the Earth because to become Saints it need
us manifold existences on the Earth and in the other three floors or worlds of the Cosmos (astral,
mental and akasico or of the conscience) where we live for ever after the first terrestrial incarnation
with great degrees of mind and of conscience in strength of the law of the evolution 3
until we will
became saints. After as Saints, we will live in the Kingdom of the Skies.
"To spiritually live means to know itselves 4
"and when we will have discovered our vices,
defects and other spiritual poverties (limits) we will overcome also the selfish and human self only
because we have become aware of such limits of ours 5
Not only death doesn't exist, but when we will have become saint after manifold terrestrial
existences God it will also give us the Absolute Conscience 6
. This is the sublime destiny of every
Initially (year 1988) peace was the fruit of my meditations inside and outside of me, but I
think that then it is consolidated in the years when I have written the Catechism of the Ordine Gesù
Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) in which I have also illustrated the Islam and the doctrine of
the Buddha also translating all the documents in English and Spanish.
I think that any event can upset the peace that I have in me, not even the passing in the Life
after Death because I know that the death and the hell as place don't exist because they are not
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of July 21st
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of January 23rd
, Amrita
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione) and page 210 (Legge di evoluzione), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, page 127, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, La voce dell’ignoto, pages 45-50 (Più che fare ed avere è importante essere), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee
compatible with the love, the mercy and the omnipotence of God. I also know that God, in the
person of Jesus, it forgives our sins as it is said in three Psalms of the Bible.
The judgment of Jesus is fond because he/she doesn't judge us on the base of our sins, but
on that of the good actions that we have done in the life after every terrestrial incarnation; therefore
I am calm that everything will not only be all right for me, but for all the men.
I have worked always with diligence and to the best of my possibilities only not when I wrote
the Catechism of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order); I have done so also
always when I worked at the American Command of Camp Darby and later - when I had developed
my professional activity since January 1960 to the March 5th
1996 - when I have retired to the
purpose to help my brothers men.
I realize only tonight (April 30th
2016) of the responsibilities that took me - accepting the
proposals of the Sky in meditation to constitute the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer
Order) and to write and to publish of it on Internet the Catechism; responsibility has been toward
God, toward Jesus and toward all of you brothers and sisters. In to write the Catechism of the
Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) in these last years I have always felt myself
pledged to write it, but always with a great internal peace for three motives:
a. the first one is that the responsibilities have never worried me – not even during my
professional activity – because my mind was concentrated in the making my job at the
best of my possibilities, with diligence and knowledge of the subject matter;
b. the second one is that all of this that I have written is founded on the Bible with the four
canonical Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and on the divine Revelations of the
XIX and XX century for which it is true and it is not true at the same time that I am
really me that I have written the Catechism of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus
Redeemer Order) and then I have improved and completed it - also with new
documents - while I was translating it in English and in Spanish;
c. the third one is that they have been communicated two consoling judgments (I don't
know well Whose, perhaps of Jesus) during two of the innumerable meditations that I
did in the recent past because it was me said that the Catechism of the Ordine Gesù
Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) is one "sure Way" ( August 16th
2005) and that our
religious Order is "The university of the world" (February 2nd
Index of the site Internet ( and of the book
1. Who are we, what purposes we have and to what Divine Revelations we make reference;
2. As and when we are constituted there. What we want to do. Our symbols and our buildings;
3. The Christianity, the Ordine Gesù Redentore (OGR) (Jesus Redeemer Order) and the
other Religions;
4. Why The Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) has been constituted as subject
independent from the other Churches Christians;
5. The Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) answers to the following existential
questions of the man (.);
6. With what people we want to have relationships and with what we don't want to have of it;
7. Fundamental notions of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order)
The Lord God, the Whole (DT):
1. The Lord God, the men and the Religions.
2. One day of the Eternal Present God discovered to be alone in His divine world;
3. The divine laws that discipline the life in the four floors or worlds of the Cosmos;
4. Other notions and fundamental principles of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer
Order) for the Evangelization of the world (Elaborate 2);
5. The ancient laws and the suggestions of God, as well as the religions to educate men;
6. Building of the alternative Christian Civilization to those founded on the profit and on the
power to oppose the injustices, the wars and the Evil (Elaborate 3);
Angels and Demons (To & D):
1. The role of the Angels in the life;
2. The responsibilities of Satan, of the Demons and of the others gods of the Evil toward the
3. Satan and his/her Demons are real people that, they, perhaps, rejoice in to torment us;
4. Demoniac assaults and attacks.
5. Lucifer errors, the Creation and the formalities to save the Demons;
6. Elaborate extract 2: As for Lucifer - Satan;
7. Elaborate extract 2: As for the Archangels and to the Angels;
8. Elaborate extract 3: As for Satan, to his offensive actions and to those of the other Demons;
as for the man, often allied of Satan and of the other Demons.
The nature, the life and the Destiny of the man (NVDU):
1. Contribution to the knowledge of the origin of the life, of the nature and of the destiny of the
man (Elaborate 1);
2. The reincarnation is a part of Law of the evolution;
3. The man and his/her limits;
4. The man is a whole;
5. We reflect on the conscience and on the inexplicable crimes;
6. The Lord God explains to the man because He has given him the life;
7. The conscience, the life of men and the continuous help that it comes us from the sky;
8. The man in front of the virtues and particularly in front of the three theological virtues, the
Faith, the Hope and the Charity;
9. The man and his/her life in God; its destiny is never the hell, but it is always the communion
of the beings in God; signs on the Life after Death.
Jesus' Redeemer role (RGR):
1. The Lord Jesus is the Messiah of all men and therefore He is the Reformer or the
Renovator of all Religions;
2. The Plan of Salvation of God and Jesus Redeemer;
3. All men's conversion to Jesus Redeemer is already in the destiny of the Not Christians, to
whatever people or religion belongs;
4. Maria of Nazareth, the perfect Donna, the Super Eva, according to the Revelations done to
Maria Valtorta by the Lord Jesus and by Our Lady Mary itself;
5. The role of the Lord Jesus, all the people's Messiah, Son of Mary and of the Spirit-Will of
God 7
and the prayers of the Religions. The annual ceremony of the Wesak in the
6. The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus made to relive to Maria Valtorta.
What it is changing in the world (CSM):
1. The eagerness of power, wealth and dominion has always been the cause of the wars and
of the poverties of peoples;
2. The humanity is taking risks of wars and slaughters because of Satan and of its slaves
human warmongers. The role of the Religions and the Labor unions to oppose the conflicts.
The fundamental importance of the prayers, of the works and of the positive thought to live
3. Not the hate and the weapons, but the love will triumph as Jesus on the death;
4. Prayers and deeds to oppose the wars and the terrorism. Comparison among some
passages of the Gospel and the Koran. The power of the love;
5. The civilizations built by the man; the man's self or me, his/her egoism and the purpose of
his/her life;
6. Peace or war in Palestine and in the world? Peace naturally!
7. The new organization of the United Nations (U.N.).
Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli
Religions (REL):
1. Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of
interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed
committed with astuteness and wickedness by the Fundamentalists or Islamic Radicals.
Signalling of numerous Arabic alterations to the Koran (Elaborate 4) ;
2. Some additions and other Arabic changes to verses of the Koran;
3. Inauspicious consequences of the Arabic radical Islam on the peace of the world (Elaborate
4 bis);
4. The Islam, a demographic bomb, a destabilizing factor of the peace in the world, one of the
causes of the hunger of the poor peoples and a forge of injustices, cruelties, overbearances
and satanic violences;
5. The violences in the Islam, among which those for the abandonment of the Islamic religion
6. The Christian Civilization offers and asks collaboration to the other true Religions to
discover the human errors contained in the Sacred Writings of the antiquity (Elaborate 5);
7. Civilization and Christian Community, hypothesis of collaborations with other Religions
(Elaborate 6);
8. Revelations, Religions and Antireligion (Elaborate 7);
9. The eternal life of the man in the Cosmos and then in the Communion of the Saints;
10. The errors of the religions and the possibility of alliances or accords between them to work
together (Elaborate 8)
11. The errors of the Religions according to the Teachers disembodied of the Cerchio Firenze
77 (Circle Florence 77) (Elaborate 9);
12. Some considerations on three Letters of St. Paul to the Corinthian ones, to the
Philippoussis and the Galatians;
13. The meaning of the poverty, of the illness and of the pain according to Jesus Christ and the
meaning that it attributes to them the Buddha;
14. Introduction to the writings on the Buddha Gotama Siddhartha;
15. Brothers Buddhists the life with all the living beings is the masterpiece of God;
16. The discoveries and the errors of the Buddha Gotama Siddhattha;
17. Says Gotama Siddhattha the Buddha, among successes and failures;
18. << It is not true>> or <<it is true>> respect to the doctrine Buddhist. << It is true>> respect
to the Christian Doctrine of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order);
19. The Buddha and the Buddhists;
20. Reflections and searches on the life, on the Buddha, on the pain, on the love, on the
Buddhists and on Satan-Mara;
21. Brothers Buddhists: the apparition on the Earth of the Great Mother Spirit Saint;
For the meditation it is seen in Mind and Thought.
Note: See in the Lord God, the Whole, the document “The ancient laws and the
suggestions of God, as well as the religions to educate men” because in such document
they have been examined all the great religions of the world.
Mind and Thought (MP):
1. Synthesis of the thought: the mind, the mentality, the reflection, the contemplation the
meditation, the behaviours and the attitudes of the man;
2. The meditation.
Science, Matter and Spirit (SMS):
1. At the base of the Matter there is the Spirit;
2. The Matter, the Spirit, the life and the love;
3. What said the Lord Jesus concerning to the Matter of this universe;
4. The laws of the life (of the Matter and of the Spirit).
Answers and Frequent Questions (That is, FAQ: Frequent Answers and Questions)
Justice and Peace in Earth (GPT):
1. The religions as they can compete to make to distribute with justice the resources created
by God and by man?
Order Jesus Redentore (OGR):
1 Who is the Head of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) (OGR)?
2. How can we realize our projects, included the alliances with all Religions?
Yourself improves to improve the world (MTS):
1.How can terrestrial happiness be found?
2.Where can happiness be found on the Earth?
3. What is terrestrial life under the spiritual aspect? God’s teachings
4. What must the men do for improving itselves ?
The Reality of other worlds (RAM):
1. Do we know what the love is?
2. Do we know what it is <<The to feel to exist>>?
3. Do we know what the thought is? Are we aware of the importance that the thought has in
our life?
4. Do we know what the Spirit is?
5. Do we know what the Conscience is?
1. What do we think of doing for improving the world?
a. We look for friends and allies in the other Religions also;
b. We look for people that want to improve the world improving itselves;
c. We look for Seekers of Truths;
d. We look for operators of justice and of peace;
e. Reassuming: of how many types of men we have need to cooperate to improve the world?
2. Who feels the impulse to unite to us.
The ancient Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke John and Thomas ; and the modern Gospels: The
Great Gospel of John dictated in the XIX century from the Lord Jesus to the Austrian Jakob Lorber
and The Gospel as it has been revealed me, made to relive to Maria Valtorta, Italian, in the XX
1. Prayer to our Father-Mother-God;
2. Father of ours;
3. The Hail Mary;
4. Glory to the Father-Mother-God
5. I adore you;
6. Prayer to Jesus;
7. Prayer for the Spirit Saint;
8. Act of pain;
9. Benediction;
10. The Saint Rosary;
11. Prayer for the deads that they live in the Life after Death;
12. In honor of the Great Mother Spirit Saint;
13. The Creed of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order);
14. The prayer of the Morning and the Evening;
15. The gratefulness
16. Thanks to Our Lady Mary and her son Jesus.
17. Note to the prayers
The Saint Mass of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order).
Short presentation of the Catechism of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer
The life in the Cosmos (plane or world physical with the Earth and planes or worlds astral,
mental and akasico or of the conscience 8
) has been conceived and realized by God to save the
demons through the same life and men 9
God is the whole and He is the Absolute One 10
. He is present in every thing and in each
one 11
and He is also our internal Teacher 12
Death doesn't exist because the man is immortal 13
and not even the eternal hell exists as
place; the hell exists, instead, as a state of being 14
The man lives numerous existences on the Earth 15
and in the other three floors or worlds of
the Cosmos to widen his/her conscience learning to love gladly God, with the soul and the
strengths 16
and the other men as himself/herself 17
To describe all of this and still more we have written numerous documents that compose
the Catechism of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) and that you will find them
in this Internet site.
In our Catechism we have exposed the truths of the Divine Revelations of the XIX and XX
century also among which: It is not true that the man lives only once on the Earth, neither that
he/she can be condemned to the eternal hell by Jesus because the hell doesn't exist as place
being incompatible with the love, the mercy and the omnipotence of God and because God in the
person of the same Jesus forgives our sins and then he judges us on the base of the good deeds
that in every existence we have done on the Earth 18
; the man is immortal 19
and he/she
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 157-163 (La natura di Satana e le conseguenze della sua caduta), Armenia
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71.72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 (Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto-
Uno-Assoluto), Mediterranee
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of July 17th
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of July 21st
, Amrita
Eileen Caddy, Il SENTIERO interiore, pages 54-56, Amrita
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 176, Armenia
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 184-186 (La reincarnazione), Armenia ; Cercho Firenze 77, Per un mondo
migliore, page 214 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee
Deuteronomio 6, 4-9
Levitico 19, 17-18
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 176 (Nobody goes to the hell or to the sky, but everybody brings them both
within himself/herself ) and pages 181-184 (The day of the judgement and the resurrection of the flesh), Armenia
Eileen Caddy, Il SENTIERO interiore, pages 53-54, Mediterranee
reincarnates him/her numerous times on the Earth for around fifty thousands years to widen his/her
conscience becoming so a superman or a saint 20
; therefore the average duration of the process of
sanctification of the man is very long.
The man is a whole of four bodies all animated by the Divine Spark (virtual fraction of the
Spirit of God 21
): the physical body for the life on the Earth, the astral body for the life in the astral
world, the mental body for the life in the mental world and the body akasico or of the conscience for
the life in the world akasico 22
When the physical body of the man dies on the Earth (plane or physical world), the man
himself/herself starts to live without interruption in the astral plan with his/her astral body, his/her
mental body and his/her body akasico or conscience; when in the astral world, with the astral body,
the man will have made the purification of the astral plan his/her astral body will die in the astral
world, but immediately after the man - always animated by the Divine Spark, “his/her” Spirit -
he/she will start to live in the mental world with his/her mental body and the body akasico or the
conscience and when he/she will complete his/her evolution in the mental world such his/her body
will die in the mental world 23
, but immediately after the man will start to live in the plane or world
akasico or of the conscience with his/her conscience or body akasico, the second eternal body of
the man (his/her first eternal body is the Divine Spark, a virtual fraction of the Spirit of God, that
gives life to the aforesaid bodies of the man as it is already said).
The man, when he/she will have completed his/her evolution in the world akasico he/she
will reincarnate him/her on the Earth with new bodies physical, astral and mental perfectly proper
for his/her new cosmic existence for doing always new experiences, necessary to the amplification
of his/her conscience, with new personalities 24
; then, after thet he/she will have become Saint the
man will live forever in the communion of the saints of God, the Inventor and the Creator of the life
and of the living beings to save demons through the same life and of the men 25
These plans or worlds form the Cosmos 26
where the man lives for around fifty thousands
years as it is already said, before becoming saint.
The destiny of the man is sublime because as Saint he/she will receive in gift from God the
absolute Conscience also 27
It derives from above that the man never dies and that the death in reality doesn't
exist 28
. “The man lives continuously in one of the four world of the Cosmos, but if it is true that
Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, page 185, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pagine 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, page 47 (How we abandon the physical plane), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 188-189 (Morte) ; Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 175-
180 ( the evolution after the death), Mediterranee ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, page 53 ( +Why it must exist
the death of the physical body, of the astral body and of the mental body ?, Mediterranee
Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 157-163 (Satan’s nature and the consequences of his fall), Armenia
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 188-189 (Morte), Mediterranee
the physical, astral and mental bodies die of the man itself die in the homonymous planes or
worlds it is true also that the man continues to live with his/her Divine Spark and Conscience
reincarnating in the Earth until he/she will become saint and as Saint he/she will continue to live in
the Kingdome of the Skies. The death of the man therefore it is not, it does not exist, because
his/her life is eternal and therefore the man is immortal 29 30
However, for his/her same good, the man - when he/she lives on the Earth - he/she must
try to evangelically live for widening his/her conscience to the best of his/her possibilities. The
Gospels are the explanation of the Decalogue 31
and they teach us to live according to the two
Commandments of the love: “it loves the neighbour as yourself 32
and “ it loves God with all heart,
the soul and your strengths 33
What happens us in our life on the Earth of well or of badly it is not the fruit of the chance or
it depends on a choice of God, but it depends on the good or bad behaviours that we have had
toward the others in the preceding terrestrial existences in strength of a divine fundamental law of
the life: the law of cause and of effect or karmic law 34
in base to which what we do of well or of
badly to the others to us it will be done 35
in following terrestrial existences for teaching us how to
behave well toward our brothers men; the other divine fundamental law of the life is the law of
evolution: " Process for which life, through forms more and more organized, it expresses always
great degrees of Mind and of Spirit 36
" by means of the subsequent reincarnation in other
individuals "Transmigration of the individuality in a body fit to express the achieved evolution, to
the purpose to achieve evolution 37
" by means of the expansion of our conscience.
The teaching / correction of the pain for the love that God has for us it is imparted us only
in the terrestrial life in which we will have become mature to understand such teaching / correction
of the pain 38
and in such way the man will find the conscience that he/she missed him/her; for
instance: who killed he/she will be killed, who stole he/she will be stolen, who did violence to
somebody he/she will be raped, who has given a pain, it will feel a pain. If the teaching / correction
of the pain had been given us before of being mature to understand them, it would have been only
a punishment without expansion of our conscience.
Eileen Caddy, IL SENTIERO interiore, pages 53-54, Mediterranee
Ex Elaborate 3 page 51 of the Catechism of the Ordine Gesù Redentore among the Close Examinations in the
paragraph The Lord God the Whole
Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. VII, pages 123-124, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri
(Frosinone), Italy
Levitico 19, 17-18
Deuteronomio 6, 4 - 9
Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-159 (Legge di causa e di effetto o legge karmica),
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49 (La dinamica del karma), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 214 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee
Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 46 (n° 5-6 e 7), Mediterranee
The life of the man on the Earth has the purpose also to teach him/her to love in strength of
the two Commandments of the love quoted above; the man learns to love while he/she is widening
his/her conscience.
The aim of the religions - and therefore also of the Jesus Redeemer Order - it is that to help
the man to accelerate his "walk" toward the Holiness widening his/her conscience .
The Catechism of the Jesus Redeemer Order has been defined "a sure way " while the
Jesus Redeemer Order has been defined "the university of the world" . You will find such
Catechism in the site Internet ; such site can be opened also with the
old denomination .
Brothers and sisters it is your spiritual interest that one to attentively read the Catechism of
the Jesus Redeemer Order to accelerate your “walk” toward the Holiness, that is toward your
destiny widening your conscience.
Our teaching founds itself only not him on the Bible and on the ancient Gospels (Matthew,
Mark, Luke, John and Thomas), but also on the Divine Revelations of the XIX and XX century (that
they result me ignored by the other religions):
- That one of Jesus to Jakob Lorber, Austrian, of the XIX century;
- That one of God to Eileen Caddy of the Community of Findhorn in Scotland of the XX
- That one of Jesus to Maria Valtorta, Italian, of the XX century;
- That one of the Angels to Dorothy Maclean of the Community of Findhorn in Scotland of
the XX century;
- That one of Our Lady Mary to the Clairvoyants of Medjugorje that it had beginning in
June of 1981 and it is still in progress in June of 2016;
- And that one esoteric and philosophical of the Teachers disembodied of the Cerchio
Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) of the XX century.
The life has not much or no sense for men if we don’t know that it is eternal and it is for
such reason that we seize all that it is possible to us from the life same 39
Our Catechism effectively will help your "walk" accelerating your process of sanctification if
you will live as they prescribe the Gospels: " You do to the others everything that that you want
that they do to you; this way it commands the law of Mosè and so the prophets have taught 40
“ ,
but for doing so you need to have a wide conscience.
The above-mentioned subjects are just some of the very many other subjects that we have
exposed in the Catechism of the Ordine Gesù Redentore ( Jesus Redeemer Order), among which
those on the Islam and on Buddha’s doctrine.
Eileen Caddy, Il SENTIERO interiore, page 54, Mediterranee
Vangelo di Matteo 7, 12 (the golden rule)

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033c - A conversão de todos os homens é já no Destino dos Não CristãosOrdineGesu
032c - El Plano de Salvação de Deus e Jesus Redentor
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032c - El Plano de Salvação de Deus e Jesus RedentorOrdineGesu
031c - O Senhor Jesus é o Messias de todas as pessoas e daqui é o Reformador ...
031c - O Senhor Jesus é o Messias de todas as pessoas e daqui é o Reformador ...031c - O Senhor Jesus é o Messias de todas as pessoas e daqui é o Reformador ...
031c - O Senhor Jesus é o Messias de todas as pessoas e daqui é o Reformador ...OrdineGesu
030c - O homen e sua vida en Deus;seu destino não é nunva o inferno, mas é se...
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030c - O homen e sua vida en Deus;seu destino não é nunva o inferno, mas é se...OrdineGesu
029c - O homem na frente das virtudes e, particularmente
029c - O homem na frente das virtudes e, particularmente029c - O homem na frente das virtudes e, particularmente
029c - O homem na frente das virtudes e, particularmenteOrdineGesu
028c - A consciência, a vida dos homens e o continuo aiuxilio che vem do Céu
028c - A consciência, a vida dos homens e o continuo aiuxilio che vem do Céu028c - A consciência, a vida dos homens e o continuo aiuxilio che vem do Céu
028c - A consciência, a vida dos homens e o continuo aiuxilio che vem do CéuOrdineGesu
027c - O Senhor Deus diz ao homem porque ele deu sua vida
027c - O Senhor Deus diz ao homem porque ele deu sua vida027c - O Senhor Deus diz ao homem porque ele deu sua vida
027c - O Senhor Deus diz ao homem porque ele deu sua vidaOrdineGesu
025c - o HOMEM é UM jUNTO
025c - o HOMEM é UM jUNTO025c - o HOMEM é UM jUNTO
025c - o HOMEM é UM jUNTOOrdineGesu
024c - O homem e seus limites
024c - O homem e seus limites024c - O homem e seus limites
024c - O homem e seus limitesOrdineGesu
023c - A reencarnação é parte da Lei da Evolução
023c - A reencarnação é parte da Lei da Evolução023c - A reencarnação é parte da Lei da Evolução
023c - A reencarnação é parte da Lei da EvoluçãoOrdineGesu
022c - Contribuição ao conhecimento da origen da vida e ao destino do homen, ...
022c - Contribuição ao conhecimento da origen da vida e ao destino do homen, ...022c - Contribuição ao conhecimento da origen da vida e ao destino do homen, ...
022c - Contribuição ao conhecimento da origen da vida e ao destino do homen, ...OrdineGesu
021c - Quanto aos microscópicos sois negros dos Demônios e aos modos de defen...
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020c - Quanto aos Arcanjos e aos Anjos.Extraido do Elaborado 2
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020c - Quanto aos Arcanjos e aos Anjos.Extraido do Elaborado 2OrdineGesu
018c - Os erros de Lucifer, a Criaçao e os metods para salvar os demonio biss
018c - Os erros de Lucifer, a Criaçao e os metods para salvar os demonio biss018c - Os erros de Lucifer, a Criaçao e os metods para salvar os demonio biss
018c - Os erros de Lucifer, a Criaçao e os metods para salvar os demonio bissOrdineGesu
017c - Assaltos e ataques demoniacos - tris
017c - Assaltos  e ataques demoniacos - tris017c - Assaltos  e ataques demoniacos - tris
017c - Assaltos e ataques demoniacos - trisOrdineGesu
016c - Satana e seus Diabos talvez alegram-se no atormentar n bis
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000a - Index of the catechism of the order jesus redentore

  • 1. Greeting and Index of the site Internet: del Catechism of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order). This Catechism has been defined " A sure way" and "the university of the Earth ". The Ordine Gesù Redentore ( Jesus Redeemer Order) is a religious and civil association no-profit. Greeting, me, Veniero - said Revo - servant of God and the Lord Jesus Cristo greet all men to whatever race, people or religion belongs. Many secrets of the life will have made explained in this Catechism and it will also be taught you to find the Lord God and Jesus: all it takes is making silence and with the fixed thought inside of us we will find God. To the Father and to the Son you can ask the explanation of other secrets or truths of the life that we have not explained. It is simple to talk to God because He is inside of us "and He is also there for answering to all of our questions, to help to resolve our problems and to drive and to direct our footsteps, but the Lord God never imposes Himself to anybody 1 ". The man doesn't have need of teachers or guru because he/she has the Spirit God, the internal Teacher inside of itself; all of this that we have written in this Catechism is founded upon the Divine Revelations that we have listed in more documents of our Catechism therefore we are not your teachers, but we have reported you many truths because truth is freeing, but it is had to know for being able to live it before 2 . It is not true that the man lives once alone on the Earth because to become Saints it need us manifold existences on the Earth and in the other three floors or worlds of the Cosmos (astral, mental and akasico or of the conscience) where we live for ever after the first terrestrial incarnation with great degrees of mind and of conscience in strength of the law of the evolution 3 until we will became saints. After as Saints, we will live in the Kingdom of the Skies. "To spiritually live means to know itselves 4 "and when we will have discovered our vices, defects and other spiritual poverties (limits) we will overcome also the selfish and human self only because we have become aware of such limits of ours 5 . Not only death doesn't exist, but when we will have become saint after manifold terrestrial existences God it will also give us the Absolute Conscience 6 . This is the sublime destiny of every man. Initially (year 1988) peace was the fruit of my meditations inside and outside of me, but I think that then it is consolidated in the years when I have written the Catechism of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) in which I have also illustrated the Islam and the doctrine of the Buddha also translating all the documents in English and Spanish. I think that any event can upset the peace that I have in me, not even the passing in the Life after Death because I know that the death and the hell as place don't exist because they are not 1 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of July 21st , Amrita 2 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of January 23rd , Amrita 3 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione) and page 210 (Legge di evoluzione), Mediterranee 4 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, page 127, Mediterranee 5 Cerchio Firenze 77, La voce dell’ignoto, pages 45-50 (Più che fare ed avere è importante essere), Mediterranee 6 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee 1
  • 2. compatible with the love, the mercy and the omnipotence of God. I also know that God, in the person of Jesus, it forgives our sins as it is said in three Psalms of the Bible. The judgment of Jesus is fond because he/she doesn't judge us on the base of our sins, but on that of the good actions that we have done in the life after every terrestrial incarnation; therefore I am calm that everything will not only be all right for me, but for all the men. I have worked always with diligence and to the best of my possibilities only not when I wrote the Catechism of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order); I have done so also always when I worked at the American Command of Camp Darby and later - when I had developed my professional activity since January 1960 to the March 5th 1996 - when I have retired to the purpose to help my brothers men. I realize only tonight (April 30th 2016) of the responsibilities that took me - accepting the proposals of the Sky in meditation to constitute the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) and to write and to publish of it on Internet the Catechism; responsibility has been toward God, toward Jesus and toward all of you brothers and sisters. In to write the Catechism of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) in these last years I have always felt myself pledged to write it, but always with a great internal peace for three motives: a. the first one is that the responsibilities have never worried me – not even during my professional activity – because my mind was concentrated in the making my job at the best of my possibilities, with diligence and knowledge of the subject matter; b. the second one is that all of this that I have written is founded on the Bible with the four canonical Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and on the divine Revelations of the XIX and XX century for which it is true and it is not true at the same time that I am really me that I have written the Catechism of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) and then I have improved and completed it - also with new documents - while I was translating it in English and in Spanish; c. the third one is that they have been communicated two consoling judgments (I don't know well Whose, perhaps of Jesus) during two of the innumerable meditations that I did in the recent past because it was me said that the Catechism of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) is one "sure Way" ( August 16th 2005) and that our religious Order is "The university of the world" (February 2nd 2005). Index of the site Internet ( and of the book WHO WE ARE 1. Who are we, what purposes we have and to what Divine Revelations we make reference; 2. As and when we are constituted there. What we want to do. Our symbols and our buildings; 2
  • 3. 3. The Christianity, the Ordine Gesù Redentore (OGR) (Jesus Redeemer Order) and the other Religions; 4. Why The Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) has been constituted as subject independent from the other Churches Christians; 5. The Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) answers to the following existential questions of the man (.); 6. With what people we want to have relationships and with what we don't want to have of it; 7. Fundamental notions of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) CLOSE EXAMINATIONS The Lord God, the Whole (DT): 1. The Lord God, the men and the Religions. 2. One day of the Eternal Present God discovered to be alone in His divine world; 3. The divine laws that discipline the life in the four floors or worlds of the Cosmos; 4. Other notions and fundamental principles of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) for the Evangelization of the world (Elaborate 2); 5. The ancient laws and the suggestions of God, as well as the religions to educate men; 6. Building of the alternative Christian Civilization to those founded on the profit and on the power to oppose the injustices, the wars and the Evil (Elaborate 3); Angels and Demons (To & D): 1. The role of the Angels in the life; 2. The responsibilities of Satan, of the Demons and of the others gods of the Evil toward the humanity; 3. Satan and his/her Demons are real people that, they, perhaps, rejoice in to torment us; 4. Demoniac assaults and attacks. 5. Lucifer errors, the Creation and the formalities to save the Demons; 6. Elaborate extract 2: As for Lucifer - Satan; 7. Elaborate extract 2: As for the Archangels and to the Angels; 8. Elaborate extract 3: As for Satan, to his offensive actions and to those of the other Demons; as for the man, often allied of Satan and of the other Demons. The nature, the life and the Destiny of the man (NVDU): 1. Contribution to the knowledge of the origin of the life, of the nature and of the destiny of the man (Elaborate 1); 2. The reincarnation is a part of Law of the evolution; 3
  • 4. 3. The man and his/her limits; 4. The man is a whole; 5. We reflect on the conscience and on the inexplicable crimes; 6. The Lord God explains to the man because He has given him the life; 7. The conscience, the life of men and the continuous help that it comes us from the sky; 8. The man in front of the virtues and particularly in front of the three theological virtues, the Faith, the Hope and the Charity; 9. The man and his/her life in God; its destiny is never the hell, but it is always the communion of the beings in God; signs on the Life after Death. Jesus' Redeemer role (RGR): 1. The Lord Jesus is the Messiah of all men and therefore He is the Reformer or the Renovator of all Religions; 2. The Plan of Salvation of God and Jesus Redeemer; 3. All men's conversion to Jesus Redeemer is already in the destiny of the Not Christians, to whatever people or religion belongs; 4. Maria of Nazareth, the perfect Donna, the Super Eva, according to the Revelations done to Maria Valtorta by the Lord Jesus and by Our Lady Mary itself; 5. The role of the Lord Jesus, all the people's Messiah, Son of Mary and of the Spirit-Will of God 7 and the prayers of the Religions. The annual ceremony of the Wesak in the Himalaya; 6. The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus made to relive to Maria Valtorta. What it is changing in the world (CSM): 1. The eagerness of power, wealth and dominion has always been the cause of the wars and of the poverties of peoples; 2. The humanity is taking risks of wars and slaughters because of Satan and of its slaves human warmongers. The role of the Religions and the Labor unions to oppose the conflicts. The fundamental importance of the prayers, of the works and of the positive thought to live well. 3. Not the hate and the weapons, but the love will triumph as Jesus on the death; 4. Prayers and deeds to oppose the wars and the terrorism. Comparison among some passages of the Gospel and the Koran. The power of the love; 5. The civilizations built by the man; the man's self or me, his/her egoism and the purpose of his/her life; 6. Peace or war in Palestine and in the world? Peace naturally! 7. The new organization of the United Nations (U.N.). 7 Il Corano, trad. L. Bonelli, sura III 40, 52-53, Ulrico Hoepli 4
  • 5. Religions (REL): 1. Contribution to the knowledge of the Koran with signalling of numerous errors of interpretation of fundamental themes of the Revelation of God to the prophet Mohammed committed with astuteness and wickedness by the Fundamentalists or Islamic Radicals. Signalling of numerous Arabic alterations to the Koran (Elaborate 4) ; 2. Some additions and other Arabic changes to verses of the Koran; 3. Inauspicious consequences of the Arabic radical Islam on the peace of the world (Elaborate 4 bis); 4. The Islam, a demographic bomb, a destabilizing factor of the peace in the world, one of the causes of the hunger of the poor peoples and a forge of injustices, cruelties, overbearances and satanic violences; 5. The violences in the Islam, among which those for the abandonment of the Islamic religion (abjuration); 6. The Christian Civilization offers and asks collaboration to the other true Religions to discover the human errors contained in the Sacred Writings of the antiquity (Elaborate 5); 7. Civilization and Christian Community, hypothesis of collaborations with other Religions (Elaborate 6); 8. Revelations, Religions and Antireligion (Elaborate 7); 9. The eternal life of the man in the Cosmos and then in the Communion of the Saints; 10. The errors of the religions and the possibility of alliances or accords between them to work together (Elaborate 8) 11. The errors of the Religions according to the Teachers disembodied of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) (Elaborate 9); 12. Some considerations on three Letters of St. Paul to the Corinthian ones, to the Philippoussis and the Galatians; 13. The meaning of the poverty, of the illness and of the pain according to Jesus Christ and the meaning that it attributes to them the Buddha; 14. Introduction to the writings on the Buddha Gotama Siddhartha; 15. Brothers Buddhists the life with all the living beings is the masterpiece of God; 16. The discoveries and the errors of the Buddha Gotama Siddhattha; 17. Says Gotama Siddhattha the Buddha, among successes and failures; 18. << It is not true>> or <<it is true>> respect to the doctrine Buddhist. << It is true>> respect to the Christian Doctrine of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order); 19. The Buddha and the Buddhists; 20. Reflections and searches on the life, on the Buddha, on the pain, on the love, on the Buddhists and on Satan-Mara; 21. Brothers Buddhists: the apparition on the Earth of the Great Mother Spirit Saint; 5
  • 6. For the meditation it is seen in Mind and Thought. Note: See in the Lord God, the Whole, the document “The ancient laws and the suggestions of God, as well as the religions to educate men” because in such document they have been examined all the great religions of the world. Mind and Thought (MP): 1. Synthesis of the thought: the mind, the mentality, the reflection, the contemplation the meditation, the behaviours and the attitudes of the man; 2. The meditation. Science, Matter and Spirit (SMS): 1. At the base of the Matter there is the Spirit; 2. The Matter, the Spirit, the life and the love; 3. What said the Lord Jesus concerning to the Matter of this universe; 4. The laws of the life (of the Matter and of the Spirit). Answers and Frequent Questions (That is, FAQ: Frequent Answers and Questions) Justice and Peace in Earth (GPT): 1. The religions as they can compete to make to distribute with justice the resources created by God and by man? Order Jesus Redentore (OGR): 1 Who is the Head of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) (OGR)? 2. How can we realize our projects, included the alliances with all Religions? Yourself improves to improve the world (MTS): 1.How can terrestrial happiness be found? 2.Where can happiness be found on the Earth? 3. What is terrestrial life under the spiritual aspect? God’s teachings 4. What must the men do for improving itselves ? The Reality of other worlds (RAM): 1. Do we know what the love is? 2. Do we know what it is <<The to feel to exist>>? 3. Do we know what the thought is? Are we aware of the importance that the thought has in our life? 6
  • 7. 4. Do we know what the Spirit is? 5. Do we know what the Conscience is? UNITE YOURSELF TO US TO IMPROVE THE WORLD : 1. What do we think of doing for improving the world? a. We look for friends and allies in the other Religions also; b. We look for people that want to improve the world improving itselves; c. We look for Seekers of Truths; d. We look for operators of justice and of peace; e. Reassuming: of how many types of men we have need to cooperate to improve the world? 2. Who feels the impulse to unite to us. THE GOSPEL OF THE ORDER JESUS REDENTORE The ancient Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke John and Thomas ; and the modern Gospels: The Great Gospel of John dictated in the XIX century from the Lord Jesus to the Austrian Jakob Lorber and The Gospel as it has been revealed me, made to relive to Maria Valtorta, Italian, in the XX century PRAYERS 1. Prayer to our Father-Mother-God; 2. Father of ours; 3. The Hail Mary; 4. Glory to the Father-Mother-God 5. I adore you; 6. Prayer to Jesus; 7. Prayer for the Spirit Saint; 8. Act of pain; 9. Benediction; 10. The Saint Rosary; 11. Prayer for the deads that they live in the Life after Death; 12. In honor of the Great Mother Spirit Saint; 13. The Creed of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order); 14. The prayer of the Morning and the Evening; 15. The gratefulness 16. Thanks to Our Lady Mary and her son Jesus. 7
  • 8. 17. Note to the prayers THE SAINT MASS OF THE ORDINE GESÙ REDENTORE (JESUS REDEEMER ORDER) The Saint Mass of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order). Short presentation of the Catechism of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order): The life in the Cosmos (plane or world physical with the Earth and planes or worlds astral, mental and akasico or of the conscience 8 ) has been conceived and realized by God to save the demons through the same life and men 9 . God is the whole and He is the Absolute One 10 . He is present in every thing and in each one 11 and He is also our internal Teacher 12 . Death doesn't exist because the man is immortal 13 and not even the eternal hell exists as place; the hell exists, instead, as a state of being 14 . The man lives numerous existences on the Earth 15 and in the other three floors or worlds of the Cosmos to widen his/her conscience learning to love gladly God, with the soul and the strengths 16 and the other men as himself/herself 17 . To describe all of this and still more we have written numerous documents that compose the Catechism of the Ordine Gesù Redentore (Jesus Redeemer Order) and that you will find them in this Internet site. In our Catechism we have exposed the truths of the Divine Revelations of the XIX and XX century also among which: It is not true that the man lives only once on the Earth, neither that he/she can be condemned to the eternal hell by Jesus because the hell doesn't exist as place being incompatible with the love, the mercy and the omnipotence of God and because God in the person of the same Jesus forgives our sins and then he judges us on the base of the good deeds that in every existence we have done on the Earth 18 ; the man is immortal 19 and he/she 8 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee 9 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 157-163 (La natura di Satana e le conseguenze della sua caduta), Armenia 10 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 71.72 (Dio) and pages 296-297 (Tutto ; Tutto è perfetto ; Tutto- Uno-Assoluto), Mediterranee 11 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of July 17th , Amrita 12 Eileen Caddy, Le porte interiori, Message of July 21st , Amrita 13 Eileen Caddy, Il SENTIERO interiore, pages 54-56, Amrita 14 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 176, Armenia 15 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 184-186 (La reincarnazione), Armenia ; Cercho Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 214 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee 16 Deuteronomio 6, 4-9 17 Levitico 19, 17-18 18 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, page 176 (Nobody goes to the hell or to the sky, but everybody brings them both within himself/herself ) and pages 181-184 (The day of the judgement and the resurrection of the flesh), Armenia 19 Eileen Caddy, Il SENTIERO interiore, pages 53-54, Mediterranee 8
  • 9. reincarnates him/her numerous times on the Earth for around fifty thousands years to widen his/her conscience becoming so a superman or a saint 20 ; therefore the average duration of the process of sanctification of the man is very long. The man is a whole of four bodies all animated by the Divine Spark (virtual fraction of the Spirit of God 21 ): the physical body for the life on the Earth, the astral body for the life in the astral world, the mental body for the life in the mental world and the body akasico or of the conscience for the life in the world akasico 22 . When the physical body of the man dies on the Earth (plane or physical world), the man himself/herself starts to live without interruption in the astral plan with his/her astral body, his/her mental body and his/her body akasico or conscience; when in the astral world, with the astral body, the man will have made the purification of the astral plan his/her astral body will die in the astral world, but immediately after the man - always animated by the Divine Spark, “his/her” Spirit - he/she will start to live in the mental world with his/her mental body and the body akasico or the conscience and when he/she will complete his/her evolution in the mental world such his/her body will die in the mental world 23 , but immediately after the man will start to live in the plane or world akasico or of the conscience with his/her conscience or body akasico, the second eternal body of the man (his/her first eternal body is the Divine Spark, a virtual fraction of the Spirit of God, that gives life to the aforesaid bodies of the man as it is already said). The man, when he/she will have completed his/her evolution in the world akasico he/she will reincarnate him/her on the Earth with new bodies physical, astral and mental perfectly proper for his/her new cosmic existence for doing always new experiences, necessary to the amplification of his/her conscience, with new personalities 24 ; then, after thet he/she will have become Saint the man will live forever in the communion of the saints of God, the Inventor and the Creator of the life and of the living beings to save demons through the same life and of the men 25 . These plans or worlds form the Cosmos 26 where the man lives for around fifty thousands years as it is already said, before becoming saint. The destiny of the man is sublime because as Saint he/she will receive in gift from God the absolute Conscience also 27 . It derives from above that the man never dies and that the death in reality doesn't exist 28 . “The man lives continuously in one of the four world of the Cosmos, but if it is true that 20 Cerchio Firenze 77, Oltre l’illusione, page 185, Mediterranee 21 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee 22 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pagine 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee 23 Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, page 47 (How we abandon the physical plane), Mediterranee 24 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 188-189 (Morte) ; Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 175- 180 ( the evolution after the death), Mediterranee ; Cerchio Firenze 77, Maestro perché?, page 53 ( +Why it must exist the death of the physical body, of the astral body and of the mental body ?, Mediterranee 25 Jakob Lorber, Il Signore parla, pages 157-163 (Satan’s nature and the consequences of his fall), Armenia 26 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 64-65 (Cosmo), Mediterranee 27 Cerchio Firenze 77, La Fonte Preziosa, page 267, Mediterranee 28 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 188-189 (Morte), Mediterranee 9
  • 10. the physical, astral and mental bodies die of the man itself die in the homonymous planes or worlds it is true also that the man continues to live with his/her Divine Spark and Conscience reincarnating in the Earth until he/she will become saint and as Saint he/she will continue to live in the Kingdome of the Skies. The death of the man therefore it is not, it does not exist, because his/her life is eternal and therefore the man is immortal 29 30 “. However, for his/her same good, the man - when he/she lives on the Earth - he/she must try to evangelically live for widening his/her conscience to the best of his/her possibilities. The Gospels are the explanation of the Decalogue 31 and they teach us to live according to the two Commandments of the love: “it loves the neighbour as yourself 32 and “ it loves God with all heart, the soul and your strengths 33 “. What happens us in our life on the Earth of well or of badly it is not the fruit of the chance or it depends on a choice of God, but it depends on the good or bad behaviours that we have had toward the others in the preceding terrestrial existences in strength of a divine fundamental law of the life: the law of cause and of effect or karmic law 34 in base to which what we do of well or of badly to the others to us it will be done 35 in following terrestrial existences for teaching us how to behave well toward our brothers men; the other divine fundamental law of the life is the law of evolution: " Process for which life, through forms more and more organized, it expresses always great degrees of Mind and of Spirit 36 " by means of the subsequent reincarnation in other individuals "Transmigration of the individuality in a body fit to express the achieved evolution, to the purpose to achieve evolution 37 " by means of the expansion of our conscience. The teaching / correction of the pain for the love that God has for us it is imparted us only in the terrestrial life in which we will have become mature to understand such teaching / correction of the pain 38 and in such way the man will find the conscience that he/she missed him/her; for instance: who killed he/she will be killed, who stole he/she will be stolen, who did violence to somebody he/she will be raped, who has given a pain, it will feel a pain. If the teaching / correction of the pain had been given us before of being mature to understand them, it would have been only a punishment without expansion of our conscience. 29 Eileen Caddy, IL SENTIERO interiore, pages 53-54, Mediterranee 30 Ex Elaborate 3 page 51 of the Catechism of the Ordine Gesù Redentore among the Close Examinations in the paragraph The Lord God the Whole 31 Maria Valtorta, L’Evangelo come mi è stato rivelato, Vol. VII, pages 123-124, CEV srl, 03036 Isola del Liri (Frosinone), Italy 32 Levitico 19, 17-18 33 Deuteronomio 6, 4 - 9 34 Cerchio Firenze 77, Dizionario del Cerchio, pages 157-159 (Legge di causa e di effetto o legge karmica), Mediterranee 35 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, pages 43-49 (La dinamica del karma), Mediterranee 36 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 206 (Evoluzione), Mediterranee 37 Cerchio Firenze 77, Per un mondo migliore, page 214 (Reincarnazione), Mediterranee 38 Cerchio Firenze 77, Le grandi verità ricercate dall’uomo, page 46 (n° 5-6 e 7), Mediterranee 10
  • 11. The life of the man on the Earth has the purpose also to teach him/her to love in strength of the two Commandments of the love quoted above; the man learns to love while he/she is widening his/her conscience. The aim of the religions - and therefore also of the Jesus Redeemer Order - it is that to help the man to accelerate his "walk" toward the Holiness widening his/her conscience . The Catechism of the Jesus Redeemer Order has been defined "a sure way " while the Jesus Redeemer Order has been defined "the university of the world" . You will find such Catechism in the site Internet ; such site can be opened also with the old denomination . Brothers and sisters it is your spiritual interest that one to attentively read the Catechism of the Jesus Redeemer Order to accelerate your “walk” toward the Holiness, that is toward your destiny widening your conscience. Our teaching founds itself only not him on the Bible and on the ancient Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Thomas), but also on the Divine Revelations of the XIX and XX century (that they result me ignored by the other religions): - That one of Jesus to Jakob Lorber, Austrian, of the XIX century; - That one of God to Eileen Caddy of the Community of Findhorn in Scotland of the XX century; - That one of Jesus to Maria Valtorta, Italian, of the XX century; - That one of the Angels to Dorothy Maclean of the Community of Findhorn in Scotland of the XX century; - That one of Our Lady Mary to the Clairvoyants of Medjugorje that it had beginning in June of 1981 and it is still in progress in June of 2016; - And that one esoteric and philosophical of the Teachers disembodied of the Cerchio Firenze 77 (Circle Florence 77) of the XX century. The life has not much or no sense for men if we don’t know that it is eternal and it is for such reason that we seize all that it is possible to us from the life same 39 . Our Catechism effectively will help your "walk" accelerating your process of sanctification if you will live as they prescribe the Gospels: " You do to the others everything that that you want that they do to you; this way it commands the law of Mosè and so the prophets have taught 40 “ , but for doing so you need to have a wide conscience. The above-mentioned subjects are just some of the very many other subjects that we have exposed in the Catechism of the Ordine Gesù Redentore ( Jesus Redeemer Order), among which those on the Islam and on Buddha’s doctrine. 39 Eileen Caddy, Il SENTIERO interiore, page 54, Mediterranee 40 Vangelo di Matteo 7, 12 (the golden rule) 11
  • 12. 12