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New Opportunities for Testing on the JVM
Sam Brannen

@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Sam Brannen
•  Spring and Java Consultant
•  Trainer, Coach, …
•  Hardcore developer at heart
•  Java Developer for about 20 years
•  Spring Framework Core Committer since 2007
•  JUnit 5 Core Committer since October 2015
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Experts in Spring and Enterprise Java
Areas of expertise
•  Spring *
•  JUnit 5
•  Java EE
•  Software Architecture
•  Code Reviews
Where you find us
•  Zurich, Switzerland
•  @swiftmind
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
•  Impetus for Change
•  JUnit 5
•  Demos
•  Live Coding
•  Spring 5
•  Q & A
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Show of hands …
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Why a new version of JUnit?
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Impetus for Change
•  JUnit 4.0 was released a decade ago
•  a lot has changed since then…
•  testing needs have matured
•  expectations have grown
•  Modularity à big ball of mud (i.e., only THE junit.jar)
•  Test discovery and execution à tightly coupled
•  Extensibility à lot of room for improvement
•  Let’s not forget Java 8 and Java 9 and …
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
JUnit 4 Runner API
•  Very powerful
•  In fact, it can do anything
•  But… you can’t combine Runners
•  Parameterized + SpringRunner à no way
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
JUnit 4… Rules… are meant to be broken
•  JUnit 4.7: MethodRule à @Rule
•  JUnit 4.9: TestRule à @Rule / @ClassRule
•  Great for simple use cases
•  Can even be combined
•  But… a single rule can’t be used for method-level and class-level callbacks
•  Plus… zero support for instance-level callbacks
•  Case in point: SpringClassRule / SpringMethodRule
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
JUnit Lambda – Crowdfunding Campaign
•  Initiated by Johannes Link and Marc Philipp
•  Later joined by Matthias Merdes, Stefan Bechtold, &
Sam Brannen
•  Ran from July to October 2015
•  Raised 53,937 Euros from 474 individuals and
•  4 companies donated 6 weeks of developer time
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
The Kick-off Team
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
JUnit 5
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
•  Prototype à December 2nd, 2015
•  5.0.0-ALPHA à February 1st, 2016
•  Milestones & RCs à July 2016 – August 2017
•  5.0.0 GA à September 10th, 2017
•  5.0.1 à October 3rd, 2017
•  5.0.2 à November 12th, 2017 ✅
•  5.1 M1 à November 19th, 2017 🚧
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
JUnit 5 – in a Nutshell
•  Modular
•  Extensible
•  Modern
•  Forward and backward compatible
•  JUnit Platform supports JUnit 3.8, JUnit 4, and JUnit 5
•  New testing frameworks can be run with JUnit 4 infrastructure
o  @RunWith(JUnitPlatform.class)
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
JUnit 5 – Java Versions
•  Java 8
•  baseline
•  but can be used to test application code compiled against previous JDK versions
•  Java 9
•  #WorksFineOnJDK9
•  every artifact has a stable AUTOMATIC-MODULE-NAME
•  module-path scanning support coming in 5.1
•  Java 10
•  We just started building against EA builds recently
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
JUnit 5 = Platform + Jupiter + Vintage
•  JUnit Platform 1.0.0
•  Foundation for launching testing frameworks on the JVM
•  Launcher and TestEngine APIs
•  ConsoleLauncher, Gradle plugin, Maven Surefire provider
•  JUnit Jupiter 5.0.0
•  New programming model and extension model for JUnit 5
•  JUnit Vintage 4.12.0
•  TestEngine for running JUnit 3 and JUnit 4 based tests
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Launcher API
•  Used by IDEs and build tools to launch the framework
•  Central API for discovering and executing tests via one or more engines
•  LauncherDiscoveryRequest
•  selectors and filters
•  Feedback provided via the TestExecutionListener API
•  ConsoleLauncher for command-line support
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
TestEngine API
•  Test engine discovers and executes tests
•  for a particular programming model
•  Automatic registration via Java’s ServiceLoader mechanism
•  JupiterTestEngine
•  VintageTestEngine
•  Implement your own…
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Third-party TestEngines
•  Specsy
•  Spek
•  Cucumber
•  Drools Scenario
•  jqwik
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
IDEs and Build Tools
•  IntelliJ: ✅ IDEA 2016.2+ (2017.2.5)
•  Eclipse: ✅ Eclipse Oxygen 4.7.1a
•  NetBeans: 🙉🙈🙊
•  Gradle: interim solution from JUnit Team
•  to be taken over by Gradle team (end of 2017)
•  Android JUnit 5: third-party Android support
•  Maven: interim solution from JUnit Team
•  being taken over by Maven Surefire team
See user guide and
sample apps for examples
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
So, what is JUnit Jupiter?
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
JUnit Jupiter – Extension Model
•  Extension
•  marker interface
•  org.junit.jupiter.api.extension
•  package containing all extension APIs
•  implement as many as you like
•  @ExtendWith(...)
•  used to register one or more extensions
•  interface, class, or method level
o  or as a meta-annotation
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Extension APIs
•  BeforeAllCallback
•  BeforeEachCallback
•  BeforeTestExecutionCallback
•  AfterTestExecutionCallback
•  AfterEachCallback
•  AfterAllCallback
•  TestExecutionExceptionHandler
•  ExecutionCondition
•  TestInstancePostProcessor
•  ParameterResolver
•  TestTemplateInvocationContextProvider
Lifecycle Callbacks
Dependency Injection
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
JUnit Jupiter – Programming Model
org.junit.jupiter.api (org.junit.jupiter.params)
•  Annotations and meta-annotations
•  Assertions and Assumptions
•  Custom display names
•  Visibility
•  Tagging
•  Conditional test execution
•  Dependency injection for constructors and methods
•  Lambda expressions and method references
•  Interface default methods
•  Nested test classes
•  Repeated tests, parameterized tests, dynamic tests
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
•  @Test / @TestFactory and @Testable for TestEngine implementors
•  @RepeatedTest / @ParameterizedTest and @TestTemplate
•  @Nested
•  @TestInstance
•  @BeforeAll / @AfterAll
•  @BeforeEach / @AfterEach
•  @DisplayName
•  @Tag
•  @Disabled
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
JUnit 4 Rule Migration Support
•  @EnableRuleMigrationSupport
o  located in experimental junit-jupiter-migrationsupport module
o  registers 3 extensions for JUnit Jupiter
•  ExternalResourceSupport
o  TemporaryFolder, etc.
•  VerifierSupport
o  ErrorCollector, etc.
•  ExpectedExceptionSupport
o  ExpectedException
o  minor bugs in 5.0.0; fixed in 5.0.1and 5.0.2
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
•  Limited set of core assertions
•  assertEquals(), assertNotNull(), etc.
•  assertThrows() – λ
•  assertTimeout() and assertTimeoutPreemptively() – λ
•  assertAll() – λ
•  Supplier<String> à λ for lazy failure message evaluation
•  message is now the last parameter
•  For more power, use AssertJ, Hamcrest, etc.
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
•  Limited set of core assumptions
•  For aborting tests mid-flight
•  Otherwise, favor a custom ExecutionCondition for skipping
•  assumeTrue() / assumeFalse()
•  BooleanSupplier, Supplier<String> – λ
•  assumingThat( ? , () -> {} ); – λ
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
from JUnit 4 to JUnit Jupiter
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
void myFastTest() {
•  Declare @Tag on a test interface, class, or method
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Custom Tags
public @interface Fast {
•  Declare @Tag as a meta-annotation
void myFastTest() {}
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Composed Tags
public @interface FastTest {
•  Declare @Tag as a meta-annotation with other annotations (JUnit, Spring, etc.)
void myFastTest() {
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Test Names
•  Names default to test class or test method names
•  characters limited based on Java syntax
•  Custom display names à @DisplayName
•  Can contain spaces, special chars, and even emoji 😱
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Dependency Injection
•  Extension Model meets Programming Model
•  ParameterResolver extension API
•  resolves parameters for @Test and lifecycle methods
o  and even constructors
•  can register multiple simultaneously
•  only one wins
•  Use cases
•  server URL, DataSource, Spring ApplicationContext, etc.
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
•  TestInfo: inject into constructor, @Test, @BeforeEach, etc.
•  access display name, tags, class, method
•  TestInfoParameterResolver
•  eating our own dog food ;-)
•  See also:
•  RepetitionInfo for @RepeatedTest
•  TestReporter
•  MockitoExtension
•  SpringExtension
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
What’s the significance of @Disabled?
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Conditional Test Execution
•  Extension Model meets Programming Model
•  ExecutionCondition
•  @Disabled
•  DisabledCondition
•  eating our own dog food ;-)
•  Deactivate via Launcher, system property, or file
•  junit.conditions.deactivate = org.junit.*
Game Changer
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
tags, display names, dependency injection, & conditions
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Testing Traits?
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Interface Default Methods
•  Enables the concept of a test interface
•  leading to multiple inheritance in tests
•  a.k.a., testing traits
•  @BeforeAll / @AfterAll
•  if using @TestInstance(Lifecyle.PER_CLASS)
•  @BeforeEach / @AfterEach
•  @Test / @RepeatedTest / @ParameterizedTest / @TestFactory
•  @Tag
•  @ExtendWith
•  See StringTests and TestInterfaceDemo examples in user guide
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
default methods
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Nested Test Classes
•  Enables logical, hierarchical grouping of test classes
•  with shared initialization and state from outer classes
•  Declare @Nested on non-static nested classes
•  i.e., inner classes
•  You can even combine nested classes and test interfaces
•  See TestingAStack example in user guide and Bowling Game Kata by Tim Riemer
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
nested test classes
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Test Templates?
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Repeated Tests
•  Annotate a method with @RepeatedTest instead of @Test
o  and specify the number of repetitions
•  Optionally have the RepetitionInfo injected as a method parameter
•  Optionally override the display name
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
@RepeatedTest in Action
void repeatedTest(RepetitionInfo repetitionInfo) {
assertEquals(5, repetitionInfo.getTotalRepetitions());
value = 5,
name = "Wiederholung {currentRepetition} von {totalRepetitions}”
void repeatedTestInGerman() {
// ...
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Parameterized Tests (junit-jupiter-params)
•  Annotate a method with @ParameterizedTest instead of @Test
o  and specify the source of the arguments
o  optionally override the display name
•  Sources
o  @ValueSource: String, int, long, double
o  @EnumSource
o  @MethodSource
o  @CsvSource & @CsvFileSource
o  @ArgumentsSource & custom ArgumentsProvider
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Argument Conversion
•  Implicit conversion
o  Primitive types and their wrappers
o  Enums
o  java.time types (JSR-310)
•  Explicit conversion
o  @ConvertWith and custom ArgumentConverter
o  @JavaTimeConversionPattern built-in support for JSR-310
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
@ParameterizedTest in Action
@ValueSource(strings = {
"able was I ere I saw elba"
void palindromes(String candidate) {
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
repeated and parameterized tests
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Lambdas as Tests?
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Dynamic Tests
•  Conventional tests are static (i.e., known at compile time)
•  @Test
•  A DynamicTest is registered at runtime – λ
•  as lambda expression in a stream, collection, etc.
•  by a method annotated with @TestFactory
•  Can also register a DynamicContainer for dynamic nesting
•  Somewhat analogous to parameterized tests
•  just more… dynamic 🤓
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Dynamic Tests in Action
Stream<DynamicTest> dynamicTestsFromIntStream() {
// Generates tests for the first 10 even integers.
return IntStream.iterate(0, n -> n + 2)
.mapToObj(n ->
dynamicTest("test" + n,
() -> assertTrue(n % 2 == 0)));
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
dynamic tests
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
What’s Missing?
•  Scenario tests
•  Ordering
•  Parallel execution
•  Execution in user-defined thread
•  Declarative and programmatic test suites for the JUnit Platform
•  Java 9 module-path scanning
•  …
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
custom extensions
•  logging
•  timing
•  conditions
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Spring 5 + JUnit 5
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Spring Support for JUnit Jupiter
•  Fully integrated in Spring Framework 5.0!
•  Supports all Core Spring TestContext Framework features
•  Constructor and method injection via @Autowired, @Qualifier, @Value
•  Conditional test execution via SpEL expressions
•  ApplicationContext configuration annotations
•  Also works with Spring Framework 4.3
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Configuring JUnit Jupiter with Spring
•  SpringExtension
•  @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class)
•  @SpringJUnitConfig
•  @ContextConfiguration + SpringExtension
•  @SpringJUnitWebConfig
•  @SpringJUnitConfig + @WebAppConfiguration
•  @EnabledIf / @DisabledIf
•  SpEL expression evaluation for conditional execution
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Spring 5 and JUnit Jupiter
@EnabledOnMac / @DisabledOnMac
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Spring Boot 1.4+ & JUnit 5 – Custom Config
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = MOCK)
public @interface SpringEventsWebTest {
•  @SpringBootTest + @AutoConfigureMockMvc + @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class)
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Spring Boot 1.4+ & JUnit 5 – MockMvc Test
class EventsControllerTests {
@DisplayName("Home page should display more than 10 events")
void listEvents(@Autowired MockMvc mockMvc) throws Exception {
•  @SpringEventsWebTest + method-level DI + MockMvc
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
In closing …
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
JUnit 5 Resources
Project Homepage à
User Guide à
Javadoc à
GitHub à
Gitter à
Stack Overflow à
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Spring Resources
Spring Framework à
Spring Guides à
Spring JIRA à
Spring on GitHub à
Stack Overflow à spring, spring-test, spring-mvc, spring-boot, …
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Demos Used in this Presentation
@sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5
Q & A
Sam Brannen

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JUnit 5 — New Opportunities for Testing on the JVM

  • 1. JUnit New Opportunities for Testing on the JVM Sam Brannen @sam_brannen 1
  • 2. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Sam Brannen •  Spring and Java Consultant •  Trainer, Coach, … •  Hardcore developer at heart •  Java Developer for about 20 years •  Spring Framework Core Committer since 2007 •  JUnit 5 Core Committer since October 2015
  • 3. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Experts in Spring and Enterprise Java Areas of expertise •  Spring * •  JUnit 5 •  Java EE •  Software Architecture •  Code Reviews Where you find us •  Zurich, Switzerland •  @swiftmind •
  • 4. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Agenda •  Impetus for Change •  JUnit 5 •  Demos •  Live Coding •  Spring 5 •  Q & A
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  • 9. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 JUnit 4… Rules… are meant to be broken •  JUnit 4.7: MethodRule à @Rule •  JUnit 4.9: TestRule à @Rule / @ClassRule •  Great for simple use cases •  Can even be combined •  But… a single rule can’t be used for method-level and class-level callbacks •  Plus… zero support for instance-level callbacks •  Case in point: SpringClassRule / SpringMethodRule
  • 10. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 JUnit Lambda – Crowdfunding Campaign •  Initiated by Johannes Link and Marc Philipp •  Later joined by Matthias Merdes, Stefan Bechtold, & Sam Brannen •  Ran from July to October 2015 •  Raised 53,937 Euros from 474 individuals and companies •  4 companies donated 6 weeks of developer time
  • 14. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Roadmap •  Prototype à December 2nd, 2015 •  5.0.0-ALPHA à February 1st, 2016 •  Milestones & RCs à July 2016 – August 2017 •  5.0.0 GA à September 10th, 2017 •  5.0.1 à October 3rd, 2017 •  5.0.2 à November 12th, 2017 ✅ •  5.1 M1 à November 19th, 2017 🚧
  • 15. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 JUnit 5 – in a Nutshell •  Modular •  Extensible •  Modern •  Forward and backward compatible •  JUnit Platform supports JUnit 3.8, JUnit 4, and JUnit 5 •  New testing frameworks can be run with JUnit 4 infrastructure o  @RunWith(JUnitPlatform.class)
  • 16. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 JUnit 5 – Java Versions •  Java 8 •  baseline •  but can be used to test application code compiled against previous JDK versions •  Java 9 •  #WorksFineOnJDK9 •  every artifact has a stable AUTOMATIC-MODULE-NAME •  module-path scanning support coming in 5.1 •  Java 10 •  We just started building against EA builds recently
  • 17. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 JUnit 5 = Platform + Jupiter + Vintage •  JUnit Platform 1.0.0 •  Foundation for launching testing frameworks on the JVM •  Launcher and TestEngine APIs •  ConsoleLauncher, Gradle plugin, Maven Surefire provider •  JUnit Jupiter 5.0.0 •  New programming model and extension model for JUnit 5 •  JUnit Vintage 4.12.0 •  TestEngine for running JUnit 3 and JUnit 4 based tests Revolutionary Evolutionary Necessary
  • 18. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Launcher API •  Used by IDEs and build tools to launch the framework •  Central API for discovering and executing tests via one or more engines •  LauncherDiscoveryRequest •  selectors and filters •  Feedback provided via the TestExecutionListener API •  ConsoleLauncher for command-line support
  • 19. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 TestEngine API •  Test engine discovers and executes tests •  for a particular programming model •  Automatic registration via Java’s ServiceLoader mechanism •  JupiterTestEngine •  VintageTestEngine •  Implement your own…
  • 20. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Third-party TestEngines •  Specsy •  Spek •  Cucumber •  Drools Scenario •  jqwik source:
  • 21. P L A T F O R M J U P I T E RV I N T A G E P A R T Y T H I R D
  • 23. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 IDEs and Build Tools •  IntelliJ: ✅ IDEA 2016.2+ (2017.2.5) •  Eclipse: ✅ Eclipse Oxygen 4.7.1a •  NetBeans: 🙉🙈🙊 •  Gradle: interim solution from JUnit Team •  to be taken over by Gradle team (end of 2017) •  Android JUnit 5: third-party Android support •  Maven: interim solution from JUnit Team •  being taken over by Maven Surefire team See user guide and sample apps for examples
  • 25. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 JUnit Jupiter – Extension Model •  Extension •  marker interface •  org.junit.jupiter.api.extension •  package containing all extension APIs •  implement as many as you like •  @ExtendWith(...) •  used to register one or more extensions •  interface, class, or method level o  or as a meta-annotation
  • 26. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Extension APIs •  BeforeAllCallback •  BeforeEachCallback •  BeforeTestExecutionCallback •  AfterTestExecutionCallback •  AfterEachCallback •  AfterAllCallback •  TestExecutionExceptionHandler •  ExecutionCondition •  TestInstancePostProcessor •  ParameterResolver •  TestTemplateInvocationContextProvider Lifecycle Callbacks Dependency Injection
  • 27. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 JUnit Jupiter – Programming Model org.junit.jupiter.api (org.junit.jupiter.params) •  Annotations and meta-annotations •  Assertions and Assumptions •  Custom display names •  Visibility •  Tagging •  Conditional test execution •  Dependency injection for constructors and methods •  Lambda expressions and method references •  Interface default methods •  Nested test classes •  Repeated tests, parameterized tests, dynamic tests
  • 28. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Annotations •  @Test / @TestFactory and @Testable for TestEngine implementors •  @RepeatedTest / @ParameterizedTest and @TestTemplate •  @Nested •  @TestInstance •  @BeforeAll / @AfterAll •  @BeforeEach / @AfterEach •  @DisplayName •  @Tag •  @Disabled
  • 29. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 JUnit 4 Rule Migration Support •  @EnableRuleMigrationSupport o  located in experimental junit-jupiter-migrationsupport module o  registers 3 extensions for JUnit Jupiter •  ExternalResourceSupport o  TemporaryFolder, etc. •  VerifierSupport o  ErrorCollector, etc. •  ExpectedExceptionSupport o  ExpectedException o  minor bugs in 5.0.0; fixed in 5.0.1and 5.0.2
  • 30. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Assertions org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions •  Limited set of core assertions •  assertEquals(), assertNotNull(), etc. •  assertThrows() – λ •  assertTimeout() and assertTimeoutPreemptively() – λ •  assertAll() – λ •  Supplier<String> à λ for lazy failure message evaluation •  message is now the last parameter •  For more power, use AssertJ, Hamcrest, etc.
  • 31. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Assumptions org.junit.jupiter.api.Assumptions •  Limited set of core assumptions •  For aborting tests mid-flight •  Otherwise, favor a custom ExecutionCondition for skipping •  assumeTrue() / assumeFalse() •  BooleanSupplier, Supplier<String> – λ •  assumingThat( ? , () -> {} ); – λ
  • 32. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 LIVE CODING DEMO from JUnit 4 to JUnit Jupiter
  • 33. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Tagging @Tag("fast") @Test void myFastTest() { } •  Declare @Tag on a test interface, class, or method
  • 34. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Custom Tags @Target(METHOD) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Tag("fast") public @interface Fast { } •  Declare @Tag as a meta-annotation @Fast @Test void myFastTest() {}
  • 35. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Composed Tags @Target(METHOD) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Tag("fast") @Test public @interface FastTest { } •  Declare @Tag as a meta-annotation with other annotations (JUnit, Spring, etc.) @FastTest void myFastTest() { }
  • 36. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Test Names •  Names default to test class or test method names •  characters limited based on Java syntax •  Custom display names à @DisplayName •  Can contain spaces, special chars, and even emoji 😱
  • 37. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Dependency Injection •  Extension Model meets Programming Model •  ParameterResolver extension API •  resolves parameters for @Test and lifecycle methods o  and even constructors •  can register multiple simultaneously •  only one wins •  Use cases •  server URL, DataSource, Spring ApplicationContext, etc.
  • 38. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 TestInfo •  TestInfo: inject into constructor, @Test, @BeforeEach, etc. •  access display name, tags, class, method •  TestInfoParameterResolver •  eating our own dog food ;-) •  See also: •  RepetitionInfo for @RepeatedTest •  TestReporter •  MockitoExtension •  SpringExtension
  • 39. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 What’s the significance of @Disabled?
  • 40. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Conditional Test Execution •  Extension Model meets Programming Model •  ExecutionCondition •  @Disabled •  DisabledCondition •  eating our own dog food ;-) •  Deactivate via Launcher, system property, or file •  junit.conditions.deactivate = org.junit.* Game Changer
  • 41. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 LIVE CODING DEMO tags, display names, dependency injection, & conditions
  • 43. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Interface Default Methods •  Enables the concept of a test interface •  leading to multiple inheritance in tests •  a.k.a., testing traits •  @BeforeAll / @AfterAll •  if using @TestInstance(Lifecyle.PER_CLASS) •  @BeforeEach / @AfterEach •  @Test / @RepeatedTest / @ParameterizedTest / @TestFactory •  @Tag •  @ExtendWith •  See StringTests and TestInterfaceDemo examples in user guide
  • 45. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Nested Test Classes •  Enables logical, hierarchical grouping of test classes •  with shared initialization and state from outer classes •  Declare @Nested on non-static nested classes •  i.e., inner classes •  You can even combine nested classes and test interfaces •  See TestingAStack example in user guide and Bowling Game Kata by Tim Riemer
  • 48. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Repeated Tests •  Annotate a method with @RepeatedTest instead of @Test o  and specify the number of repetitions •  Optionally have the RepetitionInfo injected as a method parameter •  Optionally override the display name
  • 49. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 @RepeatedTest in Action @RepeatedTest(5) void repeatedTest(RepetitionInfo repetitionInfo) { assertEquals(5, repetitionInfo.getTotalRepetitions()); } @RepeatedTest( value = 5, name = "Wiederholung {currentRepetition} von {totalRepetitions}” ) void repeatedTestInGerman() { // ... }
  • 50. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Parameterized Tests (junit-jupiter-params) •  Annotate a method with @ParameterizedTest instead of @Test o  and specify the source of the arguments o  optionally override the display name •  Sources o  @ValueSource: String, int, long, double o  @EnumSource o  @MethodSource o  @CsvSource & @CsvFileSource o  @ArgumentsSource & custom ArgumentsProvider
  • 51. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Argument Conversion •  Implicit conversion o  Primitive types and their wrappers o  Enums o  java.time types (JSR-310) •  Explicit conversion o  @ConvertWith and custom ArgumentConverter o  @JavaTimeConversionPattern built-in support for JSR-310
  • 52. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 @ParameterizedTest in Action @ParameterizedTest @ValueSource(strings = { "mom", "dad", "radar", "racecar", "able was I ere I saw elba" }) void palindromes(String candidate) { assertTrue(isPalindrome(candidate)); }
  • 55. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Dynamic Tests •  Conventional tests are static (i.e., known at compile time) •  @Test •  A DynamicTest is registered at runtime – λ •  as lambda expression in a stream, collection, etc. •  by a method annotated with @TestFactory •  Can also register a DynamicContainer for dynamic nesting •  Somewhat analogous to parameterized tests •  just more… dynamic 🤓
  • 56. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Dynamic Tests in Action @TestFactory Stream<DynamicTest> dynamicTestsFromIntStream() { // Generates tests for the first 10 even integers. return IntStream.iterate(0, n -> n + 2) .limit(10) .mapToObj(n -> dynamicTest("test" + n, () -> assertTrue(n % 2 == 0))); }
  • 58. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 What’s Missing? •  Scenario tests •  Ordering •  Parallel execution •  Execution in user-defined thread •  Declarative and programmatic test suites for the JUnit Platform •  Java 9 module-path scanning •  …
  • 59. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 LIVE CODING DEMO custom extensions •  logging •  timing •  conditions
  • 61. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Spring Support for JUnit Jupiter •  Fully integrated in Spring Framework 5.0! •  Supports all Core Spring TestContext Framework features •  Constructor and method injection via @Autowired, @Qualifier, @Value •  Conditional test execution via SpEL expressions •  ApplicationContext configuration annotations •  Also works with Spring Framework 4.3
  • 62. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Configuring JUnit Jupiter with Spring •  SpringExtension •  @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) •  @SpringJUnitConfig •  @ContextConfiguration + SpringExtension •  @SpringJUnitWebConfig •  @SpringJUnitConfig + @WebAppConfiguration •  @EnabledIf / @DisabledIf •  SpEL expression evaluation for conditional execution
  • 63. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 DEMO Spring 5 and JUnit Jupiter @EnabledOnMac / @DisabledOnMac
  • 64. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Spring Boot 1.4+ & JUnit 5 – Custom Config @Target(TYPE) @Retention(RUNTIME) @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) @SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = MOCK) @AutoConfigureMockMvc @Transactional public @interface SpringEventsWebTest { } •  @SpringBootTest + @AutoConfigureMockMvc + @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class)
  • 65. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Spring Boot 1.4+ & JUnit 5 – MockMvc Test @SpringEventsWebTest class EventsControllerTests { @Test @DisplayName("Home page should display more than 10 events") void listEvents(@Autowired MockMvc mockMvc) throws Exception { mockMvc.perform(get("/")) .andExpect(view().name("event/list")) .andExpect(model().attribute("events", hasSize(greaterThan(10)))); } } •  @SpringEventsWebTest + method-level DI + MockMvc
  • 67. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 JUnit 5 Resources Project Homepage à User Guide à Javadoc à GitHub à Gitter à Stack Overflow à
  • 68. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Spring Resources Spring Framework à Spring Guides à Spring JIRA à Spring on GitHub à Stack Overflow à spring, spring-test, spring-mvc, spring-boot, …
  • 69. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Demos Used in this Presentation
  • 70. @sam_brannen#SpringOne #JUnit5 Q & A Sam Brannen JUnit