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Rangkuman Kitab Muqadimah (Ibnu Khaldun)
Oleh: Tita Novitasari (11140460000046)
Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum
This book, now, we are going to explain such various aspects of civilization that affect
human beings in their social organization, as royal authority, gainful occupation, sciences,
and crafts, (all) in the light of various arguments that will show the true nature of the varied
knowledge of the elite and the common people, repel misgivings, and remove doubts.
We say that man is distinguished from the other living beings by certain qualities peculiar to
him, namely: (1) Sciences and crafts which result from that ability to think which
distinguishes man from the other animals and exalts him as a thinking being over all
creatures. (2) The need for restraining influence and strong authority, since man, alone of all
the animals, cannot exist without them. It is true, something has been said (in this connection
about bees and locusts. However, if they have something similar, it comes to them through
inspiration, not through thinking or reflection. (3) Man's efforts to make a living and his
concern with the various ways of obtaining and acquiring the means of (life). This is the
result of man's need for food to keep alive and subsist, which God instilled in him, guiding
him to desire and seek a livelihood. God said: "He gave everything its natural characteristics,
and then guided it."
The discussion in this work falls naturally under six chapter headings:
a. On human civilization in general, its various kinds, and the portion of the earth that is
b. On desert civilization, including a report on the tribes and savage nations.
c. On dynasties, the caliphate, and royal authority, including a discussion of government
d. On sedentary civilization, countries, and cities.
e. On crafts, ways of making a living, gainful occupations, and their various aspects.
f. On the sciences, their acquisition and study.
Chapter I : Human civilization in general, its various kinds, and the portion of the earth
that is civilized.
Poin-poin untuk bagian ini di antaranya ialah:
1. Manusia adalah makhluk yang suka sekali berpolitik. Ibnu Khaldun mengutip
ungkapan orang Yunani yang menyatakan bahwa "Man is `political' by nature." That
is, he cannot do without the social organization for which the philosophers use the
technical term "town" (polis). Yakni, secara alami manusia memang selalu berpolitik.
Oleh karenanya, manusia tidak bisa menyalurkan nalurinya ini tanpa organisasi sosial.
Filosof biasa menyebut organisasi sosial tersebut sebagai polis yang artinya kota. Jadi,
menurut Ibnu Khaldun peradaban (Civilitation) adalah karakter utama dari organisasi
sosial manusia (the necessary character of human social organization).
2. Manusia berlomba-lomba dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pokoknya terhadap makanan.
Menurut Ibnu Khaldun: God created and fashioned man in a form that can live and
subsist only with the help of food. He guided man to a natural desire for food and
instilled in him the power that enables him to obtain it. Namun, manusia tidak
mungkin menciptakan makanannya sendiri. Misalnya dalam bercocok tanam, manusia
membutuhkan banyak peralatan pertanian, sehingga ia membutuhkan bantuan orang
lain untuk menyediakan peralatan yang ia butuhkan itu. Karenanya, pembagian kerja
(division of labor) di antara sekelompok manusia yang tinggal di suatu wilayah itu
diperlukan. Ungkapan Ibnu Khaldun mengenai hal ini ialah: However, the power of
the individual human being is not sufficient for him to obtain (the food) he needs, and
does not provide him with as much food as he requires to live. Even if we assume an
absolute minimum of food-that is, food enough for one day, (a little) wheat, for
instance-that amount of food could be obtained only after much preparation such as
grinding, kneading, and baking. Each of these three operations requires utensils and
tools that can be provided only with the help of several crafts, such as the crafts of the
blacksmith, the carpenter, and the potter. Assuming that a man could eat unprepared
grain, an even greater number of operations would be necessary in order to obtain the
grain: sowing and reaping, and threshing to separate it from the husks of the ear. Each
of these operations requires a number of tools and many more crafts than those just
mentioned. It is beyond the power of one man alone to do all that, or (even) part of it,
by himself. Thus, he cannot do without a combination of many powers from among
his fellow beings, if he is to obtain food for himself and for them. Through
cooperation, the needs of a number of persons, many times greater than their own
(number), can be satisfied.
3. Untuk menciptakan sebuah kota, manusia membutuhkan seseorang yang mampu
menjaga stabilitas kota itu sendiri. Itulah mengapa, dalam sebuah kota, pasti ada
seseorang yang mendominasi kota dan mampu mengamankan kota. Berikut
kutipannya: He must dominate them and have power and authority over them, so that
no one of them will be able to attack another. This is the meaning of royal authority.
Yakni orang itu harus mendominasi masyarakat kota, memiliki kekuatan dan otoritas
terhadap mereka, maka dengan ini, keamanan kota akan terjamin. Inilah yang disebut
dengan otoritas raja.
Chapter II : Desert (Bedouin) civilization, including a report on the tribes and savage
Poin yang dibahas dalam bagian ini adalah:
1. Both Bedouins and sedentary people are natural groups (kelompok yang nomaden
maupun yang menetap adalah kelompok yang terbentuk secara alami).
Manusia memiliki kemampuan, keahlian, atau kecenderungan yang berbeda satu sama
lain. Sebagian ahli di bidang pertanian dan perkebunan. Sebagian yang lain ahli dalam
peternakan. Karenanya, kebutuhan yang mereka perlukan untuk mengoptimalkan itu
semua pun berbeda. Ada yang mesti menetap, dan ada yang mesti berpindah-pindah
atau tinggal di padang pasir yang luas.
2. Only tribes held together by group feeling can live in the desert (hanya suku yang bisa
bekerja sama dan loyal yang bisa hidup di padang pasir).
Kerasnya kehidupan yang harus dijalani oleh suku Badui menjadikan suku ini loyal
terhadap keluarga dan sukunya. Mereka saling menjaga dan melindungi dari bahaya
yang seringkali muncul di padang pasir.
3. Group feeling results only from (blood) relationship or something corresponding to it.
Secara otomatis, manusia akan menjaga keluarganya guna menjaga harga diri (gengsi)
keluarganya tersebut. Dari sinilah lahir perasaan atau cita yang sejalan di hati para
anggota keluarga (group feeling).
4. Leadership over people who share in a given group feeling cannot be vested in those
not of the same descent.
Ibnu Khaldun menerangkan: This is because leadership exists only through
superiority, and superiority only through group feeling, as we have mentioned before.
Lebih jauh lagi ia menyatakan bahwa Leadership must of necessity be inherited from
the person who is entitled to it, in accordance with the fact, which we have stated, that
superiority results from group feeling.
5. The goal to which group feeling leads is royal authority.
Sebagaimana yang sudah dijelaskan dalam bagian pertama bahwa manusia
membutuhkan orang yang mampu menjaga stabilitas kota. Orang yang mereka
butuhkan merupakan orang yang memiliki kelebihan di antara yang lain, atau di
antara orang-orang yang sejalan dengannya (group feeling). Pada akhirnya, group
feeling ini bermuara pada kekuasaan dalam bentuk kerajaan yang monarki. Keluarga
yang paling superior akan menguasai keluarga lain yang tergabung di kotanya.
Chapter III : Dynasties, the caliphate, and royal authority, including a discussion of
government ranks.
Dalam bagian ini akan diuraikan mengenai negara-negara secara umum, kerajaan, khilafah,
dan jenjang-jenjang kekuasaan. Juga diuraikan sebab-sebab yang menumbuhkan kekuasaan,
cara mengukuhkan negara, dan sebab-sebab yang membuat runtuhnya suatu negara.
Sebagaimana yang sudah dijelaskan dalam bagian sebelumnya, bahwa orang rela bertarung
dan mati demi nama baik kelompok atau keluarganya. Sebuah kerajaan dilahirkan dari
kesetiaan kelompok (group feeling)1. Namun, dalam perkembangannya suatu kerajaan sering
kali lupa pada apa yang melahirkannya tersebut. Rakyat yang menopang eksistensi kerajaan
malah banyak yang tertindas dan ditindas. Padahal tanpa Allah dan rakyat, kerajaan bukanlah
apa-apa. Ibnu Khaldun dalam Muqadimah menyatakan dengan tegas: Group feeling is no
longer needed to establish their power. They do not know how it was at the beginning and
what difficulties had to be overcome by the founder of (the dynasty). The inhabitants of Spain
especially have forgotten group feeling and its influence, because so long a time has passed,
and because as a rule they have no need of the power of group feeling, since their country has
been annihilated and is depleted of tribal groups. Ibnu Khaldun memperkuat pendapatnya ini
dengan beberapa contoh berikut ini:
1 Jika kita korelasikan dengan Indonesia, group feeling bisa berarti rasa nasionalisme.
a. Something of the sort happened to the 'Abbasids. The group feeling of the Arabs had
been destroyed by the time of the reign of al-Mu'tasim and his son, al-Wathiq. They
tried to maintain their hold over the government thereafter with the help of Persian,
Turkish, Daylam, Saljuq, and other clients. Then, the Persians (non-Arabs) and clients
gained power over the provinces (of the realm). The influence of the dynasty grew
smaller, and no longer extended beyond the environs of Baghdad. Eventually, the
Daylam closed in upon (that area) and took possession of it. The caliphs were ruled by
them. Then (the Daylam), in turn, lost control. The Saljugs seized power after the
Daylam, and the (caliphs) were ruled by them. Then (the Saljugs), in turn, lost
control. Finally, the Tatars closed in. They killed the caliph and wiped out every
vestige of the dynasty.
b. The same happened to the Sinhajah in the Maghrib. Their group feeling was destroyed
in the fifth [eleventh] century, or before that. Dynastic (power), but of decreasing
importance, was maintained by them in al-Mahdiyah, in Bougie, in al-Qal'ah, and in
the other frontier cities of Ifriqiyah. Frequently, some rival aspirant to royal authority
would attack these frontier cities and entrench himself in them. Yet, they retained
government and royal authority until God permitted their dynasty to be wiped out.
Then the Almohads came, fortified by the strong group feeling among the Masmudah,
and obliterated all traces of the (Sinhajah dynasty).
c. The same happened to the Umayyad dynasty in Spain. When its Arab group feeling
was destroyed, the reyes de taifas (small princes) seized power and divided the
territory among themselves. In competition with each other, they distributed among
themselves the realm of the (Umayyad) dynasty. Each one of them seized the territory
under his control and aggrandized himself. (These rulers) learned of the relations that
existed between the non- Arabs (in the East) and the 'Abbasids. (Imitating them,) they
adopted royal surnames and used royal trappings. There was no danger that anyone
would take (the prerogatives they claimed) away from them or alter (the situation in
this respect), because Spain was no (longer the) home of groups and tribes, as we
shall mention.
Royal authority is a noble and enjoyable position. It comprises all the good things of the
world, the pleasures of the body, and the joys of the soul. Therefore, there is, as a rule, great
competition for it. Itulah sebabnya, mengapa manusia berlomba-lomba untuk memperoleh
kekuasaan dan melupakan tujuan hakiki dari kekuasaan itu sendiri.
Ibnu Khaldun mengemukakan bahwa suatu dinasti tidak akan bertahan melebihi tiga
generasi. Muqadimah mencatat: We have stated that the duration of the life of a dynasty does
not as a rule extend beyond three generations. Berikut uraian tiap jenjang generasi ini:
1. The first generation retains the desert qualities, desert toughness, and desert savagery.
(Its members are used to) privation and to sharing their glory (with each other); they
are brave and rapacious. Therefore, the strength of group feeling continues to be
preserved among them. They are sharp and greatly feared. People submit to them.
Under the influence of royal authority and a life of ease.
2. The second generation changes from the desert attitude to sedentary culture, from
privation to luxury and plenty, from a state in which everybody shared in the glory to
one in which one man claims all the glory for himself while the others are too lazy to
strive for (glory), and from proud superiority to humble subservience. Thus, the vigor
of group feeling is broken to some extent. People become used to lowliness and
obedience. But many of (the old virtues) remain in them, because they had had direct
personal contact with the first generation and its conditions, and had observed with
their own eyes its prowess and striving for glory and its intention to protect and
defend (itself). They cannot give all of it up at once, although a good deal of it may
go. They live in hope that the conditions that existed in the first generation may come
back, or they live under the illusion that those conditions still exist.
3. The third generation, then, has (completely) forgotten the period of desert life and
toughness, as if it had never existed. They have lost (the taste for) the sweetness of
fame and (for) group feeling, because they are dominated by force. Luxury reaches its
peak among them, because they are so much given to a life of prosperity and ease.
They become dependent on the dynasty and are like women and children who need to
be defended (by someone else). Group feeling disappears completely.
Tiga jenjang generasi ini bermula dari padang pasir yang keras, namun sarat akan loyalitas
anggota kelompok, keberanian, kesetiaan, ketangguhan, dan komitmen. Selanjutnya di zaman
generasi kedua, loyalitas anggota kelompok (rakyat) musnah oleh kemewahan kerajaan yang
digenggam berkat usaha keras dari orang-orang generasi awal, namun jejak perjuangan
generasi awal masih terasa di kalangan ksatria yang menua. Hingga pada akhirnya, jejak
perjuangan itu terlupakan di era generasi ketiga. Loyalitas rakyat hilang seutuhnya. Kerajaan
tidak lagi solid. Ksatria tidak lagi segagah dulu. Militer kerajaan menjadi rapuh. Stabilitas
keamanan, politik, ekonomi, dan aspek lainnya terancam. Kerajaan hanya tinggal menunggu
detik-detik kehancurannya.
Ibnu Khaldun membagi tingkatan dinasti ke dalam lima bagian, yaitu sebagai berikut:
1) The first stage is that of success, the overthrow of all opposition, and the
appropriation of royal authority from the preceding dynasty. Kebijakan raja
diperuntukan bagi rakyat dan kemajuan dinastinya. Dinasti masih sarat dengan group
2) The second stage is the one in which the ruler gains complete control over his people,
claims royal authority all for himself, excluding them, and prevents them from trying
to have a share in it. Raja memegang kekuasaan yang otoriter dan sangat haus akan
ekspansi wilayah.
3) The third stage is one of leisure and tranquillity in which the fruits of royal authority
are enjoyed. Raja menikmati buah dari dari kekuasaannya. Raja mulai membangun
dinastinya, menata kota, membuat hukum, menetapkan pajak, dan sebagainya.
4) The fourth stage is one of contentment and peacefulness. The ruler is content with
what his predecessors have built. He lives in peace with all his royal peers.
5) The fifth stage is one of waste and squandering. In this stage, the ruler wastes on
pleasures and amusements (the treasures) accumulated by his ancestors, through
(excessive) generosity to his inner circle and at their parties. Kehidupan yang serba
mewah menggorogoti mental para pemimpin dinasti dan tidak menutup kemungkinan
juga rakyatnya.
Selanjutnya Ibnu Khaldun membedakan antara negara yang dipimpin oleh khalifah (khilafah)
dan negara yang dipimpin oleh imam (imamah). Ia juga menguraikan fungsi dari pedang dan
pena bagi dinasti, dan karakter dinasti yang ideal. Materi yang paling penulis soroti adalah
materi tentang ketidakadilan. Menurut Ibnu Khaldun: Injustice should not be understood to
imply only the confiscation of money or other property from the owners, without
compensation and without cause. It is commonly understood in that way, but it is something
more general than that. Whoever takes someone's property, or uses him for forced labor, or
presses an unjustified claim against him, or imposes upon him a duty not required by the
religious law, does an injustice to that particular person. People who collect unjustified taxes
commit an injustice. Those who infringe upon property (rights) commit an injustice. Those
who take away property commit an injustice. Those who deny people their rights commit an
injustice. Those who, in general, take property by force, commit an injustice. It is the dynasty
that suffers from all these acts, in as much as civilization, which is the substance of the
dynasty, is ruined when people have lost all incentive. Ibnu Khaldun menjelaskan dengan
gamblang apa itu ketidakadilan. Ia meletakan konsep keadilan yang komprehensif dan jelas
batasannya, serta menegaskan akibat dari lost all incentive (masyarakat yang dirugikan oleh
peraturan pajak pemerintah).
Chapter IV : Sedentary civilization, countries, and cities.
Bahasan pertama: Dinasti sangat penting bagi kota. Kota ialah produk dari dinasti. Membuat
sebuah kota merupakan konsekuensi dari eksistensi dinasti. Tidak hanya membuat, dinasti
juga bertanggung jawab dalam membangun kota tersebut. Umur dinasti menentukan pula
umur kota yang dibuat dan dibangunnya. Matinya suatu dinasti berarti mati pula kota-
kotanya. Kedua: Dinasti menghendaki diciptakannya perkampungan. Dinasti membutuhkan
wilayah yang bisa diklaim menjadi wilayah kekuasaannya, sehingga dinasti bisa bertahan dari
serangan musuh apabila orangnya bertambah seiring dengan bertambahnya wilayah
kekuasaan. Lebih jauh lagi, banyaknya wilayah dapat menakuti para musuh yang hendak
menyerang alias semakin memperkuat posisi dinasti yang bersangkutan.
Chapter V : Crafts, ways of making a living, gainful occupations, and their various
Bagian ini akan membahas perekonomian masyarakat secara khusus. Dari sinilah, kita akan
menemukan pemikiran Ibnu Khaldun terkait ekonomi Islam. Bagian ini memiliki satu sub
bagian yang berjudul “The real meaning and explanation of sustenance and profit. Profit is
the value realized from human labor” yakni arti dan penjelasan laba dan makanan
(konsumsi) yang benar. Laba adalah nilai yang disadari dari kegiatan manusia sebagai
pekerja. Pokok-pokok pemikiran Ibnu Khaldun pada bagian ini di antaranya ialah:
1. Pada dasarnya manusia adalah makhluk konsumtif dan rakus. Allah berfirman dalam
al-Quran: "He created for you everything that is in the heavens and on earth. He
subjected the sun and the moon to you. He subjected the sea to you. He subjected the
firmament to you. He subjected the animals to you." Allah menciptakan segala
sesuatu yang ada di bumi ini tidak lain adalah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia.
Karenanya, manusia itu tidak memiliki sesuatu apa pun, yang ada untuknya adalah
titipan Allah. Manusia hanya sebagai perwakilan Allah dan bertanggung jawab atas
kerusakan yang terjadi di bumi, jika kerusakan itu ditimbulkan olehnya. "God is rich,
but you are poor."
2. Manusia saling membutuhkan satu sama lain. Untuk menunjang kebutuhannya,
mereka bisa menukar barang yang mereka miliki dengan barang milik orang lain yang
mereka butuhkan. Muqadimah menulis: Every man tries to get things; in this all men
are alike. Thus, whatever is obtained by one is denied to the other, unless he gives
something in exchange (for it).
3. Makanan (konsumsi) dan keuntungan (profit) memiliki perbedaan prinsipil. Makanan
ialah apa yang dikonsumsi oleh manusia dari hasil yang ia dapatkan setelah
melakukan usaha. Namun, usahanya tersebut tidak secara murni diusahakan oleh
manusia, tapi juga oleh campur tangan Allah di dalamnya. Misalnya, seorang petani
yang mengandalkan hujan, dan lain sebagainya. Sedangkan keuntungan dihasilkan
“sepenuhnya” oleh usaha manusia itu sendiri, dan hasilnya tidak digunakan untuk
mengonsumsi sesuatu. Berikut kutipannya: When the use of such accruing or acquired
(gain) reverts to a particular human being and he enjoys its fruits by spending it upon
his interests and needs, it is called “sustenance”. "When (a person) does not use (his
income) for any of his interests and needs, it is not called "sustenance." (The part of
the income) that is obtained by a person through his own effort and strength is called
"profit." Ibnu Khaldun menekankan bahwa keuntungan ialah hasil dari usaha manusia
untuk memaksimalkan produksinya dan dari kesungguhan untuk memperoleh
keuntungan tersebut. Konsekuensinya, keahlian manusia menjadi hal utama yang
diperlukan dalam memperoleh keuntungan, keahlian manusia pun menjadi salah satu
faktor produksi. Seorang “bos” mau tidak mau mesti memerhatikan nilai (value) dari
faktor produksi ini. Ibnu Khaldun menyebut tenaga kerja manusia (human labor)
sebagai acquired capital (modal yang diperoleh). Saking pentingnya, nilai tenaga
kerja manusia menjadi modal pokok dalam kegiatan produksi. Produksi tidak akan
ada tanpa tenaga kerja, keuntungan produksi tidak akan diperoleh tanpa nilai tenaga
kerja. Muqadimah mengungkapkan: If the profit results from something other than a
craft, the value of the resulting profit and acquired (capital) must (also) include the
value of the labor by which it was obtained. Without labor, it would not have been
Chapter VI : Sciences, their acquisition and study.
Ibnu Khaldun menegaskan bahwa manusia dianugerahi akal. Karenanya, manusia adalah
makhluk sempurna yang dibedakan dengan makhluk lainnya. Namun daya pikir ini memiliki
jenjang. Jenjang yang pertama seperti yang dijelaskan dalam kutipan ialah “man's
intellectual understanding of the things that exist in the outside world in a natural or arbitrary
order, so that he may try to arrange them with the help of his own power”. Jenjang kedua
ialah the ability to think which provides man with the ideas and the behavior needed in
dealing with his fellow men and in leading them. Dan, jenjang ketiga ialah the ability to think
which provides the knowledge, or hypothetical knowledge, of an object beyond sense
perception without any practical activity (going with it).
Saya pahami bahwa jenjang pertama berarti kemampuan seseorang dalam mengenali benda
yang ada disekitarnya, jenjang kedua berarti kemampuan sosial seseorang, dan yang terakhir
berarti kemampuan berpikir dan berkreasi. Ibnu Khaldun juga sepakat dengan peribahasa
yang berbunyi "The beginning of action is the end of thinking, and the beginning of thinking
is the end of action." Artinya, tindakan yang dilakukan manusia dan segala materi yang
dilihat dan dirasakan manusia merupakan produk akal atau berpikir. Sebelum benda-benda
yang dibuat oleh manusia menjadi materi, manusia terlebih dahulu memikirkan cara
Sub bagian terakhir dari bagian ini menguraikan tentang the experimental intellect and how it
comes into, yakni proses belajar atau berpikir. Namun penulis akan menguraikannya di lain
Pada intinya, Muqadimah berisi tentang produk akal manusia yang meliputi ilmu
pengetahuan dan keahlian, dan fitrah manusia sebagai makhluk sosial, politik, dan ekonomi.
Karena ini manusia menciptakan kota, dinasti, dan barang konsumsi guna menunjang
kecenderungannya sebagai makhluk sosial, politik, dan ekonomi. Manusia pun membutuhkan
ini untuk melestarikan hidupnya dan menemukan makna hidup. Demikianlah ringkasan kitab
Muqadimah Ibnu Khaldun.
God said: "He gave everything its natural characteristics, and then guided it."

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Rangkuman Kitab Muqadimah (Ibnu Khaldun)

  • 1. Rangkuman Kitab Muqadimah (Ibnu Khaldun) Oleh: Tita Novitasari (11140460000046) Hukum Ekonomi Syariah Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum This book, now, we are going to explain such various aspects of civilization that affect human beings in their social organization, as royal authority, gainful occupation, sciences, and crafts, (all) in the light of various arguments that will show the true nature of the varied knowledge of the elite and the common people, repel misgivings, and remove doubts. We say that man is distinguished from the other living beings by certain qualities peculiar to him, namely: (1) Sciences and crafts which result from that ability to think which distinguishes man from the other animals and exalts him as a thinking being over all creatures. (2) The need for restraining influence and strong authority, since man, alone of all the animals, cannot exist without them. It is true, something has been said (in this connection about bees and locusts. However, if they have something similar, it comes to them through inspiration, not through thinking or reflection. (3) Man's efforts to make a living and his concern with the various ways of obtaining and acquiring the means of (life). This is the result of man's need for food to keep alive and subsist, which God instilled in him, guiding him to desire and seek a livelihood. God said: "He gave everything its natural characteristics, and then guided it." The discussion in this work falls naturally under six chapter headings: a. On human civilization in general, its various kinds, and the portion of the earth that is civilized. b. On desert civilization, including a report on the tribes and savage nations. c. On dynasties, the caliphate, and royal authority, including a discussion of government ranks. d. On sedentary civilization, countries, and cities. e. On crafts, ways of making a living, gainful occupations, and their various aspects. f. On the sciences, their acquisition and study.
  • 2. Chapter I : Human civilization in general, its various kinds, and the portion of the earth that is civilized. Poin-poin untuk bagian ini di antaranya ialah: 1. Manusia adalah makhluk yang suka sekali berpolitik. Ibnu Khaldun mengutip ungkapan orang Yunani yang menyatakan bahwa "Man is `political' by nature." That is, he cannot do without the social organization for which the philosophers use the technical term "town" (polis). Yakni, secara alami manusia memang selalu berpolitik. Oleh karenanya, manusia tidak bisa menyalurkan nalurinya ini tanpa organisasi sosial. Filosof biasa menyebut organisasi sosial tersebut sebagai polis yang artinya kota. Jadi, menurut Ibnu Khaldun peradaban (Civilitation) adalah karakter utama dari organisasi sosial manusia (the necessary character of human social organization). 2. Manusia berlomba-lomba dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pokoknya terhadap makanan. Menurut Ibnu Khaldun: God created and fashioned man in a form that can live and subsist only with the help of food. He guided man to a natural desire for food and instilled in him the power that enables him to obtain it. Namun, manusia tidak mungkin menciptakan makanannya sendiri. Misalnya dalam bercocok tanam, manusia membutuhkan banyak peralatan pertanian, sehingga ia membutuhkan bantuan orang lain untuk menyediakan peralatan yang ia butuhkan itu. Karenanya, pembagian kerja (division of labor) di antara sekelompok manusia yang tinggal di suatu wilayah itu diperlukan. Ungkapan Ibnu Khaldun mengenai hal ini ialah: However, the power of the individual human being is not sufficient for him to obtain (the food) he needs, and does not provide him with as much food as he requires to live. Even if we assume an absolute minimum of food-that is, food enough for one day, (a little) wheat, for instance-that amount of food could be obtained only after much preparation such as grinding, kneading, and baking. Each of these three operations requires utensils and tools that can be provided only with the help of several crafts, such as the crafts of the blacksmith, the carpenter, and the potter. Assuming that a man could eat unprepared grain, an even greater number of operations would be necessary in order to obtain the grain: sowing and reaping, and threshing to separate it from the husks of the ear. Each of these operations requires a number of tools and many more crafts than those just mentioned. It is beyond the power of one man alone to do all that, or (even) part of it, by himself. Thus, he cannot do without a combination of many powers from among his fellow beings, if he is to obtain food for himself and for them. Through
  • 3. cooperation, the needs of a number of persons, many times greater than their own (number), can be satisfied. 3. Untuk menciptakan sebuah kota, manusia membutuhkan seseorang yang mampu menjaga stabilitas kota itu sendiri. Itulah mengapa, dalam sebuah kota, pasti ada seseorang yang mendominasi kota dan mampu mengamankan kota. Berikut kutipannya: He must dominate them and have power and authority over them, so that no one of them will be able to attack another. This is the meaning of royal authority. Yakni orang itu harus mendominasi masyarakat kota, memiliki kekuatan dan otoritas terhadap mereka, maka dengan ini, keamanan kota akan terjamin. Inilah yang disebut dengan otoritas raja. Chapter II : Desert (Bedouin) civilization, including a report on the tribes and savage nations. Poin yang dibahas dalam bagian ini adalah: 1. Both Bedouins and sedentary people are natural groups (kelompok yang nomaden maupun yang menetap adalah kelompok yang terbentuk secara alami). Manusia memiliki kemampuan, keahlian, atau kecenderungan yang berbeda satu sama lain. Sebagian ahli di bidang pertanian dan perkebunan. Sebagian yang lain ahli dalam peternakan. Karenanya, kebutuhan yang mereka perlukan untuk mengoptimalkan itu semua pun berbeda. Ada yang mesti menetap, dan ada yang mesti berpindah-pindah atau tinggal di padang pasir yang luas. 2. Only tribes held together by group feeling can live in the desert (hanya suku yang bisa bekerja sama dan loyal yang bisa hidup di padang pasir). Kerasnya kehidupan yang harus dijalani oleh suku Badui menjadikan suku ini loyal terhadap keluarga dan sukunya. Mereka saling menjaga dan melindungi dari bahaya yang seringkali muncul di padang pasir. 3. Group feeling results only from (blood) relationship or something corresponding to it. Secara otomatis, manusia akan menjaga keluarganya guna menjaga harga diri (gengsi) keluarganya tersebut. Dari sinilah lahir perasaan atau cita yang sejalan di hati para anggota keluarga (group feeling). 4. Leadership over people who share in a given group feeling cannot be vested in those not of the same descent.
  • 4. Ibnu Khaldun menerangkan: This is because leadership exists only through superiority, and superiority only through group feeling, as we have mentioned before. Lebih jauh lagi ia menyatakan bahwa Leadership must of necessity be inherited from the person who is entitled to it, in accordance with the fact, which we have stated, that superiority results from group feeling. 5. The goal to which group feeling leads is royal authority. Sebagaimana yang sudah dijelaskan dalam bagian pertama bahwa manusia membutuhkan orang yang mampu menjaga stabilitas kota. Orang yang mereka butuhkan merupakan orang yang memiliki kelebihan di antara yang lain, atau di antara orang-orang yang sejalan dengannya (group feeling). Pada akhirnya, group feeling ini bermuara pada kekuasaan dalam bentuk kerajaan yang monarki. Keluarga yang paling superior akan menguasai keluarga lain yang tergabung di kotanya. Chapter III : Dynasties, the caliphate, and royal authority, including a discussion of government ranks. Dalam bagian ini akan diuraikan mengenai negara-negara secara umum, kerajaan, khilafah, dan jenjang-jenjang kekuasaan. Juga diuraikan sebab-sebab yang menumbuhkan kekuasaan, cara mengukuhkan negara, dan sebab-sebab yang membuat runtuhnya suatu negara. Sebagaimana yang sudah dijelaskan dalam bagian sebelumnya, bahwa orang rela bertarung dan mati demi nama baik kelompok atau keluarganya. Sebuah kerajaan dilahirkan dari kesetiaan kelompok (group feeling)1. Namun, dalam perkembangannya suatu kerajaan sering kali lupa pada apa yang melahirkannya tersebut. Rakyat yang menopang eksistensi kerajaan malah banyak yang tertindas dan ditindas. Padahal tanpa Allah dan rakyat, kerajaan bukanlah apa-apa. Ibnu Khaldun dalam Muqadimah menyatakan dengan tegas: Group feeling is no longer needed to establish their power. They do not know how it was at the beginning and what difficulties had to be overcome by the founder of (the dynasty). The inhabitants of Spain especially have forgotten group feeling and its influence, because so long a time has passed, and because as a rule they have no need of the power of group feeling, since their country has been annihilated and is depleted of tribal groups. Ibnu Khaldun memperkuat pendapatnya ini dengan beberapa contoh berikut ini: 1 Jika kita korelasikan dengan Indonesia, group feeling bisa berarti rasa nasionalisme.
  • 5. a. Something of the sort happened to the 'Abbasids. The group feeling of the Arabs had been destroyed by the time of the reign of al-Mu'tasim and his son, al-Wathiq. They tried to maintain their hold over the government thereafter with the help of Persian, Turkish, Daylam, Saljuq, and other clients. Then, the Persians (non-Arabs) and clients gained power over the provinces (of the realm). The influence of the dynasty grew smaller, and no longer extended beyond the environs of Baghdad. Eventually, the Daylam closed in upon (that area) and took possession of it. The caliphs were ruled by them. Then (the Daylam), in turn, lost control. The Saljugs seized power after the Daylam, and the (caliphs) were ruled by them. Then (the Saljugs), in turn, lost control. Finally, the Tatars closed in. They killed the caliph and wiped out every vestige of the dynasty. b. The same happened to the Sinhajah in the Maghrib. Their group feeling was destroyed in the fifth [eleventh] century, or before that. Dynastic (power), but of decreasing importance, was maintained by them in al-Mahdiyah, in Bougie, in al-Qal'ah, and in the other frontier cities of Ifriqiyah. Frequently, some rival aspirant to royal authority would attack these frontier cities and entrench himself in them. Yet, they retained government and royal authority until God permitted their dynasty to be wiped out. Then the Almohads came, fortified by the strong group feeling among the Masmudah, and obliterated all traces of the (Sinhajah dynasty). c. The same happened to the Umayyad dynasty in Spain. When its Arab group feeling was destroyed, the reyes de taifas (small princes) seized power and divided the territory among themselves. In competition with each other, they distributed among themselves the realm of the (Umayyad) dynasty. Each one of them seized the territory under his control and aggrandized himself. (These rulers) learned of the relations that existed between the non- Arabs (in the East) and the 'Abbasids. (Imitating them,) they adopted royal surnames and used royal trappings. There was no danger that anyone would take (the prerogatives they claimed) away from them or alter (the situation in this respect), because Spain was no (longer the) home of groups and tribes, as we shall mention. Royal authority is a noble and enjoyable position. It comprises all the good things of the world, the pleasures of the body, and the joys of the soul. Therefore, there is, as a rule, great competition for it. Itulah sebabnya, mengapa manusia berlomba-lomba untuk memperoleh kekuasaan dan melupakan tujuan hakiki dari kekuasaan itu sendiri.
  • 6. Ibnu Khaldun mengemukakan bahwa suatu dinasti tidak akan bertahan melebihi tiga generasi. Muqadimah mencatat: We have stated that the duration of the life of a dynasty does not as a rule extend beyond three generations. Berikut uraian tiap jenjang generasi ini: 1. The first generation retains the desert qualities, desert toughness, and desert savagery. (Its members are used to) privation and to sharing their glory (with each other); they are brave and rapacious. Therefore, the strength of group feeling continues to be preserved among them. They are sharp and greatly feared. People submit to them. Under the influence of royal authority and a life of ease. 2. The second generation changes from the desert attitude to sedentary culture, from privation to luxury and plenty, from a state in which everybody shared in the glory to one in which one man claims all the glory for himself while the others are too lazy to strive for (glory), and from proud superiority to humble subservience. Thus, the vigor of group feeling is broken to some extent. People become used to lowliness and obedience. But many of (the old virtues) remain in them, because they had had direct personal contact with the first generation and its conditions, and had observed with their own eyes its prowess and striving for glory and its intention to protect and defend (itself). They cannot give all of it up at once, although a good deal of it may go. They live in hope that the conditions that existed in the first generation may come back, or they live under the illusion that those conditions still exist. 3. The third generation, then, has (completely) forgotten the period of desert life and toughness, as if it had never existed. They have lost (the taste for) the sweetness of fame and (for) group feeling, because they are dominated by force. Luxury reaches its peak among them, because they are so much given to a life of prosperity and ease. They become dependent on the dynasty and are like women and children who need to be defended (by someone else). Group feeling disappears completely. Tiga jenjang generasi ini bermula dari padang pasir yang keras, namun sarat akan loyalitas anggota kelompok, keberanian, kesetiaan, ketangguhan, dan komitmen. Selanjutnya di zaman generasi kedua, loyalitas anggota kelompok (rakyat) musnah oleh kemewahan kerajaan yang digenggam berkat usaha keras dari orang-orang generasi awal, namun jejak perjuangan generasi awal masih terasa di kalangan ksatria yang menua. Hingga pada akhirnya, jejak perjuangan itu terlupakan di era generasi ketiga. Loyalitas rakyat hilang seutuhnya. Kerajaan tidak lagi solid. Ksatria tidak lagi segagah dulu. Militer kerajaan menjadi rapuh. Stabilitas
  • 7. keamanan, politik, ekonomi, dan aspek lainnya terancam. Kerajaan hanya tinggal menunggu detik-detik kehancurannya. Ibnu Khaldun membagi tingkatan dinasti ke dalam lima bagian, yaitu sebagai berikut: 1) The first stage is that of success, the overthrow of all opposition, and the appropriation of royal authority from the preceding dynasty. Kebijakan raja diperuntukan bagi rakyat dan kemajuan dinastinya. Dinasti masih sarat dengan group feeling. 2) The second stage is the one in which the ruler gains complete control over his people, claims royal authority all for himself, excluding them, and prevents them from trying to have a share in it. Raja memegang kekuasaan yang otoriter dan sangat haus akan ekspansi wilayah. 3) The third stage is one of leisure and tranquillity in which the fruits of royal authority are enjoyed. Raja menikmati buah dari dari kekuasaannya. Raja mulai membangun dinastinya, menata kota, membuat hukum, menetapkan pajak, dan sebagainya. 4) The fourth stage is one of contentment and peacefulness. The ruler is content with what his predecessors have built. He lives in peace with all his royal peers. 5) The fifth stage is one of waste and squandering. In this stage, the ruler wastes on pleasures and amusements (the treasures) accumulated by his ancestors, through (excessive) generosity to his inner circle and at their parties. Kehidupan yang serba mewah menggorogoti mental para pemimpin dinasti dan tidak menutup kemungkinan juga rakyatnya. Selanjutnya Ibnu Khaldun membedakan antara negara yang dipimpin oleh khalifah (khilafah) dan negara yang dipimpin oleh imam (imamah). Ia juga menguraikan fungsi dari pedang dan pena bagi dinasti, dan karakter dinasti yang ideal. Materi yang paling penulis soroti adalah materi tentang ketidakadilan. Menurut Ibnu Khaldun: Injustice should not be understood to imply only the confiscation of money or other property from the owners, without compensation and without cause. It is commonly understood in that way, but it is something more general than that. Whoever takes someone's property, or uses him for forced labor, or presses an unjustified claim against him, or imposes upon him a duty not required by the religious law, does an injustice to that particular person. People who collect unjustified taxes commit an injustice. Those who infringe upon property (rights) commit an injustice. Those who take away property commit an injustice. Those who deny people their rights commit an
  • 8. injustice. Those who, in general, take property by force, commit an injustice. It is the dynasty that suffers from all these acts, in as much as civilization, which is the substance of the dynasty, is ruined when people have lost all incentive. Ibnu Khaldun menjelaskan dengan gamblang apa itu ketidakadilan. Ia meletakan konsep keadilan yang komprehensif dan jelas batasannya, serta menegaskan akibat dari lost all incentive (masyarakat yang dirugikan oleh peraturan pajak pemerintah). Chapter IV : Sedentary civilization, countries, and cities. Bahasan pertama: Dinasti sangat penting bagi kota. Kota ialah produk dari dinasti. Membuat sebuah kota merupakan konsekuensi dari eksistensi dinasti. Tidak hanya membuat, dinasti juga bertanggung jawab dalam membangun kota tersebut. Umur dinasti menentukan pula umur kota yang dibuat dan dibangunnya. Matinya suatu dinasti berarti mati pula kota- kotanya. Kedua: Dinasti menghendaki diciptakannya perkampungan. Dinasti membutuhkan wilayah yang bisa diklaim menjadi wilayah kekuasaannya, sehingga dinasti bisa bertahan dari serangan musuh apabila orangnya bertambah seiring dengan bertambahnya wilayah kekuasaan. Lebih jauh lagi, banyaknya wilayah dapat menakuti para musuh yang hendak menyerang alias semakin memperkuat posisi dinasti yang bersangkutan. Chapter V : Crafts, ways of making a living, gainful occupations, and their various aspects. Bagian ini akan membahas perekonomian masyarakat secara khusus. Dari sinilah, kita akan menemukan pemikiran Ibnu Khaldun terkait ekonomi Islam. Bagian ini memiliki satu sub bagian yang berjudul “The real meaning and explanation of sustenance and profit. Profit is the value realized from human labor” yakni arti dan penjelasan laba dan makanan (konsumsi) yang benar. Laba adalah nilai yang disadari dari kegiatan manusia sebagai pekerja. Pokok-pokok pemikiran Ibnu Khaldun pada bagian ini di antaranya ialah: 1. Pada dasarnya manusia adalah makhluk konsumtif dan rakus. Allah berfirman dalam al-Quran: "He created for you everything that is in the heavens and on earth. He subjected the sun and the moon to you. He subjected the sea to you. He subjected the firmament to you. He subjected the animals to you." Allah menciptakan segala sesuatu yang ada di bumi ini tidak lain adalah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia.
  • 9. Karenanya, manusia itu tidak memiliki sesuatu apa pun, yang ada untuknya adalah titipan Allah. Manusia hanya sebagai perwakilan Allah dan bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan yang terjadi di bumi, jika kerusakan itu ditimbulkan olehnya. "God is rich, but you are poor." 2. Manusia saling membutuhkan satu sama lain. Untuk menunjang kebutuhannya, mereka bisa menukar barang yang mereka miliki dengan barang milik orang lain yang mereka butuhkan. Muqadimah menulis: Every man tries to get things; in this all men are alike. Thus, whatever is obtained by one is denied to the other, unless he gives something in exchange (for it). 3. Makanan (konsumsi) dan keuntungan (profit) memiliki perbedaan prinsipil. Makanan ialah apa yang dikonsumsi oleh manusia dari hasil yang ia dapatkan setelah melakukan usaha. Namun, usahanya tersebut tidak secara murni diusahakan oleh manusia, tapi juga oleh campur tangan Allah di dalamnya. Misalnya, seorang petani yang mengandalkan hujan, dan lain sebagainya. Sedangkan keuntungan dihasilkan “sepenuhnya” oleh usaha manusia itu sendiri, dan hasilnya tidak digunakan untuk mengonsumsi sesuatu. Berikut kutipannya: When the use of such accruing or acquired (gain) reverts to a particular human being and he enjoys its fruits by spending it upon his interests and needs, it is called “sustenance”. "When (a person) does not use (his income) for any of his interests and needs, it is not called "sustenance." (The part of the income) that is obtained by a person through his own effort and strength is called "profit." Ibnu Khaldun menekankan bahwa keuntungan ialah hasil dari usaha manusia untuk memaksimalkan produksinya dan dari kesungguhan untuk memperoleh keuntungan tersebut. Konsekuensinya, keahlian manusia menjadi hal utama yang diperlukan dalam memperoleh keuntungan, keahlian manusia pun menjadi salah satu faktor produksi. Seorang “bos” mau tidak mau mesti memerhatikan nilai (value) dari faktor produksi ini. Ibnu Khaldun menyebut tenaga kerja manusia (human labor) sebagai acquired capital (modal yang diperoleh). Saking pentingnya, nilai tenaga kerja manusia menjadi modal pokok dalam kegiatan produksi. Produksi tidak akan ada tanpa tenaga kerja, keuntungan produksi tidak akan diperoleh tanpa nilai tenaga kerja. Muqadimah mengungkapkan: If the profit results from something other than a craft, the value of the resulting profit and acquired (capital) must (also) include the value of the labor by which it was obtained. Without labor, it would not have been acquired.
  • 10. Chapter VI : Sciences, their acquisition and study. Ibnu Khaldun menegaskan bahwa manusia dianugerahi akal. Karenanya, manusia adalah makhluk sempurna yang dibedakan dengan makhluk lainnya. Namun daya pikir ini memiliki jenjang. Jenjang yang pertama seperti yang dijelaskan dalam kutipan ialah “man's intellectual understanding of the things that exist in the outside world in a natural or arbitrary order, so that he may try to arrange them with the help of his own power”. Jenjang kedua ialah the ability to think which provides man with the ideas and the behavior needed in dealing with his fellow men and in leading them. Dan, jenjang ketiga ialah the ability to think which provides the knowledge, or hypothetical knowledge, of an object beyond sense perception without any practical activity (going with it). Saya pahami bahwa jenjang pertama berarti kemampuan seseorang dalam mengenali benda yang ada disekitarnya, jenjang kedua berarti kemampuan sosial seseorang, dan yang terakhir berarti kemampuan berpikir dan berkreasi. Ibnu Khaldun juga sepakat dengan peribahasa yang berbunyi "The beginning of action is the end of thinking, and the beginning of thinking is the end of action." Artinya, tindakan yang dilakukan manusia dan segala materi yang dilihat dan dirasakan manusia merupakan produk akal atau berpikir. Sebelum benda-benda yang dibuat oleh manusia menjadi materi, manusia terlebih dahulu memikirkan cara membuatnya. Sub bagian terakhir dari bagian ini menguraikan tentang the experimental intellect and how it comes into, yakni proses belajar atau berpikir. Namun penulis akan menguraikannya di lain kesempatan. Penutup Pada intinya, Muqadimah berisi tentang produk akal manusia yang meliputi ilmu pengetahuan dan keahlian, dan fitrah manusia sebagai makhluk sosial, politik, dan ekonomi. Karena ini manusia menciptakan kota, dinasti, dan barang konsumsi guna menunjang kecenderungannya sebagai makhluk sosial, politik, dan ekonomi. Manusia pun membutuhkan ini untuk melestarikan hidupnya dan menemukan makna hidup. Demikianlah ringkasan kitab Muqadimah Ibnu Khaldun. God said: "He gave everything its natural characteristics, and then guided it."