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agile technology thoughtworks agile software development agile development software testing organizational agility software development lean thoughtworks live continuous delivery kanban innovation customer experience vodqa agile adoption experience design agile project management retail data lean manufacturing digital transformation leadership customer engagement microservices mobile xconfeu2019 xconf europe xconfeu machine learning lean enterprise design digital strategy digital innovation big data architecture bythoughtworks big data analytics digital disruption customer loyalty devops scrum security digital evolution transformation business agility paradigm shift business lean startup software metrics qtb yconf2020 #twisummit infrastructure digital platforms responsiveorganisation financial services data science digital business open source distributed agile xconfonline20 user experience women in technology australia loyalty information technology vodqa bangalore 2014 product strategy tech radar inclusivity next generation retail mobile application development test automation testing ux uxd ada lovelace technology strategy strategy tech cloud thoughtworks-live diversity retail australia mobile computing quality cloud computing artificial intelligence continuous intelligence digital platform strategy ethics product management aws pipeline tecnologia agile australia lean product development loyalty program china india enterprise architecture service design punescalasymposium scalasymposium mulheres na tecnologia defending-the-free-internet ágil innovation lab software leanux ada lovelace day ald19 iac infrastructure as code europe kotlin java neural networks docker differentiating customer experiences change design thinking continuous deployment rails girls continuous integration iot developer organisational agility adaptive organisation software architecture serving the social sector next generation architecture web application security qa collaboration aws&tw_innovation ownership cyber attacks cyber security docker containers automated tests kotlin introduction api #twtechradar domain driven design decision making social bias by thoughtworks resilience digital mindset monitoring strategic planning kubernetes scale machine intuition thoughtworkslive culture teams #thoughtworks retail technology business model innovation platforms for growth business model business analysis analysis management products rails developing developers open data melbourne ti snapci português testes snap risk challenges product development disruption finance organisational security perth airlines transport travel africa new products e-commerce sxsw leader health free internet web application kampala women in it vodqa bangalore 2013 customer service software livre geeknightpune agil diversidade #mnt2014 privacy entrega contínua omni-channel team bdd offshore enterprise entrega contínua continuous delivery jez humble t neal ford sketch library research maintenance experience design system components cohesive adoption user feedback loops team setup reframe the problem product vision product discovery pairing flow car-sharing alignment vision autonomous teams daimler experience designer (not experienced designer) priority mission mindset knowledge transfer impact flexible choice customer amazon working backwards parallel tracks duel vs dual processes delivery process and product design delivery and discovery dual track agile developers are users too translate from tech to biz public cloud iot platform cloud infrastructure cli design developer personas developer journey developer experience (dx) pharmaceutical alan kay john ousterhout rich hickey steve jobs herb simon design studio algorithm interusability technical architecture value proposition conceptual model continuity connectivity patterns system/holistic ux distributed system categorical variable likert scale null hypothesis alternative hypothesis multivariate testing a/b test html visual report shadow traffic true false condition features toggles the blinker theory ci/cd change fail percentage time to restore (mttr) lead time deployment frequency state of devops production rubicon flow control nullable types checked exceptions sealed classes failed computation absent value either option runtime vs compile time type system anemic domain containers data types error handling exceptions null test-driven development stryker-mutator testing blindspots residual defect density defects in live fault-based testing dockerfile linux limiting privileges full control restricted control image reliability vulnerabilities image development safety ide linter container lifecycle gnu cobol compiler build - measure - learn user centric approach feedback loop section unit tests cobol mainframe xconf unplugged cd4ml stem algol ada pets.com trade-offs ariane 5 chandler project npm designing building smars size and scale elastic scale reuse operating system push the envelope allies lgbtq+ gitleaks spot bugs mvn find security bugs dockerdockerdocker synk concourseci capabilites continuous verizon jvm multi-platform safe concise tool friendly interoperable one million mentors media case study ways of working statistics predictive modelling data engineering mobile testing repository table controller testing integration testing layout testing dom testing ui e2e tests repository antipattern ui test automotive testing path to production shift security left managing technical debt assurance agile threat modeling failure cynefin netflix chaos monkey complicated complex lambdas function types arrow tensor flow data wrangling/mingling ingest vishol naik model http apigee lambda splunk sqlite vertex event sourcing vert.x neural network facilitatory controllers signal processing devices models drone team journey innovation token knowledge sharing asynchronous programming paradigms reactor spring webflux reactive programming organisational design data strategy data mesh platform thinking product thinking data lake incrementalscorecontract quorum consortia blockchain networking roles & capabilities cross-functional teams raspberry pi #vr #virtualreality #gaming #augmentedreality #ar legacy modernization business transformation engineering practices cloud centric delivery azure #devops #security #servicemesh #microservices #fpgas #reconfigurablecomputing #taiko #nodejs #qualityanalysis #testing #automation #vakt #blockchain #data #kotlin executive management focused mindset architectural governance release control change management auditability operations and maintainability (including service open banking rapid prototyping cloud driven innovation machine learning maturity machine learning capability machine learning framework data as a service real time data location data online fraud ethical tech equitable tech community secure design stride threat modelling design principles data migrations data architectures data patterns qantas branding customer centric transformation testing team building cross functional teams container orchestration software quality production ready metrics logging virtual machine cisco build environment rebecca parsons data sets brain sensor javascript micro frontends web applications frontend ecosystem evolutionary architecture delivery technology practices datadevops scout24 continous intelligence gocd responsive platform macquarie bank real estate speed platform as a product organisational transformation customer research myer chinese consumers product mindset #talktechtoher application security customer value toyoya enablingsustainabletransformation food vr ar organisational culture #problemsolving #disruption #convenience #retail #kitchen #connection #wellness #platforms #innit #melbourne #food #transparency #ecosystems #quality augmented reality analytics gender diversity tech company hiring and developing retail innovation trends hr recruitment recruiting business intelligence insights financial millennials modern retail planning project management project openshift cloudfoundry pivotal red hat paas value approach hypothesis lifecycle requirement showcase consultant people services complexity business and economy government iwd2016 neuroevolution erlang racismo vocabulário education negritude educacao comunicacao future mujeres challenge passion hack programming snap ci python social python empoderamento social innovate latin american women in technology tecnología events desarroladoras society career latin america latinity español cenário digital key elements brisbane sydney rea participação programação histórico continous integration automation feature toggles database migrations falso negativos teste ui no estimates content-management website hacienda open-source cms iterations user-tracking careers skills it business meets tech thoughtworks connect openmrs nosql varejo beacon lean pro healthcare disruptor 3d printing prosthetics robotics digital organisation hackers digital capabilities banking suncorp impala hamms performance testing marketing airline social media collaborating systems behavior driven testing bdt graph database neo4j mass surveillance pixelated momokla mhealth mobile monday berlin germany globale Überwachung latinoware oss rapidftr offline formula1 datensparsamkeit portuguese selenium retrospectives apple swift inktalks movie theatre ink service oriented architecture soa zhamak delghani continuous design te multichannel multiplex internet of things tests unit testing quality assurance #devopsnapratica entrega agi vodqa gurgaon 2014 vodqa gurgaon 2013 targeted advertising vodafone net promoter score monolithic architecture sof retrospectivas. objetivos priorização métodos ágeis pyladies arduino nodejs nbse tor segurança desenvolvimento de software linguágil desenvolvedor forrester jez humble hari b distr geek scm svn trunk git feature branching consumer byod development hackathon rest nigel lindy stephens josh dalton governance melville marks andy martin fowler kmt
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