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Hive Bucketing in
Apache Spark
Tejas Patil
• Why bucketing ?
• Why is shuffle bad ?
• How to avoid shuffle ?
• When to use bucketing ?
• Spark’s bucketing support
• Bucketing semantics of Spark vs Hive
• Hive bucketing support in Spark
• SQL Planner improvements
Why bucketing ?
Table A Table B
. . . . . . . . . . . .JOIN
Table A Table B
. . . . . . . . . . . .JOIN
Broadcast hash join
- Ship smaller table to all nodes
- Stream the other table
Table A Table B
. . . . . . . . . . . .JOIN
Broadcast hash join Shuffle hash join
- Ship smaller table to all nodes
- Stream the other table
- Shuffle both tables,
- Hash smaller one, stream the
bigger one
Table A Table B
. . . . . . . . . . . .JOIN
Broadcast hash join Shuffle hash join
- Ship smaller table to all nodes
- Stream the other table
- Shuffle both tables,
- Hash smaller one, stream the
bigger one
Sort merge join
- Shuffle both tables,
- Sort both tables, buffer one,
stream the bigger one
Table A Table B
. . . . . . . . . . . .JOIN
Broadcast hash join Shuffle hash join Sort merge join
- Ship smaller table to all nodes
- Stream the other table
- Shuffle both tables,
- Hash smaller one, stream the
bigger one
- Shuffle both tables,
- Sort both tables, buffer one,
stream the bigger one
Table A Table B
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Sort Merge Join
Table A Table B
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Shuffle ShuffleShuffleShuffle
Sort Merge Join
Table A Table B
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Sort Sort Sort Sort
Shuffle ShuffleShuffleShuffle
Sort Merge Join
Table A Table B
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Shuffle ShuffleShuffleShuffle
Sort Merge Join
Sort Merge Join
Why is shuffle bad ?
Table A Table B
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Disk Disk
Disk IO for shuffle outputs
Why is shuffle bad ?
Table A Table B
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Shuffle Shuffle Shuffle Shuffle
M * R network connections
Why is shuffle bad ?
How to avoid shuffle ?
student s JOIN attendance a
ON = a.student_id
student s JOIN results r
ON = r.student_id
student s JOIN course_registration c
ON = c.student_id
student s JOIN attendance a
ON = a.student_id
student s JOIN results r
ON = r.student_id
student s JOIN attendance a
ON = a.student_id
student s JOIN results r
ON = r.student_id
Pre-compute at
table creation
Bucketing =
pre-(shuffle + sort) inputs
on join keys
Job(s) populating input table
Job(s) populating input table
Performance comparison
Before After Bucketing
Reserved CPU time (days)
Before After Bucketing
Latency (hours)
When to use bucketing ?
• Tables used frequently in JOINs with same key
• Student -> student_id
• Employee -> employee_id
• Users -> user_id
When to use bucketing ?
• Tables used frequently in JOINs with same key
• Student -> student_id
• Employee -> employee_id
• Users -> user_id
…. => Dimension tables
When to use bucketing ?
• Tables used frequently in JOINs with same key
• Student -> student_id
• Employee -> employee_id
• Users -> user_id
• Loading daily cumulative tables
• Both base and delta tables could be bucketed on a common column
When to use bucketing ?
• Tables used frequently in JOINs with same key
• Student -> student_id
• Employee -> employee_id
• Users -> user_id
• Loading daily cumulative tables
• Both base and delta tables could be bucketed on a common column
• Indexing capability
Spark’s bucketing support
Creation of bucketed tables
.bucketBy(numBuckets, "col1", ...)
.sortBy("col1", ...)
via Dataframe API
Creation of bucketed tables
CREATE TABLE bucketed_table(
column1 INT,
) USING parquet
CLUSTERED BY (column1, …)
SORTED BY (column1, …)
via SQL statement
Check bucketing spec
scala> sparkContext.sql("DESC FORMATTED student").collect.foreach(println)
[# col_name,data_type,comment]
[# Detailed Table Information,,]
[Created,Fri May 12 08:06:33 PDT 2017,]
[Num Buckets,64,]
[Bucket Columns,[`student_id`],]
[Sort Columns,[`student_id`],]
[Serde Library,org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe,]
Bucketing config
SET spark.sql.sources.bucketing.enabled=true
[SPARK-15453] Extract bucketing info in
SELECT * FROM tableA JOIN tableB ON tableA.i= tableB.i AND tableA.j= tableB.j
[SPARK-15453] Extract bucketing info in
SELECT * FROM tableA JOIN tableB ON tableA.i= tableB.i AND tableA.j= tableB.j
Sort Merge Join
TableScan Already bucketed on columns (i, j)
Shuffle on columns (i, j)
Sort on columns (i, j)
Join on [i,j], [i,j] respectively of relations
[SPARK-15453] Extract bucketing info in
SELECT * FROM tableA JOIN tableB ON tableA.i= tableB.i AND tableA.j= tableB.j
Sort Merge Join
TableScan Already bucketed on columns (i, j)
Shuffle on columns (i, j)
Sort on columns (i, j)
Join on [i,j], [i,j] respectively of relations
[SPARK-15453] Extract bucketing info in
SELECT * FROM tableA JOIN tableB ON tableA.i= tableB.i AND tableA.j= tableB.j
Sort Merge Join
TableScan TableScan
Sort Merge Join
TableScan TableScanSort
Bucketing semantics of
Spark vs Hive
Bucketing semantics of Spark vs Hive
bucket 0 bucket 1
Bucketing semantics of Spark vs Hive
bucket 0 bucket 1
Hive Spark
bucket 0 bucket 1
bucket 0
bucket 0
bucket 1
Bucketing semantics of Spark vs Hive
bucket 0 bucket 1
Bucketing semantics of Spark vs Hive
bucket 0 bucket 1
Hive Spark
bucket 0 bucket 1
M M M M M…..
bucket 0
bucket 0
bucket 1
Bucketing semantics of Spark vs Hive
Hive Spark
Model Optimizes reads, writes are costly Writes are cheaper, reads are
Bucketing semantics of Spark vs Hive
Hive Spark
Model Optimizes reads, writes are costly Writes are cheaper, reads are
Unit of bucketing A single file represents a single
A collection of files together
comprise a single bucket
Bucketing semantics of Spark vs Hive
Hive Spark
Model Optimizes reads, writes are costly Writes are cheaper, reads are
Unit of bucketing A single file represents a single
A collection of files together
comprise a single bucket
Sort ordering Each bucket is sorted globally. This
makes it easy to optimize queries
reading this data
Each file is individually sorted but
the “bucket” as a whole is not
globally sorted
Bucketing semantics of Spark vs Hive
Hive Spark
Model Optimizes reads, writes are costly Writes are cheaper, reads are
Unit of bucketing A single file represents a single
A collection of files together
comprise a single bucket
Sort ordering Each bucket is sorted globally. This
makes it easy to optimize queries
reading this data
Each file is individually sorted but
the “bucket” as a whole is not
globally sorted
Hashing function Hive’s inbuilt hash Murmur3Hash
[SPARK-19256] Hive bucketing support
• Introduce Hive’s hashing function [SPARK-17495]
• Enable creating hive bucketed tables [SPARK-17729]
• Support Hive’s `Bucketed file format`
• Propagate Hive bucketing information to planner [SPARK-17654]
• Expressing outputPartitioning and requiredChildDistribution
• Creating empty bucket files when no data for a bucket
• Allow Sort Merge join over tables with number of buckets
multiple of each other
• Support N-way Sort Merge Join
[SPARK-19256] Hive bucketing support
• Introduce Hive’s hashing function [SPARK-17495]
• Enable creating hive bucketed tables [SPARK-17729]
• Support Hive’s `Bucketed file format`
• Propagate Hive bucketing information to planner [SPARK-17654]
• Expressing outputPartitioning and requiredChildDistribution
• Creating empty bucket files when no data for a bucket
• Allow Sort Merge join over tables with number of buckets
multiple of each other
• Support N-way Sort Merge Join
Merged in
[SPARK-19256] Hive bucketing support
• Introduce Hive’s hashing function [SPARK-17495]
• Enable creating hive bucketed tables [SPARK-17729]
• Support Hive’s `Bucketed file format`
• Propagate Hive bucketing information to planner [SPARK-17654]
• Expressing outputPartitioning and requiredChildDistribution
• Creating empty bucket files when no data for a bucket
• Allow Sort Merge join over tables with number of buckets
multiple of each other
• Support N-way Sort Merge Join
FB-prod (6 months)
SQL Planner improvements
[SPARK-19122] Unnecessary shuffle+sort added if
join predicates ordering differ from bucketing and
sorting order
SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.x=b.x AND a.y=b.y
[SPARK-19122] Unnecessary shuffle+sort added if
join predicates ordering differ from bucketing and
sorting order
Sort Merge Join
TableScan TableScan
SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.x=b.x AND a.y=b.y
[SPARK-19122] Unnecessary shuffle+sort added if
join predicates ordering differ from bucketing and
sorting order
SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.x=b.x AND a.y=b.y
Sort Merge Join
TableScan TableScan
SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.y=b.y AND a.x=b.x
[SPARK-19122] Unnecessary shuffle+sort added if
join predicates ordering differ from bucketing and
sorting order
Sort Merge Join
Sort Merge Join
TableScan TableScan
SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.x=b.x AND a.y=b.y SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.y=b.y AND a.x=b.x
[SPARK-19122] Unnecessary shuffle+sort added if
join predicates ordering differ from bucketing and
sorting order
Sort Merge Join
Sort Merge Join
TableScan TableScan
SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.x=b.x AND a.y=b.y SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.y=b.y AND a.x=b.x
[SPARK-19122] Unnecessary shuffle+sort added if
join predicates ordering differ from bucketing and
sorting order
Sort Merge Join
TableScan TableScan
SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.x=b.x AND a.y=b.y SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.y=b.y AND a.x=b.x
Sort Merge Join
TableScan TableScan
[SPARK-17271] Planner adds un-necessary Sort
even if child ordering is semantically same as
required ordering
SELECT * FROM table1 a JOIN table2 b ON a.col1=b.col1
[SPARK-17271] Planner adds un-necessary Sort
even if child ordering is semantically same as
required ordering
SELECT * FROM table1 a JOIN table2 b ON a.col1=b.col1
Sort Merge Join
TableScan Already bucketed on column `col1`
Sort on columns (a.col1 and b.col1)
Join on [col1], [col1] respectively of relations
[SPARK-17271] Planner adds un-necessary Sort
even if child ordering is semantically same as
required ordering
SELECT * FROM table1 a JOIN table2 b ON a.col1=b.col1
Sort Merge Join
TableScan TableScan Already bucketed on column `col1`
Sort on columns (a.col1 and b.col1)Sort Sort
Join on [col1], [col1] respectively of relations
[SPARK-17271] Planner adds un-necessary Sort
even if child ordering is semantically same as
required ordering
SELECT * FROM table1 a JOIN table2 b ON a.col1=b.col1
Sort Merge Join
TableScan TableScan
Sort Sort
Sort Merge Join
TableScan TableScan
[SPARK-17698] Join predicates should not
contain filter clauses
SELECT, FROM table1 a FULL OUTER JOIN table2 b ON = AND'1' AND'1'
[SPARK-17698] Join predicates should not
contain filter clauses
SELECT, FROM table1 a FULL OUTER JOIN table2 b ON = AND'1' AND'1'
Sort Merge Join
TableScan TableScan
Already bucketed on column [id]
Shuffle on columns [id, 1, id] and [id, id, 1]
Sort on columns [id, id, 1] and [id, 1, id]
Join on [id, id, 1], [id, 1, id] respectively of relations
[SPARK-17698] Join predicates should not
contain filter clauses
SELECT, FROM table1 a FULL OUTER JOIN table2 b ON = AND'1' AND'1'
Sort Merge Join
TableScan TableScan
Already bucketed on column [id]
Shuffle on columns [id, 1, id] and [id, id, 1]
Sort on columns [id, id, 1] and [id, 1, id]
Join on [id, id, 1], [id, 1, id] respectively of relations
[SPARK-17698] Join predicates should not
contain filter clauses
SELECT, FROM table1 a FULL OUTER JOIN table2 b ON = AND'1' AND'1'
Sort Merge Join
TableScan TableScan
Already bucketed on column [id]
Shuffle on columns [id, 1, id] and [id, id, 1]
Sort on columns [id, id, 1] and [id, 1, id]
Join on [id, id, 1], [id, 1, id] respectively of relations
[SPARK-17698] Join predicates should not
contain filter clauses
SELECT, FROM table1 a FULL OUTER JOIN table2 b ON = AND'1' AND'1'
Sort Merge Join
TableScan TableScan
Sort Merge Join
TableScan TableScanSort
[SPARK-13450] Introduce
[SPARK-13450] Introduce
If there are a lot of rows to be
buffered (eg. Skew),
the query would OOM
row with
rows with
[SPARK-13450] Introduce
row with
rows with
buffer would spill to disk
after reaching a threshold
• Shuffle and sort is costly due to disk and network IO
• Bucketing will pre-(shuffle and sort) the inputs
• Expect at least 2-5x gains after bucketing input tables for joins
• Candidates for bucketing:
• Tables used frequently in JOINs with same key
• Loading of data in cumulative tables
• Spark’s bucketing is not compatible with Hive’s bucketing
Questions ?

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Hive Bucketing in Apache Spark

  • 1. Hive Bucketing in Apache Spark Tejas Patil Facebook
  • 2. Agenda • Why bucketing ? • Why is shuffle bad ? • How to avoid shuffle ? • When to use bucketing ? • Spark’s bucketing support • Bucketing semantics of Spark vs Hive • Hive bucketing support in Spark • SQL Planner improvements
  • 4. Table A Table B . . . . . . . . . . . .JOIN
  • 5. Table A Table B . . . . . . . . . . . .JOIN Broadcast hash join - Ship smaller table to all nodes - Stream the other table
  • 6. Table A Table B . . . . . . . . . . . .JOIN Broadcast hash join Shuffle hash join - Ship smaller table to all nodes - Stream the other table - Shuffle both tables, - Hash smaller one, stream the bigger one
  • 7. Table A Table B . . . . . . . . . . . .JOIN Broadcast hash join Shuffle hash join - Ship smaller table to all nodes - Stream the other table - Shuffle both tables, - Hash smaller one, stream the bigger one Sort merge join - Shuffle both tables, - Sort both tables, buffer one, stream the bigger one
  • 8. Table A Table B . . . . . . . . . . . .JOIN Broadcast hash join Shuffle hash join Sort merge join - Ship smaller table to all nodes - Stream the other table - Shuffle both tables, - Hash smaller one, stream the bigger one - Shuffle both tables, - Sort both tables, buffer one, stream the bigger one
  • 9. Table A Table B . . . . . . . . . . . . Sort Merge Join
  • 10. Table A Table B . . . . . . . . . . . . Shuffle ShuffleShuffleShuffle Sort Merge Join
  • 11. Table A Table B . . . . . . . . . . . . Sort Sort Sort Sort Shuffle ShuffleShuffleShuffle Sort Merge Join
  • 12. Table A Table B . . . . . . . . . . . . Sort Join Sort Join Sort Join Sort Join Shuffle ShuffleShuffleShuffle Sort Merge Join
  • 14. Why is shuffle bad ?
  • 15. Table A Table B . . . . . . . . . . . . Disk Disk Disk IO for shuffle outputs Why is shuffle bad ?
  • 16. Table A Table B . . . . . . . . . . . . Shuffle Shuffle Shuffle Shuffle M * R network connections Why is shuffle bad ?
  • 17. How to avoid shuffle ?
  • 18.
  • 19. student s JOIN attendance a ON = a.student_id student s JOIN results r ON = r.student_id student s JOIN course_registration c ON = c.student_id …….. ……..
  • 20. student s JOIN attendance a ON = a.student_id student s JOIN results r ON = r.student_id
  • 21. student s JOIN attendance a ON = a.student_id student s JOIN results r ON = r.student_id Pre-compute at table creation
  • 22. Bucketing = pre-(shuffle + sort) inputs on join keys
  • 25. Performance comparison 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Before After Bucketing Reserved CPU time (days) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Before After Bucketing Latency (hours)
  • 26. When to use bucketing ? • Tables used frequently in JOINs with same key • Student -> student_id • Employee -> employee_id • Users -> user_id
  • 27. When to use bucketing ? • Tables used frequently in JOINs with same key • Student -> student_id • Employee -> employee_id • Users -> user_id …. => Dimension tables
  • 28. When to use bucketing ? • Tables used frequently in JOINs with same key • Student -> student_id • Employee -> employee_id • Users -> user_id • Loading daily cumulative tables • Both base and delta tables could be bucketed on a common column
  • 29. When to use bucketing ? • Tables used frequently in JOINs with same key • Student -> student_id • Employee -> employee_id • Users -> user_id • Loading daily cumulative tables • Both base and delta tables could be bucketed on a common column • Indexing capability
  • 31.
  • 32. Creation of bucketed tables df.write .bucketBy(numBuckets, "col1", ...) .sortBy("col1", ...) .saveAsTable("bucketed_table") via Dataframe API
  • 33. Creation of bucketed tables CREATE TABLE bucketed_table( column1 INT, ... ) USING parquet CLUSTERED BY (column1, …) SORTED BY (column1, …) INTO `n` BUCKETS via SQL statement
  • 34. Check bucketing spec scala> sparkContext.sql("DESC FORMATTED student").collect.foreach(println) [# col_name,data_type,comment] [student_id,int,null] [name,int,null] [# Detailed Table Information,,] [Database,default,] [Table,table1,] [Owner,tejas,] [Created,Fri May 12 08:06:33 PDT 2017,] [Type,MANAGED,] [Num Buckets,64,] [Bucket Columns,[`student_id`],] [Sort Columns,[`student_id`],] [Properties,[serialization.format=1],] [Serde Library,org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe,] [InputFormat,org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat,]
  • 36. [SPARK-15453] Extract bucketing info in FileSourceScanExec SELECT * FROM tableA JOIN tableB ON tableA.i= tableB.i AND tableA.j= tableB.j
  • 37. [SPARK-15453] Extract bucketing info in FileSourceScanExec SELECT * FROM tableA JOIN tableB ON tableA.i= tableB.i AND tableA.j= tableB.j Sort Merge Join Sort Exchange TableScan Sort Exchange TableScan Already bucketed on columns (i, j) Shuffle on columns (i, j) Sort on columns (i, j) Join on [i,j], [i,j] respectively of relations
  • 38. [SPARK-15453] Extract bucketing info in FileSourceScanExec SELECT * FROM tableA JOIN tableB ON tableA.i= tableB.i AND tableA.j= tableB.j Sort Merge Join Sort Exchange TableScan Sort Exchange TableScan Already bucketed on columns (i, j) Shuffle on columns (i, j) Sort on columns (i, j) Join on [i,j], [i,j] respectively of relations
  • 39. [SPARK-15453] Extract bucketing info in FileSourceScanExec SELECT * FROM tableA JOIN tableB ON tableA.i= tableB.i AND tableA.j= tableB.j Sort Merge Join TableScan TableScan Sort Merge Join TableScan TableScanSort Exchange Sort Exchange
  • 41. Bucketing semantics of Spark vs Hive bucket 0 bucket 1 bucket (n-1) ….. Hive my_bucketed_table
  • 42. Bucketing semantics of Spark vs Hive bucket 0 bucket 1 bucket (n-1) ….. Hive Spark bucket 0 bucket 1 bucket (n-1) ….. bucket 0 bucket 0 bucket 1 bucket (n-1)bucket (n-1)bucket (n-1) my_bucketed_tablemy_bucketed_table
  • 43. Bucketing semantics of Spark vs Hive bucket 0 bucket 1 bucket (n-1) ….. Hive M M M M M R R R …..
  • 44. Bucketing semantics of Spark vs Hive bucket 0 bucket 1 bucket (n-1) ….. Hive Spark M M M M M R R R ….. bucket 0 bucket 1 bucket (n-1) ….. M M M M M….. bucket 0 bucket 0 bucket 1 bucket (n-1)bucket (n-1)bucket (n-1)
  • 45. Bucketing semantics of Spark vs Hive Hive Spark Model Optimizes reads, writes are costly Writes are cheaper, reads are costlier
  • 46. Bucketing semantics of Spark vs Hive Hive Spark Model Optimizes reads, writes are costly Writes are cheaper, reads are costlier Unit of bucketing A single file represents a single bucket A collection of files together comprise a single bucket
  • 47. Bucketing semantics of Spark vs Hive Hive Spark Model Optimizes reads, writes are costly Writes are cheaper, reads are costlier Unit of bucketing A single file represents a single bucket A collection of files together comprise a single bucket Sort ordering Each bucket is sorted globally. This makes it easy to optimize queries reading this data Each file is individually sorted but the “bucket” as a whole is not globally sorted
  • 48. Bucketing semantics of Spark vs Hive Hive Spark Model Optimizes reads, writes are costly Writes are cheaper, reads are costlier Unit of bucketing A single file represents a single bucket A collection of files together comprise a single bucket Sort ordering Each bucket is sorted globally. This makes it easy to optimize queries reading this data Each file is individually sorted but the “bucket” as a whole is not globally sorted Hashing function Hive’s inbuilt hash Murmur3Hash
  • 49. [SPARK-19256] Hive bucketing support • Introduce Hive’s hashing function [SPARK-17495] • Enable creating hive bucketed tables [SPARK-17729] • Support Hive’s `Bucketed file format` • Propagate Hive bucketing information to planner [SPARK-17654] • Expressing outputPartitioning and requiredChildDistribution • Creating empty bucket files when no data for a bucket • Allow Sort Merge join over tables with number of buckets multiple of each other • Support N-way Sort Merge Join
  • 50. [SPARK-19256] Hive bucketing support • Introduce Hive’s hashing function [SPARK-17495] • Enable creating hive bucketed tables [SPARK-17729] • Support Hive’s `Bucketed file format` • Propagate Hive bucketing information to planner [SPARK-17654] • Expressing outputPartitioning and requiredChildDistribution • Creating empty bucket files when no data for a bucket • Allow Sort Merge join over tables with number of buckets multiple of each other • Support N-way Sort Merge Join Merged in upstream
  • 51. [SPARK-19256] Hive bucketing support • Introduce Hive’s hashing function [SPARK-17495] • Enable creating hive bucketed tables [SPARK-17729] • Support Hive’s `Bucketed file format` • Propagate Hive bucketing information to planner [SPARK-17654] • Expressing outputPartitioning and requiredChildDistribution • Creating empty bucket files when no data for a bucket • Allow Sort Merge join over tables with number of buckets multiple of each other • Support N-way Sort Merge Join FB-prod (6 months)
  • 53. [SPARK-19122] Unnecessary shuffle+sort added if join predicates ordering differ from bucketing and sorting order SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.x=b.x AND a.y=b.y
  • 54. [SPARK-19122] Unnecessary shuffle+sort added if join predicates ordering differ from bucketing and sorting order Sort Merge Join TableScan TableScan SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.x=b.x AND a.y=b.y
  • 55. [SPARK-19122] Unnecessary shuffle+sort added if join predicates ordering differ from bucketing and sorting order SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.x=b.x AND a.y=b.y Sort Merge Join TableScan TableScan SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.y=b.y AND a.x=b.x
  • 56. [SPARK-19122] Unnecessary shuffle+sort added if join predicates ordering differ from bucketing and sorting order Sort Merge Join Exchange TableScan Sort Exchange TableScan Sort Sort Merge Join TableScan TableScan SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.x=b.x AND a.y=b.y SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.y=b.y AND a.x=b.x
  • 57. [SPARK-19122] Unnecessary shuffle+sort added if join predicates ordering differ from bucketing and sorting order Sort Merge Join Exchange TableScan Sort Exchange TableScan Sort Sort Merge Join TableScan TableScan SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.x=b.x AND a.y=b.y SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.y=b.y AND a.x=b.x
  • 58. [SPARK-19122] Unnecessary shuffle+sort added if join predicates ordering differ from bucketing and sorting order Sort Merge Join TableScan TableScan SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.x=b.x AND a.y=b.y SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.y=b.y AND a.x=b.x Sort Merge Join TableScan TableScan
  • 59. [SPARK-17271] Planner adds un-necessary Sort even if child ordering is semantically same as required ordering SELECT * FROM table1 a JOIN table2 b ON a.col1=b.col1
  • 60. [SPARK-17271] Planner adds un-necessary Sort even if child ordering is semantically same as required ordering SELECT * FROM table1 a JOIN table2 b ON a.col1=b.col1 Sort Merge Join Sort TableScan Sort TableScan Already bucketed on column `col1` Sort on columns (a.col1 and b.col1) Join on [col1], [col1] respectively of relations
  • 61. [SPARK-17271] Planner adds un-necessary Sort even if child ordering is semantically same as required ordering SELECT * FROM table1 a JOIN table2 b ON a.col1=b.col1 Sort Merge Join TableScan TableScan Already bucketed on column `col1` Sort on columns (a.col1 and b.col1)Sort Sort Join on [col1], [col1] respectively of relations
  • 62. [SPARK-17271] Planner adds un-necessary Sort even if child ordering is semantically same as required ordering SELECT * FROM table1 a JOIN table2 b ON a.col1=b.col1 Sort Merge Join TableScan TableScan Sort Sort Sort Merge Join TableScan TableScan
  • 63. [SPARK-17698] Join predicates should not contain filter clauses SELECT, FROM table1 a FULL OUTER JOIN table2 b ON = AND'1' AND'1'
  • 64. [SPARK-17698] Join predicates should not contain filter clauses SELECT, FROM table1 a FULL OUTER JOIN table2 b ON = AND'1' AND'1' Sort Merge Join TableScan TableScan Sort Exchange Sort Exchange Already bucketed on column [id] Shuffle on columns [id, 1, id] and [id, id, 1] Sort on columns [id, id, 1] and [id, 1, id] Join on [id, id, 1], [id, 1, id] respectively of relations
  • 65. [SPARK-17698] Join predicates should not contain filter clauses SELECT, FROM table1 a FULL OUTER JOIN table2 b ON = AND'1' AND'1' Sort Merge Join TableScan TableScan Sort Exchange Sort Exchange Already bucketed on column [id] Shuffle on columns [id, 1, id] and [id, id, 1] Sort on columns [id, id, 1] and [id, 1, id] Join on [id, id, 1], [id, 1, id] respectively of relations
  • 66. [SPARK-17698] Join predicates should not contain filter clauses SELECT, FROM table1 a FULL OUTER JOIN table2 b ON = AND'1' AND'1' Sort Merge Join TableScan TableScan Sort Exchange Sort Exchange Already bucketed on column [id] Shuffle on columns [id, 1, id] and [id, id, 1] Sort on columns [id, id, 1] and [id, 1, id] Join on [id, id, 1], [id, 1, id] respectively of relations
  • 67. [SPARK-17698] Join predicates should not contain filter clauses SELECT, FROM table1 a FULL OUTER JOIN table2 b ON = AND'1' AND'1' Sort Merge Join TableScan TableScan Sort Merge Join TableScan TableScanSort Exchange Sort Exchange
  • 69. [SPARK-13450] Introduce ExternalAppendOnlyUnsafeRowArray Buffered relation Streamed relation If there are a lot of rows to be buffered (eg. Skew), the query would OOM row with key=`foo` rows with key=`foo`
  • 70. [SPARK-13450] Introduce ExternalAppendOnlyUnsafeRowArray Buffered relation Streamed relation row with key=`foo` rows with key=`foo` Disk buffer would spill to disk after reaching a threshold spill
  • 71. Summary • Shuffle and sort is costly due to disk and network IO • Bucketing will pre-(shuffle and sort) the inputs • Expect at least 2-5x gains after bucketing input tables for joins • Candidates for bucketing: • Tables used frequently in JOINs with same key • Loading of data in cumulative tables • Spark’s bucketing is not compatible with Hive’s bucketing