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Anthony Robbins - Ultimate Business Mastery System NOTES
Session 1 - Introduction - Quick Start - How to Get Maximum Results Out of This
 There are certain patterns that make people succeed and fail
 80% of success is psychology
- Why to
 20% is mechanics
- How to
 Business is innovation & marketing
 Innovation is adding more value to our clients
 Marketing is letting them know about it
 Meet customers’ needs and satisfy them
Session 2.1 - Discipline 1 - Invincible Leadership - The Secret to Explosive
 The right leader makes all the difference
 Leaders adapt
 Individuals change companies and add new value
 A change in beliefs and psychology is the key to innovation
 Repetition is the mother of skill
 Intellectual mastery is good but understanding emotionally and by experience is
the key
 Doing it gives you experience which you feel in your body
Outcome List
 Write down all the changes you would like to make in your business
 Write down all the problems that need to be solved
Session 2.2 - Discipline 1 - Invincible Leadership - The Secret to Explosive
 You can take leadership in this economy in your market
 If you can’t get something for your clients show them where they can get it
 Your ability to master yourself is the starting he point of your business because it
affects everything else
 State effects your decisions
- You will make a different decision based on fear than you will if you are
 Blueprint is your beliefs & values
What Creates A Business Breakthrough?
 Decision making is the power that shapes destiny
1) What should I focus on?
 Focus on how to change things not how they are wrong
 Focus on what you can control
 Focus on meeting people’s needs
 When you focus you feel an emotion based on what you are
focussing on means to you
 Focus = feeling
 You must manage your feelings
2) What does this mean?
 Is it the beginning or the end
 Fall in love with your customers
 When they buy see it as the start of their relationship
3) What should I do?
 Where should you make different decisions
 Was it a people answer?
 Personal decision?
The Leaders Job
 It is our mission as a leader to get value out of every problem
 The purpose of business is to add value to your customers
 Leaders make decisions that add or subtract value
 Leaders solve problems and they maximise resources
 What is a small decision that you can make right now that will change your
 What would be a tough decision but would make a massive difference?
The Training Effect
 People get bored and frustrated when they reach a plateau and then they quit
 Dabblers are by their nature unhappy
 Peoples happiness is not connected to their quality of life
 The stresser doesn’t settle and they don’t quit
 The problem though is when they get their goals they are so stressed they don’t
enjoy it
 The path of them master
 The master expects the plateau to come
 They want to know how to get to the next level with the minimum of effort
- modelling
 Success leaves clues
- If someone is consistently successful they are not lucky
 If you know the road ahead then you anticipate the problems and are not in
reaction mode
- Reaction will kill your business
 Repetition is the mother of skill
 If you understand all this the only thing that can stop you is not taking action
 Have you ever failed to achieve your goal
- The excuse is I don’t have enough time
- Didn’t have enough money
- Didn’t have enough experience
- Lousy people, etc
 The excuse is that we didn’t have the resources to achieve
 Resourceful people get resources
- It’s a question of accessing it
 Human emotion is the ultimate resource
- Enough emotion can make you do anything
 You must become a master of your emotions
 There are no limitations except what you set for yourself
Session 3.1 - Discipline 2 - The Only 3 Ways to Grow Your Business - How to
Create Geometric Growth Now
 We need a map for the next years not a plan
 The 5 questions outlined below are designed
- To help you identify where you are now
- To rediscover (or to codify) the purpose of your business and/or mission
- To help you further discover (or rediscover) your strengths, gifts, talents,
passions and weaknesses (both personally and as a business)
- To help you understand the interplay of the seasons and cycles and how this
affects your business
- To discover potential opportunities in the current market and how to capitalize
on them
- To help you create a vision of where you want to go
1) What business are you REALLY in? How's business? Why?
 Eg: not trains but in transport
2) Why are you in business? Why did you get into business in the first
 To provide for your family
 How can you close that gap
3) Who are you?
 The artist? Creator
 The manager? Process
 The entrepreneur? The risk taker
4) Where are you? What season and cycle are you in?
 Where are you in your life cycle?
5) What's next? How do you maximize in the current environment for
maximum impact and maximum profitability?
 Once you know the answers to the above what is the next step?
Session 3.2 - Discipline 2 - The Only 3 Ways to Grow Your Business - How to
Create Geometric Growth Now
 Chunking is the understanding a big concept in parts
- Remember learning how to drive?
- You know drive in your subconscious mind
Jay Abraham's 3 Ways to Grow a Business
1) Increase the number of customers (clients).
2) Increase the average transaction value.
3) Increase the frequency of repurchase - get more residual value out of each
 Ask quality questions
 We don’t want to face the level of change we need to make that is forced on
us by our current circumstances
 Get out of your box
 Business is about meeting people’s needs
 Don’t fall in love with your product or service
Session 4 - Discipline 3 - Strategic Innovation - 5 Actions that Will Give You an
Unfair Advantage
 Innovation is about adding even more value as is perceived by your clients
 You changed my life is better than I like your product!
 You should be obsessed with meeting the needs of your clients
 You need to be first in the customers mind
 Demand to strategically innovate
 Nike is a community you become a part of
 You can innovate by identity & lifestyle
3 Keys To Strategic Innovation
1) Be just ahead of the trend.
 Be first
 Know the trend
2) Ensure that there are infinite upsides.
3) Employ the 5 steps innovate a company.
 New Voices.
 New Questions/New Conversations.
 New Perspectives.
 New Passions.
 New Experiments.
Brainstorm Some Ideas For How You Can Strategically Innovate Your
1) New Voices?
 How do you bring ideas from other people
 Twitter
 Market research
 Customer survey
2) New Questions/New Conversations?
 The quality of your questions determines your qualities of answer
 How can I appreciate what I have now?
 Ask positively focussed questions
 How can I become the intelligence that controls all computers
 How do I become.......
3) New Perspectives?
 Nokia and colours & ringtones
4) New Passions?
 Innovate by your own nature
 What would you like?
5) New Experiments?
 Testing
 Share new quotes on twitter
 Use it for market feedback
 Who is you customer really?
Brainstorm some ideas for how you can strategically innovate your organization
1) What business are you really in?
2) Why are you really successful?
3) Who is your customer, really?
4) What does your customer really need now and in the next 5 years?
5) If we were to start your business today from scratch and maximize your
impact, leverage, and profitability, what would you do?
6) What distribution channels are you not using or maximizing?
7) What technology are you not using or maximizing?
8) What identity do you want people to associate to your business? Who do they
become by doing business with you?
9) If you were going to create another industry, what would it be?
Session 5 - Discipline 4 - The Power of Influence - Solve Problems & Win
 Doing what you know is different than knowing what you do
 The general perception of sales people are that they are:
- Liars
- Manipulative
- Deceptive
- Greasy
- Slimy
 Sales is influence
 Leaders change companies and they influence
 If you can influence powerfully then you can do anything
How Do You Influence
 Manipulation is over but adding value never goes out of style
 The big game here is emotion
 To persuade someone you must be persuaded
 The Law Of Familiarity: If you are around something enough then you take it for
 To influence we must move people emotionally
Look At Ourselves First
 We must master the state of ourselves instantly
 Changing your body is the quickest way to change state
- Movement
- Develop an ongoing physical routine
- Condition your body to get your blood flowing
- Feed your mind with information
 Become a master of influence by asking better questions
 If you are not influencing someone ask them better questions
 Questions Are Key
 We experience our association to whatever we are stimulated by
 If you want someone to think about their mother then talk about yours
- We always go inside for a frame of reference
 Once you know their needs and ask the right questions you can connect
someone to any new experience in life that you want for them
 Emotion is created by motion
 Always go first as the leader
Human Needs
1) All human beings have a need for certainty &
2) uncertainty/variety
- Change vs certainty
 Things won’t be certain if you don’t do this – you may lose your
- Positive uncertainty
 This is a new game we are in, a new way of doing things and
never done before
3) People want significance
- If you can link your stuff to significance then you can make billions
- If it doesn’t work out then I’ll look stupid
- Doing this is going to make us better than anything else
4) The fourth need is connection & love
- If I get significance then I will be loved
- It must go well or I won’t feel loved
- We have to do this because they will connect us to your clients in a way
that creates a lasting bond
5) Everyone has to grow
- Growing makes us feel alive
6) The last is contribution
- Contribute to something bigger than themselves
 Instead of telling ask the question that brings them there
 You have to know where you want to take them towards
 Utilisation – whatever happens use it
 You must lead with influence
 You must ask for the action because they are convinced inside
Asking Powerful Question
 Sometimes it’s useful to recognise your background and what you are angry with
today is something you desired a few years ago
 Problem are really questions that have not been answered
 Spend 5% on the problem and 95% of the solution
 Some people keep a problem so they can solve it
 STEP 1:
- Describe the problem/request.
- Describe with precision in maximum 1-2 sentences the problem/request.
 STEP 2:
- Provide a solution.
- What are 3 cost-effective, viable and intelligent solutions you believe could be
implemented to solve this problem?
- Which of the 3 is your favourite?
- What resources of time, energy and money would be required to implement
 STEP 3:
- Respond.
- (1) Accept;
- (2) modify or reject, with reasons why
- (3) provide new alternative solutions.
 Make sure your question has just one chunk in it
- Too big of a chunk or too many chunks can be too much
Problem-Solving Questions
1) What can I learn from this?
 If there was something in this situation what would it be?
 Write it down
2) What's great about this problem?
3) What is not perfect yet?
4) What am I willing to do to make it the way I want it?
 If you think about what you want your life like, what are you prepared
to do to make it happen?
5) What am I not willing to do to make it the way I want it?
 To become defeated and live in fear and stress
6) How can I enjoy the process?
 Instead of telling people these things, ask them of yourself and staff and they will
answer them themselves
Morning Questions
 Whatever you focus will make you feel
1) What am I happy about in my life right now?
- What about that makes me happy?
- How does that make me feel?
2) What am I excited about in my life right now?
- What about that makes me excited?
- How does that make me feel?
3) What am I proud of in my life right now?
- What about that makes me proud?
- How does that make me feel?
4) What am I grateful for in my life right now?
- What about that makes me grateful?
- How does that make me feel?
5) What am I enjoying in my life right now?
- What about that do I enjoy?
- How does that make me feel?
6) What am I committed to in my life right now?
- What about that makes me committed?
- How does that make me feel?
7) Whom do I love?  
- Who loves me?  
- What about them makes me loving?  
- How does that make me feel? 
How To Influence Others
 Step 1: Identification
- Connection phase
- They must say “me too”
- Think what is unique about them and their motivations and needs
- Start with a mutual screw up or problem
- Think about why they are there
- It’s all about Bonding
- This guy is just like me
- Share their pain
 Step 2: Logic & Reason
- This is the justification phase
- Facts & figures
 Step 3: Attack & Confess
- Bring up the objection first and admit you were guilty before
- Attack yourself – it’s incredibly stupid and I point at myself
- You don’t blame them
- Money has never been an objection for something you are committed to
- “Everybody knows that their time is valuable, and they need to get better with
their time but when you try to train them they say I don’t have time, how
stupid is that, I have done this myself!”
- It’s also stating all the repercussions of not doing it
 Step 4: Solution
- If you make this happen heaven will happen
- The most valuable thing you have is time, can you really put this off anymore?
- Do just one step a day and he was in a great place just 12 weeks later
 Step 5: Ask for the action
- Assume the sale
- Are you in or not
 These must be done in order
The Order
1) Rapport
2) Logic
3) Pain & Pleasure
4) Close
Session 6 - Discipline 5 - The Rapid Planning Method - 3 Master Steps to Take
Immediate Control of Your Time, Your Life & Your Business
 What should I do
- It ends up bringing up something that is pressing with us like a problem
 What do I need to do
- Is a much better question
 Focus causes emotion, whatever we feel we move towards or away
- Where focus goes energy flows
- Ask better questions
 What do I want?
 What result am I after?
 What goal/outcome are you specifically committed to achieving?
- Write these instead of activities
 What do you really want? What's the result you want?
 Write out your full name and time how long it took
 Write every other letter – eventually it will take a third of the time
 Once you start thinking of outcomes you want
 Ritualise it
 Be as clear and as specific as possible
 Focus on results not activities
 Why are you committed to achieving this result or goal?
 Why do you want it? What is your purpose?
 Do you have enough emotional juice?
 What specific actions will you take to achieve your desired result, outcome
or goal?
 Why do you want it? What is your purpose?
 How do I do it?
The 7 Principles of Power
1) Language
- Words shape our experience and affect people
- How you describe things affects your emotions
- How do I habitually use language
- Language is used to describe your meaning which affects how you feel
- Nutritious vs delicious
- Language is the genesis of genius
- Language dictates passion
- What words make an emotional impact on you?
- $500 words vs $0.50 words
2) Results Focus
- Putting your mind laser focussed
3) Purpose
- They why changes the how
- Motive matters
- Your motives for action
- This is where the power is
- Have a higher purpose
4) Mapping
- Maps don’t always work
- The first time you map it might not be completely right
- After awhile you will have the shortcuts
5) Chunking
- Break things into little bits
- Chunking is about meeting your needs
- Life management
- 2 areas to manage
 Personal life
 Professional life
- Areas that need constant attention
- You need to treat each equally and nurture them all
6) Turning dreams into reality
7) Hour of Power
 Get everything up to the same level and then improve
Project Planner
1) Capture ideas, wants 7 needs
2) RPM project plan
3) Commit to block time and resolve musts
4) SCHEDULE IT: Imagine & Anticipate the Results & Rewards
5) Complete, Measure & CELEBRATE THE RESULTS
Session 7 - Integration - The 5 Keys to Wealth & Happiness
 Our ability to maximise is key
 Have a higher standard for yourself
The 5 Keys to Wealth & Happiness
1) Raise your standards
- Turn your should into musts
- Who you spend time with is who you become
- Your income is as a result of your standards
- Always set it higher every year
2) Change your limiting beliefs
- You must become aware of them and destroy them
- You’ll change things to match your beliefs
- This is where you must have certainty
- Produce the results in your mind over and over again
3) Model what works
4) Increase your intensity
5) Step up! Give more than you expect to receive

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219059332 anthony-robbins-ultimate-business-mastery-system-notes

  • 1.     Anthony Robbins - Ultimate Business Mastery System NOTES Session 1 - Introduction - Quick Start - How to Get Maximum Results Out of This Program  There are certain patterns that make people succeed and fail  80% of success is psychology - Why to  20% is mechanics - How to  Business is innovation & marketing  Innovation is adding more value to our clients  Marketing is letting them know about it  Meet customers’ needs and satisfy them Session 2.1 - Discipline 1 - Invincible Leadership - The Secret to Explosive Growth  The right leader makes all the difference  Leaders adapt  Individuals change companies and add new value  A change in beliefs and psychology is the key to innovation  Repetition is the mother of skill  Intellectual mastery is good but understanding emotionally and by experience is the key  Doing it gives you experience which you feel in your body Outcome List  Write down all the changes you would like to make in your business  Write down all the problems that need to be solved Session 2.2 - Discipline 1 - Invincible Leadership - The Secret to Explosive Growth  You can take leadership in this economy in your market  If you can’t get something for your clients show them where they can get it  Your ability to master yourself is the starting he point of your business because it affects everything else  State effects your decisions - You will make a different decision based on fear than you will if you are confident
  • 2.      Blueprint is your beliefs & values What Creates A Business Breakthrough?  Decision making is the power that shapes destiny  THE 3 DECISIONS WE MAKE EVERY MOMENT 1) What should I focus on?  Focus on how to change things not how they are wrong  Focus on what you can control  Focus on meeting people’s needs  When you focus you feel an emotion based on what you are focussing on means to you  Focus = feeling  You must manage your feelings 2) What does this mean?  Is it the beginning or the end  Fall in love with your customers  When they buy see it as the start of their relationship 3) What should I do?  Where should you make different decisions
  • 3.      Was it a people answer?  Personal decision? The Leaders Job  It is our mission as a leader to get value out of every problem  The purpose of business is to add value to your customers  Leaders make decisions that add or subtract value  Leaders solve problems and they maximise resources  What is a small decision that you can make right now that will change your business?  What would be a tough decision but would make a massive difference?  
  • 4.     The Training Effect  People get bored and frustrated when they reach a plateau and then they quit  Dabblers are by their nature unhappy  Peoples happiness is not connected to their quality of life  The stresser doesn’t settle and they don’t quit  The problem though is when they get their goals they are so stressed they don’t enjoy it  The path of them master  The master expects the plateau to come  They want to know how to get to the next level with the minimum of effort - modelling  Success leaves clues - If someone is consistently successful they are not lucky  If you know the road ahead then you anticipate the problems and are not in reaction mode - Reaction will kill your business
  • 5.      Repetition is the mother of skill  If you understand all this the only thing that can stop you is not taking action  Have you ever failed to achieve your goal - The excuse is I don’t have enough time - Didn’t have enough money - Didn’t have enough experience - Lousy people, etc  The excuse is that we didn’t have the resources to achieve  Resourceful people get resources - It’s a question of accessing it  Human emotion is the ultimate resource - Enough emotion can make you do anything  You must become a master of your emotions  There are no limitations except what you set for yourself Session 3.1 - Discipline 2 - The Only 3 Ways to Grow Your Business - How to Create Geometric Growth Now  We need a map for the next years not a plan  The 5 questions outlined below are designed - To help you identify where you are now - To rediscover (or to codify) the purpose of your business and/or mission - To help you further discover (or rediscover) your strengths, gifts, talents, passions and weaknesses (both personally and as a business) - To help you understand the interplay of the seasons and cycles and how this affects your business
  • 6.     - To discover potential opportunities in the current market and how to capitalize on them - To help you create a vision of where you want to go 1) What business are you REALLY in? How's business? Why?  Eg: not trains but in transport 2) Why are you in business? Why did you get into business in the first place  To provide for your family  How can you close that gap 3) Who are you?  The artist? Creator  The manager? Process  The entrepreneur? The risk taker 4) Where are you? What season and cycle are you in?  Where are you in your life cycle? 5) What's next? How do you maximize in the current environment for maximum impact and maximum profitability?  Once you know the answers to the above what is the next step? Session 3.2 - Discipline 2 - The Only 3 Ways to Grow Your Business - How to Create Geometric Growth Now  Chunking is the understanding a big concept in parts - Remember learning how to drive? - You know drive in your subconscious mind Jay Abraham's 3 Ways to Grow a Business 1) Increase the number of customers (clients). 2) Increase the average transaction value. 3) Increase the frequency of repurchase - get more residual value out of each customer.
  • 7.      Ask quality questions  We don’t want to face the level of change we need to make that is forced on us by our current circumstances  Get out of your box  Business is about meeting people’s needs  Don’t fall in love with your product or service Session 4 - Discipline 3 - Strategic Innovation - 5 Actions that Will Give You an Unfair Advantage Innovation  Innovation is about adding even more value as is perceived by your clients  You changed my life is better than I like your product!  You should be obsessed with meeting the needs of your clients  You need to be first in the customers mind  Demand to strategically innovate  Nike is a community you become a part of  You can innovate by identity & lifestyle 3 Keys To Strategic Innovation 1) Be just ahead of the trend.  Be first  Know the trend 2) Ensure that there are infinite upsides. 3) Employ the 5 steps innovate a company.  New Voices.  New Questions/New Conversations.  New Perspectives.  New Passions.
  • 8.      New Experiments. Brainstorm Some Ideas For How You Can Strategically Innovate Your Organization. 1) New Voices?  How do you bring ideas from other people  Twitter  Market research  Customer survey 2) New Questions/New Conversations?  The quality of your questions determines your qualities of answer  How can I appreciate what I have now?  Ask positively focussed questions  How can I become the intelligence that controls all computers worldwide  How do I become....... 3) New Perspectives?  Nokia and colours & ringtones 4) New Passions?  Innovate by your own nature  What would you like? 5) New Experiments?  Testing  Share new quotes on twitter  Use it for market feedback  Who is you customer really? Brainstorm some ideas for how you can strategically innovate your organization 1) What business are you really in? 2) Why are you really successful? 3) Who is your customer, really? 4) What does your customer really need now and in the next 5 years? 5) If we were to start your business today from scratch and maximize your impact, leverage, and profitability, what would you do? 6) What distribution channels are you not using or maximizing? 7) What technology are you not using or maximizing? 8) What identity do you want people to associate to your business? Who do they become by doing business with you? 9) If you were going to create another industry, what would it be?  
  • 9.     Session 5 - Discipline 4 - The Power of Influence - Solve Problems & Win  Doing what you know is different than knowing what you do  The general perception of sales people are that they are: - Liars - Manipulative - Deceptive - Greasy - Slimy  Sales is influence  Leaders change companies and they influence  If you can influence powerfully then you can do anything How Do You Influence  Manipulation is over but adding value never goes out of style  The big game here is emotion  To persuade someone you must be persuaded  The Law Of Familiarity: If you are around something enough then you take it for granted  To influence we must move people emotionally Look At Ourselves First  We must master the state of ourselves instantly  Changing your body is the quickest way to change state - Movement - Develop an ongoing physical routine - Condition your body to get your blood flowing - Feed your mind with information  Become a master of influence by asking better questions  If you are not influencing someone ask them better questions  Questions Are Key  We experience our association to whatever we are stimulated by  If you want someone to think about their mother then talk about yours - We always go inside for a frame of reference  Once you know their needs and ask the right questions you can connect someone to any new experience in life that you want for them  Emotion is created by motion  Always go first as the leader
  • 10.     Human Needs 1) All human beings have a need for certainty & 2) uncertainty/variety - Change vs certainty  Things won’t be certain if you don’t do this – you may lose your business - Positive uncertainty  This is a new game we are in, a new way of doing things and never done before 3) People want significance - If you can link your stuff to significance then you can make billions - If it doesn’t work out then I’ll look stupid - Doing this is going to make us better than anything else 4) The fourth need is connection & love - If I get significance then I will be loved - It must go well or I won’t feel loved - We have to do this because they will connect us to your clients in a way that creates a lasting bond 5) Everyone has to grow - Growing makes us feel alive 6) The last is contribution - Contribute to something bigger than themselves  Instead of telling ask the question that brings them there  You have to know where you want to take them towards  Utilisation – whatever happens use it  You must lead with influence  You must ask for the action because they are convinced inside Asking Powerful Question  Sometimes it’s useful to recognise your background and what you are angry with today is something you desired a few years ago  Problem are really questions that have not been answered  Spend 5% on the problem and 95% of the solution  Some people keep a problem so they can solve it
  • 11.     STEPS TO PROBLEM-SOLVING  STEP 1: - Describe the problem/request. - Describe with precision in maximum 1-2 sentences the problem/request.  STEP 2: - Provide a solution. - What are 3 cost-effective, viable and intelligent solutions you believe could be implemented to solve this problem? - Which of the 3 is your favourite? - What resources of time, energy and money would be required to implement this?
  • 12.      STEP 3: - Respond. - (1) Accept; - (2) modify or reject, with reasons why - (3) provide new alternative solutions.  Make sure your question has just one chunk in it - Too big of a chunk or too many chunks can be too much Problem-Solving Questions 1) What can I learn from this?  If there was something in this situation what would it be?  Write it down 2) What's great about this problem? 3) What is not perfect yet? 4) What am I willing to do to make it the way I want it?  If you think about what you want your life like, what are you prepared to do to make it happen? 5) What am I not willing to do to make it the way I want it?  To become defeated and live in fear and stress 6) How can I enjoy the process?  Instead of telling people these things, ask them of yourself and staff and they will answer them themselves  
  • 13.     Morning Questions  Whatever you focus will make you feel 1) What am I happy about in my life right now? - What about that makes me happy? - How does that make me feel? 2) What am I excited about in my life right now? - What about that makes me excited? - How does that make me feel? 3) What am I proud of in my life right now? - What about that makes me proud? - How does that make me feel? 4) What am I grateful for in my life right now? - What about that makes me grateful? - How does that make me feel? 5) What am I enjoying in my life right now? - What about that do I enjoy? - How does that make me feel? 6) What am I committed to in my life right now? - What about that makes me committed? - How does that make me feel? 7) Whom do I love?   - Who loves me?   - What about them makes me loving?   - How does that make me feel?   
  • 14.     How To Influence Others  Step 1: Identification - Connection phase - They must say “me too” - Think what is unique about them and their motivations and needs - Start with a mutual screw up or problem - Think about why they are there - It’s all about Bonding - This guy is just like me - Share their pain  Step 2: Logic & Reason - This is the justification phase - Facts & figures
  • 15.      Step 3: Attack & Confess - Bring up the objection first and admit you were guilty before - Attack yourself – it’s incredibly stupid and I point at myself - You don’t blame them - Money has never been an objection for something you are committed to - “Everybody knows that their time is valuable, and they need to get better with their time but when you try to train them they say I don’t have time, how stupid is that, I have done this myself!” - It’s also stating all the repercussions of not doing it  Step 4: Solution - If you make this happen heaven will happen - The most valuable thing you have is time, can you really put this off anymore? - Do just one step a day and he was in a great place just 12 weeks later
  • 16.      Step 5: Ask for the action - Assume the sale - Are you in or not  These must be done in order The Order 1) Rapport 2) Logic 3) Pain & Pleasure 4) Close
  • 17.     Session 6 - Discipline 5 - The Rapid Planning Method - 3 Master Steps to Take Immediate Control of Your Time, Your Life & Your Business  What should I do - It ends up bringing up something that is pressing with us like a problem  What do I need to do - Is a much better question  Focus causes emotion, whatever we feel we move towards or away - Where focus goes energy flows - Ask better questions  What do I want?  What result am I after? RESULT = THE TARGET  What goal/outcome are you specifically committed to achieving? - Write these instead of activities  What do you really want? What's the result you want?  Write out your full name and time how long it took  Write every other letter – eventually it will take a third of the time  Once you start thinking of outcomes you want  Ritualise it  Be as clear and as specific as possible  Focus on results not activities PURPOSE = THE DRIVE  Why are you committed to achieving this result or goal?  Why do you want it? What is your purpose?  Do you have enough emotional juice? MASSIVE ACTION PLAN (MAP) = THE NECESSARY ACTIVITIES  What specific actions will you take to achieve your desired result, outcome or goal?  Why do you want it? What is your purpose?  How do I do it?
  • 18.     The 7 Principles of Power 1) Language - Words shape our experience and affect people - How you describe things affects your emotions - How do I habitually use language - Language is used to describe your meaning which affects how you feel - Nutritious vs delicious - Language is the genesis of genius - Language dictates passion - What words make an emotional impact on you? - $500 words vs $0.50 words
  • 19.     2) Results Focus - Putting your mind laser focussed 3) Purpose - They why changes the how - Motive matters - Your motives for action - This is where the power is - Have a higher purpose 4) Mapping - Maps don’t always work - The first time you map it might not be completely right - After awhile you will have the shortcuts 5) Chunking - Break things into little bits - Chunking is about meeting your needs - Life management - 2 areas to manage  Personal life  Professional life - Areas that need constant attention - You need to treat each equally and nurture them all 6) Turning dreams into reality - 7) Hour of Power -  
  • 21.          Get everything up to the same level and then improve
  • 22.    
  • 23.     Project Planner 1) Capture ideas, wants 7 needs 2) RPM project plan      
  • 24.     3) Commit to block time and resolve musts 4) SCHEDULE IT: Imagine & Anticipate the Results & Rewards 5) Complete, Measure & CELEBRATE THE RESULTS Session 7 - Integration - The 5 Keys to Wealth & Happiness  Our ability to maximise is key  Have a higher standard for yourself The 5 Keys to Wealth & Happiness 1) Raise your standards - Turn your should into musts - Who you spend time with is who you become - Your income is as a result of your standards - Always set it higher every year 2) Change your limiting beliefs - You must become aware of them and destroy them - You’ll change things to match your beliefs - This is where you must have certainty - Produce the results in your mind over and over again
  • 25.     3) Model what works 4) Increase your intensity 5) Step up! Give more than you expect to receive