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[PR] Kinect v2本の紹介とPCLの概要
Tsukasa Sugiura
Tsukasa Sugiura
Microsoft MVP for Kinect for Windows
 @UnaNancyOwen
 Kinect v2の概要
 Kinect v2本の紹介
 Kinect v2本のプレゼント
 Kinect v2とPCL
Kinect for Windows v1 Sensor
Kinect for Windows v2 Sensor
( IR Camera + IR Emitters )
Kinect for Windows v2 Sensor
Image by iFixit
Kinect for Windows v1 Kinect for Windows v2
Color 640×480 @ 30fps 1920×1080 @ 30fps
Depth 320×240 @ 30fps 512×424 @ 30fps
Sensor Structured Light
(PrimeSense Light Coding)
Time of Flight
Range of View 0.8~4.0 m 0.5~8.0 m
Range of Detection 0.8~4.0 m 0.5~4.5 m
Angle of View
Horizontal / Vertical
57 / 43 degree 70 / 60 degree
Microphone Array ◯ ◯
Kinect for Windows v1 Kinect for Windows v2
BodyIndex 6 people 6 people
Body 2 people 6 people
Joint 20 joint/people 25 joint/people
Hand State Open / Closed Open / Closed / Lasso
Gesture ☓ ◯
Face ◯
Speech / Beamforming ◯ ◯
System / Software Requirements
OS * Windows 8, 8.1, Embedded 8, Embedded 8.1 (x64)
CPU Intel Core i7 3.1GHz (or higher)
RAM 4GB (or more)
GPU * DirectX 11 supported
USB * USB 3.0 (Intel or Renesas Host Controller)
Compiler * Visual Studio 2012, 2013 (Supported Express)
Language Native (C++), Managed (C#,VB.NET), WinRT (C#,HTML)
Other Unity Pro (Add-in), Cinder, openFrameworks (wrapper)
Basic Features
 Color
 1920×1080@30fps / 15fps (Lighting Condition)
 RGBA, YUV, BGRA, Bayer, YUY2
Basic Features
 Depth
 512×424@30fps
 500~8000[mm]
 ToF (Time of Flight)
Basic Features
 Infrared / LongExposureInfrared
 512×424@30fps
 16bit (higher 8 bits)
Basic Features
 BodyIndex
 512×424@30fps
 500~4500[mm]
 6 people
 Body Area : 0~5, Other Area : 255 (5 < Index)
0 1
Basic Features
 Body
 500~4500[mm]
 6 people
 25 joint / people (Add Tip, Thumb, Neck)
 Orientation (Quaternion)
 Hand Type (Right, Left),Hand State (Open, Closed, Lasso), Lean (-1.0f~1.0f)
Basic Features
 Audio
 Beamforming (+/-50 degree)
 Speaker Estimation
 Speech Recognition
Application Features
 Gesture
 Gesture Recognition using Machine Learning
 Discrete (detected true/false), Continuous (progress 0.0f~1.0f)
 Learning Classifier Tool “Visual Gesture Builder”
Video by
Application Features
 Face
 Bounding Box, Rotation, Points (Eye, Nose, Mouth Corner)
 Activity, Appearance, Expression
 Activity … Eye Closed, Mouth Open / Moved, Looking Away
 Appearance … Wearing Glasses
 Expression … Happy
Application Features
 HDFace
 For Creating 3D Face Model
 Points (1347), Triangles (2340), Hair Color, Skin Color
 Fitting Face Model
Application Features
 Other
 Kinect Fusion (3D Shape Reconstruction)
 Controls (Assist in implementation of NUI)
Kinect v2 Book
Kinect for Windows SDK プログラミング
Kinect for Windows v2センサー対応版
中村薫, 杉浦司, 高田智広, 上田智章
Publisher :
Sample :
Reference :
 Basic Streams
 Color, Depth, Infrared, BodyIndex, Body, Audio
 Application Futures
 Speech, Fusion, Gesture, Control, Face, HDFace
 NUI Tools
 Kinect Studio, Visual Gesture Builder, Configuration Verifier
 3rdParty Library, Tools, Math., Sensing
 Unity, Point Cloud Library, Vector
Review Copy
Point Cloud Library
 About PCL(Point Cloud Library)
 3次元点群のためのオープンソースのライブラリ
 様々な点群処理が含まれている
Point Cloud Library
 PCL Features
Point Cloud Library
 PCL All-in-one Installer
 ビルド済みのPCLと依存ライブラリを一括でインストールする
 ただし、公式サイトでは旧い開発環境向けのパッケージしか配布していない
(PCL 1.6.0 All-in-one Installer MSVC 2008/2010)
Download : PCL 1.7.2 All-in-one Installer MSVC 2012/2013/2015
 Self-Build
 PCLと依存ライブラリをビルドする
Reference : Building PCL with Visual Studio
PCL All-in-one Installer
 Point Cloud Library
 PCL (1.7.2)
 Dependencies Library
 Boost (1.57.0) … C++準標準ライブラリ
 Eigen (3.2.4) … 行列ライブラリ
 FLANN (1.8.4) … 最近傍探索ライブラリ
 Qhull (2012.1) … 計算幾何ライブラリ
 VTK (6.2.0) … 可視化ライブラリ
 (OpenNI / OpenNI2) … RGB-Dセンサーライブラリ
PCL Grabber
 OpenNI/OpenNI2
 オープンソースのRGB-Dセンサーライブラリ
 ただし、OpenNIはVisual Studio 2010までしか利用できない
 PCL 1.7.2からOpenNI2がサポートされた
openni_grabber / openni2_grabber
 Kinect for Windows SDK v1/v2
 Microsoft公式のKinectセンサーのソフトウェア開発キット
 最新のVisual Studioで利用できる
kinect_grabber / kinect2_grabber
PCL Project
 Create Project
 Visaul C++のプロジェクトを作成、プロパティシートを読み込む
 CMakeでVisual C++のプロジェクトを自動生成する
PCL Project
 CMake
 CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8 FATAL_ERROR)
find_package(PCL 1.7 REQUIRED)
set(HEADER kinect2_grabber.h)
set(SOURCE main.cpp)
add_executable(project ${HEADER} ${SOURCE})
target_link_libraries(project ${PCL_LIBRARIES})
target_link_libraries(project Kinect20.lib)
Basic Usage Example
 Source Code
 main.cpp
#include "kinect2_grabber.h"
#include <pcl/visualization/pcl_visualizer.h>
typedef pcl::PointXYZRGB PointType;
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
// PCL Visualizer
boost::shared_ptr<pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer> viewer(
new pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer( "Point Cloud Viewer" ) );
// Point Cloud
pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::ConstPtr cloud;
// Retrieved Point Cloud Function
boost::mutex mutex;
boost::function<void( const pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::ConstPtr& )> function =
[&cloud, &mutex]( const pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::ConstPtr& ptr ){
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock( mutex );
cloud = ptr;
Basic Usage Example
 Source Code
// Kinect2Grabber
pcl::Grabber* grabber = new pcl::Kinect2Grabber();
// Register Callback Function
boost::signals2::connection connection = grabber->registerCallback( function );
// Start Grabber
while( !viewer->wasStopped() ){
// Update Viewer
boost::mutex::scoped_try_lock lock( mutex );
if( cloud && lock.owns_lock() ){
if( cloud->size() != 0 ){
/* Processing Point Cloud */
// Update Point Cloud
if( !viewer->updatePointCloud( cloud, "cloud" ) ){
viewer->addPointCloud( cloud, "cloud" );
viewer->resetCameraViewpoint( "cloud" );
Basic Usage Example
 Source Code
// Stop Grabber
return 0;
 Kinect2Grabber Supported Point Types
 pcl::PointXYZRGB … 3次元位置(XYZ)と色(RGB)
 pcl::PointXYZ … 3次元位置(XYZ)
Down Sampling
 VoxcelGrid
#include <pcl/filters/voxel_grid.h>
// Create Object
pcl::VoxelGrid<PointType> grid;
// Setting
grid.setLeafSize( 0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f );
// Input
grid.setInputCloud( *input );
// Processing
pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr output( new pcl::PointCloud<PointType> );
grid.filter( *output );
 Point CloudをVoxcel Gridフィルターでダウンサンプルする
 Voxcel Gridの間隔を0.01[m]に設定
Down Sampling
 Result
 SACSegmentation
#include <pcl/segmentation/sac_segmentation.h>
// Create Object
pcl::SACSegmentation<PointType> seg;
// Setting
seg.setOptimizeCoefficients( true );
seg.setModelType( pcl::SACMODEL_PLANE );
seg.setMethodType( pcl::SAC_RANSAC );
seg.setMaxIterations( 1000 );
seg.setDistanceThreshold( 0.01 );
// Input
seg.setInputCloud( *input );
// Processing
pcl::PointIndices::Ptr inliers( new pcl::PointIndices );
pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr coefficients( new pcl::ModelCoefficients );
seg.segment( *inliers, *coefficients );
 Point Cloudから平面(SACMODEL_PLANE)を検出する
 最大反復回数を1000回、距離閾値を0.01[m]に設定
 Draw Segmentation Result
// Drawing Detection Area
pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr output( new pcl::PointCloud<PointType> );
output = input;
for( size_t i = 0; i < inliers->indices.size(); i++ ){
int index = inliers->indices[i];
output->points[index].r = 255;
output->points[index].g = 0;
output->points[index].b = 0;
 Result
 ExtractIndices
#include <pcl/filters/extract_indices.h>
// Create Object
pcl::ExtractIndices<PointType> extract;
// Setting
extract.setIndices( inliers );
// Input
extract.setInputCloud( *input );
// Processing
pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr output_positive( new pcl::PointCloud<PointType> );
extract.setNegative( false );
extract.filter( *output_positive );
pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr output_negative( new pcl::PointCloud<PointType> );
Extract.setNegative( true );
extract.filter( *output_negative );
 Point Cloudから検出した平面を抽出する
 Positiveは検出領域、Negativeは非検出領域
 Result
 Result
 Convert ConstPtr tp Ptr
// Convert pcl::PointCloud<T>::ConstPtr pcl::PointCloud<T>::Ptr
pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::ConstPtr ConstPtr( new pcl::PointCloud<PointType> );
pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr Ptr;
Ptr.reset( new pcl::PointCloud<PointType>( *ConstPtr ) );
 Save/Load Point Cloud
#include <pcl/io/pcd_io.h>
// Save Point Cloud
pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr cloud( new pcl::PointCloud<PointType> );
pcl::io::savePCDFileBinary( "pointcloud.pcd", *cloud );
// Load Point Cloud
pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr cloud( new pcl::PointCloud<PointType> );
pcl::io::loadPCDFile( "pointcloud.pcd", *cloud );
 CloudCompare
 PCL Official
 Documentation - Tutorials
 Documentation - API Reference
 Users Forum
 Japanese
 DERiVE - PCLを触ってみよう!
 第13回 名古屋CV・PRML勉強会 - PCL (Point Cloud Library)
 PCL Development
 GitHub - PointCloudLibrary/pcl (issues/pull requests)
PCL Next All-in-one Installer
 Point Cloud Library
 PCL (1.8.0)
 Dependencies Library
 Boost (1.59.0) … C++準標準ライブラリ
 Eigen (3.2.6) … 行列ライブラリ
 FLANN (1.8.4) … 最近傍探索ライブラリ
 Qhull (2012.1) … 計算幾何ライブラリ
 VTK (6.3.0) … 可視化ライブラリ
 OpenNI2 … RGB-Dセンサーライブラリ
 RealSense … Intel RealSense SDK

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第38回 名古屋CV・PRML勉強会 「Kinect v2本の紹介とPCLの概要」

  • 2. Self-Introduction Tsukasa Sugiura Microsoft MVP for Kinect for Windows  @UnaNancyOwen  
  • 3. Agenda  Kinect v2の概要  Kinect v2本の紹介  Kinect v2本のプレゼント  Kinect v2とPCL
  • 5. Kinect for Windows v2 Sensor MULTI-ARRAY MIC 3D DEPTH SENSOR ( IR Camera + IR Emitters ) RGB CAMERA
  • 6. Kinect for Windows v2 Sensor Image by iFixit IR EMITTERS IR CAMERA
  • 7. Specifications Kinect for Windows v1 Kinect for Windows v2 Color 640×480 @ 30fps 1920×1080 @ 30fps Depth 320×240 @ 30fps 512×424 @ 30fps Sensor Structured Light (PrimeSense Light Coding) Time of Flight (ToF) Range of View 0.8~4.0 m 0.5~8.0 m Range of Detection 0.8~4.0 m 0.5~4.5 m Angle of View Horizontal / Vertical 57 / 43 degree 70 / 60 degree Microphone Array ◯ ◯
  • 8. Specifications Kinect for Windows v1 Kinect for Windows v2 BodyIndex 6 people 6 people Body 2 people 6 people Joint 20 joint/people 25 joint/people Hand State Open / Closed Open / Closed / Lasso Gesture ☓ ◯ Face ◯ Speech / Beamforming ◯ ◯
  • 9. System / Software Requirements OS * Windows 8, 8.1, Embedded 8, Embedded 8.1 (x64) CPU Intel Core i7 3.1GHz (or higher) RAM 4GB (or more) GPU * DirectX 11 supported USB * USB 3.0 (Intel or Renesas Host Controller) Compiler * Visual Studio 2012, 2013 (Supported Express) Language Native (C++), Managed (C#,VB.NET), WinRT (C#,HTML) Other Unity Pro (Add-in), Cinder, openFrameworks (wrapper)
  • 10. Basic Features  Color  1920×1080@30fps / 15fps (Lighting Condition)  RGBA, YUV, BGRA, Bayer, YUY2
  • 11. Basic Features  Depth  512×424@30fps  500~8000[mm]  ToF (Time of Flight)
  • 12. Basic Features  Infrared / LongExposureInfrared  512×424@30fps  16bit (higher 8 bits)
  • 13. Basic Features  BodyIndex  512×424@30fps  500~4500[mm]  6 people  Body Area : 0~5, Other Area : 255 (5 < Index) 255 0 1
  • 14. Basic Features  Body  500~4500[mm]  6 people  25 joint / people (Add Tip, Thumb, Neck)  Orientation (Quaternion)  Hand Type (Right, Left),Hand State (Open, Closed, Lasso), Lean (-1.0f~1.0f)
  • 15. Basic Features  Audio  Beamforming (+/-50 degree)  Speaker Estimation  Speech Recognition
  • 16. Application Features  Gesture  Gesture Recognition using Machine Learning  Discrete (detected true/false), Continuous (progress 0.0f~1.0f)  Learning Classifier Tool “Visual Gesture Builder” Video by
  • 17. Application Features  Face  Bounding Box, Rotation, Points (Eye, Nose, Mouth Corner)  Activity, Appearance, Expression  Activity … Eye Closed, Mouth Open / Moved, Looking Away  Appearance … Wearing Glasses  Expression … Happy
  • 18. Application Features  HDFace  For Creating 3D Face Model  Points (1347), Triangles (2340), Hair Color, Skin Color  Fitting Face Model
  • 19. Application Features  Other  Kinect Fusion (3D Shape Reconstruction)  Controls (Assist in implementation of NUI)
  • 20. Kinect v2 Book Kinect for Windows SDK プログラミング Kinect for Windows v2センサー対応版 中村薫, 杉浦司, 高田智広, 上田智章 秀和システム 480ページ 3,400円+税 Publisher : Sample : Reference :
  • 21. Contents  Basic Streams  Color, Depth, Infrared, BodyIndex, Body, Audio  Application Futures  Speech, Fusion, Gesture, Control, Face, HDFace
  • 22. Contents  NUI Tools  Kinect Studio, Visual Gesture Builder, Configuration Verifier  3rdParty Library, Tools, Math., Sensing  Unity, Point Cloud Library, Vector
  • 24. Point Cloud Library  About PCL(Point Cloud Library)  3次元点群のためのオープンソースのライブラリ  様々な点群処理が含まれている
  • 25. Point Cloud Library  PCL Features
  • 26. Point Cloud Library  PCL All-in-one Installer  ビルド済みのPCLと依存ライブラリを一括でインストールする  ただし、公式サイトでは旧い開発環境向けのパッケージしか配布していない (PCL 1.6.0 All-in-one Installer MSVC 2008/2010) Download : PCL 1.7.2 All-in-one Installer MSVC 2012/2013/2015  Self-Build  PCLと依存ライブラリをビルドする Reference : Building PCL with Visual Studio
  • 27. PCL All-in-one Installer  Point Cloud Library  PCL (1.7.2)  Dependencies Library  Boost (1.57.0) … C++準標準ライブラリ  Eigen (3.2.4) … 行列ライブラリ  FLANN (1.8.4) … 最近傍探索ライブラリ  Qhull (2012.1) … 計算幾何ライブラリ  VTK (6.2.0) … 可視化ライブラリ  (OpenNI / OpenNI2) … RGB-Dセンサーライブラリ
  • 28. PCL Grabber  OpenNI/OpenNI2  オープンソースのRGB-Dセンサーライブラリ  ただし、OpenNIはVisual Studio 2010までしか利用できない  PCL 1.7.2からOpenNI2がサポートされた openni_grabber / openni2_grabber  Kinect for Windows SDK v1/v2  Microsoft公式のKinectセンサーのソフトウェア開発キット  最新のVisual Studioで利用できる kinect_grabber / kinect2_grabber
  • 29. PCL Project  Create Project  Visaul C++のプロジェクトを作成、プロパティシートを読み込む PCL.props  CMakeでVisual C++のプロジェクトを自動生成する CMakeLists.txt
  • 30. PCL Project  CMake  CMakeLists.txt cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8 FATAL_ERROR) project(solution) find_package(PCL 1.7 REQUIRED) include_directories(${PCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}) include_directories($ENV{KINECTSDK20_DIR}/inc) link_directories(${PCL_LIBRARY_DIRS}) link_directories($ENV{KINECTSDK20_DIR}/Lib/$(PlatformTarget)) add_definitions(${PCL_DEFINITIONS}) set(HEADER kinect2_grabber.h) set(SOURCE main.cpp) add_executable(project ${HEADER} ${SOURCE}) target_link_libraries(project ${PCL_LIBRARIES}) target_link_libraries(project Kinect20.lib)
  • 31. Basic Usage Example  Source Code  main.cpp #include "kinect2_grabber.h" #include <pcl/visualization/pcl_visualizer.h> typedef pcl::PointXYZRGB PointType; int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { // PCL Visualizer boost::shared_ptr<pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer> viewer( new pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer( "Point Cloud Viewer" ) ); // Point Cloud pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::ConstPtr cloud; // Retrieved Point Cloud Function boost::mutex mutex; boost::function<void( const pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::ConstPtr& )> function = [&cloud, &mutex]( const pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::ConstPtr& ptr ){ boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock( mutex ); cloud = ptr; };
  • 32. Basic Usage Example  Source Code // Kinect2Grabber pcl::Grabber* grabber = new pcl::Kinect2Grabber(); // Register Callback Function boost::signals2::connection connection = grabber->registerCallback( function ); // Start Grabber grabber->start(); while( !viewer->wasStopped() ){ // Update Viewer viewer->spinOnce(); boost::mutex::scoped_try_lock lock( mutex ); if( cloud && lock.owns_lock() ){ if( cloud->size() != 0 ){ /* Processing Point Cloud */ // Update Point Cloud if( !viewer->updatePointCloud( cloud, "cloud" ) ){ viewer->addPointCloud( cloud, "cloud" ); viewer->resetCameraViewpoint( "cloud" ); } } } }
  • 33. Basic Usage Example  Source Code // Stop Grabber grabber->stop(); return 0; }  Kinect2Grabber Supported Point Types  pcl::PointXYZRGB … 3次元位置(XYZ)と色(RGB)  pcl::PointXYZ … 3次元位置(XYZ)
  • 34. Down Sampling  VoxcelGrid #include <pcl/filters/voxel_grid.h> // Create Object pcl::VoxelGrid<PointType> grid; // Setting grid.setLeafSize( 0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f ); // Input grid.setInputCloud( *input ); // Processing pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr output( new pcl::PointCloud<PointType> ); grid.filter( *output );  Point CloudをVoxcel Gridフィルターでダウンサンプルする  Voxcel Gridの間隔を0.01[m]に設定
  • 36. Segmentation  SACSegmentation #include <pcl/segmentation/sac_segmentation.h> // Create Object pcl::SACSegmentation<PointType> seg; // Setting seg.setOptimizeCoefficients( true ); seg.setModelType( pcl::SACMODEL_PLANE ); seg.setMethodType( pcl::SAC_RANSAC ); seg.setMaxIterations( 1000 ); seg.setDistanceThreshold( 0.01 ); // Input seg.setInputCloud( *input ); // Processing pcl::PointIndices::Ptr inliers( new pcl::PointIndices ); pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr coefficients( new pcl::ModelCoefficients ); seg.segment( *inliers, *coefficients );  Point Cloudから平面(SACMODEL_PLANE)を検出する  最大反復回数を1000回、距離閾値を0.01[m]に設定
  • 37. Segmentation  Draw Segmentation Result // Drawing Detection Area pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr output( new pcl::PointCloud<PointType> ); output = input; for( size_t i = 0; i < inliers->indices.size(); i++ ){ int index = inliers->indices[i]; output->points[index].r = 255; output->points[index].g = 0; output->points[index].b = 0; }
  • 39. Extracting  ExtractIndices #include <pcl/filters/extract_indices.h> // Create Object pcl::ExtractIndices<PointType> extract; // Setting extract.setIndices( inliers ); // Input extract.setInputCloud( *input ); // Processing pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr output_positive( new pcl::PointCloud<PointType> ); extract.setNegative( false ); extract.filter( *output_positive ); pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr output_negative( new pcl::PointCloud<PointType> ); Extract.setNegative( true ); extract.filter( *output_negative );  Point Cloudから検出した平面を抽出する  Positiveは検出領域、Negativeは非検出領域
  • 42. Tips  Convert ConstPtr tp Ptr // Convert pcl::PointCloud<T>::ConstPtr pcl::PointCloud<T>::Ptr pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::ConstPtr ConstPtr( new pcl::PointCloud<PointType> ); pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr Ptr; Ptr.reset( new pcl::PointCloud<PointType>( *ConstPtr ) );  Save/Load Point Cloud #include <pcl/io/pcd_io.h> // Save Point Cloud pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr cloud( new pcl::PointCloud<PointType> ); pcl::io::savePCDFileBinary( "pointcloud.pcd", *cloud ); // Load Point Cloud pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr cloud( new pcl::PointCloud<PointType> ); pcl::io::loadPCDFile( "pointcloud.pcd", *cloud );
  • 44. Reference  PCL Official  Documentation - Tutorials  Documentation - API Reference  Users Forum  Japanese  DERiVE - PCLを触ってみよう!  第13回 名古屋CV・PRML勉強会 - PCL (Point Cloud Library)  PCL Development  GitHub - PointCloudLibrary/pcl (issues/pull requests)
  • 45. PCL Next All-in-one Installer  Point Cloud Library  PCL (1.8.0)  Dependencies Library  Boost (1.59.0) … C++準標準ライブラリ  Eigen (3.2.6) … 行列ライブラリ  FLANN (1.8.4) … 最近傍探索ライブラリ  Qhull (2012.1) … 計算幾何ライブラリ  VTK (6.3.0) … 可視化ライブラリ  OpenNI2 … RGB-Dセンサーライブラリ  RealSense … Intel RealSense SDK