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inBloom, Inc.
Server to Cloud
Convert a legacy platform to a micro-PaaS using Docker
Todd Fritz
April 15. 2014
inBloom, Inc.
• Whoami
• Important Announcement
• Background
• Containers
• Create Local Environment
• Using Vagrant
• Using Docker
• Graphical Interfaces for Docker
• Shipyard
• Two Container Example
• Advanced Docker
• Questions
• References
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inBloom, Inc.
Bio: http://www.linkedin/com/in/tfritz
• Software Architect at inBloom
 The opinions contained within this presentation may not represent my employer, but
I think they should.
• Evangelist of layered, distributed, Message-oriented-Middleware
• Current focus is middleware through caching, noSQL data store
• Exposed to different companies, projects, people and technologies
• Novice bass player
• Recent father of a five month old
• Scuba diver; next adventure:
APRIL 2014 2
No sleep for you!
inBloom, Inc.
Important Announcement
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Today is April 15th...
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And, I am not a Dev Ops specialist.
Just took an interest and within a few weeks this is
what I learned.
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APRIL 2014 6
inBloom, Inc.
Note: This presentation will available via slideshare after
This talk is part two of:
 Presented at Great Wide Open, April 3, 2014
Some files used while compiling this presentation
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Approach the Legacy Monolith
APRIL 2014 8
I’m a proud stovepipe,
just bolted together,
vroom vroom vroom vroom vroom.
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Decompose the Monolith
APRIL 2014 9
Oh, nooo... My
job security...
inBloom, Inc.
Assemble a Decoupled, Modular System
APRIL 2014 10
I have free weeknights
and weekends now...
inBloom, Inc.
Replacing a legacy system. Decompose. Analyze.
Employ an iterative methodology
 Leverage existing knowledge and literature
 Some analysis before
 Decompose and modularize (scale cube)
 Separation of concerns
 Proof of concepts are your friend
Deployment environments
 Private servers
 Cloud (private, public)
 Hybrid
Platform architectures
 Legacy
 PaaS
 xPaaS
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xPaaS Topology
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Enables specialization, layering, separated concerns, decoupling
inBloom, Inc.
APRIL 2014 13
inBloom, Inc.
Container Technologies (VEs)
• Warden (Cloud Foundry)
• Docker (from dotCloud, cloudlets)
• Google LMCTFY (let me contain that for you)
 december, 2013
• OpenVZ
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Virtual Environment (Container)
vs. Virtual Machine
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Docker (per Wikipedia) (1/2)
• Automates the deployment of applications inside
software containers.
• Extends Linux Containers (LXC) with a high-level API
to provide a lightweight virtualization solution that runs
processes in isolation.
• Utilizes LXC, cgroups, and the kernel itself –
• Unlike traditional virtual machines it does not include a
separate operating system.
• Kernel provides resource isolation (CPU, memory,
block I/O, network, etc.) and separate namespaces to
completely isolate application's view of the operating
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Docker (per Wikipedia) (2/2)
Docker containers can be used to extend distributed
systems so they run autonomously on a single
physical machine, or with a single instance per node.
Enables nodes to be deployed as resources are
available to provide a seamless platform as a service
(PaaS) – style deployment for systems like Apache
Cassandra, Riak and related distributed systems.’
Integrates with Chef, Puppet, Vagrant, Nova, etc.
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Docker is a micro container framework for PaaS
• Open-source
• Easier scalability
• Lightweight, portable, insulated containers
• Reusable from dev (“local cloud”) through production
• Can run at scale on VMs, bare metal, cloud; virtually
• Encapsulate any payload (application)
• Run consistently on and between virtually any server
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inBloom, Inc.
How it Works
• Docker builds on lxc which offers system-level virtualization and has existed since
linux 2.6.32 (December, 2009) – but prefer kernel 3.8+
• Docker has three parts
 docker daemon runs as root to manage containers
 docker containers spawn from images, which are tiny and can be versioned
 docker repository allows images to be exchanged and versioned like code
(public or private)
• Each container has its own ip address
• Link exposed ports and variables across containers through configuration using
abassador containers to avoid hard coding (svendowideit):
 consumer  redis-ambassador  redis
• Port and pipework to expose containers outside host
• Can share volumes, multi home, integrate containers into host network, and much
more (ajug)
• Continuous integration can generate versioned docker images, web hooks, repo
• Supervisor management tool to manage processes within container
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Docker Uses
• Common use cases:
 Automate application packaging and deployment
 Lightweight PaaS environments
 Automate testing, continuous integration, and deployment
 Deploy and scale web apps, databases, backend services
• Growing adoption since dec 2013
• Red Hat fast-tracks Docker apps for enterprise Linux
• Production ready deployment planned for December, 2014.
 Support services planned for early 2015
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Reusable Containers and Cook Books
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A Docker container image may already exist
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Docker Basics
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Artifactory for virtualization images?
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Docker Images
• The basic building block of a Docker container
• Analogous to a slice of a VM image, containing
application code or binaries, as well as the execution
environment and dependencies
• Images may be built atop each other
• An image contains only the incremental changes
required to transform its base image to the state
required by the image
• May contain metadata, such as how to run what is
inside the image, expose ports, etc
• Acts as an instantiable container template
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Docker Containers
• The result of starting a running process from an
image and its dependencies
• Represent a single process or service
• Intra-container communication via sockets (Docker
links). Containers can talk to each other.
• Familiar lifecycle: started, stopped, or kill
• Can create images from previously run
containers, to persist changes made while
container was executing
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New in Docker 0.9
• Execution driver API
 Customize execution environment around container; enables
use of other isolation tools
• Built in execution container – libcontainer
 Alongside LXC, boosts stability, insulates Docker from different
versions of LXC
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But...we have Chef (or <other>)...
(Do not upset Dev Ops, ever...)
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Step Away from the Ledge...
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Image from the movie “The Lair of Filth” – no pun intended...
inBloom, Inc.
Chef & Docker
• Docker is new and not ready for Production (yet)
• Docker is for light Virtual Images
• Chef for Virtual Machines
• Chef is tried and true
• Chef proven for provisioning VMs or changes to
existing machines (small or complex)
• Chef and Docker can be used together
 Example: The Deis framework scales Chef nodes and
Docker containers. But both are new.
 Several other options including Tsuru (open source PaaS)
• Docker useful to encapsulate applications or services
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“The Docker Book”
Not yet released, but available for pre-order
1. Introduction to Docker
2. Installing Docker
3. Getting started with Docker
4. Working with Docker images and repositories
5. Testing with Docker
6. Building services with Docker
7. Using the Docker API
8. Extending Docker
Also useful
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Docker Deep Dive
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Create Local Environment
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Install Prerequisites
• Talk will focus on VM which fits more deployment scenarios
• Install VirtualBox (4.3.x)
 Download and install into Host OS
• Github repo for demo
• Install Vagrant (1.5.x) – used for this talk
 Download and install into Host OS
 Available Boxes:
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Running Docker
APRIL 2014 35
Common use case is to run within a VM
 Optional if host OS is Linux (e.g. Ubuntu)
 Benefit: A configured VM can be exported
 OS X users can try boot2docker
• “lighter” than VM, uses tiny core linux (24 Mb)
• brew install boot2docker
• Has limitations so not used in this talk (better for PoCs)
inBloom, Inc.
Create an Account with the Docker Index
Sure looks like Maven Central. Versioned containers.
From a host with Docker installed:
$ docker login
Username (): myusername
Email ():
Login Succeeded
credentials are stored after login
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Search the Index
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Search the Docker Index for images to reuse. (You may find places to contribute
back images to the open source public repository.)
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Command Line Search
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Use search and be curious, for example, what has the founder of Docker pushed?
You can download containers to reuse or examine contents for ideas.
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Pull an Image
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The index figures out the details.
Can also push images, etc.
inBloom, Inc.
Create a Private Repo
git clone
cd docker-registry
cp config_sample.yml config.yml
pip install -r requirements.txt
gunicorn --access-logfile - --log-level debug --debug -b -w 1 wsgi:application
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inBloom, Inc.
Configure Private Repo
cp config/config_sample.yml config/config.yml
Example config:
loglevel: warn
storage: s3
s3_access_key: _env:AWS_S3_ACCESS_KEY
s3_secret_key: _env:AWS_S3_SECRET_KEY
s3_bucket: _env:AWS_S3_BUCKET
storage_path: /srv/docker
smtp_host: localhost
APRIL 2014 41
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Pull from Public Push to Private Repo
# First, make sure you have the "ubuntu" repository:
docker pull ubuntu
# Find the image id that corresponds to the ubuntu repository
docker images | grep ubuntu | grep latest
ubuntu latest 8dbd9e392a96 12 weeks ago 263 MB (virtual
263 MB)
# Tag to create a repository with the full registry location.
# The location becomes a permanent part of the repository
docker tag 8dbd9e392a96 localhost.localdomain:5000/ubuntu
# Finally, push the new repository to its home location.
docker push localhost.localdomain:5000/ubuntu
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• Dockerfiles are used to build containers by scripting
actions to make up each layer of an image
• Not as powerful as traditional configuration
management software
• For example, in discrete steps you can instruct Docker
to build an image by taking a default Ubuntu image,
apt-get installing several dependencies, and then
adding your application code. Each Dockerfile
command creates a new image layer, and clever
structuring of the commands will allow them to
becached and re-used.
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Anatomy of a Dockerfile (1/2)
# Always comment your code
FROM ubuntu
RUN echo "deb precise main
universe" > /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y memcached
The first line in a Dockerfile is FROM, which defines the base image (e.g.
obtained via a docker search).
RUN instructions execute any command against the current image and
commits. Commands can be layered to conform to version control paradigms.
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Anatomy of a Dockerfile (2/2)
The ENTRYPOINT instruction triggers a command when the container
# Launch memcached when launching the container
ENTRYPOINT ["memcached", "-u", "daemon"]
May want ENTRYPOINT instructions to run as user other than root.
ENTRYPOINT ["memcached"]
USER daemon
The EXPOSE instruction exposes a port outside the container
EXPOSE 11211
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Building an Image from a Dockerfile
If Dockerfile is in current directory
docker build .
From stdin
docker build - < Dockerfile
From github
docker build
Then, do a “docker images” to view
ubuntu 12.04 8dbd9e392a96 4 months ago 131.5 MB
(virtual 131.5 MB)
<none> <none> 1dcfa24c8ca6 About a minute ago 52.27 MB
(virtual 183.8 MB)
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Name the New Image
The new image lacks a name, so give it one
docker tag 1dcfa24c8ca6 memcached
Using the –t with build removes the added step
docker build -t memcached .
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Create VM
clone git repo for this talk (OS X example)
$ cd ~/Projects
$ git clone git://
$ cd AJUG-2014-04-15-docker/01_create_env
Create VM using provided Vagrantfile
 Preconfigured to setup Docker
 Vagrant’s Docker Provisioner is your friend
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
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Vagrantfile (1/2)
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know
what you're doing!
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = "phusion-open-ubuntu-12.04-amd64"
config.vm.box_url = "https://oss-"
config.vm.box_check_update = true
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v| = "docker1"
v.memory = 8192
v.cpus = 4
APRIL 2014 49
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Vagrantfile (2/2)
# Install Docker
pkg_cmd = "wget -q -O - | apt-key add -;" 
"echo deb docker main >
"apt-get update -qq; apt-get install -q -y --force-yes lxc-docker; ”
# Add vagrant user to the docker group
pkg_cmd << "usermod -a -G docker vagrant; ”
config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => pkg_cmd
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
for i in 8000..9000 "forwarded_port", guest: i, host: i
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Using Vagrant
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Vagrant CLI (1/4)
A brief overview of Vagrant commands; not intended
to replace other Production tools.
$ vagrant [options] <command> [<args>]
-v, --version Print the version and exit.
-h, --help Print this help.
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Vagrant CLI (2/4)
Common commands
box manages boxes: installation, removal, etc.
connect connect to a remotely shared Vagrant environment
destroy stops and deletes all traces of the vagrant machine
halt stops the vagrant machine
help shows the help for a subcommand
init initializes a new Vagrant environment by creating a Vagrantfile
login log in to Vagrant Cloud
package packages a running vagrant environment into a box
plugin manages plugins: install, uninstall, update, etc.
provision provisions the vagrant machine
reload restarts vagrant machine, loads new Vagrantfile configuration
resume resume a suspended vagrant machine
share share your Vagrant environment with anyone in the world
ssh connects to machine via SSH
ssh-config outputs OpenSSH valid configuration to connect to the machine
status outputs status of the vagrant machine
suspend suspends the machine
up starts and provisions the vagrant environment
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Vagrant CLI (3/4)
For help on any individual command
vagrant <command> -h
Or to see subcommand features
vagrant box <subcommand> -h
To see all subcommands
vagrant list-commands
APRIL 2014 54
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Vagrant CLI (4/4)
$ vagrant package –h
Usage: vagrant package [options] [name]
--base NAME Name of a VM in virtualbox to package as a base box
--output NAME Name of the file to output
--include FILE... Additional files to package with the box
--vagrantfile FILE Vagrantfile to package with the box
-h, --help Print this help
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Vagrant Plugins
vagrant plugin install --plugin-source --plugin-
prerelease vagrant-vbguestvagrant
vagrant plugin install vagrant-winnfsd
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Export a Vagrant Box
Once your VM is setup and configured, you can create
an image from it
$ vagrant package --base my_base_box
To export a Vagrant box
$ vagrant box add my_box
$ mkdir test_environment
$ cd test_environment
$ vagrant init my_box
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
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Install Docker
whale you be my container?
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It already is...
(starting with a “bare” base box may required more
effort to setup the OS, install components)
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Verify the Installation
vagrant@ubuntu-12:/vagrant$ docker info
Containers: 0
Images: 0
Storage Driver: aufs
Root Dir: /var/lib/docker/aufs
Dirs: 0
Execution Driver: native-0.1
Kernel Version: 3.8.0-35-generic
vagrant@ubuntu-12:/vagrant$ docker pull busybox
vagrant@ubuntu-12:/vagrant$ docker info
Containers: 0
Images: 4
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Testing Docker
Hello World
vagrant@ubuntu-12:/vagrant$ sudo docker pull busybox
docker run busybox /bin/echo hello world
C1=$(sudo docker run -d ubuntu /bin/sh -c "while
true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done”)
docker ps list
docker logs `C1`
APRIL 2014 61
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Docker Container Lifecycle
docker run creates a container.
docker stop stops it.
docker start will start it again.
docker restart restarts a container.
docker rm deletes a container.
docker kill sends a SIGKILL to a container. Has issues.
docker attach will connect to a running container.
docker wait blocks until container stops.
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Container Info
docker ps shows running containers.
docker inspect looks at all the info on a container (including IP address).
docker logs gets logs from container.
docker events gets events from container.
docker port shows public facing port of container.
docker top shows running processes in container.
docker diff shows changed files in the container's FS.
Import / Export
No easy way to use Docker to import files into a container filesystem
• Could use something like Cargo within a container to push in artifacts
docker cp copies files or folders out of container filesystem
docker export creates tarball from container filesystem
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Docker Image Lifecycle
docker images shows all images
docker import creates an image from a tarball
docker build creates image from Dockerfile
docker commit creates image from a container
docker rmi removes an image
docker insert inserts a file from URL into image. (kind of odd, you'd think
images would be immutable after create)
docker load loads an image from a tar archive as STDIN, including images and
tags (as of 0.7)
docker save saves an image to a tar archive stream to STDOUT with all parent
layers, tags & versions (as of 0.7)
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15 Docker Tips
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Graphical Interfaces for Docker
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Two main options for a graphical UI to manage
 Shipyard
 DockerUI
Shipyard allows containers to be
managed, linked, and inspected via a UI
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Shipyard features
• Multiple host support
• Create / Delete containers
• View Images
• Build Images (via uploaded Dockerfile or URL)
• Import repositories
• Private containers
• Container metadata (description, etc.)
• Applications: bind containers to applications that are setup
with hipache
• Attach container (terminal emulation in the browser)
• Container recovery (mark container as "protected" and it
will auto-restart upon fail/destroy/stop)
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Shipyard (1/2)
1 line to install within a docker host:
docker run -i -t -v
/var/run/docker.sock:/docker.sock shipyard/deploy
Shipyard Stack Deployed
You should be able to login with
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Shipyard (2/2)
Within each container to shipyard manage you will also need to setup and register the Shipyard Agent.
See for details.
Download to the host:
sudo curl
agent/releases/download/v0.2.5/shipyard-agent -L -o /usr/local/bin/shipyard-agent
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/shipyard-agent
Register the host:
./shipyard-agent -url http://myshipyardhost:shipyardport -register
vagrant@ubuntu-12:/usr/local/bin$ ./shipyard-agent -url -
2014/04/14 02:27:48 Using for the Docker Host IP for Shipyard
2014/04/14 02:27:48 If this is not correct or you want to use a different IP, please
update the host in Shipyard
2014/04/14 02:27:48 Registering at
2014/04/14 02:27:48 Agent Key: 597d7d4db3d44daca47ff114e48144d2
Register a host with the shipyard deployment.
shipyard-agent -url http://my-shipyard-host:port -key
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Container (Redis)
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Container (Redis logs)
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Container Console
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Two Container Example
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Linking Containers
Links allow containers to communicate through TCP/IP ports.
Suppose we start a container that exposes port 1337
docker run -name CONTAINER
docker run -d -link CONTAINER:ALIAS -name LINKED
Exposed ports and aliases of parent will show up in child container
More robust example (many more can be found via Googling)
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About Ambassador Containers
Encourage portability by avoiding hardcoding and linking
via an ambassador.
(consumer) -> (redis-ambassador) --network--> (redis-ambassador) ->
• Avoids restarting a consumer to attach to a different service
• Restart the client ambassador container that the consumer
is connected to, to rewire a consumer to talk to a different
• This pattern allows a transparent transition to to a different
docker host for a consumer
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Ambassador Container Linking
- Host A: Startup Redis
big-server $ docker run -d --name redis crosbymichael/redis
- Host A: Add ambassador linked to Redis
big-server $ docker run -d --link redis:redis --name
redis_ambassador -p 6379:6379 svendowideit/ambassador
- Host B: Add ambassador that sets env
client-server $ docker run -d --name redis_ambassador --
expose 6379 -e REDIS_PORT_6379_TCP=tcp://
- Host B: Use Redis client container to talk to remote server
client-server $ docker run -i -t --rm --link
redis_ambassador:redis relateiq/redis-cli
redis> ping
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Advanced Docker
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Load Balanced
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Distributed Producer-Consumer
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Docker and Open vSwitch (1/2)
• Docker and Open vSwitch for container isolation with VLANs
between 2 hosts running Open vSwitch
• Containers 1 & 3 are on VLAN 10 whereas containers 2 & 4 are on
 1 & 3 can ping each other but cannot ping 2 or 4
• 4 bridges, 10 interfaces, 2 VLANs, 1 GRE tunnel and 4
• Starts in 1 second...
• Source (with code and cook book):
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Docker and Open vSwitch (1/2)
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PaaS Frameworks
• Deus
• CoreOS
• Flynn
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Flynn uses etcd
A highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery.
etcd is an open-source distributed key value store that provides the backbone of CoreOS
clusters and the etcd client runs on each machine in a cluster. etcd gracefully handles master
election during network partitions and the loss of the current master.
Your applications can read and write data into etcd. Common examples are storing database
connection details, cache settings, feature flags, and more.
• Simple, curl-able API (HTTP + JSON)
• Optional SSL client cert authentication
• Benchmarked 1000s of writes/s per instance
• Properly distributed using Raft protocol
• Keys support TTL
• Atomic test and set
• Easily listen for changes to a prefix via HTTP long-polling
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Flynn uses Systemd
CoreOS uses systemd as the core of its distributed init system, fleet.
Systemd is well supported in many Linux distros, making it familiar to most
engineers. Every aspect of CoreOS is deeply integrated with systemd.
• Performance
Systemd boots extremely fast, with our goal to keep it under 1s.
• Journal
Systemd's logging journal has modern features such as JSON
export, forward sealing, and indexing for fast querying.
• Socket Activation
While this might be a bit of a throw back to the inetd
days, we think socket activation is particularly useful for inter-service
dependency management.
Systemd has an extremely rich syntax that can describe the attributes of a particular
service. Your services can express hard or soft dependencies, the order of launch
relative to those dependencies, and identify conflicting services.
Docker containers are much easier to manage when you can specify whether they
automatically restart per container and customize the timing for restarting.
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Flynn uses Discoverd
A simple but powerful service discovery system written in Go. Backed by
etcd, but can be extended to use ZooKeeper or other distributed consistent
Discoverd lets your services find each other in a constantly changing
environment. With discoverd and a client you can:
• Register a service as online
• Locate online instances of a service
• Get notified when instances of a service change
• Determine a "leader" for any set of services
There are three pieces to the discoverd system:
• discoverd itself
• Client library and API
• Backend store (etcd, Zookeeper, etc)
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reference material
APRIL 2014 94

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Convert Legacy Platform to Micro-PaaS Using Docker Containers

  • 1. inBloom, Inc. Server to Cloud Convert a legacy platform to a micro-PaaS using Docker Todd Fritz April 15. 2014
  • 2. inBloom, Inc. Agenda • Whoami • Important Announcement • Background • Containers • Create Local Environment • Using Vagrant • Using Docker • Graphical Interfaces for Docker • Shipyard • Two Container Example • Advanced Docker • Questions • References APRIL 2014 1
  • 3. inBloom, Inc. Whoami Bio: http://www.linkedin/com/in/tfritz • Software Architect at inBloom  The opinions contained within this presentation may not represent my employer, but I think they should. • Evangelist of layered, distributed, Message-oriented-Middleware • Current focus is middleware through caching, noSQL data store • Exposed to different companies, projects, people and technologies • Novice bass player • Recent father of a five month old • Scuba diver; next adventure:  APRIL 2014 2 No sleep for you!
  • 5. inBloom, Inc. Today is April 15th... APRIL 2014 4
  • 6. inBloom, Inc. And, I am not a Dev Ops specialist. Just took an interest and within a few weeks this is what I learned. APRIL 2014 5
  • 8. inBloom, Inc. Note: This presentation will available via slideshare after today. This talk is part two of:   Presented at Great Wide Open, April 3, 2014 Some files used while compiling this presentation  APRIL 2014 7
  • 9. inBloom, Inc. Approach the Legacy Monolith APRIL 2014 8 I’m a proud stovepipe, just bolted together, vroom vroom vroom vroom vroom.
  • 10. inBloom, Inc. Decompose the Monolith APRIL 2014 9 Oh, nooo... My job security...
  • 11. inBloom, Inc. Assemble a Decoupled, Modular System APRIL 2014 10 I have free weeknights and weekends now...
  • 12. inBloom, Inc. Replacing a legacy system. Decompose. Analyze. Employ an iterative methodology  Leverage existing knowledge and literature  Some analysis before  Decompose and modularize (scale cube)  Separation of concerns  Proof of concepts are your friend Deployment environments  Private servers  Cloud (private, public)  Hybrid Platform architectures  Legacy  PaaS  xPaaS APRIL 2014 11
  • 13. inBloom, Inc. xPaaS Topology APRIL 2014 12 Enables specialization, layering, separated concerns, decoupling
  • 15. inBloom, Inc. Container Technologies (VEs) • Warden (Cloud Foundry)  • Docker (from dotCloud, cloudlets)  • Google LMCTFY (let me contain that for you)   december, 2013 • OpenVZ APRIL 2014 14
  • 16. inBloom, Inc. Virtual Environment (Container) vs. Virtual Machine APRIL 2014 15
  • 17. inBloom, Inc. Docker (per Wikipedia) (1/2) Docker: • Automates the deployment of applications inside software containers. • Extends Linux Containers (LXC) with a high-level API to provide a lightweight virtualization solution that runs processes in isolation. • Utilizes LXC, cgroups, and the kernel itself – • Unlike traditional virtual machines it does not include a separate operating system. • Kernel provides resource isolation (CPU, memory, block I/O, network, etc.) and separate namespaces to completely isolate application's view of the operating environment. APRIL 2014 16
  • 18. inBloom, Inc. Docker (per Wikipedia) (2/2) Docker containers can be used to extend distributed systems so they run autonomously on a single physical machine, or with a single instance per node. Enables nodes to be deployed as resources are available to provide a seamless platform as a service (PaaS) – style deployment for systems like Apache Cassandra, Riak and related distributed systems.’ Integrates with Chef, Puppet, Vagrant, Nova, etc. APRIL 2014 17
  • 19. inBloom, Inc. More Docker is a micro container framework for PaaS • • Open-source • Easier scalability • Lightweight, portable, insulated containers • Reusable from dev (“local cloud”) through production • Can run at scale on VMs, bare metal, cloud; virtually anywhere • Encapsulate any payload (application) • Run consistently on and between virtually any server APRIL 2014 18
  • 20. inBloom, Inc.APRIL 2014 19
  • 21. inBloom, Inc. How it Works • Docker builds on lxc which offers system-level virtualization and has existed since linux 2.6.32 (December, 2009) – but prefer kernel 3.8+ • Docker has three parts  docker daemon runs as root to manage containers  docker containers spawn from images, which are tiny and can be versioned  docker repository allows images to be exchanged and versioned like code (public or private) • Each container has its own ip address • Link exposed ports and variables across containers through configuration using abassador containers to avoid hard coding (svendowideit):  consumer  redis-ambassador  redis • Port and pipework to expose containers outside host • Can share volumes, multi home, integrate containers into host network, and much more (ajug) • Continuous integration can generate versioned docker images, web hooks, repo notifications • Supervisor management tool to manage processes within container ( APRIL 2014 20
  • 22. inBloom, Inc. Docker Uses • Common use cases:  Automate application packaging and deployment  Lightweight PaaS environments  Automate testing, continuous integration, and deployment  Deploy and scale web apps, databases, backend services • Growing adoption since dec 2013 • Red Hat fast-tracks Docker apps for enterprise Linux  hat-fast-tracks-docker-apps-enterprise-linux-238122 • Production ready deployment planned for December, 2014.  Support services planned for early 2015 APRIL 2014 21
  • 23. inBloom, Inc. Reusable Containers and Cook Books APRIL 2014 22 A Docker container image may already exist
  • 24. inBloom, Inc. Docker Basics APRIL 2014 23 Artifactory for virtualization images?
  • 25. inBloom, Inc. Docker Images • The basic building block of a Docker container • Analogous to a slice of a VM image, containing application code or binaries, as well as the execution environment and dependencies • Images may be built atop each other • An image contains only the incremental changes required to transform its base image to the state required by the image • May contain metadata, such as how to run what is inside the image, expose ports, etc • Acts as an instantiable container template APRIL 2014 24
  • 26. inBloom, Inc. Docker Containers • The result of starting a running process from an image and its dependencies • Represent a single process or service • Intra-container communication via sockets (Docker links). Containers can talk to each other. • Familiar lifecycle: started, stopped, or kill • Can create images from previously run containers, to persist changes made while container was executing APRIL 2014 25
  • 27. inBloom, Inc. New in Docker 0.9 • Execution driver API  Customize execution environment around container; enables use of other isolation tools • Built in execution container – libcontainer  Alongside LXC, boosts stability, insulates Docker from different versions of LXC APRIL 2014 26
  • 28. inBloom, Inc. But...we have Chef (or <other>)... (Do not upset Dev Ops, ever...) APRIL 2014 27
  • 29. inBloom, Inc. Step Away from the Ledge... APRIL 2014 28 Image from the movie “The Lair of Filth” – no pun intended...
  • 30. inBloom, Inc. Chef & Docker • Docker is new and not ready for Production (yet) • Docker is for light Virtual Images • Chef for Virtual Machines • Chef is tried and true • Chef proven for provisioning VMs or changes to existing machines (small or complex) • Chef and Docker can be used together  Example: The Deis framework scales Chef nodes and Docker containers. But both are new.  Several other options including Tsuru (open source PaaS) • Docker useful to encapsulate applications or services APRIL 2014 29
  • 31. inBloom, Inc. “The Docker Book” Not yet released, but available for pre-order 1. Introduction to Docker 2. Installing Docker 3. Getting started with Docker 4. Working with Docker images and repositories 5. Testing with Docker 6. Building services with Docker 7. Using the Docker API 8. Extending Docker Also useful APRIL 2014 30
  • 32. inBloom, Inc.APRIL 2014 31 Docker Deep Dive
  • 34. inBloom, Inc. Create Local Environment APRIL 2014 33
  • 35. inBloom, Inc. Install Prerequisites • Talk will focus on VM which fits more deployment scenarios • Install VirtualBox (4.3.x)   Download and install into Host OS • Github repo for demo  • Install Vagrant (1.5.x) – used for this talk   Download and install into Host OS  Available Boxes: APRIL 2014 34
  • 36. inBloom, Inc. Running Docker APRIL 2014 35 Common use case is to run within a VM  Optional if host OS is Linux (e.g. Ubuntu)  Benefit: A configured VM can be exported  OS X users can try boot2docker • “lighter” than VM, uses tiny core linux (24 Mb) • brew install boot2docker • • Has limitations so not used in this talk (better for PoCs) •
  • 37. inBloom, Inc. Create an Account with the Docker Index Sure looks like Maven Central. Versioned containers. From a host with Docker installed: $ docker login Username (): myusername Password: Email (): Login Succeeded credentials are stored after login ~/.dockercfg /var/lib/docker/.dockercfg APRIL 2014 36
  • 38. inBloom, Inc. Search the Index APRIL 2014 37 Search the Docker Index for images to reuse. (You may find places to contribute back images to the open source public repository.)
  • 39. inBloom, Inc. Command Line Search APRIL 2014 38 Use search and be curious, for example, what has the founder of Docker pushed? You can download containers to reuse or examine contents for ideas.
  • 40. inBloom, Inc. Pull an Image APRIL 2014 39 The index figures out the details. Can also push images, etc.
  • 41. inBloom, Inc. Create a Private Repo git clone cd docker-registry cp config_sample.yml config.yml pip install -r requirements.txt gunicorn --access-logfile - --log-level debug --debug -b -w 1 wsgi:application APRIL 2014 40
  • 42. inBloom, Inc. Configure Private Repo cp config/config_sample.yml config/config.yml Example config: prod: loglevel: warn storage: s3 s3_access_key: _env:AWS_S3_ACCESS_KEY s3_secret_key: _env:AWS_S3_SECRET_KEY s3_bucket: _env:AWS_S3_BUCKET storage_path: /srv/docker smtp_host: localhost from_addr: to_addr: APRIL 2014 41
  • 43. inBloom, Inc. Pull from Public Push to Private Repo # First, make sure you have the "ubuntu" repository: docker pull ubuntu # Find the image id that corresponds to the ubuntu repository docker images | grep ubuntu | grep latest ubuntu latest 8dbd9e392a96 12 weeks ago 263 MB (virtual 263 MB) # Tag to create a repository with the full registry location. # The location becomes a permanent part of the repository name. docker tag 8dbd9e392a96 localhost.localdomain:5000/ubuntu # Finally, push the new repository to its home location. docker push localhost.localdomain:5000/ubuntu APRIL 2014 42
  • 44. inBloom, Inc. Dockerfiles • Dockerfiles are used to build containers by scripting actions to make up each layer of an image • Not as powerful as traditional configuration management software • For example, in discrete steps you can instruct Docker to build an image by taking a default Ubuntu image, apt-get installing several dependencies, and then adding your application code. Each Dockerfile command creates a new image layer, and clever structuring of the commands will allow them to becached and re-used. APRIL 2014 43
  • 45. inBloom, Inc. Anatomy of a Dockerfile (1/2) # Always comment your code FROM ubuntu MAINTAINER Uncle Sam, RUN echo "deb precise main universe" > /etc/apt/sources.list RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install -y memcached The first line in a Dockerfile is FROM, which defines the base image (e.g. obtained via a docker search). RUN instructions execute any command against the current image and commits. Commands can be layered to conform to version control paradigms. APRIL 2014 44
  • 46. inBloom, Inc. Anatomy of a Dockerfile (2/2) The ENTRYPOINT instruction triggers a command when the container starts # Launch memcached when launching the container ENTRYPOINT ["memcached", "-u", "daemon"] May want ENTRYPOINT instructions to run as user other than root. ENTRYPOINT ["memcached"] USER daemon The EXPOSE instruction exposes a port outside the container EXPOSE 11211 APRIL 2014 45
  • 47. inBloom, Inc. Building an Image from a Dockerfile If Dockerfile is in current directory docker build . From stdin docker build - < Dockerfile From github docker build Then, do a “docker images” to view REPOSITORY TAG ID CREATED SIZE ubuntu 12.04 8dbd9e392a96 4 months ago 131.5 MB (virtual 131.5 MB) <none> <none> 1dcfa24c8ca6 About a minute ago 52.27 MB (virtual 183.8 MB) APRIL 2014 46
  • 48. inBloom, Inc. Name the New Image The new image lacks a name, so give it one docker tag 1dcfa24c8ca6 memcached Using the –t with build removes the added step docker build -t memcached . APRIL 2014 47
  • 49. inBloom, Inc. Create VM clone git repo for this talk (OS X example) $ cd ~/Projects $ git clone git:// 15-docker.git $ cd AJUG-2014-04-15-docker/01_create_env Create VM using provided Vagrantfile  Preconfigured to setup Docker  Vagrant’s Docker Provisioner is your friend •  $ vagrant up $ vagrant ssh APRIL 2014 48
  • 50. inBloom, Inc. Vagrantfile (1/2) # -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : # Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing! VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION = "2" Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = "phusion-open-ubuntu-12.04-amd64" config.vm.box_url = "https://oss-" config.vm.box_check_update = true config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v| = "docker1" v.memory = 8192 v.cpus = 4 end APRIL 2014 49
  • 51. inBloom, Inc. Vagrantfile (2/2) if Dir.glob("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/.vagrant/machines/default/*/id").empty? # Install Docker pkg_cmd = "wget -q -O - | apt-key add -;" "echo deb docker main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list;" "apt-get update -qq; apt-get install -q -y --force-yes lxc-docker; ” # Add vagrant user to the docker group pkg_cmd << "usermod -a -G docker vagrant; ” config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => pkg_cmd end end Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| for i in 8000..9000 "forwarded_port", guest: i, host: i end end APRIL 2014 50
  • 53. inBloom, Inc. Vagrant CLI (1/4) A brief overview of Vagrant commands; not intended to replace other Production tools. Usage $ vagrant [options] <command> [<args>] -v, --version Print the version and exit. -h, --help Print this help. APRIL 2014 52
  • 54. inBloom, Inc. Vagrant CLI (2/4) Common commands box manages boxes: installation, removal, etc. connect connect to a remotely shared Vagrant environment destroy stops and deletes all traces of the vagrant machine halt stops the vagrant machine help shows the help for a subcommand init initializes a new Vagrant environment by creating a Vagrantfile login log in to Vagrant Cloud package packages a running vagrant environment into a box plugin manages plugins: install, uninstall, update, etc. provision provisions the vagrant machine reload restarts vagrant machine, loads new Vagrantfile configuration resume resume a suspended vagrant machine share share your Vagrant environment with anyone in the world ssh connects to machine via SSH ssh-config outputs OpenSSH valid configuration to connect to the machine status outputs status of the vagrant machine suspend suspends the machine up starts and provisions the vagrant environment APRIL 2014 53
  • 55. inBloom, Inc. Vagrant CLI (3/4) For help on any individual command vagrant <command> -h Or to see subcommand features vagrant box <subcommand> -h To see all subcommands vagrant list-commands APRIL 2014 54
  • 56. inBloom, Inc. Vagrant CLI (4/4) $ vagrant package –h Usage: vagrant package [options] [name] Options: --base NAME Name of a VM in virtualbox to package as a base box --output NAME Name of the file to output --include FILE... Additional files to package with the box --vagrantfile FILE Vagrantfile to package with the box -h, --help Print this help APRIL 2014 55
  • 57. inBloom, Inc. Vagrant Plugins vagrant plugin install --plugin-source --plugin- prerelease vagrant-vbguestvagrant vagrant plugin install vagrant-winnfsd APRIL 2014 56
  • 58. inBloom, Inc. Export a Vagrant Box Once your VM is setup and configured, you can create an image from it $ vagrant package --base my_base_box To export a Vagrant box $ vagrant box add my_box $ mkdir test_environment $ cd test_environment $ vagrant init my_box $ vagrant up $ vagrant ssh APRIL 2014 57
  • 59. inBloom, Inc. Install Docker whale you be my container? APRIL 2014 58
  • 60. inBloom, Inc. Installation It already is... (starting with a “bare” base box may required more effort to setup the OS, install components) APRIL 2014 59
  • 61. inBloom, Inc. Verify the Installation vagrant@ubuntu-12:/vagrant$ docker info Containers: 0 Images: 0 Storage Driver: aufs Root Dir: /var/lib/docker/aufs Dirs: 0 Execution Driver: native-0.1 Kernel Version: 3.8.0-35-generic vagrant@ubuntu-12:/vagrant$ docker pull busybox vagrant@ubuntu-12:/vagrant$ docker info Containers: 0 Images: 4 APRIL 2014 60
  • 62. inBloom, Inc. Testing Docker Hello World vagrant@ubuntu-12:/vagrant$ sudo docker pull busybox docker run busybox /bin/echo hello world C1=$(sudo docker run -d ubuntu /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done”) docker ps list docker logs `C1` APRIL 2014 61
  • 63. inBloom, Inc. Docker Container Lifecycle docker run creates a container. docker stop stops it. docker start will start it again. docker restart restarts a container. docker rm deletes a container. docker kill sends a SIGKILL to a container. Has issues. docker attach will connect to a running container. docker wait blocks until container stops. APRIL 2014 62
  • 64. inBloom, Inc. Container Info Info docker ps shows running containers. docker inspect looks at all the info on a container (including IP address). docker logs gets logs from container. docker events gets events from container. docker port shows public facing port of container. docker top shows running processes in container. docker diff shows changed files in the container's FS. Import / Export No easy way to use Docker to import files into a container filesystem • Could use something like Cargo within a container to push in artifacts docker cp copies files or folders out of container filesystem docker export creates tarball from container filesystem APRIL 2014 63
  • 65. inBloom, Inc. Docker Image Lifecycle docker images shows all images docker import creates an image from a tarball docker build creates image from Dockerfile docker commit creates image from a container docker rmi removes an image docker insert inserts a file from URL into image. (kind of odd, you'd think images would be immutable after create) docker load loads an image from a tar archive as STDIN, including images and tags (as of 0.7) docker save saves an image to a tar archive stream to STDOUT with all parent layers, tags & versions (as of 0.7) APRIL 2014 64
  • 66. inBloom, Inc. 15 Docker Tips APRIL 2014 65
  • 67. inBloom, Inc. Graphical Interfaces for Docker APRIL 2014 66
  • 68. inBloom, Inc. Two main options for a graphical UI to manage Docker  Shipyard •  DockerUI • Shipyard allows containers to be managed, linked, and inspected via a UI APRIL 2014 67
  • 70. inBloom, Inc. Shipyard features • Multiple host support • Create / Delete containers • View Images • Build Images (via uploaded Dockerfile or URL) • Import repositories • Private containers • Container metadata (description, etc.) • Applications: bind containers to applications that are setup with hipache • Attach container (terminal emulation in the browser) • Container recovery (mark container as "protected" and it will auto-restart upon fail/destroy/stop) • RESTful API APRIL 2014 69
  • 71. inBloom, Inc. Shipyard (1/2) 1 line to install within a docker host: docker run -i -t -v /var/run/docker.sock:/docker.sock shipyard/deploy setup Shipyard Stack Deployed You should be able to login with http://<docker-host-ip>:8000 admin:shipyard APRIL 2014 70
  • 72. inBloom, Inc. Shipyard (2/2) Within each container to shipyard manage you will also need to setup and register the Shipyard Agent. See for details. Download to the host: sudo curl agent/releases/download/v0.2.5/shipyard-agent -L -o /usr/local/bin/shipyard-agent sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/shipyard-agent Register the host: ./shipyard-agent -url http://myshipyardhost:shipyardport -register vagrant@ubuntu-12:/usr/local/bin$ ./shipyard-agent -url - register 2014/04/14 02:27:48 Using for the Docker Host IP for Shipyard 2014/04/14 02:27:48 If this is not correct or you want to use a different IP, please update the host in Shipyard 2014/04/14 02:27:48 Registering at 2014/04/14 02:27:48 Agent Key: 597d7d4db3d44daca47ff114e48144d2 Register a host with the shipyard deployment. shipyard-agent -url http://my-shipyard-host:port -key 597d7d4db3d44daca47ff114e48144d2 APRIL 2014 71
  • 73. inBloom, Inc.APRIL 2014 72 Containers
  • 74. inBloom, Inc.APRIL 2014 73 Container (Redis)
  • 75. inBloom, Inc.APRIL 2014 74 Container (Redis logs)
  • 77. inBloom, Inc.APRIL 2014 76 Applications
  • 78. inBloom, Inc.APRIL 2014 77 Container Console
  • 79. inBloom, Inc. Two Container Example APRIL 2014 78
  • 80. inBloom, Inc. Linking Containers Links allow containers to communicate through TCP/IP ports. Suppose we start a container that exposes port 1337 docker run -name CONTAINER docker run -d -link CONTAINER:ALIAS -name LINKED user/wordpress Exposed ports and aliases of parent will show up in child container $ALIAS_PORT_1337_TCP_PORT $ALIAS_PORT_1337_TCP_ADDR More robust example (many more can be found via Googling) APRIL 2014 79
  • 81. inBloom, Inc. About Ambassador Containers Encourage portability by avoiding hardcoding and linking via an ambassador. (consumer) -> (redis-ambassador) --network--> (redis-ambassador) -> (redis) • Avoids restarting a consumer to attach to a different service • Restart the client ambassador container that the consumer is connected to, to rewire a consumer to talk to a different service • This pattern allows a transparent transition to to a different docker host for a consumer APRIL 2014 80
  • 82. inBloom, Inc. Ambassador Container Linking - Host A: Startup Redis big-server $ docker run -d --name redis crosbymichael/redis - Host A: Add ambassador linked to Redis big-server $ docker run -d --link redis:redis --name redis_ambassador -p 6379:6379 svendowideit/ambassador - Host B: Add ambassador that sets env client-server $ docker run -d --name redis_ambassador -- expose 6379 -e REDIS_PORT_6379_TCP=tcp:// svendowideit/ambassador - Host B: Use Redis client container to talk to remote server client-server $ docker run -i -t --rm --link redis_ambassador:redis relateiq/redis-cli redis> ping PONG APRIL 2014 81
  • 84. inBloom, Inc. Load Balanced APRIL 2014 83
  • 85. inBloom, Inc. Distributed Producer-Consumer APRIL 2014 84
  • 86. inBloom, Inc. Docker and Open vSwitch (1/2) • Docker and Open vSwitch for container isolation with VLANs between 2 hosts running Open vSwitch • Containers 1 & 3 are on VLAN 10 whereas containers 2 & 4 are on VLAN 20  1 & 3 can ping each other but cannot ping 2 or 4 • 4 bridges, 10 interfaces, 2 VLANs, 1 GRE tunnel and 4 containers. • Starts in 1 second... • Source (with code and cook book): APRIL 2014 85
  • 87. inBloom, Inc. Docker and Open vSwitch (1/2) APRIL 2014 86
  • 88. inBloom, Inc. PaaS Frameworks • Deus • CoreOS • Flynn APRIL 2014 87
  • 89. inBloom, Inc. Flynn uses etcd A highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery. etcd is an open-source distributed key value store that provides the backbone of CoreOS clusters and the etcd client runs on each machine in a cluster. etcd gracefully handles master election during network partitions and the loss of the current master. Your applications can read and write data into etcd. Common examples are storing database connection details, cache settings, feature flags, and more. Features • Simple, curl-able API (HTTP + JSON) • Optional SSL client cert authentication • Benchmarked 1000s of writes/s per instance • Properly distributed using Raft protocol • Keys support TTL • Atomic test and set • Easily listen for changes to a prefix via HTTP long-polling APRIL 2014 88
  • 91. inBloom, Inc. Flynn uses Systemd CoreOS uses systemd as the core of its distributed init system, fleet. Systemd is well supported in many Linux distros, making it familiar to most engineers. Every aspect of CoreOS is deeply integrated with systemd. • Performance
Systemd boots extremely fast, with our goal to keep it under 1s. • Journal
Systemd's logging journal has modern features such as JSON export, forward sealing, and indexing for fast querying. • Socket Activation
While this might be a bit of a throw back to the inetd days, we think socket activation is particularly useful for inter-service dependency management. Systemd has an extremely rich syntax that can describe the attributes of a particular service. Your services can express hard or soft dependencies, the order of launch relative to those dependencies, and identify conflicting services. Docker containers are much easier to manage when you can specify whether they automatically restart per container and customize the timing for restarting. APRIL 2014 90
  • 92. inBloom, Inc. Flynn uses Discoverd A simple but powerful service discovery system written in Go. Backed by etcd, but can be extended to use ZooKeeper or other distributed consistent stores. Discoverd lets your services find each other in a constantly changing environment. With discoverd and a client you can: • Register a service as online • Locate online instances of a service • Get notified when instances of a service change • Determine a "leader" for any set of services There are three pieces to the discoverd system: • discoverd itself • Client library and API • Backend store (etcd, Zookeeper, etc) APRIL 2014 91
  • 95. inBloom, Inc. reference material APRIL 2014 94