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Technology Scouting.
A case study on the Deutsche Telekom
René Rohrbeck
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
ISPIM-Asia Conference
9th – 12th January 2007
Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 1
 Introduction
 Definition and elements of Technology Scouting
 Technology Scouting at Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
 Conclusion
Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 2
 No sufficient research on…
 …success factors and
 …organization of technology scouting and
 …interaction with other function of the organization
Motivation and research question.
 Increased competition
 Increased technological complexity
 Shorter innovation cycles
 Fast changing customer needs
Management needs to
makedecisions fast in
order to stayahead of
 What are the aims of Technology Scouting?
 What are important success factors of Technology Scouting?
 How should Technology Scouting be interweaved within the company?
 What organizational forms have proven to be effective?
Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 3
Definition and elements of Technology Scouting.
Scientific classification of technology intelligence aspect.
pasttoanticipate the
Future Analysis
Source: Own figure
Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 4
Definition and elements of Technology Scouting.
Scientific classification of technology sourcing aspect.
Source: Own figure
Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 5
Definition and elements of Technology Scouting.
Combination of the two aspects.
Building and using a network of
experts for competitive advantage
Identification, assessment and
usage of information on
technological developments
Acquisition, development,
storage, usage and selling of
technological knowledge
Scouts facilitate the sourcing of
Scouts identify and assess new
Provisioning of Technology
Intelligence to facilitate the
Technology Management
Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 6
 The Technology Scout is either an employee of the company or a
 He might be partor full-time assigned to the scouting task.
 The desired characteristics of a Technology Scout are similar to the
characteristics associated with the Technological Gatekeeper. These
characteristics include:
 lateralthinker,
 knowledgeable inscience and technology,
 respected inside the company,
 cross-disciplinary orientated and
 imaginative.
Sources:Wolff (1992), Allen (1971), Wilkin (1974), Taylor (1975), Myers(1983), Nochur (1992),
Definition and elements of Technology Scouting.
Definition of Technology Scouting.
Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 7 7
Generic Process of Technology Scouting.
The 6 steps of Technology Scouting can be divided into
Technology Intelligence and Technology Souring.
Source:Own figure following Reger (2001)and Ashton/ Stacey (1995)
methods to
1 2 3 4 5 6
Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 8
 Introduction
 Definition and elements of Technology Scouting
 Technology Scouting atDeutsche Telekom Laboratories
 Conclusion
Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 9 9
 Earlyidentification of emerging technologies, technological
trends and disrupting technologies
 Raisingtheattention for the threats and opportunities of
technological development
 Stimulationofinnovation by combining the technology
reports with assessment of business potential and by
bringing people together
 Facilitationofthesourcingofexternaltechnologies by
reaching through the network of technology scouts to their
sources of information
Goal of Technology Scouting at DTAG.
Technology Scouting activities at Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
are driven by 4 goals.
Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 10 10
Process of Technology Scouting at DTAG.
The technological findings from the scouting network are used for
strategic and operative innovation management..
Source: Deutsche Telekom Laboratories(2006),The Technology - RadarEdition III/2006
R&D and
Selection AssessmentIdentification
Scout Network
uses sources in
university & industry
Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 11 11
Scouting network of DTAG.
The scouts have roles similar to the nodes in a neuronal network
and give access to information sources in industry and academia.
Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 12 12
Scout typology at DTAG.
The DTAG has a balanced portfolio of internal and external as
well as full-time and part-time scouts.
Full-time Part-time
Detecon USA
The size of the bubbles represents roughly the number of technological findings from the different scouts
Source: Own figure with data from interview
Ben Gurion
Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 13 13
Scout incentive system at DTAG.
Monetary and non-monetary incentives are used for the actors in
the scouting network.
Source: Own figure with data from interview
Actorin scouting network Usedincentives
Internal scouts
 Recognition
 Monetary reward in bonus scheme
External scouts
 Payment per relevant technology identification
 Business Development opportunity
 Recognition
 Chance for joint research projects
Industry sources
 Business Development
 Sales
 Collaboration opportunity
Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 14
 Introduction
 Definition and elements of Technology Scouting
 Technology Scouting at Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
 Conclusion
Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 15
The 3 crucial elements to success of Technology Scouting are
goal definition, incentive system and backward-loop.
 3 elements crucial to success of technology scouting
 goaldefinition
 Tailored incentivesystem
 Definition of backwardloop to sources
 Identify ways to measure valuecontribution of technology scouting
 Warningfunctionabout emerging threats and opportunities
 Impulsefunction to start innovation activity
 Validation of divisionoflabour
 Externalscouts for scanning (undirected)
 Internalscouts for monitoring (directed)
Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 16
Thank you for your interest.
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, 10587 Berlin
+49 30 8353 58536 (Tel)
Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 17
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Deutsche Telekom's Technology Scouting Case Study

  • 1. Technology Scouting. A case study on the Deutsche Telekom Laboratories. René Rohrbeck Deutsche Telekom Laboratories ISPIM-Asia Conference 9th – 12th January 2007
  • 2. Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 1 Agenda.  Introduction  Definition and elements of Technology Scouting  Technology Scouting at Deutsche Telekom Laboratories  Conclusion
  • 3. Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 2 Research gap Motivation  No sufficient research on…  …success factors and  …organization of technology scouting and  …interaction with other function of the organization Introduction. Motivation and research question. Research Questions  Increased competition  Increased technological complexity  Shorter innovation cycles  Fast changing customer needs Management needs to makedecisions fast in order to stayahead of competitors  What are the aims of Technology Scouting?  What are important success factors of Technology Scouting?  How should Technology Scouting be interweaved within the company?  What organizational forms have proven to be effective?
  • 4. Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 3 Definition and elements of Technology Scouting. Scientific classification of technology intelligence aspect. Company level Regional/national andsupranational level Usingdatafromthe pasttoanticipate the future Usinggathered informationfor decisionmaking Processand actors Organization Future Analysis TechnologyIntelligence Foresight Forecasting Source: Own figure
  • 5. Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 4 Definition and elements of Technology Scouting. Scientific classification of technology sourcing aspect. Source: Own figure Technology Management InnovationManagement Product specificationand development Prototype validationandtesting Marketlaunch External Technology Sourcing Storage,internal generationand usageof technological knowledge Technologyselling or licensing Fuzzy-front-end ofinnovation
  • 6. Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 5 Technology Management Definition and elements of Technology Scouting. Combination of the two aspects. Technology Intelligence Technology Scouting Building and using a network of experts for competitive advantage Identification, assessment and usage of information on technological developments Acquisition, development, storage, usage and selling of technological knowledge Scouts facilitate the sourcing of technology Scouts identify and assess new technologies Provisioning of Technology Intelligence to facilitate the Technology Management
  • 7. Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 6 Definitionofthe TechnologyScout  The Technology Scout is either an employee of the company or a consultant.  He might be partor full-time assigned to the scouting task.  The desired characteristics of a Technology Scout are similar to the characteristics associated with the Technological Gatekeeper. These characteristics include:  lateralthinker,  knowledgeable inscience and technology,  respected inside the company,  cross-disciplinary orientated and  imaginative. Sources:Wolff (1992), Allen (1971), Wilkin (1974), Taylor (1975), Myers(1983), Nochur (1992), Definition and elements of Technology Scouting. Definition of Technology Scouting.
  • 8. Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 7 7 Generic Process of Technology Scouting. The 6 steps of Technology Scouting can be divided into Technology Intelligence and Technology Souring. TechnologyIntelligence Technology Sourcing Source:Own figure following Reger (2001)and Ashton/ Stacey (1995) Usageof information Definitionofaims andsearchareas Selectionof information sourcesand methods to employ Filtering, analyzing, interpretingof data Evaluating anddecision making Collection ofdata 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 9. Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 8 Agenda.  Introduction  Definition and elements of Technology Scouting  Technology Scouting atDeutsche Telekom Laboratories  Conclusion
  • 10. Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 9 9 Goalsofthe TechnologyRadar  Earlyidentification of emerging technologies, technological trends and disrupting technologies  Raisingtheattention for the threats and opportunities of technological development  Stimulationofinnovation by combining the technology reports with assessment of business potential and by bringing people together  Facilitationofthesourcingofexternaltechnologies by reaching through the network of technology scouts to their sources of information Goal of Technology Scouting at DTAG. Technology Scouting activities at Deutsche Telekom Laboratories are driven by 4 goals.
  • 11. Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 10 10 Process of Technology Scouting at DTAG. The technological findings from the scouting network are used for strategic and operative innovation management.. Source: Deutsche Telekom Laboratories(2006),The Technology - RadarEdition III/2006 Innovation Strategy CTOsandCMOs R&D and ProductManagers Selection AssessmentIdentification ? ? ? ? ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ? ? ? ? International Scout Network uses sources in university & industry Dissemination
  • 12. Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 11 11 Scouting network of DTAG. The scouts have roles similar to the nodes in a neuronal network and give access to information sources in industry and academia. $ $
  • 13. Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 12 12 Scout typology at DTAG. The DTAG has a balanced portfolio of internal and external as well as full-time and part-time scouts. Internal External Full-time Part-time T-Systems Detecon USA Deutsche Telekom Laboratories The size of the bubbles represents roughly the number of technological findings from the different scouts Source: Own figure with data from interview Ben Gurion University ASIA Compete Shanghai University
  • 14. Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 13 13 Scout incentive system at DTAG. Monetary and non-monetary incentives are used for the actors in the scouting network. Source: Own figure with data from interview Actorin scouting network Usedincentives Internal scouts  Recognition  Monetary reward in bonus scheme External scouts  Payment per relevant technology identification  Business Development opportunity Academicsources  Recognition  Chance for joint research projects Industry sources  Business Development  Sales  Collaboration opportunity
  • 15. Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 14 Agenda.  Introduction  Definition and elements of Technology Scouting  Technology Scouting at Deutsche Telekom Laboratories  Conclusion
  • 16. Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 15 For practitioners Conclusion. The 3 crucial elements to success of Technology Scouting are goal definition, incentive system and backward-loop. Further research  3 elements crucial to success of technology scouting  goaldefinition  Tailored incentivesystem  Definition of backwardloop to sources  Identify ways to measure valuecontribution of technology scouting  Warningfunctionabout emerging threats and opportunities  Impulsefunction to start innovation activity  Validation of divisionoflabour  Externalscouts for scanning (undirected)  Internalscouts for monitoring (directed)
  • 17. Rohrbeck_(2007)_TechnologyScouting_Presentation.ppt 16 Thank you for your interest. RenéRohrbeck Deutsche Telekom Laboratories Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, 10587 Berlin +49 30 8353 58536 (Tel)
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