biology biotechnology pathology microbiology virology virus calcium channel repolarization action potential resting potential nerve impulses plants disease more accepted by sombir kashyap axon ion channels transmission of nerve impulses depol cell body neurons across the membrane inside outside sodium ions passive transport active transport depolarization flu seals whaleas management animals pigs chicken m infection ducks ' clinical menifestation h5n1 h1n1 viral inflamation phobia menningitis epidimiology encephalitis viral disease prevention of virus treatment of encephalitis symptoms of encephalitis japanese encephalitis gorakhpur up diagnosis encephalitise pathway data genetic map data graph nucleotide sequence database data sequence dynamics data sharing data integration data center data curation uncertainty high volume data heterogeneity features of database open data bioinformatics biomedical database opening of ion channels neurotransmitters chemical transmission electrical transmission generation of potential voltage gates synaptic clefts neurotransmission saltatory conduction nerve cell mylein sheath axons dendrites propagation neuron classification plant disease classification plant classification on the basis of pathogens
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