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Don’t end up like Bad
Bad Schandau 2002 - Flood of the century
14 September 2013 2
....... and again 2006........ Flood of the century
14 September 2013 3
When will the next flood of the century come?
14 September 2013 4
Will Bad Schandau be prepared the
next time?
How to be prepared for the next
The road ahead
14 September 2013 5
Create a sense of urgency
• Create a sense of urgency based on the company’s financial
performance, competitive situation, market position, technological
trends – shrinking margins, decreasing market share, flat earnings, a
lack of revenue growth, or other relevant indices of declining
competitive position
• Communicate this information broadly and dramatically, especially with
respect to crises, potential crises etc.
• The communication goal is to convince that business-as-usual is totally
unacceptable. In other words: “To make the status quo seem more
dangerous than launching into the unknown”
14 September 2013 6
Create a shared vision and
common direction
14 September 2013 7
Create a shared vision and common direction
- Communicate vision, mission, strategy, values
14 September 2013 8
Driving license ………. for the road ahead
14 September 2013 9
Communicate vision, mission, strategy and values
14 September 2013 10
Communicate vision, mission, strategy, values
• Use all existing communication channels to broadcast the elements
• People in the organization may need to hear a message over and over
before they believe that this time, the call for change is not just a whim
or a passing fancy.
• It takes time for people to hear, understand, and believe the
message. And if they don‘t particularly like what they hear, then it takes
even more time for them to come to terms with the concept of change
• Have they heard the message? Do they believe it? Do they know what it
means? Have they interpreted it for themselves, and have they
internalized it?
• Until managers have listened, watched, and talked enough to know that
the answer to all these questions is yes, they haven‘t communicated at
14 September 2013 11
Internal communication
• Is internal communication just as intriguing as external
communication toward the customers?
• Have we planned internal marketing as a process involving all managers
and staff and not merely as one-way communication?
• Have we been creative and unconventional in our choice of internal
marketing measures?
• Have we taken into account that we need to render visible the results
and give positive feedback to the organization?
• Have we considered what may prevent internal marketing from
becoming a success?
• Will it be fun to be employed with our company in the year to come?
• Are you yourself looking forward to being employed with your company
in the year to come?
14 September 2013 12
Visualize the “journey”
14 September 2013 13
Visualize the “journey”
14 September 2013 14
Let’s follow the
sunrise…on a balloon
trip around the world
Visualize the “journey” and the goals
Communicate targets in a simple way
14 September 2013 15
Customer satisfaction alone is no
longer enough ……
.... We need to surprise the
And you are the PERSON who
brings the customer to say
A surprisingly simple image can express more ideas than a
thousand complex words
"We are fighting for every burger …..……. “
Just one more EURO from each customers
budget brings us …….. in revenue
Involve the whole
14 September 2013 16
Create a dialog - Involve the whole organization
• By organizing discussions throughout the organization, spreads the
company‘s vision and competitive situation so that individuals and
teams can accurately align their own activities with the company‘s new
overall direction
• Management is the message: Everything managers say – or don‘t say –
delivers a message. Too many managers assume that communications is
a staff function, something for human resources or public relations to
take care of. In fact, communications must be a priority for every
manager at every level of the company
• One of the paradoxes of change is that trust is hardest to establish when
you need it the most. If a company is in trouble, or if it is in the middle
of a change effort, lack of trust automatically emerges as a serious
14 September 2013 17
Create a dialog - Involve the whole organization
• Usually the rumors are much worse and more negative than anything
that is actually going on
• Trust in a time of change is based on two things: predictability and
capability. In any organization, people want to know what to expect;
they want predictability
• Consequently, organizing early conversations between different parts of
the company and making those conversations an important, sanctioned
part of the change process is a critical task
• Early, open-ended conversations often result in the most productive
• Managers at all levels must learn to see things differently. They must put
themselves in their employees’ shoes to understand how change looks
from that perspective
14 September 2013 18
Blind Date”: Team building, creating an internal
network etc.
All change in organizations is challenging, but perhaps the most
daunting is changing culture
14 September 2013 19
Involve the whole organization
14 September 2013 20
Involve the whole organization
• Create an easily accessible and usable communication platform
• „With new ideas, we remain on course for success “
14 September 2013 21
Deal proactively
with resistance
14 September 2013 22
Deal proactively with resistance
• Managing resistance to change is challenging and it’s not
possible to be aware of all sources of resistance to change
• Expecting that there will be resistance to change and being
prepared to manage it is a proactive step
• It’s far better to anticipate objections than to spend your
time putting out fires, and knowing how to overcome
resistance to change is a vital part of any change
management plan
14 September 2013 23
Deal proactively with resistance
14 September 2013 24
Continuously lookout for inconsistencies
• Ensure congruence of messages, activities, policies, and behaviors. One
of the major complaints of people in organizations undergoing a
transition is that management doesn‘t „walk the talk.“ They say
„empowerment“ – and then shoot down every new idea that comes
from their employees
• Be on the lookout for inconsistencies that undermine the credibility of
the change effort
• The message, the measures, the behaviors and the rewards must match
14 September 2013 25
Measure early and often
14 September 2013 26
Measure early and often
• You change what your measure - Measure early and often
14 September 2013 27
Aktivitäten aus Customercare
Akt. Verantwortlich Realisierungs Zeitraum BM SAC
1. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 3.287.164 3.287.164 3.287.164
2. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 + 1.490.135 1.261.900 1.261.900
3. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 462.658 330.026 330.026
4. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 300.000 67.613 67.613
5. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 178.238 180.012 180.012
6. Markus Burghard 01.04.2005 - 31.12.2005 129.889 165.436 165.436
7. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 + 117.031 74.460 74.460
8. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 75.000 75.423 75.423
9. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 + 48.817 9.631 9.631
10. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 11.308 11.308 11.308
11. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 + 10.422 10.568 10.568
12. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 + 7.500 7.340 7.340
13. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 + 5.100 0 0
14. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 + 3.646 0 0
15. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 + 2.025 0 0
16. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 0 0 0
 Aktivitäten aus Customercare 6.128.933 5.480.881 5.480.881
Konfektionierungskosten Simkarten
Budget Einsparung
Zusätzliche 12.200 Partnerkarten
Gutschriften als Kontingentgutschriften
160.000 E-Mail Adressen
GM YEND2005 Effekt
Aktivität / Beschreibung
Gebühren 2005
400 Direktfreischaltungen GK
20.000 Online Rechnungen
150 Black Berry GK
My Talkline
Mehrwertdienste PCM
250 Datacards
250 Mobile Navigation GK
700 Adressbuch
1.300 Prepaidaktivierungen
Direkter Vertrieb
Aktivitäten aus Direkter Vertrieb
Akt. Verantwortlich Realisierungs Zeitraum BM SAC
1. Christian P./Hans T. 01.01. - 31.12.2005 + 244.243 272.771 272.771
2. Christian Pützhofen 01.01. - 31.12.2005 + 163.500 153.245 153.245
3. O. Schönfeld 31.12.2005 + 153.000 454.296 454.296
4. S. Streich 31.12.2005 + 125.000 278.840 278.840
5. Hans Tromke 31.12.2005 72.600 98.214 98.214
6. Christian Pützhofen 31.12.2005 + 48.000 33.224 33.224
7. O. Schönfeld 31.12.2005 + 35.000 104.329 104.329
8. S. Streich 31.12.2005 + 30.000 48.644 48.644
9. Christian Pützhofen 31.12.2005 + 20.000 1.047 1.047
10. J. Nickelsen 31.12.2005 15.000 5.044 5.044
11. Hans Trompke 31.12.2005 + 10.422 2.192 2.192
12. Christian Pützhofen 31.12.2005 + 10.000 66.585 66.585
13. J. Nickelsen 31.12.2005 5.000 6.638 6.638
14. Christian Pützhofen 31.12.2005 + 4.500 0 0
15. O. Schönfeld 31.12.2005 + 3.000 49.243 49.243
 Aktivitäten aus Direkter Vertrieb 939.265 1.574.312 1.574.312
Reduzierung Überzahlung
Jüngere Zielgruppen ansprechen
Zusätzliche Partnerkarten Unicomdirekt
Vermarktung Credit-Cards mit Navigation
GM YEND2005 Effekt
Verbesserung Anschlußgebührenerlöse
Aktivität / Beschreibung
Vermarktung Portalgeräte Großfläche
Vermarktung Online-Rechnung
Erhöhung der Aktivierungen von SMS-/MMS-Kontingenten
Vermarktung Portalgeräte Unicomdirekt
Multimediapakete Großfläche
Zubehör/ Hardware über Online-Shopmandanten
Multimediapakete Unicomdirekt
SMS Projekte
250 Datacards
Aktivitäten aus e-Business
Akt. Verantwortlich Realisierungs Zeitraum BM SAC
1. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 + 309.336 284.618 284.618
2. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 306.900 704.194 704.194
3. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 + 270.000 309.292 309.292
4. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 225.000 207.659 207.659
5. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 185.000 149.873 149.873
6. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 + 180.000 182.700 182.700
7. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 165.000 254.504 254.504
8. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan - Dez 2005 + 97.000 106.000 106.000
9. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 + 75.000 18.500 18.500
10. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jul-Dez 2005 50.000 50.000 50.000
11. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 + 39.600 43.906 43.906
12. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 + 25.012 6.156 6.156
13. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 + 10.000 11.469 11.469
14. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 + 9.000 183.887 183.887
15. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 5.000 779 779
 Aktivitäten aus e-Business 1.951.848 2.513.537 2.513.537
1670 Aktivierungen von SMS-/MMS-Kontingenten
2000 Neu-FS in margenstarken 50er und 100er-Tarifen
GM YEND2005 Effekt
Aktivität / Beschreibung
Verbesserung Anschlußgebührenerlöse
850.000 Ebill Kunden über alle Kanäle (93.000 eBusiness)
Verkauf von 15.000 Portalgeräten (2004: 10.000)
1,5 Mio. Euro Umsatz mit Zubehör + Handys ohne Vertrag
Verkauf von Nicht-Mobilfunk-Artikeln
650.000 E-Mail-Adressen von Kunden (300.000 eBusiness)
55.000 eSelfService Transaktionen
1800 Partnerkarten
Reduzierung Überzahlung
8000 Multimediapaket Aktivierungen
Einsparpotential Media-Agentur
1500 Tarife ohne Handys
600 Datacards
GKProdukt Management
Aktivitäten aus GKPM
Akt. Verantwortlich Realisierungs Zeitraum BM SAC
1. Henning van der Linde 01.01.2005-31.12.2005 + 800.000 724.947 724.947
2. Sven Sönksen 01.01.2005-31.12.2005 + 501.805 300.202 300.202
3. Sven Sönksen 01.01.2005-31.12.2005 + 500.000 712.000 712.000
4. Henning van der Linde 01.01.2005-31.12.2005 + 430.000 434.383 434.383
5. Marco Heinitz 01.01.2005-31.12.2005 + 250.124 192.060 192.060
6. Henning van der Linde 01.03.2005-31.12.2005 + 63.988 63.988 63.988
7. Marco Heinitz 01.01.2005-31.12.2005 + 50.000 505 505
8. Henning van der Linde 01.01.2005-31.12.2005 + 20.250 19.141 19.141
 Aktivitäten aus GK PM 2.616.167 2.447.227 2.447.227
SMS-Preisanpassung Alttarife (PK in Rahmenverträgen)
6000 DataCards
EK-Optimierung M2M-Karten
SMS Conversation
1500 Blackberry
744 Free/Office-Tarife
Einkaufsoptimierung GK
GM YEND2005 Effekt
Aktivität / Beschreibung
Auskunftsverpreisung bei Geschäftskunden
Hardware Management
Aktivitäten aus HWManagement
Akt. Verantwortlich Realisierungs Zeitraum BM SAC
1. Dirk Inselmann 31.12.2005 1.000.000 1.283.333 1.283.333
2. Dirk Inselmann 31.12.2005 150.000 0 0
3. Dirk Inselmann 31.03.2005 135.486 109.088 109.088
4. Dirk Inselmann 31.12.2005 100.000 222.580 222.580
5. Dirk Inselmann 31.12.2005 100.000 253.000 253.000
6. Dirk Inselmann 31.12.2005 100.000 0 0
7. Dirk Inselmann 31.12.2005 100.000 0 0
8. Dirk Inselmann 31.12.2005 50.000 49.768 49.768
9. Dirk Inselmann 31.12.2005 50.000 51.600 51.600
10. Dirk Inselmann 31.12.2005 50.000 0 0
11. Dirk Inselmann 31.12.2005 20.000 0 0
12. Dirk Inselmann 31.12.2005 10.000 4.000 4.000
13. Dirk Inselmann 31.12.2005 10.000 0 0
14. Dirk Inselmann 31.06.2005 5.000 0 0
15. 31.12.2005
 Aktivitäten aus HW Management 1.880.486 1.973.369 1.973.369
Jahresbonus Sony / Ericsson
Hersteller WKZ für CallCenter Verkaufsaktivitäten
Lagerumschlag - Optimierung
GM YEND2005 Effekt
Jahresbonus Samsung
Aktivität / Beschreibung
Prepaid Sonderunterstützung Nokia
Logistik- und Einkaufsoptimierungen
Nokia Jahresbonus
Warenrisiko mindern zum 31.12.2005
Siemens Jahresbonus
Indirekter Vertrieb
Aktivitäten aus Indirekter Vertrieb
Akt. Verantwortlich Realisierungs Zeitraum BM SAC
1. Stefan Vidos 01.01. - 31.12.2005 + 1.080.000 619.404 619.404
2. Christian Seidl 01.01. - 31.12.2005 + 908.540 1.075.332 1.075.332
3. Christian Seidl 01.01. - 31.12.2005 + 887.500 1.381.166 1.381.166
4. Stefan Vidos 01.01. - 31.12.2005 594.000 1.214.971 1.214.971
5. Rolf Rhöse 01.01. - 31.12.2005 + 426.212 271.194 271.194
6. Rolf Rhöse 01.01. - 31.12.2005 + 183.424 151.388 151.388
7. Stefan Vidos 01.01. - 31.12.2005 + 180.000 295.899 295.899
8. Rolf Rhöse 01.01. - 31.12.2005 + 16.875 17.634 17.634
 Aktivitäten aus Indirekter Vertrieb 4.276.551 5.026.989 5.026.989
Vermarktung VF-Live und T-Zone (Portalgeräte).
GM YEND2005 Effekt
Aktivität / Beschreibung
Verbesserung Anschlußgebührenerlöse
Reduzierung Überzahlung
744 Free- / Office-Tarife
Intensive Vermarktung der Onlinerechnung (E-bill)
Multimediapaket Aktivierungen
4.400 Datacards
1.250 BlackBerry
....... and tell everyone about it .....
14 September 2013 28
Create wins
14 September 2013 29
Create wins
• When it comes to change, people don‘t believe in a new direction
because they suspend their disbelief. They believe because they‘re
actually seeing behavior, action, and results that lead them to conclude
that the program works
• If you want something to grow, pour champagne on it
• Celebrate your successes and, indeed, just about everything you would
like to see happen again
• Little victories – the things that had worked, ways they had delighted
their customers, problems they had turned into successes
14 September 2013 30
Create wins
• Real transformation takes time, and a renewal effort risks losing
momentum if there are no short-term goals to meet and celebrate.
Most people won’t go on the long march unless they see compelling
evidence within 12 to 24 months that the journey is producing expected
results. Without short-term wins , too many people give up or
actively join the ranks of those people who have been resisting change
• Creating short-term wins is different from hoping for short-term wins.
Actively look for ways to obtain clear performance improvements ,
establish goals, achieve the objectives, and reward people involved with
• Communicate this information continuously
14 September 2013 31
Create wins - celebrate milestones
Change initiatives can be frustrating and take a long time. It is therefore
critical to celebrate milestones once they have been reached.
14 September 2013 32
Create wins - celebrate milestones
Change initiatives can be frustrating and take a long time. It is therefore
critical to celebrate milestones once they have been reached.
14 September 2013 33
“People’s Choice Awards”
“People’s Choice Awards” – based on different categories covering all
kinds of things the company would like to see
14 September 2013 34
14 September 2013 35
Focus … focus … focus … focus …
Keeping people focused on what
is required and why, and how
they need to be doing things
differently is crucial
14 September 2013 36
Good luck
© Torben Rick

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How to implement successful organisational change management?

  • 1. Don’t end up like Bad Schandau
  • 2. Bad Schandau 2002 - Flood of the century 14 September 2013 2
  • 3. ....... and again 2006........ Flood of the century 14 September 2013 3
  • 4. When will the next flood of the century come? 14 September 2013 4 Will Bad Schandau be prepared the next time? How to be prepared for the next time?
  • 5. The road ahead 14 September 2013 5
  • 6. Create a sense of urgency • Create a sense of urgency based on the company’s financial performance, competitive situation, market position, technological trends – shrinking margins, decreasing market share, flat earnings, a lack of revenue growth, or other relevant indices of declining competitive position • Communicate this information broadly and dramatically, especially with respect to crises, potential crises etc. • The communication goal is to convince that business-as-usual is totally unacceptable. In other words: “To make the status quo seem more dangerous than launching into the unknown” 14 September 2013 6
  • 7. Create a shared vision and common direction 14 September 2013 7
  • 8. Create a shared vision and common direction - Communicate vision, mission, strategy, values 14 September 2013 8
  • 9. Driving license ………. for the road ahead 14 September 2013 9 Communicate vision, mission, strategy and values
  • 10. Communication 14 September 2013 10
  • 11. Communicate vision, mission, strategy, values • Use all existing communication channels to broadcast the elements • People in the organization may need to hear a message over and over before they believe that this time, the call for change is not just a whim or a passing fancy. • It takes time for people to hear, understand, and believe the message. And if they don‘t particularly like what they hear, then it takes even more time for them to come to terms with the concept of change • Have they heard the message? Do they believe it? Do they know what it means? Have they interpreted it for themselves, and have they internalized it? • Until managers have listened, watched, and talked enough to know that the answer to all these questions is yes, they haven‘t communicated at all 14 September 2013 11
  • 12. Internal communication • Is internal communication just as intriguing as external communication toward the customers? • Have we planned internal marketing as a process involving all managers and staff and not merely as one-way communication? • Have we been creative and unconventional in our choice of internal marketing measures? • Have we taken into account that we need to render visible the results and give positive feedback to the organization? • Have we considered what may prevent internal marketing from becoming a success? • Will it be fun to be employed with our company in the year to come? • Are you yourself looking forward to being employed with your company in the year to come? 14 September 2013 12
  • 13. Visualize the “journey” 14 September 2013 13
  • 14. Visualize the “journey” 14 September 2013 14 Let’s follow the sunrise…on a balloon trip around the world Visualize the “journey” and the goals
  • 15. Communicate targets in a simple way 14 September 2013 15 Customer satisfaction alone is no longer enough …… .... We need to surprise the customer And you are the PERSON who brings the customer to say "Wow!" A surprisingly simple image can express more ideas than a thousand complex words "We are fighting for every burger …..……. “ Just one more EURO from each customers budget brings us …….. in revenue
  • 16. Involve the whole organization 14 September 2013 16
  • 17. Create a dialog - Involve the whole organization • By organizing discussions throughout the organization, spreads the company‘s vision and competitive situation so that individuals and teams can accurately align their own activities with the company‘s new overall direction • Management is the message: Everything managers say – or don‘t say – delivers a message. Too many managers assume that communications is a staff function, something for human resources or public relations to take care of. In fact, communications must be a priority for every manager at every level of the company • One of the paradoxes of change is that trust is hardest to establish when you need it the most. If a company is in trouble, or if it is in the middle of a change effort, lack of trust automatically emerges as a serious barrier 14 September 2013 17
  • 18. Create a dialog - Involve the whole organization • Usually the rumors are much worse and more negative than anything that is actually going on • Trust in a time of change is based on two things: predictability and capability. In any organization, people want to know what to expect; they want predictability • Consequently, organizing early conversations between different parts of the company and making those conversations an important, sanctioned part of the change process is a critical task • Early, open-ended conversations often result in the most productive outcomes • Managers at all levels must learn to see things differently. They must put themselves in their employees’ shoes to understand how change looks from that perspective 14 September 2013 18
  • 19. Blind Date”: Team building, creating an internal network etc. All change in organizations is challenging, but perhaps the most daunting is changing culture 14 September 2013 19
  • 20. Involve the whole organization 14 September 2013 20
  • 21. Involve the whole organization • Create an easily accessible and usable communication platform • „With new ideas, we remain on course for success “ 14 September 2013 21
  • 22. Deal proactively with resistance 14 September 2013 22
  • 23. Deal proactively with resistance • Managing resistance to change is challenging and it’s not possible to be aware of all sources of resistance to change • Expecting that there will be resistance to change and being prepared to manage it is a proactive step • It’s far better to anticipate objections than to spend your time putting out fires, and knowing how to overcome resistance to change is a vital part of any change management plan 14 September 2013 23
  • 24. Deal proactively with resistance 14 September 2013 24
  • 25. Continuously lookout for inconsistencies • Ensure congruence of messages, activities, policies, and behaviors. One of the major complaints of people in organizations undergoing a transition is that management doesn‘t „walk the talk.“ They say „empowerment“ – and then shoot down every new idea that comes from their employees • Be on the lookout for inconsistencies that undermine the credibility of the change effort • The message, the measures, the behaviors and the rewards must match 14 September 2013 25
  • 26. Measure early and often 14 September 2013 26
  • 27. Measure early and often • You change what your measure - Measure early and often 14 September 2013 27 … Customerservice Aktivitäten aus Customercare Akt. Verantwortlich Realisierungs Zeitraum BM SAC Ziel Effekt Realisierter Effekt Trend Effekt 1. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 3.287.164 3.287.164 3.287.164 2. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 + 1.490.135 1.261.900 1.261.900 3. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 462.658 330.026 330.026 4. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 300.000 67.613 67.613 5. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 178.238 180.012 180.012 6. Markus Burghard 01.04.2005 - 31.12.2005 129.889 165.436 165.436 7. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 + 117.031 74.460 74.460 8. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 75.000 75.423 75.423 9. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 + 48.817 9.631 9.631 10. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 11.308 11.308 11.308 11. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 + 10.422 10.568 10.568 12. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 + 7.500 7.340 7.340 13. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 + 5.100 0 0 14. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 + 3.646 0 0 15. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 + 2.025 0 0 16. Markus Burghard 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 0 0 0 17. 18. 19. 20.  Aktivitäten aus Customercare 6.128.933 5.480.881 5.480.881 Konfektionierungskosten Simkarten Budget Einsparung Zusätzliche 12.200 Partnerkarten Gutschriften als Kontingentgutschriften 160.000 E-Mail Adressen GM YEND2005 Effekt Aktivität / Beschreibung Gebühren 2005 400 Direktfreischaltungen GK Tarifwechsel 20.000 Online Rechnungen 150 Black Berry GK My Talkline Mehrwertdienste PCM 250 Datacards 250 Mobile Navigation GK 700 Adressbuch 1.300 Prepaidaktivierungen Direkter Vertrieb Aktivitäten aus Direkter Vertrieb Akt. Verantwortlich Realisierungs Zeitraum BM SAC Ziel Effekt Realisierter Effekt Trend Effekt 1. Christian P./Hans T. 01.01. - 31.12.2005 + 244.243 272.771 272.771 2. Christian Pützhofen 01.01. - 31.12.2005 + 163.500 153.245 153.245 3. O. Schönfeld 31.12.2005 + 153.000 454.296 454.296 4. S. Streich 31.12.2005 + 125.000 278.840 278.840 5. Hans Tromke 31.12.2005 72.600 98.214 98.214 6. Christian Pützhofen 31.12.2005 + 48.000 33.224 33.224 7. O. Schönfeld 31.12.2005 + 35.000 104.329 104.329 8. S. Streich 31.12.2005 + 30.000 48.644 48.644 9. Christian Pützhofen 31.12.2005 + 20.000 1.047 1.047 10. J. Nickelsen 31.12.2005 15.000 5.044 5.044 11. Hans Trompke 31.12.2005 + 10.422 2.192 2.192 12. Christian Pützhofen 31.12.2005 + 10.000 66.585 66.585 13. J. Nickelsen 31.12.2005 5.000 6.638 6.638 14. Christian Pützhofen 31.12.2005 + 4.500 0 0 15. O. Schönfeld 31.12.2005 + 3.000 49.243 49.243 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.  Aktivitäten aus Direkter Vertrieb 939.265 1.574.312 1.574.312 Reduzierung Überzahlung Jüngere Zielgruppen ansprechen Zusätzliche Partnerkarten Unicomdirekt Vermarktung Credit-Cards mit Navigation GM YEND2005 Effekt Verbesserung Anschlußgebührenerlöse Aktivität / Beschreibung Vermarktung Portalgeräte Großfläche Vermarktung Online-Rechnung Erhöhung der Aktivierungen von SMS-/MMS-Kontingenten Vermarktung Portalgeräte Unicomdirekt Multimediapakete Großfläche Zubehör/ Hardware über Online-Shopmandanten Multimediapakete Unicomdirekt SMS Projekte Volumentarife 250 Datacards e-Business Aktivitäten aus e-Business Akt. Verantwortlich Realisierungs Zeitraum BM SAC Ziel Effekt Realisierter Effekt Trend Effekt 1. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 + 309.336 284.618 284.618 2. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 306.900 704.194 704.194 3. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 + 270.000 309.292 309.292 4. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 225.000 207.659 207.659 5. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 185.000 149.873 149.873 6. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 + 180.000 182.700 182.700 7. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 165.000 254.504 254.504 8. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan - Dez 2005 + 97.000 106.000 106.000 9. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 + 75.000 18.500 18.500 10. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jul-Dez 2005 50.000 50.000 50.000 11. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 + 39.600 43.906 43.906 12. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 + 25.012 6.156 6.156 13. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 + 10.000 11.469 11.469 14. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 + 9.000 183.887 183.887 15. Carsten Mesecke-v. Rh. Jan-Dez 2005 5.000 779 779  Aktivitäten aus e-Business 1.951.848 2.513.537 2.513.537 1670 Aktivierungen von SMS-/MMS-Kontingenten 2000 Neu-FS in margenstarken 50er und 100er-Tarifen GM YEND2005 Effekt Aktivität / Beschreibung Verbesserung Anschlußgebührenerlöse 850.000 Ebill Kunden über alle Kanäle (93.000 eBusiness) Verkauf von 15.000 Portalgeräten (2004: 10.000) 1,5 Mio. Euro Umsatz mit Zubehör + Handys ohne Vertrag Verkauf von Nicht-Mobilfunk-Artikeln 650.000 E-Mail-Adressen von Kunden (300.000 eBusiness) 55.000 eSelfService Transaktionen 1800 Partnerkarten Reduzierung Überzahlung 8000 Multimediapaket Aktivierungen Einsparpotential Media-Agentur 1500 Tarife ohne Handys 600 Datacards GKProdukt Management Aktivitäten aus GKPM Akt. Verantwortlich Realisierungs Zeitraum BM SAC Ziel Effekt Realisierter Effekt Trend Effekt 1. Henning van der Linde 01.01.2005-31.12.2005 + 800.000 724.947 724.947 2. Sven Sönksen 01.01.2005-31.12.2005 + 501.805 300.202 300.202 3. Sven Sönksen 01.01.2005-31.12.2005 + 500.000 712.000 712.000 4. Henning van der Linde 01.01.2005-31.12.2005 + 430.000 434.383 434.383 5. Marco Heinitz 01.01.2005-31.12.2005 + 250.124 192.060 192.060 6. Henning van der Linde 01.03.2005-31.12.2005 + 63.988 63.988 63.988 7. Marco Heinitz 01.01.2005-31.12.2005 + 50.000 505 505 8. Henning van der Linde 01.01.2005-31.12.2005 + 20.250 19.141 19.141 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.  Aktivitäten aus GK PM 2.616.167 2.447.227 2.447.227 SMS-Preisanpassung Alttarife (PK in Rahmenverträgen) 6000 DataCards EK-Optimierung M2M-Karten SMS Conversation 1500 Blackberry 744 Free/Office-Tarife Einkaufsoptimierung GK GM YEND2005 Effekt Aktivität / Beschreibung Auskunftsverpreisung bei Geschäftskunden Hardware Management Aktivitäten aus HWManagement Akt. Verantwortlich Realisierungs Zeitraum BM SAC Ziel Effekt Realisierter Effekt Trend Effekt 1. Dirk Inselmann 31.12.2005 1.000.000 1.283.333 1.283.333 2. Dirk Inselmann 31.12.2005 150.000 0 0 3. Dirk Inselmann 31.03.2005 135.486 109.088 109.088 4. Dirk Inselmann 31.12.2005 100.000 222.580 222.580 5. Dirk Inselmann 31.12.2005 100.000 253.000 253.000 6. Dirk Inselmann 31.12.2005 100.000 0 0 7. Dirk Inselmann 31.12.2005 100.000 0 0 8. Dirk Inselmann 31.12.2005 50.000 49.768 49.768 9. Dirk Inselmann 31.12.2005 50.000 51.600 51.600 10. Dirk Inselmann 31.12.2005 50.000 0 0 11. Dirk Inselmann 31.12.2005 20.000 0 0 12. Dirk Inselmann 31.12.2005 10.000 4.000 4.000 13. Dirk Inselmann 31.12.2005 10.000 0 0 14. Dirk Inselmann 31.06.2005 5.000 0 0 15. 31.12.2005  Aktivitäten aus HW Management 1.880.486 1.973.369 1.973.369 Handyversicherung Handyrecycling Jahresbonus Sony / Ericsson Hersteller WKZ für CallCenter Verkaufsaktivitäten Lagerumschlag - Optimierung GM YEND2005 Effekt Jahresbonus Samsung Aktivität / Beschreibung Prepaid Sonderunterstützung Nokia Skontorückforderung Sondervertriebsaktivitäten(Wochenkampagnen) Logistik- und Einkaufsoptimierungen Nokia Jahresbonus Distribution Warenrisiko mindern zum 31.12.2005 Siemens Jahresbonus Indirekter Vertrieb Aktivitäten aus Indirekter Vertrieb Akt. Verantwortlich Realisierungs Zeitraum BM SAC Ziel Effekt Realisierter Effekt Trend Effekt 1. Stefan Vidos 01.01. - 31.12.2005 + 1.080.000 619.404 619.404 2. Christian Seidl 01.01. - 31.12.2005 + 908.540 1.075.332 1.075.332 3. Christian Seidl 01.01. - 31.12.2005 + 887.500 1.381.166 1.381.166 4. Stefan Vidos 01.01. - 31.12.2005 594.000 1.214.971 1.214.971 5. Rolf Rhöse 01.01. - 31.12.2005 + 426.212 271.194 271.194 6. Rolf Rhöse 01.01. - 31.12.2005 + 183.424 151.388 151.388 7. Stefan Vidos 01.01. - 31.12.2005 + 180.000 295.899 295.899 8. Rolf Rhöse 01.01. - 31.12.2005 + 16.875 17.634 17.634 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.  Aktivitäten aus Indirekter Vertrieb 4.276.551 5.026.989 5.026.989 Vermarktung VF-Live und T-Zone (Portalgeräte). GM YEND2005 Effekt Aktivität / Beschreibung Verbesserung Anschlußgebührenerlöse Reduzierung Überzahlung 744 Free- / Office-Tarife Intensive Vermarktung der Onlinerechnung (E-bill) Multimediapaket Aktivierungen 4.400 Datacards 1.250 BlackBerry
  • 28. ....... and tell everyone about it ..... 14 September 2013 28
  • 29. Create wins 14 September 2013 29
  • 30. Create wins • When it comes to change, people don‘t believe in a new direction because they suspend their disbelief. They believe because they‘re actually seeing behavior, action, and results that lead them to conclude that the program works • If you want something to grow, pour champagne on it • Celebrate your successes and, indeed, just about everything you would like to see happen again • Little victories – the things that had worked, ways they had delighted their customers, problems they had turned into successes 14 September 2013 30
  • 31. Create wins • Real transformation takes time, and a renewal effort risks losing momentum if there are no short-term goals to meet and celebrate. Most people won’t go on the long march unless they see compelling evidence within 12 to 24 months that the journey is producing expected results. Without short-term wins , too many people give up or actively join the ranks of those people who have been resisting change • Creating short-term wins is different from hoping for short-term wins. Actively look for ways to obtain clear performance improvements , establish goals, achieve the objectives, and reward people involved with recognition • Communicate this information continuously 14 September 2013 31
  • 32. Create wins - celebrate milestones Change initiatives can be frustrating and take a long time. It is therefore critical to celebrate milestones once they have been reached. 14 September 2013 32
  • 33. Create wins - celebrate milestones Change initiatives can be frustrating and take a long time. It is therefore critical to celebrate milestones once they have been reached. 14 September 2013 33
  • 34. “People’s Choice Awards” “People’s Choice Awards” – based on different categories covering all kinds of things the company would like to see 14 September 2013 34
  • 35. Focus 14 September 2013 35
  • 36. Focus … focus … focus … focus … Keeping people focused on what is required and why, and how they need to be doing things differently is crucial 14 September 2013 36
  • 37. Good luck © Torben Rick Blog