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3: Ministry of the Holy Spirit and anointing.
7: Calling and Ministry.
10: Building Holy Altar.
12: Blameless and Restoration.
14: Pride, Love and Humility.
16: Fear of the Lord gate to Heaven.
18: Revelation of the wedding garment.
19: Understanding the end times events.
21: Power of righteousness.
23: Christ stature.
24: Ignorance the door to Hell.
26: Revelation of Unconditional love.
29: Selfishness in the body of Christ.
31: Serving, Mercy and Love
32: Blood sacrifice and covenant.
35: Opening Spiritual eyes.
36:In the will of God.
38: Sign of Jonah and real Sheep.
39:Keeping ready for rapture-readiness in heart.
41: Overcoming trials and the crowd of witnesses.
43: Why John is the least in Heaven.
45: Overcoming evil thoughts and holiness in mind.
47: Overcoming anger, bitterness and Evil.
48: Broken Heart the quality of Bride.
50: Terrible God of Israel
52: Seeking first the fruits of Holy Spirit.
54: Battle of flesh and Spirit.
56: Day of the Lord-day of anger.
57: Day of Christ (rapture)
59: Elected one or the Bride of Christ.
60: Power of words, Speech and tongue.
62: Discerning divination spirit and false Prophets.
64: Jezebel Church.
65: Falling in the last days.
68: Time of Sorrow!
70: Overcoming evil and Forgiveness.
72: Power of Self-control.
73: Fragrance of Holiness.
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This book is formed through different teachings that i have preached for the preparation of a
Holy Bride through internets I have shared them. Those teachings are only for those who
earnestly want to walk with God in this end times in walking in pure Holiness and finally enter
to the Rapture. I don't write them in my doctrines but i write them when the Spirit of Wisdom
and Revelation comes on me and I shares some of deep revelations of the word of God.
John 16:13 When the Spirit of truth comes who reveals the truth about God, he will lead you into
all the truth. He will not speak on his own authority, but he will speak of what he hears and will
tell you of things to come.
Those are three teachings which i cannot separate from this article just us we cannot separate
Jesus from God so we cannot Separate Holy Spirit from Anointing of Holy Spirit.
1: Revelation of Holy Spirit
HOLY SPIRIT- This is the Spirit of Jesus in a person (Rom 8:9),it is also the third person of
trinity, it is also a seal of God to be approved in Heaven. While Jesus was in earth He operated
like a Human form but after He went in Heaven He operated us Holy Spirit here in earth, He did
not leave us alone but He left His Spirit in His name to be with us. John 14:26 The Helper, the
Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and make you
remember all that I have told you. Now the Spirit of God which is also known us the Holy Spirit
can only dwell in a holy body, us God said He is Holy so we must be Holy, if you are willingly to
receive Holy Spirit it means you must be holy and separated from the worldly things, When the
Holy Spirit will comes on you will be different from the world until the world will have nothing
to do with you. You became born of another world which is Heaven, you will begin to love what
belongs to God ,you will love the Word and you will be eager to know more about God and
Heaven. You will love Holiness and you will hate sin and all unrighteousness.
Holy Spirit is a seal of God or a sign that you belong to God, it means to be a product that God
has put a seal of approval on. Galatians 4:6 To show that you are his children, God sent the Spirit
of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who cries out, “Father, my Father.”
After you have received the Holy Spirit you will be so sensitive to sin, you will tremble at the
Word of God, you will reject the world and have nothing to do with it, all those things that do
not please God will be like enemy to you, you will be separated from worldly programs,
immoral movies and holly woods movies. The Spirit of God will separate you from every filthy
songs, ungodly songs and peoples, you will feel to walk alone and seek God, you will have the
Love of the word, then peace and Joy will witness that you are filled with Holy Spirit.
John 14:15-16 “If you love me, you will obey my commandments. I will ask the Father, and he will
give you another Helper, who will stay with you forever.
The person of Holy Spirit does not take place with sin so if you want Him to became your best
friend then you must avoid all ungodly ,lies, lust, anger ,hatred, envy, strife and immorality.
Avoid pleasing the world by its fashions and style, avoid worldly cloths, mini-skirt, cover your
body well for it is the temple of Holy Spirit, the Person of Holy Spirit is Jesus and He cannot
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share you with the world, you can't wear for the world and please Holy Spirit, you can't change
your body with make-ups because Jesus needs you us you were created, in order to be used by
Holy Spirit you can't be using artificial colors, nail paints, eye pencil, dying hair and artificial
hair. You cannot change the temple (body) with those products because you will be idol temple.
Your whole body is created for the Glory of God and us Holy temple of God. you can't say that
God looks your heart so you will drink, practice immorality and wear naked. In order to walk
with God you must preserve your body and be Holy inn and out to enter heaven (Heb 12:14)
1 Corinthians 6:19 Don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you
and who was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourselves but to God;
You must be Holy for the Holy Spirit is Holy, you must have nothing to do with the world and
ungodly things, God wants you to became His Holy Bride but Satan wants you also to be his
worldly bride with make ups and worldly immoral cloths. So you must choose who to please
with every cloth you wear it's either Satan or God, you can't serve two masters, you must
choose what to watch or listen because you cannot please your body and please Holy Spirit, its
either you walk in Holiness or in vile , you were created to please and Glorify God with your
body and not to satisfy your evil desire with immorality. God cannot share you with the world
like prostitutes doe's so be Holy and have nothing to do with the ungodly things in order to
walk with Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 10:21-22 You cannot drink from the Lord's cup and also from
the cup of demons; you cannot eat at the Lord's table and also at the table of demons. Or do we
want to make the Lord jealous? Do we think that we are stronger than he?
The Holy Spirit is the power that prevents a believer from sinning, He is the one that overcomes
the power of sin, without Him you will be bounded and tormented by evil spirit causing you to
be a slave of sin, and many have been bounded by power of sin leading them to be addicted to
sin. The power of sin is also found in the body (sinful nature) which is always fighting with
Spirit of God even from the beginning, if you want to kill that power of sin that makes you sin
then you need to crucify your body by a dry fast weekly and praying, that is also another way to
allow the ministry of Holy Spirit works in you.
Romans 8:13-14 For if you live according to your sinful nature, you are going to die; but if by the
Spirit you put to death your sinful actions, you will live. Those who are led by God's Spirit are
God's children.
The word Anoint means to be oiled or smeared up with oil, to be anointed is when you are
smeared up or oiled with Holy Spirit, we can say anointing of the Holy Spirit is to be filled with
characters and works of Holy Spirit, after you have received the Holy Spirit you need to be
anointed with characters and works of Holy Spirit, anointing of the Holy Spirit can be even seen
with our eye's because it is what witnesses the Spirit of God in you, God sends His supernatural
signs to witness you the same He did with Disciples, one day i was preaching in School when the
Holy Spirit comes on me flying around me like a normal dove and settled inside the hall, now
that was a sign of witnessing of anointing of the Holy Spirit, that is one of many evidence of
Anointing of Holy Spirit, then in the year 2014 when the Lord stopped me from my work to
serve him whole ,i went to pray alone in a homemade forest asking God for a sign then the
cloud of dove was spotted by my camera, that was also sign of Anointing of the Holy Spirit us a
witness. You can also feel the anointing of Holy Spirit,you can feel the fire of Spirit burning on
your body parts, you can feel it around your heart while praying or reading the Word, you can
also feel the presence of intense peace around you, some can feel it like a wind rushing and
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blowing you and others will smell a sweet fragrance around them while praying. Anointing of
Holy Spirit works differently according to your anointing and only He the person of Holy Spirit
will choose how to work with you. The Spirit of God can became your best friend and if you
remain obedience to Him He will be your closer friend walking in His communion and enjoying
great secrets of Heaven, for me i cannot claim i have walked with Him because i still need more
intimate relationship with Him, He is the Author of my writings and Many are time's He sends
the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation to write through my Hand. I feel Him around me even us i
am writing this and He is the one who reveals to me great and deep things that we never know.
Walking with Him means to be Obedience to His Warning against sin, He rebukes ,corrects and
inspires, If you want to closely walk with Him you must be willingly to surrender your life to
Him, be faithfully and obedience to every word He say through Word of God. You must be away
from the worldly things because those are enmity to Holy Spirit (Jam 4:4), if you do and practice
worldly ways God and Holy Spirit will be away from you and you will never feel His presence
with you.
The best definition we can give of Anointing of Holy Spirit is the power you receive after
receiving Holy Spirit. It is that power that keeps you doing the work of God and it is also the
power that will help you do the work of God in His will.
Acts 1:8 But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be filled with power, and you will be
witnesses for me in Jerusalem, in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
This are the days when the Spirit of God will move across the world looking for those who seeks
and hunger to be filled and Anointed of Holy Spirit, God speaks of the end time Church walking
and being drunk of wine and oil, wine means in Spirit and oil means to be anointed, the bible
says that Only a Church of wine and oil will be preserved in the Last days and be saved (Rev
6:6). God said that in the Last days He will massively pour out His Spirit anointing to all
peoples and they will performs the works of anointing of Holy Spirit, they will preach the
gospel, they will see visions and they will prophecy. Joel 2:28 “Afterward I will pour out my
Spirit on everyone: your sons and daughters will proclaim/prophecy my message; your old people
will have dreams, and your young people will see visions.
This is the greatest anointing that God had kept to this last generation and the great mission is
to prepare for the return of Messiah, it is poured to clean up all false teachings and Prophets
from Church, this anointing will clean and prepare the Church for the coming Messiah. It is the
greatest anointing to prepare the five wise virgin Church ready for the Bridegroom. This has
never been poured before because here we see great manifestations of Holy Spirit working in
all age's , this is totally different from the one of the day of Pentecost because on that day they
only received and spoke with tongues but now in Joel 2:28 we see more manifestation of Holy
Spirit giving birth to a Prophetic generation and powerfully demonstration of Holy Spirit. If you
will seek God in truth and stop every ungodly then God will anoint you personally, you don't
need to be anointed by a anyone in this days , God says i will pour out my Spirit on you, He
didn’t say somebody will anoint you but He meant He will anoint you and pour on you His
Anointing. All you need is to prepare yourself like the day of Pentecost, clean up yourself away
from the world and away from Sin and then seek and it will be given unto you.
Luke 11:13 As bad as you are, you know how to give good things to your children. How much
more, then, will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”
The evidence of being filled with Holy Spirit is not to talk with tongues or to prophecy, even
pagans speaks in tongues and prophecy in power evil one. The evidence of Holy Spirit in a life
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of a true Christian is walking in Holiness just like the person of Holy Spirit is Holy and it is
walking in obedience in the will of God. In these last days the Devil has also poured his demonic
spirit to cause confusion and to bring false anointing, false visions, false prophets, and false
miracles. So do not rush to believe every spirit, the True Spirit of God will have fruits of Holy
Spirit which is Holiness inn and out.
Manifestation or the work of Anointing of Holy Spirit will help you to know the truth by the
Spirit of discerning and by lining up with the Holy Word. Anointing of the Holy Spirit will give
you Spiritual gifts which will help you to do the will of God according to your callings (Eph
4:11,12). Your gift cannot be the same with my gift because we have different abilities and
ministry to perform therefore God gives you different gift in order to help others and in all to
Glorify Him, some will be gifted with Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in order to build up their
ministry and great callings like Apostles Prophets and Evangelist. We cannot say that there are
many spirits and different Spirits because of different gifts and manifestation, we cannot say
that there are seven different Spirits of God, It is one Spirit with 7 colors because it’s All in one ,
its seven in one, the Holy Spirit is like rainbow and is made of all those seven colors, without
one color it cannot be called rainbow, you can't separate the rainbow colors , it so with Holy
Spirit you cannot separate Him He is one.
1 Corinthians 12:8-10 The Spirit gives one person a message full of wisdom, while to another
person the same Spirit gives a message full of knowledge. One and the same Spirit gives faith to
one person, while to another person he gives the power to heal. The Spirit gives one person the
power to work miracles; to another, the gift of speaking God's message; and to yet another, the
ability to tell the difference between gifts that come from the Spirit and those that do not. To one
person he gives the ability to speak in strange tongues, and to another he gives the ability to
explain what is said.
1: There are many ways to receive the Holy Spirit of God and first is to repent your sin us a
sinner and receive Jesus us your personal savior and Jesus will come and live inside you. 1 John
1:9 But if we confess our sins to God, he will keep his promise and do what is right: he will forgive
us our sins and purify us from all our wrongdoing.) Now what is this promise that God speaks
about? It is the person of the Holy Spirit which Jesus promised His Disciples according to God's
Promise.( John 14:15-17 “If you love me, you will obey my commandments. I will ask the Father,
and he will give you another Helper, who will stay with you forever. He is the Spirit, who reveals
the truth about God. The world cannot receive him, because it cannot see him or know him. But
you know him, because he remains with you and is in you.)
2: The other way to receive Holy Spirit is through laying of hands through holy Servants of God,
and the anointing will flow through hands to the receiver. Acts 8:15-17 When they arrived, they
prayed for the believers that they might receive the Holy Spirit..Then Peter and John placed their
hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.
3: The other way you can receive the Holy Spirit and also the anointing is through full water
baptism in the name of Jesus, this is complete emersion of water in river or dam but not a basin
water( John 3:23). Acts 2:38 Peter said to them, “Each one of you must repent, turn away from
your sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins will be forgiven; and you
will receive God's gift, the Holy Spirit.
You must follow Jesus us the way the truth and the Life if Jesus was dipped fully in water then
you must follow that. In some cases of baptism you can be baptized then lack the Holy Spirit.(
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Acts 8:16 For the Holy Spirit had not yet come down on any of them; they had only been baptized
in the name of the Lord Jesus.)
You must be filled with Holy Spirit to enter Heaven for without that you cannot be allowed; the
Holy Spirit is the pass mark of the gate of Heaven followed by Holiness. Hebrews 12:14 Try to
live at peace with everyone, and try to live a holy life, because no one will see the Lord without
CALLING is a process whereby one is called to fulfill a specific mission in a given ministry.
Everyone has a call to serve the Lord or to help those who serve.
MINISTRY-is the work given after you have been called, it is your ground of working.
Everyone has a Ministry and it depends on how you work it to serve God or Satan. Some works
for Satan with their Ministry and others works for God. Different between God's ministry and
Satan's ministry is that God's Ministry is used to save humankind but Satan's Ministry is for
killing and destroying. Others have been gifted with gifts but if they don't serve to God they
became workers of Darkness using those gift to serve Satan.
God's ministry is doing the work of God establishing the Kingdom of Heaven and Meeting the
needs of people. Luke 4:18-19 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has chosen me to
bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of
sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed and announce that the time has come when the Lord
will save his people.” Your Ministry is not for helping you or taking profit in it but it is for
serving others and helping them. it is sacrificing yourself for the needs of others.
God uses many ways to call somebody in His Ministry.
1: Moses was called by God through a Burning bush and the Lord revealed to Him openly to his
Calling. Exodus 3:1-2 One day while Moses was taking care of the sheep and goats of his father-in-
law Jethro, the priest of Midian, he led the flock across the desert and came to Sinai, the holy
mountain. There the angel of the Lord appeared to him as a flame coming from the middle of a
bush. Moses saw that the bush was on fire but that it was not burning up.
2: God can call you like Paul(Saul) when he was going to Damascus to persecute Christians.
Acts 9:3-6 As Saul was coming near the city of Damascus, suddenly a light from the sky flashed
around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul! Why do you
persecute me?” “Who are you, Lord?” he asked. “I am Jesus, whom you persecute,” the voice said.
“But get up and go into the city, where you will be told what you must do.”
3: God can call you in a voice like Samuel in reality or in a Vision. 1 Samuel 3:2-4 One night Eli,
who was now almost blind, was sleeping in his own room; Samuel was sleeping in the sanctuary,
where the sacred Covenant Box was. Before dawn, while the lamp was still burning, the Lord
called Samuel. He answered, “Yes, sir!”
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4: God can call you Like David was anointed to serve God by Samuel. 1 Samuel 16:12-13 So Jesse sent
for him. He was a handsome, healthy young man, and his eyes sparkled. The Lord said to Samuel,
“This is the one—anoint him!” Samuel took the olive oil and anointed David in front of his
brothers. Immediately the spirit of the Lord took control of David and was with him from that day
on. Then Samuel returned to Ramah.
1: Conviction in your Heart and powerful force to serve the Lord.
2: Through Dreams or Vision, you see yourself Preaching and given that ability to serve the Lord.
3: Called by a voice like Moses, Jeremiah, or Samuel.
4: Word of Prophecy can be sent to you through Somebody.
5: God can use Bible verse to call you in reality or in Dream.
6: Can give you Spiritual gift like Words of Wisdom, words of knowledge, gift of Revelation, gift of
prophecy or Spirit of discernment.
1: Every time God will call you He will put you into a test to be strengthen, you must go through the
wilderness before you are Sent to Minister, there you must fast and be trialed like Jesus, there
you will have tribulation but the purpose is that you learn to depend and trust only God.
2: you must surrender all your past and obey the Calling. Matthew 4:18-20 As Jesus walked along the
shore of Lake Galilee, he saw two brothers who were fishermen, Simon (called Peter) and his
brother Andrew, catching fish in the lake with a net. Jesus said to them, “Come with me, and I will
teach you to catch people.” At once they left their nets and went with him.
3: You must deny you self ,your life and leave away everything for Calling. Luke 9:23-24,26 And he
said to them all, “If you want to come with me, you must forget yourself, take up your cross every
day, and follow me. For if you want to save your own life, you will lose it, but if you lose your life
for my sake, you will save it. If you are ashamed of me and of my teaching, then the Son of Man
will be ashamed of you when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy
4: You must be whom God has Called you to be, you can't compare your Calling with others, don't try
to be whom you are not Called to be.
5: Don't be too quick beyond your calling, don't do things that are against your call, don't stand
where you are not called, never try to join a battle that you are not called to fight because you
will die in your foolishness!
6: Don't run to get great titles. e.g. Prophet ,Apostle or Bishop..Instead run to serve the Lord in
Humbleness and He will lift you up, Learn to be least among all Servants to became great at the
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God calls those who are not qualified to make them qualified; He uses unlearned peoples to install
Wisdom in them. Jeremiah 1:4-9 The Lord said to me, “I chose you before I gave you life, and
before you were born I selected you to be a prophet to the nations.” I answered, “Sovereign Lord, I
don't know how to speak; I am too young.” But the Lord said to me, “Do not say that you are too
young, but go to the people I send you to, and tell them everything I command you to say. Do not
be afraid of them, for I will be with you to protect you. I, the Lord, have spoken!” Then the Lord
reached out, touched my lips, and said to me, “Listen, I am giving you the words you must speak.
1: Develop your relationship to God closer.
2: Must be someone who reads the Bible to have wisdom and knowledge.
3: You must be prayerful and Fasting to be spiritually awake, failure to do that you will be attacked
by Satan and your Ministry will be destroyed.
4: You must be obedience to God and all His Servants even if He sends a baby you must listen and
5: Must be Humble showing humility and flee from Pride and boosting.
6: Be who you are and Stick to your Calling.
7: Forget your past life, past name and past missions and focus on your Calling.
8: See positive things not negative results, see you can and get away from doubt.
9: persevere and endure your calling even to death to show faithfulness even at your death.
10: Be Holy and separate from worldly things.
11: let your mission be to prepare the Bride of Christ and your Vision must be to enter Heaven.
Matthew 10:5-8,16-23 These twelve disciples were sent out by Jesus with the following instructions:
“Do not go to any Gentile territory or any Samaritan towns.
Instead, you are to go to the lost sheep of the people of Israel. Go and preach, ‘The Kingdom of heaven is
near!’ Heal the sick, bring the dead back to life, heal those who suffer from dreaded skin diseases,
and drive out demons. You have received without paying, so give without being paid.
“Listen! I am sending you out just like sheep to a pack of wolves. You must be as cautious as snakes and
as gentle as doves. Watch out, for there will be those who will arrest you and take you to court,
and they will whip you in the synagogues. For my sake you will be brought to trial before rulers
and kings, to tell the Good News to them and to the Gentiles. When they bring you to trial, do not
worry about what you are going to say or how you will say it; when the time comes, you will be
given what you will say. For the words you will speak will not be yours; they will come from the
Spirit of your Father speaking through you. “People will hand over their own brothers to be put to
death, and fathers will do the same to their children; children will turn against their parents and
have them put to death. Everyone will hate you because of me. But whoever holds out to the [end]
will be saved. When they persecute you in one town, run away to another one. I assure you that
you will not finish your work in all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man [comes].
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Genesis 12:7 The LORD appeared to Abram (Abraham) and said, "To your descendants I will give
this land” So he built an altar there to the LORD who had appeared to him.
God being the beginner of Altar has been giving instruction to his people how to build and
preserve the Altar, every time Israel were going to new places they were always commanded to
build a Holy Altar where God would come and visit them. Even so in this days the Lord needs
the Same Altar because the Old one were destroyed with wickedness and immorality. There are
many types of Altars build by different kind of Men, there are Satanic Altars where by Satan
meets with his peoples, every cults have their own kind of Altar where they practice evil.(1
Kings 16:32) there are also Holy Altar of Holy Father of our Lord Jesus.
1:Is a place of Holy worship to God and praises, where we go to give thanks to our God. (2
Chronicles 33:16 He set up the altar of the LORD and sacrificed peace offerings and thank
offerings on it; and he ordered Judah to serve the LORD God of Israel.)
2: A meeting point between Men and Spirit, it is where the Spirit of God resides and where we can
enter into Spirit talking with Spirit of God.
3: A place where God can meet with Men. It is actually where God comes to meet with his people.
4: A place sanctified for a Spiritual purpose, a Holy place before God.
5: A door to heaven. it is a spiritual door where heaven is open and the Glory of God lest.
7: A place of where worshipers meet with whom they worship.
The greatest Altar is your heart ,that is where God can dwell, we require a Holy heart for God to
lest in our Heart because the Spirit of God needs Holiness inn and out. Our bodies are the
temples of the Holy Spirit and that is why we are not allowed to put things in our Bodies, we are
not allowed to add or make-ups on our Body, no piercing body, eg ear-rings, tattoos, colors, nail
paints, foreign hair, artificial hair, the Temple of God should be exactly how God created it, it
should be Holy without any additions because when you ruin it with those make-ups it will turn
out to be the temple of Satan. Our body are not meant for immorality, masturbation or worldly
pressures, they are for serving God in Holiness.
1 Corinthians 6:13 Someone else will say, “Food is for the stomach, and the stomach is for food.”
Yes; but God will put an end to both. The body is not to be used for sexual immorality, but to serve
the Lord; and the Lord provides for the body.
Genesis 35:1-2, 4 God said to Jacob, “Go to Bethel at once, and live there. Build an altar there to
me, the God who appeared to you when you were running away from your brother Esau.” So Jacob
said to his family and to all who were with him, “Get rid of the foreign gods that you have; purify
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yourselves and put on clean clothes. So they gave Jacob all the foreign gods that they had and also
the earrings that they were wearing. He buried them beneath the oak tree near Shechem.
We should be careful how we use parts of our bodies because they all makes the temple of God,
if its your mouth is supposed to be Holy ,no speaking lies or anything evil, no making
immorality with your mouth(oral sex). If its our legs should be Holy not stepping to evil
houses, bars and disco's , our ears should also be Holy so that we may not allow evil to enter
our Hearts(Altar), We should not use them to listen evil sounds, unclean music’s, worldly
music’s, and immoral stories. We should only listen what is holy and pleasing God, only pure
Holy Songs or sounds should we listen to avoid evil in the temple of Holy Spirit.
Our eyes should also be avoided from seeing evil, seeing wickedness because they are mirrors
of our heart, they helps to store it in the heart, so when you watch evil it will be stored in your
heart(Alter). Never use your eye to watch immorality ,pornography, immoral programs, holly
woods, nolywoods, horror movies, war movies and unrighteousness. Those things will ruin
your mind and unclean the Altar of God in you. You must maintain your heart not to give place
of bitterness, anger, pride, envy and hatred. You must preserve your body for it is the greatest
Alter of God. 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 Avoid immorality. Any other sin a man commits does not
affect his body; but the man who is guilty of sexual immorality sins against his own body. Don't
you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and who was given to
you by God? You do not belong to yourselves but to God; he bought you for a price. So use your
bodies for God's glory.
1 Kings 18:30 Then Elijah said to all the people, "Come near to me." So all the people came near to
him. And he repaired the altar of the LORD which had been torn down.
The Lord require a Holy Altar and this is why He needs reconstruction of a new Altar, You can build it
in your House and sanctify your House and decrier that it shall be the Altar of God. You have to
break every idols in your House and every evil in your rooms, clean out those immoral CD's,
clean up those walls photos of worldly Celebrity, Catholic Mary and jesus, clean up those photos
because Jesus won't visit you Seeing another false jesus there, that is another form of idol
worships, clean up every evil dolls and cartoons in your houses because those are the door way
of evils. Then after cleaning those things then you can plead the Blood of Jesus to cleanse every
evil materials, you have to break every covenant made in that House, every foundation of evil
must be break in Jesus name, because Many houses were used by Satanic and even evil
covenants’ and bloodshed were made, some has Spirits of prostitutions and masturbation,
Spirits of death and suicide were left there, Spirits of diseases, you need to break every evil
covenants in Your house and decrier the Blood of Jesus inside. 1 Chronicles 21:26 Then David
built an altar to the LORD there and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings. And he called to
the LORD and He answered him with fire from heaven on the altar of burnt offering.
Ask God to fill your house with Holy Spirit and with the Fire of His Altar, welcome the Lord's
Kingdom to take Authority over your house, welcome Jesus inside and tell him to take control,
you must humble and kneel down and lift your hands up while praying in the Altar of God us a
sign of surrender, pray the covering of Blood of Jesus around your House and decrier to be the
Altar of God. Your house will now became the centre of deliverance and it will protect your
family from attacks, it will save your village or states because it is a tower of deliverance, No
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evil will ever enter your house, not even those evil spirit/night runner at night that climbs your
roofs, not even a cat or owl can land in your roof because it is Holy Alter of God covered with
This is a room in your house (Altar) where only Holy men should steps or enter, a small part
even in your single room where no one should step only Holy ones, where not even a cat/dog
will step, it must be Holy ground of God where you prays to Holy God, that place will be filled
with intense Anointing of God that even the sick can be healed, that is Where the sit of Jesus
resides in your House. 1 Kings 8:54 When Solomon had finished praying this entire prayer and
supplication to the LORD, he arose from before the altar of the LORD, from kneeling on his knees
with his hands spread toward heaven. 1 Chronicles 21:26 Then David built an altar to the LORD
there and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings. And he called to the LORD and He answered
him with fire from heaven on the altar of burnt offering.
Revelation 12:10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, “Now God's salvation has come! Now
God has shown his power as King! Now his Messiah has shown his authority! For the one who
stood before our God and accused believers day and night has been thrown out of heaven.)
This is the hour of purification and even sanctification, when the Bride of Christ is supposed to
be looking her garment, checking for any errors and removing any spots because the Accuser
(Satan) is still accusing you before God. This is the Hour that one is supposed to pray for
complete Holiness, ask the Holy Spirit to search every Sin in you and cleans you every spots.
Psalm 139:2,7,24 You know everything I do; from far away you understand all my thoughts.
Where could I go to escape from you? Where could I get away from your presence? Find out if
there is any evil in me and guide me in the everlasting way.
The Lord revealed me about spots of sin that i haven't been cleansed, i went out in my House
and i found two books that some of them i stole in my school, the Holy Spirit convicted me to
return them because every time i see them i would lack was 2009 when i left
secondary school and i did not return those books, So like Nicodemus came to Jesus at night i
too very early i went to that School to renounce and return books, imagine it is after five years
now , i went and found the third Principal and i told him the Story without hiding my sin, i was
amazed that he took a book and started searching my name there in, He saw my all detail and
even went ahead telling me that He can see in the record that i also had another books but
those i returned(every past sin unconfessed is still written in Heaven)
Now i gave the Headmaster those books and he was very happy and scared to see how much such a
young man can have the fear of the Lord..after i did i felt a lot of peace in my heart and the Joy of
the Lord filled me because now i was free from sin, i use to think that am ready us a bride until
the Lord revealed to me that many who think are ready for Jesus are deceiving themselves!
Revelation 22:3 Nothing that is under God's curse will be found in the city.
This hour the Holy Spirit has been Speaking to Me about removing out every spots in and sin
that can act us a block in Rapture day..And also i received a confirmation from a Sister who
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asked me the Same Question, She asked to help her what to do , When she was still with her
husband before divorce She stole one thousand from him when he was drunk, She used the
Money to Buy skirt and every time She Wears the Skirt the Holy Spirit judges her and convicts
her! I told her the best thing is not to take that skirt to Church or repenting and praying, it is
going to that Husband and return the Same Money to him and renounce the Sin by speaking out
the truth..Those things are the one which will drag many Christian behide! Satan is accusing us
before God and blaming our Life for little sin we did before.
Satan is still blaming you for your former sin, those little sin will drag you to hell because they
are perfect to unclean your garment. We need to cry to Jesus asking him to search our heart for
any sin hidden in our life’s, some of sins do not need repentance they need restitution(the
restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper owner, or repay for injury or loss.) We do
not need to pray for stolen things we need to return them, God cannot cleans that which is
unrighteous or stolen goods. Some people still holds stolen things in their house, corruptible
things which came us a result of unrighteousness, You must return those things if it is possible
before the accuser reports you at the Throne of God, there you will be ashamed of little spots,
Go and report the Case to Jesus before the Accuser reports you! We need to restore those things
in our life, some peoples were helped with cup/spoon long ago and until now they haven't
returned ,they pretend to forget and now Satan is Calling them Thief in front of God. Others
have debt and they pretend not to remember, you must go and pay back the money no matter
how small it is, otherwise you will have to give account to God in Judgment day..if you lack
money to pay back then you must pray and tell Jesus to provide you.
We need restoration of even words ,if you lied somebody you need now to go and speak the
truth, if you stole money you need to return it, if you have cloth or good that you got it by
immorality you need to burn that, may be your immoral boyfriend bought for you a phone you
need to return it if possible or burn it, those things must be done to avoid blamed by Satan at
that day. Never allow those Little sins to drag you to hell, ignorance will take many to Hell
because the Holy Spirit convicts you to return and then your ignorance resist the truth!
If you have caused pain or hurt somebody in past you need to go and ask for forgiveness, go
and receive your healing there before time! If you holds bitterness for someone you need to
forgive and be at peace with him before you land in Hell, If you have arguments and violence go
and settle the matter before Satan report you to God. If you have a matter with your brethrens
on which you did not forgive them is the time to forgive those who wronged you because
unless you forgive you will not be forgiven by God! Some peoples buys worldly things and
claim that us long i will pray i can use it! Some pastors have deceived them, How can you
cleanse what is idol? What is unrighteous cannot be blessed by God, you cannot buy Satanic
materials and pray for them, you cannot pray for artificial hairs, bangles, necklaces, make ups
products or pray for them to be cleansed because they are not even allowed in heaven to be
Revelation 22:3 nothing that is under God's curse will be found in the city.) You cannot steal from the
devil and ask Jesus to cleanse them because the blood of Jesus can't cleans idols of Satan. do not
deceive yourself that you are clean when you haven't done restoration ,separation and
repentance! Guide your Marriage garment of the Lamb of God ,guide it away from those spots of
little sin, those are enough to keep you blemish and unclean! They will shame you at that day of
Rapture. Revelation 22:3,14-15 Nothing that is under God's curse will be found in the city. The
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throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will worship him. Happy are
those who wash their robes clean and so have the right to eat the fruit from the tree of life and to
go through the gates into the city. But outside the city are the perverts and those who practice
magic, the immoral and the murderers, those who worship idols and those who are liars (both in
words and deeds.)
The best way a servant of God can serve is through Love and Humbleness but the worst thing that
destroy the his Ministry is Pride. Satan main method to destroy the ministry or fellowships is
through causing brother against brother to break the fellowship. Satan best weapon to destroy
a ministry is to cause criticism and accusation between Christians.
There they start harassing each other to appoint of criticism and instead of correcting each other
they cause separation and break up the fellowship. Some start to point others pretending to be
better than them and this is called Pride. Instead of criticizing and accusing others you should
pray and intercede for them. If the Christian today should have been praying and interceding to
the lost instead of judging them then the Church would have not be fallen, there would be
mighty ministry with love and unity. When a Brother has sinned or need to be corrected this
should be done in much love to correct him to avoid hurting him , the purpose is not to expose
those who sin but it is saving them and showing them the right way. It is better to rebuke in
private than in public to avoid chasing the brother.
We use Love to win a soul back to Jesus, we also use Love in correcting and rebuking the fallen, When
Love is used it covers many Sin, Christian are to cover each other’s Sin to avoid exposing their
nudity to unbelievers, if you expose your fellow brother you exposes yourself because we are in
the Same Body of Christ.
There are steps the Church needs to take before exposing a brother: Matthew 18:15-17 “If your
brother sins against you, go to him and show him his fault. But do it privately, just between
yourselves. If he listens to you, you have won your brother back. But if he will not listen to you,
take one or two other persons with you, so that ‘every accusation may be upheld by the testimony
of two or more witnesses,’ as the scripture says. And if he will not listen to them, then tell the
whole thing to the church. Finally, if he will not listen to the church, treat him as though he were a
pagan or a tax collector. We should show mercy on those who fall because we too were saved
by Mercy, God shows mercy to those who show mercy and He show love to those who love, so
we must correct in love and in humbleness avoiding to be better than others.
Pride is poison to the calling, Peter once had pride when he told Jesus in front of other disciples that
even if all left Jesus he alone would not leave or deny Jesus, but you see the Rooster crows three
times and Peter denied Jesus! It took Pride for Peter to think he is better than others and
saying that even if all forsake you me alone i will not. No one can stand by his strength no one
can stand in Holiness by his strength it takes the Grace of God to stay in Holiness for we were
saved by that Grace. it takes the Grace of God for us to stand because if that Grace will be
snatched away from us then we would all fall. Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by God's grace that you
have been saved through faith. It is not the result of your own efforts, but God's gift, so that no one
can boast about it. Those who serve the Lord must first learn how to humble before the Lord
for humility comes before Authority. You must not seek after Authority (title) but seek after
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Humility and serving. You must decrease for God to increase alone, you must be ready to
become least in order to became great.
One day i was traveling and i entered public vehicle but it had no free seat and so i was forced to sit
on air between seats, i sat on air very stressing but i humbled and i was patience that i would
find a seat, after some minutes one passenger left and i got a seat be hide, there i stayed
comfortable, God made me to learn that if only we humble and persevere in our position then
God will lift us. 1 Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves, then, under God's mighty hand, so that he will lift
you up in his own good time.
HOW TO RECOGNISE if you have fruits of Pride;
1: Pride is pretending to be better than someone.
2 : Pride is seeking to be served and seeking for Authority.
3: Pride is seeking to be recognized and to be honored by others.
4: Pride considers its self matured and perfect.
5: Pride does not like to be corrected or to be taught.
6: Pride is jealousy of others.
It is opposite of pride.
1: Humility doe's not seek authority or titles.
2: Humility do not seek to be served instead it seeks to serve others first.
3: Humility seeks to became the least in all and be last to be served.
4: Humility do not show up to be considered or be recognized.
5 : Humility does not competite with others.
6: Humility is to accept correction from everyone no matter the age.
7: Humility is to be humble to all in righteousness.
8: Humility provides and sacrifices it's self to others.
9: Humility is to became the least for God to be exalted, it is to decrease for God to increase.
10: Humility gives all Glory to Jesus, it do not Glorify it- Self all boost.
Now there is great danger for those who are called in great calls, they need to watch out and
learn three things which is LOVE, HUMILITY AND PRIDE.
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Saints that in the Bible won the race because of Wisdom and they feared the Lord. One of the
gate way to Heaven is Called Wisdom which is to fear God and to depart from evil. Those who
are Called out of world must learn to seek Wisdom because it takes Wisdom to Serve the Lord.
You can build a House but without wisdom it will fall, without it you can't even finish the
God require every one to seek first wisdom before walking with Him, He require every one to
have the fear of the Lord which becomes the beginning of Knowledge! If you lack it then ask and
Pray then you will have it.(James 1:5 But if any of you lack wisdom, you should pray to God, who
will give it to you; because God gives generously and graciously to all. )
If then you are to seek Wisdom then you must deny all your theologies, you must forget all your
earthly wisdoms to be given Heavenly wisdom, you must forget all your PHD's those can't work
with God wisdom, God require you to became empty for Him to Fill you with Heavenly Wisdom.
When God is teaching you don't try to fit your methods just surrender to the Will of God
through Holy Spirit. The Lord is requiring only His fear to Serve Him. Deuteronomy 10:12 What
doe's God Demands “Now, people of Israel, listen to what the Lord your God regures of you: to fear
the Lord and to do all that he commands. Love him, serve him with all your heart,. Now what is
wisdom? Is to Fear the Lord which is to depart from all wrong doings,(Proverbs 8:13 To fear the
Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil ways and false words.)
What is the beginning of Wisdom ? It is to depart from evil, it is to escape from all
unrighteousness ,all unholy, all impure ,all lies, pride and all sin.(Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the
Lord is the beginning of Knowledge ,but fools despise wisdom and discipline) Those who don't
fear the Lord will gain foolishness they will walk in blindness because the fear of the Lord gives
vision, it gives direction. If you have the true fear of God then you will learn to wait on God
perfect time, you will be patience with trials till you overcome, the Fear of God gives perfect
Wisdom to walk in Holiness, the Wisdom of God give's strong Faith and Confidence even when
your earthly eye's can't see hope. Proverbs 14:26 Fear of the Lord gives confidence and security
to a man and his family.
The joy of the Lord is with them that fears the Lord, they knows the Happiness inside Jesus.
Those who walk in the fear of God(wisdom) knows deep secret how to walk with God, it took
the Fear of the Lord for Enoch to walk with God till he was raptured, the Secrets of the Lord are
with those who fears Him,(Psalm 25:14 The Lord is the friend of those who Fear him and he
makes his covenant known to them.) The secret is to know what God hate's and what He love's!
Is to know what make's God angry and what makes Him happy! If you know it God will trust you
with Heavenly Wisdom. You will became a friend of God like Abraham, God will never hide
secret to You ,You will be given wisdom more than you ever know. Honest is the secret to get
Wisdom and faithfulness is the door to the Knowledge of God. If you are Honest with God then
you can be trusted with Wisdom, If you are faithful to God then He will reveal deep secrets to
you. The reason why many are lacking Wisdom is because they are not faithful, kind, and
Honest to God, they live in unfaithful life, they do not serve the Lord in truth and Holiness ,they
are not honest with the little they have, they have compromised with worldly things, fashions,
sex, movies, songs, books and lifestyles! To Fear the Lord is by everything you do, anything
that you say, anything that you wear you must show the Fear of the Lord, The fear of the Lord is
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to Live us if God is Watching you every Hour. Is to live us if you are walking with God that's the
Fear of the Lord, is to live us if you are in Heaven, is to live in the presence of God in Spirit!
Those who fear the Lord must love's to be separates for Our God is Separated from gods, they
must have respect of God and His Word, those who have the Wisdom of God always trembles
every time they hear the Word, they take the Word effectively ,now are you Trembling when
reading this? if no then Seek the Fear of the Lord, Them that have it they do not mention the
name of God/Jesus for no purpose! Those who Fear the Lord also fears God holy servants, they
do not rash to point fingers!
The Lord give's Wisdom to those who fears His Word ,only to those who trembles at His Word,
only to those after hearing the Word they Repents and turn from evil, only to those who
believes His Word without understanding! He gives Wisdom to those who never Complains of
His Words and to those who take's serious every Word. God is pleased with those who have a
repentance heart every time they hear the Word they trembles and Fear. Isaiah 66:2 I myself
created the whole universe! I am pleased with those who are humble and repentant, who fear me
and obey me by trembling at my Word.
Those who fears the Lord will be feared by the world, they will be Honored and Respected
because the Walks with the KING of KINGS. If you Honor God even your prayer will be Honored
and your Words will also be honored that whatever you ask it will be done. Whatever you loose
here in earth it will be loosed in Heaven. 1 Samuel 2:30.... But now I say that I won't have it any
longer! Instead, I will honor those who honor me, and I will show mercy to those who show
Those who Fear the Lord will be protected in this End times, they will be covered with the Glory
of God and the Grace of God will be their Strength to the end, nothing Shall separate the Love of
God to them that Fears Him, they shall be given a security of Angels to walk with them and to
complete their Ministries. Psalm 34:7-9 His angel guards those who Fear the Lord and rescues
them from danger. Find out for yourself how good the Lord is. Happy are those who find safety
with him. Fear the Lord, all his people; those who obey him have all they need).
In this Last days you must learn to Seek the Fear of the Lord and His Wisdom for without them you
will not overcome trials! You need to Seek God every day and depart from evil to draw near to
God. Know what pleases God and what doe'st. Do what pleases God and depart from what He
doe'st love. Wisdom is mind of Heaven which gives Holiness! 2 Corinthians 7:1 All these
promises are made to us, my dear friends. So then, let us purify ourselves from everything that
makes body or soul unclean, and let us be completely holy by living in Fear of God.
Those who will enter Heaven will enter through the Fear of the Lord. To become the Bride of
Christ you must have Wisdom and depart from evil, you must live in complete Holiness and
Obedience to the Word. Psalm 33:8-9 Worship the Lord, all the earth! Fear him, all peoples of the
world! When He spoke, the world was created; at his command everything appeared.
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The hour has drawn so close for the Son of Man to return, the Lord Jesus is returning for a Matured
bride with full glorious garment. All those who are without the Garment cannot be rapture
because they do not have the Marriage garment. Matthew 22:11-13 “The king went in to look
at the guests and saw a man who was not wearing wedding clothes. ‘Friend, how did you get in
here without wedding clothes?’ the king asked him. But the man said nothing. Then the king told
the servants, ‘Tie him up hand and foot, and throw him outside in the dark. There he will cry and
gnash his teeth.’”
In this last days there is only two churches, one is naked while the others is clothed with the
garment of God. The naked Church is known us the foolish virgins who never cared the oil in
their jar, they are lukewarm churches who do not care about the garment of Holiness. They do
not care about Holiness inn and out and without it no one will enter Heaven. This garment is a
spiritual one that no eyes can see it expect the spiritual one, it is the Same garment that Adam
and Eve was given before they fall, but after they Sin they destroyed their garment by sin and
they became poor naked. This garment was again given to us when Jesus died on the Cross and
His blood make us pure garment for all. Nothing can wash away the garment expect the Blood
of Jesus.
There are two materials which builds up the garment, one is Holiness and the other is
Righteousness. The bride of Christ must have this pure garment to wed with Jesus, She must
preserve the garment to avoid any spot or blame. Satan the accuser is blaming any spots in the
garment, spots belongs to Satan, One time Joshua's garment was blamed by Satan but the Angel
of the Lord rebuked Satan, Satan knew Joshua when he was naked (dirty garment) but when He
repented His garment was made clean and Holy.
Zechariah 3:2-4 The angel of the Lord said to Satan, “May the Lord condemn you, Satan! May the
Lord, who loves Jerusalem, condemn you. This man is like a stick snatched from the fire.” Joshua
was standing there, wearing filthy clothes. The angel said to his heavenly attendants, “Take away
the filthy clothes this man is wearing.” Then he said to Joshua, “I have taken away your sin and
will give you new clothes to wear.”
Satan will never stop to accurse the bride of Christ until She will be raptured, every little spots will
defile and unclean the garment, Many consider Sin to be Killing, stealing, prostitution,
drunkard and witchcraft but they don't care little Sin like hatred, envy, anger, bitterness,
jealousy, lust, lies and pride. Every little sin will unclean your garment, will make you blame
and with spot. Those sports will not allow you to be raptured and they will make your garment
heavy to ascend you in Heaven. Those spots of sin will cause you to remain grounded on earth
and the raw of gravity will hold you down on earth because you belong to earth. Romans 13:11
you must do this, because you know that the time has come for you to wake up from your sleep.
For the moment when we will be saved is closer now than it was when we first believed.
Many Christians do not know that without Holiness no one will enter heaven, the garment of
Holiness must be long and fully covering the body, must not have any open part exposing the
body. The body is the temple of Holy Spirit and so we must cover it to appear Holy and
blameless. Now Satan has deceived the lukewarm Bride to put on any garment without
Holiness, they wear open breast, mini-skirts, slit dressings and tight cloths which are immoral
and unclean ,they cannot join the Holy wedding feast of the Lamb. Those garments cannot be
welcomed at Heaven in the Holiest wedding of the Lamb of God. In the wedding of Heaven only
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the image of God is allowed , any other artificial images will be rejected by God, no make ups
there in the wedding of Jesus and the Bride, no eye pencils there ,no artificial hair , no artificial
nails or coloring, no tattoos or piercing there ,no ear-rings or necklace there. There is pure
Holy image and face of God. It is complete Holiness inn and out, heart and body. There more
Holy you are the more careful you should watch your garment because little sins will spoil your
garment. the more whiter garment you have the more you need to guide your garment because
even a pen spot can unclean it. You must watch and guide it not to be polluted by the dust of
this world. Philippians 2:14-15 Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you
may be innocent and blameless as God's perfect children, who live in a world of corrupt and sinful
people. You must shine among them like stars lighting up the sky,.
You must wash the wedding garment every hour to avoid stains and spots of Sin, those spots
will attract demons and evil in your life. You must cleanse your garment with Repentance to be
washed by the Blood of Jesus. This garment must be in the image of Christ and it must be
representing the characters of Jesus Christ, when the world look at your garment they must See
Christ you, it must be build of pure the Word of God.
Make up your garment and be purified by the Blood of Jesus the wedding of the Lamb of God is ready.
Psalm 119:1-3 The Law of the Lord Happy are those whose lives are faultless, who live according to the
law of the Lord. Happy are those who follow his commands, who obey him with all their heart.
They never do wrong; they walk in the Lord's ways.
# Romans 13:12 The night is nearly over, day is almost here. Let us stop doing the things that belong to
the dark, and let us take up weapons for fighting in the light.
# 1 Thessalonians 5:23 May the God who gives us peace make you holy in every way and keep your
whole being—spirit, soul, and body—free from every fault at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Revelation 22:14,17 Blessed are those who wash their robes clean and so have the right to eat the fruit
from the tree of life and to go through the gates into the city.
The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come!” Everyone who hears this must also say, “Come!” Come, whoever is
thirsty; accept the water of life as a gift, whoever wants it.
Tribulation period is the moment after Rapture the coming of Jesus, that time will be a time of
distress ,a time of darkness when the earth will be filled with much darkness because during
that time there will be no peace since there will be no Holy Spirit, now Satan will arise that time
with great anger knowing his time will be so Short to deceive human, Satan will rise up and give
breath to the Beast and the Antichrist, and there will be times of great panic in the earth.
Matthew 24:21 - For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the
world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
This period will last for 7 years and during those half years God Himself will bring judgment to
the earth, He will pour out his wrath upon the Earth, 7 judgments will strike the earth and
there will be distress and great pain, there will be painful sore's, creatures devouring peoples,
water will turn blood, there will be darkness of evil.
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Matthew 24:29,42,44 The Coming of the Son of Man “Soon after the trouble of those days, the sun will
grow dark, the moon will no longer shine, the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers in space
will be driven from their courses.
Matthew 24:21-22 For the trouble at that time will be far more terrible than any there has ever been,
from the beginning of the world to this very day. Nor will there ever be anything like it again. But
God has already reduced the number of days; had he not done so, nobody would survive. For the
sake of his chosen people, however, God will reduce the days.)
At that period of His Judgment there will be no Death only pain and suffering but after half of those
years after God wraths now death will be released..and many will be killed horrible death being
tortured to death, they will die painful death, Antichrist will enjoy killing the left be hide
Christians in those Days.
Matthew 24:24 For false Messiahs and false prophets will appear; they will perform great miracles and
wonders in order to deceive even God's chosen people, if possible.) Then after there the Antichrist
will take hold of the earth and the beast will fully take power, they will fight all the remaining
Christians forcing them to receive the Mark of beast.. those who will refuse will have to be-
headed and martyred for the testimony of Christ...during those days the Lord also will send
deceiving spirits to make people believe the Antichrist and take the Mark..
2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 And so God will send the power of error to work in them so that they
believe what is false. The result is that all who have not believed the truth, but have taken
pleasure in sin, will be condemned.
Matthew 24:22 But God has already reduced the number of days; had he not done so, nobody
would survive. For the sake of his chosen people, however, God will reduce the days.
The Antichrist will fight against the Israel against the remnants of God and there many Christians
will be killed for the Glory of Jesus, Daniel 9:26And at the end of that time God's chosen leader
will be killed unjustly. The city and the Temple will be destroyed by the invading army of a
powerful ruler. The end will come like a flood, bringing the war and destruction which God has
prepared.) This is also called the Great tribulation period which will last for seven years on
which the Antichrist will be enthroned on earth and be worship by all those who will take the
mark of beast. Daniel 9:27 That ruler will have a firm agreement with many people for seven
years, and when half this time is past, he will put an end to sacrifices and offerings. The Awful
Horror will be placed on the highest point of the Temple and will remain there until the one who
put it there meets the end which God has prepared for him.” )
During this time there will be much evil such us it was not there, demons from hell will also come to
torture peoples because Satan will be given the World, those times there will be no love and
many will kill each other, animals will turn out to be beast and will have demons to destroy
you. there will be aliens and creatures even from dark kingdoms coming to war against left be
hide Christians. Many left be hide churches at that time will be forced to receive the Mark by
their leaders, if you make a mistake and receive the Mark you will never be saved and the Mark
means you belong to Satan forever to Hell. If it happen that you don't receive the mark you will
then be martyred . Then after those days after seven painful years the Lord will appear again
to fight over the Israel and to save the remnants and 144,000 saints of tribe of Israel , and there
the Lord Jesus will come with great massive mighty Glory that it will consume the Antichrist
and there JESUS will save His peoples. Matthew 24:29-31 “Soon after the trouble of those days,
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the sun will grow dark, the moon will no longer shine, the stars will not shine.. Then the sign of
the Son of Man will appear in the sky; and all the peoples of earth will weep as they see the Son of
Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. The great trumpet will sound,
and he will send out his angels to the four corners of the earth, and they will gather his chosen
people from one end of the world to the other.
This is the Hour to prepare yourself enough that you will not be left be hide because it will be much
greater to die than to live in those days, imagine you were a Christian and every one knew you
then you were not Raptured, they will mock and torture you making fun of you, at that time
many who are lukewarm today will be left be hide and will receive the Mark.
Then after that period of tribulation this world will be wiped off away from the face of God ,this
earth will be taken away and be removed from God then the new Earth for righteous will be
formed which is the new Jerusalem.
Revelation 21:1-3 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The first heaven and the first earth
disappeared, and the sea vanished. And I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out
of heaven from God, prepared and ready, like a bride dressed to meet her husband. I heard a loud
voice speaking from the throne: “Now God's home is with people! He will live with them, and they
shall be his people. God himself will be with them, and he will be their God.
You must be Fasting, Watching out and praying keeping the Word of God live in you, be obedient and
deny yourself here in earth, seek Holiness inn and out so that your righteousness will save you.
Matthew 24:42,44 Watch out, then, because you do not know what day your Lord will come. So
then, you also must always be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you are
not expecting him.
Nobody can know the ways of the Lord unless the Spirit of the Lord reveals you. IF only you
choose what is Holy and pleasing to God then you will be given the ability to see beyond your
visions . The Lord is looking for Someone who he can trust with his Power .(Hebrew 2: 4 At
the same time God added his witness to them by performing all kinds of miracles and wonders
and by distributing the gifts of the Holy Spirit according to his will.) God is looking someone who
can be Used us a Witness of who Jesus was and What power he had, Somebody who can
proclaim the power of Pentecost by the manifestation of Holy powerful Spirit of God ,
Somebody who can be trusted with the Power of Healing without money and Casting of Demons
without Pride and Self exalting.
If only there will be someone who will choose Jesus and Deny the world then the Lord grace
will found him Good to be Trusted with this Great Power of God . This is the Power that was
promised by Jesus when he ascended high above he gave gift to men and promised that those
Sign shall Follow them that believes him.(Mark 16:17 Believers will be given the power to
perform miracles: they will drive out demons in my name; they will speak in strange
tongues; 18 if they pick up snakes or drink any poison, they will not be harmed; they will place
their hands on sick people, and these will get well.” )
Us the LORD is calling out his Bride to come out of the world and follow him ,he will also Separate
them from false prophets and false doctrines taught by men. The bride who is the sheep of God
will have to hear the Voice of the good Shepherd and the sheep will find a way to green pasture
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,where it will be feed only the Manna from Heaven ,Only the true word of God ,Only what God
Says ! If God speaks Yesterday through Visions he will speak today Again to warn this
Generation. He is the Old God who never change and he is also Today's God who never Fail .(
Hebrew 13: 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.)
If the Lord healed he will also heal today and if he was rejected you will also be rejected and if
resurrected you also will be if you die in Christ. The Lord is Calling his chosen’s to desire him
more to be filled with this End time power. Be separate from the things that defiles your
Lust, immorality, and Pride ( 2 Timothy 2:22 Avoid the passions of youth, and strive for
righteousness, faith, love, and peace, together with those who with a pure heart call out to the
Lord for help. 23 But keep away from foolish and ignorant arguments; you know that they end up
in quarrels. 24 As the Lord's servant, you must not quarrel.)..If only you will be separate from the
world then Lord will use you for his purpose. Be separate from worldly life styles, worldly
cloths, immoral tight cloths, cover your body fully for it is the temple of Holy Spirit. Be separate
with the Worldly movies and songs those belong to the devil to defile your call. Stop lies, envy,
pride, strife, unforgiving ,and hatred be Holy and live with peace with All men and the Lord will
grant you with his Power to change the world and to heal it .
If you don't surrender fully to Jesus you will be used in the service of God to save others but at the
end you will be cast in Hell. Its either you surrender to Jesus or to Satan. Choose to be separate
with Sin and the things of this world which do not please the Lord. You need to wake up or fall
into temptation .be serious how you serve the Lord because you may be serving the devil at the
end. Wake up and start fasting and seeking the Word daily . If you want to know the Lord then
read the bible and if you want to speak with the Lord then pray long time. Draw near to Jesus
and he will fill you with his Presence daily to be able to walk with more power and Glory. The
world is falling apart and Christians are falling Apart Because the whole world is being ruled
under Satan. This why it is more than Sodom and Gomorrah and we are in dark times full of
Evil Generation. The Lord is calling his people to move out of this Evil world and to be Holy set
apart for His Glory. Now is the time for the sheep and goat to be separate.
Desire to be filled with the Power of God. This power will only be given to them that lives in
complete Holiness and they will be shining like the stars ,they will be like a house located on
hill and every one will see their Glory. they will be the Light in this Evil Generation showing the
exactly image of Jesus and signs and Wonders will follow them. and many will be saved because
of their righteousness ,they will heal the sick and deliver others from Evil. The world will know
that God lives by the power of HIS peoples. Be separate from sin and you will see the Lord using
you. 2 Timothy 2: 19 But the solid foundation that God has laid cannot be shaken; and on it are
written these words: “The Lord knows those who are his” and “Those who say that they belong to
the Lord must turn away from wrongdoing.” 20 In a large house there are dishes and bowls of all
kinds: some are made of silver and gold, others of wood and clay; some are for special occasions,
others for ordinary use. 2 Timothy 2:21 Those who make themselves clean from all those evil
things, will be used for special purposes, because they are dedicated and useful to their Master,
ready to be used for every good deed. 22 Avoid the passions of youth, and strive for righteousness,
faith, love, and peace, together with those who with a pure heart call out to the Lord for help.
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Ephesians 4:11-13 It was he who “gave gifts to people”; he appointed some to be apostles, others to be
prophets, others to be evangelists, others to be pastors and teachers. He did this to prepare all
God's people for the work of Christian service, in order to build up the body of Christ. And so we
shall all come together to that oneness in our faith and in our knowledge of the Son of God; we
shall become mature people, reaching to the very height of Christ's full stature.
The Lord God almighty is calling His bride to grow and mature up to be able to walk like His Son
Jesus, to mature up to be in Christ full stature. The Bride of Christ at this hour should be filled
with Mighty Holy Spirit to be able to work in the very nature of Christ. This is not the time to
walk like worldly people it is the hour to walk like children of light in complete Holiness and
righteousness. This is the hour to reflect the characters of Jesus in your life that only Jesus will
be seen in you, it is the hour to destroy your human nature and build Christ nature in you. It is
the hour to talk like Christ, to dress like Christ and to act like Christ Jesus in your Life.
When the Lord Created man He created Him in His own image that man would walk like God, think
like God and speak like God. The desire of God is that man should be in His image to think like
Him, He never wanted Men to die but Due to sin we die. Genesis 1:24,26 Then God commanded,
“Let the earth produce all kinds of animal life: domestic and wild, large and small”—and it was
done. Then God said, “And now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us.
They will have power over the fish, the birds, and all animals, domestic and wild, large and small.”
So the Lord God Almighty is also calling out His bride to resemble Him in His image, God want us to
think like him meaning having the mind of God in us, thinking the Same with God , and walking
in His nature like. Our mind should try to be like that of Christ, when you think something let it
come true, when you imagine it let it come true and that is what God wants us to be in His own
image .we should be Spiritually alive and sound minded to hear in Spirit. We need to be filled
with the Mind of God to be able to discern the hour we are living, we need only to flee from
other corruptive mind of world, flee from evil mind and from the worldly imagination. If you
want to think like God you must clean out your mind from evil minds, immoral program s,
pornography, Hollywood, nolywoods and flee from the passion/cares of the World. You should
only keep your mind in Holiness by purifying it with the Word of God and meditating upon it
every day.
The Bride of Christ must be in one mind with Christ meaning She must have the mind of Christ! You
must be able to hear from the mind of Christ, to think positively things ,to think and then be
done, The Bride of Christ Should be able to see things in the Mind of God before they come to
happen. Your Spiritual eyes must be opened, Since the Spirit of truth is in us we should be able
to think before it happen. Philippians 2:5-6 The attitude you should have is the one that Christ
Jesus had: He always had the nature of God, but he did not think that by force he should try to
remain equal with God.
So when we came in this level of walking in the Mind of Christ then we should be careful not to
be equal with God by destroying every root of pride in our Life. When pride arises it seeks to be
worshiped like God and seeks to be approved by Men calling its self big names imitating God
who is the only Mighty. Those who are preparing to be Christ Bride must have the nature of God
in them, must not be equal with God but at least have the nature of Him, this cannot be done by
our human mind or body,it is done only by embracing Holiness inn and Out then the Holy Spirit
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will help you to walk in the Image of God and to think like Christ.
Ephesians 3:19 Yes, may you come to know his love—although it can never be fully known—and
so be completely filled with the very nature of God.
In order to be in the marriage feast of the Lamb of God we must first have the image of Christ in Us,
humbleness, meekness, peaceful, merciful, obedience and Holiness must be seen in us, this is
the image of Christ that looks exactly like Him, our life must be preaching Jesus than our words,
we should have the complete true testimony of Jesus in our life. Serving like Christ and walking
like Him that is quality of Heaven, Look at Enoch walking with God for 300 years till the Lord
saw him imitating Heavenly Creature and He had to take Him to Heaven, even so the Bride of
Christ must walk like Enoch being one image with Christ till will be taken away in Rapture.
The only thing that prevent the Church to mature in fullness of Christ is pride, envy, hatred, lies,
immorality, greedy, selfishness and worldliness. Those will drag the church unmature and
unworthy to Heaven.
Only them that will deny their self and take up the cross every day fixing on Heaven, only them that
do not have the love of Money and the love of world will be given the mind of Christ. Only them
that will walk in Holiness inn and out will be given the nature of God and walk in His likeness.
1 Corinthians 2:16 As the scripture says, “Who knows the mind of the Lord? Who is able to give
him advice?” We, however, have the mind of Christ.
The Bride of Christ must be in the very nature/image of God, one mind and one Spirit with God. Ask
and pray that you may also come in this level of maturity , it is the last level of Christness, This
is the Level that will be matured because it have the Spirit of Bridegroom, the bride must
resemble the Bridegroom. They must be in one mind till they start desiring each other and say"
come LORD come" Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the Bride say, “Come!” Everyone who
hears this must also say, “Come!” Come, whoever is thirsty; accept the water of life as a gift,
whoever wants it.
Matthew 5:14-15 “You are like light for the whole world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. No one
lights a lamp and puts it under a bowl; instead it is put on the lampstand, where it gives light for
everyone in the house.
IGNORANCE-it is pretending to know the truth but denying the truth, it is pretending to know the
truth while you don't , it is actually one fruit of pride pretending to be perfect! The most
common sin that will cause many to miss heaven is Ignorance, the devil uses ignorance to
prevent the truth of God, when we assume to know and yet not knowing we will finally fall to
Hell, ignorance causes believers to think that they are fine when the are heading to Hell. They
cannot listen to God speaking to others because of ignorance they end up remaining in the
wrong way. Ignorance will cause you not read this post deceiving you its long post so that you
may never know the truth! The Lord God had looked the time we ignored His way but now He
commands repentance to all Churches, we were walking in Sin pretending we are in Christ but
Now God has Spoken and commanded to Repent before being judged! God cannot hold on how
we ignore His warning and goes’ on unpunished, now it the time for Repentance or you will
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#Acts 17:30 God has overlooked the times when people did not know him, the time of ignorance but
now he commands all of them everywhere to turn away from their evil ways.
Once there was a Pastor who went to visit a sick at the Hospital, the patient was mute due to disease
and he uses to write a paper in order to communicate , while the Pastor and his followers were
there with the patient accidentally the Pastor stepped the breathing Air tube of the poor
patient ,so he was unable even to breath and the Condition became worse, the patient took a
paper and wrote to pastor “please you are stepping my breathing tube, step out before you kill
me" the Pastor Because of ignorance took the paper and without reading he put it in his pocket,
the poor patient was now running in comma due to suffocation, the Pastor begin praying but
when they said" Amen" the patient had already Died long ago. It happen in the day of burial
when pastor was performing burial ceremony He pocket his Jacket and found the written paper
,he gently opened it "please pastor you are stepping my breathing tube, step out before you kill
me" the pastor was shocked and He too fell and Died in the Spot, the congregations took the
paper and they too were collapsing in shocking news!
Just because of ignorance of the Pastor the patient died, now how many have you killed by
ignorance? When the Spirit of God tells you to go and preach to the lost then you ignore and
because of your ignorance many have died without Jesus! Ezekiel 33:6 If, however, the
Watchman sees the enemy coming and does not sound the alarm, the enemy will come and kill
those sinners, but I will hold the lookout responsible for their death.
Ignorance has caused many to remain unmature in Spirit because they opposes God voice, God
speaks in Dreams but you ignore Him and goes’ on Sinning, he warns you in a dream but you
ignore and calls that evil dream.
Job 33:14-16 Although God speaks again and again, no one pays attention(ignorance) to what he says.
At night when people are asleep, God speaks in dreams and visions. He makes them listen to what
he says, and they are frightened at his warnings.
Because of your ignorance you continues to sin even after the Holy Spirit has warned you to flee from
immoral peoples, porn webs, and nude images! You steal ignore Holy Spirit when He tells you
never to watch at nudity of that immoral girl with mini-skirt, you looks once and God Spirit tells
you don't look again, don't imagine sex, don't strip off her cloth spiritually, because of your
ignorance you still looks again and again to see nakedness, pornography and immoral images.
Then at last you will be in lusting then be caught in immorality and Masturbation. Repent and
heed warnings! God do not bring judgment without first warning you, but Because of
ignorance/unrepentance heart you are falling to Hell fire. Ignorance is what eats the Church
today, Many have heard that in Hebrew 12:14 it says without Holiness no one will see heaven but
they steal dress unholy, they still wear mini-skirts and putt on artificial hair and earrings!
Because of ignorance they are falling to the bottomless pit of Hell!
2 Corinthians 2:11 in order to keep Satan from getting the advantage of us, we are not ignorance
of the schemes/materials of Satan. They still read Hell testimonies how artificial hairs and
make-ups leads soul to Hell but because of ignorance they still use them! The Lord is Speaking
So much in this Generation through Dreams and vision to warn Humanity about Rapture but
because of your ignorance you are still in lies, unforgiving, stealing, pride, envy, hatred,
immorality, masturbation, pornography and worldly songs. Because of that you are heading to
hell us candidate of Hell! Repent !
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Ignorance is an evil spirit which actually blind the eyes of believers that they cannot see the truth, it
causes them not to hear what God is warning, many are in Church chained by Demon of
ignorance and they are still worshiping idols and Rosales! Those who have been attacked by
ignorance Demon are likely to fall in Hell due to their blind conditions.
Ephesians 4:17-18 .. I warn you: do not continue to live like the heathen, whose thoughts are worthless
and whose minds are in the dark. They have no part in the life that God gives, for they are
completely ignorant and stubborn. That why God looks at the Laodicea the this last Church age
and saw ignorance in the church, how they pretended to be Believers dressing Holy Garment
but God so them naked and poor warn out, they thought they were rich in the Word but they
were poor and shameless! All this was due to ignorance and unrepentance in their Life.
Revelation 3:17-18 You say, ‘I am rich and well off; I have all I need.’ But you do not know how
miserable and pitiful you are! You are poor, naked, and blind. I advise you, then, to buy gold from
me, pure gold, in order to be rich. Buy also white clothing to dress yourself and cover up your
shameful nakedness. Buy also some ointment to put on our eyes, so that you may see.
Because of ignorance caused by pride you cannot read teaching from other peoples, you
ignores other post not knowing God was speaking to you in that post, God doe's not choose who
to speak through, he is Speaking with the least people among us like He spoke through Donkey
in those days of Balaam.
Hosea 4:6 My people are perishing because of lack of knowledge . You priests have refused to
acknowledge me and have rejected my teaching, and so I reject you and will not acknowledge
your sons as my priests. Now it is time to repent and turn from ignorance ,tell God to deliver
you that spirit that cause you to ignore the beggars/poor in street, repent all your pride and
self-righteousness, repent and be ready the Messiah is Coming Soon. Revelation 3:15-16,19,22
I know what you have done; I know that you are neither cold nor hot. How I wish you were either
one or the other! But because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I am going to spit you out of
my mouth! I rebuke and punish all whom I love. Be in earnest, then, and turn from your sins. “If
you have ears, then, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches!”
1 John 4:8 whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.
God Himself is made alone by Love which is Agape Love, Loving all without partiality or measure.
The bible is a story of Love which expresses the love of God through His Son Jesus. In the
beginning Moses came with Law which did not show Love but the law made man a slave and
children’s of God became slaves of law book.
Then God so how His children’s were oppressed by the law book and He sent His only Son Jesus to
bring Love and Heal the lost, now we Live by the law of Spirit through Christ Jesus. Galatians
3:1,23-25 But before the time for faith came, the Law kept us all locked up as prisoners until this
coming faith should be revealed. And so the Law was in charge of us until Christ came, in order
that we might then be put right with God through faith. Now that the time for faith is here, the
Law is no longer in charge of us.
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The world had break the Law book and now every one did what they like without the fear of the
Lord, they became evil and wicked because they did not obey the book of law, God who is made
of Love looked upon the Earth and He saw there need a solution for the Mankind, He sent His
beloved only Son to bring back the Love of God with the mankind, the only Son of God was send
to express the Love of God to the world.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in
him may not die but have eternal life.
Jesus main reason did not come to judge the world but He came to Save the world from its
slavery to decay, He came to give us eternal Life to all those who will believe in Him. 1 John 4:10
This is what love is: it is not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the
means by which our sins are forgiven.
An old man saw a little scorpion drowning and decided to pull it out from the water. He calmly
extended his hand to reach the creature but when he did, the scorpion stung him. With the
effect of the pain, the old man let go the creature and it fell back into the water. The man
realized that, the little scorpion was still drowning so he got back again and tried to rescue it
but then again, it stung him. He let go of it again. A young boy standing by approached the old
man and said, "Excuse me Sir; you are going to hurt yourself trying to save this evil-vicious
creature so why do you still insist on saving it? Haven't you realized that, each time you tried to
help the scorpion, it stings you?" The man replied, "The nature of the scorpion is to sting, but
mine is to just help.
So my nature will not change in helping the scorpion even if he stings me a hundred times. So
the man thought for a while and later used a leaf from a nearby tree and pulled the scorpion
out from the water and he saved its life. Now Jesus represent the Old Man who tried to save the
little scorpion and Now the little poor Scorpion represent Human. Jesus came to Save us by
Means of Love and He don't care how much we hurt or sting Him, His Love means saving us
even when we are hurting Him, He do not change His nature for anyone and He remain the
Same today, yesterday and forever.
Luke 6:35-36, Love your enemies and do good to them; help them and expect nothing back. You
will then have a great reward, and you will be children of the Most High God. For he is good to the
ungrateful and the wicked. Be merciful just as your Father is merciful.
His Love made Him feel mercy to save us all and He was hurt and Killed breathing the Last
breath in Saving the world, the World rejected Him and mocked the only Last Hope , they made
Jesus sin who did not know sin, He became guilty for our Sin and He carried our Burdens even
when He was innocent. Keep doing well even when you are offended or hurt, Jesus saved us and
they kept on hurting Him till they killed Him. Jesus love was so deep that He did not worry how
much He was rejected to save Mankind. 1 John 4:16 And we ourselves know and believe the love
which God has for us. God is love, and those who live in love live in union with God and God lives in
union with them.
A man can love you but cannot promise you forever, Jesus love is unconditional without
measure, He love's us in all seasons and all condition without giving up. Many times some
Christians says they Love God but when you look at their fruits it speaks of something different,
Loving God is obeying His Word and Disobeying the Word is being against God, Love doe's not
sin, If you Love Jesus you will never hurt Him by Sinning, You will only praise Him alone and
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you will never seek the approval of Men. Loving Jesus means to fully surrender your life to Him
in obedience, when you sin you don't just break the law but you Hurt Jesus, Loving Jesus means
you can't hurt Him by Sin. Romans 13:10 If you love others, you will never do them wrong; to love,
then, is to obey the whole Law. The Greatest Commandment in all is love because it holds all
other commandments, with Love you cannot break the other Commandments. Matthew 22:37-
40 Jesus answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all
your mind.’ This is the greatest and the most important commandment. The second most
important commandment is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ The whole Law of
Moses and the teachings of the prophets depend on these two commandments.”
What makes the earth to rotate? It is the unconditional Love that our God has promised, what unites
the whole world into one ? It is the Agape Love that God has given us. Love gives life and where
there is no love there is no Life, Love is the beginning of creation and this Love is in His Son
Jesus who gave out His Life us a ransom to all. John 15:13-14 The greatest love you can have for
your friends is to give your life for them. And you are my friends if you do what I command you.
1 John 3:16 This is how we know what love is: Christ gave his life for us. We too, then, ought to give
our lives for others!
Now the Love of God is so perfect and sure that you don't need to worry for your tomorrow, you
only need to keep your Love to Jesus burning, Jesus is more than a Friend who will always be
with you all season, When you need Someone to Hold Jesus is more than you can imagine, His
love is unconditional , If you trust and Love Jesus you know that nothing can Separate you from
His Presence therefore there is no fear if you are right with Jesus. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Love is
patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud; love is not ill-mannered or selfish or
irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs; love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the
truth. Love never gives up; and its faith, hope, and patience never fail.
The Blood of Jesus is Called Love and it washes our Sin because Love covers many sin, It doe'st
matter who you were before but if you just confess and repent of all your Sin ,Jesus will wash
you in His blood and His love will cover you. ( 1 Peter 4:8 Above everything, love one another
earnestly, because love covers over many sins.)
If God has loved us then we can't worry because the King of King is in Love with us, we are children’s
of the King in a royal priests hood family, although we appears to be the least and most poor
here in earth but we are most rich peoples in Heaven. (1 Peter 2:9-10 But you are the chosen
race, the royal priests hood, the holy nation, God's own people, chosen to proclaim the wonderful
acts of God, who called you out of darkness into his own marvelous light. At one time you were not
God's people, but now you are his people; at one time you did not know God's mercy, but now you
have received his mercy.) The Love of God is so much with them that believe His Son Jesus
because they are His Son adopted through the Blood of Jesus, only those who obeys His Word,
them that are faithful to the Will of God, only them that can be trusted with unconditional love
and they will be called Blessed because God's love walks with them, nothing will separate them
from unconditional Love of Christ Jesus and not even the power of Hell can separate them
because they are sealed for Heaven.
Romans 8:37-39 No, in all these things we have complete victory through him who loved us! For I
am certain that nothing can separate us from his love: neither death nor life, neither angels nor
other heavenly rulers or powers, neither the present nor the future, neither the world above nor
the world below—there is nothing in all creation that will ever be able to separate us from the
love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord.
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Now if that is how God has loved us we ought not to sin because the only thing that can separate us
from His unconditional Love is Sin, disobedience is the enemy to God love to us , we need to
guide our Love by separating from everything that God hate's , we need to cultivate every day
the Love of God in us to avoid losing it. ( Philippians 2:12 Therefore, my dear friends, as you have
always obeyed--not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence--continue to work out
your salvation with fear and trembling,)
When the Storm are shaking and horrors of fear are sounding Believe that you got the Love of Jesus
and peace will stand with you. The World is shaking and trembling and the cloud of fear is
covering it but those who walks in the fear of the Lord will be covered with the unconditional
Love and the Glory of God will keep them safe. John 10:11,14-15 “I am the good shepherd, who is
willing to die for the sheep. I am the good shepherd. As the Father knows me and I know the
Father, in the same way I know my sheep and they know me. And I am willing to die for them.
Jesus the King of Love is coming again to take His Lovely Holy Bride to be with Him forever enjoying
the Eternity Love without end.
Nowadays Christians have lost the first love that Jesus left, no body wants to love unbelievers, we
have became arrogant in our ways that we have no mercy for the lost, we don't evangelize to
them because we are selfish with our truth! we do not care any more about the poor, orphan,
windows and the old peoples, we have became selfish always looking our own stomach and
Neighbors’ are starving to death but you have food in your store and many are times that you throw
away food in garbage while the poor are dying of hunger! You thinks you are so Holy that you
cannot help out that drunkard who has fallen because you think you will be unclean! You don't
have the character of Jesus in you! No love in you! No mercy in you! And you are foolishly
Waiting to be Raptured when you are a Selfish Christian!
Philippians 2:3-5 Don't do anything from selfish ambition or from a cheap desire to boast, but be
humble toward one another, always considering others better than yourselves. And look out for
one another's interests, not just for your own. The attitude you should have is the one that Christ
Jesus had:.. Since you knew the way of the Lord now you hate those who have not known the
right way, you forgot that you were saved by the grace of God and those who were fast will
became last! Because you dress long skirts and covers your neck now you don't even speak to
those in mini-skirts, you even don't greet such peoples because you claim they are unholy. Did
Jesus treat the prostitutes that way? Instead He loved them and treated them with Love till
they were saved.
Stop self-righteousness! Stop pretending like you don't belong to this earth, Do not think that it is by
your hand working you are rich ! It is only by the Mercy of God that you are eating and drinking,
look where you came from? Its only the hand of God that saved you because right now you
could be in streets! Jeremiah 9:23-24 The Lord says, “The wise should not boast of their wisdom,
nor the strong of their strength, nor the rich of their wealth. If any want to boast, they should
boast that they know and understand me, because my love is constant, and I do what is just and
right. These are the things that please me. I, the Lord, have spoken.”
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter
Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter

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Holy bride teachings. 2015-watchman peter

  • 2. APOSTLE SIMON GICHINGA THE MAIN PURPOSE OF THIS BOOK IS TO PREPARE A HOLY END TIME BRIDE OF CHRIST THROUGH THE PURE WORD OF GOD. TO HELP ONE IN SERVING THE LORD IN TRUTH AND IN SPIRIT UNTILL THE MESSIAH TAKES YOU TO HEAVEN.2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Pages Topics 3: Ministry of the Holy Spirit and anointing. 7: Calling and Ministry. 10: Building Holy Altar. 12: Blameless and Restoration. 14: Pride, Love and Humility. 16: Fear of the Lord gate to Heaven. 18: Revelation of the wedding garment. 19: Understanding the end times events. 21: Power of righteousness. 23: Christ stature. 24: Ignorance the door to Hell. 26: Revelation of Unconditional love. 29: Selfishness in the body of Christ. 31: Serving, Mercy and Love 32: Blood sacrifice and covenant. 35: Opening Spiritual eyes. 36:In the will of God. 38: Sign of Jonah and real Sheep. 39:Keeping ready for rapture-readiness in heart. 41: Overcoming trials and the crowd of witnesses. 43: Why John is the least in Heaven. 45: Overcoming evil thoughts and holiness in mind. 47: Overcoming anger, bitterness and Evil. 48: Broken Heart the quality of Bride. 50: Terrible God of Israel 52: Seeking first the fruits of Holy Spirit. 54: Battle of flesh and Spirit. 56: Day of the Lord-day of anger. 57: Day of Christ (rapture) 59: Elected one or the Bride of Christ. 60: Power of words, Speech and tongue. 62: Discerning divination spirit and false Prophets. 64: Jezebel Church. 65: Falling in the last days. 68: Time of Sorrow! 70: Overcoming evil and Forgiveness. 72: Power of Self-control. 73: Fragrance of Holiness.
  • 3. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 3 254703274922 This book is formed through different teachings that i have preached for the preparation of a Holy Bride through internets I have shared them. Those teachings are only for those who earnestly want to walk with God in this end times in walking in pure Holiness and finally enter to the Rapture. I don't write them in my doctrines but i write them when the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation comes on me and I shares some of deep revelations of the word of God. John 16:13 When the Spirit of truth comes who reveals the truth about God, he will lead you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own authority, but he will speak of what he hears and will tell you of things to come. MINISTRY OF HOLY SPIRIT 1: REVELATION OF HOLY SPIRIT 2: ANOINTING OF HOLY SPIRIT 3: RECEIVING HOLY SPIRIT Those are three teachings which i cannot separate from this article just us we cannot separate Jesus from God so we cannot Separate Holy Spirit from Anointing of Holy Spirit. 1: Revelation of Holy Spirit HOLY SPIRIT- This is the Spirit of Jesus in a person (Rom 8:9),it is also the third person of trinity, it is also a seal of God to be approved in Heaven. While Jesus was in earth He operated like a Human form but after He went in Heaven He operated us Holy Spirit here in earth, He did not leave us alone but He left His Spirit in His name to be with us. John 14:26 The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and make you remember all that I have told you. Now the Spirit of God which is also known us the Holy Spirit can only dwell in a holy body, us God said He is Holy so we must be Holy, if you are willingly to receive Holy Spirit it means you must be holy and separated from the worldly things, When the Holy Spirit will comes on you will be different from the world until the world will have nothing to do with you. You became born of another world which is Heaven, you will begin to love what belongs to God ,you will love the Word and you will be eager to know more about God and Heaven. You will love Holiness and you will hate sin and all unrighteousness. Holy Spirit is a seal of God or a sign that you belong to God, it means to be a product that God has put a seal of approval on. Galatians 4:6 To show that you are his children, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who cries out, “Father, my Father.” After you have received the Holy Spirit you will be so sensitive to sin, you will tremble at the Word of God, you will reject the world and have nothing to do with it, all those things that do not please God will be like enemy to you, you will be separated from worldly programs, immoral movies and holly woods movies. The Spirit of God will separate you from every filthy songs, ungodly songs and peoples, you will feel to walk alone and seek God, you will have the Love of the word, then peace and Joy will witness that you are filled with Holy Spirit. John 14:15-16 “If you love me, you will obey my commandments. I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, who will stay with you forever. The person of Holy Spirit does not take place with sin so if you want Him to became your best friend then you must avoid all ungodly ,lies, lust, anger ,hatred, envy, strife and immorality. Avoid pleasing the world by its fashions and style, avoid worldly cloths, mini-skirt, cover your body well for it is the temple of Holy Spirit, the Person of Holy Spirit is Jesus and He cannot
  • 4. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 4 254703274922 share you with the world, you can't wear for the world and please Holy Spirit, you can't change your body with make-ups because Jesus needs you us you were created, in order to be used by Holy Spirit you can't be using artificial colors, nail paints, eye pencil, dying hair and artificial hair. You cannot change the temple (body) with those products because you will be idol temple. Your whole body is created for the Glory of God and us Holy temple of God. you can't say that God looks your heart so you will drink, practice immorality and wear naked. In order to walk with God you must preserve your body and be Holy inn and out to enter heaven (Heb 12:14) 1 Corinthians 6:19 Don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and who was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourselves but to God; You must be Holy for the Holy Spirit is Holy, you must have nothing to do with the world and ungodly things, God wants you to became His Holy Bride but Satan wants you also to be his worldly bride with make ups and worldly immoral cloths. So you must choose who to please with every cloth you wear it's either Satan or God, you can't serve two masters, you must choose what to watch or listen because you cannot please your body and please Holy Spirit, its either you walk in Holiness or in vile , you were created to please and Glorify God with your body and not to satisfy your evil desire with immorality. God cannot share you with the world like prostitutes doe's so be Holy and have nothing to do with the ungodly things in order to walk with Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 10:21-22 You cannot drink from the Lord's cup and also from the cup of demons; you cannot eat at the Lord's table and also at the table of demons. Or do we want to make the Lord jealous? Do we think that we are stronger than he? The Holy Spirit is the power that prevents a believer from sinning, He is the one that overcomes the power of sin, without Him you will be bounded and tormented by evil spirit causing you to be a slave of sin, and many have been bounded by power of sin leading them to be addicted to sin. The power of sin is also found in the body (sinful nature) which is always fighting with Spirit of God even from the beginning, if you want to kill that power of sin that makes you sin then you need to crucify your body by a dry fast weekly and praying, that is also another way to allow the ministry of Holy Spirit works in you. Romans 8:13-14 For if you live according to your sinful nature, you are going to die; but if by the Spirit you put to death your sinful actions, you will live. Those who are led by God's Spirit are God's children. ANOINTING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT The word Anoint means to be oiled or smeared up with oil, to be anointed is when you are smeared up or oiled with Holy Spirit, we can say anointing of the Holy Spirit is to be filled with characters and works of Holy Spirit, after you have received the Holy Spirit you need to be anointed with characters and works of Holy Spirit, anointing of the Holy Spirit can be even seen with our eye's because it is what witnesses the Spirit of God in you, God sends His supernatural signs to witness you the same He did with Disciples, one day i was preaching in School when the Holy Spirit comes on me flying around me like a normal dove and settled inside the hall, now that was a sign of witnessing of anointing of the Holy Spirit, that is one of many evidence of Anointing of Holy Spirit, then in the year 2014 when the Lord stopped me from my work to serve him whole ,i went to pray alone in a homemade forest asking God for a sign then the cloud of dove was spotted by my camera, that was also sign of Anointing of the Holy Spirit us a witness. You can also feel the anointing of Holy Spirit,you can feel the fire of Spirit burning on your body parts, you can feel it around your heart while praying or reading the Word, you can also feel the presence of intense peace around you, some can feel it like a wind rushing and
  • 5. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 5 254703274922 blowing you and others will smell a sweet fragrance around them while praying. Anointing of Holy Spirit works differently according to your anointing and only He the person of Holy Spirit will choose how to work with you. The Spirit of God can became your best friend and if you remain obedience to Him He will be your closer friend walking in His communion and enjoying great secrets of Heaven, for me i cannot claim i have walked with Him because i still need more intimate relationship with Him, He is the Author of my writings and Many are time's He sends the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation to write through my Hand. I feel Him around me even us i am writing this and He is the one who reveals to me great and deep things that we never know. Walking with Him means to be Obedience to His Warning against sin, He rebukes ,corrects and inspires, If you want to closely walk with Him you must be willingly to surrender your life to Him, be faithfully and obedience to every word He say through Word of God. You must be away from the worldly things because those are enmity to Holy Spirit (Jam 4:4), if you do and practice worldly ways God and Holy Spirit will be away from you and you will never feel His presence with you. The best definition we can give of Anointing of Holy Spirit is the power you receive after receiving Holy Spirit. It is that power that keeps you doing the work of God and it is also the power that will help you do the work of God in His will. Acts 1:8 But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be filled with power, and you will be witnesses for me in Jerusalem, in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” This are the days when the Spirit of God will move across the world looking for those who seeks and hunger to be filled and Anointed of Holy Spirit, God speaks of the end time Church walking and being drunk of wine and oil, wine means in Spirit and oil means to be anointed, the bible says that Only a Church of wine and oil will be preserved in the Last days and be saved (Rev 6:6). God said that in the Last days He will massively pour out His Spirit anointing to all peoples and they will performs the works of anointing of Holy Spirit, they will preach the gospel, they will see visions and they will prophecy. Joel 2:28 “Afterward I will pour out my Spirit on everyone: your sons and daughters will proclaim/prophecy my message; your old people will have dreams, and your young people will see visions. This is the greatest anointing that God had kept to this last generation and the great mission is to prepare for the return of Messiah, it is poured to clean up all false teachings and Prophets from Church, this anointing will clean and prepare the Church for the coming Messiah. It is the greatest anointing to prepare the five wise virgin Church ready for the Bridegroom. This has never been poured before because here we see great manifestations of Holy Spirit working in all age's , this is totally different from the one of the day of Pentecost because on that day they only received and spoke with tongues but now in Joel 2:28 we see more manifestation of Holy Spirit giving birth to a Prophetic generation and powerfully demonstration of Holy Spirit. If you will seek God in truth and stop every ungodly then God will anoint you personally, you don't need to be anointed by a anyone in this days , God says i will pour out my Spirit on you, He didn’t say somebody will anoint you but He meant He will anoint you and pour on you His Anointing. All you need is to prepare yourself like the day of Pentecost, clean up yourself away from the world and away from Sin and then seek and it will be given unto you. Luke 11:13 As bad as you are, you know how to give good things to your children. How much more, then, will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” The evidence of being filled with Holy Spirit is not to talk with tongues or to prophecy, even pagans speaks in tongues and prophecy in power evil one. The evidence of Holy Spirit in a life
  • 6. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 6 254703274922 of a true Christian is walking in Holiness just like the person of Holy Spirit is Holy and it is walking in obedience in the will of God. In these last days the Devil has also poured his demonic spirit to cause confusion and to bring false anointing, false visions, false prophets, and false miracles. So do not rush to believe every spirit, the True Spirit of God will have fruits of Holy Spirit which is Holiness inn and out. Manifestation or the work of Anointing of Holy Spirit will help you to know the truth by the Spirit of discerning and by lining up with the Holy Word. Anointing of the Holy Spirit will give you Spiritual gifts which will help you to do the will of God according to your callings (Eph 4:11,12). Your gift cannot be the same with my gift because we have different abilities and ministry to perform therefore God gives you different gift in order to help others and in all to Glorify Him, some will be gifted with Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in order to build up their ministry and great callings like Apostles Prophets and Evangelist. We cannot say that there are many spirits and different Spirits because of different gifts and manifestation, we cannot say that there are seven different Spirits of God, It is one Spirit with 7 colors because it’s All in one , its seven in one, the Holy Spirit is like rainbow and is made of all those seven colors, without one color it cannot be called rainbow, you can't separate the rainbow colors , it so with Holy Spirit you cannot separate Him He is one. 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 The Spirit gives one person a message full of wisdom, while to another person the same Spirit gives a message full of knowledge. One and the same Spirit gives faith to one person, while to another person he gives the power to heal. The Spirit gives one person the power to work miracles; to another, the gift of speaking God's message; and to yet another, the ability to tell the difference between gifts that come from the Spirit and those that do not. To one person he gives the ability to speak in strange tongues, and to another he gives the ability to explain what is said. HOW TO RECEIVE HOLY SPIRIT 1: There are many ways to receive the Holy Spirit of God and first is to repent your sin us a sinner and receive Jesus us your personal savior and Jesus will come and live inside you. 1 John 1:9 But if we confess our sins to God, he will keep his promise and do what is right: he will forgive us our sins and purify us from all our wrongdoing.) Now what is this promise that God speaks about? It is the person of the Holy Spirit which Jesus promised His Disciples according to God's Promise.( John 14:15-17 “If you love me, you will obey my commandments. I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, who will stay with you forever. He is the Spirit, who reveals the truth about God. The world cannot receive him, because it cannot see him or know him. But you know him, because he remains with you and is in you.) 2: The other way to receive Holy Spirit is through laying of hands through holy Servants of God, and the anointing will flow through hands to the receiver. Acts 8:15-17 When they arrived, they prayed for the believers that they might receive the Holy Spirit..Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. 3: The other way you can receive the Holy Spirit and also the anointing is through full water baptism in the name of Jesus, this is complete emersion of water in river or dam but not a basin water( John 3:23). Acts 2:38 Peter said to them, “Each one of you must repent, turn away from your sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins will be forgiven; and you will receive God's gift, the Holy Spirit. You must follow Jesus us the way the truth and the Life if Jesus was dipped fully in water then you must follow that. In some cases of baptism you can be baptized then lack the Holy Spirit.(
  • 7. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 7 254703274922 Acts 8:16 For the Holy Spirit had not yet come down on any of them; they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.) You must be filled with Holy Spirit to enter Heaven for without that you cannot be allowed; the Holy Spirit is the pass mark of the gate of Heaven followed by Holiness. Hebrews 12:14 Try to live at peace with everyone, and try to live a holy life, because no one will see the Lord without Holiness. ((CALLING AND MINISTRY)) CALLING is a process whereby one is called to fulfill a specific mission in a given ministry. Everyone has a call to serve the Lord or to help those who serve. MINISTRY-is the work given after you have been called, it is your ground of working. Everyone has a Ministry and it depends on how you work it to serve God or Satan. Some works for Satan with their Ministry and others works for God. Different between God's ministry and Satan's ministry is that God's Ministry is used to save humankind but Satan's Ministry is for killing and destroying. Others have been gifted with gifts but if they don't serve to God they became workers of Darkness using those gift to serve Satan. PURPOSE OF MINISTRY God's ministry is doing the work of God establishing the Kingdom of Heaven and Meeting the needs of people. Luke 4:18-19 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has chosen me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed and announce that the time has come when the Lord will save his people.” Your Ministry is not for helping you or taking profit in it but it is for serving others and helping them. it is sacrificing yourself for the needs of others. TYPES OF CALLING God uses many ways to call somebody in His Ministry. 1: Moses was called by God through a Burning bush and the Lord revealed to Him openly to his Calling. Exodus 3:1-2 One day while Moses was taking care of the sheep and goats of his father-in- law Jethro, the priest of Midian, he led the flock across the desert and came to Sinai, the holy mountain. There the angel of the Lord appeared to him as a flame coming from the middle of a bush. Moses saw that the bush was on fire but that it was not burning up. 2: God can call you like Paul(Saul) when he was going to Damascus to persecute Christians. Acts 9:3-6 As Saul was coming near the city of Damascus, suddenly a light from the sky flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul! Why do you persecute me?” “Who are you, Lord?” he asked. “I am Jesus, whom you persecute,” the voice said. “But get up and go into the city, where you will be told what you must do.” 3: God can call you in a voice like Samuel in reality or in a Vision. 1 Samuel 3:2-4 One night Eli, who was now almost blind, was sleeping in his own room; Samuel was sleeping in the sanctuary, where the sacred Covenant Box was. Before dawn, while the lamp was still burning, the Lord called Samuel. He answered, “Yes, sir!”
  • 8. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 8 254703274922 4: God can call you Like David was anointed to serve God by Samuel. 1 Samuel 16:12-13 So Jesse sent for him. He was a handsome, healthy young man, and his eyes sparkled. The Lord said to Samuel, “This is the one—anoint him!” Samuel took the olive oil and anointed David in front of his brothers. Immediately the spirit of the Lord took control of David and was with him from that day on. Then Samuel returned to Ramah. HOW TO KNOW IF YOU ARE CALLED 1: Conviction in your Heart and powerful force to serve the Lord. 2: Through Dreams or Vision, you see yourself Preaching and given that ability to serve the Lord. 3: Called by a voice like Moses, Jeremiah, or Samuel. 4: Word of Prophecy can be sent to you through Somebody. 5: God can use Bible verse to call you in reality or in Dream. 6: Can give you Spiritual gift like Words of Wisdom, words of knowledge, gift of Revelation, gift of prophecy or Spirit of discernment. POINTS IN CALLING 1: Every time God will call you He will put you into a test to be strengthen, you must go through the wilderness before you are Sent to Minister, there you must fast and be trialed like Jesus, there you will have tribulation but the purpose is that you learn to depend and trust only God. 2: you must surrender all your past and obey the Calling. Matthew 4:18-20 As Jesus walked along the shore of Lake Galilee, he saw two brothers who were fishermen, Simon (called Peter) and his brother Andrew, catching fish in the lake with a net. Jesus said to them, “Come with me, and I will teach you to catch people.” At once they left their nets and went with him. 3: You must deny you self ,your life and leave away everything for Calling. Luke 9:23-24,26 And he said to them all, “If you want to come with me, you must forget yourself, take up your cross every day, and follow me. For if you want to save your own life, you will lose it, but if you lose your life for my sake, you will save it. If you are ashamed of me and of my teaching, then the Son of Man will be ashamed of you when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. 4: You must be whom God has Called you to be, you can't compare your Calling with others, don't try to be whom you are not Called to be. 5: Don't be too quick beyond your calling, don't do things that are against your call, don't stand where you are not called, never try to join a battle that you are not called to fight because you will die in your foolishness! 6: Don't run to get great titles. e.g. Prophet ,Apostle or Bishop..Instead run to serve the Lord in Humbleness and He will lift you up, Learn to be least among all Servants to became great at the End.
  • 9. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 9 254703274922 HOW TO MAINTAIN YOUR CALLING God calls those who are not qualified to make them qualified; He uses unlearned peoples to install Wisdom in them. Jeremiah 1:4-9 The Lord said to me, “I chose you before I gave you life, and before you were born I selected you to be a prophet to the nations.” I answered, “Sovereign Lord, I don't know how to speak; I am too young.” But the Lord said to me, “Do not say that you are too young, but go to the people I send you to, and tell them everything I command you to say. Do not be afraid of them, for I will be with you to protect you. I, the Lord, have spoken!” Then the Lord reached out, touched my lips, and said to me, “Listen, I am giving you the words you must speak. 1: Develop your relationship to God closer. 2: Must be someone who reads the Bible to have wisdom and knowledge. 3: You must be prayerful and Fasting to be spiritually awake, failure to do that you will be attacked by Satan and your Ministry will be destroyed. 4: You must be obedience to God and all His Servants even if He sends a baby you must listen and Obey. 5: Must be Humble showing humility and flee from Pride and boosting. 6: Be who you are and Stick to your Calling. 7: Forget your past life, past name and past missions and focus on your Calling. 8: See positive things not negative results, see you can and get away from doubt. 9: persevere and endure your calling even to death to show faithfulness even at your death. 10: Be Holy and separate from worldly things. 11: let your mission be to prepare the Bride of Christ and your Vision must be to enter Heaven. Matthew 10:5-8,16-23 These twelve disciples were sent out by Jesus with the following instructions: “Do not go to any Gentile territory or any Samaritan towns. Instead, you are to go to the lost sheep of the people of Israel. Go and preach, ‘The Kingdom of heaven is near!’ Heal the sick, bring the dead back to life, heal those who suffer from dreaded skin diseases, and drive out demons. You have received without paying, so give without being paid. “Listen! I am sending you out just like sheep to a pack of wolves. You must be as cautious as snakes and as gentle as doves. Watch out, for there will be those who will arrest you and take you to court, and they will whip you in the synagogues. For my sake you will be brought to trial before rulers and kings, to tell the Good News to them and to the Gentiles. When they bring you to trial, do not worry about what you are going to say or how you will say it; when the time comes, you will be given what you will say. For the words you will speak will not be yours; they will come from the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. “People will hand over their own brothers to be put to death, and fathers will do the same to their children; children will turn against their parents and have them put to death. Everyone will hate you because of me. But whoever holds out to the [end] will be saved. When they persecute you in one town, run away to another one. I assure you that you will not finish your work in all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man [comes].
  • 10. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 10 254703274922 ((BUILDING A HOLY ALTAR FOR GOD)) Genesis 12:7 The LORD appeared to Abram (Abraham) and said, "To your descendants I will give this land” So he built an altar there to the LORD who had appeared to him. God being the beginner of Altar has been giving instruction to his people how to build and preserve the Altar, every time Israel were going to new places they were always commanded to build a Holy Altar where God would come and visit them. Even so in this days the Lord needs the Same Altar because the Old one were destroyed with wickedness and immorality. There are many types of Altars build by different kind of Men, there are Satanic Altars where by Satan meets with his peoples, every cults have their own kind of Altar where they practice evil.(1 Kings 16:32) there are also Holy Altar of Holy Father of our Lord Jesus. MEANING OF ALTAR OF GOD 1:Is a place of Holy worship to God and praises, where we go to give thanks to our God. (2 Chronicles 33:16 He set up the altar of the LORD and sacrificed peace offerings and thank offerings on it; and he ordered Judah to serve the LORD God of Israel.) 2: A meeting point between Men and Spirit, it is where the Spirit of God resides and where we can enter into Spirit talking with Spirit of God. 3: A place where God can meet with Men. It is actually where God comes to meet with his people. 4: A place sanctified for a Spiritual purpose, a Holy place before God. 5: A door to heaven. it is a spiritual door where heaven is open and the Glory of God lest. 7: A place of where worshipers meet with whom they worship. BUILDING HOLY ALTAR The greatest Altar is your heart ,that is where God can dwell, we require a Holy heart for God to lest in our Heart because the Spirit of God needs Holiness inn and out. Our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit and that is why we are not allowed to put things in our Bodies, we are not allowed to add or make-ups on our Body, no piercing body, eg ear-rings, tattoos, colors, nail paints, foreign hair, artificial hair, the Temple of God should be exactly how God created it, it should be Holy without any additions because when you ruin it with those make-ups it will turn out to be the temple of Satan. Our body are not meant for immorality, masturbation or worldly pressures, they are for serving God in Holiness. 1 Corinthians 6:13 Someone else will say, “Food is for the stomach, and the stomach is for food.” Yes; but God will put an end to both. The body is not to be used for sexual immorality, but to serve the Lord; and the Lord provides for the body. HOW GOD ORDERED TO REMOVE ALL ORNAMENTS, EAR-RINGS, JEWERIES, BUNGLES AND BUILD A HOLY ALTAR Genesis 35:1-2, 4 God said to Jacob, “Go to Bethel at once, and live there. Build an altar there to me, the God who appeared to you when you were running away from your brother Esau.” So Jacob said to his family and to all who were with him, “Get rid of the foreign gods that you have; purify
  • 11. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 11 254703274922 yourselves and put on clean clothes. So they gave Jacob all the foreign gods that they had and also the earrings that they were wearing. He buried them beneath the oak tree near Shechem. We should be careful how we use parts of our bodies because they all makes the temple of God, if its your mouth is supposed to be Holy ,no speaking lies or anything evil, no making immorality with your mouth(oral sex). If its our legs should be Holy not stepping to evil houses, bars and disco's , our ears should also be Holy so that we may not allow evil to enter our Hearts(Altar), We should not use them to listen evil sounds, unclean music’s, worldly music’s, and immoral stories. We should only listen what is holy and pleasing God, only pure Holy Songs or sounds should we listen to avoid evil in the temple of Holy Spirit. Our eyes should also be avoided from seeing evil, seeing wickedness because they are mirrors of our heart, they helps to store it in the heart, so when you watch evil it will be stored in your heart(Alter). Never use your eye to watch immorality ,pornography, immoral programs, holly woods, nolywoods, horror movies, war movies and unrighteousness. Those things will ruin your mind and unclean the Altar of God in you. You must maintain your heart not to give place of bitterness, anger, pride, envy and hatred. You must preserve your body for it is the greatest Alter of God. 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 Avoid immorality. Any other sin a man commits does not affect his body; but the man who is guilty of sexual immorality sins against his own body. Don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and who was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourselves but to God; he bought you for a price. So use your bodies for God's glory. HOW TO BUILD YOUR OWN ALTAR IN YOUR HOUSE. 1 Kings 18:30 Then Elijah said to all the people, "Come near to me." So all the people came near to him. And he repaired the altar of the LORD which had been torn down. The Lord require a Holy Altar and this is why He needs reconstruction of a new Altar, You can build it in your House and sanctify your House and decrier that it shall be the Altar of God. You have to break every idols in your House and every evil in your rooms, clean out those immoral CD's, clean up those walls photos of worldly Celebrity, Catholic Mary and jesus, clean up those photos because Jesus won't visit you Seeing another false jesus there, that is another form of idol worships, clean up every evil dolls and cartoons in your houses because those are the door way of evils. Then after cleaning those things then you can plead the Blood of Jesus to cleanse every evil materials, you have to break every covenant made in that House, every foundation of evil must be break in Jesus name, because Many houses were used by Satanic and even evil covenants’ and bloodshed were made, some has Spirits of prostitutions and masturbation, Spirits of death and suicide were left there, Spirits of diseases, you need to break every evil covenants in Your house and decrier the Blood of Jesus inside. 1 Chronicles 21:26 Then David built an altar to the LORD there and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings. And he called to the LORD and He answered him with fire from heaven on the altar of burnt offering. Ask God to fill your house with Holy Spirit and with the Fire of His Altar, welcome the Lord's Kingdom to take Authority over your house, welcome Jesus inside and tell him to take control, you must humble and kneel down and lift your hands up while praying in the Altar of God us a sign of surrender, pray the covering of Blood of Jesus around your House and decrier to be the Altar of God. Your house will now became the centre of deliverance and it will protect your family from attacks, it will save your village or states because it is a tower of deliverance, No
  • 12. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 12 254703274922 evil will ever enter your house, not even those evil spirit/night runner at night that climbs your roofs, not even a cat or owl can land in your roof because it is Holy Alter of God covered with Fire. HOLY OF HOLIES ALTAR This is a room in your house (Altar) where only Holy men should steps or enter, a small part even in your single room where no one should step only Holy ones, where not even a cat/dog will step, it must be Holy ground of God where you prays to Holy God, that place will be filled with intense Anointing of God that even the sick can be healed, that is Where the sit of Jesus resides in your House. 1 Kings 8:54 When Solomon had finished praying this entire prayer and supplication to the LORD, he arose from before the altar of the LORD, from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread toward heaven. 1 Chronicles 21:26 Then David built an altar to the LORD there and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings. And he called to the LORD and He answered him with fire from heaven on the altar of burnt offering. (BLAMELESS, SPOTLESS AND RESTORATION) Revelation 12:10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, “Now God's salvation has come! Now God has shown his power as King! Now his Messiah has shown his authority! For the one who stood before our God and accused believers day and night has been thrown out of heaven.) This is the hour of purification and even sanctification, when the Bride of Christ is supposed to be looking her garment, checking for any errors and removing any spots because the Accuser (Satan) is still accusing you before God. This is the Hour that one is supposed to pray for complete Holiness, ask the Holy Spirit to search every Sin in you and cleans you every spots. Psalm 139:2,7,24 You know everything I do; from far away you understand all my thoughts. Where could I go to escape from you? Where could I get away from your presence? Find out if there is any evil in me and guide me in the everlasting way. The Lord revealed me about spots of sin that i haven't been cleansed, i went out in my House and i found two books that some of them i stole in my school, the Holy Spirit convicted me to return them because every time i see them i would lack was 2009 when i left secondary school and i did not return those books, So like Nicodemus came to Jesus at night i too very early i went to that School to renounce and return books, imagine it is after five years now , i went and found the third Principal and i told him the Story without hiding my sin, i was amazed that he took a book and started searching my name there in, He saw my all detail and even went ahead telling me that He can see in the record that i also had another books but those i returned(every past sin unconfessed is still written in Heaven) Now i gave the Headmaster those books and he was very happy and scared to see how much such a young man can have the fear of the Lord..after i did i felt a lot of peace in my heart and the Joy of the Lord filled me because now i was free from sin, i use to think that am ready us a bride until the Lord revealed to me that many who think are ready for Jesus are deceiving themselves! Revelation 22:3 Nothing that is under God's curse will be found in the city. This hour the Holy Spirit has been Speaking to Me about removing out every spots in and sin that can act us a block in Rapture day..And also i received a confirmation from a Sister who
  • 13. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 13 254703274922 asked me the Same Question, She asked to help her what to do , When she was still with her husband before divorce She stole one thousand from him when he was drunk, She used the Money to Buy skirt and every time She Wears the Skirt the Holy Spirit judges her and convicts her! I told her the best thing is not to take that skirt to Church or repenting and praying, it is going to that Husband and return the Same Money to him and renounce the Sin by speaking out the truth..Those things are the one which will drag many Christian behide! Satan is accusing us before God and blaming our Life for little sin we did before. Satan is still blaming you for your former sin, those little sin will drag you to hell because they are perfect to unclean your garment. We need to cry to Jesus asking him to search our heart for any sin hidden in our life’s, some of sins do not need repentance they need restitution(the restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper owner, or repay for injury or loss.) We do not need to pray for stolen things we need to return them, God cannot cleans that which is unrighteous or stolen goods. Some people still holds stolen things in their house, corruptible things which came us a result of unrighteousness, You must return those things if it is possible before the accuser reports you at the Throne of God, there you will be ashamed of little spots, Go and report the Case to Jesus before the Accuser reports you! We need to restore those things in our life, some peoples were helped with cup/spoon long ago and until now they haven't returned ,they pretend to forget and now Satan is Calling them Thief in front of God. Others have debt and they pretend not to remember, you must go and pay back the money no matter how small it is, otherwise you will have to give account to God in Judgment day..if you lack money to pay back then you must pray and tell Jesus to provide you. We need restoration of even words ,if you lied somebody you need now to go and speak the truth, if you stole money you need to return it, if you have cloth or good that you got it by immorality you need to burn that, may be your immoral boyfriend bought for you a phone you need to return it if possible or burn it, those things must be done to avoid blamed by Satan at that day. Never allow those Little sins to drag you to hell, ignorance will take many to Hell because the Holy Spirit convicts you to return and then your ignorance resist the truth! If you have caused pain or hurt somebody in past you need to go and ask for forgiveness, go and receive your healing there before time! If you holds bitterness for someone you need to forgive and be at peace with him before you land in Hell, If you have arguments and violence go and settle the matter before Satan report you to God. If you have a matter with your brethrens on which you did not forgive them is the time to forgive those who wronged you because unless you forgive you will not be forgiven by God! Some peoples buys worldly things and claim that us long i will pray i can use it! Some pastors have deceived them, How can you cleanse what is idol? What is unrighteous cannot be blessed by God, you cannot buy Satanic materials and pray for them, you cannot pray for artificial hairs, bangles, necklaces, make ups products or pray for them to be cleansed because they are not even allowed in heaven to be used! Revelation 22:3 nothing that is under God's curse will be found in the city.) You cannot steal from the devil and ask Jesus to cleanse them because the blood of Jesus can't cleans idols of Satan. do not deceive yourself that you are clean when you haven't done restoration ,separation and repentance! Guide your Marriage garment of the Lamb of God ,guide it away from those spots of little sin, those are enough to keep you blemish and unclean! They will shame you at that day of Rapture. Revelation 22:3,14-15 Nothing that is under God's curse will be found in the city. The
  • 14. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 14 254703274922 throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will worship him. Happy are those who wash their robes clean and so have the right to eat the fruit from the tree of life and to go through the gates into the city. But outside the city are the perverts and those who practice magic, the immoral and the murderers, those who worship idols and those who are liars (both in words and deeds.) ((PRIDE, LOVE AND HUMILITY)) The best way a servant of God can serve is through Love and Humbleness but the worst thing that destroy the his Ministry is Pride. Satan main method to destroy the ministry or fellowships is through causing brother against brother to break the fellowship. Satan best weapon to destroy a ministry is to cause criticism and accusation between Christians. There they start harassing each other to appoint of criticism and instead of correcting each other they cause separation and break up the fellowship. Some start to point others pretending to be better than them and this is called Pride. Instead of criticizing and accusing others you should pray and intercede for them. If the Christian today should have been praying and interceding to the lost instead of judging them then the Church would have not be fallen, there would be mighty ministry with love and unity. When a Brother has sinned or need to be corrected this should be done in much love to correct him to avoid hurting him , the purpose is not to expose those who sin but it is saving them and showing them the right way. It is better to rebuke in private than in public to avoid chasing the brother. We use Love to win a soul back to Jesus, we also use Love in correcting and rebuking the fallen, When Love is used it covers many Sin, Christian are to cover each other’s Sin to avoid exposing their nudity to unbelievers, if you expose your fellow brother you exposes yourself because we are in the Same Body of Christ. There are steps the Church needs to take before exposing a brother: Matthew 18:15-17 “If your brother sins against you, go to him and show him his fault. But do it privately, just between yourselves. If he listens to you, you have won your brother back. But if he will not listen to you, take one or two other persons with you, so that ‘every accusation may be upheld by the testimony of two or more witnesses,’ as the scripture says. And if he will not listen to them, then tell the whole thing to the church. Finally, if he will not listen to the church, treat him as though he were a pagan or a tax collector. We should show mercy on those who fall because we too were saved by Mercy, God shows mercy to those who show mercy and He show love to those who love, so we must correct in love and in humbleness avoiding to be better than others. Pride is poison to the calling, Peter once had pride when he told Jesus in front of other disciples that even if all left Jesus he alone would not leave or deny Jesus, but you see the Rooster crows three times and Peter denied Jesus! It took Pride for Peter to think he is better than others and saying that even if all forsake you me alone i will not. No one can stand by his strength no one can stand in Holiness by his strength it takes the Grace of God to stay in Holiness for we were saved by that Grace. it takes the Grace of God for us to stand because if that Grace will be snatched away from us then we would all fall. Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by God's grace that you have been saved through faith. It is not the result of your own efforts, but God's gift, so that no one can boast about it. Those who serve the Lord must first learn how to humble before the Lord for humility comes before Authority. You must not seek after Authority (title) but seek after
  • 15. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 15 254703274922 Humility and serving. You must decrease for God to increase alone, you must be ready to become least in order to became great. One day i was traveling and i entered public vehicle but it had no free seat and so i was forced to sit on air between seats, i sat on air very stressing but i humbled and i was patience that i would find a seat, after some minutes one passenger left and i got a seat be hide, there i stayed comfortable, God made me to learn that if only we humble and persevere in our position then God will lift us. 1 Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves, then, under God's mighty hand, so that he will lift you up in his own good time. HOW TO RECOGNISE if you have fruits of Pride; 1: Pride is pretending to be better than someone. 2 : Pride is seeking to be served and seeking for Authority. 3: Pride is seeking to be recognized and to be honored by others. 4: Pride considers its self matured and perfect. 5: Pride does not like to be corrected or to be taught. 6: Pride is jealousy of others. WHAT IS HUMILITY? It is opposite of pride. 1: Humility doe's not seek authority or titles. 2: Humility do not seek to be served instead it seeks to serve others first. 3: Humility seeks to became the least in all and be last to be served. 4: Humility do not show up to be considered or be recognized. 5 : Humility does not competite with others. 6: Humility is to accept correction from everyone no matter the age. 7: Humility is to be humble to all in righteousness. 8: Humility provides and sacrifices it's self to others. 9: Humility is to became the least for God to be exalted, it is to decrease for God to increase. 10: Humility gives all Glory to Jesus, it do not Glorify it- Self all boost. Now there is great danger for those who are called in great calls, they need to watch out and learn three things which is LOVE, HUMILITY AND PRIDE.
  • 16. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 16 254703274922 (THE FEAR OF THE LORD AND WISDOM ARE THE GATEWAY TO HEAVEN) Saints that in the Bible won the race because of Wisdom and they feared the Lord. One of the gate way to Heaven is Called Wisdom which is to fear God and to depart from evil. Those who are Called out of world must learn to seek Wisdom because it takes Wisdom to Serve the Lord. You can build a House but without wisdom it will fall, without it you can't even finish the buildings. God require every one to seek first wisdom before walking with Him, He require every one to have the fear of the Lord which becomes the beginning of Knowledge! If you lack it then ask and Pray then you will have it.(James 1:5 But if any of you lack wisdom, you should pray to God, who will give it to you; because God gives generously and graciously to all. ) If then you are to seek Wisdom then you must deny all your theologies, you must forget all your earthly wisdoms to be given Heavenly wisdom, you must forget all your PHD's those can't work with God wisdom, God require you to became empty for Him to Fill you with Heavenly Wisdom. When God is teaching you don't try to fit your methods just surrender to the Will of God through Holy Spirit. The Lord is requiring only His fear to Serve Him. Deuteronomy 10:12 What doe's God Demands “Now, people of Israel, listen to what the Lord your God regures of you: to fear the Lord and to do all that he commands. Love him, serve him with all your heart,. Now what is wisdom? Is to Fear the Lord which is to depart from all wrong doings,(Proverbs 8:13 To fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil ways and false words.) What is the beginning of Wisdom ? It is to depart from evil, it is to escape from all unrighteousness ,all unholy, all impure ,all lies, pride and all sin.(Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Knowledge ,but fools despise wisdom and discipline) Those who don't fear the Lord will gain foolishness they will walk in blindness because the fear of the Lord gives vision, it gives direction. If you have the true fear of God then you will learn to wait on God perfect time, you will be patience with trials till you overcome, the Fear of God gives perfect Wisdom to walk in Holiness, the Wisdom of God give's strong Faith and Confidence even when your earthly eye's can't see hope. Proverbs 14:26 Fear of the Lord gives confidence and security to a man and his family. The joy of the Lord is with them that fears the Lord, they knows the Happiness inside Jesus. Those who walk in the fear of God(wisdom) knows deep secret how to walk with God, it took the Fear of the Lord for Enoch to walk with God till he was raptured, the Secrets of the Lord are with those who fears Him,(Psalm 25:14 The Lord is the friend of those who Fear him and he makes his covenant known to them.) The secret is to know what God hate's and what He love's! Is to know what make's God angry and what makes Him happy! If you know it God will trust you with Heavenly Wisdom. You will became a friend of God like Abraham, God will never hide secret to You ,You will be given wisdom more than you ever know. Honest is the secret to get Wisdom and faithfulness is the door to the Knowledge of God. If you are Honest with God then you can be trusted with Wisdom, If you are faithful to God then He will reveal deep secrets to you. The reason why many are lacking Wisdom is because they are not faithful, kind, and Honest to God, they live in unfaithful life, they do not serve the Lord in truth and Holiness ,they are not honest with the little they have, they have compromised with worldly things, fashions, sex, movies, songs, books and lifestyles! To Fear the Lord is by everything you do, anything that you say, anything that you wear you must show the Fear of the Lord, The fear of the Lord is
  • 17. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 17 254703274922 to Live us if God is Watching you every Hour. Is to live us if you are walking with God that's the Fear of the Lord, is to live us if you are in Heaven, is to live in the presence of God in Spirit! Those who fear the Lord must love's to be separates for Our God is Separated from gods, they must have respect of God and His Word, those who have the Wisdom of God always trembles every time they hear the Word, they take the Word effectively ,now are you Trembling when reading this? if no then Seek the Fear of the Lord, Them that have it they do not mention the name of God/Jesus for no purpose! Those who Fear the Lord also fears God holy servants, they do not rash to point fingers! The Lord give's Wisdom to those who fears His Word ,only to those who trembles at His Word, only to those after hearing the Word they Repents and turn from evil, only to those who believes His Word without understanding! He gives Wisdom to those who never Complains of His Words and to those who take's serious every Word. God is pleased with those who have a repentance heart every time they hear the Word they trembles and Fear. Isaiah 66:2 I myself created the whole universe! I am pleased with those who are humble and repentant, who fear me and obey me by trembling at my Word. Those who fears the Lord will be feared by the world, they will be Honored and Respected because the Walks with the KING of KINGS. If you Honor God even your prayer will be Honored and your Words will also be honored that whatever you ask it will be done. Whatever you loose here in earth it will be loosed in Heaven. 1 Samuel 2:30.... But now I say that I won't have it any longer! Instead, I will honor those who honor me, and I will show mercy to those who show mercy.) Those who Fear the Lord will be protected in this End times, they will be covered with the Glory of God and the Grace of God will be their Strength to the end, nothing Shall separate the Love of God to them that Fears Him, they shall be given a security of Angels to walk with them and to complete their Ministries. Psalm 34:7-9 His angel guards those who Fear the Lord and rescues them from danger. Find out for yourself how good the Lord is. Happy are those who find safety with him. Fear the Lord, all his people; those who obey him have all they need). In this Last days you must learn to Seek the Fear of the Lord and His Wisdom for without them you will not overcome trials! You need to Seek God every day and depart from evil to draw near to God. Know what pleases God and what doe'st. Do what pleases God and depart from what He doe'st love. Wisdom is mind of Heaven which gives Holiness! 2 Corinthians 7:1 All these promises are made to us, my dear friends. So then, let us purify ourselves from everything that makes body or soul unclean, and let us be completely holy by living in Fear of God. Those who will enter Heaven will enter through the Fear of the Lord. To become the Bride of Christ you must have Wisdom and depart from evil, you must live in complete Holiness and Obedience to the Word. Psalm 33:8-9 Worship the Lord, all the earth! Fear him, all peoples of the world! When He spoke, the world was created; at his command everything appeared.
  • 18. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 18 254703274922 (REVELATION OF THE WEDDING GARMENT) The hour has drawn so close for the Son of Man to return, the Lord Jesus is returning for a Matured bride with full glorious garment. All those who are without the Garment cannot be rapture because they do not have the Marriage garment. Matthew 22:11-13 “The king went in to look at the guests and saw a man who was not wearing wedding clothes. ‘Friend, how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ the king asked him. But the man said nothing. Then the king told the servants, ‘Tie him up hand and foot, and throw him outside in the dark. There he will cry and gnash his teeth.’” In this last days there is only two churches, one is naked while the others is clothed with the garment of God. The naked Church is known us the foolish virgins who never cared the oil in their jar, they are lukewarm churches who do not care about the garment of Holiness. They do not care about Holiness inn and out and without it no one will enter Heaven. This garment is a spiritual one that no eyes can see it expect the spiritual one, it is the Same garment that Adam and Eve was given before they fall, but after they Sin they destroyed their garment by sin and they became poor naked. This garment was again given to us when Jesus died on the Cross and His blood make us pure garment for all. Nothing can wash away the garment expect the Blood of Jesus. There are two materials which builds up the garment, one is Holiness and the other is Righteousness. The bride of Christ must have this pure garment to wed with Jesus, She must preserve the garment to avoid any spot or blame. Satan the accuser is blaming any spots in the garment, spots belongs to Satan, One time Joshua's garment was blamed by Satan but the Angel of the Lord rebuked Satan, Satan knew Joshua when he was naked (dirty garment) but when He repented His garment was made clean and Holy. Zechariah 3:2-4 The angel of the Lord said to Satan, “May the Lord condemn you, Satan! May the Lord, who loves Jerusalem, condemn you. This man is like a stick snatched from the fire.” Joshua was standing there, wearing filthy clothes. The angel said to his heavenly attendants, “Take away the filthy clothes this man is wearing.” Then he said to Joshua, “I have taken away your sin and will give you new clothes to wear.” Satan will never stop to accurse the bride of Christ until She will be raptured, every little spots will defile and unclean the garment, Many consider Sin to be Killing, stealing, prostitution, drunkard and witchcraft but they don't care little Sin like hatred, envy, anger, bitterness, jealousy, lust, lies and pride. Every little sin will unclean your garment, will make you blame and with spot. Those sports will not allow you to be raptured and they will make your garment heavy to ascend you in Heaven. Those spots of sin will cause you to remain grounded on earth and the raw of gravity will hold you down on earth because you belong to earth. Romans 13:11 you must do this, because you know that the time has come for you to wake up from your sleep. For the moment when we will be saved is closer now than it was when we first believed. Many Christians do not know that without Holiness no one will enter heaven, the garment of Holiness must be long and fully covering the body, must not have any open part exposing the body. The body is the temple of Holy Spirit and so we must cover it to appear Holy and blameless. Now Satan has deceived the lukewarm Bride to put on any garment without Holiness, they wear open breast, mini-skirts, slit dressings and tight cloths which are immoral and unclean ,they cannot join the Holy wedding feast of the Lamb. Those garments cannot be welcomed at Heaven in the Holiest wedding of the Lamb of God. In the wedding of Heaven only
  • 19. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 19 254703274922 the image of God is allowed , any other artificial images will be rejected by God, no make ups there in the wedding of Jesus and the Bride, no eye pencils there ,no artificial hair , no artificial nails or coloring, no tattoos or piercing there ,no ear-rings or necklace there. There is pure Holy image and face of God. It is complete Holiness inn and out, heart and body. There more Holy you are the more careful you should watch your garment because little sins will spoil your garment. the more whiter garment you have the more you need to guide your garment because even a pen spot can unclean it. You must watch and guide it not to be polluted by the dust of this world. Philippians 2:14-15 Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may be innocent and blameless as God's perfect children, who live in a world of corrupt and sinful people. You must shine among them like stars lighting up the sky,. You must wash the wedding garment every hour to avoid stains and spots of Sin, those spots will attract demons and evil in your life. You must cleanse your garment with Repentance to be washed by the Blood of Jesus. This garment must be in the image of Christ and it must be representing the characters of Jesus Christ, when the world look at your garment they must See Christ you, it must be build of pure the Word of God. Make up your garment and be purified by the Blood of Jesus the wedding of the Lamb of God is ready. Psalm 119:1-3 The Law of the Lord Happy are those whose lives are faultless, who live according to the law of the Lord. Happy are those who follow his commands, who obey him with all their heart. They never do wrong; they walk in the Lord's ways. # Romans 13:12 The night is nearly over, day is almost here. Let us stop doing the things that belong to the dark, and let us take up weapons for fighting in the light. # 1 Thessalonians 5:23 May the God who gives us peace make you holy in every way and keep your whole being—spirit, soul, and body—free from every fault at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Revelation 22:14,17 Blessed are those who wash their robes clean and so have the right to eat the fruit from the tree of life and to go through the gates into the city. The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come!” Everyone who hears this must also say, “Come!” Come, whoever is thirsty; accept the water of life as a gift, whoever wants it. ( UNDERSTANDING RAPTURE,TRIBULATION,MARK OF BEAST AND THE END OF WORLD) Tribulation period is the moment after Rapture the coming of Jesus, that time will be a time of distress ,a time of darkness when the earth will be filled with much darkness because during that time there will be no peace since there will be no Holy Spirit, now Satan will arise that time with great anger knowing his time will be so Short to deceive human, Satan will rise up and give breath to the Beast and the Antichrist, and there will be times of great panic in the earth. Matthew 24:21 - For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. This period will last for 7 years and during those half years God Himself will bring judgment to the earth, He will pour out his wrath upon the Earth, 7 judgments will strike the earth and there will be distress and great pain, there will be painful sore's, creatures devouring peoples, water will turn blood, there will be darkness of evil.
  • 20. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 20 254703274922 Matthew 24:29,42,44 The Coming of the Son of Man “Soon after the trouble of those days, the sun will grow dark, the moon will no longer shine, the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers in space will be driven from their courses. Matthew 24:21-22 For the trouble at that time will be far more terrible than any there has ever been, from the beginning of the world to this very day. Nor will there ever be anything like it again. But God has already reduced the number of days; had he not done so, nobody would survive. For the sake of his chosen people, however, God will reduce the days.) At that period of His Judgment there will be no Death only pain and suffering but after half of those years after God wraths now death will be released..and many will be killed horrible death being tortured to death, they will die painful death, Antichrist will enjoy killing the left be hide Christians in those Days. Matthew 24:24 For false Messiahs and false prophets will appear; they will perform great miracles and wonders in order to deceive even God's chosen people, if possible.) Then after there the Antichrist will take hold of the earth and the beast will fully take power, they will fight all the remaining Christians forcing them to receive the Mark of beast.. those who will refuse will have to be- headed and martyred for the testimony of Christ...during those days the Lord also will send deceiving spirits to make people believe the Antichrist and take the Mark.. 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 And so God will send the power of error to work in them so that they believe what is false. The result is that all who have not believed the truth, but have taken pleasure in sin, will be condemned. Matthew 24:22 But God has already reduced the number of days; had he not done so, nobody would survive. For the sake of his chosen people, however, God will reduce the days. The Antichrist will fight against the Israel against the remnants of God and there many Christians will be killed for the Glory of Jesus, Daniel 9:26And at the end of that time God's chosen leader will be killed unjustly. The city and the Temple will be destroyed by the invading army of a powerful ruler. The end will come like a flood, bringing the war and destruction which God has prepared.) This is also called the Great tribulation period which will last for seven years on which the Antichrist will be enthroned on earth and be worship by all those who will take the mark of beast. Daniel 9:27 That ruler will have a firm agreement with many people for seven years, and when half this time is past, he will put an end to sacrifices and offerings. The Awful Horror will be placed on the highest point of the Temple and will remain there until the one who put it there meets the end which God has prepared for him.” ) During this time there will be much evil such us it was not there, demons from hell will also come to torture peoples because Satan will be given the World, those times there will be no love and many will kill each other, animals will turn out to be beast and will have demons to destroy you. there will be aliens and creatures even from dark kingdoms coming to war against left be hide Christians. Many left be hide churches at that time will be forced to receive the Mark by their leaders, if you make a mistake and receive the Mark you will never be saved and the Mark means you belong to Satan forever to Hell. If it happen that you don't receive the mark you will then be martyred . Then after those days after seven painful years the Lord will appear again to fight over the Israel and to save the remnants and 144,000 saints of tribe of Israel , and there the Lord Jesus will come with great massive mighty Glory that it will consume the Antichrist and there JESUS will save His peoples. Matthew 24:29-31 “Soon after the trouble of those days,
  • 21. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 21 254703274922 the sun will grow dark, the moon will no longer shine, the stars will not shine.. Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky; and all the peoples of earth will weep as they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. The great trumpet will sound, and he will send out his angels to the four corners of the earth, and they will gather his chosen people from one end of the world to the other. This is the Hour to prepare yourself enough that you will not be left be hide because it will be much greater to die than to live in those days, imagine you were a Christian and every one knew you then you were not Raptured, they will mock and torture you making fun of you, at that time many who are lukewarm today will be left be hide and will receive the Mark. Then after that period of tribulation this world will be wiped off away from the face of God ,this earth will be taken away and be removed from God then the new Earth for righteous will be formed which is the new Jerusalem. Revelation 21:1-3 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The first heaven and the first earth disappeared, and the sea vanished. And I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared and ready, like a bride dressed to meet her husband. I heard a loud voice speaking from the throne: “Now God's home is with people! He will live with them, and they shall be his people. God himself will be with them, and he will be their God. You must be Fasting, Watching out and praying keeping the Word of God live in you, be obedient and deny yourself here in earth, seek Holiness inn and out so that your righteousness will save you. Matthew 24:42,44 Watch out, then, because you do not know what day your Lord will come. So then, you also must always be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you are not expecting him. THE POWER OF THOSE WHO WILL WALK IN RIGHTEOUSNESS. Nobody can know the ways of the Lord unless the Spirit of the Lord reveals you. IF only you choose what is Holy and pleasing to God then you will be given the ability to see beyond your visions . The Lord is looking for Someone who he can trust with his Power .(Hebrew 2: 4 At the same time God added his witness to them by performing all kinds of miracles and wonders and by distributing the gifts of the Holy Spirit according to his will.) God is looking someone who can be Used us a Witness of who Jesus was and What power he had, Somebody who can proclaim the power of Pentecost by the manifestation of Holy powerful Spirit of God , Somebody who can be trusted with the Power of Healing without money and Casting of Demons without Pride and Self exalting. If only there will be someone who will choose Jesus and Deny the world then the Lord grace will found him Good to be Trusted with this Great Power of God . This is the Power that was promised by Jesus when he ascended high above he gave gift to men and promised that those Sign shall Follow them that believes him.(Mark 16:17 Believers will be given the power to perform miracles: they will drive out demons in my name; they will speak in strange tongues; 18 if they pick up snakes or drink any poison, they will not be harmed; they will place their hands on sick people, and these will get well.” ) Us the LORD is calling out his Bride to come out of the world and follow him ,he will also Separate them from false prophets and false doctrines taught by men. The bride who is the sheep of God will have to hear the Voice of the good Shepherd and the sheep will find a way to green pasture
  • 22. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 22 254703274922 ,where it will be feed only the Manna from Heaven ,Only the true word of God ,Only what God Says ! If God speaks Yesterday through Visions he will speak today Again to warn this Generation. He is the Old God who never change and he is also Today's God who never Fail .( Hebrew 13: 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.) If the Lord healed he will also heal today and if he was rejected you will also be rejected and if resurrected you also will be if you die in Christ. The Lord is Calling his chosen’s to desire him more to be filled with this End time power. Be separate from the things that defiles your Lust, immorality, and Pride ( 2 Timothy 2:22 Avoid the passions of youth, and strive for righteousness, faith, love, and peace, together with those who with a pure heart call out to the Lord for help. 23 But keep away from foolish and ignorant arguments; you know that they end up in quarrels. 24 As the Lord's servant, you must not quarrel.)..If only you will be separate from the world then Lord will use you for his purpose. Be separate from worldly life styles, worldly cloths, immoral tight cloths, cover your body fully for it is the temple of Holy Spirit. Be separate with the Worldly movies and songs those belong to the devil to defile your call. Stop lies, envy, pride, strife, unforgiving ,and hatred be Holy and live with peace with All men and the Lord will grant you with his Power to change the world and to heal it . If you don't surrender fully to Jesus you will be used in the service of God to save others but at the end you will be cast in Hell. Its either you surrender to Jesus or to Satan. Choose to be separate with Sin and the things of this world which do not please the Lord. You need to wake up or fall into temptation .be serious how you serve the Lord because you may be serving the devil at the end. Wake up and start fasting and seeking the Word daily . If you want to know the Lord then read the bible and if you want to speak with the Lord then pray long time. Draw near to Jesus and he will fill you with his Presence daily to be able to walk with more power and Glory. The world is falling apart and Christians are falling Apart Because the whole world is being ruled under Satan. This why it is more than Sodom and Gomorrah and we are in dark times full of Evil Generation. The Lord is calling his people to move out of this Evil world and to be Holy set apart for His Glory. Now is the time for the sheep and goat to be separate. Desire to be filled with the Power of God. This power will only be given to them that lives in complete Holiness and they will be shining like the stars ,they will be like a house located on hill and every one will see their Glory. they will be the Light in this Evil Generation showing the exactly image of Jesus and signs and Wonders will follow them. and many will be saved because of their righteousness ,they will heal the sick and deliver others from Evil. The world will know that God lives by the power of HIS peoples. Be separate from sin and you will see the Lord using you. 2 Timothy 2: 19 But the solid foundation that God has laid cannot be shaken; and on it are written these words: “The Lord knows those who are his” and “Those who say that they belong to the Lord must turn away from wrongdoing.” 20 In a large house there are dishes and bowls of all kinds: some are made of silver and gold, others of wood and clay; some are for special occasions, others for ordinary use. 2 Timothy 2:21 Those who make themselves clean from all those evil things, will be used for special purposes, because they are dedicated and useful to their Master, ready to be used for every good deed. 22 Avoid the passions of youth, and strive for righteousness, faith, love, and peace, together with those who with a pure heart call out to the Lord for help.
  • 23. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 23 254703274922 (THE BRIDE MUST REACH CHRIST FULL STATURE) Ephesians 4:11-13 It was he who “gave gifts to people”; he appointed some to be apostles, others to be prophets, others to be evangelists, others to be pastors and teachers. He did this to prepare all God's people for the work of Christian service, in order to build up the body of Christ. And so we shall all come together to that oneness in our faith and in our knowledge of the Son of God; we shall become mature people, reaching to the very height of Christ's full stature. The Lord God almighty is calling His bride to grow and mature up to be able to walk like His Son Jesus, to mature up to be in Christ full stature. The Bride of Christ at this hour should be filled with Mighty Holy Spirit to be able to work in the very nature of Christ. This is not the time to walk like worldly people it is the hour to walk like children of light in complete Holiness and righteousness. This is the hour to reflect the characters of Jesus in your life that only Jesus will be seen in you, it is the hour to destroy your human nature and build Christ nature in you. It is the hour to talk like Christ, to dress like Christ and to act like Christ Jesus in your Life. When the Lord Created man He created Him in His own image that man would walk like God, think like God and speak like God. The desire of God is that man should be in His image to think like Him, He never wanted Men to die but Due to sin we die. Genesis 1:24,26 Then God commanded, “Let the earth produce all kinds of animal life: domestic and wild, large and small”—and it was done. Then God said, “And now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have power over the fish, the birds, and all animals, domestic and wild, large and small.” So the Lord God Almighty is also calling out His bride to resemble Him in His image, God want us to think like him meaning having the mind of God in us, thinking the Same with God , and walking in His nature like. Our mind should try to be like that of Christ, when you think something let it come true, when you imagine it let it come true and that is what God wants us to be in His own image .we should be Spiritually alive and sound minded to hear in Spirit. We need to be filled with the Mind of God to be able to discern the hour we are living, we need only to flee from other corruptive mind of world, flee from evil mind and from the worldly imagination. If you want to think like God you must clean out your mind from evil minds, immoral program s, pornography, Hollywood, nolywoods and flee from the passion/cares of the World. You should only keep your mind in Holiness by purifying it with the Word of God and meditating upon it every day. The Bride of Christ must be in one mind with Christ meaning She must have the mind of Christ! You must be able to hear from the mind of Christ, to think positively things ,to think and then be done, The Bride of Christ Should be able to see things in the Mind of God before they come to happen. Your Spiritual eyes must be opened, Since the Spirit of truth is in us we should be able to think before it happen. Philippians 2:5-6 The attitude you should have is the one that Christ Jesus had: He always had the nature of God, but he did not think that by force he should try to remain equal with God. So when we came in this level of walking in the Mind of Christ then we should be careful not to be equal with God by destroying every root of pride in our Life. When pride arises it seeks to be worshiped like God and seeks to be approved by Men calling its self big names imitating God who is the only Mighty. Those who are preparing to be Christ Bride must have the nature of God in them, must not be equal with God but at least have the nature of Him, this cannot be done by our human mind or body,it is done only by embracing Holiness inn and Out then the Holy Spirit
  • 24. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 24 254703274922 will help you to walk in the Image of God and to think like Christ. Ephesians 3:19 Yes, may you come to know his love—although it can never be fully known—and so be completely filled with the very nature of God. In order to be in the marriage feast of the Lamb of God we must first have the image of Christ in Us, humbleness, meekness, peaceful, merciful, obedience and Holiness must be seen in us, this is the image of Christ that looks exactly like Him, our life must be preaching Jesus than our words, we should have the complete true testimony of Jesus in our life. Serving like Christ and walking like Him that is quality of Heaven, Look at Enoch walking with God for 300 years till the Lord saw him imitating Heavenly Creature and He had to take Him to Heaven, even so the Bride of Christ must walk like Enoch being one image with Christ till will be taken away in Rapture. The only thing that prevent the Church to mature in fullness of Christ is pride, envy, hatred, lies, immorality, greedy, selfishness and worldliness. Those will drag the church unmature and unworthy to Heaven. Only them that will deny their self and take up the cross every day fixing on Heaven, only them that do not have the love of Money and the love of world will be given the mind of Christ. Only them that will walk in Holiness inn and out will be given the nature of God and walk in His likeness. 1 Corinthians 2:16 As the scripture says, “Who knows the mind of the Lord? Who is able to give him advice?” We, however, have the mind of Christ. The Bride of Christ must be in the very nature/image of God, one mind and one Spirit with God. Ask and pray that you may also come in this level of maturity , it is the last level of Christness, This is the Level that will be matured because it have the Spirit of Bridegroom, the bride must resemble the Bridegroom. They must be in one mind till they start desiring each other and say" come LORD come" Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the Bride say, “Come!” Everyone who hears this must also say, “Come!” Come, whoever is thirsty; accept the water of life as a gift, whoever wants it. Matthew 5:14-15 “You are like light for the whole world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. No one lights a lamp and puts it under a bowl; instead it is put on the lampstand, where it gives light for everyone in the house. ((IGNORANCE THE DOOR TO HELL)) IGNORANCE-it is pretending to know the truth but denying the truth, it is pretending to know the truth while you don't , it is actually one fruit of pride pretending to be perfect! The most common sin that will cause many to miss heaven is Ignorance, the devil uses ignorance to prevent the truth of God, when we assume to know and yet not knowing we will finally fall to Hell, ignorance causes believers to think that they are fine when the are heading to Hell. They cannot listen to God speaking to others because of ignorance they end up remaining in the wrong way. Ignorance will cause you not read this post deceiving you its long post so that you may never know the truth! The Lord God had looked the time we ignored His way but now He commands repentance to all Churches, we were walking in Sin pretending we are in Christ but Now God has Spoken and commanded to Repent before being judged! God cannot hold on how we ignore His warning and goes’ on unpunished, now it the time for Repentance or you will perish!
  • 25. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 25 254703274922 #Acts 17:30 God has overlooked the times when people did not know him, the time of ignorance but now he commands all of them everywhere to turn away from their evil ways. Once there was a Pastor who went to visit a sick at the Hospital, the patient was mute due to disease and he uses to write a paper in order to communicate , while the Pastor and his followers were there with the patient accidentally the Pastor stepped the breathing Air tube of the poor patient ,so he was unable even to breath and the Condition became worse, the patient took a paper and wrote to pastor “please you are stepping my breathing tube, step out before you kill me" the Pastor Because of ignorance took the paper and without reading he put it in his pocket, the poor patient was now running in comma due to suffocation, the Pastor begin praying but when they said" Amen" the patient had already Died long ago. It happen in the day of burial when pastor was performing burial ceremony He pocket his Jacket and found the written paper ,he gently opened it "please pastor you are stepping my breathing tube, step out before you kill me" the pastor was shocked and He too fell and Died in the Spot, the congregations took the paper and they too were collapsing in shocking news! Just because of ignorance of the Pastor the patient died, now how many have you killed by ignorance? When the Spirit of God tells you to go and preach to the lost then you ignore and because of your ignorance many have died without Jesus! Ezekiel 33:6 If, however, the Watchman sees the enemy coming and does not sound the alarm, the enemy will come and kill those sinners, but I will hold the lookout responsible for their death. Ignorance has caused many to remain unmature in Spirit because they opposes God voice, God speaks in Dreams but you ignore Him and goes’ on Sinning, he warns you in a dream but you ignore and calls that evil dream. Job 33:14-16 Although God speaks again and again, no one pays attention(ignorance) to what he says. At night when people are asleep, God speaks in dreams and visions. He makes them listen to what he says, and they are frightened at his warnings. Because of your ignorance you continues to sin even after the Holy Spirit has warned you to flee from immoral peoples, porn webs, and nude images! You steal ignore Holy Spirit when He tells you never to watch at nudity of that immoral girl with mini-skirt, you looks once and God Spirit tells you don't look again, don't imagine sex, don't strip off her cloth spiritually, because of your ignorance you still looks again and again to see nakedness, pornography and immoral images. Then at last you will be in lusting then be caught in immorality and Masturbation. Repent and heed warnings! God do not bring judgment without first warning you, but Because of ignorance/unrepentance heart you are falling to Hell fire. Ignorance is what eats the Church today, Many have heard that in Hebrew 12:14 it says without Holiness no one will see heaven but they steal dress unholy, they still wear mini-skirts and putt on artificial hair and earrings! Because of ignorance they are falling to the bottomless pit of Hell! 2 Corinthians 2:11 in order to keep Satan from getting the advantage of us, we are not ignorance of the schemes/materials of Satan. They still read Hell testimonies how artificial hairs and make-ups leads soul to Hell but because of ignorance they still use them! The Lord is Speaking So much in this Generation through Dreams and vision to warn Humanity about Rapture but because of your ignorance you are still in lies, unforgiving, stealing, pride, envy, hatred, immorality, masturbation, pornography and worldly songs. Because of that you are heading to hell us candidate of Hell! Repent !
  • 26. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 26 254703274922 Ignorance is an evil spirit which actually blind the eyes of believers that they cannot see the truth, it causes them not to hear what God is warning, many are in Church chained by Demon of ignorance and they are still worshiping idols and Rosales! Those who have been attacked by ignorance Demon are likely to fall in Hell due to their blind conditions. Ephesians 4:17-18 .. I warn you: do not continue to live like the heathen, whose thoughts are worthless and whose minds are in the dark. They have no part in the life that God gives, for they are completely ignorant and stubborn. That why God looks at the Laodicea the this last Church age and saw ignorance in the church, how they pretended to be Believers dressing Holy Garment but God so them naked and poor warn out, they thought they were rich in the Word but they were poor and shameless! All this was due to ignorance and unrepentance in their Life. Revelation 3:17-18 You say, ‘I am rich and well off; I have all I need.’ But you do not know how miserable and pitiful you are! You are poor, naked, and blind. I advise you, then, to buy gold from me, pure gold, in order to be rich. Buy also white clothing to dress yourself and cover up your shameful nakedness. Buy also some ointment to put on our eyes, so that you may see. Because of ignorance caused by pride you cannot read teaching from other peoples, you ignores other post not knowing God was speaking to you in that post, God doe's not choose who to speak through, he is Speaking with the least people among us like He spoke through Donkey in those days of Balaam. Hosea 4:6 My people are perishing because of lack of knowledge . You priests have refused to acknowledge me and have rejected my teaching, and so I reject you and will not acknowledge your sons as my priests. Now it is time to repent and turn from ignorance ,tell God to deliver you that spirit that cause you to ignore the beggars/poor in street, repent all your pride and self-righteousness, repent and be ready the Messiah is Coming Soon. Revelation 3:15-16,19,22 I know what you have done; I know that you are neither cold nor hot. How I wish you were either one or the other! But because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I am going to spit you out of my mouth! I rebuke and punish all whom I love. Be in earnest, then, and turn from your sins. “If you have ears, then, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches!” ((REVELATION OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE OF CHRIST)) 1 John 4:8 whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love. God Himself is made alone by Love which is Agape Love, Loving all without partiality or measure. The bible is a story of Love which expresses the love of God through His Son Jesus. In the beginning Moses came with Law which did not show Love but the law made man a slave and children’s of God became slaves of law book. Then God so how His children’s were oppressed by the law book and He sent His only Son Jesus to bring Love and Heal the lost, now we Live by the law of Spirit through Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:1,23-25 But before the time for faith came, the Law kept us all locked up as prisoners until this coming faith should be revealed. And so the Law was in charge of us until Christ came, in order that we might then be put right with God through faith. Now that the time for faith is here, the Law is no longer in charge of us.
  • 27. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 27 254703274922 The world had break the Law book and now every one did what they like without the fear of the Lord, they became evil and wicked because they did not obey the book of law, God who is made of Love looked upon the Earth and He saw there need a solution for the Mankind, He sent His beloved only Son to bring back the Love of God with the mankind, the only Son of God was send to express the Love of God to the world. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life. Jesus main reason did not come to judge the world but He came to Save the world from its slavery to decay, He came to give us eternal Life to all those who will believe in Him. 1 John 4:10 This is what love is: it is not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the means by which our sins are forgiven. An old man saw a little scorpion drowning and decided to pull it out from the water. He calmly extended his hand to reach the creature but when he did, the scorpion stung him. With the effect of the pain, the old man let go the creature and it fell back into the water. The man realized that, the little scorpion was still drowning so he got back again and tried to rescue it but then again, it stung him. He let go of it again. A young boy standing by approached the old man and said, "Excuse me Sir; you are going to hurt yourself trying to save this evil-vicious creature so why do you still insist on saving it? Haven't you realized that, each time you tried to help the scorpion, it stings you?" The man replied, "The nature of the scorpion is to sting, but mine is to just help. So my nature will not change in helping the scorpion even if he stings me a hundred times. So the man thought for a while and later used a leaf from a nearby tree and pulled the scorpion out from the water and he saved its life. Now Jesus represent the Old Man who tried to save the little scorpion and Now the little poor Scorpion represent Human. Jesus came to Save us by Means of Love and He don't care how much we hurt or sting Him, His Love means saving us even when we are hurting Him, He do not change His nature for anyone and He remain the Same today, yesterday and forever. Luke 6:35-36, Love your enemies and do good to them; help them and expect nothing back. You will then have a great reward, and you will be children of the Most High God. For he is good to the ungrateful and the wicked. Be merciful just as your Father is merciful. His Love made Him feel mercy to save us all and He was hurt and Killed breathing the Last breath in Saving the world, the World rejected Him and mocked the only Last Hope , they made Jesus sin who did not know sin, He became guilty for our Sin and He carried our Burdens even when He was innocent. Keep doing well even when you are offended or hurt, Jesus saved us and they kept on hurting Him till they killed Him. Jesus love was so deep that He did not worry how much He was rejected to save Mankind. 1 John 4:16 And we ourselves know and believe the love which God has for us. God is love, and those who live in love live in union with God and God lives in union with them. A man can love you but cannot promise you forever, Jesus love is unconditional without measure, He love's us in all seasons and all condition without giving up. Many times some Christians says they Love God but when you look at their fruits it speaks of something different, Loving God is obeying His Word and Disobeying the Word is being against God, Love doe's not sin, If you Love Jesus you will never hurt Him by Sinning, You will only praise Him alone and
  • 28. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 28 254703274922 you will never seek the approval of Men. Loving Jesus means to fully surrender your life to Him in obedience, when you sin you don't just break the law but you Hurt Jesus, Loving Jesus means you can't hurt Him by Sin. Romans 13:10 If you love others, you will never do them wrong; to love, then, is to obey the whole Law. The Greatest Commandment in all is love because it holds all other commandments, with Love you cannot break the other Commandments. Matthew 22:37- 40 Jesus answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and the most important commandment. The second most important commandment is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ The whole Law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets depend on these two commandments.” What makes the earth to rotate? It is the unconditional Love that our God has promised, what unites the whole world into one ? It is the Agape Love that God has given us. Love gives life and where there is no love there is no Life, Love is the beginning of creation and this Love is in His Son Jesus who gave out His Life us a ransom to all. John 15:13-14 The greatest love you can have for your friends is to give your life for them. And you are my friends if you do what I command you. 1 John 3:16 This is how we know what love is: Christ gave his life for us. We too, then, ought to give our lives for others! Now the Love of God is so perfect and sure that you don't need to worry for your tomorrow, you only need to keep your Love to Jesus burning, Jesus is more than a Friend who will always be with you all season, When you need Someone to Hold Jesus is more than you can imagine, His love is unconditional , If you trust and Love Jesus you know that nothing can Separate you from His Presence therefore there is no fear if you are right with Jesus. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud; love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs; love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth. Love never gives up; and its faith, hope, and patience never fail. The Blood of Jesus is Called Love and it washes our Sin because Love covers many sin, It doe'st matter who you were before but if you just confess and repent of all your Sin ,Jesus will wash you in His blood and His love will cover you. ( 1 Peter 4:8 Above everything, love one another earnestly, because love covers over many sins.) If God has loved us then we can't worry because the King of King is in Love with us, we are children’s of the King in a royal priests hood family, although we appears to be the least and most poor here in earth but we are most rich peoples in Heaven. (1 Peter 2:9-10 But you are the chosen race, the royal priests hood, the holy nation, God's own people, chosen to proclaim the wonderful acts of God, who called you out of darkness into his own marvelous light. At one time you were not God's people, but now you are his people; at one time you did not know God's mercy, but now you have received his mercy.) The Love of God is so much with them that believe His Son Jesus because they are His Son adopted through the Blood of Jesus, only those who obeys His Word, them that are faithful to the Will of God, only them that can be trusted with unconditional love and they will be called Blessed because God's love walks with them, nothing will separate them from unconditional Love of Christ Jesus and not even the power of Hell can separate them because they are sealed for Heaven. Romans 8:37-39 No, in all these things we have complete victory through him who loved us! For I am certain that nothing can separate us from his love: neither death nor life, neither angels nor other heavenly rulers or powers, neither the present nor the future, neither the world above nor the world below—there is nothing in all creation that will ever be able to separate us from the love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord.
  • 29. HOLY BRIDE TEACHINGS AND REVELATIONS 29 254703274922 Now if that is how God has loved us we ought not to sin because the only thing that can separate us from His unconditional Love is Sin, disobedience is the enemy to God love to us , we need to guide our Love by separating from everything that God hate's , we need to cultivate every day the Love of God in us to avoid losing it. ( Philippians 2:12 Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed--not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence--continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,) When the Storm are shaking and horrors of fear are sounding Believe that you got the Love of Jesus and peace will stand with you. The World is shaking and trembling and the cloud of fear is covering it but those who walks in the fear of the Lord will be covered with the unconditional Love and the Glory of God will keep them safe. John 10:11,14-15 “I am the good shepherd, who is willing to die for the sheep. I am the good shepherd. As the Father knows me and I know the Father, in the same way I know my sheep and they know me. And I am willing to die for them. Jesus the King of Love is coming again to take His Lovely Holy Bride to be with Him forever enjoying the Eternity Love without end. ((SELFISHNESS IN THE BODY OF CHRIST)) Nowadays Christians have lost the first love that Jesus left, no body wants to love unbelievers, we have became arrogant in our ways that we have no mercy for the lost, we don't evangelize to them because we are selfish with our truth! we do not care any more about the poor, orphan, windows and the old peoples, we have became selfish always looking our own stomach and cares. Neighbors’ are starving to death but you have food in your store and many are times that you throw away food in garbage while the poor are dying of hunger! You thinks you are so Holy that you cannot help out that drunkard who has fallen because you think you will be unclean! You don't have the character of Jesus in you! No love in you! No mercy in you! And you are foolishly Waiting to be Raptured when you are a Selfish Christian! Philippians 2:3-5 Don't do anything from selfish ambition or from a cheap desire to boast, but be humble toward one another, always considering others better than yourselves. And look out for one another's interests, not just for your own. The attitude you should have is the one that Christ Jesus had:.. Since you knew the way of the Lord now you hate those who have not known the right way, you forgot that you were saved by the grace of God and those who were fast will became last! Because you dress long skirts and covers your neck now you don't even speak to those in mini-skirts, you even don't greet such peoples because you claim they are unholy. Did Jesus treat the prostitutes that way? Instead He loved them and treated them with Love till they were saved. Stop self-righteousness! Stop pretending like you don't belong to this earth, Do not think that it is by your hand working you are rich ! It is only by the Mercy of God that you are eating and drinking, look where you came from? Its only the hand of God that saved you because right now you could be in streets! Jeremiah 9:23-24 The Lord says, “The wise should not boast of their wisdom, nor the strong of their strength, nor the rich of their wealth. If any want to boast, they should boast that they know and understand me, because my love is constant, and I do what is just and right. These are the things that please me. I, the Lord, have spoken.”