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Unit 8
in/ for
Assistant Professor,
Department of Education,
Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 1
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 2
Part A
Educational Technology (ET)
• Concept of Educational Technology (ET) as a
Discipline: Information Technology,
Communication Technology & Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) and
Instructional Technology
• Applications of Educational Technology in
formal, non formal (Open and Distance
Learning), informal and inclusive education
• Overview of Behaviourist, Cognitive and
Constructivist Theories and their implications to
Instructional Design (Skinner, Piaget, Ausubel,
Bruner, Vygotsky)
• Relationship between Learning Theories and
Instructional Strategies (for large and small
groups, formal and non formal groups)
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 3
Part B
• Systems Approach to Instructional
• Models of Development of Instructional
Design (ADDIE, ASSURE, Dick and Carey
Model Mason’s)
• Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction and
Five E’s of Constructivism, Nine
Elements of Constructivist Instructional
• Application of Computers in Education:
CAI, CAL, CBT, CML, Concept, Process of
preparing ODLM, Concept of e learning,
• Approaches to elearning (Offline, Online,
Synchronous, Asynchronous, Blended
learning, mobile learning)
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 4
Part C Emerging Trends in e-learning
• Social learning (concept , use of web 2.0
tools for learning, social networking sites,
blogs, chats, video conferencing, discussion
• Open Education Resources (Creative
Common, Massive Open Online Courses;
Concept and application)
• E-Inclusion - Concept of E-Inclusion,
Application of Assistive technology in E-
• Quality of E-Learning – Measuring quality of
system: Information, System, Service, User
Satisfaction and Net Benefits (D&M IS
Success Model, 2003)
• Ethical Issues for E-Learner and E-Teacher -
Teaching, Learning and Research
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 5
Part D
Use of ICT in Evaluation,
Administration and
• E portfolios
• ICT for Research
• Online Repositories and
Online Libraries
• Online and Offline
assessment tool
• Online survey tools or test
generators – Concept and
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 6
Part A
Assistant Professor,
Department of Education,
Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod
UGC NET Material Education
Paper II
(Applicable from June 2019)
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 7
Part A
Educational Technology (ET)
• Concept of Educational Technology (ET) as a
Discipline: Information Technology,
Communication Technology & Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) and
Instructional Technology
• Applications of Educational Technology in
formal, non formal (Open and Distance
Learning), informal and inclusive education
• Overview of Behaviourist, Cognitive and
Constructivist Theories and their implications to
Instructional Design (Skinner, Piaget, Ausubel,
Bruner, Vygotsky)
• Relationship between Learning Theories and
Instructional Strategies (for large and small
groups, formal and non formal groups)
(ET) as a
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 8
Information Technology
Information Technology refers to devices
(hardware) and algorithms or programs
(software) used to store, retrieve and
process data. In simple terms, it refers to all
computer applications and devices.
Information Technology is all about how
computers work and what they can do
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 9
Communication Technology
Communication Technology includes electronic systems used
for communication between individuals or groups not
physically present at the same location.
It is about ways people can talk or write to each other and
exchange messages, pictures or sounds.
Communication Technology is about facilitating
communication between people.
Communication technology includes not only computers, but
also telephones, radios, faxes and other devices.
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 10
Information and Communication Technology
Information and
Communication Technology
can simply be defined in its
simplest form as an
electronic medium for
creating, storing,
manipulating receiving and
sending information from
one place to another.
It makes message delivery
faster, more convenient,
easy to access, understand
and interpret. It uses
gadgets such as cell phones,
the Internet, wireless
network, computer, radio,
television, Satellites, base
stations etc.
These resources are used to
create, store, communicate,
transmit and manage
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 11
Parameter of
Information and
Technology is associated
with the field of education.
Information Technology is
associated with the field of
computers, software,
networks, etc.
The function of Information
and Communications
Technology is to help make
the process of
communication and
attaining and imparting
information better with the
help of technology.
The function of Information
Technology is to help attain an
efficient way or method for
the management of
information, with the help of
Place of use
Information and
Technology is used in
academic institutions and
Information Technology is
used in corporate and other
huge, complex companies and
Industry or
ICT can be considered as an
extensional term or simply
as an extension of IT,
mainly used in an academic
IT can be considered as an
industry by itself, used for
efficient management of
information, mainly used in
software, networking, etc.
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 12
Instructional Technology
is the theory and practice
of design, development,
utilization, management,
and evaluation of
processes and resources
for learning.
Association for Educational Communications
and Technology (AECT)
Seels, B. B., & Richey, R. C. (1994). Instructional technology: The
definition and domains of the field. Washington, DC: Association
for Educational Communications and Technology.
Instructional Technology
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 13
Components of Educational Technology
ET-1 or
ET-2 or
ET-3 or
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 14
ET-1 / Hardware Approach
Use of Engineering machines in
Physical science + Engineering
Technology includes radio, tape
recorder, projector, computer, cctv,
mobile etc.
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 15
ET-2 / Software Approach
Instructional technology / teaching
technology of behavioural technology
Psychological principals of teaching
and learning are utilized
(use of teaching and learning
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 16
ET-3 / System Analysis
Also called management technology
Developed after world war II
It provided a scientific basis to the decision
making regarding the problems
It helps to study the problems of educational
administration and management in a scientific an
conclusive way.
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 17
Applications of Educational Technology
Open Distance
Self Directed
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 18
Applications of Educational Technology
Visual Teaching Aids
Computer technology aid
Internet technology
Open & Distance
Digital Resources
Email, Video Conferencing
Online Learning
Self Directed Learning
Social Apps
Education Systems
Communication Tools
Talking Books
Voice Recognition
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 19
Behaviorist Theories
Focus on the behaviour of the learner and changes in
behaviour that occurs when learning takes place
Trial & Error
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 20
Cognitive Theories
Focus on the mental process including how
people think perceived to solve problems. It
focuses the processing of information with
the pre-existing one.
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 21
Constructivism Theories
Focus on the construct own understanding and
knowledge of the world through previous experiences.
Jean Piaget
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 22
Instructional Design
Application of Computers in Education
Part B
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 23
Assistant Professor,
Department of Education,
Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod
UGC NET Material Education
Paper II
(Applicable from June 2019)
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 24
Part B
• Systems Approach to Instructional
• Models of Development of Instructional
Design (ADDIE, ASSURE, Dick and Carey
Model Mason’s)
• Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction and
Five E’s of Constructivism, Nine
Elements of Constructivist Instructional
• Application of Computers in Education:
CAI, CAL, CBT, CML, Concept, Process of
preparing ODLM, Concept of e learning,
• Approaches to elearning (Offline, Online,
Synchronous, Asynchronous, Blended
learning, mobile learning)
Systems Approach
• Systems approach is based on the
generalization that everything is inter-
related and interdependent.
• A system is composed of related and
dependent element which when in
interaction, forms a unitary whole.
• A system is simply an assemblage or
combination of things or parts forming
a complex whole.
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 25
Instructional Design
• Instructional design is the process by which learning
products and experiences are designed, developed,
and delivered. These learning products include online
courses, instructional manuals, video tutorials,
learning simulations, etc.
• Instructional designers are the 'architects' of the
learning experience and the 'directors' of the
Instructional Systems Design ISD process.
• Instructional design is the creation of learning
experiences and materials in a manner that results in
the acquisition and application of knowledge and
skills. The discipline follows a system of assessing
needs, designing a process, developing materials and
evaluating their effectiveness.
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 26
Dick and Carey
Backward Design
Kemp Design Model
The Kirkpatrick Model
Gerlach-Ely Model
Situated Learning Theory
Anchored Instruction Model
Cognitive Apprenticeship
Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Flipped Classroom
Social Learning Theory: Albert Bandura
Andragogy Theory – Malcolm Knowles
Lev Vygotsky – Sociocultural Theory of Cognitive
Jean Piaget - Stages of Cognitive Development
Stages of Moral Development – Lawrence
Theory of Multiple Intelligences – Gardner
Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development
Instructional Design Models
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Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 28
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Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 30
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 31
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 32
Dick and Carey Model
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Gagne’s Nine Events of
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Five E’s of Constructivism
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ENGAGE: The purpose for the
ENGAGE stage is to pique student
interest and get them personally
involved in the lesson, while pre-
assessing prior understanding.
EXPLORE: The purpose for the
EXPLORE stage is to get
students involved in the topic,
providing them with a chance
to build their own
EXPLAIN: The purpose for the
EXPLAIN stage is to provide
students with an opportunity
to communicate what they
have learned so far and figure
out what it means.
ELABORATE: The purpose
for the ELABORATE stage is
to allow students to use
their new knowledge and
continue to explore its
EVALUATE: The purpose for the
EVALUATION stage is for both
students and teachers to
determine how much learning
and understanding has taken
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Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 40
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Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 43
Application of Computers in Education:
CAI, CAL, CBT, CML, Concept
• Computer Assisted Instruction
• Computer Assisted Learning
• Computer Assisted Training
• Computer Based Training
• Computer Managed Instruction
• Compute Managed Learning
CAI / CBI – A view of the computer as
delivering information to student
through step-by-step instruction (e.g.
drill-and-practice or tutorial programs
CAL/CBL/CML – encompasses learning
situations where the computer is used
as educational tool
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 44
Computer-based education (CBE) and computer-based
instruction (CBI) are the broadest terms and can refer
to virtually any kind of computer use in educational
Computer-assisted instruction (CAI): Computer Aided
Instruction (CAI) is a narrower term and most often
refers to drill-and-practice, tutorial, or simulation
Computer-managed instruction (CMI): Computer-
managed instruction is an instructional strategy
whereby the computer is used to provide learning
objectives, learning resources, record keeping, progress
tracking, and assessment of learner performance.
Computer based tools and applications are used to
assist the teacher or school administrator in the
management of the learner and instructional process.
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 45
Types of Computer
Assisted Instruction
1. Drill-and-practice Drill and practice provide opportunities or
students to repeatedly practice the skills that have previously
been presented and that further practice is necessary for
2. Tutorial Tutorial activity includes both the presentation of
information and its extension into different forms of work,
including drill and practice, games and simulation.
3. Games Game software often creates a contest to achieve the
highest score and either beat others or beat the computer.
4. Simulation Simulation software can provide an approximation
of reality that does not require the expense of real life or its
5. Discovery Discovery approach provides a large database of
information specific to a course or content area and challenges
the learner to analyze, compare, infer and evaluate based on
their explorations of the data.
6. Problem Solving This approach helps children develop
specific problem solving skills and strategies
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 46
Process of Preparing ODLM
ODLM – Online Distance Learning Materials
While designing and
developing ODLM you
• include guidelines on how to study
using the material provided
• make your content as self-explaining
as possible, and provide pointers to
• provide numerous examples,
preferably relating to the learners
personal/professional context
• Include assignments and self tests,
together with an elaboration of correct
and incorrect answers, self-
assessment protocols, etc.
• provide a Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ) list
Most Essential characteristics
of ODLM:
Teaching functions
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Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 48
• The delivery of a learning,
training or education program
by electronic means.
• E-learning mean electronic
Group Based
Group Based
Modalities of e-learning
B-LEARNING • B-learning is blended learning
• Integrating lecture and e-learning
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 49
Mobile Learning m-Learning must include the ability
to learn everywhere at every time
without permanent physical
connection to cable networks.
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Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 52
u = e + m
Ubiquitous learning,
an amalgam of e-learning and m-learning,
allowing learning to take place
independently of time and place.
u-Learning = e-Learning + m-Learning
Ubiquitous = pervasive, omnipresent, ever present, everywhere
Learning = educational, instructive, didactic,
Pedagogical Environment = surroundings, setting, situation, atmosphere
Meaning of Ubiquitous Learning
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 53
Level of Embeddedness
Classification of Learning Environment (Ogata & Yano, 2004)
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education
- UGC NET Education
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 55
Offline Education – Also referred to
as traditional training. Offline
Education means a student needs to
go in a school, in a classroom, and
attend a class face to face with a
Online Education – Online Education
is a very flexible learning system
that allows students to study solely
via the internet on their own
computer at home, or wherever they
see fit.
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 56
Synchronous learning is learning in real-time with a
teacher, tutor, or facilitator at the helm of the room,
leading the discussion, encouraging active participation
in the learning material.
When taking this format online,
synchronous learning becomes synchronous e-learning.
Synchronous e-learning refers to real-time online learning
best exemplified by online classes, training sessions,
and webinars taught through an online platforms.
Asynchronous learning most frequently refers to
teacher and student interactions that occur at
different times and different locations.
You can even look at email exchanges, discussion
boards, and learning management system or
course management system activities as examples
of asynchronous e-learning.
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Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 59
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 60
Emerging Trends in e-learning
Part C
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 61
Assistant Professor,
Department of Education,
Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod
UGC NET Material Education
Paper II
(Applicable from June 2019)
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 62
Part C Emerging Trends in e-learning
• Social learning (concept , use of web 2.0
tools for learning, social networking sites,
blogs, chats, video conferencing, discussion
• Open Education Resources (Creative
Common, Massive Open Online Courses;
Concept and application)
• E-Inclusion - Concept of E-Inclusion,
Application of Assistive technology in E-
• Quality of E-Learning – Measuring quality of
system: Information, System, Service, User
Satisfaction and Net Benefits (D&M IS
Success Model, 2003)
• Ethical Issues for E-Learner and E-Teacher -
Teaching, Learning and Research
Use of Web 2.0
tools for Learning
Web 2.0 (Participative or
Social Web) refers
to websites that
emphasize user-generated
content, ease of
use, participatory
culture and interoperability
for end users.
Advantages of Web 2.0:
Available at any time, any place.
Variety of media.
Ease of usage.
Learners can actively be involved in knowledge
Can create dynamic learning communities.
Everybody is the author and the editor, every
edit that has been made can be tracked.
Updates in the wiki are immediate and it offers
more sources for researchers.
It provides real-time discussion.
Web 2.0 examples include hosted services (Google Maps),Web applications ( Google Docs, Flickr), Video sharing
sites (YouTube), wikis (MediaWiki), blogs (WordPress), social networking (Facebook), folksonomies (Delicious),
Microblogging (Twitter), podcasting (Podcast Alley) & content hosting services and many more.
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 63
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 64
Social Networking Sites
A social networking
service (also social
networking site or social
media) is an online
platform which people
use to build social
networks or social
relationships with other
people who share similar
personal or career
interests, activities,
backgrounds or real-life
Social networking sites
Social networking apps
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 65
A blog (a shortened
version of “weblog”)
is an online journal or
website displaying
information in reverse
chronological order,
with the latest posts
appearing first, at the
top. It is a platform
where a writer or a
group of writers share
their views on an
individual subject.
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 66
• Chat refers to the process of
communicating, interacting and/or
exchanging messages over the
• It involves two or more individuals
that communicate through a chat-
enabled service or software.
• Chat is also known as chatting,
online chat or Internet chat.
Social networking apps
Google Hangout
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 67
Video Conferencing
Video conferencing is a technology
that allows users in different
locations to hold face-to-face
meetings without having to move to
a single location together.
Google Meet
Cisco WebEx
Zoho Meeting
GoTo Meeting
Microsoft Teams
BigBlue button
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 68
Discussion Forum
An Internet forum, or message board, is
an online discussion site where people can hold
conversations in the form of posted messages. They
differ from chat rooms in that messages are often
longer than one line of text and are at least
temporarily archived. Also, depending on the access
level of a user or the forum set-up, a posted message
might need to be approved by a moderator before it
becomes publicly visible.
Forums have a specific set of jargon associated with
them; example: a single conversation is called a
"thread", or topic.
Vanilla Forums
Simple Machines Forum
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 69
Open Education Resources
(Creative Common)
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 70
Open Educational
Resources (OER) are
free and openly
educational materials
that can be used for
teaching, learning,
research, and other
free + legal rights to
reuse, revise, remix,
redistribute & retain
The definition OER is:
“digitized materials
freely and openly
educators, students and self-
use and re-use
teaching, learning and research”
is a term that was first adopted at
UNESCO's 2002 Forum
on the Impact of Open Courseware
Higher Education in Developing
funded by the
Hewlett Foundation.
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Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 72
• Creative Commons (CC) Licenses give universal permission
for certain types of use of a copyright protected work.
• CC licenses can only be applied by the rights holder of the
work, or with explicit permission from the rights holder.
• CC licenses cannot be revoked.
Full Copyright:
All Rights
Creative Commons Licenses:
Some Rights Reserved
Public Domain:
No Rights
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 73
Licensing Possibilities / License Elements
Attribution (always)
No Commercial Use
No Derivative Works
Share Alike
The Licenses
Six different licenses
• Attribution
• Attribution-NoDerivs
• Attribution-ShareAlike
• Attribution-NonCommercial
• Attribution-NonCommerical-ShareAlike
• Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 75
Massive Open Online Courses
❑ Online & On-campus = ‘e-learning’
❑ Online & Off-campus = online distance learning ‘ODL’
❑ Online and No-campus = MOOCs, OER, Informal Learning
Online education
@ Edinburgh
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 76
MOOC (Massive Open Online
Courses) is a new paradigm
of education for anyone,
anywhere, anytime.
The basic philosophy of
MOOCs is 3A’s
Anytime, Anyone, Anywhere.
Massive - enrolment numbers
Open - no mandatory qualifications
Online - fully
Course - structured
is an online course aimed at unlimited
participation and open access via the web.
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 77
Letter Expansion Meaning
M Massive • An online course designed for large number of participants
O Open • Course can be accessed by (almost) anyone anywhere as long as they
have an internet connection.
• Open as in freedom of place, pace and time
• Open to everyone without entry qualifications.
• Course can be completed for free`
O Online • Complete course online
• All aspects of course are delivered online
C Course • Unit of Study
• The course offers a full course experience including
• Educational Content
• Facilitation Interaction among peers
• Activities/Tasks, Tests, including feedback
• Some kind of (non formal) recognition options
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 78
Categories of
Believe in the conventional
approach where the courses are
well-structured with pre-selected
reading and reference materials.
xMOOCS Allow for dynamic development of
study material.
No pre-planned set of reading
materials and courseware,
Material will be developed through
online discussions and
collaborations among learners
taking the course across the globe.
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 79
MOOCs Advantages
Sharing ideas
& knowledge Improves
cross cultural
flipping the
sharing in
No exam
Self paced
Earn from
world class
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 80
MOOCs Demerits
No real-time
No physical
No effective
Gradually kill
the care,
empathy and
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Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 82
Technology (AT)
Assistive Technology (AT): products,
equipment, and systems that enhance
learning, working, and daily living for
persons with disabilities.
Assistive technology (AT) is any item, piece
of equipment, software program, or product
system that is used to increase, maintain, or
improve the functional capabilities of
persons with disabilities.
Assistive technology helps people who have
difficulty speaking, typing, writing,
remembering, pointing, seeing, hearing,
learning, walking, and many other things.
Different disabilities require different
assistive technologies.
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 83
AT can be low-tech: communication boards made of
cardboard or fuzzy felt.
AT can be high-tech: special-purpose computers.
AT can be hardware: prosthetics, mounting systems, and
positioning devices.
AT can be computer hardware: special switches, keyboards,
and pointing devices.
AT can be computer software: screen readers and
communication programs.
AT can be inclusive or specialized learning materials and
curriculum aids.
AT can be specialized curricular software.
AT can be much more—electronic devices, wheelchairs,
walkers, braces, educational software, power lifts, pencil
holders, eye-gaze and head trackers, and much more.
Mobility aids: wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, canes, crutches1, prosthetic
devices, and orthotic devices.
Hearing aids to help people hear or hear more clearly.
Cognitive aids: computer or electrical assistive devices, to help people with
memory, attention, or other challenges in their thinking skills.
Computer software and hardware: voice recognition programs, screen
readers, and screen enlargement applications, to help people with mobility
and sensory impairments use computers and mobile devices.
Tools such as automatic page turners, book holders, and adapted pencil
grips to help learners with disabilities participate in educational activities4
Closed captioning to allow people with hearing problems to watch movies,
television programs, and other digital media.
Physical modifications in the built environment, including ramps, grab bars,
and wider doorways to enable access to buildings, businesses, and
Lightweight, high-performance mobility devices that enable persons with
disabilities to play sports and be physically active.
Adaptive switches and utensils to allow those with limited motor skills to
eat, play games, and accomplish other activities.
Devices and features of devices to help perform tasks such as cooking,
dressing, and grooming; specialized handles and grips, devices that extend
reach, and lights on telephones and doorbells are a few examples.
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 84
Design for
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
provides the opportunity for all
students to access, participate in, and
progress in the general-education
curriculum by reducing barriers to
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is
a way of thinking about teaching and
learning that helps give all students
an equal opportunity to succeed.
This approach offers flexibility in the
ways students access material, engage
with it and show what they know.
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3 Main Principles Of UDL
Representation: UDL recommends offering information in
more than one format. For example, textbooks are
primarily visual. But providing text, audio, video and
hands-on learning gives all kids a chance to access the
material in whichever way is best suited to their learning
strengths .
Action and expression: UDL suggests giving kids more
than one way to interact with the material and to show
what they’ve learned. For example, students might get to
choose between taking a pencil-and-paper test, giving an
oral presentation or doing a group project.
Engagement: UDL encourages teachers to look for multiple
ways to motivate students. Letting kids make choices and
giving them assignments that feel relevant to their lives
are some examples of how teachers can sustain students’
interest. Other common strategies include making
skillbuilding feel like a game and creating opportunities
for students to get up and move around the classroom.
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Quality of E-Learning
GUI – Graphical
User Interface :
Color and
visual elements
Buttons, links,
audio etc
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Measuring Quality of System:
Information, System, Service, User Satisfaction and Net
Benefits (D&M IS Success Model, 2003),
(DeLone–McLean Information System Success Model, 2003)
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 88
Success Model,
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 89
Ethical Issues for E Learner
and E Teacher - Teaching,
Learning and Research
‘Netiquettes’ Plagiarism
the work of
Misuse of
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 90
Use of ICT
Part D
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 91
Assistant Professor,
Department of Education,
Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod
UGC NET Material Education
Paper II
(Applicable from June 2019)
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 92
Part D
Use of ICT in Evaluation,
Administration and
• E portfolios
• ICT for Research
• Online Repositories and
Online Libraries
• Online and Offline
assessment tool
• Online survey tools or test
generators – Concept and
E-Portfolio Digital Portfolio
Online Portfolio
ePortfolio is a collection
electronic evidence
assembled and managed
by a user, usually
the Web.
An ePortfolio
(electronic portfolio)
is an electronic collection
of evidence that
shows your learning
journey over time.
Evidence may include writing samples, photos,
videos, research projects, observations by
mentors and peers, and/or reflective thinking.
Communicate & Showcase Skills, Experience and Learning
Diverse of artifacts (an object made by human beings) 93
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education
Paper Portfolio
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 94
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 95
ICT tools are mainly used by researchers for its ability
to ease knowledge –gathering process
and to enhance resource development.
ICT for Research
ICT Tools
Search Engine
Connect with
experts and
Free Digital
Data Analysis
Write &
of ICT
Pre-data Analysis
Post-data analysis
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 96
Digital tools helps the researcher in the following way:
Identify research articles and
appropriate information sources
through searching various online tools
Literature survey & Critically analyses
known information for further reading
Data collection process (Manage and
collect the data)
Data analysis tools for both quantitative
and qualitative analysis
Report preparation
Annual Revices
Indian Citation Index
Indian Journals
Academic Search Premier
Teacher Reference Center
Research Gate
IEEE Xplore
Science Direct
Google Scholar
Microsoft Academic
Web of Science
Literature Tracking:
Sort, classify and store
Zotero, Mendeley, Endnote
Data Collection :
Google Forms, Microsoft forms,
Survey Monkey, Zoho form etc
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 97
SOFA (Statistics Open For All)
Tanagra (Data Mining
AM Statistical Software
Microsoft Excel
Quantitative Analysis
Qualitative Analysis
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 99
Post Data Analysis
Article Checker
SOFA (Statistics Open For All)
Tanagra (Data Mining
AM Statistical Software
Microsoft Excel
During Data
Quantitative Analysis
Qualitative Analysis
Online Repositories
• A digital repository is an online archive for the
storage of digital objects; these can range from
digital archives, moving or still image galleries,
manuscripts, anything that is in electronic format
and needs a place to be stored either in the short
or longer term.
• An open access repository is a digital repository
where the content is freely available to download
and reuse (sometimes with restrictions), where
no login or subscription is required.
• An institutional research repository is a digital
repository for the storage of outputs from
research undertaken at an organisation; these
can be wholly open access repositories, closed
access, or a mixture. Content that you might
expect to find in an institutional research
repository are: research papers, working papers,
reports, datasets, and other digital objects
resulting from research. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 100
Online Libraries / Digital Libraries
A digital library, also called an online library,
an internet library, a digital repository, or
a digital collection is an online database of
digital objects that can include text, still
images, audio, video, digital documents, or
other digital media formats or
a library accessible through the internet.
Objects can consist of digitized content
like print or photographs, as well
as originally produced digital content
like word processor files or social
media posts.
In addition to storing content, digital libraries
provide means for organizing, searching,
and retrieving the content contained in the
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 101
Use of ICT in Evaluation
(Online and Offline Assessment Tools)
AnswerGarden -
Real-time polling
and brainstorming
Backchannel Chat -
assessment tool for
Chatzy - Lets
students chime in
with questions or
opinions during a
Coggle - Mind-
mapping tool that
lets you get a handle
on student thinking
eSurvey Creator -
Make student
surveys and
questionnaires fast
Flipgrid - Let
students make quick
videos that respond
to teacher prompts
Formative - Give live
assignments, grade
them, and give
immediate feedback
Lino - A sticky-note-
based virtual
blackboard that lets
students chime in
Naiku - Make
quizzes that
students can take on
mobile devices
Pear Deck - Create
students can take
part in via
Plickers - Collect
assessment data in
real time with no
need for student
The Queue - Free
educational chat tool
that’s similar to
Twitter and
facilitates remote
class discussion
Quizalize - Create
homework and
quizzes quickly,
with a fast-grading
Quizlet - Develop
tests, quizzes,
flashcards, and
study games for
Remind - Send quick
texts to students and
parents to check for
Sparkpost - Adobe
app that lets
teachers create exit
tickets with visuals
and graphics
SurveyPlanet -
Create quick surveys
to get a grasp on
student knowledge
Typeform - Create
polls with graphical
VoiceThread - Create
discussions around
documents, videos,
and other materials
Zoho Survey - Make
student surveys and
get real-time results
(e-assessment) is
use of ICT / digital
to create, manage,
deliver, assess
& provide
for diagnostic,
formative &
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 102
Online survey tools or test generators
Online surveys are a great way to
engage our audience and get feedback
from them. We can use online surveys in
any number of ways, including to find
out what topics our readers want to
learn more about:
• Get feedback
• Conduct research
Google Forms
Microsoft Forms
Survey Monkey
Client Heartbeat
Zoho Survey
Survey Gizmo
Survey Planet
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 103
Mock Test 1:
Mock Test 2:
Mock Test 3:
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 104
Unit 8: Technology in/ for Education
Mock Tests
All the Best!
Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 105
Assistant Professor,
Department of Education,
Central University of Kerala,
UGC NET Material Education
Paper II
(Applicable from June 2019)

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Technology in/for Education (unit 8) - UGC NET Education Paper II

  • 1. Unit 8 Technology in/ for Education K.THIYAGU, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 1
  • 2. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 2 Part A Educational Technology (ET) • Concept of Educational Technology (ET) as a Discipline: Information Technology, Communication Technology & Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Instructional Technology • Applications of Educational Technology in formal, non formal (Open and Distance Learning), informal and inclusive education systems • Overview of Behaviourist, Cognitive and Constructivist Theories and their implications to Instructional Design (Skinner, Piaget, Ausubel, Bruner, Vygotsky) • Relationship between Learning Theories and Instructional Strategies (for large and small groups, formal and non formal groups)
  • 3. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 3 Part B • Systems Approach to Instructional Design • Models of Development of Instructional Design (ADDIE, ASSURE, Dick and Carey Model Mason’s) • Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction and Five E’s of Constructivism, Nine Elements of Constructivist Instructional Design, • Application of Computers in Education: CAI, CAL, CBT, CML, Concept, Process of preparing ODLM, Concept of e learning, • Approaches to elearning (Offline, Online, Synchronous, Asynchronous, Blended learning, mobile learning)
  • 4. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 4 Part C Emerging Trends in e-learning • Social learning (concept , use of web 2.0 tools for learning, social networking sites, blogs, chats, video conferencing, discussion forum), • Open Education Resources (Creative Common, Massive Open Online Courses; Concept and application) • E-Inclusion - Concept of E-Inclusion, Application of Assistive technology in E- learning • Quality of E-Learning – Measuring quality of system: Information, System, Service, User Satisfaction and Net Benefits (D&M IS Success Model, 2003) • Ethical Issues for E-Learner and E-Teacher - Teaching, Learning and Research
  • 5. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 5 Part D Use of ICT in Evaluation, Administration and Research • E portfolios • ICT for Research • Online Repositories and Online Libraries • Online and Offline assessment tool • Online survey tools or test generators – Concept and Development.
  • 6. Educational Technology (ET) Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 6 Part A K.THIYAGU, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod UGC NET Material Education Paper II (Applicable from June 2019)
  • 7. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 7 Part A Educational Technology (ET) • Concept of Educational Technology (ET) as a Discipline: Information Technology, Communication Technology & Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Instructional Technology • Applications of Educational Technology in formal, non formal (Open and Distance Learning), informal and inclusive education systems • Overview of Behaviourist, Cognitive and Constructivist Theories and their implications to Instructional Design (Skinner, Piaget, Ausubel, Bruner, Vygotsky) • Relationship between Learning Theories and Instructional Strategies (for large and small groups, formal and non formal groups)
  • 9. Information Technology Information Technology refers to devices (hardware) and algorithms or programs (software) used to store, retrieve and process data. In simple terms, it refers to all computer applications and devices. Information Technology is all about how computers work and what they can do Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 9
  • 10. Communication Technology Communication Technology includes electronic systems used for communication between individuals or groups not physically present at the same location. It is about ways people can talk or write to each other and exchange messages, pictures or sounds. Communication Technology is about facilitating communication between people. Communication technology includes not only computers, but also telephones, radios, faxes and other devices. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 10
  • 11. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Information and Communication Technology can simply be defined in its simplest form as an electronic medium for creating, storing, manipulating receiving and sending information from one place to another. It makes message delivery faster, more convenient, easy to access, understand and interpret. It uses gadgets such as cell phones, the Internet, wireless network, computer, radio, television, Satellites, base stations etc. These resources are used to create, store, communicate, transmit and manage information. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 11
  • 12. Parameter of Comparison ICT IT Field Information and Communications Technology is associated with the field of education. Information Technology is associated with the field of computers, software, networks, etc. Function The function of Information and Communications Technology is to help make the process of communication and attaining and imparting information better with the help of technology. The function of Information Technology is to help attain an efficient way or method for the management of information, with the help of technology. Place of use Information and Communications Technology is used in academic institutions and purposes. Information Technology is used in corporate and other huge, complex companies and institutions. Industry or extension ICT can be considered as an extensional term or simply as an extension of IT, mainly used in an academic setup. IT can be considered as an industry by itself, used for efficient management of information, mainly used in software, networking, etc. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 12
  • 13. Instructional Technology is the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning. Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Seels, B. B., & Richey, R. C. (1994). Instructional technology: The definition and domains of the field. Washington, DC: Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Instructional Technology Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 13
  • 14. Components of Educational Technology Lumsdane suggest Educational Technology ET-1 or Hardware Approach ET-2 or Software Approach ET-3 or System Analysis Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 14
  • 15. ET-1 / Hardware Approach Use of Engineering machines in teaching Physical science + Engineering Technology Technology includes radio, tape recorder, projector, computer, cctv, mobile etc. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 15
  • 16. ET-2 / Software Approach Instructional technology / teaching technology of behavioural technology Psychological principals of teaching and learning are utilized (use of teaching and learning principles) Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 16
  • 17. ET-3 / System Analysis Also called management technology Developed after world war II It provided a scientific basis to the decision making regarding the problems It helps to study the problems of educational administration and management in a scientific an conclusive way. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 17
  • 18. Applications of Educational Technology Formal Classroom Non-formal Open Distance Informal Self Directed Learning Inclusive Education Systems Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 18
  • 19. Applications of Educational Technology Formal Classroom Visual Teaching Aids Computer technology aid Internet technology Projectors Non-formal Open & Distance CAI Digital Resources Email, Video Conferencing Online Learning Informal Self Directed Learning Internet Social Apps E-mail Websites E-library, Blogs Inclusive Education Systems OCR Communication Tools Tablets Talking Books Voice Recognition Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 19
  • 20. Behaviorist Theories Focus on the behaviour of the learner and changes in behaviour that occurs when learning takes place Behaviourist Classical Conditioning (Ivan Pavlov) Operant Conditioning (B.F . Skinner) Trial & Error Method Thorndike Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 20
  • 21. Cognitive Theories Focus on the mental process including how people think perceived to solve problems. It focuses the processing of information with the pre-existing one. Cognitive Jean Piaget Robert Gagne Lev Vygotsky Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 21
  • 22. Constructivism Theories Focus on the construct own understanding and knowledge of the world through previous experiences. Constructivism Jean Piaget Scheme Assimilation Acomodation Equiuilbrium Vygotsky ZPD Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 22
  • 23. Instructional Design Application of Computers in Education E-Learning Part B Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 23 K.THIYAGU, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod UGC NET Material Education Paper II (Applicable from June 2019)
  • 24. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 24 Part B • Systems Approach to Instructional Design • Models of Development of Instructional Design (ADDIE, ASSURE, Dick and Carey Model Mason’s) • Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction and Five E’s of Constructivism, Nine Elements of Constructivist Instructional Design, • Application of Computers in Education: CAI, CAL, CBT, CML, Concept, Process of preparing ODLM, Concept of e learning, • Approaches to elearning (Offline, Online, Synchronous, Asynchronous, Blended learning, mobile learning)
  • 25. Systems Approach • Systems approach is based on the generalization that everything is inter- related and interdependent. • A system is composed of related and dependent element which when in interaction, forms a unitary whole. • A system is simply an assemblage or combination of things or parts forming a complex whole. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 25
  • 26. Instructional Design • Instructional design is the process by which learning products and experiences are designed, developed, and delivered. These learning products include online courses, instructional manuals, video tutorials, learning simulations, etc. • Instructional designers are the 'architects' of the learning experience and the 'directors' of the Instructional Systems Design ISD process. • Instructional design is the creation of learning experiences and materials in a manner that results in the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills. The discipline follows a system of assessing needs, designing a process, developing materials and evaluating their effectiveness. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 26
  • 27. ADDIE Dick and Carey Assure Backward Design Kemp Design Model The Kirkpatrick Model Gerlach-Ely Model TPACK Situated Learning Theory Anchored Instruction Model Cognitive Apprenticeship Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction Bloom’s Taxonomy Flipped Classroom Social Learning Theory: Albert Bandura Andragogy Theory – Malcolm Knowles Lev Vygotsky – Sociocultural Theory of Cognitive Development Jean Piaget - Stages of Cognitive Development Stages of Moral Development – Lawrence Kohlberg Theory of Multiple Intelligences – Gardner Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development Instructional Design Models Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 27
  • 28. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 28
  • 29. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 29
  • 30. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 30
  • 31. ASSURE Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 31
  • 32. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 32
  • 33. Dick and Carey Model Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 33
  • 34. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 34
  • 35. Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 35
  • 36. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 36
  • 37. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 37
  • 38. Five E’s of Constructivism Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 38
  • 39. ENGAGE: The purpose for the ENGAGE stage is to pique student interest and get them personally involved in the lesson, while pre- assessing prior understanding. EXPLORE: The purpose for the EXPLORE stage is to get students involved in the topic, providing them with a chance to build their own understanding. EXPLAIN: The purpose for the EXPLAIN stage is to provide students with an opportunity to communicate what they have learned so far and figure out what it means. ELABORATE: The purpose for the ELABORATE stage is to allow students to use their new knowledge and continue to explore its implications. EVALUATE: The purpose for the EVALUATION stage is for both students and teachers to determine how much learning and understanding has taken place. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 39
  • 40. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 40
  • 41. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 41
  • 42. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 42
  • 43. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 43
  • 44. Application of Computers in Education: CAI, CAL, CBT, CML, Concept • Computer Assisted Instruction CAI • Computer Assisted Learning CAL • Computer Assisted Training CAT • Computer Based Training CBT • Computer Managed Instruction CMI • Compute Managed Learning CML CAI / CBI – A view of the computer as delivering information to student through step-by-step instruction (e.g. drill-and-practice or tutorial programs CAL/CBL/CML – encompasses learning situations where the computer is used as educational tool Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 44
  • 45. Computer-based education (CBE) and computer-based instruction (CBI) are the broadest terms and can refer to virtually any kind of computer use in educational settings. Computer-assisted instruction (CAI): Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) is a narrower term and most often refers to drill-and-practice, tutorial, or simulation activities. Computer-managed instruction (CMI): Computer- managed instruction is an instructional strategy whereby the computer is used to provide learning objectives, learning resources, record keeping, progress tracking, and assessment of learner performance. Computer based tools and applications are used to assist the teacher or school administrator in the management of the learner and instructional process. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 45
  • 46. Types of Computer Assisted Instruction 1. Drill-and-practice Drill and practice provide opportunities or students to repeatedly practice the skills that have previously been presented and that further practice is necessary for mastery. 2. Tutorial Tutorial activity includes both the presentation of information and its extension into different forms of work, including drill and practice, games and simulation. 3. Games Game software often creates a contest to achieve the highest score and either beat others or beat the computer. 4. Simulation Simulation software can provide an approximation of reality that does not require the expense of real life or its risks. 5. Discovery Discovery approach provides a large database of information specific to a course or content area and challenges the learner to analyze, compare, infer and evaluate based on their explorations of the data. 6. Problem Solving This approach helps children develop specific problem solving skills and strategies Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 46
  • 47. Process of Preparing ODLM ODLM – Online Distance Learning Materials While designing and developing ODLM you should: • include guidelines on how to study using the material provided • make your content as self-explaining as possible, and provide pointers to prerequisite • provide numerous examples, preferably relating to the learners personal/professional context • Include assignments and self tests, together with an elaboration of correct and incorrect answers, self- assessment protocols, etc. • provide a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list Most Essential characteristics of ODLM: Accessibility Costs Teaching functions Interactivity Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 47
  • 48. E-LEARNING Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 48 • The delivery of a learning, training or education program by electronic means. • E-learning mean electronic learning Individualised Self-paced e-learning online Individualised Self-paced e-learning offline Group Based e-learning Synchronously Group Based e-learning asynchronously Modalities of e-learning
  • 49. B-LEARNING • B-learning is blended learning • Integrating lecture and e-learning Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 49
  • 50. Mobile Learning m-Learning must include the ability to learn everywhere at every time without permanent physical connection to cable networks. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 50
  • 51. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 51
  • 52. U-learning Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 52 u = e + m Ubiquitous learning, an amalgam of e-learning and m-learning, allowing learning to take place independently of time and place. u-Learning = e-Learning + m-Learning
  • 53. Ubiquitous = pervasive, omnipresent, ever present, everywhere Learning = educational, instructive, didactic, Pedagogical Environment = surroundings, setting, situation, atmosphere Meaning of Ubiquitous Learning Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 53
  • 55. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 55
  • 56. Offline Education – Also referred to as traditional training. Offline Education means a student needs to go in a school, in a classroom, and attend a class face to face with a teacher. Online Education – Online Education is a very flexible learning system that allows students to study solely via the internet on their own computer at home, or wherever they see fit. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 56
  • 57. Synchronous learning is learning in real-time with a teacher, tutor, or facilitator at the helm of the room, leading the discussion, encouraging active participation in the learning material. When taking this format online, synchronous learning becomes synchronous e-learning. Synchronous e-learning refers to real-time online learning best exemplified by online classes, training sessions, and webinars taught through an online platforms. Asynchronous learning most frequently refers to teacher and student interactions that occur at different times and different locations. You can even look at email exchanges, discussion boards, and learning management system or course management system activities as examples of asynchronous e-learning. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 57
  • 58. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 58
  • 59. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 59
  • 61. Emerging Trends in e-learning Part C Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 61 K.THIYAGU, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod UGC NET Material Education Paper II (Applicable from June 2019)
  • 62. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 62 Part C Emerging Trends in e-learning • Social learning (concept , use of web 2.0 tools for learning, social networking sites, blogs, chats, video conferencing, discussion forum), • Open Education Resources (Creative Common, Massive Open Online Courses; Concept and application) • E-Inclusion - Concept of E-Inclusion, Application of Assistive technology in E- learning • Quality of E-Learning – Measuring quality of system: Information, System, Service, User Satisfaction and Net Benefits (D&M IS Success Model, 2003) • Ethical Issues for E-Learner and E-Teacher - Teaching, Learning and Research
  • 63. Use of Web 2.0 tools for Learning Web 2.0 (Participative or Social Web) refers to websites that emphasize user-generated content, ease of use, participatory culture and interoperability for end users. Advantages of Web 2.0: Available at any time, any place. Variety of media. Ease of usage. Learners can actively be involved in knowledge building. Can create dynamic learning communities. Everybody is the author and the editor, every edit that has been made can be tracked. User-friendly. Updates in the wiki are immediate and it offers more sources for researchers. It provides real-time discussion. Web 2.0 examples include hosted services (Google Maps),Web applications ( Google Docs, Flickr), Video sharing sites (YouTube), wikis (MediaWiki), blogs (WordPress), social networking (Facebook), folksonomies (Delicious), Microblogging (Twitter), podcasting (Podcast Alley) & content hosting services and many more. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 63
  • 64. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 64
  • 65. Social Networking Sites A social networking service (also social networking site or social media) is an online platform which people use to build social networks or social relationships with other people who share similar personal or career interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life connections. Social networking sites Facebook Youtube Instagram Twitter Pinterst Facebook Linkedin Social networking apps Whatsapp Messenger Wechat Biver Line Snapchat Telegram Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 65
  • 66. Blogs A blog (a shortened version of “weblog”) is an online journal or informational website displaying information in reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing first, at the top. It is a platform where a writer or a group of writers share their views on an individual subject. WordPress Blogger Bhost Tumblr Joomla Jimdo Wix Weebly Medium Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 66
  • 67. Chats • Chat refers to the process of communicating, interacting and/or exchanging messages over the Internet. • It involves two or more individuals that communicate through a chat- enabled service or software. • Chat is also known as chatting, online chat or Internet chat. Social networking apps Whatsapp Messenger Wechat Google Hangout Line Snapchat Telegram Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 67
  • 68. Video Conferencing Video conferencing is a technology that allows users in different locations to hold face-to-face meetings without having to move to a single location together. Google Meet Cisco WebEx Zoho Meeting Zoom GoTo Meeting Microsoft Teams BigBlue button Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 68
  • 69. Discussion Forum An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. They differ from chat rooms in that messages are often longer than one line of text and are at least temporarily archived. Also, depending on the access level of a user or the forum set-up, a posted message might need to be approved by a moderator before it becomes publicly visible. Forums have a specific set of jargon associated with them; example: a single conversation is called a "thread", or topic. Padlet Flipgrid Kialo phpBB MyBB WordPress Joomla! Drupal Vanilla Forums Simple Machines Forum FluxBB Codoforum Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 69
  • 70. Open Education Resources (Creative Common) Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 70
  • 71. Open Educational Resources (OER) are free and openly licensed educational materials that can be used for teaching, learning, research, and other purposes. OER = free + legal rights to reuse, revise, remix, redistribute & retain The definition OER is: “digitized materials offered freely and openly for educators, students and self- learners to use and re-use for teaching, learning and research” OER is a term that was first adopted at UNESCO's 2002 Forum on the Impact of Open Courseware for Higher Education in Developing Countries funded by the Hewlett Foundation. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 71
  • 72. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 72
  • 73. OER License Attribution Share-Alike Non-Commercial No-Modify Freedom Access Copy Use Adapt Share • Creative Commons (CC) Licenses give universal permission for certain types of use of a copyright protected work. • CC licenses can only be applied by the rights holder of the work, or with explicit permission from the rights holder. • CC licenses cannot be revoked. Full Copyright: All Rights Reserved Creative Commons Licenses: Some Rights Reserved Public Domain: No Rights Reserved Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 73
  • 74. Licensing Possibilities / License Elements Attribution (always) No Commercial Use No Derivative Works Share Alike 74
  • 75. The Licenses Six different licenses • Attribution • Attribution-NoDerivs • Attribution-ShareAlike • Attribution-NonCommercial • Attribution-NonCommerical-ShareAlike • Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 75
  • 76. Massive Open Online Courses ❑ Online & On-campus = ‘e-learning’ ❑ Online & Off-campus = online distance learning ‘ODL’ ❑ Online and No-campus = MOOCs, OER, Informal Learning Online education @ Edinburgh Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 76
  • 77. MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) is a new paradigm of education for anyone, anywhere, anytime. The basic philosophy of MOOCs is 3A’s i.e., Anytime, Anyone, Anywhere. Massive - enrolment numbers Open - no mandatory qualifications Online - fully Course - structured is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 77
  • 78. Letter Expansion Meaning M Massive • An online course designed for large number of participants O Open • Course can be accessed by (almost) anyone anywhere as long as they have an internet connection. • Open as in freedom of place, pace and time • Open to everyone without entry qualifications. • Course can be completed for free` O Online • Complete course online • All aspects of course are delivered online C Course • Unit of Study • The course offers a full course experience including • Educational Content • Facilitation Interaction among peers • Activities/Tasks, Tests, including feedback • Some kind of (non formal) recognition options Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 78
  • 79. Categories of MOOCs Believe in the conventional approach where the courses are well-structured with pre-selected reading and reference materials. xMOOCS Allow for dynamic development of study material. No pre-planned set of reading materials and courseware, Material will be developed through online discussions and collaborations among learners taking the course across the globe. cMOOCS Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 79
  • 80. MOOCs Advantages Sharing ideas & knowledge Improves cross cultural a relationship Enhances active learning Encourages flipping the classroom Knowledge sharing in Discussion Forum No exam fever Peer evaluation Self paced learning Earn from world class universities Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 80
  • 81. MOOCs Demerits No real-time questioning No physical hands-on practical exposures No effective assessment Gradually kill the care, empathy and respect Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 81
  • 82. E-Inclusion Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 82
  • 83. Assistive Technology (AT) Assistive Technology (AT): products, equipment, and systems that enhance learning, working, and daily living for persons with disabilities. Assistive technology (AT) is any item, piece of equipment, software program, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of persons with disabilities. Assistive technology helps people who have difficulty speaking, typing, writing, remembering, pointing, seeing, hearing, learning, walking, and many other things. Different disabilities require different assistive technologies. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 83
  • 84. Types of AT AT can be low-tech: communication boards made of cardboard or fuzzy felt. AT AT can be high-tech: special-purpose computers. AT AT can be hardware: prosthetics, mounting systems, and positioning devices. AT AT can be computer hardware: special switches, keyboards, and pointing devices. AT AT can be computer software: screen readers and communication programs. AT AT can be inclusive or specialized learning materials and curriculum aids. AT AT can be specialized curricular software. AT AT can be much more—electronic devices, wheelchairs, walkers, braces, educational software, power lifts, pencil holders, eye-gaze and head trackers, and much more. AT Mobility aids: wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, canes, crutches1, prosthetic devices, and orthotic devices. Hearing aids to help people hear or hear more clearly. Cognitive aids: computer or electrical assistive devices, to help people with memory, attention, or other challenges in their thinking skills. Computer software and hardware: voice recognition programs, screen readers, and screen enlargement applications, to help people with mobility and sensory impairments use computers and mobile devices. Tools such as automatic page turners, book holders, and adapted pencil grips to help learners with disabilities participate in educational activities4 Closed captioning to allow people with hearing problems to watch movies, television programs, and other digital media. Physical modifications in the built environment, including ramps, grab bars, and wider doorways to enable access to buildings, businesses, and workplaces. Lightweight, high-performance mobility devices that enable persons with disabilities to play sports and be physically active. Adaptive switches and utensils to allow those with limited motor skills to eat, play games, and accomplish other activities. Devices and features of devices to help perform tasks such as cooking, dressing, and grooming; specialized handles and grips, devices that extend reach, and lights on telephones and doorbells are a few examples. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 84
  • 85. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Universal Design for Learning (UDL) provides the opportunity for all students to access, participate in, and progress in the general-education curriculum by reducing barriers to instruction. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a way of thinking about teaching and learning that helps give all students an equal opportunity to succeed. This approach offers flexibility in the ways students access material, engage with it and show what they know. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 85
  • 86. 3 Main Principles Of UDL Representation: UDL recommends offering information in more than one format. For example, textbooks are primarily visual. But providing text, audio, video and hands-on learning gives all kids a chance to access the material in whichever way is best suited to their learning strengths . Action and expression: UDL suggests giving kids more than one way to interact with the material and to show what they’ve learned. For example, students might get to choose between taking a pencil-and-paper test, giving an oral presentation or doing a group project. Engagement: UDL encourages teachers to look for multiple ways to motivate students. Letting kids make choices and giving them assignments that feel relevant to their lives are some examples of how teachers can sustain students’ interest. Other common strategies include making skillbuilding feel like a game and creating opportunities for students to get up and move around the classroom. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 86
  • 87. Quality of E-Learning GUI – Graphical User Interface : Color and visual elements Functions: Buttons, links, audio etc Usability: Flexibility, Availability Content Quality Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 87
  • 88. Measuring Quality of System: Information, System, Service, User Satisfaction and Net Benefits (D&M IS Success Model, 2003), (DeLone–McLean Information System Success Model, 2003) Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 88
  • 89. D&M IS Success Model, 2003 Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 89
  • 90. Ethical Issues for E Learner and E Teacher - Teaching, Learning and Research Privacy Intellectual Property Network Security ‘Netiquettes’ Plagiarism Disrespecting the work of others Misuse of data Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 90
  • 91. Use of ICT in Evaluation, Administration and Research Part D Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 91 K.THIYAGU, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod UGC NET Material Education Paper II (Applicable from June 2019)
  • 92. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 92 Part D Use of ICT in Evaluation, Administration and Research • E portfolios • ICT for Research • Online Repositories and Online Libraries • Online and Offline assessment tool • Online survey tools or test generators – Concept and Development.
  • 93. E-Portfolio Digital Portfolio or Online Portfolio 93 ePortfolio is a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on the Web. An ePortfolio (electronic portfolio) is an electronic collection of evidence that shows your learning journey over time. Evidence may include writing samples, photos, videos, research projects, observations by mentors and peers, and/or reflective thinking. Communicate & Showcase Skills, Experience and Learning Diverse of artifacts (an object made by human beings) 93 Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education
  • 95. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 95 ICT tools are mainly used by researchers for its ability to ease knowledge –gathering process and to enhance resource development. ICT for Research ICT Tools Search Engine Connect with experts and researchers Free Digital Library Data Analysis Referencing Write & Publish Research Papers
  • 96. Application of ICT Pre-data Analysis Data Analysis Post-data analysis Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 96 Digital tools helps the researcher in the following way: Identify research articles and appropriate information sources through searching various online tools Literature survey & Critically analyses known information for further reading Data collection process (Manage and collect the data) Data analysis tools for both quantitative and qualitative analysis Referencing Report preparation
  • 97. Pre-Data Analysis Literature Search Literature Tracking Data Collection AMS Annual Revices EBSCO Elsevier Indian Citation Index Indian Journals JSTOR PsycINFO SpringerLink ProQuest Academic Search Premier Teacher Reference Center PubPsych Research Gate Scopus ERIC PubMed IEEE Xplore Science Direct DOAJ Google Scholar J-Gate Microsoft Academic ORCID Paperity Publons SpringerLink Web of Science Literature Tracking: Sort, classify and store Zotero, Mendeley, Endnote Data Collection : Google Forms, Microsoft forms, Survey Monkey, Zoho form etc Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 97
  • 98. 98 JASP Jamovi OpenStat SalStat-2 SOFA (Statistics Open For All) PSPP Statext MicrOsiris Gnumeric Tanagra (Data Mining AM Statistical Software SPSS R MATLAB Microsoft Excel Graphpad During Data Analysis Nvivo ATLAS.ti MAXQDA Transana Quantitative Analysis Qualitative Analysis Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education
  • 99. •Endnote •Zotero •Mendeley Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 99 Post Data Analysis Grammarly Article Checker Turnitin Duplichecker JASP Jamovi OpenStat SalStat-2 SOFA (Statistics Open For All) PSPP Statext MicrOsiris Gnumeric Tanagra (Data Mining AM Statistical Software SPSS R MATLAB Microsoft Excel Graphpad During Data Analysis Nvivo ATLAS.ti MAXQDA Transana Quantitative Analysis Qualitative Analysis Mendeley Zotero Academia ResearchGate
  • 100. Online Repositories • A digital repository is an online archive for the storage of digital objects; these can range from digital archives, moving or still image galleries, manuscripts, anything that is in electronic format and needs a place to be stored either in the short or longer term. • An open access repository is a digital repository where the content is freely available to download and reuse (sometimes with restrictions), where no login or subscription is required. • An institutional research repository is a digital repository for the storage of outputs from research undertaken at an organisation; these can be wholly open access repositories, closed access, or a mixture. Content that you might expect to find in an institutional research repository are: research papers, working papers, reports, datasets, and other digital objects resulting from research. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 100
  • 101. Online Libraries / Digital Libraries A digital library, also called an online library, an internet library, a digital repository, or a digital collection is an online database of digital objects that can include text, still images, audio, video, digital documents, or other digital media formats or a library accessible through the internet. Objects can consist of digitized content like print or photographs, as well as originally produced digital content like word processor files or social media posts. In addition to storing content, digital libraries provide means for organizing, searching, and retrieving the content contained in the collection. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 101
  • 102. Use of ICT in Evaluation (Online and Offline Assessment Tools) AnswerGarden - Real-time polling and brainstorming tool Backchannel Chat - Teacher-moderated Twitter-type assessment tool for education Chatzy - Lets students chime in with questions or opinions during a lecture Coggle - Mind- mapping tool that lets you get a handle on student thinking eSurvey Creator - Make student surveys and questionnaires fast Flipgrid - Let students make quick videos that respond to teacher prompts Formative - Give live assignments, grade them, and give immediate feedback Lino - A sticky-note- based virtual blackboard that lets students chime in Naiku - Make quizzes that students can take on mobile devices Pear Deck - Create interactive presentations students can take part in via smartphones Plickers - Collect formative assessment data in real time with no need for student devices The Queue - Free educational chat tool that’s similar to Twitter and facilitates remote class discussion Quizalize - Create homework and quizzes quickly, with a fast-grading feature Quizlet - Develop tests, quizzes, flashcards, and study games for mobile Remind - Send quick texts to students and parents to check for understanding Sparkpost - Adobe app that lets teachers create exit tickets with visuals and graphics SurveyPlanet - Create quick surveys to get a grasp on student knowledge Typeform - Create polls with graphical elements VoiceThread - Create discussions around documents, videos, and other materials Zoho Survey - Make mobile-ready student surveys and get real-time results Electronic Assessment (e-assessment) is the use of ICT / digital technologies to create, manage, deliver, assess & provide immediate feedback for diagnostic, formative & summative assessment. Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 102
  • 103. Online survey tools or test generators Online surveys are a great way to engage our audience and get feedback from them. We can use online surveys in any number of ways, including to find out what topics our readers want to learn more about: • Get feedback • Conduct research Google Forms Microsoft Forms SoGoSurvey Survey Monkey Typeform Client Heartbeat Zoho Survey Survey Gizmo Survey Planet Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 103
  • 104. Mock Test 1: Mock Test 2: Mock Test 3: Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 104 Unit 8: Technology in/ for Education Mock Tests
  • 105. All the Best! Unit 8: Technology in/for Education - UGC NET Education 105 K.THIYAGU, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod UGC NET Material Education Paper II (Applicable from June 2019)